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Eatyjws &Fr vFtp w& W- aa" If yon want Board, Rooms, Homes or f&p IWtarcn H5 n ABTTRTiSXyoar bssJaessta THE BIS-V-1 PATCHY -Proojpt retaras UMfti. TT " e - - Help, advertise la THE DISPATCll. Purchasers jean be found for everything offered For bale In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH U the best advertising medium. la Western Pennsylvania. Try It. WANTS are always proasetly responded i wbea advertised la THE BWPATCH. al Estate cane sold tkroasjh advor- eut In THE DISPATCH. FORTy-FOTJHTH TEAE. PITTSBUBG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1889. THEEE, CENTS WWTfW VfSSSHI I ill I The Pittsburg Political Leader is Once More Upon His Native Heath, 'MONTOOTH FOR GOVERNOR, Although General Hastings Would Make au Excel lent Executive. SENATOE BUTAli BETTEB, And Very Confident That He Will be His Own Successor in the Legislature. A YERY TEMPESTUOUS VOYAGE. Quite a Number of Prominent Persons - Gather at the Pier to Meet the Distinguished Tourist DELAHATEE AND THE EIFFEL TWEE Mr. C. L. Magee, Senator Butan and the other members of the party which has been making the tour of Europe, arrived in New York last evening after a rough voyage. In a brief interview, Mr. Magee made some very significant allusions to Major Montooth and General Hastings, with an equally significant silence concerning Mr. Delamater. Senator But an's health has improved, and he will be a candidate for the next Legislature. Chigf Bigelow was among those who were gathered to welcome Mr. Magee to his native land. rPPEOAl. TELEGRAM TO TDK D 16 PATCH. I NewYobk, October 23. C. L. Magce, Esq., the well-known Pennsylvania polit ical leader, landed to-day from the City of Paris, with his wife and sister, after being two months and a half abroad. In com .pany with them -were State Senator Butan and his wife and Mr. George M. von Bonn horst, ex-Chairman of the Allegheny County Bepublican Committee. Senator Butan, who has been seriously ill abroad is greatly improved by the Carlsbad waters, and though disinclined to talk poli tics, he makes no secret of his expectation lhat he will succeed himself in the Senate in spite of any combination which may have been formed in bis absence. The pop ular young Pittsbure leader whom Senator Quay has been actively endeavoring to re tire from politics had quite a delegation of friends to receive him. Any Number of Friends. In addition to his brothers, P. M. and"W. A. Magee, with their families, there were Joshua Bhodes, the head of the Pennsylva nia Tube "Works; E. M. Bigelow, Chief of the Department of Public "Works; A. P. Keating, of Zug & Co.; Hon. A. C. Bobert son, James Smith, of Henry Oliver's big iron firm, all Pittsburgers; James A. Mc DeviU, of Lancaster, who Magee wanted to nominate for State Treasurer in 18SS; Ber nard Biglin, the well-known New York politician, and a number of personal friends at the pier to meet him. Mr. Magee's hearty appearance bespoke how well he had enjoyed the trip abroad. In spite of the rough weather encountered on the voyage home when asked his position in Pennsylvania politics, he said: "Isn't the campaign for State Treasurer about all over but the voting? I am going home in time to vote. I assume there is nothing else left for anyone to do." Kather n Lending Question. "What about Governor next year?" "Well, you know Allegheny county has & home candidate in Major Montooth. I haven't been on the ground all summer, and I don't desire to appear on the scene after three months' absence with a grip sack full of opinions. But of course Allegheny county Bepnblicans will be tor Montooth, and will have no second choice as long as he is a candidate." "What about General Hastings?" "General Hastings is a big broad-gauge man. If he is nominated he will be elected, and he will make as good a Governor of Pennsylvania as either of us have ever seen. Hastings would be a strong candi date." P- "What kind of a candidate would Dela mater make?" Mr. Magee meditated a moment, and then remarked with the air of one who ven tures an opinion which he has thought over for several months: Concerning- Senator Delamater. "I suppose you don't care to have me say Bp anything about the Eiffel tower? No? It v,V a most interesting structure. No one " erer made anything like it that would work successfully." Except his marked compliment to Hast ings and his significant change of topic when Senator Quay's candidate was suggested, Mr. Magee declined to discuss political questions further, pleading that he was three months away from the situation and must wait until he saw his people at home. ., 1 VEBY BOUGH VOYAGE. The Cttr of Paris Sleets With Bad Weather Daring the Trip One More Passen- ger Aboard Than nt the Start. grrCIAL TZXrOEAM 10 TH DISriTCH.1 NEW Yobk, October 23. The City of Paris, upon which Mr. Magee and his party arrived, had a tempestuous passage of 0 days, '6 boar and 22 minutes. Captain wktkiM bad feme hope of eclipsing the record of his queenly ship (5 days 19 hours aud 23 minutes) when he passed Fastnet, but he had to abandon the hope on Thursday when he ran into pretty heavy weather. A regular gale came whooping out oi the northwest and grew in fury as the day ad vanced. It equaled on Friday anything in the way of wind that the veteran commander ever passed through, and lashed up an irregular and uncertain sea. The ship was run at less than half speed dnring all of Friday afternoon-and evening. But that did not prevent a giant sea frora toppling over the&jw, at 6 o'clock, dn Friday evening., jf .: anybody had been iu the road .Affe the ' watery monster he probably'woulK'not have remembered much about" it"- afterward. Fortu'nately nearly all -passengers were below at dinner. The big wave wrenched the wrought iron starboard anchor davit off and smashing in a few skylights, roared along the deck 100 feet and iost itself in the ocean. The Passengers Kept Cool. There was no excitement among the pas sengers, as very few of them knew anything about the invading wave. The ship pro ceeded at what was a snail's pace for her for over ten hours, making only 295' miles for the 24 hours ending at noon on Saturday. But for this her trip might have come pretty close to the record. She made excellent time on the two days ending at noon to-day, logging 504 miles each day. Her best day's run is 515 miles. If she makes 504 milesevery day, which her Captain hopes she will be able to do sometime in favorable weather, she may re duce the trans-Atlantic voyage to five days and 15 hours. The daily runs of the great racer were as follows: Friday, 441 miles; Saturday, 295; Sunday, 465; Monday, 491; xuesaay, ow; w eanesttay, 50J; to the hook, 77. Total, 2,777. There was a diminutive passenger on the ship who was not counted at Queenstown. Young Mrs. Kate Keenau, an Irish immi grant, who will go to her husband in this city to-day, was the mother of the little one. Just as soon as the cabin passengers heard of the arrival of the infant they held a meeting and had the bat passed around. Tt came back with 5150 in it This was presented to Mrs. Keenan, and the little girl was christened Parisienne, after her birthplace. Some Exaggerated Reports. Captain Watkins says the reports pub lished in Liverpool about a heavy sea board ing the City of Paris just as she finished her last trip eastward were much exaggerated. He declares that only one person was supposed to have been washed overboard instead of three. The sea was not an un usually heavy one. The weather was mild and the sun was shining brightly. There was a long swell on and the ship rolled somewhat At about 10:45 o'clock on the morning of October 7 the top of a swelf larger than usual baa rolled over the lee gunwale of the second deck, where about 100 steerage passengers were sitting and lounging. About 20 pas sengers were wet by the wave. The others laughed at them, and they rushed for an open iron door on the after part of the deck. They became jammed in this door and many were hurt. One woman abandoned the little child she was taking care of and it disappeared. Cap tain Watkins says the wave did not reach the top rail, 3) feet from tbe deck, and be doesn't see how the child could have been swept overboard unless between the rails, which are only 6 inches apart. He says the missing woman, Martine Jensen, disappeared several hours before the sea came aboard, and is supposed to have jumped into the sea. Nobody saw the child washed away. The wave did no damage to the ship. SUGAE WILL DBOP. Clans Spreckels Wilt Boon, be Ready to Slake a million Posed a Day The Trust bare to be Beaten in the Fight. Philadelphia, October- 23. Claus Spreckels intended to begin work at his big refinery in this city to-day, but owing to the bad weather and other causes he was pre vented from doing so. Active operations will probably begin next week. Mr. Spreckels is confident that he will win his great fight agrinst the Sugar Trust. "I will produce 1,000,000 pounds of sugar a day at the start, "said Mr. Spreckels, "and by February 2,000,000 pounds a day will be turned out. I have decided to double the plant, and when the new buildings are fin ished, as they will be before the end of next year, I will prodnce 4,000,000 pounds a day. New Orleans will be the next objective point. A refinery will be built there with a capacity of 1,000,000 pounds a day, and when I have doubled my plant here I will produce 6,000,000 pounds of sugar a day. The trust produces 8.000,000 pounds a day, so that when I get fully started I shall turn out three-fourths of the entire amount and I shall sell it too. The sugar market is now in a demoralized condition. There was a drop yesterday in the price of refined sugar of one-eighth of a cent a pound. Erery decline of one eighth means a decrease in the in come of the trust of $10,000 a day. I look for a drop of 1 cent a pound in the price of sugar in the next 30 days. This means a decrease of ?80,000 more a day in the income of the trust." Mr. Spreckels said that the big drop in trust certificates can be acconntpH for rnm the fact that the trust is loaded up with a lot of high-priced sugar, and, as the market is in a bad condition, the insiders have been "sliding out of their certificates." ANOTHEB ALDERMAN IN TEOUBLE. Porter Not Alone as a Denying Defendant In the Bander Cases. Alderman Maneese, whose name is not altogether unknown in connection with the East End consniracy cases, was last night, provided with an attendant in the person of Constable Murphy. Mr. George Holmes was willing to provide the Alderman with all due and necessary attention in lien of the constable, and was willing to enter into bond for 55,000, with the indorse ment of "Mayor McCallin, that his trust would be faithfully fulfilled; but, on deeper reflection, concluded that perhaps Constable Murphy would prefer the duty. The latter gentleman is now accommodating Alderman Maneese, as iar as iu his power. It may be remembered that," during the famous Bander gang prosecution, beginning a few months ago, a strong denial was given by Aldermen Porter, Callen and Maneese to the charges brought against them for their alleged connection with the case, and that later the charges were reiterated with stronger emphasis, though Alderman Porter has very recently come to grief thereunder. It seems the end of the Bander bnsiness is not yet THE STEIKE NEABLI ENDED. Probability of a Speedy Settlement of the LonliTllle and Kashvllle Trouble. rsrxciAi. txixgbav to toe dispatch, l EVANSVILLE, October 23. The strike of the switchmen of the Louisville and Nash ville Railroad still continues in this city, but it is likely to come to an end to-morrow morning, when another formal demand will be made by the strikers for the advance in wages. The strikers have been much en couraged by the action of President Mackey, of the Mackey system. A committee waited on the President in this city and made their demand, and Mr. Mackey acceded to it without any hestanev. This, it is thought, will act as a persuader on the LooiiYiUe and Nashville folks. A CONSULAR CASE. The State Department Investigating the Chnrges Against Onr Representative at Morocco No Conclusion Renched, bnt the Hear ing Will, Continue. x . rEPECIAL TXLEQBAM TO TIDE DISFATCR.1 Washington", October 23. Secretary Blaine this morning began hearing the ex planation or defense of William BeidLewis, of Philadelphia, United States Consul to Morocco, in answer to the charges made against him some days ago by a merchant of Fez, and the former interpreter of the con" sulatc Mr. Blaine is taking a deep inter; est in the matter, pursuing the inquiry per sonally. He denied himself to callers gen erally this morning, and at 1 o'clock was still closeted with Mr. Lewis and others in terested in the case. :. When Mr. Lewis left the State Des partment he told a reporter that Bamon Azoque, his former inter preter at Tangiers, had presented his charges to the Secretary and he (Lewis) had answered them. They were to the effect that Azote had signed vouchers for salary that Mr. Lewis had not paid him. The Consul, in answer, referred to the records of the State Department in support of his denial of the truth of Azoque's charges. Both Lewis and Azoque were examined at length by Mr. Walker Blaine, Solicitor of Claims of the Department of State. At the close of the inquiry further pro ceeding were postponed until Monday next, and in the meantime, Mr-Walker Blaine will investigate the records of the depart ment bearing on the case. Mr. Salomans, attorney for Mr. Benezuli, the Morocco merchant, who has also preferred charges against Consul Lewis, was present, but owing to a misunderstanding his client did not leave New York yesterday as was ex pected. He will be in attendance next Monday. C0LL0M MAI BE ACQUITTED. The ' Prosecuting Witness Makes Some Decidedly Carious Admissions. Minneapolis, October 23. The trial of Attorney Collom for the forgery of J. T. Blaisdell's name to notes aggregating $227,000, was fairly begun to-day. County Attorney Jamieson opened with a statement of the State's case. J. T. Blaisdell was the firs tl witn ess and was on the stand all day. During the cross-examination Blaisdell said that he had not indorsed paper to exceed $15,000 for Collom at any one time. Judge Wilson handed the witness the alleged forged note which forms the basis for the State's, case against Collom. Blaisdell de nied impressively that he had ever signed the document Later in the day Blaisdell, on being questioned in regard to the same note, said he had bought up several notes at the Se curity Bank, and the note in question was among the number. He said he had given another note for the fnll amount ot the one in question, and had taken up six other notes which he had claimed were forgeries. These statements were brought out only by persistent .questioning. The prevailing opinion to-night is that Blaisdell's evidence has materially weakened the case ior the State. His admission as to buying the notes is regarded as fatal to his case. PLAIT STOPS THE FIGHT. mi Edict Ends a Deadlock In a Republican Senatorial Convention. rSFECTAI. TEtEOEAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Uiica, N. Y., October 23. The Twenty third Senate District Bepublican Conven tion held a short session this morning and another this attemoou. The ballots stood as at first, each of the three connties casting six votes for its own candidate. Congress man Deland had received from Mr. Piatt a letter which said it had been reported to him that the prolonged contest was endan gering the State ticket, and he desired to express to Mr. Deland, and through him to his friends in Madison county, that he be lieved the best interests of the party de manded the nomination of the candidate from Herkimer county, and closed by re spectfully recommending that Mr. Sheard be nominated. How influential Mr. Piatt was in the con vention is best shown by the fact that after this letter had been shown, the Madison county delegates went into the convention at the evening session and on the 781st ballot voted with Herkimer tor Sheard, who was declared nominated. There was a great deal of cheering when the result was announced. A TEET BAD INDIAN Abducts Two Respectable White Ladles From Their Kansas Homes. HIAWATHA, Kan., October 23. Dr. Wilkins for the past three months has been traveling through Northern Kansas with an Indian Medicine Company. Several In dians travel with him as an advertisement Yesterday Black Horse, one of the Indians, and one of the white men belonging to the company, stole two respectable ladies from their homes at Horton, bonnd and gagged them, and carried them to a secret camp in the woods near South Orton. As soon as the gags were removed from their mouths they screamed for help. A gang of railroad laborers went to their assistance and overpowered the abductors and brought them to this city, where they are now in jail. There is great indignation here against the two men and some excite ment over the affair. Talk of lynching, however, is confined to only a few of the most indignant HE WAS A GAT DECE1TEE. An Alleged Detective Woos n. Widow and Secures Her Cash. Louisville, October 23. F. M. Hoyt, a fine-looking middle-aged stranger, was ar rested this afternoon charged with obtaining money by false pretenses. The warrant was sworn out by Mrs. Julia Hunt, a widow, from Defumak, Fia. He went there two months ago and repre senting himself to be a detective and by promising to marry her, he cot possession of her entire estate, which he sold and came to Louisville. He also secured $815 in cash from her. A WILD WESTEEN DATID. He Slaughters an Enemy in the Old-Fash, loned Sling Style. Kansas Citt, October 23. James Pope, a horseman, was attacked last Monday night by Balph Bay, a vagrant, and severe ly injured with a sling shot Pope had a woman, a friend of Bay's, arrested for dis orderly conduct, and Bay assaulted him out of revenge. Pope's injuries resulted fatally to-night Bay is in Jail, awaiting the finding of the Coroner'sjury. HOCKING YA1LEX TE0UBLES. The Threatened Strike of the Progressive Union Dllners Inaugurated. COLtjmbus, October 23. Between 600 and 700 miners employed in the four mines of the Columbus and Hocking Coal and Iron Company, in the Hocking Valley, have struck. They are Progressive Union men. Between 800 and 400 Knights of La bor men remain at work. The union men refuse to work unless their organisation is recognized on the committee and the check-off for mine expenses granted, as before May 1. TAMER IS LOADED. Ready to Fjre a Lot of Hot Shot at Noble and the -President, IF HIS GUKS ARE-HOT SPIKED. How He, Bneceeded in ..Outwitting the Secretary of the Interior, PUBLISHING .HIS STATEMENT PIEST. The White House j Eld rEti and Useless Office Holders 'Jteinp Fired, If Tanner 1s nptfgfven and there by silenceH,h"e is liable to "break out again. He got iahead'of Secretary Noble very cleverly by stealing that gentleman's thunder. The f White House is nearly cleared of rats. There are still some useless officeholders, and Windom is getting rid of them. (SPECIAL TZLEOEAM TO THE DISPATCH. J Washington, October 23. Dan Bans dell, Marshal of the District of Columbia, is under suspicion. It seems that Secretary Noble had made his arrangements to print the report of the Investigating Commission of the Pension Bureau irregularities on Tuesday morning last With his comments interlined. He advised the President of bis intention. It is said that from the White House Eans dell learned of Noble's intention, and soon after his warm friend Tanner also became possessed of the knowledge. This was on Friday. Tanner at once began preparing his statement, so as to get it out on Sunday night, anticipating Noble's effort one day. Whether or not Bansdell tipped Tanner is not known, but it is understood that he is suspected of so doing. Then General Baum was appointed on Tuesday, and Noble was getting ready to give Tanner a broad-shot in reply to his statement. The President, hearing of this, sent for Noble and told him that the fight had got to be 'stopped, a. new. Commissioner had been appointed and the. President thought that now was as good a time to end the controversy as any, and so, by his direc tion, Noble muzzled himself. Tanner had an additional fusilade ready for later in the week. It was actually given out for publi cation, but before it was all put in type he recalled it Then an explanation was sought from -Tanner. It seems that the administration had re quested Mr. Tom C. Piatt to have Tanner quieted. Tanner seems to be loaded with ammunition and ready to discharge it It is believed that the White House would be in range with some of Tanner's guns. For this reason Piatt was called on. Piatt then, through the Secretary of the Navy, succeed ed in getting a muzzle on Tanner. Tanner thinks he is likely to get another place. Otherwise he is not the kind of man to be muzzled. However, if he is not provided with a desirable place under the administra tion another explosion from the battery on Georgetown Heights is probable. It is understood that two Pension Office employes, whose pensions were re-rated, have been officially requested to refund to the Government the extra money paid to them on account o such re-ratine-. The law gives them 60 days in which to reply to the notification of the Government, and it is not known what action theywili take. WHITE HOUSE BATS. Sixty of Them Die the Death That Ferrets Carry in Two Weeks Modern Improvements Brought All These Rodents. ISPECIAI. TELEGBAM TO TUB DISP ATCIt.l Washington, October 23. The White House is now about clear of rats. Two weeks ago no old barn was ever more in fested with rats than tho home of the Presi dent of the United States. During the night the gnawing of the rats in their efforts to make new openings and their races be tween the walls and under floors made sleep well nigh impossible. "There is not a rat in the upper portion of the house now," said Frank Hosmer, who has been employed to clear the White House of the pests. "I suppose we have killed 60 of them, though that does not represent the number that were here when the work be gan. Most of the rats have been driven out of the house into the garden by the ferrets and have burrowed in every direction to find hiding places." This afternoon Hosmer was watching a ferret as it went down one hole after another that the rats had made. It occasionally chased out a rat that was soon dispatched by the long haired terrier that was keeping guard on the outside. The work has gone on so long now that the catches are ftv and a chase ot several nours does not reward the workers with more than one or two rats. The ferrets would themselves kill their prey, but they are prevented as far as possible. When they have once sucked the rats blood they are of little use for three or four hours, as, during that time, they lie dormant wherever they happen to have had their feast, whether in a rat hole or in the open air. Their active chase has, however, the in centive of a feast of rat's blood to urge them on. They are not fed until their day's work is done. 'They are trained, and have a scent equal to that of any hunting dog. They will maneuver about the tunnelings of the rats without a moment of rest for five or six hours, but at the end of that time their work forthtday is done and they goon strike. No coaxing or any art known to man can urge a ferret to continue on the warpath after rats or anything else when it has become tired. "The chief part of our work just now," said Hosmer, "is in clearing the garden of the pests and in stopping up every possible hole for them to get back into the house should any not be killed. The rat holes are well saturated with tar and a poisonous mix ture that will make their feet sore should they ever attempt to pass through them, and it is safe to say that Mr. Bat will make himself scarce for a long time to come." The chief means that cave aided the rats in their maneuvers about the White House have been the ducts laid for supplying fresh air and also for water and gas pipes. By these means they could travel wherever they pleased, but now theirroaming grounds have been well stopped up. Mrs. Harrison was to-day looking at one of the ferrets, when it brought its teeth to gether through the finger of its owner, who was showing it Both stewards and cooks of the White House are now relieved that no longer chickens are fonnd dead, and eat ables dragged front the table while being prepared. The White House has been a sheltering place for rats ever since any one connected with it can remember. The last rat fight there took place during the last part of Gen eral Grant's administration, when ferrets were used as at present The pests gradual ly crept back, and were somewhat annoying during the Cleveland regime. BED-TAPE EEGULATIONS The Cause oi a General Freight Blockade on Mexican Roads. rsrsctAL teleobaji to tbb dispatch, i Washington, October 23. A private letter, dated October" '18, from 'a Mexican railroad officer to friends in this city, com plains of the way his road is suffering from the neglect of the Customs Inspector ap pointed to attend to the assaying at Eagle Pass under Secretary Windom's silver-lead-ore circular of July last Inquiry at the Treasury Department shows that the man was appointed on the 8th of October, and was expected to go to work at once. At the customs division the inquirer was referred to the appointment division for further par- to belong within the jurisdiction of the special agent's division; at the special agent's division it was said to be the busi ness oi the Collector at,Eagle Pass to call the negligent officer to account and compel him to attend to his dnty, but that notice could not be taken by the department of any complaint that did not come in the shape of a statement from the Collector. Meanwhile, according to the letter above mentioned, the ore cars are side-tracked by the dozen, it being impossible to unload them or send them on further under the new regulations. The effect it Is predicted, will be to blockade commerce between the two countries for some time to come. GOOD PAY FOE DOING LHTLE. Inspectors Who Get S250 Per Day Likely to Iiose Their Jobs. SPECIAL TELEQEAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, October 23. Look out for a howling among the faithful when Secre tary Windom's policy regarding the inspec torships of foreign vessels comes to be gen erally known. In most of the ports where these officers are stationed with the neat salary of $2,000 a year, they have little to do beside drawing their pay and attending political meetings. It takes about a day for an inspector to overhaul a vessel, and there were just eight foreign vessels which availed themselves of their privileges last year in Philadelphia making thepayof the foreign inspector there, for the period of actual service, just $250 a day. It has been a burden on the consciences of several successive secretaries to have such sinecures under them, and Mr. Windom has resolved to wind up the whole system by de grees. He has just cut off tne foreign in spectors at Philadelphia, New Orleans and San Francisco, and others will follow as op portunity offers. CANNON SECOND TO EEED. Estimates on the Chances of the Various Candidates for Speaker. rSPECIAL TELEOBAJI TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, October 23. Some of Joe Cannon's friends were figuring on the Speak J ership to-day and succeeded in bringing their candidate to a position next to Beed, farbut still behind him. Theirestimatesare: Beed, 72; Cannon, 45; McKinley, 23; Bur rows, 20, and General Henderson, the Iowa delegation. The only trouble with the fig ures are that tbey include at least CO Con gressmen whose position on the Speakership is not known even to themselves, as they will not decide till they come on the ground and can study the situation at short range. Cannon's friends claim, with good show of reason, tnat ne nas worsea nis cause up better than any other candidate and that he has, therefore, the promise of a larger fol lowing at the outset than any other, except Beed. A CBUEL C0NSPIBA0Y. An Aged Negro Imprisoned for a Crime Committed by His Son-In-Lavr A Plot to Get Possession of a Farm Frustrated. rSPECIAL TEXEOIIAM TO TBI DISrATCU.! Columbia, S. C, October 23. One of the most diabolical cases of conspiracy against an old negro by "his children has just been brought to light by investigation instituted by Governor Bichardson. In March of this year, John Addison, a negro 70 years old, was tried and convicted, in Barnwell county, of arson. The punish ment fixed by law for this crime ranges from ten years at hard labor to death. Ad dison was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. The prosecutor in the case was nis son-in-law, Emanuel Green, and the only other witness against the old man was his daughter. Green's cornhouse had been burned, and he and his wife testified that tbey saw Addison commit the act. He wasconvicted by a jury of his own people. Since the trial some white men have in terested themselves in Addison's behalf. The matter was brought to the Governor's attention, and he caused investigations to be maae and the following facts brought to light: Addison had purchased from Green thirty acres f land and bad paid him in full. Green refused to give him any receipt for the money or title for the land, and had the old man ejected therefrom. Addison brought a suit, and while it was pending he was arrested on the charge of arson. It is Bhown that Green moved the corn out of his barn and declared that he would get even with the old man. He set the building on fire himself, and threatened to cut his wife's throat it she did not join him in swearing away the life of her father. He knew that, whether Addison was sentenced to be hanged or to ten years' imprisonment, he wonld not live to get possession of his land. The Governor pardoned Addison to day. He has served seven months. PHILADELPHIA IE0N MEN Meet and Resolve That Bnsiness la la a Satisfactory Condition. Philadelphia, October 23. A meet ing was held here to-day of representatives of a number of bar iron manufacturing establishments of Philadelphia and vicini ty to consult concerning the condition of the trade. A general exchange of opinion was had, the sentiment being that the busi ness was in good condition. All stated that the demand for iron was good, and that their best quotation now for bars in carload lots at Philadelphia was 1.9 cents per pound, base, net cash. The meeting adjourned to meet in two weeks. No combination was formed, the object of the meeting being only an inter change of views, the ascertainment of the condition of the trade and the prices quoted by it UNITAEIAN8 IN SESSION. A Plan Adopted for tho Combination et tfae Missionary Organizations. Chicago, October 23. The convention proper of Western Unitarians opened to-day with 250 people present, including a num ber 6f ladles. Only 31 out of 94 churches were represented and it was decided to dis claim any intention of binding any except those having delegates in attendance. The chiet work of the day was the adop tion of a committee report outlining a plan for uniting the various Unitarian mission ary organizations. NO SAGE TEOUBLE THERE. An Alabama Grand Jury Finds Some Cnnse for Congratulation. Mohtgomeet, Ala., October 23. The grand jury of Montgomery county, In its re port to-day, says: , It may be worthy of note as indicating un jmistakably the relations ot amity existing be Itween the races here, that no serious act of violence has been reported to this grand jury, (committed by a white person against a colored person or vice- versa, and that in nearly every Instance complaints of assault and battery ana assault with Intent to kill were made by colored persons against those ot their, own race. WHO KILLED CfiOHIN! Great Interest Manifested in the Trial That Will Open To-Day. SOME SENSATIONS AEE EXPECTED. An Outline of tho Testimony to be Pre sented by the State, COUGHLIN AND KUKZB SUBELI GUILTY. Judge IJoDffececier Has Bten Hard at Work Upon His Opening" Address. The trial of the Croniu suspects begins at Chicago to-day. Attorney Longenecker will open the case for the State, and the medical experts and the murdered man's brother will be the first witnesses. Ata later period some sensational evidence is expected. SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO TTTS DISPATCIT.t Chicago, October 23. There is but little sleep in at least five cells of the Cook County Jail to-night, and each of the quin tet of prisoners charged with complicity in the murder of Dr. Cronin has been pac ing to and fro with restless eagerness or -apprehension. The long-expected trial is scheduled to begin to-day, and the interest in the expected developments is at fever heat. The State has much startling evidence against the accused. There is one witness who will swear that from 8 o'clock in the evening until the time the wagon which hauled away the body was driven up to the Carlson cottage, Patrick O'Sulliyan patroled the street in front of the place, guarding the actual murderers from surprise or interfer ence. It will also be shown by direct testi mony that Dan Coughlin was a frequent visitor at the Carlson cottage during the time it was occupied by Burke and Cooney. This will be proven by the testimony of a resident of the neighborhood, a plumber, who saw Kunze and Coughlin frequently together, DIRECT EVIDENCE. This same man also saw Coughlia and Kunze drive up to the Carlson cottage soma time before Dr. Cronin's arrival. He and another witness will testify that on Friday nigbt, the day before the murder, Coughlin and Kunze were together in a Lake View saloon,and that Coughlin gave Kunze 'a sum ot money and instructed him what to do the next night By other witnesses it will be shown conclusively that Coughlin, Burke, Cooney and a man whose identity has not been ascertained were in the cottage when Dr. Cronin was brought there, and that they did not leave until midnight O'Sullivan remained on. watch near the cottage until after the trunk had been, taken away. The wagon containing the trunk was in charge of Burke, Cooney and the stranger. Coughlin was the first to leave the cottage. AIL these facts will be sub stantiated by persons who, live near the uarison cottage ana neara part pi Dr. Cronin's death struggle. Kunze'sconuec tion with the affair was discovered by acci dent. A detective was Tnet about a week after the finding of tfae body by a Clan-Na-Gael man, who said he knew the man who drove Coughlin to the cottage on the night of the murder. "He is a little German, and is known as the 'dudei! He was once arrested for an assault, oiiia Italian .irl," .said, tha. In formant AN- IMPORTANT CONFESSION. The names of the two other witnesses who saw Coughlin and Kunze together were given by the same man, and the three will testify at the trial. The case against Beggs has been strengthened the. last few days bv the confession of one of the members of the secret committee, who has given the names of bis fellow committeemen. But if testimony in regard to the entrance of Dr. Cronin to the cottage will be sensa tional, no less so, will be that regarding the actual perpetrators ot tne crime. ..Evidence will be produced by Longenecker to show that four men took part in the murder of Dr. uromn in tne cottage, xnese lour men were Coughlin, Cooney, Burke and a man who has not yet been either arrested or in dicted in the case. The name of. the fourth man has not yet been revealed, but it is known he is not a Chicagoan. All day long Messrs. Longenecker, Mills and Ingham sat in the State's Attorney's office preparing their evidence and the open ing statement All that was decided upon, however, was that Judge Longenecker was to open with a general outline of the case. THE riBSX WITNESSES. The remainder of the day was devoted to the arrangement of the testimony of the medical experts who, with Dr. Cronin's brother, John, will be the first witnesses placed upon the stand by the State. "My opening will be short and to the point,' said Judge Longenecker this morn ing. "I don't expect to take over two hours. I can't say whether we will expose our full case in the opening speech or not. That has yet to be decided." "Will there be any surprises in ray open ing? Well, now, I can't say as to that just now, as I don't know exactly what we will reveal in the opening speech. All I' hope is that we mty be as successful in convincing the jury as the newspapers have been in convincing the publie that these men are guilty, ana if we are tne aetenaauts will swing." i DISHONEST POSTMASTEES CHEATED. A Clever Scheme for Getting- Stall Blatter Sent Free of Cost. tSrZCIALi TZLXOBJUt TO THE DISPATCTI.l Nobwich, Conn., October 23. The charges against Charles Paliser, of New York City, accused of violating the. postal laws in collusion" with many Connecticut country postmasters, will be presented be fore United States Commissioner John A. Shields, in New York, on Thursday. His offense was in mailing his circulars to country postmasters, to be distributed from their offices, whereby thev were enabled to increase their meager salaries by affixing stamps to the circulars and marking them, as the postal laws permit low-class post masters to receive the income from all stamps canceled bv them up to a certain amount determined by the Government Paliser abetted the unlawful transaction on the part of the postmasters who iell into his snare. His pecuniary advantage con sisted in not remunerating the postmasters for the stamps they advanced in mailing his matter. NO PUBLIC PUNEBAL ALLOWED. Tho Erie Health Officer Interferes With a Proposed Demonstration. fSPIOAl. TXLXGnUt TO THE ntsFATCnv Erie, October 23. Health Officer Woods created a great deal of excitement to-day by his interference with the public funeral which had been arranged for the late W. Barron, a victim of diphtheria, which has been prevailing in a quarter of the city. Priends had interfered with the health offi cer's order and the body was about to be es corted by Company C, Fifteenth Kegiment, N. G. P., of which deceased was a member, to St. Joseph's Catholic Church, when the officer forbade the proceedings and ordered the body to be buried with all possible haste and privacy. The disease has takaa a half den Bar- sons within a week. THIBTY HVES SA By a Crew of Students of the Norti ern University Three Lake Veni Wrecked 1.2O0 Tons of Coal Go to the Bottom- Chicago, October 23. In the midst of a heavy northeast gale and a high sea, the Evanston Life Saving Crew, com of students of the Northwestern University, rescued the lives of 29 seamen and one woman last night Three vessels had gone ashore, and the men oa two of them were in imminent peril. The vessels were the steam barge David Ballentyne, of CIeveland,the schooner fron ton, of Cleveland, and the tug Protection, of Chicago. The work of rescue was rendered more difficult by the dense fog which prevailed. Three trips were made and all the men from the Protection and Ironton were brought ashore. Another trip was then made to the steamer Ballantvne, but the Captain and men thought the ship could weather the gale and preferred to remain on board. It seems that the tug Protection sighted the Baliantyne and its tow, the Ironton, off Kenosha. The tug followed in their wake and the tug Butler also joined the proces sion. The Baliantyne struck ther beach, and the schooner and tug Protection followed, all running aground within about a hundred feet The Butler also went aground, bnt pulled off. The Protection aud Ironton were floated this afternoon, considerably damaged. The barge Baliantyne will be a complete wreck. She is- loaded with 1,200 tons of coal from Erie, and is owned by Captain Mack and Mr. Seacrer. of Cleve land, and Leonard Davis, of Erie. TOO MUCH WAS ASKED, A Virginia Republican Wanted an Offlce, bst Couldn't Agree to the Conditions Attached Unwilling to Divide His Salary WUhMahone. ISFXCXAI.TXLXGBAX TO TUB DISPATCH. 1 Bichiiond, October 23. Among Mr. Wanamaker'a postmasters announced a few days ago was J. B. Ginn, at Gen Allen. The pay is $900 a year. Mr. Ginn, who is supposed to be a faithful Mahone Bepub lican, writes an open letter to Edmund Wad dell, through whose influence the appoint ment was made, declining the place. He says: It Is true that I am not endowed with a very large amount of worldly goods, and can ill afford, under ordinary circumstances, to de cline a position of 1900 per annum; but I can not agTee with the condition that out of my salary I am to devote over 10 per cent to cam paign expenses and to have my deputy selected by the leader of our party, and this without consulting my better hilt as to who maybe her forced boarder and companion at the table, to say nothing of the soiled linen whleh would of necessity follow If the deputy is tojbeof the kind usually fonnd around the court irroen. This position baa lately been held by a lady whom all people know to be of the highest type of womanhood, and one who has. as far as I can learn, filled the position with honor to the Gov-J emroeni ana creait io serseir, out fortnnateljv differs with those who seek to excite base passions and drench our fair land in human, gore. I would prefer thai she be allowed to retain the position so kindly offered me. In conclusion, allow me to say that my duties as an attorney, husband, father and citi zen, as well as the fact that I am rapidly ap proachlne; the setting sun, which in a few short years will rise over the mound that will cover my mortal remains, prevents me from filling the other requirement of attending the funerals of the party of which you are a shining light It is said this is the first known Instance in Virginia of a Bepublican declining an office. AETHUBW1LL BE BEATEN. Anqtfcer-JHasr WUJ fee Chief af tteBrother ' hood of Engineers. JDenveb, Col., October 23. The loco motive engineers to-day concluded their in vestigation of the charges against one of the grand officers. It is understood that the lodge adopted resolutions reprimanding him. The election of officers was then postponed until Mondays Cavener, the Chicago can didate for Grand Chief, was withdrawn to day and the only candidates now in the field are: P. M. Arthur, G. W. Vrooman, of North Platte, Neb., and B. W. Vedder, of Sedalia, Mo. Predictions are being made that Vrooman will be elected, as a canvass of the delegates made yesterday failed to give Arthur a majority. A resolution was introduced to-day pro viding for the location of the permanent headquarters of the Brotherhood at Chicago was defeated. Other candidates for this honor are Cleveland, St. Louis and Denver, with everything in favor of the former. A BUBGLAB CONTICTED OF HUEDEB. After Long Deliberation the Jury Finds Charles fit eElvaine Guilty. rsnciAL to the DISPATCH.! New Yoke, October 23. Charles Me Elvaine, the burglar who killed grocer Christian W. Luca in Brooklyn, has bees convicted of murder in the first degree. The verdict was not agreed on until 5 o'clock this afternoon after the jurors had been out nearly 30 hours, and, after frequent requests had been sent to Judge Moore to discharge them, as in their opinion an agreement was impossible. It bad all along been under stood that one juror was standing out for ac quittal, the accused in his opinion being in sane when he committed the murder. Dineen and Quinlan, McElvaine's asso ciates in the burglary, who have also been indicted for murder In the first degree, will probably be tried next week. A BOW ABOUT A DOLLAB Ends la the Murder of the Han Who Lost the Money. tirSCIAI. TZUEOBJUC TO TH DISPATCH. 1 Boston, October 23. Boderick McKen na, a waiter at the Parker House, visited the Dock Square pool rooms this afternoon. Just before the fifth Clifton race started he handed 53 to one of the "touts" of the place to lay on young Dnke. McKenna saw that it called for 2 instead of 53. He caught the fellow on the street and demanded the deficiency. The man tried to escape, bnt McKenna strnck him in the face, dropping him like a log. " He lay stunned for a minute, and then jumping to his feet, plunged a lack knife Into McKenna'a neck, severing the jugular vein. The sidewalk was thronged and the murderer escaped. McKenna bled to death in a few minutes. PENN8TLTANIA PUBNACES BTABT. Tho Big Industry at Sparrow's Point Well Under Way. nrzcxix. raLxauAx to rat dxsfatchj Baltimore, Oct 23. The Pennsylvania Steel Company started the first of its four huge furnaces at Sparrow's Point to-day. It has a capacity of 600 tons of iron ore a day, with a net product of 250 tons of pig metal. When all the furnaces shall have been com pleted the output will be 1,000 tons per day. Sparrow's Point' was three years age a barren waste, to-day, through the enterprise of the Pennsylvania Company, it has a population of 1,200 and is continually grow ing. Its growth has been phenomenal. Next year it is proposed to start a ship building industry. It lies at the month of the Pataposco river. Snow FnHlflg hi Florid. WrNCHESTEE, Fla., October 23. It snowed" here mnit of the day, with the thermometernear the freezing point Thirty six' years ago to-day snow fell here to the depth of H lashes, fern ring down trees aad imA iAYJs J shraebery. THE B. & 0. OUTDONE (3 Scheme to Manipulate Excvsfea Tickets to Its Advantage CAUGHT UP AND USID irOTHSES. Tie Practices of Ite Elvata Tnpeitt Ctai Account bj the Penasj. COMPLAINTS Of YIOLATIB SULKS Hade by Passenger izest EeaH, Was Kxsases a CleTeriy Cesstrastea Plt General Passenger Agent Scall, of tia Baltimore and Ohio road, charges tfae Peea sylvaaia road with irregular practioes-ia the matter of excursion tickets. Proa so other source it is learned that fte sehoie complained of was devised by the BaWajow a and Ohio. The Pennsylvania "eawht os." and got the better of its opponents. J srxcxAx. TtT.itr.aix to tbs Dar-Aiea.! New-Yobk, October 23. Geaeral Pas senger Agent Charles O. Scall, of the Baltimore and Ohio road, instead ot attend1 ing the meeting of trunk line passenger agents on Tnesday and listening to eharggg that were made against his read, comas oat in a vigorous letter to the General Paieenasc Agents of several Eastern aad Weserm lines, in whist, he makes serieas nhnrgen against the Pennsylvania read He says that the latter, with inteat fe deprive the Baltimore aad Ohio of its law ful revenue from excursion tickets to she conclave of Knights Tea pkr, a Wasacag- ton, took up a let of return parses at Baltimore and Ohio tickets, fawlas hi ex change therefor, tiekets over the Peaasyi- ' vania roaa to Philadelphia or New Xert, and thence to destination by aay etksr "route, except the Baltimore and Okie. Be "" ujo uuviuu ot tag c BBBsyiTaeiav vi roaa was entirely irregular a&4 withe precedent. .ALL HIS PBOXH8TB TAIN, He requested the general paMcBgarsgeHts whom he addressed net tor report to she Pennsylvania Toad their preBerttea of the revenue accruing on exearslea tiekets te Washington or Baltimore aad Tetura, read ing via the Baltimore aad Ohio, bat te re port to the latter the TCOperfces' beta. war accruing to its lines beyeaei the ieaetss,' : to the Baltimore aad Okie. Mr. BeaM seM that he had pretested, both by toloaraefc -and in person, to the general yass eager agent of the Pennsylvania read. It Is said that the reasoa little was seM about Knights Templar ttekeis at T8a7,s meeting was that about all she traak ms had been .guilty of meaipelatieg laeaj. - iiouiiBg naa Dees puDusaea as Tec ansae a.j deal which the Baltimore and Ohie ma ,' with the New York Central to beat ase Pennsylvania. The Peansylvaaia TMsejg got on to the sesame aad beat the mIMV more and Ohie at its own gaau. THE .2SNXSXLVANXA, . The Haltissore aad Ohio read euaon tiekets', readtag eae way eer fto. own line and returniag by the Ortial a- form net authorised by arftar-the xvasjtc Line Association or the Central Isaahr Jsj sociattea. this eoma narsuy Mn be done witaouta clear uneWssskdissrwitBl i jtew-xornHseu jtac ueasrsaseati alotef agents to Waaaiartsa. It Ja oa 'good sufeeritv. that their wai sswj was as buy up return parts of Paaneylvaaia HuJtits , replacing them, of course, with tfeiess arsar one .Baltimore ana cmlo to .Hew lone aesjt over the Central to the "West -"eViBssbbV- more and Ohio agents are said tobavedesM 'tfp same thing. Anyway, they get She heatji of the Pennsylvania's losses, whieh Is fm same trick that Mr. Scall onajgea the J sylvania roaa with. One of the New York Central i recent meeting, it h said. depredations of his road traom'the J vania to tne extent or sevetai tickets. But the Pennsylvania i have got the better of Doth Hs oifioaiaai.' TSASUEE SUBXI ISJMm The Louisiana Ejc-ettcta Now Charged With Simple Forgery. New Orleans, October 28. ThVj jury to-day resumed the State bead i gation and returned three asofe J two of them being against ex-3 A. Burke for fergery, la uttering as taaa forged bonds of the State. The fatgrji' understood to consist in having aiwisssjt' the constitutional bonds that were - tiated by Mr. Maurice Hart ier Thisja ' They were pledged to various 'beaks etsVe? city, ana wnea meir zraaaaieaf eaafei was discovered they were retaned te 2 Hart and he refanded the aseaey ae borrowed upon them. UonseeaeaMv. .uart u hu,vw oat oi poecet. In obedience to a mandatory1 orders af J Court calling far disoateaes seat frees shfet" city to Major Burke is London ateee the" bond investigation Has been geiagee, Jir., J. x. .ajieyn, manager of tee western" Union Telegraph Company in this etty, i KafH taa tvstein.4 invw aisnJ Ti - ssf A nmA. submitted the dkpateaea seeeMeaUy seJM, for. It is believed, however, that thejr.atdi not contain anything of japortaaee te)aa state. (. ETILLA WILLSTAITISIX. f& i !.- Her Frleads Make Oae Mere Attsist 1 Finally Give Up Is Beeaalr. ISPECIAI. TZLXGBJJC TO THZ PISr-AMSXil Columbus, October 38. Kaal came over from Pittsburg Ok meacaavl in company with Hiss Leila Giesea.asidf Samuel Aasell, visited the Ceaveat af Good Bhepherd to make a anal aflhrt 1 Hiss Stella Weir to retain with Pittsburg. The interview was stormy oae at the convent When Hiss Weir leaned her : not seat permission for her te retara she reiBsea to taic laneer, aad would remain at the eeaveat, aad I callers wanted to have aaythMC'BMMl say to her they mast do it thrssaa fhjs Mother Superior of the iasthaeka. Stjj friends of Hiss Weir have give her ai lost, ana rewrnea to niteearg te-aigai.. CHINESE AND OPIUM C0MIJW JOtt Isataas Are SsaatosT so ef the Heasea ea the Border. Spokane Falls. "Wash., A remarkable state of aaaJrs k from the (United States Custom Osooyoos Lake, oa the, British "border. No collector has beea there and now Indians have taksa slonofthe logstrackre fenaeriy by a representative or tats t Just aerees the liaeHer ernmeat has a fine Castas ducted with all the areeUiea in the British outposts. I opium are constantly oraettaf the without restraint M order la the First 1 New Yokk,, October 38,- cese'of Charles KeHvaiae, W fewgkr ob tnal ia Jreskiyafccl der of ChrnMaa w . Laea, the i oasM Into eearttats attsrase diet of murder iathe Iset- suXoAaas) TaHUl BmaBaasBBBBBaaaaa! sasal I PTawVasTSs, rama. aTSaasisassBTTiTTjsV P aa.Wgfe:.. aftrJfe., &J!die&lU&MUJhL -. tbt.f?, vsMima