Newspaper Page Text
up atftJiMi.lMi.Wl "f.T VR pt&ftvtimpw W' wwmz 'ST' w ptea WjfafcJr v PITTSBURG FRIDAY, ' DEOEMTER 2, 1892-TWELVE PAGES. FORTY SEVENTH TEAR. THREE CENTS She GOULD'S. DEATH MAY COME SOON The Great Financier of America Suffering From His Last Illness. tf OT A CASE OF RUMOR NOW For the Facts of His Serious Sick ness Are Two Apparent Physicians In Constant Attendance at His Bedside George Gould Forced to Admit the Truth He Calls His Father a Dangerously Slot Man Information From the House Rigidly Withheld Children of the Multt MUllonaire Surround Hla Bedside Pulmonary Consumption Believed to Be the Disease That Is Carrying Off the Big Little Man He la Now TJn conecious and His Limit of life Has . Narrowed Down to Hours. irrrrTAt. tiikoiujc to tbs dispatch.! 2Trw Tore, Dec. 5. Jay Gould is dying at his home. His disease, it is believed, is pulmonary consumption. The latest infor mation given at his house is that he is un conscious and sinking rapidly. His physi cians will not say definitely what the nature of this last attack is. It is learned, however, that Mr. Gould has not had one hat several hemorrhages from the lungs, the first of them on the day before Thanksgiving. There was another hemorrhage two days later and still another last Wednesday. "Whether or not the pul monary disease has appeared only recently cannot yet be learned. But its advance of late appears to have been very rapid. It is Eaid that Mr. Gould's lungs have been weak for a number of years though he bos never let even his most intimate friends know it Never Rallied feince the Hemorrhage. The hemorrhage on November 23 was ac- companied by fits of coughing. It left him weak and he has never rallied. He has been gradually wasting and sinking. His death, it is said, has from the moment of the hemorrhage been but a question of time. Every known medical device has been resorted to, but the doctors could not bring about a permanent rally. Each of the later hemorrhages, it is said, was accompanied by a very painful cough ing spell that helped greatly to weaken Mr. Gould. A little crowd of people stood on the four corners opposite the house until late at night gazing up at the windows and remarking the movement of every shadow that could be Been on the drawn curtains. 5o Attempt at Concealment. There was no attempt made to-night to conceal the fact that Mr. Jay Gould was a very seriously sick man. The members of his family were all in the house and at times by his bedside, and all inquiries at the house door were answered by tbe butler, who said: "Mr. Gould is very low." Dr. Mnnn, his family physician, called several times during the day on Mr. Gould and was with him all the evening. Dr. Janeway was in consultation with Dr. "Mnnn again and this fact strengthened the rumor that Mr. Gould's recent hemorrhages were from the lungs and not frsm the stomach. Dr. Munn retnsed to make any definite statement about Mr. Gould's Ill ness. The Opinion of His Son. Mr. George Gould admitted to-night that it was serious, and at 9 o'clock he sent down word from the sick room: "My father's condition is very low." Every room in Mr. Gould's house, at 679 Fifth avenue, was illuminated, and this in itself was unusual enough to attract at tention from passersby on the street. Two coaches were In front of the house all the evening. Mr. Gonld's coachman and but ler were on duty oil night. There were no other signs indicating that the worst was feared. Mr. Gould's illness was discussed by the broken and "Wall street men who gather every night at the Windsor Hotel, and it Was the general opinion it was much more serious than any of his previous attacks. When Mr. Gould has suffered from his per iodical attacks or nervous dyspepsia pre ,viously the members of his family have been slow, to admit that he was sick at all. He has suffered from these attacks of dys pepsia followed by nervous prostration .about twice a year. ' Much Made of Previous Attacks. None of them has been really considered to be dangerous by his family physician, Dr. Mnnn, and yet owing to Mr. Gould's financial relations much has been made of them. Not'less than 25 times has Mr. ' Gould been reported to be dying. On each of these occasions Mr. Gould's sons and his physicians have assured all 'Inquirers that he was not seriously ilL For this reason little faith was put in the rumors that floated around Wall street for the past few days about Mr. Gould's pres ent illness. Jt was said that he wag simply suffering from the periodical return of his old complaint. It has been suggested dar ing the years in which Mr; Gould has been more or less of an Invalid that his lungs were the seat cf disease. , WLea.Mr. Ji'eorgo Gould w -,. I JAT GOUUX office in the Western Union building this morning, however, he stated that his father was worse and that he was really seriously sick. This was the first authentio informa tion as to Mr. Gonld's critical condition that had been received. Began to Oct Worried. Mr. Gould did not rest well last night and it was then that his family began to get worried about him. A few days ago it was stated that Mr. Gould had made prepa rations to go to El Paso for the winter. This trip was abandoned because In the opinion of Dr. Munn Mr. Gould was not strong enough to take it unless there was a marked improvement in his health. Mr. George Gould and some of the other members of the family were up part of Wednesday night with the sick man. When Mr. George Gould appeared at his office yesterday he looked haggard and his eyes sbowed the lack of sleep. Beyond the statement that his father was worse he de clined to say anything about his illness. Mr. Russell Sage discredited to-day the report that Mr. Gould was seriously sick, and said: "He is simply suffering from an other of his bilious attacks. Mr. Gould overtaxed himself during the week preced ing Thanksgiving by attending three meet ings downtown. Mr. George Gould told me that after his father's last trip down town he was compelled to go to bed and he has been there ever since. What he needs now is perfect rest Only Few Visitors Admitted. Dr. John P. Munn, who has been for many years Mr. Gould's physician, paid his first call at the house at 9:30 this morning. There were many other callers, bat only a few of them were admitted. No one bat the members of the family and the phy sicians were admitted to the house in the evening. Miss Helen Gould is confined to her bed with severe colds. 'Mr. Gould's sons, George, Edwin, Howard and Fran:, and his daughter, Miss Annie, were in bis room all during the evening. An Associated Press dispatch says: It has been determined that Mr. Jay Gould is suffering from consumption, and that he is doubtless now in his last illness. winter he went to a more genial climate, and it was hoped until recently that he might be able this winter to get away from New York to some locality where the atmos phere is more bland than here. The development of his trouble has, how ever, prevented this contemplated removal, and Mr. Gould now lies at his Fifth avenne home in this city growing weaker daily. His entire family is in reach of hurried summons, and his personal medical attend ant is in close attendance. Information KJgidly "Withheld. To seek details of the sick room would be a fruitless effort, for such information is rigidly held within the family circle. That Mr. Gould has, as has been rumored, suffered hemorrhages may or may not be trne. It matters not The health of the great financier has many times in years gone been the subject of sensational and designing, rumors. -This writing, however, deals with no. rumor, nor is it designed to arouse sensation. Mr. Gould is low with consumption. He is weak; and each day .his physical forces less oppose the advance of disease. His life may be prolonged for some days.L'ut the days are well nigh numbered, and the limit or his living may be said How. to have narrowed almost to hours. LATEST FROM" THE BEDSIDE Of the Man "Who Owns Millions bat Mast Leave Ail Behind. NewYokk. Dec. 2.-2 A. at Special. One of the reporters' who inquired at the Gould door at midnight was informed that the doctor had sent out word that Mr. Gould would probably not live an hour longer. Notes innumerable were sent into the house by various per sons, and ail were returned unanswered or with the information that Mr. Gould was verv low and might not live the night out At 1 o'clock the lights were turned out or very low in the sickroom, bat it was said that Mr. Gould was still alive. The family had retired, leaving Dr. Munn the nurses to watch the patient and A HORRIBLE SUICIDE. An Brie Man Shoots His Wife and Decapi tates Himself Under a Car. Ekie, Dec. L QpeeiaL Bslph Kane, an employe of the Lake Shore Railroad Company, sno't his wife here to-night and then committed suicide in a most horrible manner. Kane's wife had her husband locked up, and on his release, fearing his anger, she had, with her four yonngchil dren, sought the protection of a neighbor's household. Kane found his little family and called the wife and mother outside "for a talk." "When alone with her beared every shot in his revolver into her body, leaving her, as he supposed, dead where she answered his summons. Then he went to the track within sight of the first scene of the trag edy, and releasing a car standing on a steep grade, waited until it had momentnm enough to serve his purpose, when he ran alongside of it and threw himself across the rails in such a way that his head was sev ered from the body. The trunk and the ghastly skull, terribly crushed and muti lated, lay on different sides of the rail Mrs. Kane is still living, but will die. Kane was 35 years old. RAINMAKERS DISCOURAGED. Dryenfnrth. Still Insists He Is Successful From a Scientific Standpoint San Antonio, Tex., Dec. L The rain makers here say their tests are without sat isfactory results. The only apparent effect was the formation of a cloud overhead at 11 o'clock last night, bat a strong southerly wind soon dispersed all prospect of rain from that source. There was a very light shower at 6 o'clock this morning, which they claim they were responsible for. The weather has been perfectly clear all day, however, with no indications of rain. The bombardment lasted ten hoars. General Dryenfurth claims that he was sac. cesslal from a scientific standpoint The backers of the experiments state that before they discontinue the experiments they will make a thorough trial MAEBIED WEALTH AT OUTS. One of St Louis Wealthiest Women Seeks a Divorce on the Ground of Cruelty. St. Louis, Dec L A sensational di vorce suit was filed iu the Circuit Court to day by Mrs. Anna L. Meyer against her husband, Henry J. Meyer. The plaintiff is a daughter of the well known millionaire brewer, William J. Lemp, and her husband is "President of the St Souls Adamant Plas ter Company of this city. Mrs. Meyer alleges that her husband, be came subject to groundless moods -of leal' ousy, and while under the influence of these feeling rendered her life intolerable. Oa two or three occasions he has tried to oboV o,v . , ..i OF Made by the Democracy of "Wyoming, Who Have Sent a Delegation to See HARRITY AND CLEVELAND. Alleged Attempt of Republicans to Gobble the Legislature and SECURE THE SENATORIAL PRIZE. Kansas Populists Protest Against the Loss of an Elector. OFFICIAL RETURNS STILL BOBBING UP 19 FECIAL TILEGBAM TO TUB BISPATCH.1 Omaha, Neb., Dec. L A delegation of Wyoming Democrats Is in Omaha on their way to New York City to consult with Chairman Harrity, of the Democratic Na tional Committee, and with President-elect Cleveland in regard to the alleged frauds beiug perpetrated by the Bepublicans in their State and the so-called outrageous ef forts of the Bepublicans to steal the Legis lature and elect their United States Sena tor. Colonel C D. Kelley, of Cheyenne, is the Chairman. Mr. Kelley was a member of the Demo cratic Central Committee of Wyoming and is fully alive to the political situation there. Among other things he said: "The people of Wyoming rebelled against Re publican rule at the recent election and put the Democratic party in power. "We elected our Governor, Congressman and Supreme Judge, comprising the entire State ticket to be voted for, and by fusion on the legislative ticket elected 27 out of 49 legis lators, but now it seems that the peoplo are to be cheated out of their rights by one of the boldest, most barefaced frauds ever per petrated In America, A Senatorsblp at Stake. "Wyoming should elect a Democratic United States Senator, and if the results of as fair, an election as ever took place in the State were not overthrown this would be done, but the entire political machine is controlled by a rotten Bepublican ring. The Bepublicans are making an attempt to steal the State, and there seems to be but little hope but that they will succeed. They use'the courts with perfect impunity to at tain their ends, and the people can do nothing. "By a fair vote the fusion ticket controls the Legislature on a joint ballot by five votes, but the Bepublicans will steal enough to give them a majority. In Con verse county a Democrat was fairly elected by seven majority. The Bepublicans re ceived, according to the tally sheets, 69 votes, but the clerks in footing up totals gave him 99. The matter was carried into the courtsr.,and a Bepublican Judge-decreed that the mistake must stand, and the Bepublican was declared elected, by a ma jority of three. A Very Narrow Margin. "In Carbon county the official vote was' pnt of! for 16 days until Chairman "Vande venter, of the Bepublican Committee, could be on hand. With all this fraud the fus sionista still have a majority of one vote in the lower House. If matters could take their course everything could be righted and with this majority of one rightful mem bers could be seated, but the Bepublicans mean to go still greater lengths to attain their ends. The plan is to issue false cer tificates to enough men to give the Bepub licans the majority in the House. "Then the hrst day that the Legislature meets a resolution will be introduced pro viding for the election of a United States Senator at once, and the whole thing will be hustled through before contest proceed ings can be instituted. "It is provided in the scheme to keep the newly-elected Governor out of his chair until after the Senator is elected, thus de priving him of the opportunity to have any hand in the proceedings. It seems hardly probable that we will be able to stop this fraud, but we will do what we can. We want Mr. Harrity himself to come out and loogover tbe field, and we will leave it largely to him to decide what course i( is best to pursue. Slay Be a Resort to Force. "It has been proposed by some to let mat ters take their coarse and then institute contest proceedings before the Senate, but feeling Is running so high that I would not be surprised to see force employed to break up the Bepublican ring. We must first seat our Governor. With him in the chair, we can elect a Senator, as he would refuse to sign the false certificates, but with him out it will be impossible to do anything directly. It has been proposed that the Democrats form a Legislature of their own, elect a Senator and leave it for tbe Senate to decide between the Bepublican and Democrat" Mr. Kelley had a long consultation with Dr. Miller this noon on the question. Dr. Miller advised that the newly-elected Gov ernor be seated at once, by force if neces sary. Senator Warren, who is a candidate for re-election, is at the head of the Bepub lican ring, and has so worked things-tor run that his influence is tremendous. ;fhe Democrats made their campaign issue "the arid land bill, which he introduced in Con gress, and it was in opposition to this bill that the Democrats were able to carry the Btate as they did. Chairman New, of the Democratio State Committee, will be the Democratio nominee tor the Senate. The delegates start to-morrow for New York, NO TBOUSLB FBOM KOLBITES. Governor Jones of Alabama Quietly Takes the Oath of Office. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. L Governor elect Jones was inaugurated at noon to-day, before tbe joint Bession of the House and Senate. The oath of office was administered by Chief Justice Stone. The Governor then delivered his inaugural address. There had been some fear from the Kolb itei, but the Adjutant General ordered out two detachments of the local battery to tbe Capitol, for the ostensible purpose of firing a salute, but really to gnard against surprise. Tbe men of the battery wore side-arms, and there was some apprehension of a conflict Governor Peek's Plurality 7,844. Milwaukee, Wis., Dee. L The offioial count of the vote of Wisconsin was com pleted yesterday. It is as follows: . Peck, Democrat, for Governor, 178,198;. Spooner, Bepublican, 170,354; Peck's plurality 7,- 844. Cleveland's Illinois Plurality 26,008, Sfbinofield, III., -Dec. 1, The State Board of Canvassers to-day completed the canvass of the official Vote of Illinois, as follows: Cleveland, 426,281: Harrison, 399,288; Weaver, 22,207; JBidwell, 25,807. Harrison's majority la Washington. TACOMA. Wask.. Dee. 1 Official re. ,Utm fro all )gt ww eowitr ey Hanks CHARGES 86,461, Cleveland 29,922, Weaver 19,264, Bidwell 2,487. For Governor, McGraw, Be puDllcan, 33,103; Snively, Democratic, 28.-779- Young, Populist, 23,639, Green, Prohi bition, 3,823. A CONTEST IN KANSAS. Populists Protest Against the Counting in of Ono Elector. Topeka, Kan., Dec. L The State Board of Canvassers this morning attempted to wrestle with Coffey county Legislative tie, and found itself surrounded by numer ous complications. Upon this tie rests the organization of the House. The official count shows that the lower house will stand: Bepublicans 62, Populists 68, Democrats 3, Independent 1, tie 1. Tbe Independent legislator is Wilson, of .-Meade county. He Is a Bepublican, but was elected by Popu list votes against the Bepublican nominee. He is an intimate friend of Jerry Simpson, and the Populists claim him for their cau cus nominee and alsoiu House organization. "With the Coffey county tie decided in their favor the Bepublicans will have 63 votes, enough to organize the House. In tbe discussion this morning some of tbe members of the Board seemed to think it was unconstitutional to decide by lot, and Governor Humphrey held that the Board was authorized to pass on constitutional questions. Chairman Breidenthal instituted injunc tion proceedings, this morning, restraining the Board from issuing a certificate of elec tion to Lervey, the Bepublican elector, whoso election was due to the fact that the name of his Fusion opponent was incorrectly printed on the tickets in two counties. A contest will follow, and the opinion seems general that the Populists will win their point HARRISON'S PAPER SOLD. Only 831,000 for the Plant and the Debts Are Over S10O,OOO. Helena, Mont., Dec. L Special Bussell B. Harrison's newspaper, the Hel ena Journal, which was attached by one of Its numerous creditors soon after mid night on election day, when Presi dent Harrison's defeat became known, was sold to-day at Sheriff's sale. The paper suspended publication the morning after election, and has not re sumed. The creditor who made the first move was the Montana National Bank, which had loaned the paper 526,000. The Merchants' National and First National filed claims for similar amounts, and the total indebtedness here and in the Bast is over SlOO.OuO. i The paper has been a losing venture from the start This was no field for it, and it had strong andfirmlv entrenched rivals. The property was sold for 521,000 to L. H. Hirschtield," a banker, who is one of the creditors and an inti mate friend of Harrison. HirschfielJ says he will soon start the paper again, and that Harrison will have no interest in it. The Montana National Bank, after Hirsch field paid the money, to-day filed a claim for an additional 59,000, for which it held Harrison's note. It looks as though further legal complications would ensue. SAF2 TEDS! OFFICERS ELECTED. A Denial of the Statement That the Two Rival Bodies Will Consolidate. NffwYonK, Dec. L At a meeting of the directors of the Diebold-Mosler-Damon Safe Company held hwe ,to.-day, the follow ing officerswere elected? -President "M. : Mosler, of the Hosier Safe and Lock Com pany; Vice Presidents, William W. Clark, of the Dlebold Safe and Lock Company and Thomas Barnes, of the Barnes Safe and Lock Company; Treasurer, George L. Damon, of the Damon Safe and Iron Com pany. James H. Parker, President of the United States National Bank, was elected a director. Preliminaries neoessary to acquiring the property of the eleven manufacturers whose businesses are to be united in the company were completed, and a further meeting will be held at an early day, when the proper ties of tbe eleven constituent companies and. firms will be finally taken over. John Farrell, Vice President of tbe Herring- Hall-Marvin Company, says there is no truth in the report that his 'concern is to be consolidated with the Diebold-Mosler-Damon Company. STATE MONOPOLY PROPOSED For the Sale of Liquor In Kansas for Consti tutional Purposes Only. Topeka, Dec L The State Temperance Union has adopted a resolution in favor of State agents for the sale of intoxicating liquors. John A. Murray, who introduced the present prohibitory law, will form a bill to be presented to the next Legislature, incorporating the State agency feature. It embraces the People's party doctrine, and the indications point clearly to its adoption. The'resolution reads: Besolved, That it is the idea and Intent of the prohibitory law to cot off all proflts in the sale of liquors, and only to provide places for tho convenience of tbe people in obtaining liquors under the conditions named under tbe law. Therefore, we earn estly request tbe coming Legislature of the State to so amend tbe prohibitory law as to put the sale of liquor lor tbe excepted pur poses in- tbe bands of agents of tbe State. who shall have no financial profit from tbe sales, be they many or few. A CHICAGO THUG SHOT. no Knns Against a Saloonkeeper's Wife, "Who "Was Prepared for Him. Chicago, Dee. 1. Special Beports of orime in Chicago still come in with alarm ing speed, and it is claimed that the police authorities have undertaken to belittle and even suppress, if possible, the news. Three men entered the saloon of Charles Berger this morning. They were masked, approached the bar, and drew their re volvers on the saloon man's wife, who was behind the counter. Iu an instant the placky woman had drawn a big pistol, pulled the trigger, and shot Mrs. Berger gave chase, grabbed one of the the thugs, and shot him in the arm once again in the breast Three policemen had a desper ate fight with fonf armed thieves, bat tbe desperadoes finally escaped. IN CAP AND GOWN. "Wash-Jeff Seniors Determine to Tog Them . selves Out for Graduation. Washington, Pa, Dec. L Special The senior class of Washington-Jefferson College has unanimously decided to gradu ate in cap and gown, and the members are now anxiously awaiting the conclusion of the faculty in the matter. It is generally believed that the gradu ates will be allowed to "tog" themselves as they desire. Hereafter the students will wear a college badge. Wanted to -Stand on Maxwell's Scaffold. Sx. Louis, Dec. L Eev. James M. Shar rat and wife, of Leeds, England, to-day gained permission to ascend the scaffold on which Hugh Brooks, alias Maxwell, paid the penalty for the murder ol Arthur Preller. Mr. Bharratt, who has been a missionary in India, lnew Brooks when the latter was a boy. Falrchilcl Not Yet Approached. NEW Yobk, Deo. X In reference to the report that, he had teen offered the Seereta rohlp of the Treasury by Mr. Cleveland Charles B. Falrchlld to-day said that ho had not new and never had the slightest reason to suppose that Mr. Cleveland wisfeea hi w, take Mly petition lw hi If THE DUCKS THAT MB. CLEVELAND HOPES TO BBING DOWN. HOMESTEAD III NEED. Great Suffering at the Little Borough Up the Monongahela. CHICAGO TO AID THE STRIKERS, A Committee naving reported That Assist ance Is a Necessity. STARVATION SEEKS SEVERAL HUNDREDS rsrKCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DIRFATCH.1 Chicago, Dec. L The recent visit of a committee of Homestead strikers to Chica go is bearing good fruit The Trades Coun cil a short time since sent a committee con sisting of Bichard Powers and Edward Hobbs, both well-known men, to visit Pittsburg and Home stead and see for themselves what the situa tion was, and whether help was actually needed or not The committee went last week and this morning returned. Both gentlemen report terrible distress among the 1,800 families in the Homestead district They found the recent declaration that he strike was off had no effect what ever on the condition of affairs near the steel mills. After declaring the strike off the men presented themselves to the mills and were refused wore Only an extremely small percentage of the men who went out were taken back, and these were only the cheap laborers. The skilled men were turned away and refused work. No Boom In the Mills for Strikers. Mr-Powers sayslhe Carnegie Company. wlll never take the' strikers back. The mills are running only at fractional ca- Saclty, and the taw non-union hands are eing taught the technical work. "We found a most wretched condition of affairs," said Mr. Powers. "There is keen snffering everywhere. We fonnd several families Monday morning without a mouth ful of food in the house and no money. If you had been there you would have given your last nickel. Mr. Hobbs bought' pro visions for a small number of these families because he didn't have the heart to leave six or seven children hungry. These peo ple need clothes and food now more than ever, and we will issue an appeal to the people to continue to send us money or pro visions or clothes. "We have made arrangements with a committee at Homestead to receive and dis burse what we send, and can now guarantee that all contributions will do good and reach these people, and I can tell you that never was charity needed so badly. I had to give up the investigation, it cut me so to see so much suuering. xney are getting a little aid from neighboring towns, bat it is small." The Company Mercilessly Scored. "The heartless fashion in which these men have been treated by the company," said Mr. Hobbs, "is an outrage. They will soon be turned oat of their houses, as well as be ing deprived of food. Men who apply for work are first compelled to go into the mills and shake bands with the outsiders that have filled their places, and atter they have been humiliated in that way they are told plainly when they ask for a job to go to hades and shake hands with the rest of the blacksheep for a living. The Carnegie Company is determined to drive the men out of the State." In consequence of this report efforts to raise money will be redoubled. Tbe sub ject will probably be taken up by tbe Trades Council next Sunday. IK ICE FOB IW0 YEAES. A Steamship Breaks the Long Siege of a TXt-rr England Whaler. Philadelphia, Dec. 1. The steamer Fonar, which arrived at this port from Rot terdam to-day, fell in with the whaling bark Arthur, which had been nearly two years oat from New Bedford. Nearly all this time the bark was inclosed in ice in Hudson Bay, entirely shut in from the out side world. The bark was in fairly good shape and the sailors all healthy, notwith standing their long siege. All the men were very hungry for news, however, the events of the past two years being a sealed book to them, and Captain Willis, of the Fonar, lowered one of his boats and sent the bark's crew a load of newspapers and miscellaneous literature. LOOSE ON A STEEP GRADE. Knnaway Cars at Greenville Crash Into an Engine, Kllllnc Two Men. Greenville, Pa., Dec. 1. .SpeciaL At Shenango to-day two freight cars broke loose on a steep grade and started toward the station at a terrific gait, having a clear piece of track two miles long. The switch engine happened on the track the runaway cars were traveling. Before the men iu the cab could escape the cars were upon them with a crash that was heard for miles. The wreck of cars and engine was com plete. James Dnnley and Charles Mc Dowell, engineer and fireman on tbe Bwitcher, were both killed. THKEE DISTILLEH1ES COMBINE. The Leading Spirit Itefuses to Say Whether They Have Jolnedthe Trusts , St. Xotns, Dec. L The Central Dis tillery of this city was formally turned over to Samuel Woolner this afternoon. This com pletes the deal involving the Central, the Nebraska, of Nebraska 6ity, 'and the Star and Crescent of Pekin, IlL, the last three having already been turned over Jo Mr. Woolner. To a reporter Mr. Woolnersaid this even ing that he was baying for "himself and friends." refusing to answer a Question as to whether or not he purestased as the agent of JOLIET'S DOUBLE FAILURE. The Liabilities of tho Bank and tho Wire Company Are Nearly 81,000,000. Joliet, Ixi. , Dec. 1 The condition of the collapsed Stone City Batik and the En terprise Company looks more serious to day. Everything in sight has been at tached. The transfer of the propertv of the Fisbs subjects them to bitter reproach. All the transfers will be contested in the courts. . The excitement to-day is more in tense than yesterday. The many small de positors who responded to the advertise ment of the bank for long time deposits on interest, ate breathing all sorts of threats. Creditors are beginning to believe that both the institutions are involved in hope less ruin. The Illinois Steel Company, it is said, will push its claim ot $150,000. The claim will be set up, according to current report, that the Fishs were trying to de fraud their creditor". The senior Fish, father ot the Fish brothers, is almost crazed with the crash. He placed every confidence in his son George as a financier. George's ambition was to own and operate the big gest wire plant in the world. He kept blooded horses and followed metropolitan fashions, always taking a colored footman along on the back of his turnout Addi tional claims were filed to-day, bringing the aggregate liabilities of both concerns to nearly Jl.000,000, with probably one-third of that amount in assets. THE ELLWOED TOWN COMPAHY STJED By a Discharged Engineer, Who Alleges a Breach of Contract. New Castie, Dec. 1. SpeciaW One of the strangest actions ever brought in the Xawrence county courts has just been com menced by W. P. Nye against the Pitts iurg Company, which, has been Improving the new town of Ellword. Mr. Nye states 'he is a locomotive engineer. September S3, 1890, he was induced by the Pittsburg Company to accept a position as engineer on the Beaver Valley Bailroad at 580 a month, which was increased by working over time to $100. On the representations of the company that he would have a per manent position he bought a house and lot from the Pittsburg Company for Sl',750, agreeing to pay $120 every three months until the whole amount was paid. July 31, 1892, he was discharged, as he savs, without cause. He ceased to pay for his bouse, and now he aski ?2,000 from the company for breach of contract The case will be tried in January. LEVIED OD HIS WHISKEES. A Writ of Attachment Was Issued Upon Them and Served. Kansas City, Dec 1. Charles Libby, secretary of the Kansas Citv (Kan.) Pav ing Company, to-day enjoyed, or rather did not enjoy, the novel experience of having a Constable levy upon his whiskers in an attachment for the satisfaction of a debt of 528. Mr. Libby, as secretary ot the Paving Company, gave a laborer a bill upon the treasurer for ?28 for wages due. The la borer negotiated tbe bill with a money lender, whom Mr. Libby declined to pay. The money lender employed connsel and brought suit, and obtained judgment in a justice's court for the full amount The lawver, in a fit of humor, made application to the justice for a writ of attachment npon Mr. Libby 's whiskers in satisfaction of the judgment The justice is a sleepy old soul, and without reading the application signed it DR. SCOTT'S REMAINS Will Beach Washington, Pa., at 8:30 This Morning, on the Chartlers Ttoad. Washington, Pa., Deo "L -pedal The remains of the late Dr. Scott will ar rive here over the Chartiers Bailroad, by special train, at 8:30 a. m. This is accord ing to advices from official sources to parties here, which state also that the funeral party will consist ot President Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and a party of ten other rela tives of the family. The remains will be taken from tha funeral train to the residence of Mrs. Joshua Wright, a niece of the deceased, where they will remain until 9:50 o'clock, after which they will be taken to tbe Wash ington cemetery for burial It ic announced that four ministers and lour elders of the Presbyterian church here will be the pall bearers. - 1W0 MAN6HELD TBAOEDIES. A rromlnontToung Man Mortally Wounded In a Poker Bow A Suicide. Mansfield, O., Dec. 1 Special At Belleville last night Wesley White, a prominent young man, accused Frank Hardesty and Owen Whitten of fraudu lently "touching" him for $10 in a game of poker. la the row, Whitten struck White over the head with a lumber rule. The steel hook on tbe end was driven through White's skull and entered his brain. At tending physicians say he will die. Both Whitten and Hardesty have been committed without bail. Charles Snlith, 32 years old, wound up a prolonged drinking bout last night by send ing a bullet through his head. THE EXODUS FROM CANADA. It Has Increased 37 Per Cent In Uncle Sam's Favor Since 1830. Washington, Dec. L The extent of the exodus from Canada to the United States is shown by figures derived from the Census Office. The facts show that the number of Canadians in. the country at the taking of the census in 1890 was 983,000, compared with 717,000 in 1880, showing au increase of over 37 per cent The .figures for the last four decades are as follows: 1860, 249,600: 1870. 483.000: 1889,- VfaOd OBI OAa3-fcfl!!-u. i. - - ' I i - SOBBING II SEER m MAYOR, They Ask for Information and They Hear a Hinging Speech in Answer. "HIS HOJTOR BREAKS DOWN. y A Heeling ofv&SCoiindl Stam peded bV'i&T'sitors. Mayor Gourley Advt, Outcasts to Go to Their HdmeA- 9! K, lndemns the Hasty Action4 .-,, VPolIco Officials and Explains HJV Jin the Closing Order Six of Y'Women Hold an Open Air Meeting: and Da tormlne to Protect the Inmates They Will Close Their Houses to Visitors . The Women Visit Prominent Minis ters Hunting Homes Elsewhere. Forty-six inmates of the disorderly houses which have been Closed, and which to the world will be hermetically sealed at 4 o'clock this afternoon, called on Mayor Gourley at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. They visited His Honor to find out if possi ble what th Christian people of Pittsburg, who prompted tbe sudden move against vice, contemplated in the way of taking care of the unfortunates who have been compelled to abandon their haunts and look elsewhere for homes. It was indeed a remarkable gathering of peculiar women. The proprietress, un daunted, in her sealskin, satins and costly feathers, with precious stones flashing like meteors from her ears and shapely fingers, stood foremost in the crowd. Around her, in humbler garb, with eyes burning from constant crying, their heads bowed with a condition that really distressed them, crowded the girls without character, with out name and without a home. Together they filled the reception room of the Mayor's apartments almost beyond com fort They were in dead earnest They wanted information, and they had come in a body to get it Their coming had attracted general attention around the city building and a crowd of carious idlers followed the women to the Mayor's office. Stopped the Work of Councils. Select Council was in special session when the females filed into the lobby of the hall, and the city legislators quit the work for which they had "been assembled and Joined in the rush to see and hear the ob ject of the unexpected and unsolicited call. The women were allowed the reception room. No one attempted to crowd in upon them, but the hallway to "that particular apartment, the rotunda from which it leads, the broad stone stairway from the firBt to the second floor and the wide elevator which had been stopped at the first landing just to accommodate the Select Councilmen who were anxious to see bat preferred not to be seen, were all crowded with the cosmopolitan gathering. City officials of high and low degree were there and with them were the State and city legislators, political leaders and ward heelers, with an occasional busi ness man whose curiosity and concern had dragged him into the place. There were, however, two city officials who were not there They were Chief of the Department of Public Safety, J. O. Brown, and his Superintendent of Police, Boger O'Mara. ' They had heard of the wo men approaching the headquarters ot the Police Department, and in confusion they abandoned their offices. They took refuge in the janitor's room adjoining the City Treasurer's office, where they remained un til the indignant women had reached tha Mayor's office. With the barricade of curious humanity between them and the enraged females the police officials disap peared into the street At their offices they left the unsatisfactory information that they were not receiving callers under the circumstances. The Deputation Was Embarrassed. When the women found themselves prac tically alone in the Mayor's reception room they held a whispered conversation. Apparently timid ones leaned npon the others and a flutter parsed over them, be tokening confusion. Probably not one in the entire party had been in the room before, and all seemed more or less bewil dered. They acted much as though they had been sent for. Finally one of their number, less timid than the rest, extended her jeweled hand to command attention. Assuming the air of a woman about to talk on the rights of her sex she shook her head until her jaunty little hat fairly danced a jig. She isprobably the richest woman of herelasi in Pittsburg her possessions are extensive. She is a large real estate owner and she is estimated to be worth $500,000. The eyes of all her sisters turned to her. They looked their support to her and sustained her by their confidence. She proceeded promptly to ihe business for which her people come. Turning to the office leading to the Mayor's private room the now ac cepted leader asked of Clerk Ostermalert "Is Mayor Gourley in?" "He is. Do you wish to see him?" Mr. Ostermaier answered. ' m "We do," the woman replied with some .emphasis. The Mayor was notified. He Had been called .upon several times daring the day by smaller delegations ot the women, and when he turned again from his desk he ex pected to see two or three more of the so cial outcasts who were hungering for Infor mation to guide them through their trouble, Instead he found his reception room com pletely packed. An Appeal to the Mayor. When the Mayor faced the women he bowed politely. At first he smiled. Hit leasant face then took on a serious air. little waves of color chased each other from his neck to the top of his head, and for the time he seemed more confused than his frightened audienc. The leader of tho women seemed to realize the Mayor's un comfortable position, and by way of reliev ing the annoyance she began: "Mayof Gourley, you probably know who we are. We want to know what you intend to do for us." The Mayor seemed all the while strug gling with himself! His face was a study. Wonderfully ready in debate and clever in his speech, he looked for the first time in his experience like a man undone. His re eoverr was swift, however, and when he did recover he realized deeply and keenly the pesitioB in which he was plaeed. He tWMki M tbwftk Iye Jfc. WM.J lesjmsass UIBLssBSW