Newspaper Page Text
I V4JI« V*—ftO. &0. tbumh. v , - thpr .1 . - ’ . •» **» I l*r »t*cr».— Vo v,n , -.-c f*r* 1 4 1*** muutiix ’ • "* ' ....,Hi, I, e.w.iit «vl ut it Thu dmercliui 1 . .,4 MO Tta V.lll.o ■ u-uri.'.l ..t :.u ••utils |>i-. ' |M-, Thrt lir-t Tin,', l ul .1". I-- r.-uii, for »••• . "* ' ", ,. i h.-c fr. Ti ii-I. i uni' mn»t !•« I'uiil I n « ■""‘'11, , ii,..,. | ..or 'h* iwvuiuiil us.uiiwl I.) ,r 1,„),'.,|..|"MJI«P rMiTiiu l.yi'H.I"" :■ " , Hirnfft InlirrsMutfT*ci"Tiliii|( (wuw|ttNra»srata .1 for .i*iloll»r» f illI'Tltum 1'lihrrru'l In ihn K.HIors uiust to p»u ( / , , , will a it li-T stt.Hld'i l to. Vegetable CAulifon. j O^vsr V2 FT3S. BOTT&19. ITBVIE unparalleled rep'ila’ion of In* mrdi I .-m* is »u< h. mid is pre eminent vrim* i well established, and «o fully *cku>wl ,,|g- ,l liy flu intelligent public, that ii i< >c < ' Jv'incessaiy tu say any thing further than that :t i* a •<nrascfli**f MiK-aBB ft, ,| senses of the Liver ; Debility reiuiim nun intemperance.I d'ssipa on : Old and m /striate Dicers: Pains in h* bones, ntten.led vnh swelling* of pie join's ; Indigent on. Blotch ■a on the Pace, P tuples. Sip i s. ' uian sou* di eases generally, nml Tetter in paitcu mr: Minimal and Scrolii'oii- Complaints, l , . ridicules of lundarful cures peiTm mri! hv me Catlmlicon, have beenme su numerou* ii in pmcl "le their insertion in any newspaper, .Hid IHS made it ne essm y for the pris rietor I punt t ■ ni in a pamphlet of about 100 pages ' J ms will ne for < ai ded as soon a* possible I i tbe*eveml agents fin gratuitous disttibution.nnd i.j'i*t, onperu*a . strength* i she «ood opinion now enleriaiaed by the TrieivU of this nied. oie, mid disarm, as it i* hoped the prejudices o' i ho*- who view wuh ilisti o« uni medicine .mt known in hat is msiMU * regular practice " f els aie siuliborn things/vtnd cannot tie gain vi id. At iIm* mrmiit solicitation'- of members o' t1 »• .I' d'OR 1 faculty, and others who have witnessed dif .i(t<Miiih<ug cm t*s t'flVcfed by iht* Vegeiabb ( riihotico . and who Hie nnsious that its hem ii, »o mankind may be more widely riitfugril, .So nr«pri*»ior h. s con-ented t«» reduce the • » * fail price •«» TWO DOLuAdS per but* j <le ; *ml Ini* will be done without in a v way jel«*ri.*nHing the qualify of »he medicine, or \rtuciuthi siet of the bottle, as has been inn er aly dune in the cast* of Swaiin’i P tua jyn. , % Xhe stibac. iber^pflffcht for*Potter’s Genuine %. atliolic *n, has jufl. receive *2Mi BOT TKS'"h.chartrurialr.i f iia epfi-ipi. 1. i-UCUViiL DAVIES. Eeb 2. .• ' tf4<» _.B- ’ I_*1_____ CURKS'jitY S vV AIM'S TON ACE A. >'■1 lil« following is a ifBuslatwo of a lf*tt*‘* 5 fioni the original Spanish, rintad 23d o» ‘*»er, 1828. ‘orwarddto William Swim by .1 ti. \\ itiiamson, Ks<j. Amencan ( on ul S Hi-factory evidence <>f the re^prrtahuK o Mr rtodrigurs, 1».t-i been laid before lb ^R lito >f i •* National tiwzetie Cakaccas. Republic of Columbia. 3ept. 23. 1828 Co lha Sh aim, Philadelphia. ’*‘1 k : I' .e '|aar I ns and bem fil ial eflWt-. of \ oi.i IVmnctflp a mini e> ol insiano - u, 1 which if has hew! Hied in this city, and oi wbi I ] f im a wdncvsand admirer, and the ih omu cI; n *iipp.% without the risk o: adulteration «»i aome bottles lor my own house and for some i particul.u frietulsitf mine, Induce me to tak \ Che blierty ol addiV^sirtg you. find to supplicate I you lo have the goodness »o send me 36 bottles, ! di'ecte i to the • instil resident at tins capital (v'Z. J Li A WilHumnui, Ti<q.) for whirl) I w I X^ay I he -aid Consul, or such person as you niav dinct. according to the invoice ; but l trus! yn will put it m( the mo*t equitable, pi it > lhttve<he -ndsfac inti to inform yon lbat I urn an uoibi "ijni gH nf sijirrn ctret of the greatest bnpor tance a fleeted by your Panacea, of Vimhihtic, Chrome lirr'^rate and ufrt.mas diseas**—also ol f.inr rmt'.pinin! ■ so comm m m this cmtntr\ . This had til** just and merited pra g< g winch i have bestowed upon the medicine have brought it into great estimation, am) w idi om doubt it will deserve more from day today, for a considerable number of person are la* t; i * j « it w uh profit. I have the honor to he At (Sis n1 ■ 11) T. MI *»J#. KODRierKS. It is to to* greatly regretted, that in conse quence of the vtoparalbded succr«* of this tn di cine : so n.any inert imitations of it «r dai ly blistered on the public ami lin t a mm !v *d «'ich invaluable power* should tints be taisi fied. •I rite price being now reduced to TWO J>OI,!,AKS per bottle, places it in ihc pov%*i of all classes to avail themselves of its me. WM. 15 W AIM. SWA.XM’3 rANACUA li'dnccrl *ii only i* dollars the /untie. rp 1 . .'t't. r.ribvr, nvvn* for SiVAIM - uhiiu* 1 in- PAN ATKA. Ikh just received 2SN ItOTTLKM . whudi he nlfrr* at Phiindel ;»hiHprice,. tfOWEL DAVIKS. b «*b. 2 l'i numij \ I'.evimnu} r p li 06E disposed to 11 on' inise in dress ■ »ill find it in ilieir ■dvnntHs'e to cnll hi our estiihli.hini *t.’where lln-y will find aiiele. ‘i»n; ii'Snrlinent m Gentlemen's Clothing, of Jiper fine, fine end common qualities, llml, Jpon iriel, will tie found In fil as wed, and are as luthfully made as if made to order, as tlie wink may be depended upon, this e,t«b 'ishinnl will be f.iniid in lie n cie«t conveni Slice t■ i the ( ititfeii and the Traveller, as they ran be supplied with firry : rlicl. of Press, \Nn, Bools, -hoes, line .ii I eoHf-e Hats, eve v de,cri|iliou of Cloaks and nvei Coals, am * M* ■ iv g,i,.d "isrg i , would do we •ofavorus * itli a rail WAtKKIiuCo Etkii irium of Fashions, Mhi> Silreet, Lynchburg, next to the Virgi tisn Office. Per I, LINSF.I'I) OIL, and Spls. TUKl’KN'l INK just THOMAS. .1. PUVAL. Dec MTt j Notice this particularly. jim; mrutmi oftue last will »ta f iiii’iil of Oct»i*i*i* Mali >l«m, s» *« dec. wriil ( sell |«i ivafcty, a lit*ge line! ol W ood Land, - | forigieg to hisestatt*. lying mi tin* county o H- n I , "ii limit »id » «if the niiiin couiiii y i oa,l. n ad t ip' (»o,n Sottli to Sooth, and adjoin i,"- the | Stmi« ol losepii I'liih i, .•Mcplicn Stone J» o, « j My et, ntliej *. | !u wlliilrtinil a b iti’ilol I I t let with fine pine an 1 tjlJuT tiuif<< i . has a oninlier of small .in* i-n> ol water, o*l»* , f w Inch I is iutfit lently Ihrg i toilrive a m »■ -onery, as a ci# mill, I iic • »od, al»-*li.ici*v r,,futd«»red, is not vulufch’e, Sul its •uu itimi neiit^ m an »»i cellent neighborhood lor * St »*e, |a\e*o, lan yard. fr mi Smith, Saw Mdl, fvr. renders it in. foresting | i i,i<»se wishing to engage m toy or all ol tlioM>'braoc'e* <d bu'ioes* • oiubi ied. It will he cut in lots of iwji. lH|e« j our mindit d V* * - u h.ur of any convenient sue io vuil pur chaser!. A'yo, one other tract of about se.en liuiidreri ir- • *, on the LyilCtdmig road, ueai Col. *pi, Marfni. Any person desirous t, vest ,\ »uimi1 > apital in penminent • s ate. i* i»qoested to •lake i known to the subnet ihtti. livm*f at Men v Court house, without delay 1 \liu;i(>N Dec. 1 ». wu.’iti Valuablt Retfi R>totc for &<nt. i A lK i r hi pun i Mire ,ti. I 8 cuds ot trust, eiec Hed to him by it*, iviug part tiers «»t the late firms <-t (..Mi Bull .ck, X. Co. .nni Cult V Bullock, an I lie executors «>t W .ii, < i -»I!, been i*ed, ( whirl, deeds hear date on the Blst day of .Ylnrclt lS-2*< )off*r8 for Hale, he following valuable* eal property, to ait: 21b 1*2 acres <*f la..d. purchased by the did (tall, Bullock ^o. of It. .v, A. Brail i ute, situated in the county of Hi dford, upui j *-,#• town of New London. Li5 3 -4 acres of laud, lying in Campbell; . intv, near Ca^dtur’? Mountain, and hi the vicinity Tthe town of L> uchbiin;. An undivided id*h ?v "t the Li n k Watei » 1 Is, and tlie land »beret o nppurf • ntuit, *Mn i. in the inimer. Ha neiglibortio id ol the own of Lynchburg ( I he properly above | {escribed, belongs to the i niceni of (ialt, Bulock kCo.) I Also, the following real Ksfafr, belonging j (4 the c MioPi ii **l <- ilt h Bullock, to wit : j yilie House and L d, with the app irtenan { cps in ‘be «>t Lvnchbmg. lormnrly or- 1 cupied by the said concerns, as a ’hm . and now m the occupancy of Mi Kru i ANb*m. Also, Hie I louse and Lot immediately ii in rear of the on * hot mentioned, anil now ! occupied by Lankford ~ Vedder. I he terms oI sale will be liberal, aurfmad' ] tiowfi <»n application to the subscriber, who i will convey to the purcjj£u»r nr pnrolirser- • such title as is ve- «»d mi nifi bv tlie deeds o ) •list alorn^aid, ami non* trr,-Y CHISWKLL D ■flfes'KV, Trustee. Ang 21. tsB. «*KS. IOHN l OMBKT NS,from nirhmomi i-. bebrona obtain a lew young la* i as bpardei s V*> *m h ns w i>li it she w ill i -1ve irrtroctioiis in MUSIC*. I’.ininA ami gum than-, enhusring their • IdriHi-»r w ardst* her • rm*y rely on the j -f -i«*»es! a'tention being j»h. i to U:eo uiono-j nd com Uni. v ., . , * v ^ •» i* Tionh b«ufc. uu.'i VK^fiiicsr ; *.TVi<» mb cribpt be,* la . i reived aS,\l A?,F 1 iJL «ddi I jpp| , : ; II UR UMlt I A US, wiiirli ni 'ki'b his A?’ *()Kl • MU.NI very Vitim pie le. Me roimiv* ' ■"'M A I-1 npp i* - aI'/io*! every week, hv who'll mo h > • <'u{*U v tunugh not the LA i !■ 1 .»■* ■*' ' av KRF.S/f arnl sufficient to meet any ordei - th ‘t ne may he favored with. I MOV! \S .1 OUVAL. IV. B. P’eserip'iron I«i t li I u 11 *. a» < nd- <1 to hv Virginia Brtni VtB NO (»U'11.L dhN. I ■ I. To Hunter* and Farmers. 11 UK vul*sc»,ilHtr will give the highest » as price, lor franut'cr or loose tobacco, uelivei* ! eil at tits Factory, near Black Water Ware h use in this place. Apply to lirs manage1’• All -aumiers, at ihc Factory, or to the suhncrihet at iii« oflfice on Bank Square. 1 he hi., in • i « ash pt icc W ill Ht all limes he given Tor g MAI Bit U LANGHOKNU. ir. IVc. 15 (nvat bargains in Cloths riMIOSK m Ito w an' I'I WowM fi'"1 " •" B their iriteiest to call mi t'ie >'»!>-<riher. Hi* i>*<s mixture* oMv»*,s c.liii*!, kiip«r IV mid tiling bl ih and bt&ck Cl*vth>, and i p»'*cr per i.runoe h!ue, and one do. do. IJet nlni-.k, which be U determined to ° vtM> cheap. H. AILI^C).^ I >i* c» 25 _ _ B.lOK UKM—The hou»e and S§ lot ou U.Hnniud Hill, opp » ih Mi . William I'huini nisi. i('i> JMb&SBr• ' H .lenii ibU* family residence, an excellent spring cloae lo the Ini ; and a *niok«* liou-e well auind lo cure two or three handled hogs. 1 ■ 1* LK l C H KK L>er. 2 V_ . . T^TOTK’B— By virtue ot a deed oft nut, beat Xxl H»g dale the tilh bay Ot June, Itf28. "XeCU ' ted to me bv John Johnson, wluni is duly »e 1 corded in the eotmry coui t of Campbell, made to xei ure the p;i* men! *»f certain sumsof iiiom y due Thomas Jolmimi, aiimr. ol I mo ton, dec ami tor other purpose** in sai l deed ex pressed, I shall proceed lo xell, ei public am.* timi, on Tlmr.ilai,the 5th day of Keli. iiagt, for cash, nl lliepiesent residence of lln.aid J"hr. Johnson, in ilit- coiiiny of Campbell, on -o iicca | crneifl the following valuable properly, to wit : 22h I 2 acres of fatal on StaUiitnu ttiver anil Se neca ctrek, POacre- oflanil oa Cub creak in ilia couni.v O Campbell ; also, 3 likely negro .lavas 2 hisnA, I f head of cattle, 9 sheep, 20 Img... 5 leather bails and furniture, and all said lo n Jobiiso i’i hum.'hold and kitchen fcnniluie, and alibis plaulaliou utensils, i .g can, • pi nua tutca chains and I loom. I he sain will ciuifin* nc (roll, day lo day if tuwessarv I ha Inislaa will coll va v such title only k is vested in him bv v ulna of ilia da I d above named, which I4 balin ad lo ba gotui Wyi I HVtVFV Trustee. .Ian. I'* I YaliiaM*1 I.himI for . alt*. I WISH in mu! iiiv ti cl id I.a ill lyingiu } . AhiIhiiI •■•in iy titljMnitig ine (ami* i i ; * *• Ambli*». V\ . \| t» 11:i> I, W iiistmi anil » I tfiri t — 1 li g fi id ol mini i ini*.ii .«* ith'Mil H7o J i H*'t* v I 11*** well, i- in h good iieiffldio hood, and MirpaKwd l»v lew ti|i|*n p: Hnlaimii* ,oi I♦•»!•!•«%> »*| tod. I eie hi n good propoitton ut I otuiccn laud .in it. and Hi Imiii'hv vtedadiip I ted to the cMil'tvmi >n of « nail gi aiu 'U bj. n • I telling i» (n lo |he western « y If tint privately I on , I oiler ll lor sale on • lie ptfiiit»e« lo ihe li ylte*| bidder Oil I* i id#i% tl'» L'7lh day of t i iiiuii V next. Tht lento, will he one third • i*h, the halaucfV'i one ami two yrnf«< -\ »ai s .it'torv title will tie made tie fore any payment i% req med, M \ .\C HAN*i .Ian ‘id, iU . ’ EM nvVi. * » lij^o ^ rj El'UKNs i,is iiiHiiks to tin. ,i — Ir ln*ir Iiu r*l i iu ii i«c"iiiB"‘, in.i -i ii, i „ a ■ (Muiti'mui v n| th.-ir hvom i| * i fotved from Ni-w V ok,i. addd . *«. ,, aier ail)»|»iy (>i Jtjtvr'n . . n ap until,J n-soi?. ill nt ol i’li m:n \ uitiT i\ >i \ u vs*e:, 'V i, , If. iiiviI.i* Ills Ii i.'ini mi l .. onic. ml! hiiI »!>•■. \ i.iirg ln> .lock, nit I In- I,., Iii.i iiiy hi ii U-s viy : *■ h>' ri n rh cm iilii'. m,H sivor fil^r, o( .up, ijniiliiy I >" I'l'iin un i oriKiini iiliul i'"ff i> l*<11 h mi,) | m > I#Hr I» slim mu) ( , ,M j.,,1 Ipii'lics Kiilii'iilrs muj pm kei buuks I1,mu mill lii'H j .) 1'wi‘lr, I'll, |n*»r|, I igrt'i' nr I'mic , ({), g, I* t'm' !,rvrt Hint pbit>, VYhIcIii'S ! me lin'd Ch ibis, Sr l» uuj Kni I’ltiletl ilo do do, do Ci'riil "I i vi ry di**rriplion Sdvrr hnd X.-H Sp ions, LkIIhs mid So cur runes (l.i W .lUm. ciirefully rrpair*H, im I all m dm-'in liis Imr ol Iiii-ihujs piinrhi.illv ..I "1 I , . CALn.i} i'Z£t u i4 till At lilt algll IJ lilt | | 1 , , _ , I i'intiai Mipplfte* nt jflri ticlu* ur tlfiMi Ini. A nun oft . y rgfitsdhrljgt#* Fui iM»h or «tp , no r9tpQ|iwpodiii.Til of 4»H a®** do- ■{ V.fcf- JwTH uiu lla Vlnnitro ft ml >ea| skfo n i In.dmif do ' * • hervnnm’ do Wax upper and nole Leather VIoro vo Mild I,mine Shifts b,«l. Cotton V;irn, I• v the i»*b and 3 !!.<■ hunt ny ( uftmu( assort* d Hildas Lamp Vv ion. ilardwuie and Cutlery Kur and Wool i lots S« t»l mid other I apg •?e"l flunks We have connected with out store, a tmiiui lertu v ' 1 Gentlemens’ iM-it*. did *u»» V * I I'M’ W IS; lll.nilltN) tlll'e I ,n . It Ms . * al, Mill. I I oilin' Prii.n lla Shoes, which will tie unide •> tie bo' iiniteri i'-, Hpmi the hurtu.sf nutii i and lu llu i M«t i.i ni >u Me and neat iDHiirier ./an (/ornmission nsisiiics.-s. V S^ 1 IK sn''H ido i oav.n ... into ill* I Cort;tnisilon luinae* . dlVi • hit mtv i s to the in err hunts and planter* trndiuy t. t'di place Tohac. o, F lour, and nth. t pro Mce, confided to his' ate »u sell or «hip,)ViL hu -tin t'v attended t". II.• i* provided with - lo» (,e in a fire proof Ii ou »• > run in ■'(tut • i| thu ref.'ptiou ol Flout W'l* *ltey till 1 p . k >Ms <i( Goods* SAML. H VNN AH. .fan l. I1-* mi Am .'to it it r t«« Cn.-it Dressri*, Hcuiitei- .V Uyrr : HfeKSl'KClH I.I.V inlorins hi., hii X w It.*- pu'ilir, Hull III liai I.|IH'| I mi * '«*' i- uu'iit iip)« III.' i riiiiUliii 11"lI, Mam Si pew I, \ v 11' ifh' in' i iu - I l*'Hi'i a ii I ia i 1 lain** ii.H Cuuta, I'mdiil nh * mill ll'aiiicotu , Ilf I.VI HV lil.M HI I'T <>n. 3JC.UE, JiLASIC, UttAC. ETC. •/u quiti* a dift'.-r* ut plan |"‘i tn I by lly compHi iug 'he ai lb le* scoured h> hltii. 'hey are. pronounced by g »«.d judges ■ j al ' ^ ecu . which has already been noticed by ih* ibbc. Spot-, Grease’, tic he take- *r. in the •'h and puts appmeUn i*.9 complete ibiHpe. • -ong, Sponging and l*i *“«.siiig, it'Uie in tlo •'i tnanuer. W'a* n required, be applies -to Idling. and restore* the color nl the >• ntn*, and wherever fhe pails are laded. i i as clh I * svill he at 'ended in on t he siiorte t n**1 u c T \liK \OTSni. Ladle* * ‘H*. .0* i i doth vh ■' I- • • I IlHVH "rca*e qints on them, or have l"8t their bright ness. C.bnie | in the handsome*! -isle. Hr will keep samples as -pecimi ns of ht» vs "t'k, which may be seen at his shop Articles of ! apparel M ill he sell! lor. | N. it 'tailoring, Repairing, foe.attended fr». Dec. II f‘dA r p>R HIRE II e | • int v • ■>' ■ « i ■ 1 • h J* triple cook, washer .and ironcr. Immediate application i- requested. P \ I RICK II. CABELL. i fan. n. ___ _ fBTUI’ST SALK UK LAND.—On Saturday B the 21st d «y of Feb. |h2U, we "ill pro. ceed to sell, upon the premi i*. a! public a nr*. 1 lion. f »r ca h a tract of land Is ing in tiieeom, I f v of < ainpbell, adjoining the land* attached ««* 1 tiie Bolling Spring Tavern Ibis tract I i*» within sit or *nv«*n noles of Lynehbut«, con* • dning about FIT acres ; if is represented a being a desirab'e lit'le farm, «nd well worthy ' !h« attention of tiirh an would like to settle ipnn it a small force. The sa'e will be madi I m pursiianca of a trust deed executed « • me J iiidersigned by Win H N-ighb r*, oil III * *»• Ii lav of X'tg Is2h, for the benefit ol the bit* I firm of l» u biiid. Walton and Penn, and i# «-t 1 r» cord in the clei k'* office ol ( atnpb* It conn ! IV. The tele i.v believed to In- u , ut, but <» I irit-tee. we will convey with sp* «.in* wn.taiP | traiifcb*r': eg giic h title on Is as ii i tiled oi n ] t»y the tfeed al oresa d I The land urdl b • -he * ii to env per-on • ; J null) view it bv Mr. Ne gllbi rs, who tc-id* , 11.1*11 the pi«iu'o»st * S \ VIf,. fj \R1 \M>, t Trii M It. I* Mil. \ Nl), X «• I Jem C?^. >»'■> 1 i*o., rtt i. The follow mg Hr* i'xIrnclt Imm hm'a ol the ,N» *• Kuglttml I <n 'in • III il by l liooiill (• T* *apiuliM, K-‘| * g' iiyimo ilUtin ;inahed lor ion know ledge anil in I he -\gi Itull'ti.«I di pm tuient ol M • •i*R « • il o r»i eleb-i* .14 ,« }•€>• tICMl WlilO Wl liBliiirW.k rwt*. ! to rtii l, The public mo .uni ni’ oi* Innd I'm* Cult!valor'ii nrr i•• |»'',u-ih<>, And p»iiotn/e, h«i ni . tin* lin l in T i 'i righieoume*s mid cuKlvniion tio mi** i m tiiii't r ■ * iti • n iiioii. And Husbandry'4 n hobby which A world nuv rnl» w 114 pm and switch, I f.intlifti 0”' Ilk*» 1 J| , WInch *v|d 11 •» alii Wm ni the ui«t .>fuw tuTi nud spur .) It all in kukm I 11 once hnatrodc him They mu Id uni Mm nor overload lailU* Mol niilv man. who ait 'utrldi1, I'm I. id«oaaho *m » side-'- ^ f* •tilli! no UMkcr oil -1 pdlmu, Tliai a big enough l«j hold .1 imlll iri, May ride our hubby with u «Inter up, And lie'll mil Hn k t it«, plunge, Mur fy;iT 1*1*. N't illi H*,n on 1 i* we ui lu ll I A briglm 1 1,1 tlu.i nr gold, W hi* u, \\,fh u ••»•»■ tin jj.n • , 11* hurry *»iy « 1* to 1 ■ . ,.*.#• 1. . 1 | And h ill il* t!» 1 11 pit>» mi .lo» 1, Mark'd by Hupei. n «iillirufioo, \\ hru w h> moil • lu- and good mcfl'i hi.ii la. Devoted to the iri .*1 .111 - . A> I indwrfrv> uniuiuj liuiid Shall 14aIk. p odeu .,1 ,ir I .id ^ ' 1. ilia- \ . 1. 1 ■* I (i I ill 1 .1. . . I ill i* A i|ctv edition of old Ddrii, • !l linl iplitc cijiiul, y. | |..-1.•. 1 it,> uiu&l.mio M. f, ioi*l ll* c , In.b huU for ns |Hop‘i|.(uMuu To iiuidt ru i*n- ni cnllivulioi V\ r r»< imiic. .1 Willi 1 aptoie, v\ In. W« tuul Tin* tm 1. r 111014 Iv ot in uikiud, Whom • mile iii'dn a iiuh I'd •»... 11 'ai < oiidiii.ui Hot III lie ahori of elu* r liuilioii, Hy wluwa aocimy ia given Karih'i fiurt'.i prototv p< niTf'*.tvnu, Tli* angelic part nl lmm iu nutui u lef piro .*nd uni the Cullirnlnr■ A plant hal 'a suniiM by l.adiea' ey« a Will bio un a«mil ft t<> 11 riant • Wi hope t at Ifortn nil* rn iiiuy He ihmcfoie Ideal vr it It I’. • uily '.<1 my, Till Flovii'r gn .lli g« in ever yAUpCya, Apdevm y grc’» V u “ llolfl ©rjiMe." lit- h* ni in \ui v like a nluurp \N . ile ii ||a (runudogu bliliip, W 10 ilon* not *ee that kvu the’) a Ol Hai tli com tone din Uni ion'« pill . < Aiuiniavtu • 1 y|t»H w ilh an iet pr. -1 »/ The propaol'1 *» di/»*d aoewty W lint Would liuve been |.. moil 4 In* — >«.i, whutwere man, .I'll were not I Naliirn'a poor simple,Itouo-le** • ilild, Tin- wenht.-l Wild least ol' III* W Id, Must bvo mhr.iv. Iria ho i - "nf bd A cavern *•»• a hollow troii 1 Holm lute w n ol !« mid mile*, Be m rved up in. , vk.ihes and him 9, Or ilinugie tonili, nail, tel, mid Iruitiliaod, M*d(e buuj r> • imi.uiiult a luiir linoll ■ Our art tno*e.,,.i clmiiia 11 ceiuJciiiai, A* fdfi. 11 to Our 1 idrp* n ). .. •» , Boill, < JJUIIIouk , ui • <ux latent, And ii.1 4 lilt! otilcr'a In • l ut.‘j..luiil Vv« 1 iMiici «n i.ii <•l lull 'J'ymuLI Will hi I (no t«"u{U For llu into work up into *1 ivm, '|h t i ' ili lo i ■ ..I l>n * 11 v ItimVni, *1 liu ,u nii'M WIt-' i'll Ih* M tinhorn ..oil, Knllghii it J, ni. I n»un,,l to toil, C iiitoot hr uiud). I-. ipi.ol or i r hj truii .i i f\ i i iyruni'» pwvur, , Th‘ \ ought an Will aMfonpl to* halt* Tin w. t writ! in a l. iirit mm , « M tk. i iv< it ri .i up lull hy fright'niMf», ti. I. .1 .... I hi mini light in..g 'I !.<• g f i * i i r| i.i o i.n Ii \\. • • ..I ..f, T..I • hy <1m u»i. a*l nap hi* hr ml otf - Tliotcf *g • <h ill t rinthilo. ii'-ij tnm a Thun wv I..»\# • t*» foi * inr • duhtiug, Whilngra** • • t> y U Man* l«ut line lb |i#t». mg nut huhliu.irv, A* om .vuiilO > mi far Omnty , W» '11 iii« 11 fin ♦ im .U u»ir (lit • i*l «»if I«mi o, J’v v\ lung \ o i n ti *|• |»v Viii, Al.ti MUgoU.I tiling*, vvlll* ll CMu In- tflVflll 'I« man from 01 iiiO ■ igmit 11•• v *'<•!» H «-ion, J.-n 1,1* » < I ! I i •»!' SI J.k iiousi; or Kiii’Kiisi.N i vriVKs. Jan nan/ ID, IsJD Mr. Mur/itiditlf•, Inun < l»*• 1 '*in nil let* on \ n • rnlliire, to which mi referred ih»* petition o' Jacob ii l iark. made the following KhP HT 4 I lie ('out in it tee on Agi u tilt tire, to W '•t«li w us re ferretl ' |m iilimi of .hroh W (M like, lot IIm* gi i si I of the pubic I ml m (it eeninifh, in t'*c Scale ol »' V ik to aid him in th • real mg ot ihe itiuileriy tree, preparatory to the cul ture ot -i'k ' I hat iht v have ii'Ht'i ely considered Ihe stilt j* « t of 'he sai lu ill too, and have riuh*av oied io ascertain 11h importance t• * the natum, in re let nice to us M”i iculluie ihe ( .nnniilln' net d n«»t re oil ud the II on»e that th** dej»« e**iou amt f flihhi. a**nueiiU id this great primel y niteie*! ; u * e |u odlie d deep and almost uni «••>.< I com ,d i m amt have het n the net hmioii not less ol • egret, iimi ot aim mi* sol child** to piovide (he ineaii* of felifl. I he tlepie-sion uud einhai • a.sHiients siill continue W hile the productive jin ,vei * of the < ounli y have increase I o ii!i tin - i paralleled rapidity, it* foreign and a i-ioniml i markets have been us tapidly diminishing , inpp t has exceeded demand The otdtuaiv | production- ol agiicullme have b»*«u ipcta | nun laid ; bul the prices Which they h tve coin mamled have not repaid to labor mi<i rapt! d | no n just rew.vd. It iu.iv be useful to illustrate this point '• y a inn I • I'lerence to the ■ *p u tatmii of bread rdnfl •»l all sort* liuiti the (’iiitcd States for 1 •«w Iasi t♦».; p aiv i in * e bread Hulls, M is well know** *• ie, ami -till ate ih*f staple pro<tui lions of ihe .igi ti tdture ol Ihe N**l tin ru and Vliddh Stales and tm m-he«i the. iiiediiuu of their cOimni'io f ,.nd flu* menus .if 'I*.* pmc iast* of f«*t urn iii.tnn | •.tetui'* I h<* I irim ts ol these States hat in*en cuus inns »f ini* us.* stiir«'» ing .1 pi is* not 1 l ev have I l< their sub-nance dwnnllm i i their pu >• s-ioo.a <d ti«*»» faults virtually h • • it Ci on ua I r flieui l lie cans*** m i • *• mote a*• I invmbit , ai d perhaps. Ii-*vn tint be* duly t\ #•••.’ In • I, i»i»r lull* appreciated. I ertunut btt too olfcfl itiuiiiilcd of IIm^c • '-.»a*ui « ai d pointed to the remedy, until the I tlM ih 1 * I * • jilt'd, iitd the lotui'- remov'd. I ,i- to . I t*» I state otv til mow* li»e Htiitual vhIimmiI lire a loti a%pot i d iom the b utted Mate* t, i tin .» •v*o yvar* : . |Hl 7 4U’0.47« OtHl | In 1821 $tS HM 2A IslH 16 V> *17 l |H'24 rt HIM It 1 I blit 8.2 dt Ul j I hi# ^..VHt _ |S2" H,82t»40l | Ib2d 6 54U8t>.1 1*21 > < I 7,510 j Tbi# laid*' allow a • »tpid diminution ol the ex iMtit* i)< tint inptM Ittul n'MpIe u| about fillt ei •oillioiM, utl lilt •• -I ut M»* ol tb • i* ole. in atom live years, i cducio" ii to the iiiiniiiiiuii point t Wi.tcll it lilts teiliaitit I, W til little VHHUttctl ev I • in ( be eniMf ol t u immense change is th> Id. it if' Ihefoi'ti^n Ul not tile exhfllOOinn ilu I«*rfItaly nl nut sod, or the dim in I »» ' pnwi • f t *e eutilll \. O i the ronttMiy, that po bus gtnwii with its rapidly ini re » pot. ii< e. Iii tb; but ton years, tine indliutt* have pti.lMily Wfft .ibi d !o or tillin' t'ts nod mi. power ol pinductidii have net u inp>oiHI| ably iucreanetl. I lad the foreign euutnd cun ; tnme , our exportation «*I l»rt ml *tull- vv ol, have bee i •dsullofi In the am ini< w* wenty -1 i iii ilitno., i stead I .i' tug be -n iedi.Cfi1 I" let- * than -1 k It w ould have h* r tmp<vi«dd< to t nl j eol.ile i pi; » d'ei lx of this ehiingr, hint not the lot , lion i xpr-i them, lleie is ii withdrawal >1 (in .ie< n .'onn it .not kei to the tin ton it* of l>'i n y iDliii >• s in (he hiligle oi'iele of bread illlib ; nid. emini«t uig tin diet ordinary ptodiicli ns ; • i agriculture di.iiiuol In- e«|tuiated al *es» , forty linn*. ,o this amount does the j • MU'i ol tb- itgi ieuliute of tin* • oontry rirrfll i i p. odu* lions. ’! o t.bts Mounint it nutv be (an • v estimated, it bus lost u ninth* t i bn uneven- ! >\i 'ottos extent huve our eonmi1 reui 1 i'i mi ii iiitiuii) been titling d within the In >i i» i *, by the change • I lo* c. i.ditmn an i* y ol I ivigu nation! , piodin mg nil imniense • nr in our tuwiiUun, and imperi -us y d. " d» "g it i oi M-Kpui ding change me nr fuihtij i l.o e ci .nr*"* soffit ienlly ti*:r.auit ftn the em li it t nsaiu til • nmi depie si tu of llgt it ubill e , not tbt-n eonsequi in ch llnte been e*h muve|\ atnlgli v i only I'tnrioilN. I lie dupiei i.itluo o lln pt dun o| ilie soil, and the rapid diminution nl lln pi mtilv, have gienlly i edu. ed the wilue o I lie "ol •! Il, ami tomb in half it* 1 linn union m llti* i ' fit I «tipilitl ul I o' ultrnt Il llteie b. a teiilf'tlv %viltim the Competent*. "i die governin' ut, both duty and polity d in «nd ii- provision and application l b,ii rein ly i* most nhsinusl an entatged demand l*n ine pr uci of agi iriillttte, i.niistng, ns • oervs*.n iv e ininH' nee loob «vi increase ol tpumiuv and hi price. Hot this mm *'y ran be apn « • iily by dii et hi I yin the pursuits of the funnel sml adapting tin- ft nils ol In* sod M il tabor to ■ co'ikinnpiiou ol the* country ami su'tmiuti . ' o* doinestir pmdurdirmf lm the foreign stipi Iv t he eootluion and polit y of foreign nnltni * bn id tin hops of rvlii ffr on abroad, nmi conip* ns to bud*, ns fin last rt'Hori to tin- hotm mat | k*'t. This e ukidi iuiioti, together with the u ture of tin subject referred to the r.omiuitiee illt* It’ll III in III Iftf|«l11 f* into I'lr value «IV I'L* cuai b I in th« article of tilk mi»l the film •** ni I lip soil (inti eliiiii'e I the country to pi odor it. i'liis inipnry has elicited 'acts and ftSnh winch they have ih -light deeply interesting In Hit- tuition, and which they now submit to tin mu*ith i mlion of the Home (til irfeinng to the tahiil,ti statistical vit tvs ol M- si.ik Walt* lsnu mid Vim Zamli, fbt v l» • v* i«n itiiioeil the value of * In* Milk* imported lnl« 1 e Vniu-tl Sluteg for the last seven yens to In follows : In IH'M /y I IH0.021 | In 1H2 » 10,261.’>27 , 1822 ti s |n,<»2H | iHJtl 8.|i»4,m:I7 . 13 6,713.771 1 . 6,64 - 1824 | \ .miii ling, in ih h/j regale, to the onto moo* .mu nl Jjffto,I56,r»tit»; making an average anim iaipni talmu of !#7,1 65,223 worth of silk it. if ifiis aintnini wav i -t spotted, $12,863, ; leaving lor the In me maiket $37,262. 7< H ; Mild s h iwi ;; im vritsge acuoal cofttnmp ’.oil of Kill* nt #5 ‘J.i 211 It’i* thf* »tal"inent is I n from exhilnliiig to the • '|nehfn-ioii nl this countiy'’the true amount 0 ineve iinpni l.ii inns. ') lilt is (he amount t He ill V ice pi ici * ; I lie pure* nt tin* goods mi Hit* places whence imported ; the pi ices nut to .ell bv, hilt to p.i v duties bv . the pi it l* to tin l-neiuu main*t.H ini t*i, ptilntps, but not 'o tin \mericaii coosinnei I lie »n>dl maiket valo< , hi ell is the p* it e he purchaser pays in hilnn in piuduce. or in flit* dollai K an I i (tilts, most ••• tide, fii st I lie (bitv, (rotn t'.venfy >u l wen y fiv. * i (*»n( seeu'd, thec'tHige and pr <fPs ot apntt.nion ; id least teo pe» cent nnue : and | -in d. the ordinaly retail pit fit, twenty Itv• • p**r I • • - t no the wholesale cost I ins per t entage ' • 'MM .. or MM* I IMpor i »l' I • N Ol MIK llll mii- lint *•"I ii vH'l, to tin* Inimdahle niriount • -s- I 7M jn5 t aver ><*my, annually, HW, I 7 J IS y lie- v a in e lands mI ol vain .the value ' a-iii ii I It »• y have lie* n luld and purchased 'lie ^ mii mnt a- tu • llv fo manned III I he Country for the a-l m ven yea is, i» S,,2 Hd hi!) ; i|m i ing un i mit'.iii rmia'jmpt toil i*l >» > 1»HP '17 4 I ■ put j rlim-e l!i- ii - silks would M'lpnn d i)Hj H7 f hu ll- I j i-ls r»f wdieat, in ;i dollar p* r l>u*die| ; to pi mini i , i • u*m .mil oi.Miui.ii Ini e I hem. w mild I'm idi III#’ ! t n mii in iimiI ouionliii hiri i s oi 'ho nation, jusl • is much m llie pi odor Mon null mde in a ioioign hi it K t t, ol ■» » lll'l' •• win at i»l * I ill i in- fif '»•%. ol fhe soil and il male ol i e* niiin'i V lo nrodiire iliis -ilk, is as valuable ti* in • ipnrily ■ o produce -o much wheat or < niton I he i nine riiiisiiinplion, which r>,(|itiri « o nimh *• iIk io supply il, Imnisli * jtiftf as v • liirihle h maiket lor i he a IO ii 1 in v ol In* c« • > 11;»i s a ♦ Joieigii' mat ket lot so nim.ii wheal oi i.niton wlm u «• j III lart, Iflfil l* tllafl ih. d#le ■ h»* vnl*e o the fill - j • igii market tor .#1 the ll »m and wheal we C’X- j port ; and tin- domestic supply n| the larmei i w'-uhl not diminish hy one hu-hel, out export to lie- IhiM.r i ll tin- value ol fhe ra < i ilk hear the same pro pot lorn to ihe maiiiil h lui e is wool {nod it in : pre uuied not to to- !.*«s ) it *Viiu il In- v.nHh.nn . Iinallv, -S l. kd I ,‘177 : the - hsi*le*n e ol the man laetnieis may he alilv «*wt• innt• d lo compose I the Ini I nl lie residue, v / ; Mt2 17, / Id 12 dol j lais . b 7d7 2*40 1 2 duihiib the aimmnt ol • both, coiinltlutes the iunual value of thi* uiaikii to the agriculture ot the f-• • • t1 ( Stales. Ho much ileaily wi hin the r*acb 'of tin people o| this ( mull. So tomhlhev have t it in then power to stipciadd to their agrnul me j This in the value of their own mat ket in the sm I gle arlit le ol silk ; a market which is llunr abs » lut«* nneoniiltioual light,whin they ean east, ly command, him! .is emu's -apply. Ibis mar 1 ket l#i and I'ranee deem ol the annual va ! hn* ol millions io them : and so it uu<pie«tion • hly is , and it it as valuable to us as to them It - possession and supply would add so much to | the produce and wealth of the ua'ion, and con tiihule imineii ;r ly (o the relief ol ilsugticul | litre. j Your rouunitlci feel it their duty to press up on the f!ou»e, and to present to the uaiion, cv - *y < oosidera'imi calculated toane-d the athn non, and awaken it to a just appreciation ot the unpmtance. of this object ol national tnduMiv (*s#i|t<1 a permanent market lor an addiimna ifiilliou of h irreli of H >ui (more ' liau the jn« sen I .mined • sport ol teat aitiHej he nuddenh op«*ne.| to the uierchantN ot I he 1 uited Slate vith what e«g n tiesS Wntiid they seek it, an i how speedily Woo'd they supply it ’ ' Should r j .<• unlaw folly tdnll licletl, with w” at hnpm tun ■ J 'v wo Id (*-»•,'••«'nottfii' ov uiged to remove t I iibarrassnteiiiN ' The nr-nv and navy i tl * ( i.'e.i'M would be p.u n re*y Hsiftott t«* dihod it \ min *• ¥' Minn, and llu trm«—y wo rld hr frm \y and lUrrrfttty «!)>• tided,m k- rp < Iear iherbar nrl nf an im pot I a fit it hranrh of Px (uminrrce \n»i lhi« r i»*iUl hr ’i.i'tonai puttier ami «nun<l !*• . It would l#> in nil ol Rfrinilliim m • * rn'fiim ir« Hill nerd the AitirfirHit tin* •ft*** l*r r* ni tided ihm a bliniirrd dollar* worth id *dk is hs valuable a« ihe Sami* of Ilnur nr wheat ’ And M hr run pifwlucr lhi« mdue ul* xdk with vii-Hv Irwx lain r f'rtiiij lex* fj*are. etui with tuurli le.s i j*k of accident r fadtite, wjiii ivlint h% ill it v should hr •* nyiufr hi 'f* pin hitlinj IliT" I* it di-mraiir (tintkef for ■ Ik • • I nearly dnulili1 Hu* x.ilur nf all the foreign in rkeix ft., all his l»rr«*l xfortn. rxp -** d • n no tittermpMnii liable to in* nr« id»iiilf mnslanlly nu t easing with th gn, lh nl Ihe mtli mid perfectly within Ii* | tow nr. 11 «• has tint to r || and v*jb hi# a< lb ii • his VulltlOn t• it.'M « Irnf*’ i*» f tstltfio i tiilil nmi i ()ut .ri i ( ' itndhrri v* trees if is eRtin-'> • a u pr 'Hu • * luittitNl dollars worth ul *iik , but «t would require Urn •i M't it ft< i rat* laud lo ptodurc thr *01110 *4! in 1 nil 1 N' ll*i ihrr, toy « lii| >.1**044 to Ihe quantity uudqu.diit of tin* labor uirtlw i«’d Tlir Inn and motile nf’tin- inuti hlM4.l1 and rolovit air indiitpi-ogahlr to n.e pro. ui'linti ol «hn t, while fhr feebly power* ol wmnrtt ami »i.ihl *n an* conipyfritl to ftp* buMini t* of piud"* ring Rilk „ Ilia puWrr and r a parity of om country fo piodiMt si'k if ootiiiii trd. and nerd ml b- .i»r, xurrd by |(x ( oimnuptinii id t1 r arlirlr. We may as well fvpm * etn own >rlk« at hreigit, •*nd 1*. t 'at'o* amount Rnppl* tin* »n* tioMmal tu llm '"i • "’n iminttfarfin ci 1 hr South no. v udtl r \v -ilk (.1 lh* 11 * apli x of r-.iion 1 rr, and to urro, fni «»xp' rtntinrY| u hilr (tu* Noth run inrrf thr r niNitinp mu of thr nation with tie to ‘i.iiIxi lire I hr u »f a him r*x of f hr sod anil r'ima tr «*f • ho limb'd ^tm 1 * f..i 1* r > o ini#* of silk it* mrlixpuUf) hie Hwil ina'lrt i« #4-»f|« 4 by thr I <•, It h ' h rn ( itllivaii 'l to Virgin .« and Ccoigia; and abandoned .«t thr timr, not n|i a rounl of »t *1 v phy *.»• di>(li’if»ni,i 01 «l 1 fit' oiii**>, Inn thn iinur profitable rnlfitrr oftnlnu rn lira mid cm ion afterward**, a| M* rnllnrr in more profit ilnr no lunger ; and it *x In In vnl 1 hut flu* urreti> lies nf 1 e South hi well a* tkr rnth.ii rassinrnlH • *h*• North, to a giealn divrtsify I On* pul - soils of Hgrtroltui 1 ax tf>*• nnlv p iirdnil remedy for linlh |i 1* now rult valed, fn t ve>y re»pi'j * *ah|r amount, in thr Slat* ul Coom rfiruf i in* rnmtintlt,f* am ennlilrd lo xfa r. on ur.i|nr-* tiounlilr aoilmrily, 'hat fi*r ■mull lomm in that State produced, in our s' Nson, nr.ttly two tun ' and n half of raw xilk, worth, at low 1 ash price, S‘2 ( |HS Of this, ihr town nf MnnftfieM, run-. •tin MU* il population Ol "llollt IW'O IlMH'UHlMl liV *1 hiiudied, pm 'oci d 2 *J‘f** pound' . 1 hi-, hi k i* coo vetted into tin* most beautiful levying silk and some other Vfiltmhh: inafinfnc•uHP, hy lilt kill a ml industry ol that enfet pi ining and i i • *♦••1110114 people ; and thus prepar'd, if wmt! • r m t.even In right dollar* pet pound iho i* i* said greatly exceed* all the n In i dmpoaa h'epiodn-i of he town , mid w hut l eroimnriith i Midi more to the Rite* lion of the 4 met left u people is tin* mpnitiml f in that ting it added If* he other •idinnty ml nr usfnii.ed ptodnelionv, illlot*' ditnuiiwl mg e , . ninthy an y ol ila-iti. i *. cirtplovy old men ivnu i u and chddl • o, io ape . o' of the severer Inb is nl the del It men fde* little ot no spare il*' f»il for nth i pm pn«o* I he umlhen y l»*a'i Ifles and embellishes tin* •niiiry. instead • • f inc'oudtet lug il ; lining tha ten* es aid tied »•«. nod serving I i oi uatiientnl shwlg Hees. The fire diminish! 4 uiorh left • IlHii w*. apple orchard, the pi..du* live pow* it ol th** oil l*»r other pu pmo * |o a w ,td, tin* < ul tut i- of ill i* valuable main la I 1-4 «» mo eh pot. • iltyt creation derived hem the iupli'H* ii <>j • radons id an inter* aim; Idlle in. I, aided and diierted hy the cheap rare and aileulinu c*W man. Another Coiiiideru'rm 1 rrc mil ends the tol lmen! this prei inn* niafeiutl -till Inrihei to thu • 'leiesty and fe* lin;’v of the Mm iii iii JYopU?. II if not . im fional h* < " >i ■ e ina \ he rendei rd ro e.tendve With die i 01011 Mint raiiiril ct-j high «• least mi 1 he lot ty liifu .1 * •• t• «* 41I onrlii latitude n,f •»> Pii’v at (Ins imiinrnt, i4* i»i wmg in a vii'tn'oi* end 1 tirivmg rninlitiun as • ;ii 1101 r has titiPl Inny k Unilinglon, Vertnou' , and 't is believed, will floo idi wheirver tl-. • pule trio vd "low |i it initlgimuN to 11 donthei ir rni nn • tIn iv* 4 tln*i• mure loxu'i | 1 oily thim *%t tiie N* 1 • ♦* ; and w hei 1 vn the und , '* 'i v will gn*wr, th I'* may tin* ilk worm htt leaii-d A t tuav theieloie participate in lint h»*o'*fitH • f lids 1 nit.11 • : and a e.omniuui> V of oiler* -i niul pur*uilM cannot tail In generate , •onn ( iigeni I feeling*, and 'a* duair it>*» re-to | 1 atom ol harmmiy In Out political and «4iciui !•*■ latioii* AM this too. may lie don** without interrupt ing the ordtiM; v p H woils « l n;* * irull ill o. J log feeding til the worm Mini U' Mi *• i With the In s | npenio nf »he nmlbeit v 1 al. hn«l mo* utile* Ii .* the pei lod ofthirtv lwo davs when the wmiu < oion»,,»i< «** tin* pi oi rxs «>t spiriting. and 4.14s n mole i hi* uni ni!j o| 1 lie v* 01 111, tud iba aitHiu? of the 41IU, ih I i^lit u-dooi w 1'• The gathering 4*J th*'lenvi*x m tin* appiopii.i »; ein| lovment of rh hlren : .uul * one wenimi ran innke fifteen pounds ot 1 aw silk worth nt leit siH'y dollaiH io .1 Heiuon ol mk Week-/' So many an I so w* ;;l fy coiaiih'iHliofu • rur in 1 ei o'limiMidin^ the cnll'iitt ol * Ik to I!. Aim ri • m i’< ople. thill the I'oininiftee do n> i douljl |hi«| t:* *11 silg i i v illll illlelligence, il l well as Heir uigeuf nei eimia », will h ad thi'Ut spei'di'y and eMen*ivi-Jy to its 11 ‘ho ti'Mi Un-bo tlie-e riMioi 1 uiics, the ib iriuhlClioo into 'lie rouiiiiy ol tlie loot vii i*4 ties ol the imdhr rv i* a mallei of nnliom-1 imporfiipne, 111 d *, an <■oifmiitlee believe, woi tllV of th** losti Mil** ea e and patioiiari: ol |l; <. >vi 1 nno ot. 1 he mn llence of ihe »i k d< jiemt** * > poi 1 ihe pi open ie* the molberfv eu* , hmiI the • a e 1. n-*i»t 1 al ly di>ei«ihe<l '] I « v% l iiehinilhi i m 1- df*rid dly tlie be-t amf of thi* there are various «pei i«» The preference a ni • j' th win le i n only be «1« i.ei iniueit • y et Ip *1 in* ainl u. TltJi knowledge >• pt-opes* d to tie a po ed by the petitioner ; unit your nnmnittee «»ie pmuml'd that it wbuht It^ rheaply ohta'iiiil lot the nalufli by tlie giant of iin* prayer «l thepeiiiiuner. Sotipiv the rear intf of so many mo hen y tr«*e* ax the con - iwillee propose to eeipme • 11 Ihe of* mixes, anil lor ilisti ihiitloii, th* V 1* a k a oo| t 4bld *ttly ex < « I'd ill value t . the Oil I lofl the hnMHpHipogeil to he granted. A mulberry p. totafio#, on a large* -# ale. would •• n In* 1 soih!:»hed. ;f)td the g . hN ext pofsihle (pointit\ of ,-a v k. 1 f the best ipiahlv pioiliM'eit A valuable ex tuipfe wnuld thiix be fumi'.lieil o* »•»«■ pubfn:, stimulating •. inpefiljoii ami afit* b,. ' no 10 ce»»aiy in* struct ion. A C*nn*ittin!ralion <»• ti the ^ec’y. of Wur. in :»"»'.vt*r Id llll 11 l|. ■! V -I hll paMCiUu tillll l>y oil|pr of Mil1 1 .minil'i " 1" It 11 rolll| ani< . ||)ig lI'lHirl. «lilp» Ii" <|i' iiil'ii I >inl mi ipiI Uc dip L ime.I )liiip« hi lire. "".Ii f11 lip "it 4 acre* which. Hi llip liiHP «•< 1 *li- |Mll l.'llil-p «•>.,! (hr (ioveilimut nine (In.h«hihI iIiiII ii a. It «ns iheii a valuHldr 1 hr 111. Iphi ' i) in"1 < o'f valid. flip omilniil lee hi" ml.nil Hml lie .1 ihitt Ihe fence* j HIP aim Ml wholly i(piiioli*ln il, ami die Inrin, in j <■ Iipi ir»|.ppiH, u<in !«»«.,.• lln.e ciicuiii. Ihiicp*, c inipcti J *vi h ih,. ;piipial il. |irtcui * ti*ni ol estate, hav<* 1 edeeed the value uf * '<* I’ l*<-riy .. illy "lip.In, III.' turn (mill by ii-li ...rnm, in Ii in in,1 k.iipcn|.ipd tof\ .niliiHit |iiiu»i#pa by ih- mn,on. mill, |iiiibaU!t Hill 1, > prliv iippiIpiI lor don usp. Vour com null i p hip of niiinion Ih ii IIicim nm . i„, longer a ' y.ioiluccmibil with the U"V«riinipiit m dil<7