OCR Interpretation

Pittsburg dispatch. [volume] (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 23, 1889, Image 2

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Great Success of the Exposi
tion Mass Meeting.
Nearly a Round $40,000 Gathered in
to Push the Good Work.
Goes With a Rush, With a Clean $5,000
Subscribed to Spare.
The Exposition Board, Pittsburg busi
lies bouses and the citizens generally can
now safely give each other and themselves
a complacent pat on the back.
"VTho said this .wasn't an enterprising
city? "Who said the Exposition was in the
toup, and would never be built? In fact
vhereis the man who would now dare ac
cuse the city of a laxity of spirit; of narrow
Handedness or of downright meanness, in
the face of events last night in the Old City
Hall, which showed that the peculiar inertia
of a heavy body, once set in motion makes
a stop almost impossible.
Those were long heads in the Exposition
Board that suggested public meetings for
the purpose of creating public sentiment,
and they were long heads that knew just
when such public meetings should cease,
last night was the second, the most success
ful, and probably the last mass meeting to be
called ior the purpose of raising the beauti
ful Exposition buildings up into the blue
air and making this city next to none in
point of public spirit, public enterprise and
public good.
At 7:30 well-known business men.with an
occasional member of the board, began to
drop in in a desultory sort of way as it they
were perfectly indifferent or perfectly inno
cent of the fact that
was about to ensue. On the stage were
Chairman "W. E. Schmertzand Secretary
J. W. Batchelor, also Messrs. Fitzpatrick
and Gill, of the Exposition force. At 8
o'clock between two and three hundred
gentlemen had quietly taken seats and faced
the platform, watting for the ball to open
that finally closed so beautifully with a
round total of 37,780 50 as the net results
of the night's work, which sum included
the long-pending $5,000 each of Andrew
Carnegie and "William Thaw.
The meeting w.is called to order by Chair
man AIT. E. Schmertz, and the gentlemen
present were requested to move up to the
front, and made quite a presentable show
ing, considering that probably no other oc
casion could draw together such a fine-looking
and responsible lot ot business men
representing at once so much capital and
enterprise of the city of Pittsburg.
The Chairman said that the first meeting
was of a gratifying nature, and he felt con
fident that this would be more gratifying.
He had always held that after the manu
facturers and merchants had been ex
hausted, success would come through a pop
ular subscription that would make the Ex
position an institution built by the people
and for the people, and he still had that
For Vice Presidents Mr. P. F. Smith
B. F. Jones, John R. Ricketson, Joseph
Home, J. K. McCullongh, Paul Lagerlelt, E.
Wertheimer, James Callery, I). H. llostettcr.
J. F. Denniston, Hon. William McCallin, Hon.
R. T. Pearson, John B. Jackson, H K. Porter,
C. F. McKenna, W. C. Moreland, W. A. Stone,
P. F. Smith. R. H. Boggs. E. Frauenbeiin, P.
H. Hade, Alexander Bradley, C W. Batche
lor, Frank Hopper. Albert J. Barr, Morrison
Foster, H. H. Byram, Eugene M. O'Neill, John
Jf. Neeb, Thomas M. watt. Colonel E. J. Allen,
a Hamilton and W. D. Wood.
They were unanimously elected.
Lively applanse then greeted the an
nouncement of the first speaker, George H.
Anderson. Mr. Anderson set to work to
talk to the audience in a quiet, convincing
way, and every word was listened to v, ith
an interest that showed the subject was of
more than ordinary interest, not only to
everyone present, but to everybody.
He said that some persons thought that
three or lour dozen wealthy men snould
come forward and build it. That was a
mistake. Pittsburg was accused of being
low; she was slow, but she was sure. The
wealthy men who held back were wise in
their generation. They sav they don't pro
pose to put up the 5500,000 or 000,000
needed, because every citizen should have a
share in it; let thepeopleat large contribute
according to their prosperity, then these
wealthy men will come in and finish the
work. At the right time Mr. Anderson was
sure they would come forward.
He talked of how badly the city needs an
Exposition, the advantages that would come
from turning the wharf into a park, and the
many ways in which the city's prosperity
would be increased. He was a born Pitts
burger, and he had faith in the city and a
belief that she would build the Exposition.
When their names were announced as
speakers letters of regret we read from Hon.
Thomas M. Bavne and Hon. John Dalzell,
in which both gentlemen expressed them
selves as in hearty sympathy with the meet
ing and in hearty sympathy with the object
ot the meeting, and spoke most encourag
ingly ot the near termination of the great
Mr. Peter Dick was called upon, and as
that representative of a well-known house
arose, he was almost cheered by those pres
ent who were quite prepared for the bright,
chatty talk that followed. He first intro
duced himself by telling a story of a team
of oxen which were
perfectly in their work. Upon their first
trial in the field a new owner was amazed
to see that one ox pulled most cheerfully
while the other stood around looking at it.
He then applied it to the Exposition and said
that the two agreed perfectly in their work,
because one was willing to do all the work
and the other quite willing he should.
He said further that he was not like Mr.
Anderson, born in Pittsburg, but he was a
Pittsburger ior all that. He was proud to
say that the old city from which he came
(Glasgow) had just closed a successfnl ex
position, and he was proud to believe that
Pittsburg would have a better one. He
We all agree tbat we should hare an exposi
tion. Why, tbe other day at the Union depot
a man asked me it tbat wasn't Mr. Marvin
standing across the way. I said it was, and he
asked me: "How is he getting alung with his
exposition T" I answered I didn't know it was
Marvin's exposition; I thought It belonged to
the people. Another man said to me: "I see
tbey have your name on tbe Exposition board
now, Dick: how are you cetting along with your
expositionr I told him don't say "vonrs," say
"ours." I want it to be "ours," and I belieTe
yet a popular subscription will finish the build
ing. The old Exposition in Allegheny was not
much or an institution, but I don't believe
there is a business man in Pittsburg who can
ray it didn't help him. I know It helped us.
W e made money out ot it. and we expect to
make more out of tbis one. And we don't
send tbe moneyto Ireland, we spendit at home.
After hearing Dr. Allison last week I believe
Pittsburg is the great city of the country. New
York, it is true, is bigger, but an elephant,
while bigger, is not as useful as a horse. We
.must hare that Exposition. I can't make much
afrM r. jiam , l ,a.A ll.tlfcfci1M2).i.. arfMl1MiBHWnffittrallfcffal- Afciii nllniPa""aaMife1"nJi"'iallrtiiriiiiMli ff mwtfttmBt3MmmmKBnM&&Wtfmiirf1VHn' iiS TllniMI tnit&imttntrfiAlklt(:hViiim'rtii iKfa -ilifwJafcT-Ai- -A2 .v -. ,t& tM" . Va l 4..S . Tl.ihJr, rtffMHr ' irt n.ra.1 it i n rfil fctf '. t4&A4aHHB
of a speech, lam more at home among dry
goods, but if you will let me I will jnst say that
Campbell & Dick add 51,000 to their subscrip
tion. The audience now numbered 500, and, at
the conclusion of Mr. Dick's epeech,-the
liberal applause was redoubled when he
said their firm of Campbell & Dick would
subscribe S1.000 in addition to the 1,000 al
ready given. This was becoming
and the applause had hardly died away ere
it was renewed, upon the announcement
that Wm. G. Johnston had been called
from the city, but would give 500 to the
good cause..
AU present were now in a good humor to
hear a little oratory upon the subject and
Attorney Willis J. McCook stepped for
ward to say what he thought of expositions
He laid great stress on the polytechnic
school that is to be a part of it, and dilated
on the good it would do the boys of the
city. He said the county buildings, grand
as they are, brought a blush of shame to
the citizen's face when he thought that they
were not designed "by a Pittsburger, were
not built bv a Pittsburger and tnatjscarcely
a brick in them was laid by a Pittsburger.
Technical oducation was needed in Pitts
hnri. nnd he urired the neonle not to let a
failure be recorded when success was with
in rp.ich-
Presideat S. S. Marvin handed in a let
ter which said at one time he had given
1,000 because Pittsburg heeded an Expo
sition, and now he finds that the Exposition
needed Pittsburg, and he would subscribe
1,000 more.
"Head those letters evry five minutes,
please," said Chairman Schmertz, laugh
ingly, and another letter was at once read,
coming from E. M. O'Neill, who .sub
scribed for The Dispatch Publishing Com
pany 1,000.
AfUirs had now become most decidedly
interesting, and a lively reception greeted
the smiling face of Judge J. S. Slagle as he
was announced as the next speaker. His
talk was a most able legal argument in
iavor of the financial side of the question,
interspersed with some happy hits whet, he
demonstrated mathematically that he could
afford to give forhimself $100. He said that
he could not, like Mr. Anderson, say he was
born in Pittsburg, but he came from the
edge of the town for he was born in Wash
ington county. Mr. Dick had said it would
pay Campbell & Dick to put down another
thousand, and he was trying to think if it
would pay him, ana ho didn't see exactly
where it came in. He continued:
Yet there may be an exception. The Judges
do not like to sit in the Quarter Sessions Court.
The Exposition may reduce the time I hae to
sit there. Building expositions reduces crime.
But there is another thing worth as much
profit: that is a man's feeling of pride. I am a
Pittsburger and I feel pnde in everything to
theglorvof Pittsburg: in evervthing that in
terests the good of Pittsburg. I'll get a little
good: I'm not able to come up to the $1,000
mark, but I feel $100 worth, and I think the
$100 men and the men below that sum will
ccntually put the capstone on the Exposition,
"I alwavs thought some good would come
out of Washington county," said President
Schmertz, as he led the applause, and
opened the ay for a bundle of subscrip
tions. The first was for 2,000 from the
Central Traction Company by T. A. Gilles
pie, Treasurer, and a lite membership, 100,
from Mr. Gillespie. The company is scarce
Ivorzanized and cannot be running for the
Exposition next fall, but give the money
for what gopd will come in the future.
Mr. "W. A. Magee handed up two letters.
The first was signed by C. L. Magee, Vice
President of the Citizens' Traction Compa
ny,and announced that that company would
give 5,000. There were cheers lor the com
pany which did not end when the second
letter, signed by F. M. Magee, for the Pitts
burg Traction Company, announced a sub
scription of 3,000. Mr. Albert J. Barr
followed this up with a letter irom the Post
Publishing Company, which promised as
hearty work in the future as the Fott has
done in the past for the Exposition, and put
a 500 subscription in to give the promises
"Mr. DeWolf," announced the chairman;
and a ripple of applauue went around as
Mr. W. H. DeWolf, the representative of
J. M. Guskv & Co. advanced to the stage.
Mr. Dewolf first spoke of his coming to
this city years ago, and told of its position
then in a business way, it being then, how
ever, without any real great and efficient
mode of advancing the city in an intellect
ual way. He then concluded by doubling
the subscription of the Guskys, and making
their total $5,000. "
When he reach the vital point in his
speech, when on behalf of the firm he made
their subscription 5,000, everybody did his
best to show appreciation of a firm that
placed itself alongside of the Messrs. Car
negie and Thaw, who were willing to give
5,000 to the venture providing three others
would do the same.
2tf. A. F. Keating was announced as
being present by President S. S Marvin,
and that gentleman arose and atonce waded
into figures that simply tickled everybody
by telling of the remarkable success ot him
self and John Bindley in looking for sub
scriptions. He said they had been sent to seethe
manufacturers, and their success had been
astonishing. They went to Jones & Laugh
lins', and before they had time to ask for
money Mr. B. F. Jones told them Jones &
Laughlins would give 3.000 more, making
j,000 from the firm. This made five firms
that gave 5,000 each, and brought in Mr.
Carnegie's offer. They had only com
menced, but Henry Lloyd's Sons &
Co. had given them "250, Logan
Gregg & Co. 100, and a man
they often heard of had told
him to add 250 to his contribution. This
was William Flinn, and it made Booth &
Flinn's contribution 450. He closed with
a wish that others could report as well.
Charles 1 McKenna was asked to say
something, but resigned in favor of United
States Attorney Allen, who made an elo
quent plea for Pittsburg and its Exposi
tion. The Secretary announced that the five
5,000 subscriptions were from Andrew
Camegie,"Villiam Thaw.Mxs. J. M. Gusky,
the Citizens' Traction Company and Jones
& Laughlins. Following on the heels of
this a resolution was adopted that subscrip
tions of any amount would be received.
Mr. A. P. Burchfield arose, and in behalf
of a modest friend, announced a 100 loan.
Chairman Schmertz then arose, and in a
firm and most joyful way, said:
Thirty-one years ago, within 200 feet of this
building, it was my good fortune to form a
busmess connection with a firm tbat I am still
with. Tbe store was a little place, 20x50 feet.
As the city grew the firm grew, and to-night,
v bile its honored head is miles away, we know
that be does not desire to be lelt behind in
anything that isjor tbe good of the city. Mr.
Chairman, JoMfph Home & Co. double their
subscription of $2,500, and make six to give
$5,000 each.
After the minutes and subscriptions of
the last meeting had been read, Mr. Hartly
aroe and tendered 100.
President S. S. Marvin arose and said:
"Mr. Chairman, Mr. Kaufmann is a most
diffident gentleman, and he wishes me to
say the house of Kaufmann & Co. gives an
additional subscription of 1,000." And
again applause was heard.
Lee S. Smith was' introduced and said:
I came here to-night hoping I would not he
called upon to talk, yet upon such a matter of
vital importance no one should hesitate. My
business is only with a class, but I am inter
ested here in this venture. I hare seen peo
ple and money flying toward cities with exposi
tions, and I hope and now I know that Pitts
burg is to be one of those lucky cities.
Bev. E. B. Donahoo then was called to
the stage, and made a pleasant, encouraging
D. 0. Bipley said the public had been so
kind that it would be an imposition to call
them from their homes again. He thought
it could now be built, and the meeting
should be adjourned to meet at the call of
the Board or the President
Discussion ceased for a moment, and Mr.
Isaac Hi rah, of the Volksblalt, arose and
The rolksbtalt spoke with authority when it
said that the Germans of Pittsburg have been
in sympathy with tbe Exposition movement.
To-mgnt I speak for the Germans when I say
that, had we more expositions, more art
galleries, more music festivals, there would be
no necessity for these prohibitory laws we hear
so mnch of now. The Germans will not take
a back seat at tbe Exposition, and for the J
voiKsoiatt puoiisning company x sudschdb
H. J. Heinz urged that more life member
ships be taken out. He wanted firms to take
one for each member. The 100 subscrip
tions came rolling in, and Heber McDowell
said he would take one for each of his clerks.
J. J. Flannery said he would take one for
his wife. John H. Muller took one for
Germany, and J. H. Patterson took one on
the Irish. "W. H. DeWolf said he would
take one for the "Dutch," andE. P. Roberts
for the Welsh, and so it went on untjl, by
motion, an adjournment was made until the
President saw fit to call another meeting.
The subscriptions received are as fol
lows: Loajts Citizens' Traction Company, S3, 000;
rittsbnrg Traction Company, S3.0O0; Jones &
Laushlins, S3.O00; J. M.Guskr, 500"; Jos. Home
& Co., S2,S0(r; Central traction Company,
ftOOO; DIspstcn Publishing Company. Sl,0u0;
S. S. Marvin & Co., 11,000; Campbell
Die)., si. 000: Kaunnann Brothers,
11.000; Volksblatt PuMlshlDK Company. S300:
wm. Q. JoTmston Co.. S3O0; Post l'abllshlng
Companv. toOoi H. Lloyd's Sons & Co., S2S0: Wm.
Flinn, 250: W. M. Laird. 100; Logan. Orepg A
Co., tl(0; Third .National Bank, Allegheny. tlOO;
employes or liorps A liahl. fSS 50. Total, J24, 3SS SO.
Tnoe marked with an asterisk Indicate a prev
ious subscription or a like amount. Jones &
Langhllns also doubled their subscription and
Life Managerships RIneman Bros-, 1100: E.
M. ISIkcIow, (too; John Tate, f 100; Anderson &
Ho wan, glCO: Joseph Ktchbaum A Co. (second),
J100; Porter & Donaldson (second). (100; Laird,
Kay & Co., 1100; T. A. Uillesple, tlOO; Hon. Jacob
F. Jjlarle, 100: W. C. Hauan, J100: Kler liros.,
1100: George fc-Gordon. 100: W. H. Hart,
M. 11., 1100; J. It. Stance, (100: B. 11. Ward
& Co. (two), 00; Robert Flannlgan. S100;
Anschuts, Bradbury & Co.. two. CU0;T. H. Hart
ley. flOO: H. J. Heinz & Co.. flOO: Bolivar Fire
uricK companv, iiig; joim Mueller, fiuu; i. a,
aiierson. f iuu; v . j
100: John Loftan, 31. D,
C. Shaw, M. 1). (second),
two; Hener jtcuowen.
two (second). S200: Mrs. James J. Klannerr. S1U0:
William De Wolf, (100; E. P. Roberts. JIC0; total,
The Venerable Chief of the Economltes
Falls to Attend a Lako Erie Railroad
Meeting For the First Time In Years.
Fpr the first time in the history of the
Pittsburg and Lake ErieBailroad Company
old Jacob Henrici, President of the Econo
mite Society, did not appear at the annual
meeting to vote the Economite stock, yes
terday. The little white-haired old man,
with his old stove-pipe hat and quaint gar
ments, was not seen at the gathering of the
stockholders. His old-fashioned carpet bag,
with its rich store of Economite wine and
cakes, was missed by those who gathered to
attend the yearly meeting of the road.
The latter has now entirely passed out of
the control of the Economite Society and
the Hostetter people, and the Yanderbilts
partially own it. E. D. "Worcester was
elected a director yesterday in place of A. E.
W. Painter, and F. "V7. Vanderbilt was
elected to succeed D. H. Hostetter. James
H. Bailey has taken the place ot Mr. Hos
tetter on the P., McBZ. &Y. board.
The following are the new boards:
Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad Company
President and General Manager, John New
ell: Directors, Cornelius Vanderbilt, 'William
K. Vanderbilt, F. W. Vanderbilt. Hamilton
McK. Twombly, E. D. Worcester, M. W. Wat
con, Henry Hice, James I. Bennett, James M.
Bailey, J. H. Reed, J. M. Schoonmaker, D. Leet
Pittsburg. McKeesport ana Youghiogheny
Railroad Company President, F. H. Reed;
Directors, Cornelius Vanderbilt, William K.
Vanderbilt, Hamilton McK. Twombly, James
Tillinrhast. John Newell. James M. Bailey.
James L Bennett, M. W. Watson, Henry Hice.
The proposition to increase the indebted
ness of the Lake Erie Companv nearly
S2.000.000 was adopted $1,000,000 of this
will be in bonds and 950,000 in stock. This
will increase the former to 2,000,000 and
tbe total amount of stock to 2.050,000. The,
money will be used to pay for the extensive
improvements made within the past year
and the improvements to be made the com
ing spring. Among the latter are the lay
ing of long sidings at different points.
These sidings will be connected as the
occasion requires, and inside of two years
it is expected that-the road will be double
tracked air the,.?y from Pittsburg to
The total earningtfof the Lake Erie road
for the ytar were' 1,756,646 85. The in
crease over the year of 1887 was 196,266 18.
The operating expenses for the year were
1,356,618 36. The two 3 per cent dividends
paid during the year amounted to 123,000.
The net surplus of the year was $107,961 82.
The report of the Pittsburg, McKeesport
and Yonghiogheny road shows the earnings
to be 1,030,560 23. The increase in the
gross earnings over 1887 was 138,746 46.
The operating expenses were 574,666 20.
At the meeting of the Board of Directors
of the Lake Erie Company the following
general officers were elected: Secretary and
Treasurer, J. G. Robinson; General Su
perintendent, Elliott Holbrook; General
Freight Agent, F. A. Dean; General Pas
senger Agent, A. E. Clark; Auditor, H. H.
Kendrick, General Solicitors, Knox and
Eced. u
When Saloons Are Closed Will Glass Houses
"Should the Prohibitionists obtain all
they desire in this State," said a Southside
glass manufacturer last evening, "it is
probable that a number of glass bouses in
this city will more to other and more desir
able parts.
"In one or two instances that I am
acquainted with all the work done in the
factory is bar work, that is supplying tbe
fancy glasses, goblets and muers used in a
saloon. Their trade is almost all local, and
few sales are made outside of the city or
State. Should the saloons be closed you
may imagine the result. Pittsburg, the
Glass City, will be a slow town when we
have a prohibitory amendment,"
Hostetter Goes to New York City on
Business of the Road. ff
D. Herbert Hostetter, of this city, left
last night tor New York. He said: "Noth
ing has developed to-day in the South Penn
scheme. No; the Vanderbilt people have
not signed the new agreement, and Mr.
Frick will not sign it until he finds out
what they intend to do.
"My visit to New York is on other busi
ness, although I may possibly see some of
the people who are interested in the road.
When every stockholder signs the agree
ment we will call a meeting,"
Captain Bishop, of the Pennsylvania Tube
Works, Is Injured.
A horse attached to a sleigh of H. Frost,
of 450 Fifth avenue, took fright yesterday
afternoon at the Cathedral, and, dashing
down the avenue, crossed Smitbfield street,
where it knocked down Captain Bishop,
bookkeeper of the Pennsylvania Tube
Works. The animal fell on 'him and hurt
him severely about the head and back. He
was taken to his home on Forbes street.
An Instantly Fatal Accident at the Black
Diamond Works,
Washington Griegsby, a colored man
about 28 years of age, was struck by a crane
on the head and instantly killed last night
while working in the Black Diamond Steel
Griegsby was a single man and lived at
the corner of Penn avenue and Thirtieth
street. The Coroner was notified.
A Pittsburg Physician to Spend a
Willi European Authorities.
Dr. G. W. Allyn, a prominent physician
of this city, will leave for Europe in a tew
daysto devote a year's study on the treat
ment of the eyes under Drs. Meyer and
Powers, who are the authorities of England
and France on the diseases of the eye. He
will also attend lectures at Vienna. Dr.
Allyn will return to this city and take up
u lutvjiupkcu pravbivc uejkt Timer,
For $40,000 Was Discovered in the
Inner Vault of the F. fc M. Bank.
Startling Disclosures Promised in the
Affairs of the Bank.
The evidence of swindling in connection
with the Fanners and Mechanics' Bank crash
on the Southside is growing more extensive
every day, and there is no saying where it
may end. The hearing of tbe cashier, Mr.
Henry F. Voigt, which was set for 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, was postponed until
next Saturday, because the prosecutors have
not been able to get their witnesses together,
and there are also other arrests to be made.
In the meantime, however, there are to be
some very startling developments, evidence
of which leaked out yesterday in the hear
ing of a reporter for this paper.
Since the arrest of Henry F. Voigt, the
experts have made a discovery in the safe at
thebank, which bodes very ill for some
body connected with that institution. The
ominous discovery is a check for $40,000,
drawn upon the bank in the name of "Will
iam Voigt, and indorsed by his brother,
Henry P. Voigt, the cashier. This paper
was found in one of the secret shelves of the
safe, and, as it had not been discovered be
fore, may have been purposely hidden away
among some other papers. There was
found on any of the books, and it would
seem tbat it should have been destroyed,
and doubtless would have been, had it not
been forgotten.
There have been numerous stories afloat
on the Southside, connecting Mr. "William
Voict with his brother, the cashier, and, in
order to see what that gentleman had to say
in regard to the matter Himself, a visit was
made to his house yesterday afternoon on
Mount "Washington. A young man, the
son of Mr. Voigt, came to the door, and,
when the question as to the whereabouts of
his father was propounded to him, replied:
"My father has been away from home for
about four weeks, and where he is I do not
knowjrprobably out "West. What is be
gone for? I hardly know, unless it is in
connection with the Independent Glass
House, or some other business of a private
"When is he coming back?"
"That I do not know; but I do not think
it will be soon."
A gentleman connected with the bank,
and one who is in a position to be relied
upon, in conversation with a Dispatch
representative, yesterday afternoon, said:
"I have an" idea that the absentee has
more than business connected with the In
dependent Glass house to keep bim awav.
"Why, the glass house is going to be sold at
a Sheriff's sale on next Tuesday, and his in
terest will prove to be very small in it. But
Henry, the cashier, and "Willie, his brother,
used to speculate very heavily in grain,
in Chicago the 840,000 check was drawn on
the bank. Whether William Voit knew
that the investigation into the defalcations
of the bank would develop facts that might
implicate him and put him in an unpleasant
position, I cannot state, for I do not yet
know why he went away."
It was also stated on the Southside yes
terday that an offer of $45,000 had been
made for the bank building; but who the
parties were could not be learned, nor could
it be found out for what purpose the build
ing is to be used.
At 'Squire Schaefer's office a number of
enrious people had assembled in view of the
announcement that the hearing of Mr.
Voigt was to take place, and they were not
a little disappointed when Mr. Sorg came,
and the postponement was decided upon.
It was then the fact came out, in a very
quiet way, that more arrests are to be made.
"Of course you must know," said one of
the stockholders, "that no officer in a bank
can defraud that institution to the extent of
nearly $200,000 unless he has an accomplice
among his co-workers, and we have suf
ficieut evidence that such has been the case
here. Who the man is, and when he will be
arrested, I am not going to say; let things
take their own course; but you watch 'de
velopments, and your patience will not be
tried very long,"
Mr. John McMavters, who was book
keeper in the bank at the time when Mr.
Voigt was cashier, was also seen by a re
porter a( his home last night, and the fol
lowing conversation took place;
'Do you care, Mr. McMasters, to make
any statement about your observations jn
the bank while you were occupied there as a
"I am very sorry I cannot oblige you;
but it is really quite impossible. Ion can
well understand that I do not want to be
mixed up in the case any more than is ab
solutely necessary. Of "course, I suppose I
shall, be called upon as a witness in the mat
ter, and then I shall say all I know; but at
present I would rather not."
"How long were you employed in the
"I was there only eight months, and J
went away about three months after Mr,
VoiRt lett,"
"Would you mind telling me the reason
you left?"
"Ihey put a new cashier into the place,
who, of course, supplanted me, and, as I
was not pleased at such treatment, I left."
"Have you any idea yet who the other
man is they intend to arrest?"
"No. There was nobody but Hays, Berg
and myself there besides Mr. Voii;t. '
"They have also found a $40,000 cheek
hidden behind one of the shelves in thesafe.
Do you remember anything about such a
"No, indeed; I don't know anythine
about it,"
Mr. McMasters also expressed great aston
ishment when he heard that William Voigt
was not found at home. While talking
about H. F. Voigt, he spoke yery highly
ot that gentleman, saying he had always
found him to be at) honorable man,
Another stockholder, ;rho was approached
and asked what he knew about the progress
of the work of the experts, saidi
"It is possible that tbey will be finished
with the books within a week, although
there is no certainty about it From the
present developments, however. T can tpll
vou that it is useless to keep the fact any
lonjrei secret that the depositors will be
losers as well as the stockholders. We
thought all along that the doubling of the
capital stock would keep the depositors
sate, but that hope has vanished. From
the present outlook I think the depositors
will get npmore than 75 or 80 per cent of
their deposits,"
A Lecture on America.
.Mrs. Caroline Chapman, the celebrated
lecturer, of Charles City, Iowa, arrived in
the city last evening. She will deliver her
lecture on the subject, "America for Amer
icans," at American Mechanics' Hall, Al
legheny, this evening. The lecture will be
free to all who desire to attend. he ex
penses to be borne by Col. J. O, Hull Conn.
cil No. C6. Jr. O. TJ. A. M.
How to Wag a Jury.
Attorney F. J. Fitzgerald has been In
vited by the law students to deliver a
lecture on "Barristerial Oratory." It will
probably be given in the Orphans' Court
rooms within the next two weeks.
, - .',-,,-. y - ---.. .........,.. no-ws , ijuertr ana Ninth su. 1 1 jazi-xVAvt.
Captain Jones, the Executive Head of the
Great Edgar Thomson Work-. Doesn't
Wnnt Prohibition, But nBcli r tlrooks
Captain William E. Jones, Gen al "fah
ager Kdgar Thomson Steel Works B.- d
dock, left last night for Washing n -
business connected with the con. any
While at the Union station he spoke ot he
action of the House of Representatives ou
the submission of the Constitutional amend
ment to a vote of the people. He said:
I see that the matter has passed the Houso
and I suppose ft will go whooping through the
Senate. There will be some fun when the
question goes before the people. I will vote
dead against it, and I think I can say very posi
tively tbat the borough of Braddock will go
against it also.
If the amendment becomes a law it will not
stop drinking or the sale of whiskey. Why,
we hare laws against the crime of larceny, yet
there are over 200 cases tried at every term of
the grand jury. Thcro will be almost as much
drinking done then as there is now. About the
only difference it will make is that tbe whisky
will he of a poorer quality and harder to
1 think that we are getting as closo to a
solution of the problem of whisky under the
present law as we will ever get. Of course
there are a number of imperfections in the
Brooks high license law; but these can all he
remedied from time to time as the occasion re
quires. The liquor traffic should be confined to
taverns. Saloons should be done away al
together. A mere drinking place is not accom
modation to anybody, and could easily be
abolished. I remember 30 years ago wnen mere
was not a
dive ' in Allegneny county.
years ago tnere were uunareus in tuis city, a no
high-license law cleaned them out pretty
thoroughly. Of course the Judges made mis
takes; but they were excusable under the
Out in our little town of Braddook there are
only eight places where liquor is sold. A few
years ago there was 1 for about every 40 inhab
itants of the town. I had figures which showed
that 20 per cent of the money we paid out in
wages every month was spent in these places.
In round figures, it would average between
$30,000 and 840,000.
A Humor That tbe Probable Cabinet Officer
Would Go West.
A telegram received in this city last night
stated that John Wanamaker would pas3
through the TJnipn station on his way West
ostensibly to visit President-elect Harrison
at the latter's home in Indianapolis. The
visit was significant, in view of the fact that
Mr. Wanamaker had given up his trip to
Paris at the last moment, and as he has
been mentioned as one of the sure Cabinet
officers, it was thought that he had been
called to Indianapolis by the President
elect. Inquiry upon the arrival of all trains de
veloped the fact that he had not come via
tbe Pennsylvania, and if he left Philadel
phia at noon he traveled by way of some
other route to the West.
The correspondents of the Philadelphia
papers in Indianapolis, said come days ago
that Mr. Wanamaker's name had been
rubbed off the Cabinet slate.
The Hospital Slnnngcrs Looking After Their
Harry S. Paul, President of the Americas
Club, and one of the trustees of the Homeo
pathic Hospital, left yesterday for Harris
burg. To-day he will meet the Committee
on Appropriations and lay before them the
claims of the hospital for about $60,000.
The money is badly needed to pay for and
furnish the new house purchased two years
ago on Second avenue on the eastern side of
the hospital building. The new house was
mortgaged, and to pay the interest on the
mortgage it was necessary to rent the house.
The rent from the bouse just barely covers
this. The intention was to furnish the,
house and make it a place of accommodation,
for patients afflicted with contagious
diseases. At present one part of the hospital
is set apart for this use, and the other
patients are exposed to the risk of catching
Too Park Avenue Presbyterian Church
Damaged Only About 8123.
The damage to the Park Avenue Presby
terian Church, as a result of the recent
cyclone, on inspection proved not to be near
as bad as first reported. When in the course
of erection the southwest gable was struck
by lightning. This weakened it some, but
it was not thought seriously, which supposi
tion the cyclone proved true by bulging it
Since then the weak portion has been
torn down and is being remedied at a proba
ble cost of about $125.
A Southside Saddler's Wife Badly Burned
Last Evening.
Mrs. Frank Koehler, wife of a saddlet,
who has his shop at 2335 Carson street, was
severely burned last evening. She was at
work in the cellar of her home, when the
lamp was overturned, and her dress ignited
from the flames. She ran out of the house
into the street, where her husband followed
her and succeeded in putting out thefire.but
not until her hands and limbs were burned,
Mr. Koehler's hands were also burned.
An alarm qs sent in from box 153, but
there was no peed for the firemen,
Allegheny Witnesses Acc.mpnny nn Officer
to Put Htm In a Corner.
Detective John It. Murphy, of Alle
gheny, left at midnight for Windsor, Cau
ada, to attend the preliminary hearing on
Thursday of the man Aldrich, arrested for
bunkoing John K. Lemon out of ?10,000
last September. The officer was accom
panied by Mr. Lemon, a woman and a col
ored man, who saw the man at the time.
Unless a clear case can be proven it will
be impossible to obtain extradition papers.
Vnlnnhle Inrormntlon.
When we have something which we think
will interest the clothing buyers of Pitts
burc we like to tell them nf it Wo rfnn't
come out with a splurge six times a week
and tell of the marvelous bargains we sell,
but occasionally (through the medium ot
the press) we give the public valuable infor
mation and quote bargains, and when we do
depend upon it that it's bona fide and true
In every particular. We have a larger
stock on hand for this time of the year than
we ever had before, and we wantto reduce
it. We've got the goods. You have got
the money. We've got to make it an object
for you to buy, and a big one at that. See?
ior tnree days only we offer all our fine
suits and overcoats, nqw selling at $28, $25,
$20, bunched in one lot, at the unheard of
low price of $15. Fifteen dollars buys as
good a suit as anybody wants to wear, and
$15 just now gives you your choice of any
overcoat we sold for $28, $25. $20. This
offer for three days only at the P. C. C. C;
corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite
the new Court House.
Hotr Does Vonr Wnteh Ran
If vour watch needs repairing tnke it to
Hauch's, No. 295 Filth ave. Good work;
low prices; established 1853. wf
Gold-headed canes and umbrellas;
lowest prices, at Hauch's,No. 295Fii'th ave.
No oharge for engraving. wfsu
Gbeat auction sale of drygoods this dav
at 2 p. M., at M. Fire's, 102 Federal street',
Many Indies are martyrs to suffering
Their best help is Parker's Ginger Tonici.
Parker's Hair Balsam is life to the har.
53, 1889. ' "V'fV'
Oyer $1,000,000 Sent Here to Defeat
the Senate Tariff Bill.
Tm Plates and Fine Iron Will te Made
In This 'Country.
A prominent English tin plate manufact
urer is here, and is here to stay. The tariff
agitation over that industry, he claims, has
disturbed trade in the old country, and he
has selected Pittsburg as the most appro
priate and profitable place in the world for
the manufacture of tin plates.
The gentleman is Edward James, of the
Hope Iron and Tin Plate Company, located
at Tipton, England, and he makes a start
ling statement. He says that "thousands
and thousands of pounds sterling have been
contributed by English tin plate manufact
urers and merchants to defeat the clause in
the Senate tariff bill imposing a duty on
tin plate, and this sum has been judiciously
placed in the hands of lobbyists for that pur
pose." "How much money, in round numbers,
do you suppose has been contributed?" Mr.
James was asked.
"I would not like to estimate the
amount," said he, "but it was over $1,000,
000. There are fully 100,000 men employed
in the tin plate industry in the old c untry,
principally in South Wales, and If the duty
proposed in the Senate bill is placed on tin
plates, it will kill the industry across the
water and open it up in this country."
Continuing Mr. James said:
to the land of promise.
I was connected with one of the leading firms
in England; but we had some trouble and a
costly lawsuit, which resulted in my being shut
out of the firm. I saw that the industry would
likely be wound np in the event of the passage
of the Senate tariff bill, and I came to this
country to engage in the business, and at once
selected Pittsburg as tbe best place in which to
make tin plate. As soon as the bill is passed
the many workers in the tin plate industry will
flock to this country.
l nave seen all the tin plate works In tbe
world, and, upon my arrival in this country, I
was enabled to go through the works of the
United States Tin Plate Company at Dernier
station, through the courtesy of Mr. W. C.
Cronemeyer. I have had a large experience in
too business, and pronounce these works the
finest in the world. They have no tinning de
partment, but will have one as soon as the de
sired alteration in the tariff is made.
In addition to the tin plate trade, the foreign
trade in what we call fine iron that is, iron
from SO to 40-gange will be injured if the tar
iff bill is adopted. There is an extensive trade
in tbis industry, and the foreign product comes
into this country free of duty.
I have made an investigation of natural gas as
fuel, and find that it is wonderfully well adapt
ed to tbe making of tin plates. A better quality
of tin plates can be made in this country with
natural gas than with coal as fuel in England.
'There is every probability that the tmited
States will make her own tin plates in tbe
future. She has many valuable undeveloped
tin mines; but tbey will all be opened as soon as
tbe indnstry is established in this country,
which will very likely occur in a few months. I
have been talking to Mr. Cronemeyer, of the
United Btates Tin Plate Company, and find that
he is confident that a high duty will be placed
on tin plates; that is, a sufficient duty, to keep
the foreign product out of this country.
At present there are 203 mills in Great
Britain where the plates and fine iron are man
ufactured, and 23 mills are Idle. I do not earn
.to be. quoted on the number of men employed
aviuese nuns; out i oeueve iuiiy iuu,vuu are
engaged. Most of these men will come to this
country for employment if the Industry is shut
off by the tariff, and. in addition, many ldla
men in this country will be employed.
Connellivllle Coke Workers Asked to Reply
to Two Questions.
The workers in the Connellsville coke re
gion will hold a convention at Scottdale on
Saturday to discuss the question of enforc
ing a sliding scale of wages. The following
call for a meeting was issued yesterday:
To all organized and unorganized labor in the
Counellsrllle coke region:
GREETiNa-We, the executive boards of
Sub-Division No. i, N. T. A. of 131. and D. A.
No. II, K. of L., having received the report of
the committee selected to represent the work
ingmen in tbe formation of a scale, such report
being In effect that they were unable to secure
a conference with employers, we submit to
you the tallowing questions for your careful
consideration aud action:
Are you in favor of enforcing a scale by re.
sorting to a suspension of work T If so, are you
prcnared to stand a siege ?
Elect your delegates and instruct them to ar .
swer the above questions at the conventi' t
beheld at Scottdale on Saturday, 3'.ol
and all who are represented ar -ciia t6
abide by the deeision of the convention?
For8ub-Divislon4j invention.
J.ETE". Wise, Master Workman.
- v nOfiEET Gove, Secretary.
For D. A No. 11:
William Rhodes, Secreary.
Coke Workers Form a Locnl Assembly nnd
Some nrc Diachnrscd.
There is a strike at the Laughlin & Co.
Coke Works at Broadford. A local assem
bly of the Knights of Labor was organized
at those works last Friday, and yesterday
14 of the members were discharged.
The other men refused to work until the
men were reinstated. Their request was re
fused, and 162 ovens were closed and 130
men are idle. A settlement may be effected
DIsnsreoment Thnt Slay Extend Through
out the Shenanco and Mahoning.
The men employed in the quarries near
New Castle struck yesterday tor an advance
of 6 per cent in wages. They had served
their employers with a notice to that effect
about two weeks ago and a Conference was
held, but a satisfactory agreement could not
be reached.
It is believed that the strike will extend
throughout the Shehanco and Mahonin?
Open Meetlne; nt Mnnnld.
District Master Workman I. N. Eoss, of
D. A. 3, Knights of Labor, Rnd John
O'Shea, of this city, went to Mansfield, Pa.,
last night, where an open meeting of Local
Assemblies G262 and 7G00 were held. The
object of the meeting was to strengthen the
membership of the order in that vicinity.
The two named gentlemen and a number of
others made addresses.
Civil Engineern Electing.
The National American Association of
Civil Engineers will hold their annual
meeting at the Monongahela House, this
city, January 31 nnd February 1. M. J.
Becker, Chief Engineer of the Southwest
system of the Pennsylvania Company in
this city, is President 'of the Association.
Thev Ask lor Co-Opernllon.
The Executive Board of Subdivision
4,N. T. A. 135 K. of L., have invited sub
division 5 to appoint a committee to meet the
board and formulate a system by which the
different labor organizations may co-operate.
The meeting will be held on Saturday
January 26.
A New Iron Firm.
Messrs. Bissell, McCain & Smith, a com
pany composed of Pittsburgers, have pur
chased the Miller Forge at Kankin station.
The amount paid for the works could not
be learned. The new firm will operate the
wor&s as usual.
Colossal Revenues tbe Standard Oil Com
pany Might Torn to Pittsburg It All Its
Boopa Were Mnde Here.
The hoop iron and cotton tie trade of this
country, it is stated on good authority,
should yield an annual revenue to Pitts
burg manufacturers of over $5,000,000 a
year; for at least 100,000 tons of the finished
product in both branches could and should
be turned out here. But such is not the
case, by any means. Youngstovvn succeeds
in holding most of this trade. During the
last two years, while the general iron trade
has, been as good or better than ever before,
not more than 65,000 or 70,000 tons of hoop
iron and cotton ties per yar have been
turned out in and near Pittsburg.
In the very face of this fact, however,
there are 25,000 barrels made each day in
the Pittsburg distrltt, requiring 50 tons of
hoop iron, daily, mainlvto meet Standard
Oil consumption. That great corporation,
by the way, buys and uses for all its
barrel trade from 250 to 300 tons of hoops
daily, which wonld keep busy on double
turn two great iron mills like tbat of J.
Painter & Sons., the leading light iron
works of its kind in the country.
There was some talk, which has not yet
died out, that the Standard Oil Company
would erect an eztenisve iron mill in this
city, to make itsown material, and some for
the market. The only fact that is said to
have kept them back, so far, is the prospect
tbat steel may take the place of iron. If
once the steel made by the latest inventions
can be made tor hoops, no doubt something
in tbis line may be done.
The Standard consumes every year over
75,000 tons of hoops and wrought iron
pipes. If all of it were made, as it is mostly
now, of iron, it wonld take a mill employ
ing fully 3,000 mfti to turn it out whereas,
in steel it wonld take fully one-third less.
Nearly all the pipes used by the Standard
are made here and in McKeesport but very
little of the hoop iron that they consume is
manufactured in Pittsburg.
'TIs Wonderful
The prices that pianos and organs are being
sold for at Hfrmilton's. We saw several of
those good second-hand square pianos sold
yesterday atSO and ?60. They still have a
number of them on hand, as they come in
in exchange for new ones about as fast as
they can sell them, and they are giving such
low bargains on the new ones that they must
cut the others very low to sell them. If you
are not just ready to buy a new one, get one
of these; and then when yon are ready ex
change it back on a new one. There is a
large lot of new organs on the floor that you
can buy very low on easy terms. We saw
among them" Estey, Story & Clark, Shon
inger, Clough & Warren, and Sterling,
names that are familiar in the homes of this
community, and in the back room a large
lot of second-hand organs. Go in and see
them. The cut in prices is genuine and
will surprise you, at S. Hamilton's, 91 and
93 Fifth aye.
Wanted a Situation
By a thoroughly experienced plumber and
gas-fitter. I will furnish responsible firms
with a record of my experience in the em
ploy of firms in this city, covering a period
of 16 years, and in one or the leading cities
out of here for a period of four years. No
firms under the compliment of the'PIumbers'
Association need apply, as I am a non-union
man and always wi
u be.
Address X, Dis-
paten omce.
810 for n 820 Ulster or Raglan
In this cloak room to-day. This is a special
chance, as our stock is entirely too large.
This week must reduce it.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Great auction sale of drygoods this day
at 2 p. m., at M. Eire's, 102 Federal street,
St the Three Bargain Tablet To-Day
Across center of store. "Mark downs in
ladies and children's underwear, embroid
ery remnants and yokings. New dress
goods down to 25 cents. Early comers get
the largest choice.
J03. HORNE & CO.'S
Penn Avenne Stores.
Great auction sals of drygoods this day
at 2 p. jr., at M. Fire's, 102 Federal street,
Price, 25 cents, at all druggists.
50c, 75c and $1 00.
T. T. T.
109 Federal Street,
Second Door Below Park Way.
Aprlcots, pears, cherries, ties, prunes, gin
ger and assorted fruits, in fancy cartons and by
the pound, for sale by
de!4-ws Corner Liberty and Ninth st.
Wild boars' head. Irish sausage. Glencairn
camp pie, potted game, pate dtable, etc. Fresh
no27-ws s Liberty and Ninth su.
Jonuary Sie Bargains
That will pay you to come and see. Many large
lots of desirable goods to be closed out nowt
Special sale of French broadcloths, 52 inche
wide,' full line of shades, of finest finish, fn
three grades, at the very low prices Of 90c,
Jl 25 and Jl 50 per yard.
One lot of French all-wool serges, special
value, as 63c a yard.
A f nil assortment of colors in Lupin's flna
French cashmeres at 50c, good value at 60c.
Imported silk and wool mixed Henrietta
cloths, SI quality at 75c; a finer quality (SI 29)
at SL These are extra bargains.
One lot of finest imported English suitings,
fancy colorings, 51 inches wide, at SI 50 per
Some extra nice styles in Jacquard effects,
for combinations, reduced to SOc.
One lot winter weight All-wool Black Camel's
Hair Suitings only 3So a yard.
46-inch Black Wool Henrietta at $La splen
did value.
Full assortment of Black Wool andSilk and
Wool Jlixed Henrietta Cloths, best makes, at
very close prices.
Extra good values in Black French Broad
cloths. Prices the lowest ever quoted in our
For instance. Black G ros Grain Silks at 65c,
75c 85c, 00c; one lot, 21 inches wide, only 95c a
yard; same width at $1 25 and SI 35 a yard; also
other special good values at SI JO, $175, S2 to
$150 a yard. These Black Gros Grain SOks, for
quality and cheapness, excel any you can buy.
Black Faille Francaise Silks at 75c, 90c, (L
Black Rhadzimirs at 31; Black Satin Rhadame3
at 75c, 85c, $1; Black Armnre Silks at Jl; Black
Peau de Sole at SI; Black Satin de Lyon at CI;
Black Armurettes at SI: Black Surah Silks at
60c, 65c, 73c, 90c. , SI 15, SI 25 to S2 a yard;
Black Brocade Satins at 80c (dollar quality),
$1 25, $1 50 to S7 50 a yard.
Wormentlon these as special bargains,and ad
vise yon to make your purchases now.
IN COLORED SILKS we have to-day: Col
ored Moire Silks reduced to 50c, 75c and SI
were SI, SI 50 and S3 a yard: also a line of dark
and light colored Brocade Satin-stripe Grena
dines at 75c a yard a bargain at SI.
New designs in 27-inch India Silks at 73c a
yard SI 25 quality.
sand pairs of extra strong Nottingham Laca
Curtains at 75c a pair. Other great reductions
in finer qualities. "We have also marked down
our entire stock of Heavy Curtains and Por
tieres. The prices will make a quick sale, we
know. Purchasers must come at once.
One lot Silk Shiela Curtains, $15 from $75.
One lot Velour Curtains, $33, were $50. One lot
extra heavy and fine Chenille Curtains, S2U to
$10. One lot $15 to $10. One lot $9 to $7. Tha
last is exceptionally good value.
Closing out Tapestry and Chenille Table and
Piano Covers, too. Read the prices: Tapestry
Covers, one yard square, 50c each; Chenille
Covers, one yard square. 75c each. Jute Velour
Dining Table Covers. $19 to $13; 822 to $16, all
handsomely embroidered with gold tinsel,
nowest patterns.
Plush Center Piano Covers, $33 to $20; Juts
Velour Ptano Covers, $23 to $20. Also bargains
in Furniture Coverings and UpbosteriDg ma
terials, embroidered Swisses for Sash Curtains,
Colored Madras; a large tableful of odds and
ends, all at very low prices.
table in first aisle near entrance to the Cloak
Room. Great mark downs in Remnants and
odd lengths of fine All Overs, Flouncings,
Edges, French Bands, Yoking Alaterials and
White Good at about one-balf price.
DRESS TRIMMINGS Galoons, Braid Trim
mings, Bead Ornaments, Ee?d Gimps, Tinsel
Galoons, all to be closed out thl week.
The nicest and best fitting garments and
largest assortment.
Here are some prices on muslin and cambric
nnderwear: Mulin corset covers, 20c up; cam
bric 25c; mnslin chemise. 25c np; muslin draw
ers, with clnster tncks. 25c; skirts, with cam
bric ruffle, 50c; chemise, pompadour shape,
with lace front and edged with lace, only 50c;
also, with tncked yoke and embroidered ede,
only SOc: plain sacque night gown, with tuck
and cambric ruffie around neck and sleeves,
only 50c: skirts, with full cambric ruffle and
tuck above ruffle, at 50c; with cambric ruffla
and embroidered edge, at 75c Onr 93c gowns
are equal to many sold at $1 25, for trimming
and finish and material. Fine chemises from
$1 to S3 each In fact, complete assortment ot
finest lace trimmed sets, equal to any made In
eleeanre of finish.
WRAPS AT HALF PRICES in our large new
cloak department. Special bargains in seal
plush garments. See out real Alaska seal
coats at 5125. Real Alaska seal mantles, plain
and fur trimmetLatSIOOeach. These are re
liable and fine garments that will give satis
factory wear, and not job lots of inferior qual
ity. Elegant Paris long clnth garments at less
than co-t. Our entire stock of ladies' suits and
dresses. Including finest Paris costumes, away
below cost.
By all means come to this great January bar
gain sale this week.

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