OCR Interpretation

Lynchburg Virginian. [volume] (Lynchburg [Va.]) 1829-185?, February 26, 1829, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024649/1829-02-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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m-T K„. *1 per or 'Hoi.paviddo 111 advanre.—I\o «nb. I
wj|| * rt.auad for a *»»• tube than *i« month.
■„ .nfwir will !»• di.eoiilinued O'Ut ai 'bn daaeratioe
Kditori) UotH all arrearage* are paid
! T Advertim •it^ail** will ha iiuerlad ai 30 rapt. per
„#t („r |»tq.' t|»e l!r>i lime, :it?d 'M I -* r. nt» for rarh
JauauauM* I'1*"*- ,nu“ Paid for
mn. 1" thmr imnriinn, or Urn v«""out aaaunird by
I.mm ro.piuidiw# porauulu l.ywcHLuf*.
XTrhaHcary fHilaranotaacaadhftf iwnaquateauro in
,, r rd for ri» dollai*.
IT All latter, ad.lra.aiid to tho Editor* rauit bopojl
j, id. or the* w ill not Ur attended to.
’ 1 I ■-J1 I
Vegetable Catholicon.
THIi unparalleled reputation of'hi* medi
cine is such, and its pre eminent virtues
ure »» well erlaltliiheil. add so fully acknowl
Ill'll by Mil intelligent public, that it t» scarce
ly rweeasaly to say any thing further than that
a aovaaBiovKii^aBY
Tn n senses of the Liver ; Debility resulting
tunii intemperance anil dissipation Old and in
veterate Ulcer* : I’ains in the bones, atien.led
wall swelling* of lie join's ; Indigestion. Hlotch
os on the Face, Pimples, &r Syphilis, Cuian
rnus di*eu*e* generally, and letter in particu
Jar ; Mercurial mid Scrofulous cnmplatvits
Tiie certificates of wonderful curds performed
hv the Catholics*, have become so numerous
h- to precl nle llieir insertion in any newspaper,
end t—s made it necessary fur the proprietor to
print 1'iedi in * pamphlet of about 1'H) pages
Tins will ne Rewarded ns soon ns possible to
the- veial agents for gratuitous distribution,anti
|rvi»f, on perusal, strengthen the >t)d upiutnn
now entertninril by the friends ot this medi
cine, amt disarm, ns it is hoped, the prejudices
rftliot. wini view with distius any medicine
i it known in i hat is called ‘ regul >r practice."
£ sets are stubborn things, and cannot hu gain
At (he eai nest solicit at ion' of member* o! the
medical (acuity, and others who have witnessed
IV astonishing cores clfveted l>y the Vegetable
r'aihnlico.i, and who me noxious that its bene
fits to maiik.nd may be more widely diffused,
fie- proprietor h * eou-euled to reduce the re
fail pree to T WO BOXsuABS perlrol
f.e ; .nd'his w ill he done without in uny way
cel• 11 >ratiii|* tlie quality of the medicine, or
talueiiiu lUtsiit vf /lie buttle, ns has Wren mn
feraliy done in tiiu case ol Swami’s Pana
The subscriber, agent for Potter's Genuine
C'atluihenn, has j,r»t received HOT
Tiat:s. winch uiefor ssleai Finla lelplua pri
<_•». HftWtl. 1>WIES.
Fcti , * if49
fJNHE following is a translation of a letter
fibm the. origin*1 Spanith, rUt 0 23-1 of
September, I82S. forwaidedto Wuliain Swain?
bv J. G» A. Williamson, Esq. American Con
Satisfactory cvidenre of the respectability of
Mr Rodrigues, ha# been laid belore the Editor
of the National Gar.ette.
CarKt cas, Republic of Columbia.
Sept. 23, 1828.
]o Jf'rrt. Staaim. Fhilrtdilphia.
Sir : The marvellous and beneficial efiVrf
of your Panacea in ft number of instances in
which it has been tried in this city, and of w bieh
t am a witness and admirer, and t he necessity of
a lilppfy without the risk of adulteration of
some bottles for my own house and for tome
particular friends of mine, induce me to take
the liberty of addressing you. and to supplicate
VOll to have the goodness to pend me e’*i bottles,
mrecled to the -onsul resident at 'hit capital,
(viz. I. G. A WilHanlsoti, Esq ) for which i will
pay the said Consul, or such person as you may
•iireef, according to the invoice ; but I trust you
will put it at the nuvt equitable pi io s. I have the
sa’isGc". ion to inform yon that I mn an octtlur
^iiufii «if lilteea eurtr of the greatest iinpor
lance affected by your Panacea, rtf Syphilitic,
Chronic hircitrate anJ ntetfuM disease*—«l«o
of Liver campt iinls so common in this country.
Thi# had the hist mid merited pra:tes which
I have bestowed upon the medicine have
brought it into great estimation, and with
out doubt it will deserve* more from day today,
* ro .Moral)'* number of person are In
king it w | profit.
f hitvi Hip lurnor to he, *jtc.
*f is to f.e greatly regretted. that in cons*'
•deuce of t it* uiiparnlhded success of thi# niedi*
-ioe : s i %miiv inert imitation* of it aru dai
ly foistered on the public and I hat a remedy
r< such invaluable powers should thus l>c falsi
T The price he’ug noxv reduced t«* TWO
UOU. \K8 per bottle, place* it in the power of
fll desses to avail them.elves nf its u««.
swAxura taw^cea
'luctd to cmli, 2 dollars the Bottle.
mP’IEmhscriher, ajrent for SW VI \I*S genu
1 in*- p \ V \CE has just received 2^N
COTTLES which he off-rs at Pltiladel
r eti. 2.
rjllfr. "ubsc^iber informs his friend# and the
B public that he continues to do lutdrie#*
* «Hitmi*»icm, find promises that no pains
•hull bn spared to cive entire satisfaction In
^'1 Plant »r# and Farmers win, may confute to
ttianagem^ni ||.,» -Me of Tnhnr.cJ, Hour,
M °tl»**r pr,» lue.e. Hi« office will be kept til
y s,or»' of M • srs. .f. A* S. Ilalsey, next door
1 low (ha Farmer's Bank
, L>. SAUNDERS, jr.
•>*»»• U>. 1 Jut
New !
I.strao) A la Moungpiine,
Ifung.irv Wafer,
Aificb s of IVrfUmerir*
•Fdst received I v
^]r titoM. femt.
IMW1M ... ■
— Ti1■■■—'■■- " ■« ' hwi
'—Pet lliy mulharS spirit l,|naB ehUJ,
A till 1st thy sisters, to the dn jiuiag |BU,|,
fir»yt%th*,a with sons wl. foiitlr ,,,,,, there
Of earlv rumbles*—each lai'nj.yr fire,
Only the itiiknid br absent
Oh! lightly, lightly Irea.) 1
A holy thing it sleep
On the worn spirit shed,
Antlayus that wa'.e i0 weep.
A holy tiling from Heaven,
A gracious dewy cloud,
A coveting mantle, given
Tito weary, to enshroud.
Oh ! lightly, lightly tread,
lieVere tlie pale suit brow,
The meekly drooping head.
The long heirs' willowy (low ’
Ve know not tv hat ye do,
That call the sltimberer hark,
Prom the world unseen I v you
Unto Life’s dim tailed track.
Her mill is tar aw ay ,
In her childlmnd's land pet chance,
Wlior* her young sisters play
Where shiner her mother’s glanye,
Borne old siveet native uniitd
Her spirit haply weaves ; *
A harmony profound
Of woods with all llicir laave
A tmirmttr of the t ea,
A laughing tone of streams '■
Long may her soionnL'he
in the music-land id dreams
S I.
Each voice of lovelji, there,
Each gleam of lieauty (led,
Each lost one still more lair—
Oh ! liglity,lightly dead !
For t hi manage meat of silkworms. fleeting rind |
preparing I he bilk, and lor i,:e Cu Mention ol'\
the Whitt Mulberry. Tht F.ggs must b* pin- i
red in a mid cellar, in n lin hex. In protect '
themJ'rOm mice nnd inserts, n.,d .pi Oicvc un
til the lime proper for hatching then.
Hatching of Fggs nnd Feeding the worms. j
!v the spring when the warm weather has be- 1
ClAne Bellied, and the mulberry hm* j nhrut hall
grow n. bring out the and lav them upon n
tnble covered with paper, in a diy, airv room.
In from eight to ten days, if the we uhir lie tine j
and warm, the worms will leave the egy*. \
They will ha about the site «*f ih very small, j
red house nut. The next duj ofer the «v»rnt<
begin lo leave the eggs, procure * mr* fresh mul
berry leaves, tear them info small pieces, him)
lav them on the worms. A * often as tin* leaves
become dry or withered |iv on fresh ones, ami
once in three days remove liift litter, which you
will bn able to do by laying whole fresh leaves
on the worms to which rh»*v u II adhere, nnd
von can take hold of the stem of the 'lent’ a ini
bear it to a clean place. Continue this process
till you have removed all the worms, when the
litter may he bru liedolT. Fresh leaves will be
required three times a dav for the first mv. uty j
•lays, after which they ought to be Ihi<I on rs ,
fast as they are Consumed nr become dry. Ai- ;
ter the fust two weeks the leave* tnav be given
whole, and if they are gathered by cutting ol* ,
small branch**, a foot or so Ion;, and tlu**e
branches with tin* leave* or them laid on the i
worms, it will tre still btlter. as tin* leaves \v|h ii j
left on the branches keep li r h and green much j
longer than when stripped oif Leaves given to ,
the wo* ms in thto wav I have Uoown to keep «
fre-h twenty lour hours, and untilentirely coo- j
turned. This plan will be found to elfei t n
great feeing both iti leaves and labour. The 1
leaves must be frt’i from wet and tilth wbcngiv- .
i en to the worms.
Frames for Worm'.
When the worms aie twenty-'*un days old, (a *
day or two over or under will be of no cnn*e- i
quence,) remove them from the table to a frarm I
work, mad* in tin* form of the outside frame of
j a window sash, in which a kind of net-work tint t
torn is formed by weaving strong twine from j
side to *ids and crossing it fro in end to end. uia- j
king the spaces between the twine, (or meshes; '
a quarter of an inch square. This frame mny ;
he* ot auv si7.e must convenient, and as many el 1
them must hr made* as arc required to aeconmio- 1
dale all the worms. A frame;!j hy l feet will
hold .utXt wot ms. There limne* admit n bee
circulation of air and petmit th«? dung of the
| worms t’» fall through, i he frames may be laid
[ upon kleets fined In the wall, one above nrto
j thar about two fe< t apart, or upon pns’s with
| cross pieces affixed to them, as may be-1 suit
i the convenience of the cultivator. When the
j fruit!e9 are disposed one above another, a simi
lar tram * with a paper bottom, instead ol ml
1 work, should be placed a few inches below curb,
lor the purpose of catching the dung, >:r that
falls through, that it may not tall on the worms
beneath. After the twenty-fifth tlav of the
worms’aye, if they have lieou well attainted
and have attained their fall $h4.*, the finer need
not be removed. Feed the worms then and
thereafter hr laying on the small branch*? or
! twigs of mullrerry, lightly, always lay ing them
across thorn before laid on, and taking ome that
they form a loo*** pile us they accumulate, and
if at snv tune they become too comport, raise
and loosen them—thev must always be so louse
that you can see oleurly through tiie pile, and
Hint tho air may circulate freely nm<mg them.
On or about the thirty-filth day ot the worms’
age they will begin to spin. For a lew limns
previous to their spinning they will cease eat
ing, drucntbr a soft wrinkly appearance, and be
come somewhat transparent. It is not, howev
er, material that their readiness to spin be look
ed for, as, upon this plan, they descend of their
own accord among the dry limbs on ilk* pile on
which thev have been ted, ami spin their co
coons without anv a^sissance whatever. 1 hi
plan of attending silkworm-, saves at lean one
half the labour required in the old system, of <*•
reefing espaliers & assisting the worms t-» n«e ;
and it answers equally as well as that trouble
some mode. I have tried b«Hh and speak from
experience, nnd those who adopt the tiew plan
will f e fully suti-fied of its great Utility. The
improvement tfc entirely my own, as well a* that
of feeding with small twigs instead rtf stripping
off* the feaves, <vMch does afi injury fo the mnl
! berry trees hot on tin* < nnti at , for eve»v iw«*
off, they M||| iwmcd-aMy put out a ball
do/f i shunt* tltiriiii; tilt same summer, And (bus
leaves for a ii'CiiiiiJ crop il Mint be drain*
Il the vvntm* \vrtf all hatched in the Course
of font days, (which wift generally lit* the r;ur il
r c weather be warm and dry, amt at an* other
tiim? they should not be brought from the ee.lnr)
the worms may Im? left t<» themselves for thief
days abet tin* |*,i nur begins to spin. Il, how
**ver, they have not all began to spin in eight
days alter fhe first began, those that remain
mmf h.- removed Ih another frame, and on tin
tenth day after the fust began to uptn, the cm
co"n« murt he gatheted ('non I hr pile of limb',
and h iked, steamed, Nivivteil, reeled 6t disposed
h»r produimg eggs, ii» the manner befeaftcr di
t tcted.
Thr old motif, 6r J'fpnlm .
Should anv person drsiie to rant* worruv on
lh«‘ old plan, the following is the deseiiptioo of
mi Espalier ; lake small bushy twigi, «uch as
llmae Ui'h which stable ami 'heel broomt arc
lormed, and ta fttcrrt m bunches at the butt end, j
that the tops will S|ii riui out nnd form sonic
ibtng like a "mail tree—seta number nl thesei
round the rides and aernts the mol lie of the ,
If lines nr shelves (which must previously have
been cleaned of litter) and as (art nr the worms
-how an 'tirlin.ilnm In .pin, if they d-» Im,
rlinib the bodies theinsetves. the* most lie (aU n
Uni |>Ur il Upon tin im Tile norms in thi*
mode. slioiild he kept each day's hatching t»y ,
themselves, that t|iey may nH be in o .pm n :
near as p. ssihle n" the -time time. Those that
Jo not begip to spin nf fi *•! may be h d as be
life, on the shelves let wren the rnw* ol hushes, '
till they aif ready fo*pin. It will tperceived '
ihn' this Is a vrtv troublesome bioib , and I •
would reeoiittueiul (he new one m (pwuVi mice
therefore shall continue my directions win j\ '
view to the new mode.
O or 0!»n.
At* before remarked, three days after t e la t
woim l>c"an to vpm, or on the tenth tiny from 1
i h** tirst spinning, fake the eounons, r*!**.*f t nun
of the loose low and Inter attached tu t hem. and
if intended for silk, and it • 01 t*'* done itumedi
atclv. reel them : lm> if *hey at e to In? re.led nl I
a future liniv, hake tlbun N»i half tin ho » in im '
oven about b df he"fcd f,»r bit ; |, ..r v root as
hot a* it w ould he alter lit*- bread is baked ; to
do w tiich pot them in haduf*. «. ( them m l|»e
oven* and clofe it imht. Cure iun*l be observ
ed that the oven (a* not hot enough in . corrb
the silk, else the whole l.nlrf, will be spoiled.
Another mode o kitl»/i° *he i v«ri i. j% tu steam
ft. CO...a , f h . nuiftou kdb *• '"aci i for
o.o *o d*. y fh oi perfect|v iilt-ru ,o ' sotnc In- j
T eil kill tfr live*po«t|iig I r < > units to .
the action of the «un for burr >:> , s vi» day*, !
with, it ;my other operation. I i. .s i.ue nl I
these operations be performed, tiu- ninth* will i
come oit( mol spoil the roccon
'lo j‘Tn> rt / -
I lie epcnoos trout which y *u exp- : r" »% '
must tie spread out m a room, mumio tmm mice
and Hilts and m live tn ten dnv* do* ninths nil!
cotrn* out of'the cocoon*, \s hen the miles and,
f’em»les will collide ; tie v rnn*t then «e itken :
by 1 Me *.vino* m pfiirii wiitmut sepaintiu • them, t
and placed upon sheets of p iper di*pnstul m I
their tcceplimi, where they me to remain. |
I here is generally nhnnt mi <ipm| umnl er ol
each “ex. I have found the best tnedo I n .
nr» the paper for the moths to lay on, in fid
lows: Stretch two pi ••cos of .strong twine a-I
r rox.s the room tVoni wall to wall, ahmu two
• eel opart, and another about u loutov r the |
middle of these. Lay large sheets «.f paper!
fold newspaper* will d«| over them and pin I
them down nf eiicll side (0 ||ir. |,,Wei tw.„e!
Hie sheets of paper will tlimi tie in the form of)
the root of a house. \ jany pairs ot moths
it? call Conveniently lie on the paper-- may he I
plfte d there. This mode Inis the advantage of
Security H?rn»m» imH and utico/whi^h are vriy '
»le*‘t» ucti7o to the*f! insert- Tin* ronni thndltl
In* dark, if po.-sih.e, while the inject* are on ihe
paper?, and each Sheet shoo'd In1 tilled bet ire h
uy are nut upon :mnther, rind ns soon ns ih
ineths on one *hcet to e done layim* e*fgs. i» '
should he taken dotvu, folded and pot in a tin!
ho* in n ro! I cellar, uheie all tb# eggs mnit 1
he kept fill wanted foi use nest spring.* T he I
moths hip in the lot i' • of a grey i*di white lint ter- |
fly. and generally begin to lay eggs in ‘J I to
hours alter leaving the cocoon. The eggs !
are at f.rst « fa pale yellow, nr somewhat ol h j
sulphur colour, lad in three days turn (•• a !ijlt» •
slate colour, and s"h|i ijin*ntly to u dull hi own
ish slate ci'hnir. When scan throughn mo rn
scope they nre speckled Thoro that remain ,
yellow have not hern fecundated, and nf ;nnr>'
are worthier. k.acli he.hhv feiiinle nmlli wid ;
ay about 4o0 egg*. genriaTv ImmUomefy di
posed and firmly attached to pie paper in a cir
cular turin. die whole covering a tpm;<» about I
the sifre of a fitly cent piece. Should the eggs |
be permitted to remain exposed to the vs aim ‘
weather. li.ov will I vcn. and. unless another i
crop he desired, they will he lod. This is the j
only injury are Hulun to Lion* worm wee- J
ne i m* tlu f; n.t notiiin ; alter leaving tin* J
co-.ouns, and die in rt few days alter depositing I
tile erg* T lie tin box hi which the »•»".»*t are di- I
reeled to hi kept, i? intended to protect them \
from mire and insert-. T he eggs should he ;
kept in a dry cellar, n- mould and mild w w t|i f
injure litem. *11• i ■ will he ntany double c*»- !
coons, thoye w hich have two or more worms in
tlietn : flies# and a-i runny more of the uther
as are wanted should he selected |.»r eg/•*, T he j
eoiuinon color «<t ti.ee tenon* is a pun; milphut
color ; but Ih'WH are sometime ; deep vellovv, 01
orange colon d one*, ninth are matte *u l»v h id
imniHgement or disease, (the j m dire,j and
some ol a pretty jmre white None hut Mtlphtn
colored and white cocoons should ever he taken
lor eggs, mV the orange colored ones aro apt to
produce jaundiced worm*.
'Pie Room, Wtalhtr, £ \
Any common room answers ev* ry purpose
tor raising silk worm*. I lie von shun! I not he
allowed In stone on the wot ms. nor should the
wind he permitted to blow upon them. Should
there he a cold spell nf we illier Or very damp
aii. a little fire should he k*pt in the room, e
noitgli to make it perfectly comfortable to your
self. In very warm weather a free em ulation
ol air should he admitted, by opening the win
dbn* and doors. In all tins, nothing is requi
red hut that which voiif own comfort requite*,
and your own feelings will suggest what t*t to
he done at all limes--make the room couifdi ta
ble for youi self ami that is all that silkworms
require. Von must guard again-f mice and
ant*, both ol which are destructive to silk
til.if ft A
The svnrnft ore subject to a disease when kept
crowded too much and in very hot weather—d
•« calh* I-the ja>iiniioe, and when anv Hi e diseov
' ere.I aflerteij with it they should he removed to
| a place by theiii«**lv* - T he'disease i* ea .i »
i dl<W»vered, hv n yellow, tviiuUlv, ami fiupid
j appealance, and hv their ceasing to cal. They
i will never ln*ve this or hi»y other disease, when
properly attended to.
Gem rat Remark,
Three hundred and fifty lull ri/e-l and w«*M
formed coioyus, will weigh a pound; ten pmnuN
cocoons wiki make a pound of r*w «o U, or
three fourttif qt - yvnud of li tMn'J ‘ilk. .it *.
11 opo**t''. i I'OniMlf me * mfiiv ol lerre* r* 1
J qmrrd la feed iHe worms I'or the first few
days, a dotted r*»f» u Hn wdi feed a llioUvsi il
w ottos When Ih* woisti are full grown, each
one w ill rut two oi three leaves a d *y. Writer*
oil sdktvor ns divide ike worm's Ills* into ngi *•
and th»«e into da w, requiring p * * f •« olar lieat
ment lor fsrb ag \ I he wont) sheds its thin
tour times, via : ah* nit the tit h, I ] t#v, Ifith ant,
22d d t \ • <»f its age, and *t these limes they ap
peal sickly and stupid These units inaik tie'
Hr*'s of writers ; but it requires vei y cUw# nit ,
epivaiion to find nut when ib v <«« ♦ or, and I
I»iiv• • never found any vJtiiaiioti of tte.itment a» J
Itwip times arcen-Mfy—| ptly iifi attention to |
tliein—they requite none.
in liftl /silk.
Hie cocoons frum which yon rspect silk J
may he ret ied at nov liiue aftei your attmiti h J
to the olliei parts ot the prmjo censes, for ]
which purpose, pm about f>‘t ot itiein in u kettle
of water of a temperature nearly boiling ; with J
a wisp ol twig* Stir Ho rn about hiisklv till yon
observe the end of t fib** of silk sticking’ to n.
when you must scone H Add proceed ns be fort
till voir have as mum fibres u» you w u-n a strand
of the thread you iuieod, tuv It) nr 20, tin njoio
them arid attach Jn'to lo a 11 el nod wmd oil tin
silk, carefully observing when a fibre breaks I«»
«ore if or another that the thread nmt not be
ilmiiiiisiied. If the silk inines nil the rortmn in ;
i ho* i*r* ur Iimi Ireelf, the* writ, i' '* too tint ; tt l [
rotnc* off with difficulty, tiling the romon out j
.»t • c water on asiniially. the wttlrt is ot hot e
•jooyh, So»n or lv wind eight fihnut m a strntol
l l i l>:t(s of 'tie reel nhoitld be prettv lima, that
von m.iy spread cm the silk withti"t letting t’*•»
•H and* touch iititi! the fits! laid on he dry, R*
the onrrr in the *dk will make them adhvle. The
sub uiny nm» be wound from ttie skein into
lin'd* and twisted w ith a coiiiinnn spinning
wheel, ;rn I doubled, as may be required lot
sew me tin t-id. or livint for weavii*;*’, nth i which i
it must be boded for hvp nt tbiec hoots in r leal j
ram water, in o l icit n liftle *oap i. put, uml j
then Weil i him d in cle.ti wri*'*i tot ihe purpose'
of freeing it flout the pour with which it is to i
cumbered, " hen the silk will be lit tut me it
w.'l h * white « | v:otiii'rf mid it othtn citlmira lire
wftntcd it must be dyed.
To j u par? th t S11k for nw rl. 11.
If it he not desired to tnnkc sewing silk, t
should be ieel»*d into fwt ntv cocoon str.mds
nod pnwtn nlur nf•« niton t hotdd lie paid tint the
number ol cocoons he alwav* kept Ihe same, or
as nearly so n*f possible, that the thread may he
uniform in bi/.e, tt« the price it will tiling d«*
pends much updo this. After it ii reeled, it
should be divided into imall hanks nf a hun
dred threads cacti, and these done up like skeins
of sewing *i I k. In this state it is called rmntilk.
and when well reeled, h worth sis dollars n
potititl Should the same he paitiaMv l united
and bulled ns atrove, if will be worth fcotn t**n to
four teei*o dollars a pound. A ready noirltcl
may b- fornrd tor rtfif kilk, ami for tor* lust de
acidicd qmdffv. in all th»* priuetp d cities.
Si//, for Stockist*. \
I 'mi Mmtt'.mi'l w«hiiis will make mi ahnuditinc
.if m-o ing hiIU l.ir family titv ; find about two
pounds «»f niie ♦ i• the most *,ii,i;mmI itiHterhtl* lur
Mfnckin ;s iiiiiii'inalili*, w ifhntlt • lit* I roilMe of i eel
in if *!»•• ilk . f n w hlrli put po«ft the moths iimv
Ik* permitted in mine >> it of the ciiCOftiil, fin the
production of* ui ilia < moult* may he rut
"pen w ith si i-4tnm wild the . rvbalis taken out.
Whe’li' i t! • inuili conn *■ out in not, cut the etc
i non wiiIt the «i « oik, <hKii mil tlif> thi'll uf. or
tin? cry mil is, a* tin* mm1 may he, mid put the cut |
cocoons nit in keitlr of clear (ant ivator, and \
lioil them lor an Imtiv in two; then rhim? lliein
in clean \siite[\ find expose *hem to the run to
dry. ilia innxi witli a smooth stick ore*
doita'M in loosen the Idfi e-. I he liilk Mill thru j
ha like roiion or tow , only irrv fine, and may
be spun Uk* II.»x. It will ink** why kind of co
lor in dying, mid ii, hi is i>md ahoy, one ol the 1
ini' t elegant and dunihle nuifi lints for stock
ings licit cm In? made • and what is mere, the
Irotihle of olii.jinioe if is not more than that ol
obtaining the some rpinntify of Uax. I.very fur
nn*r'» lainilv ought to make I In* kind of silk Hi
Ciiltirathnnf JPii/f ftlvlhtrru».
J here i eimtitis mi niv muni no doubt tr.it for •
a permanent ext"h'i-hricuiit, the while »u*|l-j
Ill'll v ought to le* preferred to the common i d !
or the unlive kind. 1 li d Hut y* nr '
wnjios On em h, aud I huge fed on Hu* white I
produced cocoon* weighing hVMo the pound ,
while tho-n of fhe " ''rum fed on the native mill
berry weighed f;*‘*ti to 'lie pound. 1 lie rm*»*rwi
of fhe hitler were mostly impel feet him! of an |
in firm trgtiji e and pale mini ; while the far
mer were full fized, h'Mi, and «*f « brilliant gul* [
nhiir color. A* il ix ju*l a* easy In raise the ,
one ox the other, therefore, I recommend tho ^
universal adoption of fhe White Mulberry.
\ hete me m veial kiinlx >>f the white niu'be *
t'5*, all of which are d* i uh dlv pieferable to the
native hind. The scvi id kinds of the nitdber
ry tue ore dixtiugunl**d liv their leu vox,
not ltieir fruit. The white inulhetry lienra I
IJif '., rnlt pa!• purple and Iiifnrt.
Siiluc'i the red or unlive mulberry. The leave*
of I lie White mulberry an xh mod like tv much j
texrmlde those of th** l. inhinlv poplar. l he
edge* nr** x i rated, (saw t«ioth like) th** upp *r •
surface gins*y, am! the body firm. Thoxt* of
the black or nniiv*' i udheiry. arc larger, often
scolloped, nf a duM uai k gromt color, the up ,
pel mi fare wrinkly. anrl • if* t»r.»l \ «* t ' ie *i»ft
spongy texture th »ilU wotm e.iM the emu j
moil in dhurry h*n! pritiy freely, nod it w ill do i
vei y w**;j for an < xpennienf, or until the whhu j
kind can lie (town.
'In plan I I' l if V"!la>rr>'
*VMV tl»e need in the • pun**, mi a n ed bed, in |
drill* one foot a pm t very lightly covered with ;
earth, in the -mm* w.»\ apple «eed* are planted. 1
fieep down tile weerl* hy hoeing, and lit verv
dry 'imex, il they are in a dry situation, water .
them eyet v uiehf aTlei tun down. The next
opting they will be ready to tran*|dafl4-ititn or-!
! chard* or hedjp *. {*s * »ay be ibVited. The j
I uMlge mode ix prib -red hy n»»*. as you tan
1 gather the !env*« earner, and wiii levs fivk ,
than from large Wec-s. In this mode, ^. t the I
voung trees i.i row* a foot np«rt, and every |
fall cot oft the ir»p4, that they may throw out
lateral branche* ami not attain too great a |
height. The wf.io* mulberry m* * also be pro- '
pavau* I by ratlin'ft. lake 'lie -hoots of flu*
last year’* growth, a foot and a half long and
set fhem nine inches jo the pi mind early in the
»priiu*. Any *ui[, not loo wet, will answer for
mulberry trees When the tree* are thrr e year*
eld they a ill hr lit for use, and i tew leaves
may be used wheu I vo years old.
gidkom u smith.
The rrvv belonging In Oliver f>f»i* 1 of WM
ton, which »' t*f native sl*fr.ky tljtd obtained
: the lira! premium at Concord tin* 1 «xt season
land the »cA*<ui beforn the hr.t |»i*'*ttjittrtk n
i Hriglifou, has produced miicc May Inxf,
three hundred ami twenty-three pounds o!
, butter
1 ]» »« ascertained that oil fillerod through * hnr
mml, will burn erpi<tl in brightness to the bu t
\ I’hednn! hi l ortworfh, in * r*ufe*te,
shire, ( ring.» "2 feet tn circnini« - *n ** •- pr«r
yed !*• Iiave e** -|.*d xi'ice the v -nr llf>n, a
whr h time it received fhe »pp alinu nl tin
brxiit Chestuim of 1 •r,t»iort%i According t*
A'.-, Mnrsham »! H \ i *tt year* old.
r t\r J\*
. «w*' •**»*^ — II—» HIM I mm ,m
r-'arm- -a-sa... .^ vrr.-..- “Tt .ac
Ijtftraf tu fhf. cit'+fM of (he I.Hit* f
Tltr I •llawlut H|i|it nl ii mit)c fo you, In *
chum* tile Chargra vvliiuli Imivm tendered u
sn-HMirt, urn «*eiIiti*it«-«l by yen highvsi
fiti' iitMiRry, ii< a ctmnnnnMition de
“lpl?id i'»i the *•%*-■. *ii nil , nfiiJ bncuuw I lie ri*
ti#efti ©f aver) Mnte in lln? Union have a
le**p inlet«*hi iii 11m reputation ol every i.thfji
It r» veil Know n, lljtl, during lb«l •*rnbt»rgo,
an.I Ihn Mtccvedtng rtfifriclioii* on mir c.in*
nierre, and also dur Inf lb** late wmi with
tiieat BnfHia, ||i Stale of »\|n*eai S-!?eM# wu?
• die! ifl*e<* charged -W11 It enlei taiono; i|e?h;ni|
■biMi'ornii*, if tin! Iiiufllr, Iftpllf till lull of fin*
Males. 1 Ills calumny, having been rngen
leredal a period ot Hiunir (Militiftl esnilH
in iU, nu I being considered hive the thousand 1
oilier* w (licit el him b tiniea are fabricated by
par'y animosity, mid which live uuf (heir dev
atide\pi»of has hidieftn attracted very lillla
Mfieotiou in (h * ‘ twie. ft stood on the name
fooling will) the i.hinge n/aio l Hamilton, for
pm illation, n^ainsf the late Uicddcnt Adam.?,
as belli? in favor of a fVtnttar*di\ and nnhilit y,
•nd iigantM Wasliii1 Ion hinmrif, a« Itnsfila to
It i ire, and devnlnd !o Util inti inf* rest? t’a
bunnies, which were seldom believed by any*
m ipeelnhl*' roe in hereof the party width tiitii*
laird them.
The puhlrraflon by the President of the U.
Htalpe, In flie National lole Ihyrnuer of Oi l
a«l, lias given an enf iraly new character to i
bei»* charge? ttgaii st the cifiaan# nf Massac it ii
sells I hey run no longer fie (jnn*idert*d a?
anonymous slander? o| political pnttnuu ,
hut a a n sob inn and delibenUtJ impeachment.
hv the first magistrate of the United Stale?, &
under the responsibility of Iiik nainr. It ap
pear? alio that tins denunciation, though now
for tin* first littiw made known to tlm public,
end to the parties implicated, (whoever they
mnv In ) was eonfnineri In private Icier? of
«ili \daioi, written twenty yean m o, to
iiiemhvt a of I t o 4»ciM»ral Government; and
(fiat bn veilin'**? to «*nte it is founded , n
tiueipitvocal evidet un w ithin his own know
II whs impassible for thosn who |m<l any1
I m«t in tin* affairs of VliiMUchHirHi (luring the.
|i«*l i < »<t in quest ion, to •uller such a ehartin »e»
go forth lo Hie world noil deseeml lo jioshTily
without notice. The high offii ml rank df the
dcmiset*, I lie «ilent but bmielul influence nflhe
originitl secret denunciation, mid the dl’liher
m i *• it it • I unprovoked repetition of H in h public
journal, authorized an ap|*f»nl lo Mr. Admit*,
lor ii fif >i* r* i It *' fi t i • * ti nt the part in* end «t| (tie i'V*
idenrr. and renderitd swell un appeal alien*
lutely i in per h 11 v**. No highrninded honorable
iiuin, of nn\ party, or ot any Hfata in our con.
lederaey, cmild expect that tlie memory o|
ilhiNtnon* friend* deceased, or the chain* 'er*
of the living, should hr left tiiMlef»nd"d,through
the tear of awakening long extinguished r**n
iroveftte*. or of <fin urhiog Mr Adams retiie.
me nt Men w ho feel a just ratpert fur their
own charm ter, and for public e*ti em, und who
have • corresponding senso of what is doe to
the reputation of other*, »« dl admit the right nt
all who might he supposed hv the public to m
elude m Mi. Adams' denunciation, lo rail upon
hi in to disperse tlie cloud with which he hall
enveloped their character* Hitch persons had
a rigid lo require thai the ninnn nt shnold not
suffer with the gtrfltv, if any such there ware ;
and 'hat she parties against whom the charge
wnn levelled, should have mm opp *|iunifv foil*
p«*| and disprove it Mr. Adiuns had indeed eft*
milted tha* his allegntions could in*' he proved
in H four♦ of law and therehv pimJently decli
oed a legal •mvestigatioii ; hut tha persons un
plicated hud still a right lo know wlial the i vi«
dence was, which he professed to rnnsidei as
unequivocal, in order to exhibit It •«* the tiihunel
nf the public, hel*»re which lie ead arraigned
lliem. lie had spoken of 4hal evidence as en
rif • |y satisfactory fri him They had n right to
iscertain whether ii would he alike sat sfheto
rv to imparted, upright and honorable me**.
It lieiujr defei minad flint 1 is denunciation
rould not he »ntfi i i d tn pus* unanswered, some
questioft arose as to the mode in which it should i
he noticed —Should it he by a So'roui puhhi I
denial, in tlie linns* « of nil those who came
within the scope ol Mr. Adams' tv-u.ntcm u» ,
eluding. .1> it does, all the leaders ol the fede al 1
party ti**n» the year 1HCVI to Nflf Hitch a
course iodei d would *•• ve in Massachusetts, j
w here flu* character* **f the parties Hie know, ;
tiirist full v to couu ervml the chut ges ol Mi
b il fl.i- iuipeai dimei.t ol their ch.irac
ivf mnv Im heard in clinfntil Hlnliit, nml in in
lore lino s. \ convention might Imve been r tII
vd of all w ho had been member* ol the bdeinl
parly in the IrgHbiline d -ring tb**e eleven |
vein a : and a respectable b si they would he. in
number*, intelligence, education, Idle nt* and
pHiriothm ; >et n migl'i llieu hnve been -aid -
* Von inrun to overpower your arcuftei liy mint
h<«it yon intend ton i7.»* this oivaM'-n In revive
the old mid long ettfincf fedei.il |^»t»y ; yom
pm pose is to oppress hv ! opidar clamor n lall
no: rbu l . yon me aveugmi' yourselves lor Ins
Hn< lent «b*b » non from your party ; yon it- c eon
scion* of guilt. but you endeavor to diminish
•lie odium ol it by iiirreMh*g the idtinhet of
vour accompli re*." Thes» inisonA had great
wciidil , and the course adopted eftei tlebln ra
non appeared to lie lr»*e from all < bjeefion.
I he undethlrnrd. comprisin'' so tunny of I he
fedeud patty, that Mr. Adams shbuld not be m
lifter tv to treat then! ns imwortliV of ultenfion,
a.i I yet so few, that lie rot Id m i rburge fbem
w ith ftrrav'n"■ a ini't agonal bitn, n-'»lieased to
him the aftove letter of .November Jbth. They
fe* I no i ar thnt lb** pnfdie will nr;ru«e them ol
bresiimption m taking the reputation ol die trde
rat p r|v. The idinre which some of them lltid
in public affair* during the peiiod over wlm.h
Mi Adam* battejiended Ids rhaigcft and insin
intfinvt*. and the decided, powerful, mid well roe
i jt< d influence enjoyed by their illmi.rimis
friends, n*»w #|erca*ed, most a**nredlt gave to
the undersigned a right to demand the grounds
of the accusation ; a right which M» Ad.iom
tiimudf repf'.tt’i'lv admit*, might have been , • t
lv and properlv eierrised by eiicli of fhtui seve
rally.- Their demand e.tt founder I on the mitt
rnon pi in* ij ie, recognized a d<« in 1 he code ol
lion*-* and of civil jurisprudence, • lint no limn
should m»ke a charge affei ling the l ights or
rhumr.lers of others, without *ivin«/ them an
mrliMiii v ol knowing the grounds ori whirl#
\\ Wfcti made, and of loprovitig it, il untrue
, To th»* p’ain nml simple demand tire uh br
I *ifncd received the an «n contniiicd in Hu
j idmve Idler ol Mr. Adams, tbdeti on the Kill
I Dei;.
\ h will tie Rn#M| that Mr. Adams Mtrgn!h**i
r•*f»t-e« to produce any evidence in bupp*> o
his elb-vniiou*. t'lic bn m*'r j it of hi* le'te
contains I »- rm««U» f'»r th.»* refusal . ai d ti
i i#* fit. p ‘ n» r** !y *‘oj oii^inat chuije
in term* i-M'!i ittor • * en*i\e tb**ti before
A ben ndjre • i.ig t - him nit le fieri, sv * ibftujli
I w c miglit < Hiisonably e i Hi| *4»c.**es #1
, vs bat vva- due t*i bitftsell, a* well ■'* t * u*. P a
(ip would fully di*ilo»e aM the svi-<*iii:i
whirl' be pt*#,H*s»ed lo consoler go sati-inclory
| oi l we felt n-«ure *, !haf in that event w
I In-uld be able hjllv lo Mi lain or refute it. o
' ... .limy Hint it ilt'l !»..( att'C- tiny tll.tinjui*ll
cl m.mh.r, nl lhf fdrn.1 pMy Am* it 01,
.,h" rhtnli nf.,,. flJ
r. ». If,,1.1 ,|1H,
H ,..||,I IT. MMII. W hilt W. anll.,ilq|in(|v , ,
!'"'V •' •' 1 ” 1 h.rini,. n„ , .
br<" •>'l.tnille,l tun,,
onrf mM',,•. «/ ntmwu’it/f/. *fi ,A ,,H. „
.l..|i', .l III. Ul!., ; .ml i|
tli.t I,. h„ flMiyn.il f.ir •, -ii.ml.l npp. ,r ,u
I,, linn Kir, i„iv, nnr f» *!.,» i.-iti*.,,.« , ,jnMh,
n .1, will in ilmul(l,r above Inf./
.■nr,. XV. ih.iWnr. prni.r’d io «n
I inn nf Inn*-** n»H xiiim
Air. Atl.m, llm nhf.ri, to nnr i/clinr n
|. h l itppllnilinn l„ l„,„ j „.fcp„w
rirli! ol rich one .Inn. i„ i,,,,(,|r» „
in (hi, mun. ii ml mv.-piny
*' ” '■ why nn, ah,M,ld In .
Ihi, HchnnM h .1t.nl riyhl, I , w
m Ih•* .i.rrim nl i, , n.'i MivmI,;, „
. hung. nl fnrin nhnnl.l nulhnrir, Air, Aiixm,
In di'ri'fniil 11,,r rlnim Dili H,.,.
nltj.i’llftfl, n, th.C, DC ill, lit, I, it,
• r.rnl.,1 n, point mil.t „„|v , ,, .
Im finil.l )i. nppmnrh.,1 „„ ,(lj, ,
Aiiv imlivlilnnl *t,n ,i|,,„!d (
him in Him limit. iiiiKm |,.v. hr.. h,,, —. IJ
wifi, nrrnfcnnr. ; mill |„ Mch „| (|,,
I,, ml,I,I Iniv. tniiiififi..*V r.pllml, " i|,n;
til. H|iph.nnt u na in nil ilimai-r nl „,tr., i„ '
., no. nf I It. In.il.r, in Mm , ,,, lnc.if^
hml III, ni:i'H,i,,n t„ iHp„l. I,mm It |.,’n, ,,
cli»iK. I nnv.v.-il in H . rim- n«.,| t,v Mr *
,lmn, ’ Th. , lli.rnl.j .|j|| ,t.i ,
iv. Alt. r .11 win* In tip, ,1.„„m,m?„„ „
III. n.iylil ll„l If ,..n l.|. |„ ,|.rj, ,
from Ih. p.nnnnl ,,r ivH)■ i.I i i .mctor i,f p»
..III .r. M. imp III./,. „r„
Mmwh.Ii.hHi, wtio w mi'll I,, nniiirnt in .
th.li p. |i|n „l rrpiii.fiuri 1. Hi. .iiiinmi „ ,
it, Hint n.mli ii . ml In-„l,r,i |,„ rmiiti,..,,. ,.
Hi ipiil Hi, III nl iim aii'pii.ion „| Ire.,,,I,.hi,
r>r»M I • hi**
Mr Adnni. n»«t nhjerl., Ilml We rr,„ke OB’
"I' li'mlnii «» I!>#• ri |I'| Hint<«'•• 1.1 „ gri'i •
rtnd puwrrful p»rf), w I,irli.nl , . t.
iml In, luun,,minted |,r „ (|,.v.,ird
i'"''y I,I t i immonwenlil .
nml hu iln ie»u ,r rigid ti,r, p, ei „• Ilml ,,Mr
ly U r Imvr nlrrndv Itnlnd the «M, ,
1; "I I'lii'nliih hv nil. Ml,.. night hr i nr I ll
ilml in 11 In iln "in ni'ii,(i, rnd Ii, » .epiirnlr in
i|im* Ii. hni'l, imlividiml , .„,„r ol l(ir
I, hiin, we limn,|,f j„.|ifmt|ihe
ve ml, ini* • „l u. in iln inly ,|i,l
mil nrri.g'iln I.r>, lye* (he tjih. „i
Ml*," nml Ml All Mii limy enjiiy, nml,timlinJ.
nil 'h" n un ,R. i hi, h lh*l eirruni tane. ,
I,"in" IliH e.n iri.veiv* B.Hmb frrelv
nv"iv •! *inli n eh* n i untie * inn with oil who
rmil'l [Huhr'lly have linen Inrlmlni runlet ilmf
"I'l'i'l *" " "* Tinier n* ri".inni«il I, f,,r „ |
lln ir iintiliinl ni. ii ,iie« Ihnl w , rr I,mw n in
"" ! Iherrhirr, him.I |,«*r linen either
tin'll' ifiipe* nr llir nv.iniintn in ijirir gmii
In elllii'i ruse vv<! Wen, inteiT.'ed, nml n. w,
N|i|,rehem|,enlillm|,l„ ,„nhr Iln* ilrnu.nd ,,i
Mr. A'lttfM**.
A-In; the *n*gi dli'ii, Ilml lm .puke only A‘
" rerlnin lender," nl If,., leileml ,,nny. nml nut
nl II,r pnrlv llv ll j « r re. tmhly jn|„„,|m| ,,,
il. nv III,I Nlim< ledge nnd In h, | f),e■
plnl IiiiiI limn enhlrli'ed I * ,niy pnrly h|„ii
er in I hi. tint,' nml n it ,«(,|i,illv 10
in n nr letter— i III, I i iy n-n, „ ,( I nr I ndn ,
ny nnmlier, mli'illi r huge nr .innll.w I,,. ,, ,
..ippnHl'd luhftvr lm I, mul log,ii|,er, |.,r ||U
piirpniie engge.led liy .Alr Adm„«.'— ||„.|e
*"em», Iherei..in I,., hm lllilnenuiml l„t
• III* lllill','ll olijnel inn, II,nl ive iln ,
llie il'iin li'lideri'il |,y hieeluirgn.
lint we \vi*fi in egnniine h lillle fnrhlmr ihi,
if I nl i H il,nll, win, I, Ah. Adnm* II I e. ,|,e
I ween n |mhlii ,| p,,rly nnd |,» lender* fmi
..<*lure "I ripieiininilie goeeemnent. j(
reMill*. Ilml in mi,dueling the bu-im , 0I limit
lei'ilhilit" nml I'M HI In r HMtl„Che, .nftie inf
vuliinl* Mill he I, nnd In Inken mine aclivonnj
ri'H.picm.1,1 purl ihnn I lie, re. I, nml will |„.
«"> •’il n« rmriili. II, inlinen, ,,nhlui
inn, wliiInf limy urn giiierrllv lhemaw|,,
merely impelled I,> il. I„Kill tin* ini]
rncr, in wlmimer degree ii nmy e*l»l, i« p
pmni ., mill i. |iii,.e..nd hy n i un.lnnl «i,rri
"°n "i |J I III-urn I per.au. J |i,,r I*hu pmne-v
II hu Hie lime heing. nrernlleil lender., nnd,
in I he I.IMIMH nl ten Ilmv mud nmmir,
hi n miuirruii. el,i"" their rnrtniiire* nnd ,
In,ml uhjeel* uni I neiTa.nrlly he Identlfi d
I ill, tlin-e III llieir win,I, ,,.iily. i ,, deny lh,
i- In |irnnni,nee vr rife,me id eiirtdeinmiinn, u,
mi |.ri|ii,lnr gnveriirperl. I'nr, mi ni:ting il In
he true, Ilml the ucnple irny i>e mu n-iunnlly
•nrpi i.I'll nnd min.'ll In llim-e win, ehm,, (he |
ironfi'leneeinlnmentiire. repngiinn, |„ iheii
mien .t* mul ifiHe, Hi||,t( Ihe mnjurily nflhem
r in, (nr led vein. together. lm duped nnd le 1
luindlviiikrd In |l r very prrripii e ,,| treAtn.ii
'•y .'heir | e'lidimi* g/id,.,, "1,1111111,1 pnrtlid
puling in 1 III ,f .I'l'ir* deign, ,)r heing ,,ii*v I »
Ilieil* 'hey vhovv fhef,»*»lve unfit
lot fit K'.V'TII! M'lii, ft i* not iMilirHvrtMl ,
ifiHf flu* fodrnit party, which, m \l tun*
i iMi fiiuied fii#- rnoj nitv nf MnMhri.it
•♦•it*, will If* l ihffru**'vit* indebted to (h«»
iVenidyM of flie I ,in| StIn, „ r rn,,H
ifHMif PH ill lo ill* II I oy»»* ty. nt t hr*
ol their r. It a meter for iiiieHigunc,. hmI«
prude rn:e.
ft It ill fill* above *«•»ne only tfiHt ft free per..,
pip * in f* cofii*r.e Htty mil v d »tl a* lead- rv/
Wn«l in fid* *i fi*i*. ev.-, \ m.iii whp In * *»«**• not •
h.iv*m: enjoyed indnencP iiinf roit«,deration
wtili hi« party, mm well deem 'uni.ell i eluded
in every oppi-.hr, nt and triditniminaie mi.
r>Pri, : inent of flitj i ntive* ..f flu* tend, ,4 of *f» fc
jm 11v Hm it wuii d lie arrogance tn «upjo«u
h ffHrl(atom mfende V oen flic f • 111, ul the
1,moo imply .1 **•» f, drr »cy *»f nuinv. Amt
w|.i!e on the one h*m-V if would 1 •**.,hv tintb «rl
fi#t ries* fljrd rgn»i-in to Coniine bn demand ol
eiCulpiHion to l jntielf; «nf on the other hand.
,t 1 •* i»,i; o-**l.lr to mil r ,<1 one ajiphratinn nl
who 1111"In juvjy lie considered hv In* h*h*
I <-ial* |t ll (• llnw* then that any persons, wlm,
I trout fin* relH'hftn they *it«ti<inc«| »•» ilieir party.
in.iv h .pretirud that the ;r Slip will apply to
I tie*,n charges I Ifn- v*-»m: deicrifdmn. mar
101 * 1 in such • Umtiei i* they vhetl fhmk H| te•
dent*.* f an esplmt ' f ii of charge*. which wilt
proUoAdy a fleet mm- of them and mtt, affect
• them ail Tin* right. upon the iimoniahie
j prim iple# of justice, is eon,inr.ismatp with Ihp
(injury and ahoti'd tip adapted to its rtiamcfn«
Ag am. w ho ran d mot il*m |,•,f»Ifc: repo' .1 •
I timi *,f high minded mrji \vlio have < inher* »*,t
! in the -Mine tmd tmtiritaine( a rortuoiium'v
• of prmeipl' «, it a roimtinn *n**oe, v, wh en n+i
j who Hie uit*-ir*tp*i i .»re hdum) o vi dim! * a*
| occtisn“» may riMpme tin pr- «*e,it for flip ah*
I Hpnt inn living im the dead—the ton far the
i dher.
It any rftpontiMe iodietdnal at IViHhiiiHtmi
, alintild d>‘* Ure I dew* ?| to In* in pot«we*ioti of in
. »*pi meal pyidrnr*- tf».,t the leaders of r**i*»i *
' Slate* i*i our r nh ••*» .c y, weie now matitriu
1 ) .1 pf**l * m the H*-para»»*»t» of the ^|ate*. might n ;
Ibe rio-iiihpift *d ('» ,■ •» • , no w lie re Tom tb«*
1 , St.i* • *-■ thus H,*ri»-» d. m.-'si irfMMi a tfin* |. «ura *
1 ! evidt .1 e and name# ‘ \\ mild 1 b#y |*p divert* '
• j fro*w iheir pnrpos- hy at* <-rs«,on of fb*- ,’ii*
1 nit, *,n tin* ground, that ay the Tihetler ban m 1
. ..lined am indii tdo Is. *«» there wa* im n # en
titfod to make ♦* *h deitiaml f or would they he
<* *fted with a mivy (v'Hjiu,i'>n nf meieselve* ’
Thi* faijiM t h* mutpinrd T f»ev won d ct nl* »»4
fit the honor n* tin tr aHkewt fri* mbi, of the hr
pa ly. nlid of f'beir Stnu** Th* -*• t% • r«* anion^
mu niot-vcH tr'f fhU . ^ \V«; (• *1

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