OCR Interpretation

Pittsburg dispatch. [volume] (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 03, 1892, Image 7

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024546/1892-12-03/ed-1/seq-7/

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Party Bahcor in England Is
So Intense That the
Parties Won't Pair.
For Gladstone's Cabinet, In Amend
ments to tno Queen's Speech
A Bill to Prohibit Triestly Interference
' Will le Pushed.
IrOSDOjr, Dec: 2. Although the opening
of Parliament U still eight" weeks distant,
the Conservative party is already on the
scene with three amendments to the ad
dress in reply to the speech from the throne.
One amendment attacks the Irish Evicted
Tenants' Commission; another relates to the
distress of the agricultural classes, and the
third relates to the wavering policy of the
Government in regard to Uganda. Be
sides these, there are other amendments
under discussion.
Although the general run of the amend
ments must depend upon the announce
ments made in the Queen's speech, it is
evident that those will prolong the discus
sion on the address, thus obstructing the
work of Parliament, and that the object is
to test the strength of the Government
A prominent Liberal member of Parlia
ment said to-day: "We expect the warmest
time any Parliament has seen since the dis
cussion "of the reform bill of 1832." "What
threatens to make it worse ior members
personally is the fact that the relations be
tween the parties are so embittered that the
party "whips" decline to try to arrange
Constant Vigilance Necessary Now.
In the last Parliament the Gladstonians
refused to pair with Liberal-Unionists, but
they assented to arrangements with Con
servatives. Now the Liberal whips find
that neither section of the opposition will
pair with Liberals. The result will be that
every member will b: kept in constant at
tendance in the House of Commons, ior
fear the Government's narrow majority
may Be submersed by some snatch Vote.
The whole Irish party, many ot the mem
bers of which have been in the habit of ab
senting themselves unless specially n hipped
up to vote on an Irish question, will be
obliged to remain constantly on the de
fensive. If they persist in "their former
custom of going to Ireland on the excuse of
urgent personal business, the Government
is certain to be defeated within one month
after the opening ot the session.
'Be unsleeping," accurately represents
the advice of the Ministerialists, nho, bow
ever, continueto be confident of weathering
the divisions on the address, and even hope
ful of passing the-home rule bilL
The Irish Still Believe in Gladstone.
The inquiries made by the Associated
Press in regard to the 'bogus home rule
scneme published in American papers a
lew days ago, show once more the solid
confidence of the Irish leaders in Mr. Glad
stone, and also the absolute unity of policy
among the McCarthvites. There is, there
fore, reason for the beliel that the party
whips will bring every man to the House
on the opening of Parlfameut, and "will
keep all there untibhorae- rule" 1s.?deuided
one way or the other. "
The Conservatncs, apropos of priestly
intimidation in Ireland and the unseating
of Mr. Ftillam, intend to introduce a bill
making it illegal for priests to act as agents
for illiterates or otherwise at polling sta
tions. The Parnellites are counted upon
to support the bill, but probably the Con
servatives will be found to be mistaken in
this expectation.
Another trouble for the Government, is
the renewrd agitation ot the Irish tenant
farmers for an abatement of the judicial
rents fixed four years ago. The tenants de
clare that the fall in the prices of lire stock
and of farm products generally makes a re
vision of rents imperative. A temporary
clause of the act of J887 empowered the
Land Commission to rednce rents in the
ratio of the decline in agricultural prices.
The clause was operative for only three
vears, and expired at a time when it would
Lave done the most good. The Government
ill ask Parliament to restore the clause
exactly as it was,
SlcCrlckart Claims Nearly Kverything.
John E. McCrickart, Recording Secre
tary or the Randall Club, made a statement
early this morning in which lie declared
that the party beaded by him had won all
that it was worth fighting for in the election
on Thursday. He gave to the opposition
George S. Fleming, President; Christ Bote,
Corresponding Secretary, and Louis Cella,
Jr., one of the seven trustees elected. All
the rest he claimed his party had won, ac
cording to the corporation lawa of the State.
Fooled Slany roreljjnerg.
Eogene Brown, who was charged by In
spector MeKelvy with obtaining money
under false pretense in seliing to ignorant
foreigners bonds on the European Obliga
tion Company, was given a he'ariug before
Magistrate Mclvenna last night and was
held for trial at conrt. Detective Shore,
who has been working on the case, has
found a number of persons who were vic
timized and other suits will be lodged
against the prisoner.
Dlscouln; Ward Candidates.
The Wallace Republican Club.of the First
ward, Allegheny, held a meeting at Boyle's
Hall, on Federal street, last night to dis
cuss tfie candidacy of the three candidates
for Select Council in that ward, Arthur
Kennedv, William Josenhaus and K. J.
Baxter. ' Mayor Kennedy and others ad
dressed the meeting. There was a large
crow dlprescnt and plenty of refreshments
on hand.
Wanted to Go to the Venn.
Fred Leise is charged with cruelty to his
wife who is an invalid. It is claimed that
he doesn't provide proper medicine for her
and refused to build a fire to keep her
warm. At Alderman Kerr's office, Leise
asked to be sent to the penitentiary. He
said his wife had driven him out of the
house. The police think he is demented as
he is reported to nave rewaiucu in nis irom
vard all night.
County Democracy to Indorse Somebody.
A meeting of the County Democracy will
be held at the Diamond street headquarters
Tuesday night, when lt is probable some
body will be indorsed for Mayor and Con
troller. The nominations Ior officers of the
association will also take place. Wm. J.
Brennen, the present Chairman, and all the
other officers will probably be renominated
without opposition.
The Dynamos Started,
The new dynamos of the Pennsylvania
road, intended to light the line to East Lib
erty, were started last evening. The plant
consists of two powerful engines, with
room for a thira tbat will soon be put uu
The engineer claims the outfit is the finllt
In Pittsburg. The tnachinervrorks nioely.
'Braddoclr Officers Descend Upon a Den of
TMei r and Take Tour of Them.
Braddock, Dec. 2. .spscfad. Headed
by Chief of Police Spangler, three officers
of the boroug band township made a descent
this alternoon on a gang of supposed thieves
in a hollow near the works of the Corey
Coal , Company, near Edgewood. They
brought in four men, who gave the names
or Thomas Gallagher and James Clark, of
Johnstown; Joseph Kennedy, of Pittsburg,
and Joseph Lawler. The place has long
been known as a rendezvous for thieves and
crooks. The fonr men arrested are mem
bers of a well-organized gang numbering
more than a dozen, and they are supposed
to be the parties who have been operating
in this vioinity during the summer and laU.
They were quartered in the storied rob
ber fashion, occupying a cave in a remote
part of the hollow, and their den was
stocked with food enough to keep a score of
men during the greater part of the winter.
Tne incendiary fire last week, which de
stroyed the coal company's engine house, is
charged to these men. It is believed that
there is a great deal of stolen property se
creted in or around the cave this gong has
occupied, but the officers were not prepared
to-day to make a thorough search, but they
found revolvers, knives and other cutlery.
Once More the Wabash and Heading Roads
Are Coming to Flttsbnrg.
Once again the story is revived that the
Wabash and Beading Railroads are seeking
an entrance into Pittsburg over the Balti
more and Ohio line. The latest is sbat the
Wabash agents have been in the city for
some time purchasing options on property
along the Southside, and tbat a tract at
Second avenue and Try street is to be se
cured for terminal facilities. As usual, no
names are given. Fred Tristram, the cen
tral passenger agent, and W. L. Bowlus,
the commercial agent of the Wabash, were
seen last evening, but they don't know any
thing about it. They scouted the story.
Two car loads of immigrants readied the
city. yesterday. About 35 remained here, the
others went west.
A blight fire occurred in the baggage car
of tho Western express yesterday moraine.
It proved to be a packago 'belonging to the
Union Rows Compauy. The damage was
At the regular meeting of the Master
Ilorseahoers' Association last night a reso
lution was passed indorsing their President,
Henry Baker, for the postinastcrship of
Allegheny City.
Edward Itouonns, aged S3 years, a brake
man on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, had
his arm crushed at Thirty-third street yes
terday afternoon while making a coupling.
He lives as 38 Thirty-soventii street.
Jacob Xeiglaxd, n laborer employed at
tho Oliver iron and steel mill in lower Alle
gheny, had his leg broken yesterday after
noon by a heavy crane falling uponJt. He
was taken to his home on Woods' Bun
Michael Haudt, a riveter employed on the
new Sixth street bridge, whllo at work
about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon foil into
the rivor and was almost drowned belore he
could be rescuoa. He was at work under
the bottom or the bridge helping to clinch
rivet when he slipped and I ell. He was
rescued by some men in aaUtr,
A Veritable Staetlee! A consignment of
ladies' genuine hand sewed Waukenpliast
shoes, with patent leather tips, worth fully
$1 50; our price only $2 60 per pair.
Li dies' line custom made shoos of the cele
brated Dr. Kochlor make, in straight goat,
doncoli, Fiench kid and bright Fiench don
gola, best birsaln j et onercdiregularly sold
at J5 60 and $6 per pair; now only $2 60.
Kautmaxks' Snois Dkpabtueist.
Hamilton's Holiday Sales
We went In to see tlioso new design oak
music boxes, corners bound with dxl
dfzed silver, opera tlo and popular (ill's.
and Hero surprised -at tuu 'dlsplav"
and at huch "prices," ranging from fjoo
to $200; at Hamilton's, 91 and 84 Filth
The Difference,
In politics what one half know
The other half know isn't so.
In home life all who make the test
Acne that Marvin's bread's tho best,
Prodigious! Immense!
Solomon & Euhen's unexampled snlt sale
will break all records to-day. Whether von
need a suit or not, buy one to-dav; $10 60 is
what we ask for suits worth $15, $18 and $30.
Come quiek: they will be gone before yoa
can say "Jack lioblnson."
Do Yon Want a Watch?
Whether an American or Swiss, a gold or
silver, an onen face or hunting case, vou'll
flpd them nil in Kaufinanfts' newJoelryi
aepartment uust openeaj, ana encti watcn
is strictly guaranteed not only to be a cor
rect timekeeper, but to cost about 26 per
cent less than If bought at an exclusive
jewelry store. Kacfxaxss'.
More than 50 of tho prominent New York
physicians furnish their names as refer
ences to trie merits of the Jaros hygienic, un
derwear. Jos. Horse & Co.,
I'cnn avenue.
Holiday Handkerchiefs.
Ladles' and gents' silk nnd linen handker
clileis In initial, hemstitoned, embroidered
and fancy borders, from 3o to $2, at H. J.
Lynch's, 433-410 Market street.
CosBiDERTnis, Ladies! A lot of fine Lenox
kid shoes, with long urnp, patent tips and
spring heels; worth lolly $2 73; will be sold
at $1 SO per pair.
Flue brlgnt French dongola shoes, with
long vamp and patent tips; lull value $8 23;
now only $2 per pair. Kautmasks'
Shoe Department.
Why her rooms are tenanted, and the
ansn er will be: MI advertise my rooms (a I
the cent-a-word columns of THE DIS
Solomon & Ruben
Are giving the clothing buvors of Pittsburg
a irreat bargain feast to-day. Salts wortli
(15, 18 and $20 go lor $10 60. We can do it, ir
anybody can.
Secokd-uamd plane, "uprlghtB" and
"squares." Some good as new. Get ono at a
bargain. Casli or payments.
AIellob & Uoexe, 77 Fifth avenue.
Kequlae Flterb! Aconslgnnient of men's
fine luiitatinn sandal rubbers. Weil worth
73c, at only 33c per pair.
Just tho tlilns ior cold weather. Regularly
sold at $2 60 nor pair.. Will be -old at f L
The Jaros hygienic underwear is what Is
claimed ior it, possessing real hygienic vir
tues. 1 he genuine sold only Dy Jos. Horno
i. Co., Fenn avenue. '
rntrncT action una perrect health result
rom the use of De Witt's Little Early libers.
A perfect little pill. Very small; very sure
Tuis concerns you, mothers! A lot of
cluluren's orctty red top leather" boots.
Regular $1 50 sood; will ho sold nt 03c per
Embroidered silk suspouders for Christ
mas pieiunts.
James II. Aikeic & Co., 103 Fifth avenue.
The Quartermaster General of tho United
States army has ulvcn the Jaros hygionto
underwear his official Indorsement. It is
sold by Jos. Home & Co., Penu avenue
Solomon & Ruben
Offer a choice out of 4,300 suits, all of this
season's make, splendidly trimmed, honestly
made and cut in tuo latest styles, for Just
$10 W; actual value, $15, $13 nnd $20.
ASTorxDixo! A consignment of men's
guaranteed solid leather kip boots with tap,
soles. Well worth $3 per pain our price
Do. SizoEirr's Angostura Bitters, indorsed
Dy physicians for nurltv. - ' i
A Dramatic. Denunciation of the
Heading Combine Made
Wherein the I aw 1 iffers When Applied to
Workers and Wealth.
Tbentoh, N. J., Dee. 2, During the
Beading combine here to-day ,the. argument
closed with a speech by Attorney General
Stockton, who at times became dramatic in
his denunciation of the alleged conspiracy
to plunder the people. He said that when
merchants and laborers combined for self
protection, the order was, shoot them down;
but when capital combined to squeeze
wealth out of the publio's necessities, every
resource of the law was called 'forth to
shield tho conspirators. The Attorney
General argned the technicalities of the
case at great length under- three heads, as
First The Chancellor has pewor to ap
point a receiver, and should do so if it is
necessary to enforce a decree and prevent
an abnso of corporation franchises.
Second-a-The supplemental information,
with affidavits attached, proves conclu
sively that tho order and injunction has
been wilfully and deliberately violated. '
- Third The affidavits of tho defendants
admit the disobedience of tne injunction.
The facts stated deprive the, assertions of
literal obedience of all probailve force.
The Attorney General analyzed the affi
davits of the defendants to prove that
they were disingenuously constructed.
He said:
No better example of an arbitrary in
crease, made despite the natural law of de
mand and supDly, can. bo imagined than an
increase mado from time to time Dy a meet
ing of the agents of those interested in the
mining ana transportation or coai. xne in
crease was made, not by the law of demand
and supply, but by tho arbitrary order or a
coal combine
The Attorney General, in conclusion,
said the injunction has bfen.wilfully and
deliberately violated by the use ot the Cen
tral Railroad under the agreement set out,
to carry its own coal, by means of the dis
guise of the agreement between the coal
companies and by preventing legitimate
competition. The question is whether the
court would permit its orders to be defied
with impunity; whether law or anarchy
should prevail in the Statfe.of New Jersey.
A Commltteo Finds Treasurer Thompson's
Accounts All Correct.
George Heard and C B. McVay, the com
mittee appointed to audit the accounts of
"William K Thompson, of the-Titusville
and Oil City relief fund, completed their
work yesterday, and found the following to
be a oorrect statement:
Cash from citizens of Pittsburg and
Allegheny - $,515 27
Cash from churches of Pittsburg
and Allegheny 290 00
Cash from citizens of Western Penn
sylvania 78 00
Caislifiom citizens of Onto... loo 00
Cash from citizens of West Virginia 10 00
Cash from Henry Eousseau,of Paris,
.France 8 80
Cash from Harsaret T. Jonnston,
Venice. Italy 25 00
Total $2J.C28 73
June 9, chock to 11. II. Stephenson,
Treasurer at Oil City $3,500 00
Jnne 9, check to E. C. Hoag, Tieaa-
urerat Titusvillo 6,600 00
June li, check to H. H. Stephenson,
Oil City. 3,500 00
June 14, check lo K. C lloag, Titus
ville , 6,500 00
July 19, check to Jl. H. Stephenson,
Oil City, for division with Titus-
Vitifl , 2,93 73
August 9, cistypaldOeorge A. Smith,
undertaker, Ior coffin, etc., for ,-
body found In Allegheny Kiver... 30 00
August 27, cash balance to It. H.
btepbensou, Treasurer at Oil City. ly 00
' Total $23,033 73
. In addition to the above-remittances made
by Treasurer Thompson, the following
amounts were sent direct by the sub
scribers: Petroleum Exchange $ 3,000 00
J. J. Vandergrift 600 00
J.J. Buchanan loo CO
Tradesmen's National Bank.... 100 00
Arbuthnot, Stephenson & Co 100 00
Citizens or Allegheny City 8,193 36
Total from Fittsburj; and Alle
gheny committees and other
wise, $33,627 09
This is a larger amount than contributed
by any other city.
Didn't Feed His Family.
Agent O'Brien of the Humane Society
entered suit befpre Alderman Aurin, of the
"West End, yesterday, charging Joseph
Hooney with crnelty and neglect of his
nifeand 6-year-old ton. Moon ey is a car
penter and lives in Banksville. It -is
allesed he abuses his wife and does not sup
ply sufficient food lor her and the child.
Sent Back to Morganza.
Minnie Bapp, aged 16 years, was sent to
Morganza yesterday by Magistrate Brinker
for.begging on East street, Aliegney. She
was released from that institution a few
weeks ago on parole and refused to return.
Hurt by a Broken Crane.
John Sullivan was fatally hurt yesterday
at Anderson, Da Pay & Ca's steel mill,
at Chartiera, by a crane breaking and strik
ing him on the head. He is at the Homeo
pathic Hospital.
i "- - - -
' Bit. Washlnirton Sneak Thieves.
A gang of sneak thieves is operating on
Mt. Washington. Anything and every
thing portable is carried oS, and the num
ber of depredations is being increased every
night, .
XT that lot of yours is not yet sold, try
advertising It in THE DISPATCH adlets. ,
George M. Haldeman, of Washington,
and SI. H. Borland, of Monongahela City,
nro registered at the Seventh Ayeuuo
Bev. Alexander G. Tosh, of Minneapolis,
a Scandinavian minister, is at theDaquesne.
lie is yisltlng friends in Pittsburg.
J. 1 Condon, of Johnstown, and B. P.
Shoppard, of Connellsville, were at the
Central HoteLycstcsday.
Charles B. Kurtz, of Bellefonte, a prom
inent Center county edttoi, registered at the
Anderson yesterday.
L. B. Jack, wife and son, of the West
Knd, leave this morning for Now York; to
be Kone tw o weeks.
Coroner McDowell has gone to Atlantic
City foru low dajs' rest. He will return
J. A. Allen, of Painesvillc, and George
B. Carr, of Titus villtf are stopping at the St.
Pittsburcers in New York.
New Tons; Dec. 2. Special The follow
ing Pittsbursers are registered at New
Tork hotels: E. D. Adams, Everett; W. F.
Aull, A. Carnegie, Jr., Brunswick; J. Fam-i
berg, Oedney House; O. Heeren, Union
SquirepW.. K. Macfcev, Gilsey House: E. A.
Montooth, Hoffman: E. K. Forsyth, Grand
Union; Mrs. McCanUless, Mrs. M. if. Smith,
Westminster; J. W. Moore, Coleman Hotse;
S. A. TaRgarf, Belvidere House: E. L. Clark
anil..wire, Miss B. Keeso, Miss C. Reese, Fifth
Montgomery. Pa. The Montgomery Table
Works. Lots, $20,000: Insurance, $12,009.
Columbus The Fish Press Brick Com.
nany's works. Loss, $33.O0Of lnsuranoe. $10,000.
The Philadelphia Building Ha Cost 810,
000,000, and Is Still Unfinished.
Philadelphia, Dec. 2. City Councils
have resolvedlhat no money wbafeyer for
the construction of the public buildings
shall be appropriated out of the proceeds
of the annual tx Jevy for 1893, unless the
commission shall within ten days furnish
Councils witfi a statemint exhibiting item
by item the 'manner in which the appropri
ation requested is to be expended, and also
an approximate statement of the sum neces
sary to complete and furnish the buildings
in accordance with existing plans and speci
fications. This aotion has long been looked for. The
'Publio Building Commission, which has
sole charge of the erection of Philadelphia's
big city hall, was created bv the Xegisla
lature over 20 years ago, and has so far de
fied all attempts of the olty officials to in
quire into its affairs. It baa demanded
certain sums each year, and the money has
been grudgingly banded over. The amouut
asked for this year is slightly over
12,11)00,000. When the erection of the build
ing was begun it was to be finished in a few
years at an estimated 'cost of $5,000,000.
Over $16,000,000 havo been spent on it.
Nobody knows how much more will be re
quired, and no one believes it will be fin
ished before the beginning of the next
Adjutant General Greenland Flgnres the
Homestead Expenses at 8450,000. '
Adjutant General Greenland now esti
mates the cost of the recent troubles at
Homestead to the State for the pay, main
tenance and transportation of troops, etc.,
at $450,000. Of this amount warrants have
been drawn in the aggregate sum of ?375,
223 49. Ths claim of the Pennsylvania
Bnilroad Company for 552,000 for transpor
tation and other claims not yet paid are'not
included in this amount.
To Clear the River Channel.
Major Stickney, of Cincinnati, the United
States Engineer for the Ohio river, has ur-
'dered that Grassy bar, at Logstown, be
dredged, so as to clear the channel. The
work will pave the way for the new dyke
which will soon be built at this place.
Little work will be done before next spring.
Found a Box of Brasses.
H. 0. Johnston yesterday found a box of
500 ponnds of brasses in the rear of Oliver's
foundry, on the Southside. The find "as
taken to the Twenty-eighth ward station
house, where they await identification. The
materials found are a complete equipment
for a 16-inch bar mill.
Struggllns With Assessment Appeals.
Commissioner Bcale spent yesterday
hearing testimony in the appeal of the Phil
lips property In the Twenty-second ward
which was before the commission on
Wednesday last. The assessment on the
property was 107,000 and this was reduced
to S50,000.
An Allegheny Boy Missing.
William Arborgast, aged 12 years, of
Park way, Allegheny, is missing from his
home under circumstances that point to a
case of kidnaping. The last seen of him
was when he followed tuo men down Ohio
street. The police bare been notified.
Taken Sick on a Train.
J, W. Bidley, President of the First Na
tional Bank of Columbia, Tenn., was taken
ill on the limited yesterday coming from
New Tork. He is now at the St James
Hotel. He is not seriously ill, and expects
to go home in a few days.
A 830,000 Church. to Be Dedicated,
The new Italian Catholic Church at Web
ster avenue and Turner street will be dedi
cated by Bishop Phejsn December 18. The
building and grounds complete will cost
Cautos. Knights of Pythias dodlcated
their now hall Tnursday night.
Columbus Tho cow killer, Judd Holland,
alias Budd, a colored ex-convict, was caught
yesterday morning at his home.
Beaveh Falls Tho Shoriff closed up the
hardware storo of, David McClung on tho
tho claim of Clurrles P. Wallace for $1,800.
Besides, this there are a number of smaller
claims, but the assets will coverall.
Cossellsville The coka trade is not so
brisk as it was a few weeks ago. Adeorease
of 50 cars per day is shown in the PIttsbnrt:
slllpments. The decrease is only tempor
ary. The remainder of the falling off is in
the West.
Massillok Suit for alimony lias been
brought by Mrs. Josephine Hackett nzainst
Joseph D. Hackett, u leading furniture
dealer. The plaintiff alleges abuse, failure
to provide, and that she wai driven from
home on account of her husband's treat
ment, Mrs. Hackett also asks for the fore
closure of n mortgage for $2 000.
Rochester, Pa. Burglars entered the resi
dence of Mis. George Speyerer, Thursday
night, and stole silverware nnd other arti
cles. They also entered tbe bar room of the
Hotel Speyerer and stole some silver spoon-".
The same burglars evldontly attempted an
entrance to Kulil & Co.'s tailor shop in Free
dom, but where shot at and pursued by the
Steubexville Stockholders in tho new
company which purchased the Summer
glass honso, for $31,000, elected the following
officer!; President, John McClave: Vice
President, August Schlenenshanor; Treas
urer and Secretaiy, John Burnett; Direc
tors, John McClave, John Burnett, Charles
JicCann, August Schlenenshaner, Andrew
MeUher. Tho latter will be manager. The
woiks will start at once. They havo been
shut down since Jnne because of differences
between the men and tho company over em
ployment of apprentices. Tho men obtained
an option on the plant and bought tho com
pany out.
Michael McLauohliw was held for court
yesterday by Judo Grlop for embezzle
ment. ,
Millie Axderson, aged-17 years, of Kit
tanning, is in the Allegheny lookup, charged
with larceny.
Edward and John Hardy are in tbe
Twenty-eighth ward station houso on the
charge of dtsotderly oonduct, on complaint
or their mother.
William Whits was arrested en the South
side yesterday. Ho n as suspected of being
implicated lth James Gurnoy in tho
larceny of a lot of goods from tho store of
George Werner at 6outly Thirty-fourth and
Carson streets. White was released on bail
but Carney has not yet been arrested.
IT pays to advertise for a situation In TltE
DISPATCH. Ono cent a word is the cost.
Ocean Steamship Arrivals.
Steamer. From. To.
Bovle New York Brow Head,
Jlrltannie Urerpool New York.
Crnthlxns Hamburg: New York.
Utlgravla New Yort. Liverpool.
llovic Newlork Piulmrt.
Colorado Hull... Boston.
Amsterdam ,cw Yorl. Lizard.
The Particulars.
A striking performance is always an
attraction, and none more striking
are offered than tlioso of Dr. Miles' new
heart cure! Thousands of testimonials can
be shown, proving tile wonderful cures it
has pel formed in every part or the country,
l'onorlnu to health defective hearts mid giv
ing back to life those who stare I do.ith in
the face. Ilcart disease symptom frequent
ly are: Shortness of breath, pain in sido or
nun, smothering spell', asthmatic breath
ing, weak and imnry spoils, flu ttoi in c of
neart. irregular puisu. -juy uu.irc msr-ase,
get so bad that I oecanie greatly nlnrmed. I
KOta Dottle of Dr. Miles' New Heart Curo
uiul it mive -me I ho trroatest roller" IL Ma-
-Dounit, Auburn, Ind. Sold on positive
puaramoc moon ut m uruggisiD or ur,
Miles Medical Company. Elkhart. lad. B
Colored Voters Meet to Discuss Fire De
partment Positions A Few Interesting
Episodes A Free JFizht prevented by
a'Mlniiter Bcsoluttons Adopted.
About 200 colored voters of the Eighth,
Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth wards
and the Southside gathered in" the basement
of the Franklin, School last night. The
meeting was(for the purpose ot forming an
independent political association to secure
more representation for the colored people
In the city offices.
Aj&x Jones called the meeting
to order and acted as Chairman.
"Colonel" Bob Smothers interrupted the
meeting and was promptly sat upon by
Ajar. An uproar began at once, and all
the members were on their feet at one time.
Afax drew ofi bis coat and offered to lick
any man who disputed his authority. For
a time a free fight was imminent, but Bev.
Terry came to the front and quieted the
Mr. Jackson then rfboke in favor ,ot Mr.
Beinhauer for Mayor. At the conclusion
of Mr. Jackson's speech another fight of
ten minutes ensued!, during which Ajax
managed to shake his fist nnder the nose of
about every man in the room. It was
finally settled by firing him out of the chair
and installing Mr. Jackson in his place.
A number of speeches by Abraham T.
Hall, the colored editor of the Weekly
Mirror, Moses Watson, B. H. Allen and
others followed. It was decided that a
committee of three be appointed from each
ward to attend a mass meeting In the city
Council Chamber next Saturday evening.
B. H. Allen offered a set of resolutions
which were adopted unanimously declar
ing that as $220,000 a year is expended on
the fire department the colored citizens
should be given the privillge of manning
one fire company. In order to get this rec
ognition the resolution provides for a com
mittee on which each ward having
colored voters shall be represented,
to act with Councilmen and to
secure the signatures of all col
ored voters to a proper petition. la event
of the petition being granted an impartial
reoresentation on the company is provided
for, and a record will be kept of any Coun
cilman who fails to act in harmony.
How's 1 his! A consignment of men's ex
tra fine calf welt shoes, in lace or con
gress styles, either tipped or plain toes; sold
everywhere else at $t SO; they will go at $3
per pair.
Kauvmaitss' Shoe Department.
Gold Glais.
Tho Greatest varietv of Slleslan; Bohe
mian, French and Carlsbad glass ever ex
hibited hero, and wo can give any requisite
for the table or in .flowor vases, comports,
bonbonniers, etc., at prices that defy com
petition at Chas. Relzonstein's, 150 to 136
Federal street, Allegheny. '
Free Friday iind Saturday.
A beautiful one-half life-size water color
or crayon given awny whli ono dozen photo
graphs by Hendricks & Co., Mo. bS federal
street, Allegheny.
Special Saturday Bargains in Overgalters
and Slippers, for 3 Hours Only.
From 8.30 to 9.30 to-day we will sell 80
dozens ot ladles' finest quality black over
gaiters at only 27c per pair; these are regular
$1 25 goods, and only ono pjir will bo sold to
a customer.
From 0 30 to 10 30 o'clock to-day we will
soil S00 ptlrs of liidieV Wobb slippers at only
6o per pair, full value 25n.
Kacfkakhs' Suoe Defaktmeiit,
Solomon & Ruben's.
With every sale of $1 in our boy's depart
ment, a handsome pair of Club skate., or a
Royal typewriter. Wo offer a prize of $10
for tbe best letter of flyo linos written on
one of our machines. Competition opon
until January 1. Now, boys, here's a ohanco
for you. -
For Those fe 1 0,6QSuits.
We have omitted to put on the profits which these goods justly demand. The public
are the sole beneficiaries of the rich results of our vigilance, spot cash and nerves of tem
pered steel. Close and judicious buyers have it all their own way in this sale. Remember
that these are not a few broken lqts of odds and ends, but a complete stock of all the ad
vanced styles, in cut, material and workmanship.
TB H H e
mm m
IS "the- grip coming?
Everything Indicates Its Speedy Approach
"What tho Indications Are Concerning It
Reports from Europe which aro appearing
in the papers show that tbe grin has broken
ont In n most violent form in Ensland, and
tho indications are that it is commencing Its
fourth annual tour of the world. Tbe phy
sicians hero in America report many people
suffering from symptoms which Indicate
tbe coming on 'Of. this terrible scourge.
While mere may not aa j et be an epidemic
there are enough cases and enough serious
cases t" demand tbe greatest care and cau
tion.' The proverb, "In time of peace pre
pjro for war," is ono of the most valuable
sayings ever uttered. Tbe grip, with all its
unpleasantness, with all its seriousness.wlth
all its danger, can bo prevented, if talon in
time, nnd if people properly prepare for it,
There Is but one way to prepare for tho
coining on ot the grip and tbat is to tone up
the system, build up tho energies, strengthen
the lite, and thus avoid Its attacks by being
thoroughly prepared for them. This can
nn,t, however, be done except in one way:
That way is by the use of some pure stimu
lant, which will help the vital forces, in
creaso tho circulation and strenctben tbe
life generally. There is, however, but one
pure medicinal stimulant known to tne
medical world or ths American people. That
stimulant lias been before the publio tor
years, nnd it is exceedingly, popular with
both men and women. It Is Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey. It is not an ordinary
whiskey, but a nnre medicinal one. Its pop
ularity is wonderful, and It is due entirely
to tho fact that it is so superior in every
way. Forpreventing the coming of thegrip
it is uneqnuled, for it lortifies tbe system to
withstand its attacks. Care shonld be taken
that no druggist 'or grocer sells you some
other whiskey which he may claim to be
just as good. There is nothing which can
ake its place. sat
Dress Goods.
Ladies, it is worth your visit
to our BL'ACK GOODS stock
for choice HENRIETTAS,
and BENGALINES at the
most moderate prices.
50c CiM Serps. 50c
87C FMCl BMW. 87C
These are two specialties
that will repay purchasers to
P. S. See
Cloths at 25c,
our 54-inch
31c, 35c and
Lot No. 3121 to 3133 includes about 600 Single
and Double-breasted Sack Suits and Cutaways, in
.Brown Cheviots, Cassimeres and Fancy Mixtures.
Lot No. 3524 to 3537 comprises 800 Single and
Double-breasted Sack Suits and Cutaways, in Sawyer
Cassimere, fine Fin Checks and 'Scotch Cheviots.
Lot No. 3753 to 3760 contains 550 Sack Suits
and Cutaways in choice Cassimeres, Brown Striped
Cheviots, Hair-line Cassimeres and Mixtures.
Lot No. 3298 to 4009 embraces 1,150 Single and
Double-breasted Sack Suits and Cutaways, in Scotch
Mixtures, Brown Cheviots, "and all the popular
Checks and Stripes.
Lot No. 3405 to 3420 In these lots are con
tained 1,200 Sack Suits and Cutaways, Single and
Double-breasted, in all the very latest Stripes, Checks
and Mixtures. "
I MENT With every pur-
chase of $4 or over a hand-
somo pair of Steol Club Skates, rr a Royal Typewriter..
We offer a prize of $10 for the best letter of five lines
written on ono of our machlnos. Competition open
until January 1. '
1 11UU 1 sale of 83 or over a fine
ported China "Aftor Dinner" Cup and Saucer. No
alike, all artistically decorated. Tao most bsautiful
costly souvenir over presented.
91 and 92 Water Street,
After 19 Tears of Trial,
Is Conceded to Be the Beat and Safest Oil '
Cannot Be Exploded.
It lg the very highest grado of refined pe
troleum, from which in tbe proces of inann
lacture, every impurity basbern eliminated.
Elaine is free from beuzluo and paiafSne;
it win never chill in the coldest temieratura
known on this continent.
In color, Elaine is spring-water white, and.
its "Are test" is so high as to make it as abso
lutely safe as any illumlnant known.
Having no disagreeable odor, Elaine la a
pleasant oil for family uie.
Can Be Burned in Any Petroleum Limp.
100 Million Gallons ELAINE Sold in 13 Tear?
' Vrnm 171 tn ICT!
Elalno Cannot Bo Improved Upon.
Our 5c paper is the best.
Our 7c paper is the finest.
Our ioc paper is good enough for
the best of parlors.
Send for samples of these papers,
sent free to any address.
315 Fifth Avenue,
Four Squares From Court House.
Show DISPATCH adlets to be
most profitable to advertisers.
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