OCR Interpretation

Pittsburg dispatch. [volume] (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 09, 1892, Image 1

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i ucrt-ased in 11 months to Aag. 1,
83,923, or an average gain of 100 a
me ptt$mt8
Increased In 11 month to Ang. 1,
33,923, or an average gala of 100 a
Of Massachusetts Becomes
More "Weird and Sensa
tional Eyery Hour.
For One of the Most Remarkable
Crimes of Modern Times,
Mrs. Borden Was Killed an Hour Be
fore Her Husband The Assassin
Must Have Waited In Broad Daylight
"With One Victim for the Return of the
Other They Were Killed With a
Hatchet, but Other Persons on the
Same Floor Claim to Have Heard No
Struggle Suspicion Bests on Mem
bers of the Family Because It Is
Difficult to See How Anyone Else
Could Have Accomplished the Deed
The House Not Bobbed Progress of
the Investigation An Inquest To
Day A Theory That Both Were
Drugged Possible Arrests.
Fami River, Mass., Aug. a The
assassination of Millionaire Borden and his
wife promises to become one of the most
noted of modern murder mysteries. The
discoveries and developments of each
passing honr, instead of revealing the
secret of the tragedy, only add to its weird
and puzzling nature.
No motive for the crime has yet been
ascertained, Mr. Borden not being robbed,
and nothing in the house being disturbed.
There is still more to this. Neither the
servant girl nor the people in the adjacent
houses heard an outcry nor a sound of a
struggle. Tet Mr. Borden was in fair
health and Mrs. Borden was a robust, pow
erful woman. Therefore it is argued that
either they must have been under the in
fluence of drugs or their assailant was a
person of whom they had no fear.
More remarkable than this even, the re
sults of the investigation satisfied Medical
Examiner Dolan that Mrs. Borden was
killed at least an hour before her husband.
This appears from the statement of Dr.
Bowen, that when he arrived Mr. Borden's
body was warm and the blood was flowing,
but Mrs. Borden's body was cold and stiff
During the hour that elapsed where was the
murderer? He must have been concealed
somewhere about the house. The murderer
mu't, therefore, have stayed npoa the very
scene of his first crime, not knowing what
moment it might be discovered and he with
it, though immediately after bis second
murder be disappeared so amazingly that no
one can guess bow he went.
Remarkable sad Mysterious restores.
Mr. Borden owned a great deal of real es
tate, was president of a savings bank and
bad other interests, and the fatal morning,
as usual, went about town looking after his
affairs. All that is positively known about
bis taking off is quickly told. Ho started
for home about 10:30. About 11:15 o'clock
bis servant girl ran over to Dr.
Bowen, who lives just across the nar
row street and told him that her master
bad been murdered. Dr. Bowen, going
with the girl, found Mr. Borden lying dead
on the lounge in the sitting room, bis head
mangled in the manner before described. A
few, minutes afterward the body of the wife
was discovered in a room upstairs, the sec
ond one from the street on the south of the
There Vere two persons in or about the
house at the time of the murder. These
were Lizzie Borden, the second daughter,
and the servant girl, named Sullivan.
District Attorney Knowlton reached
here late this afternoon from Marion. Chief
of Police Hilliard met him at the depot and
drove direct to police headquarters with
him. For five hours the District Attorney,
the Chief of Folice,Medical Examiner Dolan,
Mayor Coughlin and State Detective Seaver
were closeted together in Marshal Hllliard's
private office.
A Judge Produces Some Papers.
Judge Blaisdell, who presides over the
court of this district, dropped in for a few
minutes' talk with a big bulky envelope,
and when be came out he had no envelope
or papers with him. Dr. Dolan drove to a
private entrance to Marshal Hilliard's
office about 5 o'clock. He had with him a
box covered with a lap robe. As he lifted
the box from his carriage a bundle fell out
It was Lizzie Borden's dress on which the
police think there is a drop of blood. In
the box among the other things was the ax
which was found in the cellar of the Bor
den bouse, and on which there are stains,
supposed to be blood stains. A patrolman
entered a few minutes later with a register
containing the names of all per
sons who had purchased poison
recently in Fall Biver. He took the
book direct to Chief Hilliard.
The conference opened with Chief of
Police Hilliard beginning with the remotest
clew and going over it thoroughly and run
ning it down to the satisfaction of District
Attorney "Knowlton. It was learned that
clew after clew was taken up and was in
turn traced through to its end.
Fasptclon Bests on the Daughter.
Chief Hilliard reserved the Lizzie Bor
den theory Until the close. His purpose
was to disprove all other theories, to open
out all other clews and then suggest to the
District Attorney that the Lizzie Borden
theory was the only one left that could not
be readily disproved. The whole ground
was gone over. The premises were de
scribed, all the.snspielons and evidence, di
rect and circumstantial, were laid before
the Attorney.
After the entire case had been recited the
advisability of making immediate arrests
was discussed. It was found that while the
evidence might indicate 'whom the police
should arrest, yet it is hardly sufficient to
guarantee the holding of the prisoner, not
to mention a conviction. It is said late to
night, "however, by good authority, that
other evidence not yet brought by Marshal
Hilliard will be laid before the District
1 tie Inqoret Scheduled for To-Daj.
It was decided to hold the inquest to-
Ar .-&& ..
ajftstoAft. tertfrtririMsr-r '.frliiiit .hriflMlr. 4
morrow morning. It is expected that the
testimony and evidence brought out then
will once and for all decide definitely
whether any persons whose names are men
tioned in connection with the case will be
State Detective Seaver just coming from
Marshall Hllliard's room, said there wonld
be no arrests to-night The cordon of police
guarding the Borden house are neither vigi
land nor shrewd. It was supposed by them
and believed by Marshal Hilliard that the
servant, Bridget Sullivan, had been la the
house from the time of the murder until
to-day. The Dispatch reporter learned
this evening that the girl left the honse on
Saturday afternoon and spent Saturday
night, Sunday night and part of to-day at a
Mrs. Jessie Harrington's house.
Her absence was not known to the police
guarding the bouse until they saw ber
coming up Second street to-day. Marshall
Hilliard was greatly vexed when he learned
of the negligence of his men. It Is argued
that if the girl left the house before the
police searched It on Saturday she could
have taken the hatchets with her had she
been so inclined.
The Search for a Motive,
The police and other official Investigators
discussed to-day what possible motives
prompted the murderers, irrespective of
who they might be. The motive of gain
was considered, as was the suggestion that a
person who hated one of the victims and
was not friendly to the other, did the deed.
The insanity theory was considered, bnt
the police finally decided that the easiest
way to determine the motive was first to
catch the murderer. Color was given to
the poisoning theory to-day by the strong
rumor that Dr. Dolan had received a report
from the experts in Boston, who have an
alyzed the stomachs of Mr. and Mr Bor
den, saying that traces of poison was
found. Dr. Dolan refused to deny this.
He said that he could not sptak of it He
denied, however, the story that he went to
the receiving vault In the cemetery to
match some hair alleged to have been found
on one of the axes picked up in the Borden
cellar. There was no hair on any of the
instruments found In the cellar.
Another Mark Against Uzzle Borden.
George B. Fish, of Hartford, who was
visiting here some time ago and who is
quoted as saying that there was a strong feel
ing between Mr. and Mrs. Borden and
Lizzie Borden, is the husband of the mur
dered woman's slater, and is conversant
with the true state of the family relations.
"With the explosion of the storV that Mrs.
Chace and a young French boy saw a
strange man in the backyard on the'morn
ing of the murder there comes another
black mark against Lizzie Borden, accord
ing to the police. After a patient search to
day a Dispatch reporter found out who
the man was tbat Mrs. Chace saw.
He was a stonemason, who was
working in a yard adjoining
the rear of the Borden yard.
He jumped over the fence to get some
pears. This was about the time of the mur
der, and just the time Lizzie Borden should,
according to her story, have passed from
the house to the stable. But even if Lizzri
Borden did not leave the house the stone
mason in the rear of the house, Mrs. Bnf
finton on the north side, Mrs. Chace on the
south, and the French boy in the street,
surrounded the Borden house.
Isohody Could tnter or Leave TJnseen.
No one conld have entered the house by
the rear 20 feet from her, and the boy, who
was watching the mason from the street as
he picked pearp, would have seen anyone
pass him either in leaving or -entering
the house. On the north side, where the
side entrance is,, the boy.Hie mason
and Mrs. Buffinton would'" all have
seen the murderer as he entered the
house. The .poltcfe argue that, with all
these people watching, Lizzie Borden could
not easily have left the house without'be
lng seen, and, above all, no other person
conM have, entered or left the house unob
served. G. M. Hanscom, assistant super
intendent of the New .England agency of
the Pinkertons, spent the afternoon at the
Borden house with Lizzie and Emma Bor
den. His coming here was first regarded
as mysterious, but gradually a story
leaked out that the Bordens had brought
him there to see that the girls were not
arrested. This rumor further insinuated
that Mr. Hancom's dealings with the police
had been singularly successful, and tbat
none of the Borden family would be
molested. A reporter took this story to
police headquarters and asked if it was
true. The police at once denied it em
phatically. Burring; Oat a Flnkerton Chief.
Late last night it was said that Chief of
Police Hilliard had Issued an order which
substantially prohibited Mr. Hanscom from
entering the Borden house and from seeing
Lizzie Borden. 'When the story first came
out a futile attempt was made to- deny it,
but this afternoon the police admitted that
it was true. The order ' was revoked this
morning, and Mr. Hanscom was allowed to
enter the house.
Chief Hilliard, when seen this afternoon,
said: "I did not give the order, though I
know the matter was being considered by
the city authorities last night. In any
event I see no reason why such orders are
not proper at this time. 1 do not
believe there is any reason why Mr.
Hanscom, who is on expert detective,
and in the family's employ, should have
access to the Borden House 'any more than
the reporters. The reporters are working
as hard to get at the bottom of this case as
he is, and no class of unofficial investigators
should be discriminated against.
"What reason, had the Borden girls to en
gage detectives. Are they afraid that we
will overstep the bounds of law in our in
vestigation of crime? If so, why did they
not Come to us and jjhbw where our act
might seem or may be inconsistent? I be
lieve that the course pursued has
been taken to protect the living.
There has been much labor and
great effort within the past 24 hours to
create sympathy in that direction. In the
performance of my duty I do not forget that
there is something due to the dead. Our
purpose is to bring the murderer of Mr. and
Mrs.. Borden to justice, and our eflofts will
be rewarded." ,
Don't Want Outside Interference.
The police say they believe that Mr.
Hanscom's efforts will retard their work.
While it Is doubtful It the police fear this,
yet it is a significant fact that as fast as the
police suggest suspicious circumstances
which might connect Lizzie Borden, just as
faBt aro these circumstances answered by
Mr. Hanscom.
Since Mr. Hanscom has seen and talked
with Lizzie Borden ber story has changed
materially in several important points. For
instance. In her story, as she first told it,
she said that she was in tire barn not more
than 20 minutes. Mr. Hanscom now fixes
it at half an hour. But why did Lizzie Bor
den remain there 30 minutes? Mr. Hanscom
answers this by saying that she was hunting
for something.
But Mr. Hanscom adds that she was so
weak and rambling in her talk that he
could not ask her abont such points as why
she did not notice her dead stepmother at
she passed the door of the room in which
Mrs. Borden lay dead. If Lizzie Borden
is so weak and so rambling in her mind
that she cannot answer perplexing ques
tions like that, how is it, ask the police,
tbat she can explain so minutely her trip to
the barn, and be so clear about certain
other simple points.
An Inspection of the Chimneys.
People have been commenting freely
to-day on the work of the police. On
Thursday, the day of the murder, there was
only a partial and incomplete search of the
Continued on Seventh Page,
a if . I
One of the Things Desired
Tbat Hnrried Harrison
From the Capital. v
When the President Hopes to Come
to an Understanding With
Carter's Reputation Oat West as a Mighty
Flick Article.
most A STirr coaaxsroxD&XT.l
Washhtgtoit, Aug. 8. It is now known
that it was not solely the ill health of Mrs.
Harrison tbat led the President to show
impatience in his desire to get away from
"Washington. Thai estimable woman is
shown by the telegraph reports to be in
much better health than she was reported
to be last Friday, when the Congressional
leaders kindly consented to hold an evening
session and effect an adjournment In time
for Mr. Harrison to take a midnight train for
the Adirondacks and Loon Lake.
Of course, the President was anxious to
see Mrs. Harrison. He was also anxious to
leave Washington temperature behind him.
Back of this was another reason less domes
tic, if not less weighty. Nobody realizes
more keenly than Mr. Harrison that Now
York must be carried this year if he would
succeed himself in the "White House after
working so industriously and so shrewdly
to compass his renomlnation. Ever since
the Minneapolis Convention attempts have
been constantly made to bring together
Tom Flatt, of New York, and the Pres
ident. The lattei, full of the eminence of
his position, thinks that Mahomet ought to
come to the mountain.
Piatt Perfectly Independent.
Tom Piatt, not caring particularly
whether school keeps or not, is Certain tbat
if there is to be a dialogue, friendly or
otherwise, the mountain must pick itself up J
and come to Mahomet. Piatt has of late
been several times invited to the White
House. Mr. Harrison has not written him
a billet doux. He has not sent an auto
graph invitation. He has, however, com.
missioned trusty friends, such as Steve El
kins, for instance, to procure the delivery
to Mr. Piatt of assurances of the President's
most distinguished consideration.
John W. Foster, who owes so mnch to
Mr. Harrison, for elevating him from an
equivocal position as an attorney for the
prosecution of foreign claims against the
United Btates to the high altitude of Secre
tary of State, has also employed his well
lubricated tongue and fascinating, semi
foreign manner, to the utmost to secure en
couraging signs from Mr. Piatt, but as yet
to no purpose, so larval Mr. Harrison is
concerned. - ,
la New Yorfc 'WhltelaVld and, his
friends have also bcen'Arbrkiu'g with Mr. '
Piatt to excite his State and party pride,
and With apparently better success. Three
weeks ago (and this story Is entirely au
thentic) Mr. Beid seat tb Mr. Piatt ah in
lvltation to oalP upon him at the Tribune
office. -Mr. Piatt told the messenger, with
some show of asperity, that if Mr. Beid
wanted to see him he knew where to find
Meeting Over a Couple of Dottles.
There was no meeting at that time, but
there are good assurances that the two dis
tinguished gentlemen have since met and
extended to each other the most affectionate
protestations of personal regard over a lit
tle dinner and a bottle of the Widow
Cliquot's best But the complimentary ad
jectives used toward each other are not said
to have reached Mr. Harrison, and that Mr.
Piatt gave utterance to some very vigorous
expressions about the President, that is to
the Vice President that may be.
. Yet it was possibly due to the meeting of
tbat day that Mr. Harrison hurried to Loon
Lake, to visit there for a season, cheering
Mrs. Harrison and recreating himself, and
then to consummate an act tbat is
fraught with weal or woe for hi hi in New
York and throughout the country.
Tbat act is nothing more and nothing less
than a meeting between Mr. Harrison and
Mr. Piatt The arrangement is, as I am
told to-day by an official who knows as well
as any man what is going on nnder the sur
face, that after Mr. Harrison hss made his
visit at Loon Lake, and rhfis down to sniff
salt air and take a dip in the Ocean, he shall
Stop at New York, consult with the leaders
of the party and the managers of the Cam-
Eiaign, and, by accident, as itewere, have a
ittle meeting with Tom Piatt If the
reach can. be healed at all it will be healed
'Piatt Wants New York Patronage.
It is not believed that Flatt will be satis
fied with anything short of a meeting lace
to face, and the personal and positive assur
ances of the President that Piatt and his
gang of merry men shall henceforth dictate
all that there is of politics and official ap
pointments in New York. Piatt is the man the
President is after. If he wins him he tnav
possibly ttop there. His friends say that h'e
Could not eiidure the strain of getting down
on his knees to more than one such 'practi
cal politician" in a season.
If this be a well-thought-out theory,
Senator Quay need not expect the President
to call upon him at Beaver town. The
President is said to have remarked io his
friends, when the Shiras appointment was
hung up, that he would not step out of his
way to placate Cameron or Quay, as Penn
sylvania was sure to give a majority for the
ltepubllcan electors, no matter what quarrel
its boss politicians might have with, him.
On the other hand, It is asserted by some
tbat Mr. Harrison wiU take practical steps
to enlist the friendship and assistance of
Quay, who knows so well how to get and
Use the sinews of war.
Harrison to ?ail on Piatt.
A friend of the -President tells me he
feels assured tbat when the President comes
to New York he will take a run down to
his cottage at Cape May Ppint, where there
are other members of his family, and that
as Senator Quay is expected to be at Cape
May or Brigantlne Beach at about the same
time, there would possibly occur a melting
of the two high officials, both of whom are
scanning somewhat nervously the horizon
of the near future. Especially it is
thought by- the aforesaid friend, that 'this
meeting will take place should Piatt and
the President in the meantime git on the
same side of the deep And precipitous
chasm which has for some time separated
The .more the checkered career of Tom
Carter, Chairman of- the National Be pub
lican Committee, is known, the more it
comes to be believed that he, will make a
phenomenal campaign manager. A young
attorney front Burt county, Nebraska, who
has been inr the city for a few days, cor
roborate! all that has been written of Mr.
Carter's exploits there 14 years ago as a
book agent, when he sold 1terrilorv'' for a
volume called "Footprints ofTlmel''-t.nd
got in return for this ''territory" numerous
farms, aggregating thousands of acres, be
sides much other property, all of ,whlch he
tamed into cash and skipped away with be
fore the deluded purchasers of territory
could walk back home from the regions
where they failed to sell "Footprints of
Carter's Western Recommendation.
This attorney did not know Carter per
sonally, but he has heard many of his
viotims describe him as the sleekest confi
dence man in the world. These operations,
he says, are attested to by the best citizen
of Burt county, as can also be the other
Charge, that Carter was a Democrat until be
decided to take up bis residence in Montana,
when he became, a Republican, because
"there was not much use for a Democrat in
that country."
However mnch" some of the citizens of
Burt county suffered on acoount of Mr.
Carter's speculative propensities, all who
knew him there give him credit for marvel
ous shrewdness, and are willing to bet their
bottom dollar that he can't help but win for
the Republican. As for money, they
laugh at the idea that he will not be able to
get every cent he wants, as he can easily
talk any' man who has a bank account into
giving him a signed blank check to rill In
at his pleasure. ,
The prospeots of Mr. Cake, for appoint
ment as Immigration Inspeotor, appear to
be very poor unles he can thoroughly clear
himself of the charge of bigamy. Assistant
Secretary Nettleton, of the Treasury De-
Eartment, said to-day that the appointment
ad not been made and would not be until
the charge against Cake had been investi
gated and disproved. No blame attaches to
Quay, Dalzell, Magee and others who re
commended Cake's appointment, as it was
plain that they simply acted in accordance
with the wishes of the Window Glass Work
ers' Association.
r r - - - - i
A Newspaper Personal Ieads to the Publi
cation of a Peculiar Romance Desalts
ot a Search for a Missing Englishman
Worth Thousands.
New York, Aug. 8 SpeciaL This
personal was printed in a newspaper some
weeks azo:
Jaxis J. Barkeh Why do you not write?
Your father la dead. Bereaved IIothxb.
"This advertisement," said Lawyer
James J. Walsh to-Jay, whom relatives of
Barker asked to aid them in finding him, "de
velops a story of a young scamp, whose
parents, as a last resort, sent him three
years ago from their home in Edinburgh to
this country. Young Barker was 19 then.
Last June he was arrested for bigamy and
sent to Sing Sing. Some time after his con
viction, of which I was not at that time
aware, friends of his family asked me to in
stitute a search for him. His father, they
told me, had died and left him 10,000.
When I learned tbat he was a prisoner tor
two vears and five months I aid not tell
thatto him."
"I recall the marriage of young Barker."
said Rev. Mr. EjgUstone, the Methodist
ministerat Willis af enue and One Hundred
and Forty-first ifreeV "I cross-questioned
the young man closely, and as he answered
satisfactorily, I performed the ceremony.
The bride was a young woman whose parents
live on One Hundred and Thitty-ninth
street A week later the mother of tbe
young woman told me that she had learned
that an 1889 Barker had been married to a
young Woman in Hoboken. A week before
the second marriage he was living with bis
first wife In One Hundred and Thirty-sixth
street His wife 1b, I believe, In needy
The record in the District Attorney's
office choirs' that Barker was sentenced -"on
June 27, lactr-by JtfdgfoMartln. His first
wlfetmada the charge ' against him. The
second wife, MaryE. Sampson, of East One
Hundred and Thirty -ninth street, told of
her marriage to him;
The Body ot a Woman Setred TJp In a Sack
Washed Ashore oh the Blvor Bonk.
Louisville, Ang. 8. Tbe dead body of
a woman was found below the falls, at Wil
low Point, on the Indiana side, at 7:30 this
morning by William Fitlcr, a fisherman.
Tbe body had been washed ashore by the
waves. A sack made of ordinary bagging
covered the entire upper portion of the
body. Upon examination of the body
Coroner Boss found a frightful wound on
top of her head. The skull was crushed in
a most horrible manner.
Shortly after 1 o'clock Charles J. Klesse,
proprietor of the Falls City Hotel in Jeffer
son, accompanied by his sister, viewed the
remains of the dead woman. Thdugh not
certain, they think it is the body or Kittle
Diller, a domestic who worked for them two
years ago, but had not been heard of in
Jefleraonville since. The woman was for
merly married, but was thought to have had
trouble With her husband.
The Fires Are Lighted In the West Su
perior Iron and Steel Ml 1.
West Bupbbiob, Wis., Aug. a The
fires in the West Superior Iron and Steel
Works were lighted last night and the
whole works are in charge of the police.
Sheriff Dan Kennedy of Douglass county
Waited on the docks last night In Duluth,
with a posse of deputy sheriffs, for the ar
rival of the steamer Jay Gould from Chi
cago, which is expected to bring a crew of
non-union workmen to take the places of
the striker.
They will be taken to Superior nnder
charge of the sheriff on their arrival, and
set at work. Trouble is expected when the
striking workmen find non-union men fill
ing their places at tbe works.
Ho Was Bad'y Wanted In EncUnd, bat He
TVoo'd Hot Go Over.
Monte VIstaj Colo., Aug. 8.J-P. J.
Sheridan, -a -farmer living eight mills South
of town, while driving through bis gate
with a hay rack was crashed between the
post and. hay rack., Several ribs were
broken and it is thought he cannot live.
Mr. Sheridan gained a world-wide repu
tation a few years ago as being the man
who was supposed to kndw something about
the Phceflix Park murder. He has been
offered large sums of money to go to
England and testify as to what he knew of
the celebrated murder, but he has stead
fastly refused.
Kansas Farmers' Alliance Men Acres to
Forward It to Homestead.
Labked, Kxs., Aug. 8. The officers of
the "Farmers' Alliance are authority for the
statement tbat the Alliance has agreed to
furnish tbe locked-out men at Homestead
with flour enough to tide them over their
trouble with Carnegie Company.
Thb Amalgamated Scale Ace ptrd bjr a
Philadelphia Finn.
Philadelphia, Aug. -a The Amalga
mated Association scale of wages was signed
to-day by Gaulbert, McFadden & Caskey.
The mill has been shut down for some
weeks. By the signing of the seal 300 nisn
will return to ki - -
b -
And Tons of Thousands Dying
From the Cholera in
. Fated Enssia.
No Longer Any Doubt That the Dread
Scourge Is at the Capital.
One Hundred Lashes for Those Who Critl'
else the Sanitary flails.
Bt. Petebsbubo, Aug. a The city is in
a panic. A woman who was seized with
cholera yesterday died within a few
hours, and all doubt has now dis
appeared that Cholera has invaded
the capital. The rich vrno are able
to get away are flying to health resorts, and
merchant are closing their shops. The
Governor of the city has issued a proclama
tion begging the people to be calm and
give directions as to preventive measures.
The latest advices from Moscow state that
the panic there is on the increase, notwith
standing the efforts of the authorities to
suppress any general evidence of the
spread of cholera and of popular
terror. The cholera is becoming
more virulent at Novgorod, and the people
there blame Baranoff, the Governor, for not
taking better measures of prevention.
Baranoff, in reply to popular criti
cism, has increased the severity
with wbieh he punishes his critics. Two
respectable citizens, by order of the Gov
ernment, were publicly punished with 100
lashes of the knout for having spoken un
favorably regarding the sanitary arrange
ments made by Baranoff.
Three Thousand Deaths Dally, '
Appalling Teports have been received of
the ravages of the disease in the Govern
ment of Saratoff and Samara. It is officially
reported that the deaths number hot less
tban 3,000 daily. The ignorant mnltitudes
in many places resist all sanitary precau
tions, and attack the doctors and others en
gaged in attempting to alleviate the disease.
Ten new cases Of cholera appeared at
Moscow to-day, and yesterday there were
seven deaths. There is no business doing
at Klshni Novgorod. The Government,
officials in the country are giving the peas
ants boiled water and red wine to drink.
The cholera is raging at Astrabad, tbe
capital of the Persian province of that
name, and. known, on account of its pesti
lential atmosphere, is the City of the
Ittotln; Caused by Terror."
Only the lower classes of tbe population
remain in Astrabad during the hot weather,
and these broke out in riot on account of.
the terror and anger caused by the
spread of the disease. The mob
attacked the shops in which Jiauor was
kept for sale, because they believed
that the liquor had something to
do with the cholera. They broke into
the shops, and while some of them drank
the liquor and became more riotous, others
poured the intoxicating fluid into the
The mob also stoned American traders,
s6me of whom were Russian subjects.
Astrabad is near the Caspian Sea,
and is not far from the front
ier of Russian Turkestan. The
Russians hurried a guard of Cossacks
into Strabad to protect the consulate, and a
Russian gunboat was ordered instantly to
Astrabad Bay. The situation is so serious
that the Shah, who is travelling, has been
notified and will return at once to Teheran.
Real Giants of Congealed Water Encoun
tered Jn Southern Waters.
New Yonrc, Aug. a Special The ice
bergs of the North Atlantic, this season,
have been unimpressive, compared With
those seed in the neighborhood of Cape
Horn. The prize berg in Southern wa
ters' Was passed by the British ship
New City, Tvhich arrived to-day from
Taltal. Captain Bray reports that he saw
oft the morning of June 20, two real
"mountains Of Ice' so frequently
reported and so seldom seen by
shippers addicted to the exaggerated
vernacular of the sea. The biggest
6f the bergs was about (W0 feet high. This
means that the entire height ot Ihe berg,
seven-eighths Of which was submerged, Was
about & mile and a quarter.
There it one other berg on record tbat was
taller than this Colossus of the Bouth At
lantic. It Was seen on March 10 by the
officers of the steamship Catalonia, bound
from Liverpool Tof Boston. It was esti
mated to have been 1.000 feel high. The
atmosphere in the neighborhood was to cold
thstall liquids' oh the Catalonia's deck were
frozen. The sea, however, preserved its
aqulfbrni eonJltlon. Captain Bray taw 32
Other big bergs and the lee drift 60 miles
Dashed Over a Prrctplce By ft Itunaway
Teem end Alt Perish.
GtmtfttE, O: T., Aug. a A whole fam
ily, consisting pf a man and wife and four
children, names unknown, were killed here
to-dav. The family had beeh in this city
buying provisions, and while returning to
their claim, on the Old Cheyenne reserva
tion, their team ran away and over a preci
pice. Every member of the family1 and
both horses were killed.
GarX'M ItebeU Btported IteorEkn lzlnf.
WASHisriTojr, Aug. a Tbe Mexican
charge d'affaires called on the Secretary of
State this morning aud showed him a tele
gram from the President of Mexico, saying
it is rumored at the Mexican eapital that
the Garza revolutionists are reorganizing
along the border In Webb county, Texas,
And asking that the attention of the united
States Government be called to the report.
The War Department haa ordered an Inves
tigation at one.
President Gompers fays the Federation of
jLabor Will Ukely Proclaim a Boycott
on Carnegie Goods Secretary F. T. F.
T-ovr Joy's Claims Utterly Denied.
New York, Aug. a President Sam
uel Gorqpers, of the American Federation
of Labor, was seen at his office this after
noon. Mr. Gompers said it was more than
likely that the American Federation of
Labor, 600,000 strong, would boycott the
steel made by Andrew Carnegie at Home
stead and other places.
This means that every employer who uses
Cayw'ljsrlll be blacklisted, and tho
UWrK-fBnToy w'11 D8 called out
dmSllinuOl0 7'paralyie big
llSor f'yi- l4il.T.AT.trr If
-"; "v"""" "
what Mr. GomperjS1 jr-l comes to
pass. It will put a stopNiiir0ad build
ing, as the Carnegie works manufacture a
a large part of the steel rails used in this
country. It will also put a stop in a large
measure to Government boat building.
Mr. Gompers said this afternoon: "I
was In Homestead and Pittsburg on Satur
day. I returned home yesterday. My visit
there was to investigate tbe statement made
by Secretary Lovejoy regarding the num
ber of men in Carnegie's mill at Homestead,
and what he has said in the papers abont
there being 6,000 men there. From my own
observation I know there are but 1,100 men
"I know tbat because I investigated the
mill from all quarters from the river, in a
skiff, and from ah adjoining roof. Out of
these 1,100 men only 40 are skilled work
He Mast Obtain a Commutation From the
Governor or the Gallows Will Claim
Aim Only One More Road Leading
from Death Is Op-n.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. a There are
possibly two anchors of hope for Colonel H.
Clay King, but it is probable that one of
these has been cut away. His friends may
have recourse to the United States Supreme
Court, but from the action of the attorneys
and also from tbe opinion that the applica
tion was made to the Supreme Court for a
writ of error before the steps were taken in
the Federal Court in Nashville, this avenue
of escape from the gallows is closed.
The frinds of King have only one more
road leading from death by the rope and
John H. Buchanan holds the gate across it.
None of his friends are so sanguine as to
hope for Colonel King's pardon by the
Governor, but his friends and the lawyers
are trying to secure a commutation of his
sentence to a life imprisonment. Judge
Greer left for Nashville to-night with a
batch ot petitions to lay before the Governor
aud this morning Hon. a B. Mitchell vis
ited the jail and spent half an honr with the
oondemned prisoner. CoL King was in bet
ter spirits after the departure of Colonel
Mitchell, and the lawyer gave out the in
formation that he had great hopes that
Colonel King would be permitted to spend
the rest of his days in the penitentiary. He
will probably have for Nashville to-night
After the departure ot Colonel Mitchell,
Mr. Brooks, King's -son-in-law, called at
tbe jail and spent some time with him. In
the meantime the construction of the scaf
fold will be commenced on Wednesday in
the Jail yard. The death watch will be
placed on Colonel King to-morrow or the
next day.
tie Arrives In Cleveland to Bo Confronted
. by One of Ills VVIvea.
CleveIiAsd, O., Ang. a Max" D. Feld
man, alias Max J. Wolff, who was sun-en-dered
to Cleveland officers by the authori
ties In New'Sork, where he had been sent
to BlackwelPs Island for "beating" a hotel
bill, was to-day landed in the County jail.
Feidman came to Cleveland a few months
ago, passing also by the name of Wolff,
under which he married Miss Kaliskey, a
sister of Mrs. M. H. Cohen. He was very
plausible and smooth, and succeeded in get
ting into good Hebrew society. A letter,
opened by mistake, revealed the fact that
he had another wite, and he fled. He is
charged here with bigamy, he having mar
ried Edith U Fox at Adams, N. Y., in
1877.' also with embezzling (500 loaned him
by Cohen and with stealing Mrs Cohen's
trunk, which contained f33 and much fine
wearing abpareL
for the Meat Inauguration Ceremonies at
ithe National Capitol.
Detroit, Aug. a A local paper says
the next inauguration at Washington will
be held under a circus tent Bert Davis, a
former advance agent of the Barnttm &
Bailey show, is responsible for the story.
About a month ago Senator Hoar, of Massa
chusetts, introduced a bill in Congress to
provide a shelter for holding the inaugura
tion oeremony. It is proposed to erect an
amphitheater at the east end of the Capitol.
Mr. Bailey Offered to furnish the canvas
free, on condition tbat the Board of Public
Works should pay for the transportation of
the canvas from New York City to Wash
ington and that be should have the privilege
of using the same plot of ground for putting
Up bis tentwhen be showed there next sum
mer. The offer was accepted.
,A Demented Girl roars Oil on Her Clothes
and Burns to Death.
"ShekakdOAH, Pa., Ang. a Browns
ville! a small village in tbe suburbs of this
place, was thrown into a terrible state of
excitement this morning. Bridget Kelly,
21 years of age, daughter of Patrick Kelly,
went Into a shanty in tbe rear of her house
and after saturating her olothing with coal
oil set fire to them.
Her screams of pain brought her family
to the scene,but not until she bad been hor
ribly burned. Medical attendance was
summoned, but all the physician's skill
could not save her, and she died in terrible
agony at noon. It is supposed the woman
was temporarily insane, as no excuse can
be learned for her rash act.
They Couldn't Even Brine a Clond In I"our
Days' Bard Work.
Grove, Kan., Aug. a --The Goodland
Artificial Rain Company, which contracted
io produce an inch of rain in four days over
aft area of 28 square miles paeked up their
outfit and stole away this afternoon. Their
time expired to-day and .not a cloud has
been seen lu tbe sky during ail the time bf
their operations.
Fifty Men Overtake Them In Tbelr Monn-
I) " tain Stronghold.
REEflir, OaIa., Aug. a A telephone
message from Orosl, in the foothills, 13
miles from Reedly, says the Visalia train
robbelt are on NigKe oreek, 10 miles from
Orosl. surrounded by a posse of over so
armed men.
The officers are confident of a capture
of thedeinirtdow farther la the mountains.
All the Old Employes of the
DucLuesne Mill Eetnra to
Their Labors.
Lieutenant-Colonel Streator Unani
mously Re-Elected.
The Whole Camp Cheers Wildly When the
Feanlt la Announced.
It seemed as if tbe majority of the
striking workmen at the Daquesne mill
were fearful that they would not reach the
works in time yesterday morning to secure
their old positions. As predicted in yester
day's Dispatch, as early as 5 o'clock in the
morning the strikers began to make their
appearance. At first they came singly,
then by twos and threes, and at 6 o'clock
probably 200 men had gathered outside of
the gate.
The first two Or three workmen who ap
proached the main entrance appeared to bo
frightened when they found that no others
were there before them. In journeying np
the dusty road toward the Duquesne works
it was very apparent that they tried to keep
out 'of sight as much as possible, clinging
Closely to tbe side of the road in the shadow
of tbe steep hill that towers above the
buildings near the plant After 6 o'clock
tbe men began coming in squads Every
one had a dinner pail on bis arm or In his
hand, and appeared anxious to return to
The first hundred workmen to arrive
were admitted to the plant shortly before
G o'clock. At tbat hour the gate was swung
open, and the men quietly entered as if it
was an everyday occurrence for them to go
out on a strike of two weeks. Not the
slightest reluctance was exhibited. They
entered without hesitation.
Waiting for a Br fair.
The workmen who cime after 6 o'clock,
however, congregated on the outside until
tbey numbered about C00. All of them
seemed afraid to make the break until the 7
o'clock whistle blew, then one man stepped
from the crowd and facing his companions,
said: "Boys the jig is up. We might as
well go in." After making this statement
he turned and hurried through the gate.
The rest of the men looked into tbe face
of his nearest neighbor as if to read the
other's thoughts. This took but an instant,
and then, as if by a given signal, they all
started on a wild stampede across the rail
road tracks into the works. At tbe time a
number of coke cars attached to a shifting
engine barred the way into the mill, but
this did not deter the striken in their
efforts to get into tbe mill at once. While
some ran under the cars others mounted the
step and ran over the bumpers.
On approaching the office the wild rush
quieted down somewhat. Superintendent
Morrison, with his corps of clerks, stood on
the veranda of the company's office and
reviewed the procession of defeated work
men as it marched by.
Went to Their Old Place.
The workmen did 'not wait for ordera,
but went to their old place v and soon
everything was in working order except
the rolls. These did not start nntil the
afternoon. About the time the lost de
tachment of men entered the mill the
steamer Tide landed 87 carpenters, besides
a nnmber Of other workmen, on the shore
nearest the works. -
Out of tbe entire 600 or TOO fmen"-iwh6
formerly worked in the Duquense mill only
about 60 have not returned and. the majority
of these would not have been reinstated at
all because they have acted as ring-leaders
and influenced the main body ot workmen
daring the recent strike. One of the men
connected with the office of the plant, when
asked if they hod a sufficient number of men
to run the works, answered: ' "We have
more than enough. There.are at least C00
of the old workmen back and about 130 new
men. With this number we can run tbe
regular triple turn and have 100 men to
Lately these old Duquesne workmen were)
organized into tbe Amalgamated Associa
tion at no little expense to the Kational
Lodge, but by their surrender yesterday
they are expelled from the organization,
and the Carnezie Steel Company, limited,
as a result still have their two non-union
mills, the one at Dnquesne and tbe other at
Braddock. The Amalgamated Association
officials are very reticent over the affair.
Some sav it will do the organization no
harm, while others are willing to admit that
it cannot help but prove harmful at Home
stead. Bow It Will Help Homestead.
At Daquesne steel billets can bemada
and sent to Homestead to be rolled into
plates by the non-union men. so the firm is
now in a far better condition to fill its
contracts and prosecute its fight against its
striking employes everywhere.
The news of the situation at Daquesne
was not very favorably received at tbe
Union Mills. Several of the workmsn
there said they did not think it was right in
the first place to ask men to come out on a
sympathetic strike who had already been
driven out of the union. One of the Press
Committee said: "I expected all along
they would make this move. Any man
that you have to buy to do a good thing
will bear watching."
Superintendend Morrison was so elated
yesterday morning over his success that he
could hardly contain hlmselC He was In
clined to forgive everyone who asked to be
allowed to come back, bat he will have" to
draw the line upon some of the leaden in
the recent movement, as be has received
orders to that effect.
Major Rickards, of the Sixteenth Regh
hunt, who had a detachment of 100 militia
men located On the hill overlooking the
works, said yesterday: "My men were here
to suppress any trouble that might arise, but
everything so tar has been quiet and orderly.
The old workmen began returning before 0
O'clock, but I did not allow my men ofi the,
hill, for I did not want It said that the
Duquesne workmen had to return under
bayonet protection."
Giving Orders for Groceries to the Hen
With Families.
The Advisory Committee last night gap
out that since Saturday between 100 and in)
non-union men have left the works. Tha
committee is greatly pleased over the suc
cess ot committees sent out to solicit relief
and other will follow. Ihe largest aaowit
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