Newspaper Page Text
THE PITTSBURG DESPATCH. THURSDAY, ' . AUGUST , 11, 1891 DEMAND FOR FUNDS. The City School Authorities Want the State's Appropriation. THEIR ANNUAL EEPOET EEADY. Some Interesting Figures About Teachers and bcholars. HOW THE SCHOOL 1I0NET IS SPENT The report of the director! of the Pitts burg district of public schools, which is filed every year -with the State, was to hare been presented to the Board of Education Tuesday night A quorum did not attend and there was no meeting. For a district to get their share of the State's appropria tion for schools it is necessary to file a state znent with the State with an affidavit and certificate sworn to by the President of the Board of School Directors of the district and countersigned by the Secre tary of the board. This affidavit states that the schools of the district hare been kept open according to the require ments of the school law for the term of ten months during the school year ending the first Monday in Jnne, and that the several branches of study required by law to be taught, including tho subject of physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the effect of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system bare been regularly introduced and taught in all the schools during the school year specified and that no teacher had been employed who had not a valid certificate. 'Xhe State upon receiving these papers draws a warrant ana sends it to the treasurer of the district. Some Interesting; Facts. Some interesting facts' are revealed by the report just made for the Pittsburg district for the school year ending on the first Mon day in Jnne, 1892, and ior the fiscal year ending February 1, 1892. It shows that the total number of schools in the district is C68, in which are employed 39 male teachers and 629 lemale teachers. The average salary of the male teachers is ?145 per month, and of the female teachers $31. The total number of scholars enrolled and attend ing the different schools is 32,882, there be ing 16,291 male scholars, and 16,591 female scholars. The average daily attendance of these pupils was 24,298, and the percentage of attendance 7(1 The cost of educating each pupil was at the rate of $1 49 per month. The treasurer received money from the following sources. The State appropriation tor the rear ending in June, 1892, was $77,348 81. The treasurer had a balance on hand from last year amounting to $171, 015 04. He received from collections of taxes of all kinds $637,319 63. From loans made since the last report he received $172, 222 50, and from other sources $14,672 91. This would make the receipts amount to $77,348 81 from the State and $995,230 08 lrom various other sources. Bowlhe Money Was Spent. The money was disbursed in the follow ing manner: In purchasing ground, l$42,722 25; in building and furnishing , houses they emended $175,202 91; for rent and repairing, '$30,980 40; the teachers, I including the erening schools and superin i tendent, required $402,012 14; fuel and con- tingencies are put down at $90,030 24; fees I of the treasurer amounted to $2,262 88. The salaries ot the secretaries amounted to $5,446 63. They reduced their debt and paid interest to the amount of $127,301 70 and rarious -other expenses amounted to $26,150 85. The total expend itures tor the year were $902,110 01 and cash on hand amounted to $170,468 88. which amount is the total resources oi the Board. The district owes on unsettled bills 554,15a The total amount of money borrowed or un paid claims being the debt of .the district is $836,200. The liabilities exceed their re sources by $719,881 12, but they hare against this the estimated value or school property, which is $3,276,000. There are 2,500 schools in the State and 85 in Allegheny county fronttwhicli similar reports are sent every year. The State's appropriation for schools has been $2,000,000 but the last Legislature increased this amount to $5,000,000. The appropriation is fixed for two years. By virtue of this in crease the schools of Pittsburg will receire $193,108 this year as their share, as against $77,348 81 last year. This, it is argued, will decrease the taxes for school purposes considerably. The report is signed by President "Will iam H. McKelry, Secretary Charles Beiefar and Treasurer Joseph F. Detiniston. 'Worse Tban a lock-Oar. The. statement of Mr. J. Sterling, of "Wickliffe, Ky., will be of especial interest to mechanics, many of whom have had a similar experience. T am a cooper by trade, and for many years worked in Chicago. About 12 months ago I had an attack of diarrhoea, which be came chronic I was treated by two prom inent physicians of Chicago, but from them receiTed no permanent benefit. I then went to Texas, where I was again treated by a leading physician with results similar to those I had previously experienced. In May I came to "Wickliffe, Iy., in a very debilitated condition, consequent upon this long continued trouble. I went to a drug store for relief. Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy was recom mended. The first dose relieved me, and two 25 cent bottles cured me. I consider myself well to-day." Mr. Sterling is 62 years of ape and a very nice old gentleman, and reliable in all mat ters. He came here in a very low state of health, but now says he leels perectly well and buoyant and has had no symptoms of diarrhoea for three or four weeks. Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is very popular here. G. "W. Shivell, Druggist, Wickliffe, Ky. WThsu I. O. O. F. EXCUESIOX To Buffalo and Niagara Falls, Via P. & XV. By., August 16. Special train ot first-class day coaches and Pnllman sleeping; cars will leave P. 4 W. depot, Allegheny, at S 30 P. x. (city time) Tuesday, August 16, running via Butler and Erie, arriving in Buffalo, 6.30 A. it, Niagara Falls 6 SO a. m. next day. Tickets coocLflve days. Pare (4 75. Toronto, Can., (5 7K CHKAF POPCLAE EXCURSION To Conueant Lake, Tla the P. & W. Ky. Special train will leave tho P. A W. de pot, Allegheny, at 8 o'clock a. jl, city time. Sunday, August li, and rnn through to Con noautLake without change or cars or stops for passengers. Arrive 12 o'clock noon. Re turning, leare the Lake at 5 r. it, Eastern time. Arrive Allegheny at 9 r. v. Fare for tho round trip $1 23. Flour ts rittsburc The growth of Pittsburg is not to be com pared to the wonderful increase in the sales or the celebrated "Rosalia" and "Our Best" brands or flour. The Iron City Milling Com Danv is eJtertine everr effort to suDDir the trade. Ask your grocer lor their flour and be happy. tts Excursion to Atlantlo City Via B. & O. B, R. on Thursdar, Augnst H. Rate $10 the round trip, and tickets good for 12 da) a and good to stop at Washington City. Trains leare rittsburc at 8 A. il and 9:20 r. M. A Wise More, There is nothing better than opening & bank account with the People's Saringi Bank, 81 Fourth arenne, by depositing (L They allow intorest on deposits. tts Are Yon Aware Tills is the time to advertise' yonr vacant rooms in the cent-a-word adVertUlner oluinns of The Dispatch under Booms ton ItT Bcgiwe contains' no poison. Itcoflldbe swallowed with Impnnity.bnt ItklllsroBclies. bedbugs, etc. quicker than lightning. 26 .. n.a ., ., II lis, la.. " hGUM H. Hit UVA.V.W JUDGMENT CONFESSED. Thomas Fawoett & Sons Take Another Step in "Arranging; Their Business Af fairsThe Senior Member of the Firm Talks of Their Action. Yesterday judgment was confessed In the sum of $5,257 83 by Thomas Fawcett & Sons, the well-known coal operators and river men, in faTor of F. M. Arnold, trustee of the First National Bank, of Clarion, Pa. "There is scarcely any need of public an nouncement of this," said -James T. Faw cett, last night, "as it is simply another step in closing up our affairs. At the time of our failure, two years ago, the Fint National Bank, of Clarion, held our note lor the sum for which we yes terday confessed judgment There were a number of other notes held against us as every one knows. The bank ot Clarion bad had considerable business with our firm in years past, and they did not choose to press us. They allowed the matter to rest for awhile, and a few. days ago asked us to confessjndgment, which we willingly consented to do. "We have been engaged ever since our failnre in arranging matters for our creditors, and now are in comparatively fair shape, and within a few months can make the settlement." MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Meeting. XI OTICE-THE ANNUAL MFETING OF THE 1 stockholders ortheFlttsburg Forge and Iron Co will be held at the office of tlm company. Tenth t.. near Penn av.. on TUESDAY. August IS. ISM, at II o'clock, a. M for the election of directors for the ensuing year and for such other Business as may be brought before them. F. E. RICHARDSON, Secretary. PlTTSBUJlO, August 2, 1SSZ. Xoncefl. XTOTICE-DK. JNO. COOPER. JR., nAS RE i MOVED his offices from No. 43 N. Diamond at. Allegheny, to rooms 42 and 43 Wfsllnghouse build ing, Pittsburg. Ear, nose, throat and chest dis eases. Hour 1 to 4 P. M. NOTICE-TO PARilES WHO WILL PERMA NENTLY locate a manufacturing plant (em ploying 200 men) on our property we will donate 5 to to acres of ground and 515, W Incash: property ls located short distance from the city and has good shipping facilities, both If. It. and river; only re sponsible pirtles meaning business need apply. Address BUSINESS. Dispatch office. N"OTICElS HEREnYGTvEN THAT STOCK certificate number two hundred and nfty seren (257) calling for one hundred and twenty-sir (ISS) shares of the capital stock of the Steubenrllla and Indiana Railroad Company, Issued by said company to and the propertv of Salem township, county of Tuscarawas and State of Ohio, was on or about the lOtli day of April, A. D 187-5. lost or destroyed, and that the owntr thereof Is about to apply for a reissue of said stock. Clerk or Salem township Port Washington, Tuscarawas county, O. JtJLT. 1892, BnslnrMB Changes. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership subslstlngbetweenH.H.Bergman aud J. F. Bergman, under the firm name of H. A J. F. Bcrgmau, was by mutual consent dissolved on the 1st day of July. 1832: all debts previous to this date will be paid by I he old Arm. U. H. Berg man 111 coutinur business at the same place, o. OS Federal st., rooms, 2d floor. Allegheny. Pa. II. II. BERGMAN, J. F. BERGMAN. VTOTICE !s HEREBY GIVEN THAT TnE 1 partnership subsisting betvi era Buerkle Bros,, under the firm name oi Buerkle Bros., was by mutual consent dissolved on the 4th day of August, 1892; all debts previous to this date will be paid by Win. A. Buerkle, who will continue business at the same place, 2J0 Ohio street. Alleghcnv, Pa JOSEPH H. BUKRKLE, WM. A. BUERKLE. Dividends. TJmted States Gt ass CojirAKT. J riTTsBCKO, Pa.. Aug. 10, 1892. 5 D1VIDFND-THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF the United States Glass Compatir have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PERCENT (4 per ent) on the preferred capital stock of this company out of the earnings of the past slxmontbs, pavahle September 1, 1892. Also declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT (3 per cent) on the common capital stock of this company out of the earnings of lite past six mouths, pavable September t, 1S92. The transfer books will be closed from August 20 to September L both Inclusive. ANDREW H. BRYCE. Secretary. r.pgnl ynxr. rpo WHOM IT MAT CONCERN-HAVING D1S- JL i'OSED ormy entire interest in tne urunswicK Chop House, on August 1. to A. H. Jeremy, he has assumed all debts and liabilities of-sald Brunswick Chop House before and after said date. Bruns wick Chop House. J. W. CONANT, Prop. ' i FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, 121 and 123 Fourth avcuue. ESTATEOT GEORGE VAN EYNDHOVEJT. DE CEASED Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of George Van Evnd hoven have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO.. Administrator. DAVH) Q. EWING. Attorney. JAMES F. EOBB. Attorney at Law. ' XJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LETTERS i testamentary on the estate of Leonard Walter. Sr., deceased, late of Allegheny. Pa., hare been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make known without delay. JOSEPH STRATMAN, JAMES F. ROBB. Executors. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. 121 and 123 Fourth ar. F ROTATE OF DANIEL C. HAMILTON, DE. i CEASED Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Daniel C, Ham ilton have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to sild estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known withoutdelay. ilLirj.ll I TITLE AND TRUST CO.. 121 and 123 Fourth av. J. A. EMERY. Attorney. ESTATE HUGH McCUTCHEON, DECEASED. Executor's notice-Notice Is herebr given that letters testamentary on the estate of Hugh McCutcheon. late or Indiana township. In the countv of Allegheny and State of Pennsylranla, deceased, hare been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. R. S. MCCUTCHEON, Bennett P. o.. Pa. PERSONAL. PERSONAL Thousands of families can testify to the beneficial qualities or Van's Charm Root Beer. PERSONAL-Mrs. Dr. McGranor, 350 Wylle av.; imperial treatmeht has no equal for sick men or women. PERGONAL Drink plenty of Van's Charm Root Beer this hot weather If you wish to avoid belig sunstruck. PERSONAL Cash paid for old gold and sllyer watches and Jewelry repaired; new work made to order. Chris Hauch. Ml Smithfleld. PERSONAL-Credlt. yes, credit, on line dress goods, silks, satlns,wraps,etc, at J. Dwyer's Boom 4, McCance block, 701 smithfleld. PERSONAL-Will John Gallagher, who worked near Clarksburg. WestV., In the sixties please send his address to James Creahan, No, 12 lustln st PltUburgf PERSONAL Hair, moles, etc, on ladles' races permanently destro) ed by the electric needle without pain or scar; consultation free. Miss Streng. office 903 Penn av.. Dickson building. IERSONAL-Ladles wishing to take Tnrko Face Baths or face massage for removing blemishes and Improving the complexion will please visit my parlors at 003 Penn ar.. Pittsburg, Miss Sherwood. PERSON AL When I was a small boy my mother always repaired my breeches and jacket, but since I got to be a great big man, Dickson, the well-known tailor. 05 Fifth ar.. cor. W ood St.. second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating In great BUllWi Tel. 1333. FOUND. FOUND Van's Charm Root Beer is the kind of drink for this hot weather; ask your dealer for It and take no other. FOUND Rubber stamps, seal presses, largest as . sortment. Weber A Co'i Steucll and Stamt Works. 34 Fifth ar. Phone 83. FOUND That the "Fort Pitt" shirt Is the most dressy in the market; lanndrled, 75c: un launaried. 60c. J. J. Aland, 131 Fifth av. "CHJUND At corner of Western and Irwin avs JC pocketbook. Owner can have same by prov- il'SJ-f "P"J "" JJ"7 cuarges uy calling at 41 Fifth avenue. "POUND Ta-va-ion Diamond Package conquers 7 catarrh. The cure! Delay-dangerous: testi monials thousands: proofs positive. Dr. Griffith. Third and Orant. Pittsburg. ' LOST. LOST A white English setter bitch: right side of head and right ear black: small black ticks over body and legs; license plate No. 8, series B. notify John Crispin, B76 Fifth ar.. city. IOST On Wood St.. near Fifth av Wednesday. J 10th. a pocketbook or card receiver containing a sum of money and card with name or owner; finder will con rer a favor by leaving It at Reymer A Bro, 'a. SCB-JI2 Wood st. STRAYED. Bay horse, a little lame In front foot. Liberal reward forlnformatlon of tils where T . uuau, auf-ro 437 Penn arenne. I V 3- Ctatsijled real estate advertUemmtt on thU jxtpe ten cents par line for each Insertion, and none takenor test than twenty cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following beading will be a cepted at the rate of ONE CENT PER WORD FOB EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad vance either at main or branch offices. V'anteii Advertitementt of all Kvndx. SUCH AS SITUATIONS MALE HELP, FEMALE HELP, AGENTS, KOOMS, BOABDING, BOARDERS, MISCELLANEOUS TO LET ROOSIS, PERSONALS. MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE1, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE Cor, Smithfleld and Diamond Streets. ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICE3 AS FOLLOWS. WHERK WANTS. FOR SALE. TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WTLL BE RECEIVED UP TO P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements nould be prepaid unless adver Users already hare accounts with Tm DtsrATCB. FOR ALLEGHENY. NO. 107 FEDERAL ST., TELEPHONE 3SX1. FOR THE SOUTHSIDE. NO. 1412 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. S02J. FOR THE EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, em PENN AV. PrTTSBURG-ADDmON AL. THOMAS McCAFFRET. S500 Butler street. EMIL O. STUCKEY, J4th street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY-ADDITIONAL. V. H, KGGERS SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. TnoM AS McHENRY, Western and Irwin avenues. W ANTED. Main Hals. TARBERat247 0hiost,, Allegheny. BOILEKMAKF.RS AND TANKBUILDERS-At the works of the Atlantic Refining Co., Point Breeze, Philadelphia. B' OYS to distribute cards in Pittsburg-. Allegheny and surroundlnc'towns: reply with stamp. S. J. Tucker, Dravosuurg. ra r. o. , Box 106. BOY A bright boy for office. 11 to 11 years of age. Address, In own handwriting. Box 932. city. BOY8-Two Label Co., strong "boys. 169 Second are. Inquire Pittsburg BOY Experienced at soda fountain. Moxle, Dispatch office. Address i1ANVA8sERS for best reunions paper In Pitts- y Durgiorme mom and Whitfield streets, for the money. Applr corner Klrkwood case -na. "(ARRlAGE-SMITH-Flrst-cl&ss carriage-smith J for coach work; also trimmer. Apply t 6825 Penn ar. DRUG CLERK Registered assistant out of city; steady position to right party : state salary: no blirwaces; elve reference. Address Hops, DIs- palch office. FREMAN-Competent man; carpenter; must be an A No. 1 mechanic In every respect; capable of handling large gang of men: must lie strictly sober; steady work and good wages to right party; none others need apply. Address N. B. C. Dis patch office. IABORERS for working in foundry and metal J yard. Call at Room (12, Lewis block. MAN Active, Intelligent young man to take charge of exposition exhibit: one uudersUnd Ingnincnluery preferred: first-class reference re quired. Address stating wages expected, Machin ery, general delivery, city. MAN An experienced man to sell retail fnrnlsh lur goods and custom shirts In Pennsylvania and Ohio; must have some trade of his owu. Ad- aress Traveler, uispatcu omce. MAN and wife (without children) for farm. Csll at 11 o'clock or address M. K. Harrison, 131 Fifth ar., Pittsburg. MANAGER for red brick yard near the- city; must understand the business thoroughly. Apply by letter to Wra. D. Hartupee, Charlerol, Pa. ; give references. MEN The elty of Philadelphia has grown so rapidly within the last three years thst men of ever- class, trade and profession are wanted to fill vacancies in wholesale houses, stores, factories, hotels, etc : bookkeepers, SIS; collectors, flS; ste nographers.315: dry goods, grocery. stock and entry clerks, l2;watchroeii,drivers,porters,tl2;englneers, (18; firemen, (14: cooks, (SO; waiters, 13: janitors, useful men and others enraged at once; merchants' orders everv mall. Old Reliable Merelnts' Union Agency, 145 North Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa. MEN In everj county to manufacture and sell our elder lnado without apples: -100 per cent eroflt. Address with stamp, litir Process Cider o., Kansas City, Mo. Mi?:; "eN Bench hauds. WiUey Bros., 64 Lacock Allegheny. 1 )HYSIOlAN Good location -tor a physician i I. will buy a small, slock of drugs i will 1 'ho rent building or sell to suit; town sure to grow; must be sold soon. Address Bteck Agency. OU City, Penn. PRINTER and toner at once: one that can handle Omega paper. Address Box 2(17, Klttannlng, Pa, '"POLLER Who has had experience in coldroll Xv lug steels; good rrsDonslble position with good wages to rignt man. Xi 49, Dispatch office. SALESMAN On salary or commission, to handle the new patent chemical ink erasing- pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever produced ; erases ink thoroughly In two seconds; no absaslon of paper; 200 to SCO per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to (020 In six days, another (32 In two hours: we want one energetic general agent for each State and Territory. For terms and particu lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing Company. X, 10. La Crosse, Wis. CALEjMEN saiarr or commission, to nanale kj greatest novelty paieniea; exclusive territory; sells at sight: particulars free: sample 50c Unity D. C. Co., Dept. O, Unity Bldg., Chicago. SOLICITOR Leading Phlla. house wants good solicitor on specialty; position worth (900 year. U Dispatch office. SOLICITORS for elty aud adjacent towns. Pltts burg Suit Club Company.. No. 32Slxth av. TINNERS-Two. at once, at John McGarrcy'a, 72 Taggartst.. Allegheny. WANTED Man with some push and (1,600 cash by a reliable manufacturing concern; (1.200 salary, commissions and security for money; don't answer this unless tou mean business. Address M. W.. Dispatch office. YOUNG MAN stenographer and typewriter; salary(35 per month: must give reference. Address if. K., Dispatch office. Agents. AGENTS and salesmrn In both elty and country; men with some knowledge of horses or cattle preferred: guoa salesman can make big money and nave sieauy employment. Dtar Aeiueay vo., VVarr-Pnit V.wVnrtrilv 07 AGENTS for the watch case, self-lighting pocket lamp; (25 per week guaranteed: particulars for stamp. Toledo Lamp Co., box 431. Toledo, O. AGENTS We want you to sell advertising ma chine to merchants; patented; big pay. Arcn. Mfg. Co., Racine, Wis. k GENTS-H to r experience unneces- XX sary. sted. Ct. U . . -. 1'uuism a io, errumers, WestWIn- Female Delp Wanted. APPRENTICES-Good sewers: others to learn dressmaking and cutting. 930 Penn ar, ClOOES. chambermaids, house girls. Mrs Kirk ' Todd's Employment Office, 23 Sedgwick St., Allegheny, CIOOK and chamDermald; good wages. J Cliff st. No. 1 pHAMBERM AID at Home Hotel. GIRL Must be able lo cook; for famlla of two; good wages paid. Inquire at 111 Sheffield St., Allegheny. GIRL for general housework: small family. Apply at CO Sheffield St., Allegheny, Mala and Female Help Wanted, MAN COOK, waiter, 20 farm hands, woman cook. (8 per week: 2 dining room girls, cham bermaids, dishwashers, pantry girls, laundress, 200 house girls, working housekeeper, 6 colored girls, Swedes and Germans: highest wages paid here. Meehan's Agency, 643 Grant st. AN AND WIFE Man and wife without chll- dren: man to fill nlace in stable or heln farmer wife to do cooking for three or four men; every, thing supplied, with good wages, monthly; within 20 BiUes of city. Apply No. 603 Smithfleld. TEACHERS Four, McCandless township. The X McCandless School Board will, at their next meeting, elect 4 teachers to fill vacancies; terra. 8 months, salary, (42 per month. Election will be held August 20, at the hour of 1 o'clock r, M, at what Is known as the Willoughby, or No. 2 school. In said township. Applicants may file their appll-, cations with the secretary of the board, L. A. Heidelberg. P. O., Perryavllle, 1 ersonal attend ance at election will be required; Wexford mail leaves Allegheny P. O. daily ai7;U A. M. WOMAN COOK for hotel wages (9 per week; 2 dlnlngroom girls. (4; laundresses, chamber maids, cooks and nurses for families: 200 house girls, German and colored girls, drivers, farm bands, porters, white and colored waiters, 3 col ored men. Thompson's, 608 G rant st. Hot els, Dining and Lnnch, Booms. HOTEL FEDERAL, 171 Federal St., Allegheny: (180 to (2 00 a day; special rales when per manent IMPERIAL HOTEL. 88 and 84 Washington St. special rates for permanent guests; elegant rooms and table. Ed. J. Sheni. Prop. VISIT Kevsn'sladies'and gents' dining rooms, SOS Penn are. 1 business men'sdlnner; ladles' noon lunch; meals any time; everything In season. WINDSOR noTEL, Diamond St., lodging S3. 60c per night. Tt anted Partner. ACTIVE PARTNERS for one-half Interests In two established businesses) (900 to (1,000. Room SO, 93 Fourth ar. pART.NER-(5M capltatt established nlumblng i business. Address A4. Dispatch office. I . WANTED.' T situations. Wanted. EMPLOYMENT as porter or driving wagon, by young man of experience. Address Junploy meni. Dispatch office. POSITION as bookkeeper or clerk In wholesale or manufacturing business: willing to be taken on trlalt not arrald or Inng hoars or hard work. Address Experience, Dispatch office. POSITION A German, mlddls age, long experi ence In hotels aud restaurant, wishes position In temperance hotel, restaurantor boarding-bouse. Address A. H.. Dispatch office. 110SITION with Arm as manager of advertising 1 department: ads written on contract. Address Writer, Dispatch office, POSITION As gardener aud to manage green liouse. 85 Federal street. Allegheny. SITUATION to take care of horses and garden. Address G. II.. Dispatch office, WANTED-Posltlon as buyer for large company stores, by man with 15 years' experience. Address Buyer, Warren, Pa. ,TT70RKof any kind; by young man; has expert- ence In dairy. Address Dalrj. Dispatch office. Boarders and Lodstara Wanted. BOARDING Persons wanting boarding for the summer, at reasonable rates, should write to Hotel William's, Ohio Pyle, Pa. BOARDEKS-S0 Sycamore St.. first-class boarding, H 80. Mt, Washington) Rooms M anted. "tTTANTED Two well-furnished rooms in good v location, sincuy pnvie lamiiy. ior ge iren tie- man, wife and daughter. Answer Nelson, Dls- paicn omce. Instractlon. A FEW students for my evening classes In book keeping. Bookkeeping taught at practical In business. xNew methods with improved Toucher system a specialty. Opens September 1. For terms and other Information address Wslton Woolsey, professional accountant, 98 Fourth av. LADIFS and gentlemen to enter a private class In shorthand and typewriting, beginning Aug. 15. day and evening. Call at Private Shorthand Institute, 315 Smithfleld st., Pittsburg. Bnalneaa Opportantlna Wniitnt. PARTIES will Invest from f 10.000 to S30. 000 In a pay ing legitimate manufacturing business: must be well established aud bear close Investigation; manufacturer to locate In one of the thriving cities on the line of the C. B- A Q. R. K. ; stale full par ticulars; principals only; no visionary schemes; all communications confidential. Address XXXA 10, care Lord A Thomas. Chicago 111. WANTED A man or some mechanical ability and "oil country push-' can secure a good position as foreman on contracts for a new kind of work. If he has or can get (2.000 for Investment in an enterprise now starting up: there's "go" and money In It. Pusher, Dispatch office. WANTED Energetic young man with (1,200 wishes to take active Interest In some es tablished and profitable business In Pittsburg: must be paying and bear close Investigation. Write particulars to P. W. C, Dispatch office. WANTED Two young men with 12,500 desire to engage In or bur out some profitable busi ness in rilUDurg: no inuera neea apply: sinciin vestlgatlon Instituted. ...! .1... I-..1h U-.ll. rnll- ... 1 VrIte fully toR. X. 0., uispaicii omce. Boolcketplns Aucunnts. Etc, Wanted. BOOKKEEPING To firms employing no book keeper, books" posted, audited and balanced by an experienced accountant. L. 11., Carlisle place. Fifth ave. Fire Insurance Wanted. BEN SW ANGER Fourth ar. A ZAUN -Fire insurance. Flnancla' TTantoo- FIN ANCIAL Mortgages negotiated on the most favorable terms, houses reuted, rents collected; promnt returns made. Logue & Sehroeder, Oer manla Bank bullnlng. rooms 201 and 202. MONEY to loan. In sums af500. tl.fCO, (2.000, (5,000 and upward, at lowest rates, on mort gages. Charles homers A Co., 131 Fourth ar. MONEY to loan at lowest market rates on bond and mortgage: no delay. Reed B. Coyle A Co., Cor. Fourth ar. and Grant st. MONEY to loan at lowest market rates and with out delay. C. R. Fundenberg A Co., No. 77 Fourth ar. MONEY to loan on mortgage: no delav; lowest Interest. Howard Brown, 151 Fourth av. MONEY to loan on mortgages; lowest Interest; no delay. Black A Balrd, 95 Fourth av. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county properly at lowest-rates. Heury A-Weaver A Co., 92 Fourth ar. TO LOAN (200,000 on mortgages: (100 and up ward at 6 per cent; (500,000 at 14 per cent on residence or business property, raeant lots or farms. S. H. French, 125 Fourth ar. WANTED -Mortgages on Improved city or Alle gheny' city property. McCuue ft Coulter, 98 Fourth ar. Miscellaneooji Wanted. ELECTRIC MFG. AXD SUPPLY CO.. 310 BIs sell block, Pittsburg, 04 Federal. Allegheny; .Incandescent and bell wiring; special attention given electrical repairing: phone 1373. EXPERIENCED doctor to locate at Relsslng, Washington county, Ps.. a mining town of about six hundred population: salary to be col lected through company's office. Address E. It. McCarly. BrldgerUle. Pa. PAINTINO and Plate Glass glazing. R.C. Miller, 62 Grant St.. Pittsburg. PARTY to Invest In an improved slide valve for the purpose of developing and manufacturing. Address X Dispatch office. OATENT8-U S. and forelzn: fees navaoie on i. success. J, H. Stevenson, solicitor, 100 Fifth ar. PATENTS-O. D. LeTls (20 years). Solicitor. 131 Fifth ar., next Leader, Pittsburg: nodelar. .s, D. EARNS A CO., law and collection agency, room 4. 132 Fourth av. : consultation free: no charges until collections are made: suit entered at auv uiiii;, rt-ub cuurcfcvu null juuriKas;rs wailieu; reference, Geo. B. Hill A Co, or any city bank. TRUNKS hauled to and from the East End for Ofty cents. Campbell A Davis, No. 12 Seventh ar. Telephone 273. I7ANTED-Everyone who wants the finest and V cheapest wall paper In America to send for samples: sent free to any address, G, (. O'Brien, Paint and Wall Paper Store. 292 firth ar. ' WANTED Well-dressed young men to wear the "Fort Pitt" shirt: laundrled, 73c;un laundrled. 60c J. J. Aland. 131 Fifth ar. YsTANTED For health there Is nothing to ennat VV Van's Charm Root Beer; It's just the thing this hot weather. "If ANTED-Rig for making Ingot molds. Malt I price and description to Molds, care Pitts burg Dispatch, , WANTED-Rldlng and driving horse: young, sound and stylish. O, P. Dearth, Browns ville, Pa. WEARERS or spectacles to bur the best (1 steel andtsoo gold spectacles and ere glasses yet offered ofw. 1 Trleber. practical optician, at bchaefer's Jewelry store. 130 Fifth r. 1O0O mors people to come to Aufrecht's Gallerr. 9 77 Firth ar.. and get a dox. of (8 cabinets at li during this month. FOB SALX MISCELLANEOUS. Musical Instrument. FINE upright piano chenp; almost new. Pennsylvania ar., Allegheny. 103 PIANO Magnificent upright piano at residence, 188 Sheffield St., cor. Bldwell. Allegheny, will be sold at public auction thts morning at 10:10 o'clock sharp; terms cash. C. Dayls, Auctioneer. Boraea. Vehicles. Lire fitocar For at. C1ARTS. surreys, road carts, buck wagons and 1 buggies or all kinds. Mlsth, Robinson A Co., No. 114 Wood street, Pittsburg. HARNESS 1-horse harness and wagon, all In good condition; will be sold cheap. Inquire at 40; Preble ar. HEARSE At a bargain, one bearse. nearly new; must be sold at once. W, J. Suyder, assignor. Manor station. HORSES-Lot of fine horses: one gray team, about 15H hands high, one bay (earn about same height; lot or single drivers: a few wagon and heavy horses; also one gentleman's driver; will trot In 2i40; Is a splendid ssddleri well bred and thor oughly broken: all these horses arc well broken, and scare at nothing: also 2 six seat carriages and 1 surrey. Inquire 133 Forbes ar. WAGONS and carts of all descriptions Ior sale; new and second hand, Pittsburg Wagon Works, No, 333 Second are,; telephone 1870. Bicycles, Tricycles, E(a, For Sale, BICYCLES-Two Liberty pneumatic bicycles nerer ridden; price (lis each: retail price (150 Address Frank Faiibalrn. 620 State St.. Erie, Pa. REPAIRING BICYCLES at short notice a spe cialty; moderate charges. 310 Blssell block, entrance Seventh av.:4 Federal. Alltglieny. Machinery and Mela's 'For disle. BOILERS and engines, second hand: all from 4 to 100 b. p.; cheapest In the market: 04 boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.: steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shafting. Telephone 3401, 23-23 Park, way. J. 8. Young, Al legheny, Pa. NGINE-One273h. p. Corliss englne.automatle ralves; almost new; will be sold at a bargain. Address Box 1332, Pittsburg, Pa. STEAM PUMPS, new and second-hand boilers, engines, injectors, electors. South Bend wood fralleys. iron hubs, shafting and hangers, maeliln sts' brass founders and Iron-pipe fl ttcrs, to Water street. Bnbbar Stamps and Stencils For Saie, f GET your rubber stamps, steel stamps, stanclls, ' seal presses, brass checks, etc,, from Sheaffer A Co.. 4 Filth ar.. Duff's College building. RUBBER stamp and seal factory, the largest in Pittsburg, at 42 Fourth ar. McMahonBros. Miscellaneous For Sal. R SALE-Lesie and furniture in a 40-room tea; win ne sold cheap: Jaaes A. Morrow, Jr., good reason for selling. tS. Liverpool, u. TJR SALE-VanU Charm Root Beer Is prevent X1 Ing sunstrokes: keep your system In good con. dltlon by drinking freely of this wonderful health drink. , - ' FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS, Mlseellaireotin For Sale. PATENT right Penn ar. entirely new Invention. 436 PRINTERS' stands and cases for sale cheap: a prompt buyer will get a bargain: second-hand saw table in good condition: sold because apace needed. Apply Dispatch business office. TO rilINTER8-100 type in good order for sale cases and a few stands le cheap. Apply The Dls- paten Counting Rooms. WALL PAPEB-One cent a bolt: finer. 52K: gold, 3c: embossed solid goId.-4ct send stamp for 100 samples. Reed, Wall Paper Jobber, Koches- FOB SALE-BCSINESS. Business Opportunities. A CHANCE to ret rich. Once In a man's life- hA ltna A thBnif. nnw -fA. time. If he will try it. trvthlst send for my circular; it will please, you. Charles Plnmmer. Tremont House. Chicago. BARBER SHOP- chairs, mirror, combination case. FretiiA plate glass, 4SxM; all new lurnl ture: will be sold cheap. Address K. B Dis patch office. BUSINESS CHANCE - An Investment of 1,600 will secure one-half Interest in an es tablished business, controlling Important patents and paying large profits; rare chance. AUes Bro. A Co.. 1st Fourth av. DRUG STOKE Central location downtown, do ing a good general drug and prescription bus iness; to a practical druggist here Is a chance to get an established business with a small capital. M. F. Hippie A Co., 90 Fourth ar. GROCERY STORE-Ono of the oldest and best grocery stores in the booming c'ty. win Invoice from BOO to 1,000 dollars ; good reasons for selling. Address Grocer, l23J.thav., Altoona, Pa. HOTEL A new three-story frame hotel. 40x48, double porches, slate roof, cellar with heaters, etc., containing 19 rooms, with all modem Im provements: now licensed and doing a good busi ness; also a new frame barn, 46x50, all complete, together with one acre of land, situate on tne Perrysrllle and .Zelienople plank road (Brush creek oil field); good reason for selling. For par ticulars call on or address John Ullrich, Thornhlll, IRON MILL Making hoop Iron and cotton'tlrs; to a practical man who understands the hoop business and has soma capital here Is an excellent chance. M. F. Hippie A Co., 96 Fourth av. INTEREST In a manufacturing plant making mill supplies; to a live man who can take an active Interest here Is a chance with a small capital. M. 1, Hippie A Co., 96 Fourth ar. JOSEPH GHEENWAY. Business Agent, 608 room. Ferguson block. 104 Fourth avenue, tel ephone 2029, has for sale the following businesses: Price (1.500 Hotel and restaurant, located on one of the busiest avenues In the city: fully equipped and doing a profitable ready cash trade; nice 3 story brick dwelling, containing 10 rooms and raults. Price (330 Butcher's, near Laurence Vale; rent (15 monthly; established 12 years; marble counter and full equipment. Price (S50-Confectlonery and notions. Allegbiny; rent (12: good position: nicely fitted: suit a lady; trade might be considerably Increased. Price (Asoo-Drugstore dolag a highly profitable bushiest in prescriptions and counter sales; returns approach (5, 000 yearly; located In a rising suburb north of the city: on lease at moderate rent; cash required down, (2,000. Price (L 200-Confectlonerr and fruit business on the best thoronghfara In Allegheny; superbly fitted with mirrors and showcases, office and all conven iences; rent nearly all sublet; first-class,, profitable ready money trade: enly requires to be Investigated, to be appreciated; (000 can remain or would take a partner. Price (375 Barber shoo, fully equipped; cash (250; rent (24 monthly: short distance from the city, opposite railway station: good dwelling. Price (1. 200-Milk route, with grocery, egg and butter store, fully equipped. Including hurse aud wagon; located short distance from the Court House: good-paying, well established business: to a live man this oners an unexceptional chance; dwelling contains 4 rooms, store, cellar, stabling and yard. Price (jOO Good paying business, easily mtn aged: no nrcvlous knowledge necessary to carry It on; showing profits of 60 per cent: lias almost a monopoly; rent 1380; centrally situated and open to every Investigation. Price (275-(300-Butcber's bustoess-16th ward: cars pass door; same hands many vears; fnlly equipped, rent only (12 monthly; profitable trade done, but could be greatly Increased by a live man ; BJICUUIU UtlSIUUIl. Price (1,500-Dry goods, notion, tin. china and glassware store; In a populous district 5 miles from the city: electric cars pass duor aud near the rail way station: rent (15 monthly: ntrc clean siock: returns (no weekly, which is open to Improvement; under the management of a lady. rpHE Orster Ocean saloon and restaurant. No, 185 JL and No. 187 Bank St., Cleveland. O.tone of the best known houses In the country for last 20 j ears: commands first-class trade: doing business of (00.000 pt-r Tear: reason for selling want to go out of the business. uness. Apply so lis r to Hannun A Frawley, itu ana 1S7 Bank st. Cleveland, O. Q1 300 Butcher shop, slaughter house: Iot28x tlDJ. j loo ft. ; sewered: cor. Loefiler alley, and Tor ley st. D. BehenASon, 4U2Peunar. Manuractnrtn Sites For Sale. MANUFACTURING SITES-On Preble ar.. Al legheny. 340 feet front, extending: to Ohio river. MO feet In depth, 3M acres, Penua. and P. A AV. R. R. sidings: on West Market St.. Allegheny, three-fourths acre. Penua. U. R. siding; on Penn sylvania ar., Allegheny- 133x130 fret, with paved streets on three sides: at Chsrtlers. 37 acres, P. A L. E. and Penna. R. R, connections aud electric cars to city; In Allegheny, 3-story brlok factory, with pulleys, shafting, etc, suitable for light man ufacturing; to responsible parties desiring manu facturing sites outside the city I can offer rare In ducements with best or R. II. and water facilities within the "ts-niiie shipping radius." Thos. 11. Dickson. Ill Fourth av., room 43.- ANUFACTURING SITE-Near city. 2 good buildings covering about 80x100 feet, with 300 feetR.R. siding, cltr water, gas: suitable for al most anr klnn of light manufacturing. M. F. Hippie A Co.. 98 Fourth av. FOR8ALK LOTS. City Lots. 0 0 1 rr-(40O-(!09-Herron Hill Park plan: cable cars at iD.ii I O choice lots near Wylle ar. above prices: some on pared street: only (10 down, balance (1 a month: sure to enhance qulcklv. Black A Balrd, 05 Fourth ar. $500" Lot, Butler St.: line of electric cars; good location; cheap. D. Bchen A Sou, 4ll2Penn'ar East End Lots For Siln. C1ENTER AV. lots, 48x175. only (2, 000 each: street Improvements ard sewers pal 1 for; choice lo cation: first-class Improvements: on a main thor oughfare; a limited number only offered at this B rice; terms to suit. See 31. P. Ilowley A Son,. 01 lamond st. EAST END-Only 15 left of those handsome 40 foot lots, one square distant from Stanton and Ncgley avs,, E. E., at (35 per root; they are un quaied as an Investment. (2-53-327) Charles Burners A Co.. 131 Fourth ar. ELEGA.vT large corner lot, Crart ar.. Oakland; a bargain for a ready buyer. (2-43-314.) Charles Homers dp Co., 131 Fourth avenue. IUREKA PLACE.' Oakland: nice level lots (340 J to (GOO each: small cash payment: balance monthtv. For plans and prices see George Schmidt, 137 Fourth ave. LOTS A great bargain, I will sell four lots, nice nnd level, across Laramer ar. bridge cheap If taken soon. Address T. D. Harmon. 203 Shady ar. CJl SOO East End A nice level lot. 30x150 feet to aDAj an alley: good residence street, 2 sq. from either 5th or Ellsworth aves. (139). W. A. Herrou A Sons. 80 Fourth ave. AHeghenr Lot For Sale. FOR SALE-John K. Ewlng A Co., 107 Federal st., have the largest list of building lots on the California and Ferrysvllie av. electric lines and can make the most liberal terms. Suburban Lota For Sale. LINDEN STATION. B. A O. R. R-Lots near Second ar (SOOeach, (15 cash, balance small monthlv payments wltnout interest or taxes; these are bargains. See Black A Balrd, No 95 Fourth ar. LOT-(10 cash and (2 n we-k will bur a nice build ing lot at Wllklnsburg at from (230 up to (433 as to size, location, etc., near to t'a. R. R. and Du quesne electric, on which the fare is only 7 cents: these lots are a good Investment to anyone of small mc.instno lot with less than 30 feet front; good wide streets, etc.: AVIIklnshurgls now supnlied w ltb water works and Is the most thriving village outside of the city line: you will have to call soon lfyou get a lot. O. II. Love, 01 Fourth av. Farms For 4tti. I7ARM For sale or to let, farm of 87 acres, one. mile north of the Allegheny County Work house, with frame house or eight rooms.good barn and all necessary outbuildings: splendid orchard and nerer falling springs. Address Mrs. M. Hill, Bliarpsburg P. o Pa. FARM For sale, to let or exchange good farm, 100 acres (cleared), farming Implements, grain ond stock; sold at a sacrifice. Address quick. Farm. Armagh. Indiana Co.. Pa. POK SALE 1MFBOVED KKAL ESTATE City Iteaiaence. BLUFF ST.. near college New brick honse, 8 rooms, hall, bathroom. Inside and outside w. c; all late improvements: terms to suit. Bobt, Coward, 20 Bluff St. - BEHRON AV., near Iowa st.-(l. 000 cash; bal ance to suit; frame dwelling, 8 rooms, tenter hall, front and rear porch: house In good-condition: lot 60x133. Baxter, Thompson x Co., 131 Fourth ar. REAL estate bargains; send for new catalogue. Just out; mailed free. Black A Balrd, Do Fourth ar. East. End Residences For Sile. T?OR SALE In Sbadyslde; (4.700 for an elegant X new frame bouse of 8 rooms, front and side iwrches, bath, hot and cold water, hislde w. c, both gases, electric light, slate mantels through out, hardwood staircase, laundry complete with stationary tuba and stove, cemented cellar all sewered, pantry, range, and nicely finished throughout; lot 24x133 to an alley; located within one square of fifth av. cable cars. Morelaud A Haas, 0114 Penn av., E, E. FOBALE-(3,300 A bargain: new frame house of 8 roost and attic, hall, hardwood cabinet mantels, tile hearths: pleasant location In the East End. (14) Dennlston, ElderkiO-A Co., Ltd., 8232 Pennav.. E.E. TeL 5327. T?i OR'SALE-Or exchange. one or East End's X most beautiful homesteads for downtown or for downtown or Widow, Dispatch Alleghenr cronertr. Addresi office. HOUSE A nice ft-room brick residence on the corner or two good streets, in a good neigh borhood In the Sbadyslde district, between Filth avenue cable line, and the electric line on Ells worth ar., for (4,000; a rery doMrabts property for the price. C. H. Love, 3 Fourth av. FOB SALE IMPROVED RIAL -ESTATE - East End Residences For Sala. Qtn 800 for a new (J. A. frame house of 10 rooms. Du with bath, range, pantries, sliding doors, hardwood mantels with cabinet mirrors, n. and a. gas, laundry and every modern Jmprovement: street paved and sewered and lna 'line locality. 1 square from North Highland ar. ; all street Ira provementa paid. (347) See Moreland A uaas, ell4 Penn ar.. E. E. ajQ OOO for a nice model home of 8 rooms in DO the EastXnd. within one square of ears: all improvements, papered, chandeliers, sliding doors, bath (open plumbing), range, hot and cold water, cemented cellar, all sewered, porches, etc. ; possession at once. (353). See Moreland A Haas, 6114 Penn av.. F, E. "I 450-Cottage house of 4 rooms: elty water; lot tu)A) 39x125 to an alley. Ot Homewood av.. near new electric line. S. E. Pool A Co., 5116 Penn ar. Allegheny Residences For Sale. EBPLANADEST.. Allegheny-Newbrickhouse; Particulars, W. V. Dermltt, 407 Grant. Bobarban Iteaiaencaa sfor Sals. . EDOEWATER- The rery desirable grounds and residence occupied by Mrs. I. w. Giier. li miles from Pittsburg, on Allegheny Valley K. B.; this property affords a rare opportunity for loca tion of a eo ony of city nCghbsrs or friends ou two contiguous squares, covered wlih beautiful trees and commanding a line view of the Al'egheny valley. For particulars apply to W. W. Grler. on the premises or by mall to Hulton, Pa. T?OK SALE Country residence, one mile from J? Sewlrkley; 42 acres: well watered.- all kinds of fruit; brick bouse, U rooms t marble mantels; re ception hall: nat. gas: fine barn. Robert U. Douglas. Attorney at Law, 408 Grant St. TO LET. feast End Residence T !.. TO LET $21; 15 minutes' walk from court bouse, half square from cable. 6 room brick, finished; attic; good street. John F. Sweeny, 68 Fourth av. Alleghany ltealrtencea To La'. TO LET No. 7 Stockton ar., Allegheny; excep tionally deslrab e modern brick house of 9 rooms and complete bathroom, laundry, furnace, both gases, elc. : furnished (Including fine grand piano If desired), or unfurnished; very low rent until April 1, 1893. H. C. Webster. 1003 Penn ar. TO LET Bv John K. Fwing A Co.. 107 Federal st. (100 Allegheny houses at reduced rents). Bend for free list" Room To Lot. CEDAR AV., 80, AUegheny-Nlcely furnished front room, second floor. (10LWELL ST.. II J renlences;(18. -i rooms first floor: all con- TJisrLANADE ST., 32. Allegheny -Newly fur j nlshed rooms; private family; one 86; (10 and (15. EUCLID AV.. 817 Furnished rooms for gentle men, with use of bath; handy to electric cars : terms reasonable. L ACOCK ST. Furnished rooms, all modern con veniences. Apply to Uoyle's, 105 Lacock St., Allegheny. HIO ST., 174 (third floor), Allegheny-2 unfnr nlshed front rooms; rent cheap to good party. ROBINSON ST.. No. ISO, Allegheny-Rooms furnished and unfurnished. Room Renting Agency. CEVENTH AV.. No. 97-Large. nicely furnished O front room: suitable for one or two gentlemen; erery convenience. UNION AVE.. front room 23, Allecheny-Wrll furnished with board: terms moderate. YICKROV ST., 81-Tbrec rooms, (10 60. 233 Fifth ar. Inquire r bee additional adieu under Wanted Boarders dJ i and Lodgers. Dnslness Stands To Lot. TO LET Space with power, cor. Peun and Third ares.: three floors: atcoo feet space; abundant power: good light: splendid location: every con venience. Apply Nicola Bros., 20 Fifth av. rpo LET-Four-story brick building. 1X1 -ecnnd JU av i two doors from Sinlthfield t. : will lease for fire rears.. Apply at first floor office of Kauf- mannr'i tore. BUSINESS Properties to Let-Unfurnished hotel of 18 rooms In good manufacturing town. Call on or address J. II. Chambers. 108 Fourth ave. TO LET Storeroom with fire dwelling rooms. X 3541 Butler St.: rent only 333 ner month. George Zelgler. 3810 Butler st. Offices and llesk 00m ro Lot. rpo LET Desk room with use of desk, etc. , on X first floor In rear part or our omce. n. 93 Fourth av.. good light, etc.: rent (3 CO per month ana npwaru: oesi location in me city. 1;. si. i.ove, 04 Fourth ar. rpo LET-2 fine offices In the Flath building. Penn I and Frankstowu a vs., , E. C. 11. Love, 93 Fourth ar. TO LET-Desk room. No. 108 Fourth ar.. first floor front. Black k Balrd. No. 03 Fourth ar. MUcollaneoaa lo Lets. TO LET Vacant lot, 30x110. with stable, corner Penn ar,. Third st. and Exchange alley. Apply Nicola Bros.. 203th av. rpo LET-Stable with four stalls in rear of 24 Fourth st. PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED PRO POSALS will be received for constructing a sewerage si stem for the borough of Wllklushurg, Pa., until FRIDAY. August 19, at 2 1'. Jt. Plans and specifications can be seen after August 8 at the office of the Sewer Committee, corner of Wood St. . ilklnsburg. Pa. '1 he committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. EDEBURN A COOPER. Borough Engineers. VfOTICE TO COAL DEALEKS-SEALED Xl proposal will be lecelredat office of Kalston School Building, corner Penn and Fifteenth streets, until FRIDAY EVENING, August 12, at 7:30 o'clock, lor furnlshment of 2,000 bushels A No. I lump, delivered In vault. The Board reserre the right to re ject any or all bids. JOHN J. COONEY, Secretary. NOTICE-SEALED PROPOSALS AVILIj be received lor two 60 arc light ma chines, 1,200 caudle power each: also one 150 horse power boiler and engine; also fire miles of wite aud the construction work for -GO lamps, moie or les, until AUGUST 26, at 7:30 r. it. Specifications can be seen at West Penn Railroad station, Tarentnin. W. L. Loucks, chairman. The committee re serves the light to reject any or all bids. W. L. LOUCKS, Chairman. JNO. T. FISHER, Secretary. Office or Coktrollxr or Allfobkxy Codmtv, Pa.. PlTTsnuno, Pa., August 6, 1S92. VTOTICE TO STEAM PUMP MAXUFAC JLN TUBERS Scaled proposals, addressed to the County Commissioners, will be re ceived at this office until 12 o'clock noon FRIDAY, August 12, 1892, tor one compound Duplex pump and one high-pressure Duplex pump, capacity about one thousand (1,000) gallons per minute; pump lo be sot on foun dations ready for steam and water connec tions. Bids must be accompanied by bonds in double the amount or bid. The Commissioners resorve the right to reieot any or all bids. For further Information, inquire at the County Commissioners' office. JAMES A. GRIEE, Countj' Controller. Office or Comtroi.lku 07 ) AmoHinrr Cooty, Pa. Pittsburg. Pa., a 112. 9. 1S32. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at this office until TUESDAY, Angu-it It), nt 4 o'clock p. St., for llliinir p piouoliesto lollowinir tridge: No. 2 Plum creek, at Gerlocks; No. 3 Plum creek, at Unity Church; No. 6, Hums run, at Oners. Also for filling west approach and building wing. Mo. 2. Long rtni. Bids to be by lump sum for each bridge complete. Bidders will be required to give bond, with twosuffloient sureties, in amonnt of bid. Successful bid ders togire bond, with two sufficient sure ties, In double the amount ot hid for the faithful performance of the oontract. Bid ders must visit sites before bidding. The right to rejeet any or all bids ,s reserved. Specifications can be seen at County En gineer's office after Tuoday. Auant9. 1S93. ' JAMES A. GRIER, Countv Controller. AUCTION SALE- AUCTION SALE. The magnificent household furniture and, grand upright piano and handsome bric-a- brac will be sold THIS MORNING, At public auction, at the three-story resi dence, 186 Sliofflnld st,, corner Bidwell, Alle gheny, at 10:30 o'clook sharp, rain or shine, by order or M. Uarqnis, Esq. Everything mnstgo. Avail yonrselres or thts opportu nity. Reoently fnrnlshod at a cost ot (10.000. House open nc 8:30 morning of sale. Goods sold to the highest bidder. Terms cash. C. DAVIS, Auctioneer. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, Cor. Wood and Diamond sts. Deposits of $1 and upward received and Interest paid thereon, commencing: from the 1st and IStb of each mouth. Jos. Abel, President: A. E. Succod, Vice President; A, E. Niemann, Seoreiary: W. II. Wilker, Treasurer; Ueo. w. Guthrie, Solic itor. Directors: Jos. Abel, A. Groetzlnger, J. F. Havetotte,Chas. P. Scbwarz. Christian 81c bert, Wm. Neeb, Peter Kiel, II. H. Niemann, A. E. Succop. Open dally from a.k. to 4r. ., andon oaiaroays irom a a. m. too r. .. EDUCATIONAL. ST. GEORGE'S HALL For boys and young men. M. George's. Md.. ProC J. C. Klnear. A. M.. Prln. ; unsurpassed, thorough, safe; 32tO and 3-100. SCHOOL AND HOME for bnys and girls of IS years and under, charmingly situated, best ot Instructors and home culture. Address 1. C Prugb, D. D.. Butler. Pa. NkWYoxe, Klngston-on-IIudsoa. GOLDEN HILL SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Classical, Scientific and English Courses. JOHN M. CROSS. A. M., Principal. IKrVA.TJE SHOKTHAND INSTITUTE, 315 Smithfleld St.. Pittsburg. Pa. Shorthand and typewriting per month, (4 50; per quarter, (11; six months. (20. Write for catalogue. .KISKIHIXETAH SPBTXGS SCHOOL. College preparatory fur boys. Saltsbnrg Pa. Term opens September 13. Boys received at any age over ten. Tuition S.VM. For catalogue address WILSON A FAiK. BOCK. HILL COLLEGE, Elllcott City. Maryland. Schools. Classical, scientific and commercial courses. Respectable young men and boys re ceived as boarders. Send for prospectus. BI'.O. DENNIS. President. URSULINE ACADEMY OAKLAND. The School Will rennn nti Til TTtlKniTT Snfm- , ., ... .-... -''- ............ oer o, ii r.ogusn. i rencn and music taught by professional teachers. For terms apply to MOTHER FRANCES. Supt. ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOL, MANLTOS, N. Y. Fnll eonrsos ofstndy. Under the visitation of the Regents of Unlrerslty of New fork and War Department. RT. REV. F.D. HUNT INGTON, Presfc; WM. VERBECK, Supt THE Boarding MISSES ANABLE'S and Day School lor Younjr Ladles. Will reopen September Sith.nt eo Bayard St, New Brunswick, New Jorsey. Hollidaysburg, Pa., School for Girls. Unexcelled in location, buildings, grounds and in all the requisites of a first class school for girls. I ertideate admits to Wellesler. Address MRS. B. T. HITCHCOCK. PARK INSTITUTE, 204 NORTH AVENUE, ALLEGHENY. Prepares for college amlDuslness. Opens for tho Autumn September 5. Erening school September26. LEVI LUDDEN. A.M., Principal. HARCOURl SEMIXAHT, uambler. O. Forjonng ladles nnd girls. Founded 1887 to prorido, west of the Alle ghenics, a xehool of tho highest grade. Pu pils fron 21 States. Miss Ada I. Ayer, B. A, Prln. KENYQN nuter, . This old and MILITART ACADEMY. Gambler, . This oiil and remarkably ne cessful school ororlde-s thoronirh rjrenam- tion for college or business, and supervision, ot health, habits and manners. L. Bust, LL. D. EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO THE WESTERN UNIVERSITY Will be held June 24-25, Sept. 12-B, at tho University. For catalozuo address W. J. HOLLAND. D.D.. President. C IDDV UNIVERSITY vUnnl SIXTH STREET. Hie old reliable school that lias educated 40,000 students. Fall term begins September 5. kngllsh, normal, classical, scientific, mechanical, book keeping, shorthand, typewriting, music and elocu tion courses. Dav and evening. Send tor cata loguc. II. M. HOWE. Ph. D.. President. PITTSBURG ACADEMY, NO. 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Academic normal and thorough business educa tion, drawing, penmanship, German, elocution, natural science, etc " Commercial course Includes thorough Instruction In all the English Dranches. Fall term opens September 5. 1892. Hon. Thomas M. Marsh-ill. President Board orTrustees. For catalogues address J. WARREN LYTLE. Principal. THE FEH15.L11HI1 STATE COLLEGE Courses in uoneral science, biology, chemis try, civil, electrical, and mechanical engi neering, mecIiHiiie arts, modern language, histc-ry nnd political science. Ladies' course in literature and science. All inltlnn Ire. Board and otlmr expenses very low. Kew buildings and equipment. FhII term opens Sept. 14. For cataloitnc, address GEO. W. ATUE RTON", LL. D President, State Colle;e, Pa. CHOICE PHOPERVTiEt. TWENTIETH WARD. HIGH, DET M LEVEL LOCATION UNSURPASSED. Within three minutes' walk of every street car line to tho East End and within five minutes' walk of Roup station, P. R. B. ETery lot is perfectly lovel and nas front age of SO ft. on a SO ft. avenue and Is far enouzh nboro grade to make a beautiful ter race. Wo arc selling these desirable bnild iP3 lots with street improvements paid for at $10 to $15 por iront foot less than proper tics on unimproved streets in less desirable neighborhoods in East End are selling for. For plans nnd prices see 166 M Ave. ' EDGEWOOD. 100x200. LOVELY RESIDENCE SITE. Five Minutes' Walk orstatlon. Is covered with beantlful forest shade trees; lies about threo leet above established grade of street: mis, water, sewer, electric light, etc. Anclogant place fora line suburban, home. SKIV1XGTOX & PEDDER, 166 Fourth are. FOR SALE. ACREAGE PROPERTY 9 acres in Twenty-second ward. 2 acres, with brick house, JVTwenty Second ward. 30 acres In Twenty-second ward. li sores In Eighteenth ward. 15 acres In Nineteenth ward, and several others. Come and see ns. ' J. H. COLEMAN & CO., Telephone, 5405. 6212 PEXX AYE.. E. E. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. , Complete honse, 10 rooms, with most all the conveniences of a modern city honse. four or mor aores of the roost beautiful grounds; easily reached by rapid transit or carriage. (671. See W. A. HEBRON A SONS. SO Fourth ftTa. ST.RATMB PUCK A