Newspaper Page Text
THE mj # KV FLKTC'IBKlt & TOLEH* LYXCHBtTRG, % ■; \% FKilitfAUlf ih \ {JJU* VIl^Q, frf. TERMS. r^* For f I |w r p y»bU in adv*nr- -Xo *tib * •*— * »*. Hit lIHlIltll'l '{iteration l - l.lvorliie u«nit* *v !l l»o inserted .1 *0 rent* per f| ,.r the lir*t nine, uiid 17 I-*! emit* for r«■»• * tnu iiide. Thfl-r from * dinUneo mu-t l... paid f..r *^s i„.»« to tl»oir an-*Tiioii, ot the !»*v»mnt .mttuio d li> ,io' T*|HiioiWi»|'«r'Wt,ii» Lyio bbartf t •** i Inweory Order* uotetceadmg twosquarnsnrc iu , lor nil U«d4«rs. y IIMatiort addro*to Hie F.ditors roust bo po»t i ,r , ,v rill not ho nlteiidml to. PDTfERS VViretalile Catlioliram. OWI.V TZ ma BOTTLE. HK iinpariiltelvMl reputation of this niedi* ride itf mi li. and its preeminent virtue* nr,. *o well e*tuh!ifh«ri. uiiJ so fully Arknowl* ,,i j■ 'I bv hh intelligent public, that it is scarce* |v .ipcessaiy to say any thing further than that a sovaauia'* tbmbby Jii d seases of the Liver; Debility resulnnr /run intemperance and di«sipaion : Old and n»* vflfeiafe Ulcers: 1’iriis in the bones. «ttenrle»l wnh swellings of the join'* ; Indigestion, Blotch es tm the Knee, Uimpirs, &■<'. Syphilis, f’ulan* mis ili eases generally, mid Teller in pHVticu sr : .Mercurial and Sciofnlotit' complaints. i'iie certifictite* of aonririfttl cures performed by ilie Cntbolicon, have become so nunn rous i* to precl ide their insert! »n in any newspH|H»i , uni iias made it neccssu y for the proprietor to print t u*ni in a pamphlet of about J(K) pages .'uis will he forwarded as soon as possible to f?i"Severn! apents for gratuiious distribution,nnd u >*i, on pe»usal, strengthen the rood opinion i >\v fiilei mined by th« friends of thi* inedi* » ne, and disarm, ns it is hoped, the prejudices >f ihose vv ho view with ri'ifrqs air medicine it known in u hat iscnlle^ ‘ iegul r practice 'cts arc stubborn tilings, and ennnot be gain si id. \f the *»ai nest solicitations of tnemhei s o the medical faculty, and others who have w.messed •e astonishing cures effected by the Vegetable * nrioltco t, and who are anxious that «tx benft tiis to mankind lAay be more wid’-iy diffused, <’w propne’or ti s consented to reduce the re 1 *ii price to 3?‘~VO DdLa ABa ,».-r <'e : ml ibis aid he done without in a y way rtHi t i rating (Ilf q ali y ol the medicine, or 'tlu.-inp till dut of tilt bottle, aj lias been ma terial v d me in llie cas- 'll Sivuitn's Pana cea I he subscriber, again for Poller's Genuine < Silimiie-m, ha; just received HOT" *siO»S. “’Inch are for saieat P ha lutphia pri . UtiWEL DAVIES. ’ ’ _) it-kt CURES.mfs SWA ISPS PiWe\CEA. f 50 il i '. following is a intubation of a letter E l ain the original Spanish, dated 23d of Sept .-m her, IS2H, forwarded to William Sivaun bv J- f'- A- \l dlkunson, E'q. American Con Ml. ::' ili, factory evidence of tile respectability of Air Rodrigue*, ha. been laid lielore the Editor nt the National fiasiette. G ahaccas, Republic of Colombia. Sept. 23, 1828 IN He: hrniin, Philadelphia. tint: Toe marvellous and beneficial effects of \ our Panacea in a minioer of instances in which it has been tried in this city, and of whi Hi 1 am a witness ami admirer, mid the necessity of a supply without the riek of adulteration* ol gome Imttles for my own house and for some particular It iemls of iiiiue, Induce me to take 1: , 1 beefy ol ail Ire-sing you. and to • applicate you |<| have the goodness lo send me 3(1 hollies, directed to the otisttl resident at this cauitnl, tviz. I G. A Williamson, Esq ) tor which I will [ .il the «aal ( iinsul, or sueli prison as yon mav ilaeet, according to the invoice : 1 o' I trust you v.' ll put it »t the mo.t equitable pi ie I have the ia'isfnc-ion to inf.,r o von that I am no ocnla inies. of ••■'j-leen cure* of the greatest impot (anee aff-'ete.l ijy ynor Panacea, of Wp/u/iffr, ‘Uranic biMrntlc arul il'ccmur, tl it edits—also ol l.uc complaint; so common n tin. country. 1 tiis had tile ju.l and inerited praises ivloeii 1 have tiestowed upon Ihe medicine have brought it into great estimation, and uillt not doubt it «ill deserve more from day today, tor a -•oa.iib-iable number of person are ta km; it with profit. I liav tin* honor to lie, A*c. (Signed) f. VIIGL. RODRIGUES. It is to lie greatly regretted, that in ennse-I (oicm-e of the unparalleled succet- of this amili :me : So many inert imitations of il are dai ly loistered on the public and that a remedy of such invaluable powers should thus be lalsi «ed. . 1 r r[»c price being now rp.finvri to TWO 1 Dl.LAIiS pri bottle, places it in the power of } fe‘* cl.i5ib«*s iu a rail tbcnuelves of it* u«»-. WM. bWAIM. SV/AHVT3 rAiVACBA Jfir' / tn only * dollars the, bottle, 1 | UK..II,.crider, HK,Mil f.»r S\\ AIM S mt in PANACEA, ha« just received •JSS wO l I EES' 1 Il'ich he often m 1‘liii.olel I low KL DAVIES. Kcmuims; \ Vicvmovn^ \ ^ disposed toJEcnnoriise in dress * will find ii lo their advantage to call at >ur establishment,'where they will find an ele V' assortment oi Gentlemen'* Clothing, of ’•tp^r tine, fine and coipmnn ipntitie*, that, 'ipoii trial, will he found to fit as well, and i*e as faithfully made as if made to order, as he work may lie depended upon, this estah ,s ' n,,l will h*» found to he a great conveni nc* to the Citizen and the Traveller, ns they ;an he supplied with rrrry article of Dress, Aho. Boot*, slioes, tine and coarse Hats, eve description of Cloak* and ovet Coats, &.rj wishing go,,d bargain*, would do we •* favor us with ucoll. WALKER &Co. Emporium of Fashions. , r,,!| ^'rtiet, Lynchburg, next to the Virgi •Mn Office, D-c. I. |wTD 1 ICK.— \I! person*Indebted to the coil ^ * eeinofS.&tM. Alhnu. Co. Lynchburg, r,‘ ' eqtiest»*d to call and make immediate set •‘mnit, ns no longer indulgence can he given. , , S.Ai M. ALLEN u ( 0. ^nrfoilc, On ** fs)7 Valuable lien! Estut for Sale, ^1^ lIK Milhcii'irr in p*n i.inee of (tV(i I deeds of trust, ext*" »t *-«l i,, i,.,w By ib,> surviving partners of tin* Ihih lirni »i| (,h!i flultf.r.k, il Co. himJ Mult Bullock, end • he executors of Wm. I * a 11, dmey *»i|t (vvtii. |i deed* ln*er date on lit* ii 1 >t dnv o( Marti*. ) offers f«rr sale,'be following vy|>mtd« I real property, to w it . 216 I 2 litres •>! land, p'lrrlmted By ih*. said tialt, K illork &, Cn «jt K ^ Brad I'iiIh, situated, i 'lie cianily ol Bedford, near the town oi New l*o»»don. ' 13A 3*4 acres >»f land, lyirm m (am plie 11 ronnis. near * andler’s llniinlnti, hikI hi i)i,> vomits of the tow n of L\ nchimrg An undiv led moiety o| i|te Ulark Waiet Mills, and ino Unit, ilioretn ti|ipiirieimiti, no-1 ale in (lie immediate neighborhood n| (|„. i town of Lynchburg (The properly nliove j described, le longs to I lie concern ol (Jail,! Unloc k &. Co.) Also, the following real Kslatc, bt'longing I to the concern of Call ft Bullock, In wil : The House ii ml Lot, with the appiiitenaii-j re« in ilie low it of Lynchburg, formerly oc cupied by I lie said concerns, ns a .'lore, mid’ ninv in the occupancy of McKee It Meem. Ain, the House and fail iniineiJmlelv in i me rear of I lie nun lest menlinne I, end now occupied by Lankford ft Vedder. i Tlielerois of sale will be Idiciil, nnd inadi known on application to Ihe suhvrilmr, who will convey to the purchaser *r pun hr i r such Idle as is vested ill him liy (lie deeds ol l rust aloresaid, mid no oilier. CHISWLLL dVbNKY, Inirtee. I Aug Cl. Is.'I MIC- JOHN “l 0,M I’K I NS,from Uidinmnd I* desirous to obtain a few young la dle- «s boarders i n such as wish it she will give inslruclions in MUSIC. Parnnls and guardians, twit listing their children or wards to her care, niaj rely on the l si lie, lest attention being paid to their murals and comfort v.n fi• re.Nov It ts Fresh Oru^s ami Medicines. a j f ftlir suh«ortbei Inis lately received aS VI \ I.L «,k additional siipidy of I' RF.sil DRUMS t\ M EDICT N'ES, which makes his ASSORT. MEN I’ vary complete. lie receiver SMALL supplies almost every week, hi e ly< It means, hi - siock, though not the LARMV 'I is always 1 FRESH oi l 'utlii ierv t<* meet any orders (bathe ma* favore ' with. niOMAS.1 nrvAi N. R. Pre«* ir* i“ii« faithfully attended to hy VY £ii.ia Biv vutTMi (.> i ' ri.E'.i:.N .In i I’o Flauters ami Farmers. ’ 11II F. sU\»si;HiUer will fj Ivo (h« higlirel cash I price for transfer or loos* i ha* • o, . eliver ed at his Factory, near Black IV.iter Ware ii mse, in this place. AppU to liis manager, Mi ! Saunders, at the Factory, or to the subscriber .it hip office on Rank Srpi.*re. The highest .sh price Will at all times be given lor good \\ heat. MAURIt E LANOHURNE, jr. Dec. 15 tg35 Great Bargains in Cloths rW^ HO^E w ho w ant < lot hr, would find it to G their interest i« call on the siib>cii!»er. II*’ lias mixtures, olive,s claret, supei A* mid dling blue and black Cloth*, and I piece su per Ermine blue, and one do do. l.!ert*> I •lark, which he is determined to sell vnr\ cheap. H. A LLtSON. I) r 25. _ lUR KENT—The house and lot on Diamond Mill, oppo sue Mi . William I Imnnait’s. 1 his h a desirable family residence, an excellent »pring close to the lot . and * mtioU• hon-e well suited to cure two or thiee humticd hogs. I FLElf HER Dec. 25. a 5k' ‘HE F. — By virtue ol .* deed ol hu-i,o**» r i.^1 RlCf dale the 5th day ot June, lb»2H xeco ted to me hv John Johnson, which is duly iu corded in the county couitof ( implied. m id* to secure the payment ol certain sums ol nuoie) due l'lmfim* Johnson, aduir ol John J "in son, dec and tor other put poses in paid deed ex piesscd, I shall proceed to sell, at public auc tion, on Thursday , the 5th day "f I1 **b n* r.t, lor cash, at the present residence ol th ’ said loin. Johnson, in the county of ( atnpbell, on Senei n Creek, the following valaalile property, to wit f 22S 1 2 acres of laml on Siatintmi Riyer mul Se uccn creek, i>0 acres of land on ( ub creek in the . county of Campbell ; also. 3 likely negro •slaves. 2 lu«r*es, 13 head of cattle. 'J sheep. k‘‘ hogs, b feathci beds and furniture, and all said John Johnson’s household and kitchen furniture, and all hrs plantation utensils, 1 «>x cart, 3 prune, trace chains and 1 loom. I he sfdr will contin ue (rum dnv to day if»ieces«arv fhe trustee will convey such title only as is vested in him by ^ virtue of the deed above named, which i* btdiev ml to be good W.M I HARVEY , Trustee. Jan. 1. HJii y/ PALM Alii NES for Ladies’ dresses « article I V\ or«ted bareges, all shades do j Black Italian Lustring Mich l»lk. Modena Sattins, for drosses I Lisbon hlk. Levantines, sup. gloss and te**' lure Egyptian Fancy calico**, new style ( <5-4 and 5-H Marino linuiha/.iuus, all shades * Crimson Merino Cloths Slate color do Merino »Srn*T« and li !kf;« Worsted l*u*ege, rjeringnp.riain and sattin plaid Ifdkls Swiss Collar-, new article. Splendid Swiss Muslins Llaid silk Urn de Nwpln.very rich Ladies’ sup. while horse skin riding and walk iiig <iloves With a great variety of other Goods, adapted to |In* season M* KKK, KOBi\ ?UN A ^ °. Jan. 0 A SWAIM’S GF.NUINK PASA ^ .Inst received direct from iIn Ik tory, a supply of Swaitn’i* sMmuinr La nacen. at the reduced price of two dollars. \l« o *un iir v other arvicl-?#. l’HOVtVS J f*f.\ XL f Dje. ft. V alirtlilc I,mnl lor — ;ile. 2\'ISil h» aeil tnv i rtiri ol Laud lyingiii Attihei vt * uimfy Md( uiiifij' f •• l.tmU ««f Mr* * *. Amid. i. \\ M« tbnnel. i; Wtn*hm and .»f 1 l,r,» —!*»•• hut ol laud miiiai * about 370 M»‘l t |l III*, Will, K ui i| good t|P|g Idu*' liuud, aud «iii|>a>si d l»v liu upland plantation* or Ipi fdity uf Mill. I t n♦* i<i a ;;nod proportion of I olmecu land on it and iin-balance v* t il .idap it'd *•» On- ini iva'iou ul •mall giant Mv • • l»i* • t * t felling i* in renin* to iln* matter n roiuitiy It iioi pii*hi*'I> Id-Ion , I rImII oHi r u lot nal*» on lilt* pirmiNei In iln- ii . iu-«| bidder on fr inlay Hie JTlIidayof leljiuaiy next. The fumi* "ill be one third card, th** balance in one and t"o yi nr* A Ralhdneiory title will be made be fore any p.iyuietll H required. I*A.\C fUNSAKD. Jhii JO, i.ifd? CPWAkS ;iaoA.. • fi I, I i'lt.N s> io« llimiks to llio t ihlm |,H -£_> lifir IiIhthI rniKi inpomrnt, hiiiI miliciu ' h I oniiiimtiirr nl Ilieir Invora. H-- hits jusi rciveil from Now York, ill nditil loh,- lot nmr supply m J.-ivdr., ii. . u » tViitli i ,io,„ri. PL YTKIi .V HKITA.WIV W \);r;. *Vi,i. .» In' iiivii-s Ins Ineml, »ml ,>m,.|SIII cs|| mul \.m,ng his stock, un; tup f„| hu\ mu nrlirlps, vise ; Cs»iops «till cut (Jliiss snil river edt. ,<t, ijila 11 * y • *■ i'1 "ii hiiiI ornnnii'iitpil * o(T-o- Pols Mini I oil Snjhr l>mhp« hiiiI (rrmn Puts I..I ill Itillicillps II I pockol hlO |i 1 I’lniii hiiiI liinri I -h dry .loti, ppHil, Filigrm- nm| Fh si ii I'm |’in,4 I’ "phi. | i vor .uni p|. u Rich e I i'll* < ,1,1(1 ( 11H i IIB, Sf(||g H|,J [loss I’IhIkJ (In do tin ,:0 a (’oriil ot pvory (ii Ri riptlon v' r 1 " I I.. , and Su per 'Fuji e « « Mlohe* H.pfultv r. pRirpil, mul „[1 „r. ilors in his lim- ol husiiip,* put.rioul!■ ni|p/i,|. ■■d to. i ' OJ332I.I, di CO. .1' 1 j lilt til/. M B A^b.lutely received additional suppllie* •>! ^ 6 C articles in their now idle I (or sale .if very reduced price* (or i’hsIi nr h|i proved paper, an extensiv assmiiii' i»( of G otlemens Boots and Shoes Fadies’ do do iVimellu M *rnrro and ^ Skin < h»ldr. os* ,|o ^ervantfl’ do Wax *.p r and sole !/C* rlicr Mom i i I||H F.inini» v Kins Kale Coll..II Y'.u n, I * y file 1 Cl i nod .* Hit. Knitting Cotton, rted si/a .* I,amp VVii li, I *aiilwat ,• and Cutleiy Fur and Wool I fats Seal and other Caps | Seal 11 milts V\ c have connected w ill) our Mo. r, n iiianu- ! (a< tof \ if f ieniieiin ns' Loots and Lt.oc —We 1 okrtvisr manufacture lartie* Seal Morocco ami Prunella Shoes, which will lie made of the best mute rial*, apon the shortest nmirr and in Mm* most fiudii*mable nnducnt manner. •fan. 2d t« (/‘omuii-ision Hiisuic . ^Pjl II F kiiIi.*'fiber bavin en'ei ed into the Hi Cnmuiissioii business, oilers hi- tcrvi res In the merchants and planters Incline to flii< place, 'tobacco, I lour, and ifher pro • l|»cn, i "iilided to his cute u, sell m ship, vv'dl lie strictly attended I *, lie is- provided with SioratH in a lire pm.'f hoti«e on main Mtuel, lor the recentiou of I lour, V\ Itkey and p. * !, - ages ol Goods. SAMI.. H CN N All .fan 1. I din A. U OUK ! S, Coat Ditssit, Scuurei- <!C Dyer ; 3#i:s''i;nn i by «» oh his tii« * * • t ^ hih m m. It•• |iiih|i( , tii f ’ iia-t oj ailed an eMail .I'hiii* id ' * j. | * .-lie the 1 i Hikitii Hotel, Main street, wh , «• It ode id i lending tJ- -d lemeiis (out , t’fi titufrmn in,it II in li ouls, o: i v Miv ro -i isii'T "N. blve. ai.Ac:t. uiuia, wc. < If* quite a Oil! rent |dail | 'l elect liv 1 By comparing the artndes *e »uri d by him, lliey hie pronounced by go d judges • q ial to new, which has already been noticed by the public. : -pot*, fJreaM*, &tc. be takes from the i loth and put appaiel in i’s complete shape. ! Die aing, Spijtig'iig and l're«sing, done in the j lu st manner. U hen required, lie applies Mil- i piling, and restore* the color at the seams, • and wherever the part* are laded Travellers will be attended toon the %h »rte*f notice TAIvI] XOT!( M. Budii ^ i’.»ai' and Cloth Shawls that have grease spots on them, or have lost their brieht m ss, cleaned in the handsomest -1> 11*. lie will keep ►ample* a- specimens of hit Wcrli.j which may be vern nt his shop. Articles of ippnrel \\ ill tie fe nt lor N. B Tailoring, Repairing, kc.attended to. line. 11 tlHf> f MM Kf SI S\BK OI BAND-- bn baturday I! (he day ot Ccb Iu2vq we will pro re. d to sell, upon the premia**, at public auc ion, tor cash a tract of land Iving in t'lecoou v of Cample tl, adjoining thi* Innds attached to he Bolling Spring Tavern. 1 hi* o;t lies within ‘•it or «even miles of Byi.c buig, i on laining nhont |.‘>T acres ; il if. represented a being a desirable little farm, and well worthy llic attention nf such ar would like to #<*ii!i upon ii a small force. The sale will hr made in purwuHiii’e of a trust de* *1 executed to the undersigned by VVm. IB Neighbors, on the !Mh dav of Vug lS*2u. lor the benefit of the l »ie lb-in of Garland, Walinii and Penn,and i, of h cord in the clerk’4 oilier ol ( nmphell conn tv. The title is Believed to b»» good, but *ik irtiMee* we will convey with wa iai'.tv frail-(erring -uc It title only as is vested in tt» l»v the deed aforesaid The land will be «he » n to any person wish ing to view it By Mr. Neighbors, win* rrudsk upon the pmnkes. SAMI, GARBAND, > This M. M. GAKBAN D, S t-u Tan 22 CD-Ill A KI-’VV .I.>/, i*<ilil («lgi‘ CtniiH I’IhIi s. « «r ,1 rim I Pi) firs' I|inlil' ■ M.;KEE KOBINSQN L Co. Tai> f> FOR l'ti V. • ■■■ — ■ ■ ~ — ■■ ■ m HRI1ML (.Hli.1 IM.ff Bj/iJmmt* Monlf*omtr y tk Ocean and l.itul the globe . •Sum.him an.l winter ■hair the ytar . IhrkMNi mill light walk mda hy t,d« AmM earth and heaven m> ulwayv near. 1%OtHkear>i bo food end I,in. ahm*, * ^UlwdJtW, in iti (in in,| In *H. when filly pm id, » u,,wn of tlioir Mvkrr'a p. ivrr null ^r«< <t. Then in iv the union of young hearts, Hu early and «u w»»ll h*»\in, '•‘hr »ea and whore, in m!| tn«»ir puit , Appear an twain, hut !.« n« ouo. He U like mourner — no y they find Hiu*. beauty, hop.-, whrre'i Ui«y roam , Hen like u inter, when contain! »’eire, . onifoi t, hiippinosw, at home I.ikeduy .uid night —iwaut mti-n U.v<^a Of rare, imjti. m.'ut, utlinn reel ; Ahw.'io r mu rohlu.-iw . er ewlmiige II* ai t*, hy uulviloig love povseel 1 f .li nil t.•' hon n-hr (fun mm no Of hie a . o h mtd varum* ground, And, wlo .’her low' mg or enrmio« I leaven tdi uhov* it in. I uronnd. When litod and in run, day and night, Whm venre uml ii iiun- r , • to tie. May f'o a .nhoritanrr to light. Their i. i«-n one narnity HOLLOW H OtV Mr FtcvienmN - In Up* month ol Vpril Iasi, I hud a roiv t* kttn w i/O the hotn m', to that degree that sh** h« I nearly slopped eating, and Iron* t*ivirt• * a large ipinntit y ot uni!., had heroine nearly •In. I punctured her horn with a gimhlrt and iojerti •<« vinegar, in which *alt had been ■Ipsolved. It wss soon e\hh'iiti hut it wtu an injury. I then applied to an aged ar<]oaint nin e, who hm had much experience in dm t iring animal* and stated to Kim the ciru. and what I l ad done. //e waid it Was very wrong ever to make a hole m hii • uhiml’* h«*rn lor h t disorder, that h very simple medicine would rure i*, “ I * ke of <talt, one half pint • f stone son!, one hall p*tit, of Mack pepper one 1 thle spool* • ol, make all (ifie, and give oiie «»r two sponnhils hi a tune,night and morning It it easily done hy hawing tile tongue out ol the mouth With tip* lup.d, and putting <he <|mon <3 far down .* u will n ich. then lei go th» tongue and keep up the non* and it will all » • down." I followed the direction*, and in two days rnv ruvv whu better, and in h week was perfectly well I'he yauiff may not cur • in tdl • uses of horn ml, ns my informant mud it would, hot it 13 vv util the trial. I OVI I T PKTFUS9. VVeitborougli, l)* r. 10, lb‘2d. Proin the Muss Agn* It* p The Caledonian Horticultural .Society in 1HI7 ••ent a deputation Into the Low ('ountiic* an I France to ascertain what improvement* had hren made in Hoi to uhure or Gardening, du ring the twenty years m wuii ti m'< rcnni** h ul heen Cilt off between Scotland and the Conti neni hy that h* o o *• ao*l di»gt ncc of liuittan • a t ire, war. It was i newt piaise * oitliy exam ple, and t hr* repto it «»I that eonmiittee have heru published this year, iH'Jd in nil octavo volume full ol interesting tm Pei m relation in Gulden ing, to fruits and on hard* W.- h ill only have time and room tor the itiierlion ul m»iu« sluni article*. At I < i ii" • .11 I I i 'i * I • i • pinveimaity flu imit of the in • -t uiijii ov« il * 11« oil ore I >t co m i i 11 «•«* i 0 i ihr* IIi oi A4.* ‘ k»* ilir (olio *.mg re-| mail “ lotto • mr*.e ofom • veiling walk, ne v. eie nth »o n *1 !•> a ii v. I nppt -u .no e m hint liaudi V ike l.iloo of ilie seed iiiiir and llfti vent seeming I,etc to lo unit' d hfol Cnoleinpni am mis \V entered Hloie field ol llitm liiut ive, pail ol which leiu nod loom, hoi a hug' pro loll I on had hei ii nil down tin* iioniiiu«, ( vug 1 gi ii ) I ln- cl op laid hero • 11 i n il .» idc . we I 1 i oiled liiuiif had ini pretiv liberally laid on ilit* a I’i hhte ; the I leuiish plough whs now at ^ Wni k ; iii d to e onplete tlie picHtli? of oi<|o«lry ; n'ol ex * dm in, « m ill wa* a* 1'ially engaged in h u mu 'lump'on iii mi me poi lions ol In plotmlu d fo lds fi «ni wiueli the i ye er<.|i loo) been reaped ill /lie mol mil'* ” i Ins I'Aatnph i light 11ol to he lost upon m. f hjr no it otiirl. more powerful. mid our ycgctation mute i ipid than ill I-'landers We Know flint some farmers do raise th*,ir fcpi owd crops with us , tint mat we not entry this sy-lem inn-Ii (mi thro ' V\ e eertainlv can do U, hy limiting ' he »• item of om cultivated grounds ami he*iowine grentci J, hoi on tin quantily we do cultivate. r i:\ks Pears may he grafted on stocks of thr Moun tain Ash mol the Snvic* I i**e ; hotii ol which will Flow and thrive where pear lire jtinW* would not I have rtlso m en apple- graded on cplim/e stock*, mu 1 plai led iii a soil so w« i t* at Mu app i could not live ; lull they are d lug ve • v w , ii,d making cx« eedingly fine shoots liHSiin: iu Irbc• [ luiuttuii'* Alaga/ane. Plants raised from seeds which have be»*n crossed, always heai the form ol the mother out lake the cdois ol the male pat*<*i*,t | i wer seeds are piodiovd t»y m»I than tuoue, A*, the impiego,Hed llowi is are lesv veiled hy hers than | AanaUi lit,,-. Sue. I'nre i ht Minis.( rr Vutr, n new variety, lound in the w.mhU, HHiHCiy tmn li QUentioii in Itwnr*. on » ' (< nut ot t's large h/c, t>ennlv of appeal *»i». -i-nl quaiitn s,reman n*’ pood till jiftur f Mcvsin. Bo«e and nini Vilmniio i (hi* m ‘lit U> comu vriy ne.u , it to He,the pear [ (-HINESE KLATPHACil. I j'i" I'.n i ■ irioiis of iinitw, innMilnci’d from ( Iihi.i a \ »#* I lortrnlt ora I Society of i^ondoti, .iiinl ii.n neil.i. <i fi «*•.(•. i it aid in lh«*ii Tltnvicliniik ln iy Ijf r.on*idrred an nnniiialy of 11m ir* [ nr I• uit i« di-MJiinec) a ll l 2 III! lu-% wide, and 1 fully 1 lindis of an inch lliringii fioin t It • * -t' rn in II r min i side, mid the cxislenrH ol bttcli n • mil l»ii'»uiu.i‘ *n*en dnititi d, until actually • e I.eiv-'d fiom < king l;»,t It the f-xte i mil wppea»* | Miiretd t!ii* turn * id t ii** jut. ho tin • i •. j I v com* l-ri^-fd m iu foim, would v.-eut to In- die remit | of a t, i atker ihan ol iiii'nrif. h \< n-prefti-nied s In in*- .m early pencil A limit ‘J»t tree* are iii ip-'ti-i - inn i»‘ tin. autiinr w hu h lnt% i- heeti iunr • , ultilrd limn tli** nri"imil m , („|ur, ,| |,y liinxelf. | f - im r .•* it enlist on fhrtnultuir A ilernClMJM of tvldlp imk hill U will l.i’l tout Uv taiim lh in. and they will In- *c» . *ln i velli'il, a> sr to Se discern i^)** •» «.ftty J i Hail' d I k.i • ~.fc m — j . .it ..... i. V lid.IM V l^i.IM.AI'IU. . HOIJSK UK IIKLKUA I KS. - _ ... - • . a Sitfitr iluij, Jnn. •'{ I A romivnimraiinit wns meivrtl irotn the S**i ate, (hot tin v Ini. I prfyjrif the t»i|l I*iov nlipp fm lie piti nn » of ih. KhimwIw |uin|iikf fhimlje llig bn illy It ^ *, (hi moll mi ot \|i Whi’e uf Itoeklil‘ntgA^ fhs ('.•nun me aot l(..uf nod Nneign Hon ha 1 tenvr to ul dttHiiit the seimoii of th« Hn'aP, On Y1-. Pat Mi i It* r\ motion, (lie Inti l*<»r (hr | pal litinu oi In al m i .*i Him i'iiii « ' wa*. ImU• ip wiili 'hr nmemlin* nis ul the • omnniti ; these amend mem* weir «s*• eeil to . tin *111 lull j w 1. ihen iioii*ii ini tiy Huy ol mill tiiatr, no o j fton of Mi. May, nii'l onti'ie<! (o In* 1 mil a tinmI fiiiie. I t"* r■»!!• wiiter engroiieii lull* were read n j I (hint inn * m l parted -* l o amend ami ex plum ah n 1 (*» am* 11 sum ol money l»y lottery, , to connect t e Staunton ami I meg Itivei'Tuin pike with h* K hiwwIih I to ml >l m near its l a lent 1 onnatmi), passed Much W — lopre. rl e tin* moile poying public mollies j into Mini oat «i| the |i'i,«*orv ' lo hiiiIioi i/i» \Y 10 WexvTt ^construct a turnpike load him j Hath I»•**«• Works lo Sliieklet '• Springs ' 'Com I'eruing (he town oi (ilniiy in deituml < nun t.V I he bill to prescribe the mmb* far paying the money into Had out of (he Tleufuiy . gave rise lo onie «lebf. 1 • j Mi M iv m ivfl to fix the penally of the jCreiiflUiei’g oHirinl bond nt $£OO.OIHI, stilting, how ever, hit own opinion to 'ie, that ffhAO.tMg) W'oold Ur .unplx 'iTn ient ; hut as the t hange in the loo, In he ntttde hv the h II, was hut an experiment. he hud proposed a ling r vino man he' ugld iieoe»»ary. M Millet «*( How I n an ouciiried will. Mi Max , amt stated, that the Treasurer ol the I'niml sbtte* i it •»% > nod p ud every yem more than twenty nnlli i s nl dol'nrs: x In 1st the penalty Jot his timid xv *s fill ,$.’><»,tM»0 ; yet one doll >f ol ! tli** public in *<ev nid utivti been diverted front its ap -mpt hue object Mi Iloleman pioposeit $ MHMKH) wi.iedi was a r ed to. The pei tod ol i <jiifiiiem< nt in the Hem e diary, lor t»i# olfrnit of you f i leit in . erasing, M e aiivoid'i.c eiK, certifi. ate, ol l ie \o hfoi, tiir was fixed at not lev* ihnti ten «r more than twenty year . l i e ipiest 10 then orruried upon the passage ol the hill Mr .Mayo said he * hi in fiiyor of piovidiog all propet -ecuril\ I i lire p'iJWkl money, hot wav opposed l«» tfie passage of-Che hill, became, if lie ondt rsi * ol it* provisi to, tjffenger , hnv inr l)ii*ioe** at the I r» iixo y, XVOII d h a* tip et ed 'n gr nt trouhle aod inetuivrniei». e. I.v iy man Intvnig to receive oven the ton of 7* fid would lie compelled n run to oid I *. from the I reasurx t » the Bank a'd ha< k ngmn, Ki- !»•• fore In'could recieve to* money. Besides, it might to he i eeollect' <1 ’that the hank s had ho’ % days, and that in consequence, strangers wmiid often he detiiitied in town xx loth day* rut without reference to holvduxs—business is dm I ly close I at ttir Ka iix et .'f o'clock ; no' a Mfranger xvhn had engaged Ins pus a .e in a stage, and being detained I it I alter hunk-hour* would he obliged • • * wait and incut the el elisr I a longet (h t' lition ill town, &IC. Mr. M. ob jected I" tin* amount of the security i etpitreil from fl»«* I ic surer : lie would not, Me said, icipiti • security m brill a million of dollars, when the j "stale could navel he gnhjr< fed to die loss of • ven !jji 11HI ||c did Hot like the f| iitutlting poll cyoflhe I, gnduture n conferring. a* one‘nne, all contideoca ttoo* the • r© istirei. uud nt a no ’ ther, withdrawing all—lie .again insisted tip 1 en the iiic'ivni* • it d transacting hitaine * tfie Treasury, in the mode preset'died hy the lull, nod expressed his conviction that members th ui elve vxnitld feel tills llll.OOVl'i n iiir before I lie close ol the e xion Mi Ittioran moved the indefinitt postpone nieiif nt t »• t.i'l | think, ond he, if this iull jots*, the I i' iourv will cease to lie a Treasury Why keep the • Hii-e of | ieavu et } Why ran not 'h»' Aodifo tiansacf all Ihafmsmex f I he. heve the Vugini.i 1 auk* to li as *olveiif as any in tiie i 'oi m : lint h *nU« h<n r fade *, and the Vn gtnia b nkx m-/i/ fail. I( Ih* hank s xiiould fail, fiie State wil' o r ill iti fond l Me ihomi I ex aiutne this loll, the lets I like it. h is an u »• Iv little thing , the uinrv i look it*it, He- le\v I like it, | hope it will In nub Inihrdy pos pmi ••it Air May said, that no evil could rasolt fi.on that lull xvlttrh might not aioe under tfie exitl mg laxvs of the land. The Bank of Virginia having given a m :«• huuus In the State, W as no h-r ih* elmitei entitled to 'he deposit olthepoh lt mom v . tin I’ri asm er had nt) i ighl to keep n •dvexviiere I he c liilitge proposed hy the hill wax metelv that Hi' public debtor, ioitead of p lym ’ the oiouey t . the I t a istirer, should pay it at once »> fo the hank —V*ot, said he, tin* m r iiveni.'tici ol transactii*js Musio'X* m tins mode is nl eel erf ' o hv the ge-. it lent tn It mil Hem iro. vviiHi a Mu im< oviM'i*. i,< »• ,,i potii^ from 111*■ Capitol I*1 il«** IUmU 7 — It tin* siiangiT is lo ihIti* Ins p.i h;»■ i" u tt'igf*, )i? must go |o tlit* .Main itrrfl lit s' Hgr.r, • It# not rum** to tin* < u|)itol. V v *♦ liMVi- I •• n 'I r..n/.|| ni ilic p • I ill- crib, Imi t • *»•!«♦ is n i pul*1 it ihihir. lo k«-f*p Hi* •» .!*«•*. Tilt* gfii* t H'lllHlI iiHllk* Uttc i< it % «l>« \ l>, h I*, rill.t lton 11»**y .it*i- tlail? rli*»p*i iii .; . . i »' k tvc —»u is 'hi* I it*usury nil’ll r rlnnr«l itl th« Miim* lioill'. I i •« *11(1*.‘(isK tilt* lildk ullOltltl lit1 f l < > -1' * I, \*»llllli Him Si • iii-'er, Ii • d mg H I i i-ms.ii t « he* W, in hi .» 1 •iv ddljculty in 'citing liu* money I »r it I ■ Wool t Hot any mini III Kl< tiluon I. V l <» Ii III III ■ j ii«*v, receive it * --The bill, mid .VIi M , is •!•*■ signed to pirveul any nulividiid Horn nufap- ( i p v ug iln- public money an I lie thongi.t Hie, public iiiie* • >I and publ r morals would be |»>o | moled by Us passage —I bal Mjlieni* , a- said, ; was not u u , it was lit" n\ stem wli < Ii bad Iiv«*ii j adopt'd it Hie I i ensitiy ol tin* Tided !Stat s, I and l< out w bit b no •*v11 bad ever i • tidied. We bad b< aid much about the cot rtipte ms of I be i eilr i tl t jovenioii id, blit Ho speculation upon j toe public hinds bad evei be* n discovered I i b el immbb d, said Mr, ,M hi reverting llial in my *hoit hie, tins ha til'C.t baj p lied iii the ! ('oinmonwe.illli of Virginia— I his m bu an ex |i«-i nnenlI wish to t* v •• ; if tlieie be any tiling wo g itt this bill, out successors * an CO1 i i i*i t it ; it is not lik* a t<instiluhon, who**- prin ] iples cannot be easily changed ; the In I may { h amended even ibis sesHion VI• M. lepeat < d that the public fund* would be exposed by 1 ' the till1 to u . new dnngei —as, by eXi-liltX It**". 1 { They must be deposited iii ill* bnnkt. I Mr Mnvo—I agree with the gentleman from 1 |b ter»burg. that we otig til to Mulite the public Ii* .iiry , but we d'Qei auto the mode. Blit I coiisitfci tliia hill as an anomaly Vou fi st ren der tenuity utin for y.antl yH require tlia Treasurer t » five bond hi the penalty uf ball a ii w I It m I Ins i-: 'unjust to the 1 reitvurer. But hiv g«cat ol .' c ion to the bill, o the inconve nience wbicb will result from d f • people living ; it a distance Ii mn Bubiunnd. The gent|**ma< -my-, there ii no putdic ; the stifinger, then, n' bit f*w ii expo tin. must fi of a pnrnlr stable for bis cavalry I he gentleman mtvft, the person bolding a check, c may readily g* • til * moil* V for It ill fltchniood So til • *!iau r r must run bout town to solicit jfrringfj's t ill'.fiil til iii ill it which ihitlf ftoni 'b pul* ic • s m imp siog loo much u in %■ •anger > —IT I w i-b t ■ U*i »w what the lin'f m-l'm, i f ir ?— '• up greot a 1 • c* d lo I he »ud b ► c'ujr.iy at the /••ntlemnn fr m P f»i l.urp. II# i*yPf *i| ,he "unit y tniifli u>>lpf'r deposited m B.tnk. Bof by • Ids lull ihe Treasinei will not !»#• able »o wj»|,_ d * aiv any il. Why, then, r <|uire inch »ecu »i*v f I Mar* rjreat c.otr'eiMi* m the prevent , I ie,t*tirei ; Imi I will riot b* like tome geiitlf. i "i» m, all i unii'leiicr one dev Hud none »li» I I w • l«l In in I tu»i of it hill nhieh should »,lb’w !»/ I iaa-iiii *<i keep on hand -nine mone^ «hv .V »0M ill |e * i, I• ii* the cuiivpi boice of ppoph It*, mg .11 o d s ance, # r Mi Ihttiinn mintlira In* motion to postpone that Hi efti# non niii:hi he irkm upon tin mge of I he hill < iriitb men willj freollert, (Ml l>.. tt ai the charter of thr Bank ol Viiymii I tplte in nhonf three v ai« ; now, I we ml tpiire, 11 fins Bonk vhutild inn h retharfrie I, a hill f > heroine ul flie piddle inonev, which net "iiling 'o * liia lull, iv to l*e deposit'd m flu I oriiie< v'mid V iryiiiia HanKt? Mr Mov replied—If the Aorinlily vbaU rt love in oTtottd (fie < hai»ei of the H.*nk of \ i>y inn I hope fIml Ilif* gn <leinao I nm Aiiihi'rif^ ( V|i Duncan,) tn some one lik him. will he heir lind 'aketare to pi**vide that all the pub* lit* iiuuiei thall he deposited u» fie I*'mi men Bank of Virginia M«. Bryt r replied to Mr. Mayo’s argument irt relation In the inconvenience, drt which would • moll innti the hill, that theie waa no weight In •t i mid Ihitl hr uudermood the principal ohji’i tion oi the geuih Ulan Amounted fr (hit, that the bill lequii mg ImmI and security 10 a large n mount, when the TieuRiirer c »uhl never handle one dollar of flu- public money, proposed to iimlle mcoianre dtmhly Mite Ife asked, if the gentleman hmiaidf. would object to fake a bond with «i * *n ity in double i tie amount, in mldilion to o deed III | • list aliMidv Ml veil to vecure tin ah no- «!• bt 7 Mi Dm- called for tbe ayex nml non, nnff they mdei’’il. — I'he vote *.wml tbu# In tIi** bill 7h mfaim«i ii 7*. \ aiMils lull, piiHM '1 through their incipient II A/| AH Mt \\ tiiftfv ul KnrUhrhh.'r, itt »u the Commit *• e of K • iIh and Injcinat Navii’at him, pir noted • vi i v • testing bill. " IVnv id'Mfi f«»r rfrtii'u loan of money for /mi |nm■% «»f Jut i tint Imprnyi .m***,|< and nriUn<|4 nppiopiini u ,* tbeieuf,' which wait nitlind tube printed V\ *• pfe e»»i til* h. I iwiny %ket< h ami etfte.cU fnr the iiifunu itmn of no |i ,»d*»iR I In I'iibi uenimi anthm n * Itrnmuir on • dei the cnittml ol tile I* x e ttive |n oldaiii U 'nan* Of 'Mirtey from lime to t un At in ,y f«I? ennfu p for the *eyoial purpose* «pe* du d iu »t a Mile of mti rent not exceeding -— per i eft* ’Cud terlinn pled e* the fmlh of the **Hti In p'ovidr Rufliri* ot fund* fur the punctual oivui nt of the inlet ext and (lie hn*'l red e in p tint* <>f the principal ; in addiii' ii to any *utpln« wlurh nmy Minatn unemployed from llie fund •nl Inleriittl Improvement, ! hr -third vd mo nppinpt intes of the money o In* borrowed, the niiiii of ■■ — doMai*, “ to In ioi/*f oveinent of .fame* Hirer, and J a< Kron e 'Hv t i, /< oio I nvillgton In die uioiith of < bvvp.l* toil* hv lot k< and dam* vvnh xhni I mimic, or iii any idhor iiianner which niHi be fiion/tht mint exp' dit'tii, and 1*1 Hindi im|m .veii.eiit and repair* in canal* and In* Ur now in iih<- oi (he eotmiiiu • ion ul tncli i ew loch*, a * (lie 1’icxidriit and dt lector" u| |he lam * Itiver (ompttny may find ueccR«ai y oi advifiihle '—Tin-naid wot k« to In ranted on by «• <niimilR«ioltci In he appuiiitef hv that ( oinp.tuv Aiul odled the Cninfttixtnitei of I lie lame* ami .IiicUroii'm Hi vet*. I lie man nir of onti oMiuy In* opera'loir*. And paittii liulv the «li •bunmmoiit of money, ih xperihuilly fant do*» n in *fie lull. I h 4th section follow* . Anti he it further entitled. I hid th« Ti*»m sum efthe f'ominoiiwealtli In and fie ih hereby atj tlmiixed and i tpiiie , f*n, and in liehatf ol flic Slate of \ iiyiina, to Aiihvcrifie (or foul fin uvaiid xh*ire« in tin* ( lie- i/irake and Ohio ( anal Coir lima , 'a he fund for at curding to ihr terms p h lilted 'ii Ilia charter of Raid company, m .l | that dollai i. pari*" the Mutt dlic< * ■’ | to he borrowed in the fit I hi i io ul hi ,o t b ami the Mime i* liei el*v .ippi npiifthd to p. f*. j Hie Name—and thnl ll e I retixorer ir hei . an I ! hoi i*ed nml reipiired to rote in person, ot K proi y, in behalf of ti • State, on said h'-o It. at » t • h i lions, and lo rep ret* nl the slate itiferogf ir l all i. tattling* of s.iel • ninpauv * I Sec ft tie it frrtkei runt frit That iduu n* no n« «Ii * 11 ’* • pa«sed Itv 1 he f ’**n/?rt . of Ih** i Cndctl State*, iiicm pointing n • mpatiy A> t ir,.« i Kit*ir a laf"*al * anal to extend m> ptiion from »ln ( fie«H/n*ake mid (fluo < anal at totfl* pm i.f in fhe l)i lint ol f o I n hi liia to the town ul Alex unit ill iii van! f)i tint, and Hie hook* nIihII 1 •«• h'ii'iimI (or •iibRM iplio'i to the stuck ibcreuf, it *hali he the duly of the I r**a-»*rer, and be i* hereby HUlfmt m* f and retjoire ! to Mibxrrtho. foi and iii heb.*1| ol the-t ft e fm i»to< 1 therein, In die v a I ue id d<*Mail, to he /nod in like time and manner hr other stock hnhfei* may ! he **r/o|ieil t«> pay hv the (,hhlt*-r «• t yaid * oln j panv And that d illnrx, part nj (h» • ii iii to tie borrow ed under the fir#' Mnioti o' 1 ilua a< », he, and ft"' Haute ih • i-iehy appinpriltt j ed, to meet the iiMlalnn-nl* and pay for if* stock *<» *o ttexulivci .bed fnr. An l (he I feat"* i rer ir li^relty aoM?«oi"*'<l inti |etpnir*l In vole, i in behalf ol the Rtdl* at ,dl electiami i**» J rexent the inlereslH ol the faf*', in all uicelbip* ; of said f ’ompauv Her. f» lh it further entitled, That the Tieri* u»•••»- «if the < miiiDion w , alih bp, aii t In* i< Ik re by nii'lion/ml mil r qui* ed, *o *u m jih he hall '*• folly pAtitiied «tint n* half of liie sum may Ue d'-ciiD-d rrquisite lor the improvement ol the tinvigatioo ol the Kn|i|»lil 'niini'k Hivei mid Id iiriclM «h« I 11hv ■ eei, ubs* rihed mid tenirnl liy individual- '*» «uh«n i'c ill lie 'Aiful the (’oionioiiwealth. for an equal amount ol -r- rU in 'Ufd company formed Ini that pin pour l* m >dmt, huwtvrr, that t"«* subscription m bn mad* -bull m m> case, rxceed tin* Hunt ol dolln rs Her. 7 And br it further marled. That th© Mini of dollars, of the money herein din i led to lie hn’rowcd. -bull be Hppropnnled and npp ied to itu c*»u -trurtion of a Turnpike road If Kin H\< hirmint to I'm kersburg, And Itoni Winchenlei *o |ne -n ..e point. On Mi Bois‘rau*« iii >iioit, the House adjour ned till Mondayr 11 O clock. Monday, Feb. 11 On motion of Mt Mason nl Frederick, lenre was givi ii to living in a hill, empowering 'he Ft mikliii Hunk ol Ah*jritttdri«, to maintain no* linn- hi I be (’iHirii* of this t fimmi *nvy enltli, for the reroVety ol debta »Uie in winding up ill nf t:«M S, The engrossed bill was rend a third time and punt'd—-1" in suppic-s intemperance Add d.snider, at m near pit*cei of religious wor ship " II ip « , i • • § lotted bil . ■■ to ii in'* ltd SO Art enll i lied an art, t< nni»rporrtl*» die ( heiicrfteld lint | K i.i'l I’1 if*11mi v,-’ w a • lead the ! bird tune.u hen • Mr I held ridge d* • land. Mint he could not solo | f*ir its tot -Age, tndc-s one provision in it should I he expung'd, vir : t at which dectAied that Hut ! ,tm k in il i -Hid Uail H ad should tie considered ;o*r on a! proper*), and lip ext mpt from All tasn t inn Mr Ihobfot -aid. Mini hi* attention hrtd Pf»f heco pm ii* iilarly dire ’n*\ to ti i* pm vision ns •he bill — he bad found in the bid parsed at the last -e-Mo i, incoi pm aiiiig lh*- company. Si hod it in that lull, which «'»') but mi amend df.K V O . Mr iMvnni> moved tp iPCAUsifler the foie cj..