Newspaper Page Text
fiaKssea ' THE PITTSB1JRG- DISPATCH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER ' 24, 1888L ' ? MUHINOOS CHARGE. The Bander Gang Conspiracj Case is Kow iVilli the Jnry. JUDGE WHITE UPON FIXED SUITS. He Says a Magistrate Has No Power What ever to Settle Cases. GLAEIKGLI UNLAWFUL METHODS - The Bander detective gang trial was com pleted yesterday evening, the jury retiring at 6 o'clock, after an exhaustive charge by Judge White. At the morning session Jos. Reese testi fied that he had been arrested by Doyle on a charge of illegal liquor selling, upon an in formation made before Alderman Callen by Xagle. Witness gave bail before Alderman Maneese. "When he went for a hearing, Callen said he'd "fix it," and allowed witness to depart after paying 554. Irs. Bittner, of Allegheny, was also ar rested for the same cause. She asked Alder man McNulty what she should do about the matter. A Fifth avenue Alderman allowed her to enter bail. In another office on Fifth avenue a man told her the case could be lixcdlor$59. She paid the money and got a receipt signed G. W. Moore. John Remling said he had been sued on the same charge, refused to give bail and went to jail. While in jail Attorney G. W. Moore and Doyle saw hinfand tried to in duce him to settle the case for 550, then for 520, but he refused. At the hearing the case was dropped for "lack of evidence." This closed the prosecution's side. Mr. Keardon made the opening speech for the defense. He asked the jury to give no attention to the newspaper;, and pointed out that according to the framing of the indict ment two or more must be convicted of con spiracy, or none at all. F. B. Stoner, a de fendant, was placed on the stand. He re iterated the accounts he has heretofore given of his connection with the case. He said be swore to the information against Peter Bntterhofi without knowing any facts at all. He said that Butterhoff wanted the case "fixed." He met Alderman Doughty one night, who asked him to fix -the case up. He met Butterhoft and his wife at Doughty's office the next day. 1 wanted $5U and he said he'd see me further. Then he bad a confab with Butterhoff and said it's all right." OLD TEST1MOST REVAMPED. Witness detailed the visit to Alderman Cassidy's office, and bow he offered Cassidy 510 to "settle, which was refused. Doughtv then talked a while and Cassidy accepted 515. He paid the 515 which had been given him by Doughty and they adjourned to a saloon," where witness received a sealed en velope containing 535, the balance of the 550 agreed upon. Two weeks thereafter witness gave Bander $25, retaining $10. Bender was sworn, and denied that there had been promises of immunity for his testimony. He implicated Donghty and Stoner in the Bnrns case. Stoner, recalled, denied Bender's last testimony. J. D. Boggs, an East Bad merchant, testified as to Stoner's character. John A. Dougherty was called and sworn. He said be wanted to leave the detective business, and was to get $9 a week from Bander. He worked four or five weeks, and drew only two weeks' pay. He described the modus operandi ot squeezing people by the Bander process. He said that Bander wrote out informations, which he swore to and signed. He denied getting money from settled cases. W. J. Brennen, for Bander; L. P. Stone, for Dougherty, and Attorney Bobb, for Stoner, made addresses. The speeches were limited to an hour. Attorney Burleigh summed up for the Commonwealth, and stated that out of 64 cases brought by the Bander agency only three reached the courts, and one of these had been returned by an Alderman after he had been sued for complicity. SOME PLAIN LANGUAGE. Jndge White's charee to the jnry was as fol lows: The verdict in this case may be against all of the defendants; anyone or more of them. Previous good character should never over throw clear, plain and conclusive evidence. Conspiracy is where two or more persons con spire to do an unlawful thing in an unlawful manner, or a lawful thing in an unlawful manner It is not necessary for a previous agreement not even a common con sultation at the Beginning. A general under standing of what is being done is all that is necessary to constitute a conspiracy. And Mhoever engages in the furthering of an un lawful purpose is a conspirator. "When a prosecutor fails to appear at a hear ing it is generally presumed that the case is a fnvolons one. The settlement of a case with out a hearing is conclusive of corrupt motives, and when a case is settled for less than the legal amount the inference is that the prosecu tion was influenced by corrupt motives. In the first place, a magistrate should never take an information on a criminal charge without in quiring as to whether there is reasonable grounds for snch information, hut after he has taken the information 2TO MAGISTRATE HAS THE POWEB to settle the case. No prosecutor has the power to settle a criminal case for money, and where a suit is instituted for that purpose it is glaringly unlawful and a terrible prostitution of a legal process. Every one of these 64 cases should have been heard and returned to court, if there was any evidence at all on the part of the Commonwealth. It won't do for officers to " multiply cases and never appear againBt the defendants. It is all conclusive that the whole thing is wrong and that there is something crooked." The jury retired at 6 o'clock and Judge White waited for 15 minutes, but they did not return and court was adjourned. The jury in the Bander gang conspiracy lrc xeauucu a cuuciusion aooui ifzio O ClOCK last night. The verdict was sealed, and will be returned to court at the opening this morning. EVERETT riANO CLUB, Or Co-Operative terstrm of Selling Pianos, Is the most successful and satisfactory plan ever tried. We are delivering pianos as fast as our wagons can haul ihem. Our mem bers get the lowest possible price, because there are enough members to contract for 350 pianos, and thus save $75 in the price of each piano; 350 members, each paying $1 per week, will pay for one piano in cash each week, and we deliver one piano per week on these payments. Members who pay all cash, or who pay $25 cash and $10 monthly, can take their "pianos at once, and still get the discount obtained by the clnb contract. The piano selected by the club has no superior. Having the whole market to choose trom on so large a contract, we chose the Everett, because it gives full value, dollar for dollar. We pay nothing for reputations of men who died years ago. The Everett is a piano of to-day, with all the latest improvements. The tone is rich, powerful and mnsical, and they are made to wear. Each piano is warranted for seven years. Now don't wait too long. Our club is not yet full, but we are delivering pianos and it is filling up rapidly. Send for circu lar or call and see the pianos at once. Alex. Boss, Manager, ttsu 137 Federal street, Allegheny. Kg-DUplay advertisement one dollar per tquare for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanled,tor Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty Tents. The Lucky Number. One of the novel features of the Exposition was the registering of names by the Singer juanmacturing uompany, and drawing, at the close of the Exposition, for one of their elegant drop cabinet machines. Every lady, regardless of the machine she was using, had an opportunity of drawing this machine by registering her name at the stand, and over 12,000 availed themselves of it. Of these 12.000 ladies, 80 per cent are now using Singer machines. The drawing was conducted at the Expo sition in the simplest and fairest manner possible. At 9 o'clock two little girls were selected from the audience, and requested to draw the tickets, two disinterested gentle men acting as judges. The lucky number was 3,831, held by Mrs. Emma Zimmerman, of Salem, O., and she was at once notified of her good fortune by telegraph. Although the Exposition is now closed, the Singer Manufacturing Company will continue their exhibit at their main office, So. 8 Sixth street. All are invited. ttssu SIO 00 TO CHICAGO. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tnx DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35i Butler street. FJUIL G. BTUCKEY, 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACt)., Wylle ave. and Knit oast. 3. STOKELY, Filth Avenue Market House. ZAST XXD. J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER ft SHEIBLER, 5th av. Alwood St v SOUTHBIDK. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 89 Federal street. H. 3. McBRIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FKEDH.EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut at. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENRY, Westernand Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Bearer aves. l'ERRTM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. VVW. FLOCK.ER, stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Situations. WANTEU-POSmoN IN JEWELRY STORE to clerk or work at bench: best of refer ence. Address JEWELER, Dispatch office. OC24-90 WANTED WORK BY SINGLE MAN: drive, store or gent's place or labor work; small wages. Address WORK, Dispatch office. OC24-V9 WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAN; any kind orwork: three years' experience in office. Address AKWID, 51 Eighteenth St., Bouthslde, city. QC24-87 WANTED. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG man 20 years of age: is Intelligent and not amid to work; also has no bad habits. Address T. D., Dispatch office. OC24-L WANTED - BY EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER, who can devote part of the day, small set of books to keep or other clerical work. Address W. 11., Dispatch office. oc"3-16 WANTED ACCOUNTANT'S WORK. OH writing of any kind that can he done In the evening bv a thoroughly competent man. Ad dress ACCOUNTANT, Allegheny, Pa. QC22-M-TTS Partners. WANTED-A PARTNER OR WILL SELL entire Interest in one of the oldest and best equipped printing, binding, lithograph, station ery and stereotype business west or Chicago: out fit Inventories SJ0,0O0, and is doing a large bank, conntyand railroad business. For fall navicu lars address PUBLISHER, care of S. C. Beck wlth, Tribune Building, New York City. OC22-66-TTSU fcOIl 8ALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residences. FOR SALE-A NU51BER OF CHOICE LOTS .... Jn tl,e Baum Grove plan, at ranch below value. CHARLES SOMEU3 CO.. 313 Wood st. OC24-12 FOR 8ALE-S5.500-A CHOICE INVESTMENT In 2 acres beautiful ground, with 6-room house, near new electric road. Squirrel HU1. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood St. oc24- FOR SALE-A BARGAIN IN AN OAKLAND residence: brick dwelling or 8 rooms: speak ing tubes, electric bells, etc.: lot 22x150 feet, on Meyran ave. C. BEKINGKR A SON, 103 Fourth ave. OC19-41-TTS VOtt SALE BUSINESS. Enables Chances. FOR SALE A GOOD PAYING GENERAL store at & bargaini storeroom and dwelling. For particulars address B. p. POORBAUGH, Glencoe, Pa. ocg-3t FOR SALE -A SMALL GROCERY BUSINESS In Allegheny; an old established stand; stock would invoice about SUMO. Particulars from JAS. W, DRAPE 4 CO., lis Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. OC24-13 MEETINGS. SPECIAL NOTICE Fulton Council No. 147. Jr. O. U. A. M.. will assemble at Morebead building; corner Second ave. and Grant St. TO-DAY at 12.30 sharp, to attend the funeral of onr late Ero. James Ford. Members of sisters councils are cordially invited to attend. R. M. BARDSLEY, Councilor. C. L. WILSON, Secretary. oc230 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. F Oil SALE BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED St. Clair, near Rlnpey st.: H60U, on easy pay ments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6319 Station St., E. E, OC20-119-TTSU FOl Pe OR SALE -FRIENDSHIP AVE. NEAR enn. sir twn Htorr brlr.k dwellings of five luuuis ana nne attic eacn, gas, water, etc.; win sell separate or as a wnole. BLACK ft B A1HD. 05 Fourth ave. C-108 oct24-7. FOR SALE-NEW 6-BOOMEDFKAMEHOUSE and nice large lot, In good location, near Point Breeze; handy to cable and railroad and a rare bargain; 12,600. on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 S tatlon street, E. E. ocaMlMTSn Financial. TTT ANTED MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED V V cltv property, in large or small amounts, bee W. A. HERRON & SONS, to Fourth ave. OCI-96-TT3 WANTED-StOItrGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN In sums to suit at 4f, S and 6 per cent. ALLES ft BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14-TTS6u -VTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROF IT EETY. over W.O0O; per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO.. KFourth avenue. mh2-a22-p Stale Hcln. TTfJANTED-DRUG CLERK. REGISTERED :Y Address S. T., Dispatch office. ocS3-53 WANTED A WOOD BARBER. Apply to W. J. SCHMIDT, 61 Federal St., Allegbrnv. OC24-40 TIT-ANTED-A GOOD SALESMAN: GOOD V salary paid to the right party. 642 PENN AVENUE. OC24-33 "TTANTED-A GOOD PACKEK OF FLINT VV ware. Address MARION FLINT GLASS CO., Marlon, Ind. OC24-93 XTTANTED-ONE GOOD BELL BOY FROM V 11 to 16 years old at BOLE V'S HOTEL, 31,32, 3S Diamond, city. oc24-24 Pennsylvnnla Antnmn Excursion via the Lines. The Pennsylvania Company will sell excursion tickets to Chicago on Saturday, October 26, for trains leaving Pittsburg at 725 a. M., 1220 and IKK) P. M., central time, good for return passage by trains leaving Chicago until November 2. For full information apply to Samuel Moody, D. P. A., 1127 Liberty street. Th REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LI.TL, 401 Smlthdeld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, 5100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at i per cent tts A Big Sensation. "We call your attention to-day to our sale of men's kersev, melton and worsted over coats at 810. Now vou can buv a $10 over coat any place, but the ones we shall oQer to-day at that price will be garments worth really double the nionev. Thev surelv will create a big seiisation, lor whoever heard of men s elegant overcoats (choice ot kersev, chinchillas .or worsteds), silk-faced, satin sleeve lining, cord edge and guaranteed first class, going at the low price of $10. We make the boast and can verily it that they are the fciggest bargain ever seen in Pitts burg. To-day we start 'em going at $10. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. "VXT-ANTED FOURGOODT1NNERS-STEADY T work to good mechanics. Inquire or JOHN W. BOWER. Homestead, Pa. oc23-7 T7-ANTED-FOUR OR FIVE CURB CUTTERS vv on Carnegie ave.. Eighteenth ward. Ap plyonwork, K. BRAKAN, Contractor. OCM-76 WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL, GOODS BY sample: good salary paid. Write to CEN TENNIALMFlI. CO., Cincinnati, O., or Chicago. se3-75-TT6Su TT ANTED-AT ONCE A GOOD TINNER TO TT do roofing and shop work: steady employ ment if satisfactory. S.W. HAMILTON, Apollo, Pa. OC24-67 TTJANTED WHITE BOY OF 15 TO CARE FOR VV hor- and rnn errands; come recommended. u. a. SWEENY, M. D., 65 Washlngtonave., S. S., Pittsburg. OC24-9I WANTED-A BILL CLERK. FAMILIAR with plumber and steam fitters' supplies; must have ability and experience. Address STEAM, Dispatch office. OC23-22 WANTED-OFFICE BOY-QUICK. ACTIVE and willing to make himself useful: good penman and in flgnres; 16 or IS years preferred. Answer A. B. a, Dispatch office. OC24-77 WANTED-JoOO TO! S500.CO0-TO LOAN ON mortgages, 4. Sand 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Tele phone No. 975. OC24-15 WANTED-MORTGAG3-ll.0C0,C00TOLOAN in large and small amounts at 4H. 5anfl6 per cent, free of Mate tax: no delay. w x X.C. a tsv., 11 x uunu ave. REEDB. myZl-J WANTED TO LOAN 350,000 ON MORT GAGES in amounts to suit. In city or coun try, at 44 to 6 per cent, as to security; no delay. bAMUiSL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jyll-16-MThS WANTED-TO LOAN to00,0(C IN AM0UM3 of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban prdperty, on 4 percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 6 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, S3 Fourth avenue. sc21-d-n TTA NTED MORTGAGES 11, COO, OOOTO LOAN Y V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand Djwrceuu uudq larnis m AUCEuenrtna auj&. FOR BALE-FINE BRICK RESIDENCE OF 7 rooms and large grounds, on Rlppey St., be tween Hlland and Neglev aves. ; all conveniences and improvements made: price (6,900, on time. MELLON BROTHERS, C349 Station St., E.E. oc20-119-TT8n OR SALE-AT 52,750NEW EAST ENO house, desirable location, 6 rooms, Just being completed; will be finished In bard wood, and win Include Ml modern appliances: this should attract a prompt buyer. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. OC24-12 Hnzelwood Residences. FOR SALE HAZELWOOD-MODEHN OUEEN Anne dwelling, 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, porch, bath, inside w. c, stationary w. s., range; lot 30x120: onlj 1 minute from Second Ave. Elec tric Rallw&v. nr 5mlnntes from Hazclwood sta tion: price f.650. ' cash. balanret300 annually. OC23-13-TT , BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. . Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-COZY. NEW 6 ROOM FRAME house, Allegheny: convenient to streetcars nuu maraei nouse; tnis proneny must oe soiu iincc iow; your own terms, BRo.. 105 Fourth ave. FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE ONE OF THE finest stands In city, with very flue established trade; grand chance to the right party: bad health causo of selling. Address R. H. G Dispatch of fice. OC24-S9 FOR SALE A SHOE AND HAT STORE doing a first-class cash trade In the llvest town of 3,000 people in Pa.; no very strong oppo sition; coal and coke works and furnaces around town; glass factories, mills, carriage, etc.. In town: will sell at invoice: Investigate and you won't ask reasons for selling. Address SHOE MAN. Dispatch office. " oc24-30 "I710R8ALE-2 FINE BAKERIES AND CON J? PECTIONErtIES.ln excellent locttlons, large yearly business of tlOO.l , 19,009 or Invoice, doing grocery store in Pittsburg, tloncrles, boarding houses, drygoods and notion smaller CTOccrv stores. S400 to $5,009; clgarstores, small bakeries, con fee- stores, feed store, printing office and many other business chances for males or female.: free par ticulars. SHEPARDJfcCO., 54 Fifth ave. oc3 Business Stands. FOR SALE LEASE HAVING OVER TWO years to run, and Improvements, suitable for light manufacturing purposes. Including engine, boiler, shafting, etc. For particulars call on STKAUB& MORRIb,lC61hlrdave.. cor. Wood St. OC24-96-TTSSU lllnnnfncl'nrlnic Mies. FOR SALE-THE VALUABLE MANUFACTURING-site 302x301 feet, fronting on Alle gheny Valley R. R., near FIfty-rourth strcetand McCandless station: full, free and unobstructed railroad front; to be sold at public sale on Tues day afternoon, October 29, at 2 o'clock, on the B remises. Fuller particulars from JAMES W. RAPE ft CO.. Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. oci4-14-D FOR SALE-ILUSCELLANEdUb. W. W. MCNEILL OC24-99 FOR BALE A VERY FINE BRICK RESI DENCE In Second ward, Allegheny, near parks and street cars; 10 large rooms; library, cedar room, bath and lavatory, natural gas, fur nace, China closets, pantry.groccryand vegetable niches; a first-class residence In every particular, replete throughout with all modern appliances; everything almost new; large lot, side entrance, alley is the rear. Fuller particulars and permit to examine the property from JAB. W. DRAPE &CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ocl7-4-Ths cent counties at 6 per cent. Dun, iuj ouric avenue. M. PENNOCK ft ap7-f41 -TTTANTED-TO x,OAN 1200,000 ON MOET- TT GA(?ES;I100 and upward at 6 per cent; (500,000 at K per cent on residences or bnslness property; also in aQjoining FRENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. counties. S. H. OC2I-4-D Miscellaneous. WANTED A LARGE SECOND-HANDED safe In good condition. Address, giving size inside and out and price, P. O. BOX 796. OC23-15 WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S dozen (13) of Stewart ft Co. 's fine cabinet photos for f L. at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv2S-49-TTSU Fancy Weave Black goods, regular $1 50 goods, to go at 1 00 Friday and Saturday only. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. Are Von Lucky Enough to hold one of our club tickets? If so, call at Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, immediately and receive the benefit. Braun's Vegetable, Blood and Rheu matic Bitters, purely vegetable and a sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druegists and at Fleming's, 412 Market St. ttssu Ribbons! Ribbons! 40-ct ribbons, extra wide, to go at 19 cts. a yard Friday and Saturdav only. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. B. fc B. Bead display ad. this paper, and come and see the great bargain at 25 cts. Boggs & Buhl. The pleasantest and most wholesome drink is F. & V.'s Pilsner beer. "TTJANTED-J MEN, AT ONCE, TO PICK V apples off trees. Inquire at Carnaban's hardware store. West End, for directions how to reach J. SCARBOROUGH; good wages. oc24-2 WANTED-AN ENERGETIC MAN OF SOME business experience: good position for right party; Immediate personal application and ref erence to P. WARD, Room 2, K36 Penn ave. OC24-21 TfTTANTED-FIFTl LABORERS TO WORK TV on East Palestine. O.. waterworks: wages 1 50 per day: pay every two weeks: work all winter. Apply on works, M. PHILBIN. Con tractor, OC24-I6 ANTED-A NUMBER OF GOOD MEN WHO can hustle to establish a paying business for themselves on a capital of fl: If the work does not nlt the money cheerfully refunded. In quire 105 ROSS ST. OC24-18 WAMEU-REL1ABLE LOCAL AND TRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special inducements now: fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N.Y. sel7-70-TTS WANTED-DETECTIVES IN EVERY COUN TY; shrewd men to act nnder Instruction In our secret service: experience not neeessarv; send 2-cent stamp. GRANNAN DETECTIVE BUREAU CO., Arcade, Cincinnati, O. OCl3-107-ThBU WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a lively correspondent to 6end their address and stamp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, Box 643, Clarksburg, W, Va. OC23-10 WANTEDTO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one In the club at ft 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 501, and I will call and snow you the watch. JyS-40 WANTED-THE PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT YEAGER CO..70 Federal st., Allegheny, will make cabinets of anybody during this montfi for 75c per doz.: bring the little ones: don't miss; No. 70 Federal st. These cabinets will not fade. Ocl-tl-D FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRABLE RESI DENCE, Clifton ave., second ward, Alle gheny, near street cars and electric road. 8 rooms, hall, sliding doors between hall, parlorand dining room. Inside shutters, porches, front and rear, fine mantels, nat. and art. gas, bath, Inside w. c. range and laundry, etc.: this house Is well finished and papered throughout; grounds large and well kept, surrounded by large forest trees: corner lot 106x130: more ground can be had If de sired: price low; must be sold at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. ocl 3-51-14, 16, 18, 22, 24,26 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-AT WILKINSBURG. BRICK house of 12 rooms, with one acre of ground; beautiful site: 5 minutes from sta.: will be sold cheap and on easy terms. W. E. HAMNE1T, 404 bmltbfield st. oc23-23 FOR SALE-CERTAIN LY CHEAP;ONLYfA; centrally located at Wllklnsburg, P. R. R., a very desirable new bouse. 8 rooms; thoroughly Improved: lot 100x200 ft. SeeW. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. oc!7-95-MTh FORSALE-IN SEW1CKLEY, AT REDUCED price and on easy terms, a brick dwelling of 10 rooms, bath, lauudry and modern conven iences; large lot 47x2X1 on Broad st., near Station, P. O. and stores; the best place In Sewlckleyfor a city business man;iramedlatepossessIon. A. W. ADAIR, Penn ave.. Room 70S, Penn Building. OC23-24 Dorses. Vehicles. Live Stock, etc FOR SALE SECOND-HAND BAROUCHE, asgoodasnew. Can be seen at C WEsr ft CO.'S, Carriage Makers, tffl Duquesne way, Pitts burg, Pa. ocl0-2C FOR SALE-DRIVING AND RIDING HORSE, verv cood stvle. 16 hands hlzh. 6 years old. very showy; will be sold reasonable. Inquire 608 nui UOD Sf. OC24-23 Machinery and nietals. IOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and renttpd: renalrlnsrnromntlv attended to. PORTRFOUNDRYANDMACHlNECO.,LlM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 F FOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, Z surface planers and I shaper.and new and second-band engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, bli'men valves, castings, etc VELTE ft MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. 1v21-91-tts Dtlscellaneon. FOR SALE-GROCERY FIXTURES AND stock. Address N. H. D., Dispatch office. . oc22-30 FOR SALE-ONE DALY THREE-BARREL rifle and snotgun, 12 gauge, new; can be seen at JOHNS'lON'S GUNSTORE. or office of M. JACOB, Architect, Sixth and Grant street: cheap for cash. oc24-74 A TTENTION 102d REGIMENT THE JA. members ofthelOSd Regiment will assem ble at Washington Infantry Armory, THURS DAY. October H 1889, at 1 o'clock r. JC, to attend funeral of our late comrade, James Ford. By order of 8. M. DUVALL, President. H. T. ROWLEY. Secretary. oc24-28 VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JLN there will be a special meeting of the stockholders of the Bewickley Dairy Company onTHUR8DAY,.Novemher21,lS89, at 3 P. St, at the parlors of the St. Charles Hotel, for the purpose of voting for or against a proposed de velopment of the company's property for gas and oil. O.P.COCHRAN, Secretary. Pittsbubo, October 18. 1889. QCl8-79-18.24.3I.no7.14 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AS my son, James Darrah. has left his home withont cause. I will not be responsible for any debts he may contract after this date. KDWAHD DARRAH. OCTOBER 23, 1889. OC24-71 FTHE COURT OF QUARTER SESSION of Allegheny county, in the matter of the application for the transfer of retail license No. 892, March session, 1889, by William Mc Kay to Frank H. Miller for McKay's restaur ant, in the First ward, McKeesport Notice Js hereby given that on FRIDAY, the 23th. day of October. A. D. I8S9. at 920 o'clock A. K., tho application for transfer of retail license Nov 992, March session, 18S9, for the building on the corner of Locust and Jerome streets. In the First ward of the borough of McKeesport, known as the McKav restaurant, from William McKay to Frank H. Miller, will be heard by said court, at which time persons opposing the transfer, as well as the parties above men tioned, will be heard. D. K. McGUNNEGLE, oc24-E3 Clerk of Courts' office. TO LET. East End Residences. TO LET-HOJSE OF 14 ROOMS, STABLE and outbuildings: large grounds; on Negley avenue, near Penn avenue cable cars. Inquire of HENRY ROBERTS,at Oliver ft-Roberts Wire Co., Southstde. sel9-10 WANTEU-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at f 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous Drocess. mhl3-63 FOR HALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE-A FINE INVESTMENT TWO brick dwelling houses, one of 8 rooms, the other 5 rooms, situate on Congress street: price only 7,000. C. BER1NGER ft SON. 103 Fourth ave. OC19-41.TTS WANTED-BAD WRITERS, AT SMART'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE, 4 Sixth St. : open 9 A. JI. to 9 P. It: we after more Inducements at lower terms than any college In the city; private instruction for both sexes. oc24 TTssu hkirls! bkirts! Extra bargains for Friday and Saturday. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. The pleasantest and most wholesome drink is F. & V.'s Pilsner beer. On Time, And very early too. That's what anyone should be in treating oneself for inaction of the kid neys and bladder. The diuretic which ex perience indicates as supplying the requisite stimulation to the organs without exerting them, is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Don't delay; kidney inaction and disease are not far apart. For fever and ague, dyspepsia, consti pation, rheumatism and nerve debility, also use the Bitters. A Bis; Septntlon. "We call your attention to-day to our sale of men's kersey, melton and worsted over coats at $10. Kow you can buy a $10 over coat any place, but the ones we shall offer to-day at that price will be garments worth really double the money. They surely will create a big sensation, for whoever heard of men's elegant overcoats (choice of kersey; chinchillas or worsteds), silk-faced, satin sleeve lining, cord edge and guaranteed first class, going at the low price of ?10. "We make the boast and can verify it that they are the biggest bargain ever seen in Pitts burg. To-day we start 'em going at J10. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond tts., opp. the new Court House. Dress Robes! Dress RobesI $15 00 robes for $12 00. $18 00 robes for $12 00. $20 00 robes for $12 00. Friday and Saturday only. Enable & Shuster) 35 Fifth ave. Men's kid and dogskin walking gloves. James H. Aiken & Co., aoo Fifth ave. Natural Grs Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. O'EeefeGas Appliance Co.,34Fifthav. Towels! Towels! Extra large towels, 15 cts. Extra large towels, 19 cts. Extra large towels, 25 cts. Friday and Saturday only. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. Cabinet photos, $1 per dor. Lies Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. ttsu Wanted-male help-SCO salary, o expenses In advance allowed each month. Steady employment at home or traveling. No soliciting. Duties delivering and making collec tions. No postal cards. Address with stamp, HAFER ft CO., Plqua, Ohio.. OC8-68-TTSSU WANTED LABORERS WANTED IN NEW Orleans X able-bodied men to ship as crew; wages $60 per month and board; to reliable men steady employment will be given. Apply to M.N. WOOD. Coast and Lalausche Line, No. 2 Canal st.. New Orleans, La. ocl6-42 TTTANTED-AGEHTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING V powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmcn can make money in their spare time: special Inducements toper sons having established trade. YAMASH1RO TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. aua-79-TTS TTJANTED-SALESMEN AT 175 PER MONTH TV salarvand expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc: by sample only; horse and team furnished free-write at once for full mlcularc and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D FOR SALE-fS, C00-ROS3 STREET, BET. FIRST and Second aves.. a3-storv uncle dwtiiiiionr 11 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, w. c, both gases, lot 24x90. BLACK ft BAIRD, 93 Fourth ava. 20-186. ,,, 0024-4 FOR SALE-FOURTH AVE., NEAR ROSS. 3 two-storv 4 room hrlck dwellings, well finished throughout: artificial gas In each: water In the yard. BLACh. ft BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. 2G-186. oc;4-4 FOR SALE-A GOOD STORE BOOM. 7 BRICK dwellings, ice houses and outbuildings, etc., aud over an acre of land at Hulton, Pa., on tbe A. V. R. R., on the opposite corner from railroad station; property of the estate of Hannah F. Davles, dee'd; all to be sold by order of theOr- Shans Court at public sale on Thursday afternoon, ctober24, at 3 o'clock on the premises: this is an excellent point for business, one of the best stands in the place, on account of nearness to the rail road depot, etc; terms at sale or from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., AeenU and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. oclS-79-MWThs FOR SALE LOTS. Cltr Lots FOR SALE-ELEGANT LARGE BUILDING lot on Forty-fifth St.. near Hotter at. ; cheap, on your own terms. W. W. MCNEILL ft BRO., 105 Fourth ave. o0-7S-TT8n East End Lots. FOR SALE-500 EACH FOR OAKLAND lots, Frazler and Booth sts. ; gas and water on street. Sn-214 BLACK ft BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. ocZl-3 FOR SALE-AT 4,T5-VERY REASONABLE terms: short walk from the postoffice, on Bluff St., Sixth ward; a neat brick house of 8 rooms, late conveniences. See W. A. HERKON ft SONS, No. SO Fourth ave. oolO-20-MTh FOR SALE-FORBES ST.NEAR VAN BRAAM, a two story brick dwelling In rear of lot facing Tustln st. nf four rooms and basement; water, gas, flue store room In front house. BLACK ft SA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-S7. oct24-7 FOR SALE-VERT CHEAP-A DESIRABLE new house, late style,9 rooms; lot 30 it. front; street is paved, city sewer; centrally located and a very short distance from theCourtHouse: a bar gain Is ottered If sold quick. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. oclO-20-iiTh FOR SALE-LOCUST ST., BET. MAGEEAND Chestnut sts., fine new brick dwelling 7 rooms, bathroom, marble mantels, cemented cellar, both gases. Inside shutters; house Just finished: posses sion at once; price (3,600; IL000 cash, balance to suit. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. OC18-48 TTT ANTED-AGENTS TO SELL THE PINLESS V clothesline: the only line ever Invented that holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success; patent recently Issued; sold only by agents, to whom the exclusive right Is given: on receipt of SO cents we will send a sample line by mall; also clrcnlars, price list and terms to agents; secure your territory at otice. Address WORCESTER PINLESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Hermon St., Worcester, Mass. oc?4-81-ws B.&B. ne all-wool imported cashmeres. 4fi jfincaes wide (to measure), at 55 and 65 cts., HraSke a lively cashmere business to-day CuOice BusucB. xuuua cc xuHL. Silks! Silks! $1 00 fancy silks for 69 cts. 85-ct. fancy silks for 50 cts. $12 00 brocade silks lor $4 00. ""Friday and Saturday onlv. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. F. & V.'S Iron City beer is unrivaled. Connoisseurs pronounce it so. Dress Goods! Dress Goods! Special bargains 'for Friday and Satur day only. Enable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. . A SPECIAL DFYITATIOI -TO- Visit the Grandest Place About Pittsburg FOR A HOME. Visit the East End, "Visit Allegheny City, Visit all the places about the city aud then come to KNOXVILLE. We will engage to show you a prettier place, Give you easier terms of payment. Give you better improvements. Give you lower taxes. Give you more comforts and pleasures, better heath, for less money than anywhere else. CAN YOU BUY ANYWHERE A splendid 7-room brick house, with fine porches, slate roof, bathroom, range, hot and cold water, laundry, on beautiful lot, sur rounded with fine shade trees, for $5,100, on easy payments of a few hundred dollars cash and monthly pavments to suit youT You can do it in Knoxville. t You can retafvroom house in Knoxvilln fn tlOO cash payment and f 17 to J20 per month. You can get a 3-room house in Knoxville for $50 to 1100 cost and 511 to SIS per month. You can get a house, large or small, with as much ground as you want, on terms that yon cannot duplicate anywhere else. You ask: WHERE IS KNOXVILLE? It is only 1 miles from the postoffice, to which you can walk in 20 minutes. The new Fittsbure Incline Plane is belnc erected, and in less than six months you can take street car in city and ride into Knoxville in IS minutes. Knoxville has all the improvements of tbe city three lines natural gas, artificial cas, city water fine churches, paved streets, good school and low taxes. Hundreds of people are niovine to Knoxville, and the choicest sites are being taken un. FOB BENT A number or handsome new houses now ready for renting. You can do netter acre man anywnere else. Knoxville Land Improvement Co,, KNOXVILLE BOROUGH, OrJC THIRD AVE. Take a R cars to Twelfth and Mt. Oliver in. WANTED-AGKNTS-TO SELL OUR NON EVAPORATING, non-freezing chemical fire pall, patented: exclusive territory given: sells to lactones, noieis, Dusiness oioces. dwellings, etc.; an entirely new thing and sells on sight: Indorsed N. E. Insurance Ex.. Factory Mut. Ins. Cos., Chi cago Underwriters' Association, etc; sample nail, price list. etc. sent on receipt of p. AddressTHE WORCESTER FIRE APPLIANCE CO. Incor poratertl No. 38 Front street, Worcester. Mass. oclO-33-Thsu Femnle ITelD. WANTED-A GOOD CHAMBERMAID AT 116 SHEFFIELD ST., Allegheny. oc24-93 -rTT-ANTED TWO GIRLS AT MAMAUX ft TT SON,S,AwningMakers,537 Penn ave. oc24-2i WANTED-ALADY CASHIER: REFERENCE and bond required. Address, in own handwriting, S. ft CO., Dispatch office. oc24-ll FOR SALE-REDUCED TO 17, 000-A MAG NIFICENT brick residence. In Duquesne Helffhts. containing 8 commodious roams. 21&rfe attic rooms, reception hall, bath room. 2 w. c.'s stationary washslands, parlor and hall finished in bard wood, natural gas, beautiful lot, 76x123: this bargain on easy terms. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. 21-154. OC20-137 East End Resiaencea. FOR SALE-TWO OF THOSE NICE NEW 6 room frame houses which we have been sell ing for 2,200, on easy terms and small payment uuwn: well Sliuaiea, near jLasi LiiBeriy Bullion l. RELLI &ROOERS, No. 6315 Ma- TT-OR8ALE-I1.100 EASY TERMS. FRANKS- L? TOWN ave- near Brushton, a nice level lot Allegheny Residence. TO LET-NEW BRICK HOUSE, 9 ROOMS and bath, range; all modern Improvements; No. 243 Locust St. Inquire of JAMES MCGAW, 188 Juniata St., Allegheny. oc24-73 TO LET-ELEGANT RESIDENCE IN ALLE GHENY. No., 139 Franklin street: contains eight rooms, good hall.' bathroom, w. c. both gases and all modern improvements, with nice grounds. GEO. R. BOTHWELL, No. 104 Frank lin street, Allegheny. OC24-39 Apartments. rf-tO LET-WELL-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM JL with hoard, on Union ave.; references: terms reasonable. Address L. M., Dispatch of fice. OC24-92 TO LET-FINE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping on Liberty, Fenn and Ferry streets; '39-room hotel, with store rooms: both gases. Inquire of S. MUSGRAVE. 44 Fourth street. ocl7-34-uwrhsn TO LET SECOND STORY FRONT ROOM furnished, with or without board: reference required and furnished: located In Fifth ward, Allegheny. Apply to 8. MORROW, ISSFlrstave.; Pittsburg. oc 24-72. Office. Dek Boom. Jfcc TOLET-IN STANDARD BUILDING LARGE and well lighted offices, cheap; Wood, near Sixth avenue. V. A. HERRON ft SONS. 80 Fourth avenue, OC5-43-TTS 60x150. covered with BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fruit trees. 3A-301. BLACK ft OC20-139 FOR SALE-SHADYS1DE BUILDING LOTS very desirable, on Bellefonte St., one square from Fifth avenue; obeap: lot 40x100 ft. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. ocl3-77-MTh EOR SALE OAKLAND AVIS. LOIS. 30X100, nicely elevated above the street; flagstone, sidewalk and paved street; convenient to cable road, and very reasonable rjrice. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-2M OC20-133 FOR SALE-A SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND balance on long time will buy a fine residence site In Villa Park plan, Brushton: onr prices are very low and now Is tbe time to Invest. JNO. F. BAXTER, Agent, 612 Smithfleld St. OC20-59-TTSSU FOR SALE-A GREAT BARGAIN TO IN VESTORS, over 2 acres of land (not Includ ing streets), 35 lots, well laying, near Hlland and below Stanton avenue, at a barealn. 5.000. leas than the city valuation. See W. A. HERRON ft duj, so r ourm avenue. oczn-zz-Hin FOE SALE-IN SELECTING A LOT FOR A residence site, you should be careful to see that the property Is sewered and conveniently lo cated: the Baum Grove plan sewered, wide flag stone sidewalks and all streets of asphaltnm and in the center of East End, at prices below actual value. MELLON BROS., East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, (12 Smithfleld st. oc20-61-HTh FOR 8ALE-OREXCHANGE-I5, 000 SHADY SIDE, one square from oable road, 5 minutes' walk from I. R.R. : handsome new modern style 9 room frame dwelling, hall, batb, both gases. Inside shutters, and w. c slate mantels, tile hearths, sliding doors, range, etc: lot32xlC0 feet; this Is a very desirable property; suitable terms can be arranged. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. OC24-100 TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found in the city; rent, pooandsxo per annum, including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. x. and 1 P. Jf ., or between 2 and 4 r. It. jy3-S7 rTHE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 1, of Allegheny connty. No. KM of Decem ber term. 1889. Notico is hereby given that an application will be made to the said court on SATURDAY, the 16th day of November, 1883, at 10 o'clock A. M., under tbe "corporation act of April 23. 1874.'' and toe supplements thereto by Charles J. Clarke, Joseph Home, S. B. Mar vin, John Walker, Milton L. Myers, O. P. Hcaife, W. E. Scbmertz. Wm. G. Johnston, J as. B.D. Meeds, Wm. R Thompson. Thomas H. Lane, John Dunlap, George A. Kelly, James B. Scott, Edmund M. Ferguson, H. L. Mason Leonard H. Eaton. Joseph G. "Walter, Fred Rlnebart, George Wilson. Henry A. weaver, William Wade, JobnH. McCreery. Joel Kerr and O. M. Edwards for the charter of an in tended corporation to be called the "Western Pennsylvania Humane Society," the character and object of which is the prevention of cruelty to animal.", children and aged persons and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tbe rights, benefits and privileges conferred bv tbe said act and its snnnlements. ocMJfl-Th FRANK W. BMITH. Solicitor. AMCSEaiENTS. ROBERT J. BURDETTE Will lecture in Old City Hall, Friday evening of this week. This is the first of the Members' Course of the Youns Men's Christian Associa tion. The other dates for the season are: Not. Z2, MTJNDKLL SI8TER3 VOCAIi QUARTET. Dec 27, LOTUS GLEE CLUB OF BOSTON. Jan. 24, PHOF. J. W. CHUHCHlLLv BEAU INGS. Feb. 28, H. H. RAGAN, ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. March 28, ROYAL HAND-BELL RINGERS OF LONDON. Afire-dollar sustaining membership ticket in the Association gives admission, with a lady, to all of tbe above as well as to gymnasium, evening classes, and other privileges at tbe Association Building. Any yonng man of good moral character Is eligible to member ship. Persons not members will be admitted upon payment of SO cents each at tba door. oc2k!8 XT OTICE jg hereby GIVEN THAT THB ' i.1 report of viewers on tbe grading and pav ing of Dresden Allay, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless aa appeal is filed In the Court ot Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. . E.M.BTGELOWV Chief of Department of Public Works: Pittsburg. Pa, Oct 17, 1888. oc!7-S7 "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB LN report of viewers on the grading of Wall ingford street, from Neville street to Barcea street, and Grazier street, from Fifth aveaas to Homewood avenue, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless as appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Plea within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Worxs. PrrrsB tmo. Pa.. October 17, 1889. ocl7-3T Vr'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB JLl report of Viewers on the damages caused, by the grading of Grazier street, from Fifth, avenne to Homewood avenue, has bees ap proved by Councils, which action will be Ileal, unless an appeal is filed in the Conn of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of PnblloWoTksv PTTTSBrao. Pa- October 17. 1888. ocl7-3T NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB reports of Viewers on the grading, paving; and curbing ot Fifth avenne, trom Penn ave nue to Fran kstown avenne, and Negley avenue, from Hampton street to Roup street, have been approved by Councils, which actios wiH be final, unless an appeal is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from data. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Prrrsiitnto, Pa, October 17. 1888. oel7-37 October 2. 18S8, NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB Bureau ot Health of the city of Pitts burg has this day established and provided, and doe hereby designate the foot of Seven teenth (17) street, in the city of Pittsburg, ac the Allegheny river, and Clark's dumpboat. immediately above the north end of the SoaUs Tenth, street bridge, in tbidtyot Pittsburg, on tbe Monongahela river, as the places whera are to be received and deposited tbe contests of all privies as they shall from time to time ha . cleaned and emptied, and all other offeasive) substances found upon tbe public highway; THOMAS W. BAKES. Superintendent of the Bureau ot Health. oc90 -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB , JLN reports ot Viewers on tbo opening of Omaha street, from Bigbam street to Merrlsae street: Emily street, from Craft avesue to , Halket street; Felicia alley, trom Murtiasd, street to the city line; Zenith alley, from Felicia alley to Formosa alley, and Sera aHy. from Felicia alley to Formosa alley, have bees, approved by Councils, which actios wBi he final unless an appeal Is filed is tfieCesrtof Common Pleas within ten (10) days frost data. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Pablie Works. PrrrsBtnto. Pa, October 17, 1888. oe!7-37 - PERSONAL. PERSONAL-MALTBY'S OrSTEE DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 rimlth neld street; fresh oysters received dally; orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMERLE, Mgr. sel-92-D Personal-books: booksi books! New and old, ancient and icodern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK. STORE. 900 Liberty st. an3-93 PERSONAL-EDWIN SLATER, P. O. BOX 178, Cincinnati, O.. who suffered years from Flics, and has been effectually cured, will send ull directions for self-treatment. Simple and un failing. Free to all. oc22-63-tts PEHSONAL-HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family jar occa sioned by tbe wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 63 Fifth ave.. corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1S5S, au30 -4RAND OPERA HOU8E EXTRA ANNOUCKMKNT. WEEK OF OCT. 28. A Genuine Comedy Triumph, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB reports of Viewers on the coBStzseties of sewers on Meyran street, from crows between. Louisa andBates streets to Louisa street sewer? Carey alley, trom South Twenty-math street ta a point 450 feet westwardly: Fifth street, from. Liberty avenuo to the Allegheny river, asd Fifth avenne. from Amberson aveaae to a, ' point west of Moorhead's lane, have bees ajn proved by Councils, which action will be to!, unless an appeal to filed in the Court of Cosh' nion Pleas, within tea (10) days from date. - E.M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of PubHo Work. Pittsbubo. Pa., October 17, 1888. OCl-H AUCTION OALHS5. ASSIGNEES' SALE. AT AUCTION , ' "J. H. BORLAND, AuCTIOXEEHj Important to the public. Tba a large drygoods imporiBg boss,'' over 1136,660 worth of fereJfBj anddomestte DRYGOODS, r 'j f,. ... CARPETS, RUGS, DRUGGETS. iy -ft .4 MR. ROLAND 4 REED THE WOMAN, HATER. HEED AS THE BIGAMIST. REED AS THETRIGAMIST. Introducing the great topical song; "It Was a Dream," and other new musical numbers. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. oc34-31 and cable cars. tlon street, East End, OC2D-4S-TTSU FOR SALE-AN EAST END INVESTMENT, near both cable Hues, lot 30x115, good house, six rooms, front: double house, four rooms each. In rear; all in prime order; yielding rental of close to 00; price (3,900. CHARLES bOMEKS & CO.. 313 Wood street. OC24-12 FOR SALE A GOOD FRAME HOUSE OF 6 rooms and attic, porches, etc., situated on good street near East Liberty station and cable cars; lot 41x120: easy terras: 300 to S30O down, bal ance in small payments. See KELLY &ROOERS, N o. 6315 Station street, East End. oc20-4S-TTSn WANTED-A GIRL FOR CHAMBER WORK and sewing; must be a good waitress and bring first-class cltv reference. Apply at 211 AL LEGHENY AVENUE, Allegheny City. oc24-78 -VTTANTED-A BRIGHT, WELL EDUCATED v V American lady of good address for special work In our art department; salary SIO: call after 1 only. E. W. WALKER CO., 53 Ninth st. OC24-3 -TTJANTED-COOK AND CHAMBERMAID; YV middle-aged women preferred: Tor family in Florida. Apply first floor, lio FOURTH AVL., city, between 2 and 3 o'clock, Thursday and Fri day, this week. oc22-42 -rrT-ANTED AT ONCE CHILD'S NURSE, VV cook and chambermaid for small family; 13 50 per week each; 100 bouse girls, 20 for hotels, dishwasher and night cook, waitresses. MEE HAN'S, 543 Grant 6t. oc21-D -TTTAJ.TED .IMMEDIATELY AN EXPE V RIENCEDand thoroughly competent lady teacher for a school outside the city: middle-aged single woman preferred; employment constant: wages S360 per annum, with board. Address MUNSON, Dispatch office. oc24-66 TTTANTED-LADY AGENTS FOR OUR NEW VV Mcintosh raglan; snpertor cloth, In wide stripes on outside; vulcanized rubber on Inside; close fitting; very stylish; never spots: beautiful as the finest cloth garment ever made, and is abso water-nroof: arants sell sir & d&v Anil make S3; great opportunity: also fine line, other gooas. Aauress r a. UA-jirttELLi, St., Chicago. FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT AND DESIR ABLE property convenient to cable lines: 2 story bouse 6 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, electric bells and every appliance for comfort; lot 49 reet front: grape arbor and shade; price only 12,830. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. oc24-12 FOR SLE-t3,730-E. E.. NEAR FIFTH AVE. cable road or P. R. R. station: cozy and sub stantial 2-story 6-room frame dwelling, hall, gas, water, etc. : lot 43x109: this Is a corner property and verv desirably located: easyterms. SAMUEL W. BLACli. Jfc CO., 09 Fourth ave. OC22-85-TWTS FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN-AN ELEGANT brick house and good lot near East Liberty station: hoase contains 9 rooms and reception hall, bath, I. w. c, laundry, etc.; this property will be sold at alow figure and on easv terms. See KELLY & ROGERS, No. 0315 Station street. East End. OC20-4S-TT6U TTlOR SALE-M.500-SYLVAN AVE.-A GOODfl JL' 2-story brick or 8 rooms, wiae hall, bath, n. and c water, both gases, marble mantels, rooms newly papered and painted, 2 porches, about 1 acre of ground, with shade trees and shrubbery: exceeding cbeap and reasonable terms. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. oc20-136 Allegheny Lota. TJIOR BALE-ALMOST IN THE CENTER OF A' Allegheny gooa uuuaing iots,easvr access. for 1400, on easy terms, bee W. SOJNS. so Fourth avenue. A. HERRON & OC15-79-TTS FOR SALE-LOT llSHOTl LACOCK ST., NEAR Federal St.. Allegheny, at trustee's sale by direction of Orphans' Court. On Thursday, Oct. 24, at 2 o'clock, will be sold on the premises. In lots to suit purchasers, that piece of valuable real estate belonging to the estate of the late Martha McDonald binlth, fronting 143 feet on the north side of Lacockst. by 100 feet deep to a street ad jacent to West i'enn Railroad; very eligible prop erty for manufacturing purposes; terms, one fourth cash and balance In three yearly payments. A. LEGGATE & SON, Auctioneers. OC16-74 Suburban Lota. FOR SALE-LOTS 40x120 FEET. IN MAPLE WOOD Fark: easy payments. GEO. S. MARTIN & CO., 105 Fourth ave. oc2u-25-TTSSu STRAYED. TRATED-TO PREMISES OF SAMUEL I HODGSON, one aldernev cow: owner will come forward nad nrove nroncrtv and nav dam- ages or she will be sold according to law. oc31-M S1 SPECIAL MATINEE IiTTTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY. GRAND OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY AFTERNOON. TOMMY RUBSELlTand RAY MASKELL will both appear In the cast. OC24-3B V'..Sfifc BY AUCTION AT - J. H. BORLAND'S, LARGS AND SPACIOUS COMMMtaOwlJj BOOMS, - N03. 738 and 736 LIBERTY STRBH5; at tbe bead of Wood street, oopeeHe tbe Arbuckle biook, conraoaoteg -l MONDAY, October 14, r8 Sales wiH commence dafly at;! PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO BOOKBINDERS-SEALED proposals will be received at this office until i o'clock P. H. TUESDAY, October 29, 1889. for rebinding 4i record dockets, or for fur nishing the same new. For particulars, specifi cations, etc., inquire at the office of the County Commissioners. JOSIAH SPEER. OC24-43 County Controller. FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD, LOT 213X185; 7 minutes' from station: $A600;easy terms. W. E. H AMU EXT, 404 Smithfleld St. ocB-23 FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD, 2 LOTS 501150 each; 7 minutes' from sta.: price S550 each. W. E. HAMMET1', 404 Smithfleld sf. OC23-23 FOR SALE AT EDGEWOOO 4 LOTS. EACH 43x145 feet, and one lot 50x155; 2 minutes' from station: will be sold together for S4,700: easy terms: good Investment. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Smithfleld st. OC23-23 FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN 4 LOTS, 24x110, with frame dwelling of 3 rooms and attic, la ShalertownsMn, 10 minutes' walk rrom Bennett station, W. P. R. R. Inquire or W. H. WAL KER or W. A. YOUNG. Telephone 5569. oc24-5 FOR SALE-A FINE EAST END RESIDENCE at only $S.C00:a rare bargain; lot 70x150 feet; excellent dwelling bouse; almost new; 10 rooms, replete throughout with all modern anpllances; this Isa great bargalmowner going Eastand wants to sell; particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. oc24-l3 4S4RandolDh ocl-66-TiSu WANTED-TO EMPLOY A FEW LADIES, on salary, to take charge or my business at their homes: entirely unobjectionable; light; very iascinaung ana iieauoiui: no uiung requirea; permanent position; wages (10 per week In ad vance: good pay foi part time; my references In clude some of tbe best well-known people of Lou isville. Cincinnati. Pltt&burr and elsewhere. Art. dress with stamp. MRS. MARION WALKER, Fourth and Chestnut sts., Louisville, Ky. sel2-13-TbEn Male nnd Female flrlo. WANTED-FBENCH NURSE TO TAKE charge of two children, cooks, dining room girls, chambermaids, nurses, 100 l.ouseglrls, Ger man and colored girls, farm hands, drivers, man ror dairy. MRS. IS. THOMPSON, 60S Grant St. oc"-MThS -I, D-iZf., "i":""nu JUW uuverin- gheny City: references dine to KnoxTille borough. oc20-W (, &, Dispatch ofac. WANTED-AGEhTS, MALE OB FEMALE, in all country towns, to sell photograph albums: latest designs for tail trade Just received; big profits and quick returns to energetic agents; write terms, etc. UNION PUBLISHING CO 103 Fonrth ave. seS-60-Tgsu Boarding, ""TTTANTED-GOOD BOOM. WITH MEALS IN V V house or nearby, for younuouple; private family having piano preferred; Oakland or Alle- neny wiiy: references given. ana requirea. H. 0C24-95 FOR SALESTO-FARRAGUT ST., NEAR Hlland or Stanton aves., E. E., new 2 story modern style frame dwelling, s rooms, ball, batb. Inside shutters and w.c. range, both gases, slate mantels, tile hearth, slate roor. etc.; lot 75x263 to a 50-foot street; this property will be sold at a very low figure on account or Ill-health of the owner; terms easy. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. ocz2-86 TpOR 8ALE-$3.000 WILL BUY ONE OF THE X? most beautiful and well-planned houses in tbe Baum Grove plan of lots In the East End. It Is situated at the junction of five streets and com mands a fine view of all. It is built of brick in the most substantial manner, slate roof, stone window sills and caps, bay window, broad and beautiful front porch, celled with yellow pine; has six sleeping rooms, receptton hall, parlor, dining room, kitcben and large pantry, which Is fitted up with drawers, shelving and glass doors: kitchen and attic rooms are finished with yellow pine, reception ball and paneled stairway In oak; bath room has fireplace and slate mantel, water closet, stationary washstand and bath tub; all finished In n-ainut, with silver plated faucets and wainscoted S feet hlghr transoms over all doors and Inside blinds and slate mantels throughout; all hearths on first floor are tile, of handsome pat terns, and the bedrooms have large closets and fitted up with both gases; the rooms are all of a good size and very cheery and comfortable: a good cellar, with cut stone foundation : laundry, and completely sewered, with tbe street now in front being paved. Tbe property is low at the price and can be bought on easy terms; close to steam and cable cars; Immediate possession. Call on JAMISON ft DICKIE, 96 Fourth ave., and cor ner Penn and Shady ayei,, East End, oc24-87.Ths FOR SALE-1NGRAM. P., C. AST. L. RY.. Justatthe station, 5K acres offineland with young orchard; would divide Into lots to good ad vantage and meet rapid sales. For a good Invest ment don't miss getting full particulars at BLACK ft BAIRD'S. 95 Fourth ave. oc20-lD8 I7IOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS; 50x194, S400 TO 60T, Belmont Place, Ingram, P., (J. ft St. L. IS. R.; streets 50 ft. wide; sewered: houses to set back 4u ft., cost at least t2. 014): terms 25 down, balance (10 per month. INGRAM LAND AND IMPROVE MENT CO., 60 Fourth ave. (second floor). OC13-10Z-TTSU TO BUILDERS-OFFICE OF THE LIGHT HOUSE Engineer, Fifth and Sixth Dis tricts, Baltimore. Md., October 1Z 1889. Pro posals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon of FRIDAY, the 15th day of No vember. 1S&V, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds necessary for the erection and delivery of the Newport News Light House, Hampton Roads, Virginia. Plans, specifications, forms of proposal and other in formation may be obtained on application to this office. Tbe right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive anr defects. J. C. MALLERY, Captain of Engineers. U. S. Army, Light-House Engineer, Fifth and Sixth Districts. ocl5-3G-TTS nOI J. W. PATTERSON POST, NO. 1H. Continuation of the Exposition at tbe Fair of Cot. J. W. Patterson Post, No. 161, at Salisbury Hall, Soutbside, every evening. The wonderful phonograph and many other exhibits ot the late Exposition to be seen at the fair. Admittance 10 cents. oc22-f7 aad 730 7. x., and from day to day until the efitlre aiaeKi is disposed of, and in quaattWes tomktf- tbe purchaser. This is without eseefoa tbo terfeafrsafeaffj Fine Drygooda, Carpets ad Jtoga'fere in Pittsburg, and is well wonhy tbe ; of the public generally. The: must be sold regardless of seat or. pffee Ja BIJOU THEATER. To-night. OLIVER BYRON. In 10,000 MILES AWAY. October 28-Z1G-ZAG. oca TO IRON MANUFACTURERS-OFFICE of the Light-House Eugineer, Fifth and Sixth districts, Baltimore, Md., October 12, 1SS9. Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon of FRIDAY, the 15th. day of November, 1889, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds necessary for the com pletion and delivery of tbe metal work ot the Newport News Light House, Hampton Roads, Virginia. Plans, specifications, forms of pro posal, and other information maybe obtained on application to this office. The right is re served to reject anv or all bids, and to waive any defects. J. C. MALLERY, Captains of En gineers, U. 8. Army. Light-House Ensineer, Fifth and Sixth districts. ocl5r;-Trs TTAOR SALE THE LARGEST, BEST AND JU choicest lots In Allegheny county are found iiiMaptewood Park, WllLlnsbnrg; over one-half of the lots in the plan are sold; houses going np iu every direction; secure one while you have choice; small payment down, balance weekly or monthly. GEO. M ARHN ft CO. . 105 Fourth ave. OC20-25-TTSSU Fnrma. FOR SALE-SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS FARMS, near Coraopolli, P. &L. E. K. K: also some small pieces suitable for country homes and build ing sites. LASHELL ft BAN KIN, 67 Fourth ave. OC24-75 TTIOR HALE FARM 30 ACRES. X frame house. 9 rooms, good barn; 2-STORY best fratt placeon llneof Fort Wayne road; IK miles from balem. ED WITTISH, 410 Grant St.. Pittsburg. Pa. ocSS-D FOB SALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOR CITY property, a very line farm of no acres, or will alvlde into GO and 60 acres, with good frame bouse of 8 rooms, large barn, etc.; land all tillable, good fences and abundance of water; located In Wash ington connty, Pa. C. BERINGEU ft SON, 103 Fpurthave. ocHMI-tts TJH)B SALE-O'HABA TOWNSHIP -TWO At miles from Sbarpsburg and one mile from th workhouse, 30 acres or fine garden land nnder excellent cultivation: well watered nnd rpnriri. good fruit orchard, etc. : 5-room brick dwelling; 1 trims reasonable. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft COT, 1 taTourthave. oc.ttb I DiwdauDlTElEplinnE. $2,000 REWARD. A description or mention of Daniel Draw baugh's talking machine or telephone inven tion was printed in some Pensylvania news papers at sometime between tbe years 1S70 and Search has been made in the public libraries and the newspaper offices of that State forsuch newspapers. The files of such papers are in many cases complete, both prior and subse quent to said years, but the files covering the precise period in question have either disap peared or been mutilated. The undersigned will pay a reward of 81,000 to the person who will be tbe first to place in their possession a genuine original copy of tbe newspaper containing such description or men tion nf Daniel Lrrawbaugh'a talking machine, or to tbe one who first restores tbe files con taining snch copy to the public library or news paper office from which tbe same was taken. The undersigned will also pay the sum of Sl.CCOforthe detection and cuuviction of tbe person or persons canstngsald disappearance or mutilation of said fll6iv All persons who have old files of Pennsylva nia newspapers are requested to examlno tbe same for such publication made during the years mentioned, SEWARD, DACOSTA t GUTHRIE, 3d Nassau street, -New York City, Dated, New Yobs, October, 1888. OC80-80-D GRAND OPERA HOUSE-TO-NIGHT. Matinees Friday and Saturday, LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY. October 2S, Roland Reed In THE WOMAN HATER. OC2MS HARRIS THEATER-EVERY AFTER NOON and evening. DANIEL BOONE. THE PIONEER. Week October 28 Gray and Stephens, oc-29 order to make a prompt creditors. All goods sold at this saie poetsrveiy anteed and warranted aa represented: Special accommodations provided, fer 0GS34B-VM8V' XROF. C. A. JOHN80N, THE NOTED JtT "British Lion," editor and astronomicil lecturer of Hamilton, Ont., lectures THIS EVENING at Warren Chapel, cor. Clark and Fulton st. at 7 p. v. sharp, on "Sun Spots." Admission, 25c; reserved seats, 60c ocii-68 TTARRY WLLLIAMB' ACADEMY Xo-nigbt, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, HARr-Y WATSON'S AMERICAN OC20-20 SPECIALTY COMPANY. 1. T AUCTION THE BNTrRR FTfRJiTaHsr.' A MENTof a beautiful home, removed- ft i .,.,.... -KTa 111U..I,tf --- '- J mjo ulna, a. ". in. .u, ... " w. w iuwvim of sale, FRIDAY MORNING, OeC , M 'Jf o'clock sharp. Fine English rug partor sK of 8 pieces, mantel cabinet, mantel aad. pier mirrors, engravings and paintings, fsney wfc. era, rugs, druggets, curtalnx. shades, str clocks, ornaments, fancy articles, corner case, center tables, Turkish ooaeh, glass springs. blaBkets, beddings walBBt, ofcsn oas cnamDor ibiv, aressmg ram, chairs, rockers, oeosteaas, oea ware, dining chairs, extension ta china, elaas and. silverware. lasadfT kitchen goods, velvet, moqaet, bo4y a4 vMMtrv hmwel eameta for Teems. haSs.: stairs. HENRY AUCTION CO, LQL. Aw tioaeera. RESORTa. THOMASVILLE, GA., Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December 4. 1889. . M. A. BOWER, Proprietor. For clrcnlars. rates, eta, address WM. EL DAVIES, Manager, Thomasville, Ga., or F. A BUDLONG, WlndsorHotel, N.Y.Cf ty. OC12-97-TTS Walter j. Osbousne. Kichabd Barrows. BARROWS 4 08BOURNE JOB PRINTERS. SO Diamond street. Telephone No. 812. au81-6-TT3 plANOb, ORGANS. a HAMILTON, SI AND 98 FIFTH AVENUE, Plttsbnre. Pa. ap30-74-O WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD -Watches clocks, jewelry and silverware, etc , etc. Finest qualities. Lowest prices in tba two cities at WILSON'S JEWELRY STORE, 61 Fourth are.. Pittsburg. Fine natch repairing, etc.. a specialty. oc22-tts nALIFORNIA FRUITS EVAPORATED jl peaches and apricots, very choice: also uotaea i .by WS-TO fruits.) JNO. A. RENHHAW A CO- FarnHr GroeeHL. .Liberty aad Nteths. A UCTION SALE CITY HOME. 69 CONGRESS ST., NEAR FTFTH AY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, mt. A substantial 3-storv brick dweWwr of rooms, ball, bath, w. c, range and otfcer agve-jj nience; house newly papered- BLACK a BAIRD. 96 Fourth ave.' "DOOKS AT AUCTION THIS KTSUVslI at 7:30 o'clock at the rooms. No. 3U Mark,' oJ second floor. HENRY AUCTIOK CO, Ll2S Auctioneers. SIXTH AVENUE DYE WO: M. MAY SOTS & Gffl STEAM DYERS AND SCOUJ And ireseral reaoratera of textile dies' and gentlemen's sotted or faded , neatlv cleaned or restored In osier. of every description carefully attested .' M. MAY SONS & Co. jell-TTS 66 SIXTH AVE.. Ptttawaisfc' jsmtt ri A BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR. i. oeveoto ave. Telephone 1344. A. WHtTKLBT. THHWAYK,' man j uaavo own fcfci 3J - .. CTM5Wwa--g. t -, - . . iiSieia!'. mmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm