Newspaper Page Text
THE EOTCMBURCr TDtC}MM. BV FEET1TIEH ^ TOLEtt* EVttCHHtJRU, VA. 10XUA¥< FEilJllTAliV issif. VUE. I Ik.--*O. 55. — III—.1 ■ ■■! — . - - ---- Ill ... — TKRMH. rr For f I |Kir Mini'u, parable.leanee—Xn ... . r.uiKill be nKfined far a lr>-II» ibwi ... * lPm. aaiaur will h. .ti-n.tuiiiirwl (but ai ilia ducreliou "J,h» Tvtilura) »,iur,U*rroara*u. ar« pawl. rr \ Iveru • ar.iu will inarrted al SO «»l» l‘<t , ,«.(»r I«..,!!•* Sr.l lime,and <7 I-- C<>r „a, h * .. i'Uc from . .Uafaiict. a.a t i.e P»»l for ... ... »r lh« faviiMiul i.-unud b> i , a., r. -p"a*iW« ... l-yuriiuurf -rrimi. -r> <h«l«r* «nitexct*R»liin two«<|titf reiurc in * rtu.l lor »i* uullurs iy liltmur* u<M*-:**«*l •" «*•" KdHor* mubi l»o pon id. »r iHhv »41 l»« allcuticil io. pottsk’s Vegetable Catliolicoii. O'Vti? BiJITCsE. unparalleled reputation of'Ills inedi ^ cine is sir h, mid ‘is pie eminent virtues are so welt established, and so fully acknowl ... by an intelligent public, that it is scarce ly mcessaiy to say any tiling further than that A 30VBREia fRBVnD7 Tn diseases (if the Liver ; Debility resulting from intemperance and dissipa'ion ■ Old and in veterate Ulcers : Pain* in'lie !Hines, attended with swellings of the join's ; Indigestion, Notch es o i the Knee. I’ituples, be. Syphilis, (’titan «mis di-eases generally, and Tetter in particu lar : Mercurial and Scrofulous c unplainls. The certificate* of «underfill cures performed lit the Catbolicou, have become so numerous a" to |H relink' their msertion in any newspaper, 111 I lias made it nei e*sa- y f"r the proprietor to pr nt them in a pamphlet ol nlmtil 100 pages I ms will tie lorn 11 riled as soon as possible to Hit; several agents for gratuitous distribution,and must, on peiitsa . strengthei the nod opinion (law e.ilei iained by the friends of this medi cine, and disarm, as it is hoped, the prejudices of those who view with distrus' any medicine not known in w lint is called • regular practice.'’ facts are stubborn things, and cannot he gain said. At (he earnest lolici'aliun* of member* ol (lie medical IbciiIiv, and others who have wmiessed tint nalnnishiiig cures effected by the Vegetable ( ithuliCon, ami who nil- anxious that its bene fits to mankind iw.iv he moie widely dilVused, ( pv iprteior ti --oo-enteii to reduce the re tail pi ice to tf/Q DOLLARS per but tle ; ml this w ill be dime without in any way • In .1 rating the qnali'y of the medicine, or rttiuciug tht siat of the huttte, as has lieeit nm <ert,,l y done in the case ol Swuiin’s Pana c a i’ae-S'ltiaorvf’er. -vgfnt for Patter's ‘t-Ji uoine Catholic m, ha-jn*t-irefilled •2SK HOT TLKS which arc I’oY fair i U*l|>niji pri Ct*s. * * * m>WEL o wn.a. Kill i!. 1 • tf4!> ( UUKS fiY SWAIM’S PANACEA. FJHIIE following »s a translation ol a letter £4 from tin* original Spanish, dat d 23d of September, 182b. forwarded to \\ illiam Swaim by .1. C». A. \l illiuiiHon, E*q. American Con sul. SafiOaci *ry evidence of the respectability of Mr Rodrigues, has been laid be lore the Editor i> f the National Gazette. Cakaccas, Republic of Columbia. Sept. 23, 18*28. To Ihn. Stvaini, Philadelphia. Sin: The inarved . is and beneficial effects of your Panacea in u tium -ei of instances in which it b is been tried in ibis city, and of which I ain a witness and admirer, and ihe necessity of a supplv witnout the risk ol adulteration of some bottles for my own house and for some particular fitends of mine, induce me to take the liberty ot addressing you, and to supplicate you to have the goodness to send me 36 bottle*, dio etcJ to the • annul resident at *his capital, (v v t fi. A Williamson, Esq ) for which I will pay i said Consul, oi* such person as yon may direct according to the invoice ; nut I t • usi you wil- ,<ut it at the ino»t eqmtuhle prices. I have the fiiUction to inform yon that I am . o ocular wiioeas of fifteen caret of the great <3 impor t nice nflf cted by your Panacea, of Syphilitic, t.hronic hi vd crate and ulcerous diseases—al»o of Liver cam plaints so common in ihi* country. Lius had the just and merited praises which I have bestowed upon the medicine have brought it into great estimation, and with out doubt it will deserve more from day today, for i consider ah'* number of person are ta king it with profit. I have tlie honor to be, iV,c. (Signed) T. MIGL. RODRICTT.S. ft is to be rally regretted, that ih conse' quvnee ol the unparalleled success of this m* di» cine : so many inert imitations of it are dai ly foistered on the public and a remedy ol < ich invaluable powers should thus he falsi fied. LT The price being now reduced to TWO i DOLLARS |in hotllc, pl«rea it in tlie putver ol' '-ill tins,us to arail lliuin.ulvts of its ttsc. IV M. SWAIM. " SWAIM’3 FANACBA Rnlucr.'l to nalij 2 dollars the bottle. ^ I subscriber, agent for SW AIM S g •no I in- P\NACKA, hag just received 2NJ^ BOTYLES which he nlFers at Philadel IIOWBL DAVIES. COMMISSION BUSINESS. IVIE subscriber inform* his li ietid? and the publir that he continues to do buone-s on i'mnmiiigioii, and promises that no pain, ihall he spured to give entire satisfaction fo nM Planters and Fortners whoinay confitle to bn ui-iaagemetit ihe sale of Tobnccj, Flour, •>r other produce. Hi* office will be kept at He* Store ol M. -s-rs. .1. S. Halsey, next door below the Farmer’* bank L>. SAUNDERS jr. •bin. lb. 1 kui Vl|HE suh.'vriher, residing in Monfgtiniety j f w* ' ouiuy, on Roanoke* vbirteeii miles above iHlem, wishes to sell or lease about four hun* htil acres «.f laud a great portion of which is ust rate tobacco land, standing principally in l*e woods Hi woiud prefer selling, and will v ve a gieaf bargain to any one disposed to J'i'iiha-tf '.'inn; ndl be made known by ap *•>' atioa to • vip.v. j ibeF, living on ilie land. av\n maddom. I , w r, , I Valuable /leal Estate far Sa'c. suhxei iber in pm,u ,nee nl tun M. deeds of trail, executed in him by till •uruving partners nt the late ftrnis id" Gal Bullock, A Co. nud Gull Bullock, ami 'lie ciecniors of Win. Gall, deceased, (which 1 leads bear d lie on the Jls' dnv nf Mnrch j 1.828 ) ulfers for sale, lie ttillimiiig valuable I teal property to u n : 21ti 1-2 aero* of limit, purchased by the 1 -aid Gull, Bullock it On. u| It. it y grad fule, situated in the county ul Bedlnrd, ueai ttie town nt New l.niidnu. IdN d-4 acres nf land, lying in Campbell county, near Candler « Mountain, and in the ; vicinity id (lie town nf L'iictihurg. An uiuiivided umicly nf ihe Black WrIhi Mills, and tnt land > thereto appurtenant, situ ate ill the immediate neighborhood nf ttie town of Lynchburg (The property above described belongs to the concern nf Gall, Buloik i: Co.) Also, Ibe following rent Estate, belonging to the concern of Gall it Btillnrk, In wit : I be House and Lot, with the apputtfttiati ces in the town of Lynchburg, formerly nc. cupiml by Ihe said concern as 81 ire, and now in the occupancy of McKee it Meem. Also, the House and Lot immediately in Ihe rear of the one last nieinioiie I, hi it now occupied by Lankford «. Vedder. The terms of sale will he liberal, and made known on application (n the subscriber, who wilt convey lo the purchaser cr |Hirclir,crs | such title as is vesied in turn by the deeds of trust aforesaid, and noo'titr. CHISWKLL DABNEY, Trustee. Aug 21. Isd tfiesh Drugs and Alcdiciues. The subscriber h *s la!‘Mv r reived :»SM \ IJ4 adluintinl supply of f HKSH DHlibS A •IRDinNF'.S, which makes ins ASSORI. 1N1RN I' very complete. lie receives S\| \ M, supplies almost every week, hv « hieli means, his Block, though not the RAIU»F*.ST,'s always FRESH and sufficient to meet any orders that he. may be favored with. THOMAS T DU VAR. N.B. Prescrip'ion« laithfullv attended to by Virginia Bred YOUNG OKNTI.KdKN. Jan. I. f/'om mission Business. H V. u>i• *c,»*iber bavin - entered into the , 1> I'rtRiiuknun hniiU'U, offers his servi ces to the merchants and planters trading t<> this place Tobacco, Flour, and other pro duce, confided to his cate to sal! or chip,will ha strictly attended to. H** i* ueovided with Storage in a iire pro »f hmne on main -ti 'et, tortile rer.eptiou ul flour, WlnM.ey and pack ages of Hoods. SAMI 11 \ NNAH. Jan. 1. j'jin -• - To Planters and Partners. TjlltiK aubacritier will give the highest cash JL price IV»r franstei or loose fehnern, deliver ed at his Factory, near Black Water Ware house, in this place. Apply to hi.-, m.iuagci, Mi Saunders, at the Factory, or to the sub-crihcr at his office on Bank Square. The lugheM cash price will at all times tie given for good Wheat. MAURK L LANliHUUNK. jr Dec. 15 tf3t» VilMm<VA\$ \ Vi* * l» 111} \ liOSK disposed fo|EcouniniBe in dres will find it In llieir advaniuc■: 'u r.nli as our establishment, where they u III find an , le eant assortment of Gentlemen's Clothing, ol super fine, fine and common (pnlilie . ilinl, upon trial, will tie found to til ns welt, and are a* faithfully made as if made lo order, as the work may ho depended up in, this rstab lishmnt will he (•mod In he a areal e,oiiveni mice lo the Citizen and the Traveller, a, they can be supplied with every article of Dress, I Aho, Bools, 'lines, fine and coarse Hals, eve rv description of Cloaks and ovei Coats, to: rhose wishing go,, | bargains, wmil I do w e to favor us with a call IVALKKR &t('o Kmporium ol !'.i«hn,ns. Main Street, Lynchburg, neat to Ilia Virgi nian Office. Dec. 1, “atari atiw*. fllH K three story brick tene B hi<*ot, nearly opposite tin* V ii^toinii Olfice, recently w copied In Mr. Daniel Brown, Apply to Sauil.l Jay lor or to the subset tber. JAS. L. C LAY Toil. Jan. 13. '«_ (ireat Ilargaius in C* lot In fVlHOSK who want Cloths, would find it In [ (heir interest l« call on the subscriber. He has mittnres. olive,s claret, super A* tnid tiling blue and black Cloths, and I piece sit per Krtnine h'lte, and one do. du. lilecto'al black, which lie is determined to sell vary cheap. H. ALLISO/S. Drc- 25 Manufacturing Mills, FOR RENT. jTRHK FKLDONI AN MILLS, situated in J I. Camphell county. abool seven Utiles be low Lynchburg, and within about a hundred yards of James River, nre offered loV rent lor one or more years- Possession may be had outlie 1st of July nest. For further parlieu lars, terms, AiC. apply to Thomas B. Day, resi ding near the premises, or to the subscriber in Richmond. JOHN ROBKK I SON. Dec. II wtm avra *»rA*-ra». y>LST received, a few dozen Dr. J. Thnmp soil's celebrated Lye Water Fur sale at N Y ok prices. HOVVKL II A\ ILS. Jan. 12. 01.0 V Ell HEED tSI'PI’LY nl ('Inter seed, rec-'iverl and for 1,, HK.iMlY DAVIS .Inn 29 3w"M US 4S ? «) it 1 J Jt J 1 ' \JT 1 • has pi t i reived, in i.lditi »u mu y# # Mi «• vi,H k, a mini hi i of cr and desi ■♦••le .i»lir i !<, (elected lioin the Noitheiu mar krts of tin* Idlest •iti}nii latinos. and made up in 1 * ' 1 •* "" >" tsii u. h im I • . k ,.o,i l»'i*sst (lain a Spleml.d vail 1% of V* >»s e el> sliaile and desi iipimtt oi Pan* alnnn*, Over * oats. Smionrt , Plaid and l Min'd* t ( loak* and I 'iats. Ladies’ i l.oik« (<n ne verv rlfgitiil) a I »rge Inf ol 'i •«!(. S|,oe-i and Fine I Iain, w hieii I will he «o|<| *in term* which ca mol lail tup!ct»»c all who may honor u% with m call. W \LK F. K m < (). Fmp'irtuiit of f'<«liiou« A: cheap clothing Store, Mam Street, I,ynchhuir Fell aiilitXM TA'Ju. UT\. have removed to Bn I lock ► old Stand, w hri e out rmtfoiiiei s will hod n« dt pus • das heretofore, in contniit theii ii»lei***i m mdl them goods at the lowest rash prn»-« hi.I LOBINmIN t (_) Jan. 5 :immm 3 iiiU'x.;;. UJ F have a lew handsome l.iteipool |)i mng Sett* complete, which wt? are of. ! fpring verv low. Mso. a splendid ... • lea t hiiiM, embracing every o t Pits an . pur* j We invite the attention of our It tends and tin ' public In the above. McKF.r:, uobin>u.\ &. c«. Jan 5. aW*Q0t!>»l.T3.» M I - have this da\ rf>«:»»iVe.| M » Asp of W V till! Ill V finished l.ey I. (.rnti, lit II* h low**; charged than unv imported 'hi* <v<ii, Mi KI.K, ROBINSON^ CO J hi. 5 The fVA b rated It fin' Horsv, M M r 11./. Man ! tin- ensuing season at New T w l«l»isgow nml Nelson (Vuilhount. Keh. It). Sitlr of Nerrors, kc. Vj^'l 1*1* be *old, on Sniiiidi\ t, (* ‘JHih insi. 4 / at the lnt»* residence ol \1n Satali Kav, dec 1 ''fli K'k Cr«ek Bridge, on the Koresl Komi, in the minify ol Bedford, leu or |U»|ve valuable slave*. The sale will he lor cash, and ik made in pursuance of an order of the munlv court of Bedlor ', cnteied up al lie Iasi ««•« m in the cMSL'uf Tiivl'»r and others vs IMv.^c josr.»»ii si. xi t.u i i.k. 1 n IOMN Nun I »I, r» ( II XKI.I> >1 i;.v MM ) At die same time and place, »< meiitioiu I in ill* 11 hove advert se neoi. I mi I nroert-d lo sell, for ca-h. ad ol the perishable i’fiiiit< ol * od S • rah Kay. dee IIKNKV bKO'VN, ''her iff of Ruiford County, nnd as sink, of Sarah Huy, dec Teh. 2. tffsdl) tiii: IM IT 1TION, VI II r i'. give, most cordially to nil Win mm! ▼ V anv article of ready made ( lotfu i.lo mill 1 is our assort me n l o mg superior lo ny 1 l lh> pIncus, and e.ohr>a \ eecru nrlule of inn If i n 11 l uifiionnbli t 'In'/ling Ilit 11 m kniun inp iqr run warrant, a:id our prices cnnuui (in to pit ast, hemg If51 than Hie guo<ts can it bought, nud made up for i'i this pi ace ihi our lust nvriral wt rtnued some tntpei fine Frink 1,ud It 1 Co ils, uf him , Mark, 1 hurl, Oli, 1. hr>>u n. \c also. Steel Mi red, him . green, and brown ( unti es. Pantaloons of er t ry hath uf i ‘loth and ( nss meres also fine ( n.isinetl and m.tru stout Hung up Card Pantaloons, uilh stwy s (!or riding.) a handsome assnrtuu nt of I tils of Moh skin Si Ik V /ret. luck ! lut, bi and fancy Silk tests l\nf) Cassimrrt huh nt, l alcana ami iwanxdoiLu. a great variety of Patterns, fine Linen. Unified tV plain whirls It rate of Ituckskm, Stockinett Flannel and Cotton, Knit Shirts and II hde Flamel shirts a lot of dry Goods and fancy I’tirlcs. a* I new Ind liter Storks Putrid Stark'. Plain and Iriniuul, Icgnnt Silk llnndkt’ chiefs, nditily uni /nil tern* Pain t Su >• mh r% llnjt t meat ( nr at Si i ffners fine Sealskin Cap*, Iur, collars ( Srarlt and Hack Marino Shawl: ) noun eery , llnuur Hals of cheap yualihes, n imgi assortment of and Pools of evry at .sc nation \ supply of Cloaks and Ihg ('oats mute etrry uptrtor. real Tartan Plant and Jun ( aail/St Clanks with foe i loth I n mgs, mth or OUtshnm ft hi f hub and Sin l mixed linn n,. Coals, mud* 111 Hu Inhat style (some, extra f, 1 ) Olive, black an t Drub Ihg (.nuts, with lurgt Cams Ldfin i Cloak*, a/ 'j la. with Si'll I,min;/, . (a bcnu'ifnl ftrhci,) oho uj '\hrmo flollt. < ■ nn mm. blue find block ( hthsshiiih, f ortan /Haul bf Junry sir if nil < rnasvnu. ('IkH.s. mill rapt > or hood*, a Ini o/last iQtka lined until iron I, n com Jurlubh adit !•. Jot haveiltrs, n* in nrt dchrunu t dlo *tllod harp'ifn* those di*/i >*ed oporru • Will do Will b, cal! Ill IV.ILK I'll »\ ( n Cmporiam of I'adiioii*, l.yuchbu mil door lo Hie f iriiumn •til ice. Nov ad. Weekly Supplies of iMuuitiful kancv c;ooi>s. Sutmrb (iauze him! Melponu*im carts Do do Arcadian lldtifs Mk. hnd k. watered Silks | Beautiful hlk. t l renefcand Italian S'llcs j Superior assortment of worked Sv\ i‘.i vl u -1 i n s Calicoes of every denomination, and some of rare and entirely new pattern* i Bntihiuett Lace*, at half their loriner price* V few f'ii’diior.nble watered k. hud Liiighufm Belt Ribbons, direct Iron. Paris Pongee* for Ladies' dresses If great bargains form an inducement purehasurs, we will assure them, vvery effort will be made to that **i •■rt. M KKK, ROBINSON * f 0. June 9. 1 copper Still, Cap and Worm | pair elFgsnt liri»n::e l.miipj I'lisubscriber has the above for «»jte n' verv reasonable price*, which he will sell tor .•adi, or barter for country produce. ii ALLISON. Dec. 25. •* "%TO I K K— \H person* having demands ^ naumt the. estate of'the late Dr. Henry VV fucker of ( liarlotte are t • fp»e*led to oink** them known to Mr Sami. L Venable at ('J.:,r|ott* Court house, and such a-* aie in-lelrrd to tin ,;iid ec»ato are reiptested to make pa\ mem to Mr. Vennhte who is authorised by me to giv discharges for the suuie. DLO. J ITKI.R. admr Pth- 5 wflw I’OK 111» . ii ■ I -- i ■«—n II I ■■ I .!■■! —»• •. «|l A In the L***itl m K * • p* nU» w< Ii i! P «* loll • •• »• ; line* iitMii the pro ut the venerator liistotta" IliMoie, anti * op>« .1 fiom i):. Ai'nun ol a y utmr American trav* In F rom distant rhinei the »tr'i^ni- raine W til friendly view nod Un i.d ii till # I hr VIII i oi I ihr* of earth it I* ii. At llH'ittl Id friend, as m n to nun No st mi ike sftang' i brought, No aria pi‘ul •• i'f dm w» .%11(• hr sought , llm every w , t one \rrtv confined 1 he ii>t«i Change «»| nil id with mind. What he I Ire richest |>r i:*» would deem, Wa* friendship ki nine** and esteem . \\ hat he con ti in r* tin it impart— The name warm f* e lint*.* ofTht* trait.* Not hiti in h n lfiiih view* alone lo fitter hi* course from r. me to * me; II*- hope—to afriich Milf*<.li*»n*» rhum I mum land to land —from maiti to mam. 1 In- V illous poWriM and viittteH tell In hitman heads mid heart* that dwell , In Inn d* of love the race to bind, And make one people of mankid BKKS Mr I’ Williams, of A-hfjeld, so managed a hive of lii'i s. an to prevent their '•warming, • nd having kept them m years, look 'loin if), and idler making hall a hum I ol methrg I n, had 2t*d jionmt of strained honey, and Ml point In of ^11• • mt honey in flu* notn!i. nink mg JIH‘1 ponmU. lie also made *17 pounds of hoes w ax. Mr. \Y illiams, some time since, re lated In me some particulars respecting this ** xfrnoidmarv production, the substance ol which I will now state. II bought a swarm of bees nt middling si2.e,und having no conve aieiil plai n near Irshouse, where tie could Net ,!u,mI lie built a shelter several rods iJii i ml. so -ituaied that limy might swarm and good without being di«roveii*d '(«» prevent heir wii'-mui". lie n-bled other hives to the original one, in the following mauin-i ; fust in* king a large > mill a hoi through the top, three m lour in* lie- squire on which he placet! Ins ld\*’ id bet *, having a hole *0 inches square tiiro'i|,,i fhe i ijhtand left titles of the new or low h hiv . ai fhe hotloin ; (lieu made ofhei large nivt s. with holes thrmifdi two sides to • he lit t, with ••Ire’S n nled around each of tin e Ii.,)• g ho *<s f*> * nnie in • on eontacf with each • »t In i wn« up m< «ni on the stand and m this Hnv Conn*•• ft! lin n* log' inei going tin been a chame to p t** 'onl refi.oH h To ugh the whole Hu?*' of'hiv**s, leaving iheiu I ) go ill anil out v! the fi in ol en« h one. as they found most laoin* ..uni Ii ihiv kind of man oo mem, Ins trees > lead ami |uc» cased, and non b< « ame a inline iih jind powerlid oinmunily . and evetilutllv v il l list the ri'niMi 'iiiar'V ami valuable pI'ndui - i n which has already been *ttied. In ri ga*d to wutleimg bee> I will venture a few remark* * If **•■#•» nr- kept in a dmU cellar thioitgh the » inter, tll**V Wil'! f ei .l h i VI I V bt !*• stock nt l)f..vt i mi. hi they 'inn < duitely benuiu* very dm mant am* «»l imtii* until they are • rmoved f<• • ildb leu* Hiui iiu.ii In thin wav f have fre j . uenll v pi eserved tin in tin nigh the w inter •% ti«*n they would pinbahlv lisve perished wirhin a niiuith. after thin w. re uiiahb* In o: i.iin f l,. ,r |, vin r ihroad, had they h< t u IfU to take cuieol themselves. I once h i t a swarm ofhges c**ine out late in In* unimer, and when the v.imiii of their la Inn* whs over, the crown <d a common hut would piohanlyh.i ve c*»nf .und the he sand ail they h d f«)l'et letl, I lit I nj, sun <n of liftes itife a cellar, where they l1 v. d Ui> mi >1 f! • wiutei Mint h • next H.-ncnn tl.. « fe'd’h ir liivci and a nr Hied twice I hiv (it; app. nr lilt i edilde III some, l ilt thu«e Who tlouhl l .ir . .. I • toe s of wl>;i| | liav* stateil, li tll. y My III' *>x net intent. I .l.mbf nut w ill find that | l ... not nvei'raped tin* bound** d tiufii | t-oil'll n i .fe other ^' •»»11 it r nisiain »>,, !.u» I de hi t omi*u • • **arv . ec a . ,MJ to tlie wise is hiiHi» •* of \ I All U|,|(, VS orccHtet, Mnnii Jh I KM. Irani Aftnm'r, Altman son tin fii(tnn>i„u of (h I mi I O PROl'/W* \ I T. OK ' »•* VI \’!T , KOVI S K MIIS Wlwn vifW-1 firn li| to* i i •»(! from # ! tll•• v should In* «c, vnd Hi* lafinr end «i| f .|, | «n «d Mar h. or »0•• y im*y bn m»iv*• 0 i h■ l»f»* as tin* uiiU'ih* nf y.n hui f||f. , ..r h#«| J thp bnlfnr, in n>**, in .orders, or nj h»*ds S »w thn *•*»■ I lit m h. h^iii ••nr11« (• •f,|| 1»;i«I«*«| I ami I‘hU**d i ah.mi mi inidi dipp, mid ,| j|,., I wnHthnr i dr;. . a! ♦ ■ r fhnrn o*TH-*io*in'ly, nml ' wIipii Hip siniU hngm l«. . • relate, I hn nhmi*. j -h on hi Im- v\ h|mi • in Mm n . • mi mm in dry v\ «*,»• j tlirr. \\'Iihi Hm p‘anis an- si« ipe||,.s hi.M,. . Mt«v -ho'lld bn i It’* l iUy ||, .} • »» rodg, t,.** ,,,^ ' .inly onn sin in I he I; f vnnr • Hip rod Humid be ' n ai I v Hs h 'b ns I hi* viue* am i i tc «• | v' to <n ,\v : I lie firsl gPM s Ml. - VV Ill'll I In: fenve. bi-j/||| In ; drop, pull ..ll all Hg they «U|*»» y#*|lt»u,-,o Mini im- noml may rip«»n w • • j About iht at'er eii'l o| Man'll, f n-^t gnu ; "Oil, they fllliv bn planted oul Wtlprv fi,,.y Ml*, illIniidifd to • eriniiii, and limy should bn cat • Hi to thn tint 1 .-H' il vr-r\ -'rnni*, inn onU t<» • bn —*•*! i/ii f. if v 'll* , nibbing* ,nr I Me imvei hud with tile *nd (hi mo, \ id a ft nr vt 'I rd 1, I tfipv «m* to *»«• 'inoiij*e 1 >M Hip ni'imu^ thnf jam plHlttpd in the vi e\Hn|. lint if f(( f„. j ofii*prved. lit hi M n vmpg ..roioij»»,f,.d )fnff| U(>,.d : do imf h'I hem* fiuh, probably nor more tlmn | Hi,- half ol tin in thPiefr-rn, .| th< v r* *f r»nj* • wr-io m< vmn ,1 M oiild n ! Vigp t i onfcniit «!! til#) i rmrimi ones I ™ TO HI T RlRI.Y < L'Cf’M P|iiii|f«: u.inp p'; of • I ip a p,,|fma hot !>rd ! jii I . li ii iy i*r M rrh — i.t M*v <nkn ,hp pot, j turn l In 11 * out into m h>L* |n«' vim iv in a In. j Inuiug micb pot l*di (•-» planr j , ans\v« i' (or a J foil, h-i then* uni bn iiiikmi ii dt ill Bnp#trnf in g tfiP plant:,. .'loo rn•»••(» carp itnnnnl lit ♦iil.mi to b >v* 1 your * in ruber*. mid Mlnlnfi* n11*1 v inn* <t j a eienl iii»un«‘e lr**«o n-Mili other, m they will mil and 'poll thn lird ftnn-un t.un'i /' oj> iji —l a fell,.,- f„ 11,#. \ f|.-i i<*an , l'*«rnier, IHi i.ard 0 v.s |4.f< nf |j .,p od * ’ IV. Va. h iv - ; *‘ I »ii f all va-dru vu b n mv Mi.ird.ui m f>msui* uit'cifiiirinj f .iji ; four , niche* fun;* ' _ 5N»Jd ni A8i. MU \c \ m • III-.PI 1 II • mu 'kI'll /hr |H.N Mesxrt M (. «i»i !• i.*» I 1 i• • t ii«11k«, I II IVikiii*, \\ illiji'ii Piimiuii, l>.i ‘• nutm. John Low t il, 'Vi • .iin i I hh « l a* fox .1 .it k mill, \\ » ini I hit < t. it. i mo I* • Henri < abut, ( . ( I'aisous, .uni I i mkliu I hH’fl — I#KN ri i Mi n —-I have r- c»*ii eil vtiill letter ol ihf Jilt Ii nil ail'll (•"gtn/mg inning 1'ie «»gnu lures i>i n. name • til | * i Mitt* fin wlmin a long • ml on my pni until ennplcd It p. Inis tin viv-tl nil I to* l.otci ties* t | |»,iliti< il (linen sum, it u .mill I'.iv • nlTod «l mi • ple'isice in nil "V**! withcxpliri nes* ini < nmlor no* only those ‘ei'hiins. hot t aril .uni rvei \ ttn.' of \ on. upon ' (• onli »|iiei|iiii|i in I • lut'iiU fu tin* M*l»j» et unit :,,i ol ittiu I. tier, which a* men o» a* citix* nv f .an ut le.lge yoin light to a U namely v ‘ M>ther re mini ft'gut or w is ' im.i'll one ol the p i 'ini*, mi ml* il I• v me mi the extract w hirh i-m fiavc givt ii. ft «mii a s ntcinciit authot iaedbv •i»' ind |i"lili-hed in the National Intdligencei of | si I >cl Inst Ha l v u ui either of vnn thought proper to axk in<* this <| lestmii. it \\ otthf hare bn-n in »e '..iti.I.i i to me n* »e< l ive the inquiry xrp'i rnt**U from each indii I 'mil, Hum aria t d in no Ii I |»IimIm• tX ••uch •' •|Hiiii h|e uni only lot llini self hid lot all other*. lint rnntini lor tti • ilio<t lie xuobiimix to pet-on* ol yt*ur inlelli • in e iluii I inis' you will ipnre me tint pain ol d» tailing them Ihti. r nileiuen, tbb i« not nil You tindciirtk* your niquiviti o. n .» In vour own on men alone, hot as i lie re prevent alive* of a great ami powet • lol partv, ]di*pi-r*< d throughout the State* ol Via «ji<hu«et x and Maine: A party, command* mg a» the ti t|i> in which vour inquiries refer, a •I* voted majority in the l.' gix^'tuie <d the then I'nited (hnnnmiiw *nlth ; and even n w, djndg ■mI of In the char trier id it* volume, i de'egu* lion. of great inllnciiee nml i etqieetahilify. I cannot rerngnme you, on I hi* nccavion, as tile repreaentallveii ol thnl paitv, Ini two tea soiia ti<wf. Iieeanxe ion hnventdlher produce ! vour i iedeniia!* fm pr** anting vonrielvca ns then ehittnpinnx. norux-igned witislaitm y reu •mi* lor picteiiting vouixelve* withoiii thetn Rut recoil,Hv amt chiefly, became lour iull" dorti'Mi id pai tv Into till* qtieaPum if « "tire ly gratititoii* Your solemn d'Cla.utioii you do not know that the fedeial nt anv of er parti at the ton** to which • y tint, m* nt reli t , intend'd to produce the iliixolutioti of the II •lion, an I the houniliou of a new confetl racy, dues not mke tin* ihsikj, which i (Mir own mate inet*t <d my (a« you are plen-td to con wider il) In* 'endcretl I 1* aiitfeine-it tinllturi Ki d l»v me. spoke, tint of the federal party, but ufurltuu /fiii/iituf ihni party In my own let ter* to the IMt mheit of t'nnjjret*. win. did me the horn, at that agmn/.'itg rri«n* to out Nation ,d I'uion, d * tin idug, inv < ootidential opinions iipoo measures iiiid' i delihcration, I etprexxly acplitU’d tin* giro holy id tin* Itv'eml parly, lint only of pai In ipating in the aei.iet designs of tlmie hrfil, i • rut even of being privy to or lc lin ing in then e*'stence. I novf cheerfully r.-nriti Hut' de.da . ton I w II kimiv that In* pally WN not p* rplIM’d fill tflUt (JOIIV tl.l'OII I wliii li flu m'.iHiiiM Mini il- <igns of thrir Imdeis | wrte instigating th©»n ; and inv eifeme ntxir ; Iy for the • ohstittllioit «»f ill* non i emit© fill j flic embargo arose from ill* hninmeut dnogei, • lliiii til© rootinomre and * nfoin ni n of tld* ! fatter measure would promote the view* ol those lenders, hy ? omling •* Majority of I lie pro pie nod ol the legislatur© t»» the pilch of phi si cnl resistance, hy state auflionty again* the r grt • if Kill ol the I.itw* ■» the Uni mi , Hi© only i fleetiuiI means hv which the I nion ro"ld he do* solved Your modesty hag prompted you », disclaim the eliaiaefrr of leader* of (to federal/parly at that time. If I am t» con Hiih i tin* an mine tli ui a mete disavowal ni lol m, I must nay. that the charge which I lumen' toner Iiimi excited much of your sensibility, had no reference to mif ot you. Ymr avowed ohp-ct ir imi rovemy You rail fin a precise rtaiemaof of tacit and evolem • . not afTecting, «o f T u« you know, any one of] vow, Imt to mii rde you Initly to inset and to an swer If And yon dro ned, 1 \V o an the pel toni designated as lende*s of the put. |. evading in Mu -achurefU ill Hie vein ]HOH, who** object I igm-rt. w.i», and ha • been, foi ievrra y»*Mf*. a di^io ulioii ol the II nion, and the establishment of a separate cm ti-deiacv f and 2 The whole evidence on winch that charge 1* found' d Vmi oh eiv© that if ir admitted, in the state ment ol the charge, that it ii not |irot«blr in a • mi I of law. and your interetu r is, that I am • f coiimoi not ni |i '(s' oioii ol any legal evident© I hy which to oia ml ii ill if. Yet you call upon me in itnni' th'1 per-.m •»fl* cted hv Ih© chug© j a * h irg* in you* cellulate deeply *< igniatMti 1 upon flcse prison" ; and vmi permit yuitsclv* » I t remind m»*. ’hit mv sens* <*l justice and iflj r/*/ircl oblige in© to di* I■•s© all that I do pit* ! ^ M« ruse ol jnutire to von. gentlemen, m j (|I * Ml* iruMtk I leave ynlir **'ff re • p ri i • fit* moral influence# fit von o>v n tftillds, j . '»*.;•» pi, ruining to mra-iUie it hv the t'*C m I imii o| mini*. hippo* Then. ir* comp’.ante v till your rail, ! should name on* , two «*• three p- r»mi* a*, nit* »»ded '«» or included in the curtige "nip* p >«© nei'hei o' ffn»s- person* to hr nue ot you You howeyei t have given tl-em ii'-lie©. that I . h iv no evidetire aj» ill'* f them. f»v w- icu the < i o o provraid' m a omit «»l law "id you k * ' hn I, a* W'dl a** yoorselve*, am ameno ' |e to the laws nl (tie* lea* of (lie land Dm * mm self•respei ' coo■ .nice yon hat the poison v* nmied if g-o ty uni dd fuitiish tin* * videnc igalliM themselves which lh-‘V havi lieeu unity ft it tliat I Mu not pos- «« ■' Am* you sum* I'.a the • ori espondr or© w hich wool' prove then E ii ' m • v ooi i• • Hie lapse «.f 2't y at * luive been i noi i.llted to the (1 line* f |ii III’ *e -lav » of fad* • a j* an I treacherous memo u*i, utav they not have forgotten that any such C'»rie*pm.deuce e vei ©xml d f And have yuiiHiiv ;'iiiicinl»’e t-i ■ ■fl*- . that f jh mid mil lie • ailed hv u •uili non* more imp < dive fliun v mis, to produce in h© ! temple i f i*hce, t e proof, w ich you say I have not, mi he branded fora fool and mai©* until .iliimlei t*i *1 spotless nml persrctit* <I yiriue? !k i* iml besides, imaginable that |i m«uil may eiHt. vvlm( iIio'jrIi twenty five years since driv en in file 'lespci at ion of isappointitienl, In lie meditation .Hid prepai .ttion of in mure* ttitid inf l • ihe di»so*<it»o i ol tin- I’mon, perceived nlf . i a <U the eriof of then w y», «"d wnul t i»«• yv "la IIy wash nut from H eir own iiieiiinriet I !iif.* i p iitrr.nnfmu in project*, upon which the s’amp of i h>iible reprobation has i nsl J I* if n ( possible Hint some of the con*pc atnrs have been called to account b 1oie a higher ini eaiibly liibunal tor all the Rond and e vit of their l»v» t ; and * hose reputation miRbi ( suffer ueedh>«sly by Die disclosure ot llieir name, ? \ put these (iiv * to you, gentlemen, as pusvibli to allow you that ueitoei my set me of ,'piii e n*»r my sell re«perf does r* quire «*i no to prodore the evident'" foi which v ou c.lM, « » I fo df-close I lie n a me# id pel sons, I nr whom > o * rt iii I can have no i i i; '• i f lo speak. 1 ii mi. appear indeed to me * for elide, that it i» n i •.'i’hnuf turpi iso, *h >t l t pii «• mpe| « ti io bell* »c Dial 'bey had esCffped on* nbsri \ mlii>11. I c iiiimt believ* of any • p P . iImi .v)ii,;h ) rim mu m »rT wlcrfil tliu '•••ails of som • of you that you shoo'd have *# l**rf**#l the |im*m nl innounf, fo* the p *rpu*f of 'ran tug me info a rnufrnv«-t *.y u t n,dy with vo i*t»'vi . but tvdlt u hers, you know vm* w hnrtv — *1 ilar tig »*»e lo • In ih>uotincrtiM fit r| unto»•* ’ »h twenty years « rr | d rimed COffltnittmg’ • o the eat *f f 'liiliileiitm triniiShip , and to the pi uihii lion o| cv idt me, which, though pit Iv tali.hit fm % in iny own itPnd, end pet lecfly cotnp' it nt bo I he (oiiodalioo ot honest • d I p.ih lolir pit* hr r Millet, w is adequate m a court flaw neither to the cmtvielion ot the eliilty. nor In the jutfide'tioe u the censer, n t! e* ; fn*«iIy prunoiiitced l*y my-e|f. \ on sti) ill ii )nu liavy no design nor wish to pioilnre an elf ct on am pdit r*J putt* or quo lion vv hair veimir to enter into a vimhci ton ot the measure* pnhtfclv itdupleil no t avow d t»v the persons again*! all. m the alovr rtiai/ o Inis het-u made, lint tan y >tt helievc that this • ubjet:l could he thl1 ils*etf hi tweil ymi and me ns you propose, when calli g upon me for > Slat- ineiit, with the avowed intention of refit "IK t* *nd md produce II effect On m y ptdiU cut parly or ifiwthyn t Wit - legard to the ptfl | In measures ol itiose times and die succeeding which you declare to have had voor satictim and approbation, it m cds no dt«i Insure now that a radical and irrec ncileuble difference opinion liftw een most of sums iti*« Knil up es isted And can vou Suppose that ui ditch ..of •mines ml staling fails, know n perhaps roly o invar If. I could cons- nt to 'partite fliein fVom those public measures, which you so cordially approved and wbit h I so deeply lamented MitHl your own defence against lin e charge.* Inievei list esrltpivily upon a solemn piolehi; * (ion again t the na oral inference from the me feislihle t o IrnCy ot action In the sect el inti i of I in* acini I I n< a vtatesiu <n who believe III hitimiii vii oe should he slow fo draw fh|« io !>• em e against mu • • • tun n*s< \ e a -1- na. I n i dilv aflmii . lull I •» 'It lego* • mo m the con do i nt h mao life, it «• itiles i vide1 ce no widely difTri i'll! fi out I Iiom* w on I m i fve of es i hide tesiiomuii m a cnit’l ol law liveir then Von k •<» ' Hat Vinh llt presmtipfmu m eijinve, icilt h es affeeliug life itself i,, p .|tjv« proof : an.i m ii succession ol poll i. u| iimauiies I hi img o m i ies of yi at <, ell tending to the **hi« ii till, there is mi inhraul evidence again t who nil'll1 denial, mwever solemn. cun scarce lv claim tile crt'deiM.e > ven of the clomty thill helievef Ii ii I things lid me add that die Statement f.ttlhnrisei) l»y me. a pilldished io the % itiotial Intelligencer was made, not oulv without the iiiieutmo hut without the nmst distant imagination ol offend mg you nr ot injuring any mm of you Hu> on the r< ntriH v. for the purpose of evprc*slv disavow mg a charge Which wit* before tin* puhh ! sanctioned with the name ol the late Mr Jefli* son. imfiuiing to ceitain ciliaeii* of Mtvsiirhu setts, Iteasoonhle m-go istionv with the Hi it i t, ^avaniiuent during th* war and ciprcuily st img that he hail i< reived mforniNtiun nl t],,* frniii up . On the ptihliratioii of this letter J deemed if not peipiddy due It* utysclf, and t#. all the cuiy os of Mas nclmseti.. nut oll|y t, deny having cvri given soi h information. |m/ all know '« dgo of Such a fact.— Old ihe mwi t», hee»t|*e that letlai had heeti ptddihli'-d though williou in' knowledge, yv\ | w in wi > fiMurrd, 11**'in uioiivi of jiiniii <• nml kiiidii1 * to ilii* J> contained n <l< Ifiriition hv Mi. Jrflei •oil htinaelf, (in *k. e» pin it nod h u* , of the •C’ei of the motive- ol mv cm duct, in nil lo ti•oi*« |ih»»« of inv inteicourse wit him, dtifini* tin period of the codon go Thi* wiisji point upon Uddfli hi* memo jr could not dcre ve loin « point upon which he vm«s the he-t of tvitneifi * nod In* leitnno'iy mu, the more derisive he (HUH1 L' T n nt n moment Mil would seem, ol g cm i-n I ineot iignitivt me upon different v iew« o' public polii v, I veil thru tu Conflict and pn - during great tm< erlMtion in In* mind. 'i h# h Mi l eonfiiine I ;dso it iinrrat ve of a personal inieiv rw in i \ ini hiniHelt uod me in Mnrdi lhdH, nml Mi lled thni I hud then given him in he ,if inn <d fnrt* w lot h induced him to con tent to ihr «llh*filu mn nf die non iuteriouico for tlie mill.,, go ; .not ih n I had upt tired him ol tlii* Irefi un de o /olia'ioiihy < itix* «i» ul (VI i-M'tchu et’m, o I' iciIi Horn t||i Union during III war, and peiliMp* irjnu aftei die peti t Now the -iduiilotion ol I lie non mtric«nti;ie f«.. tint embargo, to -k placti twelve imoi'h* nfie till* in eivietv, and mi a *u« ci wjilig sen.on n f • infr•■ *c, when I wh* not even a no iMl er , th it hodv The negoiiaiioo f.,t Seceding lion, tin* Unmo with a vow m r-join it aftei v»urd«, ii evei i xi* id. to *1 have f *#o during tin wn I hid no knn ' hole** ol *uch m goiiitfmn, tn # veo of Mm h a d> «i o 1 could theicfore have g|V» n i»n tnicli in lot him* ton Mut In givui'j an unfpialifted denial to till-: aUtrnmil nt Mi. Jrllrixm, mill in slimvinq Itiul lltlllll Ihr Irtrrilfllli. trill 1 ItsrP || ronlll |ltl| hi cnrirct, it was ilut; tu him tu allow , it hi tiir nu •liilm,trill on his |i.ut ws. imt iittriiliuiiHl ; that • t mi i,nr Irmn Hu mi Ii i in it y ul n riiiuiy, which .hr I* .In ild il candidly arliiitiWlttlcril; (hut it hiriiilnt in jritirr nt imr iiiil sliiii t in-iss, ihr i); li.iniHiioii which I hail civru hint m Mnri It I Mi W w ilt Ilia |iur|iui I ol cnnfldniiiiil Iriin iwtiir1- I II ul in ill"ll In hi, ami mi frlrnds itt I '>i"4'* ss a yrHi ,i I r, ami with cvrnla, pre jrrl, mill |au Imps iiiri r ftospiriona, iiiifuial r .. a» rinisripiriii-ra ul hr prerrtling lim, ' hni w In h m i in r il, il a1 all, from Hirer In „ • yrara latrr ami nl 'trlinb hr could mil havr Inui ml*" ninth’ll hi mi me Ihr simptr (net of which lnppii>i"| ,VJi Irll. i'.nn wn , llial, in Hi * •iniimrrol IH 7. aliniji Ih" linirof w l,ai w r* ' i llril Ihr njffuir of Ihr I ropnril mill (' rtaprul.t. I hint scon a I" I it limn llir l.nvrrum nl INovn Sc'ili", In II pi'rauit III .M'ivsilcliiiarlls, iiflinnin. * hni lim It. Midi u'lvri nnirn hml crrliiin mint mu I on nf H plan l.y Ilml nf I rnncr lo c"iiq. llio B llisll IMi,ar.«|ons anil , I!', c II I rvnlili .,11 in the I'nilril HImIi'm, by mum,* nl a Km wilh (iris' Bt Bain. A, llir I'nilril Siiiips him I rirrat Briiniii wm> i I SI »7 hi p' in r a i ori rsp.nidriicr wnh lim j., vri I"II III \|IVH S'Iilia, h'Id by any citizen n« lln ■ I'mIni '»• ii I. iinpnrlrii bn viotHtii.n ul law; nor rm ill I ihr cm n Ipumlrnl hr rrapnnsiblr It any Ihing w'licit I'r linvinor might write. Ro my Ii'rrrni ralimn ibis lari werr, Hint 'hrrr ' rcis'rM br ,1». ,, Ihr Billisll g trrniitmti and the parly In MaSsarhii rils opnosnl in Mi Jifli r . ton, a clia in 1 ol ri.niinditica' inn Ihruugh Iho t>«»' rr.or ul Nova Srinin. which Itt waa raarcit I ing In mflamr Iheir hairril ngnniai Ci nner nml i llii'ii |i‘iil"iisii*« Hgm si (heir own ^nvernment. ' I lia truer whs uni In mis o hijim nf llir frdriat ; inn i 11'i*I no (i.oihi ir had br^n shown to some of tin'll), ns if had been fo lie. without in jiuirtton of secrecy ; m»mI, ns I supposed, with view tn convince me I'nii tin* • o« spiracy be tween Nap 'leou and Mr. Jeft'e son r#*ally exist ed. How ihnI channel I communicNlioo might fie further i«»d was mailer of conjecture ; for the mission of Mr John Henry was nine month* alter m\ uileiview with Mi Jeff- rson, and pre ciiely of the lime when I wne wi tting to utf friends u» Cougiess ib■■ leifei * urging the »ub sfifufion of the iiuniiitei mtir«o |'or the embargo Of Mr. f lenrv’f ihUiiod | knew no'lung till it was .r.sclos. d by bun elf in IS 12. j li w.u in ihr*i> Irllpri of INKS and l*nrt, ||i»j i 1 nmntiiiiinl > lie ilr'igu of rtrlniv b-adcrt of Ih« *d-i-«l p.nly lo rlV cl n -Iis-oluli.m nl ilie tin ion. and flu* ectablislMiif ut of a Northern Con* I'd'iHcy. Ibis design had been formed, in vil'* winter of I8U3 4, i nuteiiafeiv after, and as \ eons# (| rnee of the a eg isifion of l.ouistann. Us jugiift iog causes to tfmsc who entertained .1 were. thai Che annexation of fmoistaua t,> jhe I’niait (raittctrodfd ihe t nnJdjiMijdujtl ppw