Newspaper Page Text
ra? 'Wlr- . r-TwrzmTfW&W ?W5K WAST THEIR SIGHTS. Homeopaths Demand Bepresentation in the Xcw wsane Asylum. -MEETING oF THE STATE SESSION. 3)pi-ates Will le Guests To-'igut at the Monongahela Ilouse. THEY WILL SOW BECOME AGGRESSITE The twenty-seventh annual session of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Pennsyl vania becan yesterday morning in the chapel of the Homeopathic Hospital. The meeting Mas called to order hy the presi .lert. Dr. Augustus ICorndoerfer, of Phila iiflphix The opening prayers as delivered h. Kev. Dr. Joseph Horner, of this city, which v as followed by an address of rcl eome on behalf of the Pittsburg physicians to the Tisitiug members by Dr. C Hoffman. The response on behalf of the delegates was ma-le by Dr. W. G. Dieta, of Hazelton, Pa. President Korndoerfer then delivered the annual address. He opened by congratu lating the members on the bright prospects f the session. He next paid his respects to the allopathic school and their journalis tic upporters. He claimed that they un iusily ran down the homeopaths in their (ditorial columns and often referred to them as Chinese doctors. The speaker went on to show the difference between the two schools and how the allopaths were continually waging an organized war n the homeopaths lteference was made to the advance made in colleges of the profession and a favorable reference made to increase the term of --tudy to four j cars. An important feature wa the reference to hospitals. Private charity has given several excellent institu tions which are supported almost entirely by private contributions. The State was 'efcrrcd to as dealing lavishly when making appropriations for the allopathic hospitals, but very gudgindy when making them for homeopathic institutions which he de nounced as unjust. Eeference was made to the new hospital for the nsane and he thought it would be a good time to make known the position of the homeopaths in regard to it. The allopaths now control five large hospitals lor the insane and 1" almshouses, where "i,755 patients were treated last year and no homeopaths, rich or poor, could receive the treatment they desired. HOXEOrATlLS BECOME AGGRESSIVE. The homeopathic school was called on to no longer submit to the allopaths being al lowed full control of our State institution, but take effective action and get a fair share of representation. The licensing of physi cians the allopaths wanted to have control t'f which if done would close the doors of the homeopathic colleges, a6 students would want to matriculate from allopathic colleges in order to secure license. Ilefer ncc to the incompetent examining board w us also made, and the creating of seperate ivrd4' va advocated. The Treasurers report showed that $761 'ad been rcceied during the vear and that "9 83 was paid out Dr. Jlillie J. Chap an reported the result of her visit as a locate to the Southern Medical Associa lcnlast winter. Some unimportant busi es was transacted and then the leading of papers began. The first one was on "Hip Joint Disease" read by H. M. Bunting, M. D. The re mainder of the morning was devoted to papers supplied by the Bureau of Clinical Medicine. The afternoon session was opened by E. ; Snader. II D. , reading a paper entitled "ome Practical Observations About Ex amination of the Heart." This was dis ( uss-l at some length. The next paper was l.v Itobert P. Mercer, M. D.. entitled "Ex- csie Medication," which provoked quite in argument, which branched off into .'mther channel, and the gentlemen' v re called to order by the chair. T'i, next paper was ou ".Rheumatic urpura by C- Van Arlsdalen, M. D. It ;an able effort of the author. In the absence of Dr. Gramm Dr. Miller tv.'A his paper on "General Conditions Conn-ramp rkin Di-eases." The papers from t he hnreau of surgery were laid over, owing in the absence of several physicians who w ere to read them, and papers from the bu reau of obstetrics taken up as follows: -Bandaging the Baby," by Z. T. Miller, M. J.: "Treatment of the Umbilical Cord," .v 3. K. Horner, M. D., and "After Pains," l.y Prof. O. 15. Gau-e, M. D. WOEK OF THE EVENING SESSION. In the evening the discussion on obstet rics was continued and interesting papers were read by Drs. Horner, Johnston and ethers. A report of the death of two members of the societv during the past year was re ceived. The deceased were Dr. Herman H. Hoffman, of Pittsburg, who died April 4, 1891, and Dr. Jacob R. Erhart, of Philadel phia, who died June 3, 1891. Dr. T. I McDonald, of Washington, D. C, was elected to membership in the so ciety. OPERATIONS ON THE BBAIN. The Bureau of surgery was next opened with Dr. C. P. Scip as chairman. A paper .n "The Field and Limitations of Cerebral Surgery," by Dr. C. Bartlett, was read. It treated of surgical operations on the brain for the relief of tarious cerebral ailments. Referring to the expediency of operating la caes of idiocy, the writer said that each ie must deterimine for himself. It is said hat a poor remedy is better than no remedy nt all. If the operation is successful the mends will say that it is a good thing; if the patient dies, thev will say he is better ff. If nothing at all occurs, do harm is Jone. The paper was ordered to be printed. It was followed by a paper on "The Drv Dressing of " Wounds," bv Dr. J. XL. McClelland. The author spoke highly of dry dressing for wounds, and said that he leli'Ved wet dressing snd poultices for wiinnds were things of the past. The de ' 'TaJuiug effects of the moisture of the fssuc delayed healing and was less likely tc prevent suppuration. 'Hie paper was ordered to be printed, and tiie meeting adjourned until this morning. 1 .-mcht the delegates will banquet at the Monongahela House. TO XIAGARA FALLS S4 75. AND RETURN, Rnffalo and Return, 84 SO. Yla Allegheny Valley .Wlroad. Saturday aud Sunday, September 19 and 20. On Saturdav train leaves Union station at 8.45 r. M. and on Sunday trains leave Vnion Elation at 8:20 A. M. and 8:45 r. M. Tickets cood returning until September 25. , " WThs The Crooked Made Straight. Mr. Sam S. Keith, G21 Cochran street, "McKeesport, Pa., had extremely crooked eyes all his life. One of them, as is usual, became so blind he could only see letters two inches square. Aa operation on each c-e by Dr. Sadler, 801 Penn avenue, made tS:em perfectly straight and much improved t fie sight. Exposition Offering. Your picture free, and hani5nnmelv fl-amed. given awavdurinir the Kxnnnitinn. lj y Hendricks & Co., Ko. 68 Federal street, wiegiiuiy, wuu every aozen. Uamnets, SL -"o ertra charge for family groups. 15. A IS. Now for the new foil jackets. Fur trlm nings mink, astrakhan, wool, seal hun Ireds for selection; J10 00 down. All the jewesi. Boggs&Buhl. jjajlift ili.-frrirnf ifanar-rrt WITH PBAYEE AHD SONG. Corner Stone of the First Presbyterian Church, or Allegheny, laid Yesterday. The corner stone of the First Presbyte rian Church, of Allegheny, was laid yester day atternoon with appropriate services. A large number of the congregation were pres ent, -w ho assisted in the exercises and were greatly interested. It was the congrega tion who began it by singing the hymn, "The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord." Kcv. D. S. Kennedy, the pastor of the church, conducted the ceremony, and after a few introductory re marks a prayer was offered by John Fox. Dr. Kennedv read a brief history of the church's buildings, following the events of the first one back in 1815, when the congre gation worshiped in a little church 30x30 feet in the Allegheny Parks, near where Stockton and Sherman avenues now meet. In 1832 they moved to their present site at the corner of Arch and South Diamond streets, and in 1849 their church was burned down. A year later another was erected, which remained until torn down this year to make room for the present one. The cor ner stone laid yesterday was therefore the fourth laid by the church. A box was then placed in the hollowcor ner stone. It contained a copy of the Bible, the confession of laith', photographs of Dr. Elisha P. Swift and Elliott E. Swift, former pastors of the church, a copv of the memo rial address in connection with the death of Dr. E P. Swift and his fortieth annual ser-. mon, an historical address delivered by Dr. E. E. Swift and biography of the then elders prepared bv him. a copy of the church manual of the names of the mem bers, a photograph of the architect of the building, a new silver dollar, a copy of the Presbyterian Manner and a copy of each of the local patiers not issued on Sunday. The stone was then formally laid by Eob ert McCain. Chairman of the Building Com mittee, and Dr. Kennedy made an earnest dedicatory prayer. The congregation sang another hymn, and Rev. S. H. Holliday pronounced the benediction, and all was over. It is expected to worship in the building in the earlv winter, but it will not be com pleted until next spring. Held for Burglary and Larceny. Frank Coyle, Jack Borden, Peter Dugan, Sam Brady and John Callaghan were all held for trial at court by Alderman Mc Kenna yesterday on a charge of being im plicated iu the robbing of M. C Rosen field's store, at Twenty-fifth and Liberty streets, last week. Borden, Dugau and Coyle were also held for trial at court on the, charge of the larcenv of f 2 23 worth of goods trom Louis Miller, at 282 Fifth avenue. Me. C T. Benneb, general superintend ent of the Eureka Mineral Springs, Saeger town, Pa., is in the citv aud stopping at the Seventh Avenue. Any information con cerning the place, the water, the hotel, or how to get to Saegertown, the rates for fall and winter, eta, will be cheerfully given by calling on or addressing Mr. Benner there. He will remain in the city for five days. Our upholstering and decorating depart ments are perfectly equipped for orders. Materials it endless variety for your selec tion. JOS. HOKNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Beer is the unrivaled beverage of all classes. The Iron City Brewing Co's. "Pilsner" brand is of superior quility. Best dealers keep it. Telephone 118J. B. B. Hew capes by every express. Long and short capes, tanblack, gray and navv blue capes. Capes from 7 60 to $50 00. Boggs & Buhl. The People's Store Fifth Avcnne. A beautiful sight. Our new millinery. First opening to-day, to-morrow and Fri day. Don't tail to see it, Camtbell & Dick. Beeb is the unrivaled beverage of all classes. The Iron City Brewing Co.'s "Pilsner" brand is of superior quality. Best dealers keep it. Telephone 118(5. S20 Parlor Suits Parlor Salts $500, At Berger's, Liberty and Sixth avenue. MEETINGS AT NOTICES. Meetlnirs- ATTENTIONI BATTALION 1 At a recent meeting of ex-Union soldiers favor ing the election of our illustrious comrades DAVID MCM. GREGG AD JOHN W. MORRISON a temporary organization was formed aud the un dersigned authorized to call a meeting of all lion arably discharged UNION SOLDIERS who can Join in the above purpose to form a per manent organization to be known as the GREGG AND MORRISON WAR VETERAN CLUB. In pursuance thereof, all honorably f discharged TTninn snldlprfi arft rnrdlallv invltpn tn mppt nt Common Council Chamber, Friday evening, Sept. 18. at 730 P V J."F. DENNISTON. Temporary Chairman. W. H. LAMBERT, Temporary Sec1y. seI52-TUWF TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that I have on this date sold and transferred the dalrv business heretofore carried on In the name of & Chadwick & Son to John Habegger and Christian Willy, to whom I recommend my former patrons. All business of the late firm of S. Chadwick & Son will be settled by the undersigned, to whom all communications should kc addressed. SAMUEL CHADWICK. Lincoln av., E. ., Pittsburg, Pa. SEPTrMBEB L 1891. selS-13 Legal Notices. LEGAL I am prepared to do work for the legal profession, writing deeds, mort-gages or transcribing legal or other documents; satisfaction guaranteed; terms moderate. Mortimer Starling, Room 34, 108 Fourth av. jea-17-wsu "OTICE Is lieraby given that an application will. .M be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions, of Allegheny countv. Pa., on Saturday, September 20, 1891. at 10 o'clock A. M for the Incorporation of the village of Rankin station Into a borough. A. M. Imbrte, Solicitor. an26-72-w TN RE DISSOLUTION OF THE GROCERS' X Supply and Storage Company, No. 847, Septem- ber term. 1891. .nonce is Hereby given. that the Grocers' Snp- tut and Storaee Conmanv has filed its application for dissolution and surrender of IU charter, at the above number and term, and that the Court ap pointed Saturday, September 28, 1891. at 10 A. M., as the time for hearing the prayer of the petition. J. J. MILLER Solicitor, 4i& Grant st. e9-5-w PERSONAL. LADIES Hae our bangs cut bv the Parisian hair dresser at Miss M. Landers, 25 Filth av. 1)ERSONAL Artists' goods and materials of all . kinds; 50 to 75 per cent reduction. Frank Bacon & Co., 301 Smlthfield St. PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and silver; Jcwelrv repaired: new work made to order. Chris. Hauch, 541 Smlthfield. "PERSONAL We have ooots. and lots of them; a largest oia bookstore west oi largest old bookstore west of the AllcErhenv iiiuuuuiiug, . .L- . ... . i .' -. M Levi's, 900 Liberty St. PERSONAL Cormlck Bros.. Jobbers of high grade fertilizer. Farmers' Favorite and Truck ers' Choice are specialties In two-hundred pound sacks; also potatoes in car-load lots. Shadeland, PERSONAL If Herbert A. Davis is in the city ill he please go home or write to his mother; IT he Is not, 111 anyone knowing of hlswhera bout please inform Mrs. A. P. Davis, Vine street, Clt). PERSONAL-Notlcels hereby given thatl have disposed of my interest In the World's Cure Co. to Mr. Geo. H. Garber, who assumes all liabil ities of this Interest. F. A. Tremalne. Pittsburg, Septembers, 1891. PERSONAL When 1 was a small boy my mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but eince igut u ue a great Die known tailor, (a Fifth av since l got to be a great tblgman. Dickson, thewell- known tailor, (5 Fifth av., cor. Woodyit., sec . second uoor. nan urai EUDsututeu, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating In great shape. STRAYED. STRA;lEPC',2",.50 lJle Property of Baltz Die trich. Ivory P O.. Ross township. Allegheny "tltv i1 ?a,u.rda.T.'. bla colt, with two white hind feet and white spot on forehead. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all damages. FOUND. TTOUND Yon can bring your nlcturpa to th Htv 1 and position and get them framed while you visit the Ex Hon; cheanest and best fnunliiff- In th ritv Nc o. 2 Sixth St., upstairs, T. C. MeElroy, $3gDUlay advertisements one dollar per square for 'one insertion. Class'ificd real estate advertisements on this page ten cents per line for each insertion, and none taken for less Vian thirty cents. UNTIL FDItTHEn NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following heading will be ac cepted atMie rate of OKE CENT PER WORD FOE EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad vance either at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds, SUCH AS SITUATIONS, BOOMS, MALE HELP, BOARDING, FE3LAXK HEM?, BOARDERS, AGENTS, JUSCEtLANKOUS, PERSONAL, TO LET ROOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Smlthfleltl and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE WANT, FOR SALE. TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOE INSERTION. Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with TnK Dispatch. FOR THE SOUTHSIDE, NO. 12 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 6022. . FOE THE EAST END, J. W. WALLACE, 6121 PENN AVE. PITTSBUEG-ADDITIONAL. THOSrAS JfcCAFFREV. 3509 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, Stth street and Pcnn avenue. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, No. K Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE. Market House, Allegheny. F. H. EGGERS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS McHENRY, 'Western and Irwin avenues. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEliRYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny av. WANTED. Male Help. BARBER A good man. 331 Pennsylvania av., Allegheny. BLACKSMITH AND WAGONSMITH-A live man, who can also shoe horses. Apply to F. IL Hleber, McKee's Rocks. Pa BOY Good boy. Inquire at St. Charles Hotel at 10 o'clock A. II. BOY about 17 to work In grocery. Address J. P., Dispatch office. BOOKKEEPER One preferred who has had ex perlance In the builders' supply or roofing business. Applvatonce at Squire's Roofing and Supply Co., MODPcnn av., E. E., Pittsburg, BOOKKEEPER Man for office work with some experience In bookkeeping; give name and reference. Address, In own handwriting, H. 9, Dispatch office. "YVUTCHERS-Two, one for shop, one for slaugh Sj ter house. Apply 174 Center av. COAL SIINERS (3) to run a country mine. In quire of J. II. Thompson, Harroarville P.O., ra., ou the West Penn K. R. : wages paid weekly. COATMAKER; high-class prices: steady work for right man, at once. Maurira Miller, Adair's Opera House block, Johnstown, Pa. COAT3IAKERS-Good -men Immediately; good workshop: best wages. S. W. btlmson Si COLLECTOR and Solicitor tl. per day and j commission. 31ust give small bond and good reference, Apply to Boom 3, C6 Federal St., Alle- gheny. DHVQ CLERK Registered assistant at once. 147 Wylle av. MAN With push wanted In each citv and town to Introduce our new paste stove polish among housekeepers and stores; no labor, no brush, dust or smell: sells on sight: pavs S3 50 per day. Address, with stamp. Champion Co., 43 N. Fourth st,, Philadelphia, Pa. MAN A capable man to act as policeman, street commissioner, etc.. for the borough otEdge wood. Apply any time after 6 o'clock P. M. to C. I. Wade, Burgess. MILK SHIPPER to ship 25 gallons milk. Call or address 824 Carson St., S. S. PLU3IBER Steadv work for a good mechanic. Address F. B. Hingler, No. 61 Franklin St., Johnstown, Pa. QUAERY3IEN Sledgers and drillers; steadv work. Williams Brick & Stone Co., Second T OUGHEBS-(4)-For 16 Inch billet train: scale Xv wages. Call or address U. P., Nail Co., Cleve land, O. SALESMAN Experienced retail clothing siles mau for pants department. Call on or address Famous. Braddock. la. On OLICITORS For life Insurance: liberal commls- O slons: policy taking because most pleasing in taking because most pleasing in Murry & Edsall, 34 Fidelity bulld- price anu plan. : lug. OTRAIGHTENER wanted! annlv at oncfL The kJ Tyler Tube and Pipe Co., Washington, Pa. STUDENT to leam dentistry: must pay a fee. Inquire Dr. Yates. S02 Penn av. TAILOR A good tailor to work In the store and bushelman; good wages. Apply for three days, 17 Anderson st., Allegheny City. iTTAGONMAKER. first-class, to run shop. dress box 456. Scottdale, Pa. Ad- YOUNG man Salesman in carpet department. Address P. O. Box 141, Titusvllle, Pa., stat ing experience and wages wanted. fl'7 K A MONTH and expenses for salesmen In D t O every county In the U. S. ; samples and outfit free: no experience necessary: yearly con tracts made; finest and easiest selling goods man ufactured. Send stamps for full particulars, E. Converse, 24 Hermon St., Worcester, Mass. Wanted Agent. AGENTS On salary or commission to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever producea; erases Ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion oi paper; 200 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to (620 in six days; another $32 In two hours; we want one energetic general agent for each State and Territory. For terms and full particu lars, address The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. AGENTS To sell the Plnless Clothes Line; the only line ever invented that holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success: patent recently Issued: sold only by agents, to whom the exclu sive right Is given: on receipt of 50 cents we will send a sample line by mall; also circulars; price list and terms to agents : secure your territory at once. Address The Plnless Clothes Line Co., 97 Hermon St., Worcester. Mass. apl2-142-ws A GENTS Wcofferagents big money. In exclusive A territory; our new patent safes sell at sight in city or country; new agents first in field actually getting rich; one agent in one day cleared 36; so can you; catalogue free. Alpine Safe Co., No. S63-371 Clark St., Cincinnati, O. ie28-70-WSu AGENTS-"Klng's Handbook:" 2.639 Illustra tions; 51 colored maps; census 1890: selling for f250:ls maklnga great hit; agents making money rapidly; territory going fast; liberal terms. P.J. Fleming & Co.. 135 Firth ay., Pittsburg. AGENTS Four agents to sell a complete line of family medicines, under salary or commission. Kim 's Medicine Comnanv. corner Duauesne w.iv and jeventh st. AGENTS Will guarantee anyone S35tof40per week who will work five hours per day. Send 10 cents for sample and full information to Box 3, Dispatch office. A GENTS $30 appolntmentonSOdays-time,gnar. u.. amce fuvproui in tour weeKB or no pay, Ad dress, with stamp, D. ShoopACo., Baclne, Wis. , GENTS-For si itv article that sellsrkrht. k. off. Call at-: Fourth. av second floor. Wanted Female Help. COOK A good female cook. Call, with refer ence. Room 44.111 Fourth a v., city. lOOK and chambermaid. Inaulre of Mrs. S. C. j benoyer, Dallas av. East End. rlOOK Female, at once. I. S. Crawford, No. 1 COOK A good cook; good wages paid. 182 Locust St., Allegheny. T7NERGETIC lady to; travel; salary $50 per IU month ; no canvassing. isu or aaaress itoom 713, Lewis 01OCK. GIRL to assist with housework; no washing; good wages. Koemer. 54 KlrKpatrlck av corner B St., Allegheny. "1IKL For general housework; recommendation VX required. 501 Lincoln av. . East End. Pittsburg. ri IRL Young girl U Allegheny. as nurse. Apply 107 Page St., GIRL for general housework. Icgheny. 61 Union av.. Al- LADY of good address, who had some business experience; apply after 9 A. M., Rooms, 42,' :perlence; apply ., second floor. Sixth si LADIES To do fancy work at their homes; we fumlsh material and pay per piece. Call and see work, or address with stamp. J. M. Leinarjt Co., No. 90 Fourth av near Wood. T ADIES To solicit for ns In. Flttsburg and Alle. Xl gheny; pleasant work; good pay: salary and Co..a commission; can at once. x uateiy s Federal St., Allegheny. LADIES to Iron; those who have had experience in laundry or dye house preferred. Call at 631 Penn ave. VTURSE-Falthful, con JL old baby. Apply references required. wtent nurse, for one-year-Slmen av.. Boulevard; "TTOMAN Competent woman as working liouse- T keeper in family or four; references reaulred. 277 Western av., Allegheny. Wanted Partners. BUSINESS MAN having 125, 000 to $30, OOO to take Interest In a manufacturing concern, paying on this investment $12,004 to $15,000 cieaT; ample se curity; will stand close investigation. Address Manufacturer, P. O. Box 695. PARTNER In real estate business; none but a reliable and active man need apply. M, Dis patch office. THE PITTSBTJEG- . DISPATCH. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER WANTED. Wanted Male nnrt I emalo Help. LAUNDRESSES, cooks, chambermaids, nurses, dlnlne room Klrl, three Touni? girls, S house rfrls. ;, German anil colored girls, teamsters, 'aoor- ers, farm hands, drivers. Sirs. k. Thompson, 008 u rant st. MAN to work abont gentleman's place, farm hands, laborers, coal miners, hotel cooks, laundry girls, dishwashers, dining room girls, chambermaids, child's nurse, S00 house girls, fam ily cooks, chambermaids. Aleehan's, 545 Grant St. Tel. 90. "yOUNG men and ladles to attend day or night X school at the Actual Business College, No. 5 Sixth av.; bookkeeping taught by actual business firactice: penmanship, arithmetic, English traili ng by the month, S5: shorthand; private Instruc tion a specialty: eleventh jear. M.J.Conner, President; J. 31. Phillips, Expert Accountant. Wanted Situations, GOVERNESS A well-educated nursery gov erness, teaching German. French and En glish, wishes engagement to go to Europe this win ter, or with a lady as maid aud companion: bebt reference. Address, for one week. Mrs. E. Knee land, No. 45 Ohio st., Allegheny, Pa. POSITION as salesman In wholesale plumbing or tinware house: 13 years' experience; Alreier ences. Address Tinware, Dispatch office. POSITION as stenographer by lady with two rears' experience and good education; salary SOU. Bl. Li. Ai, Ulspaicll Ulilue. SITUATION Notice to contractors and builders, aman having 15 years' experience In handling plans, laying out work, superintending men, etc., wishes to make an engagement. Address Box D, Dispatch office. SITUATION by a competent and reliable horse man as coachman or attending to horses In boarding stable; first-class references. X. X., Dls natcli office. OITTTATTOX bv ft vouncr man with three ivare. Allc- O Tears' cTperlence In general hardware, Address A. W. 31. , No. 174 Koblnson St., gheny. SITUATION Asmlns superintendent by an ex perienced man; has two certificates and furnlhes best references. Address Mines, Dispatch office. SITUATION by young man to work around horse and stables, or as truckman; best references. Address F. R., European Hotel. SHUATION Drug clerk, registered Q. A.; sis years' experience; temperate; good reference. Address Opium, Dispatch office. SITUATION Hv an experienced housekeeper. CaU at 43S Fifth av. "pUTOR Experienced successful X graduate, has lew snare hoi tutor, college hours; elementary branches; college preparation; highest references. Tutor, Dispatch office. Wanted Boarders and Lodgers. GENTLEMAN ROOM MATE of good habits. Address Box 177, Pittsburg. LODGERS At Anchor Hotel. 325-327 Liberty St., cor. Fourth; lodging pernlght, 25c, 35c, 50c; per week, jl 25, 1 75. (2, fe. ROOMERS for two rooms In Lawrenccvlllo (Seventeenth ward); reference must be ex changed. Address, with particulars, J. E., Dis patch office. TABLEBOARDEBS First-class table boarders, terms S5 per week. 35 Federal St., Allegheny. T PWO gentlemen for nicely furnished room, with X board, 116 Elm St. Wanted Real Estate. TO purchase an approved property In Allegheny; about ?2, 000 or fZ,S00. J room 31, 108 Fourth Wanted Rooms. "DOOMS Two good sized unfurnished rooms XV within a few squares of Sixth and Penn av. Address II. A., Dispatch office. Xlnanclal. MONEY to loan at lowest rate of Interest; loans granted promptly, no delay; have a large amount ou hand at the present time; bring your deed with you, will guarantee prompt loan or no charge. J. E. SIcCrickart, 140 Fifth av., Tele phone 1676. MONEY To loan In large or small amounts on good city or Alleghenv property. Mortimer fctarllng. Boom 34, 10S Fourth av. ;Je21-46-WSu MONEY to loan on short notice. John K. Ewing A Co., 107 Federal st. MORTG AGEb-JlOO, COO to loan ; sums 500 to Jo, 000 to S20100: .expenses light; money ready. S. J. Fleming. 152 Fifth ay. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver fc Co., 92 Fourth av. PURCHASERS of property to call for list of desir able properties; houses and lots In all parts of the cities; mortgage loans procured for purchas ers promptly at the lowest rate of Interest. J. E. McCrlckart, 140 Fifth av., telephone 1676. auS9-36-WS ZUICK loan of not over 12,500: highest interest Address Loan, 3C paiu; real Dispatch office. REAL ESTATE brokers requiring deeds, mortgages, or transcribing of any description done with promptness and accuracy please call on mc; terms moderate. Mortimer Starling, Room 34, 108 Fourth av. Je21-21-wso Miscellaneous. A 'GREAT reduction We want evervbody'to know that we have reduced our best (5 00 cabi nets to S3 00. Stewart & Co., 90 and 92 Federal St., vuegiieny, xa.; uiauiunu iriiuuMjiiea 91 uu. AUCTIONI AUCTION! AUCTIONl-Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday we buv new and second-hand furniture, stored or sold on com mission; hold sales at stores or houses; stores bought and highest prices paid; call and see the Washington Auction Storage and Tan Co., 76 Third av., city. BRICKLA VERS To know that the strike is still pending and No. 2 of Pa. requests all brick layers to be governed accordingly, George Speed, secretary; BUYERS for all kinds of milling machinery, now in use at both our Pittsburg and Allegheny mills; this includes boilers, engines, rolls, burrs, cleaning machinery of all kinds, belting, shafting, pulleys, hangers, and core wheels. Marshall Kennedy Milling Co., Fifteenth and Liberty Bts., Pittsburg. TTORNITURE to re-upholser-Haugh & Kcenan, X? 33 Water st. TTORSES There are still a few stalls vacant for XJL business men's horses at the boarding stable. 48 W. Diamond. Apply to A. Fllman, mond, Allegheny. 52 S. Dla- INVENTOKS We make metal pal models and perlect inventions. E. Co., 195 First av. P. SlentzJt NATURAL GAS Consumers of natural gas wtll find it to their advantage to call on James Owens, of No. 109 Fourth av., and have their stoves and grates arranged for the saving of gas, as this Is the only way to get ahead of the gas com panies. PATENTS OBTAIN ED-O. D. Levis (20 Solicitor, 131 Fifth avenue, next Leader, UUlg. PIANO and furnltnremovlng Shanahan Transfer Co., Smlthfield, comer Water. PEOPLE moving from the city to have us pack their furniture. Haugh &Xeenan, 33 Water st. Phone 1828. PURCHASER With a capital of 30,000 or up ward, for an Interest in a large manufacturing business; credit and business standing of present firm is good: a business of no less than Fi 000, 000 an nually, with exceptionally large profits, is what we guarantee; we are prepared and will offer to one qualified to assist In conducting a substantial bus iness enterprise an extra inducement beyond ex pectation; to those about to engage in a new or cuange tneir present business, who think favorably enough of this to correspond, will do us a favor by calling In person: parties from a distance need not besltai lie tu come, as all :xnpnspft fnr sump, wll Tia cheerful!' illy reiunaea lr not round as advertised, . ; - , .. . Full pa: rtlculars at private oflice. 190 Robinson St.. Allegheny, . T " Pa. TRUNKS hauled to and from East End for 50e. Campbell & Davis, 12 Seventh av. Telephone 28. TT8E Jones' Bedbug Paalyzer Jones' Magio wder: nontnfnn nn nnlcnn, Nw,he, J Roach Powder: uuusiicuu; wuuw;,; buuitjacuon Kiven or no pay. Prepared by Geo. W. Jones, 222 Federal st., Xlle gheny. Pa. Sold by all flrst-class druggists. Wanted Special. 17 SIXTH ST. Upstairs, clothinj g on easy wcpkiv. semi-montniv or mm or monthly lnstall- ments. Koehler's Installment House. KOEHLER'S Installment House Clothing on credit. No. 17 Sixth St., upstairs. ptLOTHING on easy pavments. Koehler's Install- v uirm xiouse, BLXin St.. , upstairs. CREDIT- Clothing on credit. Koehler's Tnstall- KJ ment House, 2i No, 17 Sixth St., upstairs. -VTEW DEPARTMENT Just opened; ladles' X cloaks and lacletson credit. Koehler's In stallment!! o use, 17 Sixth st., upstairs. "rO EXCUSE not to be able to dress well If you V,, can. ?,uy clo'nlnf on credit, Koehler's In- "-' "-"""-t " U4AVU Bl, , upstairs. ONE-THIRD has to be paid down on clothing in Koehler's Installment House, -No. 17 Sixth st.. upstairs. ' EASY PApiENTS in Koehler's Installment House, No. 17 Sixth St., upstairs. LACIE,' ?L,0AK? and Jackets on credit at Koehler's Installment House, No. 17 Sixth St.. upstairs. , OALESMAN Clothing salesman wanted. Call kj 11 to 12, Koehler's Installment House, 17 Sixth COLLECTOR Experienced Installment collector wanted. CaU 3 to 4, Koehler's Installment House, 17 Sixth st. CUTTERwanted. Call 11 to 12. Koehler's Install ment House. 17 Sixth jst. FOB SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. "POHBES ST. Handsome home: extended view X1 nverSchenlcyPark; elegant lot; finely finished eight-roomed brick house, .containing every mod ern convenience; cheap to quick buyer, on accom modating terms. (2-27-193). Charles Somers & Co., 120 Fourth av. sel3-l39-tvYSn TnORSALE $5,600 for two brick houses; houses X six roomk. each: only a few minutes' walk frompostofilce; each house now renting for $20per month; two squares from Fifth are. 196) W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth ave. sel-0-w T?OR HALE-4L750 a good house, five rooms, on J? paved street; location central and near cable line. (54) W. A, Herron Sons. 80 Fourth ar. Sc2-6i-W 1 FOR SALE larPRpVEP REAL ESTATE. City Residences. , 37tORSALE-H.000-Oneor the best houses In the city for the money; brick; six rooms; modern fixtures; largeattic: location good, near cable line aud only a short walk from P0. (79) W. A. Her ron & Sons, SO Fourth ave. se8-S-8,lI, W,19 FOE SALE (150 down, remainder on monthly payments. If desired a neat house. 5 rooms; with good-sized lot: Washington av., Thirty-first ward: Drlce only $1,000. (351c). W- A. Herron A uwuoi w xvunu av. TTOB SALE 5,10O; a very desirable and com J. plete new brick house, eight rooms In fine order; late Improvements; on cable line; only a few minutes from P. O. (97) W. A. Herron & Sons, SO Fourth av. seS-26-W FOR SALE-JIcCandless av.. Eighteenth ward a neat new house, 6 rooms, corner lot: f3Q0 tiown, remainder on easy payments ptsesslon Oct. 1. (62). W. A. Hen Fourth av. nrlce 82,250: Herron 4 Sons, 80 East End Residences. I7AST END A new modern frame of 8 rooms, j reception hall, all modern Improvements, car riage house and stable; lot 50x100; owing to re moval of owner from city will sell for (500 below value; easy terms; 2 minutes' walk from electric lines: a bargain to quick buyer (681). J. C. Jami son & Co., 80 Fourth ave. and No. 133 Frankstown ave. IJORSALE J.5, 600 In East end: a very tastefnlly : built house; eight rooms: well furnished: mod em fixtures; nice wide lot on a good street near Fifth avenue cable line. (37) W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth ave. se8-l-8,12,16.2: TTOR SALE East End-83,600 residence: 7 X with large corner lot on Tioga St.: pos; rooms. possession Oct.1. (43-sub) W. A. Herron & Sons. 80 Fourth av. se9-62-ws Cl1 OOO cash required Frame house. 16 rooms, DXj reception hall, parlor, library, bath. h. and c. water and all modern improvements: adapted for first-class boarding house: beautiful shade trees: Iot60xl20 (more sroundlfdeslrcd): near P. R. R. station and electric cars: price f,roo. (740) J. C. Jamison i. Co, , 90 Fourth av., and 133 Franks- town av 02Q 300 will purchase a new six-room frame IDA house. In East End, hall and vestibule, double front doors, slate mantels and roof, pantry, wired for electric light; S5O0 cash, balance easr monthly payments. J. C. Jamison & Co., 90 Fourth av.. and 133 Frankstown av., E. E. Hazelwood Residences. HAZELWOOD S2.500 Two-story frame cot tage, six rooms, halt, porch, etc.. slate roof, ot 24x120: Immediate possession; term S5O0 cash, balance long time. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth av, Allegheny Residences. ESPLANADE ST. Lot S feet front, brick house, six rooms : will sell cheap to quick buyer. A. D, Wilson. 85 Federal St., Allegheny. FOR SALE Arch St.; 17.500: one of the best resi dence locations of Allegheny; lot 40x100 ft- to another street, with small dwellings. (39). W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. se9-28-w MARKET ST.. Near Locust, Alllegheny, 7,000, a modern brick dwelling or nine rooms, hall, bath room, hot and cold water, both gases, laun dry, etc.: also small frame house of four rooms In rear: lot 20x120 to an alley. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth av. PENNSYLVANIA AV-85,000 Tor brick house, seven rooms, 'attic, ball, wash house. A. D. Wilson, 65 Federal st. TXTALKER and Brown sts., Allegheny At a V bargain, house six rooms. See A. D. Wilson, 63 Federal St., Allegheny. uCT OOO Far two brick houses: one has seven tjpcj rooms and the other four rooms; rents S40 permonth;onllneof electric cars and convenient to Dotn clues gheny. A. D. Wilson, 55 Federal St., Alle- Suburban Residences. WttKINSBURG PROrERTIES-We have for sale a number of low priced properties that arc worth Investigating; call and see us. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 162 Fourth are. 41-2 ACRES, with dwelling house, outbuildings, orchard, water, etc., of the estate of the late James Swindell, deceased, and situate on the Hazlett road. Reserve township, live minutes' walk from East street extension and the school house; to be sold at trustees' public sale by order of Orphans' Court: the adjourned Bale will take place In the real estate salesroom of Jaef. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg, on Thursday after noon, September 17. at 2 o'clock. Particulars from Jas. W. Drape & Co., Agents and Anc lonecr8, 313 Wood St. FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. LOTS Beautiful building lots forfrom 8100 to 5300. In the Eighteenth ward; long payments ; easy terms. Inquire of Chas. E. Cornelius, attorney, 406 Grant st., Pittsburg: or go to his office, 3Iorn Ingsldeav,, onthe grounds, and see his agent, T. Ed. Cornelius. LOTS On Wylie and Webster aves. : away down prices. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. THREE LOTS, 72 feet front: fruit, shrubbery, garden: house of eight rooms, substantial and comfortable: within ono square of Center av. ; cheap at (3.700. 1-10-64. Charles Bomers & Co., 129 Fourth av. sel3-133-WFSa East End Lots. CRAIG ST.-Beautlful building lot on Craig St.. between Bayard and Center ave. ; size of lot 50x142 feet, to a 20-foot alley. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. F IOR SALE-5,250 At Sbadyslde, corner lot 101x107 feet to an allev: on a srood street near Fifth avenue cable and Duquesne electrlo line; a very good property for the money. (94). W. A. Herron &. Sons, No, 80 Fourth ave. seS-62-ws Suburban Lots. INGRAM 118 lovely building lots. Geo. Jonn ston. Agent, 62 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. SHADYSIDE A lot very cheap. 40x130; owner must sell; deal direct and get benefit of com mission. Address M. C, Dispatch office. Miscellaneous. LAND 20, 000 acres, choice coal and black band Iron land, also short railroad, price, $500,000. J. H. Brlstor. Martlnsburg. W. Va. FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. BARBERSHOP First-class barbershop cheap, if sold at once; cause, leaving the country. Ad dress C. B. S., Dispatch oflice. FREEDOM BOATYARD Containing about four acres; 700 feet river front; switch connecting with Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago R. R.; elegant location for manufacturing site. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. GROCERY For sale or exchange, in city, doing a large, profitable business; uses 2 wagons; store fitted up In good shape; estimated at tiOOO; will sell at inventory or trade in part for real estate. Magaw & Goff, Llm.. 145 Fourth av. LrVERY STABLE At a sacrifice; valuable property, close to Flttsburg, completely equipped and doing a profitable business. (4-71-317). Charles Somers & Co., 129 Fourth av. LIVERY business Horses, hearse, surrey, coaches, buggies and wagons, etc. Keystone stables, 180 Sandusky st, Allegheny, PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE-Small drugstore and dwelling in manufacturing village, 2,500 pop., near Pittsburg. Address Elder, Dispatch office. T ESTAURANT-Flne, in central part of city; XV lewelry stores. goo oa- -paying cigar store. grocery stores, $200, $500, $1,000 to $10,000; milk route, livery stable, lumber yard, fish and oyster marcel, oarery, snoesiore, goou country store. erv. shoesti jioimes s (jo. ..420 Smlthfield st. CTONE QUARR-For sale or lease. Beaver kj vauey atone tuqrry; the largest, best and most accessible quarry on auarrvonthe Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad, convenient also to the Fort Wayne, about 30 miles from Pittsburg: will be sold or leased on reasonable terms; for particulars, write to S, Dispatch office. Business Properties. iglne. ,ns, ins. Laooek and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. FOR SALE Brass works fully equipped for the manufacture of brass goods of most all kinds and running fun time; location and ahlpplng facilities the best; in the midst of one of the great est manufacturing districts adjacent to Pittsburg. W. A. Herron & Sons, SO Fourth av. se2-56-w P" ENN AV.. Near Sixteenth St.. $10,000, a line first-class storeroom, plate and cathedral glass front, and 6even dwelling rooms; also a house of four rooms In rear, lot 23x100 feet: all rent for $1,000 per year; a good investment. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth av. FOE SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock. COACH One three-quarter high seated carriage, cheap. Apply at Keystone stables. No. ISO Sandusky st., Allegheny. DELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles; our own make. Wm. Beckert, 840 to 344 Ohio st.,;AUegheny. Telephone, 3450. HOKSE-Sorrel, 4 years old, :i8 hands high; can show three minutes; sound and kind: can be seen at the stables of J. H. Hewitt, 168 and 170 First av., Pittsburg. HOR&ES Two fine draft horses, 5 and 8 years old. 1,400 to 1.600 pounds, for sale. Address Horses, Dispatch office. Machinery and Metals. AUTOMATIC hoisting engines Work perfectly right and left, with single or double drum: second-hand boilers and engines alio on hand; general machine work promptly executed; corre spondence solicited. Combination Engine Co,, Llm.,3140 Penn ave., Pittsburg. Tell2S5. BOILERS and engines, second-hand; all sizes, from 4 to 100 h. p. : cheapest in the market: 48 boilers and engines fn stock, stationary and porta- imc , ujil iglj b vu tollers, mounted farm entrtne. etc.. steam pumps, governor, pnllevs and shaft- 3-23 Park way. J. 3. Young, Allegheny, Pa. BOILERS Second-band, all sUes, 4 to 100 h. p., locomotives, portables, uprights, tubulars and horizontals, aslo manufacturers of boilers, tanks, stacks, etc.; old anvils resteeled, dressed and ground, finished as good as new. W. Man chester & Co., Twenty-eighth St., Flttsburg. MACHIN ERY of National elevator: also, a rope eleyatorand a line welgh-master scale. Ad dress M. M., Dispatch oflice. SECOND-HAND engines and boilers Two 35 borse-power and two ten horse-power statlon ary engines and boilers. One ten horse-power portable on wheels. Thirty-five, 15, 12, ten and &! uwKnjuwcr eanocB, vertical ana nonionwu. bu guuu uja wiu ne sola cneac. Depot, 99 First av. Harmea' Machine 16, 1891 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. 1'HE celebrated acme automatlo safety engines , and non-explosive boilers, forgasoroIITuel, from one to flve-horse power; also the latest Im proved ' ventilating fans; perfect satisfaction guaranteed: by J. Prager, General Agent, No. 4 Fifth av., Pittsburg,. Pa. UPRIGHT ENGINES-5 to 10 horse power, with or without boilers. Henry Farnan, 96 Lacock st Allegheny. Miscellaneous. TATtTtET.S 1.000 new nnnle barrets. Apply to C. XJ J. Gillespie, Dnnuesno way, bet. Seventh and Eighth St. INSTATE By.the Safe Deposit and. Trust Com j panv. of Pittsburg, 83 Fourth av., adjourned sale of Patrick 3Iav Estate, Tuesday, Septem ber 22. at 10 o'clock a. it., on the premises. Second av. near Brew ery St. and old gas works, store, houses and dwellings. A, J. Pentecost, Auctioneer, 413 Grant st. ' rA8 FIXTURES-35 to 50 percent off; closing VJt out. Kelnecke & Co.. 309 Wood st. v se6-175-WTSU CINGING birds. mrrots. rold' fish, small pet kJ animals. Esplch's. 6W Smlthfield st. TO LKT. City Residences. rpo LET !0 per month house: 4 rooms in good jl oraer. Twentieth st.. S. S. Send for list. , Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. Allegheny Residences. TICE live-room dwelling Federal st. extension. XI Inquire or J. 11. McKee, 708 Penn av.. Boom 611. t ItaslneaA Stanris. BUSINES1 House, 1C3 Market St. Inquire Stonghton & Stnlten. 101 Market st. t "VTEW BUILDING-Central 1 for hotel nurnoses. canal situation, suitable for hotel purposes, capable of division into about loo rooms, with facilities for large restaur ant and office on ground floor; steam beat and elec tric light: elevators, passenger and freight. Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av. t CTOREROOM and dwelling corner S. Sixteenth and Sarah sts., Southslde, with shelving, count ers, elevator, platform scales, etc., complete for grocery store. Apply to J. E. Both, 1327 Carson street. t STOREROOM or warehouse. No 407 Ferry St.. near Liberty ; rent low. Enquire at 44 Fourth St. Rooms. OAKLAND Furnished room for gentleman; pleasant corner, nice room. Call or address 3313 Forbes St. t ROOM Large, well-furnished front room, suitable for two or three gentlemen. 167 Wylle av, "DOOMS Some unfurnished rooms, suitable for XVi housekeeping. Inquire on premises 44 Fourth REWARD. $1,000 REWARD Will be paid by the County Commissioners of Alle- gheny county, Pennsylvania, for the apprehension ana aeiiverv to me county jail or saia coun ity Jail of said county of ty of IDD, FRED C. FITZSIM3ION8 ALIAS A, G. BU. who escaned from said iail Scntember 15. 1891. The following is a description of his appearance at the time of his escape: Name Fred C. Fltzslmmons alias A. G. Budd. Helghth-5 feet 4 Inches. Weight 120 pounds. Eyes Dark gray. Cheek Bones Very noticeable. Nose Very prominent. Hair Black mixed with gray. Slustachc Short, black and mixed with gray. Complexion Dark and bloodless. Wore shoes No. 9 or 9H. Gunshot wound on left shonlder. Wore a double-breasted sack coat and vest, dark .blue pante. black cheviot. Age About 43 years. Birthplace Supposed to be Brookville, Ontario. For further information apply to R. 1E. MERCER, JA3IES G, WEIR, D. J. BOYLE, County Commissioners. County Cosoitssionees' office, i Pittsburg. September 15. 1891. t se!6-81 EDUCATIONAL. WEST WALKTJT STREET SEMINARY foryoung ladies; 25th year. Is provided for giving a superior education in collegiate. eclectic, and preparatory departments; also in music and art. MRS. liENU. IETTAKUTZ, 2045 Walnut street, Philada. auz-uj-xwa T) EMOVED KING'S SCHOOL OF ORATORY, Xv elocution and dramatic culture removed to University Building, Diamond st., opposite Court House. Byron W. King, manager; James M. Wisman, associate manager. Class and private lessons, literature, French and German, Delsarte, old school and modern systems. Send for pros pectus. aull-69-Mwr BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE A COL LEGIATE school for younc ladies corner Penn av. and Fourth st. The next session begins Sept. 9. A full course of study. Music and modern languages by competent professors. For admission ad dress REV. B. J. COSTEE, A M., Hector. jyl6-72-WS PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, Chester, Pa., 30th year, opens Sept. 16. A 3IILTTAKY COLLEGE. Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Architect ure, Arts. A preparatory course of one year. Circulars of Mr. P. G. Paulson, 141 Wood St., city. COL. CHAS. E. HYATT, President. jyS45-w3 CTTSIRSr UNIVERSITY, SIXTH ST. Thirty years of success. Full collegiate courses. Normal, Ladles' Seminary, inelish, Meclianical and Electrical Engineering De partments. Conservatory of Music, School of Elocution, Night School and Saturday Normal Classes, bookkeeping. Shorthand and Typewriting. Opens bept. L Send for catalogue. H. M. ROWE, Prest. nnlS-D NIGHT SCHOOL Special classes In MECHANICAL, ARCHI TECTURAL DRAWING, and HIGHER MATHEMATICS; also classes in GREEK, LATIN, GERMAN, FRENCH, BOOKKEEP ING, SHORTHAND and English branches, atDUQTJESNE COLLEGE. E. M. W OOD, V. I LL. D., President. Se3-MWF S WITHIN C. SHORTLIDGK'S MEDIA. PA., AOADE5IY. near Philadelphia; choice school for boys, number limited; mild winter climate; health record has few parallels; fine bulldlnps; steam heat; electric light and gas; gymnasium with swimming bath regnlated by steam; ample grounds; teachers men and college graduates; spe cial attention and private tutoring for backward boys; single or double rooms; fits for college or business; superior English department; library; complete laboratory with dynamo. motor, etc.etc: boys1 workshop for manual training in wood and metal; Media has seven churches and a temper ance charter. SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDOE, A.lf (Harvard graduate), Media, Pa. ao29-63 Z)TJQ,TJ-ESIsrE Conservatory of Music. A new school of music on the modern con servatory plan. Special advantages. Special rates of tuition. Anew departure. A school of music with advantages second to none in the State. The teachers of each department are masters of high standing. Among the teachers engaged are Charles Davis Carter, Carl Retter and Ad. M. Poerster. Send or call for prospectus,' ME. CHAS. DAVIS CARTER, Manager, Duquesne Col lege Buildingcorner of Diamond andEoss. streets. seiu io-d Practically taught at DUFF'S COLLEGE, 49 FIFTH AVE. JIEvening Sessions. aul242-w NIGHT SCHOOL BEGINS MONDAY, September 28. For particulars, send for latest Illustrated Circular, or apply at COLLEGE OFFICE, open every evening till 9 o'clock, AFTER SEPTEMBER 1. Address, Telephone 1545. J. O. SMITH'S SON. aul8-70-MWp DR. HARRIS CRAMP CURE -ron- Every Ache and Pain IOR SALE AT ALL'DRUG STORE! Manufactured by L.H. HARRIS DRUG CO., flos. 46 and 48 Seventh Avenm, , e30-D PITTSBURG. PA. jrBUSINESSr CHOICE A MAGNIFICENT PAGEANT! BLAINE UP THE PICTURESQUE . MONONGAHELA I Through a Panoramic Chain of Towns, made famous by their Rapid and Substantial Growth, and along a line of Gigantic Manufactories, Noted the World Over TO THE LAST GREAT SALE OF LOTS BLAINE! The new town destined to lead in the Monongahela Valley site of the immense works of the AMERICAN VAULT SAFE AND LOCK WORKS, and chosen location of many other extensive industries, to employ in the aggregate thousands of hands Leaving Wharf and Station SATURDAY, SEFI 19, (CITY TIME) BOATS AT 9 A, M. "TRAINS AT 10 A. M. and 12:30 P, M. Returning at 5:30 P.M. I Beantiral Scenery Blaine invites all industrial classes -on this occasion. Here will be found employment and homes for workingmen, locations unsurpassed for business men, unequaled sites for manufacturers and irresistible attractions for speculators. The citizens of Elizabeth, true to their-town-and'Joyal to Blaine, will co-operate with theBlaine people-in providing, at this last and most notable sale, EelresliiiiemsrortliB MULTITUDE! Of the best quality and in abundance, to be dispensed by -the ladies of Elizabeth. "It will be remembered that the first Blaine excursion, July 16, surpassed anything of the kind ever before seen here; that it was in every way a signal success, and that the sales of lots were phenomenal. The coming excursion, on the 19th, will far eclipse the former in magnitude and grandeur, and also in results, if lots enough to meet the demand remain to offer. Call for Tickets at Once! OFFICE OPEN TILL 10 P. M. Bear in mind that several thousand late applicants failed to secure transportation to the previous sale ; that this is the last great sale of lots in the favorite town of this year, and that the de mand' for transportation will be heavy. Tickets from Pittsburg and return, by rail and river (for adults only), maps, price-lists andtfull-printed particulars, now ready for distributioa Charles Somers & Co., GENERAL AGENTS, 129 Firi Ave., Pittslinn. I. C. TUTTLE, Local Agent, Elizabeth, Pa. $5,750 Is all we ask for one of those finely finished, modern improved , NEW 7-KOOSI BEICK HOUSES OS NORTH OAKLAND SQUARE, FOURTEENTH WARD. Can be reached by electric or cable cars in 16 minutes from the postoffice. STREET ASPHALTUMED, FRONT PORCHES AND YARDS, Within five minutes' -walking distance of CARNEGIE- LIBRARY or SCHENLEY PARK. You can secure one of these beautiful homes on a SMALL CASH PAYMENT, And pay the balance In Installments. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO.. sel543 99 Fourth ar. PROPERTIES. FREE BOATS! FREE CARS! lAr: Returning at 5:30 P. M. I sel3-H3rrsn SUM3IEE RESORTS. THE CHALFONTE ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3. On thebeaoh,with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt water baths in the house. Send for circular. auS0-14-D E. ROBERTS SONS. Tl T ARISE VILLA, 1YJ. Cape May, N. J. Within 30 yards of the surf. Seventeenth, season; 50 rooms added, facing the sea; eleva tor, baths, etc MRS. P. HALLENBECK. Jvl-21-p McNAUGHER & CO., Contractors for Paving Sidewalks tV'lth Cement, Brick and Fire Brick, Concreting Cellars. 43 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. Curbstone furnished and set. aull-Tt-D CIDER VINEGAR PURE SPICES. DEO. K. STEVENSON &CO., 8IXTH-A.VEHUE. au21.Jtw SieMiisic I 4 i