sHHMHHjfHHHHHMHHNLHx SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS ""' ' '"wiL. " lAI, ' For to-morrow's DISPATCH can be left at main office till midnight or at branch, offices till 9 P. M. fl I ( I 1 17 ! III I ' 1 li- llrl:! I I !' I I I I f tbeSunday issue of THEDIS- m mlvMiAr-'- dlkF KMsAZJK.W MMsMs KM- li.ilXIXlllLR.ll A PATCH for November y over B T?K r'V'r'''3J 'Jp.FVr J 4tf,OO0 copies for each '9 PITTSBUHG, TUESDAY, ,JANTJAKY 8, 1889. THRkfe CENTS - W . . ; . . -, 1 & V ' ' jjE FORTY-THIRD YEAR. Is Interviewed in His Paiace by an American Correspond ent and Declares HE IS LEGALLY PRESIDENT. Laughs at the Charge of Murdering General Theleniaque. INVITES AMERICANS TO HAITI. President Legitime Talks Freely Clnlms Ho Was Elected by a Legal Mnjority Gen. crnl Tbelcmaqne Himself to Blame for Heine Killed He Denies Ilnyll Opened to American Commerce Believes There Is Money in it He Will Endeavor to Con qner all Disturbances in the Country He Wants Peace. A DisrATCH correspondent has visited President Legitime in bis Palace at Port-au-Prince, and for the first time Americans are enabled to get some idea of the position of affair in Hayti. Legitime speaks guard edly, yet candidly, and in sists that he is simply endeav oring to maintain his rights as the legally elected President of Hayti. He leaves the settlement of the Haytien Bepublic affair to the American courts. The midshipmites who. went down on the Galena and Yantic were spoiling for a fight, and this morning's advices seem to show that they came very near to having one. ErECIAL TZLZGBAit TO THE DISrATCH.1 Pobt-atj-Pbince, December 30; Br tel EGBAFH FBOM FLORENCE, S. C, January 7. Before his inauguration as President on December 16, Legitime, who then merely called himself the "Chief of the Executive Power," wai very careful not to offend the sensibilities of the Haytians by occupying the National Palace. He lived, instead, in his private villa in Port-au-Prince. Since his inauguration, Legitime, his wife and his six children have all moved into the palace and there Legitime now holds his court. The palace is a brick and wooden build ing erected by Solomon. It is a great square affair with projecting corners and angles, with a variety of kinds of roof and a multitude of all sorts of porches and veran das. It stands in the middle of a beautiful garden of tropical plants and trees and flowers, which covers many acres and is sur rounded by a high iron fence on the top of a walL A Reporter at the Palace. At the gate of the court yard a reporter presented himself yesterday morning. A score of soldiers at the guard house inside the gate looked lazily at the reporter, but offered no opposition to his passage, though if the reporter had been a Haytian and un recognized he would have been halted with a bayonet at his breast. Legitime keeps a body guard of seven hundred picked soldiers around him constantly and is in fear of assassination all the while. At the main door of the palace there was an other guard of soldiers and several Generals. The reporter passed in unon a wide portico, the projecting roof of which was supported by big wooden pillars. The space here formed a sort of outer ante-room, in ""which were gathered, besidessoldiersandGenerals, forty or fifty people, who wanted to see the President on all sorts of business. Legitime Interviewed. The reporter gave his card to a General, who handed it to another General who dis appeared and shortly afterward returned, asking the reporter to follow. The President of Hayti is as black as the see of spades. He is a tall, finely formed man about 45 years old. His face is covered with a heavy black beard and mustache. His manners are those of a refined and courteous gentleman. He received the re porter in the upstairs ante-chamber, shook hands with him cordially, and immediately expressed delight at an opportunity to talk with an accredited newspaper man. "I have never been in the United States," he said, "but I know of its wealth and power, of its great extent of territory, its marvelous resources and of the intelligence and grand and free institutions of its people. I am glad to see you because of the oppor tunity it gives me to directly express to the commercial interests of the United States, what I know to be the truth, that they will find great profit in dealing with Hayti; they will find great profit, and though our affairs are a little bit disturbed at present, there never has been a time when foreign commercial interests did not find security. Legitime Want Peace. "Hayti is the finest island in the West Indies, the most fertile and the most pro ductive. It is my hope to bring peace to this country, to develop its resources so long unused and shamefully neglected, to extend our trade with foreign nations, to better our finances, to make Hayti prosperous and happy. I believe this can be done. It is only with the hope of doing this that I con sented to take the Presidency, an office for which in itself I have no ambition, and which brings with it cares, and trials, and danger. I am aware of all that Hayti has to contend with, but I am firmly of the opinion that there is a great future possible for her, and part of this at least it is my aim to re alize." The President spoke with great solemnity, not to say pathos. Legitime' Dental. After a pause he continued: "The North opposes me for two reasons. First, they claim that I have not been duly elected, and second, they say that I assassinated General Thelainaque and that they must have revenge. As to their claim I can safely say that I have a, majority of all the delegates to the constituent assembly in my Javor. The votes or the JNorth were thrown out because the North was in a State of revolution. But even 4t these had not been thrown ont I Mould have still had the majority. The charge that the dele gates to the Constituent Assenihlv, who were on the Haytien Bepublic when the ship was seized, were bribed or were forced to come on shore and make a quorum of the Constituent Assembly, is untrue. They came on shore of their own free wilL "Now, as to the second claim that I assas- sinated Thelemaquc, we don't assassinate people in Hayti. But if we did do thi, an opposite faction could hardly assassinate a General at the head of his army. General Thelemaque was Killed accidentally, while standing on the steps of his own bouse by a stray bullet out of the midst of a riot which the coming of himself and his soldiers here in the time of a peaceful election precipi tated. To charge me with causing his death is absurb." Secret Enemies Arrested. "Mr. President," said the reporter, "what will be done in the cases of the residents of the city who were arrested yesterday on sus picion of being in sympathy with Hippo iyte and of trying to start a movement in his favor here?" The face of the President became very grave. "I cannot say," he answered. "It was necessary for me to cause their arrest as a war measure. Myfriends and counselors tell me that in the past I have been too lenient, and that it was absolutely necessary for mc to stop the machinations of these secret enemies of the Republic here in Port-au-Prince. I hope that the simple arrest nnd confinement of these men will serve this end, if not, it mar be necessary to make some severe examples. 'I believe that" the Northern rebellion will be over in a little time. The people of the island are with the established Govern ment, and they wonld never submit to domination by Hippolyto and his lieu tenants. The. Northerners have .neither ships, arms nor money, and hut few men. They cannot hold outlong. Then will come peace, order and prosperity." Friendly to the United States. "Has the affair of the Haytien .Republic rendered any the less friendly the feeling in Hayti toward the United States?" asked the reporter. "Not the slightest" answered Legitime, with a pleasant smile. "The affair of the Haytien Bepublic is now, or ought to be, in the hands of the American courts, and whatever the decision is I will abide by it. To show how friendly I am to the United States I am desirous of appointing as Haytian Consul at New York an American, and I hope to get some representative of the Atlas Steam ship Company there to serve us in that capacity. We felt it our duty to remove Mr. Bassett, our former Consul, because he was not faithful to ourinterests, particularly allowing the Saginaw to escape from the port of New York laden .with arms and am munition for the Northern rebels. General Contreras will not be appointed Consul at New York. His position there now is,sim ply that of an attache of legation." , Saluting the American Flag. ' The great expedition of the American war ships to Hayti is ended. That much troubled and troubling vessel, the Haytien Bepublic, has been surrendered; the Hai tians have hoisted the American flag from FortAlexander,overlookingPort-au-Prince, and saluted it with 20 guns; the Galena, the flagship of Admiral Luce, has hoisted the Haytian flag from her fore roval trnck and saluted it with 21 guns, too. The American officers have been feasted and toasted at President Legitime's palace, and President Legitime and his Ministers have been toasted and feasted on board the- Galena. Admiral Luce, commanding the American fleet, this morning ordered the Galena to make ready to go to sea next Monday, December 31. The Galena will have in tow the surrendered American ship. The Galena will go either to Kingston, Ja maica or to Santiago de Cuba, and there, in neutral waters, the Haytien Bepublic will be turned over to the representative of her owners, Mr. B. C. Moore, of Boston. The officers of the American war shiDS are not sorry to leave the filthy waters of the harbor of Port-au-Prince, but there is a very general feeling of regret among both officers and crew of the war vessels that they did not get a brush with the Haytians. Wanted a Fight. "Oh, I just wish we could land with the boys and clean the fellows out," said a young middy from the Galena on the wharf at Port-au-Prince, where he was in command of the Galena's steam launch, to a reporter. Yesterday officers and crew fully ex pected that the Haytians would refuse to give up the American ship, and that there would be a fight in consequence. They expected that thev would get a chance to try their guns on the town, just as old Admiral TTrti-rihv nf 4ti Tlviticri neim aacilw !T a A himself of the opportunity offered to practice improved modern methods of warfare at the bombardment of Alexandria a few years ago. On the wav down from New York the of ficers and the seamen and marines were drilled constantly in clearing the ship for action, and in all sorts of the exercises which a war vessel and its crew might be supposed to make in the presence of a bold and determined foe. Admiral Luce would frequently turn out at midnight and order Captain Summer, of the Galena, to order the quartermaster to order the drummer to beat to general quarters. In a Tery short time, indeed, the decks were cleared, ihe big guns unshipped and trained on an imaginery enemy, and officers and men were at their posts, with Admiral Luce in full uniform on the poop deck. No Fight Great Excitement. This was the nearest to fighting that the American warships came. They steamed into the outer harbor when the Haytians gave up the Haytien Bepublic, the Galena getting aground on the way out, and having to be hauled off by a Haytian tug, but the people in Port-au-Prince, especially the French residents, were very much excited. Some of the French men walked around gesticulating wildly and wanted to haul down to the, wharf some cannon and fire into the American ships on general principles. Upon consideration this was thought to be not tBe best plan. The French Minister, Count de Lesmais sous, who is virtually one of President Legitime's own Ministers, was particularly wrought up, and he sent a courier post haste to the Admiral commanding the fleet at Martinique, asking that the fleet be dis patched to Port-au-Prince instantly. The fleet has not yet put in an appearance. President Legitime and his ministers, while courteous enough to Admiral Luce and Mr. Thompson, the American Minister, said that they regarded the coming of the American fleet as an unnecessary display of force. The simple demand of Secretary Bayard, they said, that the ship be given up, would have been entirely sufficient. Absurd to Think of Fighting. Said M. Margrone, the Haytian Minister of Foreign Affairs, to a reporter: "It is absurd to say that we would think of forcibly resisting such a power as the United States. "We would not think of it even if our country could present a united front in war, which it cannot, un fortunately, now do. We of the South (itp tryinf. to Tnnintnin nninsfc ihr nn.fti.-n Prebels the government which we have right- lull y established, and we can t engage in a foreign war a war with a great power. We have given the Hajtien Be public up under protest, and reserv ing what legal rights we may have in the American courts. Mr. Preston, our Minister to the United States, will employ a lawyer in New York, and, relying upon the justice and fair play of the "operations of American law, we propose to test the question whether we were justified or not in seizing the American ship. We have almost an exact precedent in the case of a steamship which left Philadelphia some years ago, in the time of a revolution here when Salomon was President of Hayti. A Haytian man-of-war seized the vessel, as it was found the latter bad contraband goods aboard President Salomon at once sent the vessel back to America and libelled her in the American courts. Decided In Favor of Ilnyll. When the courts came to examine the matter they decided the case in favor of Hayti. The cargo was not allowed to be sent to Hayti, and the vessel, I think, was subjected to a fine. Now, it is foolish to say that Captain Compton, of the Haytien Bepublic. did not know that St Maro was blockaded, or did not know that he had con-i trabandof war on board. The Haytien Be public had been going around the coast from place to place, carrying rebels and arms and ammunition, endeavor ing to stir tip diosatisfection in places which were not disaffected, and Increasing the disaffection in places which were. She came out of St. Marc's in broad daylight, thinking that because she carried the American' flag she would not be molested. She was arrest ed and seized, and rightfully so. She was in the business1 of running, the blockade for money,and sho was stopped. I believe that the American people who had an experience with English blockade run ners themselves in the Civil War, will realize the position of Hayti struggling for a black republic, and give us justice and our rights according to the laws of nations." THE BLOCKADE RUNNEES. Story Told by the Captain of tbo Steam ship Alert. rSTECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCH.J .New York, January 7. The Carolina Millerand the Alert, the two steamshipswhich ran the blockade of North Haytian ports re cently docked this morning. Capt. Kanitz said that he hailed the Galena, which was passing, and asked: "Do you think it possible to go into Gonaives?" Admiral Luce replied: "I can give you no information. I don't know." Captain Kanitz threupon ran into port De Paix to fee if the coast was clear of gunboat, and finding everything lovely, steamed into Gonaives. Others aboard the Alert said that the in habitants of Gonaives were starving, and crowded upon the dock when the Alert arrived. There were priests iu the throng,, and the next day there was a thanksgiving service in the cathedral for the arrival of lood. The cargo was sold at a tremendous profit. Legitime's army was only six miles back of the town at the time. The Toussaint Ouverture, Xegitime's gunboat, had been there two days before and she had bombarded the town after her fashion, from a distance too great for her guns. Only one shot reached the town and that went through the roof of thecus torn house. A LIBEBAL MAYOB. Ho Recommends That the Saloons of Syra cuse Do Open After Chnrch Time on Sunday, Considering It No Harm to Drink on That Day. SPECIAL TELEOUAM TO TBE DISPATCH.l Steacuse, January 7. For many years, under all stripes of municipal administra tion, the saloons in this city have been open all day on Sunday with the knowledge and acquiescence of the Police Department and the Board of Excise. The only requirement being that the door should be kept closed so as not to disclose what was going on inside. On December 10 Mayor Kirk, who was elected by the Democrats in February, 1888, for a term of two years, addressed a very peculiar letter to the Board of Police. Com missioners, in which he said: "Being of a liberal mind myself, X believe that after a person on Sunday has attended church, especially among our German citi zens, that it is no harm to take his wife or a friend for a walk, if it is a pleasant after noon, and they should become thirsty, to sit down quietly and have a glass of beer or other cooling refreshment I, believe it is the only day that laboring men can have for recreation. Now I think it will be well for our citizens who are in the liquor business and for the community at large, that during morning services in our 'churches every drinking place in our citv should be closed. I realize the fact that the excise laws will not allow the sale of liquor on Sunday, and I do not propose to have you issue an order that aside from the hours between 9 and 1, they may keep tkeplaces open, but I see no harm before 9 or after 1 that their places be kept open for a quiet business, their front doors closed, curtains drawn, no billiard or pool playing allowed, and no crowd congre gating around their door." The pastors of all the Protestant churches have united in a protest against the Mayor's letter. A PHILOSOPHICAL HUSBAND. He Cooiy Lets. Another Itlan Take Away His Wife nnd Furniture. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE PISFATCILl Harbison, N. J., January 7. August Kartoff, of this city, is probably the most philosophical man who has been introduced to the public in a year. He recently got out of employment, and his wife, after frequent quarrels with him, left home with a gooa loosing young ixerman named Wessel. Kartoff found this out on Satur day, and suspecting that the young man would not be satisfied " with the wile alone, he set a watch on his own house while he was absent, and to-day a constable caught Wessel as he was about to remove the furn.inre. Wessel was arrested and taken to the police sta tion, where Kartoff appeared against him. An interpreter named Schweikert was se cured and the difficulty was explained to the justice. On hearing that Wessel was a molder, earning $4 a day, Kartoff said that inas much as he was unable to take care of Mrs. Kartoff, Wessel might have her. All he asked was that Wessel should sign a document acknowledging that he had carried off Mrs. Kartoff. This Wessel agreed to do, and the paper was drawn up by the interpreter. Then the ques tion arose about the furniture, and Kartoff said: "Oh, let them have that, too. It's of no use to me now." There be ing no formal charge against Wessel he was permitted to depart, and it is presumed that he joined Mrs. Kartoff in New York City. D170ECED WITHOUT KNOWING IT. Mrs. Forbes Says Sho Did Not Know Her Alleged Lawyer. SPECIAL TELEQBAM TO THE DISFATCH.J Brooklyn, N. Y., January 7. Applica tion has been made by Justice Dykmann, of the Supreme Court of this city, on behalf of Mrs. Catharine L. Forbes, to open the judgment of absolute divorce obtained against' her in March, 1882. by Dr. Brainard F. Forbes. The judg ment was given on the report of Lawyer C. C. Brady, the referee, who is now dead. It is alleged that no papers had been served on Mrs. Forbes, and that sho took no part in the proceedings, although a lawyer, of whom she knew nothing, appeared before the referee to defend her. It is als.o claimed that the evidence on which the referee based his report was false. Decision was reserved. Dr. Forbes is practicing medicine in Utica. He has been married twice since his divorce. This is alleged to be one of the fraudulent divorce cases which astonished Brooklyn a couple of years ago. Nothing seems to be known about the alleged lawyer who appeared for Mrs. Forbes. , A School for Itllno Inspectors. tEFECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Harbisbubo, January 7. Senator Schnatterly is here and will soon introduce a bill for the establishment of a mining school to educate persons to perform the duties of mine inspectors more intelligently than the work is now done, and to fit them for other'responsibilities in the mines. ANARCHISTS ON TOP. , Sensational Scenes in the Injunction Case of the Arheiter Bund. THE JUDGE SIDES WITH THE'REDS, And a Fierce War of Words With the City Counsel Ensues. FEES SPEECH MUST BE MAINTAINED. Els Honor Intimates That the P.Iic. are Becoming Autocrats. The application of the Arheiter Bund for an injunction against the Chicago police was heard yesterday. Judge Tuley evi dently favored the application. His posi tion was hotly attacked by the corporation counsel. The Judge asserted that the right of free speech and assembly must be pre served. Court adjourned without a formal decision. Chicago, January 7. A sensational scene this afternoon wound up the argu ments before Judge Murray F. Tuley, re garding the application of certain Anarch ists for the injunction to prevent the police from breaking up the publie meetings of the socalled Arbeiter Bund. The two figures in the spectacle were Judge Tuley, who is one of the most prominent Chaucellors in the West, and Clarence Knight, a young lawyer representing the police as assistant corporation counsel. The excitement began with some de cidedly warm language Indulged in by Mr. Knight. Judge Tuley had been asking some, questions that seemed to indicate that he rather favored giving the Arbeiter Bund a ohance. "Suppose," Baid the Judge, "that an ex treme partisan institution like the Andrew Jackson League should meet in this city, declaring that they were meeting to discuss free trade, and the police should presume that they were going to teach doctrines sub versive to the Government,and do you mean to contend that a court could not interfere against such an unwarranted presumption?" A RUNNING DIALOGUE. "Discussing free trade is not contrary to to law," declared Mr. Knight "But suppose the police say the Andrew Jackson League is going to teach treason?" persisted the Court. "Then the police would be liable for damages if the Andrew Jackson Leaguers were arrested. But I will put a hypotheti cal case to Your Honor. Suppose 200 bunco steerers started to hold a meeting to discuss the best plan of holding up grangers? Haven't the police the right to stop them?" "But," said the Court, "suppose they say they are going to talk politics?" "That is not the case here. The Arbeiter Bnnd may say that it is going to talk about the condition bf wages, but the police say not The police don't say this on informa tion and belief. They make a positive as sertion that these men are plotting against the government If that is so they are, criminals. The police don't say they believe or that they presume. They say it'as a fact that these Arbeiter Bund people are An archists." "They, don't say that," protested 'tho Bund's attorney, Mr, Kraft' "They say that many of them are An archists", and that those who are 'not have come in from other societies, and that these other societies are anarchistic societies. That is what they say. Suppose three or tour burglars go into a meeting with the avowed intention of making the others at that meeting burglars, are not the police tustified in preventing a result of such efforts." Mr. Knight seemed to think this a hard question hard to answer. AUTOCRATIC POLICE. Judge Tuley then said: "I have been verr close to the city government in the past. I was four years corporation counsel. I know as well as anybody that a tight reign must be held on violence, and that disorder must be held with an iron hand, but I know fully as well that the police must not be allowed to overstep the limits of reason and of law. The police are prone to grow in the belief that they are not guardians of the public peace, but antocrats, and that their power is unlimited." At this Mr. Knight, who had been chafing under the questions of the court like a colt who feels the bridle for the first time, grew nettled. He arose from his chair and approaching the railing in front of the Judge, delivered himself of a speech that grow hotter with every word. He said: "That mayor it may not be true, but It the police do as Your Honor thinks tbey might do if they exceed the bonds of the law, or get outside the limits of reason or of their authority they are answerable to the Criminal Court, and to the Conrts of Com mon Law the former in criminal proceed ings and the latter lor damages. But there is this point, Your Honor must consider. You are falling into the same rut that the master tumbled into. You are, in effect, saying, 'I believe what these Anarchists say when they aver that they are as sembling for peaceable purposes, and I do not believe what the police say when the police aver they are meeting for unlaw ful purposes.' More important to the peo ple of this State and city than interference with the meetings of a few rabid Anarchists is the principle that no court shall interfere with executive administration of affairs by the city government, for not man years hence it may be that some Cordoza will arise, and, when he outrages justice and right, declare that Judge Murray T. Tuley set the precedent." A PASSIONATE DECLARATION. Knight's voice was hoarse with passion as he said: "In this matter the executive says 'I believe these men are criminals doing or seeking to do as did Spies and Parsons, who now rest in Waldheim.' Believing this, the Mayor puts up the bars against these men as so many rattlesnakes, who prevent millions of dollars from com ing to this city in the way of capital. The Mayor "has adopted the course of not wait ing'until blood is spilled, as was done under the Harrison administration, but of suppressing the anarchistio plots in their bud. You dare not, unless you usurp the powers of the executive, grant this injunction. You will not say, 'I as chancellor let these rattle snakes hatch their eggs of devilish anarchy.' It makes a patiiot's blood boil, that these criminals from foreign soil should have the impudence to first plot to destroy the law, and then seek its protection. I believe Your Honor has too much respect for de cency, good order and the dignity of the executive of this great city to grant such an injunction." Mr. Knight here abruptly ceased. Judge Tuley had .listened to the speech of the lawyer calmly and quietly, though several times the color came and ' went in his face. When Knight had finished the Judge spoke deliberately, but with some trace of feeling, as follows: SAT UPON Br THE JUDGE. "The remarks of counsel are too intem perate for a legal argument They are more fitted forNthe political rostrum. Public opinion never has and never will determine the law as laid down from the bench. I am here to interpret the law, and if it is the lawit does not matter what public opinion, says. If people come to this country the veriest criminals Europe or any other coun try ever produced, and whether they are foreigners or natives, they have equal rights lit protection from imposition and in the protectionwhich the law affords. The law recognizes neither foreigner nor native. There is no danger that this court will exceed its jurisdic tion. It may be that it is much more im portant thit free speech- and the right of peaceful assembly shall not be trampled in me oust tnin that the police lorce snouio, oe perpetuated in a power which appears to be extreme and autocratic. Let the court stand adjourned Until to-morrow morning," and the Judge with dignity stepped from the bench (nto his private room. The crowd of spectators sat apparently dazed for j'moment. Mr. Knight was the first to make a move. "I'm not afraid to tell the troth," said he, as he walked out of the smothering atmosphere of the court room andjfwas made the object of many a hearty handshake. I CLOSE VOTE a- 'In the West Tirglnia Legislature Both Republicans and Democrat on tho Anxious Sent Ono Member J too III to Attend. SPECIAL TELEOBAH TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Charleston, W. Va., January 7. Nearly all the members of the Senate and Honse ai iow here or will arrive to-night, but as yet no one seems to have any knowl edge as to how the two bodies will, be or ganized. Senator Kenna is here and has been in his room all day in close consulta tion with his friends, hut if any plan of action has been agreed upon it has been kept profoundly secret, however, it is ad mitted by all that the contest for the United States Senatorship will be very warm. Hon D. B. Lucas, of Charleston, the leader of the kicking element in the last House, who succeeded in defeating Senator Camden forre-election, arrived to-day. He was defeated for re-election to the House by the Kenna faction of his county, and it is supposed that his object is to get even for past injuries. His knife is sharp, and is quite likely to be felt before the session is over. Tbe Democratio majority on joint ballot is one in case Senator Carr votes with the Bepublicans, and the uncertainty about this, coupled with the fact that one or tbe other members of the House who have here tofore been counted with the Democrats are now considered doubtful, keeps both sides on the anxious bench. It is reported that a Bepublican member is dangerously ill, and will be unable to attend the opening session, but as he resides in one of tbe back counties outside of telegraphic communica tion it cannot yet be ascertained whether this is true. One vote is a valuable con sideration on either Bide at the present time. THE SMALLPOX IN SIEACUSB. If Criminal Negligence Is Proven, it Most be Called Dlanslanghter. CSFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH Steacuse, N. Y., January 7. The 3-ycar-old son of James S. Colborne died of smallpox, this morning. Mrs. Colborne is not expected to live. It was the Colborne house in which Lawrence Buck, the small pox patient who escaped from the pesthouse while his guard was drunk and asleep, was received and sheltered nnd furnished with clothes, he baring been almost naked. Buck died from the exposure a few days afterward. Justice Vann, In charging the grand jury to-day, directed them to in vestigate this case. He related the alleged circumstances of Buck's escape and said: Vltisielw that if the death of a human being is caused by the culpable negligence of another person, that person is guilty of manslaughter. It will be your duty to in vestigate this matter carefully. What you are called upon to investigate is the charge that this attendant was guilty of culpable negligence, and that his negligence resulted in the death of a human being." The Justice also remarked generally on the duty of all citizens to obey the orders of the Boardjdof Health. There have been no new cases of smallpox in the last 48 hours, and it now looks as if the rigorous measures adopted by the Board of Health will hold the disease where it is. THAT LAST KEYENUE BILL. Clerk Taylor Determined the Reflections on . Him Must Cease. rSFECIAI. TELEOBAU TO THE DISPATCTI.I Harbisbubg, January 7. Eefleetlons have been so freely cast on the message clerk of the honse, relative to the revenue bill of 1887, that a number of members of that body have indicated a determination to push a resolution for a thorough investiga tion into the mysterious loss ot that bill. They argue that the honor of the House de mands such an inquiry. Although Mr. Taylor was not the most competent on the hill, his integrity is not questioned by any of his acquaintances. He has made affidavit that he delivered the bill in the Senate, and is anxious to repeat the sworn declaration, and believes that an investigation would re sult in his compute vindication from the charges of gross enrelessness which are said to have had their inspiration in the Senate. Bepresentative Wherry, Democratic can didate for Speaker of the House, is authority for the statement that a new revenue bill will be introduced at this session, contain ing substantially the features of that whose failure to become a law is ascribed by the Governor to the omission of the signature of the presiding officer of the Senate. LIQU0B, PEOPLE AHEAD. Mercer Favors Saloons, bat it is Donbtfal If Licenses Will be Granted. (EFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DI8FATCH.1 Shabon, Pa., January 7. After weeks of hard work in soliciting names on peti tions and remonstrances for and against license in Mercer county, both sides filed their papers in the Mercer county courts to day. The result is a surprise. It shows the liquor people to be in the lead so far as names are concerned by from 100 to 00, and the majority, according to Judge Mehard's rnling, is equivalent to a license for all ap plicants. Twenty-one applications in all have been filed with the court Of the ten from Sharon all but two lead by several hundred names. There are less than 1,100 names on the remonstrances, and from 1,200 to 1,600 on the leading applications. The two lead ing hotels in Mercer county, the Carver,and Messer House, are lower on the list, and speculation is rife as to whether the Judge will refuse them licenses. In Greenville the temperance peoDle-lead .by a narrow margin,but Sharon and Mercer win probably remain without license. Stoneboro and Transfer will probably be left The Judge will grant or refuse license in two weeks. LOSING STRENGTH. Brio Knights of Labor Leaving tho Order and Joining Trades Unions. ISPECIAL TELEOBAU TO TIU.DISFATCIT.l Erie, January 7. Captain M. H.Butler, of Tidioute, one of the regularly appointed Knights of Labor speakers, addressed an audience to-night at the Mascot rink. Two years ago there were 3,000 enthusias tic Knights of Labor in Erie, and every meeting of the half a dozen assemblies was crowded. To-night not over 70 persons were within the sound of Captain Butler's voice. The labor Unions have absorbed the in terest and any one of the trades would have filled the building. THE PBICE OF FAME. Eussell Harrison Goes to Nebraska to Visit His Wife, and at Once. RDMOE SENDS HIM ON A MISSION. Indianapolis Preachers Drop Their Protest Against tBe Dance. TflEI CANNOT LET HARBISON EEST. A Social Call on the Presldent-EIect Is toe Next Hots Obey Will Male. There seems some hope that General Har rison may complete his inaugural address before the 4th of March. He once- in awhile gets time now to work at a page or so of it, between political and begging calls. The Indianapolis ministers have abont agreed to let the President-elect do as his conscience dictates about balls and the wicked dance. They will call on hhn in a body, however, and continue to pray for him. y rSFECIAL TELEOBAU TO THE DtSPATCH.l Indianapolis, January 7. General Harrison devotes considerable of his spare time to the inaugural address, nowadays, and seems very little bothered about the Cabinet There are excellent reasons for believing that his part of the Cabinet work is nearly done. What may portend a move ment in that line is the shipping away of Bussell Harrison yesterday to Omaha, al though it is given out that the trip is merely a family-affair. Mrs. Har rison, Jr., went to visit her parents in Omaha same time before Bussell started on his Eastern trip, and this will be the first opportunity that the young man has had to see his wife since then The appearance of politics in the trip arises from the talk there hai been recently as to the probability as to a Nebraska man going into the Cabinet and matting room in the Senate for Alvin Saunders, Russell's father-in-law, and Thurston, the Nebraska rail road lawyer and politician, now in New York, is also spoken of frequently as a Cabinet possibility, but after all, there is little probability that the visit of Bussell to the State has any significance politically at all. THE ministers are mum. The clergymen of the city held a union meeting this morning, and everyone was ex pectant of an explosion over the inaugural ball question. Interest in that matter has rather died ont bere, after the flurry of ten days ago, and the meeting passed without any resolution as to the ball being offered. The neaiest approach to it was the remark of the Bev. Dr. Lucas, John C. New's pastor, in an essay on "Inter Denominational Pastoral Relations." In recommending closer unity among the pastors he said that there were points upon which all didagree and as to other points, mutual lenience should be exercised. "If one regard an inaugural ball as sinful, a brother' minister who disagrees with him has no right to call him an old fogy. On the other hand, if a brother considers such a ball as not harmful, his opponent has no right to deem him a caterer for popularity." Referring to this the I'.ev. Dr. Jencces suggested that the paragraph be stricken out of the essay beause "It might get into the papers, General Harrison might hear of it, and it might warp his judgment or coerce his conscience." AN OLD STORT OP JACKSON'S. By way of illustration Dr. Jenckes added a story which he ascribed to Andrew Jack son. It was, he said, while Jackson was President and James Buchanan was Minis ter to Russia, and one day Buchanan called and found the President wearing the old smoking jacket and smoking a cob pipe. Buchanan wanted to present a lady, and suggested that the President should fix him self.up a little for the reception. Jackson replied: "Buchanan, I know a man out West once who made ?1,000 by minding his own business." This set Dr. McLeod's Scotch humor to work, and he revolved a story to illustrate the difference between denominationalism that let its people have opinions of their own as to balls, and sectarianism that would have everybody think one way. "Once there was a m'an," he said, ''that loved his own wife and hated another man's wife. He was a sectarian. Then there was another man who loved all men's wives, but loved his own most of all. He was a de nomlnationalist, and I think he was right" HAD TO DO IT SOME -WAY. The ministers could not separate, how ever, until they had done something about General Harrison. The Bev. Dr. Edson, a Presbyterian, made a speech suggestingthat they should call upon the President-elect in a body before he went td Washington. He said that he knew that no man was more deeply conscious than General Harrison himself that hissuccesswasdueto Almighty God, and he did not think it would be a fair thing for the ministers to allow him to go away to resume responsibilities greater than those borne by any other potentate on earth without being assured of the prayer ful consideration of the ministers of Indian apolis. Some of tho ministers, who remembered the extra pains that the General had taken during the campaign to prevent any body of clergymen from calling upon him for mally, and his remarks that he "Did not propose to he Burchardizcd if he could help it," suggested that the President-elect had a good deal of work on his hands now, and that he might deem the visit of the ministers an intrusion. The Bev. Dr. Cleveland, the Methodist, argued against this idea, and it seemed to he generally understood that now the election was qver, and danger of premature explosions of min isterial dynamite was past, the clergymen would be welcome at the Harrison house, so a committee of five was appointed to draw up resolutions to be presented to the President-elect on the occasion of the visit. HE HAD FBATED FOR HARBISON. The Bev. Mr. Darling, of the Methodist Protestant Church, a body distinct from the ordinary Methodist Church, exclaimed that he had prayed hard for Harrison's election, and had predicted it all through the cam- Eaign, and asked as an especial favor that e De added to the committee. His plea was granted. The resolutions will be pre sented to the ministers at their meeting on the first Monday in February, and if adopted, will probably be taken up to tho President's house right away. Captain William M. Meredith, the Chi cago candidate for Public Printer, is taking the ground from under the feet of Colonel W. B. Holloway, the Indianapolis candi date, in a most unkind way. Captain Mer edith has petitions in his behalf circulating about Indianapolis, and, it is said, getting numerous signatures to them. If it wduld do any good. Colonel Holloway would go up to Chicago and get petitions there by the ream, but they wouldn't count much. He knows it, so he contents himself by sit ting around chewing gum and saying swear words under his breath. General Harrison to-day notified the com mittee in charge of the Governor's inaugura tion that he and Mrs. Harrison would be present at the ball next Monday night on eaueoaf lav. BOLD BRASSVEVES. I A Federal Judge Reverses n Decision of the Inter-State Commerce Commission The Latter'a Ratings Are Nat Final. Louisville, January 7. In the United States Circuit Court this morning Judge Jackson handed down his opinion in the case of the Kentucky and Indiana Bridge Company versus the Louisville and Nash ville Bailroad Company. Some months ago the bridge company obtained a decision that the Louisville and Nashville must receive freight from the company at Seventh and Magnolia streets, Louisville, The "Louis ville and Nashville refused to comply, and the bridge company asked the United States Circnit Court to enforce compliance. On the law and the facts the Court decided: First That the Inter-State Commerce Com miision has not final Jurisdiction In this case and that thii conn had jurisdiction. Second That this coart has not merely to enforce the judgment of tbe commission, out was to decide the case as if it were a new pro ceeding. , Third The petitioner was not a common carrier under the provisions of the inter State commerce act The petitioner's only a transfer agent as there is no freight agent at Magnolia avenue. The coart confirms the dissenting opinion of Commissioner Schoonmaker as to this question. The tolls that a bridge collects are not a charge for transporting freight. The bridge company does transfer some cars, hut for this it is only a switchman or transfer agent The exchange at Magnolia avenne wonld benefit the bridge company and injure the respondent It wonld give the petitioner an undue advantage over other road if its claim were enforced, and would be to discrimi nate in its favor. The fourth point of the opinion is that Seventh and Magnolia is not a proper place for the transfer ot business, and the petitioner cannot force respondent to receive freight there. The fifth question Is practically the same thing. The sixth and last is to the gen eral effect that it is not incumbent on a railroad company to exchange with all' other roads for through business. It is on the same terms as those which exist between it and a company with which it has a contract for such exchange of business. The bridge company was granted an appeal to the Supreme Court OFFICERS IN NA3IE ONLY. United States Marshals Nat Responsible for Act of Special Deputies. (SPECIAL TELEGBAX TO THE PISFATCH. Indianapolis, January 7. According to a decibion by the three Judges of the Marion county Superior Court, United States Marshal Hawkins cannot be held re sponsible for the arrest of prominent Indiana Bepublicans byspecial deputy marshals on election day. f Many business men and citizens of promi nence were taken under arrest to the mar shal's office, where they were released. In consequence of such arrests fifteen suits were filed against Marshal Hawkins, on bis official bond, for damages, aggregating in amount about $100,000. Demurrers to tbe complaints were filed by the attorneys of the defendant, asserting that the Superior Court had no jurisdiction; that the Marshal was dot liable, and that the complaint did no tstate facts sufficient to warrant action. In their decision the Court held that they had jurisdiction: that the Marshal.and his sureties are liable upon his bond for any wrongful act done by him or his deputies, but that he is not liable, either in an action upon his bond, or against him personally, for any wrongful act committed by special deputies appointed by him, because the special deputies are hi no way responsible to the Marshal, as they are not sworn to dis charge any duty imposed upon him person ally, and they are paid, not by the Marshal, but by the Government That they are styled special deputy marshals the Court holds is of no consequence. AETHUE WILL EESIGN. The Chief Engineer of the Locomotive Brotherhood Will Ketlro to Private Life. tSPECIAL TXLEGB.AM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Cleveland, O., January 7. It was learned here to-day on good authority that Chief Engineer Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, will resign his office at theexpiration of his present term. Tne reason is given that the present policy of the Brotherhood, especially as regards the management of the Burlington, is not and has not been in accordance with his views. Mr. Arthur is considered a rich man and is not in need of the salary attached to the. omce. te lives in a handsome residence on Euclid avenue and owns a good deal of very profitable real estate in the city. It is known that he has contemplated retiring to private lite for some years past, and the trouble incidental t the recent strike on the Burlington has hastened this determina tion. Mr. Arthur is now on his way West to spend several weeks on the Pacific slope. He has been at the head of the Brotherhood for years, and generally regarded as the ablest and most sagacious of the leaders of organized labor. EOTATION OP ENCAMPMENTS. A Flan Advocated on tho Grounds of Econ omy in Transportation. SPECIAL TELEOHAM TO THE OISFATCTf.l Harbisbubg, January 7. General Hast ings is in favor of the holding of regimental encampments of the National Gnard next summer, and it is believed that Governor Beaver and Major General Hartranft enter tain similar views. General Hastings .be lieves in rotation relative to the militia en campments, a division encampment one year, brigade the next, and regimental last The location of regiments can be arranged so as to enable the inspecting officers to com plete their work in about two weeks. The greatest difficulty to be met is in the Second brigade, whose regiments are distributed over a large area. The cost of a regimental encampment is much smaller than either a division or brigade encampment, owing to the dimin ished expenses for transportation. The cost of transporting the troops to the last divi sion encampment at Mt Gretna was about 34,000, which is probably twice as much as that for a regimental encampment. SHE IS HELD FOB MUEDEE. One Colored Woman Canses tbe Death of Another While" Drank. SrXCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Chambebsbubg, January 7. Christmas Day Bosa Diggs and Elizabeth Lewis, two married colored women of this place, be came involved in a fight, and Bosa hit her opponent on the left temple with a stone, fracturing the skull and creating'an abscess in the brain. Last night Mrs. Lewis died and a coroner's jury this evening placed the responsibility on Mrs. Diggs. The latter 'was drunk at the time of the occurrence, and had taken offense at Mrs. Lewis,because she had found fault with her husband for walking with a young colored fir. Bosa was close by With her own hus and. WHIRLED TO DEATH. Willie Coffinan Caught in a Belt and Killed, and His Bravo Little Brother Crippled. SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Effingham, III., January 7. Six-year-old Willie . Coffman, while playing about his father's mill to-day was dragged into the machinery by a belt which had caught in his clothing. He was crushed to death. John, the 9-year-old brother of the un fortunate lad, ran to the reicue and bravely tugged to release the screaming prisoner. He too was caught in the belting and before help came his bands and wrists were ground to pieces. He may die. ..-r. :i The Pennsylvania ComtP & "tabbed to the Extent of lt5 A EEGULAR SIBDIOATB OFROGUES, With Eeceivers at Cleveland, Pittsbnrjj" and Philadelphia. ANUJIBEB 0T AEEESTS ALEEADI MADE. The Operations Conducted ly Trained Bands of JuTenile Scamps. An organization of thieves has been steal ing brass from the Pennsylvania Company for a year past. The syndicate has head quarters in Cleveland, with branches in Pittsburg and Philadelphia. The total amount stolen will reach $100,000. Thirty little boys were engaged in the work at Altoona alone. The leader of the band has been arrested, with a number of his con federates. rSPECIAL TELXCBXU TO THE DISFATCTL.J Altoona, Pa., January 7. A singular case of systematic theft along the Pennsyl vania lines between Cleveland and Phila delphia, developed in ahearing before Judge Boss this afternoon. The case is in the nature of three receiving stations, located at Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Cleveland, for brass mountings stolen by regular organized bands from the Pennsylvania shops in this city, Harrisburg and elsewhere, the mode of proceedure being to ship stuff in barrels packed in rags. Moses Singerman, jnnk dealer of Cleve land, headed the syndicate and had regu larly employed agents who accounted for merchandise, buying from boys at 3 cents a pound, Singerman paying 7. Arrests have been wholesale to-day, six being made in this city. The suspicion ot crooked work, came to light last week, when Detective John Beeves, of Cleveland, uncovered two tons of brass design work in that citr and Altoona. amount of ins thefts. Investigation brought to light the fact that the robberies have been going on for a year past, and an estimate shows that the stealings will amount to a round hundred thousand dollars. The work of the syndi cate has been so clever and business-like' that Singerman and his confederates have grown rich and bold, using Pennsylvania freight stations as headquarters in some cases to carry on operations. This, scheme, when laid bare, will ex plain the Ft. Wayne division express peculations of a year ago, when evidence was given that journals were taken off of trains, causing heavy wrecks. The stories given by the boys are quite ro mantic. Charles Kelly, a boy of 16, had his gang organized in squads. While one watched, the other made way with the property, breaking it off with picks and levers. Testimony was given that more than 600 pounds of brass were stolen at one ' time from the company's shops in this city, before the eyes of the employes. JUVENILE DEPRAVITY. Beam and Walters were the agents in Altoona, and will be given a special hear ing next Thursday. The arrests are Will iam Thomas, Lewis Sbope, Ernest Johosron and Charles Kelly. Tbe latter has turned State's evidence. Singerman was held in $2,500 bail to answer at the January term of the Blair county court. It is in evidence that the man Walters had 30 little boys engaged at a regular salary to pilfer the brass, and he paid them 2 and 3 cents a pound for the goods. Some of the boys became so expert as to merit, in his estimation, a transfer to larger centers of operations. J. C. Hutchins, of Cleve land, appeared for Singerman, and N. J. Nervine for the Pennsylvania Company. The arrests have caused a widespread sen sation. Singerman refuses to say a word touching his situation, but acknowledged receiving the stuff. A STRING ON THE IAB0E TOTE. Claims for Ofllce Blade on the Strength of Sach Infiaence. tSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCH1 Indianapolis, January 7. Believing that it would be certain to bring recognition of his claims to office, J. B. Wilson, a Dem ocratic candidate for Doorkeeper of the In diana House of Representatives, several days ago sent to members whose votes he. desired a private letter, telling how, through his influence, the labor organizations of the State were brought over to the Democratic party. One of the letters fell into the hands of a Bepublican, and it was turned over to tbe Journal for publication. It will appear to-morrow, and it is an interesting contribu tion to the history of the last campaign in Indiana. In this letter Candidate Wilson says that he organized the Labor Day demonstration in Indianapolis, and that his influence enabled him to lead the organizations of workingroen into the Democratic party. He also tells how be gave the campaign man agers important aid in securing support for the party from the labor press of the State. THOUGHT SETTLED P0E GOOD. The SIcGIynnltcs Barred Ont of Burial la Catholic Cemeteries. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. New Yoke, January 7. Judge Beach, of the Supreme Court, handed down a deci sion to-day declining to interfere with the trustees of St. Patrick's Cathedral, who re fused to allow John McGuire to be buried in Calvary Cemetery. 3IcGuire died at a meeting of the Anti-Poverty Society, in the Academy of Music, just before an address vj j-rr. xucuiynn, wie cicuuujumcaieu priest, ofwhom he was an old parishioner and warm partisan. Philip McGuire, the son, sued for an in junction restraining the trustees from inter fering with the bnrial of the body In the cemetery plot that the McGuire family owns, and also for 1,000 damages for the refusal of a burial permit It had been re fused on the ground that he did not die a Roman Catholic ot good standing. The body has been lying in a temporary vault at Greenwood." Counsel for the trustees. thinks that the decision settles the whole" matter for good. THE WESTERN STILE. Grave Charges Against tho DIaJorlty of tho. Legislative ConnclH SPECIAL TELEOBAU TO THE DISPATCH.! Denver, January 7. A local paper to day received a telegram lrom Santa Fe, N. M., which goes to show how the Legislature in that Territory is running things. The message is as follows: For ways that are dark and for tricks that are vain the Republican members of the legisla tive council are peculiar. Not satisfied with thenninst seatintr of Mr. Selizman thev last night told Mr. Veeder he had better return to .bos v egas, and give his seat to Mr. Frichard. Frichard was badly snowed under in the late election, but takes his seat just the same. The other Democratic member who will not help enact this session will be Alexander ansdorf, of Taos. Tho legislative council is now after bis scalD. It will be no easy task to bounce him. He has a sworn affidavit which proves that T. B. Catron and M. W. Mills, a prominent wwjer uxopnugcr. enueaToreu to employ mm (Hart) to put Gusdorf out of the way. and that they would clear him if it cost tbem 210,000. Owing to the prominence of the parties named. .this matter has created a profound sensatioaTJ tnrougnout tne entire Termor, 'aS 33 "J i' LJtm id? ik ':: j3)feKt' .MyisJt, IJSiaglUJi &