OCR Interpretation

Pittsburg dispatch. [volume] (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 23, 1892, Image 3

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024546/1892-09-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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'Superintendent Starr Making a Rigid
InTestujation Into
Ho Declares the Freight Train Was Bnn
nins Against Orders.
O. D. Conklin and A. Bradley, the con
ductor and engineer of the freight which
crashed into a passenger train near Shrcve,
O., on "Wednesday moraine, and hurried to
death an even dozen persons, are equally
responsible lor the accident So said Super
intendent Starr, to a Dispatch, reporter
yesteraay. "Whether they are criminally
guilty or not Mr. Starr is still trying to find
out. All day yesterday was spent in in
vestigating the circumstances connected
with the wreck.
All or the freight crew, with the excep
tion, of course, of Fireman Hammond, who
was killed, were present They were
brought to the superintendent's private
office one by one and carefully questioned
at length. "What evidence was given could
not bs learned until the investigation is
concluded, which it is thought will occur
"When Mr. Starr was seen by The Dis
patch representative he stated that the
question oi responsibility was easily settled.
"There was no excuse whatever for either
the engineer or conductor to allow the
freight to move until passenger train 27a 8
had passed.
The Kale of the Road.
'There were nine trains to pass the freight
before it should have moved. No orders
hod been issued to the crew. There was no
necessity tor any orders. "When an inferior
train is running according to schedule all
superior trains have the right of way. If
any superior train is late the inferior one
under no circumstances should be moved
without an order inside of 12 hours. Then
any order issued is in the form of an amend
ment to the schedule, according to which
inferior trains are run.
"Here was a case where there was not the
slightest necessity for any extra orders,
dumber 8 was about an hour late and was
the last of the nine trains to pass the freight
before it could move. "Why, or how the
conductor and engineer cot into their heads
that Ko. 8 had passed, X cannot understand,
but by the time I hae finished my investi
gation I think we will have all the facts.
I be statement that one unknown ladv had
been killed is not true."
Denied the Rumor of Drunkenness.
Conductor Conklin was found by a DIS
PATCH reporter at the entrance to the Ft
"Wayne depot in Allegheny vesterday, the
(center of a crowd eagerly discussing the
wreck and the possible outcome oi Mr.
Starr's investigation. He declined posi
tively to say one word about his share of
the responsibility for the accident, but de
nied positively that any man of the freight
crew was drunk. Engineer Bradley could
not be found yesterdav. Ko attempt has
been yet made to arrest the men.
The financial loss caused by the wreck is
not vet known. Portions of the remains of
the two ladies who were going from Bucy
Tub to Espyville were found this morning.
Tile; are Mrs. F. Shalley and her sister,
Jltss Campbell, of Bucyrus. Mrs. Shalley's
ciiild has also been identified. The only
relmams not recovered yet are those of G.
CI Mann, the postal clerk, of Chicago.
jcretary Dorentes Story About a Woman
and a Baby.
secretary Dorente, of the Anti-Cruelty
clety, and Mrs. George Althart, of 4909
iendship avenue, bad a war of words in
e office of the Anti-Crnelty Society
"eduesday afternoon which resulted In
rs. Althart dropping an infant'ta a chair
nd leaving the office.
Mr. Dorente tells the following story:
.ibout eight months ago the society had a
2-year-oid child which Mrs. Althart saw
and admired and finally adopted. Last
week she brought the baby back and said
she did not want it any longer, and Secre
tary Dorente placed it in the Rosalia Home.
The next day she came back and begged for
the child again, and it was given to her.
"Wednesday she returned and wished to
give the child up. Secretary Dorente re
fused to take it, and she became angry, and
placing the baby in a chair, left the room.
Secretary Dorente went before Alderman
Cahill and entered suit against her for
neglect, and she u ill be arrested to-day.
tid bits."
EXPOSITION. "Barkis Is Willin'." He is
simply waiting Tor you to ask Mm to take
yon to the Exposition; be i3 trying to
make you believe that he Is Indifferent;
but he is dying to go all the same, lor he
bus been at the Exposition beforo aud en
jojedit EXPOSITION". "Betsy and I Are Out" Ton
ill find us at the Exposition every after
noon and eveulnz. We will be "at home"
after the close of the Exposition season,
October Si
EXPOSITION. "Variety is the Spice of
Life." Tou will And an endless variety of
good tilings at the Exposition. Something
to please all tastes, from grave to gay,
lrom li ely to ecrcne.
EXPOSITION. "What Are tho Wild Waves
bayuiK? " Visit the Exposition and Levy
und his band will tell j ou. "That's what
the wild waves are sayingl"
(Something New To-morrow.)
Pebteot action and perrect health result
from the use of De Witt's Little Early liners.
A perfect little pill. Very small; very sure
There will be a special meeting of the (Americas
Republican Club on PATUKDAr EVENING. Sep
tember 24, at 7: JO o'clock. Business of Importance
connected with the coming campaign will be con
sidered. By order of the Board of Trustees.
XJ oHces from 42 2 . Diamond St.. Allesrbeny. to
rooms 42 and 43 W estlnrhouse building, i'bg. Ear,
nose, throat and chest diseases. Hours 1 to 4 P. M.
Legal Notices.
Is'ollce Is herebv given that letters of adminis
tration on the estate oi V. J. Radcllffe, deceased,
have neen granted to the undersigned, to whom all
persons Indebted to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment, and those ha lng claims
agalust the same should make them known without
Administratrix, No, 217 Washington avenue, Al
legheny. S. H. GEYEB. Attorney at Law,
118 Diamond street.
CEASED. Notice Is hereby glrcn that letters of
administration on the estate of ilary Ann Robin
son have been granted to the undersigned, to
w bom all persons Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make Immediate payment, and those
having claims against the tame should make them
known without delay.
24 Union avenue, Allegheny, Pa.,
Or 8. H. GEYEK. ESQ..
119 Diamond street Pittsburg, Pa.
I' n toe district coort of the united
States for the Western district or Pennsylvania.
Barton Grnbbs, of the city of Allegheny. In the
county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, a
bankrupt under the act of Congress or March 2.
1SS7. and the amendments and supplements there
to, having applied for a discharge from all his
debts and other claims provable under said act by
order or Court notice Is liercbv given to all credi
tors who have proved their debts and other per
sons interested to. appear on the 4THDAT: OF
OCTOBEK. A.D.4S9I at 10 o'clock A. it. before
Aloert York Smith, Esq.. Register in Bankruptcy,
at his oflce. No. 87 Diamond street city orpitts
burg. Pennsylvania, to show canse. if any they
have, why a discharge should not be granted to
said bankrupt WM. T. LINDSET, Cleric
" l sW Classified real estate advertisements on fftti
pape ten cent per line far each insertion, and
none taken fnr tea than twenty cento.
Classified under the following headings will be ac
cepted at the rate of
VOR EACH INSERTION when paid Tor In ad
vance either at main or branch offices.
Wanted Advertisements of alt Kinds.
Cor. SmlthQeld and Diimond Streets.
Advertisements Could be prepaid nnless adver
tisers already hare accounts with The Dispatch.
THOMAS MCCAFFRET. 5500 Butler street.
EMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Pcnn avenne.
F. H. FGGERS 4 SON, Ohio and Cbestnnt streets.
THOMAS McHENRY. Western and lrwin avenues.
Blalo Help.
T)ARBER-Wanted. Call at Joe Parneii's place.
1) New Kensington.
BARBER A first-class barber,
25 Fourth ar..
ARBER Corner Thirteenth and Carson sts
8. 8.
AKBER For Saturday. Call at 562 5th av.
ARBER 338 Beaver av Allegheny.
I)OYS-Good stout boys. Apply to uooper tti
i celslor Co., foot of Rebecca st and Western
OYS Good stout boys.
av., Allegheny,
"lUTTSRS VANTED-Lead glazier and glass
Vj cutters in our stained class department;
work and good wages to first-class; men,
The Van
t;iere uiass ompanj, wcciuu, v.
-lANYASSERS-tl.COO worth easily carried In
j nockct: no opposition: something new; a for-
tnne for workers at last
5 to 7 r. ll. 83 Forbes St.
Office hours. 7 to 0 A. II..
rood men: good
Wheeler A Wilson Mfg. Co.. 6 Sixth st
j at 311 Fifth av.
coachman. Inquire
CARPENTERS Apply at ICO 3d av. Friday morn
ing. T-Vl
RAFTSMAN First-class draftsman: must ex
I J eel In pen work and lettering. A. Y. Lee, 78
Fourth av.
FOREMAN A first-class foreman for railway
armature winding department: state terms and
references. Address D. E. Evans, IS 3. Gay tt.
Baltimore, Md.
A 8 FUTERS-For work out of city.
Call at 57
First av.
HUSTLERS Five hustlers to take orders for the
grocery trade on commission. Apply at 10
A. it., 313 Beaver ave Allegheny.
JAMTOR-Good. steady colored young man to
act as Janitor for offices: one living in Alle
heny preferred: good references required. Ad
ress Manufacturer. Dispatch office.
LABORERS Ten. Apply to
Kauftnanns' new buliulnr.
M. Sweeney at
MAN Practical rolling mill man wanted. A
salary and share of profits In the business
will be given to a man competent to take charge
of and operate a rolling mill with cut nail depart
ment located at Bellefonte, Pa. Address Common
wealth Guarantee, Trust and Safe Deposit Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa., or C. E. Pope, 421 Wood it,
MAN Immediately, a competent man to take
charge of a tin plate works; also 2 tinmen
and 2 washmen who understand the making of tin
plate by the rollerprocess. Apply at No. 605 Lewis
liu lldlng from 9 o'clock A. X. till 12 and from 2 till
EN Several thoroughly respectable men of
. good address to canvass in nearby towns on
salary: references as to character required: young
and middle-aged men preferred. Address box us,
Pittsburg. Pa.
MEN We want reliable men. who are already
traveling salesmen, to carry our lubricants as
a side line: give references and territory. Manu
facturers1 Oil Co.. Cleveland. O.
MEN Live energetic men; big money to right
parties. G. H. Alexander, 127 Firth ar.t
second floor.
MAN Good man to work In the installment
business. Address Box 40s, Braddock, Fa.
T EPRESENTATIVE A live, wide-awake repre
XV sentallve to represent us In every locality: one
with vim, vigor, pluck and push can easily make
920 per mouth: no peddling goods: something en
tlrel) new; staple as flour: send for full pirtlcultrs
to-aay. Address Manufacturers, P. O. Box 530S,
Boston. Mass.
SALEs-MEV to sell and everybody to nse
"O'Keefe's Pills." a sure cure fortorpld liver,
liver derangements, biliousness, headache,
diarrheas indigestion, constipation, dies, kidney
disorders, skin eruptions, rheumatism, neuralgia,
jaundice and sallow complexion, bad taste, furred
tongue, dizziness of sight nsusea, vomiting or
bile or purging: a blood purifier; it cures cold,
catarrh, grip, coughs, hoarsenrn and pleurisy: 25
eti a bottle. Dr. O'Keefe & Co.. 1233 Penn av.,
SALESMAN On salarv or commission, to nandlo
the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil;
the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases
ink thoroughly In two seconds: no abrasion of
paper: M0 to too per cent profit; one agent's sales
amounted to (620 In six days, another (32 In two
hours: wo want one energetic general agent for
each btate and Territory. For terms and particu
lars address the Monroe Eraser Manufacturing
Company. X 10. La Cro'se. Wis.
SALESMAN Traveling salesman to carry an At
side line holiday advertising specialty, brand
new. for retail trade; large commissions. Address
Merchants' Dept. B. S. Peale Co., Chicago. 111.
SALESMEN Two good active salesmen with city
acquaintance and experience: to right men caa
promise good results, from $35 to f50 a week. Boom
No. 411, Ferguson building.
SALESMAN to sell cigars to city retail trade; one
who Is willing to work on commission: good
position lor right man. Address Cigars, Dispatch
SALESMAN to sell Wlegand's frame hanger for
pictures, mirrors, crayons, signs, etc Welgand
Frame Hanger Co., 1232 Penn av.
STENOGRAPHER and typewriter wanted: none
but those thoroughly competent need apply,
Danzlger A Co., sixth st and Penn av.
SOLICITORS Tor city and adjacent towns, f
burg Suit Club Company. No. 87 Sixth av.
rpAILORS lhree tailors on -coats, two on pants
X and vests; steady work, good wages. Ai
steady work, good wages. Anolr
Topping Tailor Co . J
Smith fleld. Pittsburg.
IngTallorCo . McKee place, Oakland; or 618
TIN and sheet iron worker: first class. Apply
to Klncald Bros.. No. 90 Water st
TINNERS 3 or 4 good tinners. Apply Geo.
Stevenson & Bro., 500 Liberty st
WANTED The name and addresses of ener
getic men open for permanent work. We
give exclusive territory. We guarantee good
workers t30 a week. We furnish office, furniture,
delivery team, and newspaper advertising. Our
article is monopoly. It will save 25 per cent of the
coal-bills of everybody. Pull particulars by mall.
Lithographs, pamphlets, etc, free upon receipt of
postage. Address, Koalspar Co., 40 Oliver street,
Boston, Mass.
AGENTS-M to 58 dally; exclusive territory:
a'umlnum shoe soles (patented): all sizes;
flexible, noiseless, don't slip: lighter than leather;
outwear steel; nut on by anyone: in demand by all
classes. Carvel Gough, 105 Smltbfleld st, Pitts
burg, Pa.
AGENTS We offer to general agents and can
vassers exclusive territory, Tree newspaper
advertising, a chance to deliver goods before pay
ing for them. Immense profits and a permanent
business. Address Consolidated, Lynn, Mass.
AGENTS-ln every town to sell our specialties:
good pay. Address Specialty Ageney. it
Fourth av., Pittsburg.
AGENTS-IS to 7 dally; experience unnecessary.
Putman & Co.. perfumers West Wlnsted.Ct
WANTED Agents Aluminum campaign
badges. Harrison hats and Cleveland novel
ties; sells at sight: samples io cents each. Canton
Aluminum Badge Co., Canton, O.
Female Help Wanted.
COOK First-class cook; also chambermaid; ref
erences required. Inquire or address S., 801
Tenn av.
GIBLS-Two good girls, nurse and chambermaid ;
relerence required. Inquire corner Liberty
and Pacific avs.. East End, city.
GIRL Good girl for general housework; Protes
tant preferred. IIP Ridge av., Allegheny,
1 IBLS Wanted 23 girls for housework to-day :
VT situations free. Elite, 442 Penn av.
GIRL for general housework.
M llltown. A. V. B. B.
Mrs. E, Service,
Easiness Opportunities Wanted.
TtrANTED-110.000 capital will assure first class
1 1 party with good business ability good situa
tion and Interest in a well established business.
Address Ability, Dispatch office.
Try ANTED Party with 125,000 can secure an
it established paying business: money wanted
: money
F. W fa:
to extena business. Auuress A.
Real Estate Wanted.
HOUSE To buy a small house in a good location t
easy terms. Address E, X, Dispatch office.
i,i .' J..AL.V-Xn.TT-S5s T3 aB:Trxft2T!aMV SS. .-.,. ..I Sl.sni .V-ns , ,E f!. -I3BAB3i6 "i-,'SiMBSlW' naurjiK I I ssl
lf-sxsr!Srs WmtaXSSSSSSSSSmSS?9 ToslSS3OTScirrBE33A W0!WTZidmgMBMW
Kale and Female Help Wanted.
EL P Man to work about gentleman's place,
so fkrm hands. coL or white bov to attend to
horse and cow, dairymen, hotel coots, chamber
maids, pantry girls, dlmngroom, laundry and
alicnengiris, ucnnau uuu,ci.ccpcr, lamuj cuuna,
chambermaids, nurse, waitress, laundress, IS per
wk.; colored cook and chambermaid; highest
wages paid here. Median's Agency. 515 Grant st
HELP Housekeeper, French and German
nurses, seamstress, laundresses, cooks, cham
bermaids, dining room girls, 200 house girls, Ger
man and colored girls for families, hotel cooks,
chambermaids, dining room girls, pantry and
kitchen girls, bakers, coachmen, farm hands,
white and colored waiters. M. J. Dolan, successor
to Mrs. Thompson, 60Grant street.
HELP Cooks, girls for general housework. 130
Robinson St.. Allegheny.
SALESMEN 840 per week and expenses to male
and female workers, to act as resident salesmen
for a company manuiacturlng goods wanted in
every household, permanent, profitable work.
Terms and circulars free. Address Electro-Novelty
Co.. 30 Armory st, Boston, Mass.
"11 T A1TED Wideawake workers every whcrerdr
t "Sheep's Photographs of the World:" the
greatest book on earth: costing f 100.000: retail at
f3 25. cash or Installments; mammoth Illustrated
circulars and terms free: dally output over 1,500
volumes: agents wild with success: Mr. Thos. L,
Martin, Centerville. Tex.. cleared ,711 in 9 days;
Miss Rose Adams. Wooster.O.. $23 In 40 minutes:
Rev. J. Howard Madison, Lyons. N. Y.. 1101 in 7
houts; a bonanza; magnificent outfit only 91; books
on credit: freight paid. Address Globe Bible Pub
lishing Co.. No. 723 Chestnut st, Pblla., Pa., or
35S Dearborn St., Chicago, III,
Situations Wanted. '
POSITION Finns not emplovl'ng a bookkeeper
can have their books adjusted each day ; opening
and closing books a specialty; all bnslness kept In
strictest confidence: best of references as to ability,
etc Address Accountant, Dispatch office
POSITION A young man, well educated, having
fur two years a responsible position as night
watchman, wishes a day situation in store or ware
bouse; Al references. Address Watchman, Dls-
paicn omofl.
POSITION By man. aged 2S.to do anv kind of
office work; can refer to present employers,
with whom I have worked for over 5 years, and
others. Address N. P. D., Dispatch office.
POSITION As salesman, traveling or local, by
man of experience: references as to character
and ability furnished; also bond ir required. Ad
dress Bond, Dispatch office
POSITION by young man as bookkeeper, assis
tant or light office work of any klndfgood ref
erence If required. Address C L., 43 Vista st,
POSITION Experienced, reliable bookkeeper
wishes employment In evenings; best refer
ence. Address J. T Dispatch office.
SITUATION As mine foreman or superintend
ent in Pennsylvania: best of references; hold
first-class certificate in this State. Address X 5,
Dispatch office.
SITUATION Boy 17 wishes to learn Jewelers'
trade and business; studious and reliable;
references. Address B. Z.. Iieplinger, Franklin.
SITUATION Bv young lady, situation as man
aging housekeeper or nurse and companion for
invalid lady. Address B. B.. Dispatch office.
SITUATION By very competent nurse, situation
to take entire charge or Infant; best refer
ence. Address B. C, Dispatch office.
SITUATION as bookkeeper by lady: 8 years'
experience: good business reference. Ad
dress Bus., Dispatch office.
SITUATIOri By young man.18: good references;
salary can be fixed when ability is tested. O.,
Box 1314, city.
SITUATION Practical engineer wants position
runnjng engines. Address Practical, Dispatch
SITUATION By an experienced housekeeper.
Call 614 Wylleav.. city.
Crayons, Photographs and Materials.
EVEBYBODY to call at Davis Mahau's. 43 Fifth
av.. and see the beautiful panel photographs
at (I a dozen: finest in the city for the money.
Boarders and Lodgers Wanted.
BOARDERS For nicely furnished front rooms,
bath and gases; reasonable rates. 221 Federal
st. Allegheny;
BOAROERS ir you desire a chance in your
table board call 6103 Broad. East End.
OARD-tt 50 per week; nice homelike table.
rarsiway, Aiiegnenr.
BOARDERS and roomers;
14 Eighth st
elegant table board.
OCOUPANTS-For rront l ooms facing parks wl ta
boarding; reference required, 169North av.,
Hotel, Dining and Lunch Rooms.
OTEL FEDERAL, 171 Ft-deral st , AUegheny.
si au, tz aay ; special rates wnen permanent.
VISITKevan'sladles'and gents' dlnlngrooms, 003
Penn ave. ; business men'sdinner; ladies' noon
lunch; meals anytime; everything in season.
Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Furnished room: front attic or hall
room would do. Address B. C, Dispatch
Wanted Partner.
PARTNER wanted with 85. COO capital and a good
character for a wholesale Jobbing business
new to this vicinity: references exchanged; all
communications coufidentlaU Address Character,
Dispatch office,
PARTNER In,a nice and profitable business; no
money required. 'Call In person ou J. H.
Chambers A Co.
PARTNERSHIPS in all businesses promptly and
ornately negotiated. J. Greenway, 104 4th av.
Financial Wanted.
CHARLES SOMERS CO.. 181 Fourth av.,
Pittsburg, Pa Loan Department Money to
loan on real estate In any sums desired. Lowest
rates of Interest Quick and economical service.
George Piper, manager.
MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county
property at lowest rates. Henry A. eaver
& Co., 92 Fourth av.
ON EY at 6 per cent We have $50,400 to loan.
(330 up. aucs Bros. & Co., 164 s ourtn av.
TO LOAN 8200,000 on mortgages: 100 and up
ward at 6 per cent; 8500,000 at 4.S per cent on
residence or business property, vacant lots or
farms. S. H. French, 125 Fourth av.
W7"AN TED Mortgages on Improved city or Alle
V gheny city property. MoCunc & Coulter, 98
Fourth av.
Fire Insurance Wanted.
BENSWANGjSxt & ZA.ZLM irira insurance.
Fourth av.
Miscellaneous Wanted.
ALL business men to know that the Office
Specialty Co., 105 Third av., are headquarters
for the latest and best office furniture and labor
saving office specialties: work to order and metallic
vault fixtures are among their specialties.
ELECTRIC Mfg. and Supply Co., 310 Blssell block,
Pgh M Federal, Allegh'y: Incandescent and
bell wiring; electrical repairing a specialty;
phone 137S.
FABM8-We have applicants-for 20 farms for
rent; all sizes. Jno. F, Sweeny.
PAINTING and Plate Glass glazing. It C. Miller.
526 Grant St.. Pittsburg.
PATENTS O. D. Levis (20 years).
Fifth av.. next Leader, Pittsburg:
Solicitor, 131
: no delay.
rpRUNKS hauled to and from the East End foe.
JL arty cents. Campbell & Davis. No. 12 Seventh
av. Telephone 276.
USE Jones' Bedbug Paralyzer Jones' Magi
Roach Powder: roaches banished by contract
satisfaction given or no pay. 222 Federal st, Alls
gheny. Sold by all first-class druggists.
"WANTED Everyone who wants tne finest and
W cheapest watt paper In America to send for
samples; sent free to any address. G. G. O'Brien.
Paint and Wall Paper Store. 292 Fifth av.
"VTTAGON A second-hand one-horse covered
wagon; weight about 1,200. Address 104
Market st
OOD and photo engraving: halt tones; electro
typing. Bragdon. 78 Fourth av.
Machinery and Metals For Sale. '
OILERS and engines, second hand; all sizes,
from 4 to 100 h. p.: cheapest in the market: 61
boilers and engines in stock, stationary and porta
ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc.:
steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shading.
Telephone 3401, 23-& Park it a). J. S. Young, Al
legheny, Pa.
BRYANT and Acmeautomattc engines and boil
ers, hot water and steam beating exhaust fans
and ventilating fly fans, water and electric motors,
dynamos and electric lighting; general machinists,
engineers and contractors; stationary engines and
boilers. Tompkins A Ulrica, 816 Liberty st, Pitts
burg, Pa.
ENGINES and boilers of every description: brick
yard supplies; contractors' and rollIngmlU ma
chinery. Thomas Carllu's Sons, Lacock and Ban
dusky sts Allegheny.
FOR BALE Second-hand machines:
1 No, 6 Sturtevant pressure blower, with ad
justable base and countershaft.
1 Cameron steam pump, with IK Inch suction
&nri 1U Inch outlet, in rood condition.
1 Itawley & Hermance re-sawlng machine, with
24-Inch saw. in first-class condition.
1 36-lnch re-sawlng machine, with 24-Inch and 36
lnch saws and strengthening disk.
1 24-lnch double snrfacer.
1 coYner-block machine. In first-class condition.
1 complete outfit for wood box factory.
1 Fairbanks warehouse scales, with double beam:
1500 pounds capacity: platform 37x48.
Lot second-hand shafting and pulleys.
The Faber Machine 8upply Co.,
Warehouse 112 Water st
pOR SALE Enginet, boilers, etc
50 engines, from M h. p. to 50 h. p.
1 battery of 4 boilers, 42 Inches dla,, 26 ft, long,
216-Inch flues in each, made of Howe, Brown
ft Co. best 60.000 T. . shell steel.
2 firebox boilers, 15 h. p., Loe. pattern.
fine boilers. 40 to 44 01a., z sues in each.
The .Faber Machinery Su
;nnDlv Co-
Warehouse, 112 Water it
GRINDSTONES In aU sizes, for ail kinds of
grinding! Cralglelth. Newcastle Nova Scotia
and other grits; Iron frames and fixtures for hand,
foot or power; mounted stone, oil stone, emery
wheels and grinders. Wm. M. Elrby, 138 First av.
Doss For Sale.
ST. BERNARD dog pup: state age, price, where
can be seen. Address St. Bernard, P. O. Box
68. Pittsburg. Pa,
--.- " . mmnfy iwiwv.w-im-mjm.Mw-.Cww nw 'W nw. -...i. . , - wm sasui i
Musical Instruments.
CtUITAB Second-hand concert guitar; Martin
J preferred 1 state price Address Wm. Barclay,
43 Mlltenberger St. city.
PIANO Fine upright piano, nearly new. cheap.
95 Hemlock st. AUegheny.
UPRIGHT piano, stool, cover, music rack iln
use two months, cost 8325; will be sold at $210
on easy terms to reliable party; must be sold this
week. Address Upright Dispatch office
Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock For Sale.
OKSE-Thel finest carnage and buggr horse in
--.. ....iT.h -nil will ACitrA At nntMni,- IT.
F. C, Dispatch office.
HORSES and niares-80 head, sold for wan: of
use, weighing from 1,400 to 1700 lbs.: give
you pick of stable. Chant Lake Ice Company,
Thirteenth and Pike.
HORSE Fast young, sound driving horse In
exchange for household furniture. Address
Furniture Dispatch office
MARES Two very line work mares, 4 years old;
will sell cheap. Address U. H Dispatch
Rubber Stamps and Stencils For Sale.
GETyourrubberstamps. steel stamps, stencils,
' seal presses, brass checks, etc, from Bheaffer
A Co., 4Tllth av.. Duff's College bnllding.
STENCILS, steel stamps,
teal presses, rubber stamps, etc
W. A. Bunting. 20 Fifth a v.. cor. Market
Miscellaneous For Sale.
Ansonla alarm clocks, the best 75
Carpenters' 2-foot all steel squares 48
Carpenters' levels 24
Carpenters' brace and 5 steel auger bits 98
All steel table knives and forks, doz 43
Sterling silver-plated knives and forks, doz....l 75
Half hatchets, allsteel 25
Shingling hatchets, allsteel 25
Claw hatchets, allsteel 55
Signal Service thermometers 24
Stand and four lasts for shoe repairing 74
Carpenters' tools at lowest prices.
Machinist tools lowest prices.
Bricklayers' tools lowest prices.
Stonemasons tools lowest prices.
Tools for everybody at lowest prices.
Why, where at? Why at Boyer's. 105 SmlthBeld
BARRELS-Empty wklsky barrels. The William
H. Holmes Co., 158 First av.
TASH REGISTERS and piano cheap on easy pay
J ments. 53 Diamond st.
PATENT alnmlnum shoe soles, lighter than
leather, tougher than steel; flexible, comfort
able: don't slip; one pair soles outwear two pairs
uppers: all sizes. 65a to 81. Howard Boyer, 105
Smltbfleld St.. Pittsburg, Pa.
PRINTERS' stands and cases jor sale cheap: a
prompt buyer will get a bargain: second-hand
saw table in good condition; sold because space
needed. Apply Dispatch business office
TO PRINTERS 100 type cases and a few stands
in good order for sale cheap. Apply The Dla
patch Counting Rooms.
Business Opportunities For Sale.
BAKERY Doing a good business: reason for
selling wauts to leave. Address Bakery, Dis
patch office.
336 Beaver av., Allegheny.
TMtUGSTORE In a growing railroad town: no
XJ opposition; great chance for energetic man,
men, xisp
spatch office.
I70K SALE Real estate bnslness;toa hustler half
. Interest can be bought for 850C; one of the finest
bakeries fu the city at a sacrifice: good reasons for
selling; grocery stores, cigar stores, restaurant and
hotels. Perclval & Gaston, 439 Grant st
FOR SALE Hardware store and plumbing busi
ness: new building: good stock of shelfgoods;
full set or tinners' and plumbers' tools: good trade;
can be bought at a sacrifice, as owner is going South.
Perclval & Gaston, 439 Grant st
OR S ALE-8750 will bur the half Interest or 81, 500
the whole Interest of one of the best business
ehaaces in the city: this is at a 30 per cent discount!
big bargain; call at once. Perclval & Gaston, 439
Grant st.
HOTEL An elegantly furnished hotel In central
part of the city, having an excellent trade
and license to May 1,
Address Rex, Dispatch
LIGHT manufacturing establishment on line of
B. O. R. B.; short distance from city: only
reason for selling present owner In poor health;
will sell cheap; terms to suit Address B. & O.,
Dispatch office.
MILK DEPOT and route.
McKecsport Pa.
No. 120 Market st.
T) ESTAURANT Best location in a city of over
IX ten thousand (10,000) population, near Pitts
burg, Pa., doing a splendid business: Invoice
about 8500; musl sell at once as owner is engaged in
other business requiring all his time. Address
Rpstaurint. Dlsnatch office.
City Lots.
170R SALE Magee near Fifth ar., cor. lot 33
: feet front; only 85.500 (100c). See W. A. Her
ron & Sons, 80 Fourth av.
LOIB on BluS and Vlekroy sts., near college.
Robert Coward, 20 Bluff St.
FOR SALE or exchange lor suburban property
with large grounds (several acres), well im
proved Southslde property, now paying over 6 per
cent net on the price asked In exchange: owner
willing to pay part cash. (341c) W. A. Huron &
Sons, 80 Fourth av.
WYL1E AVE-Corner lot 31xl00. an elegant
business location. 11,575; splendid lot at
Roup station, 40x102, next to corner, street Im
provements, $2,800; at a sacrifice In Wllktnsburg,
a house of 6 rooms, bath and attic. $3,700: two
hnucs on Niagara st, Oakland, on lots 47x200 and
2SxlOi: price 80,001 and $4,600. Must sell, George
Johnson & Co.; 79 Fourth ave
East End Lots For Sale.
C1ENTERAV. lots, 48x176, only $2,000eachi street
Improvements and sewers paid for; choice lo
cation: first-class Improvements! on a main thor
oughfare: a limited number only offered at this
Erlce; terms to suit See M. P. Howley & Son, 91
damond st
EUREKA PLACE. Oakland; nice level lots
from $350 to $650 On monthly payments or dis
count for cash ; come soon for plans. See George
bchmldt 157 Fourth ar.
I?ORSALE Very heap, only $55 per foot 1
- on one of the best residence, streets In
mVJ ,1, 4. U.tlVU OTf kJWUO,
Fourth av.
LOTS For an unequaled Investment and quick
profits, buy one or more of the lots we offer at
$35 per foot situated within one square of Stanton
andNegley avs., that highly progressive portion
of the East End: an observer will recognize In this
property the most elegant home locations; and in
vestor will see at a glance our price Is away below
current values. (2-50-327), Charles Somers & Co.,
131 Fourth av.
LOT-Nlce, level East End lot 25x98 feet; Bos
sard street within 3 minutes of electric cars;
very chap at $750, on easy terms. (2-55-354.)
Charles Somers A Co., 131 Fourth av.
LINDEN AV. Boulevard-Lot 41 feet front for
$2,900; all street Improvements paid. This Is
a special bargain. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 161
Fourth av.
SCHENLfY PARK lots 50x150. or greater front
age If desired, on Woodland avenne between
Forbes avenue and Schenley Park; beautifully sit
uated; on Squirrel Hill Street Railroad, also within
short distance of cable and Duquense lines; as
phaltum pavement aud all other improvements;
cheap: easy terms. Apply MOO Forbesor 20 Fifth
avenue, Frank F. Nlcofi
1 Kfi170 oa Frankstown av., Brushton: I
JlOKJ have a special low price on this property
for a few days. For particulars see Howard
Brown, 151 Fourth av.
1 nrvX150 on a good -street near Homewood;
1UU price low and terms easy. Howard Brown,
151 Fourth av.
Suburban Lots For Sale.
"TOR SALE-53 acres (about) of well laying land,
JO already plotted for sub-dlvlslon. containing
over 250 large lots. In one of the most desirable sub
urbs adjacent to Pittsburg; only five miles from
Union depot. (49s) See W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80
Fourth ar.
LOTS-We hare a block of choice building lots to
offer, situated adjoining Jeannette, singly or
in parcels, at extremely low prices and on terms to
suit or as a whole at a great bargain; Jeannette Is
an expanding young manufacturing city contigu
ous to 1'lttsburg, and a most promising locality In
which to Invest for profit: call for plans and par
ticulars. (4-114-434.) Charles Somers A Co., 181
Fourth av.
LOTS Ten lots sold In Bank of Commerce plan
i week ending September 17. 1892: Duquesne and
Citizens' Traction roads will be completed by De
cember: now the time to buy; 10 per cent cash, bal
ance $100 per year; secure plan from exclusive
agents. Baxter, Thompson ft Co., 161 Fourth av.
OWISSVALE, P. R. B,, Palmer Place Lots-If
O yon want a safe and sure Investment call at
once and look at these lots: they are really the best
thing that Is being offered to-day: there will be
money made In this location In the near future as
Swlssvale is bound to grow; do not miss as sure a
thing as there can be in real estate: send for
marked plan. Hoffman & Baldrldge, Wllklnsburg,
opposite depot
SWI8SVAL.E PLACE LOTS-The cheapest lots In
the market: prices In tho reach of all: there Is
now a proposed electric line through this property:
a beautiful location convenient to P. R. R and
all the numerous factories of the valley: you can
not go wrong in placing your money in such a loca
tion; send formarked plan. Hoffman ft. Baldrldge
Wllklnsbnrg, opposite depot.
CI ISO (2) 40 ft lots on 6th av., Kensington;
$! best location In the town. D. W. Williams,
Hamilton av., Brushton, Pa.
Real Estate.
ACREAGE Parties desiring to purchase a de
sirable piece or acreage that Is very cheap
and well located, near city will find a big bargain
by addressing X. Y. Z., Dispatch office.
TO speculators 100 acres right on the Ohio river:
Fort Wayne Railroad passes through it: splen
did for town lots or manufacturing sites; this is a
big speculation: price $35,000; easy payments; send
stamp for particulars. N. F. . Hurst Agent
Rochester, Pa.; good house barn, orchard, etc
S1 T PAYS for a home lot at May's Landing, the
E)J-0 fine suburb of Atlantic City; i squares
from R. R.; commutation fare to Phlla., 25 cents;
station on ground; fine driving, fishing, gunning,
bathing, sailing; city and country combined; 70
houses Tbullt last year, and not one empty: a safe
and sure Investment! $50 Invested will bring $3)0 in
6 months: 8 factories built this year; lots are 140
feet above ocean: 10 per cent off for cash: 2 lots for
$25; title Insured: send for ciroular. May's Land
ins; Improvement Co., 659 Franklin st, Philadelphia,
City Residences. 1
BLUFF ST., near college-New brick house S
rooms, hall, bathroom, inside ind outside w.
e.t all late Improvements; terms to suit Bobt
Coward, 20 Bluff st.
SLX seven-room brick houses, with hails, cellar,
both gases, in good order, near cable cars
Eleventh ward; will sell singly: small cash pay
ments, balance monthly If desired. G. W. Baukln,
185 Fifth avenue.
ON 60-foot st... Thirteenth ward, aud only;
square from Wylie areuue cable tine splendid
8-roomed frame, dwelling, with vestibule hall,
laundry, bath, hot and cold water, slate mantels,
sliding doors In fact all modern conveniences; lot
24X100 feet to a 20-root alley; price only $3,650. W.
C. Berlnger ft Co., 156 Fourth av.
ONLY $200 cash necessary to buy a nice e-roomed
brick house with slate roof, slate mantel In
parlor; hall, gas. water In house etc.: the lot Is
small, but everything is neatly and conveniently
arranged: situated near Klrkpatrtck St. Thir
teenth, and two minutes' walk from cable line. W.
C. Berlnger ft Co.. 158 Fourth av.
ON EASY TERMS-New house 5 rooms, hall,
etc., Stanton av., Lawrencevllle. B. J. WU1
lams. 143 Fourth av.
OJO 700 Bluff st, within 10 minutes ' easy
tfl)U walk of the Court House-2-story brick: 7
splendid rooms, attic, sewing room and room for
bath: hall, slate mantels, range, both gases: very
large cemented cellar; nice front and rear yards;
extensive view np and down the river: lot 21x152,
to another paved and sewered street (E. 157).
Black ft Balrd. 95 Fourth av.
821 O 000 A handsome spacious and very com
)XXj plete residence rooms finely finished,
most modern fixtures: lot 100 feet square; pared
street; short distance from Court House In a de
sirable residence location. The improvements
cost theprice asked. Good reasons for selling.
(117c) W. A. Herron'ft Sons, 80 Fourth ave.
flJ4 230 will buy an elegant two-story brick
JDTtj dwelling of 8 rooms, pressed brick front,
splendidly finished, first-class appearance and alt
modern Improvements; situated on Cliff st.
Eleventh ward; any person desiring a convenient
comfortable borne should see this property. W.C.
Berlnger ft Co., 156 Fourth av.
091 030-Prettlest little home In the city: new:
)Xt 6 rooms, hall, vestlble, slate mantel, city
water, grained, etc : good location : Mt Wash. ;
easy terms. Also 4-room house, $1,550. B.J.Will
lams, 143 Fourth av.
East End Residences For Sale.
FOR BALE One of the loveliest homes In the
East End; home seekers, if you will call at my
office yon will not be disappointed; owner leaving
city and will seU reasonably. James M. Wilkin
son, 421 Wood street
QOnfi Cash and small monthly payments will
J0iJJ buy a new two-story frame of 5 rooms
one square from outu Highland av.. E. v. ; Im
mediate possession. Baxter, Thompson ft Co., 161
Fourth av.
CQAfl cash Is all that is needed to purchase a
dDOyJU good frame house of 6 rooms, bath, vesti
bule, hall, and finished attic: pantry; front and
rear porches; good cellar; level lot; price only
$3,400: terms easy; situate on nice street In East
Liberty; convepient to electric and cable cars.
See John D. Banks, 64 Fourth av.
ffiQ 800 New frame house of 6 rooms, cellar,
tlDZi) porch, etc.; lot 24x120 to alley: terms $500
cash, balance like rent; close to electric cars and
steam railway; good location. Samnel W. Black
ft Co., 99 Fourth ar.
Id, feet, street to alter: one sonare from street
cars. J. J. McDonough, owner. No. 6352 Station
st, E. E.
Hazelwood Residences For Sale.
Cgf OOO New dwelling, 10 rooms, fine appear
WJt ance modern fixtures, reception hah: lot
65x120 ft ; 2 minutes' walk from electric line: one
of the best locations at Hazelwood; this property
Is a bargain at $6,000. (88). W. A. Herron ft
Sons, 80 Fourth ar.
Allegheny Residences For Sale.
ESPLANADE ST., AUegheny Newbrlck house;
Particular W. V. Dermltt, 407 Grant
FREMONT ST., Allegheny Elegant three-story
pressed brick dwelling; contains 10 rooms,
bath, laundry, with enameled tubs, stationary
washstands, slate and hardwood mantels, tile
hearths and vestibule; cement walks, cellar and
pavement: the house complete in every detail; lot
SOxlSS ft ; Immediate possession. Key with A. D.
Wilson, Sole Agt, 55 Federal st
PERRYSVILLE AV.. near Charles St. Almost
new Queen Anne frame dwelling, containing 8
rooms, bath, laundry, with stationary tubs, re
ception ball, inside w.c, slate mantels, good
cellar In fine repair, with lot 40x108 ft. to a 40 ft
street: price low to quick buyer. W. M. Pollock,
150 Fourth av.
Q 750 An Allegheny bargain; nicely finished
Eii) and complete house almost new, 8 rooms,
vestibule, hall, sliding doors; water and gases on
both floors: large lot; one square only from electric
cars. (3-17-1U7. ) Charles Somers ft Co., 131 Fourth
Suburban Residences For Sale.
AN elegant suburban home on the Ohio river and
P., Ft W. ftC. R. R., 10 miles from the city
and less tnan two minutes' walk from station;
tralDs every hour: rich lawn: large grounde
beautiful with shade and shrubbery: fine fruit In
abundance: house of 11 commodious rooms; every
modern convenience and comfort: gas, water,
heater with registers, bath, inside w.cs.. range.hot
and cold water; conservatory, roomy porches, stable
and carriage house, with flnished rooms forman;
will sell to a prompt buyer away below first cost
and actual .'value and give Immediate possession
(4-112-490). Charles Somers ft Co., 131 Fourth av.
A BEAUTIFUL suburban home fbrsale, cheap;
29U acres of land, a great variety of fruit
modern 2-story brick house, 8 large rooms and good
cellar, heated with natural gas. soft water springs,
situated M-mlle from Morgantown, W. Va., and
800 yards from the West Virginia University, over
looking the town and the Monongahela river: must
be sold; terms easy and possession at once; also
other properties for sale. Address T. W. Ander
son. Morgantown. W. Va.
BARGAIN at $2,600-8250 casli. balance long time;
haudsome new house, 8 rooms, 'modern ar
rangements and finish; beautiful situation on a
large lot In a favorite residence town, 25 miles from
the city, with excellent railroad accommodations:
electric cars one square from house. (4-92-400.)
Charles Somers ft Co., 131 Fourth ar.
INGRAM Easy terms of payment or will ex
change for city property, handsome little sub
urban home at Ingram : ground 120x125: nicely Im
proved; good 7-roomed house almost new, barn,
carriage house excellent water; a very complete
and attractive country place. (4-117-506). Charles
boniers ft Co., 131 Fourth ar, "
OOO Shadyslde dwelling Brick. 9 rooms:
modern nxtnres: lot aaxiuo leei: aucy
In rear: street Improved: location one of the
best (104). See W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80 Fourth
two-story and finished attic irame; vesti
bule, hall, 7 rooms, bathroom, double parlors,
laundry, h. and c water, chandeliers, wired for
electric light, slate mantels, tile hearths, portlto.
ranges in kitchen and laundry: the house sets back
20 ft. from the street on a Well-sewered Int. 25 6x
120 ft to an alley: $4,000, $1,000 cash. (4-119-515).
Charles Somers ft Co.. 131 Fourth av.
WiLKlNSUURG-On shady side of Wallace st
near electric line, and convenient to school,
frame house of 7 rooms, papered throughout
cemented cellar, shade trees, large lot in desirable
location: will sell at a bargain. Hoffman ft
Baldrldge Wllklnsburg, opposite depot.
Q 800 A desirable home on Elliott st. Brush
Dl ton, on easy terms: good five-room house;
complete In every part; nice large lot: very con
venient by railroad and street cars; two more elec
tric lines now building: will be followed by en
hanced values. (4-10O-473). Charles Somers ft Co.,
131 Fourth av.
Real Estate.
HOME How foolish to pay rent when you can
be yonr own landlord; I will build you a
house and take payments for same to suit your
Socketbook; call and talk it over. A. Bauck, 441
rant st.
REAL ESTATE bargains: new catalogue. Just
from the printers.- free for the asking. Black
ft Balrd, N 0. 95 Fo urtb av.
PERSONAI, Consult the Phrenologist 101 Park
way, Allegheny.
cure never falls.
Dr. McGranor's
350 Wylie av.
sure pile
PERSONAL Dr. F. H. Deterdlng. dentist cor
ner of Ohio and James streets. Allegheny City.
PERSONAL Ladies desiring cooks, housework
girls, laundresses, call here. No employment
methods. Elite, 442 Penn ave.
PERsONAL-Credlt, yes. credit, un line cress
goods, silks, satlns,wraps,etc, atJ. Dwyer's
Room 4. McCance block. 701 amltufleld.
PERSONAL Matrimonial; gentleman 33. of
means, desires to correspond with lady of
means. Address G. V., Lock Box 49, Grand
Baplds, Mich.
PERSONAL Hair, moles, etc.. on ladles' races
permanently destroyed bv the electric needle
without pain or scar: consultation free. Miss
Streng. office 903 Penn ar., Dickson building.
PERSON AL-Ladles wishing to take Turko t ace
Baths or face massage for remoring blemishes
and Improving the complexion will please visit my
parlors at 903 Penn ar., Pittsburg. Miss Sherwood.
PERSONAL When l.was a small bor my mother
always repaired my breeches and Jacket hut
since I got to be a great big man. Dickson, the
well-known tailor, 65 Fifth ay., cor. Wood st,
second floor, has been substituted, who now does
all my cleaning, pressing and renovating in great
shape. Tel. 1553.
PERSONAL Christmas Evans' admirers should
Immediately call on his nephew. Dr. Griffith,
Third and Grant, Plttsnurg. Ills great Ta-va-zon
specific remedies positively cure worst cases
catarrh, rheumatism, general debility, weak
stomach, lungs, kidneys, nervous prostration re
stored! examine home testimony; truly wonderful
Have removed to their new bnllding;
Through to 113 Crawford Street
66 Sixth ave, Pittsburg. Pa.
Telephone MU.
t L
City ''Besldences.
TO EET-$35-New 8-room brlct on Penn ar.,
near Thirty -eighth st: rent to one or two
families; all modern lmprorements, such as
laundry, bath, hot and cold water, etc. D. Behen
ft Bon, 4112 Penn ar.
TO LET First oor. Ferry st. large building,
suitable for foundry or machine shop; 3-story
building. 30x80 feet: rent rerj reasonable. W. A.
Herron ft Sons, 8) Fourth ar.
TO LET Kearsarge street near Grandrlew ar. :
location very central: Just finished, 7 rooms,
modern fixtures: rent only $25 pernio, w. A.
Herron ft bona, 80 4th ar.
TO LET $18 per month, brick house, 8 rooms;
hall, vestibule, bath, ranges. Inside w. c. lo
cation rery good: Sycamore st. See W. A. Her
ron, 80 Fourth ar.
r LET No. 813 Wylie ar.. 2-story frame 7
rooms, bathroom, rront porch, nat gas, good
yard: fa. Black ft Balrd, 9STonrth ar.
T'OLET-Cheap houses. Fifth ar Sono, oppo
site St Agnes' Church; erery courenlence.
Mrs. (julun.
rpOLET--Wy!ie ar.. No. 656, near Bomer st.new
X brick house of 8 rooms.
East End Residences To Let.
TO LET Choice block ofpressed brick houses on
Blppeyst. near North Highland ar.: street
paved with ssphaltum, flag stone sidewalk with
nice grass plot at each side of walk: each honse
contains nine rooms, bathroom and lauLdry: ce
mented cellar and Inside closets; natural and arti
ficial gas, electric light; hall, vestibule and china
closets: flnished throughout In hard wood; rent HO
per month to April 1 and $45 thereafter; can give
long lease. Black ft Balrd, No. 95 4th ar.
TO LET-$15 per mo. (reduced rent). East End,
neat brick house 7 rooms, pared street loca
tion good and rery central; also bouse of 4 large
rooms: on prominent pared street: nearsthare.
and Duquesne car line: only $15 per mo. ; send for
list. W. A. Herron ft Sons, 80 4th are.
TO LET East End Modern dwelling. 7 rooms;
large lot shade and fruit trees; stable In rear;
Mellon st. near North Negley are : $45 83 per mo.:
reduced rent to April next Bee W. A. Herron ft
Sons, 80 4th are.
TO LET $30-Neat new brick of 8 rooms, hall,
bath, porches, good yard and all Improve
ments; cor. Cypress and Gross sts. D. Behen ft
Son. 4112 Penn ar.
AUegheny Residences To Let.
TO LET Fayette st Brick, eight roems, con
renlences, at reduced rent; also, 50 other Al
legheny houses; get our list. Scott ft McMllIen, 71
Federal st
TO LET-By John K. Ewlng ft Co.. 107 Federal
st AUegheny houses, stores and apart
ments. TO LET Cheap houses. 308 Lacock st, Alle
gheny. Rooms To Let.
ABCH ST. (Allegheny). Sherman ar Western
ar., Montgomery ar., Federal and others ;best
rooms : targe exclusive list: call and sare time. In
formation Bureau, 442 Penn av.
BCH ST., No. 174. Allegheny Second-story
L front room with board.
A RCH ST., 21, Allegheny Room suitable for
XJ gentleman.
ARCH ST., 109, Allegheny Mceiy furnished
, 63, Allegheny Large furnished front
j room.
17, Pittsburg Furnished front
D1NWIDDIE ST.. new row-Gentleman leaving
city will rent his furnished room at half price
EYBAN AV.. 23-Elegantly furnished front
room, witn aicove.
VTORTn AV., 287, Allegheny Furnished rooms;
il $1 50 per week, with bath.
PENN AVE . 442. Nice furnished rooms, any
part of Pittsburg, East End or Allegheny;
reaonable rates. Information Bureau.
PENN A V., 442-Large list furnished rooms In
both cities never advertised; private families;
call and see list. Information Bureau
ACE ST., 42, Allegheny Nice furnished room;
reasonable rates; coin gases.
SANDUSKY ST., 120, Allegheny Four unfur
nished rooms, first floor, for housekeeping;
use of laundry; references required.
Bee additional adieu under Wanted Boarders
and Lodgers.
Easiness Stands Xo Let
TO LET Space with power, cor. Penn and Third
avs,: three floors; 20.000 feet space; abundant
power; good light: splendid location: every con
venleuce. Apply Nicola Bros., 20 Fifth av.
Miscellaneous To Lets.
TO LET Vacant lot 30x110, with stable, corner
Penn av,. Third st. and Exchange alley.
Apply Nicola Bros.. 20thav.
STOLEN Horse and cart: a chestnut roan horse,
harness and cart; horse about 14 hands high:
was branded with a tree on one shoulder and the
letter L on hip: cart was painted black; oneseat
stay was broken and tied with twine; a reward will
be paid for the capture of the thief and return of
the horse and cart. Henry Bocksioce, ticket and
freight agent. Castle Shannon R. R. Co., Castle
Shannon. Pa.
U TON, S. a, August 23, 1892. Sealed pro-
Bosals for dredging and Jetty work at
harleston, $. C, will be received at this
office until 12 noon ot SEPTEMBER 23. U93,
and then publicly opened. Specifications,
blank forms and all available ihforumlon
wilt ho fnrnlshed on application to this
office. FREDERIC V. ABBOT, Captain or
ALS will he lecoived at the office of
Long-fellow, Alden & Harlow, Architects,
Vaudergrifi building. Fourth avenue,"where
also drawings and specifications may be
seen" until THURSDAY,September29,1892,at
12 o'olock, nooD, for furnishing all materials
and building a warehouse on the new plan
of lots laid out near the Homesteal Steel
Works. The owners reserve the risht to re
ject any or all bids. LONGFELLOW, AL
Third Ditiict,Tompkinsvtlle, N. Y.,
September It, 1892. Poitofllce box 2123, New
York Citv Sealed proposals wilt be received
at this offlceuntll 12 o'clock noon of MONDAY,
the Sd day of October, 1E92, for furnishing
mineral oil and lard oil of the quality re-
?ulred for the United States lighthouse serv
ce. Specifications, forms of proposal, and
other information may bo obtained 011 ap
plication to this office. Tho right Is reserved
to reject any or all bids, and to waive any
defects. WINFIELD b. faCHLET, Captain
U. 8. N., Inspector.
proposals will be received by Town
Council of Rochester Borough, Pa., for the
fiavlnc of Brighton t, from Madison st to
ts intersection with New York st Also
New York st, from the southern line of
Kosuth st to the northern line of right of
wav of railrond. no to WEDNESDAY
EVENING at 7 o'clock, September 28, 18'12.
Plans and specifications will be soon at the
nfflco of City Engineer James S. Leaf, All
bids must be addressed to the Secretary of
Council, and marked Proposals for Bids.
Council reserves the right to reject any or
all bids. By order of Council.
Secretary of CounolL
Rochester. Pa., Sopt 20, 1892.
Take a half day off from your business
. and visit-the new city. Its growth and
prosperity is a surprise to all who see it
Salesmen always on the grounds.
Other information at office of
Pittsburg, Pa.
Upright piano, carpets, furniture, eta,
at 10 o'clock, at the rooms of the Henry Auc
tion Co., 24 and 28 Ninth street
A large consignment of parlor suites, con
sisting of brocatelle rug, taoestry and hair
cloth. ChamDer furniture In oak, walnut
and maple, with square or cbeval dressers
and French plate mirrors: also the best
selection of sideboards ever offered at auc
tion sale. Elegant upright piano, almost
new. cott $400; line mirror-aoor wardrobes,
chiffoniers, extension tables, leather couoli
and easy cbalrs to match, mattress, pillows
ana a lot of country biankets and comforts
(all new goods). Carpets, new or second
hand, for rooms, halls and stairs.
HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers.
No. 9 Congress street, 7th ward, Pitts
burg, Pa., 80 leec front and extending back
89 feet to Elm street, on which is erected a
two-tory frame dwelling and frame stable,
will be offered at public auction on SATUR
DAY. September 24.1892, at 10 o'olock A. ir
on the premises. This property is well situ
ated, being less tban half a square from Cen
tral traction railway, and within five min
utes of Fostofflce, Court House, eta Terms
of sale: One-fourth cash on delivery of deed;
residue of purchase money In three yearly
payments, secured by bond and mortgage,
with the right to pay and disoharge the lien
at the pleasure of the purchaser.
LOT 46 8-12x80,
81 AND 83
On TUESDAY, October , at 4 o'clock will
be sold on the premises tho lot46 8-12x80, No.
81 and 83 First av., between Market and
Ferry sts., with frame building, leased as a
livery Btable. Leasexpires April 1, 1898.
Terms One-fourth cash, balance In three,
four or five yearly payments.
Br order of the executors of the estates of
3. H. and G. K. Suoenberger.
NKWYoitK, Kingston-on-Hudson.
Classical, Scientific and English Courses.
JOHN M. CROSS. A. M.. Prlnctpat
Full courses of study. Under the visitation
of the Regents of University of New York
and War Department RT. REV. F.D. HUNT
The on reliable sch
The 0I-3 reliable school that has educated 40,000
students. Fall term begins September, knglfsh,
normal, classical, sclcntiee mechanical, book
keeping, shorthand, typewriting, music and elocu
tion courses. Day and evening. Send for cata
logue. H. M. ROWE. Ph. P.. President
Has the BEST NIGHT SCHOOL for all branches,
especially for MECHANICAL DRAWING.
E. M. WOOD. Ll.. D., President
Boss and Diamond sts.. Pittsburg,
Monday, Sept. 26.
For particulars, send for latest Illustrated
Circular, or apply at COLLEGE OFFICE,
open every evening till 9 o'clock,
To Produce the Equal of
Northwest corner of Stanton and Negley
avenues. Street paved and water connec
tions to each lot Contracts lee lor 20 fine)
houses this week.
Now is tho time to pick out a lot
East End.
Directly on the beach.
Hot and cold sea water baths In the hormv

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