Newspaper Page Text
ii .,-i.,.., i .,, mil. MiiiMmmiiiiiiimimtmm-7mMUBWS'm",W&BUSffiU37a'iMfflN1SBfBlKKStfifiS3BSUKii' . THE PITTSBiniQ- DISPATCH., SUNDAY, 2T0VEMBER 18. 1892. f I"- : i : : T" 'CAPEIYI SOON TO GO. Germans Believe His Military Will Wind Up His Career. -EULESBERG MAI FILL MS SHOES. Eerlin Tapers Filled With. Admiration of Tree America and JHPri OTEE CLEVELAND'S VICTOR! tCOPTniGUT, IKS. BT TIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS.l Berlin, Xov. 12. At the meetine of the Centerists in Bavaria, Baden and Vtirtemburg a vrell-nigh unanimous senti ment against the army bill was expressed. This attitude of the Centerists has shattered the confidence of the Ministerialists in the J'eichsta; in the acceptance of the measure. The Centemt papers again changed their tone They have reverted to their former denunciations of the bill, and not a single organ of the Center party now advocates anything but uncompromising hostility 'to it. The disclosure of the fact that Prussia is financially embarrassed, taken with the Jiroposal of Dr. JMiquel, Prussian Minister 1 Finance, to levy a tax on capital, has contributed to a revulsion against the Gov ernment's financial policy generally. The .general situation is so menacing to the ministry that it has given rise to reports that the army bill will be long delayed or foe revised before it is introduced in the Jteichstag, and that Chancellor von Cap rivi will be obliged to resign in the mean time. o Barkdunn on the Military TJI1L These report', however.are entirely with out foundation. The bill has been passed by the Buudesrath without alteration, ex cept a lew verbal changes in the preamble. Chancellor von Caprivi will introduce it in the Reichstag on the 24th instant, and it it is defeated he will resign. The Emperor is not an enthusiastic ad herent ot ihe project. His Majesty 1b credited, while gimg his final assent to it, with remarking to the Chancellor, "You rikk much over this." The members of the P.eiehbtai: and Landtag who are gathering here concur iu reporting that their con stituents dislike the prospect of increased taxation for army purposes, though they are willing to agrte to the two-years' 'service provision. In view of the Chancellor's shakv posi tion the political groups are already discuss ing the question of who will be his suc cessor. Count von Eulenberg, President .ot the Prussian Council of Ministers, and Prince Hohenlohe, Statthalter of Alsace Xorraine, who is now visiting Berlin on Jeavs of absence, are the chief favorites. 31iquel Too Caimble for the Kaiser. Dr. Miquel, whose consummate financial ability is likely to steer the Prussian ministry through their troubles in the Xanatag, has held aloof from Chancellor von Caprivi's schemes. If his qualities of tact as a leader and a capable speaker, with a thorough knowledge of State business, could commend him for the position to the Emperor, he would be the best choice; but the Emperor is known to hanker after a Chancellor with some military record and aristocratic connections, who would prove a EUiple instrument of his own, it possible, rather than a clear-headed statesman having independent tendencies. Official information from St Petersburg contradicts both the reported conclusion of a i ranco-Kussian alliance and the sensa tional stories that Russian troops are being concentrated upon the frontier. The inter view s with M. Bibot, French Minister of Foreign Aflairs, held at Wieshgegg, re sulted in an increased intente; but since then the weakness of the .French Govern ment in dealing with Socialists, and the prospect of a Badical Ministry in Paris, have intensely displeased the Czar, who has ordered a suspension of tho negotiations Jor a treaty. How the Russian Troop Kumor Originated. The rumor regarding the movement of Russian troops had its origin in the Paris JJiitin. It is directly opposed to the offi cially ascertained facts. TJie War Depart ment here has learned that the report was due to the fact that the garrisons which were rcmovea from frontier stations during the cholera period are now returning to their posts. Many ot the German papers, in welcom ing Mr. Cleveland's election to the Presi dency of the United States, seem to think that his advent will involve the earlv dis appearance ot the McKinley tariff Better informed journals discuss the election from another standpoint, paving due respect to the gram! spectacle of a free peoplt peace fully declaring their sovereign will. The Yostudte Zcitung calls America the might iest natiou in the world, because she has no reason to ask for or fear anything from any oilier nation. All the papers agree in hoping that the McKinley tariff will be modified. Some of them point out that the tariff has done less harm to German exports than was expected, onlr the textile manu facturers of Saxony having suffered much. True Love Conquers Ited Tape. The strict rule of the German Foreicn, that employes mu6t not marry for eigners, has again brought sorrow. A bright young diplomat, wooing an Ameri can heiress, applied to the Emperor for his assent to the marriage. The Emporor was inexorable in his refusal. The young dip lomat will probably resign that he may jDHrry the girl. The Berlin Merchants and Manufac turers' Club has decided to organize a Ger man exhibition, to be held either in 1895 or 3S97, in lieu of the abandoned German "World's Exhibition. The official register of the German exhibitors at the Chicago fair shons that 3,300 firms will be repre sented. Wine producers are especially numerous, numbering 207. In the book trade 330 houses will be represented. The mining, iron working and textile industries will be sparselv represented. Prof. Siemer ing, who modelled the Washington statue for Philadelphia, is preparing a statue of "Victory for Chicago. DAKK AS AK UNDERGROUND CITY. Xondon lias an Hour of the Iiluckcst Fog Kien L'snal In That City. TBI fJlIlLK TO THE IS PATCH. 1 i Boxdok.Xov. 12. 2o midnight in Pitts turg was ever darker than to-day's noon in London. It was the culmination of a week ot fog, and it was something almost unpre cedented even in this benighted Babylon. The atmosphere below the housetops was tolerably clear, but a great opaque roof of carbon closed over the city. 2o glimmer of light penetrated the black coverinsr, and London for an hour was practically an underground ctv. Later theie came the allowance of light usually distributed by a half-full moon, which is the crdinary condition in November. A Lrpion of Honor Privilege Gone. Tajus, Nov. 12. The Chamber of Depu ties, by a vote of 019 to 1, has adopted a bill introduced by M. Pojtois, a Boulangist member, abolishing the privilege hitherto enjoyed by the higher officers of the Legion of Honorof exemption from arrest at the instance of ordinary citizens. The bill as suggested by the recent proceedings agmust Count de Lesseps in connection with the Panama caual aflairs. Greece's Substitute for Quarantine. Athens, Nov. 12. A system of medical inspection has been substituted for the quarantine established here some time ago against vessels arriving from New York. Pensions for r&ris Dynamite Sufferers. Paris, Nov. 12. Premier L-onbet an nounced t a Cabinet Council to-day Ijis in tention to ask the Chamber of Depntiei to grant pensions to hhe families of the fire WEST WEEK A. DB&W. yKW APVJtnaKngNTS. men who iusi iiicir uves tnrougn mc w plosion of an infertial machine in a police station Tuesday kit. Rill - I IHBEW HIS 'WIFE INTO THE JIBE, A German Tries tf Get Hid of His Helpmeet and T ed Her Sinter. Berlin. Nov. .2. A trial in which much popular interest s displayed began to-day at Koniggratz. k merchant of that place named Joseph Si ra was. arraigned to answer a charge of scttint fire to his house at night and then throwing his wife into the burn ing building. Sura fell in love with his wife's sister, a girl of 18. He desired to marry her and determined to get lid ot his wife. Unfortunately for himself, his plans mis carried, inasmuch as before all hope of es cape from the hurtling building was cut oft, Mrs. Sura awoke and rushed out. Sura, however, vns not to be baffled. He seized his wile and, carrying her to the liherately threw her into the fire. Neigh bors who" saw the act went to her rescuoitntl took her out, but not until she was fright fully burned. Mrs. Sura is only 21 years old and a pretty woman. SIGNS OF FBANC0-BTJ3SI&N FEELING. St. Petersburg' Lending Dally to Follow Jamcft Gordon Itennett's Example. Paris, Nov. 12. As a sign of the grow ing importance of the Frauco-Kussian rap prochemeut, the leading dailv of St. Peters burg, the .Youimx TetnjA, is thinking of establishing a Paris edition. The correspondent of that journal in this city, M. Isaac Pavlovsky, who wns ap pointed last winter by the French Govern ment "Syndic" of tle foreign press in Paris another sign of the French regard for Bussia is about to confer with James Gor don Bennett in order to obtain information concerning the cost, etc, ot founding a for eign journal in this city. A Loving Cup. A "Lovlnc Cup" is the name appliod to a huge two handled cup or bowl, popular in tho time of some of the earlier Kngllsli monarchs. In its uso two persons were seated oppoaite each other at a table, who alternately seized the cup by both lu.ndles, and raisin it to his lips partook: of liquid refreshment. An unique cup of this class ts now on ex hibition in the window of E. V. Koberts & Sons, the popular jewelers. It is the prop erty of II. J. Heinz Co, the plcklers ana preservers, and bears this inscription, de noting Its purpose: Keystone cup, nwnided by II. J. II. Co. to the branch condupted thp most successfully during 1832. To ue contested for annually thereafter by the several branches." The cuplsof solid silver, 11 inches high nnd 7f inches in diameter, and is artistically embellished with lopre oentatlons of the various vegetables nnd fruits used by this firm iu the production of their matchless goods. Finest Seal Skins. If youpre'er to select yonrself the skins that are used lor your seal skin sacque, which, as inattor of course. Is the most sat lslactoryway of (loins, call and examine my large stock of seal skins. Besiaes it will cost you much less to have your sacque made to order than to buy the ready -made article. If yon mean to have rour old seal sKln sacque do service again bring It down and have it repaired or cleaned. Low charges, quick service. Wji. Grabowskt, Prnrtical Furrior, 707 Fenn avenue. Thornton Bros. Vfequote for Monday morning: Astrakhan capes, at $7 03; black hare cape-, at $3 !S: Canada seul capes, nt 50 03; fur trimmed reefer Jackets, at $2 9: plain, at $2 8: As trakhan $6 98; children's Jackets, $1 SO apiece; plush Jackets, $7 98: plush sacqnes, $10; sIikwIs, from $1 up. Lookout lor a rusli here this week in our cloak de partment; SCO Jackets go on sale Monday. Every express brings us something new iu coats. The Cash Store, 128 Federal street. SOLOMON' & KUBEN'S Horse Goods Department. Special for this week: Brass express har nes." 5 inch saddle, Jinch trace, sold else where lor $iS; our price, $19. FitUburg and Lake Erie K. It. Only tnree hours and S3 minutes to Cleve. land. Leave Fittgbunt at 7 A. jr., central time, arrive at Cleve'nnrt at 10.35 A. M. and at Chicago at 9r v. Returning train leaves Cleveland at 1 40 r. ji., arriving at Fittsburg at 5.13 r. m. For other changes see time table. Free to Every Customer. A beautiful half-lile-size water color or crayon siven a ay with one dozen photo craphs by liendricks & Co., popular pho tographers, Xo. 63 Federal street, Alle gheny. Money Saved Bv buying your diamond?, watches, clocks, silverware and opera glasses of Sam F. Slpe, Dispatch building, coiner Smitlifleld and Diamond streets. The best way to clean your laco curtains is to take them to Pleifei's. Tel. 1 4(3 Smtthllela street. 34C9 100 Federal street, Allegheny. 1201 1 1913 Carson street, Southslde. Forced and True Bargains. Read our local advertisement for explana tion of these terms. icuoENECK & Sox, 711 Liberty street. Free! with every boy's suit, a football, at Sailor's, corner Suiitulleld and Diamond streets. llff Ha nt II. King Ot Haverhill, Mass. For Catarrh Hood's Sarsaparilla, being a Constitu tional Remedy, Effects Per manent Cures. This fs the experience or Mr. W. II. King, an omployc or Henry S. Sprnsue, Shoo Man ufacturer, 85 Washington Street, Haverhill, Muxs.: 1 have been a. i ictlm pf Catarrh in the bead tor tho pait ton years. It has kopt ray head feeling badly with a sense, of fulness and ringing In the ears. Instead of a dis charge from tho nose, as many have, it has acted -o that either one or tho other of my nostrils has been tightly closed up so that I Could Not Breathe through It, nor would blowing tho nose clear it. I ttied so Catarrh cures jind differ' ent treatments, bat failed to get any relief. The first of this year, toeing accounts of others who had obtained permanent cures from Hood's Sarsaparilla I determined to give it a fair, honest trial. I have now finished lour bottles and am satisfied that it has effected a cure, for the Catarrh nolonger troubles me a particle, and I feel better In every way than 1 have for vears. lam very grateful at tho result and if what I have said of tho benefit I have obtainod be or any use in persuading others to try Hood's Sarsaparilla in similar cases I shall feel ampiyiepald. HOOD'S PILLS ao not weaken, bnt aid digestion and tone the stomach. Try them. The English Spinners' Lockout Spreading With Xeithcr Side Gaining. . TBY CABI.E TO THE DISPATCH. London, Nov. 12. The cotton strike or lockout in Lancashire is spreading. Many mills outside the federation are shutting down or reducing to half time in support of the employers' position. The operative profess to be indiflerent to this develop ment, and deolare that the threatened sus pension of all cotton mills In Great Britain is mere bluff The situation, nevertheless, is undoubtedly growing more serious. The first week of the lockout has closed with no'adantage to either side. The leaders of the operatives say the levies on the men at work are coming in admiiablv. The employers agents, although, thev ad mit that the spinners can afford to resist for a long time, declare that the cardronrn hands will be without resources before Christmas. Awaiting Extradition in London. BV CBtX TO THE DISPATCH.! London, Nov. 12. Augustus T. Kerr, charged with forgery and embezzlement from the Jarvis Conklinj Trust Company, of Kansas City, is in custody here, await ing extradition. Joel W, Bowman, ii spector of the American Surety Company, arrived to-day lrora New York, to present the case of the prosecution. Kerr will come up for extradition at Bow street court next Wednesday. Marriage Licenses Issued Yesterday, Xame. Residence. (John W. Merrltt Itrvnoldton i Mary llollldav ,....JlcKeeport (Tames E. Mnlth Rernoldtou Little B. Merrltt , Hc)noltlton I Gacomo rierottl Cambridge. 1 Ida Uoulnl McKeeiport (John V. Hnnse Shaler township Mmt Kolhenbusch Miler township ( Larry Lone Mlsula county, Montana I Marj Etjeck i l'lttshurg ).ionn j,oiies uienneia Katie Beimel UlenOcld I Daniel S. Schmtx Allechenr il Ida J. Kerforlb 1'ittbbure ( Peter l.oroon LoworSL Clilr township (Annie Crlit Lowerbt. Clair township J Patrick Sullivan Allegheny I KIU biiciM '. ..Allegheny ( Daniel Brewer Huntingdon ) Hannah Ilonells ,. Huntingdon J Adolph Fernkorn rittihoxg (Lena New Plttsburj; ( Charles Szatmarl ...Plttshurjt ( Mary Bollnjra rittibnrg ( Samuel D. Mcllwain nttabnre ( Htttle McGorern , Pittsburg (Peter Carer Pltisburir (NirahTranor Pittsburg ( I.iwrence Keller ,..., Pittsburg ) Mary Nau Pittsburg (Jacob Rauber Pittsburg Emlle Suelterle Pittsburg (Ivan Jones ., Plttfburg J Mary Lowry Pittsburg (Fargus Lynch PItUburg I Julia Carr Plluburg j Thomas Goal r PliUburg t Lizzie Jones Pittsburg DIED. TSECKERT On Friday, November 1L 1892, at 7:50 a.m., Fheperiok BiCKtRT, Sr., m the 79th j oar of his age. Funeral from his late residence, Mt, Troy, on Scxdat, .Sovomber 13, 1?92, Friends of the family aie respectfully in vited to attend. ' 1 REXZINO On Saturday, Kovamher 12, 1892, at 202 Perrysville avenue, at 1 o'clock r. m.. Miss Daisy Bknzino. HERKIMER O i saturdav, November 12, at 7.S0 o'clock a. w., in his COth year, George II. liEBKIUKR. Funeral sevicos at his late residence. Sun pat, at 8 o'clock v. M. Interment from tho 10 A. M. train, Mo-sday, November 14, at Rochester, Fa. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 DIEHL On Friday. November 11, 1892, at S p. sr., Mrs. MAnr Dieul, wile of Philip Die hi. Funontl will take place on Suitdat, No vember 13, from her late residence. No. 2130 Sarah street, Southside. Friends of the fam ily are i espectfully invited to attend. GOELZ On Fridav, November 11, 1S92, at 7:1S a. m , Martha Ellooba, daughter of Frank X. and Mary r. B. Goelz, asod 7 years, 1 month and 4 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 249 Bedrord avenue, on Sdkdat, November IS, 1892, at 1:30 r. M. Friends or tho family are respectfully invited to attend. HEBRON At 1:25 r. st, Friday, November 11, 1892, at the residence or his rather, s. M. Hebron, Marion station, B. & O. R. R., Least B. IIebrox, in the 26th j ear of his age. Interment Mohdat, November 11, at Mlll ersburR, O JACKSON At Syracuse, N. T.. on Friday, November 11, 1892, James Jacksox, father of Mrs. Marriott Claik, Eighteenth ward. Notice of funeral hereafter. JENKINS At 10.30 A. St., November 11. 1892, Jaxe, wire or Daniel J, Jenkins, in her 71st year. Funeral services nt the faml y residence, 201 Fourth avenue, Sukdat, November 13, at 2 p. M. Interment piivate. Please omit flowera. KA1N Suddenly, on Wednesday, Novem ber 9, 1892, at 11 p. sr., Bernard M. Kaix, in the 34th year of bis a;je. Funeral service at his father's residence, William P. Kane, Penn township, on Suk dat, 13th inst., at 2 p. si. McELII NY On Saturday, November 12, 1892, nt 12:45 a. sr., Odessa, daughter of S. U. and M. K. MoElhany, axed 8 weeks. Funeral Suxdat, November 13. 1893, at 2 p. si., fiom parents' residence. Lookout ave nuo. POWELL-On Friday. November 11, 1892. at 4 15 a. St., Maggie, daughter of Ell and Maggie Powell, agpd 8 years. This lovely bad so young, so fair, Called hence by earthly doom. Just came to show how sweet a flower In Paradise would bloom. Ere sin could harm, or sorrow fade. Death came with friendly care, The opening bud to heaven oonveyed, And bade it blosson there. Funeral from the residence of her mother, No. 3346 Mulberry alley, on SricDAT, Novem ber 13, at 2 o'clock r.H. Friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend. REED-On Friday, November 11, 1892, at 1:30 a. x., Sarah A., widow of the late David lteed. Funeral services at her late residence. No. 34 Dlthridge street, Fourteenth ward, on M6DtTSiORNnra, November 14, at 10 o'clock. Interment private, d SCHLENNING-On Saturday. November 12, 1S92, John Daniel Sculeknthq, son of Henry and Mary Schlennlng, in his 6th year. Funeral services from his parents' resi dence, Perrysville avenue, on Monday at 2 p. si. Interment privato at a later hour. TKUNICK-At Gavers. O., on tho llth instant, James G., in the,S3d year of his age. Remains will be brought to the residence of bis son, John Trunick, Elliott borough. Funeral on Monday at o'clock. URBAN On Friday. November 11, 1892, at Terro Haute, Ind., Carrie, only daughter of Henry A. and Mattie I. Urban, formerly of Beaver Falls, Pa., aged 7 vears. Interment at Terre Haute, Ind. WILLIAMS On Friday, November 11, 1892, at 10.30 p. X., at her residence, 62 Chat ham street, Mary, beloved wife of Nathanibl Williams, in the 33th year of her age. ANTHONY METER (Fnrcessor to Meyer, Arnold Co., I,im,) iJNDF.RTAKElt AND i'.MBALMER. Office and residence, 1134 Penn avenne, Tolephono connection. myll-57-vwFsu JAMES U. F01LERT0N, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALJIDIt, No. 0 Eighth street. Chapel for privato lunerals. mvlO-99-WFSti Telephone 1153 Telephone 3102. IWILLISON A SOtf, , (Formerly Spencer Willlson), Undertakers and Embalmers. Also livery, boarding and sale stable. No. 27 and 28 Cedar avciiuo, Allegheny, niyl-28-au WILLIAM II. WOOD. Funeral Ditector and Embaliner. Rooms, 3806 Forbes street, Oakland) resi dence 212 Oakland avenue. Telephone 4024. del3-220-T-reu Tutt'sTinyPills f The dyspoptlo, tho debilitated, tvheth. erfrom execs of -work of wind or W .at body or exposure In malarial regions, Swill find Tutfo Fill the most genial V wrtswaUTrrtwcsWwlaraJJ- IT IS NOT ONLY WHAT But What We Do That Brings the Crowds to THOMPSON'S NEW YORK GROCERY. Smrar-cnred hams (large). Tier lb t UK 35 fcs Butler oonnty buckwheat 100 1 gallon puro maple syrup,...., vo 1 gallon choice Orleans molasses 28 1 gallon choice, sugar syrup , 28 25 &s new Lttna beans... 1 00 10 Its Valencia rxlslns 1 00 8Ibievapoiated apricots..'.,.. , 100 8 tans good pea?,, ...,,..,, 1 00 4 cans sweet peas ...,, ,..,.,. 1 00 6quartbottleiollvooll , 1 00 10 Bn good cream eheese 1 00 1 quart-can oxtail soup 22 1 quart-can chicken sonp 22 1 quart-can tomato soup 22 CJs Wilbnr's Imperial aw?et chocolate, 1 00 11 lbs ginger snaps 1 00 15 fts ulna crackers 1 00' 15 lbs milu blsoults 1 00 5 ft puiecocoa.,,. , ,,.,, 1 00 u lbs broken Java coffee..., 1 00 Ifyon don't want the dollar's worth take the liair dollar's worth, and if not the half take the quarter's worthj will give you the benefit of the above prices iu any quantity. With every dollar's worth of 80, 40, 50 and COo tea e give you four pounds of granulated sugar free. With a two pound can ot best baking pow der yon get a large olook free of charge. Price per can, $L Goods delivered free to all parts of both, cities. To those living ont of the city we will prepay freight on all orders of $10 and Upward to any station or landing within 100 an or tanaing witni Send lor price list. mnes oi J'lttsuurg. M. R. THOMPSON, 311 MARKET STREET, Directly Opposite Gusky's Entrance. no!3 248 PLUSH SACQUES Reshaped, $5. SEAL SAC0.UES Reshaped, $15. WAISTS CUT and STITCHED, $2. GRAHAM'S MD PLUSH REPAIR GO. Cor. Fifth and Market, 7 ernsr Building. ' (Conducted by W. F. Graham, formerly of Wood street.) nol3-104 8u HAIR ON THE FACE, NECK, ARMS f skin. Young persons fflVjV xnaui h, IVJTIII IIIIIW of price, 91,00 per bottle. Send money by letter, with your full address written plainly. Correspondence aacredlyprivate. Postage stamps received the same asensb. 4LWATSMEaTl0 YovacoUNTTANDTnisrAFXa. L0CA1.AND 1MODENE MANUFACTURING CO.?CINCINNATI. 0.. U.S.A.( CDTTHIBOCT GENERAL AGENTS HAHSFACTOItRS Or THE HIQHEST 0RADE HAH PREPAtATIONS. A3 IT HAT HOT WANTED. J rou can rtaitUr tour Utttr at ant osf-oflfc. and Insur Itt taf dtllmrv, ( APPKAR AflAIX We Otrr 81.000 Fill 1AUU8E 0 THE SLIGHTEST INJURY. EVERY BOTTLE GIIAnANTEED. II SLIDEOFBA lis Tl Tee-Totally Men's All-Wool Chinchilla Ulsters, full length, flannel lined, worth $15. -LANDSLIDE PRICE, $10. Men's Swell All-Wool Kersey Overcoats, flannel-lined, always LANDSLIDE PRICE, $10. Children's Cape Overcoats, 4 to 14 years, deep collars, beau tiful plaids, fancy lining, worth $5. LANDSLIDE PRICE, $2.50. Boys' Ulsters, 12 to 18 years, full length, big collar, plaid lining, worth $6. LANDSLIDE Extraordinary values also in Caps, Underwear, Gloves. CLOTHIERS, TAILORS AND HATTERS, f 161-163 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. CLEAR ME SALE OF SH0TGUNSI Double-Barrel Breech Loading Shotguns, under action, at $8.25. Double-Barrel Breech Loading Bhotsnnt, top action, twist barrels and all improve ment!, at 512.50. Double-Barrel Breech Loader, Bar Beboanding Locks, Choke Bars and Improve ments, at $14.50. Plobert Rifles at H.78; Remington action Rifles, 22-caliber, 12.50; Warrant action Rifles at 5a 33; 100 Loaded 8hells at $L50; Shell Belts, 25c; Reloading Tools, 25c; Shoot ing Jackets, $1.00, and all other goods at equally low prices. cri "t a I I I r Cf 932 and 934 MtJ st an y . mmm KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FUR TIPPETS . AT $5 $8, $io and $15. All new this week. FUR All new shapes for this week, $10, $15. Marten, Mink and Seal, $35 to ioa The Finest in the Land. You should see them. $200 to $300 THE BEST. COR. WOOD ST. AND FIFTH ML, PITTSBURG. no!3 OR ANY PART OF THE PERSON $PI"rir Wm - ninii .SEAL l. ' Box Coats, fel? kjt f?5sfcSi?jSnB iiMl J.C.BB m QUICKLY DISSOLVED AND REMOVED WITH THE NEW SOLUTION ? AOP6H6 AMD THE UXOVTH 70l!YliK UtBTRUlrlD WITHOUT THI BlIOHTIST INJtKI OB PIKCOLORATIOW or. THE MO.T DH.ICATF BK1K DIBCOTEKBD BT ACCIDENT. 1m Uojutocsdiko, an incomplete mixture wa accidentally tpilled on the back of the band, anOon washing afterward it ira diicorered that thehair JW.SSHR1"."1' "niOTed, We purchased the new dlscoTtrr and named It MODlubE. It is perfectly pare, free from all Injurious substances, and so imple anr one can use it. It acts mddlr but surely, and you will be sur- Erised and delighted with the results. Apply tor a few minutes and the air disappears as if by magic. It hs no resemblance whaterer to any other preparation eyer used for ft like purpose, and no Fcientinc discoyery rer attained such wonderful results. IT CANNOT FAIL. If the growth be light, one application will remove it permanently; the heavy growth such aa the beard or hair on moles rnay require tivp or more appli cations before all the roots are destroyed, although all har will be removed at each application, and without the slightest injury or unpleasant feeling when applied or ever afterward. modexi snrEECEDEs elicteoltsis. tttcommtndtd by all who Aa. tttttd tta m.rfs Uttd by peoptt of rtfintmtBL Gentlemen who do not appreciate nature's gift of a beard, will find a priceless boon in Modene, which does away with having. It dissolves and destroys the life principle of the hair, thereby rendering its future growth an utter imDossibllitr. and is guaranteed to be as harmless as water to the who find an embarrassing growth of hair coming, snouia use juonene to aesiroy its growiu. moaene sent Dy man. in stiety TnftUinff riLnen. nrratftire nil id. (aernrelv mealed frnm ntiservittirin) nn wph,i I Eclipse All Coniiti. PRICE, $3.50. Men's and Boys' Suits, Hats, nol2-w8sn i 703,7Q5and7Q7Smi.lifieldSt. i y NEW ATJVEHTBEMXSTS. MONEY TALKS FOR Ab? Id, Vim or Cll Any Size and Warrant Satisfaction. ONLY 99 CENTS. MONEY TALKS AT LAIRD'S, ONLY 99 CENTS. MONEY TALKS AT LAIRD'S. ONLY 99 CENTS. MONEY TALKS AT LAIRD'S. ONLY 99 CENTS. MONEY TALKS AT LAIRD'S. ONLY 99 CENTS. MONEY TALKS AT LAIRD'S. STORES: 433 and 4351 WHOLESALE! 1406,408,410 AND EETAIL. nol3-3rnT8u Wood St. Market St KNOW Mt BY MY WORKS. LA GRIPPE Causes the Nation to Mourn, October 35, 1803, In Canslns the Death of the First Lady or Our Land. And daily we see the account of some noted person that a few months ago was stout and hearty Is now no more, from the effects f In Grippe. Xow, Rood people, I have treated hundreds of cases of La Grippe, and In Its worst stages, and never lost a case, and now I have a printed formula of my enre. which I have sold hundreds of for $1 apiece, and have received praises from all parts and from a number ot physicians as to Its el flcaoy, and now the Grippe season Is coming and that you may all get a formula I am hav 'ng ono wrapped around every bottlo of Burgoon's System Itenovator, attla bottle or ix for $5. For sale at all Drugstores and 17 Ohio street, .AIleBheny-, Pa. 25t tapo worms removed In 42 months. Cancers romeved from all parts of the body without the knife. The only sure cure for Catarrh on eai tli. DR.J.A. BURGOON. .Ui - ! .. .. .MmA II ill 1 1 . 00 mk: limn &i LAND WILL SHOE Itf H Mm If338!! rn1"rSSiSmSutXluSSBIBSm I i il w ijLgggc! o up 'T"iWl lsV&JfSPl K3$sSW?ISm. HldfagfwH?9sV. Office open from 8 il' it, until 9 r. ISETV llVERTIHKJUnfTa. BOOK DEPARTMENT. SICKENS. BIG BOOK 10,000 PAPER NOVELS, Comprising more than 500 different titles carefully selected from air tha great fiction writers, and sold legularly by booksellers and newsdealers all over the country at 20, 35 and 30 cents. We give you the choice of the lot for the coming week at 3 FOE 25o. DO YOU .OWN A good readable edition of the .fol lowing books? If not, this is the op portunity you've been looking for. They are all neat cloth bindings, and for six days we will sell them at what you usually pay for cheap paper covered editions. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico, 3 volumes .98 Prescott's Conquest of Peru, 2 volumes 68 Prescott's Ferdinand and Isa bella, 2 volumes 98 Les Miserables,by Victor Hugo, 2 volumes 75 The Wandering Jew, by Eugene Sue, 2 volumes 75 Tom Jones, by Fielding, 2 vols. ,.75 Emerson's Essays, 2 volumes... .65 Lamb's Essays, 2 volumes 65 J Thomas Hughes' Tom Brown's School Days and Tom Brown at Oxford, 2 volumes 65 Macaulay's History of England, 5 volumes 1.25 Macaulay's Essays and Poems, 3 volumes 1.48 Edna Lyall's Works, containing Donovan, We Two, "In the Golden Days, Knight Errant, Hardy Norseman, Won by Waiting. 6 volumes 1.48 George Eliot's Complete Works, 8 volumes, 2.98 Wm. M. Thackeray's Complete Works, 10 volumes 3.25 FLEISHMAN & CO., SHORT TALKS WITH HOPPER'S. The first question that presents itself is: I want to furnish my parlor. The next question is: Who shall I buy from? I want a nice PARLOR SUIT AND CARPET and I don't want it to cost me a lit tle fortune. Neither do I wish to be imposed on by trash or trucky goods. I want something that, will last ten years and look respectable. It just occurs to me that the firm that manufacture their own goods, if they do business on an economical basis, must be the firm that I want to deal with. Let me look over their advertisements and see if I can arrive at any con clusion. Here is Mr. Smith, Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown, they all seem to say they have the best goods for-the least money. Mr. Smith's expenses seem to be very large, so he is necessarily compelled to charge more for extra expenses than Mr. Jones, who seems to do business on a more economical plan, and Mr. Brown appears to handle equally as nice goods as the other two at even a less expense. I really think I could get better value for my money from Mr. Brown. And so it is with us, dear reader. Our current expenses are about one-third those of any other dealer in the city, and. more, we manufacture our own goods, thereby giving reliable quality, at the same time sav ing to the buyer middlemen's profits. Call and see our goods and be convinced that the above is about correct ' HOPPER BROS. & CO., 307 WOOD STREET. N. B KEEP IN MIND OUR COMBINATION FOLDING no!3 GENTLEMEN'S For style, comfort and durability buy the Famous Shoes. Our $3.50 Cork Sole is equal to any at 4.50. Our 4.00 Cork Sole is equal to any at 5.06. Our J5.00 Cork Sole is equal to any at $6.00. Our Columbian $3.00 Shoe is the talk of the town. L YSiiV lfl 1C g-fc Lj fE sRfc & ft fli& llSii. 52 .SIXTH BOM TmCKBItAT. BARGAINS! I Scott's Waverley Novels, 1 2 vol umes 3.95 Charles Dickens'. Complete Works, 15 volumes 3.95 Victor Hugo's Complete Works 3.95 Here is a special lot of excellent books at WAY DOWN PRICES for the next six days: Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter," printed from the Riverside plates, large type in a dainty binding $ .35 Mark Twain's Prince and Pauper (new edition)., 75 Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn (latest edition) 75 Mark Twain's American Claim ant (his last work) c8 The Little Minister (new edi tion) 61 Tennyson's Poems (new edi tion) 75 Monte Cristo (new edition) 75 ' Les Miserables (new edition)... .75 Uncle Tom's Cabin (new edi tion) 38 Wide Wide World (new edition) . 73 Samantha at Saratogo, 3.50 edition 98 Standard American Dictionary, $1 edition; illustrated 39 Pictorial History of the Civil War, large octavo 1.48 The Universal Atlas, just pub lished by Dodd, Mead & Co., . at $3 1.75 Miil Orders Receive Prompt Attention 504, 506 and 508 MARKET STREET. nolS BED. CORK SOLES. Shoe House , STREET. . m JHfefefc tin . I -?friasr.. r.. cinLf-1 rrg,'MrKsk' k, ,ln.tWIW."lt--,('--iiAfcaaBaBg-