Newspaper Page Text
THE L YNCHBURG VHtGSNHAN. BY FLETCHER &. TOLER. LYNCHBURG, V V. THUr^OAY. FEBRUARY 12, IS2JI. VOL. Vil.—NO. .#2. '-L* M t % <Mi 14 AtMayuMMau* ^ -g a-, ■ --, TKK>IN. rT I’«»r $1 per •Diuiai.puyitbic In auvanca.— No «ub „ tj tn<| for a*«-- it m ip.r VViu •** .ii*c*»oiiu«*«?*i d»ut «•» u« a»»crcii..r .toVtitor.luelilenarroarattes «« l"*id. f 4 imriuaMMU will I'" m->,rir't at art cents pm Iwm^> t liw urai time, and *7 l-J rents for earn ,‘ oiuoic.i. I Hwe from a .lot n,. .■ hum Im paid I r neiialo their ittaertioe, or tin- payment assumoil , ri-apoivilile person til Lyuehbui it i f I'hsiicery Orders notiucueiiiu|f ltvos<|uer«*.ue lu te,ted for .Udoliara. ITT til letter* mlilms eil to the Kilitore must bo yesi / t , ,,,y will not lio ntimhlml to. "POTTER’S Vegetable Catliolicon. 0TVI.Y*2TB«. y HK unparalleled reputation of tlug medi cine is such, and tt preeminent virtue' Mr> an well established. and so fully ackuowl .,lgeil by an intelligent public, tlmt it is scam - ,v necessary to say any thing fuititer titan that A 30VBRBT&-Y 13 B BY /n diseases of the Liver ; l)*hility resultin'' ii»ii) intemperance and riissipai ion : Old and in veterate Ulcers ; Pams in'he bone*, alien led with swellings of the join I digestion, Blotch ’s on tlie Kace. Pimples, tec. Syphilis, ( uitin ous diseases generally, and Tetter in particu ir : Mercurial and Scrofulous complaints. The cer till odes of wumleiful cures performed »y tlie Catholicon, bnve been me so numerous • is to preclude tneir inseriiuu iu any newspaper, and liH» made it ne* essa y for the projirietor to print them iu a pamphlet of about 100 pages Tnis will t»e forwarded as soon as possible to :he*evetal agents for gratuitous distiibulion,and tunst, on peiusai, bireugthe the r« od opinion now entertained by the friends of this medi '••tie, and disiPui, as it is hoped, the prejudice *>l iho*« wir» vi*'w with d.stius hu" medicine . of known in v bat is e.e.fed * regul r practice.’’ . o ts ure s*ubbum tilings, and cannot be gain trti id. At tlte e.nnrst s dici1 'lionsof members o the medical Inanity, ami others who have witnessed ilie astonishing cures effected by the Vegetable I Hlliolico ', and wiiu are anxious that us bene fits to mankind may Ik.* more widely diffused, the pr »pi »r ii >» eon-euted to reduce the re I II'(11 re ( 2J(rt/0 SOL 'ARS (Hir liot tie; id ‘ i. ii w i t tie done w it bout in any wav df • i i*. mg the <| alt v ol ibe median*', or tfurmj tin: SiT-f of the bottle, as lias been ma ter at y d uc in the case ol Swann’s Paua CeH. The i.i verifier, agent for Potter's (lenuine < it i », h is just received 28» HOT V ti_i Sj .*■). which “ord tar sale^i pl.iia telptiia pi i V»'*1 , » r eb 2. Ct/KKS fmf SWAIM’S P^ACKA. PHI 11 !• tallowing is a ii*tafntinn of a letter It from itw original Spanish. dab d 23d o l 2 ,,ti inner, |»«2S, torward-il In William Swann 'V J hi. A. \Villi,uiiHm, £>tj. America)) Con sul. Satisfactory rviilum e of the respectability of Mr Rodrigues, lias been laid belore the Kditor uf Ine National tiazette. Cat.ace , , Republic ut Columbia ' |d. 23, 1828. 'i.n Urn. S vi'in, PhWtidtlphitt. Stic: t hr msrvell,>us and beneficial effects nt y oik Ranaceit in a miumet of instances in winch it lots been tried nt this cilv. and of wlti di i tun a witness anti admirer, anil the m ci ssitv uf a supply without tips ttsk ol ailoltei ulion ol .>ono- botllt-.s for my own house and (bi some [mi Iu?ulai h iend« 4»|* mine, induce mu to tak»* tin? I hurly oi uddi e-tit;;' you, uiti « supplicate you to lotVf the"ouductfs m Feud me bd buttles, directed io the iiisul resident at »his capital, f viz. ■). (J, A Williamson, Kitj.) for which i will the AMiti C onsul, or rucIi per* oi ms you may diirot, accoiding |.. the invoice j bhi 1 trust y,j:i wih pul u it hivj pio-t equitable pric* i have the Pa'i-lHC’yin Io iuh'i'n 11 ut f | n nt an ocoia r vvfjiiog, if sixteen can of th«* j;reai *t impor t.nue h1T« cltd by ynui l'.limcM, of typUililic, > urouic 11vettrale anil ulcerous iHsevuu—also ol is ire. campluiits %u common oi ihi-* conutty. * In# liait tilt* just hioI merited plume* wincti i liHvc hen towed upon the medicine have brought it into •jrcMi estimation, mid with out dotihi n will deserve more from day today, jc n . oosid. rah'n munber of personate la* ..lo;j ii vv iUi pruiif. i me Cwimr to he, i\r. (Sigi.i-rl) X. MiGL. HODRIGOnS. It i. lu be gi-emly regretted, t. .1! m cotise ol rht- unpmaMcleil snot s ul' this mctli • c ' many inert iiimmnm* <it it are d«i Im.tii rii un the pup lit: unit ilmt a remedy 'h ■msii mv.ilU,ibis' puweis siioulti thus In: t.iisi lied. 'I f * he prite being now reduced to TWO per bottle, pin es it in tue power ol* ei.ta^us La utiid UieiUx ivea of its n«e. W.V1, bW AIM. * I*i*.i‘JACUA dated to unit/ 2 dollars the buttle. * « * 10 >ub>cri.iei, agent lor bW Ai*Vl S tr*»m * in* Pa\ U h’A, has just received '*0 I'**1 *\ ,i el* b»* *'flft*rs «• 1‘liiladel >up kj()WKL DAVIES. I * b. •>. Ocnauiu^' \ kit.mtoin>j \ ^ 1‘. disposed to;Ki oiminise iti dies* A will find \{ |(i tm*ir advantage to call a• dur r-at i«: »i i -m«»«i i ,♦*nenr tle-y will lind an ele‘ ;;anl »u*-on meut lienllemeh's ( lOlhing, «>» snp**r iiiie, tiii»* Hiid ooinii.wi* qidiin>4, that upon trial, w ill be toond to fit as well, and are a* l.initially issue ft* it made to order, as b.o Work may be <h pended upon, (hi* e-nab imn» will found in !„* a gieat convent '•’to*' in the ( ;|i7.*h mid the I mveMer, as lliey an he N.ipphad wnh eitrif arfrcic of Dres-, • “ l* -oil*, bties, line and toaoe Hals, eve ‘ d ' ipUon ul Clonks and uvei Coals, &n to-,e WHiiin * v,, ,d i»ai'.fains, vv-* rid do we U.ut us viiui h call U AJ.Ki.K Ui o. Kmp ii ol Fashion*. •Main xireut, Lynchburg, nexL to the Virgi •*an Ofiica. h**c. i. 0 l n:n.—All person* indebted 10 the con ** ‘‘ei n ui b. Vi. A lt'll r v. Lynchburg 1 • ■qn,*$i. d to call ..ort loake linen- ituite st» ‘ *uv»it, its ue longer Indulgence tan be given. 3L C- di. A Li L N sV CO. '"'•i C n. y i*U Valuable Real list air f,r Sale. rililh. diiW.iiIht iii |»ur>unine ,,i tv,„ JL deeds ol trust, civculi'd to him by ii,^ surviving partners of the lute nrui* of LhIi I i, Co HiitJ ball A* Budnik, and I tbu eieciitors of Win. bait, decayed, (willtil I deeds bear dale nit llie 31*1 day of March 1824,) niTei s lor r<Hle,ibr follow mg valuable real property, to wit : 2Id 12 .lores of laud, purchased tiy the said bull, Bullock fc i o. of It. ii \. fjraj. i fute, situated in the county of Liedlord, near jibe town o! .New London. | 145 3-4 acres of laud, {yint* in Campbell I comity, near Candler's Mhwniftoo, and in Hie - vicinity of ilia tow n ol L) nehburg. An undivided moiety of the toat k Wafei j Mills, and the lands thereto uppiiricnuiit, dtu He in the immediato neighborhood «,( (|M. J town of Lym hlnirg l I he propi-rty abov» l described, belongs tii the com.t in ol bull, j litilock Co ) | Also, the following real K-«» tc, belonging I ; to the concern ol bull fw Hut lot k, to w it . j 1 lift House .til * I Lot, widi the 'ppurlenan- i ces in the *»f Lynclrmrg, (nntierlv sm copied by tin* jjaid coucefn , as a Sriuru, and i io».v in the ot t upunry >1 MeKoe Vleeip. Also, the House und knt tniniediHlel v in, tile rear of ill * one la t iiienti>oi*ily and now occupied l»y Lankford cc. Vedder l lie terms .»i sale will be liberal, am! mndt | known tin ttpjdii aliou to the subscriber, who w ill convey lo the purchaser rr purchrsers < sin ii nil* as is vested in him by tlm deeds of trust aluresnid, ami nooMier. Ctff'tWKI.L It UINfcV, Inisley. An" 21. un, tjVesli Uiu^s aud Medicines. ?f subscriber has lately rer-eiveil aSM ALL additional supply of FRFbH DRL'tiS A MF.DICINFS, which makes, his ASSORT. M FN I very complete. He receives SM A1.' suppli’ * almost every week, bv w hi. h men m slock, though not the I. AlUiF.ST, is alwaVh KRKSH ami sufficient to meet any ordei That ho may bclavored with. THOMAS J DUVAL. N il. F re eriplion* laitl,foll\ to; by Vi ginia JJrod YOl'.M* GK>T'LL vIKN. • I M II . 1. mny~(LKD PALMAIil N FS I or Ladie?’ dresoet?, a beautiful article \\ or-ied bureaus, all shades do Bind; Italian l.ii-toings Kioli blU. Modena Saitms, tor d'-essps Lisbon bfk. Luvuittine?, tup. gluss mid (ex ' lure Egyptian Fancy calicoes, new tvln b-4 anil b 8 Marino Bnnba/.iue, til shades , (Jritiiboti Merino Cloths Slate c.iitor do Merino rjeaifs and lidWfi. Worsted barege, beringap tlatu and satlin plaid , hi iJkft Swiss Collars, new article, Splendid Swiss MnMins IMaid ?olU Gro tie Naple, very i i h Ladies' snp. while liursu akin rilin g mid walk ing Gloves Willi a •pent variety nf other Goode, adnpled j to the season. MiKFL, UOBi A. Co. J‘ it. b Valuable Land for sale. B\V | S11 to sell my li.ictol Land lying in j Alum i st enu ty, adjoining t »• lands >>l Men- ! ti.-v Amhler, W. McDaniel, F AViimon and ol I thers.— J ins tract of land contacts about 37U ! aert o It lies well, is in n good iieighbo' hood, and surpassed o\ few I plantation# io< lei ti|u v of ’Aoil. Ttiere in a good j M potium ol l.ohftfcco land on it, and tie* f '*ell it dap- ' led to the cultivation of small giam. My "bj» ct rt Neiimg is to remove to the western count'y. ' If not pi ivaiely beloic, I shall olh i it tor sale on tin* premises to the highest bidder n f t hirt y the 27ihdayof February ne*'. The it rims will be one lim'd casn, tiie balance m one ami tw.» years. A sals?fueloVy title will be made be lore any puyiuottl ts re-pored. i.i \ VC HANSARD. Jan 26, td.-47 £DWAiXZ> aEOWM ^ pN F I’CJUN3 hi* thank to lUi; public for fr h iuoi* liberal en* (Miniuemeof, and solicit - , h c(»iit»n»»«m« e of their favors. Maii.i-jioi ic reived from New Vo*'U, in addittm lu in* for mer .'ijjiply oi SaWeir», 6i« . a : splendid Hs >ori• me n{ nt PLATKD & HUiTAXMA WAKF,' W iiM.ii lie in vites Ii is friend* .out < «*> " n» i» to Call .lid *ee. AniOt g ill) stock, lilo the lol low iag art ides, viz : Castors with cut Glass and »ivtst* ed^tjOfouj C|tm ii; y On. plain nnd ornamented 1 \ five Pols Hint i ea Silgar Dishe# and Cream I’.its lonhe-’ liidicubs and pocket hooks Plain and lam v Jewclrv Jett, |ienrl, f iligree and Paste Far Hin^s Patent. Lever an I plain Watch** Fine f fold Chiiii.s, Seals tti\d Ke)S Plated do do do do Coral of every description Silver l uole and Tea 3p ions, Ladles arid Su gar Fongs (L_C Watches carnCuHy repaired, and all nr* deis in hi« line oi buiine^a punctually attend ed to. .Ian. 2d. Commission Huskies*. fpHK subscriber having entered into the f) CuiniiiDsioii business, otf**i* his servi ce-, to the in* retinols him) pluntem trading lo III11 plane. Tobacco, Flour, and other pin iltice, confided t * his call* lo sell or ship, will he rttrictiy aliended to. lie it. i»covided with Storage hi a 6r>» prool liou-e on main street, |or the reception o! Flour, Whiskey and pack a^ps (i| Goods. 3AML. HANNAH. Jail. I. I2m 1 copper StdL C ip and Worm i pair elegant Bronze Lamp! I ha subscriber ha* the above for sale at v**rv i casonalde price**, which lie will sell tor cM.iii, or baiter for oinvuiiy produce. II. ALUsoft. Dee-25* 'i »'Oi; i nv. li'l 'lll till' ink'll 1*11 "'i vr i rm r. m**i uu f Bythu Itiv. Olv,^ iV Uount. tVlitlia lUa*. Mother The lurk, my child I tie morn lue hut jmu looked out. end until* u, VVilOU i#« • • li t* ll Uni ilia UUtllllic g| u> y itUPl , iudu Up in <i JWuy with tin dc* on hi# bi«ja«t Ind a hymn mi In# Imurt, to you puie ortg'ii »pu*iC, l o w .n Um» it out lU III* Maker * rur. i Lver my child, be uiy morn # nr*( I iya 1 UU*U, llktf 1110 lurk « t * Ulj Maker * 4-t aitfd* »V a it ia »hnt, Mother ?* The don . my mu And that low wt. i »oici*. like a Widow » muuu, 1.** flowing imii ir-ini hfi h mie lireuftt, i oUftaut and pure by f 1i.*i lonely ui**l, Aftliew.ii mi pmiroil 1> uni #o,ii<* <-.r, iul 'ini, I or her di*t nit dour oiiu'n *|tink miut u, i.ver, my mo, bo time tike tM d«»vi , iu It lolldsblp a.* ioitlllin, *<• nuifiililt Itl lo*, 'Vlui i» t mi, Mother . The eugio, boy ' I’roiitily curem ing lut« i i irm of o,y, t foul kiu in , u.vti , i i in »i,| \| >i,r i idv til IneaHing tin; darn #n ii i, lint red bolt nerving. Ilia w iite on tlie *%lint, mid ill* e m thn >e■<,, liti •worn-, not a hair, but he ir#oun aid, triton, let) , may 1,1 i I,*\ (light ever he tin in-, Onward and upward and tiuotoliio Inn V\ uat i# ilmt, Mother Tin« ftw tu, my love • 11« is float ing dim ii from In* u itivn giov , .No loved ukv now, no uc*iling iikIi, lie rtoalitig dowu by linn*ni| to do*, lletttU darken* hia eyo, and uuplum* * In* win; •, V*A his*Weetostaung in ib»* lust If antgr. I/ive *•». my love, that when death diull noine, Swau-ltke and sweet, it may wul't tone limit I MAKIM, liff 1 . Kit IN W I I I II. V. All Kllg l»ll W||tei IIS'llM H Os *• III I III! places famous for in King ti e Ur>» fresh whim i holtei, llie\ *e| flu- put ol rirain hi w hiii wh|i i *" long ms fill it him ii quirt'd that small ci» gree ol sou n«sf, which it very toon has hi warm Minnm r weather " A met <»d similar to tins n» pur sued a i ()• mgr. near II I mioie, on the (mirvi ofKnhmt Smith, Em|. “ Din ing the coldest weather in winter, in tlm counr of less thau • twenty f * .it i hours utter the milk has been taken j troin the «ov%s, sweet (not hitter) Cream it pm- I duced, greater in quality than t an he obtained 1 Hi I e oiiliiiHiv ill*.nag* inenl ill five da\s S,. t ich indeed n the cream that it is rlmrurd with as nun it tardily as the nemo of lie Alderney cows, iii Hie Mimine' ma»on. I lie opna'•••ii ol *•* timing nev er eireed* twenty live minutes l lie r I'uiii such < ream lias nevei tailed to he d a line flavor ami ol a fine color ' I lie pans w|l|» tin* milk pul taken Irmn the t'tiwi remain until a thin skm of cream is pi • tlic ed 1 hey ate then placed in lint wtift*t, and to d).iiit iIi111v mitiofr* |hereitf'er all the t ream i opt Htii' I in the nidU is homed on me sur , I.H " —I tie cream Mm obtained u tuanagen a •’ oilier rich Cieaii) u iii all well Oomluch d d.ii* j Deane’s New Rutland !■ irtoer savs " In Warm Wenlliei milk should n main mi tut* pail till nearly <onl heluie it it. stmincd . hut in . Ini.iy weallui it should he strained unuiedi it« ly him! a small quality of boiling water nm v b mixed with it. which will etuis* it to product i cream in gii Ht abundance. ami the u ore no o 1 tin pans or v at» have a lai «*• mii luce." , Anotm'i mod' ol milking outteria Hum scald ed cream as follow* : \s soon as the milk is taken fiorn tin row, h ' if hr placed on a steady wood hie, t»ee hh po**-- I Ide from smoke, mii 1 *i«ldeil lor tinny mmue* ; r paiticulai can* tiuioi he taken mo |«» allow il 40 1 hoi! It uiust then he plat d in a cool •ilmuion 1 and on the following thiv. a (link n< ii «• ea will appeal on the sul fate of the iiuik, (which is excellent lor desert purpose*, j whit 11 may ' » 1 taken off nul unuie into butler to tin* comm u i way. Tins Ph'linn.1 i^ practiced in I ogl.ind.amlj it i» said that \ gl<* nri quantify of butt. i uod m J be*H r qu.ijitv rau he made Ly this (nan by lilt t “Ot.nAll mode Uniter ui y likewise o* n»nu* m com wcani**! by freezing ihe milk 1 his method Iih^ In:* n re t l>. riiiv, Ks<| of .Salem at d published in tin* N. h 1' irnu r W •• 11 • j give itiig.ii>' for I fie hen* Ilf <•! ri'tflll mil)iU I hits, in lie Mui(i< tf M I ,'i f>y “ 1 fie nulk wen i.iU'ii i* tin I he cow is mi mediately strained into emtio ii and set in ihe coldest pait of Hie hulls* • As toon as the , frost tmgins In opera!*, a «* pamlmii lake# plac* . the cream rises in ;i finck paste to tin* top, and leaves the mdk without a put tide of cream, f>«* j £\ n in the pan. I he ere mi i* not *o Innd but j unit i can tie easily *'*i a|0'd *»ll »illi a *poun, down to the solid ice ; it n» then set aside unit! a snfHcient <|nantil v it» eolle* t* d bn a cfiuinin;;, 1 wtieii it is warmed just so much as *•> thaw tie' M fnin Mitlii lent! v to put if into th * ctriru. I have never known it n qinr** m ot i'ihii live miu l utes fo convert cienin inlo build alter Hie ciilil uitijr bad coinmenct'd. * I ought ti» state that I think this method m juiiuu* f 4 > th-* ci cam fo eertam puipoteg; such 1 tor instance as whip iyMal u'>. as my domeMu s found utter toe Cteani whs mi**d wdh oilier mgrmlieut*, tiie least agitation brought n to but ter.” I he author of </7fn//;ag‘ in ttuhamlry r.v« “ In an experiment to know iv ether d was must profitable fo chin i. die whole nulk. or «.t»lv toe cream, which the milk pro*luces, life milk > 1 a paiticular c«»w v. av select* d, and ii wa found that one day's m Ik chut lied by iio ll produced oidv tn»e-' fourths of a pound of butter ; ami If e crertm of two day« ptoduced tbiee pounds two ounces of butter : from this if appear* wort rro fit able to cnlhrt the cream awl churn il. than in chum Iht whole milk Ivtff'her. I lie c»tain holier is inought to be the r tchest of the two, but it wid not keep *o long sweet. K»*spectii»g, however, the above etpei imeiit, ill further ex plwita'toti of the cin nin.^iances, it appears tliat the one day 's milk was col ei t« d from the noon ol one day to the montifi? ol the next, then no median I v chm ned. w hereas the two day s cream was collected rut a I Imr-uny and Friday, and remained to ripen * till the Monday following, which may, perhaj s. account in a great degree, lor the dilfeidice of the pioducc.” A PHRNOMKNON 1N (illAFTINti. At Brussels, the Committer of the Cal* don’t iin Hhrtii Soriciy witn* B*ed on** f»f file most exlraordinni v evperimeniu in Grafting; i of inserting an entire tree, nu tl>e stump of | Himther. \ neighbor, having in the «pri'*g sm.i snn^cut down an apple tree, about t'»< e**u le I high, whtcl* ’ .■ Vu I tMon. j t .1 • ki d, hit«l a g-.ud healthy tree, be no «it> itiHtelv iflfiicil a «tm k »l unu'nr dime* tnn|ig Hilt I cot ting it off in nr Ih* gi 0111111, pb’Ct • on if by the mode o| peg gtalfitig, Mo- o**» Iter ; uppoiied thi* tire by stakes ; anti • xc in dt-(l the air from the p are ol pnn l o . bv plas tering it with clay, tut HtlerwHitlx htapm;: cat ih ruitvtil it. 1 he expei un lit guc r* d* d pel t* c»*v ; 'lie tree hemming III tin* toot e ot the tCC-j'ut s« A‘On nra'ly »v vigorous He evet . 'Now though we would nut ri*o lin'd this PH|»ei iltieol* I't'i an-* it iiiuai la vi y pie* hi uu am! seldom uselul vei a-In mg me ot tin higf rgt trinmfiht-oft* • In t robot .4 ait, w flung t worthy ot A pla •* 'ii fins .rout mil 1 he ft* > fhott|flil of trail* I hi i. li mi one tree to Annin er M llllfi I e»1 S '• 1 1 - - ttU I I*V A lirthed Wuflt1 eo stem, whs undefined'* until Amt itppv ; bn* an Attempt to trims ter a uliolr nee 01 flu* 111 *i» tier, i. certainly oiiginai Bv /irg grafting. M mii-f t: uotlervt' oil. tha ouiite ot gi Afinur *> Iim Ii ran nh he piuCtUeil on 1 l ees of etocih,' Hie tame cirrutiilei ence, Ih hatk- ol which r *p<*Qtivp|v will cone into pet f* cl eoiitMCf. A hole is made m the stork, of > n noli or tnort in depth, and Hie insetted tiee m < ion is paled aw av so as to lit e\m dy the lode so | mad*’. I he gut faces B*f the hark of each mici then rut «»fTsmoothljt, 40 ,«• that the tiaik of lh» n-i-ried tree will fit exactly all found with lha» of the «furk I* is nubvpeiiMthle, that tin- lilni and iiMnii nuiit, that ik t he inner bul k and In white vvin-d of t ech tree, should exactly meet, the • %pei niieiit wan III me curious than ng* 'ol, hut a .1 tact ni natural history,it ig de m run <>l iniltie I ft* lin n Would probably sufeerd 111 the attempt, toil Mutt it eftu be iVom III illllj ».!■’«. id most bt.l!* ('• I k 'Oil l.lltii , yf t till lutiioi'tv i» very ie |>» 'table. IM’WJlNG VlO.SKH I Ilf’IT Mr. I 1 1 mu .4 - With plensuie I answer the iiuitiiiu’k of vmu 1 ni 1 upomb nt, " u (.over ot f•mnl I 1 oil ' r*'lalive to buddi> g " 1 u Ktoned ll lilt ill hpl big. I n Hu pi lug of 182H, when the gap was in m live unitum ami hk kuoii its the haik would easily separate Iioiii * I is* wood, fib*1 day not reeollrci •d) | 1«ink a tew buds from All ol I ittieripP olid placed them in the ukiiuI wuy of '? Inubfu y, in ti voimg peach tier- one year old. fulling nil the stocks abnul M)i*e inchcg wb ve the iniioco I ili ui. I -m « eed*‘d beyond my most “Anguine expectation*., and dn not mov lerollecf, that I hjgf a ample Imd The tfttffg grew well and have thri(fv Appearance I also at tlie sauii tune, by war of exp* rimenl, however, look hnn» a peach free a t**w nitfiogg or s< mm*, d nr 4 in dies ;n lenffth, having *1 01 4 good buds un each. and graft'd them into some peach Ri eka ot oii< year's growth, 111 the followup* illhll 11 •-1 : — ci|f the scions 10* side sloping t*i .1 point ahoii* no in- h ami a half, ami then proceeded m t • mode of T. hiiddini'. and lastly cm nil the sp cl about three inches «b«»ve the inf,<ihon ,,r tli scion. These ( |o't except on**, which dill wel and git'W vigorously. but was m la t broken nil bv a stun-c wind I die vegetative pr *Cc*.g Was not S'* far advanced in the buds ami armiiv 11*1 d ,l- ff'at in the -forks I'i- if**' lir t and all the knowledge Mint I over had i f budding ' on Ktoned hint" m fh* sprinr mnl I < misid'T it an aripii i'inii of s on*' imp ola* • *• ns vruiietime* the InuU of tin* stnn mi'i non'* ol * mu on - *b Hroyed by the sucre* <1 II p win'* *, nr bv into * t•. m vvlsii b rave tlie it •• h may '**• lebmbt I in itu- proig and little or no time iod ax t■ * tben growth U. GUFJJN. Vi rji'ld, Jitn JO, 1HJ9. t l i r MBKRS. T11 <■ fi» H? whv to obtain good need, in to plan* a tew hill* fur 'In* pin pone. Mod select lor seed mi eh i orumbei* \\ HI shaped nod spring within » incneb «»' iln? root. I ho e w hic h glow tuner I •- root Will I >1 l»* xO Imgr. Ilk 1110(01 ill si.no1 distance trout ii bill the •tied will )m bet if-» .nnl produce fruit Homier Much of the <••«•«) licii is planted, i . finiu ( nctiinheM ihnt iiiv all" veil to lipen ii, *♦.**! *1 l«« t from tbf mot tin'll I und I if .si In n ;; ;;< nil ally poked loi tile table I in * •iiv observun »nv with a little variation, are applicable In pi a*, bi'Minc, a i*i%k i j i • a - tn s |l we woh lie e.ilvpi o- beam*, « iirmnh* i s. and '•«pi idie wc uiw-i -• l< « ♦ the seel w loi'li m pro doia d nearest in Mn- io"* oi the Inst 'fiat come* i » |a»r» 1 Moil On*- . ii-at cause l»v winch many ' •* r,ni uul' then wiietaMe pindinti.u* i« tin t luKmftn/t m» the l indues-, ol ecdv Bet'in HivofrU ceutH foi in ounce o| grind »' »'d, than In plant tb*- p«ior free * f cost. The Kossiii curtnnbei i eailv, well flavored and pi"d"< live I »-y sh-.ul t b«* planted at some ili'latife Imho mil i j*» Cl* h, tit order io pi i c. i V* tiicfir purit\ ■7>nr> OvpslHO, O'* plactr I* nt tail* O «iiii| tfi Ii iii*.>c heiiehi in iirv ■" n.indy viU it row ii iii the winter or eailv in the spring Tnc» lea so11 is that by the action of ram and lin«t it i» ni'iir • oinp'et'dv in* ol |*oi ahil with the* soil ihau il can be when *own late in the Reason. A Frenchman litis inv« im-il a new mode ol }ir»*MMVi|ig g»ant ol ah dr* mji'io"*. I*v inciiiik of hm V»l r» t r.Hiean ,'tauaii ■ al a iow tejnpern'm e, closed hermetic illy He Ims al**) exiiiinied ilie m* ah I of a cellai vvuli a • Soil tile ♦ in rent ol air, lo lu **p hhiv ; boln inveult nib arc eJipcCicd In mi* - Cecd. 1 l\XNSP[,ANTIN<* l.VT.Kr.RKF.NS. ..Had,,.a Veidme nl the ie*tnoii* lines form* a pleasant nli.-l lo tlie eye amid tin- deso late In bln and mow it word lull* of winter l i * *. * brant i fill in at air. of the nor I In* i n hoists, .lie pm uiiai ly liiiraclabie to Mil' -kill of cultiva tion. riie »*uucc and the fir, vv lien ri itiovi d limn thr cold hiuI bleak noliltideK win le ||n*v U* si line in Iik Ih* n toots and vend up their tall pyramid* nl gret n to a umir genial situation, whliei and pci lull. I l.e t beautiful and vl.»ie y pi a • ts are il* •* u able as lb** oinaniniu ot the»ht»or the gi'iVi-H of cultivated veeuety I be i* iyli*li live >k ft iecouomml linn they be re moved in the depth ot w mi. r with liu/a u mass »•* .d earth Hnniii'l their root*, to hob s dug for fhi ir recejilion dm log the pi reeding muiiioim Bv t'.iift rtmple pi ocr**, it u void. thev may !>• trails) lotted with at injury, and tlouii>h in |heii J rsli te-- it .I II Clinging lo the lock oi iviug in tiie w.igie. [Xat A con• Hpoiideut of the C incinnati fiazoMe, relate*, f at a vming man that was in torture from having thru*! hi* hand* twice into a bed ol cnnin. eipc-ieim d iinni* 'hate relief from piling • ing tin in into a put ol fAft. Ilm bauds healed tire from scar*. Iheie is a lamoii* burn *hIv» made in Philadelphia which heals v» itliuul I* av I mg a < ir, one ingtedit nl of which n» believed i to be bit. - *zT*\ - • In Wales, recently a fai inn * *ori w.; i p«u ' son* d by diinking cider, which h id in a i leaden vat : ncttatenl lead having been form* ed. K village schoolmaster one day .,»kc*d a lie* vs ho vva. ilnn*l leave school, tu what tiad hi* father ntiend. d t i pm him. The buy salt In* wax In be a hutchei . " Why, soreU ,” l< joined pie master, •* y<m w .n't like to kill fh* p**m slurp an I Until* / ’ M |V.i. * said the u: (•Inn ” I ahttu nl hke to kill ^><jiji me i»uf ■ biio ihl ; . 0 lu -vdl Jut uuoa. i OFFH SAL PAPFIi. I'K AN>l'Ull I A I'lllN HI 111) A) \ll. O,. -■I NtJ »V in ihr St unit ol tkr bn.hit Stole* Jnn Kb Mi luiiitMun, o( hen'll* ky# mad# thv follow in * *■ |»**t f i till l. f* III III 1111**’ III wllOltt MlM I'rlfMlill tilt! II %. . pel it i in* on tin -object of frnn*portMif( • mi s on i t A.ioliHtii, tin Hill d.ij in (In »wk. i i ni r: i Ion no in" r#m»ile in reqniicil from llir or 'Iln.ll A ViMHlUMIN td III!'. IR *|| ( Ml.lbll bi ll pi III • t'b* iHnctKllir«( I»y 'In* moik * oI nil lotlmti*, alo'bct < 'hi ndum i»i f'n^mi One dm in • ■n but mU<i limi de'ei mined Wpoii hr lb# pin i • "••lion of time ; Mini io c«*ii»’oi nut v with |1i# 1 uwl.ea of the gicat majority *if on* id* lit in • ii- try. »' •■ (i mI iImv »i» lb# week, commonly • i**led Sinidny hm been «#( i«t>.«i I In Hull ub I' Cl I IlK pi MM Iplo IlMR r<*CCl«od t f|i 4,|IO H< •• •i III# National beKiilutiiri1 i*), fur u« f*i it l|in u MiNpMiiujiii of nil public fiUMiiff* n • »t day • •**1 '••pi in ftiiM ol i*li«i|ulf him i msiIv t ,r >■' it •■fill public • * i • 111 v 'lb* principle the ( o wiiiiito would mil v%Ih11 In iliiiuili. If kepi «nh ui u< If(;iiiui'ifr icti'Mi, no ii»j111 \ din i e Milt ft inn lit* uImm vrim c. If Rfinold how • vei, be hfp* in miiiil 'l»«t lb# proper object ol («"vcr iiiiMUit i« u protect all perviuiR III Hi* ‘••tp yiiicuf <d their rrli^iouR, MR well rk civil R»/»liii» , mu! mil todoicimine, I'm any, whether, !!*.•> «' ill RRiffiii otic day above unoUiat , ol fRlreiil n|| dn y <* abke holv >> r me a>wtn' thata vm u»tv«f *• ut'itte ihm rxiit* I aiming the gu<»d oil/«n« <d (Ins u.iinm, on he s'bjftrr «d iIm- Jiballi dnv , mill om goveill tin ul is designed lor the piott'dion u| unr a» much up for another I he .lews who, hi iin i ntintry, <it« mn ti «'•* mb C In isiiaos, Hid toil il let I lo lhe >111111' pi uli'i'l uni Ihhu I lie In wm, deiivi • heir obligation in Itei p ihe bnhhnlh iIhv lio.u die louilli coiuntaniliiif ul ol thmi' I ho aloam . ihhI in coinfo’ ini'y wiih (Iml injunction, pav lehgiout homage lo the IteveiilU tJay ol Hie w ek, which w< « all Suliii «'a v One denofoi o;|l|oil ol (htiilims among lis, jimllv celehiM led for Mien piely, and certainly up good cMi /eitB m* any oilier dam agin* willi Hie.leas in (lie moral obligation <>l Hie Salili.ilh, and oh •••i ve I lie huh day. There are a I mo many ( Ini Iihii* hlining u* who derive not theii oh ligation lo obteive lla* boldinth liom the Ib-ca Ingue, tail legmd Hie .lewitli Sah'uil . mm mIiio L'Hlrd. Tumi the example of flu* Apostle* «>t , i In iaf f I hey have i Homu Hie fu»l day ol Him1 w. ek, instead of I km V tin v M'l apait in lh« dei alogoe,. Ini tlieii lellgioit devotions. riiepe have generally regarded the observance of Hie •ay him devotional eierrian, and would not more readily enforce it upon oilier*, than Hiey would mfoice secret pmyttt or devout medita Iioiib : urging the lari, that neither then Lord nor Ilia disciples, though often ccn«tir> hv Ifteir a cineit lorn vndalion ol Hie Sahhall , ever enjoinad ilx till to vance. 1‘hey regard il ns a siibj'i to'i which every person should he full , persuaded in hi* own mind, andiiol c*> eire other* lo m l upon in* periiMMiou Many ('liiiMlian Again dilTrr fioui Hie e, pioli-v mg lo deiivetlo-ir obligation In oh«r>ve Hie bat baili fr in the fomili c ininanduii'iit of the Jewish l>i i alogne. and hung the evainple of die Ap oitles. wlio appeal to have held thir poti be meeting* for worship "ti Hie lit h| day of Hie week, a t anti.only tor so tar i hanging Hie Ih*. calogue, as to mdisijlule tha' day lor Hie hi v. mill. The Jewish govainiiieii' w.m a llieocra i v, wh'di enfoired religious observance*;and though the roniiniltee would hope tlmt tiopoi tion ol tin* i it'/eim ol our t oiiuti v • ould willing ly miiotlm e a ey»U*inof iidigious coert uni in our civil ins1 iluimri*. the eytiftipfe of olhei na lions should admonish us to which carefully a gainst ill 1‘xrbi'ii iiulicaiion. Willi I liens dilVeretd rrhgibui views, the eoin mil tee me "f opinion Ihal < ingress r mihioI hi lerfertf. Il n* not llu» h'giiniMie province of the Legislature to determine what leligion in hue or what lalse. Om (iovertinunit i* a civil, and not a religion* institution, fair t onsiiioium lecogin/' * m eveiy pet >on then.-Ill |u Hiuum* his OWll religion, and lo enjoy H tnr|y without inolesuiiio'1. Wh ilever may lo* iim religious seuti me it (• of * U,/.im» and however variimi, liny am ahk** entitled •* |,rofi * lom from the g.»v«n, uteiif, so long a* they do not invade the i I'lm ol otliei h. t he traiivportion of t lie mail on the first bn of the week, n ib believed does toil inletfine with the right* ot rnn-eieore I Iim peliiioiu r*. loi Us disc .olinioince appear lo I.h aclualed >v a religious /■•al, whuh may he eoutuieiidtihle if roubiii d lo I'M piopei sphere ; lull liiey sisworm a piisiinm heifer suifeil loan eCcle*la-iieal ilia' lo a civil ni iiio'i ti lhey appeur, m mail' usi irn » to lay il down a* an afi< in, llml the piMt Hee is a v mi unm ol the l aw of God .'Humid ('oii^resb/ iii • heir I* gistalive 01 pm »• v, I adopt the set Innent. it would establish the orm ejplr, that 'he L* gulalur** is a oropar Irdunial I i.» deld mine wh'it hoi I lift law* ol lind, Il involve a ogidittive dec imoii in •• r, bgi> J ! « tit run i'»ver%y . and on a point hi w u:h ;ood i ! i m ns hi.i, * iiii*«fly dilTcr in n}M»iiuii, without , I «11,i • i l,u a (In* nl sot i#*l \ , >,r endangering I* liber t is il thin principle i* nine mtrudii* ird it will tin impossible in it, line it, boiiml*. \inotig all tht* n-lignin* |*»i * mi'Ui, w#fIi Wi" t almost every pitgtt nl ncl.iii In Inly i. stained, no victim i'v» i fidietr I, lor tin* viola* n .u f»l’ (internment dfumiiin lie t tin i | , , n| ((ini 1 . pi even' a vim lint I am ol evil* i, till* CutMltiy, tin* ( ’mi. ftilnlioii ha* wi*-|y tv ittinrlil hum nil! I »iH eiiuionl III# powri nl • tin nif the Divine Law I * i' * u; *•4 • rv,*i v #v| In * a* l» citizen ; ftMlI while bw irjn* If the r /1• iii| i ght nl others, be « annul In h. ul amen ,.fiV m ahy iunuaa Ifibuhtiui bn Inf tuiicui , •ioiin, Knensive te!i\;niii* mml imtfioua. to effect a political Mlijeci, are, m tin* opinion of the ( om mil'er* dangeions. Ibis liiftefToit - I (be kind, calif lor Ii'* e-tabli*hiuetit ol a pi i . i iple, wbtrh in the rpinion o( (lie (ounn.i ee, w..nid lav the lotindati >n Ini dangerous inno vations upon the spirit nl (lie t omuilnliun ai d uifiu tl.e religion* m,;m* ol hie citczen* 11 1 admitted, il maybeji. ily appi eln ... « d, lhal I till* liilurr (iieatme* o| (iiivn miiiMt will In* I fhongly mat bed, it not I'vemnallv nmliolled, i.y lh* fame nillio nee. All I ehgmns^di spotlsiii ! < (,mmiiieuce* by combination and n Itueiite ; { and when induencr begins h» op*ialc upon , tin* political hishhilioiif ol a country, tin* c ivil 1 power noon iiemi* umb i n, altd ibr ealavtfnpita i,I olhel* nation* lnriii*(>< r* an awinl wainiiig of I lie coiiseipn oce ■». Ullllcr tli, ,il>.«fllt I. ;Iiliiliol.B ol |l|«* !\j.t OlVnr Depart men', the »• hs nl «.< iwurim uie j nut invok'd. I. • t*; y Mg' nt « nt«*i« V'diiulai »lv ’and it i presiu: ^ -.must u-nliuu»ly, it,to, the j di»charge of lie- duties, w nin nl ioler ineddhii' wiih tin* conscience u‘* a»io*u« r. Post OiGce ai e o, icgula ed, ns that but small prnpjition ut (be iiini day ol the wick is n rpiirrd lobe occupied in official busine-*. In I lie h annpor 1 a I ion ol the; mad on that day, no agent is cm pin id many bum*. H llgluim pci .o».> cu' r 1111 o the biifincff wit I milt violating llnnowi mift ioiH es, or imposing au\ ie»iraiiif» iijhiii •ilhelM. Pa enger* in th*J tllMtl stag1 *air bee lo re»i during the tiisl day of lh- week, nr iv ! puisne ili ii journey* at * heir own pieasme ! tliJ iUU'1 \* ' M S»ll|.d«i, III, Ir»v ft n't ihr *hM>hi mm, »n;t?*ti«t*in from "i v i»x» *»• y in i ir*« m.k ii iitoft ron*r,e,itim.i s "ilijifi i While if is Ii iI)*|• lied mi tl><- fit .« "I ihr ’* e* rh, •ittulliri *1*1-4 himv nlitfatil [ • film Ihr • ir i rlijii ii* rniMh-«. I hr i.ldifr I '•"•I "I H M-Iliinrnl I<4 lir |o In.Hi ihi : f. i m a ; ihmI ihr « • mn itrrrr chii ili r-.frr n<» l" I'li ijil*’ mi ihr ctHWia of one ahonM bo '»"••• rr«|ierir<l ihatt Mu.k of Ihr olbrr tudraa ,f '•houlif In- Hiliviii|r«| tlml Ihr collarirncrfl of ♦ n mini i i|y hir ir s kiii imi li nn 4ho*C of th*\ trr'Jtinly Ii m ii in opinion of iph f'oinrtiifirr, f! at thr 'ohji'i*l ftl'Wiild bf riya. dfd klinfiU h« h qo#*tk»i ’* e tpntlirney, it rrapretivi* of ita religion* Im*.ii mg III linn light, il Iih« hilhrtio been connilcrnl, f'ongrea* have never Irpiabtfed upon ipr iiiiijrrl. || real , ms ii raer haa den**, to the legal dia.'ielion of ihr Pnafimtater (iron a I |Uin1rr ihr repcatml n-(ii,||| ol ( onpico lo dr * coni inn* llir Snlihath uoida. 11 m knowledy** mid Judgment in h|I ihr «one* < ur of Ihnt dr patiinent. «%iM tint be ipieationed Ilia intent*, liilmra and m -*» •* I nil y hove irtnllrd in lhe*high rai • tnpro vemefit In rvny In mu h of loa depot, ***' '*’• I* »a prat tiaed only on tin* pn *l leading* iiimiI loiitra, mid am h olhfia ih n r nrrr-*i,r> !•» maintain their conn** a i ota. I nn vent tbi n ould, m ilie opinion nt iln* I nuniirr, o pn dm live of iininrear ii jnt t , both in it* mm no t. nit, potn rat Hut! in ip nmtal liea/inf** t h* viniooa I>eportnn-nik of llnveimneel* \ l'» ipio t*'<Mtr,i||y ni penee elrii'* I«i wnr flu apeedieat in'airourar with ||,e reiu*»teaf prr'»n »*! he o try ; and mi* imp .mm I id.jrci of Uir nniil rpiMliiiahnirn n* mlmoi li tlir pfejtl ral tind IIIORI rcotiotloeir IhmIiIm * lu» nn Ii in Iru iihi>.' Ihr ili Imv nl tin intfiK « lie hI.ui" OUV III CMII, W Mill I l (| II * I < llir I'M |lll i V fill'll f I'l ■ * * • *1 X f'l C* M'N, ill I'' • » • tpe|t*C , Mini fclMllr Mill*'* W||||£|e(tl once 11 flinty. 1 lie cnhinM rf ih! MiHiintnrMif ini', u nil agrlrnf tnriil inf* t«?■»!« nf nut rniinirv tire *< ludtmifejy roiim < ted, until iif|iiii',» cniivtHiit i (id 'hr iii'Ml e x | mm I i | ii ni* i • ii i|iin.iiri»*i* helvr ff out m i purl*, Mini he wi*i in i,* Am* the ittn*f iiilM riot sett lenient* llir de mv o| I e null* Hit* Mli;,’ thu HondaV. wmild give in Ihi In the etti|'lnvii| ut ni pi i tie exji«. n m'li ell li im ni lit flint |i| •h-iidy leu i tier* e onhl hr em |iluye«l u hfii' omi* mull ti ge i« tmu innidn*^ mi t•»h* day ; iliiit* ilivei ii p llir irvriitn ul fh l depart meiit in'n iiifu! Ini 4.'" ii ft n »*1, mill smiting 1lie e *l a I»| in ti ni fit I into ii kliih ul pusliltMiliUlty illcmnpBi ihlr w if Ii l In* dignity ul dm govern r»u ut of which H ut ii 'r in fmi** i 1‘asscuget* hi Ihr mail mages, if the iitittM are mil pci iniiteit to proceed on Hominy, w»U In' eipi c fed in Kpeml dav at a laveru upuu • he road, genera 11 y iiiiiler cii ciiihsIiiim e* noi liiendly lo devotimi, ami at an ctptMise which many ate tail pmiilv tilde In rncniiiUei. "i , olivi • 'e these iliflint'iie*. ninny will employ ei tin i.nri iages lot tint, convey Alice, and In taiimj the Immii e* s ni roi i«'m|ioii leitce, n« more* expedi* (mils «tin at the tiiail I lie mage piopiitlm-i a id I he nisei ve *, nflrii fntnish ihr |i avfdh'i * w iff* those UH'Mtis ot (olivi'vAmci , mi Ihai fh eth * f "ill it 11 • him f • I v hi only In s'np the mad. while i In- vehicle tv Inch convey. H will non nun , ami its paktrilgei N Id'i iniie the m eeial ntcNSPligei * for conveying A corn*i leiahle piopo'lioiio a Id Would olliei wi e con Mule the contents fit l lu- mail INot <'an die f'ominiifPe discover wiiein the sy* - hi coithi coiiNi*ienlly nd. It ihe oIjspi v.iticeol a holy day hccoioeA inroi pointed ii\ nor nisiilotioMs, hall we not forhui the move no ut ul an mi miv ; pM»hihn an assault iii lino* ul war , lay an iiijimctioii oil mil* naval oHicft * lo dr m the wind while upon the ocean that day / Chmsisir' • y would •ewm lo it?i|iilrr i N i is it cpi t in f i we xh old slop heir. If the piineiph* i* mire e*lat# idl 'd, that religion, or religious ohservam •*, had he iniertvovt o with otir legifclMive gt**.W* m'lftl pill Sill* If t<» «9 i»'itiii.ittiiti We shall 11 conaisigiil, piovide tni the election ol efldi* e« I * • i the aortlttp of tin* t'clMi iS'i'M the support ol (‘HusImii mmisiers, we hrlieve sih;Ii niriisui'Ci will promote the m feie«.is ot I'hiisliiui iy. Il is ihr *elt|x*il con vi I uni «if fh** * Million lee i > i h I the "I'y melho o| a Void ng die- i .Hi*" «| •*!•♦» «. mi'Ii 111* r attei iiaol Irani nICvi -, in to adhere *li n dy to Iu spud cl diet ous i it iii ion, which icganls flu f»en»'i al f j*»VCi i«ill•*• 11 hi no olhei light hurt the 1 ul h Civil iitxtlltilMni, wholly ih stdnle ot irhj 00 aulluiiUv. Whut other naliims cull religious Intel minri we cull religioMH t ig lii'i. 'I hey him not esricu. rd io v ii 'o> o' g •• vet mi in (ul mdiilg"iii<*, tint u* 1 • I*'• l 'if who h govei iitili'iit cannot depiive any poili'Mi o' citiy ii*. howevei suiall. Despoil. I tower may invade tin **»• i ighls. I nil jo»l too j*1 ill | i Oulu mi them Il the fsa' imiAl l.rg n»hli nr* | once perlot m an act w inch involves the degi* | uni of a i eli. lo ts Colt!rover, ami it will hiiv I pa',*ed ‘l* '•¥ miniate lu.Miids *1 he precede"(. . will I hen he e*lahllii lied, and Ihe fonudiil mil laid ( It that ilxiii palion <il lh> Hivin' prerogative in ’ Ill'S ciuniity, ahull ha* to eo the drsohiliii'' >i< ion ge >-f ihe fair’em pm i ion* ol I tie old undo. 1 (Mil < tin «I lint Milt l ('cognises iio ultii f pout 1 than that ot p* i moduli, foi entorcing religion . 1 olispi v iiiccs. I.e* lilt pi" les*"i ul (*111 i >i mil Iv let imuin'iid Until irllgimi In d< • d ..I h< no* (llt-liCt* by ( III kIi.III IIK • kill'hM-- by ||veg O temperancu and holme In f th hi cuubiii** then < Oorts fn in tun l tin* tpnnunl. tu u-lu vo the widow .nnl I In* or t'han—-Ig pi •rini'** I* till* Wuxi the (impel ol then Bliviom, f t Comim.ii dn»g Px pi »i' pin by ill* ir habitual I'lniiifllt : Government will hgnirnulv object in pfuierting tiu-m. ]i cannot . ppo-te llu ni. and they w ill not neeil it* afd. I tx ir M oral infill nice will tln-x tlo i hint' y none to ailvnttre tin* tin** intfieyts ol Iteligion. •tiaii any fiiea*u( g-> wh ell I tie y may call i*n ( attnii'M to i unit 1 e pctiti .oei « do ii .l eoinpbiin ol any in f riti^Hinf nt upon the I own tivhfy, 'Iheyenjo. all innl ( hri««iMiis ought »o a*k at tlx* hand «».' Gov ei nrnenf protection Irmii .oi molt vfatiou hi IM* i'll i r xe of their religion* . ntiinni ♦>. /.\ ( Th tf»* ( uiixxf# •• In* dt thin ».■»•(( from tin* fmllif c ukH ration, ol the . ibjtvcf j nxfiitntem in* informed that Mri. Salh/ l or Inn Iv flole nienij tioiti slier hu»hftnd, Joseph J'o % ui » nhlielow n, Vermont. Mi. Fox, m < oiniiiiixih.itnig the interesting tntrtl’egeuce to tlx* pub i» . head* his article vs ith ' A bofnel'x if,i h nken up ” I tain wax wrung, heshuu.d gave put (I ” A fn» lell cover.” Aunt "j (2‘ <' r If in fjr fi ? Ma Hen *j fhf Mis!, in thro voiuim , h\ the a iiiui uf VVuverlev 14 anuuucch, hum the pmoi 3u‘ \\ ulti > Slot I. In 1 !7*^, the Catholic Sovereign of Cimtile .(•lit an \uiba«-Hi|or ludtnmiid J ibuti* from j Hi*. MiHirish* Ivin : (\i»dev Aben tlaxsafi.-* A ben the mevCige wag dehseunl, the lullowiug ha tfhlv and independent auswei wax given ; — • I your soveiigus," gaidtht* nfoorixii JVlun iirch, ' mat the Kings of Grenada who used In i pay trilmte in money to ill-. Cnxttiliati crown,. ' ,uc dead Our m>iil ».I f ie*ent coins nothing lMtl blades ol sciiuUaix ami heads of lauce> mi> HOXPS A.NI) B \R3 NKJ^iVJ. Tin* Abl»e Hh V**al tem* rk«, “ Far ux travel a1! the countne«* of the emt tnd whet'gv^ ,-t w«* sb.ill filial no tacililv ot t. adiog fmin u c iy to a town, and fiom a village Iu-m hamh I, we ni'<% pr Ufoimce die prop].- to b*‘ I ili lxuml* ; Ac vve shall only be b c** Writ ft’tjK *1 ing *h* rfejiee ut ba i bitfutu