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FORTY SEVENTH YEAU. TROOPS CALLED . TO KEEP PEACE -. ATJpESIL A Big Crowd Tries to Stop Old Men From Beturning to Work in the Mill. SOME KOUGHLY HANDLED. General Wiley Sends the Tenth Kegiment to the Scene. Two Companies Left Last Evening- to Do Guard Duty and the Balance Withdrawn Amalgamated Men Meet, and Those of Their Number Who Wanted to Go to Worfc Withdraw Their Applications Business Men Of fer Their Sympathy Warrants Is eued for 15 of the Men Before Alder man Biley. Affairs at Dnquesne came to a crisis yes terday morning, when about 100 of the striking workmen attempted to return to work. In response to the sound of the whistle they started to work as they had been accustomed to do before the trouble, but as they neared the gate they were met by a crowd of 400 or 600 men, who halted them and told them to return to their homes, but the men wanted to work. Moral Euasion seemed to be insufficient to keep them from the mills, and the people began to emphasize their eloquence and supplement their arguments by the force of muscle. In the presence of Deputy Sherifl Young ind nine other deputies, men were hustled from the gate and roughly handled. Some were lifted from their feet and carried away. Foreman Millslogel, who resisted jthe crowd, was beaten in the face and knocked down. Weighmaster Timm was caught by six men, and rushed up the road about 50 yards, when Deputy Sheriff Young told the people to disperse, but they paid no attention to him. Guards In All Directions. Part of the crowd was stationed at Grant avenue and Bailroad street, and part was distributed along the hillside, stopping the men who intended to go to work,from what ever direction they came. Every avenue of approach to the mill was so well guarded that few, if any, workmen reached the gate unmolested, and those who got that far were turned back. Deputy Sheriff Young immediately re ported the condition of aflairs to Sherifl Mc Cleary, and General "Wiley, in command at Homestead, was notified. At 9 o'clock the Sixteenth Begiment, consisting of 400 men, was detailed to the seat of the disturbance. Little time was lost in making preparations, and they were loaded on box cars and gon dolas, the train being made up of five cars. The train reached Dnquesne about noon and pulled up at the mill gate, where the sol diers got oft Seven companies marched through the gate into the mill yard, and Company I, under Captain Fred Wind sor, dispersed the crowd, which was surging and howling in the street. As the soldiers moved forward with fixed bayonets the dis organised human mass slowly receded In all directions. A few, however, took their stand in the street and refused to move further. , Knocked Oat the Barber. Gus Kremme, a portly German barber of Dnquesne, stood firm as the rock of Gibral tar haranguing the soldiers upon the rights of an American citizen until a soldier prodded him gently in the stomach with a bayonet, when he turned and fled. There was no more disturbance during the day. Deputy Sheriff Young stated that most of the disorderly men were from Homestead, and that 500 of the strikers had asked for their old places in the mill, but that the Homestead men would not let them go to work. "The men here," said he, "will all go back as soon as they have a chance." At the headquarters of the Amalgamated Association it was said that not many of the disturbers of the peace were from Home stead, and that only about 100 of the men had agreed to go back to work. The managers of the mill expect to have every department running next Monday. They wanted to put about 100 men to work yesterday to repair machinery and make preparations for running a full force next week. The men will go to work this morn ing under the protection of the military. Seven companies marched down into the mill and left Company E to do guard duty at the gate until 2 o'clock, when Company E was relieved by Company F. At 4:20 General "Wiley arrived on the train, and alter making a survey of the situation de cided to send back to Homestead all the troops but Companies E and F, which were left to do duty alternately in the mill and at the gate. Two Companies of Guards Xeft. Accordingly, at 6 o'clock Companies A, C, D, I, K and H, under the immediate command of General Wiley, marched from the mill and down the street to the river, where the steamer Little Bill, with one barge, was waiting for them. As General Wiley and Colonel Willis J. Hulings de parted with the six regiments, Major George C Bichard was left in command of Companies E and F. Some time after 6 o'clock the soldiers pitched their tents in tbe large field above the railroad and went into quarters for the night. About 200 cots were furnished them by tbe Carnegie Company. The cots had remained in the cellar of one of the mills since the strike three jears ago. The offi cers took up headquarters in a large dwell ing house belonging to Lawyer Paine, and situated opposite the gate to the mill. The constable of Duquesne succeeded in petting the names of 15 of the men who had made themselves conspicuous by intimidat ing those who wanted to go to work, and Superintendent -Morrison made informa tions against them yesterday before Alder man Biley, charging aggravated riot, and they will be arrested to-day. It is said that the majority of them are residents of Home stead. Alderman Biley refused to give their names. ADOPT THE SAME COURSE. Both the Firm and the Workman at the Upper Union Ml Is Purine Their Be Kpectlve Programmes With the Same Vigor They Havn All Alone Exhibited. At the Upper Union Mills of the Car; negie Steel Company, Limited, the labor situation remains unchanged. Both the firm and the workmen are pursuing their respective programmes with the same vigor that has characterized their efforts since the strike commenced. Each side also reports increased encouragement and success. Tbe Press Committee of the Amalga mated Association make the following statement: "We know positively that ihere are no more than 18 or 20 skilled men in the Thirty-third street mill. No new men have been added, but two men from the laboring gang have been discharged. One of these is a gasmaker. He refused to start the fires in the gas department and was told that his services were no longer required. The other man refused to assist in making charge on the 12-inch mill. He also was paid off. The only mill running is the guide and 12-inch, bat this is operated with poor success. The crew employed upon the 12-inch mill attempted tomake five-eighth round this morning, which is one of the easiest sizes, and they made a fail ure. Yesterday their efforts were at tended with no better success. The rolls were charged at 11 o'clock in the morning and at 6 they had turned out 17 bars, all of which had to" be cut up. "The breweries have also refused to de liver any more beer at the mills and last night a watchman was kept busy running to the saloon on the corner and getting a canful at a time. This proved rather arduous work, as a retail saloon is not allowed to sell more than a quart To-day, however, the company changed its tactics. The. non-union men are now marched in squads to the saloons for a drink. This is a temptation to the locked-out men and it looks 'as if the under bosses were inviting violence." In denial of this statement Superintendent Dillon ssvs: "It is false that we cannot secure sufficient men to work in the mills. Five of the departments are in operation and before the week is out the other idle mills will be running." THE WORKMEN MEET. Statement of the Press Committee All .Amalgamated Men Revoke Their Appli cations for U ork at JUcqnesno Basinets Men Offer Their Sympathy. A meeting of workmen was held last night at the old skating rink at Duquesne for the purpose of inducing those who had made application to return to work not to do so. Spirited speeches were made by Jerry Dougherty and other members of the Amalgamated Association. After the meeting the Press Committee issued the following for publication: "All the Amalgamated men that have broken away from the Association and signed their names at the Carnegie office to return to work, decided at the meeting to-night to withdraw their applications and stand firm by the Association. In addition to this quite a number of non-union men say that they will also withdraw their applications. They also state that no force was used in keeping the men from going into-the mill thls morning, as "has been reported, but moral suasion." This differs materially from the other ac counts of the affair.' A number of business men requested admission to the meeting to offer their sympathy. They were admitted. A number of speakers from Pittsburg were present and addressed the men. The Asso ciation seems satisfied that the militia has been sent, as they claim a large number of men who intended to go to work will not do so on account of the military guard. The Amalgamated people will hold a picnic to morrow for the purpose of raising money. The Amalgamated Association claims that the men have not been fairly treated by the pres, and this is why they made a statement last night for publication. 0ATES TO HAVE COMPANY. When He Makes a Report In the Home stead Case There "Will Be Several to rollow ro Much or Too Little Politics In It. rrnoM x btxtt cobrespondest.i Washington, Aug, 4. The Homestead Investigating Committee had a brief seance with the full Judiciary Committee of the House this morning, when Judge Oates read from the 'manuscript of his long report until the House convened. Of course no opinion was expressed by the committee in regard to the part of the" report heard and the prospect tor any report at this session grows less and less if no prospect at all could erow less. A member of the sub-committee said to day that no two of the investigators could fully agree on the character" of the report that should be made, and that it was quite possible there would be three or four re ports. It is apparent that there are many phases to the disagreement One wants more Pinkerton and less tariff. Another wants a mild discourse to show that the tariff has not protected American workmen. Another wants all Pinkerton and no tariff nonsense, and another one would go into the Pinker ton and labor conflict features of the ques tion more exhaustively than can be counte nanced by the others. While some pergonal bad feeling has sprung up between members, the main reasons for the lack of harmony are that there is too little politics or too much poli tics. The full committee may hear the re mainder of Judge Oates' reoort to-morrow, and may try to compose matters, but it is not yet thought probable that any report will be made to Congress at this session. WON'T USE THE IRON. " Three Thousand Men Quit at the Srade baker TYagon Works. The Advisory Committee at Homestead received the following letter late last night from South Bend, Ind.: To tne President or the Union. Homestead, Pa.: The Studcbaker Wagon Works, the largest In the world, were obliged to shut down to day owlns to 3,000 men refusing to work on account of the company's using material purchased of the Canezle Bteel Company. Great excitement prevails here. Other unions contemplate going out unless a boy cott is made on all material made by the Carneglo Company. GOVERNOR'S STAFF COMING. General Greenland Refuses to Disclose the Purpose of4he Trip. HAKKISBUKG, Aug. 4. rSwria'. "I Ad jutant General Greenland, General Krumb- naar ana otner members of the Governor s staff left here to-night for Homestead. General Greenland declined to disclose the purpose of their trip. Before he re turns the Adjutant General will nav the Fifth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth regiments on the held. , Tonmrntown Workers Won't Arbitrate. YoUNGSTOWN, Aug. 4. t&jjedot It was learned this afternoon from reliable authority that, the Amalgamated 'Associa tion, by an almost unanimous vote, decided not to submit to arbitration in the settle ment of the valley wage question, claiming that bv this mode" of settlement they have everything to lose ana nothing to gain. SO W0EK TJHIIL WINTER The .Senate's Committee Not Expected to Show Its Band This Fall. FROM Jl STATI COEBESPONDKXT.) Washington, Aug. 4. The Senate com mittee of seven, composed of Senators Gal linger, Peffer, Hansbrough, Sanders, Fel ton, White and Hill, appointed to Investi gate the employment of private armed bodies in connection with labor troubles, held a brief meeting this morning to map out a plan of action. All were present ex cept Peffer, who is ill, and Hill, w ho is in New York and who will not return to Washington this session. It was decided that it would be hardly possible to engage in the investigation until after the elections, and as it was thought that a smaller number might do more and better work than the full commit tee, Chairman Gallinger was empowered to appoint a sub-committee, If that were found to be advisable. The committee will at the outset investigate particularly the employ ment oi armed bodies as described, but expected the inquiry will naturally drift into a broad treatment of the whole labor question. THE NEW PIPE LINE GOES. Papers for Its Construction Signed Yester day In New Tork City. Philadelphia, Aug. 4. Special. The papers' were signed in New York to day, for the construction of a new pipe line, which threatens to become a most formid able rival to the lines of the Standard Oil Company. For a long time the inde pendent producers and refiners of the old oil field in the northwestern part of the State have been seeking to secure'a free outlet to tidewater for their product, and by this latest movement they think they have succeeded. The new line, which will consist of two four-inch pipes, one for crude and the other for refined petroleum, will start at Bradford, IIc Kean county, and ran directly eastward through "Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Sus quehanna and Wayne counties, to a point on the Xew York, Ontario and Western Railway, at or near Hancock, N. Y.; thence it will follow the line to New burg, on tbe Hudson river, where it is proposed to erect refineries where the oil can be shipped to New York by car or boat The riipe line will be 212 miles long, and will cost about $12,000,000, of which 560, 000 has already been raised In rash, while satisfactory arrangements have been made for securing the balance.- The right of way has been obtained for the entire distance, and it is said will have the line in operation by spring. The new line is backed by the members of the Independent Producers' Protective Association. ENGLAND'S NEW ISLAND. Ihe Champion Found Plenty or Souvenirs of American Occupation. Honolulu via San Francisco, July 2a H. M. S. Champion left here July 13 for Johnston Island, and anchored off the island July 18. The island was annexed the next day. "Johnston Island consists of two islands connected by a large coral reef and sand bank. The place is honeycombed and literally covered with birds' nests, millions of birds making the islands their home. Four huts were found the remains of the American Gnano Company's occupa tion. On the western end of the island were found gear from a wreck. On the beach were fonnd a whaleboat in a dilapi dated condition, paddles, boathooks, casks, medicine chest, tinned stuff and other pro visions. The island is surrounded by coral reefs and is difficult of access. There are no trees on the island, but an abundance of guano. A copy of a formal proclamation was left on a place on the island. It is be lieved that the British Government seized the island to utilize it for a cable to be laid. JOHNSON ISLAND HOT A TEEA3UEK The United Slates Kot Mnch Concerned Over Its Reported Seizure. Washington, Aug. 4. The'report that the British Government has taken formal possession of Johnson Island in the Paci6c Ocean does not excite much interest in offi cial circles, for the reason that the island is of no value for strategic purposes, and be cause its supply of guano is practically ex hausted. At the Department of State it is said that the United States has exercised jurisdictional right over the island since 1858, when an American guano company landed a party thereon and occupied it Territorial jurisdiction, however, has never been claimed by the United States, and the island has never been annexed. The United States would exert its juris dictional right over the island to protect the guano company in the pursuit of its business, but it is said there would be no conflict with the territorial jurisdiction set forward by any other Government In case the guano company has abandoned opera tions oft the island this Government wonld have no jurisdiction whatsoever over it FABMEE AGAIHST COW PUNCHES. The Blood or Men and Cattle Will Flow if Threats Count. Wichita, Kan., Aug. 4. A cattleman from Arkansas City says bloodshed is looked for between cow punchers and Kansas farmers. Receiver Hatch, in charge of the Presido county, Tex., ranche, is hipping several trafnloads of stock a day to Chicago from Arkansas City, and last night a large number of these cattle broke over the line and spread over the Kansas cornfields. Some 40 farmers, of the vicinity armed themselves and notified the cowboys that every animal found trespassing in Kansas would be shot The cattlemen in return promised that for every animal killed a Kansas farmer, would bite the dust The farmers are said to be patrolling the border. 80LDIEB8 AT THE EXPOSITION. General Scbofleld Talks With the President on the Subject. Washington, Aug. 4. General Soho field had a conference with the President to-day In regard to the participation of United States troops in the ceremonies at tending tbe dedication of the World's Fair buildings at Chicago, in October next He said subsequently that the military arrange ments are not yet perfected, but that it is probable that several regiments from nearby posts will be sent 'to Chicago for the pur pose. This will be in addition to the regi ment now stationed there. The nnmber of troops 'to take part, Gen eral Schofield said, will depend on the state of the country at the time, and whether there shall be any necessity for their presence elsewhere. 1 he Olivers Lease Iron Lands. Duluth, Aug. 4. The Mesana Mountain Iron Company has leased its principal property, the northeast quarter of sections 8, 68 and 17, on the Mesana range, to the Oliver Iron and Steel Company, of Pittsburg. BOMBS JJAilTS Smash the Door of a Wells- Fargo Car to Splinters and Two Bold Men MAKE WAY WITH $20,000. Robbers Halt the Engine and Com pel the Crew to Assist Them. : ti A LIVELY FUSILADE-OF BULLETS Bend Frightened Passengers Scurrying ' Under Their Beats. THE LOCOMOTIYE ALMOST BLOWN UP fSPICIAL TELEOBAM TO THX DISPATCH.1 San Francisco, Aug. 4. The fifth bold train robbery in the San Joaquin valley in three years ocourred early this morning near the small station of Collls, 15 miles from Fresno. The robbers numbered only two, and their method ot procedure was precisely as in previous cases, except that .they were not molested by any passengers, and had a free field of work. ' They showed practice, and after rapidly splintering the express car with dynamite bombs they cleared up anywhere from $15,000 to 120,000, jumped into a wagon and struck off across the plains. Although de tectives were on heir trail In a few hours there is small prospect of their capture, as they selected one of the loneliest places of the line, and they showed such knowledge of tbe country that there is no doubt they belong near Fresno. As the train was pulling out ofCollis, just after midnight, the engineer and fire man were paralyzed by the sight of two men on the tender, who covered them with shotguns, at the same time telling them to obey their orders under penalty of death. The Locomotive Almost Wrecked, When the train pessed Bolindo station, the engineer was ordered to stop and the fireman, with a lighted cigar, was made to touch off the fuse of the dynamite cartridge which the robbers had placed on the piston of the d.riving wheel on the left hand side of the locomotive. The explosion was ter rific, breaking tbe piston rod and partly disabling the engine. The robbers ordered the engineer to get off the train and walk a short distance along the track while they proceeded to bombard the two doors of the express car by explod ing dynamite cartridges, about eight in all, which tore the doors into splinters and smashed the floor of the car. The robbers, masked and completely disguised, entered the express carand covered Louis Boberts, the messenger, with a double-barreled shot gun and ordered him to open the Wells Fargo & Co. safe. Boberts set about doing this, but was so excited and nervous that he forgot the com bination, and so informed his captors, whp thereupon struck him a heavy blow upon the head with a gun and threatened to kill him if he did hot immediately open the safe. Passengers Scramble Under the Seat. With trembling ht Ads' ho did so and they took out sacks of coin. When the des peradoes exploded the first cartridge on the engine the passengers poked their heads out of the windows to see what was troinir on. but they drew them back when they felt pistol bullets and buckshot whistling past their ears. There was a panic, aud passen gers made a wild scramble under the -seats to keep out of range of the flying missiles. The explosion ot the bombs employed to wreck the express car rocked and shook the train with all the force of a violent earthquake. A window in front of the pas senger coach immediately beside the ex press car was shattered into atoms by the concussion. For 25 minutes the train was held. Only one passenger attempted to interfere with the robbers, and as he was armed only with a small revolver he soon retired from the unequal contest ' The express safe contained three bags of coin, each holding $5,000. These the rob bers forced the engineer and fireman to carry to a wagon which they had hitched by the side of the road. The Messenger's Ilnngh Experience. When the coin was thrown under the seat tbe two masked men jumped in, ordered the fireman and engineer to return to their .train and departed on the trot toward Fresno. Wheu the train reached Fresno the railroad bands were still greatly ex cited. The express messenger sustained a severe scalp wound and a fracture of one of the ribs. When the door was blown open he was hurled against the roof of the car by the force of the explosion. William Lewis, the fireman, told 'the clearest story. He said: "We were about six miles east ot Collis when the engineer, Al Phlpps, and I saw two men crawling toward us over the water tank. They were heavily armed. Each had a revolver in his belt and a shotgun hanging from a strap around him. 'Hold up your engine, you d ,' cried one of them,and the other man ordered us to hold up our hands. Both were pointing revolvers at us, and we did as we were told." After we were stopped we were ordered to get off the cab and were told that we would not be harmed if we did as they or dered us. The robbers thengave each of us a cigar and told ds to smoke." Kot Backward About Smoking. "Did you smoke?" "You bet we did. The engineer was then ordered to put out the headlight and to go ahead, about a quarter of a mile and wait He did so. They made me get under the gang plank, and then fired several shots, I suppose, to keep anybody in the cars from venturing out The robbers then left the engine and went to the express car. "I didn't hear them ask the messenger to open the door. So far as I know, they be gan throwing bombs at the car as soon as tbev got there, losing no time in parleying. I saw only two robbers. After opening the safe and taking the treasure they came down to the engine with it " 'Come out, you d said one of them, and I came out " They ordered me to help them carry the money some distance down the track, and bit me on the shoilders with the butt end of their guns to emphasize it I had to obey, and carried one of the bags. After walking several hundred yards they stopped, took the money from me and made off. The Disguise Was Complete. "Before leaving they placed.ii bomb on one of the bars of the left side of the en gine and exploded it by lighting the fuse with a cigar. The bomb did considerable damage and it took us nearly two hours to repair the damage sufficient to make it possible tor us to proceed. I can't give a description of the robbers, be cause their faces were entirely hidden from view. The masks were made from some light cloth. They wore dark clothes and one had a wide-brimmed bat and the other a narrow-brimmed one. They were very" determined, and talked as if they meant business and would stand no fooling; so we did as we were told," The engineer told substantially the same story. He said he saw tbe men get on at I ".mi 11 in.1.1 1. i-.i n v" JWlf. Wm WHILE OTHEBS SLEEP Collins, but paid no attention, as he sup posed they were tramps who had been bounced from another train and wanted to get to Fresno. Some of the passengers got a good view of the robbers. Newton Brown, a deputy sheriff of San Bernardino county, was on the train. When the train stopped and the firing occurred he is reported to have jumped off the car clad only in his pajama. Armsd to the Teetn With Dynamite. He started to go ahead, carrying a revol ver In bis hand, but turned back on being fired upon. He thought discretion was the better part of valor. One of the robbers wore an apron with ta large ponch, which bulged out with ammunition and dynamite cartridges. Both were heavily armed, and those passengers who saw them were imme diately convinced that train robbers are people whom it is unwise to disturb. Wells-Fargo's main office wires were kept hot to-day. The company learned that the wagon which bore the stolen money was tracked nearly to Fresno, where the trail was lost in the confusion ot other wagon tracks. The detectives believe that the robbers live in the vicinity and that they are the same men who are responsible for the heavy robberies within the last two years. In this time Southern Pacific trains have been stopped and looted at Pixley, Goshen, Alila' and Ceres, all within 100 miles of each other. ' This country is as level as a barn floor and is very sparsely settled. For miles no houses are seen, and as the desolate hills of Fresno and Tulare counties are only about 20 miles away it furnishes an ideal place for a train robbery. liny Always Go Scott Free. Tn none of the robberies have the rriml- nals ever been interfered with while at work, and in only one case were any sus pected persons captured. This was in Goshen, for which two of the Dalton brothers were held, but one escaped on an alibi and the other broke jail and reached the Indian Territory. In view of numerous stage robberies recently, Wells, Fargo & Co. have decided to discontinue the stage lines in Northeast ern California and Southeastern Oregon, on which it does not pay them to send a shot gun messenger to guard treasure. They say the losses' eat up all profits. GENEEAL O0EIN IN DEHVEB. Be Is Opposed to the Proposition to Abolish Triennial Conclaves. Denver, Aug. 4. At 8:10 a. m. a Bio Grande special train bore away St John's Commandery and the Grand Master on their trip through the State before the opening of the conclave. The party will re turn to Denver Monday morning. Gen eral Gobin said this morning that there would be no radical changes made by the conclave next week. A few knights have suggested the abandonment of the triennial conclaves, but General Gobin expressed himself strongly in favor of their continu ance. He did not think it likely that all the Knights Templar of American would be united in one grand encampment The movement had been started before, but it failed. There are now about 90,000 knights in the United States, a remarkable inerease since the last conclave. General Gobin is commander of the Third Brigade, Pennsyl vania National Guard, and has been on duty at Homestead, ranking second to General Snowden. He thinks there will be no fur ther trouble. CUBA TO BE INVADED By a Filibustering Party Which Sailed From the Vicinity of Key West. Chicago, Aug. 4. Information was re ceived here to-day by members of the Cuban Club that another blow is about to be struck for the freedom of their native place. On July 25, it is said, a vessel bound for Cuba sailed from the vicinity of Key West, having on board a large number ot men well drilled and equipped. A large supply of ammunition was also carried. The expedition is under command of Gen eral Charles Boloff, who rendered brilliant service to the Cuban Bevolution in 1868. The fall details of the movement are not known here. AN ANARCHISTIC WARNING. A Member of a Granite Firm Bidden to Ksmimber the Frlck Tragedy. Quinct, Mass., Aug. 4. John L. Mil ler, of the granite firm of Thonfts B. Mil ler at South Quincy has received a threat ening letter signed "Bemember Frick," in which the writer referred to the fact that Mr. Miller was with the strikers 13 years ago, but that now he was against them, and that when he was In sympathy with them he was one of the leaders and one of the most eager to take summary vengeance on the manufacturers. The writer further states: "You are now in a position where you can use your in fluence to have this matter settled if you were inolined to. A keg of powder under your mansion would make it a good tomb for you." """ An Earthquake In Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Aug. 4. A slight earth quake shock was felt at Burlington, this State, and in this neighborhood last evening. sV 'III 'hi III 'KE jjfJuKcfJIISi. '.''. 11. ' :wr'r, ?:. -," 1 J .kWjfyy X BE GATHEBS THEM IN. MAN AND WIFE KILLED And Not One Clew Left by Which the Murderer Can Be Traced. A MILLIONAIRE MILL OWNER And His Faithful Spouse Assassinated in Their Own KTrellinj. HORRIBLE DISCOVER! OP A DAUGHTER SPECIAL TELEOHAJI TO TITE DISPATCn.l Fall Bivin, Mass., Aug. 4. Andrew J. Borden, the millionaire mill owner, and his aged wife were murdered in tbelr home, to-day, just before noon, and, although there were other members of the family on the premises at the time, they heard no sound, and the murderer escaped without leaving a clew, so far as is known, although his cloth ing must have been covered with the blood of his victims. The boldness of the crime and the -utter absence of any apparent motive make It the morer mysterious. At 11 o'clock Mr. Borden was lying on the lounge in his sitting room Teading a newspaper. He was seen by his daughter Lizzie as she'passed through the room on her way to the bart-to get ajuece ot iron with which to mend a flower pot The servant, Bridget Sullivan, passed through the room at the same time, with a pail of water in her hand. She was on her way to the second floor to clean windows. Mrs. Borden was In her room over1 the parlor changing her dress preparatory to making a visit te sick neigh bors. A Daughter's Horrible Discovery. Fifteen minntes later Miss Borden re entered the house, and when she stepped through the doorway into the sitting room she saw her father's body horribly muti lated and lying in a pool of blood by the side of the lounge. She was overwhelmed by the sight. Then she screamed for help. "Bridget Sullivan was washing a window in a rear room, but she lost no time in run ning to Miss Borden's aid. Mrs, Churchill, a neighbor, also heard the scream, and she hastened to the house. She entered the house by the front way, and the servant commanded all approaches to the honse from the rear, but neither saw anyone leav ing'the house. ' Miss Borden then called for her mother, but received no response. She ran upstairs to her mother's room and fainted when she opened the door. Her mother had been murdered in the same brutal manner, her sknll being crushed in by some heavy in strument, apparently an ax. Mrs. Borden had been brained by the back of the ax, and, in addition, had been hacked with the sharp edge until her head was chopped to pieces. Both rooms in which tbe murders had been committed were bespattered with blood, but showed no signs of a struggle. No attempt at robbery had been made. Kot a Clew to the Blnrderer. Who the murderer was, why he committed the crime, or where he went, are tbe ques tions which the police would like to solve, but thus far they have found nothing that can help them. They have arrested three persons on suspicion, but the only sus picious circumstances about them was the fact that they were seen in the neighbor hood about the hour of tbe murder. Mr. Borden was a very large owner of real estate in Fall Eiver. Charles a Cook was his agent collecting his rents, and yes terday paid to the old gentleman a large snm of money from his rentals.- He made regular deposits in the Union Bank, and never paid any accounts except by check. He left home as usual, about 9 o'clock this morning, to take bis de posit to the bank. About 10:30 o'clock his deposit Mas received at tbe Union Bank, and be went from there to his home, arriving about 10:40 o'clock and going into the sitting room to recline upon the lounge and read the newspaper. Mrs. Borden went upstairs to make the bed in the bedroom in the front of the house. No one except the murderer saw them after ward until the dead bodies were found. NO FURTHER DANGER. Sir. Frlck Confined in lied to Avoid Sec ondary Hemorrhages. Mr. H. C. Frick is Improving very rapid ly and expects to be out again next week. He is able to walk around in his room. Mr. Leishman states that his wounds are about healed. The only reason he is confined in bed is to avoid tbe possibility of secondary hemorrhages which are liable to occur from the gunshots. Mrs. Frick is very much depressed over tbe death of her babe, but she is in no dan ger. She also is convalescing. Carnegie Material Boycotted. South Bend, Ind., Aug. 4. The Car. penters' Union of this city to-day served notice on all contractors of the city employ ing union men that It would refuse to nse Carnegie material hereafter. BIGHT OF FIRMS TO TE "Will Be Tested Soon in a Suit Charging Conspiracy to Depress Wages. ATTACK ON THE COMPANY. Mr. Cox Thinks the Carnegie Combi nation Is Not Legal. The Unltlru? of Various Interests Under a Limited Partnership Will Be Ques tioned Tho Iron Firm Declines to Take Any Notice of the Arbitration Proceedings All of the People Ar rested Beleased on Ball Ed Burke in Jail on a Charge of Aggravated Blot One Pinkerton Surrenders. If nothing is accomplished in the end, the men at Homestead are determined to give the Carnegie Iron and Steel Company a peck of trouble. One of the moves to be made in the near future will be a test of the legality of the great combination nnder which as a limited partnership the various concerns were consolidated with a capital of 523,000,000. . A charge of conspiracy to depress wages will be made against the members of the firm, and in this case the right of the con solidation will be questioned. In addition charges of riot and inciting riot will be brought aeainst the firm, the Pinkertons and the other men already arrested. The indications are that snch lawyers as Ben Butler and Bob Ingersoll will be hired to prosecute these cases. For astuteness these men are hard to beat, and the chances are that one of the greatest legal battles ever fought in the local courts will follow. One Precedent to Be Cited. To tbe laymen the conspiracy charge to depress wages looks ridiculous; but Attor ney John F. Cox said yesterday there was a Pennsylvania statute covering the subject and several precedents have been estab lished. "Such a charge will be brought in a few days," Mr. Cox began, "and there is good ground for it in my opinion. In Schuylkill county the employes sued the Morris Bun Coal Company for depressing wages. Judge Paxson decided against the firm. I have forgotten the details of the case, but we will refer to it at the proper time. I argue that in the beginning the various mills like Beaver Falls, Homestead, Duquesne, the Edgar Thomson, the coke plants, etc., were owned by different people. They were bought up by tho com ,pany securing a controlling interest in each and then they were consolidated. 1tv is doubtful whether such a combination of capital is legal under the State laws. Then we will try to show that the interests were united to regulate the wages of employes and coerce them. Oar aim will be to breas up this limited partnership. I understand Mr. Carnegie owns 113,000,000 and Mr. Frick has either 53,000,000 or 55,000,000 in vested. I am not sure of the amount. The balance is divided between the other mem bers of the company. DlflerSgFrom Judge Ewlnjr. "I don't agree with Judge Swing in the position he took at the hearings yesterday. Before 1868 two men couldn't quit work at 'the same time if it was shown that they had stopped for a common purpose and to help each other. Under the law this was conspir acy. Then in 18G8 a law was enacted giv ing employes the right to stop work in a body. In 1872 another statute was passed giving the men the right to assemble and to use persuasion, provided threats or menace of violence were not made. Previous to this Mr. Jones, the lawyer, was arrested for marching at the head of a number of men with a brass band to a mine at Smith ton, on the Baltimore and Ohio road. The firm claimed that the presence of the crowd was a threat, and meant to scare their men. jSo violence was offered, and the marchers tried to persuade the miners to come out. Mr. Jones was fined 5500 in the Greensburg court. To-day we wouldn't think anything about it. "But the point I wish to make is this: The right of men to assemble and discuss their grievances is not denied, bat as soon as they try to carry oat their ideas it is de clared a conspiracy. When 3,800 men coma together they must bare room to stand on, and if they go on neighboring property I claim It is not trespass. At Homestead the morning the barges were taken the old em ployes ran along the shore and begged the men in the boats not to land. Denies the Trespass. "They had a right to be on the bank of the river, and were not trespassers. They didn't know that Pinkerton men were in the barges, but supposed they were black sheep, and they wanted to persuade them not to land. The people down on the shore were not armed, and simply because soma irresponsible persons may have been no ticed with guns up on the hill this did not give the Pinkertons the right to shoot down defenseless men in the crowd on the shore." "Will any equity suits be entered?" was asked. "I don't know. That hasn't been de cided," was the reply. It was stated that Jadge Ewing, had spent a good part of Wednesday night looking up the law, and he had prepared himself to make a strong statement from the bench, but when the attorneys for the prosecution against the Carnegies made' no effort to hold them the Judge was prevented from delivering his views. Adjutant Gen eral Greenland says that at the Judge's con ference on the Saturday before the troops were called out, Judge Swing was emphatic in condemning the- rioters. LOVEJOY GREATLY TICKLED. Alderman King? Gave Him a Letter of In troduction to Constable Walls. Secretary Lovejoy wore his perennial smile yesterday. Alderman King gave him a letter of introduction to Constable Walls stating that he had been released on bail and instructing him not to serve the warrant. Mr. Lovejoy was Iookpng for the officer all dar, but the latter had evidently heard what had taken place, for he did not CONSOLIDA 1