OCR Interpretation

Pittsburg dispatch. [volume] (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 16, 1891, Image 11

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A. Canned Moat Syndicate Goes to
Pieces and
Ckecss Goes Slow on Account of the
Abundance of Fruit
Office op Pittsecbo Dispatch. )
Tuesday, Sept. 15.
The combination which attempted to hold
tip prices of canned meats has come to an
untimely end, and prices of beef have found
a lower levcL Canned beef lias been re
duced from $2 10 to SI 70 per dozen in the
past two weeks, and chipped, beef has been
rcducod from ?2 30 to 51 85. These reduc
tions correspond to the drop in cattle.
Canned tongue remains as it has been, price
per dozen beinr quoted at $2 90. Volume
of trade in thi line is reported larger this
Benson than ever before. There has been a
fclislit decline, however, of late for tne reason
that picnic season is on the ane.
Coffee Steady.
Tho coffee market is a shaae firmer the
last few day. The late drop iu prices of
J'.Io teems to hare bad the effect of increas
ing trade. Demand here and westward has
increased, and the movement has been much
lnore free the uast week than it has been for
botne time. The total receipts at ltio Sep
tember 10 -were 913,009 bags, against 513,003
baps at the vame time Inst year, and 453,000
bags ttv o j ears, ago. Tile total risible supply
st Xcw York is estimated at S37 500 bags,
ajraiust 551,lv9 bags at this time a year ago
and 4S0.252 baps two years ago at this time.
Java collect are -v en firm ".ith a tendency
ton aril lasher prices.
Tho !5o-tou Herald lias this to say of the
coffee trade outlook- 'ilucn now seems to
lianjr on the reports to coma of the Xovem
Iwrflonciim; of the coffee trees in South
America. It is a foregone conclusion that
tlie early lloworiiia; of the coff.-o year was a
remaiksblv Iruitftil one. and if the Xnrem
lierflowenm: should bo relatively as good,
there must be a most remai kable crop ot
Cheese Is Quiet.
The coii-uuiptioc of chcse this season has
fallen below theaverag. Thera have been
Eeasons where the volume of trade reached
B.500boxe- in a single week. One of our
jobbers renorted sales of over 2,000 boxes In
a ieek a year ao. The entire consumption
has lallen below this amount the best week
this year. The decline in consumption is
explained by the large receipts and low
Sriecsof fruit When trnit is so.iliiini'.iiit
and cheap as it is this season the products
ot the dairy are sure to go slow. This is the
Situation at the piesent, and it is a situation
Jiot uniaiorable to the health and comrort
of consumers. The more fruit and less fatty
matter stored away in the inner man and
woman the better it will be for the health
and temper.
Southern Trade Prospects.
The business situation in the South has not
Jieen altogether rosy of late years, but in
that section there has been a decided im
provement in the outlook, as the following
from the Manufacturers' Record, a Southern
"Journal, will prove:
"In all parts ot the "outh farmors are re
ported a les- In debt than for years, many
reports im,' Unit their indebtedness is
smaller than at any time -nice tho Mar, duo
In part to the enioiced economy on account
ofmimeun stnngeucv since last fall and in
jpai t to the lar-e crop-, of the hist few years.
The low price of cotton m tho spring caused
planters to pay more attention to raising
their food supplies, and the South will
probabK be ies- dependent upon other sec
tions lor coin and wheat than ever before.
It is estimated that the gram crops of tho
South this year ill aggregate nearly 100,000
bushels more than in 1890 and this, added
to the large ieldof fruits and vegetables,
will keep at home at lea-t 70,000,00 that last
year went North and AVest tor foodstuffs.
This will full offset the low price of cotton,
nnd if cotton should advance by reason of a
decrease in j leld, it would bo a clear gain to
Southern l-iinimr interests. The yield of
icgar, rice and tobacco promises to exceed
the crop- of lfK) and to add largely to the
general pro-penty of the --outli. The bank-,
ers in all sections ot the south report that
with bu-incss on a solid basis, ith less in
debtedness on tho part of the fanners and
merchants than for many years, and with
Rood ciops assured, the piospeetsforthe fall
and -a inter have never been more favorable.
A period of great activity in solid, sub
stantial development is universally pre-
A Boonilct In Wheat and Other Cereals,
Preceded and Succeeded liy Weakness
Tho Effect of the War Scare TTovisions
Tame and Featnreless.
CHICAGO There was a surprise Jn store
for traders in wheat this morning. On the
put b. before the opening, the market was
treat and a leaction from the advance of
yestei day was looked for. The trade was in
clined to discredit the reports of a crisis on
the Bosphorus, notwithstanding the circum
stantial accounts publishedof the landing of
British blue jackets on the Island of Jlity
lenc This opinion was strengthened b3' the
lact that English consols were apoint higher
this morning.and that the Liverpool market,
While firm, did not give any indication of a
tendency toward war prices. Then the de
nial that the "Hold your wheat" circular
1i- an official utterance of tlie Farmers'
Alliance was a beailsh factor.
Tue opening price reflected these condition-,
being at 97U&Pi cents, against 97
cents at the ciosu yesterday. There was
quite a tiade done at tho slight reduction
jiamed. then- appearing to have been a great
number of selling ordcis at that limit, based
Jiresuma'jlj on the expectation that the
urmncss oi the English securities would
counteract tne Mar scare.
Then came toe surprise. The circumstan
ces connected with the Mitvlene incident
"were given with so much dota'il in the news
paragraph', that it took verv little in addi
tion to renew the war alarm, and conse
quently the earlv calculation of further dis
patches tending to confirm the fact, caused
the immediate withdrawal of selling oiders
and within ten minutes of the opening the
jincowasi ptoil 00. Many or the commission
jnen had selling orders from New York at
tho opening, but more had orders to buv,
nnd the shorts at once took it as their cue to
Tkeristo98 cents brought out a good
deal of w heat, but from the latter price and
up to 93J4 it was impossible for a broker to
fill more than one or two buying orders.
During the following ten minutes there was
H quick reaction to as cents, hich was
succeeded by a long dull spell, during which
the price did not go Inguer than 99i cents
nor lower than &X cents.
The cause ot the sudden reversal of feeling
Tvas the circulation of a cablegram denying
that there was auy truth in the ,1,
mors. In addition to this, loreign houses
turned sellers. The late news tended to
weakness. Foreign houses kept on selling
nnd the shorts got covered so that tho de
mand fell oB mate-ially. . Near the close
there wn a quick break irom 99 to 87? cents
The weakness continued, but the close was
steadv at 97 cents. Cleirances of over
WjO.OoO bushel" from the seaboard probably
prevented a more severe break.
Corn opened IHc lower than yesterday's
clo.eat 55c, though Septombei and the dis
tant futures were practicall unchanged.
The arlv weakness in the ruling option
was attributed to the fine, warm, maturing
weatlici all o er the corn belt, rapidly di
minishing the chances of fi ost doing any
damage, but the excited feeling in wheat
and some liberal buying by parties supposed
to be acting lor the clique started shorts to
xn cruig on a liberal scale, and there was a
sl.urp advance to 56Kc for October, the
other lutures lesponding feebly. When the
strength went out or wheat the earlier In
fluences, including the fact that the reoeipts
were iarelj in excess of the estimates,
came into play and prices receded, dropping
daring the last hour toMc, which was the
closing price
'i.its Joilowed corn, but the fluctuations
wen conflne-1 to a range of 5c.
Tl.t provision market was rather tame
and inclined to weakness on its own ac
count, but wao controlled in some measure
vy the actuations in corn. There were no
feature, with the exception or the selling
By the packers on the advance which fol
lowed the eirly bulge In the wheat and corn
lnaitet. The closing piices do not differ
materially from those of j esterday.
-J!"5, 'ea41?,: "tores ranged as lollows. as cor-rcctrjibj-JohnM
Oakley JL Co.. 45 Sixth street.
.....ow. vwwti juru oi irjlfte.
Wheat No. "
FcptemKT 9Hjf
:i73) i to
10a lKli
Onen- J IIlli- T.or- nn.
ahticles. ini. ! ... ,, .
. i ""-
'1 t U t !UU
9TU otaT
1 Ollt 1 04'i
Cork Xo. 2
Oats No. .
62-4 62V 2 62
W SO1 54'4 54
V. 44J 43,s 4m
27V 58H 27V I7M
Sh 2S 27I S3
31V, 2ZH 315 3IX
Mess 1'obk.
October 10 53
December J 10 85
January 12 So
October 6 97K
December.... .1 7 10
January I 7 17fi
shout Kids
October 710
December ) 6 00
January 6 8Z
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
quiet and unchanged. No. 3 spring wheat,
9lK91Vc; No. S spring wheat. 8185c; No. 2
red, Ol&c; No. 2 corn, C2SB2Vc: No. 2
oats, 27&c; No. 2 white, 2930e; No.
3 white, 2S6?29c: Ko. 2 rye, Sc:
No. 2 barley, 60c: No. 3, f. o. b., 35
e-rae; No. 4, f.o. b., 30iSc; No. 1 flaxseed, S9
S)c,- prime timothv seed. $1 2S; moss pork, f?
bbl, $10 50; lard, ft 100 fts, $7 00; short
rib sides (loose), $7 107 20; dry-salted
shoulders (boxed), $6 fi2);6 75; short clear
sides (boxed), $7 857 95; sugars unchanged.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
maikot was firmer; fancy creamery. 22y,
24o; fine Western. 20jjc; fine dairies, 17
iOc; ordinary, 1316c. lggs, 1017c
NEW TOKK Flour firm andtairly active.
Corn meal stead, and quiet. Wheat Spot
market unsettled, closing easier and quiet;
No. 2 red, $1 MVl 02J8 store and elevator,
$1 031 03'J admit. $1 03?il 06i f. o. b.;
options opened ?c higher and turther
advanced IfilVc. atterwards theie was a de
cline of ljilc; the close was barely steady
it J6KC over yesterday: No. 2 red, Septem
ber, closing at$l 02: October, $1 03Jji 05,
closing at $1 03U: November, $1 u."Jl 07,
closing at $1 05; December, $1 071(1 0 15-16,
closing at $1 07J4. January. $1 0s
1 09, closlntr at $1 0 February. $1 10V
1 12, closing at $1 10 May. $1 131 14,
closing at $1 li. ltyc firmer and quiet;
IVcstcrn, 9Sc asked. Bailey more active; No.
2 Milwaukee, 7371c Corn Spot market
quiet and lower: No. 2, 70Jc, elevator: 71
71)4c, afloat: ungraded mixed. 073c; options
vefy dull, JiiJlHC lower on incieasing sup
plies here and at tho West; September clos
ing at CSc; October, 635i63c, closing at
6Kc; November, fiUiKIe, closing at
6lL4c; December, 53552ic, closing at
55c; Januarv, 5351c, closing at 53o;
Slay, 52i;53ic, closing at oltyc. Oats
Spot market uiisetled, closing easier, active;
options quiet and firmer; September, 33l
33c, closing at SSc: October. 3334io,
closing 34c; November, 3454Jc, closing at
31Kc; December, 35c: No. 2 wuite, 36J7c;
mixed Western. 3235c; white do., 3612c; No.
2 Chicago, 3434. Hay quiet and weak.
Hops quiet and easy. Tallow strong. Eggs in
lair demand and Arm; Western, 19j;20c.
Pork quiet and easy: old mess, $10 7511 25;
new mess, $12 0012 50; extra prime, $11 00
1125. Cut meat strong but quiet; pickled
bellies, 9c Sliddles stronger; short clear.
Septemboi $8 00. Lard dull and about
steady: Western steam, $7 357 37K: Octo
ber, $7 317 30, closing at $7 34 asked; Decem
ber, $7 44 asked; January", $7 54 asked; Feb-rn-iry,
$7 63 asked. Butter quiet and firm;
Western dairy.lS18c; do creamery, 16J5Kc;
Elgin, 25ffi25Kc Cheese quiet and firm;
Western, 6Sjc; part skims, 47a
rHILADEI.PHIA Flonr steady butquiet.
Wheat strong and higher; choice No. 2,
red in gram depot for milling, $1 WW:
depot K
04U: Nov
Jim &,i-
tures wh
71ic: Nc
No. 2 red. September, $1 02yl 03: Oc
tober, $1 0ijl 041 November, i 0ol 06K;
Decomber, $1 071 OSi. Corn carlots,qniet
and lower. Futures wholly nominal. Un
graded mixed, 71ic; No. 2 mixed in gram
depot, 71Kc; do on track, 71c; No. 2 yellow in
elevator, 72KC; - 2 high mixed and yellow
in gram depot ana elevator, zc: a o. a mixed,
September, 6970c; October, 6566c: Novem
ber. C364c; December.567c. Oat6 Car lots
dull and lower; No. 3 white, S6c: do track,
36c; No. 2 white. s;SSc; do choice. 33Jic:
(ffiJUXc; do clipped, 41c; choice ungraded
w lute, 39c; futures Arm and higher; No. 8
w hite, September and October, 3633GKc: No
vember. 3(i3SKc: Decpmber, 36K37.
Butter quiet but firm; Pennsylvania cieam
cry, extra, 24. Eggs firm and in fair demand;
Pennsylvania firsts, 21c. Cheese fifm; part
skims, 67Jc.
Ssr. I.OD1S Wheat The close was heavy
and Jc above yesterday; No. 2, cash, 95c;
September. 94Wc bid, October, 95c bid; Uo
cember, 97c; May, $1 01K. Corn Nearly all
the trading was in the year, which early
sold o higher, weakened later and closed
c below vesterday; No. 2 cash, glc; Sep
tember, 59o bid; October, 51Jc bid; Febru
ary, 39'o. Oats closed weak, No. 2 cash,
29c; September, 29Jsc; October, 29c asked;
May, 32c. Rje.No. 2, s3c offeied tnis side.
Barley Little demand; Iowa, 62Jc. Butter
steady, but quiet; creamery, 2127c; dairy,
1720c. Eggs, ISc. Provisions No particu
lar changed is noticed and feeling is reported
firmer; the market, however, was dull and
the trading lignt. Pork, $11 23. Lard, $6 80.
BALTIMORE Wheat No. 3 red Irregu
lar and higher; spot and September, $l62)
1 CHf; October, $1 03H1 C3; December,
$1 0il4l 07;steamef-No. 2 red, 9i95Ko.
Corn Mixed dull and easy: spot and Sep
tember, CSJc; year, 53c asked; January, 5Sc
asked. Oats active and higher; No. 2 white
Western, 373Scv No. 2 mixed do, 33Jc asked.
Rye steady; No. 2, 97c. Hay quiet and
steady; good to choice timothy, $13 0 ;14 00.
Provisions very firm, but unchanged. But
ter firm and active: creamery, fancy, 25c; do
lair to ohoice, 2224c; do imitation, 1921c;
ladle fancy, 1617c: good to choice, 1415c;
store packed, 12Q15c. Eggs quiet at 20c.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 6,000 head;
shipments, 400 head; market active at yes
terday's decline; good to choice natives,
$1 905 50: fair to good do, $2 604 95; Texan
and Indian steers $2 303 70; oanners,
$1 402 25; nogs Receipts, 5,500 head; ship
ments, 500 bead; steadv; fair to choice heavy,
$5 105 30; mixed grades, $4 5003 10; light
lair to best, $5 005 25. SheepEeceipts,
3,900 head: shipments, 100: maiket weak;
fair to good, $2 404 CO.
CINCINNATI Flour in good demand;
Wheat active and stronger; No. 2, red, 97
97c Com steady; No. 2, mixed 6606ie.
Oats easier; No. 2, mixed, SlK32Ke. Kye
steady; No. 2, bSa. Pork firm at $10 7o10 87k;
Lard strong at $5 85. Bulk meats firm at $7 50y)
7 61. Bacon in good demand and firm at
$S 75. Butter quiet. Eggs firm at 1GI7.
Cheese strong.
MILWAUKEE Flour quiet. Wheat easy;
No. 2 spring, on track, cash. 9192c; Decem
ber. 94c; Io. I Northern, 96c" Corn steady;
No. 3, on track, cash, 59c Oats easy; No. 2
white, on track, 30c Barley active; Sep
tember, 61c Kye higher; No. L in store, 89c
Provisions quiet. Pork January, $13 CO.
Lard January, $7 20.,
Kanias City Cattle Receipts, 10,830 head;
shipments, 3 570 head: market steady; lower;
fif.fi.rs. ftS sflffift .tV pnn n 41 Ki7r). qo Sf l--
ers and teedere, $2 453 GO; Hogs Receipts,
7,000 head; shipments, 170 head; market
strong; bulk, U 804 93; all grades, $3 25
5 00. fchcep Boceipts, L870 head; shipments,
250; market strong.
DDLUTII Wheat September Northern
opened at 91c and closed at 92c: December
opened at 93c and closed at 93c; Sep
tember hard was 93c; December, UiXc; cash
hard, 93J4c; No. 1 Northern, 9c.
MINNEAPOLIS Wheat Close: No. 1
hard wheat on track, 9191c; No. 1 North
ern, September. 8Sc: October, 88Jc; De
cember, 91c; on track, 89g89J;c; No. 2
Northern, 8tf85c
KANSAS CITY Wheat higher; No. 2 hard,
cash and September, 89c bid; No. 2 led, cash,
88c bid. Corn stronger; No. 2, cash, 55Vc;
September 61c bid. Oats strong; No. 2,cash,
27Jc bid. Eggs steady at 16c
TOLEDO Whea. lower, steady: cash 965i;
September, 97c; December, $1 01; May, $1 OS:
Corn dull; cash, C3c Oats quiet; cash, 30c
Rye firm; cash, 91c.
Wool Markets.
New Toek Wool quiet' and steady: do
mestic fleece, 3033; pulled, 2S33; Texas,
St. Louis Wool Receipts. 35,900 pounds:
shipments, 107,600 pounds. The moderate
offerings received fair movement at full
oaiW braid, 15f He; lotngflne light, IJcjSsA
nne ueavv, iioc; tuo cnoice, i(gjc; in
ferior, 2730c.
Philadelphia Wool market quiet and
prices steadv; Ohio, Pennsylvania and West
Virginia XX and above, 2932c; X, 2Si5!31c;
medium, 3537c; coarse, S334c. New Tfork,
Michigan. Indiana and Western fine or X
and XX, SG28c: medium, 3536; coarse, 32K
S3ic: fine washed delaine Jl and XX, 33
3-c: medium washed combing and delaine,
37J40c; coarse do do do 33J35c; Canada
washed oombing,3234c; tub washed, choice,
3635c; fair, 3:3Gc: coarse do do do, 25
2Ugc. Montana, i923c; Territorial, 1521c.
The Coffee Markets.
New Yobk, Sept. 15. Coffee Options
opened easy and unchanged; 25 points de
cline, closed steady, 1025 points up; sales,
51,500 bags, including: September, 13.95
14.50c; October, 13.05 13 40c: November, 12.10
12.c; December, H.S512.25c; January, ,!L85c;
February, 11.70c; March, U.65ll.90c: spot
Rio more active and lower; lair cargoes,
17Jc; No. 7, 15!ip bid.
BALTnuoBK, Sept. 15. Coffee steady; Rio
cargoes, fair, 18c: No. 7, 15Kc
Metal Markets.
New Toek, Sept. 15,-Pig iron dull and un
changed. Copper dull and unchanged.
Lead nominal; domestic. $4 50. Tin easy;
Ob&MIi-O, i? .
Tlie Price of ItarSIfi-er.
New Yoek, Sept. 15.-fipfriot-Bar silver
in London, 4ld per ounce; New York
dealers' price lor silver, 973c per ounce.
10 ro 10 45 10 50
10 MX 10 TJJi 10 80
13l2)s 12 80 13 02
7 02)i 6 S7S 7 00
7 IS 7 10 7 12X
7 22 7 17 7 ID
707H 712i
6(0 690
6 82VJ 6 S!ii
Dealers Confident the Fall Trade Will
Come Up to Expectations.
New Manufacturing Towns Outlets for
Pittsburg's Exransire Energy.
Brokers report a good and growing in
quiry for real estate, and expect a decided
revival in business in a short time. It is
worthy of note that after a comparatively
inactive summer there are no concessions to
be had in prices except in a few cases where
owners are pressed for ready money. Those
who think differently have only to go into
the market as buyers to find ont they are
Sir. Edward Houston has purchased a
residence property in Ira 3l Burchfield's
Oliver Terrace plan, Hazelwod, for S6.500
cash, and will occupy it at once The lot is
80x116. The building 1b a well-finished
two-story frame of eight rooms.
"Vieux Temps" sends The Dispatch the
following in regard to Commercial Row, to
which allusion was made in this column a
few days ago: " 'Commercial Row,' on
Liberty street, was built in 1833 by Galway,
Watson and Scott. The row reached from
the corner of Wayne, now Eleventh street,
to Wallace's marble works opposite the hea
of Smithfleld street. The Union depot occu
pies the grounds of the Methodist burying
f round and St. Patrick's Catholic Church,
he old canal and warehouses occupied
Liberty from now Eleventh street to Pike or
Thirteenth street. Commercial Ron, as it
now stands, was a wonder at the tune it was
built. Six or eight four-story brick stores
all in a row were big things for Pittsburg at
that tim-4 " As stated, there is talk of re
placing two or three of the buildings in this
row with large modem structures.
Those who complain of a lack of snap in
general trade, as compared with last year,
should bear in mind that there is less idle
money now than there was the . That was
for the most part a period of apprehension,
and financiers kept a tight grip on their
moneybags. Crops were light and there
was very little call from that quarter. Now
they are immense, and the bulk of available
funds is employed in moving them, leaving
but little lor investment in real estate,
stocks or bonds. In a short time tho harvest
w ill be out of the way and money will begin
to return to other channels of trade, result
ing in a general revival in all lines of busi
ness. Special and individual embarrass
ments do not affect general industriil con
ditions, which are sound and aggressive.
The rise of industrial towns around Pitts
burg is, a favorable sign of the times, show
ing that the .manufacturing interests of
Pittsburg are expanding so rapidly that
more room is necessary for their accommo
dation. These new towns are not inimical
to the business of the city. This is the mar
ket whence they draw their supplies and
where thev distribute their products to con
sumers. Thelz promoters, or most of them,
having their homes in the city are as closely
identified w ith, and as solicitous for, itspros
perity as if their mills were located on the
Southside or in Lawrencoville. These thriv
ing colonies are outlets for the expansive
energies of Pittsburg, and emphasize in a
way that cannot be misunderstood her im
portance as a manufacturing center. Thoy
are aids, not hinderances, to her in indus
trial development.
Wood, Harmon & Co. are getting things in
shape for an active oampaign next spring.
A representative of the firm said yesterday:
"Conveniently situated acreage, suoh as
Pittsburg home-seekers desire, is becoming
scarce. After a long search we have found
a piece that suits our purpose and have
opened negotiations for its purchase. If tho
deal goes through it will make quite a stir in
real estate. circles."
Easiness News and Gossip.
Thirteen purohase money mortgages were
-on-fllo yesterday for record.
Brinker's will be the terminus of the
Wilkinsburg branch of the Duquesne road,
under the present arrangement.
Stock trading continues slow in spite of
the return of gold from. Enrope. Caution in
speculation is always to be commended.
George Thornton will soon break ground
in Temperanceville tor- three-story busi
ness house.
At tho last call vesterday Manchester
Traotion was offered at S3.
Several hr6kers spoken to yesterday ex
pressed the opinion that the proposition to
ratify tlie sale of the Garrison alley property
and switch the mortgage would be agreed to
at the switch and signal meeting to-day,
E. E. Dearborn has sold to C. D. Latimore
n residence property in the Twenty-third
ward for $5 000.
Hocking Valley July gross increase. $41,
570, 15 per cent.; net increase, $49,775, 39 per
cent.; for seven months to July 31 gross in
crease, $118,149, 7 per cent; net increase, $4B,
420, 6 per cent.
Th Moorhead-McCleane embarrassment
was widely discussed in business cirolcs yes
terday. The drift of opinion was that it had
done all the harm it conld.
A permit will be applied for this week for
a large iron-clad factory near Union station.
The sale of the Patrick May estate, on Sec
ond avenue, was yesterday postponed till
Tuesday, September 22, at 10 a. m.
Movements if. Realty.
W. A. Hferron & Sons delivered the deod of
a beautiful building lot on Center avenue,
Shadyside, 100x200 feet, for $10,1000. The
purchaser intends to have plans prepared,
and build at once.
Black & Baird sold for G. C. Hartman to
John C. Schaffer, the Fifth avenue Jeweler,
a lot 25x130 fee ton Oakland avenue, Oakland,
for $2,750. Mr. Schaffer intends toereot a
fine stone front residence on this lot at once.
John K. Ewing & Co. sold for F. G. Rohr
kaste to Mrs. Susan R. Woods a lot 20x100 on
Grant avenue. Tenth ward, Allegheny, for
tai, on mommy payments.
Charles Somers & Co. report tho following
additional sales ol lots at Blaine: Josenh
Martin, city, lots 5 and 46, in block 9, $100
each; John Cunningham, city, lots 47 and 52,
in block 9, $400 and $100 respectively; N. Him
felt, Allogheny, lots 56 and 57, in block 8, $350
and $300 respectively: William Means, city;
lot 7, in block 10 $100; George Hoffman, oity;
lots 47 and 48, m block 10, $350 and $300 re
spectively; John Schmidt, city, lots 101, 102
and 103. in block 9, $300 each; Sarah Osborne,
Johnstown, Pa,, lot 49, in blook 8, $250; Rob
ert Kempler, Marietta, 0., lots 53 and 54, in
block 9, $300 each.
George Schmidt sold another lot on Miami
avenue, being No. 9 in his Eureka place plan,
Oakland, to Samuel Smith for $500.
S. A. Dickie & Co. sold for B. Minton to
John W. Moore, through Howard Brown, a
lot 50x130 feet on BruBhton avenue, near
Keely street, in the Bank of Commerce addi
tion plan. Terms private.
Samuel W. Blaok & Co. sold for Mrs. E. A.
Sullivan two lots on Second avenue. Glen
wood, 52x120 feet, on which is erected a one
story cottage, for $2,600 cash.
The Burrell Improvement Company report
tuo iuuuwuu; sale ui ivm at licnsington
Auirelo Randolfo. Pittsburg, lots 67 and BS
block 2. for $1,360. William Polinslci. Allnl
gheny, lot 7L block 7, for $680.
The Building Record.
Eight permits were Issued yesterday for
the same number of improvements, posting,
as estimated, $15,956.
Mrs. Henderson, frame two-story dwelling, on
Alcer street, Tweutleth'ward. Cost, $4,100. Louis
Gross, frame two-story dwelling, on Holt street.
Twenty-seventh ward. Cost, $793. William
Geager, frame two-story dwelling, on Bonnet
street. Fourteenth ward. Cost, S4,ioo. James
Lee, trame addition todwelllng on Norton avenue.
Thirty-second ward. Cost, 9o0. Mrs. Nora
Stocke, frame one-story dwelling, on Rowan ave
nue. Twenty-first ward. Cost. 175. Mrs. Mery
Ann French, frame two-story dwelling, on Morgan
Bireci, imrieenm wani. vusl, fouu. airs. Mar-
garet Blum, brick three-story store and dwelling
on Liberty street. Sixteenth ward. Cost, S4.158,
lieorge ureyson, rrame iwo-siory onciung, on
Monongahela street. Twenty-third ward. Cost.
Pittsburg Speculators Uninfluenced by Bul
ges in London and New York The Lat
est Embarrassment of Lone Standing
Chartlers Gas Below Zero.
There was a dead calm on the open board
yesterday, and very little was done in the
offices. No ouo seemed-willing or Able to
raise the wind. The only sale on call was
that of a membership at $333.
Price changes were unimportant. Final
quotations were in most cases the lowest of
the day. Stocks finishing at a loss were
Philadelphia Gas, Central Traction, New
Ynrkfinrt Clnvnlnnd OnaPnnl nnd ExchangO
National Bank, Liberty National Bank and.
fieasani vaneymaae sugnt gains.
The rumor mill was busy, but ground out
nothing to shock the community. A broker
remarked: "The latest incident in the em
barrassment line bears about the same rela
tion to existing conditions as cattail clouds
do to a thunder storm. It has been brewing
for several years. It will be fixed up."
Chartlers Gas seems to have no friends left.
Less than a year ago it was quoted at 4045.
Yesterday 3 was bid for 200 shares and 3)4 for
10. The cause for this is w ell known and is
a common corporation fault.
New York was strong and active, and Lon-
don averaged J per cent higher. A Newj
York house was notified of the shipment to
it of $200,000 gold from Europe. Railroad re
ports were favorable.
Bids and asking prices at each call are ap
P. PS. & M. Ex. 3T5 402
Arsenal Bank.,.. 70 ",,"i;
Ex. Nat. Bt..5 83 WW 87X
Freehold Bink 75
Lib. Nat. Bk 103M 105 l-;;.
Marine Nat. Bk 110 109 110 109 110
MasonlcBank T! 53
Third Nat. Bank 105,,""
Char. V. UasCo SH....
P. N. G. & P.Co , .... ,?
Philadelphia Co. 1I? 1IJS 11J 11M US 1IK
Wheeling G. Co. 20K "L,-
Central fractl'ii. 19,'S 3tf n 21 19. ...
Cit'ens Traction 62 ... 62!il.
Pittsb'g Traction ,... 45 "!
PleasantValley.. 2.... -22.... ZW
Second Avenue CO 60
P..Y.&A 29
P.. Y. A. pfd SO ....
p ,t W. 9
p.v.pra a
P., W.4KT 50 5.1
N.Y.&C.G.C.C0 S7W.... S7.... 37....
Point Bridce 10
LaNoriaMln.C. 30 .,,
Luster Mln. Co.. Wi 11 11 11J, UK 11J
West'g'seEl't'c 14 .... 14 .... M
MononW. Co. !&! 28,'i
U.S. AS. Co 7 S .... 8 7 8
Tl.S.&S.Co.pref .... 25
W. Airbrake Co. 106 108 1C6 ....
W. B. Co.. lira 71 .... 71
Standard U.C. Co 65 ,... 6-
A Recovery From the Mirylene TVar Scare
After an Early Bear Raid There Is a
General Recovery and Advance Distill
ers' Remains a Feature.
New York, Sept. 15. The aspect or affairs
abroad, which was distuibed by the Mity
lene affair, was looking better this morning
and London, which yesterday was a seller of
all kinds of securities, became a bnyer to
day, and to that extent improved the feeling
here in the temper of the stock market. The
feeling in the steeet was of a more pro
nounced bullish character than for some
time, and the opening prices this morning
were all from H to per cent better in the
aetive stocks than they closed last evening.
Tho bears and those who have been work
ing for a reaotion in order to pick up cheap
stocks, made a final assault upon values in
the early trading which has of late brought
them success and Union Pacific was knocked
down per cent, but the rest of the list lost
only aDout their opening gains. On the
other hand. Distillers' continued its advance
and other specialties showed a tendency to
rise in the face of the general depression,
which lasted only a short time.
The new buying was very apparent, and
purchasers for tho long account became more
numerous as the morning wore away, which
started the shorts into cover before prices
had got too far away from them. The result
was that an upward movementbegan, which
lasted with but few and unimportant inter
ruptions throughout the day. .There was a
moderate set-hack toward 2 p. m but the in
terruption was of short duration and theup
ward march was quickly resumed, and the
highest prices of tho day were generally
reached in the las'; half hour The declara
tion of a dividend of only one-haL per cent
on Rock Island caused the selling out of the
holdings of a few disappointed speculators,
hut while tho stock fluctuate! over a range
of per cent Its final rally was ove; 1 per
cent from its lowest figures.
The market Anally closed active nnd
strong at the highest prices of the day and
with a confident feeling that the upward
movement has only begun ngain. The ad
vances of no to comprise Atohisop. and Erie
each Lackawanna, Buffalo, Rochester
and Pittsburg and Missouri Pacific, each 1
Louisville and Nashville, i; Chicago Gas
and Northern Pacific preferied, each 1 per
cent, and Wabash preferred, IV.
The total sales of stocks to-dav wore 430,
704 shires including: Atchison, 83,720; Canada
Southern, 8.2S7; Chicago Gas, 5,600: Delaware,
Lackawanna aud Western, 12,308: Erie, 35,801;
Louisville and Nashville, 11,252; Missouri
Pacific. 17,492; Northwestern, 3.3S5; North
American, 4,015; Northern Pacific preferred,
9,210; Pacific Mail. 5 540; Reading, 10,410; Rich
mond and West Point6,822; St. Paul, 21.350;
Union Pacific, 10,099; Western Union. 5.792:
Wabash, 5,710.
Xho following table shows tho prices of active
stocks In the 2 ew York Stock Exchange yesterday.
Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whitxet
A STKPHEXSOy. oldest PlttBburg "members Dt the
New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenuci
American Cotton Oil
American Cotton Oil. pfd,
Am. Suear Refining Co...
Am. S. Refining Co., pfd..
Aicn., Top. as. r
Canadian Pacific
Canada southern
Central of New Jersey
Central Pacific
Chesapeake A Ohio..-
C. A O., 1st pfd
C. AO., 2d pfd
Chicago GasTrnst
C, Bur. A Qulncv
C, Mil. ASt. Paul
C, Mil. ASt. Paul, pfd...
C, Rock I. A P
C, St. P. M. A O
C, St: P. M. A O., pfd....
C. A Northwestern
CO., C.&I
C. C. C. A I., pfd
Col. Coal A Iron ....
OoL A Hocking Val
Del., Lack A West
Del. A Hudson
Den. A Rio Grande, pfd...
E. T., Va. A Ga.
Illinois Central
Lake Erie A West
Lake Erie A West., pfd....
Lake Shore A M. S
Louisville A Nashville
Michigan Central
Mobile A Ohio .ft
Missouri Pacific ,
National Cordaara Co
93 $
National Cordage Co., pfd
j.iauuii&i L,eaa .irusi.
New York Ceutral....
N.Y.. a ASt. L
J. Y., C. Abt. L. 1st nfU..
.n . i .. v. a si. i... a pra.
N.Y.. L. E.A W..... ....
N. Y.. L. E. A W., pfd....
N. Y. A N. .......
N.Y., 0. AW
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk A Western, pfd...
North American Co
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific, pfd
Ohio A Mississippi
Oregon ImproTement
Pacific Mall
Peo., Dec. A Evans
Philadelphia A Reading....
Pg., Cin., Chicago A St. L.
P.. C. C. A6t. L.. pfd....
Pullman Palace Car
Richmond AW. P. T
Richmond A W. P. T., pfd
St. Paul A Duluth ..
St. PaulADuiuth, pfd
St. Paul, Minn. A Man ....
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
Wabash, pfd
Western Union
Wheeling A L. E.
31 H
neeung ce, u. !.., pra.
Railroad honds were aetivn nnd Hib deal.
ings extended to a larger number of issues
than usual of late, while the temper of the
market was strong, and material gains were
scored among the leading issues. Total
sales, $2,4ii,ouu.
Atchison He eg (d64
Do 4s fPUffi) 813s
Atlantic and Pacific inc. 13N$9 15iJ
American Cotton Oil 8s 09 (& 98M
Alabama Midland Its so 80
Burl.. Neb 83V 85V
Do Deb W!t& 995?
f!h.. O.. C. & Ind. Hs S. V - itji?ftn it?
Canada Southern Its """'""l0S?iiai05'
DO 2S... .............. B7liflfl 97l
m.u rtKlj. A. a tr - .?i.riB
vuw. - vi.iv u. o. , . ua. .... ...........llW?sl
I.UVB. u, vmi xai ...IM
C. P. & St; L. firsts 93'
Central Ohio firsts in!
Ch. AE. Ills 5s 97J$
I'VO. x ............ .11241
Colo. AGreenv'lflrst 101V1
Colo. Ooal 6s - so
Colo. Midland 4s .'.".... COMtt 69)
uu uraut..., ......lUU KU1UJ
Dei. A tiuason. Pa. coup X. 1JS
Den. A R. G. 4s 78
Del., Lack. A We6t. con 102'
Erie second consols 104
Do seconds ctt.... 1 112)ii
uo jh. as is. inc......... ........J... OS 1
East Tenn. 5s Wht
Ev'lAT. 1LS. Co 95 (
Fort Worth and Denver lsts lOOHi
Greenbavinc 33 1
Hock. Valley 6s 87 87:
Iron'Mountaln 5s 90 pi 89;
111. Cent. 4sof'J5 91 93
Ind., Dec. A.W. 2nds 28 2S
Do firsts 82 82
Iowa Cen. firsts , , 86 80
(inn y
fn fn
-.'..' ..'.-,. - - ,....: - ,.-. ,-,., ' -.,. -j ,- ..iJI
Kan. & Texas u TI 77V
Do2nds 44 Ji
Jack Lan.& Sag. firsts IB 1
Lou. NashUn?4s 79H 7
Lou-. St. L. JfcTex. firsts 81 ,81
Lehigh Valley 4k 101 101
Long Island 4S. 89 89
,r?.".N- O. ATex. firsts 8S,,.S!!
Mob. A Ohio new 6s lI3!4I13Vf
Meunrsts unmmi
Do2nds lo (S10j
Mil. L. S. &w..Imp 978 !H
iuomsj&E. Con..'. isi ("'
Dolsts 137 (3137
Man4sreg; 82 82
Do2llds"".4 116 U6
Minn ft St. L. lsts mt&mii,
North Pac.Ss 83 ($ 82i
JJO.Ch.4N. P 5S B3 (8 823?
Do. Montano .-. 102 fdllOIJi
Do. Spokane 103 103
Do. Ists.". UiiMiViii
Dn3ds 103 108
Jf. Y. Cent. 1st conn 124124
J.Y. Susq. & W. Gen. 5s 82)4 82H
J 1. ANorth. seconds 52 (ffi ulf
New Jersey Central 5s coupons 110 I3!110
Do consols 110 ai16
1. r.. Chi. A St. L. lsts 93M WS
Do regnlar 925S 9254
Oregon Imp. 5s eel, Hi 66
Ontario A Western firsts Ill 1.1
Do 5s 91'o 94K
Oregon Narlgation firsts , 7.100 (3105a
Ohio Southern firsts 1043ai01)i
Pennsylvania 4Ks. reg 104 0104
Peoria. De-atnrandEYansrille4s 106 (106
Pacific of Missouri seconds 102K(lO2'i
. Do firsts 98 (3 98
Pittsburg A Western firsts 73Wa79,'
Bonding 4s SOSo 80
Do firsts 6SS4 M
Do seconds 40 Ui
Do thirds JJKia 31
Rio Grande West firsts 7GJ3 7SJS
Rlchuiund A W. P. Js 53S4I& 63K
San Vran. B 1HS11H3
Scioto Valley, firsts 753s n
ban Ant. A A. P. '88s 61 & 61
South Carolina Incomes 29 (S 23J
Do firsts 105Jl(S;iO5
Pac. of Cal. 5s 100 (3101
st. p. i.ac 115 iair
St. J. A Grand I. firsts 8SK0 81
St. L. Southwestern seconds 29H '9
Do flrsls 6ST & 68T5
Texas Pacific seconds 33X$ 32J4
Do firsts S5S 85
Tenn. Coal A Iron 89)i 81)
To!. St. L. A Kan. City firsts 87 (S 88V
To!., A.. A A. 5s 62V 82
Do flrsls 94 (St 94
Union Pac 9)s 108(3108 'i
Utah A Northern firsts 1C6 ai06
U. P., Den. AGulf firsts 73 (21 73
WestN. Y. A P. firsts C8W& 9SH
Do seconds 32 32
Wabash firsts lul,'S(gl01'
DoDeh.JJ 50 47
Do seconds T9M(S 79'4
Wis. Cent, firsts 93S 9S)i
WestBhore coupon 102 102
Plenty of Fnndg, bu They Are Handled
Very Carefully.
The local money market yesterday was
moderately active and steady, witn. no
change in rates. The supply ot funds was
more than adequate to all demands. Regu
lar customers were promptly accommodated,
but outsiders had to show unimpeachablo
collateral or gilt-edged names belore they
found favor. In this respeot the lines were
drawn a little closer than nsual, showing
that business is being conducted on con
servative lines. Cheoking and depositing
reflected an aotive condition of general
trade. Exchanges through the Clearing
House were $3,341,224 50 and balances $355,
131 65.
At New York yesterday money on call was
easy, ranging Irom 3K to 5 per cent, last loan
4 per cent, closed offered at 4 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper, 5?.7 per cent.
Sterling Exchange quiet but weak at $4 81
for 60-day Dills and $4 83 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U.S. 4s reg 116
do 4s coud 11T
do do 2ds..U2V.
N'thwestsrn Consolsl32
do Debentures Ss.lWS
St. L. A Iron M.
Gen. 5s 90
St. L. A San Faan.
Gen. M 108
St. Paul Consols 123
St. Paul.Chlc.APac
lsts 113
do 2s reg 99i
Pacific 6s of '95 110
Louisiana stamped 45 88
Tenn. new set. 6s. ...103s
ao ao os iw
do do 3s 70
Canada So. 3ds 97
Cen. Pacific lsts 103
Denver A R. G. Ists.lH'g'
do do 44.. 78
Erie2ds IMS
M. K. AT. Gen 6s... 77'j
do do 5s... 48's
Mutual Union fts 107
N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .110
Northern Pac. Ists..ll5)
Tex. Pac. L. G. Tr.
Kcts S5
Tex. Pac. R. G. Tr.
Kcts 33
Union Pac. lsts lusv.
West Shore 102
R. G. West, lsts 76
Bank Clearings.
Chicago Money steady at 6 percent,
xoric exenange, 4uc aiscounc.
Banc clear-
ingS, $10,914,413.
St. Loms Clearings, $4,171,723: balances,
$426,031. New York exchange, 25o discount.
Money, 67 per cen
Memphis New York exchange selling at
$1 premium. Clearings, $3S8,011; balances,
New Okleaws Clearings, $1,825,405.
New Yobk Bank clearings to-day, $M4,811,"
899; balances, $5,279,302.
Bostox Clearings to-day, $15,668,444: bal
ances, $2 014,094. Rate for money. 2J3 per
cent. Exchange on New York, 15 to 20c dis
count. Baltimore Bank clearings to-day, $2,818,
673, balances, $614,806.
PHiLAnEiPHiA Bank clearings to-day, $10,
416 612; balances, $1,558,083. Money, 4K5 per
Boston Stocks.
Atch. A Top....
Jtoston A Albany...
Boston A Mont..,
Santa Fe Copper,
, 17i
. 16
, 55
noston x diame.
Chi., Bur. A Oaincy 967S
FltchburgR.R 78
FUntftPere M 25M
Mass. Central 19
Mex. Cen., com 22Ta
N. Y. A N. Eng 42M
N. Y. A N. Eng. 73.120
ban Diego Land Co,
West End Land Co. 19
Old Colony 166
Wis. Cent'l. com.... 2
Bell Telephone 178
Lamson Store S 20K
Water Power.. .... i'A
Cent. Mining 20 "
Bntte A Boston Cop. 19M
is. i;eni'i, p'l'd... so
Allouez Mln Co. new 2
Atlantic .
. 15K
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephen wn, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue, members of New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad oili S-Di
iceamnguauroaa 18 9-1S 18k
Lehigh Valley 492S
jNorinernracinc X7
Northern Pacific, preferred..., 72
Lehigh Navigation 43!
Philadelphia and Erie , 33&
Electric Stocks.
Sept. 15. fSpwioj. Electric stock
quotations here to-day were:
43 25
26 00
13 30
14 50
55 00
Eastern Electric- Cable Co., pref.....S.
Thomson-Houston Electric Co 48 00
Thomson-Houston Electric Co., pfd 25 87J
Ft. Wayne Electric Co 13 00
Westlnghouse Trust Receipts 13 75
Electric Welding Co W 00
Mining Stock Quotations.
New York. Sept. 15. Alice, 1C0; Adams Con
solidated, 175; Aspen, 300; Consolidated Cali
forniamd Virginia, 662; Dcadwood T.. 160;
Hale&Norcoss, 175: Homostake, 10.00; Horn
Silver, 345lron Sliver, 100; Mexican, 250;
Ontario, 3800: Plymouth, 175; Savage, 300:
Sierra Nevada, 310; Standard, 115; Union
Consolidated, 240.
The Drygoods Market.
New York, Sept. 15. Business continued
fairly active in drygoods at the hands of
agents, as well as those of Jobbers. The
market.was strong in tone, shading on prices
of cotton seemed pretty well over, and
stocks, as a rule, are light.
Yellow fever is raging at Rio Janeiro.
The estimate of Michigan's wheat crop
has been raised 1,000,000 bushels in a fort
night. Cumberland, Wis., was visited by a ter
rifle hailstorm yesterday, inflicting consid
erable damage.
The police of the City of Mexico are
looking for the man who started the recent
revolutionary fake.
The distress in the Volga province of
RuBsia is so intense that women and child
dren wander about shrieking for food.
As might be expected, the German mer
chants of the City of Mexico are bitterly op
posed to reciprocity with the United States.
The two Gilleland brothers, James and
Josiah, who murdered Sheriff McCarque at
Somerset, Ky., were lynched early yesterday
The kernel of a peanut in the lung of
William Berry's 2-year-old child, at Provi
dence, caused its death in about four hours
Monday night.
Ignatius Donnelly, President of the Slin
nesota Farmers' Allianoe, says that organi
zation has nothing to do with the recent
"Hold your wheat" circulars.
An Austrian spy at Kieff, Russia, named
Krisnlcki, has been sentenced to be trans
ported to Siberia, aud three Russians, who
were his accomplices, have eacn been sen
tenced to eight years, penal servitude.
Ties on the track came near wrecking
the west bound express of the Pittsburg,
Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad 40 miles
from Chicago Monday night, but the ties
were carried along on the cow-catoher, A
man was ploked up on the scene who, while
asserting his innocence, claims to have been
an eye-witness of tho attempt, and can iden
tify the culprits if he sees them.
Some of the adherents of the Congres
sional party, while returning from Monte
video on the British steamship John Elder,
were, upon tllelr arrival atPunta Arenas,
threatened witn arrest by Balmaceda's
Governor there. He had not yet heard the
news of Balmaceda's downfall. The British
captain refused to deliver the persons up,
and they arrived at Valparaiso safely
The Prnit of the Vine Takes the lead
in This Line of Trade.
Corn, Oats and Wheat Barely Steady, and
Hay Weak and lower.
Oitioe ot PrrrsBuiio Dispatch, )
Tuesday, Sept. 15.
Country Produce (Jobbing prices)
At the Monday meeting of the Elgin Butter
Board, last week's prices of creamery but
ter were reaffirmed. There is no longer the
scarcity of creamery here there was a week
or two ago. The high prices served to bring
birtterine to' the front, and the effect is seen
in quiet markets for the genuine stuff.
Strictly fresh eggs are scarce and outside
quotations are easily obtained. Peaches
appear to be on the wane. Receipts have
been very light this week, and prices are
moving upward. Quality of offerings in this
line shows improvement the past few days.
As peaches drop out, grapes are coming In
to take their place. The noticeable feature
in front of the Liberty street commission
houses was the pyramids of grape baskets.
Tropical fruits are reported quiet, as are
vegetables of all kinds. Both sweet and.
Irish potatoes are heavy stock. The same
is true of tomatoes, cabbage and, is fact, all
garden products.
BUTTEB Creamery,Elgln,23S$20c: Ohio brands,
2627c; common country butter, 1617c; choice
country rolls, 2022c.
Beaks New York and Michigan pea, 2 352 40;
marrow. (2 0(3)2 60; Lima beans, 5i4(a0c.
BEESWAX Si35c ? IB for choice; low grade, 22
CIDEB Sand refined, fS S010 CO; common, to SO
6 00: crab cider. (12 00(313 00$ barrel; cider vine
ear. S14(3t5c.
Cheese Ohio cheese, new. SKOWc: New York
cheese; new. 91i10c: Llmburger. llUJic:AVls
consln Swcltzer, full cream. l$3l3)sc; imported
Sweltzer, 2723c.
Egos lSJfffllic for strictly fresh nearby stock;
Southern andwestf ru eggs, 17MJ1SC
Fjcvtherb Extra live gtcse. 675Sc: No. 1. 48
50c $ lb: mixed lota. 3040c 3 lb.
Ehuit Apples, 35036c per bnshel, Jl 2331 JO per
barrel; peaches, 6975c per basket. SI 236)1 50 per
bushel; pears, 75c$l 00 per basket. 51 502 00 per
bushel; plums. Damson, S2 002 25 per bushel:
huckleberries, 75c3l 10 a pall; grapes, 10-pound
basket, 30)3oc, $JuO325astand:Delaware grapes,
50c a basket: Slckel pears, SI 25 a bushel; Siberian
crabs. (3 5034 00 a barrel.
HOXEY Iew crop white clover, 1820o; Cali
fornia honey, 1215c f) lb.
JIaple STBUP 7590o ? gallon.
Meloxs Anne Arundel cantaloupes, 93 008 50
a suear barrel; Jenny Llnd cantaloupes, (4 00 a
barrel, watermelons, MO 0015 00 a hundred.
Maple Scqah 10c f! lb.
Pooxtbt Alive Chickens. TolSSOe a pair: young
chickens, S0S0ca pair. Lire ducks. COSeoc a nalr.
Dressed Ducks, 12313c? lb;oblckens, 1213c lb:
spring ohlckens, 14Uc $ lb.
POTATOES carload lots. SI (Wall 25- from fltori
II 25(31 50 $ barrel; Southern sweets, J2 O02 25 ?
barrel; Jersers, 83 25(33 60.
QuiNCES-$l O0l 25 bushel.
SEEPS Western recleaned medium clover lob
bing at 1 1 93; mammoth, $6 25; timothy, (1 55 for
prime and El 60 for choicest; blue grass, (2 6S2 SO;
orchard grass, ?1 73; millet, 8110; German, 8125;
Hungarian, $1 10; fine lawn, 25c 9 &: seed buck
wheat, 91 401 60.
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered. 5e.
TEoncAL Fedits Lemons, $4 75(35 00; fancy,
M 00(36 50; Sorrento oranees, 84 735 00 per box;
Jamaica oranges, 7 50 If bbl. : California peaches,
$1 00(31 25 a box: California plums, (1 80(32 25 a
box; hanana Jl 50(31 75 firsts, 81 00(31 25 good
eeconds, per bunch.
Vegetables Cabbage, 2530c a bushel basket;
Southern onions, ?3 003 25 per barrel; tomatoes,
351340c per bushel : cucumbers, 3550c per bushel;
celery, 2030c Der dozen: egg plant, ?1 00 a bushel
basket; roasting ears, 5075c abushel basket.
The sugar market is strong and aotive at
the late advance. Advices from thoTeflneries
indicate that stock Is sold a week or more
ahead of production: Coffees are reported
quiet and unchanged.
Green Coffee Fancy. 23)324e; choice Rio, 22
t23c; prime Rio. 22Kc: low grade Rio. 2X321c: Old
overument Java, 2829Kc: Maracalbo, 24:328c:
Mocha. 2W3MC: Santos, 2124)$c; Caracas, 24i
28Kc; Latfuayra, 25M29Ho
KOASTID (In papers) Standard brands, 23c: high
grades, 25c; Old Government Java, bulk, 3033c;
Maracalbo, 25)4(327$c; Santos, 2327Mo: peaberry,
29c: choice Rio, 24&c; prima Rio, 22&c; good Bio,
21Kc; ordinary, 1920l
Spices (whole) Cloves, 1516c! allspice, 10ct
cassia. 8c; pepper, 12c; nutmeg. 7580c.
Petkoleov (Jobbers prices) 110 test, 6J4ct
Ohio. 120, 7c; headlight, 150, 7c; water white,
99Jfc; globe, 1414)e; elaine. ISc; oarnadine.
lie: royaline, 14c; red oil, 10Ilc; purity, 14c;
olelne, 14c.
MnrEES' Oil NoJl winter, strained; 4244o p
gallon; summer, 3337c; lard oil. 5559c.
BTitur Corn syrup, 2832c: choice sugar syrnp,
37(339c; prime sugar syrup, 34(3350; strictly prime.
N. O. Molasses Fancy new crop, 45c; choice,
4243c; medium. 3840c; mixed. 351338c
SOPA BI-carb., in kegs, 3'33ic; bi-carb. in
Ks. oKc; bi-carb-.. assorted packages, 5ft6o; sal
soda, lu kegs. lJs'c; do granulated. 2c.
Caudles Star, fall weight, 9c; stearlne, per set,
8Jc: paraffine, ll(312c.
RICE Head Carolina,e5i7J4c; choice, 6K6JSc:
Louisiana, 5eo.
Staech Pearl, 4c; corn starch, 66fc; gloss
starch, 67c .
Eoreiojt FnrnT Layer raisins, 12 00; London
layers, 82 25; Muscatels, ?1 75; California Mnsca
tels, 81 60(31 75; Valencia,55HC; Ondara Valencia,
66Mc; sultana, I0(3l5c: currants, 5M32e;Turkey
prunes, 66Mc: French prunes, 89c: Salonica
prunes 111 --10 pacKages, c; cocoanuts, luo,9v;
almonds, Lan., j tb, 29c:doIvlca, 17c: do shelled,
40c: walnuts, :Nap 1314c; Sicily filberts, 12c;
Smyrna figs,13(3I4c; new dates. 5"6c: Brazil nuts,
10c: pecans, 1416c; citron, ? lb, 17(318c; lemon
peel. 12c lb : orange peel, 12c.
DniED FRUITS Apples, sliced, lie 9 lb; apples,
evaporated, 1314c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 20
21c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 13
16c; cherries, pitted, 15c: cherries, nnpftted. 8c;
raspberries, evaporated, 23324c; blackberries, 6(3
7c: nuckleberrles, 8c.
SUGARS Cubes, 4ic; powdered,4Sc: gTannlatcd,
4)c; confectioners' A, ie; soft white, 4M(343bc;
yellow, choice. 4(31)ic; yellow, good, 3"(33,sc; yel
low, jair, d?fe(qic.
PICKLES ledlnm, bbls (1,200), 45 50; medium,
half bbls (GOO), $3 50.
SALT J.O. 1. ?! bbl. 1 00; No. 1 extra, 19 bbL
; 10; dairy, '& bbl, il 20: coarse crvstal, bbl.
81 20: Hlggins' Eureka. 4-bn sacks, 2 80; Hlgglds'
Eureka, 16 14-tb packets, 93 00.
CASXED Goods Standard peaches. 1 90(32 00;
2ads, (I 6(vai 60; extra peaches, S2 2032 30: pic
peaches, C0(395c: finest corn, fl 251 50; Hfd. Co.
corn. 81 001 15; red cherries, Jl 201 30; Lima
beans, $135; soaked do. $0c; string do, 6570c;
marrowfat peas. 31 0l 25; soaked peas, 6570c;
pineapples. Si 60 I 60; Bahama do, 92 23; damson
pluriis. ?! 10; greengages, tl 50; egg plums, ?l 90;
California apricots. $1 902 10: California pears,
12 25(32 40; do greengages, II 90; do egg plunn,
jl CO; extra white cherries, 92 85; raspberries, 90(3
!15c; strawberries, 95C3S1 10; gooseberries, (1 00(3
1 05: tomatoes. 9015c: salmon. 1 11), 1 301 80;
hlackberrlet,. 80c; succotash, 2-lb cans, soaked, 99c;
do green, 2-ft cans, f 1 25(31 50: corn beef, 2-16 cans,
91 8331 90: I-lb cans, 91 39: baked beans'. 91 40
1 50; lobsters, 1-lb cans, 92 25; mickcrel, 1-tb cans,
boiled. 91 50; sardines, domestic. Ha, 94 054 15:
,s. 97 00; sardines, imported, lis, $11 5012 50;
sardines, imported, Ks. 9I8 00; sardines, mustard,
S3 To: sardines, spiced, 93 75. t
FlSH-Extra No. 1 bloater maekerel. 930 CO ?i bbl;
extra No. 1 do mess, SB 50: No. 2 shore mackerel,
$20 00; No. 2 large mackerel. IIS 00; No. 3 large
mackerel, 811 00: No. 3 small mackerel. flO 00.
Herring-Spilt, 9 50; lake, f3 25 53 luo-lb bbl.
White fish. 94 75 ft 100-!b half bbl. Lake trout. 95 50
fl half barrel. Finnan baddies, 10c tb: Iceland
halibut, 12c lb. Pickerel, half bbh $4 00: quarter
bbl. Jl 60. Holland herring, 75c. Walkoff her
ring, 90c.
Oatmeal-95 0 00 b W.
Flour, Feed and Grain.
There were no sales on call at tho Grain
Exohange to-day. Receipts as bulletined, 42
cars, of which 27 were by Pittsburg, Ft.
Wayne & Chicago Railway, as follows: Dears
of oats, 1 of Darley, il of hay, 1 of malt, 1 of
feed, 4 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati
and St. Louis, 3 cars of corn, 1 of hay, 1 of
straw, 1 of middlings, 1 of wheat, 2 of oats.
By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of rye, 1
of hay. By Pittsburg and Western, 3 cars of
hay. The cereal sltnation shows no signs of
Improvement, but the reverse. Buyers are
inclined to buy very sparingly in the pres
ent uncertain condition of markets. Shell
corn and oats are barely steady at prices
quoted. Hay is very slow, with a prospect
for lower prices. Wheat and "millfeed are
steady. Flour is a shade lower, the best on
the market being sold at $5 85 in wood.
Following quotations are for carload lots on
track. Dealers charge an advance on these prices
from store.
WHEAT Ko. 2 red. B9cSl 00.
Coitv Vn. 1 vellow shelL 70Urfa71e; Kn V vel.
.. :.... ntT'L.-L , -.,3,-7 -iA-J.
low, sueii, iumiue; mgii uhjlkia sueu.
mixed shell, 68ftsc: 0. 2 yellow ear.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 493o.
Flouh Jobbing prices Fancy spring patents,
V itxto 00;
Millfeed So. 1 white middlings, ?24 C024 50
on: No. 2 white middlings, V2 (Xmm 0; brown
middlings, tlOOOgCO 00; winter wheal bran, (15 00
15 50.
HAY-Baled timothy, choice, 12 2612 75: No. 1
II ooail 21: No. 2 do, 10 C0310 25: clover hay,
10 00559 50: loose from wagon, $11 0affil3 10; accord
ing to quality: new loose hay, tl 0012 00; packing
hav, 3 608 75.
Straw oats, $3 508 73; wheat and rje, (0 00
6 SO.
Sngar cured hams, large .; ..-..... 11
Sugar cared bams, medium UK
Sugar cured hams, small life
Sugar cured California hams 8H
Sugar enred b. bacon 10t
Sugar cured skinned hams, large 12)4
sugar curea ssinnea aams, meuiura 13
Sugar cured shoulders 8
Sugar cured boneless shoulders '
Bacon shoulders K
Dry salt shoulders "M
Sugar cured d. beef, rounds 14
Sugarcuredd. beef, sets U
Sugarcuredd. beef, flats... 0
Bacon, clear sides 9i
Bacon, clear bellies 94
Dry salt clear sitlcs, 10-16 average
Dry salt clear sides, 20-fo average 9
Mess pork, heavy. 13 00
Mess pork, family 13 00
Lard, refined. In tierces 6u
Lard, refined, in Iialrbarrels 0'
Lard, refined, 60-Ib tubs ftf
Lard, refined, 20-lb calls i
' Lard, refined, 50-lfi tin cans 6!j
Lard, refined, 3-Ib tin palls ft
Lard, refined, 5-tb tin palls '
Lard, refined, 10-lb tin palls $'i
Receipts, Shipments and Prices at Est Lib
erty and All Other Yards.
Office or Pittsbueo Dispatch, J
Tuesday, Sept. IB.
Cattle Receipts, 240 head: shipments, 20
head; market slow, at yesterday's prices; no
cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hoos Receipts, 1,150 head; shipments. 630
head; inarket slow; Philadelphias, $5 505 0:
corn-fed Yorkers, $5S5340: grassers, $4 73
5 00; pigs, $3 60i 60; 3 cam or hogs shipped
to New lork to-da.
-Sheep Receipts, 1,103 head: shipments, 9C0
head; market dull ana 1015c off from yester
day's prices.
By Telegraph.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 23 loads
through, 12 sale; market slow for common:
steady and firm for good fat; ales good to
prime butchers' cows, $2 75S 00. Hogs Re
ceipts 00 loads through, 15 sale; market
slow for heavy; strong, active and Inlly 10c
higher for good qnalitv Yorkers; heavy
grades cornfed, $5 405 50: medium weights
cornfed, $8 605 CO; Yorkers, good to best
cornfed, $5 4ogs 60. Sheep and lambs Re
ceipts, 1 load through, 15 sale; offerings
mostly common;good stock steady; common
dull and lower. Sheep Extra fancy, $4 90
5 00; good to choice. l 735 00; lambs, good
to choice native, A 235 SO; common to fair
do, $4 735 00; Canadas, common to extra,
$5 sags 20.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, U.OOOhead: ship
ments, 4,300 head; market slow and steady;
good? to choice natives, $5 40&t 00: no prime
or extra on sale; others, $3 30(5)1 60; Toxans,
$2 403 10; store kept. $1 53g3 23; rangers.
$3 003 00; good cows, nnd heifers, $2 23
2 0. Hogs Receipts. 18,000 head; shipments,
8,000 head; market "ready send lower; rough
and common. $4 604 75; mixed nnd packers,
$4 6005; prime heavy and butoher weights,
$4 20ao 40; prime Mght, $5 155 25: second
clas light, $4 255 00. Sheep Receipts, 7,500
head; shipments, 2,000 bead; market slow,
natives and lambs stronger and hlgbor:
Westerns easier; natives, " $4 254 90; West
erns, $4 004 25; feeders, $3 594 00: lambs,
93 755 40.
Now York Beeves No fresh receipts: feel
ing steady. Dressed beef Arm at 78o per
pound. Shipments to-morrow, 8,263 quarters
orbeef. Calves Receipts, 276 head; market
steady; veals, $5 007 75 per 100 fts; grassers,
$2 252 60. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 3,273
headj sheep steady: lambs firm; sbeep, $4 00
5 SO; lambs, $5 008 60; dressed mutton
steady at 79Jjo per B; dressed lambs linn
at 810Kc Hogs Reoeipts, 5,802 head, in
cluding 2 cars for sale; market steady at
$5 106 00 per 100 fts.
Cincinnati Ho-3 in good demand; com
mon to light, $3 503 75: packintc and batch
ers', $4 603 30; receipts, L850 bead; ship
men ts,l,5S6 head. Cattle easy anduncbanged;
receipts, 353 head; shipments, 700 head.
Sheep steady; common to choice, 92 004 50;
extra fat wethers and yearlings, $i 755 00;
receipts, 1.130 head; shipments, 4S0 head.
Lambs steady; common to choice, $3 50
5 55 per 100 pounds.
Omaha Cattle Receipts, 3,650 head; beef
steers slow and weaker: cows slow and 10
35c lower than yesterday: common aud
tancy steers, $2 765 75. Hogs Receipts,
3,400 head. The market was active and 5l0c
hiirher: closed firm at the advance; light,
H 82K5 05; heavy, $1 935 12Ji; mixed.
$4 955 05 Sheep Receipts, htf head; demand .
good and market firm.
Indianapolis Cattle Receipts, 100 head.
Hogs Receipts, 5,000 head: market generally
steady; choice heavy, $5 255 40: choice light.
5 005 25; mixed, $5 50; pigs, $230(4 23.
Turpentine Martcets.
New Youk Rosin steadv nnd quiet. Tur
pentine firm and quiet at 38iJ3S?ic.
The Very Deliberate Suicide of a Discon
solate Indiana Man.
HTJNTIXGTON,lND.,8ept. 15. jfcfal.
Harry Stump, a well-to-do young man, com
mitted suicide here last night by shooting
himself through the temple. Early in the
evening he complained to his mother that
his head was hurting and asked her for a
cup of strong coffee. He retired to his
room soon after drinkine the coffee where
.he was found this morning dead.
Alter going to nis room he had shaved,
taken a bath and attired himself in a new
suit of clothes. A towel had been placed
over his shirt front to keep the blood from
soiling it. He left a note to his parents,
which read as follows:
Dear Fatheb I cannot tell what the
fnture will look like, but I will soon be ex
ploring it. Harry.
Queen LIUnokalani Appoints Her Eoyal
Counsel of State for Hawaii.
SAN Francisco, Sept. 15. The steam
ship Zealandia arrived to-day seven days
from Honolulu. The burial of John Do
minis, prince consort, took place Sunday,
September 6, from the palacO, and the ob
sequies were attended by Queen Lilinoka
lani and her court and the Legislature and
all notables of the Kingdom. The rites of
the Episcopal Church and the Hosonic
order were followed. The remains were in
terred in the royal mausoleum beside those
of King Kalakaua. The court will wear
full mourning for two weeks.
The Queen has appointed Prince-David
Kwanauokoa, Hon. banford Dole, George
Beckley, Abraham Fernandez, D. Pisen-
berg and John Richardson to be members of
her Privy Council of State.
Tried to Intimidate the Constable.
In the United State3 Circuit Court yes
terday a hearing was had in the habeas
corpus proceedings brought to secure the
release of United States Detective Mc
Sweeney from custody in Warren county.
He was arrested for pointing firearms at "a
constable who tried to stop hia buggy, in
which McSweeney had a prisoner he was
taking to court at Erie. The testimony
was to the effect that Detective McSweenev
believed a crowd were trying to rescue his
prisoner and wanted to intimidate him.
Judge Keed reserved his decision.
Did -Not Carry Ont the Contract.
Five suits were entered yesterday against
James B. Oliver. They were brought to
recover penalties for not fulfilling the con
ditions id oil leases. The suits are brought
by John "SV. "Williams for $750; "William J.
"Williams for J618 to; 3L A. and Ella Leth
erman, SoOO; F. Van Voorhes; 5291, and M.
Bloody, ?300. Oliver leased land from the
plaintiffs, agreeing to bore wells within a
year, if no,t, to pay a certain amount per
acre for each year he neglected to do so.
He did not bore the wells and the suits
were brought to recover the amounts.
87.50 Wardrobes Wardrobes S1SO,
At Berger's, Liberty and Sixth avenue.
President Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer.
Pure Ice made from distilled water for sale at wholesale only.
Transfer Agent, General, Cold, Bonded and Yard Storage,
5 WAREHOUSES, containing 2,300,000 cubic feet of storagespace.
Railroad siding to each warehouse. Brick warehouse for exclusive storage of
oil. Separate rooms for storage-of household goods. Lowest insurance rates.
J- . umi
The ordinary safe does not offer the pro
tection you should have for valuables or
papers. You can have that protection in
thesafe deposit vaults of the Farmers' De-
Sosit National Bank, 66 Fourth avenue.
'Qxes rented at 55 and upward. aiWF
Bono Genuine without Horse stamped iniid.
Price of 6 lb. Shaped Blanket, 84.50
, " "81b. - 5.50
All to see the 100 other styles at prices to
suit eyerjbody. Sold by all dealers.
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
wuimi,j.wj,ww, UU11J1U3 OJOIV 29.
4 President. Asst. Sec. Treas.
per cent interest allowed on time de
posits. oclS40-n
'arrtfoT 9fVi AAA Cn.Tnr, (1 Mn An
Httstmrg, AUheny and Manchester
Traction Company
40-year 3 per cent bonds, free of tax, for
tale at 103 and interest.
John M. Oakley & Co.,
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago
13 SIXTH ST.. Pitt3bure.
As old residents know and back flies ot
Pittsburg papers prove, 13 the oldest estab
lished and most prominent 1
physician in tha
city, devoting special attention to all chronio
sponsible MCDni IC
anu mental dis
eases, physical de-
persons. Iiill V Uuui
cay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi
tion and hope, impaired memory, disordered
sight, self distrust, basbfulness, dizziness,
sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, impover
ished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption,
unfitting tho person for business, society and
marriage, permanently, safely and privately
eruptions, blotches, falling hair, bones, pains,
glandular swellings, ulcerations . of the
tongue, mouth, tbroat, ulcers, old sores, are
cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly
eradicated from 1 1 Dl M A D V kidney and
the system. UnllNnn T 1 bladder de
rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal
dicharges, inflammation and other painful
symptoms receive searching treatment
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experi
ence insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully
treated as if here. Office hours, 9 a. xc to 3
p. m. Sunday, 10 a. it. to 1 r. M. only. DR.
WHITTIER, 811 Perm aveane, Pittsburg, Pa.
SPECIALISTS m all cases re.
quiring scientific and confi
dential treatment. Dr. S. C,
Lake, M. R. a P. S-, Is the olo
est and most experienced spe
cialist in the city. Csnsulta
tion free and strictly confi
dential Office hours 2 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. M.;
Sundays. 2 to 4 P. if. Consult them person
ally, or write. Doctoes Lails, cor. Penn av.
ad ith at Pittsburg, Fa. JoJ-JS-Dwk
Gray's Specific Medicine
'vous lltljUm. eakuess of Bod
ncvTuwi urn -maiand Mind. Snermatorrhea. and
Impotency, and all diseases that arise from over
lndnlgence and sclf-innsc. as Loss of Memory and
Power. Dlmnets of Vision. Premature Old Age.
and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or
Consumption and an early grave, write for our
Address GRAT MEDICINE CO., Buffalo. N. Y.
The Specitic Medicine Is sold by all druggists atl
per package. orsixpickngesfor!5, orscntbynmll
on receiptof money. WF GUARANTEE
and with eTory to " EQJ-JrtM,iTiI.E.s...
order a cure or money refunded.
0&-On acconnt of counterfeits we have adopted
the Yellow Wrapper, the only genuine, bold In
Pittsburg by S. S. HOLLAND, cor. Smithfleld and
Liberty sts. ie28-01-uwFeosu
Easily, Qniekly, Permanently KESTOKED.
and all the train of evils, the results of oTerwori,
sickness, worry, etc. ull strength, development,
and tone guaranteed In all cases. Simple, natural
methods. Immediate Improvement seen, i-'allara
Impossible. 2.00O references. Book, explanations
and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address
BiJ Suffering froa
' gig the effects ot
Toatbfal rfmi
early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc
1 will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing
full particular! for homo cure, FKEB of charge.
A splendid medical work: should be read by every
man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address,
Prof. F. C. FOWIiKB, JHoodus, Conn,
youthful color and beauty by
moTes dandruff andscalphumors. noes not stain skin or
linen. Best. af ftst. mott cleanly drawing. Druraists 60e
lUTV KiLM s " ' .-. nt-.li. n lula. tttrrsatej
Soldby JOS. FLEMING & SONS, and draj
gists. my2iJ3-WI
w Ksi
Jy6-15-xwr jR

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