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HMHiHnHMEHBHiSP 'H t?ST J??-il fl ' rt?v ' i 4 I "VF y - rsi vs A-ih-jSj " f5 3' ? T ,F "IT-VvsW" T ' " "sy. 'lfR!a?l5fe.i.", -- - . - TRADE IN GOOD SHAPE. Nearly All Conditions and Influences Favorable to Activity. MOST PRICES A SHADE HIGHER. A.SHght Fractional Decline in All Grades of Kefined Sugar. FOEK ADVANCED A DOLLAE A BARREL Satdedat, Nov. 12. General business was restricted some what during the week by the election and its sensational results, but now that na tional politics has been eliminated as a fac tor in the situation people will again turn their attention to trade and the study of those conditions which control the values of staples. Aside from whatever influence the chance in the administration and the guessing as to what the Democrats may do to change existing conditions, may IiaTe, it is unquestionably true, that most influences favor a large volume of business in mer cantile and manufacturing lines. The iron trade is growing steadily in health and activitv; railroad earnings are laree; crops are satisfactory, with indications pointing to a higher range of prices; labor is lully employed, excepting at one or two points, and the tone of the money market is more reassuring than it was a few weeks since. Traveling agents with headquarters in Pitts burg report an excellent state of affairs throughout their territory, stocks being moderate, the feeling confident and the pur chasing power strons, which indicates that rales will be larce during the remainder or fieyear. As a rule the tendency of prices has been upward. Oats and hay have advanced; a dollar a barrel ha? been added to the price of pork; butter, cheese and e?gs have found a hisher range of value; foieign and domestic dried and evaporated fruits have increased in cost, and a number of other articles have ruled in favor or sellers, sugar declined a fraction. Corn, fish and feed were somewhat easier, and others about unchanged. The Sugar Situation. Willctt Jt Gray's weekly sugar circular says: When we advocated the promotion of the beet root suspir industry in the Unitea States it was not expected that the policy of the country was to be so abruptly changed fiom 'protection" to "tariff reform." The change is considered to be a severe blow to the extension of the raw beet and cane sugar industry, for capital, which was leady to go into the business, is now inclined to wait until some definite action is taken on the bounty law. It Is the opinion of con stitutional lawvers that the bounty law must remain in force until its expiration and apply to all present sugar producing estates or lactones, but that it may be re fetricted to such and be cancelled as to any new enterprises. As the consumption of the world is increasing steadily each year, the repeal of the bounty law would necessitate an increased pioductlonof raw sugar in foreign countries. As some coun tries have entirely reached their maximum prodnction, nen sources of supply must be found. With encouiagement Ironi the Gov ernment this new source could be iound in the United State, and would lower cost of Eucar. The world's consumption of sugar is now 461.6J7 ton larger than two years ago. The consumption of the United States is S42.211 tons larcer than two years aeo. It may be that the new administration will consider these facts and leave the bounty law alone, as it is in the nature of a Govern ment contract given to Louisiana and other prodncing States, in order that the whole country may have free sugar. TVestern Hog Packing. Special reports to the Cincinnati Price Cur rent show the number of hogs packed from Kovember 1 to date and latest mail dates at undermentioned places compared with last year as follow s: ISM. IS91. Chicago T5.000 190.000 Kansas City. 8.uu0 78.000 Omaha, a,u(X) U00 fct. I.ouls 11.000 I0J0 Indianapolis H.W0 SO.000 MllwauVee 11.0C0 13.000 Cincinnati 10,009 a.000 Cedarltaplds 6,000 10.0O? Sioux CUT 8.100 ",UX touth St. Paul 4,F0( S,K M. Joseph. Mo 3.500 2.000 Keokuk, la 2.053 4.511 Lincoln. eb 1.4W S.000 Grain, Flour and Feed. Sales on call at the Grain and Flour Ex change to-day: One car No. 2 yellow shelled corn, five days, 46c; one car Xo. 2 timothy hay, spot, $13 00;fne car do., five days, $13 00; one car Xo 1 timothy hay, five days, $13 75; one car Xo. 1 leediujr prairie hay, five aaj. $10 CO; one car extra. Xo. 3 white oats, ten davs. 37c; one car sacked winter wheat bran, ten das, $14 50; four cars Xo. 2 white oats, the j car. 37Kc. Iteceuits bulletined: Via the B. & O. 2 cars hay; via the 1. & W. 1 car oats, 1 car mid dlings, 2 cars buy. 1 car flour.l car wheat; via the 1. C, C. & Su L. 10 cars hay. 2 cars oats, 9 cat scorn, lcar leed; via the P., Vt.W.&C 5 cars oats, 1J cars hay, 2 cars flour. Total, 49 oars. BAhGE Or THE MARKET. tTlie following quotations lor Eraln, feed, hay and straw are for car lots on track. Dialers charge a emal1 adtance from store. f, HEAT . o. I red 75 75,4 Cor No. :vello car 52 53 High mixed ear 51 (3 bVi Mlaed ear (5) 50 New No. z mellow car 45 46 No. 5 jello .helled Mh'& 48 Illgii mixed sliLlled 44'. 45 Mixed shelled 43 (8 44 New Xo. Iiellow shelled ti(Si 45 Oats No. 1 white 39 & 39f No. J white 38 ssij KxtraXo. 3whlte 37 (3 37 H No. 3 36 36i M4xed 34 35 Kie-N'o. 1 Western 59 60 No. S Western 57 58 Flock (jotters' prices) Fancy brands, ft 75 6 00: st inttanl winter patents. tl 50t 75; spring patent.. $4 6l4 85: straight winter. $4 00(314 25: clear ti inter. S3 7cl 00; XXX bakers. t3 73 65; rye, 13 S03 73. The Exchange Price Current quotes flour In car lots on track as lollows: Talent winter $3 75(41 CO Patent spring 4 25f&4 50 Straight winter 3 50(3)3 75 Clear winter 3 00(3 25 Low grades 2 002 50 Jtje Hour 3 25S3 50 tprli.p Imkcrs S253 5u MlLLFEED-No. 1 white middlings. SI" 5019 00; Xo. 2 while middlings, $16 10I6 50; winter wheat bran. ?H 0TCS14 50; brown middlings, (15 03 10 00; chop. 1S lUW-l 00. Hat Cho.ce timothy. 14 2TI4 50; Xo. 1 tim othy. J13 75I4 00; Xo. 2 timothy. 112 50I3 00: m xed clover and timothy. 113 (n13 50; packing, 17 UG 00: Xo 1 reeding prairie. s 50O10 00; No. 2 do. 8 fiOJ 00; wagon hay. 15 00(SI7 00. STKAW- Wheat, 507 00; cats, S6 507 50; rye, -, ot; 50. Groceries. SCGAn-ratent cut-loar. 51'c: cnbes, S'ic: pow dered. SSc; granulated (standard). 45c: confec tioners A. 4c: son A. 4HS3c: laucy yellow. 4!c: fair yel.ow. 4j4Mc; common yellow. 3 Coffee Roasted, in packages-Standard brands. 22 3-2ec: second grades. 2122i; fancy grades, 2C 31 "c. Loose Java. 35HJ64T: fcantos, 2727iic: Jlaracalbo. 2Sc: Peaberrj. 27ic: Caracas, 29 29-5C: Klo. 22i26)ic, MOLASSES-cnoice, 3535$c: rancy. 3636Se; ceutrtlugals, 29J: new crop Xew Orleans, 4o 40c. SYBCP Corn 6vrup.25;7c: sugar syrup, 2831c; fancy flavors. 323)3.:: black strap. 1516c. Fbiits London laver raisins. $2 fO;t(.allfornia London layers, 2 102 15: California muscatels, bags. S'ifiLbc: boxed. 1 15(31 25: Valencia,7H7to; Oudara Valencia, 8X8Hc: California sulunas, JlSHc; currants, 43(&4Vc: California prunes. JI(Wl0; I 1C11U1 1 UUCD, aVJIIII., IUilVJUll,KTU- less raisins. 1-H cartons, H 90; cltroo, 1819c; lemon peel. lOfeSIlc. 11ICE Fancy head Carolina. 6V6Sc; prime to choice. 5mat5c: Louisiana, W&Oc; Java, 55.Vc; Japan, 5(S6c. Oils Carlion. 110". 6c: headlight. 6sc: water white. 7c: Elaine. 13c: Ohio legal test. 6!c; miners n Inter white. 3i40c: summer. 3233c lAXt OOODb standard peaches, 12 15! 2o; extra peaches. $2 452 50: seconds. SI 952 DO: pie peaches, fl 25(31 30; finest corn, tl 401 50: Har ford county corn, $1 06 1 10; lima beans, tl 20Q I i5; soaked. S0S5c: early June peas. $1 15(3,1 25; marrowfat peas. $1 05(31 10: soaked. 7SSuc: French peas. 11 5l20 no ? 100 cans, or $1 402 50 ?( dozen ; Slneapnles, $1 25I 30; extra do. f2 40; llaliama o t-l 00; Uamson plums. Eastern, $1 25; Call lomla iwars. 32 252 35; do green gage,. 1175; do ege plums, tl 75: do apricots. 1 suGM 10; do extra white cherries, J2 '532 85; do wmte cherries. !-Ih cans. H S5; rasnberrl'S. $1 251 50: strawber ries. 1 S)l 25: gooseberries, tl lul 25: tomatoes. 85csi Oj: salmon.l-lD. $1 301 35: b!sckberrles,n(3 80c: succutislu 2-Ib cans, soaked, 35c; do stand ard 2-lbcans. SI i5l 60: cormd beer, 2-lb cans, tl 65(31 75; do, ll-lb. IIS 00: roast beef, 2-Ib. (1 75; chipped beer. 1-Ib cans. SI 95(S2 00; baked beans. II i5dll 35: lobsters, 1-lh. $2 -J: mackerel, fresli, 1-lb. (1 90: trolled. Jl 50; sardines, domestic, Js, tl 00: Ss. $6 25; Hs mustard. t3-25: imported, H. HO 50S12 50; Imported, Us, $18 3;2I 00; canned vpples, 3-lb. 75Jc: gallons. J2 95J 1)0. Provisions. Pork was advanced $1 per bbl to-day, which was the only chango made. Large hams t IT, Medium , lijf Small Trimmed f&Ufornia . V .... 1 12 ..... ... 1 13 Shoulders, sngar-cured, Breakrast bacon Extra do - -"Iai failles smoked. Clear bellies, dry salt...., Pork. Heavy I.lrnt.. Dried beef, knuckles, Koundj Sets Flats ' Lard (refined), tierces, Tubs ' Two 50-Ib cases Lard (compound), tlerci Half barrels Tubs Pails Two 50-Ib cases Tnree-lb cases Five-lb cases Ten-lb cases. ...... Butter and Cheese. BfTTitn Elgin creamery. SJ'iSSSKe: otner brands. 2931c; choice to fancy dairy and country roll. 2527r; fair to medium grades. 18(322c; low grades. I215c: cooking. 9llc; grease, 6Sc- Cheese Ohio, llOUMc; Xew lork, HS(S)llKc: fancv Wisconsin Solss blocks. H15c: dbrlcks. 12".(4l3c: Wisconsin sweltier. in tubs. 1313.tfc; Hmberger, 10illc: Ohio Swiss, 12ilSc Eggs and Foultry. EGOS Strictly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio, 21-3 25c: special marks. 26c; storage stock. 22i23c. Poultbt Live Spring chickens. 4S3S0c per .-!-. ni ..iit.k0ni .pi.viH5e. dncks. 55(o60c: sreese. fseail 00: turkeys. I2I3cper lb. Dressed-CLlck-ens. J315c per lb; ducks. 1516c; geese, ll15c; turkeys, I5l7c Fish. H&lfl Or Mackebel. Bbls. 2001b; bbls bbls 501b Palls 151b Palls 101b 1001b Extramcss bloaters.. Extra Xo. I blotters. Extra Xo. 1 mess.... Extra Xo. 1 shore.... Med. No. lniess..... Med. Ko. 1 shore .... Kx.No. 2 shore mess. Ex. No. 2 shore large Ex. No. med. shore. No. 2 medium No. 3 large M0 00 $20 40 110 40 9 15 8 40 740 641 565 590 5 40 490 $3 20 $220 35 00 17 VI 16 40 14 40 12 40 10 90 11 40 10 40 940 790 7 4J z 1 'Ji 1 80 160 140 125 130 120 110 95 90 32 00 23 00 24 00 230 2 05 175 133 1 70 155 1 38 125 21 00 22 00 20 00 13 00 15 (O 14 00 4 15 390 Hound herring Hairbarrels, 100 Ids t Potomac herring Barrels .... Half barrels Holland herring Kegs Lake herring Half barrels, 701b Quarter barrels. 301b 1-alls. 15 lb Pails, 101b White fish Half barrels. 70 lb Quarter barrels, 30 lb Palls, 15 lb Palls. 101b Busslan sardines Half barrels, 1001b Kegs Whole codfish 2 75 4 50 225 E06a 250 125 C5 SO 500 250 1 35 101 8 CO 50 6S)$ 77H Large, per lb.. Medium Tlnnplpss codfish 20-lb boxes. l2-lb bricks, perlb 6H7 20-lb boxes, l2-lb bricks, choice 7)S Miscellaneous. TtTTnrwjrrcTFi.otTR 2W(a2Wc per lb. Seeds Choice rccleaned Western timothy, $1 00 1 05 per bu; choice recleaned Western clover, $7 25: white clover. $11 00: orchard grass, $1 85; millet, tl 451 50; blue grass. $2 002 25. Beans New York and Michigan pea beans. $2 15 (5)2 20 per bu: hand-picked medium. $2 102 15; Lima, 44;(3t!c per lb; Pennsylvania and Ohio beans. $1 7J1 90 per bu. Beeswax Choice yellow. .Wv33c: dark, 2S2Sc CID n-Xew country, 5 5C6 50; crab, $7 503 00 per bbl. HONEY Xew crop white clover, 20j321c per lb; buckwheat. 1416c: strained honey. Static. Tallow Country rough, 34c per lb; city ren dered, 24Sc. Feathers Extra live geese, 5860c per lb; Xo. 1 do. 48a50c: mixed. 3010c. Nuts Chestnuts, 53 501 00 per bushel: peanuts, green, 3H4c per pound; do. roasted. $1 151 25 per bushel: hickory nuts. $1 00i 25: shellbarks, $1 251 50; new walnuts, 6CC5c; old do. 5r($55c; butternuts, 5055c for old and 60S5o for new; filberts. 9c per lb: almonds, Tarragona. 1 c: do, lvaca. 16c: do. paper shell, 25c: shelled almonds, 35c; Brazil nuts. SOS'ic; French walnuts, 9c: pecans, loc: Naples walnuts, 13c; Grenoble wal nuts. 13c Pickli-s-$4 50o50 per barrel. Port orv 3S4'i per a. Hides Green steer hides, trimmed. 75 lbs and up. 7c; green steer hides, trimmed, 60 to 75 lbs. 7c; green steer hides, trimmed, under 60 lbs, 6c: green cow hides, trimmed, all weights. 4c: green hull hides, trimmed, all weights, 4c; green calf skins, Xo, L 6c; green cair skins. No, 2, 4c; green steer hides, trimmed, side branded. 4C green salt steers. Xo. 1. CO lbs and up 774c: green salt steers, Xo. 1. 60 lbs and less. 4ho4Kc: green salt cows. No. 1. all weights, 44ic: green salt calf. Xo 1.8 to 16 IDs. 5)a)6c: green salt kip. io. l. io to '.a ids. 4m: ,435c; hides. runner skip, ko. I, lotoi ids, 34c; .ho. z i?sc on; jn o. z can. zc on. WHEAT CLOSES OFF On Heavy Stocks, Corn and Oats Also Lose Small Fractions, but Heavy Buying by Cudahy Causes Hog Products to Rale Higher. Chicago, Nov. 12. A "big club to pound prices was what the heavy stocks or wheat proved to be to-day. The market ruled weak, and, notwithstanding a rally on de creasing receipts and on bullish ad vices from abroad, the cereal closed with a loss of ic Corn and oats are also off Jo each. John Cudahy openly buying poik sent that article up 17c and caused lard and ribs at the close to show a gain of 5c and 2K respectively. The wheat market opened extremely slow and decidedly weak. Shorts had covered verv ireely on yesterday's excitement, and theie t as little demand from that source while longs, who had a profit, were making active efforts to sell and secure it.. Then there was a prospect of another generous Increase in the visible supply. Perhaps the weakest feature, or at least the most de pressing one, was the persistent short sell ing by Pardridge and other leading bears. The piessuro of these offerings on the mar ket with trade so dull aud narrow was most demoralizing. Later there was a substan tial rally on the advance in the closing cables aud the small leceipts at primary points. Corn, though a fraction higher early, soon became m oak ana lost Jc, part of which was finally recovered. The early strength was attributed to the bullish nature of Prime's report, which reiterated what has been so of en said before, that the results of the huskings were everywhere disappointing and added that the crop would not equal in weight 70 percent of an average. Oats were heavy in the face of some very bullish sen timents in Prime's report. Hog products opened weak and lower on the S10c drop in the price of live hogs at the yards, but Cudahy turned an aggressive buyer and the shorts got frightened and put prices up sbarplv on all products. An easier feeling ruled during the closing hours. Freights were weaker and Je, lower at 3i3a for wheat and 2fo for com to Buffalo. cusb quotacons were as follows: Floni firm; winter patents, $3 603 90; winter straights, $3 40; spring patents, $3 754 15; spring straights, $2 73; No. 2 snring wheat, 72Kc; Xo. 3 spring wheat, 60GSc; No. 2 ted, 72?c; No. 2 corn, 41Jfc; No. 2 oats, 31J31Vc; Nil 2 white, f. o. b., 353Gc; No. 3 white, 3334c; Xo. 2 rye, COc: No. 2 barley, 63 64c: No. 3, f. o. b., 42gG5c; No. 4, f. o. b.. 35a 45c: Xo. 1 flax seed, $103; piime timothy seed, $1 88; mess pork, per barrel. $12 03j$ 12 10; Lard, per 100 pounds, $9 00; short rib sides (looe). $7 507 55; dry-salted shoulders (buxed), $7 30S7 35; short clear sides (boxed), $8 008 05i whisky, distillers' finished goods, per sal, $1 15. Sugars Cut loar, unchanged. Range or the leading futures, furnished bv John JI. Oakley A Co., bankers and brokers, Xo. 45 Sixth street: . Open ing. High est. Low est. Clos dose. Nv.H ARTICLES. ing. Wheat. November..... December..... January. May Corn. Xovember... . December..... May July OATS. Xovember...... December...... May PORK. November , Decerobct ...... January May Lard. November...... December January. May..... bUOKT RIBS. November...... Januarv May 72K 73H 7J 74 74K 7H 42 73 74 79M 41 42 47 74 73J4 74' 79H 74 74 78 41H 79M 41 42 42S 475 4Z 47 47 471, 175 ?4 475, Z4 36i 12 02 12 05 13 45 I3G 885 8 00 7 82 787 7 25 687 7 02 31K 32 31 1185 1190 13 27 .3 45 9 00 7 90 777 782 7 25 6 SO 695 32 36 "t 32? 32 Jt 30H 11 90 .3 20 3 47 8 62 7 87 772 7 77 725 675 695 12 05 '3 55 3 70 885 Sft) 7 82 790 725 6 87 702 II 90 322 13 45 862 787 7 72 777 725 6 75 6 93 Car receipts for to-day: Wheat. 234: corn, 173: oats, 134. Estimates for to-morrow: Wheat, 210; corn, 250; oats, 140. New York Metal Market. New York, Nov. 12. Pie iron fairly active and steady: American. $1S 0015 50. Copper dull: lake, $11 70U 80. Lead quiet; domes tic, $3 803 95. Tin-steady and quiet; straits, $20 5520 65. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for "Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, the gave them Castoria ... a ji w :::::::::::::::::: MSS ...I IS ,.;r.. io i:::::::::::::-:: S3 T 64 ,1 6H .... .................. ....................... j? THE LOCAL SECURITIES. Sales and Changes of the Week and Clos ing; Quotations. The Stock Exchange was closed Tuesday, election day, making a fire-day week in this line, and the great interest In the election and its sensational result save the market the appearance of being very small potatoes, indeed. The transactions on 'Chance for the five days aggregated 2,508 shares of stock and $8,000 bonds, against 3,303 shares of stock, $16,000 bonds and $1,696 worth of scrip for tne six days of last week. The closing bids to-day, compared with those of last Saturday, show the following changes in the active list: dixjncei P. & B. traction, x New Tork and Cloveiand Gas Coal, K: Lustre Mining Company, Union Switch and Signal, com raon.K; Westinghouse Airbrake, 2& Under ground Cable, . Decline Chartiers Valley Gas, 1); Phila delphia Company, J; Peoples Pipeage, A Central traction, K; Citizens traction, ; Pleasant Valley Kail way, Y. Transactions at the last call of the week to-day were as follow: f4,0001uqnesne traction 5s.... 1017a 22, 135 24 ss;2 25 201 shares Philadelphia Company.. io 6hares estlugnouse AirDrace. 400 shares P. & B. traction 15 shares Pittsburg traction 5 shares Pleasant Valley Hallway, after call. 100 shares P. & B. traction 24X Total sales, 730 shares and $4,000 bonds. Closins bids and offers: bake stocks. Par. Bank of Pittsburg 50 Exchange National Bank 50 Fourtn National Bank 100 Freehold 50 Bid. Asked. 100 84 124 107H 68), Masonic Bank , 50 Mer. & Manufacturers' N. Bk. 50 74f 127" Odd Fellows1 Savings Bank... Tradesmen's National Bank. INSURANCE STOCKS. 60 100 72 Allemanala M GO Citizens GO Humboldt SO Monongahela GO Union 50 Western Insurance Co GO OAS STOCKS. Consolidated Gas Co. (Ilium.) . GO Pittsburg Gas Co. (Ilium.) 50 Southslde Gas Co. (Ilium.) 2S NATURAL GAS STOCKS. Bridgewater 100 Charters Vallov Gas Co 100 People's Natural Oas and P. Co 2S Philadelphia Co GO OIL COMPANY STOCKS. Tuna Oil Co 60 FASSENQEB B'T STOCKS. Central Traction GO Citizens Traction 50 Pittsburg Traction 50 Pleasant Valley. 25 RAILROAD STOCKS. Chartiers Railway. 50 60 32 40 47 4) 74 19 28 10 14 22 15H 22X 29 61 29K 62 25X 65 43 Pltlsburr. Younsrst'n and A.. Pittsburg Junction B. R. Co... Pittsburg, Virginia & Ctiirrn. Pittsburg, Wheeling & Ky.... COAL STOCKS. Mansfield Coal and Coke Co.... N. V. Jt C. Gas Coal Co BRIDGE STOCKS. Ewalt (Forty-third street) Hand street GO GO GO 45 63 33 G0 60 GO 63 44 GO Northslde Bridge Co GO Xorthern Liberties 50 Monongahela .. 25 Pittsburg and Birmingham.. ... 25 Point 25 Union 25 MINING STOCKS. La Xoria Mining Co 23 Luster MlnlngCo 10 Red Cloud Mining Co 5 Enterprise Mining Co G ELECTRIC LIQHT STOCKS. Westinghouse 60 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Monongahela Xav'n Co 50 Monongahela Water Co 25 Union Storage Co 50 Union Switch and Signal Co... GO Westinghouse Airbrake Co.... 50 Standard Underground C Co.. 100 n, S. Glass Company, com .... 100 U. S. Glass Company, pfd 100 Ex-dlvldend. 90 30 ia 15c m "vi 22 30 58 1W 75 66j 20)i 15. 116 MONETARY. Bates for money were steady at 55 per cent all week in Pittsburg, with the bulk of the business at 6 per cent. Eastern Exchange and currency traded even as a rule. New Yoek, Nov. 12. Money on call easy at 1 per cent, closing offered at 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6VQ6 per cent. Sterling exchange has been dull with actual business at $4 834 83J for 60-day bills, and $4 86V4 eW for demand. Posted rates, $4 StS4 S7K. Boston, Xov. 12. Clearing House balances' $1,703,136; rate, 4; call loans, 55 per cent; time-loans, 38'per"cent. Clearing House Figures. Pittsburg Exchanges to-day 12,393, 8W CO Balances to-day. 400,040 64 Same day last week: Exchanges $2,391,697 10 Balances 453,392 35 The figures of the past two weeks com pare as tollows: Exchanges this week $13,381,592 80 Balances this week 2,673,673 3'l Exchanges last week, 14.872,940)6 Balances last week 2,484,593 43 For the week of 1S91 corresponding with this week the exchanges wero $13,137,629 27. Total exchanges to date. 1892, $661,065,376 87; same time last year, $590,272,352 52; gain this year, $70,793,023 85. Nkw York. Nov. 12. Clearings, $128,202,719; balances, $5,828,218." For the week (five days) Clearings, $656,525,364; balances, $29,058,534. Boston. Nov. 12. Clearings. $16,609,700: balances, $1,703,130 Money, 4 per cent. Ex change on Xew York, Cc discount to 5c premium. Clearings lor the week, $5,160,806; balances, $9,599,771. For same week last year Clearings, $95,514,595; balances, $11, 4J7.19S. Philadelphia, Nov 12. Clearings, $10,925, 948; balances, $1,571,452. For the week the clearings were $67,469,142; balances, $9,907,056. Money, 5 per cent. Baltimore, Nov. 12. Clearings, $2,689,063; balances, $303,431. Bate, 6 per cent. Chicaoo, Nov. li Rank clearings to-day, $18,780,258: for the week, $101,983,468; for the corresponding week last jear, $101,420,430. New York exchange sold at 6Jo pieminm. Sterling exchange quiet; 60-day bills, $4 83X; demanO,$4 86. Money a little easier at 6 per cent. St. Louis, Nov. 12. Dank clearings to-day, $4,322,174; balances, $471,493; clearings this week, $25,066,843; balances, $2,757,686; clear ings last week, $24,531,635; balances, $2,717,546; clearings for the corresponding week last year, $25,694,146; balances, $3,377,846. New Oeleans, La-, Xov. 12. Clearings, $2,176,774. Memphis, Nov. 12. Clearings, $578,728; balances, $152,241, New York exchange sell ing at par. Bar Silver. London, Nov. 12. Special. Bar silver In London, 1-lGd higher at 39d per ounce. New York dealers' price for silver, 85c per ounce. Foreign Financial. TjOkdoit, Nov. 12. Amount of bullion gone into the Bank of England'on balance to-day, 16,000. Paris, Nov. 12. Three per cent rentes, 99f 44c for the account. LOKDoif, Nov. 12. 4 p. it. Closed-Consols, money, 97 3-16; do. account, 973-16; New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio firsts, 33; Canadian Pacific, 90: Erie, 27; do seconds, 110; minors Central,106V; Mexican ordinary,22J:: St. Paul common. 82m: New York Central, U4Ji: Penn sylvania. 56M; Keadinsr, 29: Mexican Central new 4s. 70J4: bar silver, G9J; money, 1 per cent. Bate of discount in the open mar ket for short bills, tyl; do three-months' 2HQ2 per cent. GENERAL MARKETS. Now. York Floub Beceipts. 41,000 pack ages; exports, 6,100 barrels. 7.800 sacks; fair demand and firm; sales, 10,300 barrels: low extras, $2 O02 75; winter wheat, low grades, $2 002 75; lair to fancy, $2 753 75; patents, $4 O0t 25; Minnesota cleat, $3 003 25; strniguip, o ami liJ. paicuts, t &x& so; rye mixtures, $3 004 00. Cornmeal Quiet and steady; yellow West ern, $3 C03 10. Wheat Beceipts, 251.650 bushels; exports, 100,395 bnshels; sales, 1,210,000 bushels futures 34.000 spot; spot dull, easier: No. 2 red. 76 76Jio store and elevator, 7676JiC afloat, 77ii687o fob; No. 3 red, Oc: ungraded red, 7077c: No. 1 Northern, 81S4tc; No. 2 North ern, 79379c; options opened weak and de clined c on foreign selling and realiz ing, closed dull with the trading chleflv local switching; No. 2 red December, 77 1-163 77516c, closing TlUc; January, 78J78J8'c, closing 78?ic: Marcu, 81Q82 3-16c, closing 81Ke; May, 4KS4 7-16C, clo.,lng 84Jic Bye dull and steady; Western. &860c. Barley dnll; Western, 6575c; No. S Toronto. 85c Barley Malt quiet; Western, 7080c; Can. ada, S595c;clty made. Canada, $1 O0l 03. Cork Beceipts, 6.1,900 bnshels; exports, 65 r?39 bushels; sales, 830.000 bnshels futures; snot steady and dnll; No. 2, 50o elevator, 6lc afloat; ungraded mixed, 4950c; options declined early 14QC with wheat, and the West reacted &c on covering, closed dull with November and Deoember HCIJio np, other months MK down; December. 651c closing at filo; Jannary, eixesijtfo, PITTSBURG DISPATCH, closing at 615ic; May, 5353Jo, closing at Mio Oats Becetpts. 64.050 bushels; cxportR. 285 bushels; sales, 170,000 bushels futures, 63,000 bushels spot; spot dll and lower: options dull and lower, closing steady; December, 86K36c, closing ut 36K Jannary, 37J 87?ie, closing at 37c; May, 4141Ve, closing attlUc; spot No. 2 white, 3939l4c; mixed Western, 363Sc: white do, S945c; No. 2 Chioago, S7c. Hat dull and steady; shipping, 60S5e; good to choice, 7585c Hops quiet and weak; State, common to obolce, 1825c: Pacific coast, 1824c. Groceries Coffee options opened steady and unchanged to 5 points np, closed firm 1S20 ud; sales, 34,250 bags, including No vember. 15 95c: December, 15.5015.60c; Janu ary, 15.3015.40c; February. 15.25c: Alaroh, 15.00015. 15c; Mav. 14.85H 93c; July, 14.65c; September, 14.60U.60c. Klo on the spot firm but qniet; No. 7 at 16c. Sngar Raw steady and quiet: fair refining, 2c; centrif ugals, 9b test, 3c; refined fairly active and stenflv: off A. 4 5-16S4 9-16C: mold A, 4 I5-165Kc,- standard A, 4 ll-164Jc: con- fectioneis' A. 4?ic; cut loar, 5 5 l65Kc; crushed, 5 a-Vjoc; powaerea, is-ioigoj; granulated, 4 ll-165s; cubes, 4 13-165c Mo lassesNew Orleans dull and steady; opon kettle, good to choice, 293333; new do, 38 42c. Bice steady and in tair demand; do mestic, fair to extra, 45Jfc; Japan, 4K 5o. CottonseedOil strongcrandquiet; crude, 28c; yellow, 32c Tallow strong; city ($2 00 for packages), 6c hid. Bosin dull and steady; strained, common to good, $1 27K1 8 Tuiipestine quiet and steady at Sl31c. Kaos firmer and in fair demand; Western prime, 2827o. Hides quiet and steady; wot salted New Orleans selected, 45 to 60 lbs, 57c; Texas selected, 30 to 60 lbs, C7c Hoo products Pork quiet and steadv; old mess, $12 2514 50; new mess, $13 25 13 50; extra prime, $12 504513 50. Cut meats firm, quiet: pickled bellies, 89c; do shoulders, 8c; do hams, 10llc; middles dull; short clear, November. $8 45. Lard opened weak, closed firm; Western steam closed at $9 60 bid; sales none; options sales none; Novembor, $9 30 asked; December, $8 40; January. $8 12 bid. Dairy products Butter qniet and firm; Western dairy, 1622c; do creamery, 2030c; do factory. 14lSc; Elgin ,30S0e. Cheese quiet and firm; part skims, 36e. Philadelphia Flour steady and quiet. Wheat weak and closed dull; steamer No. 2 red. in elevator, 70c; No. 2 red November. 7373Kc; December, 74K74K January, 76 76Kc; February, 7si7!iKc. Corn firm though quiet: on and a: tor to-day cob corn will be sold on a basis of 70 pounds to the bushel; No. 3 yellow, In grain depot. 48c; steamer No. 2 mixed, in export elevator, 47Kc; No. 2 mixed, in export elevator, 49c; No. 2 mixed Novembor, December, Januaiy and February, 49449Kc. Oats Carlots steady but quiet;, i mures dnll and un changed; No. 3 white, 40jic: No. 2 white, 43c; No. 2 white, clipped, 43443o. Eggs Fresh stocks are scarce and firm; Pennsyl vania firsts, 27c. Minneapolis The wheat market was firm to-day, but there n as not much interest in the trading. December opened at 69c and closed at the same. It did not sell below this price, but went c above. May opened at 75aBc and olosed at the same. It followed December in its rango for the session. There was a good demand for milling wheat. No. 1 Northern selling principally at 70o and No. 2 at 67c. Beceipts of wheat hei e wero 425 cars and at Dulutb and Superior 249 cars. Close: May, 75c; November, 6Sftc; December, 69Jc. On track, No. lhard, 72c; No. 1 North ern, 70c; No. 2 Northern, 6567o. St Louis Flour firm but unchanged. Wheat was lower early, then recovered, but eased off again and closed a shade undor yesterday: cash and Novembor, 67c; De cember, 69Kc: May, 76c. Corn followed wheat and closed KK below vesterday; cash, 41Vc; November, 40o bid: December. 3939Wc; year, 89c; Januarv, 33c; May, 43c. Oats Cash higher, 40ic bid; May lower, S5c ashed. Bye dull at 48c Barley quiet and unchanged. Bran scarce and firm at 55c. Hav dull and unchanged. Flaxseed quiet at $1 06. Cornmeal quiet at $1 75. Toledo Wheat easier; Xo. 2 cash and No vember, 74c: December, 74c; Mav, SOJfo. Corn dnll: No. 2 cash, 43c Oats quiet; SSo bid. Eve quiet: cash, 54c Cloverseed active and hisbet; prime cash and Novem ber, $7 83; January. $8 00; February, $8 CO"; March, $e io. ueceipts riour, 278 Darreis; wheat, 20,669 bushels; corn, 3,749 bushels; oats, 760 bushels; rye, 1,334 bushels: clover seed, 700 bags. Shipments Flour, 1,032 barrels; wheat, 60,20(1 bushels; corn, 1,750 bushels; rye, 400 bushels; cloversoed, 412 bags. Cincinnati Flour active tending upward. Wheat scarce, strong and higher; No. 2 red, 72c: receipts, 1,600 bushels: shipments, 2.500 bushels. Corn strong; Nn. 2 mixed, 45c Oats firm; X'o. 2 mixed, 3334o. Bve steady; No. 2, 56c Pork barelv steady at $12 25. Lard neglected at $3 50. Bulkineata and bacon quiet. Wbiskv activo and firm; sales, 1,160 barrels at $1 15. Butter firm. Sugar easier and in fair demand. Ejgs slow and firm at 22c Cheese quiet and steady. Baltimore Wheat urisettled; No. 2 red Bpot, 73Jc; Novemoer, 73c; Deoember, 74e; May, 8JJc. Corn easy; mixed spot ana November, 4SJc: January, 47Jc. Oats steady; Xo. 2 white Western, 41o. Kye steady: No. 2, 60c asked. Hay firm and higher; $14 5015 50. Grain freights quiet and unchanged. Pro visions steady; mess pork, $14 00. Butter firm: creamery fancy, 31c Eggs, 27c Coffee, Bio fain No. 7, 16c Kansas City Wheat active and strong; No. 2 hard. 63?i(g64!4c; No. 2 red. 676Se. Corn eteadw to higher: No. 2 mixed, 34c: Ho. 2 white, S339Ljo. Oats very strong; No. 2 mixed, 27J$2Sc; No. 2 white. 29S0c Eggs active and firm at 1920c Beceipts Wheat, 67,000 bushels: coi n, none: oats, none. Shipments Wheat, 57,000 bushels: corn, 6,000 bushels; oats, 1,000 bushels. ' Buffalo Wheat No. 1 hard dull at 83c; No. 1 Northern, 79c; No. 2 red, 76c No. 2 corn, 48c Beceipts Wheat, 45,000 bnshels; corn, 200,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 251,000 bushels; corn, 220,000 bushels. LIVE STOCK. Cattle Dull, Hogs Firm and Sheep Steady at the Central Yards. East Liberty, Pa., Nor. 12. Cattle Beceipts, 1,120 head; shipments, 980 head; nothing doing; all through con signments; 6 cars cattle shipped to New York o-day. 11 00s Beceints, 3,000 head; shipments. 2.800 bead; market firm: Philadelphia, $5 906 00: mixed, $5 905 95: Yorkers, $5 705 85; 7 cars shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Beceipts, 2,000 head; shipments, 200 bead; market steady at unchanged prices. By Associated Press. Chicago The Evening Journal reports: Cattle Beceipts, 3.500 headt shipments, 1, 100 head; market dull and lower; good to extra natives. $4 104 50; others. $3 504 00; stockera, $1 8502 25; Texans, $2 553 10: co s, $1 2CQ280. Hogs Becolpts, 18,000 nend; ship ments, 500 head; market closed lower; rough and common, $5 255 40; packing and mixed, $5 405 63: prime heavy and butchers' weights, $5 555 65; light, $5 405 70. Hogs Receipts, 2,00u head; shipments, 900 head; inaiket steady; natives $3 754 80; mixed, $3 O0Q3 75; lambs, $3 505 55; Mexicans, $3 80. Kansas City Cattle Beceipts, 4,00u head; A BAD FIRE Destroyed our entire stock of WALL PAPER every bolt Fortunately, we had a carload delayed on the railroad, that has now arrived and is ready for sale. It comprises 50,000 bolts. A nice selection of each grade from 5 cent papers to pressed hand-made at $2 per bolt Our standard full length 6c and jc papers are the finest ever seen in Pittsburg. In order to resume business at once we have temporarily lo cated at 315 Where, with the aid of good carpenters working night and day making racks on which to display WALL PAPER, we are in excellent shape and can sup ply the wants of the most exacting buyers. This stock is entirely new 1893 patterns and is without doubt the choicest lot of WALL PAPER ever brought to Pittsburg. Samples sent free to any address. , G. a O'BRIENS PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE, 315 Fifth Ave., 4 Squares from Court House. MONDAY, NOVEMBER I shipments, 4,000 bead; the market was dull, ' stock was steady and others lOQlss lower; representative sales: dressed beet ana shli ping steers, $3 5005 00; cows, $1 05433 60; Texas and Indian steers, $2 152 65; stock era and feeders, $2 602 65. Hogs Beceipts, 9,000 head; shipments, 1,000 head; the market was active and steady, closing easy; all grades, $4 805 52K: bulk, $5 305 45. Sheep Beoelpts, 1,600 head; shipments, 600 head; market unchanged; mutton, $1 004 15; Iambs, $5 50. Cincinnati Hogs weaker at $4 805 75; re ceipts, 3,800 head; shipments. 900 head. Cattle barely steady at $1 50Q4 65; receipts, 1,000 head: shipments, 800 head. Sheep firm at 12 04 75; recelpts300 head; shipments,none. Lamb3 stronger at $3 005 35. Print Cloth Firm. FailBiver, Mass., Nov. 12." Print cloth market firm; 64x64s, 3 5-16c; 60x563, 3c The business for the week was as follows: Pro duction, 190,000 pieces; deliveries, 190,000; stock.none; sales, 1S7.O0O; SDOt, 25,000; futures, 16L000. Turpentine. Wilvisotoit Snlrits of turpentine. 23KC Bosln firm: strained, $1 00; good strained, $1 05. Tar firm at $1 30; crude turpentine, 30c; haid, $1 00; yellow dip and virgin, $1 70. Savannah Turpentine firm at 29c Bosin firm at $1 1001 15. At this season of the year a stimulant is an absolute necessity. Max Klein's Silver Age is recommended by physicians, $1 50 per full quart. Ask for it. vt, o v.ofto. v WORTH A GUINEA A BOZ." STILL ROLLING St. Helens,? England, is J the seat 01 a great bus- J BEGCHAM'S! PILLS are made there. Ther are a specific for allC Nervous and Bll-J Slons Disorder arising from Weak Storaacb, Impaired uig-cstion.uis- nrrtnrrtl lArrr and all Female Aliments. THEY ARE COVERED WITH A TASTELESS AND SOLUBLE CSATIHQ. Of all druggists. Price SB cents a box. Nr Vorlf TMvit Canal St, r -siw,yxVfe3tt,nlT Driving the Brain at the expense of the Body. While we drive the brain we must build up the body. Ex ercise, pure air foods that make healthy flesh refreshing sleep such are methods. When loss of flesh, strength and nerve become apparent your physician will doubtless tell you that the quickest builder of all three is Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, which not only creates flesh of and in itself, but stimulates the appetite for other foods. Prepared by Scott A Bowae, N T. All draggists. 1 1" WW There's Nothing Like "Soap". Sl r j y- s I D I A r 1 fe S! & r Io o J S 5 01 J og c Cleveland and " Dusky Diamond" win out. Kirk's Dusky Diamond Soap Best soap for the hands. Kitk's White Russian Soap; best soap for flannels. noH-13 FIFTH AVENUE, noU-87 14, 189a i n s fifcil l fill J 1 A Few Hasty Words Before breakfast spoils the entire lday. It may be you are severely con stipated, troubled with indigestion. No appetite for breakfast. Feel hot and flushed. You feel either low spirited, or you display a nasty tem per. Destroys the good feeling of your home. Nature gives you fair notice that she requires assistance by the use of Carlsbad Sprudel Water. This remedy is sovereign. It has been used in its original shape by emperors, kings, statesmen, poets, etc., for 500 years. Or, if you can not conveniently use the Waters, buy the genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salts, which are the solid evaporations of the Sprudel Spring. The genuine has the signature of "Eisner & Men delson Co.,Sole Agents, New York," on the bottle. M Fifty Yrarejettles It CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. If DrT Schenck's treatment and cure of Consumption were something new and un tried, people might doubt; but what has proved itself through a trial as old as our grandfathers, means just. what it is A Specific for Consumption and for all diseases of the Lungs. Xo treat ment in the world can place as many per manent cures of Consnmption to its credit as Dr. 'ohenck's. Nothing in Nature acts so dl ret tl ' and effectively on the lung membranes and ilssnes.and so quickly disposes of tuber cles, congestion, Inflammation, colds,cougbs and all the seeds of Consumption as Dr. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup When all else fails it comes to the rescue. Not until It falls, and only after faithful trial, should any one despond. It has brought tne hopeless to life and health. Itbas turned the despair of ten thousand homos into Joy. It is doing it no w.It will continue to do it through out the ages. Dr. Schenck't Practical Treatise on Consumption, .Liver and Stomach DUeates mailed free to all applicants. Dr. J. H. Schenck & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. nc9 60-jiw PO. D. LEVIS, SOLICITOR OP ATENTS 131 Fifth ave., next Leader, Pittsburg NEW PLAIN AND POINTED. best shades, at $2.25 Cloth, trimmed with 2.25 for a hat ready WE WILL SELL YOU another style at $3.25, in navy blue and brown, made of fine cloth and trimmed in real fur. All ready to wear and only $3.25. WE WILL SELL YOU 150 pieces, 3-inch pure Silk, heavy quality, rich fancy Ribbon, as different from others at this price as day is from night, 25c a yard; worth 50c. wffl'Hl WE WILL SELL YOU 25 dozen Boys' or Girls' fine cloth Tam O'Shanters, in navy, brown and cardinal, with long silk tassel and satin lining, at 75c each. Identically the same as offered at 98c in other stores. WE WILL SELL YOU the nicest White Silk Embroidered Caps for little folks at 50c. WE WILL SELL YOU Children's Cashmere Caps, plain full crown or silk embroidered, at 50c J tan, brown or navy. WE WILL SELL YOU Surah Silk Caps, with fur trimming, all shades, at 75c. WE WILL SELL YOU 100 dozen fine "Velvet Koses, the newest shades, 3 roses and 3 buds in the bunch, very beautiful indeed aud only 25c a bunch. These are easily worih 50c, and you will readily admit alter noting prices at other stores. Fur Heads, Eur Pompons, Eur Trimming for Hats the very latest novelties at the very lowest figures.- 510, 512, 514, 516, FURNITURE: SO SAYS The it or WE MEAN IT. AND WE ARE DOING THE BUSINESS. KEECH DANIEL M'CAFFREY. CHOICE TIMOTHY HAY. Car Lots a Specialty. S38 AND 240 FIFTH AVENUE, S69-D PITTSBUEO. UKOKEHS FINANCIAL. ESTABLISHED 18SL John M. Oakley & Co., BANKERS AND BROKEU3, 5 SIXTH ST. . Direct private wire to New Tork and Cnl cago. Aiemoer j ew um, uaia&go ana i us) burg Exchanges. Local securities bought and sold for cnl or carried on liberal margins. Investments made at onr discretion and dividends paid quarterly. Interest paid on balance (since 1833.) Honey to lean on call. Information books on all markets mailed on application. le7 Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. ap3045 DOCTORS LAKE, SPECIALISTS In all cases re quiring scientific and confi dential treatment. Dr. S. K. Lake, M. E. C P. S., is the old est and most experienced spe cialist in the city. Consulta tion free and strictly confi dential. Office hours 9 to and 7 to 8 p. it. Sundays, 2 to 4 v. it. Consult them person ally, or write Doctors Lake, cor. Penn av. and Fourth st.. Pittsbury, Pa. jel&SJ-Dwk MANHGODf I will send (scaled) Kb me recipe i made a man of . Itcannotfallto cure Varicocele. .Lost Vijror and all results of India cretlons or excesses. Address with stamp, WM BVTLB, Sox 147 Marshall, Mich. gCQEHLEFTS Installment House We occupy the entire Inilfling 'Wy Sixth Street, MENS' AND BOY'S Clothing on Credit (Ready-Made & to Order.) LADIES' CLOAKS & JACKETS, Watches & Jewelry, ON INSTALLMENTS. Gash Prices Without Security. TERMS: One-third oftheamount purchased dust be paid down; the balance in small weekly or monthly payments. Business transacted strictly confidential. Open daily, from 8 A. M. to 9 P. U. Saturday itu 11 r. a. feJ !! III! ADVERTISEMENTS. I WE WILL SELL YOU the nicest, newest and most becoming shapes of TRIMMED HATS, in the Tiecr cVinrlM at 41 OR Mrri miA. nf TloArA J""w- " V.'" w" "- Ui -UI.IL.U114 Astrakhan and Aigrettes. Just think I to put on. 518 MABKET ST. nnS-irr Consult your interests by getting our prices before looking elsewhere. average dealer whether he means not. We are showing an immense assort ment of the best Furniture in the market We are naming prices'- diat are easy and making terms that are just, 923, 925,927 Penn Avenue. no9-arwr DOCTOR WHITTIER S14 1"ENN AVESTJE, PlTTSBCKQ, PA. As old residents know and back flies of Fittsbnnr papers prove, is the oldest estab lished and most prominent physician in tha city, devoting special attention to all enronls diseases. NO FEE UNTIL CURED Trom re- soonslble MCDnllC and mental dtj- persons IlLM V UUO ease;, physical da cay, nervous debility, laclc of energy, ambi tion and hope.itnpairedmetnory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfolness, dizziness, tleeplei-ness, pimples, eruptions, impover ished blood, laillns powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consnmption, unflttinKthoperson forbusiness, aocietyand marrlage, permanently, sarely and privato ! fn.. BLOOD AND SKIlfecr eruption?, blotches, falllnghnir,bones.paln8. glandular swellings, ulcerations of tha tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sorts, am cured lor life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated Jroin 1 IDIM A DV ,w,,'?ya?l the system. U 111 lrl T j bladder de rangements, weak bacfc, gravel, catarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searcnins treatmen, prompt relief and real cure. Dr. Whittler's life-long extensive experi ence insures scientific and reliable treat rnent on common sense principles. Consulta tion free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It here. Office hours. 9a. jc to T. jr. Sunday, 10 a. k. to 1 p. Jt. only. DB. WIllTTIlSIMH Penn avenue. Pitt3bur& P LOST MANHOOD RESTORED &P.4NISH MiKVLNE, The (treat Span- an itemed! old WITH A H W R I T T 1 E tf GUARANTEE to enre all nerr- oiis dlsrun, nek FuWeakMemorr BErop.E and ATTZJt usiwc. L06S or Brain rower Wakrfalnesq, Lo! M.inhocxt. Nightly Emluloaj, Nerrou9nes.Liusltnde.aUdrIni and lou of power or the Ulcerative Orjrans In elthersexeanjedbT over-exertion, youthful errors, or excesilronMot tobacco, opium or itlmulints. fl perpackare&y mll:R forts. With errr 5 order we GIVE A WRITTEN GUAUANTEE TOCUKEorRETUND MOSEY. Spanish Medicine Co.. Mdrfd. Spain, and DetrolTdlch. i'or sale 6 JOS. FLEMISCr SOU. Pltttburs. c3-M-i DDK COTTON RDOi COMPOUND. A recent dlscorery by an e44 bwxessnuli usvt nuccestfullu monthly by ttunuamlsofuzdiu. Is the only pen rfectlr safe and reliable medicine dlscoTered. Beware of unprincipled drug gists who oner inienor meui Hn.. in nlaceofthls. Ask for COOK'S C0TTOS BOOT COMFOUND Pike no tvbttU tvte. or Inclose (1 and 6 cents In postage In letter, and we will send, se-ued; by retuni mail. Full scaled particulars In plain envelope, to ladles oalj. lT xockfjolllca. -Sold In PUtsbngr b r & deI7-ol-eoJwt ! Market St. WEAK MEN, TOUB ATTENTION is caElkb to tbs TMOC un TWStumK GREAT ESQLISH BEMIDT. Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOV SUFFER from nratTWJt. una una .. i i . ,"' - "V?,I Tons Debility. Weakness of Body and Mind, fcpermatorrhea, aud Impotencr. and all disease that arise from over-lnduijteuce and self-abuse, a Loss of Memory and f ower. Dimness or Vision, 1-remature Old Age, and many other diseases that jeaa io iussnitr or ivuiuiu"w -.j KraTf, write for our pamphlet. Address GltAY MEDICI E CO.. BnjTalo. N. T. TbeSpeclllc Medicine Is sold br all drug-glst at tl OOpcrpackaje. or six packages for M. or sent 1y mall on, reecelpt of .money, and wltlj eTCry S3 CO order iv K VVAKINTEE a cure or iqoqb .jiaMNHaBi AiT-On account or counterfeits, we hare adopted I the Yellow Wrapper, the. only genuine. Sold la I rittsburiraiid guarantees Issued by S. 3. Holland, cor. bmltUfleldand Liberty su. -"k F2iB Mil ' ( ' ?f- s t ,&.;'- nmzkttSBa