Newspaper Page Text
THE LYYCHBlJRCi VIR€I\l iY. HY FEKTCI1FH &] It. EYMIIIUIU;, V\.>10 Y i>A Vli.lltlAHY 10, IHilK V (II,VII.—YU. 53. - ._ -- . - - _ __;_, . .____ TBRWH. rT for 01 re* ititnum. tn .van--*—No ruti 1-7 . i rill iic r'Cmruii for t le**true el.en ti.i uoillNi 'in it tl»er lv lit lltcintm iej <|iut el tile illKftllioli V;1.,,, t-Muor») o«tjOlforfogragai on yaid. y v Iterti-iTineett .villin leterwd at VI I'MItl |t«r ir late) tiro lint tjpt. ‘tol :,7 l-d e«al. for tnotli uu-tueo. TU .*0, ' <l'*‘»“r.*"< l“*‘J f..r ,v -onto ibeir or w iwviuuut >t»BuiiioU by r. tptoriWe [tereoniu ... ]T f*1i«neery Onfon uot ••CMiiiog twoa^uaretere tu larlud for nil do, lure. \J itillettef* ol jreeeml to the Killlurr mutt hojteai t,4 ,t : .liter mil n it If uttmileil to. POTTER'S Vegetable Catliolicoti. ONLY $2 Fa a SOYTLV. f |^|jk nnpnrallrled reputation of this tuedi | cine is such, ami its pre eminent virtues ,lIVtgo well established, and so fully acknmvlr •ilgeil by an intelligent public, flint it is ucarce ;v necessmy to say any thing further than that A SO YSB.YX«N « 3 D Y ’n diseases of the Liver ; Debility leattlfin min intemperance ami dusipa'ioo : Old and in veterate Lleers ; Pains in the hones. utteiiilt*il w itli swelling* of the joints ; Indigfd on, Blotch ci on the Face, Pimpltti, tc. Syphilis, Cutan eous tit eases generally, and Tetter in particu lar *. Mercurial and Scrofulous complaint*. The certificates of uondeiful Qiires jierformed by the Cutholicon, bnve bftcornfQsA numinous an to prechnle their insertion in any newspaper, and has made it necessary for the proprietor f«» print t .em in a pamphlet of about 100 page* This will Or for warded as soon as possible to the several agent* for gratuitous distribution,ami must, on pei strengthen the “«od opinim. now entertained by the friend* ot this medi cine, and disarm, as it is^fioped. the prejudice? ot those who view with digtiu*1 an* medicine nut kmy'ii in vvhat is called * reguhr practice ’ 1‘acfs o ubborit things, and cannot be gain said. At the en nest SfU^jiiti m-* of members of the medio*I faciiiiy. and Aider* who have witnessed the nsxMiishing cures » fTected by the Vegetable CaiholiCOu, and who are anxious that its bene tits to mankind may tie more widely dirinsed, the proprietoi h t* comenifd to reduce the re nd price to T vVO BO Xi it AILS per bof M# ; oid 'his wi I be done without in any way deo ri r mug ihe q lality ot the medicine, or .educing the she uf the hvtllt, as has been nm feriaby done in the case ot Swuiin?s Pann * ea. The subscriber, agent fyr Potter’s Genuine i ’atlmlieon, lias just received tJSN lt( )T" r 2 j E8. w,lnclnjt^afci,i|l(‘P> iIk U;l|iliin pi i ' ^^PJSOWKL DAVIES. r. i, ^ «f-«»_ Cl'HKS^ral SWAIRJ’S PANACEA. ! IK following is a frntifyttion of u letter 3 from tin* original Spanish, duf.-d 23d of September, IS23, forwarded to William Swann by .1. G. A. \\ illiai.imii, Ksq. Ainericun Coil Sill. 3 itisfactory evidence of the respectability *of Mr Rodrigues, has been laid before the Kditor * f the iNatunwil Gazette. Cahaccas, Republic of Columbia. Sept. 23, Ib2d. i'j> If’m. Swn'in, Philadi Iphiu. Silt: ll.e ui ii veil »u* and beneficial elTecfs of void Panacea in a iinm' er o! instances in which it li is been tried in this city, and of whi di 1 am a witness and admirer, and the iiecesnivot a supply without tin* risk oi adulteration of sonic bottles for my own house and for »ont<* p.tiocular pie-ids of mine, induce me to lake i.i(9 bberly of addre sing you. and to supplicate you to have the goading* to send me 36 bottle*, directed to the oti»ul resident at *his capital, fviz. I G. \ Williamson, K*q ) for which f will jmv th «.nd Consul, or such person a* you mav duvet, according in tin* invoice ; but l trust von 'rill put it at the |iio*t equitable pric s. I have the satisfaclion to inform mi that I am an ocuta *i|ne*s nf sixteen cure* of the greatest impor t iiire .itV cted by your Panacea, uf Syphilitic, Chronic (uretera!t nud ulcerous discuses—also <d Live V'hupl lints so common in thi* country. Mii» had the jn»t and inn tied praises which I have bestowed upon lot* medicine have brought it into great estimation, hi I u ilh out doubt it will deserve more from d»iy io day, for a coMsiderab'e number of person me la m u iui prom. 1 have the honor to be, &<?. (Signed) T. vIKiL KODRIGIJIkS. It is to he greatly regie, e.I, that in conse quence of the unparalleled mucc* a* of this uidi cme : •<> many inert imitation* of it am dai ly Iduttued on the public and iliat a remedy «>l % trh invaluable powers should thus be falsi fied. • i >* i he Ill-ire being now miitcad to TWO DOLLAKS per bottle, place; it in the power of all cia»»e« to avail themselves of it* u-\ . _ WM. SW AIM. SWA.XSF3 TAJBSACrflS $*( iuccfl to on!ij 2 dollars t;*t bottle. 11-'Ubutribm-■, agent for £>WAIM'S g-n u v inn I* \\ Xf'KA, has ju?t received bqtti-em. which |n* offers at PljiUd.d *"•*?.i’ ilOWSb DAVIES. r ♦*!>. •*. \ kucomnUy \ 'I'l*1 dUp'icrd tfijl-a nnoiniai* in <fre*» A. will find it to their advantage to cull a Ot.*r ejtnbli'bnient, where they will fiitdanele gunt H-snrtnjen; nf Oviillrmcu^ Clnihinv, of ] fcuper line, fine and common qualities, that, U|ma t*riij, will he found tn fit <»j wed, ami uro av faithfully mad* anil made to order, as the work may he d -pended upon, this estab lish milt will *>•» I uti'l to be a great conveni tnee in the Citizen and the Traveller, as they can be sqqdiud with every article of l>res?t Alto, tto.iiq Sho*3f line and coarse Hals, eve j v description of Cloaks ami ovei Coats, tin • •nut* wishing | bargain*, would do we •« fav*r us with avail. WAhKRR It Co. Emporium of Fashions. Main Street, Lynchburg, unit to the Virgi nian Otiice. Dec. 1. I KT'i.—vAII persons indebted In tin* con *-* v-r:* 04 to \J. Allen to Co. Lynchburg nT,‘ H'lpiert d to call and make immediate set * * iiieiit, a» no long'*!r indulgence mu he giv* n. v- - M.. Alf.CN to CO. I >»-r. \'ve. t,,?7 f. Valuable Heat Ei'atefor Sale. subscribin' i:i pursuance ul two I. deeds ol trust, esecBled to huu by tin surviving partners of tin: Isle firms of i,Hu Bullock, A- Co. ami UAH V bullock, «ml Tie esecutors of Win. li«l, deceased, (wlm:h deeds beer dole mi Him iflsl dmol iMaich ■ l«2«.) oliine for sale,tliclolluum» valuable real iTuperiy, to v\ it : I ‘did 1-2 acre* ,.f laud, purchased liy Hie Isaid Hall, bullock a. ol II. &, A. Brad |lulu, situated in IbeeouUy'uf Bedford, near [die town of IV-w Londmi. Ida d-t ucrus ol laud, living, in Campbell count) , near Cnndlcr'syjoOuliiin, and in the vicinity of Hie town ol ti ichlmrg. An undivided moiety <1 Hie Black H’ntei Mills, ami Inti land, (iierflo bppiirti-iinnl, situ ate in Hie iiiluiedialu tlffi^hherlioud of (lie down in l.yuclibnrg (|lie properly above | described In longs to life Caucein of iialt, Unlock te Co ) Alsu, the Billowing real Estate, belonging ito Hl»i;oiicern ol Uitll iScifwHock, to wit ; riu» House and l.ol, tfilh Hie app-irtenaii cimgji tbe town ol Lymilburg, formerly or- ! cupiidfsby (be said riKu fl" , «S a IMohs, and now ill Hie occupancy itf McKee Ai Meeur. Also, tbe House and .Lot imoiedialely in th» rear of tin: nan lasMfientioiind, and now occupied by Lankford ® Vedder, The terms uI sale WflBha literal, «-i«t made known mi application ifitlie sulisurilo-r, who will convey lo Ilia pufibbaser ir puiclirsers such title as is vested i|l him by Hie deeds ol trust aloreeaid. aiul nod1 her. CHI SWELL ttABNEY, Trustee. Aug 21. t«H. Fresh Drugs ami Medicines. | *mh§er1berhnaiatply reepived aSMALL [ Jl additional supply of FRESH DRUGS A | TKIMCIABS, which makes his ASSORT \1I.N i very complete. He receives SM ALI -tippliet almost every week. hv which means hiis'ocU, though not the LARGEST,is alwa v FRESH and sufficient to meet any ord r t.iat he may bn favored with. THOMAS J DUVAL. N. B. Prescriptifin'1 laithlnllv attended t< i hy Virginia Bred YOUNG GENTLEMEN. i j.. IfflSW (S(D©lD3o PALMARINES for Ladies' dresses, a lienutitul article •\ iirdi'il lmrego.1, ill! shudos do Black lialiati Luateings Kic.h hlk- Mod mi a Sattins, for dresses Lisbon hlk- Lev.uiihiu?, sup. gloss nnd ten tore Egyptian Fancy calicoes, new -tyle 6-4 and »>-8 Merino Rninhn/.itios, all bhudes C. iniHofi Merino Cloths State color do Merino Scarf's and hdkfj. Worsted barege, Seringapataia and sattin plaid Mdkls Swiss Collars, new artich , Splendid S\vis> Moulin* Piaid silk Urn de Nwplt?,very rich Ladies’ sup. white fiorstt skin riding and walk- 1 iiiv Gloves Willi a groat vnrictv of other G-uids, adapted * »tlm season. M« KEE, HOBiNSON & Co. J«n. 15. Valuable Laud for Sale. S3 AVISil to sell my tract ot Land lying in l M. Amherst county. adjoining t -c lands -J Meh I %r«. Ainblet , W. McDaniel, K Winston and ot them.—This tract ot laad contains about #70 i acres. It ties well, ifi in a good neirhhorhund, old surpassed hy tew upland plantations lor fertility of soil, there i> » ir*»od pioprniion ot j Tobacco land on it. and the balance well *d.:p- J ted to the cultivation of stunt I giam. My nbjert j I I selling is to remove to the western count>y. If not piivan ly before, I shall oiler it l«»r sal" <<u ; ! the premises to the highest bidder on Friday tin* 27th day of February not. The terms j i will he one third cash, the balance m one ami two years. A satisfactory title will be made he- | lore any payment is required. IbAAC HANSARD. Jan 20, t**47 EDWAifD BWOWN fiEIUKNS his thanks to Ike public for vu itjeir liberal eneoltragebient, anil Mjliuils a cnniitihance of llieir favors. He has just re ceived from New York, in addition lo bir lor mer supply oi Jewelry, 4, . a (splendid avsorl III.oil of PLATED 8t BRITANNIA WARE, , \Vtijch he invites his Iriensis and cnsloniers lo call and see. A0101 g his slock, are (lie ltd loss lag arl ir.las, viz : Ca»tors svllh cut Glass and sivei edge, ol sup. quality Do plniu and ornamented GntEe Pols and Tea Sugar Dishes end Cream Pot. Ladies' Kidirulos end pocket books I’lain and fancy Jewelry Jell, pearl, Filigree and Piste Ear Ilinjjs Patent. Lever and plain Watch*** Fine Gold Chains, seals and Keys Plated do do do do Coral of every descriplioo Silver Table and Tea Sp tons, Ladles and Sifc gar Tongs {£f Walehe*. carefully repaired, mid all or ders in his line ul hiuinese punctually intend ed to. Jan. 2b. Commission Business. r*1 h k auhsc.nber Imv u»4 entr.ivd into the I 3 Cominl««ion btixiupss, olfer* hi* «e ••ps id tl»« merchants ami planters Irwili rt' » this pine*. Tobncco, Flour, and other *»’ o Hue*, coniided ip hi* cm* to vill or ship, jfill he strictly Mtl*nd»d to. He ix provided with Storage in a fire proof bouse on riiain street, forth* reception of Flour, Whiskey and puck ag** of Goods. SAAIL. HANNAH. .Ian. i. I2>n « l copper Still, f'«t» »‘»d Worm I p ur elegmd Lump • The p'ib»t'.rib*r tins tue hLovu for sal* «■ i rv re/KonuM* price*, which h« will sell lo* uiii, «•* mvrtrf for «••*»•»• try produce. ft. ALLISON. Dm* >'■ '* * * I) HE <ttliscrih«»r . ■*. i»»«f rwei** ml fr*m !NW V ik, ♦*!»!> thlid ;iKsm r ftl new Until, mudf in tin* MtvMt lmhtoii«, of Wttlh* mttnthip Mini Innt M.<h-iiiilg— Aumi»t> winch hu* tvipcifiuc UrtK, iiianniHciiiMHi imiu the fur of the Micky Mountain. Mi-nun. u,.. Kiver. ami Canatla Beav. r—Xiao, 11 ,,, ni.ole nl < atinilH Minkin raunml carotin! Hu*,;. Vicuiniaaml Mentor Fun, red, 4te. load- ! oilioii In which he koo|is conatiintlv on htniil an 1 eMcinnvy; ajMirlmi'iil ol ]| n«, iiichiding elegant Militaiy fin*, luannliii iiirmt hy In an,,'If- the MaioimU anti Woikiniiiiithilt ol which me nor null oil out in ho itir|iu vicil in ihis |nnl of the country. Hi: liar likrtviae on IihoiI, « geucial iianorl 'mill noil cieni vmi, u ol H ATTKHS’\1 ATKltlA I.K ( nisiMing ..I ->1.1(111*1, u „„| Ku.lio, >1(1,1 l Hlltl'l » hint'. l(,II;,,,. Skint., .11, ,.| 1,19,vo 111 1Hu. kit s. I,i„|.,g« mill H ill,I I and bri«* (onlheil ( ards 1,1,1, I,ml n ilmv Skiv Mis H I, innniv ..I Al, nil,,I ' si,Him \ 1,'ia r.Htu, f k,11,« ri,i, ) yiiii ksilvi r, u,| „| Vn Imil, ^I’gwimd, Kiiflir, Ai,:. . All llie >, li ivUMi'ir |,r |il.-il-e. him.i'll |„ sell tvl|o|c «nlf vl »i, U|iaii II,,. lumi ... |, In.liviil'ml- „ inning. lUn, llmirr* .I n,,.,-. ''limits w mi ij linil ll I,,il,,.,r inimosl i„ give I.'iii a '.nil. l-Veliii* graliilul In I,i, fiiundamid IIIe | mil,lie for piuflavnr , hw Imp,.,, by I,is imnli .. i'*'TI mi* ti, Me, mil'll,i,U||. ||,,.UJ| Mn| rceeive u Mi.ire »l 11,, ■ i, pmrnnag,.. WM. 1 AltDV, Ait’l. I)#'*'. I || *»r> H R fli**re glory brick Irno I lltOlll, IM'HlIy opposite llie \ ii"biiao Office, irreutly occupied i»v M» Dam**I liroun. Apply to l«ytu» <*r 10 ll»e *»kstiilnM\ jas. l n.w'oa. .Inn. 12. __»* ^ I iTl’F.'Toi t In■ li.tlaitie of lor veui, a ^ co.ik and r -Apply J»» IhuoHicc. fTlMK subscriber *«;;hin ha- tli*• pleasure ot Ja. iiiiiiotim'ii)", to lis Irinud* and Ciiatwiu **is, the arrival lit n lur liter supply u'< new , Book:, among winch may be loond the lollo v ■ tig viz Our Villi**:**, t*WHcl»e» of Kuri l Cbm icier , and Scenery, by .Mary Kussni M.ttoii1, in •') vid«. Tne adventures of tlaggi Balm of Ispahan in f nirtaiid. in ‘2 vob. ’] he young Pilgrim or Alfred Campbell1!* return to the east, and hi* travels in C|;ypt, Nubia, Asia Minor, Arabia, tiv.> by M« lid laud. 1 vol. A Manual c*f Gen. Anatomy, containing a concise description of elementary lis-ues ot (In* llniuai) Kodv. from the I'Vem n »d A. I. I. Bnylcaiid If. Holland, bv S- l> too , M. I> I »o Hi-toiky of the rei n of Charles the 6th, by H in. U> b'Ttsoii, I* 1». .1 dnraoii’s hn didi Dielionarv, ns improved by i odd and abridged by Chalmers, with Wallin 's Prominent!ion, octavo at/e. Morgan’s Mamnry. The [/adyot tho Manor, by Mrs. Sherwood Ill •» vois. Byron's iiml Sr - »t t* 4 ponticiil work-*. Anirtworln’d Lid in Dictionary, Alugeitt'* Kr«n«*h do. Ailm i -, CM'Dinniy's and NVHIet’s Li .«gm phy and Alla <’ *. A coinj*r:id’p 10 of tin* law of rvidriirr. liy I lilMiin* Ivak I In* Aiimoichii J.dilion, r.nitaiiiing fin dirgi*«t 1 <dl*,i:iioiM?v«*r ptihlifh rd.cW ilir lecisinmin uji* di Irreiit Siatf* wml Li.iitjtl State ('ourti, by Joseph H Norri*, Kw‘|’ • Thomas's <"ok^ upon ToSOHon, 3 vol«. ; CIllllV Mini f liriMitlo’1- Blackmon** Biakr's I. dilion nfcoM varsat ion.'-'ou at 11 nil i'hilosojdiy, ^.r. allot which Will in* *mld id m Molurmi ' |iri<;<. C. A. WITHKUS, | 32t)e. ]. __ Tin: iPrviTATion. Wt’give most cordially to nil olio want any article of ready made Clothing, to mil on us, our (mortmeiil bring superior to tiny in the place, and tmbrm,; n try art if I': of in tlemens' Fashionable Clothing- The workmanship 44$ can warrant, and our prim cannot fail to , please, bring Dsn than the goods ran be bought, and made up for in this place liy our Iasi arrival, we received sont" superfine Frock and Dress Coals, of bine, blink, Liard, (Hire, brown. $fc also, Still Mi red, blue, grm , and brown Coatees, Pantaloons of n t ry shade of Cloth and Cassi meres. also, fine Lass melt and trJra stout Hang up Cord Pantaloons, tilth sirups (1 or riding,) a handsome assortment of Vests of Moleskm, Silk Velvet, blink, blue, brown 1 and fancy Stlk Vests lluj Cassimtrt 'Path ref j Valencia and -iwansdown, a gn at ranch/ of j Patients, fine Linen, Ruffled5fplain Miiri-. Draw• ' ers of Ifurlcskin, Stoekinelt, Flannel and Colton. Knit Shirts and White Flannel thirls, a lot oj dn/ Goods and fancy articles, n* Vann-shed Lea- j thee Storks. Patent Slock*, Plata ami Primin' f Hegnnt Hilk Handkerchiefs entirety new pal terns, Patent Suspeiuiers. Huff Cravats, Cravat* Sh/filers fine. Sealskin Cups. Jiir, collar* ( >mrle~ nod black Marino 'shawls.) some very fine Henmr lints of cheap ytialilies, a large assortment of Shoes and Hoots of every description . A supply of Cloaks and II g Coats, very inferior. real \Parian Plaid and Jim. Cambht Clanks with Jim Cloth Linings, with, or u dh out sleeves fine Drub and Steel mu &l Haw up Coats, mud in the toted stt/ie, (some c / tra fine,) (Hire, block and Drab llig Coats, with large Capes. Ladies' Cloaks, of Silk, with Silk Innings. (n healthful article,) also uj Merino (.'loth, t run son. blur and hlnrk Circassians, 'Padoh. Plaid tk pm'y drifted L irenssiun C lonks, u dh capes or hoods, a lot of list socks thu d with wool, a com lorlable article for hau liers, ns o r are deter9nht r.Ho sell good bargirH'i, Hunt tlis/mxcd topurc nut wilt do w< H to roll td H AL K Fit <y- ( ft « F.mporium of Fashion;, Ltpicltjur- m it uooi tn the C*ir'j>in'i t 1 Offac* >ov j-l* roirntv. ^ ,lumpI■ ■ .. — t'trst mi ding *H th* Uhl uml V* ut lV*rLU-~\\&~. HV MK1« N » V 8 lie cmws* ! 8h»come*! with i»er white Mils epreetl. Wbh her bomieri prvu4lv *ti< umiitg|My <»nl an * • ofdre ul, Thjoufl’ its dpi k* U«>l iiiugta keini.s| Ami whom she, *inW then* Uw.. dtiaili *, Ihiehtchh fr**.n « r tl*i»f*r, J Wiki luetic* (Vow th U 'p«.|'lie g| u|, % Tu welcome the stubd) »u « U<r glint* howltnot tliPfoflimiHff moim, III lit •.liltpie joy It bteniM •, A"'! the gre»|>nf*her H.iihI i . a* free and tiumi As tiiejtvcullli of h' r < .m|i <rcm«. H'U jihn o* her liver* ihu’.l t'irn lodutf, I re front Wsiory’s v rail h alt fmlcvl, The«l« i 'In of that vtnitmil's sivNgv lust, Who thus her to.»lm invad' d. Ve«, inmiy u pttvtuff tnu«t weep, O' r the old wort'lc nhitiuef'il story ; At tin--nrgi. which slip raised o'er her ruler1* sleep, Ami th*. h|(4u| th H mJiimmmI her glory, I: I’ 11 A I’ll ON ,\S infant A hf.mlilul llx>Uj>lit IS cuiiIiiiim-U iu Hi, f.dlim '•tf'l. Jf< toeh the r ij* idlife |<. sjp, I' «r hitter V' 'Irsirt t II ptfi it nice HI V I'niititHw lip, And went tu sleep on tin ra»t Tint rntoiNiAN. NO —ii. My number* would have followed afier each other in weekly propn ion, had it nut been for mv con-taut mid daily tilteniion to (be i\la chinery making luiMoens, which ha* itflmdcd me no opportunity uulil lie pie»eut lo hny a iiy tiling upon the ftuhj cl I promiied in my tint number ; and the subject pmpo-cd in the i*. S. of that number require* lomu time lor in vcsfiglltiott, and bum person* who tun d« vote more lime than myself to inch purpo se*.— However, | willnndvs ftucb lemnrks up on the subject, in hi Combiner with the them v and practice, a* my funner experience, and present mauii'Mi in liusiiiM* will Hilrnit. I lo* '* utility ’ of itnrollcd hemp and flax find uppeH't tm explanation. A her *M>d hi lo le* hr»• nU or putted, and mired m the bio* -uni stale then they mm* ready for the machine for bie,«.siiq» and dieting, where tiiey are made ready In. me man duetorer nod loon ibru m 'Oftfltc* into ** lue/ulm «»*‘—because, i r» i™ . h italwav* convenient for the glower oft inn ..tied lieiap and (Ihi lo make up a tow tons at a time (a* fast a the iitacfiiiic pirppies iij for imt'ki i, and mere rereire his money fur the name—w brteby, by /ill rolling pMicc»*e«, /ir i oo'd nut tefeitre me same ftnlr under oil, ■ n tunc menu.- and pei hap* n year. VVillnol t i. t '* eniivenie■ *ir . arising from ihe "umot led" p<<*< m «* artdoll lethargy ol Ihe grower of the hemp plant, hi beholding a utu* ,i.i| •** » » .formin'.; its basis upon «lti i an in. an I |i. in Ming iinh rich reward* for Am i ■I'ii ■ e.ip* r t titoiM and labors t On the con fi n v . the long di lay m (he ** rotted' piocesscs, oud Hie diminished valor in matUel at hit hemp mi Unity lotting, .uhnds Aim nothing to en* rmtragtt unterpri/.r, or reward industry. I here* lore, this valuable plant, has (almost totally) been neglected hy the planter* iiud fanners of this country, lor the waul .»f di tci iiihomI enter ,.i ,/.e in seat cliiug into » penmenls, and in of fi ling such inivai d', a* will bring out, or him IPs Hie hidden prune, of our country to come forward find receive the honor1, and emolu ments they .tie :n nincn entitled to |Jy Hti» method, the “ nt lity” of .ill new processes is brought lo light, icd hy proper euf milage metil lire unrolled process ol hemp and flax, • ii all it« immediate turnings and lemiug*. *<■ naliiridlv eventuates in the true excellence ami “ worth " of said articles—IfttcauM*, one acre ol hind will pio hice precisely three limes ns iitucli ol vvndltd hi in)i wnl Jinx as Hod ol dew rotted, and Hie valoi ol the loim r i« now o tnnti«d In lie worth tti't. .?>|hH per ton •note than the* lull* ■• . which is the furntr dil lei riicr ol the pi odui M between the two pro cessf4 produced on one acre ofricA land.—Is this not genuine *• worth", when three lold is poil«n Iron) the a-nan mihsini.te ! Ah flatter ing as the idea nay appear, it wants ho otliei evidence than facts to establish the assertion lb dative to the glutinous matter, contained in the hemp plant, at fin lime <>f «lifting and when in the tilnsmiu son • ue cessarv in mder lo leuevethe public udi'd of the bad c fleet* of ihar mailer " inauilng mi th< unrotfed hemp and llax aflet dressed, f * hd nioiiH mailer in mu oiled hemp and flax, is ol a gluey, vuemn md fenncioin zulmtnnrr, which he< times d*y ami haul (like 10*111) m the stem hemo amt Ha* when cut m the bios soul, a* the stems in the blossom slate aie auppiuted an I receive then nourishment Com thin glutinous mat*at*, otherwise, railed cap, whit h passes througli said stems, with as much r'-guNn y and precision as blood passes thru* Ilia arteries to support inline, jnd ti c ol*j< ct "f destination ; and wlu-u the said glutin ous mailer, or sap c> in its full tide of <ncu'a iiou in the stalk* cd the blossom hemp, tlnm said stalks are toady tu cut, and mire for tin* ttiiroHod pr«" esx ; in which stalks ol hemp, Hu: glutinous utaHtt, m sup, homilies «»• y and h ml, mill fur in % 11 •*** I f on the fihi« ^ <d tin rtjied hemp, in a Miminirc h» it,ii n Hi t Ii at «»t im* iinf.ic!ur> il glue, hmiI ;»< ci iti»tl» y tli-it of m «in. In lh»* CUied .JUid prcpnratniy - «tliftl ton, th© Mem, nr utidk iM-mp ih rPHily for tlm iim r 'ino . Hint wbcn parsing ttir«>ntrtt iIip rnni', this . tuev -rosin *iibsti»u» p, flie» oil r be ii »r« ol K»id rut and cuicd wiem* into do*1—i uu pd by tllp power bd tn' lion it <eceivr« l*v its %u i!t pro gression tin* n b tn«* iiimhtnc, winch r ndch it ppileitiv im.! d. and treed of ibr glutinous iHAtter. HS V. i ’ as f i OII1 t|»P #b |\<*«• by till* Ml*’ P operation, hiuI I tie one easily tirokpn and gotten nut a« the r:!o*r—leaving thp fiine, or aillv part o' top hemp, ot (lax, pcrti-ips not fpiMe ci soft - tl»e dew roth-d, yet, tie-n* Ill'll* t ia i it Mid !>♦* »oi1 it ol ».i its colour—imire sfien^ih tobei;; |he mcreaM»d velocity of (he tur i #;» in.icioery * ■ * >n in ih»» ordinary nay. and proilucin* tl rer ii.n**> as in*iny, or mucli • *r tiiamii.v imed *od« Ir nil lot* productions till ol mu? acre n| land. n*. in 111«* oiitinarv way of dew rolling mni uinmifif tiring, &,< . Mint tbp abnve in*'■iitrnii d viioiul iliiig i. mi.hIw. ate founded up- o fai ls, Hint product J bv etpeii 'lire and o e»*i v a lion ; al-!|, mi?* n flic on bin om v pnoiotiiM c fin' s-tnip gii)nn«llpt4 and'acious —> i », |l". v m ill niscovi I i;»t time Mill moil fest r e troili ol on H4*pi lioos. nod < bat I have. [ A id ml I piiMu I v «‘SpM-*4 to io.liviiliM «, to ibis | •: a ■* -'a* '■ nld li. t| Ido rot *. ,?ea i in pewf-pupe* rotniitm under the jf/frh of dr.j leptimi; 1ml, on flic contrary, to culut inv i tri*k:et, and uimrm itil eterium*. fii whafevfi •hill ihe (iinI of Naltfif In* been plfMinl it* t» - • to* upon me, tor the hrti mieirat ii.nt p?»*. p* ii'y wi ihe c imlry i»f my nativity ; viIfi»«>\ I mu ioi «»f that noble rate and counti * Mint title i»o| tip their blood and lira 'iirr. nt a #acnfi«jr I• • r American Jmfepen dent:*. Upon |n tti« |plet fifth* like tiafoic. I now offer utt ■‘ i vo-e*, at nnaiiti«fHOt piotfcfoc ol the •* American »yatom ami inicmal mi ! (ifov intuf." r»e giuliiwmii mutter above dr ribed in liemp and Him um.iilr.l which, lia- mi long •t: » iii*l Hu? (wi\l» *d to be) crilii'MUijj timid* ul j tin* Navy 4'*ttt|u*o»“M*iietH. and bun* to iilten ap-• •« I in thoir **tplaiiiiiory teportt, and from j 'ha i;en«inl lennr *»f Ibw aim, they Hppe.u in l>‘ <Hl founded nptiit, and from tie* nt iicmenu j d Mindly i f>| Te Upon den l , and Pom Ihff pllteei i •»l »lien ienidenct*, nnd out of the limit* of a1 h*‘inp ((MWinj; put of our country, It ml me in | 'Unpogy, ilnii i liear cm respond. nU know ,14 Int’e idioul iti** tit Mini I tun and iii.inu! •• tore of j Netnp, ui iit*i honoiable body, thy ('ninitiittioit era do llitinialvea ai the laiir lino*, I have, lull eoiiftdruce ill tlial honorably body, ah pot testing lull «nd competent knowledge of flu* im of hemp, ktc. but not ■iilfinettlly enlighten «a( to ieeoiitmend pi nature ol cultivation mid •um;iulttcUi*i. I hcreioM*, Hi« American jrrw* ! ** ’""•I ftawHfti.'M* .if hrmf> mM , tnliyht*M*U from (/iflr uwn ruin-i it*’ Mini i *|idim«iil, anil no. mtflVr ibcii j '■ Hii*r» l>« iliwnriHil by |»«*noiia knmviny [ !«•«» rhnn llmmtclvcv TIii ii (km I of thcNnvv < onnfiHi»i*.iirrb, (if lu.f winter, tl I iniibiiki* mil, mciitinni'il fh<- i i:i u itijr nf aunic imi I nl flic 71 (•on nhip, INor'ri ( uralinn. mailt* out ol (not »i good quality) unrolled hemp ; ami anmhio »"'»( of lim lamu ship was rigged mil of Ho he«t Uic.' oiii hemp, <y<:. 'Iln* ship (jirn i«ok l>» i • bpiirture I’m i« ciuhc, nml was gone nnnlv unee years helmet her return, passim* through vii loos latitude*, from limit in cyld and cold I lo heul, w*i and diy, gales nml tempest*, Ur ! fui • Ami iiuw on examination Ihry don't J know w bich cordage ol said i igging is ihe best, | ihni which ts asinuiie out of I lie unrolled • dial whu li was imideoul ofilie Kussian I hey now say, i longer lime is required to prove |ln I« xpeiiim nu NnwJ would a%k lo ki ow of Hmi j hoiininhlft body and In* heads of I lepm iment 10 cor/tr, generally, that it, b\ w wring a stipei line mat lor lim it years <otstiui' ly, uivhi uwi tiny, (as a ship wears her apparel) ijpongh all Hie squalls and rrn»pes»s ol office, il tUty than, would not be exceedingly animus hn rfhadditig 011 Hie uhl coat with honor, mid ‘porchuse u ne»v one «»f Hie same material 7 All of winch, ; looks feasible, reasonable and rigid, In mdei i" encourage thr productions of our own conn uy. I fee I It my duty (o ohsei vt* iurther, that should ilit* uurofied hemp and flax, want soft • mug for ship uses, wild foi country manufai turf in tnu old way of Imcklmg, an I spiunu g by hand . I have a process, where two tons can hr pi i pared in every twenty -four limn s,In, U hi one establishment made for the pur pm**. • I hii j mvalnalde process, the ingredient* fin which I discovered m trying the same lo elfin mho sher purpose, iu which I failed and prmluc *1 tin* all impip tuot Owe, foi those who wish lo ! have then hemp Mild flax s H*oer| and bleach ed before manufacturing. &c. many * hi mist* hay a tried thitir piucest upon ihe I'ornpo* silioo, without being aide to detect the ingie dienl* it conlained—which lenders it ot much c.oiiseqence lo nte, as no one si ill he able to discover it, therefore, I ran h« hciifcfiilcd by il io all ihe utamihn lanes, where I am itnmcHi a»*lv r-iH’cnicd, uilhoot the < nmpcislt nu* being deno ted miles* the public will coins fforwa d and pay a i rasniinblr Compensation of Hie dis co%c» y. then, Juillgivr III* in the lucess.ifV intorunilmn relative to Kind process, otluruive, I will use the same (or uty own purposes only I he eiplamitioii of coame and fine linen manufacture, proposed iii the H. 3. of im firs' number, to l»e d* ti»*h *f in my second in deterred until iii v thml numhtr, with all “ its true beet tug* and infer ti with tho \g> u iilfini»t*". Al so, a pariuil description of the maclmiei y I*, h* used in said nianiifaclnriug pincosn. will hr given them thud mnnhor I urtliei will In giv •*ii n description of a useful threshing m.tclu.n for wheal uod other giain, formed mil ol m> hemp break, <kc. winch I now publicly d* dare as my invention, as I have had it mv n led lor Upwards of two years, and there mint w thill in) knowledge, that In ns for hast re semblance ; its Uh fulness, ami i heupuevs can not lo-lp taking Hie ascendancy of ad other* now nr use, Af'\ Ur. I am r» jmeed to learn, tlrif my statement* made in my first number, have m* t w ith a r. n • hal I eceptuui by iiihiiv of the planters beard limn, and hope, that mv inauv proce-sia. will \ **f Commot d public l*i it It and c ish in making '•n- same iiisfi•uncut.<| m relieving the ftmjhh r oul einbami smrnts **l Ihe present day. I have wa*b *l tinotigh <» 'p«t*i' ion m> far, without b'Ong iii mv c-misr, and uni <!• 'rrmiii* em*d l»i follow tip* same li it k until | prove in 'he world iikiip* iioi kind of machinery to* tl • • n.inula- line «»f liuiien . fi* i an ever helm.* J invent- if m any i oimtry I he machinery c* ! now c n u i c i * * 11 * e*l, and will he m opera tion on ui j In t i• e the dill ol fnlv next | All letters requeuing information on the | snl ject of hemp h'isiuess, mn«t collie pnst paid ' t > unset with attention ~|iv tin* j New (il.i»“ vv. \tnh**r«t l.'ty. Hemp :V1 aclinic IN VK Molt. IM KHKBI |M.i \Pfl V AnHitgetn oik h tVM !».*« ii oni'le hn n.f poh'i ealion of a Im.glaplncal sk* t« h of the late Itev, ■John Sinmm 'jn /</, to embitter* **oii“ sth-rimim ffom hi leni-tin* I hi- wmk l* l<* be «•*»• by a In* ini *»f .Mi J.ones Mr.utg nr.*,i y, ihe p*». el, and nnd'-r the iiniuedtale supn iiiicfi<h*uf r ti n) dir. ctmu ul fin poet nimself. I’ne work w di *h,|if*'h'*- proVr a ;•«I«t11toll m tlio I (lepm (nicut oi t fiiuiiau bi giapliy. THK LAW. A lemlu'inn bay been mhnnftted >11 the Mary* kind J(<,n,** of l(i'|»rt'4eiit tiiVfM, the n' prt of which 'S in pi event ill** um» of foieiea law bo«ik> h«*I CHtfeu, up. hinlt«>ttfy in llnsCouitt ot J miii'if ot that Stall*. 1 lie New York livening Post states that Co lonel Pickering, whom* death i« announced, •tail b eu far i .*i»rlv t#r ipitlr a year eagageil jin niitiug a work ol deep inti rent »** the pen | pie of tbi* country the iiie of Ifabiittnn, (or iviticli In* a' n eiinnemlv ipiaTiftcd i*y hi* per ■miiimI in<iinary with that ilouiiiomk mail (linin ' the mint inip"itaut and nifeicnitng period* ol | hi* political hut my, »i curiom l'ur.f —Wean* informed, on pood aulhorily, that Lake Ja« ks«ni. in Murida, about ■ lit miles hi length, ha* suddenly mink f**u leel ; 1 and the Indian cabin* ;ujd peach tree* are plainly d »< ernahle at the bottom. The fonnd 1 atmn of rbic lake i* *nirt to *e li<tv*«touc, ami j cavernous. ( Pmhht%lon Chronicle. ‘ Oogr in tinn ‘v —A gentleman with hi ♦eu n% i>» ILi^s an l. a veiled from Button ♦<» Pro 1 velmce. L I. when* he \« a* «eeu o|» Wcrduuaday i •• *<•».. at th-.j *«uj of live nidus an hour I * ^----ip VIIK.IMA JhKGIHLATUHK. HDC»fc OF lALKttATn. Si rinriny, T’ it *, 7 A eniiiniiiiiicu'u'ii »M iicriml li mi n,e Sen Me, Hml they had |ia>irri with Hmrnitment., the tnll “in Hiiicml an (ei entitled an an, pi imnrpurnir the ('hotterfield Hail Hoad Compa ny " I'lie bill wrth the amendment* ptiipoted by li e Senate, was laid upon llie laltle, (in Mr Mm vie 1 mm mn. Amongst other amend men Is Hie Senaie hail rejected llie ryiltr. which prove ileil, Him nothing in ihui a. 1 e..illumed, •Imtalsl exempt llie said Itail Knad Company hum |ua Mum , anil il was sngge ted liv Ms Doddridge 111 is I H would he advisable lo postpone ,|,n I'oiisbleialinii of that ameiiilmenl, until |p. Home sbonlil have decided upon llie general pi 1,leiple which Would lie involved in Un, bill ihoilX In be reported bum Hit Select Commit lee, Mr. Mennh, from the Select Cmniaitiee, to whom llie subject bad been I'terre^l, tlien rrpoi ted n bill Mv repeal that pailinu nl llie geiiefHl tm 1 pike law,whirb exempls tin npikn stuck frnjit Isiiilniii. An mg'usseil hilt rrgobin g llie dirfrilmtjw„ nf inniion, isiiU providing lot ilie |ireser\ atioi nnhe public nrtrtf. Wis taken iijs, uti morion , Air, WaTleee. All. Craig opposed the bill, adveiinig f(1 ,j|f illlV.'f cut objects iiileildeil In lie effi eteil |,y ,, viz : Hie leaning ol llie public Atnnny, niuj ()l, erection (jin iiilibiiininl Aisnimi m i|„. j\ ,, part ni'ihe Stole A' In leasllie ibr Armory he thnopM il nipil.l he highly It jmlu inns, a tl,n s-iul»■ might the caller have ociusiun to use ,i Ini the |inr|inset fill which it w,., originally , reeie I The inns angld couie. In- said, when a ll is n I u I ion nf lhi> ei ini emileile tuy w, uhl mke place, ami w iiHn \ nglnia IV.mhl lie obliged In reijf upon hai nwn slrenglh and rcsunnet lor proieilion unit deb nee l liungh snihatalnc. irnphe would be iniicb to lie iegiel|ei|, vel, Iron, III! great rxleol ol 11111' republic, 11 w.m icnv.ii./ hie 10 suppose, lliat il would ill iiiuie linuie m il, cruinlile loin pieces lie thought il Hie dpiy ol wish •taleslum 10 Ingislnlr wiih rate Jn such a pin. lb.e colillngi mi y — At ,, Itir erriilp.n nl nnniliei Aisenal, lie tin ughi (|„ two existing arsniinlt. viz: in Hnliinopd ain't l.Olingion, sufflciriil tin then nposi., „„,j the r siIiiMiiiiiwas as good as any which couldl e sen Cl d II aimlher Arsenal should be ere.. I.d III 11 reuinhi pill I nl tin Male, an addition hI guard would al 11 broom ■ necessary, and o' outran an e'lpuiise Wnvlij bic n | urrod, die. Mi. Wallace rarliesfly, unit nt iii>itsiiloral«Jr leilylll, n lVCII *',"! (Ill- piUSHl!,, (il l,,,. till II, whs ill l.ivnr ill Itmliiig I till Ai iiiitry |or „ co(. Inn III nlli' i mniiMlmliiry. Iiy which pOHCilllif Sinn, migli utiinin mi mm,ml int-uiii, nl lour in livn tinm-aud ihllni—wheritini nlr ,1IHI.. HI (lll'.iilt I'HV- ii yt-ni |y r»lll nf ^i^ilp Inr III* IVIIIIT privil,cninii.i Wiih flni Arinniy , nl I. ,i»t nil* Iniirln nl tin mini which "■mill h" nillion nl Inr Ih* i,,,,, ||,,. •titionnl Ar.i nnl. IK 1*1 h*d wiih «i-*ni (ort;„ »« Ihr ■••SKi*nl Mr L —relalivc u, ||,J prnpriHy ill mlniiiilii; iln-Arinnry n, (,uf„ , •inn nl lln- Slnl*. in i- >ii*i-,ju..|i.„f ||,„ ||()t|j IiIb liiwiiliii'ijn nl III* L iiliin, (w.r. dei-larlnc ilmi well no iivi'ui “Inn,Id in-v,*r htippen n il l *>l« concurrence—th«i In- thought i I imprtmoi n»< ii in iliink nl ii. much inure »r>, f>iuf,niv Inr ll III mjvnne*, III'III *e( |,|,n,| "lr j,),,,, ()( III pll'tllda IICCMITCIIC*. Mr W.lonku v*l) * .|ii'*h*n»iv* vie* i»l’ in* •ilimiinn of i)ir Him*, relative ..pert, which would Ii."nl *»pn«"l 'll "hi* of wNr, In ||,A „| im : i nl mi t-tiitftiiy, nml -mind In, r,.Bk,,ll4 lv„ III I If v i f i K, I ll Ml HII Ar«i'finl nm-lii ,|. lie Bi(n| IWinl somewhere Noriliol Hi* ltn|ipiihHii„oci river, hcc. Mr SmiH, nf Kiiiinwlni, «pol,e n follows:-. M' Speaker, I . ,ppn«*il in ||,,* mu, Mllrt WII "I III! I 'll »* Hill In I, •illlllH, nil* U,|; li*n.'li' lull ill'll 11 d I mm ii Mill ||o1 |M| ( i|iini i . Iln . Kin'll-.- in Im incurred, Tin t* run-1 Ii* II iP'ar-l In prnliiel III* units, which wnnl'i . n-i r*v*n ..Jdnllnr. |„.’r y,.„, I Ii ii v * n ' s r n’lj '-etinii ,0 •!„. nl Hie lull will' ll prnvid*. |||„ V0|„„|„Br lilli-rv Cninpnni* ill (In- Slum will, „n* n, imni drreneh.ini llirv tviil |,«, t.ipldy ,IH.|„| per un * v, r v -ll li nl Jill), and “in I, nil,*, r*l, hr*'inn* (Mr. W bhiiI, dial Mr. S. |,n.| it,I . *11 Ik* pmvi“i*im of tin- li „i ,e„lin,i Ul,',j would eipliini il ) Mr. S. innlinueil . i Wlii ,av« ill* ui-iiiIi'iiihii III* Irnui'l*. Inr | »v ill ijnit Hull “i'Clim.. t*n IHI In »|i* |,e,,_((> •"'» ■Will, a r, I Will yh* iny nnsiftr,, fnnn,)a —Inr I can >i »ur* them. | him v.-iy * nclieil I" I In- hi — a ..* nl nilvic* ; Inll.i Ini* d*iial* np"i, Hi* ' ii...Hill, cenllr. i„*n llir*al,-n*'l. Inn nil lh*y did uni nm,,,i In in.-m,' « III*)- I,111".,| |ii,y.,c,|| Ine.m, hi,I, dni not Mirun p.iysiial |.,n * | m mil ! Iin-n I ire , i>* ill* ell I*, n y*'i'li-ui*ii, Imi I,, inn* ,'iu liill, In plin n nriiM j„ llm w*,|, „ll(j| r.irivuiiiHin Une.iin* iim n|*,l |, ,, lllll4.|, easier to ni**l uieii who Min iiMWinx-il. Hum 'ho-* wIm nr* m ini il. I, .„ <ni.| ||,nl p,',. s,,, p..ys ??l >"ti i. y«ur Inr in* Ai,„.,r) xv..i,-r .. """■ "'eri-lii,*, t„ „„n f„„ ey. ninitlii-r *r--imi nu»lir in l„-huill |;,j( |„ wh ni i* I" nnm, y paid ‘ |’„ H„ J„u,*, , »"'■ < "'H ' y And w im ii Hi. J * nmpany I I " t'nininlifiM i-i.llh nl \ „. Ill* 91-"* «“«• $ 12' 911 ruin tin-Slat,-. I; | M’j|, motley li'oin "in |ini:l<d mid |in il i„'„ moll *,, n III ll," midli-inmi , y " i,„0l si'll ,„v |,|,n v ' I' It •tiineiliiny lil , 1‘nd l)blanket, u I'*'" 11“ hrit*ii ii ii it i,in , nv Ml Kink’s nit • .Ill-' passage „| t|,„ liill —11* Ihmigiii Hu- Arm.'i \ the ,• .| . " "I Ih" '’nininnnu r.iltli—Hini i' «l.i“iil I -lill b* n-'il lor ill* di'pn - j i h <>| His I-" -V -nr mm .-nid In-, nr* now in ii .ii.- nl pi olei-lhiii -In- i.J„ fli* ipi'ClHl ( 'niljii ' I""1"1'' 1 ll,r Ho”i pi nle, linn, they nrn tiiPtl'el I# fli I". iiy, when, watchmen nr* y ■ mmy Ih* darkn*s» ol ni*ld iilHreliii." Hi.chilli, slr-eit. Snppn.e ih* m int Wi-r* placi d in 1’nti,,nr ; lwh*re ivuld hr It,* HUaid ' II,.* y„„,. „n„ H|.H iu(e lo-pllii-iii “..I* l»y l"Hin)i Hmn, r.-ni on liar* I In pa Hi* II mil ay, . * i„ |.n,i|,„„<, ! call a d in4*r„iit, mischievous, obinj*ioin hill. The ((iriiiim tvasllien put «m) tlm bit! rip jerted. liie fiilliMvtiii# report li„m t|,« Cnmmif I *•'*• Kumis Hiid 4 r«i<*r'i»it uh » i rend ; 1 ie C »m»nilt'*e of Ro«d< mid fr feriml Nnv j • to wIpmh vvm« referred to much of tlo ! OiiVci'Mitr'* messH<;e u» m-JhIhs to tlm Clmi ’•o toville (.' hi vein .on, Ij.i v i ii/j had the seine under cot oderntinn, and in cnnneiion ||M.rp. 'Vli, having hIiu Im! # n into oontideratiftn the pel ition ind no mnriat of the Chesapeake an.I <>hi«» f mini CoinfiHfiv, (iruying for * subicrin# (ion to (he sick ol the said Company, be* leave in report— ' * lit, ,iinh.-o,Hi>i.>iii.rilie Commit tro, ilm vi.-M* iftlieenlijiti ntnl i.ii.I ,mi,j„„ vitiAei)n "><" n-eil ili.. Convent;,,,, Hl (.•|,„r|0„e<_ viltc, in rvlnlinn In the interctin <r «ul,jeel of Intelnnl liiii.roveiuenl. »r« founHe.l in Inin a-IbiIoiii ninlletpnnilnil polleiy. Hn>f ine„.„i u> i« must Ilivtiin tly, tlm . nnr«e u liii b it b» us tj |mr*ne, if we mtmu to nmk« a