PPPH PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY. MARCH . 27, 180a LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Late Supcilor Is clear of ice A. ganc of negro and white counterfeiters Jias been broken np at Nevada, Mo. The qnarrel ivith Keirfonndland is tiav ins a serious affect on Canada's trade. An explosion at Fredericksburg: Friday, Jn ft miil.killed lour men and injured several others. The United States cruiser Torktown ar rived at San Francisco yesterday moraine from San Dieso. James Kelly, a 9-ycarold boy from Belle ville, 111., was rescued from a band of gipsies at Evansville, Ind., yesterday. A Free Hothodlst preacher near Val paraiso. Ind., has been asked by bis flock to resign because he sports a flowing mustache. Mary Haywood, a young woman who has been running wild in the woods near San Antonio, Tex., was captured and placed in an insane asylum. Twenty ex-convicts from Italy were yes terday detained at New York. They ad mitted that they were liberated felons, and will be promptly returned. Edward Hauler and David Breese fougbt a duel according to the code, near Breaux Bridge, La., Friday. The men were allowed but one shot each, and neither was wounded. Basil Tracer, the faster at Crawfords- vtlle, Ind., who for more than eielit weeks pact bad tasted neither fond nor medicine, and had barelv managed to keep alive by reason of his vitality, died Friday at the age of M years. Kev. Dr. L. Evans has resienrd his pro fessorship in theLane Theological Seminary, and will go to Wales to accept a similar posi tion. Dr. Lewis had refused to sign a formula of orthodox doctrines presented by Dr. Morris, the president. Rev. John C. Temple, a noted colored preacher of St. Louis, was convicted or man slaughter at Evansville, Ind., for killing Warren Gray In May, 1831. He was sen tenced for seven years. Temple was quar reling with his wife when Gray interfered and received a fatal blow. At Utica, X. T., In the United States Dis trict Court, the case or Richard T. Connell. of Cape Vincent, charged with bringing Chi nese into this countrv from Canada, was given to the luryat 6.30 Friday afternoon. At the opening of the court yesterday a ver dict of not guilty was returned. The American Bobbin Spool and Shuttle Company, George Monroe Endlcott, Presi dent, and Edwin A. Jones, Treasurer, the syndicate which has lately secured control of nearly all the factories in its line of bus iness in' the country, has assigned for the benefit of its creditors to William A. French and Everett Saltonstall TnCkerman, both of Boston. The international case involving the ex tradition of several Mexicans no w in jail at Las Cruces, X. JL, charged with complicity in the election riots at Ascension, Mex., which resulted in the killing of several per sons, was argued Friday before the Gov ernor. '1 he attorneys for the prisoners urged that it is a political crime which is alleged to have been committed, and that the ac cused are not extraditable. The Governor reserved his decision. The committee of engineers to which the differences in dispute between the Canadian l'aclflc Railroad Company and trainmen were referred for adjustment, made their re port yesterday, as follows: That $2 90 per 100 miles be offered by the company, and that 11 hours constitute a day's work, overtime to be allowed alter that at the rate of 23 cents nn hour for conductors, and 17 cents for oraKemen. me nncnng ot tiie committee, which is a compromise, has been accepted by both the company and the men. riAXOS SfECIAL BARGAINS PIANOS. Lechner & Schoenberger, C9 Fifth Avenue Easy Payments! lusy Payments! Pour pianos at $ 40 00 each Meyer piano 100 00 each Haines Bros, piano 125 00 each Imerson piano 125 00 each Callenberg & Vaupel piano 150 00 each Hallett & Davis piano 175 00 each Liszt piano , 175 00 each American piauo 175 00 each Hallett & Cumston piano 150 00 each (With organ attachment) .jEolian self-playing organ. $100 00 A number of organs from f 20 upwards. Every instrument warranted to be in good condition. Stool and cover included with each piano. LUCHXER & SCHOEXBEKGEB, ttsu 69 Fifth avenue. LARGE SIZE FUR RUGS, 82 SO. A Special Bargain, as They Are Regular S5 Kngs. "We have just received a special purchase of 5,000 fur rugs. They are just the right size for the hearth. "We show them in wolf, fox, bear, black goat and Chinese goat. See the display in show window. Edward Gkoetzinger, sutu 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Personal Notice. The friends of Mr. Oscar M. Bingham will be gratified to learn he has engaged to take charge ot the Solomon & Ruben shoe department. His experience of 18 years in that business assures ior him a bright luture. Office desks, low, medium and high grade, closing out cheap. Stevens Chaie Company, So. 3 Sixth street If weak, languid, sallow and sick, use Bisque of Beet herbs and aromatics. A XTJ3IBEB of the manufactories at Ken sington are being operated. Call at new offices, 79 Fourth avenue, for particulars. Bead local, "Carpet-Remnants," on sec ond page. J. H. Kitnkei,& Bbo. Special rent lists advertised in Monday's Dispatch. See the Removal Notices On eleventh page to-day. Changes of ad dress are given under the above heading. BUY YOUK SPECTACLES AT The Reliable Optician. JJ V.O AJAkkLUAUU A" ICC. Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. DIAM0ND,2Sk de9-TTSu &JBE52? Rheumatism Gouts Lumbago Aiisonzirr, 1a., March 8, 1891 McKinnte & Chessman Manufacturing Com pany, Pittsburg, Pa.: GEimjutrif I have been a sufferer with muscular rheumatism for the past eight or nine years, and have tried almost every known remedy without anything more than temporary relief beintr afforded me. Having heard of your Bheumacura and its wonderful achievements concluded to try it The result has been more than I expected. I purchased a bottle February 12, and less than the contents of one bottle has made a new man out of me, and I am assured of a sure and permanent cure. I cheerfully recommend It to any and all persons afflicted with .rheumatism, and par ticularly those whose duties may call them out in all kinds or weather and are exposed as I am and have been for years past I am very truly yours, NOBLE JONES, Captain Columbia Engine Company, Sandusky Street, Allegheny, Pa. Price, $3 per bottle. For sale by all drug Gists. McKINVIE 4 CHESSMAN MKG. CO, mh27-TTSsu 616 Penn ave, Pittsburg, Pa. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' THE LARGEST IND LEHDIHG MILLINERY HOUSE IN WEST. PENNH. L 4 I j1& M or Dntrimmed. Also, all the Accesr sories for Adorning Ladies' Headgear, ' and, as Usual, All at Our Wonderful. LowPrico. Our Always At tractive Millinery Salens are Resplen dent in Their Love liness Just Now. Everything New, Stylish, Fashiona ble. Hats Trimmed Now, the manufacturers, both in this country and Europe, are making goods for next winter; all the manufactures for this spring and summer, that have not already been sold, must go now at whatever sacrifice, but, although such stocks are parted with for far less than actual cost of production, still there isn't so much real loss after all. A fair profit has been made by the makers on the large output during the earlier months of ihe year, so that the amount of money dropped may not lessen the overproducing manufacturers' profits more than to i per cent But, at the same time, it enables our cus tomers to buy first-class goods at very much less than usual prices. We're constantly receiving-such lots of new, stylish, seasonable. goods, and by sell ing at a very small margin are enabled to turn them over four times 'quicker than if we were sticking to the old-fashioned profit, thereby giving our cus tomers excellent bargains and making a little money for ourselves. Below see some of the results of our Mr. Danziger's Eastern commercial tour last week. i IB NN LAST WEEK WAS AN IQUAIM, PfflOICED SUCCESS. It's not only the talk of the town, but for hundreds of miles round about us. Our mature and mellowed experience in this department places us in the very foremost rank as leaders and promulgators of first-class Millinery. New, novel, stylish Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmed, coming in by every express now. Everything necessary for beautifying and adorning Ladies' Hats or Bonnets here in profusion of variety and abundance. Your past experience and knowledge of our methods will amply sustain our claim tnai mere is noinmg worm naving or uescrvmg consideration in tnc mil linery centers of the world that we haven't got, and, as has always been our custom wnen materials are bought here, then there's No Charge for Trimming. . Mnurninc Millinerv will alwavs receive our nromnt and best attention. Misses' and Children's Hats a very special feature with us this season. Mini Jubt, Soil ail Day lj Bay Gettii Mora ffrap Basartiait A most inviting lot of Ladies' elegant $5.50 Cheviot Bell Skirls, with bodice belt, in black or blue, NOW for $3.49 Each A very nice lot of stylish 30-inch $$ Blazers, with girdle; they come in black, blue or tan, Pick for $2.99 Each Exceedingly pretty are those Ladies' handsome, fine Tailor-Made $6 Reefer Jackets, tan, black or navy they come in, NOW for $3.74 Each No two houses in the city'll show you a more varied assortment, bigger stock or as low prices of or in Children's Jackets,qualities considered, as we're prepared right now to submit for your approval; 2,500 this week to go at 986, $1.49, $1.99, $2.49, $2.99, $3.49, $3.98 and $424 Each Ladies' $7.50 Pure Wool Habit Cloth Costumes, tailor made, Norfolk style, bell skirt, All Week for $4.49 Each A really excellent lot of Ladies' $2.50 Zephyr Wrappers, gathered front and fan back, Now for $1.49 Each Another lot of the Ladies' $2 Calico Wrappers, ruffled all way down front, Watteau plait back, And .Only 98c Each Exceedingly handsome are those luxurious looking $5 New Challie Wrappers, with graceful demi-train; they're all new, beautiful, stylish pat terns, mostly dark, and they'll sell for Only $3.74 Each Jnst 1 tie Nick of file, Ttee Sara Lin Bargains. A linen manufacturer, who is relinquishing business on this side, in structed his New York agent to sell for spot cash his samples and whatever stock he had on hand rather than reship across the briny. We got the offer and accepted it gladly, on condition that no names would be published. Well, never mind the names; we've got the goods- and they're rattlers. See the prices. Both you and we have seen big, aye, very big linen bargains, but this caps the climax. 500 dozen Linen Towels, that you never buy for a penny less'n 10c, 18c, 25c, 30c and 50c, Now for 5c, 7c, 12c, 16c and 25c Each Then there's piles of 10c, 20c and 30c Huck Towels Now for 5c, He and 16c Each Stacks upon stacks of nice, spongy 18c, 25c, 30c and 35c Turkish Towels Now for 9c, 12c, 15c and 19c Each Fine, wide and heavy 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $i..45 and $1.75 Bleached Damask Tablings Now for 36c, 44c, 49c, 69c, 74c and 99o a Yard Bright, pure 40c, 75c and $1 Turkey Red Table Damasks, pretty pa"ems, Now for 25c, 49c and 74c a Yard Very fine 4-4 Fast Turkey Red, fringed, Table Covers the 75c kind Now for 49c Each Then there's the 6-4, 8-4 and 10-4 sizes; they're the $1, $1.25 and fa.ss covers, Now for 69c, 99c and $1.49 Each Beautiful fi Cream Damask 7-4 Table Cloths, fringed and pretty colored borders, flow for 49c Each And we've got three qualities in 8-4 Bleached Table Covers Jr. 25, $1.75 and $2 cloths Now for 72c, 99c and $L36 Each Now comes the 10-4 Cloths, and they're beauties, 3 qualities of them, too $2.25, $3 and $3.50 cloths they be Now for $1.39, $1.99 and $2.49 Each After them there's the 12-4 Cloths, also three qualities $4, $5 and 5. 25 cloths Now for $2.24, $2.49 and $2.74 Each Lovely 8-4 Bleached Damask Table Cloths that always fetch I1.75 $2 and $2.50, Now for 99c, $1.39 and $1.74 Each Beautiful 10-4 Cloths, finer grades of $3, $4, $4.50 and $s.soJDovble Damask Cloths- Now for $1.69, $2.24, $2.49 and $2.99 Each And the $4, $5.50 and $6. 50 Elegant Double Damask Cloths Now for $2,24, $2.99 and $3.74 Each Excellent, fine $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Double Damask Dinner Napkins Now for 99c, $1.24. $1.49, $1.74 and $1.99 a Dozen 75c $i i-5 $2-5 and 3-5o pretty fringed Double Damask Doylies Now for 49c, 74c, 99c, $1.24, $1.49 and $1.99 Each Hundreds of dozens odd lots fancy Doylies, round, oval and square ioc to 75c Doylies, Now from 5c to 39c Each A very nice assortment of 45c, 75c, 88c, $1 and $1.50 Dresser and Sideboard Covers N0w for 24c, 39c, 49c, 74c and 99c Each Fringed and Hemstitched Handsome Damask Tray Covers 50c to $2.50 covers . now from 29c to $1.39 Each Also, an elegant layout of fine -Damask Lunch Cloths, fringed "and hemstitched; they're the Lunch Cloths that you've always paid and never grudged from $1.25 to $& for Now from 74c to $4.49 Each NKTT ADVKBTTSEMENTS. ' Whit's the Newest Thing in the Woolen , Market ? "SPRING STILES NOW HEADY." Tho "rotting together" took months ot reparation and cost plenty of vexation, but t's all here now. ' OVER 2,000 STYLES Foreign and Domestic All waiting to be made np into SUITS, TROUSERS or OVERCOATS, As yon dictate. Come and select the patterns now. while the stock is complete. Prices as mod erate as usual. TO- ORDER. Suits from $20.00. Trousers from $5.00. Overcoats from $18.00. 400 Smithfield St. mbZ7-125 sio.oo FOB LADIES' IND CENTS' Solid gold-filled case Watches, Elgin, Due ber, Hampden, and all other makes. War ranted 20 years. Generally sold from $25 to US. See our $2.25, $2.75, 53.25 and $4.50 watches. Every one warranted. Our revolution in prices of watch repair ing still continues: Cleaning, 50c; Jewels, 50c; Main Springs, 50c; Case Springs, 50c, etc. See Our 50c Specs, and Eyeglasses. Best in the country. BERNARD E. AR0NS, JeMreler, 65 FIFTH AVE. nih27.icwvsu' FIRST CHOICE AND II BIB FAVORITE RUBEN'S Hew Spring Derby, 'THE PENNSY." $2.00, $2.40, $2.90, $3.40. Day by day the stream of gentlemen patronizing oar popular establishment is growing. The magnet that causes this great attraction is our snperb new derby, "The Pennsy," which is fast becoming the pass word for the stylish dressers who recognize and appreciate a truly nobby bat. The merits of our "latest in headgear" are mani fold. It is decidedly new, of splendid pro portions, and in appearance combines ele ganoe with style. Our four new shades, Gold Leaf, Cinnamon, Almond and Amber, have taken immensely. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 Smithfield Street 423 mh20-98 FASHION, 1892, HE YOUR HIT Oil BONNET Reshaped into any of the new SDring shapes. I have over 100 pattern bats made up to se lect from. My work is known to be the best. My Dress patterns, cut by accurate meas urement, give great satisfaction. It is a perfeot lit. Leave your measure and have a glove-fitting pattern cut for One Dollar, For correct work go to t WM. GRABOWSKY,' Practical Hatter and Farrier, 707 Penn avenue, opposite Penn Building. mh27 NEW ADVEBTISEHENT8. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. GRAND FASHION F M A N N u liftSSor. REVIEW THIS WEEK! The Latest Spring Styles of Paris, London, Berlin and New York 'on Exhibition. In order to give the Ladies of Pittsburg and Allegheny a chance to post themselves thoroughly in regard to the latest prevailing fashions in Cloaks, Wraps and Suits, we have determined on a Grand Fashion Review, at which thousands of entirely new domestic and imported styles will be exhibited. If you want to spend an interesting, pleasant and profitable hour, attend this novel and original' event An army of salespeople will be ready to serve you and show you through, without importuning you in the slightest to buy. :: .: :: r. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: II LOVELY VARIETY OF A Spllii Galaxy OF JACKETS The New Spring Reefer. The English Box Coat. The "Redfern" Tailor-Made. The English Walking Coat. The Hyde Park Jacket. The Pretty Norfolk Jacket. The Stylish Russian Coat. These, and many others, in the greatest imaginable variety of ma terials, designs, patterns and colors. Attend our Fashion Review and you will see them all. And, in order to make it especially interesting for you, we will offer the following three grand special bargain lines: FIRST 300 Ladies' very fine Bedford Cord Reefers, full length, square collar; tan, blue,gray, blackj regular price, 8.50; Fashion Review Price, $5. SECOND 250 Ladies' fine French Kersey Reefers, navy, tan or black; 30 inches long; half-lined with satin; large white pearl but tons; lap seams; patch pockets; reg lar price, $ 14; ' Fashion Review Price, $10. THIRD 175 Ladies' genuine Clay Diagonal or English Cheviot Reefers; notch collar; flap pockets; lined throughout with silk; regular price, $15; Fashion Review Price, $10. As a special memento of the occasion, we will give a beau tiful and quaint Silver Souvenir Spoon, with gold plated bowl, free of charge with every Lady's Coat, Wrap or Cape pur chased Monday or Tuesday. These Souvenir Spoons are sold in jewelry stores at $i. Why not secure one gratis to-morrow? HERE A BIG SURPRISE AWAITS YOU. Children's Dresses. A large and bewildering line, in cluding the latest styles in WHITE CASHMERE, LAWN AND SILK CONFIRMATION DRESSES. A lot of Children's Dresses, made of fine Ladies' Cloth, trimmed with braid, latest spring styles; colors: blue, brown, cardinal, garnet and tan; regular price, $y, Fashion Review Price, $1.75. Another and superb line of Chil dren's Dresses, in gimp and high neck styles; regular price, $&; Fashion Review Prjce,, $5. K 7 L vUVYEWttl Wife JBmf ?vj2 EffilM iSSt ' iH Ml wm. a- 'iiiiiii LADIES J READY MADE SUITS. There-has lately been a long step ahead in the Ready-Made Dress busi ness. The haphazard, easy-going way with- sloppy styles and poor work has given place to the VERY FINEST WORK ON THE VERY FINEST GOODS CUT IN THE VERY LATEST STYLE AND MADE AND TRIMMED IN THE BEST POSSIBLE MANNER. The result is here to-day in a collection of dresses from which any lady, however stylish and fastidi ous, might choose with advantage. Whether' high-priced or low-priced the fashions are CORRECT. Take our $4.98 Homespun Blazer Suit, for instance; its bell skirt, with pointed bodice, is as melodious in tune as the one that chimes in with the other fashion music of the 50 Suit. HERE ARE SEVERAL OTHERS: Entirely new Bedford Cord Blazer Suits, with fancy braid all around bell-shaped skirt and blazer; would be a bargain at 9; BUT OUR PRICE IS ONLY S6.50. Then, there are our celebrated Tailor-Made Suits, in light plaids, Her ringbone patterns and dark stripes, strictly all-wool materials; new fancy braid trimming all around basque and double rows around bell skirt; regular price is $14; OUR PRICE ONLY $10. We could mention more, but the foregoing are sufficient to convince you of the fact that you will not only save time and trouble, but money as well by buying your new SpringDress at our Ready-Made Suit Dejartment. At any rate, call during our Spring Fashion Review and see our special ex hibition of styles. ARTISTIC MILLINERY. OUR GRAND SPRING OPENING Last week proved conclu sively that in Millinery, as well as in every other branch of our business, WE LEAD! If the thousands of ladies who honored us with their presence last week may be accepted as judges, we lead not only in quantity, but in originality and style. Our exquisite French Pattern Hats, as well as those of our own design, were declared by everybody to be the grandest and finest collection of high art Millinery ever shown in Pittsburg. CAPES. Embroidered and Braided Capes. Lace and Beaded Capes. London Stanley Capes. . Redfern Hood Capes. Worth Parisian Capes. During our Grand Review of Spring Styles this week we will sur prise the Ladies with the following two specialties: FIRST Beautiful Bedford Cord Capes, 42 inches long, tight fitting back; ribbon trimming at back; reg ular price S7.50. Special Fashion Review Price $5. SECOND Very fine French Broadcloth and Bedford Capes, 42 inches long, with beautiful 18-inch deep fine Chantilly Lace Cape over hanging and fastened to cloth cape by large bows of Moire Ribbons (see above cut); regular price $18; Special Fashion Review Price $12.50. Mra'sMiMs. The neatest, cutest and loveliest styles ever shown anywhere. How's this for a sample? 300 Fancy Plaid Walking Coats, in tan and gray shades, with Cape, trimmed all around with white fancy braid; regular price $3; Fashion Review Price $1.98. 200 Children's Walking Coats, in fine fancy checks, decided novelties; regular price 8; " Fashion Review Price $4.50. Another lot of those Children'! navy cloth Reefers, with brass but tons and rolling collars, at 98c. NO LADY SHOULD FAIL TO ATTEND OUR GRAND FASHION REVIEW THIS WEEK. KAUFMAN N S' Fl Ave. Fl Ayg. -AKD- SbIMu St. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. ANZIGERS SIXTH ST. AND PENN AVE. mJtilMI . HKKHKHT WAXKER, ah c l eye mm. itield St M Mntn street. The only manufacturer of artificial human eyes in the city. mliS7-l6-u oibn-Turau & Is Li pB Si -fc 1 ija&ih ABBBlHHHHEBHHBBl$BHK8BLr M'HHflBHHHBWBH9HBVflE5VJ''V'!nH9HHHBW