Newspaper Page Text
HI FLETCHER & TOLER. LYNCHBURG, V TIIURAOAY. FEB lit ARY Si), IH9. VOL. VII.—YO. firms. |-or J| per hi* .».p 'VuHlu In »'li»nra—V> null. “ ,„ m ill In' r.n-«naj» «'••• a h" ««•»*• »•« ‘ , , will If Jhrotiliiiimil (I'ul al llic ili.crallnu !/ilei K'luura) uaiil an arraaratfua afa paid. ' rr i.l*nrtlaaoi«»«' will Imp IWMirled at .’>0 cant. per If In.-) ill' llr-l Inuc, anil 17 l-J t'-nt- Inr n.n-ii C int.naaim*' W*' (r“‘n “ '‘i.ia.i' c . i !•« pan! (■„ I- l» Ihmr ni-nrtl'in. nr III" an.uiumi l.y J'ou ' ... P-*r«mHi l.yuclllrurp. ry Cb»dcary On!' ran«»c*cooi|iuK lwo»i|uaroiiaro in (vrii',l fur mi dollar.. Lr Ml Inter- aiMraarad In tin- Kiiilnrs mum lie pml ,,.1 n, ilmr will n-illm allnmluil lo. - POTTERS Vegetable Catholicdn. OTSTI.V S2 PDR EOTriitJ. f'nHF. unparalleled reputation of iliia m*di not- ia such, am) it* pfe eminent virtue* I,re.m well established, and an fully aeknowl rl|Knil by ho intelligent public, tliHl it It tcarcr jv iifcnvnvy to say any thing further than that it ia A 90V!lUCICr3V RafiSBDV ]n <!sen»e« rtf • lie Liver; -etulliii^ from intemperance and duiip.r ion : 01*1 and hi ve tern te f'lc«r*: Pnmutnihe bond. attended with swelling* of thejoinU ; Iodicenton, Blotch d on the (• are, Himple*, Si. Sypliil s. < iiltm . on* disease* generally, and Tel ter in putiicii. lar : Mercurial and Scrofuloue Complaint*. The certificate* of wonderful erne* pei lonned by the Catliolicon, have become to numemu* st< to preclude their inierlion in tiny newspaper, iind has made it oeeessa' v for the proprietor l» print them in a pamphlet ol' about 100 page* Tnitt will lie forwarded as soon as possible to tin seveial agents for graluitiuis distrilitition.and uniat, on pennal, strengthen tlie good opinion now entertained by the friends of this mrtili due, and disarm, as it is hoped, the prejudices of those who view with distrust am medicine not known in -.vital is .vied * regular practice/’ I’ucts arc stubborn tilings, and cannot be gain skid. M the o.nnesf solicitations r.f member* til lin' medical lacultv. and others who have ivimcssed lie- astonishing cures effected by the Vegetable Cathoftebn, and who are anxious that its bene till to mankind may be more widely diffused. I-irt propnelui h is con-euted to reduce the re* t ill price to x WO DOXi£iAR.£k per fir ; -iid this will be done without in any " ay «]•• i**i infating the cpialiiy of the medicine, or rtdudntf tfitaige of Ihc bottle, h§ b is been ma terially (lone in (lit* cats of Swuitn s Paiifi ci a. The ruhscilber .for Potter's Genuine * 'litIt »lif >n, be*- ju&t^ pMSw? 288 »<n *1 \A whichAflNL^AC<r«u Pmla <lelj t in pri* cot "7 gKotkl da\ ii:s. pel) 2, _lfT»_ ~ CIMlfcl SWA IM S PANACEA* fJlHK following is a tiauslatioti of a letter B from the original Spanish, dated 23d ol September. IR2^. lorward *d to Willi,un Swann by J- (»• A. W illiMuisoity American Con sul. ' Siittsfnetorv cvH-nre of the respectability of! Mr. Rodrigues, ha* been laid belore (tie Kdifor 1 ol tlie National linautfe. Cauaccas, Republic ol Columbia. Sept. 23, 18»S. *Tn U'm. b raim, Philadelphia. Sik: Tlie »narvei|<Mi» am! beneficial effects : «f your panacea in a number ol in.OHi)CP9 in) which it has been h ied in tli'iF city, and of which I am a witness and ndinircr, and the necFK'itv of j a supply wit tout tin* risk of adulteration ol | J-Jfue bmtlvs for i’iy own rioii'm and for sotit** > pariiculn* | t I.,-iid? of mine, induce me t«• take ' me I berty ol mlni'p'shitr you. and to s’ipplirul* you to have tin* good ness to semi me .Tt> bottles, j directed to tin* (irmil resident at *ln* capital, ' (viz. J. fJ. A Williamson, |£*q ) tor wbieh | will i p tv the said (mnsul. or sucii per*mi a* you may | •Iitect. according to file invoice ; tin* t trust v«»u i '' ill put ii at me mo«t eqn ialile prices. I have the vduf*c'.iuti to inf’iir n on (bat I am an ocu|.** ijn»Hjs of rN<*r»-of the great. *t itnpor 1 I nice afT* cted tiv yum Panne* a, of Syphilitic ‘ 7».ranit Inv iernfc and u!c.mnt.% -nl»Q j l.iie - ramplni'itt so couanoit m tin* re *ntrv. his had tin* just and merited pisisty ssj,u’h ha\e bestowed Upon the mediae have hrougjjt rt into great esttniafi*«u. /Tll„j NN jt>1. >« " i11 rtt-M-rvc nunc i, ,)n; ,|nv „ ; >r h i;o isiiIi-iah u number ot p,.rwi; iuc l ing it w ith profit. 1 iinv- the honor to <,/*, vV.c (Signed) X, a»H»L. ROPRU.L'P>“. .1 > io >o g c *»t^ regretted, that in t #iwr ‘ -C) ,ivnl!e!e»l sue< of tbi* i*:**d; . "i* • ’ 1 .^ri v inert imitafiorti of i; ni e <iai n'f * 0,1 public ntUi that a remedy f 1 .fl invmluable j>ow«rs should tnus In* taUi f* The pr'e< being now rrdi *’ ;>♦ l U*0 ^■)LI. \RS per hdt,lc, places it it ft j mvei bf jl cltMre* a r p i I thetiiseU c* of il> use. I 4 vtriii cw a IV* \ ■ .__ SWAiars FAuACEA deduce.I tn only 2 dnl/ars the /mttu. ^ HILnibmriber, agent for S\V A! M'S »«nit ,,,r I’XNU'KA. Iihs just received tiSS UOTTLKS wliicli lie nlTers Bl V’liiln lei »7ii;r*-i- HOWBL DAVIi:s. Kii.nunw^ \ temitt m3 \ ! fiMJ OS14 disposed ♦o|Kconoruise in dress i will find it to tlieir advantage to cnl I as 1' ir establishment, where they w ill And an t ie nut Assortment of (Gentlemen > Clothing, of "tiper (In**, fine hnd common ijiiilities, that, pot! tri d, \VIII bo found to At as well, anil AS jaithfiiliy made as if made to order, as *Me work may be dept tided upon, this ejfab •Dhirtnt will b • found *o be a great convent e,*c« to the Citizen and the Traveller, ns they •^ii hr supplied with ci try article oi l)res«, '•iso, Hoot*, *'Iioi»j. line and coarse Hals, eve * d escription of Cloaks and over C ran, &,<*. mse wuhi.i{ go • | *i irgaiut, would d> we ! flavor U8 with a call- WAI.KKH &. On Emporium id Cushion?. 1 *ireet, Lynchburg, nest to the Virgi* | • m G.i're. Ihe. 1. yjTOlH’K. — All pnraoiiii indebted to the con ■' v cern *»f S. Ai M. Allen Ik. Co. Lynchburg , • > rerpn><ti‘d tit rail and make immediate set -siMCiit, as no longer indulgence can be given. . M Vf k I N ^ CO. ' Or,..* pn Valuable Ileal I'stale for Sale. , f I \ IIK subset tber in piii.ii,MiiT ,, |Uii | M deads oflrust, rsecalcd to him by t(,,, | surviving partners..! un- Ini* hr,„j llH|, , Bullock, A. Co nnd (Bill r, bullock nnd ; the uleculnrs of Will. Gall, deceased, (w In, li deed: bear dato on llln dial dav nl Vlairli •HsW.) odets lor mb','he lolluttiug valuable real properly. In oil ‘dirt 1-2 acres of land, pun based hv Ilia said Gall, Bullock ,v C . nl l{. ^ a. Brad filtn, situalod in llie coiin'y of Bedford near (ha lotvn ol New London. IdrtiM acres of laud, lying in Campbell comity, near Candler - Mountain, and m the vicinity of the town "I Lyncbbuig. An undivided moieiy of Hie iilack Water Mills, and the lands tlieiipc' uppurteiiHiii, situ ate in the immedinta neighborhood n| u,,. town ol Lynchburg ( flie properly above described, belongs lo (bo conn in of Gall, Unlock k. Co ) Also, Hie following real Istmbelonging IO tho concern ol Gall Blilloi k, In u it ; i'lie House and Lot. wtth llie appm tenan ces in Hie town ol Lynchburg, I or inert v oc cupied by Hie said contains, as a Stunt, and now in the uccupauey of McKt ,• ^ Mi cut. Also, the House bid Lot innnediaicly in Hie rear of the one list b‘ niniue.1, and now occupied by Lmikfued tr Vtnider. The terms ol sale svill ba libaral. and made known on applicatiihi to (lie subscriber, who will convey to the purchaser , r purelirsers such lillo as is vested in him by tlm deeds ol trust aforesaid, and no other CHISWKLL DABNKY, Trustee. Aug 21. tsB. fresh Drugs aud Medicines. /TT^t'p subscriber li t* lat i ly r»*rpiv»»i! hSMM.I. .A a tilt*ioiml supply of FRESH l.)|U bl> A AIKOliTNES, which himk**6 hit ASSORT. MENT very complete. H<* receive* sM ALL fipplie* almost every week, bv win- li menny, hi* slock, though non lie. LARGEST. •* always .FRESH ami sutUcien* to i any orders that he may belavorrd with THOMAS 1 DUVAL. > N. N Prescription* * h it lit •« II v intended to fby Virginia Bred \ Dl'Mi GENTLE MEi\. 1 Jan. 1. PALM ARISES lor Lathe' dresses, a l»»*8inrfri| article W or«trd bum,i"', nil shades J.i Black Italian Lustrings hlk Modena Sntins, lar dres«es Lisbon blk. Lnrautiues, sup. gloss ami ter* tore Egyptian Fancy catjcoa*, new «ty!n 6-J and 6 S Merino B«niiba/,metill shades T’riniSnn Merino Cloths Slat** color tlo Merino bo*rf* nntl hdkfs. Worsted baregt, Seringnpalaui ami nllin ploitl litlUs Swiss Collars, new article. Splendid Swiss Muslim Plaid siP. (Go d« Nanb*. v»*rv rich Ladies’ kup. white horse skin riding ami v .lik ing Gloves With a great variety of ollt *r (• utils adapted to the season. M- KEE, uOdiNSON & Co. dan. fi. To Planters and Farmers. 11111 subscriber will give 11 • highest tJriidi pi it r for transfer ur loose tobacco, dr liter c.d at his Factory, near Black Mater V’ai. - hou*e, in this place. Apply to hi*, manager, Mr Saunders, at the Factory, or to the sonttiher at hi* office on Bank Sifu .re. I m» higne>i • »*b price will at all times I^ given tm ^wd Wlteir* MAUHjC. E LANG HORNK. jr. Dec. Tr* tsSd ti 'V ! T'.itract A la Mousstiliiic, Hungary Water, Articles of Pet turn. uy, Jer&t received bv thos. j. nt’VM,. Cfet fa. EDWARD BROWN [ s r} KTITKNS bis tlmuks lo lh« public fop f ft «h»*ir liberal Piir.o'irHU^uitMii, him! *nlie.if* a rtiiifiii'iiiMisf «>t their favor*. Ku Iih* jus* re* caivetl from Sew Y»rky in ‘iMiiion lo hi** lor mer supply oi Jo wolfs « J**pluiul»»i nssori metit of PLATED Si UaiTAXVIA AV VICK, W tijeti lie invites his friends and t, US' nine I» I” call and see- Among his stock, nre llm lol lowinc articles, via t Castors vvtlli rut Glass and sivtyr edg( , »f Mip. (jOnltly Do. plain and ornamented Hoffee Pols nnd 1 ca Sugar Dishes nod Cream Tola Ladies' Itidienli s nnd pocket books Plain and fanes .lew* try Jett, pearl, Filigree t.nd Paste Km Kings'Mil, Lever and plain Watches Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys Plated do do do do Coral hf everv description Silver 1 able and Tea Sp ions. Ladles aaid Su gar longs ipy Watches carefully repaired, and all or ders III his line ol business punctually nileim edto. Jan. 2d. Commission Business. r*T h f, aniiscrilier having entered into the j) Commission business, offers his servi ces lo the merchants anil planters trading In this place Tobacco, Flour, auri other |tiro dilcn, confided lo his care It. sell or ship, will lie strietlv nlleiidnd to. He is proVideil w iih Storage hi a lire pro >f house on main "Ired, for I he reception ol Flour Whiskey and pack „K,.S of Hoods. SA.ML. HANNAH. Jan. 1. '*■> I copper Slid, Cap and Warm | pair elegant Bronze Lamps rif subscriber has the above for side a' „rv reasonable prices, which he will sell lor asit, or barter for country produce. i ii. AuuiSUi*, Pec - '* iHK t Al llVK l;|.A( Kl.lliU'b Hill. I Ion. Hr , l iom M s It'ali'j .V«w l tar » UifUtml .f.n milt Suurenir. U ill no kind hand nnltar Ih • door ? 1 Oh, sweetest maiden, set mu free, • I n w in*: lilt* summer wir once more. And ||i| ntiool iny luvorite tree | True—IIIm fed by beautv's hand, Mavi* ln*rh nod vrnier, crunih noil seed ; And dni-ied lurf whereupon In siand, But liberty it 111« indeed 0 set me free I—from hough I hear my -milly i-liirpiue male , She wreck* nul «*linl lie sulterr n *vv " ho halt ln*r wailing through tin-, i ,,'e On set me free '—on glad wing hor.,,*, On'y my vespei rung I'll bring ; Oli do nnn '—I'll 111ini* i*vi*n in.on, On yonder Jdiih trees 1 II yprenaHe yon tlmm-h (In*, I.el me itntv hum • for |*.;y'» take , ’Nay, nny — I cyomit lasle the food, Indeed, indeed, my hem I w ill hri*ak ! I have a little family— Ah me! within our hn'isyhntd nest ; Slrelch (nrili your hand—ilo, ael me no* 1 or I am sild mid sore distresl : Mo dinner have they ha.I :,*.i i rl thin;; riieir lirenklnst loo, tins morn win ant . And having yet n i me .■ i « III; Four souls ’ i nn neillim wm:> i.irvvnnt. Vour lirothnr' nny In* mil nfrni I That's right, n leelle will *r 'r* The latlire open ' ilinnks. ! ..1 ni.It- — A th.imnrd llimilo gnml hyi g,,,„j (,ye j ~ "* ” .l^Kr / »*-■» oil' \SIjaKac;i tyhtragutoffirihh* • i SW.--A*P iracu gimi ol *hm Id be h/lif. Vei rj. it : a saroiy In. u. II pi , ! w<«11 r„ileii , dim". m st-H w»*#•«! is »ei omm . . d •’partition.— \ •jjotl qnaiilii* ol ilunn i,(l|< j elicil twelve or Hlleeu incites In low tip* M(i face | t'lopo -a int?.—M is best »o r ose vhi« pl-on f'nni e-V,. a'lhnouh th sprouts from seeds w. | ; »»»* he fit in ntt so soon hv a ywn as t orn the |»onts I hr s**rdv dionld hr dead ii|ir. i«d,,*n alhi red. nod taken from the stronger and mosi I ro'Opiief shoots ijunntih/ affrnk or root* —it sowni to trans plant, lor n tied four feet ami a lialt wid • |,v m\ ! 1' i’t in h n^lli, one qu *rf of seed oil| t>r reijoi 1 if •• If so ‘U In remain, fora l*p«| f',m; f. i Hed '• ’ df whir he thirty »• ••! in I.**, T rt, ,Mn, nre'oarv 11 pbiuN o v«r «,ld a* r want* U f>»r | U |d i tation. thru for a U >d four /. rf and »• halt • wide *y thirty h»M in h ifcth, to mutant foin - • ow. of plant* ivo -mntp v li »anf m if,,. n, v """ hundred and v>*ty plants will to* requisite , | he seeds Ulfiy he *owti as ettriy e. « tip* «rns<in j will permit in ll*u uprin". orf,. i o * '• t.»p . belt; " tine- week*, or nhnnt. h« ' .|e i |*e |V'n.i> ' Sets in" ill the Ia I—and " press the * • rt!» we I f flow n ahvtut the si rd and, as soon as Mr fi ns' sets i-o, hut not hefor r ivor the erntnid with I nntCH or li'tei a foot deep, and f »v Mitjp hoard J e,t* rwdes to prevent its blow in" off. A' Ron* a . the fuisi lir# aks up in the • (it ing. fftk* oit the , 1111• • *. and you '• d! have the pi mis quickly tip j l*iufrfiLi/xl;(uy r.iav he from fom |o to ir nod I a half leet Wide, with alleys of I wo feet in width J hi twent them. In th • bed* the soil s o' I , u*ii he l»*ss (halt two f» • t mid a half deep, and ll« fort* pl inth '* a bed. d t* rnmidp'ed */ond j III .• cliet- * ) U e|p ll it O’ er to that depth, ho, v no. j i *d» oty of done n the bottom, as ho mule can • I he fipplied thne lor eight or leu yerti*. It can j . i ei l\ . thei etoi «* he'no well dmi|fi d . besides j thou .!< the pi,tot naf rtMv grows in p"»n' **tt»dy I soil. if in found that the swf*e|tieus ;;,id tendei ^ ness of »lie tdi«iol> depend v • * v mm li mi lor • , | (»idi< v of the rrmvMi : mid this iapiomoied b\ i the i ichne** ol toe sod. |)ntt1;» iimud. "r a | we* <nth«nd. i not id for :i»pitt :t£U* f »d <d I the French consider w< to- s« as *o> pi« , uliotui . * this ofnnf, that they i«ii‘p th* it >m»*» Vis! ! a bn t h foot almv*' the alleys mi *..dei flp*pv% ! off*hr r«in. ( I tor* liftt*. J Pro’jft • . i r culfu. f —fa the in *rit|| March nr Anri!, (dm inf/ lie* wdiofe r*Yi*t**uce of the f plftnf.Hh.* beds must In* earrfoilv (oikcd and | dretiied. and’..rpt clear oi‘ weeds ttcrasiuiiul i uteriu"n are nrc"o:it v. till * iif» third «‘f 'o.inh { year, whet the plant will he cnflicieutl ♦ I ih , f’shed to do •• iflioiit them. (Vnuit tin entire ; | crop the two fust vearr, arid I fie ^ renter i *. r t »if • it the t1 ird \ ear, to run up to stalk*- ’t •> •• 1 nftimnit nrai tin to now onions, lettuce, i\ < the fv%ri lifft vears. Mr Mtudi-r, however. *uve. “ the advantage of thi- practice is tpie* lionahle: ami, nf oU event* ’i -hon'd not he ' continued niter the plant* are in toil liearin.'f. Asparagus beds should I-. completely looser • ' I to a moderate depth, e\eyy spring, as soon 1 * 4 tin lr«wk i out of the ground, with a proper j I fork, having three short tine-, «ix to eight or ! i,ju** ineht*c long. Bn' care mind ln» taken no' > ! to go too dr*» p. *o a- to wound the i i owns of the ! J routs. The betU beii'g loosened in » c* » v pal It , to a moderate depth. vhould he raked even, he- j j tore llie bud- begin to advance. In autumn. at I ter the tops nre fnVned white hv the fr«»*t, they ■ |dmtdd he cleared oft. and a layer of dung 01 rich toil, an in< t» thick laid ov. i the bed. Tin* ’ should be done yearly, and the lied kept clear ot weeds. If the bed should g t t.»o hi'fh b\ j this irMiiageiueut. I he *-01 face tnav tie taken off I with a spade, early in the Kpriu*, to the depth 1 of two inche*. before the yung shoots are in j the way. B"t when this is done, a thin drey 1 sing; of rotten dung or compost should be hod 1 on. This plant, ‘•ccordiur t » N. / Farmer, grow# well in ground fha’ is shaded. The sprout# will be very lar;e and lender : bin they will not be »u early. It i# lint run *>« to have oil.4 hod in a shady place, to Supply the talde, after the season is over for cutting tin iir*t Tim* of CHliini*. — " ff vnu plant roots, the shoots uiav be cm the second year idler ; if seed*, they will not he fit to Cut fill the third your. \! I t he -hunt*, W hu h come up In l«»fe i he middle ol .Tune, •»»ny hr nit Mf w iin"it ttij 1 ring the roots; after wlncli time, the hit -hoots should lie left to run up. and go to seed ; otherwi*ri the rod** will be vvcukenwtl. ! 0^411* Cutting rtwl gQthrrn*g.— •• to new pIh**<ht»oi*• her illilt nut 1« h» ^ Hi uHli'i'J I'll lb* »i»w * linvr beta ripe iimtufe o the lhn1 nt lull I * yen' I. U#*%%i*e ot>«et*i . unih t o’d and in'’ lo grifhi r nil the produce m h irgubir, »no •'**««!order, whliio the proper ''mill “I I the 4ea*on in*’ lisiiig *hn<*ts |*roj "?l two. ! iHfee. tour oi f»*e n.' lie* jil inmn, iihove the j ground. w h le the top bud remain* cline m»d ' plump. Ihey ere in the I** it condition lm pnih iring Cut them oil witlmi the r'uuml, mil* * ' narrow thurp pointed ktulip, or • mutt h *w uin ( ilii hev tone • ill* i'*p llie knife km vv dow* pfrHighl, to each kIhmii «epmi\ elv, cut * > off flan'ingtv. about th» t r incite* Uol>*w it»«* mil • face, with care nut in wound the young l»nd s advancing below \>h<o i vr in * new p mii'miioo, 'i" rhi'fiiKi ve*«r ginheiiiig, if the hoof* cui.o up of irreguhn tn.-e , in i ntonlt* mum- ol the In 'f_rr lor h fortnight «o ihiee in four wn Km. ttud j fhen permit tbe w huh in run ; but ntfiriwi »• when ill K'rullg production g« Ini «• n* they I cntne, I wo nr three time* h w c* k, nr hi leqniietl ! during the aenfou, till the f2!»t <*l Ju • ; thro i m| furilie t# If*uii'-iiie fhe cutting, mid pennii the nit’*1 -ho 1 fm in i »n up iii *n IU nil Ocinbri It, from w phitirulnr iiwIm* enirnt, you cut n fb hi the 52 lit «»f lime, be • arc till t*» lent*• two <)l nun #* <limitk to e i*'li stool, in oi der In til hiv null » alumni ton : for tbc *i<nils left with out grow ing shoots \sdl per sh ; hioI, by negligence in thin respect, many vacuities 01 nii|>tnducf ive spots lire Ifll in bi’ih '' immfinn of the pla>i 'atiou —- Aherfiomhii say*. *' a plantation *1 aspnai’os, under g od culture, will mnptlv continue for ten nr iweU v "in n to crops , alter which the •ifo' ■* iko.iI y decline in ferlibti , and the shouts in • | ii a hi no th *i t • provide a permanent nn -11)0 v,Nome fresh beds should be plant ed .i niiOh i. of low beforehand, allow mg’ ton * years for ii eii advancing lo a productive t.di The following dir clintis for cultivating parage* are limn the second volume of the 17. motet of Or Xur York Hoard of Agriculture I hey W' l • Ini ili-dicd by diehard I the old esl gmdenernt the shaker village in .New L<l»u non. C’olumhi.t count v, New Voik . " Ifeds should be made a rooit cs the ground i« clear from trust — -t he t« mi pari ot A pi i , in or riinan se -\fmit ‘Ilia grumul must In* well wmUeil to flm depth ol .i Spade ld.»de mid mil niately mixed with tolled hone manure. The vp»*ds should then Ice vowed in rows ot dt ilU, °il inches apatf. and one men deep, the row • »«• wise of the bed* they should bu Hiked in lengthwise of the row* “ Atpnrio’u* will be large enough to login to out the i bu J spring niter it is sowed ft may h«t cut until ' he h June every year alter wards. As soon as Iin* cutting season is over, hoe it over light!- , • o hn to loosen tin soil, and make the putf.iee even I'.very olh'T yea. sp end on each bed an inch In ei »l u ml vmd manure bef.itr ho1ng. The top will now gm* lo a great sose nn ! uigtfljr see * w II. l i»!y in file spring, r. t t lie dry lops i Ion. lo the g mind, lav lliein evenly on iin* beds, n ot burn f! .,m i here. lino hoe lie finds ore* arid lake them | a'/am. 'J oty ntv then pieparfil lor u new growth. “ M .st of the r-Mli-h books recommend li-eakmi; up o d :ispar<igu« beds once in a t er 'am limit'*i if yems home of the Shaker'* l»i"U i ave l»u m» . »i v hv.i years, and, Hit ler that emir ol tie itim ui, are an ;;ood as they ever w art. * Ai ih iioo;.*, in th'* treatise tpioled above. (:|V«, If has t II !*|0 i •Nseiliul, Hod with ' miM« i« ot c< *f« b • ih.'it i ph Hie of sail and' water, of tlie ordinal t ytrengfli fill preserving rti*-;.f, o.*\ Ii iiv ful!i applied to Hh|»mi iifpjN bed* in the spring. The • If-ct* n'Cnbcl lo if arc it* Uimul.i mg fmW'er of i " « top, and us tOhdeucy de troy the seeds of weeds, and of insects ly ing ii. .«r ft' surface I', x peri men t* cut this stilt j.-et Jt.itild be mu’tipb. d. md »*itb pickle* d.f leriuc siieiiglh an.! tpi i'ifv .’ I• • the last r d lion of l)t nil . V f" Iiinfii' mvr, ii u olt ,i i v. d, “ tiial to a le d fi tv feel by “iv a boshed of salt oiav be applied, nub rood elb »l, before the pi,mb Cnt f to the spi in;;." I' J‘he escid* ot p'it h the eurly shoot* nr limb Win n lhr* e or tour im lie* hit*1', inn! j parliiiliv . ineigi d from Hie ,;i und in M«v nil June. 7 hev ere in t»i « *•- i.eui in It'll mi. a .id f mi flu* iniilnw-nt • "id fhi- phnii ha*, in fin»#i> I utie11re, been cult■ *.• ieo (or an iioknon •• pet ' hI. . In f>.irift, M ii min i' ius .ileil to by lint mV tola j ry opeialive fla • when they me tumbled j with *ymptotiis of gi*v. I or stone. \l.omtim J I r of tag Hoi» 1 r ml, tie Hurl, f.ijt. — If the value of ’brs nut was line :>e'no ally uioh r t >nd, it Would nut be sufl.T*"! to r.;t mil pe:i*h Without be-1 in^ fulfil «i to arr. Q( COUUt h.i Hf nre-enl Tue lio. -.* e:Iie• • 1111 ' oittiii'i" a -piiiiaceou* juice very u *dnl m,! o»dv ill I 'eei-biug, but to w * nitty, linen- ,d oilier s’nfK fii*4 till I •I Mild l»0 | e«jb*i| il'.Ut i i oil'll! . I'ld'lle Ol al U* twanly ul 'hem is faiiiu. 'enl for tea .piaris «»l v H'-r, and * iUter Imnc or woolli n., nifty In* ’v* b .! nil tin; MI"U'.)II \''"it iiny other yiiip, S) )l i- ffaotuHby i.iU •• • ■ * * *pot§ "t m!' kin ts. Tin* crl.-b"- jiuuiil luiWe v er be all * r »vard* ia i» (| ui Nj-r |. .» v ter the SHiu tuea steeped nt hot wafer, mt I m»H**d with nn ipial iju.inl!' v ol bra.i, .d -*• *• a ii'illif ioti •* loo I for ni/K und poul' i v Another on* lo v* ' 1 • (• * ha boric* c.hesnnt may be r.pidied » • fin eore of th** pilrc, t»v’ simply OMfiying Wo m ttiree <d (bem in file breeches pi .k'd. NVb'ni iital as Hiis may appear, (ho i em**dy i. iu e!li nuoil< one. IX V total' oifin BL U kl.MtmiCS. It has been di*< oven il (tint tni* rum •*«) 'run yields a purr illchohrl having llu? fit or of I rciii'ii I’* iiuly. \ii • xprt iitient i* maki ijr m Noiih Wales tor »!.* cultivation ot I lie In.imh'e nil a large scale, e*I r propagatml t»v plant ing irutfiM*? - licit *, a •• ' • •*" i tin font year i »• •'I 11 v .Uly Miipfoyt *4 l»v tins mode of culll v Mtioii. to iMiiimr: iiik Licit i iuom oil LAMPS Il person* who are hi lbe hab't of burning oil in | Ii ei t ! •rinl.m «nuM fak*- the trouble to II I - trl It pie ’toil-, 1h i e H-.rrWl'Il, 11 would lie fou l n lim n in bi igntue** ctimi'i to mtr l;e* l iras. The k'-eitcb uni utility »lo th s, and no one rail doubt th" utpeiior it tdiatM v uf th«*ir lamps to 'hose vvtii»-b nr* to in* ecu on tin* din ner table* ol our « ountrymen The Londnn paper* t- I m fh .t Fpan fob grandee* him » • i" seen worhiug on ll-e toads • r« the vieinitv ol Loudon, for less »• *u vote shillin'* a order to provide bund lor tin ir families. The London Corn ier, «n it* *Je«rriprion of •!••* new pula* e ere-nn*? in London, «a\ s «)|«* t«i»t»r« will co-t the hum motm Hum of 4* 0 ea* h,” near * * > do!' i«. and then coiitum »—" 1 be most in ’l economy ha# l>*en prft liscd« hrmiu h oni.” Wela hrve the R.itish Pm'lamcoi, like oiii Congri -s, l>aP Tt« f •>smnitt«*e mi Uetrtn* li mdlit I t*e two C»uvti iltee* n o \ giadtutfe ttieir nothoi* of rtoinuoy l*v v iy differen . stand it i-. | .Tftuvnttl A i tanrii sot ! i r, exil* I to 8»lc ■ ia h* sears il*u, ha* jus! discovered n diaui *nd mine, nod is aj.poinced •t»u Uem.ial f>y tiic Uujs aii CuY ('fMhiCllI 1 V IriUlNIA liMaNLATl in:. IIOl St. UI' HUM) VI j — - T/mrfHt*y% Ft h |i* | A cnmimimnitloii * n« • revived 1\ >m i'.#• ."b*n 'all, t Itiii they had pu*»ed the hill * otiili d at. | ai l |«» a»ilhoi |M« h •• pet ale rieeflofi i the lorn oi Fatllon«burg in the Coutt'y «t Hot* i urt ; On melton of Mt Minor. Hr/nlvrri, Thai tin* Mourn* w ill, on Saturday next, pmrerd by infill hallo! w III* lh» "i n ite to elei l (hr nii'iiibirrt ol (hr I; »m. M ol I'nliMt' M oik* Hepnrts iM'ii* pirsei.ted from lit** (’••imtdt lee* hy tl' isi-i l-.l'wy, Btvi*«* amt U him of K Mr White of H movi*il, that flic committee j'd HomiU mill Internal Navigation In* disrhnr • ged from tile further rmiMili rations of the toll J i oili ei'tilng extending the h n latvlta lultil dot* ! waul ftntn ('oviugtntt to Stnoufon, ifc. I.aid I on th«- i.thle | I he Ihl1 owing engrossed lull was passed : II Fixing the allow am *** of the oflh er* of the I Court of tppeidv,' after tome conversations [between droi*, Hrv > e, M tidier, Miller nf F • >ui t Atkinson nh mi liking the valai y of the j' h*ik, which wav (innlly determined to he I'he fdlnwitig e ngrn* sed bill* Wer^ rejected ( * l or limitation, of actions against • licviA* ami ; .'•the* idHr-r aftei some move, nation iclweeu j i Messrs Wallace, William*. Witcher, tiuerrani. Ooddinlgr and Bryce : "To provide lor III* o* i penitig of a road from l.ngan cooit house to I jthe Iventnrkv line." affer an imucerv loll motion id ,\ii Chi nip to potfpnn it iiidefimli I While the Mouse was engaged in rsadmg tin engrossed loll*, .Mi !*nddridge »one, and uni' I veil to lay ihnn on t hit table, with a view oil ' permitting him tr» U lilt I a resoluti n w- .irh lie | held in hi*, hand, for taking the Census o' the ^taie dinin' the present year—he stated that it would tnlijorf the Commonwealth to conipa* ntivelv little expense, n, the Crocus in g * he | taken l»v the the ComrouvinniM S of the Bevri oe He remarked that su* h s Ci*iicii« would l» foitrt * very usc|i*| hy the Convention, llm tin H aisu ieluded to lay the engrossed bids on the table, * % .Mr I’irk* i of AartHnmjXotff made an an uni rosHfnl motion to take up the revolution a bout ohaiiipng the time for eontlderlng the He port and K< solutions on the .South Carolina and Heorgia f (cioltr ioiiv And on in at ion of Mr Minor, flu* Mouse ml join lied till toolnv, II o'clock CftNVF.N I ION Hil l. Fa*Hid Feb. 10, lH*!t Whereas in purmmicc of the art of the Men etal \s-miiIiIv. pitas* d at the la t srssion, enti lied an act, " concerning a Convention,” the *eii**a of the good people of tin CoiuiuoiiWealth hts been taken on ih« ijnestion, windier they i|e»‘ie a ( onventton toinneiid tin* slate Cnnsii tutio'i, or tint ; and H has la * n lho* avre'laiu* d ilia In fla* wish of the people t tat a Cmiventimi shall be ended for the purpose ati ieaaid—In or ih-i, therefoie to the (milling and aMseinhliog of mirli a t 'onventitu* . I /\r »/ nmrttfi I’ln.l the persons qualified ac ordiug to 'uw to vote for members <d the Ho<i*rni M-dega!#*, in each county, city, and ho* *iigh within theseveinl Senatorial DnOiirt** ofthis ('niuninii wealth, aval | tret rip ei>»nbl a»i ** t by lew shall at pre ' lit assemble at then* n> speefiva ( on*tbonsep or at other plat en appointed tn Ian lor holding rle» Hons of nieiohM - of the C»**Hfial Asjeoildv, on the several Court day* ol i'lllIi county, and borough, composing a district. i" tin1 month of May, in the year ol our land, on** thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, ami there vote fur four dist rert nnd proper pm mu* n< ntemheixof the said Conven , lion 'I In1 iH'tions onthoiIV,*',i llV law In hr,III "In lions lor mrnihiii nl Ih" Crtoiei hI Atimihly. m ••Hi ll ton,nv, i lly in liiiunigh, «h»ll rninliii t lln .,,!,( rl"l Iiiui, ill wliu'li on rirlei Milnallun ■ hn l Ur IihiI li\ vi n» ; kni r.irti [ii'imi'i f|Milliftn I in viili- tli.iil f.mlv nnl | mnl ii ly vi’Ih, mill I' y in,in, of lh« ynlrr moll Im duly cmfi.-il nmli-i lln iihitv »•'tin* |ii'i»on vot'd Im , i'l |iii.|n i |n,l|. |look , to li* jiriiviili il l>y tin' "Ihcri timilnrlmg lln- i l", linn. In » In' Il | "l |li,i" In' “luill H|i|l.,llll „,, in,nn riiym H« Im ahull Hindi fit, w ho >111111 ri'>|n i t'ivi ly Ink m on uHlh. in ' ndiiiinnl. r. d I,v |,mi, m m.ikl* (olruin ilflliin ilium, MihI liny will mil'lln'( nil hiirly " "I ii'Hinr'in'ly — Ih • hull di'livur it c»ll I.. H' "•n li wriinr, who llmll, III' r in iliiliiirl eoliiniiH niulrr ih" nninr nl till* (Mil vn.- i """! Ini', III" iihiiii'ul rHfil ,|t r im niing inr u ii |. i uina.--l.ik" |ii'oi l.nnii , (in** mnl |""<1' MU» '!ih(I I* nnulr mid hud,, I, ,r niii-ii in . .. ing. "iMitinuifig mnl r.ln | ,,ng ||„. |„111 in i■ iirh I'iniiily, "ily mid Im rough in h iliilriti, » • i* (n i'H"l ih"d hy Imv m lln- "Im'lion "I nlHinlmi* in Hi" th m V. , n"„,l,lv_f*ruidHIHHl»"ii nlmll Of nlHilu nl It." | C > irtlnni-. door or hMIi" ( Im'.i' ol holding O' h nIn'' j ,11. ol Hi" I" nini' liMVinjr III" gri n I'll miinhi r ol VI• I• "< n|ion Mir |mll on III* tin nil* III") "III Mild "Midi 11-. Inr sl'ull h" i'll|i|l*d I" fin* «iiom‘ (UivilfRH frniti B"'"iil hi d imvv (ivi'snil'i'I hy In tv m i ii • a ol inmnlnr* liilhn i • i*o ■ Aiinuih'y ■ II ill" m iv-r ”1 miy 1 •'? 'k'h, "ii' ’!• «l1 In r"(irr o'ltiul■ on in lim I•"i" illI A*.-*’i t y •Hull hy ill'll n or Hoy i>lll"i"Hi" wl.ui, ., Im iin.ihhi (o.iii n l mnl uondni.i ib" i'I-i 'i. i, nI lln* HI I,u ' a I" Ih" mill I 'll'.' "I","tnir„i.|l, f f n t hi* (im v i t|iiii*i ol l hi a "I* 111 hi'.i I In* !( ior,|. i Pr, nr il llin" hy no in oi'ilrr, nl Iih Ii*' mm Id* In Hllmi'l ' unoinr Hl'h rinun i:ii|"bl" nfi Hlli?i|ding,*liHM Hl'i'inl, mnl •;nndil"l tin Ii i.*l• « 1 linn uccnrding lol-n |iriui"ill«l lv Hl'1-r rtr.ll "Iriili ih, ill II 'IIHII. Irv, I i y mill h.Tniigh, Ill-Id mi Hfoir-Hid *, |l,r clniU "I fh" |"iH h.tvlng flr»i sign'd i|i* umr slm’.l drlit *r i'in di" ikyiiff m nihur i.llit i Ivlin rnndur.t d <i>" rln lmii, mnl "Vi-iv »ui:li *li,. i i If "r nlhrr ofl!r*r in rnrli di-niri «i,n 11 ourl nl III" Ci iiriliim-e of 111" cnintly fin" in no d n on'li ... H'lilli iluy Hltrr Dim) on ul iidilli" uirctioii I"*' li"hJ in lim llnirirl riv'iinrnimil, mnl 'In n mid In rr omn ■ ; |,mm III" noils ri'-i'i*ciiV";y Ink,oi m lint elrcii j ,in« in III" I' "V"IH| coU'ilii'i. ' il'"' "mill, ri,,j'li -, Ill’ll I.HVing H«i:i'rinin"il ll " lour (irr » ms having ihr ginillesl nuinh-rol kiln iifuin thy ivholf, tliull ih'cluri' »hr ill duly "l"i;n*d, un.I ,h ill |.roci" d lo i i-rlily smdi "li iiliou uii 1 ih*r ihr'r I"lml Hull >"'ils In fh" "(T.'Ul lotlo tv - II, If, |o .v 11 ; •' U il A. If. »ii*l ‘If fill" I v, nr d«|i"ty sliiTlir («1 Ih" US" 101 iy Iip.) C l>. slirrilVof ... (Mini in rr* idling lit" (H I *111111 HllrinliiiK in colii|iHr« lilt* (mils from riivh "omily* oily mid borough, ...(Mining .mo milir" Hi'lrici. "iiliiti'd fiy lln* (irii'.'iiioini of this in '. lo elect four rnruihi ri (., III" atfti.i Coin "III mil, ill) lo r* hy c'"ilify and oiako knnyrn ilml ho elvi'linh l’*ld on Ih* liny ol ill ’hi* minify nf ; nn ti n ill III" n nn y •>! (mi 11 n» f»fi, «tnlMie •1 * •* ; »*!»•' cl Ion ' ijin'i !!>(» rl« ‘ Hr)i v, niy vr ; rmijffi, tl it liiu : In* *l» • kFM'f. . ii1 Un1 jitnif ni !• • • j <!ifttf ••Ifc’iimi* in our »|•«:«*tt^• • €*•••!••• », ci | ii*“ Hint • »ofo»»j;lis, ' rt» uf »•> lilt' 11 •* • ’ ->r* hy In"' 1«» vo*» lt*r • iii ! J |»* < IIIIF*4 lO l»r tltO I I* I ('ft 401!*, ! v ; 1»* ri»|*rt»-i»ul {In* «ni<1 «I• frill. »'s »fif*fillMir* I of ’» < •illvctllti«»i» lo mill |H"t»o •* H «••%» • on :tiufioti,rn* H,ft;r AlA<, t» *n,l Mrnfn^niciil to flic agisting rpiutiViiiiofi of this Common. 1 weilfh tvivim ttndvr uur hands and seals Ibis day of Olia ihoUSMul eight hundred ami i w<• I h duplicate# r»f titcli reffifiCMfe# ».,,d return* *1.1111 (** made l/| the *herilf* ai «| other •'flu er« under their hands and seal*, in die. manner before recited ; one « f H hirh shtill he delivered to one id the pernor- having tin* rregfe*t mifiiher of votes, and declared eleci ••d, and the other shall he transmitted to th« Gov arid f'oiiftHI of the (ntniflatnVMhii yvtlk in ten .days flieieoi It from death, lirknrm nr n|hn muse, litr person conducting the pull in any county, citv ' "• hnfongli, shall he tinaHe to attend foi the [ ut comparing the naan , at tha tune and place pies i died |»y law . ben the duty of alien# and romp.oing the same tpl»ier prescribed and compan g such poll, and all other du»ie’# consequent thereupon, shall be peifmmed in the I dlowiog manner, that i« to say ; It' a sheniT conducting the poll be dead, then the duties a fores aid shall be performed by his successor, then by tha coroner, or if there be more than one, «hcn by the senior coroner of the county, Capable of attending ; if *orh fiber U be sick or other wm iinaldr to attend, the duties shall be. performed either by person nr by deputy —If i iiiaym be dead or unable to attend, the duties slirtll he fieiloi tiled by his slid os*ni if tiny thei*» be, if none, by tb» lin order, it no Record, i then by the senior Alderman capable ol intend mg - 11 .1 Re* •» der be dead, or unable to ailcntl I lie duties sb ll be performed by tile Magistrate or .\ldermiiii, next in sen upy and rnp • t»le o attending \nd if then? shall be fio pa« m liereby iiutlmrig'd, u h« liaii b* able to upend and |«erf . |'m these duth s, the in . t of the cuun ti 'or corporation, ms the case may b* . or nnv three magisti atefi or Aldermen out of t' mf, l»y wnt'U' f ondei their hands and seals, sbati with nut delay pp»uof some fii and discreet peisoti. who shall I e bound in nil tilings ptotllplly d1 perf'Mm die dote* aforesaid. It, (min .illv cause, tbe p- i sons a ithni i/(»-d lo compare I he polls, be pi evented liom meetiup a id performing their duties, no the day .utd nt I he place hei ein beloi • pi *crtbed, tin o* j,i, sent shs't ndpumi limn time In time ns nmy be necessary mid prop-r, until all of them «bijll nttmd, al I lie business of meeting ‘ball be com plated. Ik upon CMiiipariug the polls, it shall nppeai that there are not stiutny as four per s in. Inn me a greater numbd of votes than a iiv nlhfi candidates, voted lot, but tlial one of more person* necessary to const>*ute the mini* her o| four menthols * ave an > ipml nninbec of votes 11 e rb cliuii shall be fmflivrtlli decided between the • aioJidnles so having an i qualify o| votes, bv bit, or| lots fairly and publicK drawn, under (be directum of flic office*. making the etc* lion d he said *dieiilU and < flier persons . anip.iring the poll*, shall aUn d» liver to (ho cb'rkfc of ilieir cmiitf . - or cm potations, with Ion days niter sin h t* turn, flu original pull hook , fu lie bv »u< clerk mitered ol record, inufei the Jikuprmtliv for fllllute as lot (aiding to lernnl the ptu, books taken at election ol niton bets to il,. General k iwinbly. If any sin till'ur (hr other p« iyon nniheii/ed to compare the pulls, Hindi i»ghtfolly or nrgl gent I \ (nil either to attend and coin par** flu • Mine, or to ih i ide the election hv bit, when ft. cording In the provision* <»i this act it ougl.r to to* *o decided, or to make out certificates m returns ol the elections, and to retui ii one rj them to »ht I'.gecufive, and deliver the other ol them to on a ol the prisons having the greatest rormhet of %..(»■• m each tfrstrie* within ten days alter the date ol .ncl, certificate, oi tore turn the niieioiil poll b <»ok« i • tfo* clcik, ;ux cotdmg t<> the provisions ol 'Ins act, llicii the slienf) <T otl.i i persons ho (ailing, ‘hall, foi* ev rrv on mi', Imlcil an<l puy in ihi* f nwnnn w n11!•. lot tin* l)<'ii(Tit •*? th»* l.iicrnry i uu<* ti •' IminlnM ilolli'i -t, (it In* i ♦ «1 l»y nr i .■* ol ilrbt, mini in‘Hn»n #>r tii<(irlrm*rt, m m % court ol »« n*r«l, Intviti'f jnri*- In rnn tHi-rcnl - An y «l ‘Mi .Kin oi In r uflii 1*1 n-liiftiiiji to ink*-ihe tlif p iII w lif ii !»♦* . In* h *|tiit i'(l 1 v h mint i!h i or fit i tor, 01 f.lktujj ll m ituv ollirt iiimm in i ini! •*. h»'*’f*»n Ii.•. pif i rilii ii, nr innkm or hi .ninj» 11 tiil-i* i i-t'Olk 'if, nr ifiuin ol»*n-« • •oil, |i ln-r* lo lit ! m* tlitfi Ir-1, or imikii { Any orwuirr or al'io .ition in tin* poll hunk, nj r< lo ml'n liny • iiiiiIiiImii* oi clfrlo'* (1* In* nleii f*S|i»MM»l , In IllM’ /I rnjiv ill I lie* poll Ii* i U shall I i f« il miviI pnv In ihr (Ji.utiiM’ilvtcaffh, t- i flir 111. nl ill l .ilri.ny i mill, »ia Ihwi.Ih.1 (fi.f Ian. for ear h fl i i »•, i • ci»iim aide by »i. linn drii’, infm iimI inn. nr n dolmen*, in liny r« ml id I rnrd liHvnif' (ill .Ini mi tin iml ll iil'v randidaf* ni nilin pet mu hmiII i|im rlly nr in la rrrlly pjvroi ii^iri* In i v «* l>» imy rlecioi <i pi * • en< h*d rl. i.lm , innm*v , ii.i nl, di ink , m o' h* fi fliiii .in i in huinieul In such elector 0*1 pir'endrd circlin' , In v.Mr lor such runduJtite, m f"i inv other prison, i.» In- a member nl ► H|i| I mi . fIlltOII, nl - ll |*"\Hld lo Mil ll e|e» Im , oi (ii Ml*'i>di*d fieri' r, Im iiAVdig mod wny mm 11 rnmlida - oi oilier person, in In* member nf said * nvention. mcli nlfiMider shat* Ini frit and pay loi eveis .dfente, file Mini < ri'lri n bundled dollars, In hr recovered l.r #ir* I ion ol drl'l. 11*•*/rin. imn or indictment, m hiiv court of tr "| d , hit. mv jm MliOim* theirof, m file n'trt»r nl llie 4'nuliitm.wealth, In/ tin* Ih up III id llie I.iirt a < % f imd l.vriy p(*M(M tn* hm r/*d by law fn empm* the p.ills, m HliMr«ai(l. Hindi in mve ini hi* »< ' vn n • lieirm, mu- 11 nil nr and sixly **even ceni fm i * im v day, mi w hit It In- -hall itecessimlv hi * teml al lin* plan* appointe d by In* l i cnmpHi' said poll*, ffrjfrlbrr with all Chflt •}«*>. foi friiih.. and Intis, imd four rent* a mile fm fravrllmn to and Ii mil tin* county in which he shall met foi that piapwie.—i ". iv claim for rmiipeinii • ion he. eby allowed, efcall In* presented In lb* (.out t of the County or corporation in whirl Hu i laiiiimit mav live, shall be Vi i died hy fho hMhImviI nl fh. rlaiuiunf. and \,y lorli nihr» r Vidriicr ni ilia if I- •cilulartnry In llm i mil], and In in^' reiiifi. dl v *b»ii^i«» be correct, ihnl la nlluw.»d the Auditor? Hflfi yijjj on! f>l ih» |*uldir I i rumi y. . » 4\o p» imm mlIdvd lo -nfTt.tpe by Urn* ihall vnifi mmr il'.ui .’‘ace, eiihrr in tin Co only, m in diQetf-ut cnumlm And i' my perion iliaII «df nd herein, i.f' Al'hll Im fmi and pay , fm •• vm y mm Ii nii'MM i*, One Wuqgl rd dot lurs.lotu’ i. r..verrd i* il-«* Maine nf litA.C'momon w alfli, foPthr lam hi of flu* Tutelary I’uml* be ftrlinn of debt, infoniiniimt, nr tmjulmen c in any court nl r*i m <1 !»».'in< jm bdictiim thereof. Nor i'ih! nnv - • * Ii prt* «n fn* admit *ed In vote in such rh-« i, , .M ihe «»• ol-tn ui or other place **i tuddiii^ tin* rlrrlinsi, in flit td\ nr born*.■ d, »n a d'c’rir t. Hull • i ih freeliold, or niher rs'iil* in ii.-j t of n Wlch tin ; niters in voir, «*hiiM t»r in ibni immiv, ciiy n. txuoii^li, »n w hich hr civn j.i. vote. The fir'^oi'i vv^'o •.nail h-* elei’tcd in piiiv 1 anrr id I •• pi•»\ imm- of if.U a. f, shall, i.n f* » 1 |i ni Monday in October, to Ihe year nl' n f | i,id, mie liioiwwiid r'f»' I iMimlrui and t.vei *» 1 nine, im ' 1 and h»»rril»lr at th, I'tipitm in ti •: i ify ■>! Ktrhnioitd in lirm ial Cnnrei ii. r. i . di•cm's twid ptnpi.sf a r< w (' .r.Mii ii«’.n, *t attri atmtis n it Shh*ii*|(iih.n 'ii • n ,,n ,• t'ni'il lul nu of •' ♦ i.mMini •• h I ' • aid 4'o-iv>' nnmi *-l'all be .lo i " j,. «m ^ 1 nu n pf** » »ul ele* la n - ,«nd in*• ir» o I- > tin r< .•* s*• a11 h.M e pn% c^^ , , .-|Ot , •.i ri HO SI io »»«d linplr ; I. nuci il d CV. lV I*.. pit* d»-f « end pr r i! c**>. w r. *. nu nd . i •• el - * -.1 in .hid itlH ililll ^ nil tin*»*i I 4 Seen. -4 l are ent|i|.*d U'*-iiiii| »« r, a'l .*«• ad ucl J h«; Miia pay l,o» ''.is^.u.i, lo .. ' d un i *