Newspaper Page Text
nWF? y,W THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, -JANUARY 23, 1889. rwr'rv?. AS AWFUL TANGLE For Justice to Unravel in the Case of a Contracting Official. C0BA0P0LIS TO THE FRONT AGAIN "With a Test Case as to Whether a School Director May Dicker. WILL HIS ALLEGED LIABILITY. PAN OUT Judge Gripp will to-day at least he has promised give his opinion on a case that is of interest to all officials who have an am bition to serve in public office and at the same time make money by contracting. The title ot the suit is Porter & Kelty versus the Board of School Directors of the borough of Coraopolis, and the affair has become in volved in a considerable snarl, and the re sult of the suit may possibly be the stepping stone to nnother. The history of the case is this: The borough of Coranpolis has been fol lowing the command given in the 28th verse of the first chapter of Genesis, and in con sequence it has been found necessary to eu- ; large its school facilities twice in the past four years. The last enlargement was made last summer, when a new building was added. The School Board let the contract to a man named Caler. Caler sub-let the contract for the stone and brickwork to Johnston & "Whalen. Johnston & Whalen let the contract lor layine the brick to Porter & Kelty, the plaintiffs in this case. J. S. Cook, Esa., represented the plaintiffs, and C. E. Cornelius, Esq., the defendant. LIKE A DOG'S TAIL. Soon after the work began people began to wag their heads, and it was whispered, not that the directors had founi "a nigger in the woodpile," but that they had found a director among the contractors who were building their new house. Complications were predicted, and they finally were real ized, when the suit was entered. Porter & Kelty, it is alleged, failed to get their pay from Johnston & "Vhalen, and when they began to spear around they found that John ston was a member of the board of directors, and the plaintiffs take the cround that, when dealing with Johnston, they were dealing with the board. Porter said in his testimony that Johnston did not in the deal allow him (Porter) to know that he (John ston) was a sub-contractor, but left the im pression that the board was a party to the contract. The only mistake that the board commit ted seems to consist in the fact that it had inadvertently let the contract before the money to pay for the work had been se cured. On a former occasion school BONDS HAD BEES' DISSOLVED, and after last year's contract had been made it was discovered that the limit of school in debtedness had been about reached, unless the taxpayers saw fit to allow the needed en largement. So a special election was held, and, ere the matter had been passed upon, the board informed Porter that he had bet ter not co on with his work until the money was granted, as there was a possibility the election might fail. The plaintiff claims this to have been a virtual acknowledgement of his claim., and, as he cannot get it from Johnston, he pro poses to make all the members come up to the rack. Here is the section of the school la which is now being fired at S. B. John ston's head. It is section 17 of the act of May 11, 1862, P. L., page 475: That it shall not be lawful for an v director nr .president of any school board In this Common wealth to be interested in the furnishing of books or any otner supplies for said school. A SDBURBAX UIPEOVEILEXT. Ronp Street Bridge to be Erected by tbe Pennsylvania Railroad. At a meeting of the Committee on Public "Works yesterday afternoon an ordinance compelling owners of abutting property on streets on which public sewers have been constructed to make connection with the same, was referred to a committee con sisting of Messrs. Wightman, Ford and McCurry. A communication was also received from Chief Bigelow in reference to the resolution directing him to notify the Pennsylvania Bailroad to erect a bridge at Eoup street. Chiet Bigelow recommended that Councils amend the ordinance recently passed for the grading, paving and curbing of Eoup street so as to include that portion of the Etnt over which the railroad passes. The Election Case Goes to Court. The hearing of the Bussell-Binder Coun cilmanic election case was concluded yes terday before Commissioner Young, and it will go to court now as soon as possible. AT COST AND LESS. Carriage, Sleigh Robes and Traveling Rugs. Wool robes at $1 CO, $2; English rugs at S3, 54 50, $6 50, $9; plush robes at $3 50, $4 50, $7; finer, 510 50 to 510, 516 50 to 512, 535 to 20. A few wolf and goat robes cheap to close them out. Hen's goods department. JOS. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Valuable Information. When we have something which we think will interest the clothing buyers of Pitts burg we like to tell them of it We don't come out with a splurge six times a week and tell of the marvelous bargains we sell, but occasionally (through the medium of the press) we give the public valuable in formation and quote bargains, and when we do, depend upon it that it's bona fide and true in every particular. We have a larger stock on hand for this time of the year than we ever had before, and we want to reduce it We've got the goods. You have got the money. We've got to make it an object for you to buy, and a big one at that See ? Por three day3 only we offer all our fine suits and overcoats, now selline: at 528. 525 520, bunched in one lot, at the unheard of low price of 515. Fifteen dollars buys as good a suit as anybody wants to wear, and $15 just now gives you your choice of any overcoat we sold for 528, 525, 520. This offer for three days only at the P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. In Oar cal RoomTo-Day Read the Prices One Alaska seal newmarket, full length, at $200, about half price: a few odd sizes in seal wraps at 850 to 885; handsome seal wraps, plain and trimmed in black lynx, at 5100, were 5150. One seal coat at 875. A lull assortment new seal coats at 8125, best value ever offered. "Very low prices on our remaining stock of shoulder capes, in Rus sian sable, mink, seal, ermine, Persian lamb, astrakhan, marten. We must reduce this entire stock at once. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. The Pittsburg Female College Annonnces January 29 as the third term and the beginning of last half of academic year. Thb is an excellent time for pupils to enter for a good half-year's work in any department they may select. The location is eligible for all, Eighth street, comer of Penn avenue. The rates are very moderate. Call or send for information to A. H. Nr cross, D. D., President, Pittsburg, Pa. WS Specials In Lace Curtain Room. Extra width and length lace curtain 3) yards long and 2 yards wide, at 2 25, 82 50, 82 75 and 83 00: 4 yards long and 2 yards wide, at 83 25 and 85 00. Very choice styles. Only one needed for a window. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S, Penn Avenue Stores.. CAStt paid for old gold and iilver at sttttl't, 2to. B5 Pifth. artnuc wren FAIK FANNY WAS ILL, And So a Great Gathering of People at the Opera Honio Hnd to bo Turned Away la Disappointment. An angry shade of disappointment swept over the countenances of theatergoers last evening when they came to the Grand Opera House entrance to find an announcement placarded that Miss Fanny Davenport was ill and could not appear. Some philosoph ically accepted as a plaster for their wound, the further announcement that tiokets would be exchanged for any other night of the week that suited holders convenience. Mr. "Wilt stated that Miss Davenport had not been feeling altogether well, and he feared that she had taken cold on Mon day night, as she sat in a draft for some time, the draft being caused by the carpen ter's door being left open. He said he had it shut as soon as he discovered it, but ap parently too late, but expressed the opinion that she would be on the boards to-night. At the Anderson Hotel Mr. Melbourne McDowell, of the Davenport company, stated that Miss Davenport was too severely indisposed to be seen, and that the doctor had given orders that she be kept quiet, or she might be sick for some time. Mr. Mc Dowell said that Miss Davenport had been overworked of late, and had reached a point where fatigue, combined with cold, had made it necessary to economize her strength. WHAT DID ME. AVERT MEAN? Rev. -G. W. Jenkins Explains Ills Views of a Provision of That Will. Eev. G. "W. Jenkins, of the Merrill M. E. Chapel, called at this office yesterday to say that he had not meant any reflection upon "his opponents in the contest for what he believed his church people entitled to out of the proceeds of the Charles Avery estate. He had simply desired that nobody should think he was neglecting the interests of his charge. Candidly, after reading the will, he did not believe the late benefactor, Mr. Avery, meant any one church organization when he left a bequest "to the African M. E. Churches" of the two cities. That term, he thought, meant all M. E. Churches com posed of African members. Moreover, the beqnest specified that it was to aid the colored church, and surely that could not mean one wing of such churches. THE MEMBERSHIP IKCSEASING. Annnal Election of Officers of the Engineers Society At the annual meeting of the Engineers' Society last night the yearly reports showed a membership of 370. There were 5 deaths and 25 resigned and 1G had been stricken from the roll of membership. The election of officers for the ensuing year followed and resulted: For President, John A. Brashear; Vice Presi dent, two years, A. E. Hunt; Directors, two years, William Metcair and Max J. Becker; Secretary, one year, S. M. Wickcrsham; Treas urer, one year, A. E. Frost New members elected W. V. Snaw, A. G. Shaw, H. C. E. Hunt, G. H. Baxter and H. T. De Pny. THE PLUCKI OLIVERS. Their Firms Fast Getting There With Grcnt Payments to Creditors. The fourth annual installment of the ex tension indebtedness of Oliver Bros. & Phil lips and the Oliver & Roberts "Wfre Com pany, Limited, will be paid at maturity, February L The amount, including inter est at 6 per cent, is 306,058 85. This leaves but one more payment to be made by these firms. Mourned by Grocers.. The remains of the late Hugh "Wood will be taken to Tarentum on Thursday for in terment. Mr. "Wood was the Treasurer of the Betail Merchants Association of Brad dock, and that bodymet last night and took suitable action on his death and made preparations for attending the funeral. More Gas Wells Near Wllklnsburg. The Turtle Creek Gas Company has erected a derrick along the Greensburg pike, on the Montgomery farm, two miles east of "Wilkinsburg, and will commence to bore for gas in a lew days. They have leased a large amount of territory in that district, and will put down a number of wells. Special Underwear Sale To-Morrow. Ladies and children's underwear Chil dren's union suits, Cartwright & Warner's, at $1 25 (from S3 and 54 50) Wool vests and drawers at 75c, from SI 25; wool night wrappers, ?1 50, from 52 50. Come early. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S. Penn Avenue Stores. Valuable Information. When we have something which we think will interest the clothing buyers of Pitts burg we like to tell them of it. We don't come out with a splurge six simes a week and tell of the marvelous bargains we sell, but occasionally (through the medium of the press) we give the public valuable infor mation and quote bargains, and when we do depend upon it that it's bona fide and true in every particular. We have a larger stock on" hand for this time of the year than we ever had before, and we want to reduce it We've cot the goods. You have got the money. We've got to make it an object for you to buy, and a big one at that. See? For three days only we offer all our fine suits and overcoats, now selling at S28, 525, S20, bunched in one lot, at the unheard ol low price of ?15. Fifteen dollars buys as good a suit as anybody wants to wear, and 515 just now gives von vour choice of any overcoat we sold "for 528, 525, 520. This offer for three days only at the P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. The January Sale Strikes the Heavy Cur tains And portieres to-day see the half prices now finest Velour and Shiela curtains in cluded; also the tapestry and Velour and plush table and piano covers. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COLLEGE East End. Pittsburg. Second term opens February L 1S89. Dilworth Hall is ready for occupancy and will accommodate a larger num ber of students. Apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETREAU. President. jaS-48 ELECTIONS. ELECTION-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there will be a eeneral meeting of the stockholders or the Pittsburg Ramie Manufact uring Company on MONDAY, February 1L 1889, at 730 o'clock p. M., at the oflice of Geo! R. Shidle, No. 417 Smlthfield street, Pittsburg, to elect a Board or Directors, make by-laws and transact such other business as may be neces sary. FRANK W. SMITH, Attorney lor Com pany "ja-23-7.w NOTICES. THE NATIONAL HOD CARRIERS NO. 1 of Pittsburg, will demand S2 50 on and alter MAY 1, with the same system. ALEXANDER BARBOUR EMANUEL CORBIN, President Secretary. ja23-84-ws COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, I Pittsburg, January 18, 1S89. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WJXL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to-wit: Wednesday, January 23. W. Elizabeth. Mc Keesport, First, Second and Third wards and McCandless township. Thursday, January 24, Braddock, First, Sec ond and Third wards, ElizaDeth, Chartiers and W. Liberty boroughs. Friday, January 25, First, Second and Third wards, MiUvale borough and Forward town ship. Saturday, January 28, O'Hara and Union townships. Monday, January 23, Findley, N. Fayette, Robinson and Collier townships. Tuesday, January 29. S. Fayette, Ohio, Penn, Plnm and Pine townships. Wednesday, January 30, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh wards, Allegheny City. Thursday, January 81, Seventh. Eighth, Twelfth and Thirteenth wards, Allegheny City. By order County Commissioner, JtlWO P. W, BIEBERT, Cleric M3Display advertisements one dollar pa square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents jper line for-each inser tion, and none taken for ess than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning': Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE D1S- rATCII. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35u9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 21th street and I'enn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER 4 SHEIBLER, 5th av. & Atwood St. 60OTII6IDE. JACOB SPOHJJ. No. 2 Carson street. CUAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 59 Federal street. McBRIDE BROS.. Federal and Ohio streets. FKEDH. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS SON', Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKKY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny avea. WANTED HELP. Olnle ITclD. -TrjANTED-AN EXPERIENCED COACH V V MAN: none other need apply. I. B. MOKE- LAND, 6100 Penn ave. lal9-27 WANTED-A BRIGHT, INTELLIGENT BOY of about 15 years old, as bell boy. Apply PITTSBURG CLUB from 8 to 10 A. M. Ja23-19 TTT-ANTED SUPERINTENDENT, SALARY ,1,800; $1,500 cash required, controlled by himself; references. Address OTIS, Box 12, Station D, New York. ja23-37 "TTT-ANTED-KXFERIENCED STOCK-KEEP-V ERlna wholesale notion and ladles1 fur nishing goods bouse. Address, with reference, X. P. C Dispatch office. ja23-21 WANTED - AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, etc : sells at sight. Inquire after 3r.M WM. SEMPLE, JR., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. del6-9-D Trr ANTED-AGENTS AT ONCE, FOR THE V best household article made; stands and sells on its merits; agents make good pay: secure a good chance at once. L. S. GAY. No 64 Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ja22-4S-MTUWSSU TTT-ANTED AGENTS - GENTLEMEN OU V lady canvassers for Pittsburg, Allegheny and suburban towns, to sell on commission, lava tor, a laundry article, readily sold with good prof it. Apmy oeiwecu v ana iu o'ciock a. m., at li. HOLT 1ZJU.AJM IAN & SONS, 35 Sixth St., Pittsburg. Pa. JalG-1 TJANTED-MAN TO TAKE THE AGENCY TV of our safes: size 28x18x18 Inches: weight 5C0Ibs.; retail price 855: other sizes in proportion. A rare chance and permanent business. These safes meet a demand never before supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by the safe pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. seS-p92-ws TTTANTED-A LIVE CANVASSER IN EACH V town to sell a commercial specialty, popnlar and of longstanding. Large commission. Quick sales. No capital required. Inqulrethe commer cial standing of our house. Established 1866. Write for particulars, inclosing 2-cent stamp. THE REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS CO., Dayton. O, Ja23-3-OD Female Ilclo. TTTANTED AN EXPERIENCED FEMALE V nurse. Address W. A. C, Dispatch office. Ja23-99 ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED ENGLISH woman for laundress and to assist with chamber work: best of wages: reference required. Address P. O. BOX 64, Allegheny, t'a. Jal9-35 TTTANTED AN EDUCATED LADY OF YV business abilities, not under 20: must come wen recommended: S3 per week, call after 1 p.m., Wednesday. surEKlNTENDENT'S OFFICE, Room 11, 547 Liberty st. jai-ii TTTANTED-ATONCE, A GIRL TO DOCHAM V V BER work and sewing, kitchen and pantry girls, 100 house girls, cooks, chambermaids, nurse girls, cooks for hotels and boarding bouses, MRS. MEEHAN, 545Grant St. Ja21-D Illalo and Female flelu. WANTED-LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO engage in an easy, paying business at home; can work daytime or evening and make-SOc; to ?2 per hour; sure thing; sample and complete Instructions sent free. Address, WORLD SUPPLY' CO.. Rutland, Vt. )a3M10 WANTED-SITDATI0N8. TTT-ANTED-SITUATTON BY YOUNG MAN V Just out of retail grocery business: thor oughly experienced In handling and running flrn class store; best reference. Address GROCER, Dispatch office. Ja23-20 WANTED PARTNERS. TTT-ANTED-A COMPETENT BUSINESS MAN TV to take an active partnership interest In a large manufacturing business, fully established and making money; capital required lrom ? 10. 000 to 320,000; a first-class business and a thoroughly reliable firm. Particulars confidentially from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avcnue,Fltts bnrg. )al9-21-MW8 WANTED ROOIIIS. HOUSES. -TTTANTED-BY APRIL I, SHOWROOM ON V first floor on good business street; would rent one-half of largo room with first-class party. Address SHOWROOM, Dispatch office. de,-f33 TT7-ANTED-TOP FLOOR OF SOME Bllir.l- V ING, centrallv located, suitable to hp. con verted Into two or three large rooms; lease to run two to five years. Address or call at ROOM 11, 3d floor. 543 V ood street. Ja23-13 WANTED BOARDING. TTTANTED-BOARDING-FOR A fJP.NTI.VI. vv a MAN and two boys; nrlvatefamllvti referred: references given. Address, with location and terms, J. E. C, No. 57 Third avenue, Pittsburg. Ja23-14 WANTED FINANCIAL. TTrANTED-KENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- VV LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a28-a29-D TT7-ANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN YV in sums to suit, at 4, 5 and 6 per cent. GRAEBING & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6l-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over $4,000; 4 per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVEBiCO., 92Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D TTTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT TV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Jal9-Sl TTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON PITTSBURG, VV Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate, at lowest rates, in large or small amounts. ALEXANDER ALEE, 313 Wood st. Jal9-3-MWS WANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount; lowest rates or Interest and commis sion. PITTSBURG CO., LIMITED, Real Estate and Insurance, 13S Filth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-91-D TTTANTED-ALL KINDS OF COLLECTING VV done. W. J. KLINGENSM1TH, Insurance and Commission Agent, rents collected, 33 North Diamond St., Allegheny, Pa.; prompt remittances made. Ja23-31 WANTED TO LOAN S500,000. IN AMOUNTS of $3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4 percent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D WANTED-PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS TO sell, houses to rent, rents and accounts to collect: personal attention andprompt settlements guaranteed. THOS. MCCAFFREY, Notajy Pub lic, 3509 Butler street. fel2-kl6-w TTT-ANTED-TO LOAN 5200,000 ON MORT- VV GAGES; ?100 and upward at 6 per cent; 5K, 000 at 4.4 per cent on residences or business Jroperty: also in adjoining counties. S. H. HEN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D W ANTED-MORTGAGES-!l,000,000TOLOAN on cltv and suburban nronertles at 4H. Sand 6 per cent, and on iarms In Allegheny jnd adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect In both cities. We give special attention to repairs, taxes. Insurance and man agement of properties: Itemized accounts, inonth lysettlements. PITTSBURG CO., Llm., 138 Fifth avenue. Real Estate and Insurance. jal-94-D TTT-ANTED ALL HOTEL AND SALOON V V keepers to know that now Is the time to file all applications and bonds for liquor licenses. Get all papers properly made out bvTHOS. MC CAFFREY, Notary Public, 3509 Butler st. Have all the blank forms on hand; office open evenings. Ja9-6l-wssu WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-EVERVBODY TO CALL AND see our Hue ol photos and crayons; lowest prices for fine pictures. STANFORD CO.. 68 Federal st. Jaz3-93-wssu "VTTANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW "THE VV ELITE" GALLERY. 516 Market St.. Pitts burg, Pa., will make cabinets for fl 00 per doz. until May 1, 1889; nse elevator. Jall-Ssl-wssu WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and tllver, that be can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 5J0 bmlthfleld st. nOll-MWFBU WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 98 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, ererybodyto know that he Is making fine cabinets at fl 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. zahl3-k27 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. W: ANTED TO EXCHANGE -VALUABLE Kansas and Cnlnrailo land to exchange fur merchandise, town or city property In Pennsyl- vanla. Address G. ia23-2 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE.. City Residences. FOR SALERUUICON ST., NEAR ROBERTS, Mt. Washington. S-room cottage house in good condition: price $300, half cash J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond St. lot nuxioo. ja-117 TTIOR SALE NO. 49THIRD AVENUE, ABOVE V and near Ferry street: lot 25x90 ft., with a brick dwelling o!8 rooms; cheap if sold at once. W. A. HEREON &SONS, SO Fourthavenue. Ja20-59-MWF FOR SALE 6-ROOMED BRICK DWELLING, finished attic, good cellar, on Granville street, near Eleventh ward schoolhoueilot 20x110: price SVJOO; very cheap. GEO. SCHMIDT, 158 Fourth ave. Jal8-4I-18,20,21.23.26,Z7,2),ai FOR SALE-AT S3.SOP A DESIRABLE RESI DENCE, brick house, 6 rooms, finished attic, late conveniences: lot 20X100 reet: Bedford near Fulton st.: terms very easy. W. A. IIERllON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. jal8-58-MWF TTIOR SALE VALUABLE PENN AVE. I? property at a bargain: one 2-storvbr. dwell ing 7 rooms, and one 2-storv br. dwelling 6 rooms and storeroom: terms to suit; lot 24x100 to alley. J. a REILLY, 77 Diamond St. . ja20-117 TTIOR SALE-CORNER WYLIE AVENUE AND 1' Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic; lot 20x80 feet: low price and easy terms, in- quire at UK1U1AN1A SAVINGS Wood street. de6-198-ws FOR SALE-(99) FORBES STREET, $8,000: IN VESTMENT or home, near Giststieet: lot25v liO, with a substantial 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 9 rooms, hall, bath, range, gas, etc.. on front, and a good 4-room frame dwelling on rear facing Ann street: must be nold at once: terms to suit. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. Ja23-16-wrs TTIOR SALE-AT A VEBi GREAT BARGAIN JP onlv 86,500 if sold at once; lot fronting Butler St.. Eighteenth ward. 145 by about 600 feet deep, containing about 2 acres or ground, on the front of which is erected4 dwellings, 2 bricks of 6 rooms each and two frames of 6 rooms each : price made low so that sale may be effected quickly, as the owner has permancntlv removed from the city. W. A. HERKON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jal8-53-MWF East End Residences. FOR SALE-VERY NICE EIGHT-ROOM house on Atwood street. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. Ja22-17 F lOR SALE-10-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON Ross st.. between Third and Fourth aves. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt, 62 Fourth ave. Ja21-17 FOR SALE-EAST END, PITTSBURG, COR. of two good streets: lot 111x200ft.; hou6e8 rooms, etc. : price 83,000. A. D. WILSON. 55 Fed eral st Allegheny. Ja22-36-WFS FOR SALE SEVERAL DESIRABLE AND very line residences fronting on the streets and avenues of Oakland, Bellefield and Shady side. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt, 62 Fourth avenue. ja21-17 FOR SALE-$3,800-LOMBARD STREET. 7 roomed brick dwelling, with hall, vestibule, sliding doors between parlor and dining room, range, bath, slate mantels, etc.: lot 22x120, with front yard. GEO. SCHMIDT, 158 Fourth ave. laI8-4l-18,20,21,23,26,27,29,31 FOR SALE-THE MOST COMPLETE AND cheapest houses In the market at the price, only 15 minutes from the postofllce In "Coltart Square, " Oakland : terms easy: Immediate pos session. Call at once, W. A. HERRON JtSONS. 80 Fourth avenue. ja23-29 FOR SALE-PENN AVE., BRUSHTON STA TION, new pressed brick dwelling of 15 rooms: hard wood finish, slate mantels, with Im proved fireplaces, laundry with cemented floor; exceptionally low priced: terms to suit; immedi ate possession, bee JNO. F. BAXTER. Agt., 512 Smithtield st. 1a20-46-wssu FOR SALE-NEAR EAST LIBERTY STATION, on a paved street, a handsome new 2-story and attic pressed brick residence, containing!) rooms and bathroom. 2 inside w. c, range, hot and cold water, artificial gas, etc.: laundry in attic; this is a corner property; well sewered, and a special bargain. BLACK & BAIItD. 95 Fourth avenue. j20-104-21,23,25.26,29,31 FOR SALE (99)-BEN VENUE PLACE E. E.. elegant, modern 6tyle new two-story and mansard and pressed brick dwelling, containing 9 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, stationary tubs, double parlors, sliding doors, slate mantels with cabinets, tile hearths, very fine crystal chande liers, gas, etc.; entire dwelling handsomelv fapered and decorated throughout: lot 50x120. Pet: four minutes from P. K.R.statlon. SAMUEL w. UL.A.VU. & CO., 89 Fourth ave. Ja23-16-WFB FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN, ROCP ST., Queen Anne frame dwelling of 11 rooms: re ception hall and bathroom: bay windows full height of house: triple windows In library and room above: ample closets and china cupboard; artificial and natural gas; good cellar with laun dry having stationary tubs and stove; hot and cold water; front and rear porches; lot 421169 to a 20-foot alley: good stable on rear of lot; terms easy. nLLa.ii., no f ounn aye. J a20-126-23, 25, 26, 28, 30 FOR SALE-10,SOO-IF SOLD AT ONCE-A new two-story and attic frame dwelling of 7 rooms and 3 finished attic rooms, vestibule, al- f Vove In reception hall, bevel-edged plate glass in raooi r of vestibule, hardwood mantels, wlfhbeantl cabinet havinff magnificent bevel-edircd class In parlor and dlningroom, Wlllman brass grate In parlor and nickel grate In dlningroom, tile hearths and facings, bathroom finished in hard wood, and has marble-top washstand, tub and w. c. laundry with stationary tubs, furnace, stained glass win dows in laundry and bathroom, cedar closet on second floor, front, side and rear porches, near near new cable cars and Shadrslde station: large lot: terms to snit purchaser. BLACK BAIHD, 05 Fourth utc. Ja20-125-21,23,25,29,31 AIIeehenyResidences. FOR SALE-ONLY 3,80O IF SOLD QUICK Housc, 7rroms, hall, bath. etc. on Alleghcnv ave.. near Locust St. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. ja22-39 FOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE, 8 ROOMS: ALL the latest Improvements; lot 25x95 feet; situate on Garfield ave.. Second ward, Allegheny. A. D. y ILSON, 55 Federal st. , Allegheny. Ja22-39 FIB SALE-BRICK HOUE, 7 ROOMS, HALL, attic, range, bath, sewrcd, etc.; stable in rear; good corner; lot 20x100 feet: price S5, 300. if sold soon. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St.. Alle gheny. Ja22-39 F ORSALE-2NEW B1UCK HOUSES IN THE Second ward. Allechenv. near streetcars: all In perfect order: only ?2,20O each: a rare bargain; owner going West. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja23-4 FOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE CONTAINING eight rooms and bath room, No. 161 Shef field st., Allegheny: lot 20x124ft. to Hamlin st.: will be sold cheap, as owner is moving from city. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt., 62 Fourth ave. Ja21-17 FOR SALE-4 NICE NEW BRICK HOUSES IN the Second ward, Allegheny, 6 rooms each, with ball, attic, cellar, natural gas, bath, w.c, etc., etc., M.650 each; very cheap. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja23-4 FOR SALE - NORTH AVE., FRONTING parks, Allegheny City, 2-story brick dwell ing 7 rooms, bath, h. and c. water, nat. and art. gas; everything in first-class order: price low; terms to suit: lot 19x100 to alley. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. Ja.D-117 FOR SALE-2 BRICK HOUSES ON ONE LOT, 20x110 ft. to alley, in Allegheny, near west parks; front house, 9 rooms, slate roof. Inside shutters, bathroom, 2 w. c.'s, nat. gas, cement cellar: rear house, 4 rooms, new roof, good condi tion; (9,000 for all; Immediate possession. BOX 428, city. Jal3-37-MWT FOR SALE-NEW ALLEGHENY CITY RESI DENCE property, brick front, stone steps and trimming, latest style of architecture, 8 rooms, well finished with Till the latest conveni ences; lot 24x90 feet; No. 75 Chestnut St., near Ohio ave.: price, $3,500. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jal8-58-MWP FOR SALE-W.60O-SIX ROOM HOUSE WITH finished attic, press brick front, hall ves tibule, side entrance and handsome stationary mirrors; natural and artificial gas, hot and cold water, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, ce mented cellar. Situated In Second ward, Alle gheny, near street cars. Terms to suit purchaser, BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. Jal9-S8-MWFSSU FOR SALE-ON NORTH AVENUE. ALLE GHEN Y, on parks, a fine brick residence, al most new, with corner lot, 9 large rooms, station ary washstands, hot ana cold water, bath, lava tory, very handsome marble mantels, plate glass windows. Inside shutters, patent grates, natural gas, waits and ceilings throughout designed and beautified with exquisite taste, everything in very elegant order in every particular; one of the most delightful residences In Allegheny. Full particu lars and card of permission to examine property from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue; Pittsburg. Ja23-4 FOR SALE-A HANDSOME RESIDENCE, almost new, with large lot in Second ward. Allegheny, on line of street cars; 10 large rooms, walls and ceilings In superb condition, fine library room, bathaudlavatory, china closet and pantry, marble mantels. Inside shutters, stationary wash stands, with hot and cold water, furnace, regis ters, natural gas, beautiful chandeliers, plate ?;lass windows, laundry, vegetable cellars, every hlng In prime order; large lot 30x139 feet, side en trance, alley in rear. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE &CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Ja23-6-WThS Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-HANDSOME SUBURBAN BRICK residence on P. It, K. Just beyond city line and near station, having ten rooms, doublenalls, bath room, range, hot and cold water, natural gas, together with fine stable and carriage houses; also 2 acres of cround covered with choice trult, flowers; only fll.000; on terms to suit. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Janl6-10-MwF8 TTIOR SALE -NEW HOUSE AND FINE LOT, ! on jteoecca street, UitinsDurg, 3 minutes' walk from railroad station, 6 rooms, natural gas, marble mantels, hall, attic, cellar, porches front and rear, everything new and in perfect order, lot 33x120 feet, side entrance, good water, etc., etc., will be sold at public sale, on Thursday after noon of this week, at 1:30 o'clock, on the premises; take 1 o'clock express train from Union depot, only 17 mlnntes' ride. Particulars rrom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja23-5 FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places in Allegheny county; the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, SDlendldlv finished, and surrounded with wide f verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath- .vuuia. .aid i;iut;u auu natural gas; mere is a good stable and handsomefowlhouse: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice .shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; tbe whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLEXAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue. Knoxvllle borough, Jal9-9 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Suburban Residences. FOR 8ALE-FIVE-KOOM AND FINISHED attic frame house, cor. Dithridge and FIN raoreet., Bellflcld: lot 40x184 ft.; fruit and shade trees: cozy home for small family. GEO. JOHN BTON. Agt.. 62 Fourth ave. Ja21-17 FOR SALE LOTS. CltT Lot FOR SALE-ONLY ax IF SOLD QUICK good building lots 24x120 feet, on Charles St., Mt. Washington, but a short distance from the Monongahcla incline, and only one square from Boges ave.. which Is paved. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 60 Fourth ave. JalS-58-Mwr FOR 8ALE-LOTSI LOTS! LOTS! LOTSI-IN Dickson plan. Thirty-third street. Call and get a choice level lot. They are the best located and most suitable lots now for sale. Prices from 450 to fbOO each. Very easy payments. Buy now before prices go up. First buyers will get a re duction and a prelerence. See plan and get full particulars ofTIIOS. .MCCAFFREY, 3500 Butler street. Office open evenings. Jali-34-ws East End Lots. FOR SALE-ONLY ?70 A FRONT FOOT, IP sold within th next 10 days, lot 50x175 feet, on Thomas st., one of the best locations on the boulevard. East End; tbls Is a bargain. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 60 Fourth ave. Ja23-10-MWF i TTIOR SAT.K-S50 DOWN AND M0 A MONTH JO Kill buy a fine building site at Brushton sta tion. Bank of Commerce addition; this property Is right In the line of ranld Imnrovements dib ana with building restrictions makes it verv deslrablo for a home: no city taxes. Sccureplan from JOHN F. llAX'l KB, Agent, 312 Smlihfield street. Ja20-47-MW Alleshcnv Lots-v FOR SALE-FACING ALLEGHENY PARK from 60 to 100 feet frontage: deep lots to an alley; splendid location for residences or flats: good speculation. SAMUEL. W. BLACK & CO.,99 fourth ave. ta23-16-WFB FOR SALE-CHOICE BUILDING LCI'S ON Fayette St., near Bldwell St., Allegheny; these are the very best lots In the market to-day, and only a few left; call and see about It: terms to suit. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. ta22-37 Hazelwood Lots. FOR SALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS AT nA ZELWOOD, B. & O. R. R.. Twenty-third ward; trains run to station In 10 to 12 minutes; Srlce 1 150 to $300: terms made to suit purchasers. . MCCSICKART, new No. 1010 Penn avenue. no4-h9-ws Suburban Lots. FOR SALE LARGE BUILDING LOTS AT Blssell station, B. 0. B. R.; large forest trees: low price and long time. Inquire at BOOM 8, Blssell block. Jal8-4o-D Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE NEAR McKpesnort and new iras territorv; low nrlra to large works. Inquire at ROOM 8, Blssell block. Jal8-45-D FOR SALE 5IANUFACTURING SITES, on and near Hues of railroad and river and natural gas, in lrom 1 to 10-acre pieces. Get full particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth Avenue,- Pittsburg. ial9-21-Jtws FOR SALE -MANUFACTURING SITE; ONE of the best In the city, near Twenty-fifth St., on Allegheny Valley Railroad: has an Iron clad building on lot 100x120 feet, on long lease; side-track connections with Allegheny Valley Railroad. For all particulars address CARRIER NO. 25, Pittsburg P. O. la3-90-D Farms. FOR SALE-A NICE FARM OF 70 ACRES ON line orrallroad, mile from station; dwell ing and outbuildings, water, orchard. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal9-21-MWS FOR SALE THE FARM OF MRS. A. E. MEYERS in Pine township, situated near Schaler Church, and consisting of 50 acres, with dwelling house, barn and other outside buildings, with good, clear water; price 11,000. For terms and particulars Inquire or G. MARK, No. 109 Smlthfield St., Pittsburg. Jal7-56-D FOB SALE OR TO LET A GOOD FARM: possession at once; at Stoops Ferry, on the line or P. & L. E. H. B., within A minutes walk ot station; handy to all churches and schools: 114 acres of good land, 60 acres cleared: log house of 3 rooms, stable, etc.; good orchard; price only ?50peracre: 21,00Ocash, but to suit purchaser; oil and gas ou adjoining farm: will rent for f 125 per year. Call or address TH05. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st., for particulars. Je9-75-w Miscellaneous. FORSALE-SEENOTICEOF AUCTION SALE ofS33 Fifth ave. in another column. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja23-17 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ON PENN AVE. and Butler and adjoining streets; call or send for Immense list of houses and lots for sale: the Butler st. and Penn ave. cable line commence op erations on or before Dec. 15, fare only 5 cents to Allegheny Cemetery gateon Penn ave., 7 cents to East Liberty: this is official; now is tho time to buy yourseira home, as property in this neighbor hood Is sure to advance after cabin line is running. Be sure and see TII03. MCCAFFREY, the leading agent, 3509 Butler st., before purchasing; office open evenings: telephone 1641-2. no27-y49-ws FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Cnances. TTIOK SALE-LEASE AND FIXTURES OF A X' restaurant: low figures and low rent. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt. 62 Fourth ave. Ja21-17 FOR BALE-CHEAP-FIXTURES AND LEASE of the best flour, grain and produce stand la Allegheny. PRODUCE, Dispatch office. Ja23-23 FOR SALE-BAKERY AND GROCERY; AN old established stand doing a good business. Inquire of P. CLARK, 66 Seventh avenue. Ja22-56 FOR SAL E-A COMPLETE CHEMICAL laboratory: desirable location and low rent. Inquire at ROOM 8, Blssell block, corner Seventh avenue and Smlthfield street. Jal8-45-D FOR SALE-CONFECTIONERY AND ICE cream parlors doing good business; best lo cation In town; low rent: good reasons given for selling. Address 253 FIFrH AVE., McKeesport, Pa. Jaffi-SS F OU SAL E-P5.O0O WORTH OF STOCK AT par, paying 20 per cent: extensive coal works. food small hotel, stores, drug stores, boarding ouses, tea stores, shoe stores, bakeries, con fectioneries, and other business chances. SHEP ARD & CO., 54 Fifth avenue. Ja3 ORSALE-COR.PENNAND THIRTEENTH st. ; lot SuxlOO ft. to Spring ay. : Improved with business houses and dwellings, well rented: tills can be had at a price that will pay as an invest ment, with future enhancement certain. W. A. HERRON & SONS.80 Fourth avenue. Ja20-59-MWF FOR SALE-DRYGOODS AND MILLINERY store on Fifth avenue; a fine stock of dry goods, millinery, trimmings and good will of trade; doing a good paying business; owners want to retire from business. Particulars at PIITSBURG COMPANY, LIM., 133 Fifth ave. J823-2G-WVSU FOR SALE-A GENERAL COUNTRY STOKE in one of the best small towns In the State, on line of three railroads, and the best and oldest stand B the town: a rare opening, business pay ing well, sales nearly $3,000 a month, mostly for cash; satisfactory reasons for selling. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal9-2I-MW8 Business Stands. FOE SALE-8-ROOUED BRICK HOUSE. WITH storeroom and hall entrance, located at 513 Forbes street: lot 21x70; cheap ir sold soon. GEO. SCHMIDT, 158 Fourth ave. JalMl-IS, 20, 21,23, 26, 27,29, 31 FOR SALE-SF.VKRAL VERY FINE PROP ERTIES on Sixth ave., I'enn ave.. Sixth st.. faeventh ave.. Third ave, and on other leading streets and aenues of Pittsburg and Allegheny. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, KtFonrthave.. Ja51-17 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc F lOR SALE-A TEAM OK BAY HORSES, well matched; 7 years old: eood style and ac tion; welcht, 2, 000 lbs. ; price, WW. Can be seen at PATTERSON HOUSE; Columbiana, O. ja23-3S-WP Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles teprtn stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 23 b. p. 23-25 i'arfc way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-02-MWT FOR SALE-28X4S CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen in operation: price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10.000 In in hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, ISO lrirst ave. aul-p32-MWl' F lOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY; one 7Kxl2-lnch double engine, double drum: others down to 4xS-lnch, with single or double inction arums: wire ana manna rope, cemriiugai pumps, etc. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, corner Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. JaI7-MWF Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-ELEGANT SIDEBOARD, VERY cheap: must be sold at once: can be seen at CLEMENCE BAUMKOTTER'S, corner of Third and East St., Allegheny. ja23-34 FOR BALE-2 POOL TABLES AND 1 BIL LIARD table In fine condition; quite new; also the lease and all the fixtures for a saloon; Is in one of the best locations, and Is a very large saloon and accommodation for the same Call or address in the premises G. ALBERTOLETTI. No. 1144 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ja23-97 FOR SALE-THt CHEAPEST SAFES IN THE world, manufactured out or steel plates, itha!lthe modern Improvements, combination Iocs, etc.; highly finished and ornamented. Every house and store should have one lor books, papers, etc.. as wellas money, jewelry, etc. We sell these safes for cash only. No. 3, f20; No. 4, p): No. 5, W, and No. 6. til. Call and see them and be convinced. C. H.LOVE.83 Fourth avenue. Ja23-9-ws PERSONAL. TOERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! XT come and seel come and seel good editions low prices. LEVI'S UOOK STORE, 900 Liberty St. no4-lS PERSONAL YOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time' alive, so be up and make the best of it; see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, tbe Tailor, of 65 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing; give him a trial. Telephone uss, jal TO LET. Allegheny Residences. TO LET 8-HOOM BRICK HOUSE, NO. 39 Chartlcra St.. Allegheny: immediate posses sion. GEO. JOHNSTON, Act., 62 Fourth ave. Ja21-17 TO LET THREE 3-STORY BRICK DWELL INGS on Sheffield st.; contain 8 rooms each, finished in the latest style and have every modern convenience, with or without stables and carriage houses. Applv to J. L. ARNOLD, No. 109 Shef field St., or X. D. WILSON, 65 Federal St.. Alle gheny. Jal9-86-ws TO LET-A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY press brick dwelling bonse 9 rooms, finished attic, laundry, natural gas throughout, heater In hall, all modern improvements, Sherman ave,, Allegheny: also modern improved dwelling, eight rooms. Arch street, near Park way. Apply to ROBERT "KNOX, JR., 17 Sherman ave., Alle gheny City. Jal2-25 Apartments. T iO LET-ONE FURNISHED ROOM. 72 WY- LIE AVE., city. jaa-i Forms. TO LET-DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN Nineteentli ward, near Penn avenue: good dwelling, capacious stabling and plenty of spring water; rent MOO. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third av., Pittsburg. al5-39 TO LET-ISO-ACRE FARM, 5 MINU1ES walk lrom town of Manot, on Penna. It. It., 'Westmoreland co.; 15 acres timber, balance cleared: house, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, eto. CHAS. L. McOUTCHEON. 104 Fourth ave. Jal3-30-MWT TO LET-FARM-AT WALLS STATION, P. H. K.. a well-watered and highly productive farm, consisting of 180 acres ot land, two dwelling houses and other necessary buildings: rent low to good party. Apply to N. MCCLARRAN, Edge wood station. P. R. E. Ja20-lC6-MWS , Offices. Desk Room. Sec TO LET-OFFICES 3M LIBERTY ST., TO AN electrical physician; central location: rent low. Ja23-22 TO LET-(99) -OFFICES AND BUSINESS rooms In best location; call for prices. SAMUEL W. BLACK &. CO., 99 Fourth ave. JalS-28-D mo LET IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, and Seventh avenue. X Smlthfield, Liberty well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JsS-32-D TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood street. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 13 Wood st Jal8-1 TO LET-THE SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS of Diamond National Bank building, corner Fifth ave. ana Liberty St. : the same elegant and well-llgbted rooms formerly occupied by Porter. Donaldson & Co. for wholesale millinery goods. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 6Z Fourth ave.; ia21-17 mo LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. L ine uerinania savings Bank, ta wooaat.. having changed the iuterlorof its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D Business Stands. TO LET-ON LINE OF PENN AVE. AND Butler st. cable roaas first-class storerooms, with or without dwellings. M. P. HOWLEY. 3819 Butler street. U15-2S TO LET AN ESTABLISHED DRYGOOD3 and gents' furnishing storeroom: no stock: a splendid opening for the right narty; possession April 1. Inquire at 608 WOOD ST., second floor. Ja23-98-ws TO LET-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED DRY GOODS and carpet stand. In one of the best manuiaciuring towns in western ira.; oest loca tion and best room In town: a splendid opening for a live man. Address BOX 322, Beaver Falls, Pa. Ja23-9Q-23,26,fe2 TO LET THE ELEGANT STOREROOM, with plate glass front. No. 2S7 Ohio St., Alle gheny, at present occupied by W. J. Stalger as wnoiesaie ana retail coniectionery: one oi me best locations for this line ot business in Alle gheny. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Fifth ave. TO LET-FOUK LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8,000 square feet), for heavy or light manufacturing. In building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue. Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of MR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-MWS rpO LET THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN JL as tbe White House, at Perrysvllle, on the Perrysville plankroad, with 21 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden joining, and every thing in first-class order: long lease Is given to the right party. For further information call or ad dress 1 H E DAN N ER MEDIC1N E CO., 242 Federal st.. Allegheny City. Ja22-21 TO L",EASE. TO LEASE-FOR A TERM OF YEARS, TWO 3-story buildings, corner Fifth ave. and Cherry alley; could be easily remodeled for busi ness purposes; lowrent to desirable parties. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Ja21-17 LOST.i- LOST OR STOLEN ON SATURDAY, JANU ARY 19, a skye terrier, registered, answering to tbe name of John: finder will be rewarded by returning to ST. JAMES HOTEL. Ja23-18 LOST-tlO 00 REWARD, AND NO QUESTION8 asked, for the return of a black pointer bitch, with white feet, white breast, and answering to the name of Darkness. W. G. MACKEY, 6110 Penn avenue. East End. ia20-9-wsn FOUND. FOUND-THE TRUTH I WE SUFFERED untold agonies! Dr. Griffith's Ta-va-zon Remedies cured us when all other means failed, and they will cure you; try them: Mrs. G.C.Fink.Fox burg, Pa.; Mrs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes St.; Thos. Keele, Mt. Washington; D. W. James, B. & O. R. II., city, and thousands of others: see testimonials. GKlBFITH'S DRUGSTORE, Third and Grant, Pittsburg; Ta-va-zon L. C. Syrup, the best for coughs, colds, etc. Ja32 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR 3.6-INCH STEEL CAN NON f orgings Ordnance Office, War De partment, Washington, January 16, 1883. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M. on THURS DAY, JANUARY 31, 18S9. at which time they will be publicly opened, for supplying the Ord nance Department, U. S. Army, with 2 sets ot Steel Forgings, of American manufacture, ror 3.6-inch experimental field cannon. All infor mation can be had upon application to 8. V. BENET, Brig. Gen., Chier of Ordnance. ja20-m PROPOSAL FOR LOCK GATE TIMBER United States Engineer Office, Cincinnati, O., January 10, 1889. Sealed proposals, in dupli cate, for furnishing white oak timber ror the gates or tho ice-harbor lock, at Marietta, O., will be received at this office until noon, local time, on THURSDAY, the 21st day or February, 1889. All information furnished on application. Tbe attention of bidders is invited to the Acts of Congress approved Feb. 28, 1885, and Feb. 23, 1887. WM. E. MERRILL, Lieut. Col. of En gineers. ja23-l-23.24,23,28,Iel5,16 TO CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Office of the ) boaitd of public impkovemets, St. Louis, January 8, 1889. ) Sealed proposals for the public work hereinafter mentioned will be received at the office of the Board of Public Improvements of the City or St. Louis, Mo., until 12 M. or the 28th day or February, 1S89, at which hour they will be publicly opened and read, viz. : For lighting with electricity ror the term of ten years rrom January 1, 1890, the streets, public places and such public buildings as may be desig nated in the following districts orthe City orst. Louis, Mo., viz.: Letting No. 2,503. The district described as the southern district In ordinance numbered 14,697, ap proved December 29, 1883. f Deposit required; fo,0CO. Letting No. 2,504. Thedtstrlct described as the northern district In ordinance number 14,697, ap proved December 29. 1883. Deposit required, 15,000. Bidders will state prices per annum at which are Hghtsor2,000-caudle power each, or incandescent lights, of 30-candIe power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained, for lighting streets and fiublle places: also prices per annum at which arc Ights, of 2.000-canale power each, or Incandescent lights, of lS-candle power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained for lighting public build ings. Everything required for the above electric light ing shall be furnished and maintained by the con tractor. The contract with the cltv will carry the nrlvil- ege or furnishing electricity for light and power to private parties and corporations along the lines of distribution. The contract will contain stipulations by which the City of St. Louis may acquire the entire elec tric plant and appurtenances at the expiration of the contract. Itlfttlova Vnnat inhmlt nrl.t, ... i.A.a1 and detailed plans and specifications of the pro posed system of distributing the electricity, mode of supporting tbe lights and wires, and of safety appliances. Proposals must be made on blank forms and In closed in envelopes furnished by the Board of Public Improvements. The certificate of the Treasurer orthe City of St. Louis that the sum of (5,000 has been deposited In the treasury must be inclosed with tbe proposal. The right to reject any or all proposals is ex pressly reserved. Specifications, form or contract and plans of the districts to be lighted, may be seen at the office of the President of the Board of Public Improve ments of the City of St. Louis, on and after Janu ary 28, .889. Any contract let hereunder will require the ap proval orthe Municipal Assembly by ordinance. By order or the Board. HENRY FLAD, President. Attest: EMORY S. FOSTER. Jall-22 Secretary. -I EO. H. BARBOUR, VT CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Deslgnerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 63 Eisner Building, , nel2-k68-B 64 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg: OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Department of Public Works, 1 PrrrsBUBG. Pa., January 16, 1889. JTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 report of Viewers on the opening ot array avenue, from Wilklns avenue toForbes avenne has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief or Department or Public Works. ja!648 Department of Public Works. J Pittsburg, Pa., January 16, 1838. S NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the assessment tor the gTadingand paving of Natrona alley, from Stanton avenne to Fifty-second street, is now ready for examina tion and correction, and will remain in this office ror ten (10) days, after which it will be returned to the City Treasurer for collection. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department or Public Works. jalM6 DEPARTMENT OT CHARITIES. s. 889. J BE RE Ptttsburo. Pa.. January 15. 1889. OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- LJ CEIVEDat the office of the CitvCon troller until FRIDAY, January 23, 1889, ror the furnishing or the Department or Charities with one light ambulance, or the build and style or the one now in use by the Homeo pathic Hospital or this city, all material used to be or tbe best quality, subject to the inspec tion ot the Chief or this department. This bid mnst include similar outfit and appliances now in nse in the ambnlance referred to. All in formation furnished at office of Department of Charities. Probated bonds in double the amount of bids are required, and must be probated before the City Clerk or Mayor. The Department ot Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. R. C. ELLIOT, Chief or the Department or Charities. ja!6-7-D Department of Public Works, Pittsbttro, January 17, 1889. J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office or City Controller until Saturday. January 26, 1889. at 2 o'clock p. M., for furnishing and delivering two cylin der heads, also one wronght-iron crank, for Brilliant pumping station. A. V. R. R. For furnishing and erecting; at Hiland res ervoir one set heavy ornamental steps, cast iron risers and tread, steps to be sixteen (16) feet wide and separated by ornamental wronght-iron hand rail; also, for furnishing forty-eight (48) lawn seats, eqnal to design shown in Van Dora's illustrated catalogue, plate Nos. 499 and 522; bidders ror same to furnish designs and specifications. All proposals must be accompanied by bonds in double the amount or the estimated cost, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. For specifications and any other information apply at the office of Superintendent of Water Supply andDistribotion. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief or Department or Public Works. jalS-22-D Department of Public Works, Pittsburq, January 16, 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Viewers' reports on the construction or sewers on Mulberry street.from crown between Fourteenth street and Fifteenth street to Fif teenth street; Spring alley, from Sixteenth street to Fifteenth street; Center avenne and Barton street from Wallingford street to Two Mile Run sewer; Station street and Larimer avenue, from the Pennsylvania Railroad to Everett street; Larimer avenue, from the first crown north ot Meadow street to Everett street; Dresden alley, from Firty-second street to McCandless street; Selby alley, lrom South Eighth street to South Ninth street; Natrona alley, from Firty-third street to McCandless street, and Fifteenth street, from Liberty ave nue to the Allegheny river have been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the1 Conrt of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chier of Department of Public Works. jaltM6 TAXPAYERS' HOTICE. Office of the Board of Assessors, l Ptttsburo, Pa., January 17, 1889. f Valuations upon property in the Third, Fifth, Nineteenth, Twenty-first Twenty-second and Twenty-fifth wards have been completed for the triennial assessment or 1889. Appeals may be made as follows: Third, Fifth, andTwenty second close January 23, at 4 v. 31.; Nineteenth Twenty-first and Twenty-fifth close January 26, 4 P. M., upon forms furnished with tran scripts, which can be had at once upon per sonal application, or by letter or postal card. All orders for transcripts now on file will be mailed at earliest possible moment. All ap peals must be probated at this office. Office hours from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M. Attention is called to Section 23 of the new charter, which provides that "The Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for city purposes at its actual cash valne: provided, that no property shall be assessed for a less amount than the price paid for at the last re corded sale." By order of Board. FRANK P. CASE, PHILIP HOERR. Assessors. JAMESJ.LARKIN, jalS-59 Continued on the Eighth Page. DIVIDENDS. Ben Franklin Insurance Company! or the City of Allegheny, Pa. ALX-EOHENTr. January 9, 18S9. ) DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have this day declared a divi dend or THREE PER CENT (one dollar and fifty cents per share), payable on and after Monday, January 14. 1889. JalO-T WM. A. FORD. Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN than an application will be made to tbe Governor of the State or Pennsylvania od Mon day, February 4, 1889, by Abner U. Howard, S. J. Wainwright, W. H. Niraick, J. a Morrison and J. M. Howard under the Act of Assembly ot the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation ot certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, ror the charter or an intended corporation to be called the "Howard Plate Glass Company, the character and object of which is the manufacture and sale of plate and other articles or glass, and articles of glass in connection with other materials, and ror this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all tbe rights, benefits and privileges or the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. ja9-35-w BUSINESS CHANGES. PlTTSBUBO AND SOUTHERN COAL CO., 1 . (A corporation or West Virginia) PlTTSBTTBO. January 3, 18S9. ) THE SYNDICATE HERETOFORE EXIST ING in connection with the Pittsburg and Southern Coal Co. was dissolved November 30, 18S8, by limitation. The business hereafter will be conducted by the Pittsburg and Southern Coal Co. alone, a corporation of West Virginia, with a paid-up capital of$100,000, at their gen eral office, Rooms 13, 14 and 15, Iron Exchange Building, No. 8 Wood St. JOSEPH WALTON. President. JAMES DICKSON. Secretary. T. H. GIVEN, Treasurer. Vice Presidents: JNO. A. WOOD, SAM'L S. BROWN. ja!8-39-JnvF THE FIRM OF ALLEN KIRKPATRICK it Co., wholesale grocers and seed dealers, was dissolved by the death or Robert A. Kirk Patrick on the 30th or November, 1888, and also by tbe sale by William K. Gillespie or his in terest in said Arm to Allen Kirkpatrick Janu ary 19, 1889. Tbe affairs or said firm will be wound up, and settlement made by Allen Kirk- EaincK at ine oiu piace oi Business, xso. IMS ibert8t, Pittsburg, Pa. ALLEN KIRKPATRICK, AV. K. GILLESPIE. PrrTSBUBO, PA., January 19, 1889. The undersigned have this day associated themselves together as partners nnder tbe fltm name of Allen Kirkpatrick it Co., and will con tinue to carry on tbe business or wholesale grocers and seed dealers at No. 903 Liberty St., Pittsburg, Pa. ALLEN KIRKPATRICK, ALEX. M. SCOTT. January 19. 1889. jal9-l7-p AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE FANNY DAVENPORT, supported by Mr. Melbourne McDowell, LA TOSCA. Week Jan. 28 Hanlon's "Fantasma." ja20-41 B IJOU THEATER- "SHE."' "SHE." Matinee to-day at 2 o'clock- Gillette's big Next week-THE TWO JOHNS. ja22-15 HARRIS THEATER Week commencing January 21. Onlv lour Matinees this week. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. '-THE ROMANY RYE." Next Week "A COLD DAY." ja2I-9 CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF JANUARY 21. Healey and Saunders, Adam Berkes, the White Cap victim, and others. Admission 10 cents. Open rrom 10 A. u. to 10 P.'lf. ja21-4 TTARRY WILLIAMS ACADEMY TO-NIGHT! Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, THE RENTZJ3ANTLEY NOVELTY AND BURLESQUE CO. AUCTION SALES. ASSIGNEES' SALE-IN THE MATTER ot the voluntary assignment ot the Far mers' and Mechanics' Bans of East Birming ham to J. H. Sorg, H. Berg, Jr., and L. a. Cun ningham. No. 432 December Term. 1S8S. And now to wit, December 21, 1888. the within petition pre sented in open court and the prayer thereot is granted and it is ordered, adjudged and de creed that the property within described be sold on the premises on the 31St DAY OF JANUARY, A. D., 1889, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M, And that notice of said sale be given twice a week in two newspapers, one morning and one evening for six weeks prior to said sale, also by i hand bills. By the Court. Pursuant to the authority given us by the above order we will expose to public sale on the premises on THURSDAY. JANUARY 31, A. D., 1889, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A M., the rollowine described property: All those TWO CONTIGUOUS LOTS OF GROUND, each having a width of 20 feet, situate in the City of Pittsburg, together bonnded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Carson street and Eighteenth street and run ning thence along Carson street westwardIT 40 teet; thence northwardly parallel with Eigh teenth street 120 leet to Wright's alley; thence eastwardly along said alley 40 feet to Eighteenth street, and thence southwardly along Eigh teenth street 120 feet to the place or begining. Having erectedthereon two tbree-story build ings, with mansard; one ot which was lately oc cupied by the said bank; the other is a store bmlding. Being tbe same property which Frederick Ibmsen, executor, by deed dated September 6 1871, and recorded in Deed Book, Vol. 339, page 660, conveyed to James McMaster, President and Trustee or Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank 'or East Birmingham. ALSO. ALLTHAT CERTATNLOT OR PIECE OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURG. Bounded and described as follows: Beginning; on the southerly line or Pins street, at a point 66 feet westerly from the western line or land now or late of Josephine Yard. lormerly Jose phine Ormsby: thence westerly along said Pins street 34 reet to line ot land or St. Michael's Church, thence along the line or said land southerly 86.70 feet to the northern line of Gregory street: thence along the line of said street easterly 32 feet, more or less, to the lino of land of Leo Bieger. and along tbe lineot said BIeger"s land northwardly 87 feet, more or less, to Pius street the .place or beginning. Whereon is erected a two-story brick dwelling honse and outbuildings. ALSO, ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL) OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD OF THE CITY OF : PITTSBURG, Bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the line of land now or late of Josephine Yard, formerly Josephine Ormsby. at the dis tance of south 14 15, west 233 14-luO feet from the south line or Piu3 street and on south line or Maple street, continued from Yard's plan; thence along said line south 14 15, west 202 76-100 to line of land of Bishop Tnigg; thence along the same north 75 53'. west 63 reet to Une or land or St. Michael's Church; thence north B47'eastl035-10 feet to lineot Maple street aforesaid, and thence by the southern line of said street easterly 80 feet, more or less, to place ot beginning, comprising ten building lou. All the above property, which is susceptible or division, will be ottered first as a whole and then separately. Terms: One-third cash and the balance in one and two years, secured by tight bond and mortgage, with 30 days' scire raclas clause on. the property sold. J. H. SORG. H. BERG, JR., L. S. CUNNINGHAM, Assignees. de27-3S-27.29,31,ja2.7,9,14.16,21,23,2S.30 GREAT AUCTIOH SALE OP 463 HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES, BY THE Citizens' Traction Company, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1889, At 10 o'clock A. M. Sale to take place at Citi zens' Car Stables, corner Forty-seventh and Butler streets. The above sale will consist ot the following articles: 187 head or geldings, 153 head of mares, 123 bead or mules, 330 sets or harness, large lot or blankets and other stable equip ments. All the above articles will bo sold to the highest bidder. Anyone in need of the above articles will find it to their advantage to attend the sale. No postponement on account of tbe weather. ja20-31 J. A McKELVY, Auctioneer. AUCTION BALE. January 28, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. ir., on tha premises, No. 363 Filth ave., , 2-Story Brick Dwelling,. 8 rooms and finished attic, nat. and art. gas, etc Lot 20x100 feet, with the privilege of buying 20 feet additional. SAMUEL WJ3LACK k CO.; ja23-15 99 Fourth ave. RESORTS. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On tbe beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru ary 9, 1SS9. jal3-72-MWTSu BUCK & McCLELLAN. HOT SPRINGS, N. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. Firsi-class in every particular. Stsam Heat, Open Fires. Porches inclosed in glass, Superb Location. Ideal Climate for ihe debilitated. Baihs in Marble Pools, Finest in America Wafers unexcelled anywhere in curative power or luxury. G. K. LANSING, (Late of Astor House, N. Y.) Manager. Jal5-58-D TO LET. Some of the finest rooms in the cltv for general business purposes at tbe New XUSPATCH building, 75, 77 and 79 Dla mond street. WELL LIGHTED, well ventilated, with con venient passenger and freight elevator; service. SITUATION, the most central in the city within a lew hundred reet of the post offices, (new and old). City Hall, the new county buildings. Fifth avenne. Smith field street and Fourth avenne. PARTIES requiring power service also sup plied, with special quarters and ever; convenience. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam heating and janitor service included In the rents, which are moderate. GREAT advantages and economy in these) new quarters. Apply between II a. M. and 5 p. 31. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 73. 77 and 79 Diamond street: FOURTH AVENUE, Between Wood and Smithfield streets, lots 120 reet deep for sale. SAMUEL W. BLACK oV CO., 89 Fourth ave. ja2&54-TWTS 0 UR SPECIALTY- RENT COLLECTING. SAMUEL W. BLAQK & CO., 99 FOURTH AVE ESTABLISHED 1S7S. de27-23-w3 MCKNIGHT & VICTORY. : TMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Dealers in ' GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, HOSE. 4c, 416 SMITHFIELD STREET. Special attention given to natural gas fitting. Telephone 769. se2J-fl0-MWF D UNCAN C. WHITE, Building Contractor, n uiumonu street. Second door above Smlthfield, Pittsburg. Be4-c23-MWT - XNCORPORATED 1794 THE INSURANCE I COMPANY" OF THE STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA, or Philadelphia. Cash assets J 700.101 00 Losses paid since organization 13,&H,S27C0 GEO. W. DEAN & CO 101 Fourth ave. nol8-rl0-'ws FRESH BUTTER RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K. STEVRNRniNT nn GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES,,- sixth: AVENUE. jae-fle-Wj-J I I .if