Newspaper Page Text
10 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1892. FULLEST and BEST RETURNS from DISPATCH ADLETS MEETIXGS ASD NOTICES. Notices. THE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING PURCHASED the business of Meier 4 Gracey. practical horseshoers. No 107 Nineteenth street, Southslde. Pittsburg, will carry on the business as heretotore atthe old stand All bills due the old linn should be raid to mm and he will assume nil liabilities. FlTiSBCBO, Nov. 12, 1S92. DAVID MEIER, Dividends. THirXATiniCAl.BATC vw ....... i n tety. DIVIDEND NO. 57-A DIVIDEND Ot'TimEE (3)1'EKCEM has been declared this day out )f the earnings of the last six months, payable on demand. w. STEIN MhYLH. Cshler TO LET. City Residences. TO LET At only 10 per month from now until April 1. ISM. or longer ir desired, aflnchouse on Megraw av . one square from Forties av 8 larce rooms, bath and all conveniences: nearly new; clean and richly papered: call on agents. Logne Schroeder. Germaula HanW building. O LET-House of 7 rooms, partly furnished, modern Improvements, on paved St., (rood neighborhood, moderate rent: o ncr would board -nllli tenant: small family desired. Address Lea mas, Dispatch office. TO LET Two splendid houses on Emerson, bet. Howe and Walnut. llh a'l modern con Tenlences: near Fifth av. eab.e line; possession at once. Mark E. Baldwin. 14 Frankstown av.. E. E. TO LET S-room dwelling near cable line: 7 mln iit. frnm nA.tnflipff nil modern eonrcnleuces: lent 21 per month. Immediate possession. C. H.. .ove. ouirn av. rt LET. A new brick house of eight rooms: all X com eulences. 606 ylie av.. near&omerst. Allegheny Residences Xo Let. T'O LET 155 Grant av.: brick lionse.6 rooms.hill and all modern conveniences rent $3. John K. EwlngA to.. 1U7 Federal st. rpo LLT-John K. EwlngA CO.. 107 Federal St., X headquarters lor Allegheny houses: free list. Booms To Let. ALDER ST.. 6105. East End Front or back fur nished rooms; gases, bath; one door south Highland. BROAD ST.. 6103. Eat End Newly lurnlshed room, suitable for cnts or married couple; with board, gases, bath 11BOAD ST., 5618. l--al End, near Negley and Pcnuav cars Nice trout, alcove room. DEN NI-ToN AV.. 407. East Ind. square Shady av. Nicely Jurnlshed front room; gases. bath: gentlemen preferred. TENMTON A V.. Ml East End-Elegant fur XJ nihed lront room nith board; gent and wife or gent.emen: gases; bath. DINWIPDIE ST.. 141 Mcelv furnished front and middle room, with board, gases, bath. D IX WIUDIE bT.. C57 Front and middle rooms. wltu loard; convenlt nces. E M T 1H Three nicely furnished front rooms: all comeniences: nrst floor: also two connecting rooms, suitable for genu or married coupie, MEKSOX ST., C.8. East I.n-1 INewlv furnished alcoi ? room, buitatile cent and wife: also hack room, suitable gtnt, $7; square Shady and Feun avenues. TThri-AN A1E t?T, 32, Allegheny Pleasant front ?j room, f.0; j:ats, hath. ItX R U' ST , ra. A.leshenv-Furnisheii front rodn; couvenleuces; with board. rinn av., 1; room. C20 Xlcely furnished second-story T7LAT TO LET Second floor, 5 rooms and bath, hot and coid water; buth pases; rent reasona Wc Inquire at Drugstore, corner Third and JauiCb bis., Allegheny. iXItI5ES &T.. Sb: Large Turnlshed front room; f9. TJ IGIILAXD AV.. bonth. SO, East Tnd-Occn- X-l pinu; larpe. nleelv furnished front room TTith board ill conveniences. 1AGE' FLATS Three connecting rooms In j I.ange's Cats: halls carpeted and cleaned; alt conveniences; no children; rent, $15: also. 3 rooms end excellent bath, JIT. Inquire 16 Vine st. ; im mediate po&c4sion. lONTGOMEUY AV.. 47. Allegheny Mce fur--tI nlshed room, quiet nelghbornood; pas, bith; tery rrabonahle. V'EGLEY A V,. Ii above Tenn-FJegaut Xur JA idshed room, wltli board Jl OOM In strict h prnate famllv. a very finely i lurnlshed sectitnl tjry front room; house hat alTmodern conenInces: located near the Alle ghcuv parka: ne.ghborhood quiet; no streetcars; references given and required, II. II., Dispatch ofiicc s HILOU AV.. 3M-Vell furnished room, bath and all conveniences: In private famllv: ele gant location: lor gentlemen-only; references. C HI1.AN1) AV.. 315 Larre handsome second O. storv furnlicd room. with foldlue bed: also jare room ou imru iiuor. tAMlUsrCVf-T.. 3. Alleghenv Three connect C lng rot ms; (leach; ladles or cents; also fur nished frjnls CEXND AV 3 rooms and attic second story, O near corner of (.antoa 6t. Inquire of Mrs. Nixon. Seto idav , llazclwood. tEIK irK T.. :. Allegheny 3 rooms, fur- ' nishe lor unfurnished. CUUIY A V., 2T8. hast End-Furnished room O sult-ihh for pent' mnu and wile or two cenile iiicn. near cood toardiu houses. TTMON" A 3. AIIeKheny-Well lurnlshed U back room: both; board: suitable for ne or two jrcntlemen; terms reasonable. "l'AilllNOTON ST.. -49. Allecheny N icelv 1 1 lnrnibhed room with boird: reasonable rate, WATSON 'T.. 52-Good furnl'bed roomsT first It fioor; three unfurnished, third floor; pas, w atcr. r et additional aaiiu unaer anted Hoarders CJ and Lodgirs l.usiness Stands To Let. TO in Hoom. with or without power: also, ftorape room, dr llln. capacity JO. 000 ft ; will lease kiln or lrv lumber bv contract. Head Bolt 7!wkt. l.rant aud Boquet sts., iJlepheny. Apply tnjjji-esortoll. A. pangle, "Ihlrd National llan,. iK gilt, n v, rpo LET ace with power: every convenience; 1 comer l'ennav. and Third st. Nicola Bros.. a.IHthav Offices. Desk itoorn, Etc To Let, TO 1 ET-ln the 1 erpuson bloeV. Third and Fourth avs.. a few cholee offices: day and nlcht tlevator. c lectric clocks and janitor services 3ret: rent low. lilacs. A, llaird, Nu. 5 Fourth av rro LET In the Hamlllon building. Sl-93 Fltth X av.. choice offices, with all conveniences; rent kiw. lllack .. llaird. .No. 95 Fourth nv. rpo LET Desk room: all conveniences; (10. Alios X Ilros Jt Co.. 1C4 Fourth av. "IX LEI-oaeesatl31 Wvllc av.; now occupied X bv Dr. E. E. Gardner. jMisr-ellaneons To Lets. fro LET-Fonrth av.. near Grant st.. basement X ol two pood rooms: water. Ilplit and heat free; (25. Itaxter. Tliompsuu &. Co., lbl 4th av. rpo LET stable on alley between Fourth av. and X Diamond sts.. and betw ecn Mnithfieldst. and Cherrv alley. C H. Love. S3 Fourth av. TO LET Third floor. asoulc Bant bulldtnp: rooms suitable for artist, draughtsman, archi tect or light manufacturing. PARTNERS "WANTED. -p AKTNEK With (1,500 to buy a third interest In J a manufacturing busluess in I"g: the goods manufactured are sold all over three Stales to wholesalers and retailers: we have every racillty for Going a large business, but we want a man to tki care or the books aud general work, and here sag'd chince to tne right party; young man prelcrred. Address J. H. Johnston, Commercial Ijrazctte. IJAETS'tR-Wlth capital lor tne carpet and up holstering trade, to Join in business with a live and energetic man with small capiut, having manv years' experience and thorough!) conversant wlthihe trade, a good opening and a safcand prohtalue lni estment assured. Address Upho'ster Ing. Dispatch office. PAETVER-A first-class business man with an extensive acquaintance and 510,000 to $20.1)00 to Invest Is open for an engagement. Address. Lex, Dispatch office. IJAltTEK with some capital to assist In patent ing a rapid transit electric mall carrier. Ad dress by letter U. 11. F-. 157 Bnena Vista St.. Alle phenv. . FODXD. "POUND Fifty-one ladies tupplied with honse- a: work cirls last wee. " "i . ciure c promise to send girl or money refunded, change. S10 1'enn av. Ex- lul'N D-Ladles, have your bangs cut and carle d I1 for 15 cents by expert ha rdresseis; comb ngs made up In any style. Mrs. I. Graham, 5 Slxih tt., three doors below Alvln Theater. 3 0LND The only reliable tree hand portrait artists in cravon and water colors: finest grades only: all work done In windows In presence jitht public; order now and pay for Christmas: ston-sopen until 9 P. v.: satisfaction guaranteed or no -barge, los. I. Cow an.rron. Union Artists- rortrait Co.. first floors 70S Liberty St., 007 Wood st : Branch VS Ohio St.; we employ no sgents. Telephone glTi. LOST. LOST-IIelp! Help! Housework, gins, cooxs, chambermalda. Exchange. 910 Fenn av. T OST-Satnrday In East Liberty or Ptbnr(r 1j four-coil knot diamond scarf pin. Liberal re ard if left at Graf Niemann's, 6011 Tenu ar E. E.. Pittsburg. . LOST WMte. JUck and tan English setter: answers to The name of Jlac; reward If re turned to No. SI2 shady av...East End, or No. 103 Fourth av. 8. IL VaniT LOST Ladies, h ror 15 cents bj made up in any s St., three doors belo utand curled rs; combings ham, 5 Sixth Ira 1 1. 8 Clautjl ea real estate aavertucmentt on this page ten eenU per line for each insertion, and none takenor less than twenty cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following headings will be ac cepted at the rale of OXE CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION when paid for la yance either at main or branch offices, ITaTJiea Advertisements o aU Kinds. tUCH AS ad- SITTJATIONW, MALE HELP, TESMLE IlELr. AGENTS, ROOM BOARDIVn, BOARDERS, MISCELL AN EOU TO LET ROOMS, PERSONALS. allSCElUNEOES TOR SALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE Cor. Smlthfleld ami Dltmond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES As FOLLOWH. WTHmr WANTS. FOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSirNT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE KICEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements nould be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with The Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY. NO. 7 FiJJEKAL or.. TELEPHONES6I1. FOR THE SOUTHSIDr. NO. "12 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. (SOT. FOR THE LAS1' iiND, J. W. WALLACE, 613 PiNU AV. prrnipTTRf? ADDTTTnv AL. THOMAS jfcCAFFRFT. SM0 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, Wth street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY ADDITIONAL. F. H. FGHERS &SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMASMcHKNRY.We'tern and lrwln avenues. WANTED. Male Help. BARBER-Call on A. H. Worthlngton, 1003 Main St.. Braddock, Pa. BOY A bright, active boy 14 to 15 years of age. James H. Aiken & Co.. ICO Fifth av., Monday morning. BOY 16 to 18 years orage for hlpper: must have experience. Hugus Hacke. Fifth and Mar ket sts. BOY to learn the barber trade. Apply at D. T. Stumpenhorst's, Wood St.. Wllklnsbnrg. Pa. B OY at 230 Forbes St. BOOKKEEPER Young rain experienced in lum ber vard and planing mill; (15 weekly. Wal ton Woolsey. 96 Fourth av. BRASS MOLDEK Good man to work out or the city: steady work. ApDly. between 11 and 12 A. M.. at Pittsburg Reduction Co,. 116 Water st. j gooa reterence requirea BUTCHEE and bologna maker: pood wages to sober man. Call (to-daj) 274 Center av., Phil lips' butcher shop. CABINET JIAKEUS Wanted first-class cabinet I makers on hard wood mantels: steady work and pood wages. Write with reference to Mead villc Furniture Co., Meadvllle, Pa CtANVASSERS Salarv and extcncs from sttrt; ieady work; gooa chance for advancement. Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y. (tANVASSERSforourTe water filter: big com- mission; satisfaction everywhere. 102 Fourth av., room 6. CLERK Experienced young grocery clerk, ply at 31 Wylleav. Ap- DRUO CLERK-Rcg. manager as clerk: 6tate salary wauteu aud relcrence. Address Sul phcr. Dispatch ofiice. GLASS ENGRAVER-For factory outMde city (ucn-unlon). to take charge ofshop; must be competent and come will recommended. Address Engravvr. Dispatch office. HOUSE carpenters at once Ton-ens station. Wm. Anderson, HUSTLERS Evervwhere for greatest seller out; loo per cent profit to canvassers. Pcun Mfg. Co.,Hulton, Pa. IMPROVER at hore shoeing and Jobbing. dress Shoeing, Dispatch office. Ad- T A BORING men and bovs Steady employment jlj io ooin: preier-nce given to men wuo can bring several boys 13 to 16 years of age. Apply itoom hi,, erguson diock. l.u l lilra av. MACHINE H AND-r A competent machine hand to work in sash and door factory: give refer ence Apply to C M. Crawford &. Co.. Newcas tle, Pa. MACniNISTS-3good machinists and 1 black smith, inquire at the Suowden Manufactur ing Co., Brownsvl le. MAN A bright hustling young man -who Is anxious lo go Into business and who will in vest some capital In an elegant paying wholesale busluess. Address Wholesale Dispatch office. MAN A sober, reliable man to solicit and de liver; one who Is a good driver and can fur nish rcrerence; good wages and steady position. Address R. Doncastcr. Wilklnsburg Pa. MANAGER for brauch office established busi ness enterprise connected with the World's Fair; (500 cash required: unusual nnportunltv to makemoney fast: hac bond of 5t,(0!lcposltcd in hank as guarantee. O. C St. Clair, 353 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 11L "1 EN (5 to (15 per day at home, selling llght lii nlng plater and pfatlngjewelry, watches, tableware, etc: plates the finest of Jewelry good as new, on all kinds of metal with gold, silver or nickel; no exp rlence: no capital everv house has poods needing plating. II. K. Dclno &, Co.. Columbus, O. -rfcN Local representatives In Pittsburg and JX a Icinltv by the Union Collecting and Detect lieApency, 3s the Arcade. 4'lereland, O.; good pay; write at once for particulars. MEN A few intelligent men of good address to sell by samp c: permanent and lucrative posi tion for right parties: brlug references. P. F. lamer, IU3Q renn av. MEN" 100 men on railroad, wages (1 50: farm hand, stone masons, general housework girls. 610 Grant street. T)LUMBER A first-class plumber; one who can J take charge of shop. C. H. Jcnks & Co., Oak land, 1LUMBEE-R. F. Stuart, Beaver. Ta. T EGISTEREDdrngclerkQ.A. X Dispatch office. Address Svapnla, SALESMAN wanted to take on commission, in connection with his other business, a line of Philadelphia made goods, comprising dress goods, glnghair, cottonades, casslmeres, Jean, for the spring t.-ade: we want to sell only the retail trade tlirouchout the country. Manufacturer. P. O. Box SALESMAN Successful salesman to Pittsburg retail and Jobbing grocers to push specialty; Jiocrai commission; ooua requirea, jjoxivii, i;ni cago. SALESMAN to sell nursery 6tock; salary (40 per month and expenses paid. Address The Asr snrlty Nursery Co., Geneva. N. Y. SALISMEN Citvor country, to sell "O'Kecrc's Pills." a sure cure for lUer derangements, colds coughs, etc: agents can make (5 to (3 a day. Dr. O'Kecfe & Co.. 1232 Penn av. SALESMAN First-class man on teas and coffee for city trade. Address X. Y., Dispatch office. SALESMEN Those calling on safe owners every whete to handle (as a side line) new and Indis pensable attachment forsifes; a valuable addition To ceniblnatlon'lockrlnsurcs speed aud accuracy: saves time and profanltv: a hutnmer: investigate it. Ca'l before 2 r. Jt. Electric Specialty Co.. Room a. lllalr building. 101 ederalst.. Allegheny. CALESMEN-To sell W icpand's frame hanger O for pictures, crayons, mirrors, slims, etc: no picture hangs perfectly nlthout It Wlcgand rramc Hanger Co., 1232 renn av, SOLICrrC'Rs-Ladles or centlemeu in city and country lor elegantly illustrated World's Fair Magazine; sells on night; llDeral commissions. 43 Sixth av.. room 21. SOLICITOR and collector for an established route Bond and good references required. Apply Mellor. Prudential Office, 97 Fourth av. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter to exchange services for lessons in bookkeeping: good chance for student to practice. Walton Woolsey. Auditor and Accountant, 96 Fourth av. rpOOL MAKERS Four good tool makers: none X but first-class workmen need apnly. Ecllnse Bicycle Co.. Beaver Falls. Pa. y y UPHOLSTEKER-Good position for first-class man. Shuman Bros., 426 Wood st. WANTED-At once three experienced retail clothing salesmen: also, two for hat dept. In quire Famous Shoe and Clothing Co., Braadock, TtTANTED A dramatic reader can offer perma- II. sent position to educated voung gentleman as agent. Address Y. M. C A.. Mckeesport, Pa. YOUNG MAN to take care of horses. John Rltzman, corner Forbes and Oakland avs. O T Laborers -Apply Monday morning. Excelsior i" Employment Office Sixth av. and Grant St., room 6. or 92 Washington at., city. Ascnts. AGENTS A general agent in every town and city in Western Penna. to Introduce the Odell typewriter at (20 that will do more work and better than any machine on the market: no experi ence required: any child that can spell can operate It: no trouble for agent to make (J to (50 per day. Call or write at once Specialty Co., 420 smlthiield street. AGENTV-The diamond and' pin" puzzle the greatest novelty out; sells at sight; 300 per cent profit: excels all pro Ions puzzles; a genuine holiday rusher: agents, fakirs and street men wanted at once; sample by mall, 25e Address the manufacturer. Edwin Facey, P.O. box UACrafton, Allegheny Co., Pa. AGKNTS-I.OM live hustling agents to sell the raraous coal saver, Koal-snar; exclusive terri tory; big profits: ready seller: for Pittsburg, Alle gheny and every city and town In the State: send 4c In staniDS for tamnle and Information. I or call Immediately 166 Franklin street, Allegheny. WANTED. Aeents. AGENTS mate (34 a dav selling "Within Royal Palaces." by the Fontenoy, a distinguished lady of exalted rank lately from urope: It Is a faelnating description or all the Emperors, Kings, Queens and Princes-thelr dally lire, character, virtues and vices; how they woo and wed; their matchless luxuries, oriccless Jew els, balls, banquets, royal sports, closet skeletons, Fower. Intrigues, marital relations, etc : written rom a personal knowledge or scenes behind the thrones; elegantly primed: over 600 pipes, and illustrated bv photographic view s of Kings In royal attire. Queens bedecked with Jewels, etc.; It Is the first revelation ol rovaltv by a brilliant asso ciate In royal courts, and li creating a great sensa tion; charming in style, intensely fascinating, the demand is simply Immcnss, and offers a wonderful chance for agents, especially ladles, to coin money very fast (experience not essential); 10,(0)agent wanted at once ot commission or salary; terms liberal: full copy mailed on receipt or priie. 12 60 Address Hubbard Pub'gCo., 406 Race su, Phlla delphla. Pa. AG ENTS Salarv or commission to agents to han dle the Patent Chemical ink Erasing Penclli the most uselul and novel Invention of the age; craws Ink thoroughly In two seconds: works like mplc; ao to 500 per cent profit: agents making 9ou per weeK: we iisu n(iuiKvuiiiz(eiiuuitH charge of territory and apoolntsub agents: a rare chance to make money. Write for terms and sam ple of erasing. Monrcc Eraser SIfg.Co., X10, La Crosse, Wis. AGENTS to sell Jlie only artificial diamond that puziles the experts; lefractory effects perma nent and equal to the genuine stone; sample gold setting ring, pin or eardrop, soltalre or cluster, (I, postpaid; rolled plate 30 cents (sliver). Address H. K. bra'iam. Wood Lake, Minn. AGENTS We offer big mon-v. in exclusive ter ritory: our safes sell at sight In city or coun try: agents first In field actually getting rich: one agent In one day cleared (31 50; so can you: cata logue free. Address Alpine Safe Co., Nos. 360-371 Clark St.. Cincinnati, O. AGENTS Male and female agents to sell our patent telephone attachment: sells on sight: blgpruflls; Just out: circulars of Information sent uikai receipt of 2-cent stamp, or 25 cents fur sample. The Telephone Ear Protector Co., Cincinnati. O. AGENTS to represent best accident, sick and burial fund association in America; over ?0. KX) paid to its members in dlsaDtlitv benefits dur ing the past i car. Address, with reference. D. E. Thomas, State Agent, Du Bois, Pa. AGENTS Male and female wanted everywhere; lightning seller: absolutely new: exclusive terrltorv; no talking; profits Immense and success a certainty. Abbott Mfg. Co., Springfield, O. AGENTS wanted for the best enff holder on the market: sells at sight: write for particulars at once; samplepalr 2 cents: agent's profit 200 per cent. Pcrlect Cuff Holder Co., Chicago. A GENT A reliable agent for Franklin type writer, a machine superior to any now on market; price (SO. Apply or address O. A. Bene dict, St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburg, Pa. AGENTS-Gum tissue mends clothing better than needle or thread: silks, woolens, gloves, umhrillss; one vd. 10c; 12 yds. 65c by mall. P, Sta ner A Co., Providence, it. I. AGENTS-Making (5 to 110 dally selling the electrical wonder: household want; descrip tive circular free 1137 Spring Garden St., Phila delphia. General agent wanted. AGENTS Wanted everywhere for the greatest mechanical wonder of the age; exclusive ter ritory given; mention paper. H, Perk Man. Co.. 1600 S 10th St., St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS-Ladv made (13 Isst week selling "Long's Solid Mucilage rencil:" why not jouf Address C A. Long. M'f'r., 331 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. AGENTS Mate more money selling our spe cialty than anv other; write us. Penn Mfg. Co.. Hullon, Pa. AGENTS For quick selling patented novelty; will sell In every house. Address L. S. D., Dispatch ofiice. AGENTS Easily earn (5 a day selling our goods: samples, 10c General Supply Company. 102 Fourth avenue. AGENTs Good salarv or commission paid weekly. Electric Portrait Co., 10 and 12 Sixth St; ' AGENTS (3 to (7 dallv; experience unnecessary. Putnam S. Co., perfumers. West Wlnstcd, Ct, V"1ENERAL AGENTS-Tomakc money this win JT ter selling our carriage and wagon stove: the best thing in the world to protect vour health while driving. Specialty Company, 420 smlthiield St., Pittsburg, Pa. GENERAL AGENTS-Selling new articles to dealers: exclusive territory; no competition; no capital required; 2i 0 to 3Cu per cent profit. Col umbia Chemical Co., 120K Clybourne av., Chicago, Female Help Wanted. CHAMBERMAIDS Places free Exchange 910 Penn av. COOK-Second cook and dishwasher for lunch room. Apply at once at Drumm's, 165 and 167 I lfth av. GOOKs, pirls lor housework. 130 Robinson st., Allegheny. f (lOOKS-Atonce; places free. Exchange, 910 Penn J avenue rVRh A reliable girl 15 or 16 years old to take 7 care of little rtill-1: references positively re quired. Inquire W. A. McCutchcn, 85 4th av. GIRL Gooa competent girl for general house work; must he a good cook; references re quired. Apply 3 Vine St., city. f IRL for housewi rfc n small famllv: reference KJ required, Call at 26 Reed t,, city. G 1UL lor trrneral housework: 14 to 16 years of age. 269 Park av.. East End. GIRL Upstairs girl at once: German preferred. 124 Locust St., Allegheny. C IRL A good girl lor housework; Immediately. T 43 Anderson street. GIRL lo do plain cooking: with reference. Robinson St., Allegheny. 103 HOUSEWORK girls and cooks at Mrs. M ard's, 1W 'H ashlngton St., city. OITSEWORK GIRLS Nice situations free. Exchange, 910 Penn av. LADIES or vocng men to take light, pleasant work at their own homes (1 to (3 per day can be quietly made; work sent by mall: no canvass ing. For particulars address Globe Mfg. Co., Box 53JI, Boston. Mass. Established 1830. 1 AD1ES To do fancy work at their homes or to Xi act as agents: we 6end money and material by mall and pay bv the niece. iui ana see worK, or , 60 Fourth av. Pitts- address J. M, Lemar & Co, burg. LADIES-Whowihdo writing for us at their home and manage branch o fflce will make good wages. Address, inclosing self-addressed envelope Lily Lotion Co.. South Bend. Ind. LADIES-To do writing, etc.. for me at their homes; send addressed stamped envelope. Mrs. Violet Gordon, Box 1107, Chicago. n LADIES who will do writing forus at home make (IS to (36 weekly: reply with stamped envelope. Jollel Toilet Co.. .Toilet, III. LAD ES Five lady sollrltors; salary and com mission. Apply immedlaielv, 1239 Liberty. LADIES wlsnlng to be artistic In dressmaking and cutting. Mmc. Stewart, 932 Penu av. LADIES 21 housework girls witn Exchange C10 Penn av. SALESLADY An experienced saleslady to take charge of our umbrella department; liberal salarv for a thoroughlv competent person. Fleish man ft Co., 501, 506 and 5C-8 Market st. Situations Wanted. POSITION $ onng man. speaking German and English, accurate at figures, desires to ob tain a clerical position in a manufacturing estab lishment. Address J. Y.. Dispatch ofiice. ' POSITION By an evperl cm cd cloak saleslady In a first-class citv house: has 10 years' experi ence: reason for change, advancement. Address S. s.. Dispatch office T POSITION As assistant bookkeeper by young lady who Is a rapid and correct worker: best of reference Address Willing Worker, Dispatch office. POSITION As bookkeeper or cashier bv a young lad) of practical experience and ability; can give the best of reference. Address P. o. Box 1335. POSITION Bv a young lady, position as gov erness, cashier or any kind or office work;Dest references. Address S. M. C, Haysvllie Pa. POSITION In furniture store by young man of 25: experience and reference. Address C. G., Dispatch offlce . POSITION-By a worker: can give bond and ex ceptional reference. Address X. A. 4. Dis patch office POSITION with gasfitter, bv a young man with some experience. Address M. O., Dispatch office. I JOSITION-By registered druggist as manager or I clerk; At references. Address S. B.. Dispatch office POSlllON-By lady: first-class accompanist in orchestra. Address Box 335. Mansfield Valley, POSITION by a first-class steel melter, basic or acid process. Address Melter, Dispatch office. POSITION By male stenographer; experlencce. P. o. Box 842. four years' SITUATION As stacker In a merchant mill: un derstands thoroughlv the cutting and putting np piles to run to length; have had 15 years' ex- J i rlence: can furnish best of reference Address ohn Brooks, 106 Bally av.. McEeesport, Pa. SITU ATION- As manager by a graduate of P. C. P., with 7 years' experience in a drug store doing a pood business; one for sale preferred. Aplol, Dispatch offlce. Pupils. " PUPILS-A lady planlste having studied In Ger many and late of New York, with several years' experience in teaching, being now locat-d In Pittsburg, would like to receive a few pupils for the study of piano, thoroughly and systematically taught. Address D. L. B., Dispatch office " PUPILS By a thoroughly experienced young actress ladles and gentlemen to train for the stage: aciiug a specialty; amateurs rehearsed. Actress. Dispatch office PUPlLS-To Join conversational class in French. Address P. C, Dispatch office. "WANTED. Instruction. "PREWCH lessons. Francals. Box 627, Pittsburg. HOME STUDY Bookkeeping, penmanship and shorthand thoroughly taught by mall. For particulars address the Pittsburg Correspondence Business College, P. O. Box 3S9. Boarders and Lodgers Wanted. OCCUPANTS for furnished room, with board ing; references. 35W Firth ay., near Meyran av., Oakland. OCCUPANTS for well furnished room; all con veniences; near busluess. 10 Cedar av., Alle gheny. . OCCUPANTS for furnished room; hoard. 222 Dinwiddle St. convenient to PARK WAY. 109. Allegheny-xfoarderj and mealers (3 50 week. WANTED-Occupants for furnished parlor with folding bed: reference required. 23 Montgomery av.. Allegheny. Hotel, Dining and Lunch Rooms. COZIEST dlnlnr. lunch and Ice cream rooms In the city, Kevan's. 908 Penn av. Business men's dinner, d hote; ladles' noon lunch, en'cartc HOTEL NORWOOD-Most popular resort in the Fast End: Duquesne electric cars pass ttio door: finest accommodation for driving parties; restaurant and bar attached: celeDrated Moerltln's Cincinnati beer on draught; reasonable rates. Trank Y. Over, proprietor, 262 to 270 Franks town av. HOTEL, MORRIS, 3d ave. and Cherry alley, rear of postofflce Rooms, 60, 75 cents; meals, 25 HOTFr, FEDERAL. 171 Federal. Allegheny; I 50, (2 day; special rates when permanent. Rooms Wanted. "DOOM A gentleman wants furnished room and XV board near 22d St.: private family preferred. Address T. J., Dispatch ofiice. IV ANTED Furnished room fhatcan be used for an ofiice, containing mantel or lounge bed; state terms. Address K. 4L Dispatch office. WANTED-Room and board at reasonable rate by Oung married couple: private family preferred. Address Box 839. Pittsburg. Pa. "T7" ANTED Room and board In private family 1 T for man and wife; state terms. Address &. B. S.. Dispatch ofiice. Financial Wanted. BENSWANGER& ZAHN-Fire insurance. 60 Fourth av, JOHN K. EWING & CO.. 107 Federal St.. make quick loans: money ready. MONEY TO LOAN We have money to loan at lowest current interest on city and suburban property: also on lmproveu larms in Aiiegnenv, Beaver. Fayette. Washington and Westmoreland counties; also on marketable stock and bonds. Black Balrd, 95 Fourth av. MONEY to loan on real estate security In any sums desired: lowest rates of Interest: quick and economical service. Piper Jt Clark, 131 Fourth avenue. MONEY to loan at lowest rates on Improved city and suburban property. M. F. Hippie & Co., 96 Fourth av. MONEY at 5 per cent: we have (0,000 to loan. (300 up. J. C. AllesJt Co . 161 Fourth av. TlL 167. Miscellaneous Wanted. A McCABE crayon portrait for Christmas pres ents. 297 Fifth av. CJUTTE i, CO., foot of Madison av., Alle- elienv, 'phone 3E03. will deliver you Sawmill Run coal at lower prices than any dealer In the city, and give vou full weight. We challenge any one to weigh our coal and find It short of weight that Is charged on our tickets. Branch ofiice at A. Glamser A co.'s drugstore, cor. Ohio st. and Madison av.. Allegheny. DRESSES Handsome tailor-made dresses made at 930 Penn av. ; (o; gaurauteed a ht. I7LFC TitIC Mlg. and Supplvl o.. -10 ltlssell block. j Fgh.. 64 Federal. Allegh'y: incandescent and bell wiring; electrical repairing a specialty; phone 1371. 3 ELECTRICAL repair work of all kinds at short li notice. J. L.Hays & Co., 830 Liberty av. EVERYBODY to know that Wyland sells the celebrated Tanper brand of oysters: 30c quart. .(1 per gailon. Allegheny market, stand 7.2. HAULING and moving Baggage called for and delivered at all hours: furniture and piano moving a specialty. J. O'NclL 31 Montgomery av., Allegheny, 'telephone 3453. INVESTORS to examine the plans of the Penn sylvania National davlngs Fund and Loan As sociation; its securities are first morlgigcs on im firoved real estate exclusively: the lull amount nvested, with 6 per cent 'Interest, may be with drawn anv time on 30 daV6r notice; a good general agentwanted in" each county. Call on or address W. J. rilack, 6 Fourth av., Pittsburg. IF you want nrst class photographs, see Stewart's satin finish-cabinet phot04at bis neV galleries, CO Federal St., Allegheny. TE"SOELERS-rolumblan Salt River Tickets: 1.1 10,000 sold here already: great hit; wholesale !ic per cop). Herald Publishing Co., 700 Grant. PAINTING and plate glass glazing. R. C. Miller. 626 Grant St., Pltt6burg. T'RUNKS naniea to ana from tne East End for fifty cents. Campbell & Davis, No. li Seventh av. Telepl one 276. WAN 1 ED All business men to know that the Office -pecialty Co., 105 Third av.. keep In stock the latest aud best ofiice furniture, filing cabinets and labor-saving-office specialtics;work to order and metallic vault fixtures are among their specialties. TITANTED To rent for 60 days, a boiler, Ioco II motive type 50 h. p. or more: must be in good enough condition to stand inspector's test for 100 lbs. pressure. Address Cable Works, corner Sixteenth and Pike streets. TtTANTED Ladles, have your bangs rut and II curled for 15 cents by expert hairdressers; romblngs made up In every style Mrs D. Graham, 5 Sixth St., three doors from Alvln Thea ter. 1VANTED-A King's Daughter wishes some iv charltaDie person to donate or sell very cneap an a respectable looking overcoat for very rthy person. King's Daughter. Dispatch office. won, WANTED To rent house: will board owner's family In exchange lor rent of house or will take charge of bouse during owner's absence. Ad dress J. 11. H., 96 Diamond si., city. WANTED To selljoo printing office now doing good business: cost (2,400: will sell for (1,500 on small monthly payments; must be sold at once. Aadress Prluter, Dispatch ofiice. XT ANTED -Everybody to know that Anfrecn t ft IT Co. are making tbelrflne cabinets fdr (1 a dozenduring this month, at 77 Fifth av. bring the ennaren. TTTANTED Hair mattresses to renovate, furnl 1 1 tnre to reupholster and repair at your resi dence; reference given. Address R. K,, Dispatch office. WANTED To buy a second-hand hand or view camera not over 5x8; state price and make Camera. Dispatch office. WhARERsbI spectacles to nuy the best SI steel and (1 00 gold spectacles and eye glasses yet offered ofW. u Trieber. practical optician, at bchaefer's Jewelry store 150 Fifth av. WOOD and photo engraving: half tones; electro-typing.- Bragdon, 78 Fourth ave. FOR SAL MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals For Sale. FOR S LE One 24"xl2" -engine; second-hand, G. AT. Bleseck, 16th St., city. ACHINES-10 penny weighing machines, averaging (110 per month, at bargain: owner enpaged in other business: no time to attend to them. C. A. 11.. Dispatch office. Musical Instruments. FOR SALE-Good upright piano; cash; cheap. 40 Montgomery av.. Allegheny. very GOOD upright piano cash, very cheap. 40 Montgomery av., Allegheny. PIANO Elegant nnrlght, walnut finish: condi tion perfect. Address C H., Dispatch office. Rubber Stamps and Stencils For Sale ("lETyonrrnbhcrstamps. steel stamps, stenclts, T seal presses, brass checks, etc. from Sheaffer ft Co., 49 Filth av.. Dutt's College building. OTENCII.S. steel stamns. O Seal presses, rubber stamps etc IV. A. Buntlnr. 20 Fifth av.. cor. Market. Dogs for Sale VUPS Three English pointcrpupi. S months old, nicely marked Uer and white: bloods of Price's champ. Bang. Croxteth, Sensation. Meteor, Bulah. Trinket's Bang, Flake, and other noted fieid trial winners. or extended pedigree and low price address Butcher. Box No. SO, Emsworth, Pa. ' PUG rUP Female seven weeks old, a beauty, for (5. 105 smlthiield st. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock For Sale. BROUGHAM An elegant English brougham, owner having no further use for It. Can be seen at O'Neill's Carriage Factory, 585 Penu av. BUGGY-Klne light driving buggy In excellent condition; price (50. W. A. Haafield, 253 Federal St.. Allegheny. HORSES Two bav horses, one 6. other 7 years old; weigh 1,150 to 1,250; perfectly sound; won't scare at anything; the prices are (103 and (125, about half their worth: will be sold for want ol use: can be seen In rear of 627 and 629 Penn av., from 8 A.-M. until noon Monday.' Edward Groctz luger. , HORSE Very stylish, wellsbred dark brown horse: has record of. 2;40, trots In harness and racks under saddle: a splendid drlver.perfectly gentle and won't scare:1 (175 will buy him; can be seen at Schenley Park Riding School, Bayard and Neville sts. Inquire for Mr. Smith. "TORSES AND MARES-50 head sold for want of .S. US?, WCIJlUIUfl ,1UIU 1,VM ,v i,,,-v uvuii'.a, glVO you pick of stable. Chautauqua Lake Ice Co., 13th and Pike HORSE, buggyand harness very cheap; suitable for lady or children to drive; good reason for selling. No. 4303 Butler su HORSES-2 very fine driving hdrses, 4 and ( years old; will scare st nothing; very stylish. F. V. 0 DlspatchoCee. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock, Etc. HORSE A good, sonnd hay horse snitiblefor family or light delivery. Inquire 2328 Sarah St., S. S, Miscellaneous For Sale. APPLES-Wholesale. by barrel or bushel. A. Hauscr, No. 35 Diamond Square. BARGAINS For this week only French rat traps, (1. Brace and five steel auger bltts. 93c Carpenters' 26-ln. hand saw, 43c Double action revolvers, (2 25. Large carpenters' levels, 48c Nut crackers, 5c. Coffee mills, 24c Sterling silver plated knlvrs and forks (1 74. Family scales, 74c Alarm clocks. Ansonia, the best, 75c Stand and four shoe lasts, 74c Prepared glue, per bottle, 5c Handy briek trowels. 25c. Carpet tacks, per doz. bapcrs. ICC Howard Itojer's, JOSSmlfhfleldst. BUILDING material for sale Bids will be re ceived until November 16 for the lumber and material In Annour ft Co.'s Wilklnsburg lcelng station and trestle, to be removed by May 1. 1693; building may be seen at any time Armour A Co.. Chicago. BUTCHER wagon and double harness, or will trade for light wagon. Corner Park and Shet land avs. (1 ASKS In good condition; 11 casks of 24 barrels J capacity, 11 casks of 43 barrels capacity. 2 casks of 60 barrels capacity. Address or apply at Pier & Dannal's brewery, Forbes and Stevenson streets. pioR sale Jo. ooo foundry and machine shop In country town. (5,000 farm, Westmorland Co., well Improved; easy terms. (85 per foot business property In Wilklnsburg. (1,640 house, 4 rooms, lot 35x135 feet, Wilklns burg. (4,300 house, 7 rooms, all modern Improvements; easy terms. F. B. Tomb & Co., Franklin St., Wilklnsburg. Pa. I?OR SALE Ladles, have your bangs rut and . curled for 15 cents by expert hairdressers; combings made np In any style. Mrs. D. Graham, 6 Sixth St., three doors below Alvln Theater. POOL TABLE3-Two second-hand pool tables, two second-hand safes, flat topped desk, couu ters aud shelving. 84 Diamond st- FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities For Sale. CIOAL BUSINESS. BETAIL-Well established in J Lawreucevllle at a bargain: have 2 months' orders ahead aud business getting better every day; satisfactory reasons given for selling. See Thos. McCaffrey, 3539 Butler st. pOMMISSlON BUSINESS-Good paving com w mission business. Address Commission. Dis patch office DRUG STORE Establ'shcd stand, doing a splen did business; reasou of selllng.death of owner. Address Mrs. Kaufeld, Grand ay., Bennett, Pa., W est Penn R. R. DRUG STORE First-class, centrally located and doing a good business, M. F. Hippie X Co., CC Fourth av. FOR SALE-Publlc Sale-By order of the execu tors of the estate orWm. Gcddc-s, dee'd., on Ihursday. Dec. 1. 1392. at 2 o'clock r. jr.. on the premises at Sharpsville. Pa.. Mercer county: ma chine shop and foundry, whole plant fully equipped, and In full operation with a big laying busluess: also 40 shares or gas stork of Citizens' Nat. Gas Co.. of New Brlphtoii. Pa. C. W. Palmer and J. V. Rose Executors, New Brighton, Pa, FO SALE-Select boarding house: finest st. facing Allegheny parks: a thoroughly estab lished business of a better class: 3 table boarders: single mom second story front, one coup'e brings (6j. third floor, (60; seven people and five rooms pay alone (230 per month, aside from table board ers; we offer this business and complete furnish ings throughout for (1.100; a rare opening. John F. Sweeny, 63 Fourth av. T70R SALE -(12.000 Manufacturing business navs laree nrorits and has X making a specialty; an esinuiisueu iraue: mis is a spicnuiu eimnce .-..,.-.-.. .. .,- -..i -. i--.i. . owner Ins good reasons for selling, and must sell at .ii. t. nipjiie i;o.. 96 1 ourtitav. I7REE manufacturing site on P. R. R. : good lo " cation: coal, coke; Pittsburg freight rates. A. Y., Dispatch ofiice ri ROCERY bTORES-$300 lo (3.000; cigar store. j uoaroing nousu lull oi roomers notion store or exchange. Holmes A Co. 420 Smlthiield st. TNTEREST-In Job printing business: cen- X tr il location and doing a good busluess. M. F. Hippie i. Co., 93 Fourth av. LEASE and furniture or a hotel: contains 50 rooms, is centrally located and does a good business. M. F. Hippie & Co., 96 Fourth av. ON LY (215 cash or more will establish pa) lng business at home. 40 Montgomery av., Alle gheny. QNLY (llo or more will establish paving busi ness at home 40 Montgomery av.. Allegheny. ONt-HALF or a manufacturing tmslness: will pay big. Call or address C. H. Hacxlander, 43 West Diamond, Allegheny. Pa. rjHOTO.! gallery In town of 2,000; bargain for X 'Cash buyer. N. K. Wiley, California. Pa. PLUMBING SHOP -Will sell for (1,000 less than X Invoice: must be sold Inside of SO days. Dispatch offlce. C. S., RESTAURANT-One of tho best in the citv. monthly profits $400: fine confectionery aiid catering business: a rare chance for the right narty drrgoods stores, shoe stores, cigar stores; bakeries, hotels. Perclval & Gaston, 439 Grant st. SALOON One of the finest saloons in Canton. O.; central location, opposite the Court House. For particulars, address S. W., 26 W. Tuscarawas St., Canton, O. OALOON Aud boarding house In good location. O with stock, uxiures ana ziirniture. Apply to Wm. Belllngham, opposite Valley depot. :, Can- ion, u. Q" 300 Or at an Invoice, a complete stock of tiDX) groceries In a flourishing manufacturing city In Western Pennsylvania, .on line of river and two railroads, or 20.100 population: stock Is new and iresh: ouly running about 8 months: room 16x 35. with three llvlug rooms; rent reasonable: sales average (250 per week: satisfactory reasons for selling; this Is a fine opportunity to engage in the grocery business. Call on or address J. II. Cham bers & Co.. 108 Fourth av. CIJ1 330 Lease, good will and furnlshment of a tlDXs 22-rooni hotel and pool business In a manu 'facturlng town; hotel doing a good business and has pool room in connection paying (7 per day: best of reasons for selling: call or send for a full description. J. H. Chambers A Co., 10s Fourth avenue. fflj"! 200 A patent Invention, new and never be tEXs fore offered ; an absolute necessity to every mechanic; will sell to every woodworker and ma chinist on sight: the manufacture of the article will afford a neat and profitable manufacturing business. J. H. Chambers Co., 108 Fourth av. Q" Q OOO A completelv equipped planing mill tpXZis In the city or Pittsburg: well located, well adapted for box factory in connection: ma chinery all in good order and nearly new. Call on or address J. II. Chambers & Co., 103 Fourth av. flgl rj OOO bonds, bearing 6 per cent, pavable In tlpXlsgoId: first c'ass securities: subject to closest Investigation: suitable as investment for trustees, guaralans or sinking fund. Ed. Wltttsh, 131 Fifth ay.. PlttsDurg. Ancnor Bank building. GIJ.4 OOO Or Invoice, a hardware and house fur Dr nlshlng store in one of the best localities in the city; a fine opportunity to do a large trade; good room, low rent and good reasons for selling. J. H. Chambers & Co., 108 Fourth av. Cgl A 000 Interest In a manufacturing clantdo lDXUs lng a good, safe business and Increasing everyday: to a man who can take an active inter est in the management, here is a splendid chance. M. F. Hippie a Co.. 86 4th av. Scy 500 Gents' furnishing goods, hat and cap tej business, in city: stock new, fresh and clean; trade and location first class; best of rea sons for selling. Call or address J. H. Chambers & Co., JOB t ourth av. Q1 Q OOO Manulactnrlng business making a J)X) specialty; pays large profits and has an established trade: must be sold at once. 31. F. Hippie & Co., 93 Fourth av. ffiO OOO Neat grocery business in a flourishing IpXs Ohio town doing a fine trade: best or reasons furselllne. Call on or address J. U.Chambers A Co.. 1C8 Fourth av. JT OOO will buy an Interest In a first-class Oi manufacturine business, with or without position. Address Hudson. Dispatch office. Qflfl- For sale at a very big bargain, hard dPOUU ware and tin store and full complement of tinners' tools. Inquire 36 First av. Business Properties For Sale. BUSINESS PROPERTY-Wood St.: five-story warehouse in good condition: a 6 per cent in vestment: enhancement certain; price (15,030, (5,000 cash. Samuel W. Black A Co., 99 Fourth av. TiUSINESS LOT Corner Flitvflfth and Butler X) st... suitable for a hotel, store or tenement1 dwellings. M. t. nipple t-Co., 96 lourtn av. Manufacturing Sites For Sale. MANUFACTURING SITE3 in both cities and lu suburbs, with and without buildings and machinery, with be t of railroad and water facil ities. Call or address T. H. Dickson, ill Fourth a v.. room 45. FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. LOTS on Bluft and Vlckroy sts., near college Robert Coward. zO Bluff st. COO -For four lots 15 minutes' ride from 'is court House: must be sold: also aline lot In East End for (LOCO. Gault & Glffen, No. 217 Ferguson block. No, 101 Fourth av. East End Lots For Sale ATLANTiCAV.-rJhoIce lots. 40x180. for (2.800. If sold In a few nays. See W. A. Lincoln, 101 Fourth av city. C TENTER AV. lots, 48x175. only (2,0C0 each: street j improvements and sewers paid Jbr: choice lo cation: first-class lmprovementsi ens main thor oughfare: a limited number only offered at this E rice;. terras to suit, SeeM. P. Howtey 4Son, 91 Hamondst. FR SALE Schenley Park lots 50x150, greater frontage if desired. Woodland avenue be tween Forbes avenue and Schenley Park; asphal tum pavement; street railroad; cheap- easy terms. Frank F. Nicola, 5100 Forbes or 20 Fifth avenue FOR SALE-LOTS. East End Lots For Sale. LEVEL LOTS-23 lo 30 feet front and 90 to 170 feet deeptprices from (100 to (800 each ; overlooking Schenley Park: terms, 5 per cent cash, balance. (5 per month: take Second av. electric cars to Green field av. Peter Shields. 533 Grant st. ; brauch office on property; agent always there. LOT-The handsomest lot on South Highland av., 63x120 feet: will divide if desired; this is one of the most desirable lots at the East End for a first-class residence, having an eastern frontage. C H. Love. 93 Fourth av. MEYBAN AV. A choice lot. 22x100 feet, to an alley. George Schmidt, 157 Fourth av. CM 000 Corner lot In Oakland: 58 feetrront; ID:r within one square of cable cars; eastern and southern exposure; good class of houses suriound lng It: terms easy to one who will build, jtamuel W. Black & Co., 99 4th av. i?n OOO-25X100 lo alley; Oakland lot: on asphal- ' turned street and on line of electric cars. excellent neighborhood; delightful outlook; terms eas : will enhance in value rapidly. Samuel W. Black & Co., MMthav. ffi"l 200-If sold this week, buys a lot In Oakland i?-L- 25x100 feet; (700 cash, balance In three years: tills Is a bargain. Baxter, Thompson & Co., 161 Fourth av. Allegheny Lots For Sale. Q A acres on Pcrrysvtlle road, that Is to soon be UJ made a boulevard: will sell at a price that there is a big speculation In it. C. H.Love. 93 4tn avenue. Suburban Lots For Sale. CIHARTIERS LOTS-Flne buildlng'Iots at Char ) tiers (McEee's Rocks borough): (250and up ward, according to size and location; the most accessible of any suburb of Pittsburg: 10 minutes by the P. ft L. E. R. E. ; 25 minutes by Chartlers packets: 20 minutes by new electric Hue (now almost completed) from foot or Fifth ave.: these lots front on line of electric road: are centrally located In the midst of a population of about 3,000 Chartlers now has one large steel works, one roll ing mill, one bridge works, one coke works, the P. A L. E. R. R. shops, besides several smaller manufactories, and other large concerns have pur chased land for factory sites. For plansnd partic ulars, call or address T. H. Dickson, 111 Fourth ave,. Boom 45. FOR SALE About 10 seres near Wilklnsburg; cheap to a quick buyer; best bargain in tho market. C. H. Love. 93 Fourth av. LOTS Wilklnsburg lots. 30 feet front on a good wide street and running through to an alley, for (250, (100, (350 and (400: only (10 cash and (2 a week: only three squares from Duquesne electric railroad tracks: 7 cents fare to the city: these lots are a good Invest nent and a-e sure to Increase la value soon. C. H. Love 93 Fourth V. LOT on Wood St., Wilklnsburg; best location in the town. C. U. Love, tl Fourth nr. Ct A LOTS in Wilklnsburg at prices averaging (500 DU each; in a rapidly growing portion of Wll klnsbnrg: 6ure to be a good Investment In a short time; terms very reasonable. Mark E. Baldwin, 24 Frankstown av., E. E. Coal Lands For Sale. 1S0O Acres Third pool coal, ti lth "large river frontage and best of shipping facilities. T.H. Dickson, 111 Fourth av.. room 45. Real Estate. ACREAGE-A bargain In 23d ward. Address Acreage. Dispatch offlce. FORALE-rr3ipROVEDBEAL ESTATE City Residences. TICE 5-roomcd brick house on Wylleav. i. Duff t. : level lot. etc.: Price (i600. . near W. C. jieringer a co., 100 1 our in av. PACIFIC AV. A new dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, bolh gases, slate mantels, tile hearths, front porch: lot 25x110; price, (5,850. ficorge Schmidt, 157 Fourth av. THE property situate No. 2240 Penn av., lot 21 by 100 feet to an alley: now rented ror (63 per annum: must be sold to settle up an estate; see this and make us an offer. (125). Dennlston, Eldcrkln Co.. Llm.. 6232 Penn av., E. E. Tel.. 5327. rpHAT 9-roomed tenement house on Devllllers st., X south of Center av, .with elegant lot 50x100 feet ; firlcconly J3.0ifl: lor particulars call on W. C. Ber nger & Co., 156 Fourth av. d;r 000 Main St.. Seventeenth ward, new 2- tipifs story mansard bncK dwelling or 8 rooms, bath. h. and c. water, w. c: all modern conve niences ana appliances tor comiort; gooa 101 Samuel W. Black Co.. 99 Fourth av. QIn 630 will buy a nice little brick dwelling of 4 3)i) rooms, hall, attic etc. : this Is worth seeing by any person desiring a comfortable little home, near street cars and main thoroughfare. W. C. Beringer i Co., 1564th av. East End Residences For Sale. A T a bargain A new Queen Anne brlckhouie of j.. lurooms. uatn ana launury; ooin gases; street paved and sewered and flagstone walks laid: lot 3d by so reel: price 5.eoo. nil), kin & Co., Llm , 6232 Penn av. Dennlston. Elder- , E. E. Tel. S327. ELLSWORTH- AV. Lovely location, excellent neighborhood: brick and shingle rcsldeuce 10 rooms, beautiful In design, spacious and elegant In arrangement, alt improvements: large lot: special price lor a short time. Samuel W. Black A Co., 99 Fourth ay. LINDEN AV. New brick houses; eight rooms; all modern conveniences: lots 22x90; can be bought cheap. Jos, Jl, McMahoa & Bro., 77 Fotir.h av. WHY PAY REi'sT when yon can buy a modern home and have ten years to pay for Itf These houses adjoin the Greenfield av. entrance to Schen ley Park; have all modern improvements and con veniences: papered and made attractive inside and out; the streets are all sewered: both gases upon Bropertv: city water; electric cars run through it; reenfield av. is paved with asphaltum: the houses are all built separate: no two alike In interior or exterior in design or finish: this gives the property a charm not to be found elsewhere; they have 4, 5, 6. 7 and 8 rooms each: prices range from (1,903 to (4,500; terms, one-tilth cash, balance In ten 5 ears, same as rent: take Second av. electric cars to Greenfield av.; they run all night. Peter Shields. 513 Grant st.; branch offlce on property; agent alwajs there. 80O A modern honse with hot and cold ll water. Inside closet, a few hundred cash and the balance (13 per month: beautlful.healthrul. handy location; 5 rooms and finished attic, hall, excellent mason work and dry and well drained cellar under whole house, city water, sink, gas pipe, closets in all the rooms.slate mantels. grates, slate roofs, neat front and hack porch and yard with walks and fences, single light front window alcove: a house of neat, stylish appearance solid and strictly well built; 15 minutes from postofflce' and two squares from cable: pleasant street with sidewalk to the door: buy In a location where you will be contented to live. Por the accommodation of those who cannot call In the day time office will he Kent open Monday and Thursday evenings. John F. Sweeny, 68 Fourth av. fJJO 100 Now frame slate roofed honse near t!i)Ds Wincblddle and Penn : 6 rooms, attic, bath room, hall and vestibule, porchei, piped for gas. nicely finished throughout: excellent location: come this week. Newlngham & Co., 103 Penn avenue QQ 200 East End; convenient to cable or elec DO trlccars: In good neighborhood: newframe dwelling of six rooms and fin. attic, ball, vestibule, bath, inside w. c, slate mantels, etc.; large front porch: good lot. M. F. Hippie A Co., 96 4th av. q 700 Frame honse 6 rooms, bath, hot and tjPOj cold water, slate mantels, all modern im provements; lot)x.00: rents for (:S: a good bar gain ror the money: locality excellent. Mark E. Baldwin, 24 Frankstown av.. E. E. flj A 800 Meyran av.. Oaklind: a very neats tJlTts room frame dwelling, almost new; front and rear porches: side cntrauce: good lot to 20-foot alley; very near electric cars; terms easy. Samuel W. Black A Co.. 99 Fourth a v. Q4 800 wilt buy new 6-room frame house on ejts Elyslan av.. East End; all modern Im provements and complete in every detail: good stable and carriage home: lot 36x110. Jos. M. Mc Mahon A Bro.. 77 Fourth av. QJQ 300 Whlttlcr st Neai 6-room framedwell tlDDs lnir. almost new: front and rear porches. side entrance: good lot to 40-rt. street: near electric cars; terms easy. Lamb A Dixon, 1-7 Fourth av,, opp. P. O. Allegheny Residences Cor &ile. DWELLING In Becond ward. Allegheny, aid close to park?, a storv and attic frame dwell In containing!! rooms, nnlahca attic, bathroom,: Inside w. c. laundry, stationary tubs, hall anil vestibule, Boston ranee: evervtnlng In first-class order; price only A,X). V. II. Love, 93 Fourth av. DWELLING Very desirable Federal street. Al legheny, property at a bargain1 If sold soon: 3 story and attle brick "dwelling. 10 rooms, finished altlc. bathroom, laundry, etc.: lot 30x110 reet to Saved allev; price only $5,000 to a qulclc buyer. C. . Love. S3 k ourth av. FOB SAI.E-John K. Ewlng & Co.. 107 Federal St.. have the largest list or Perrvsvllie av. real estate to select irom and can make the most liberal terms: send for printed list. FOESALE-rlf yon want to buy California av. real estate 6ee John K. Ewlng & Co.. 107 Federals, (bend for printed list ) RESACA ST.. near North av. and Parks t even-room brick: halt, batn and attic: all conveniences: lot 3)1110 to an alley: price JI.OCO, less than actual value. John K. Ewlng Co.. 107 Federal st. C"1yf OOO will buy a block of 8 brick houses, Al- Ttyj. j-j leunenv. centrally locaieu; iioriier i"y rented at 12, 0OU per annum: taxes, fJOQ. JolinK. .wiug uo,, iv, reaeraisircu. 5Q OOO Investment pays 10 per cent net: three UjOi tenement houses: well rented and In good condition: central location In Allegheny. 3L F. Hippie A Co., S8 'th av. Ilazelwood "Residences Por Stale. TTOUSE-S reo-ns. hall and vcbtlbule; city water jul loizsxim: must be sold at lotMiia): 3 minutes from cars and station: Jil.OOO. P.J. Ldnarus s CO.. 1854 becond av.. llazclwood Suburban Residences For Sale. pBAFTON A -room hotse on Warren st: V." porches front and back- good water and gas; rent Ku. Inquire of A. H. Kramer. Crafton. Pa. FOB SALE-Frame house and 1 acre of ground, with spring house, washhouse and stable on f rounds : fruit and shade trees: on Freeport road, lead or McCargo st. New Kensington; within S mlnutes-walk of station. T""OB SALE or excbange-15 acres, i minutes" JL walk of Verona sta.. miles from city: small house: fruit and good water. C74). Lamb & Dixon, 127 Fourth av., opp. P. O. NEAB KENSINGTON, TA.-SJi acres of nice lying land with good house of rooms: 3 porches: other outbuilding', all In good repair, and within 5 minutes or station; only f3,S00. Bnjder White, 1Q Fourth ave. PERSON. TJEESONAL-Dr. M. CharW csres drunkenness. L 101 Park war. Allegheny! JEHSONAL-J. H. Curry. 2 Federal it., ladles' tailor: natng uaDiu a specjuiy. PERSONAL-Mrs. Dr. McGranor' sure pile cure; neverfalls. "350 Wylleav. ERSONAL Unitarian publications free. Ad dress Miss Mary Lyman, U Oakland Square, ritisDurg. PERSONAL Stenography and typewriting thor oughly taught. Private Shorthand Institute llSSmlthfieldst. PERSONAL-Exchange,9I0 Penn ar..never falls send'ng housework grls, chambermaids, cooks, with references, EKSONAL-Gentleman 23. of means, wishes young lady correspondent: object matrimony. Address C. G. h., i Ispatch office VLRsoNAL Cash paid for old gold and sliver watches and lewelrr repaired : new work made to order. Chris Hanch. 541 snilthfleld. PKRsUNAL-Credit, yes. credit, on fine dress goods, silks, sattps. wraps, etc.. at J. Dwyer'ai Room '. McCance block. 701 smlthiield. PERSONAL Visit Mrs. Elliott's hair dressing and manicure parlors: superfluous hair re moved by electric needle 642 Peau av. PERSONAL Theodore Thorn, dressmaker, 913 Penn av., has Just recelvid from Paris anew walking skirt pattern and flounce; will sell dupli cate patterns. PERSONAL Ta-va-zon Cough Svrup.unequaled for cough, cold, consumption, throat and lung disease; every bottle guaranteed. Dr. Griffith, Third and Grant. Pittsburg. PERSONAL Prof. Geo. Maskery. practical phrenologist, graduate of the American In stltuteof phrenology. Offlce hours 8 toll A.M.; examinations (1. 8 Seneca St.. city. PERSONAL Ladles, have your bangs cut and curled for 15 cents by expert hairdressers; combings made up in any stylo. Sirs D. Graham, 6 Sixth St.. three doors below Alvln Theater. PERSONAL Hair, moies, etc. on lanies" races permanently destroyed by the electric needle without pain or scar: consultation free Miss Streng, offlce 903 Penn av.. Dickson building. PERSONAL Marry If you wants husband or wife, rich or poor, send stamp ibrmatrimonlal paper: thousands have married through our in troductions. Mr. and Mrs. Drake. Chicago, HI. . PERSONAL-Ladles wishing to take Tnrko Face Baths or face massage for removing blemishes and Improving the complexion will please visit my parlors at 903 Penn av.. Pittsburg. Miss Sherwood. IJERSONAL-Your fntnre revea'ed ; full written prediction of your life with pen "picture or your fntnre husband or wife as foretold by astrology. Send date or birth and 20 cents to Astrologer, Lock Box 117. Kansas City. Mo. PERSONAI- Do yon want to know your sweet heart, your future husband, matrimonial and business chances in life, as revealed bv astrology? Send 20 cents, full dales of birth and description. Prof. M. Brown, Box 1070, Chicago. 11L PERSON AL-Send 10c for big package of cabinet size pictures, also full description. Including residences, of respectable ladles who want to cor respond for matrimony: 5.0 0 lady members, everv age and nationality. Living everywhere, many of them beautiful and wealthy. Lock Drawer 657, Chicago. HI. AUCTION SALES. SALE OF LAND BY THE UNITED States at Pittsburg, Pa Be it enacted by the Semite and Hoiso of Representatives of the United States of America In Congress nssembled, That the Secretary of War be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to sell and convey to tho purchaser or pur chasers all the right, title and Interest of the United Stales in and to all that certain parcel of ground, belonging to the United States, situate in the city of Pittsburg, Penn sylvania, at the northwest corner of Penn avenue and Garrison alley. Fourth ward of paid city, fronting 100 leet on west side of Penn avenue and extending northwardly alone; the west line of Garrison alley, pre serving tho samo width, to low-water line of the Allecheny river, subject, however, to Buch public easements as exists thereon and thereover. Depot Quartermaster's Or flee, Washington, D. a, October 12, 1802. Under the provisions of the above quoted act or Congress, approved May 21,1390, and bv direction of the Secretary of War, 1 will offer for sale at public auction at the Cham ber of Commerce room, Germanla Bank: building, corner of Wood and Diamond streets, in the city of Pittsbnnr, Pa., op WEDNESDAY, the 16th day of November, 1892, at 11 o'clock a. jr., for cash, the property described in eaid act, together witb such Improvements thereon as oelnmr to the United States, subjeefc to the conditions set forth In said act, and subject also to the terms and conditions named In the printed circular of this datecopies of which will be furnished on application to the undersigned or to the Actinir Assistant Quartermaster at Allegheny Arsenal, where also a plat of the ground can be seen. The rlht is reserved to reject nny or all bids, or to accept any bid or bids subject to the conditions pre scribed in tho circular reforred to. A de posit of $10,000, by certified check-, on ac count of the nurchase will be required of the succesafnf bidder at tho time ot sale. In default of which the property will then and there be reoffered lor sale. Payment-of the remainder of the purchase money must bo made upon delivery of dulyexecutod deed or deeds lor the property purchased, or the property may bo resold, without further notice, at the risk and cost or the defaulting purchaser. The cost of all conveyancing, avill lie borne by the purchaser. GEO. II. WEEKS, Depnty Qnirtermaster General. U. S. A. JOHN D. PAILEY. Auctioneer, Cham ber of Commerce Boom, Gertnania Bank: BuildiuPIttsbursr, Pa. AUCTION SALE. Furniture, Carpets, Piano, Coats, Etc. Tuesday, November 15, at 10 O'Clock, at the Booms of the Henry Auction n. Co., 24 and 26 Ninth Street Handsome parlor kuites, upholstered in brocatelle tapestry, rues and plushes, fancy tabl-s, chairs and rockers, cabinets, pic tures, clocks, enrtains and ornaments. Fine uprlsht piano, almost new. Chatnbersnltes in oak and walnut, waidrobes, chlffoniore, desks, bookcase, lounges leather couches, chairs and rockers, htlltacks. sideboard'. etc., tables chairs, springs, mattresses, pillows and beddinp;. Large line or Brussels carpet for rooms, halls and stairs. Also cots .notions, etc Sain positive. HENRY AUCTION CO , Anctloneers. CHOICE PROPERTIES. Wo Have This to Offer to PEOPLE OF MODERATE MEANS Who Want a Nice Home at a REASONABLE PRICE! A nff.n ntt-nr fi-oma Y,nnais rT flVA TTICtA rooms and basement; city water in house; near eioctno line; zu minutes irom amim field street. Price is only $2,700 andabar stain. LOGUE A SCHEOEDEB, Germanla Bank Building. FOR SALE. LOTS LIBERTY AV., BLOOliriELD. 27 lots 20x110 on Liberty av., between Fourth and Slain sts., are offered at ex tremely low pi-ico- and on ensy terms. Taxes paid for 1852. 1893 and 1S9L Small cash pay ment: balance on ensy monthly payments, without interest. Investors should look Into this. For further particulars inquire of Neanor & Harper, 1U01 Penn av., city. $80 PER FOOT. OAKLAND LOTS. ,500 CASH 50x150 On first-class residence square from cable line. Special terms to those bulldlni; dwellings at once. M. F. HIPPLE 4 CO., 06 Fourth avenue. "SHE YOUR BEIT." . "BUT A HOME WITH THE KENT YOU PAT." The United Seourlty Life Insurance and Trust Co. will advance three fourths () the valuo of such prop erty as you may desire to build orbuy. Policies for terms of 6, 10, 15 or20years. "Payments same as Bent." "Deed may bo ip wife's name, husband in suring.' In case or death the policy protects, and the Home is "Free and clear." Call or send for circular. MORRIS & FLEMING, Agents, KO. 62 FOURTH AVE. Ic CHOICE PROPERTIES. " Near Highland Park AJTD Convenient to Street Car . '8,000 FEET BeaiitiM Frontage, Only $ii.oo a Foot Will readily retail for 25.00 afoot 1 66 Fourth Avenue. SQUIRREL HILL ACREAGE, FROM $2,500 -$6,000 PEE ACKE. On Line of Squirrel Hill Electric Boad. J. H. COLEMAN & CO., 6212 PENN AV., E. E. . .-, . . ) Modern house of A Great Bargain s good rooms, ex- Jcellent bathroom, Open plumbing; (rood cellar and laundry; papered throughout In latest taste; readv for occupancy. Three minutes from rapid transit. Terms to suit. KELLY & EOGEBS. C216 Penn Avenue. BOQUET STREET, OAKLAND. Choice lots 30x13. with more frontage If desired. Street paved. At a sacrifice U sold, soon. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth avenue. FINE RESIDENCE. (511,000. A. 3B.VRQ A ITsT. Contalnine 10 rooms, reception hall, bath, laundry, dumb waiters, fine cabinet mantels nncl excoilently finished throughout. Lot 13x217, fronting on 2 streets. P. J. EDWARDS CO., 1801 Second avenue. Huzelwoud. P. R. R. FRONT. 255 feet fronting on Pennsylvania Rail. TOtui, near Filth av.. East End, at $60 per foot front, 11 sold soon. (A rare chance.) , A. GOEDDEL, No. 100 Collins av.. East End. AMUSEMENTS. TESTIMONIAL BENEFIT J TO THE AT THE DUQUESNE THEATER. Friday Afternoon, November 18 Music will be furnished by the combined orches tras from city theaters. The entertainment opens with the BROS. LORENZO And company In the third act of "Brother viv Brother." CLAYTON FRYE -AND- WILEY HAMILTON, Character Comedians and Vocalists. The first act of the drama, 'Under the Lion's Paw,'" With W. F. GRANGER and a first-class company HAMILTON and GLYNN, Refined comedians and expert musicians. The distinguished actor, MR. E. S. WILLARD, Supported by MISS MARIE BURROUGHS and MB. LOUIS HASSEV, In the one-act drama, "My Aunt's Advice," First time In Pittsburg. Mr. James H. Wallick In one act of 'The Bandit King." The renowned Cornet Virtuoso, Miss Alice Raymond. CHARLES FBOHMAN'S Great Comedian In Ellyn A. Barrow's one-act drama, "OUT Ei THE STOK3L." Members of Sam Devere's Own Company, Ine udlng HARRY LA ROSE, ( THr SISTERS COULSOW, Equilibrist. I Character Dancers. GEORGE JKSl EMMA America's Greatest Polyphonlst, MR C. W. LITTLEFIELD, MR. JAMES A. RFJLLT And his own company In the nrst act of A GERMAN SOLDIER. Reserved seats can only be exchanged at the Do quesne Theater ou presentation of tickets. M.MAY.SONS&CO, FINE DYEISG ASD CLEANING. reSistb. ave, Pittsburg Pa- Telephone 201J. TTS TAILORING. Correct Fall Suitings and Overcoatings IL & C. F. AHLERS, Merchant Tailors. 420 Snilthfleld st. TTSSf ACTUAL RESULTS Show DISPATCH adlets to be most profitable to advertisers. Try them. SMiiioi, Kir l co r iisik