Newspaper Page Text
mi in I ill ill. Ill " wM MMa B - Mw eiM .". '6 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, MONDAT NOVEMBER 14, 1892. V MORE GOOD GAMES. Chicago's Famous Football Team to Play Here Christmas Daj. EASTERN UNIONS ALSO COMING. Some interesting Pointers About the Biff Easetall Meeting. GENERAL SrOKTING NEWS OF TOE PAT 3Iore games have been arranged by the Pittsburg Association Pootball Clnb and these games promise to be of the most in teresting kind. Secretary Matthews on Saturday completed arrangements whereby the famous Chicago eleven Tvill play here again at Exposition Park. The contest will take place on Chrjstmas Day holiday, that is either on the Saturday or the Monday, as Christmas Bay falls on Sunday this year. The Chicago team will be remembered as -playing the locals last year at Exposition Park when the game resulted in a tie. The contest was one of the most exciting and one of the best patronized that has ever been played In this city. Both toams have been strengthened since last year and both are more eager than ever to win. Arrangements have also been completed for a home and home game between the Fittsbnrp team and the Eastern Union team. It Is expected that the Eastern Unions will plav here on New Tear's Day. Tney are n. team" made up of the best players In tho East, and their home frame wfU be played in Philadelphia. Without doabt they will be one of the strongest elevens on the Ameri can continent. Everything is now .ready for the local came on Thanksgiving Day, between the Canadian" and the Pittsbnrzers at Recrea tion Park. Tho Canadian team are playing reeularly, and are sure to come here in flrst dass condition. On Saturday next the regular eleven of the Pittsburg Clnb will play apractice came against 15 of their fellow members. This contest is snre to be very interesting. The local Kugby clubs are also arranging more games and the public interest in the sport is growing every day. Last evening In local football circles the only topic of conversation was Saturday's game at the. Three As Park. The general opinion seemed to be that s both teams Had out siders engage! that "kicking" about "ring ers" was hardly fair. Judging from a re mars: made by a Three A member last even ing it Is not likely that there will be any more contests between the 1". A. C and Three A teams or representatives. This nill be a pity. . WANT A FAIR DEAL. Eastern Baseball Clubs Tired of Sharing Their fronts Wi h Vesternera. Sew York, Nov. 13. Special. As soon as the remaining debt of HS.000 Is paid there is d. prospect of the present baseball organiza tion dividing into an Eastern and a Western league. The Eastern clubs are now clamor ing for such a division, and it would be made next season if the present debt was not hangingover the magnates' head.but for 1S91 such a division will be made. For years the Eastern clubs have been dividing- the bulk of their profits with West ern teams and got small amounts in return. They have been compelled to submit largely to the dictation of the rivals of the West. This has been far from satisfactory. Sumo neople are inclined to thine that the Sew Yorks are planning a'surprlse for the other clubs at the meeting next week, al though President Day says that such is not the case. It is said that during the past season the club lost $30,000 and Is indebted to its plavers. These players hold promissory notes, and as the directors have assisted other clubs out of financial rnts in the past, something should be done for them. They will try to strengthen the team. They want Dan ltichardson back on second base, but they do not Intend to give all the present team for the Washington captain. Any rea sonable trade will be made for Richardson. A first baseman is needed. Other changes are fclfio expected in the clnb. It is likely that there will be several changes in the constitution to meet recent requirements. It is likely that a salary schedule will be adopted and that tho play ers will be bound more closely. The absurd rule of changing the diamond and making five instead ol four bases will not likely be given serious 'attention. If any change is made a tenth man maybe introduced into the game to play right short field. But as this would decrease the chances of batting. It is unllkelv to be adopted. The Xew York delegates are now on their tray to Chicago. PBEPABIKG FOB BIG CEOWBS. The Coney Island Club Building to Be Made Much larger. New York, Nov. 13. - Special. The Coney Island Athletic Clnb will make several alterations in its building for the Costello Greggains affair, which is scheduled for .Monday, November 28. The experience of 'v the management of the Choynski-Godfrey fight showed very plainly that they would have to enlarge the seating capacity in order Vo accommodate thelrguests. The old stationary reserved teats will be taken out and folding chairs will be substituted. It is expected that this arrangement will make the sports who journey down to Coney Island a good deal more comfortable than tbey have bt"n at previous fights. The eeatliii. capacity in the space behind the reserved siAts on each side of the build ing has also been increased with a corre sponding improvement in the facilities. Johnnie Eckbardt said this morning that ho was receiving satisfactory reports from both men. Greggains is training in Saugus.a little town near Lynn, Mass., assisted by Martin Murphy and Howie Hodgskin. Costello is getting as hard as nails at the Naveslnk Highlands In company with Peter .Mailer, Joe Choynski and several other bag punch ers. To-Daj's Gnttenberg Card. Louisville, Nov. 13. ISpeciaL Following are the pools sold hero last evening on to morrow's Gnttenberg races: "First race, three-quarters of a mile -Johnny O'ConnerlOS. $20: Montlece 101, Fancy gelding 101. J5; Lady Ballard 99. Nattie Hamilton colt 93, 110: John B97, t!0: Vexation gelding 87, Jack Pot 97; field. S3. Second race, five and a half furlongs Eleanor JOB, KS: Happy Maid 1C3. Trump 103, ?1S; Idaho 100, Miss Fisher 100, Vocal 100, Jlmmle Lamley 87. 110: OndawaS7, Violet S 84, I0; Cocoa 91, (10; field, t. Third race,-six and a half furlongs-Trinity 117. Si: Ma Belle 115. 3J; Miss Belle 115. X; Hoey 112, 10; Balance 107. 15: Sir Richard 107. 5. Fourth race, nine-sixteenths of a mllc-Gladlator III, 110; Woodchopper HI. 4; Bon Voyaire 108. Porrdora 107. f 10; Bob Sutherland 107. 115; May D lto.'fl0: Zenobla 101. 15: Anne Elizabeth 101. 10; Shotorer 98. Mucilage 88. LTlen 9S. Salisbury 98, J3: McKeever 96. Poor Jonathan S6. Bolivar 93, field. 15. , Filth race, one mile and one-quarter Fenelon IK S3; Allan Bane lit, ?: Head Light 105, 115; Harry Alonro 105. (15: Frontenac 10a. $10; Car melites:. 2: Eminence 8-1. fZ. Sixth race, seven-eighths or a mile Brown Charlie 120. 2: Joe Courtney 117. Eatontown 113. Jamestown III. J10: Glenlochy 100. Signature 109. Vllle Marie I0 110: Macaufey 107. Addle B 104, Radiant K. 12; Balbrlggan 97, Eugenie 89, IIU. O'Connor's- Proposed Crew. Ottawa, Okt., Xov. 13. William O'Connor, single scull champion oarsman, intends to organize a four-oared crew to row In tho International regatta at Chicago next year. O'Connor will shortly visit &t. John, N. B.. and Hallfax,N. S.. to select four strong, able bodied fishermen who can row.and train and pieoare them to row against any four men of England, Australia and the United States. General Sporting Notes. Tom Stevens, the hero of around the world on the good old ordinary, is in England on a lecturing tuur. Captaix KING, ortlie Princetons, hajputawav biscrulchesanUirhe continues to lraproehewlll bc able to play In the Yale-Princeton game. THEnE Is a wheelman down South who invaria nt rides M wheel to church on Sunday He wears a silt hat and a long Prince Albert coat and is an object or ridicule. CO' xell Is mentioned on all sides as a possible successor to Wesleyan in the IntercoUeglate leagSe. The latter team Is altogether too weak for the other elevens. TH K Yale management lias guaranteed to rornlsh the Brown University party with good seats at the Harvard-Yale game atfcprlngncld a week from to "ayand a large delegation Is xpected to be pres ent. ON Saturday while In a we', lira Firth avenue saloon, a youugman welgl out i pounds ordered a sis sf or beer, t hr w Jack -Ash ton's face and walked away. Tn "'.Siif antry could not be lcarneiS 'n looted very small. Joe Ciiotixski, Peter ' cGrathand liuflVo" Costello arc erat Vie Navcslnk Highlands oi. Choyln- 4 ski la preparing to" nv lerU to natch Guddard.1McG: - udCos- 'eeUreesalna. aaTlfttthai : 4 i. .We will find the deep sand track at Eobyverr trying, aud Tor awhile there will be no such thing as form to follow. The beat quarter or a mils time reeled off byny of the hones there yesterday was done down the backstretcli In S7 seconds. Robyttme will evidently stand as the slowest in tho country, Juit as the Monmouth straight course time ranks as the fastest. YESTERDAY'S BIG PAPER. All the Political and General News In The Sunday Dispatch. Now that the cruel war is over the news papers find other sources of news besides politics. Nothing of general importance escapes The Dispatch. Among Saturday' events were: Local. Democrats Jollified.. ..The P. A. Csand the A. A. A.'s pluyed an exhibition game of football Negroes sent to the river mines were frightened olTby. strikers.... McClaren was not blamed for Robert Little's death.... Homestead locked-out men are beginning to weaken Pittsburg Is to have, a matrimonial bureau. ...The Twenty-first street Incline ordinance was approved in committee.... The inquest over D. J. Kennellty will be held to-uay A dynamite can exploded and burned two Snutbslde boys.. ..Pittsburg manufacturers head tho brake beam com bine lams is a candidate for United Statos Attorney.. ..The Edgar Thomson Works will make no more steel rails The Press Club have engaged much musical and dramatic talent. ...Tax suits begin to- dav The Citizens' Traction war was ended Mayor Kennedy will move cau tiously in improving Allegheny, General. Qnay thinks Harrison in '93 Is a possi bility.. ..Philadelphia Legislators are boom ing Senator Quay for re-election.... Weaver says his party will stay. ...Boles will be a candidate for United States Senator.... Estes was appointed Consul for Hamburg.,..A crnade against political crookedness began In Kansas City Ohio is still wavering Harrison will be conservative in appoint ments AChicago detective is trying to cor ral the Plnkertons... .Republican National headquarters are closed Kansas ispartlv wet now.... Ae English syndicate will rival the Carnegles in West Virginia Canadian veterinarians have tested tubercullne ... Myriads of snakes surrounded a Connecticut man in a well Drycnfurth's rainmakers are in Texas. ...Contract laborers bound for Pittsburg had their story ready.. ..The com ing Senate will be Democratic with all Pop ulist votes to spare Y'ale de'eated the U. of P., at football Honesty drove a Somerset man insaue Harrison's plur ality In Pennsylvania Is 59, 451.... Many com ical election bets were paid. ...Two of Kansas' new Congressmen are curios.... Office seekers are beginning to beset Cleve land. Foreign. Nansen hopes to reach the North Pole by nature's aid.. ..There are several vacant seats in the French Academy. ...The mili tary bill may wind up Caprivi....A German will be tried fcr throwing bis wife into a burning house. ...The firs: week of the En glish spinners' strike ended In a draw.... Berliners and all Europe are pleased with Cleveland's victory.. ..There are more signs of Russia and France getting together.... London was darkened by a fog. ...Dynamite has almost knocked out tile Loubet ministry in Franco Exploring Africa is now the fad. ...Yesterday was "Bloody anniversary Sunday" in London. ...English ladies ride like men in the chase. ...The English Gov ernment will pardon a murderer on condi tion that ho sail for America. FOUGHT WITH HIS WIFE. She Managed to Keep Her Ttwo Children AVhlle Her Husband Loafed. Barney Morrow, of South Nineteenth street, was arrested Saturday night bv Offi cer Wright for beating his wife. When brought up for a hearing before Judge Succop yesterday morning Mrs. Morrow testified that her husband had not worked for the past year or done anything to sup port his family. She worked in n. restaurant and made $7 a week. With this she had managed to support her husband and two children. She aid that when he did work ho would not contribute anything to her support, but spend the money for drink. Wuen he came home Saturday night he began to tear np the house and ended by hitting her with a poker. In de'enso Morrow said she would not let him work, but wanted him to live as a gentleman. He was sent to the workhouse for 99 days. "Whisky Is Not Good Unless absolutely pure. Klein's Silver Age is recommended by leading physicians. All first-class dealers have it. Ask for it, or call on Max Klein, Allegheny, Pa., and get it. Upright Pianos, S200.S225, S250. Jlellor & Hoene, 77 Fifth Avenue. Wehavejnst received a large ship ment of upright pianos, with full, rioh $200 tone, and light, elastic actions. Re liable, substantial and durable instru ments of 7-octaves. We will sell them $25 at the low prices of $200, $225 and $250. We say plainly that for the same money you cannot get a piano equal to these $250 anywhore. Come and see the pianos yoursoirand we'll prove it. Cash or easy payments. ilELLORi IIoese, Founded 1631, Warerooms, 77 Fifth avenue. Crockery, Glassware and Lamps. Our entiie $C0,00(rstock, damaged by fire, water and smoke, must bo closed out nt once, and now Is a rare chance to get bar gains in biic-a-brac, dinner sets, chamber sets, lamps, etc. Everything marked away down lor this sale, as goods must go to make room for new stock. Come early. T. G. Evaxs & Co., Third and Market, The latest fashions in winter hats and bonnets, which were Introduced In Paris November 1. will be received by me for Wednesday, November 16. Large selection of ray own designs at reasonable prices. Orders to match costumes from $5 upward. Mlle. E. Dbeyeb, Cll Penn avenue. Perfect action and periect health result r om the use of De Witt's Little Early Risers. A perfect little pilL Very small; very sure Abe you going to attend Madame Yale's lectuie to the ladiest Tickets fioe. See ad in another column MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Notices. THE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING PURCHASED the business or Meier & Graccy. practical horseshoers. So. 107 Nineteenth street, Southslde. Pittsburg, will carry on the business as heretofore at the ld stand. All bills due the old firm should bejiald to him and he will assume all liabilities. PITISBCRO, Nov. 12, 1892. DAVID MEIER. , Dividends. Tiiied National Bank, PITTSBUBO, November 9, ISM. J DrVTDEND NO. 57-A DIVIDEND OF THREE (S) PEK CENT has been declar-d this day out of the earnings of the last six months, parable on demand. W. STEINMEYER, Cashier. Legal Notices. "rOTICE-WHEBEAS MY WIFE, MARY E. J.1 Moore, has Instituted legal proceedings aialnst me, I hereby give notice that I will par no debts contracted by her. LCET S. MOORE. FlTTSBCnG, Nov. 11. 1S92. D. M. ALSTON, Attorney at Law, 93 Diamond Street. I7STATE OF JAMES SCARBOROUGH. DE JCEASED. Notice Is hereby given that letters Of administration on the estate of JamcsSrarborough have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to mate immediate payment, and those having claims agalmtihe same should make them known with out delay. H. E. bCARBOROUuH. 34 Ohio street, Al'egheny. Pa. KATHAR1NA BECK, or Stone township. ESTATE OF MICHAEL BECK. DECEASED. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the estate of Michael Beck, deceased, late of Stowe township, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate arc requested to make Immediate payments, and those having claims or demands against the same will mate them known without delay KATHAEINA BECK, Administrator, McKee's Rocks. Pa. LOST. LOST On Sunday afternoon on North av., be tween Fayette and Jackson sts.. ladles' gold watch chain with a little gold bucket and small heart attached. A liberal reward If returned to 22) Jackson su. Allegheny. LOST White, black and tan English setter; answers to the name of Mac; reward if re turned to No. 512 Mudrav.. East End, or No. 103 Fourth av. S. H. Vandergrlft. ".OST-On Saturday, In Mllirale borough or on case; valued as a gift; Under leaving same at toll sm. mj wumu b... Kuiu eyeglasses JU icftiurr office 431 st. bridge ' irldge will be rewarded. W. J.Carey. LOST-45 reward A pair of gold eyeglasses, Sun day morning on Slh av.. leaving Manchester cars. Cnarles T. Wagner. 212 Wood st. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR i.000 yards of filling to be placed on Chartiers av.. in borough of McKee's Rocks, said filling to be taken from Crawford's Hill, in said borough; right reserved to reject any 'or nil bids; bids will be opened on TUES DAY, November 15, 1892, at 7:30 . XAddreaj yuan unauA.-t, cieric oicoiinoii, .at icKee'a Rnrara.Pa jW Oautjtea real ettate aavertuemenu on thu pap t ten etnUper tine for each iniertton, and none taken for lest than ttcenty eenU. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the loHowlng headings will be ac cepted at the rate of . OJsX CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION when paid for in ad vance either at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertwementi of all Kindt. fcUCH AS SITUATIONS, BOOMS, MALE HELP. BOAKDrso, FEMALE HELP, BOARDERS, AGENTS, MISCELLANEOUS, PERSONALS. TO LBT ROOMS, - MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALES LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE Cor, Emithfleld and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BHANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHFBF. WANTS. FOB SALE. TO LET. ASD OTHER TBAN8IF.NT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements hould be prepaid unless adver tisers alreadv have accounts with THE Dispatch. FOR ALLEGHENY, NO. 107 FEDERAL aT., TELEPHONE sea. FOR THE SOUTTT3TD7, NO. H12 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 60S. FOR THE iSAST END. J. W. WALLACE. 813 PENN AV. rvTTsttTTwn ADrvrrwv al. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. SCOOBntler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY-ADDITIONAL,. F. IT. EGOERS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS SI cHFNRY. Western and Irwin avenues. WANTED. Male Help. BOY A bright active boy 14 to 15 years of age. James H. Aiken & Co.. 1C0 Fifth av.. Monday morning. BOOKKEEPER-Young man experienced In 1am ber rard and planing mill; 15 weekly. Wal ton wooisey. i rouriu ar, BRASS MOLDER Good man to work out of the city: steady work. Apply, between 11 and 12 A.M.. at Pittsburg Reduction Co., 116 Water St.; good reftrence required BUTCHER and bologna maker: good wages to sober man. Call (to-day) 274 Center av.,PhU llps' butcher shop, CABINET MAKERS Wanted nrst-class cabinet makers on hard wood mantels: steady work and good wages. Write with reference to llead- viue urniture uo., Aieaavwe, ra, CANVASSERS for onr 75c water filter; big com 1 mission satisfaction everywhere. 102 Fourth av., room 6. TRUG CLERK One that sneaks German and 1 ' must come well recommended. Inquire or address A. G. Hllber & Co., 539 Fifth av. EXPERIENCED cylinder and Job press feeders. W., Dispatch office. EXPERIENCED clothing salesman. Apply 432 Market st. IRON RAILING WORKER-Apply to Julius Baker, No. 721 Grant St., Pittsburg. Pa. MAN Immediately, a man with push aud $1,500 cash to take charge or office and men selling special goods: flEO per month, with ample security for money. Address J. M.. Dispatch office. M AN Single white man to garden and care for nvo siock. Appiy ai tw jjiDeny st. MEN Local repreentatlves In PltUbnrg and vicinity by the Union Collecting and Detect ive Agency. 33 the Arcade. Cleveland, O. ; good pay; write at once for particulars. PRINTER An experienced printer; one who can take cliarge of and run a Jobofllce. Ad dress, stating where formerly employed and salary expected, P. O. Box 41, Pittsburg. SALESMEN City or countrv, to sell "O'Keefe's Pills." a sure cure for liver derangements, colds, coughs, etc. : agents can make 85 to S3 a day. Dr. O'Kcefc & Co., 1032 Penn av. SALESMEN To sell Wleeand's frame hanger for pictures, crayons, mirrors, signs, etc.; no Ficture hangs perfectly without it. Wlegand ramc Hanger Co., 1232 Penn av. TINNERS. Apply to A. H. Johnson & Co., 178 Fourth av. TOOL MAKERS Four good tool makers: none but flr6t-c!ass workmen need apply. Eclipse Bicycle Co.. Beaver Falls. Pa. WANTED Man: wo want another good man to undertake the management of one of the departments or our bnssness; to anyone or expe rience, general acquaintance andi integrity there is a good opening, and to the right party an lnr terest can be seenred on satisfactory terms. Ap ply br letter, giving real name and relerenccs, to las. W. Drape & Co.. 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. "VOUNG MAN As assistant book Keeper; state J. experience. Address N. P. D.. Dispatch office. 701INU MAN to take care or horses. John Rltzman, comer Forbes and Oakland avs. Agents. AGENTS-Co-operalion The new trade circular or the 'Western Pennsylvania Industrial Co operative Association has lust been published: while It Is neatly gotten up. its elder attractlou Is the large number of names of leading husluess houses at which members of the association can obtain discounts, averaging from 10 to 25 per cent; this 1 the oldest association In the county, and that It Is the largest and best Is evidenced by the supe rior class of merchants who belong to It; anvpersuu not already a member should go at once to the office and become a member; It costs hut SI a j ear. with out dues or assessments, and thousands or ramllies are saving from $20 to SI00 yearly. The general of fice Is at 12 Federal st., Allegheny, where the tecretary, Mr. Ellis, may be found: the Pittsburg branch Is at Walkmeyer's railroad ticket office, 8 Smlthfleldst.: a few ladles and gentlemen can se cure lucrative employmeut as agents. AGENTS A general agent In every town and city 'In Western Penna. to Introduce the Odell typewriter at (20 that will do more work and better than any machine on the market; no experi ence required: any child that can spell can operate 1t: no trouble for agent to make $5 to 150 per day. Call or write at oucc Specialty Co., 43) bmlthfleld street. AGENTS 1.030 live, hustling agents tn 6ell the famons coal saver, Koal-s par; exclusive terri tory; blgproflts; readv seller; for Pittsburg. Alle gheny ana every city and town In the State: send 4c In stamps for-sample and' Information. Apply or call Immediately :65 Franklin street. Allegheny. TALK to Children About Jesus, one or the most popular books ever published: sells at sight; creditglvcn; freight paid: best book for the holi days: agents wanted, also for other books and Bibles. R. H. Woodward Jfc Co., Baltimore, Md. Female Help Wanted. GIRL A reliable girl 15 or 16 years old to take care or little child: references positively re quired. Inquire W. A. McCutchen. S5 4thav. G1 IKL 1o do plain cooking: with reference. 103 Itomusonst.. Aiiegncuy. HOUSEGIRLS, cooks, maids, waitresses, nurses. 16 Third street, Allegheny. LADIES or yocng men to lake light, pleasant work at their own homes 1 to S3 per day can be quietly made; work sent by mail: no canvass ing. For particulars address Globe Mfg. Co., Box 5331. Boston, Mass. Established 1830. LADIES to do fancy work at tnelr homes orto act as agents. Call aud see work or address J. M. Lemar & Co. Male and Female Help Wanted. HELP Matron and cook for an Institution: cook and waitress for same family: laundresses. $5; faytlly cooks, M to 8: chambermaids, dining room girls, nurses, 200 house girls, restaurant cooks, 110; cooks and dish washers for boarding houses, bote) help, working housekeeper, colored help, male and female cooks for country: porters, drivers, butlers, farm hands, white and colored waiters. Miss Dolan, successor to Mrs. Thompson, 608 Grant st. HELP Man cook, butcher, waiters, cojorcd man servant, teamster, hotel and restaurant cooks, dishwashers, chambermaids, pantry girl, laun dress, washerwoman, child's nurse, ramlly cooks, chambermaids, waitress, house girls, managing housekeeper: all first-class help report here. Median's Agency, 545 Grant st. ' Agents, s GENTS Salary or commission to agents to han J. 'die the Patent Chemical ink Erasing Penelli the most uselul and novel Invention or the age: erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds; works like magic; 200 -to 500 per cent profit; agents making $50 per week: we also want a general agent to take charge or territory ana appoint snb agents: a rare chance to make money. Write for terms and sam ple or erasing. Monroe Eraser Mfg.Co.. X10. La Crosse. Wis. AGENTS to represent best accident, sick and burial fund association lit America; over fX). M paid to its members In disability benefits dur ing the past year. Address, with reference, D. E. Thomas, State Agent, Du Bols, Pa. AGENTS-Gnm tissue mends clothing better than needle or thread: silks, woolens, gloves, umbrellas; one yd. 10c; 12 vds. 65c by mall. P. Stayner Co., Providence, it. I, GENTS Easily earn f5 a day selling our goods; A samples. 10c. General Supply Company. 102 Fourth areuue. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED-A party with from J1.000 to fa. 000, In a business which is Important to most all manufacturers and requires but little time or risk, as most of the Income win bn derived from royal ties which promise large returns for amount in vested. Address L. H. B P. o. Box 233. Hotel, Dining and Lunch Booms. COZIEST dining, lunch and Ice cream rooms In the city. Ktvan's. 90S Penn av. Business men's dinner, d' hote; ladles' noon lunch.en'carte. TTOTEL, MORRIS. 3d ave. and Cherry alley, rear II ol postoScc Rooms, 50, 75 cents; meals, 2 cents. H OTEL FEDERAL. 171 Federal. Allegheny; 1.50, 82 day; special rates when permauent. Booms Wanted. WANTED A room In central Pittsburg by a newly married couple, where lady can do .general housework la private family: small salarr x2sssit3SKsss&saBa.'Sss&. WANTED. Situations "Wanted. POSITION By an expert enced cloak saleslady la a first-class city house; has 10 years' experi ence; reason for change, advancement. Address S. H., Dispatch office. POSITION As bookkeeper or cashier br a young lady of practical experience and ability; cau give the best or reference. Address P. o. Box 1335. POSITION as 6hlpper or packer: have had 10 years' experience In large wholesale house.Ad dress N. C, Dispatch office POSITION By lady; first-class accompanist in orchestra. Address Box JS5. Mansfield VaUey, Pa. SITUATION ?y a young man willing to work hard, a position to do any kind of work, count ing room or store; salary no object. Address K. M., Dispatch office. Instruction. TPRENCH lessons. Francals, Box 627, Pittsburg. WANTED Right away, young and middle-aged men and women to learn bookkeeping, pen manship, arithmetic, grammar, spelling, short hand, typewriting, etc., at the Actual Business College, No. 5 Sixth av. ; day and evening schools open the entire year: private Instructions and brier and original methods our specialties; book keenlng taught by, actual business practice; write for free pictorial catalogue. Boarders and Lodgers Wanted. OCCUPANTS for furnished room; convenient to board. 222 Dinwiddle st. Financial Wanted. , B ENSWANGER4 ZAHN-Flre Insurance. Fourth av. JOHN K. EWING CO.. 107 Federal St.. make qulok loans: money ready. MONEY to loan oA real estate security In any sums desired: lowest rates or Interest; quick and economical service. Piper fc Clark, 131 Fourth MONEY at 6 per cent: we have $30,000 to loan, tSX up. J. C. Alles& Co., 161 Fourth av, Tel. 167. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county property at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver, &Co., 92 Fourth av. rpo LOAN faw, 000 on mortgages: $100 and up J. ward at 6 per cent: S5O0.C00 at K per cent on residence or business property, vacant lots or farms. S. H. French. 125 Fourth av. WANTED Do you want money? If so call on Snyder & White. 162 Fourth av. : prompt service: low rates. WANTED Mortgages on Improved city or Alle gheny city property. McCune & Coulter, 93 Fourth ar. UHsceUaneons Wanted. A McCABE crayon portrait for Christmas pres ents. 297 Fifth av. ELECTRIC Mfg. and SnpplvCo.,310 Blssell block, Pgh., 64 Federal. Allegh'y: incandescent and bell wiring; electrical repairing a specialty; phone 1375. EVERYBODY to know that Wyland sells the celebrated Tanger brand of oysters: 30c quart, tlperga.Ion. Allegheny market, stand 71. BREE manufacturing site on P. R. R.; good lo cation; coal, coke; Pittsburg freight rates. A. Y.. Dispatch office. I FAINTING and plate glass glazing. R. C. Miller, . 526 Grant St.. PltUbnrg. T 'RONES named toandtromtne East End for fifty cents. CnpbeU i. Davis, No. 12 Seventh av. Telephone 276. USE Jones' Bedbug .Paralyzer Jones' Magi Roach Powder: roaches banished by contract satisfaction given or no pay. 222 Federal St., Alio gheny. bold by all first-class druggists. TTT ANTED All business men to know that the IT Office Specialty Co., 105 Third av.. keep In stock the latest and best office furniture, filing cabinets and labor-saving office specialties; work to order and metalUc vault fixtures are among their specialties. WANTED-AH. barbers In Allegheny to attend an open meeting of National Barbers' Asso ciation lu G. A. R. Hall, 49 est Diamond. Tues day, Nov. 15; business of Importance to be trans acted. WANTED To rent house: will board owner's family In exchange for rent or house or will take charge or house during owner's aDseuce. Ad dress J. It. II., 96 Diamond st., city. WANTED Everybody to know that Aufreciu Co. are making their line cabinets for 11 a doten during this month, at 77 Fifth ar.; bring the children. w OODand plioio engraving; 1 alf tones; clectro- tTnliiir. Rrirrinn 7S Fniirtli jiv FOR SAIiE MISCELLANEOUS. Musical Instruments. F OR SALE Good upright piano; cash: very encap. wuonigomery av.. Auegncny. I JIANO Elegant upright, walnut finish; condi tion perfect. Address C H., Dispatch office. Kubber Stamps and Stencils For Sale. GET your rubber stamp, steel stamps, stencils, seal presses, brass checks, etc. from Shealfer i Co.. 49 Fifth av.. Duff's College building. STENCILS, steel stamp. eal presses, rubber stamps, etc. XV. A. Bunting. 20 Fifth av.. cor. Market. machinery and Metals For Sale. BRYANT and Acme automanc engines and boil ers, hot water and steam heating exhaust fans aud ventilating fly fans, water and electric motors, dynamos and electric lighting: general machinists, engineers and contractors; stationary engines and boilers. Tompkins Ulrlch, 316 Liberty St.. Pitts burg, Pa. ENGINES and boilers or every description: brick yard supplies; contractors' and rolllngmlll ma chinery. Thomas Carllu's Sons, Lacock and San dusky sts.. Allegheny. Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock For Sale. DELIVERY wagons Delivery wagons all styles; our own make. Wm. Beckert, 340 to 341 Ohio st,, Allegheny. Telephone 3420. HORSES AN D MARES-50 head sold for want or use, weighing rrom 1.400 to 1,700 pounds; give you pick or stable. Chautauqua Lake Ice Co., 13th and Pike. HORSE, buggy and harness very cheap; suitable, ror lady or children to drive; good reason for selling. No. 4303 Butler st. HOESES-2 very fine driving horses. 4 and 6 years old; will scare at nothing; very stylish. F. F. C, Dispatch offiee. Miscellaneous For Sale. BUILDING material for sale-Bids will be re ceived until November 15 for the lumber and material in Armour Co.'s Wilklusburg lcelng station and trestle, to be removed by May 1. 1S33; building may be seen at any time. Armour & Co., Chicago. FOB SALE BUSINESS. rk Business Opportunities For Sale. (fOAL BUSINESS. BETAIL-Well established in J Lawrencerllle at a bargain: have 2 months' orders ahead and business getting better every day; satisfactory reasous given for selling, bee Thos. McCaffrey. 3509 Butler st. INTEHEST In a Job printing business: cen tral location and doing a good busluess. M. F. Hippie & Co., 9j Fourth av. MANUFACTURING busIness-A spoke manu lactorr with all the machinery and facilities for conducting a large and profitable business, lo cated online of rallruad and In a fine timber dis trict. Particulars Irora Jas, W. Drape A Co., 313 Wood St.. Pllttburg, ONLY 3215 or more will establish paying busi ness at honic. 40 Montgomery av.. Allegheny. SALOON Splendid saloon property In Cleveland, O. : good locality: can be bought cheap: parties have to leave ror old country; must le sold Imme diately. David Folsom, 201 Superior st, Cleve land, O. SALOON One or the finest saloons In Canton, O. ; central location, opposite the Court House. For particulars, address S. W., 26 W. Tuscarawas St., Canton, C. SALOON And boarding house, in good location, with stock, fixtures and furniture. Apply to Wm. Belllngham, opposite Valley depot! Can ton, O. t fl"l 17 OOO bonds, bearing 6 per cent, payable In jpjLlj gold: first class securities: subject to closest Investigation: suitable as investment ror trustees, guardians or sinking fund. Ed. Wlttlsh. 134 Fifth av.. Pittsburg. Anchor Bank building. FOB SALE LOTS. City Lots. LOTS on Blufl and Vlckroy sts., near college. Robert Coward, a) Bluff st. Bast End Lots For Sale. ATLANTIC AV Choice lots. 40x130, for 12,800, If sold In a few uays. See W. A. Lincoln, 101 Fourth av city. FOB SALE Schenley Park iota 50x15a, greater frontage If desired. Woodland avenue, be tween Forbes avenue and Schenley Tark; asphal tum pavement; strcetrallroad; cheap- easy terras. xrau c 4iiuiii, ,uw curves or Mruin avenue. JV1 200-If sold this week, buys a lot In Oakland tp J. j 25x100 Teet; 8700 cash, balance In three years: this is a bargain, Baxter, Thompson & Co.. 101 Fourth av. Suburban Lots For Sale. POR SALE-Or exchange 5 lots in Allquippa plan or lots, on Herr tt to contractor for ilan or lots, on Herr tt., to contractor for Ing a house In Wllklnsburg. F. B. Tomh nuuuing a iiuuse iu iiKinsourg, Wllkmsburg. 51 ACRES of land, near the city, at a great bar. 2 galn;small dwelling on the property, Jas.W. Drs,pe & Co.. 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. Farms For Sale. FARM A fine stock and crop farm of 250 acres with good dwelling and outbuildings: spring house; large orchard: abundance or water, etc.? etc. ; said to be one or the best farms In any ol the neighboring counties, and situated within one mile or railroad station. Jas. W. Drape & Co.. 313 Wood street. Pittsburg. IJAKM A good farm orft acres, near the city .' and railroad; excellent dwelling, large barn, fine orchard, plenty of water; one ortlie healthiest and most pleasant places In the county: an excel lent ntspot for a suburban home. Jas, W. Drape A o.. 313 Wood St., Plttsbnrg. ' Co. FOR SALE Or exehanre,va good farm of about macros, close to railroad station, convenient to the city: dwelling, -outbuildings, 2 orchards, plenty of water and in a good naturatgss district; FOB SALF-irMPBOVED BEAL ESTATE City Residences. BLUFF ST.. near college New brick house. 8 rooms, ball, bathroom. Inside and outside w. c; aU late Improvements: terms to suit. Robt. Coward, 20 Bluff st. Bast End Besldences For Sale. EAST END 2 houses and lots: rare investment: rents 175 a month; bricks, mansard roof. 8 rooms, small room, batli. w. c. furnace, vestibule, ball, cellar, all In prime order: 2 nice lots: space In front and side or each house: alley In the rear; most convenient location In the East End. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 813 Wood si.. Pittsburg. EAST END-An excellent brick dwelling In de sirable location; 8 rooms, sewing room, bath, natural gas, pantries and other modern appliances; fine lot; rront. side and rear entrance: possession at once. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 813 Wood, St., jriusuurg. ij'Uifc caui-unij ;o,&ou, rasi x.uu xiauuiuum Ju new house; 9 rooms besides laundry: modern fixtures, both gases, electric light, cablnetmantels. tile bearlhs. Inside shutters, good, large lot: loca tion very central; street paved. (105.) W. A. Herron Jt Sons. 80 4th av. FOB SALE-Op Firth av.. East Eno, 8.0. very desirable residence, 9 rooms. 4 rooms besides the reception hall on first floor: large corner lot, with shade trees. (43) Sec-W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. CQ JOO New frame slate roofcd house near tlcOj WIneblddle aud Penn: 6 rooms, attic, bath room, ball and vestibule, porches, piped for gas, nicely finished throughout: excellent location; come this week. Newlngham & Co., 5UJ5 Penn avenue. ( M800 Meyran av., Oakland: a very neat 5 j room frame dwelling, almost new: rront and rear porches: side eutrauce: good lot to 20-foot alley: very near electric cars: terms easy. Samuel Y. Black & Co., 99 Fourth av. QC 000-8 room brick dwelling. In Oakland: tWOi this Is a bargain and terms are easy: good lot: side entrance and front yard; on the line of electric cars. Samuel W. Black & Co.. 99 4th av. Allegheny Besldences For Sale. A BEAUTIFUL stone front residence in Alle gheny on North avenue, almost new aud In the most perfect Condition throughout, possessing all the modern Improvements In every particular: spacious rooms, reception hall, solid bard wood finish, unique and handsome mantels with cabi nets, plate glass windows. Inside shutters: the nlumbing and sanltarv arrangements are unex celled: brass and nlckle pipes, electric lights, etc., etc. ; there is no better finUhed residence in Alle gheny; me premises can oe examinea any.aiier noon on presenting a card from the agents, Jas. W. Drape jt Co.. 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. A LLEGHENY-A neat brick dwelling and two lots In the vicinity of the parks: line neigh borhood: 12 rooms in dweUlng and the usual modern requirements: lots ahout 43x120 feet to an alley; immediate possession: keys at our office. Jas. W. Drape & t o.. 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. ALLEGHENY North Canal St. The large brick dwelling and spacious lot of the late L. Salter, Sr.. deceased: all In prime order throughout; would exchange In part for a smaller dwelling. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. SHERMAN AV., No. 59. Allegheny The well bullt, every courenlcnce brick house, 9 rooms, and rear frame house of 4 rooms, on lot 20x110 feet: a bargain to quick purchaser. Fidelity Title & Trust to.. 121 ana 12.1 Fourth av. Hazelwood Besldences For Sale. HOUSE-5 rooms, hall ana vestibule: city water: lot 24x120: 3 minutes rrom cars and station: must be soldat JI.SOJ. P.J. Edwards & Co.. 18M second ar.. Hazelwood. Suburban Besldences For Sale. CRAFTON A charming little home contiguous to a railroad 6tatlon, In a healthy location: new dwelling of 6 rooms, finished attic, ball and cellar, marble mantels, porches, etc., etc: monthly pay ments on reasonable amount being paid down; Im mediate possession. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood st.. Pittsburg. I70R SALE-?1, 000 Near Sandy Creek station, A. . V. R. R., new rraiue house, 6 rooms and aitlc; 3 icres land, new barn, rrult trees, etc. ; or will ex change for city property. (73s.) See W. A. Herron & Sons, feO Fourth av. I?OR SALE-Frame house and 1 acre or ground, with spring house, wa6hhouse aud stable on f rounds: rrult and shade trees; on Freeport road, icad or McCargo st.. New Kensington; within 5 minutes' walk ofstatlon. TO LET. City Besldences. TO LET Ann, near Magce St.. only a short walk from P. O., neat brick house. 6 rooms, only $10 per mo. : a'so, fin Scott St., near Firth av. (location very central), house 6 rooms, natural gas, etc., only J23 per mo. ; send for list. W. A. Herron & Sons, &0 Fourth av. 10 LET Brick house or six large rooms, in the . city; close to cable and electric cars; rent only $21 per month; Immediate possession. Jas. W. Drape A Co. 313 Woodst., Pittsburg. rPO LET Brick house or 5 rooms. In Thirteenth X ward, city: close to cable cars and Wylle av. : Immediate possession. Jas. W. Drape & Co.. 313 AVood St.. Pittsburg. T'O LET I7 50 per month, only a few minutes fioin P.O.. Vlckroy st., sixth ward. brick house 5 rooms; send for list. W. A. Herron & Sons. 80 Fourth av. rriO LET s,25perjnonth, good home, six rooms. X cor. Reed and Vine sts. (near Filth av). Send for list. W. A. Herron & sons. 80 1 ourth av. TO LET S23 per month, good hone6rooms, cor. Reed and Vine st. (near Fifth ar.; send for list. W. A. Herron Sons, 80 Fourth ar. 'I'O LET A new brick bouse of eight rooms; alt X conveniences. 050 Wylle av.. near Somer st. East End Besldences To Let. TO LET-Atwood St., Oakland, Jnst fin!jhed,new brick house of 8 rooms, modern fixtures, onlv 830 per mo.; location very central and desirable. W. A. Herron & Sons, to Fourth av. Allegheny Besldences To Let- TO LET A gord brick dwelling, on Western av., Allegheny, at a nominal rent uutll April 1: possession at once. Jas. W, Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. T'O LET 155 Grant av.; brick house.6rooms.hall and all modem conveniences; reut3. John K. Ewlng & Co.. 107 Federal st. rpOLET-John K. Ewlng CO.. 1"7 Federal St., X headquarters for Allegheny houses ; free list. Booms To Let. IMFTH AV., C20-Nlcely furnished second-story : room. TJOHBES ST.. 382 Large furnished front room; SHADY AV., 278. East End-Furnished room suitable for gentleman and wile or two gentle men, near good boarding bouses. MON AV.. 23. Allegheny-Well lurnlshed hack room: both gases; board: suitable ror one or two gentlemen ; terms reasonable. w ASMNGTON ST.. 49. Allegheny Nicely iuruisuea room wttii uoara: reasonable rate. Z see additional aaieisunaer Wanted boarders and Lodgers. Business Stands To Let. TO LET Room, with or without power; also, storage room, dry kiln, capacity 30, 0CO rt. ; will lease kiln or dry lumber by contract. Head Bolt Works, Grant and Boquet sts., Allegheny. Apply on premises or to H. A. Spangler. 'Ihlrd National Bank, Allegheny. rpo LET fcpace with power: every convenience; X corner Penn av. and Third st. Nicola Bros., 20 Filth av. Offices, Desk Boom, Etc., To Lot. TO LET-ln the Ferguson block.-Third and Fourth avs., a few choice offices; day and night elevator, electric clocks and Janitor services lree: rent low. Blacx & Balrd. No. 95 Fourth av fl'O LET In the Hamilton building. 91-03 Fifth X av.. choice offices, with all conveniences', rent low. Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth av. TO LET Desk room: all conveniences; 110. Alles Bros. i. Co., 1G4 Fourth ar. .Miscellaneous To Lots. TO LET-Fourth av., near Grant st.. basement oftwogood rooms: water, light and heat free; 825. Baxter. Thompson A Co., 161 4th ar. rpo LET Third floor. Masonic Bank building: X rooms suitable for artist, draughtsman, archl lect or light manufacturing. PEBSONAL. PEKSONAL-Charles Matrimonial Agcncy-Re-spcetable clientage only. 101 Park way, Alle gheny. PERSONAL Stenography and typewriting thor oughly taught. Private Shorthand Institute, 315 Smltbneld st. PERSONAL-Crcdlt, yes, credit, on fine dress goods, silks, satlns,wraps,etc, at J. Dwyer'K uoom 4. aiciance block. 701 snmnneia PERSONAL-Vlsit Mrs. Elliott's hair dressing and manicure parlors: superfluous hair re moved by electric needle. 642 1'eau aT. PERSONAL To manufacturers, contractors and miners, colored puddlers. miners and laborers at Pcregrluo's, 145 Fourth av.; tel. 1800. PERSONAL Ta-va-zon Cough Syrup, unequaled for cough, cold, consumption, throat and lung disease; every bottle guaranteed. Dr. Griffith, xmruanu urani, 1'lllsDurg. PERSONAL Prof. Geo. Maskery. practical phrcnologlbt, graduate of the American In stitute of phrenology. Office hours 8 toll A. M; examinations (I. 8 Seneca St.. city. "PERSONAL Eveiett CIuh Ncws-Tlic rianos 1 delivered this week are Club A.. No. 334, Miss S. E. Hartley, 35 Dawson st.. Allegheny; CluhB., No. 311. Mrs. E. Caldwell, swlssvale. Pa. PERSONAL Hair, moles, etc.. on ladies- races permanently destroyed by the electric needle without pain or scar; consultation free. Miss fctreng, office 903 Tenn av.. Dickson building. IjERaONAL-Ladies wishing to take lurko tare X Baths or facemassage for removing blemishes and improving the complexion win please visit my parlors at 903 Penn av.. Pittsburg. Miss Sherwood. PERSON AL When I was a small boy my mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, bnt since I got to be a great big man, Dickson, the well-known tailor, 65 Fifth av., cor. Wood st., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing aud renovating In great shape. Tel. laoS. FOUND. IL'O UN D'I he oniy reilaoiefec handJofiralt J7 artists -In crayon and water colors: finest grades only: all work done In windows In presence or tho public; order nowanrt pay for Christmas: tores open until 9 r. u. : satisfaction guaranteed or no-charge. Jos. P. Cowan. Prop. Unloa Ar tists' Portrait Co,.- first floors 708 Liberty st,,,607 'it.uaraa:iu36.'oiitot.:' we agnlor-no. AUCTION SALES. EXECUTOR'S SALE WEDNESDAY NO VEMBEr. 16, 189i Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, executor of Samson Stilly, deceased, will, on Wednes day, November 16, 1893, at 11 a. m., ex pose to public sale on the premises all that certain piece of ground at Jones' station. P., V. & C. R. It., near the borough ot West Elizabeth, Jefferson township, Al legheny county, bounded and described as follows: Bozinningat the east corner of said land adjoining Jones' coal road, thence along the P., V. & C. R. R., S. 50.03, W. 1105.20 It., thence S. 18.08, E. 1011.37, thence along township road N. 35.50, E. 943.80 to said Jones' coal road.thence along the said roadN.12, W. 529.91 feet to tho place of beginning, containing 20.25 acres. The above described piece of cround Is beautifully located close to the Mononga liela river, about 20 miles from the city of Pittsburg, near tho line of the borough of West Elizabeth; is suitable for building pur poses, and would bo a desirable location for a manufacturing establishment, having rail road and water facilities. Tgiucs or Sale. $530 00cashattimeof sale, balance of one-third of purchase money on delivery of deed; remainder of purchase money in two equal annual payments, with Intel est semi-annually secured by bond nnd ttebt mortgage on the premises. JOHN W. SNEE, Executor, Ontlon, P. O.. Allegheny Co.. Pa. A. A. WORK, Auctloneer,77Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. LOT 97x100, LOT 57x100, LOT 104x100, PENN AVENUE, COR. FIITEENTH AND SIXTEENTH STS., AT AUCTION. On Wednesday. November 16, at o'clock will be sold by auction on the premises, the lot on notteast corner Penn av. nnd Fif teenth sts., fronting 97 feet on Penn av.. 95 feet on MulDerry alley, by 100 feet in depth. Also the adjoining lot fronting 56 feet on Penn av., 09 icet on Mulberry alley, by 100 feet id depth. Also the lot on northwest cornor Penn av. and Sixteenth St., fronting 103 leet on Penn av., 105 feet on Mutberry alley, by 100 feet in depth. v Possession given April 1. Terms One-fonrth cash by January, bal ance in four yearly payments, with Interest; $500 deposit on each lot required at sale. Bv order of tho executors of the estates of J. H. and G K. Shoenberger, deceased. A. LEGGATE & SON. Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE. Furniture, Carpets, Piano, Coats, Etc. Tuesday, November IS, at 10 O'clock, at the Booms of the .Henry Auction Co., 24 and 26 Ninth Street. Handsome parlor suites, upuolstored tn brocatelle tapestry, rugs and plushes, fancy tables, chairs and rockers, cabinets, pic tures, clocks, curtains and ornaments. Fine upright piano, almost new. chambersuites in oak and walnut, wardrobes, chiffoniers, desks, bookcases, lounges, leather couches, chairs and rockers, halltacks, sideboard, etc., table", chairs', springs, mattresses, pillows and bedding. Large line of Brussels carpet for rooms, halls and stairs. Also cots , notions, etc Sain positive. HENRY AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. SMITHSON at VINCENT, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. Sales 01 real estate, merchandise at stores, household goods at residences (lewelry sales for the trade onlv) promptly attended to. Ofilce,53Eisnerbuilding,cor.5tUandWoodst. D CHOICE PROPERTIES. $80 PER FOOT. OAKLAND LOTS. $500 CAS 1150x150 On first-class residence street, one square from cable line. SpeciaU. terms to those building dwellings at once. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 96-Fourtli avenue. t OAKLAND COR. LOT, 40X140 FT. Two squares from Fifth av.; location very desirable; beautifully elevated; handsome surroundings; price low (99). See- W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 FOURTH AV. P. R. R. FRONT. 255 feet fronting on Pennsylvania Rail road, near Fifth av.. East End, at $C0 per foot front, if sold soon. (A rare chance.) , A. GOEDDEL, No. 109 Collins av., East End. EHUCATIONAL. Get a Practical Business Education. ACTUAL BUSINESSCOLLEGE, NO. 5 hlXTH AVEN UE. ' Established 12 years. Day and night. School open tho entire year for young men and women. Students may begin at any time. Bookkeeping, shorthand, typo writ ing and English departments. Bookkeeping taught by actual business practice. W rite for free pictorial catalogue. M. J. CONNER, President, J. M. PHILLIPS, Dean or Faculty. OC2t31-MW3 KAILRO IDS. From rmsourgn Union Station. ennsylvania Lines. '1 rains Run by Central Time. Northwest System Fort Wayne Ronte DirJMT for Chicago, points intermediate and beyond: 1.20 a.m. 7.10 a.m., 120 p.m., 1.00 p.m p. m., Jll.80 p Jn. Arrive from same points : 12.0a a.m.. 1. 15 ajn., 6J0 ajn., &3o aja., 5.55p.m., 6.45p.m. DsrART forToledo, points intermediate and beyond: f7:10 a..m..l'ZSO p.m.,l .00p.m., JI 1.20 p.m. Arrivs trom same points: 11.15 a.m., 6.35 a.m ffi.iop.m. Defaxt for Cleveland, points intermediate and bevond: tfl.10 a.m.. 7J0 a.m.. tl.30 D.m 11.05 p.m. Arrive from same points: S0a.m., U.S5 p.m., 6.55 p.m., 6.60 p.m. DsrAKT for Martins Ferry, Bridgeport and Bellaire: r8.10a.rn., tl.30 p.m., fl. 10p.m. Arrive from same points: f9.00a.ra., fl.55p.m.,t3.50p.m. Defaxt for New Castle, Erie, Yoangstown, Ashta. bnla, points intermediate and beyond: 17.20 a-m., tl'2.20 p.m. Aekivs from same points: -fl.25 p.m., g.40 p.m. DsrART fcr New Castle, Jamestown, Yonngstown and Niles, f3.45 p.m Akeivs from same points: t&40 a.m. Depart ix Yonngstown, I20 p.m Aaaxva from Youngstown, 6.45 p.m. Southwest System-Pan Handle Ronte DxrAKT for Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis, poults intermediate and beyond: l.l0 a.m., 8.30 a.m., 8.45 p jn., 11.15 p.m. Arrive from tame points: 2ja0 a.m., 6.00 a.m., '5.50 p.m. Depart for Columbus, Chicago, points intermediate andbeyond: 1.10a.m., -fl2J)5 p.m. Arrive from same points: 2MD a.m., tS.0ft p.m. Depart for Washmgion, f0.15 a. m -8A5 a.m., tl.65p. in.,t8.S0p.m.,tL45p.m.,tLE0p.m. Arrive from Washington, tfl-M a.m., 7.50 a.m., f&oO a.m., 10.25 a.m.,2.5p.m.,t6.2.5p.m. Depart for Wheeling, 8.30 a. m., 12.05 n'n., 2.45 p. m., 6.10 p. m. Arrive trom Wheeling, t8.45 a. m., -f3.0o p. m. SJOp.m. - Special Notices. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Pollkam Diwrwi Cars run through. East and West, on principal trains ol both Systems. Local Sleeping Cars running to Columbus, Cin cinnati, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago are ready for occupancy at Pittsburgh Union Station at 9 o'clock p. m. Tna Tables of Throngh and Local Accommoda tion Trains of cither system, not mentioned above, caa be obtafaMd at 110 Fifth Arence and Ucioa Station, Pittabsah. and at principal ticket offices of Pcaa sylvtsia line West of Pittsburgh. Dally. 1Xx.Sundsr. IE. Saturday. TKx..09d27. JOHKPH WOOD. K. A. FORD. Sounl Miairtr. Ctnertl ttssarar IftaV ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY-TAKING effect June 2S Trains leave Union station (Eastern standard time): Corry Ac., la. ra.; Brae burn Ac.. 6:50 a. m.: Niagara Ex.. dallr. 8:3) a. m.. arriving at Buffalo. 9:43 p. in.; DnKoIs and Wllllamsport. 8:10 a. m.. arriving at Wllllamnnort. 6:45 p. in.; Kittannlug Ac. 9:05 a.m.: Vallry Camp Ac, 10:15a. in.: Craebnrn Ac. t2:05p. m.: Tltusvilte and Du flols Ex., 4 :30 p. m. ; Valley Camp Ac, 2:30 p. m.: Em'enton Ac, 3 -Ian m.: KltLin nlngAc, ip. m.: llraelmrn Ac. 5:Wn. in.: Brae burn Ac, 6:15 p. m.; Hulton Ac..7:wp. in.: Buf falo nlclit Ex.. lallT. 8:50 p. in., arriving at Rnf falo 7iSj a. tn. ; Valley Camp Ac, 9:30p. m.. Vin ley Csmp Ae.. 11:30 p. m. riundar church trains Emlenton. 8:r5 a. m, : Klttatvuing. 12:40 p. m.: Braeburn, 9:50p. m. Pullman buffet parlor cars on day trains and sleeping cars on night trains be tween Plttsbnrg and Buffalo. -- -."-Lai nAVIllOICXLABOlJUaJApAAKnERWmM! mi KATLKpADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. In Effect Jtrptg is, 1332. Trains will leave Union Station, Plttsbnrr as follows (Eastern Standard Time)! " MAIN LINE EASTTVAJITJ. Pennsylvania Limited of Pullman Vestibule Cars dally at:15. m.. arrlvlni at RarrlsburgatnM p. m.. Philadelphia 4:45 p. m.. Aew York 7:05 p. m.. Baltimore 4:40 p.m.. Washington 5:55p.m. Keystone Fxnress dally at 1:3) a. m arriving at Harrlsburg 8:25 a. m., Baltimore 11:15 a. m.. Wasblngton 12:3) p. m.. Philadelphia 11:25 a. m.. New Yort 2:00 p.m. Atlantic Express dally at 3:3) a. m.. arriving at Harrlsburg 10:30 a. m., Philadelphia 1:25 p. m.. New York 4:00 p. m. BirTlsburg Accommodation dally, except Sunday, 5:25 a. in., arriving at Harrlsburg 2:50 p. m. Day Express daily at 8:00 a. m.. arriving at ITar rfsburg 3:20 p. m., Philadelphia 6:50 p.m.. New York 9:85 p. m Baltimore 6:45 p. m., Washing ton 8:15 p.m. Mall train Sunday only. 8:40 a.m., arrives Harrls burg 7:00 d. m.. Philadelphia 10:55 p. m. Slall .express dally 12:50 p. m arriving at narrls burgl0:00p. m.. connecting at Harrlsburg for Philadelphia. Philadelphia Express dally at 4:5) p. rn arriving at Harrisburirl.-OOa. m.. Philadelphia 4:25 a, m., anaNew York7:l0a. m. Eastern Express at 7:10 p. m. dally, arriving Har rlsburg 2:10 a. rn., Baltimore 6:20 a. m.. Wash ington 7:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 5:05 a, m. and New York 7MU a. m. Fast Line, dally atS:10 p. m., arriving at Harrls burg 3:30 a. m., Philadelphia 8:50 . m.. New York9:30a. m.. Baltimore 6:20 a.m.. Washing-" ton 7:30 a. m. AU through trains connect at Jersey City wita boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. N.Y.. avoiding double ferriage and Journey through New York lty. Johnstown Accom.. exceDt Sunday. 3:40 p. m : GreeasbnrgAccom,, ll:30.p m.,wcekdais:10:3l 1. in. Sundays. Ureensburg Express 5:15 p. m., except Sunday. Derry .Lxpress 11:00 a.m., ex cept 3und.iv. Wall Accom.. 5:25. 6:00, 7:40. 8:35, f -JO, 9:40, 100. ll:C0a. m., 12:15. 12:50, l:2u. 2:30, 3:43, 4:00, 4:50. 8:15, 6:01. 6:15, 7:25. 9:00. 10:20, 11:30 p. m 12: 10 night, except Monday. Sun. ay, 8:40. 10,30 a. m., 12:25. 12:50 2:3i. 4:30. 5:30, 7:20, 9:30, 10:30 p.m. and 12:10 night. Wllklnsburg Accom., f :25. tM. 6:13, 6:45, 7:00, 7:25, 7:40, 8:11'. 6:35, 8:50. 9:40. 10:30. 11:00, 11:10a. TO.. 12:01. i::15. 12:30, 12:50. 1:20, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30 3:15, 2:40, 4:00. 4:10, 4:25. 4:35. 4:50. 5100. 5:15, 5:30, 6:45, 6:00. B:& t:45, 7:25. 8:3'. 9:00. 9:45. 10:20, 11:00, 1H30 p. m. ticek-davs. and 12:10 nljht, ex cept Monday. Mimlar, 5:30. 8:40. 10:30 a. m.. 12:25. 12:50. 1:30. 2:30, 4:30, 5:30, 7:20, S:00, 9:30, 10:30 0. m.. 12:im.lgh . Braddock Accom.. 5:2S. 6:00. 6:15. 6:45, 7.00, 7:25, 7:40, 8:00, 8:10, 8:35, 8:50. 9:4a 10:30. 11:00. 11:10, a. m., 12:01. 12:15. 12:30. 12:50. 1:20. 1:30. 2:00, 2:30, 8:15, 3:40, 4:(X, 410, 4:25, 4:30, 4:35. 4:50, 5:00, 5:15, 6:30, 5:45. 6:C0. 6:20. 6:45. 7:25. 8:20. 9:00, 9:45. WrfO 11:00.11:30 p.m. week-davs, and 12:10 night, ex cept Monday. Sunday. 5:30. 8:00, 8:40. 10:10 a.m.. 32:25. 12:50. 1:30. 2:30. 4:30. 5:30. 7:20, 9:00, 9:J0. 3C:30p. in.. 12:10 night. SOUTHWEST PENN RAILWAY ForUnlontown5:25audS:35a. m.. 1:20 and 4:25 p. iu. week-days. MOXONOAHELA DIVISION. OX AXD AFTER I AY 25, IS1I. For Mononzshela City. West Brownsvllln and Unlontown. 10:40 a. m. For Monongahela Cltr and West Brownsville. 7:3 and 10:40 a. m.. and 4:50p.m. On Sunday; 8:55 a, m. and 1:51p.m. For Monongahela Cltv only. 1:01 and 5:50 p. ra. week-days. Davosburg Accom.. 6:00 a. m. and 1:20 r. m. weet days. West Elizabeth Accom. 8:35 a. m.. 4:15, 6:30. and 11:33 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m. WEST PXNNSXLVANTA. XJIV1SION. ON AND AFTER JUNE S. 1SK. FromFEDERAL bfRKET STATION, Allegheny City: ForSprlngdale. week-davn. 6:20. 8:4.1. 9:23. 10:40, ilOOn. m.. 1:30, 2:23. 4:00. 5:00. 5:45. 6:10. 6:20. 8:10. 10:30 and 11 :40 p. m. Sundays, 12:35 and 9:33 p.m. For Butler, week-days, 6:3). 6:45. 10.10 a. m.. 3:l and 6:10 p.m. For Freeport. week-davi. 6:55. 8:45. 10:41a.m.. 3:15. 4:0a 5:00. 8:10. 10:30 and 11:40 p. m. Sun days 12:35 and 9:30 p. m. For Apollo, wcek-dars. 10-40 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. ForPaulton and Blalrsvllle. week-days. 6:) a. m.. 3:15 and 10:30 p.m. eS-Tbe Excelsior BaSTgaee Express Company win call for and check birgasri" from hotels and residences. Time cards and full Information caa be obtained at the ticket offices NojllO Fifth ava nue, corner Fourth avenus and Try street aaa Union station. .,. CHAS. E. PUGH. J. K. WOOD. General Manager Gen'l Pass'r Agent. T-ITT!.UITurt lIl T.AXF. KRlF. RAILROAD C Company. bchedule In effectNov. 14. 1892. Cen tral tlme.-P.& L. F, R.R.-l)KI-ART.-For Cleve land; '7:00, 8:00 a. rr.. "2:ia 4:20. '10:25 p. in. For unicago, 7:uu ft. in.. -:ai. -mjv. in. i-ur,uivin and St. Louis. '2:10. 'lup. m. For Buftilo. 8:00 a. m., 4:20. I0:25p. in. Kor Salamanca. S:00 s. m. "2iia 10:25 p. m. For Youngstown and Jew Castle. "7:03. 3:00. 11:30 a. m.. '2:10. W:T0. '4:20. Il:lp. m. Ft Beaver Falls. 5:15: 7-.UX. "8:oa 11:30a. m.. 2:10. 3:30. 1:M. 5:20, 'I0:a n. m. for Chartiers, 5:30, 5:i5. 6:00. V5:45. 7:.0. 7:50. J8:CP, "3:10. '.30. 10:30, Til 4a. m.. i:w, j:ua, a.xi. ;. :2a. 4:25, 5:10. 5:2a 8:0O. 1C:30 p. m. ABRIVE-Froru Cleveland. S:Si a. m.. I2:30. 5:15. '7:45 p. m. From Cincinnati. Chicago and St, Louis. '0:30 a. ro.. '12:30. '7:45 p m. From Buffalo. 6:W av m., 12:3'. 9:30 p. m. From Sala manca. 'e:30. 10:0Oa. m. r rom Youngs town and New antle. 6:30, 57.25. I0:iO c. rr.. 15:30. '5:15. 7:45. 9:30 P.m. Iron Beaver Falls. 5:20. '8:30, 7:25, '10:00 a. m., '12:30, 2:03, 3:I5. 7:45. 'P.F'C. i Y. trains for Mansfl-ld. 7:lr. 100 a.m.. 3:15p.m. Y or Bcechmont, 7:10a. m.. 3:45 i. m. P.. C. Jt Y. trains from Mansfield, 6:57. 9:o5 a.m., 1:15 p. m. From Beecsmont, ":57, 95 a. in. P.. McE. &Y. B. R- Depakt For New Haven and West Newton. S:20a. m., 3rf0 p. m. ABKIVE- "rom New Haven and VI est Newton. 9:00a. m.. ,.:07p. rn. ForMcKeesport, Lllzabcth. Monongahela City and Belle Vernon, 6:iat9JJ, 11:05 a. ra.,4:Cat5:25 From Belle Vernon. Monongahela City, Elizabeth and McKeesoort,t5:oO,:10. t":3a. m.. 12:55. '5:35 p. m. Dally. 1 Sundays only. 5 To and from New Castle only. tTo and from McKeeiport onlv. City Ticket Office, 639 bmlthfleld Street. PITTSBURG AND WESTERN RAILWAY Schedule In effect May 15. It92 (Central time). Depot cor. Anderson st. and Klver av.. Allegheny. Depirt for Chicago. "2:00 p. m. Solid tram with Pullman sleeping car. For Kane, Bradford, t7:10 a. m. For Clarion. t7:10 a. m.. r2:00 p. m. For Foxburg. 7:lua. to.. t2:00. t4:25p. m. ForBuffalo, Erie. Meadvllle, 17:10 a. m. For Greenville. Mercer, Grove city. t7:10a. m.. T2:0O p.m. For Akron. Cleveland. T7:10 a. m.. '2:00 p. m. For New Castle. "7:11 a. m.. '2:00. t3:l5 p. m. For Butler. 16:30. 1:10. t9:30a. m.. 2:C0. 14:25. 13:15 p. m. '1 rains arrive: From Kane, t6:45 p. m. ; Clarion, tll:30 a. m.. t6:45 p. m.: Foxburg. t9:05. t!l:33 a. n. m.: from Chicago. Daily. lExccpt Sunday, BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD Schedule In effect Nov. 3, IS-ri. Eastern time. r or tt asningion. u. C. Baltimore, Phlla delphla and Jicw York, i 00 a m and 9 20 p m. For Cumberland. 60a '3 00 a m, tl 10, 920 pm. For ConnellsvIIIe. 6 50. 8 03. J4 30 a m. it 10. t415, JS05 and 9 20 p m. For Unlontown, 1S50. 'SOU. 54 30am. Jl 10. JI 15 aud ii 05 1' m. , For Mt. Pleasant. iwann .sou am. .1 iu. .i id anu ? u p m. For Washington. Pa., 1 20 and J9 30 a m. '4 60, 21 43. 7 30 p in. Kor Wheeling. 7 20 and p 30 a m. '4 00. 7 30. For Cincinnati and St. Louts, 7 20 a in, 7 30 pm. For Colnmbns. 7 20 a m. 7 30 p m. For Newark. 7 20 a in, 1 30 p in. For Chicago. 7 20 a m and 7 30 p m. Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington. '3 20 am. 8 40pm. From Columbus. Cincinnati and Chicago. s 50 a in. 3 45 p in. From Wheeling. a 50 and '10 45 a m, tt 15 and 3 45 p m. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Washing ton. Cincinnati and Chicago. Dally. tDallv except Sunday. JSnnday only. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & O. ticket office, corner. FlflU avenue and Wood street, and 630 Smltbneld street. J. T. ODELL. CHAS. O. SCULL. General .Manager. Hen. Pass. Agent, OIL WELL SUPPLIES. After 19 Years of Trial, E LAINE TIIE- FAilY SAFEGUARD OIL, Is Conceded to Be tlie Best and Safest Oil Known. EL A I N E NEVER VARIES IN QUALITY. Cannot Be Exploded. .''! 19 ircc iruill UOI121IIO UIIU JUIIIWMIJU, it will never chill In the coldest tetuueratura Known on tills continent. an coior, .biaino Is Bpring-wator wniie, anu Its "Are test" is so lilgn as to make It us abso lutely safe as any illninluant known. Having no disagreeable odor, Elaine U a pleasant oil for family nsc. Can Be Burned in Any Petroleum kmp. A POSITIVE PROTECTION FROM LA1IP EiPLOsIO.NS. MAKES THE SAFF.ST AXD BEST LIGHT KNOWN. ELAINE! The Fnmlly nil Safeguard UIL, 100 Million Gallons ELAINE Sold in 13 Tears From 1S73 to lS3i Elalno Cannot Bo Improved Upon. . WARDEN-& OXNARD, r. hh , y. " 1 aj- JtASUFACT,TRBs; in., tg: p. m.: jltic. Tarajp.m.: ureeuyjmr. fier cer. tll:3ua. in.. t3:C0p. m.: Akron. '11:55 a. in.. t6:45 p. m.: New Castle. t9:05. '11:55a. in.. "6:45 n. ni.:Butler. T7:0O. t9:05. 111:10a. m., t3:50. 'J.45 . '11:55 a. m. Tt fa fch a- litl.aoe nrrflrlanf rflflnnrl no. troloum, from wnich In tlie process of tnann lacture, overy impurity hnsboen ollminarcd- A3IUSE5IENTS. THE LABIES' MITTEN CLE BAZAR Will be held at MRS. W. H. BROWN'S RESIDENCE, No. 70 DITHRIDGE STREET, FRI DAYK NOVEMBER 18, after noon and eveniDg. The proceeds will be devoted to the furnishing of the HOSPITAL IN NEWSBOYS' NEW HOME, OLD AVE. and FORBES ST. J? Everyone should con tribute to so worthy a cause. nol2-117-irrnssu DUQUESNE, "ftSS To-nignr, Tuesday and Thursday, tlie Fa mous EngllsU Actor, E. S. WILLAKD, ! THE MIDDLEMAN. Wednesday JOHN NEEDHAM'S DOUBLfi. Friday A FOOL'S PARADISE. Saturday Matinee and Evening JUDAH. Nest week Wilson Barrett. noIl-41 PRESS CLUB BENEFIT. DUQUESNE THEATER. FRIDAY AFTEUNOON, aOVEMBEK 13. Mr. George Peck's Company, in one act ot UNDER THE LION'S PAW. And volunteers from all other place? of amusement in the city. non-13 CHRYSAXTHEMCMS. SECOND GRAND EXHIBITION. Tlio Pittsburg and Allegheny florist, and Gardeners' Clnb will hold their second ANNUAL AUTDMN EXHIBITION --AT THE AUDITORIUM, Penn avenue, opposite Dnqnesno Theater. NOV. 15th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th. Open day and evening. Mn3ic afternoons and evenings by Guen ther's Great Western Orchestra. Admission, 25c. Children. 15c nol3-106 THE ALVIN THEATER. CHARLES L. LAVIS. Owner and Manager. Tc-nisht, Wed. and Sat. Matinees, Charles Frohtnan's Compnny in the Brilliant Comedy Success, GLORIANA, Preceded bv the One-Act Drama, OUT OF THE STORM. Next Tvcek Fretlerick Warde and I.onis James. nolt-31 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. To-Nisht, the Srreet-SInsIn? Dialect Comedian, JAMES A. REILLY, In His New Play, A GERMAN SOLDIER. Prices, 15. 25, 5t, 73. Matinees Wednesday and Saturdav; 15, 50 reserved. Nest Week James O'Neill in Fontenelle. noll-19 H AURY WILLIAMS ACADEMY. To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdav. SAM DEVERE'S OWX COMPANY. See Hassan Ben All's Royal Moorish Troune, etc. nol(-26 TTARRY DAVIS' EDEV MUSEE. ' TIIE GYPSIES. C Hamilton and Fortunes Glynn's Told Free. ( Comedy Co. Admission 10 cent?. noll-tl tJBOFEA STEt.llSHIPS. ANCHOR LINE. Steamers Leave ?f ra Tork Every Saturday For Glasgow via Londonderry. Rates for Saloon Passage. Cabin. $15 and upwards. Second Cabin. 830. Steerage. 819. Passengers booked at through rates to or from any city In Great Britain or on the Continent. Draft i n London Sold at Lowest Kates. Book of Information, tours and sailing lists far nlsbert on application tn Agents. HENDERSON BUdlllEItS. 7 Howling Ureen. X. T.. or J. J. MCCORMICK. KBSmlthaeldst.. Pitts burg. F. M. bEMFLE, 110 Federal si.. Allegheny. ocl9-3iwr WHITE STAR LINE. For Queenstown and Liverpool. Bojal and United States Mall steamers. Majestic. Nov. 1G. Spmi'Malestlc.PecH.ltlOpin (ler.n'c. Nor. 1. S am Germanic, Dec. 21. 7am Teatonlc, Nov.J). Ipm Teutonlc.I)ec.3.1:30pni Briunnlc. Dec. 7. 8 a re (Britannic. Jan. 4. 7 a m From Wblte star dock, root of WcstTenth street. New York. saloon rates. t50 and UDirarrt. according to steamer and location or I erth. "Second cabin ra these steamcrs.?40 and US: limited excursion tick ets. 173 and SS5; steerage from or to ineola coun tr". pa. ( Wblte Star drafts payable on demand la all the principal banks throughout Great Britain. Apply to JOHN J. MCCORMICK. &H Smlthfleld street, Plttsbnrg. or II. MAITLAN'D KhRSEY. Genersl Agent, a Broadway, N. Y. nolO-D .LXi-T iiinsrs P.OYAL 3IAIL SrC4SISIIII'& GLASGOW to PHII.ADEI.PIHA. via DERRY and GAL WAY. Tne most dU rect route from Scotland and North and Middle of Ireland. ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, 930. Steerage, S19. STATE1 SERVICE OF I IMP Y AJWVAX LIXB Lint.. J STEAMSHIPS. KEW YORK aud GLASGOW via Londonderry every Fortnight. Nov. 24. State or California- Dec 15 ..State of Nebraska kooj. !". 29 State of f.nlliornia ot:-T- Cabin, $10. Second Cabin. $301 Steorago.lia. Apply to J.J.MtCOKMlCK. 033 Smlthfleld st. jel3-D ' PURE BUTTER, SOLD BY GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO Fine Groceries and Table Delicacies, Sixth avenue. jylOx-Tf ACTUAL RESULTS Show DISPATCH odlcts to be most profitable to advertisers., Try them S500 TO $500,000 5g gai;es, city or conntrv uropertv, at lowest rates. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 313 Wood St, Pittsburg. 4 STeIephor.e No. 073. THE ONLY REASON For the continued increase of THE DISPATCH adlets is that they gte flynMmsgfJ