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1 I THE, -PITTSBURG DISPATCH, " SUNDAY.' NOVEMBER 13, 1893; , ITTSBURG'S PRIDE IS NOW COMPLETED i v- .y "v. i ' ' " A.-: ' v :- ' Ir50VT - . - . ht l:: . -tW A:'S?i . &.: ' :. . . -r sHt.z-z: wa :- j:,- --:- -- n' 5" DANIEL WEBSTER SAID OF MASSACHUSETTS, SO DO WE SAY' OF THIS GLORIOUS BUILDING, A W ma a : A. n AN lln' r-JMM b i L :o OPENING OVERTURE By Haydn Mandolin Quartet DEDICATORY SPEECH v. By Jos. H. Stadtfeld PRESENTATION OF KEYS By Marcus K. Solomon (Son of Kaskel Solomon.) READING OF ORIGINAL POEM, .dedicated to. .Solomon & Ruben LIC -:o:- X THE PORTALS OF Pittsburg's Pride WILL BE THROWN OPEN AT 7:30 P. M. Guests will be received at the main entrance on Smithfield , street, con ducted through the Hat, Furnishing,. Horse Goods and Shoe Depart ments, up the Grand Staircase, through the Boys' and Children's De partment, and through the magnificent Cloak Atelier. Then up to the third story, where the grmdest and most surpassing clothing floor in the land will surprise the beholder. On this floor OUR LADY GUESTS .....WILL BE PRESENTED With the superb and costly souvenir specially"" gotten up for this occasion. It consists of an elegant -SILVER-PLATED CARD RECEIVERS With the new building in bas relief in the bowL T 1 Jtr b II H m ioMoN" SMITHFIELD RueM eiln riRAllfl J! mmurX -a &4& At last that most magnificent and interesting; structure which adorns the leading business thoroughfare of this great commer cial mart is finished. It is pronounced by one and all the highest embodiment of artistic grace and architectural beauty. The pride which we justly take in this unsurpassable edifice is (we know) shared in by all who have the interests, material prosperity and phenomenal progress of this wonderful city at heart. We feel particularly triumphant in having at last accomplished the great task undertaken at a time when our laudable project was beset by difficulties and obstacles almost, insurmountable. It affords us pleasure to enumerate the RED-LETTER DAYS which have marked the construction of this splendid building. On April 7 the first bricks of the old shanties were loosened by the work men. On July 6 the cornerstone was laid with appropriate cere monies. On September 1 7 o'ur proud banner was unfurled from the flagstaff. On October 1 9 the preliminary opening occurred. And on THURSDAY, NOV. 17, THE GRAND AND FORMAL DEDICATION WILL TAKt 'PLAGE, r-TO THIS BRILLIANT AND MEMORABLE EVENT WEWRDMLy. HEARTH Y MP SINCERE!. Y IN VI ft ' THE ENTIRE POPULATION OE ALLEGHENY COUNTY. MUSICAL PROGRAMME. . Prof. P. Da'nnhardt and his excellent Second Brigade B and will enter tain our gqests with the following musical selections: -SPART FIRSTS z. Solomon-Rubeji March (specially dedi - catcd to the new firm) ,.,.. .....By Prof. Dannhardt 3. Overture Terapelweihe. Kclar Bcla 3. L'Estudiantjne Waltz Waldteufel 4. Fantasia Soldiers' Life Kelar Bela 5. Darkies' Dream , .,,.... Belee 6. Selection Yeoman of the Guard . ,,....,.. Sullivan XPART SECOND i, American Overture On National Airs..; Catlin 2. Selection Maritana., Wallace 3. Brudder Gardner's Picnic Fantasia Comique, Rollinson 4. Grand Operatic Selection , Belisor Donizette 5. Waltz Golden Youth Waldteufel 6. A Night in Berlin ,. .., Hartman AH our Peerless Departments will be in gala attire and court the ad miration of our thousands of guests. Whilst in the building LOOK AT OUR BEAUTIFUL ARRAY OF CBOTHING. "To be well dressed oft' supersedes the rest." Byron. GLANCE AT OUR HANDSOME HAT DEPARTMENT. "Under good cover at all times." Ben Johnson. LET YOUR EYES WANDER OVER OUR FURNISHING GOODS. "Stitch, Stitch, Stitch1' Hood's Song of the Shirt INSPECT OUR CHARMING SHOE PARLORS. "A fair understanding, by my troth" Shake; peare. OUR HORSE GOODS DISPLAY WILL INTEREST YOU. "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse." Richard III. NO END TO OUR RUBBER GOODS AND MACKINTOSHES. "Ah, tfcre is the 'rub: "Hamlet THOUSANDS OF UMBRELLAS; Aft ARTICLE OF NECESSITY. "For sunshine and rain I answer far the twain," Waldemar. OUR BANKING DEPARTMENT THE CENTER OF INTEREST. "Many a mickle makes a muckle." Old Scotch Proverb. VJ-VAT! QKEISOA.TI PLORBATI ENDURE! THRIVE! FLOURISH! l PfeMoPBiBEN g-WW