"is- HjjtHrBBriiiiBiBiWiifciiTffHWiiiBBHBBlMBMBMliMM iiiiiiim n-jnj. ijliim. i ni-iii I "THE " KLlTaBTTB. "DTSPTDH,- taTDXY, NOVEMBER W. I892L '. 8- THE COMING SENATE. At Present It Loots as if the Dem ocrats Would Control It BY TOTES OF THEIR OWN PARTY, Though the Fopniists Maj Ee Depended on to Help Them Out nZ"-UP OP THE PRESENT SITUATION "WAsniXGTOir, Nor. 12. On the 4th of March, 1893, 25 seats in the United States Senate become Tacant The control of these vacancies was at stake in Tuesday's elec tion, and it is now evident the Democratic Jiarty has captured enough of the vacancies to insure its supremacy in the Senate, re gardless ot almost any possible combina tions between the Republicans and Popu lists. Assuming that Montana, California and "Wyominj: will send Democratic Senators, the Democrats at the beginning of the Fifty-third Congress would have &i many Senators as the Repub licans and Populists combined, and thus would be able to organize the Senate liy the casting vote of Vico l'resldout-elect Stevenson. It Is reasonably certain, how ever, that the Democrats can rely on the Bupportof roincor the Topullst Senators in auv or their projects, whether lor the re moval or the present force of EepuDlican. employes or the levisiou of the tariff. Of the 25 Senatorial seats vacant March 4. 1KI3. the Democrats will name the occupants ot 13, the Eepubltcansof nine, the Populists or three, one being Senator Stewart, or Uevada, who lias gone from thn republican party. The Democrats lose no seats they now hold and gain five from the Republic ling, one each from California, Montana, Xer Tori:, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Tho Populists jrain Senatois rrom the Iiepublic C.H8 in Kansas and Nebraska, beside Senator Stewart, ot Nevada, who will succeed him self. Doubt as to Scleral States. Some doubt still surronnds the complex ion of tho Legislatures in California, Mon tana, Wyoming and Nebraska, but lato re turns all say the Democrats have gained Le.islaturcs'in the first three named States and the Populists in the last. The elections just held will also have an important bearing on the control of the Senate durma the last two years of Presi dent Cleveland's administration, for a num ber of those persons elected last Tuesday will liohl over to vote lor Senator two years lienee. The term of 27 Senators expire March t, 1835. Tney come Irom the States of Alabama, Ai kanas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hamp shire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Khode Island. South Carolina. South Da kota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia and TiVj-onilhg. .As It Looks Jnst Now. Atab&ml.... Ark ansas. ...... California Colorado........ .. Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia.... Idaho ............. lillnnli Indiana.... Iw .............. Kansas............ Kentucky l.oui&lana ........ Maine Maryland .MaK&acliusetts.... Michigan Minnesota MUilcslppl Missouri Montana. Ncbraeka Nerada. New Hampshire.. New Jersey ....... New York North Carolina... North Dakota .... Ohio Orejron PennsrKanla..... Rhode Island South Carolina... South Dakota '.Tennessee Texas. V.imonl Virginia M aslilngton West Virginia.... M Isconsln M joining Tt.lals I 44 Oculist Prescriptions Made at Shortest Notice v Eyes Examined Free of Charge. J DIAMOND, ffKSte. U . XJX.J3.UK V7X1 AS j PITTSBUKG Artiflcial eyes inserted. no6-Trsu A Little Messenger Tells her not to read too lone by artificial lisbt. If yon have done so and injured vpur eyes call at CHESSMAN" OPTICAL CO., 42 Federal street, Allegheny. We are the best known firm of opticians in the State. If your sight is in any way affected come to us and we will fit you with glasses that will improve your vision wonderfully and not injure your eyes. Our glasses are cot made simply to sell, but to give satis faction. noS-Tursu I&eUMATlSH Gout& Lumbago McKissie A CnrasMA Mf'g. Co., Crrr: Gextleikek For the last 18 months was a :! eat sufferer from Rheumatic Gout,when 1 purchased a bottle of Rhumacura and a- ter takimr six or seven doses I was, to my jiieat astonishment, perfectly well. I then Lavo tho bottle to Louis Schowbtholer, who is in my employ, and who was also a ereat sufferer from Rheumatism and before he had taken half or what was left It cured llJlTe then save the balance or the bottla to Alburt KtmmicH; butcher, who wasscf Xorlngin S.Pin from Rheumatism, and he was cured with the remainder or the bot tle, which we think is the most wonderful thine alter we all had taken all kintlaot rneSfcine and doped with a I kinds ofolnt Sent and then be cored With such a small amount or Rheumacura was beyond our co.m.PrJ?i,",,I".ner in savlmr that I think it th only medlolne th- '- - til a cent lor tho cure oi very truly, Price $3 00 pe plats. McKlNl 616 Penn are., 1 -Tl 1 u) .out. Tours tLING, id Square. y all diac- ilF'G. CO, -eeelpt of T6-TT3SU ffeeSf ::u Over i,6oo Men's fine All-Wool Cassimere and Cheviot Suits at $io. Formerly they were $14, worm $io. gains at these prices At $lQ they're gifts. They come in single and double-breasted styles, Sack and Cutaway Frock styles. Don't you think this offer eclipses all others? These are Custom-made Suits, intended for the most particular and fastidious dressers. The ma- ' Homespuns and Niggerheads, Irish Tweeds and English Diagonals and Cassimeres; make, fit and finish being perfection. 815 o i-ms fa i&yp Do you want an Overcoat a fine one? $10 will take your choice from nearly 2,000, the W0nD$U,$i7, and many would be good value at $18. Styles: Single and double breasted. Materials: Beavers, Meltons and Cheviots. These are superb Top Coats marvels of the tailors' art and equal in every respect to the ordi- - nary run 01 nne custom work. 1 he styles and colors shown are limited only bv fashion. Stylish dressers are invited to inspect these superior gar- sr ments. Worth $25. ft j?V I" n 'c'a. fl Worth $5. Mothers, do you want a first-class yes, a first-class All-Wool Plaid Cheviot Suit lor your Boy (ages 4 to 14) forS2.Qt;? You can get it this week. Styles: Latest double breasted. The offer is one of the soft est snaps of the Eclipse Sale. These are the latest novelties out: Boys' double-breasted Suits, with Worth S8. au v "jjuhuhK -ul;, WormfcO. made of finest" Scotch Cheviots and Cassimeres, in new plaids, checks and mixtures. I n n n Your choice from 3,000 n 1 1 Boys' Cape Overcoats at '111 U U this price; plaids and checks, light and dark patterns. All well made and warmly lined, and just what you would like for school wear. Ask to see the Eclipse Bargain line. Worth $4. This price takes choice from a very large line of fine and fashionable Cape Coats, Box Coats, Double-Breasted Plain Coats, Ulsters and Nattiest Reefers all made of strictly All Wool materials. Worth $7. LI Jji, ill im fnl FREE! Large Magic Lantern Usually Sold for $1, Given Gratis WITH EVERY . ' Boy's Suit or Overcoat Bought During This Week. And, remember this, we also guar antee the price of the garment fully 25 per cent lower than the same qual , ity can be bought elsewhere. MEN'S F JESUS JB $1.98. Every Pair Worth $3.50. This is a rare chance, gentlemen. Only 900 pairs of these fine Calf Shoes (lace or congress); honest and solid as leather can be; all sizes; tips plain or Jancy. Oulr ?L98 per pair. LOUNGING COATS FOR THE LIBRilRYDH SM0KIH9 ROOM. 1.35 WORTH FROM ' $5 TO $6- 350 of them only all we conld get they having been closed out to us by the manufacturer for about one-third true value; thev're made of nne camel's hair cloth, are 'trimmed with cord and have patch pockets. HE SALE Of Regular 25s, 30c and 35c Goois For 19c. 600 dozen Men's heavy brown and bine wool Socks, worth 25c, at 19c 300 dozen Men's heavy scarlet wool Socks, worth 30c, at 19c. 250 dozen Men's heavy natural wool Socks, worth 35c, at 19c Yes, an . Eclipse, a Total Eclipse, Not Only of Competitors, tmt of Prices and Values ' as Well . We'll . Even Eclipse Our Own Best Records of the -Past, Including Our Most Remarkable Offerings of the Week Just Passed. The Truth is We are More Cramped for Room than Ever Before, and the Contractor of Our Building is Continually Encroaching on Our Already too Limited Space. We are Actually ' Compelled . to Sell Our Goods at Almost Any Price. LADIES' FI SHOES. $1.98, fL Worth J 3-25- i vf f Ladies who want fine fhoaj for little money should not neglect this opportun ity. Eemember, these are fine; Bright Dongola Kid Shoes, in all widths and sizes, and opera and common sense styles. Make and finish are the best. LIES KID GLOVES. m For Foster Hook Gloves, French make; tan, brown and black; never sold for less than 51. ff) 1 For Jouvin Celebrated Kid Gloves, Jk in tan, mode, pearl, slate and yl brown; large buttons; bl&ck points; lowest price heretofore was 51.60. Grand variety of blue, garnet, green, lemon, heliotrope, salmon and canary kid gloves. MLoilonkk rmimwtv SSSE&i JC".0 ll,l W I w - 'I TOE GOOKSEY MO HISTY. (hi fin Sold by Exclusive Hatters OdiUUi fo.00 andrf&00. We import these hats ourselves bnv them in large quantities pay spot cash for them. The result is seen in the prices. AU-the latest styles on hand. Ladies' Cheviot Reefers; cut 32 inches long; welt seams; boxl back; regular price $5; ECLIPSE SALE TRICE, $3.25. Ladies' fine Irrtisible Cheviot Reefers, 32 inches long; bound all around with silk braid; regular price $io ECLIPSE SALE PRICE $7. ' j , Ladies' English Clay Diagonal or fine Cheviot Coats, half satin lined; box or plain back; tailor-made; regular price $16; ECLIPSE SALE PRICE $10. Ladies' finest Imported Basket Cloth Box Coats, black, navy and tan; 34 inches long; half silk lined; white pearl buttons; regular price $22; ECLIPSE SALE PRICE $14.50. Ladies' finest Kersey Walking Coats; 34 inches long; silk roll binding; regular price $27; ECLIPSE SALE PRICE $18. flBift n Ladies' Scotch Mixed Jackets; 32 inches long; Watteau back with strap, or heavy weight Reversible Cloth Jackets; regular price $6; ECLIPSE PRICE SALE $3.98. Ladies' fancy and plain Diagonal Jackets, with Franklin collar; single or double Wat teau in back; regular price $13; ECLIPSE SALE PRICE $8.50. Ladies French Whipcord Jackets; navy, black and tan; Watteau back; Bishop sleeve; regular price $16; ECLIPSE SALE PRICE $10. Ladies' Tight-Fitting Walking Coats, of fine Beaver Cloth; large Empire Cuffs; pearl buttons; length 40 inches; regular price $20; ECLIPSE SALE .PRICE $12.50. Ladies' Scotch Mixed or fine Kersey Triple Cape Coats, 42 inches long; regular price $23; ECLIPSE SALE PRICE $15. 500 Beautiful Mink Head Scarfs; Full Length; Regular Price $7; Eclipse Sale Price $4, Misses' elegant Watteau Jackets, with Reefer front and box back, made of Scotch Mixed Cloth, sizes 14 to 18; reg ular price $6.50; Eclipse Sale Price $3.98. Misses' fine fancy Scotch Cloth Rus sian Jackets, with leather belt; sizes 12 to 18; regular price$8; Eclipse Sale Price $4.75. Children's Gretchen Coats of fancy mixed cloth, with deep Military Cape: sizes 4 to 14; reg ular price $s; Eclipse Sale Price $2.49. Children's tan and gray Eiderdown Walking Coats, trimmed with Angora fur to match; regular price $4; Eclipse Sale Price $1.85. Children's extra fine Imported Spotted Camel's Hair or Striped Eiderdown Walking Coats, velvet trimmed; regular price $6; Eclipse Sale Price $3.24. MILLINERY KPT. All sorts and shades of fine Velvets, Ostrich Feathers and Felt Novelties go for about half what they're worth. Untrimmed Hats for 49c, 69c and 98c; worth 75c, $1.25 and $1.50. , Trimmed Hats for $1.95, $ 2. 95, 3.95 and $4-955 worth $3,$4-S$6-50 an4 $8. Fancy Feathers, at 15c, 25c and 39c; worth 35c, 50c and 75c Ostrich Feathers, ( 25c; worth 50c. && .1. o-- lTifj I, 1 49c; WUilU OOC per bunch, All Silk Ribbon at 19c per yard; worth 35c. MAIL ORDERS FOR ABOVE GOODS FILLED PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY! WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE-SENT FREE. H MKm K. i sstssHHwrar - a , . Lrif i liEif n nour c - f,fthave- ic h t tbiui fi Nnkf c Pampmoc wit rour hui and - sjfek...