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Illt,.r«*%t n% *«l »!••*# ' intiiNn, •m4 tt*p*cfcll* 411 f'|r«i (jo'jH name «f fri*tt4« ••»*! cm!***. wlN>, »tt eraM* lofIPweMt talent*. (ttl, an*f pti-'Hc •ereice*, M*e |»aie4fl»w '* Kr*ae n iceNMMUl mI »•*uiipnie wn »« tl»W i h*rart< *■*. Mr. 4dame *4 miff mi? right tn m*h»* tew*!* Vf ’»** t«H l»ri«* which hare »n«d»* ji'iuHy , >t«nifii m • pae.afa ••nn*#tit for nt w|"IVOf,‘ noil, hr r*prr*»r* a 'toihl »hrtUrr '» e can rftuir within the Item* of Me elm'*r. Hn ttu* rrin.i hitilr parenife weddnml nnr trtnri' "h« r vli.". ft Mr V lam* Artlarr* that he vtll lone ftn.n uneowi neil mi4rmtt d'» '» «•"»*• r of ti irmemi.hl* drignr, H" "’t-t ‘",”*n* whr’hri Ihr partir* r im adAir '' if him rrr* rn f.,rit in fh«.e dr.ig'i*. W hy ihr" rr*' rt lo .,«• . •ut.lrrfnrr,*hr venr,, m Hint lrrt«r wrrr not lender.' then Ihr clinige* 'iid ii«n rrfrr to Ihrm I Ttirrrnrkm mi light on H,r port of Mr. M »m««iiprreriihr to H»« Injured pnrtii'i, '«"d «H ,r,..i| wm, may Ih* cnnprri'riidt-d hi* Kiprei-mor il" prrei»i form in w Mrh ir | hnii'H nin hr then il'.m.'i I *nd lii* rein ■ml 111 mi.wrr that which »' hn*» m.i Ir, t* hhr Unit ofonr nlwAiaying firrd • random •!">» a noog 0 crowd «»ouhl lir drtd *gaill«l a.i.wrr,'t< I" ol ■»* w ■><"<"■ find act.iaily ri'hOl'ii. h>.enow tl.rv i'n.14 not |U'»ir lliol III* ■.no are. direeird al ll" in \noih'p f. «»»o oreigord fcv Mr. Adam* for '.rrfuaol I" n*ifl'' fhr ind'rdt trl. « h im hr m luo.tril io necuar, I. Ilia ll might r*|",*« him lo A hfel protection, Hr irnamty Imil mil oh.'i«Ii io apiiirhoint m tin* rrefiedi from a"* ol ii,r nndritignril. A* *ir tmd iirifmally anoo.i • -ll y.r hod "• I' gol rvidnn r n provr hi. t liarge, end fhevnd'wgigiird had nrenihrtr** -illrii on him tn produce I'fh a. hr it id po a-.,, ir niilit Imv li *"tf ' irmly a.e. ed that thru ivirpngr »o« no* l» rr.y 1 to a emu of to.ncr lull iii ihr irihtnial "I P'diHe oiiiiilon *ul thai ihr* hud eirm 'hy piu;Uid*d Ihennrlre* ironi a At1 «Mi»nr r***«*rt. \ft anoMtrr *V, fiJoti tn n1*. hi nr fki«* jinrtitfi •»<;♦ it**4**. *’f* *irp>'*nt ol t?i**j»r<» liahir lint of rvnlrncr. and llfr fo'i.r'hiln:-. ol ,»mi***r*,«Orrlhrtupw Pi '"'"'l /*•" Nr iimt'inhtrdlv ntm pnaeraer* Ml Ihr rrj '-iirrlhai hr had in ItM'ilirr l»*l, wtirn I"1*' i.ltrd hi. .talriiini* If i"* ,h'» pirve rliargr aeani.i rrrlein At I"* trllow i i*i mill, I Mr knomdrdfr ihnt Ihrre »a. no rvi l.'imr i.i which it con'd hr «tilMHHiili»'rd, »l rr; e a. hi. *rn*e of i n'lrt* f If hr mu in *1 w '"i out inquiring, and « HhiilM rr^nrdmg. wh.iliri hr I,a*l any .urn rvidwr .,r n"t. iirrndine f rallrd upon, ' > al'Tld him-rlf from rr«|ion .ihd.iv, hy euggriiing ihi' l.r* "f do nmriii. mnfj 4" oof , u ll'" r n- '“ 11" ll 111. *rlf-rr iprrl t Itul did if oeerr i" cur id Mr. Adam*, ihn t'"‘ a ceil* d nnclil »l»o in ll"* lupi" nf l,„ir In I Ihr priHii* of Ihrjr inonimo ? II, | *ni ti'oirn for Ilf "i'V il'Ort pit l Hm' fu M nutili | Mv tr.rrrl ^nmnr'C'icii "/ A'l n"rirnt politirnl fWri|i/i; ni"l he mu.t h.ivr amii'ipali'd ">*' P"* .Miililv lliMi It mighl a' *i"iir imir hr ni.iilr jmh f,r, if hr lied Pol r*f o d' trroiiiir'l m hi* own mind lo piiidiati it himndl —III* ha. ihrrrfnrr ■ .d amiilr nnnor'imily. thr nni.f ponTfful motive*, to pieyerv# all the tv 4 nee time iin^ht j , • *vs to pis ify »l* conduct on that mca'iut) i tn the other hand, tin -pm tie* accused, and rn j penally thoge venerable paffti' . who dining tins In g interval have de ren '* I »o the *rav-, o.irontteniiis "I guilt, rod ’t,'1' r set that they vrr • evert tusp«cted, have lo'eve. » no inTetm tv, and had no Hint e u li deter »* preserve any tlieonoiaU M th-i »im®i;ene»* We venture to naka img a ijical to 'he id* mu* of ?Jr 'jV I •ms hhttteli. \§r. \d*uic in ope pnosp* annen « to the A.*»1|* i»v ol 'ie uuder*'pi ed dim mt'ti ». <• hi» --Itprise'th'it thev ghouht have selected the y e Neut mnnvtit for makiiiff their d* nin>d. #9• d’d them hut justice III *UM|»m*IIIC that tills eOf* suleriitinn had t»* influence on their minds dUel1* only tear wu* thnl th'*u af»t»eitl ini^hl tic considered as an itttti. U on ai» eminent man wham Ih-pobhr f.iv -r #eemei| to have desert ml But 'he nttdewmipl^ll 7w*u tin chvtce,*— I | heir accuser hud • rlccteft Ins own an* e fin* j H*infi*n this gnbjert before the*-wot Id, an I | they \%ert eooip'dled In f dlow turn *viih then <!• f'lire, nr conaent’ihat the ml should he tei 1 on their o repnt#fimi«, null on (hose of their ^ d*»r**ag d trieuds toi ever. \V c saril w ith truth tliHl it was n*»f our d* • tfu t»f»r wish lo produce , bd etT.-nt nit any pobbe il •pnHy »*i fpn unit - J W»■ wer" no’ itn iw*i a that nor appral mi«fht p-ad to such nteaiui ef as woiftij *ei * tisly ad.erf j either .Vlr \dgiu* of ourselves iu the puhlo •» j pinion, B’d whilst ve did not wish f *r ady 1 •nidi result, in neither *e disposed toj iltt mk from it l lie neea««iiy of *o» rrftli>e ‘owe mistakes in ' 4 ii 't'T if JV!r Jefferson, \s liirh had ' een tub lv i y» ihliehed, ts a* tgu<d by Mi \datn« Hi the I reason for hik pdhliCHtinn If that < ticttiiisfance j has hroiifht him befnie the pubiic at H time, or 1 ai n nti nit r uijurwut to his feebng*, ttr iwipro- j ^pitimik m is putiiii .il views and t*s perm lion*. ‘ u# ho lint ies|ionidilc fur the cotu 'quence*. I — We would ulm^r’ e, however, that it wou'd I low ,• i? «mi apfimeittly n very eatv ta^k in cm red tnce.e mistakes w ithout ilddlil* tills Illipio v k* d deiiiincialiini against h s a .live *t»ife. I'inally, Mr. \ I nns decl'tief all f ether cm respo deuce itiill us on this subject , and even ip inn • tes i*u apprehension that he u *y have al ready CbbdfCendeti ton fai, and waved "even rk' pi "(iiip'n'i of iiis si1itlili'Ui," i»» iik Mlt h an mm\s er ft* In* tnii £ivo. Me \ pry Hutch niisappreben ' tVp chftlacfet .•*i our iiifriifuttniig, and fhe prsm iptes and hjn •■i» »f h k rotuitri rim, if he tatsffiocs that hii\ atRcal-vsfdf bn*■•••vr* elevated, witf authorize A. limit to paidmIi lujaitons ihaigrs h^duoi o ill* is, ami then to reluga all reparation a<id e ven esplauat'on, le«l it would tend to impa r his dignity ■ I f he is ill dh'iger ol such u i tmlt n the present instance, lie should have foie-' eeo *1 when about to puhbch his ctmv^eg, in 0« lober Iasi. |f the pru]»rieties of ins sitiiHiioft ihnh been violated, it wu* by Hint viiijriiiul Tint lintHm, and iijjt fvio q^eat cond»seen hiuii in answei to etir fslfypmt hi to, for an act of simple justice tow unfs'those wwn Kdi thcoi-e'vi k a- ern V d. We navf tints miaiintd all fbt reasons bv which Mr. * tin in* a i tempts ts» jus'ifv his refu •al to nroduee the evith nee in suppint of fits m e; likiii , and we afam appeal with t noh deuce »o itur frllnw-cititen# throuohout itte V Stptcs. for tin* justice of our CtfndilNion, thut rv» sucli • vniencv eiisls. I'he preceding observarious tnlTirr, m> trust. ♦ o shew, flint we have been reluctantly fore d 'sin h controversy, which cotild no« bn shunned without the most pbjei f degradation *, tlmf it was Co in patent to iiifu intenosraSe All. VJam* in the mode mlopt.-d mtd that be decline* a direct lor reasons in«u(Ucieiit, and onsatislai; ♦o» v : thus pt*tring himself in the predw »tu< ut of ;unjust ,fC‘ tfw tl re, pel imp-. wt* mi. i -.*!.) v rest mir ap .petl. on the ground dial it is impossible »friel Yy in proven negative. But though we are in * ie dmk ourselves abb reepa^t'fn the evidence on w-ltieb he re ie*, to justify ho allegation of a 1 pr-dec*.' a* anv tune, fo dissolve the Union, nod ••tmhtish a Northern confederacy, ( w hu h •is thn only point to wdwell our mifuirii K were •directeilu) it will In* easy by a « .m^ug^n <»1 el ites, and nrcuin-<, fotimb d on hi* ow n i ndmissionv, to demonstrate (what we Loom j must ue t net that no to h evidence applies to I iwty than who acted, or to the measures ml<*pl-j ed in M "‘iichusei s mid po*lei 101 'o the inn** of til-1 rnhargo. | he project itself, so fur ! v applies tofbnae men and nieavtires. & proha j bly altogether, *>*Ut <] only in tlia distempered 1 fancy ol Mr- Adam*. * j »..< , - .<•»', >o savs> * hr:rl bttn formed in kt winter of 18')J—I, immttihtte'y af tr. ttud .* a * • in-queuce of me ncipiidiion «»f Lmns i m i. Its justify*1 £ rouse*, t , those who rn • iallied •* wer- . 1 liat tb»* annexation of Lou isiana to the Union Ifftnicfinlnl tin* ronsfitii f lual powers of the government of the Um \ t d cjiaiet. 1 ’‘At it Iomied, in met, a n«%v con j r fcJerwey ta wVtifii the united by the Cor met i uiiii'i* l, were not bound lolilltnt —»Tl'A tt was oppressive HMl'l. At dilriimc five to Ihe ifiCImmr, 01 the h-riHmii Aeriiou* © the cotif rh tAvy, wi»«»*e light and dMy «t tttfiefme mm to •♦*. e 'from the new body MtiilH- , end «*» con#ti nt# one of Iheir ut#n. This phiti w as ao iar matured, (Iia* a proposal liad be»-i» himiI# in so mdivtdnAl, In pemill limitelf, Affile proper time tone placed «t Ihe head ol the military mmenienn, which, It was |.»r>* teen, would be ite< es*ary lor cat t ying tl ndo eiertillott.* Tint interview with Mr. dedertmi was in March In May. Mr. Adams ceased fo be a senator. In »he winter ol —||, he m i le hit i nruntuoh Alioltt tn Mr. Gib's. In Angus! It***. he mark'd for F.tirepe, three years before !*'# sir , end did not raifjtn no fit Hire*- sear* After ihe peace ; And he Admits the hnpo*aihi!'tv ol hit having givea ft> Mr ! JefTet Ann information of negotiations between our citizen*. Ami Ihe Itiiitsh. (taring flic war, or hating r#lnnon to the war, t*omlei« en 'mg to rlerlaie. thm he hHd no know>edge of Abell ner nil'll mil A. the mlier me mm ret, tn wMeh Mr. Adams Alludes, were «*f ihe Amsl public «harm let ; and 'he niiHf imp »rl 'Ol *• I them het'er known, in their slay, lu other*, lhau they could he fo him, retidlhg m a htteint Coonii s ; aihI it Hie chant I*y wnteh thtte ' measures a<e connected with the soppruet pint shall appear In be whdy imaginary, fhe«e miHCirn wiM rettiAin to hr wuppm le i a* Hi v otighff*»he, on tlieu own upni*. Th** letter Vi mu the h.»u ni«r nl Nuvh Hen i«. a- will present y he seen, 'A of u■ i po-Biide sign liniiiC1 in my view, tint that or having cnfl*i|tiiied the whfy infurtnohnn ("as he • «ys) w <i« h Mr Adams c mmiomiat. d to Mi I lle' soi) At the l| nr nl hi« lir I, and only'Con liden iai titter* u w. It wtitieu m the sum ni r nl 1807 Hu country being tluut hi A Atti'c of pe iCa 1 Ire I governor'a Cmie-pmide. 1 IS In I lot Ilnur unknown In ns He was Ttol, avs \Ir Ailaoit. a ' lewder'of Hie F'edeta* pa*fv J'hr fmAtenf* of the letter were Altogether idh , hill the elVe | supposed hy Mi A lains to lie C mlemplnfed hy Hu- wri • f, Could In piodu> id j only by trivia? them pu’diitv. Il wa* c *ui | sntuiicn'rd to Mr Ad ms An lit any injnn lion of secrecy. He has no dotiht it *w* nhewn to ofher* lu object w a, lie «op|i> sea, to AC credit a cAhifuuy, Hiai Mi. J< del on, aimI Iii nt-*n a hi • a. w ere an a*') vnnt fo France. Ihwi the British O’Vernnienf weie tnfnrrti'd ot a plan, delei mined upon hy I- i Alice, t • effect a ot ihe Hnti»h provim o oil lids cunli oeni, and n revolution the government ot Hu I'nited Sfeb**, »i* a meaiti In * hicll, Hiey weic Ifr• i tn pmUuee a w,»r between Hie f’uneil S Mies n .n r.nglaud. A letter of thi I* noi w- is nn doubt shewn lo !k*r \ lami, as wr hi • fm ley. , upon if wor f. I tie discovery would n d lie stir|itt log, ft.a ft iftsh, as well a French iiUrt-ri, and ch r.iii*. in a lime nil pence with 'lire counirv, availed themselves o 1 many clia i»e|§ | >r r<»itvc)tiig ihcit tp«*< n|a 1 Hints ami if rat 'gems, to oilier innocent ears m we'l ns lo those of Mi Adams, with a view to intlnenre puhl'C opinimi. lint tile tuhjccl iiiaI ! fer of III# letter was ail nhsurdlv. Who did j not kic>w iltHi hi | H*»7, hHhi the hafile of Tin | f tfgai, the crippled navy of Trance could not | Uttd»*rinke In transput t even a single ir<rimsui 1 item** thn Hi li*h ('humid t Ami if flie oli ■ ji it was tint ''.inquest ol the litnI'lovinee* •’> ifm I «n'i»‘i| stall • alone, limv nmtil a revo iufipo i* then* tfiiverniin nt, widen must ill vole, npil teertke- it, pioitiote flint i nil ? I it* ml y •» a Hi t *h li v- rnnr in attempt* iu” to g*v rnrieni y t > a *.toiy whim savour* to StrcJog'v ol the Ion It •fjue, eau hv i quaMeil mdv hy III** credulity ol Mr. A him*, in he ll ving I* f 11 <;• 11n• eiJ to pr-nhu e elicit ; amt if u diu *u ht-hev . it f u* nih*11 * a ci iter inn li> wIitIi h> estimate the cio ref tic«* ami impar tial!'v of h * j *d menf concerning the weight -tol the apple ft'ion ol the other evidenct which he still withhold?, and from which he 1-41 umJeritikeu witlteq »al confidence o ' draw in*; i N'lemei.'—A' e« the adj .•(incit ol (hi dipo met if lira htNiiiai if* will* Mr tides aim «*. cr , All A l him i iiiiimuiiicNicd nothing t<> Mr f odeistiti, l>ul «lie tuliHamr of the Nova Nom.h'4er. IfM' Adams had lion known end h, lowed t>• the p. • ject,' the key* to al iim tn'orr (Wmceedinf f, ,1 is incredible that i1 i'niiitd not havf lies u deemed worthy n| dp* chitnre—nt ft al Ume ami mi Hint aeration. 'ii link uinst siim we advert to* a moment to 'lie temper it* mind and the statu ol feelings, which pmluilpty game rise to, mid kci oiilp.ioo d t in coni out ii irad'>u •*/ Mi Adams I'iicunl* • stances hml tmmrreil *• itdtng to emhillcr Id* folding*, ami to « irp'lki* judgment M« AdAm* just hi t- ?. the lline of I,is iotei view With Mi Jeff •»«'»*, had voted |„r ||M'o —-Ih had hr- o n^roached lor having done ill.* Oil the Mowed |ifi»i iple, uj tooling, attff not t!i lib-, /tftng, tip n .tlw K.iecntive re eoiinii*ml iiuui tie timl hcni engaged with tin; coil. HglM in n mill nveoy on ihjert* 11 in conduct, a* he wfiiiiM, an 1 *• was tin fact, had he. ii censure*, in tempi* >f -evenly, mi the pohlo pies*. Tin l egislc? of Ma* k.ii hu*i im hud«let:ie<t suotnei p iwui < » feed him mi tlie| iSen ite nt the ‘lllrPtod hfates. and hml otherwise*c*p n uch a v|r..«w an-, derided disupprub.P o* of the measure* which he had supported, thuf pe tell cum pel le. I to rc «ign his sent hefure the efpii at I ui of bni-"in 1 liese might he felt a* injunct. e\**n hy nun ! ol placable <em|*i It is probable fjiathi ] feelings of irritation might l\e traced U»«*9tt*i| ihe-o*iites» between Teller? <m ami tk*» idd- i 1 Adam*- I' ** im "erret. that the latter hail lieii hed deep and hitter rp'.urfwM a"*iiiHi Homiltv't., end certadt other * lead I'm •! she feileral p"ty, ^opposed fo t*e Ha«w 1*0*1% friends I* wmiM not tie nmn«*utnl that the s ii should participate iv* these feeling* i f tin lather When Mr. Armm* visiicd Mr. ^eHer. sou, and afiervaulg made his ditch ink* to Mr. tides and o'her*, having lost rfu* rnofi i|i*nrt* ol hi? nwu parly h« had decide, • a» subsequent event* djuhtle** coi.finned ' to throw hi lime If n*tn the arm* of hi* father's oii jmiieutN. Hut there \vh* a load <d'4i»ditirnl guilt, personal and hereditary,still lestrng up .m him, in fhe npini m* of the adverse j|»anv Nil nfrtinsrv |»ro«1f of hi* uoqualifi- d ahjut a lion of hi* late (kiIhics wofvhi lie SHii*iH«*lorv —«<Mne sacrifice, winch should pul his via veri ty '« the left, and place an ioqmssaM. fiamer between him and hi* former pnrt>, wmn nidi - peo-kshle. And wtiat bnei dice ivas <n» natural w hat pledge su per feet, as this private rk nun c*ati'll ! Nor d' es the edect seem to have been mircmculHied or ovsr iniru. Mr J< ff. » •on declare* ha. n mired \lr. Adam* in hi* mind —It*••venhud cot sequence* u>rf highly, and permanently advntitngenna to*Mr. A lains A«» i though In* h suit led Mi. (ides, that he had t-emiuiiced hi* party, w th 'iit personal view* ve* this ‘ denial, <?oinud'*ring (hat lie ha>i the grind oifohe lo receive buffciii a y<« months l ie i nih«»*s t * Huei.i. ' c •iiiyei'led with olhn nrct»«iKtaiiCe*,‘ "huh ended in tit* elevation to the presidency,doe* mde» d, aeoushng v«> ho own principles of promt* pure evidence, require nartfirtot' the Chany wtuch b.dievtuh all •hing«,* H» gam »t * credence.' To »he»« putiUc, and indiftpnttible fact?, wv ihotilil not imw revert, had Mr. Adams given us the name*, and evhf. nee, a* requested , mid had he forelnirne to leifetPle his injurimi* m. i ainnation* Hut *s they now rest wholly uponl f|ie sanction of hr* opinion, respecting eVidtyicjv which he alone piis«es*ef!, we think it hot ieie f onatile in connder, hmv tar Ihne cn cninsi^, ee* may have heated his imagination, or *j,s tnrl.ed hi* equanimity, and given p, tf,„ t.v| d* nee, which he keen* from the fuddle eyr, t\i\ unnatural. and fql*e cuniple*1011. We proceed then to a hiiel examination 01 , the altered protect of 1803 4—ot |r».i .Noithen. Cmliahi Hcv. In the til at‘place. He solemnly distrtmw all kncwledge of nucha projtcl, tin,l ,dl Je mem brane* oj flu mention of ?<. or of nvn plan until agouti* ti nt that or nny subseqn ni period - Secondly. W Idle It 1* ut»%inu*l% impossible f.» 1 bs to ccuirovert cvntetipiof w|ij .»\yc arQ k oer»fit!«r* Wfe «rrT, Miurr t it multt)' tirtpoa* ibie to bm.4 any facia wntch uu lie mustdered evidence lo bear upn * Ihe design! ot measures of those, who at the nine nl Mr. ft.Inna' interview "Mh>lr J.-rt**'fuii, and af t«r w ards, dtp mg ll-e *ft*, took an active pail in the jMilnie h(Ui • .»( M<aaachuarMs. I he effort dincertia *le ihi*.nguntil fttia letter, io coonei I those litter evenia, whrcn cr» ie ot a public nature, and nf width the naunal nod Rilrqu<«t crude* mere public* with tba tiryaieit nui |e ojeci, inwa h only to li«w*fH.ol an eat It* er "'if! a and dtniori snort e, la in the laat tic g,ee vi Iwts* and disingenuous. Tn* ce»*h»n of l.ddiainoM to ! b* United ^tate§, i alien fit at promulgated wa» a theme nf com plaiitf and ritsaattsltfcfion, ir* tin pail (d the 1 county — 1 twa eotdd i ot he r<gntded aa lac tious or tin reasonable, when it n admitted by 1 Mr. Ail 'tin, that Mr. J*-tfeisou and btmaelf en 1 (attained ccmatiiuttonal scrttplrs At objection! to the provisions ot ‘hefrcaty of ce*aion. Nothing, nowever* like n popiilni eantemrnt grew out ol the meaMire, and it is •i.ited l»\ Mr. Adania that Him piojeri * ttumber&i until H»e period nl tbe in l)ere»nbrf, )H07—Auppoie ! thru lor fliar ftioinent (what we have lint a aha low of reaa«at for believing) that Upon the oecaantii nf t*»e f.nutaian* f realy, * certain I leaden’ billueiind liy couitftittinnHl objec tinns, (admitted to hsve been cdinmoit to Mr Je|lei ! arm, Mr. Adam* nod lheni*i've ,) Imd rnnceiv j n| a project ol Bfparitliuft. and ol a Northei** I tbmfed*-ra« y* aa the only probable counter 1 poiae to Ihe m«nulH«-fnre nf ne'% States tn the i 'moth, doe* it follow that when the putdrc mind [ he< .me recoit tied t me rc-smti mid the b* i» j « lieial eou*'H|»iei.i ea of it w«t>- teith'/.ed, fas ii i conceded try Mr A ‘tuns, was litre *♦*) thane I » m (it * * ' IcHiieia,’ whoever fttey ndt'ht be, would still cheetah Ihe embryo prujeer, and wait for o Hiei (iinliPi'fiiriri, men talc 'ter.* to e lien il I 1 Oil what out It or it V * tin Mi , Ad tin* a* time I hi* i ih* project merely *UunliM *■ 1’ foi year*, il hi* private evident* a|»p(ic« only io Ho time of ita or gin f fTo fr rnni'luilfd hi #»• ir na.t* I • ■■ ... —»-»■■■■■■» VliU.IVIA l,M.ISI,AH KK. MOI ->K UK |)l LI OA l K.1. Tn fid a i/, t'*b. IH A rointminirnl on eat received I'uui the *se nun** sa’mglha they bad t'ii«<*eil the billi Jo premcitbe Ihe mode ol piying (iiibln: nininea in fo mid mil of ihe ireaant \ ; * I o amend Ihe at* v« rallies (on eiumglbe ( iirfei sv.lle fbidg* ( iiiiii>.t iy' ; (’urn eimng the heirs ot John !•‘l.*ei, cb c tl* ; mitt ‘ mneet ning the w i tow end ii'11 * til Win litHiu ’ It also stated that I lie v 11H • I lejected t * bill * Concei iting liie.ltMid Neel ; Mod imb fimlely postponed Ihe lull ' I* oi the pat liti ui o|'I* in curiam rasef ' Mr. lit v• • called op the following reaolutioi. fioiri Ihe (‘minoitfee nf I m ince ; ' Tie ( oin mitiee of finance liuve had mi lei rnuridt ration the resolution 'if lliem rtbired notin' im, tliein lo enqiuir ntn the iiioM expedient mod' ol saiiMytug the i l.ttinl o| Ihe nlltc t« of the Kevoliilioniiiy Ain v enlil'etl to commutation pey, nod have adopted the follow mg resolution thereon m. ' Kmntceilt That trhen ony tv h claim ahull l*r ttllnmil Herenll* r, it shall he iite duty • I tin A tid »«oi <d I‘oh lie \r« mints to ixmie u certih raie for il e amount to the person 01 persons # 011 IhI thereto, xvhicb w ill cany nn ; m'eirUt <•! *iv pei cent per Minion, pay .hit all v*‘hiIv,hi I he lie.ivory mid lu* • a Mr t»v the <'oiitii>"UV*fhMIi, at its pleasure, i«i 1 the eftpnatioii of live yeais lr> ill I Ik; peiiod Ml ' which »f whs issued/ 1 lu resolution was amended Ity strikin'; ool I i- Words hi IlH'ict, H'ul adding * foi ihe unlit. ' faction any such claims which are mm ’— i a d ’hus amend* d, Ihe resolution wa* agreed to. A very full report of ihe Jo** t Committee on the Banks w n. taken up and read—con1 hi ding with the f 'lowing resolution /into lied as ihe opinion ni tins committee that ihe Co*h nos of tlie Hank oljV’iij.-ioia, and I’armen' Hank ' of Virginia he •ecpiir**' in to ke auunalie j p.rtv ol the ti'iia i.ui of the Mot«taoding d> hts. , due I he mother B-mk* and t'imr Hiani hes, huh. m show whet part ol thryniil dehl is :’u*ui. doubt ful and bfui.’ On motion of Mr. Hives ol (’ * Tonried In Mr. Terrill, n rep h of tin ('oinniiiff ol itoad slid Imernnl N ivigatmn, in tav -i • l rnioiim (inff l» turnpike *oulfn»»n Lynchburg to th. j Poll ffouse .ni the Blue lii<tjp'( an I ol he Stun cuilbti neiiugi inuch of I he road as I i« ► In t w * n Ihe toll lloiue Mod the tlinufli of the .\rrth ii vet. io Ufii ol miIisci long 2 fobs of he ripein *f roimrucimg Ihe said road, was taken U|>hhu agreed to ||Ht hill from Che C« mtfiiBee of H »a*!s a*., Internal Naxigiifinit, pi escribing the fruitful I tolls on the Kennwlia river, xxh* taken upon Mr. Whiles lonfion. Me slated, that ii wa» imporlMiii tome lull should be passed upon fir uil.ji cl, in the |i(i'sent Ini *11 would ctpueixiih the • nd o|‘ this 4es«ioo. The lull was rend and rernmrn»He I. K"growled bills were read and pass. t|, Incorporating o company to cons'ruct a turnpike road from Lexington to Covington ■ I'u amend the act entitled an act to aiifhaitve • he mini1 ruction of a turnpike run 1 from Lees burg in the mtinf v of I,oodono, In some pnini fib the Southern shore of tin IViomac river, at* <»r near the town of Cuuihei laud, in the ',ia'« of V|arv laud ;* ‘Cone . nine James Slupheid.i Dominie Boooehan and Hiebd. I*. Jeffries.' (alter being advoi tried by \1» Carter,) axes C*i>. lines H7 ; * Concerning plea* in certain caves,' (advocated by Messiv. Gordon, Miller am' Braxton and opposed bv Mr. Doddridge.\ These bills were sent bv Mtf. Kimbrough ot9{he Senate for their concurrence, The report of the nnian ttee on tin- tin lions of Georgia and South Carolina wn% i^ken up—when Mr |-'.i(gingf«Mt spoil*; for n ct’mjtidci aide time in opposition to the UiSohitiy n>»— and .Mi I'.ppes in | v«r et (hem. % Her » session «f nrsi ly six hours,, Pm* lloosb adjourned on moduli of Mr. Nelson 9lrdnr*4*:y9f*tb. Ill A comm natation was iecfiv;d from the Senate, stating that they find passed the bills 4 I n authorise separate elections in the county aftlalifa* * Conor in'.flu the salaiy <d Che copying clerk fa tlir rftocutive* ; * Ion nffml' tl#e act entitled i\r net inrorpnnrtmg a com pans to establish a turnpike mad Iroiu file town of Petersburg t# the ftorth Carolina line’; and * To incorporate a company to construct a loll lirit^e across the, Vofomai: rivet*—*Also, that they had with amendments the bill 4 Concerning tl* t overseers ot* the poor’.; and that they had pcyitponed uub finitely the hill tiling the mIIu'wiuicus of the officet» id the court til appeals. 1 he htxif <• h^i ee»| to some of the amendment* of tin* hill (AmCi'iuing the uvi*iferrs ol the poor'—ami on the mop oh pf Mr. Bryce, laid the tdhors o«i the talne. A cwuinunicatioM was i ♦•reived front the C*o vs i iK>r in t%p|y to the call oi the House hr in foruTtatiou as “ to i he meavuies. which had been adapted by (hit State ami the l ulled S nteft, tTi relation to the running the dividing line l»e \ween the land reset veil, artel the lauds ceded liy this ('unimoowealth in th.* State ol Ohio'*— which, on Mr. (taiues's motion, A* as laid on the table. An enRro«si*d ?*i!l * incorporating a C iT\panr •« construct a turnpike road from the Warm Springs to intersect the Kana* ha turnpike mi (alhighans1—wag read n third time and pus* ged. A hill returned from the Senate with aitiend iruml. • iiiakitig h furthei appropriation to coin plefe the road from Staunton to Parkersburg,* was taken up, uu ' after tome debate. m whu h Messrs Hives of l*. (« ( ainden, W illiantt and llndeimiii took pQr>, was rejected—Ayes 71. Cities <tV The Hpttge ^nui ok up the TanfTIi'ig Messrs nf 4*r»derkfc, nod Nelson o! AllH’iuNiir, i|.uiu in lavoi ol lie resolutions. On All. Hall's motion, i* c |l«m«d udjouiin-d fid io-foorrow uioitiiiig, 10 o • m K. 7 hundiiy t’tb. 2«». The lloose passed the loint*H»g eogmS Sail lulls; • Auihoimiig »* e trusie>s ol tbv town of Afanthestei to t tlritd the i*i».il author* S t'/ed to b«* rut on the common ol H e -aid loan, —* Coticei inn# Ihe James # iver C.utipany. On Mr. liiti her lout a » motion, itie Report 'from t» e fVtMientiaiy CnnuulHce was taken 1 up.and the Idl on mg resolutions were ail *g*»« U ! to • Hunbtd, as the opinion ofthe Committee, 1 that if is ei|M»dieut so to alter the so.nary eel's, as t« afford a tree vend ntion. amt more , effectually to prevent alt communication among S the convicts. 2. lienttred, That the law, wh|. h sentences j the prisoner to three umtiihs solitary mntine | tnent, oil their admission mlo the Institution, 1 migtii to he repealed, and »t>«f the power »o in* | Kief li is mode ol punishment, on each cmivi' t i immediately hejure the tr/nral ion of hit tfri.i of j impiisonmeiii should b«- v*si* «i in the huperm ; leudeiu a d Hoard'd l>ir**ciois, vdh h i. res * friction, tint in no case ghall it oc tiienUnl be yond a period ol three monlht. i Iteiolved, I hat ihe i.nloiing business should tie forever nbolivhed m hi** liislhulmn ! fexctpl so far as -hall be iie«r*vaiy for * loltiin/ I the convicts, anti vuiehc gaoitf) am 1 I hat *ne | tanning mid niriyinp Imihiicm should be stibsti | luted, as soon ah it can tie done coos«sleuity win j i he fM#t»tic infere*! | A resolution wan also rend from* the Penitei* nsi v ( ointnitfee. upon anempurv which we* roinnijlicil to them, into the expediency ol ills I euuiiiintug flu* PepiientuTv- Store. Ihecoinnm I In. rep'Hl MfHiiol its eapedieMCV end their tes 1 olmion w *s confirmed by the 11 -use. i Mr. White from iheComnnifee ol fl°Mds nnd I Internal Navigation repwnmi several lulls mid I iego ii mio •annul? them, the lull lor regulating I the Ini til of tolls on the kaimvvliH, wdh amend menu. Ihe Minor then took up the Resnlut nnt r*l the Committee on • Anti I at ill* Kesohntons ol dtui'h < a i o I hi h and tseurgia. M •s*iw. Hall ol Lancaster nod Hrmtnn of M-ddieseft a 'dressed the House iiilnvorot the i (r* so 11 it a i ii. ; and Mr. Kerchevtil ol Hampshire, m opposition to them. When Mr licchevstl sat down, Mr. Parker • d Northampton rose tv move the previous ipieslioii up n the ground that both sides had hcen in his opinion, * the •*is• Iv heard. Air i a lew winfs from Mr. 't *ddiidpe in op position to this niotinn, the ijoestion wu. taken I Uy ayes and lines, mid Inst, a-es (H, noes HM>. ] .VIi Doddi 'due t tv*in tti<tved tu lay thereto j lotion* lor this day oil the futile, lie observed | that he was desirous of addiessing ihe JHousc ! nn the S'll.jec: ; and that he and ihe chairman ofthe Committee (Mr. Coud**) had agreed to follow each oftiei ; tm flint the day whs tui I pent and he felt himself *o mm h exhausted hv , I the discos don. that tie berged indulgence id tin 1 i 1 lolls* until the tnof.inp After a few wonts from Meters. flood*- am) i P.ukerof Norihamp oii li “ motion ot Mr. I> : prevailed, hvo *42 no*-* 77 A rnni'i'itntcrilum »h* rem-iyed from the f »«>- ’ v irwor, roch«nng ceilrtin resolutions ol il»» Jnmi't Hiver Company Mr. White, from the CninmiHep of ftnaiB ) and Internal Nhvpresented a report on ' he petition of rerta n colln rc who used tin I ones Bivrr Cflnal — «hu.l> wm laid upon the fali'e. Me Itot'di' gave n bee that h‘* should rail «lj» the ( \nti I hi iff) r« snhiitnu* at an euilier fimli tloiii usual fn*iti"ir«>w inoiuig. And then the llmise adjourned till fn morrow morning Bin elm k r>i(lny, I'ch.21. V communication whs fronted Iroin the Se note, \i»u that they hail nn««edthe Irlh to emend nd evplain hi» hci to rHM* h «nin of money In • »t erv , tn connect the Staunton hiuI James Bi ver I'nrnpWe w ith tin* Knit twha road at, «jv n ini it*- e«n ' rn fei ruination, jotsse ' titfi Match |H J7 ; And an act " mmei iiing the |- r mk iii Bank ->t Alemfidila " with amendments in which they requested The concurrence of the II use. Both ul these h,||* were laid oil the table t >ii mo inn of Mr Biveq of George, tin* toll concerning the Overseers of the Boor, win the aniendim n't proponed by the Seuan* was ta ken up, anil tbe amendments agieed to. Mi C •• tee I’nru Hie f'ominitt-r appointed to esa mine the Banks presented « Ini', making if ihe 4u»y o! the bunk ul Virginia and Barme's’ Bank ol Virginia, to r port ihe condition ot their oiitvfiMidiiig debts Mr Goode called up the *epo'f and !»'so lution* ni tin Select Committee mi thM rexolu ’huh oj South l iralma, m opposition to the fa ritr. »M . f,onion rr»ci» and dr ‘vered hi* sentiment* .i» cotondetaide length, and tvrh much a.hum tion nnd real in favor ol ttie lo-nuluri m-. H dwelt upon the unco iMiftitmn \ iiy ami psrii*, aotl oppressive operation of the tariff law* f>i I ( «n«less upon V n ''tula, *i d the whole South.— He denounced tin* who e sy-temas ru u»urpa iuni—in violating ko'but the coiiglttutinn and of the piiin.j^de* of f eedotn and tnpuitily, upon which ourdtsnncr.tiic institu inn* / ie founded— a* * Combustion fi r the benefit of monied men, i*< the coal, and to tire dei'rmlaiinn of the great ofthe people !• impoverished »he many, tu sweB the oyergn n u fortune* mid power* of a lew—wa», hi fact, the *estlll fan nnehafctened Ambition. and of political intrigue and nmiiHgi^ ’Ufot. Me compared it •« the bunking nvstnu. * and dn w a pa mile b* tween the origin and-, ^ stilt* of both. Mr. I*. was followed hy Mr. K vet of Campbell, who di*vente,f from the fiist resolution. and explained tlej. reason why lie had changed bis opinion oi» p,i; Coll*,, l m tonality of file I mi lif, mitce tfrt> In»t \\ ,ih^*i ll« also went pre'ty fully tnir, the. whot* g,,}*. ject—whilst he ditsejtfed fptnn the pns.noh pm, ill.. iH.iff Ln»* were i.iU'oimUtuiionaL w prn (.•.ml iikiiiI innr iK-.ucy. »ml ui„„„h, itpcrnnon unequal.—tint hi: ronte.i,dnl ,tl,, y,r ' mm well h ai.Wd to be nn.e a manulactiir mg Iron, her peculiar iiiGantaei, Mnd (hew H P'otucw nl wlmt hit considered wnuM hi h,'r "ihitUPm in future, either npiirt a laml ») *"'m or minimi it Alter Air. Tlives ahnr'iidcd his remarks, Mr. IKivhii nlge tm.vcil that the House adj.mni \1n,i| u« < lock. Mi. Kimhroaph suggested that there whs nn Ollier o| the day tor the apnoititment nl'Roign. liter Gene.Hi,in the place of Gen ( ocke. resign I II—mill nil tuv motion, it, escoutiun whs post potieii itnlil \\ eilnesilav nest. Mr, DnihfriiU'e s motion tiring under ennsid eration, Mr. Terrill intimated his intention to i iill lor the previous question—and Mr. Me Laughlm moved to s.Heurn 1’his motion |H,|. ed home conversation then ,ook ,,|„ce. in which Messrs. Parker ofN . Gordon, Duncan, Harvie, nod ftivesoi C. look purl—ami then m million of Mr. Mason of F. the House ad j'luriivd, IAiiumi WhUatuc, liavdtn, LOMi ISLAM), .YEJLIt ,\ £ H yo UK l/jWHOiSF wishing m send tor Fruit Trees i-i 4.0 Iriitti Prince's Garden, t ,r planting ensuing spr.m, a,e ,e,po sted flirili,., me mill then utdets by the fii.-t „t March nest, H-y TOMPKINS. * L' JP * j*, M rf*'eivci| and for sale* at ttru rfdiu: rf u ''’'hf ’•■‘“oGiuciil | anuits ■„ Bodies, Lam,lets, Jars, Bladders am. Km i ... HOWKL OAWFfi r r!>. »3 g* ■' - " — *,"a ,m" ' Second bM>iuff. Mnhingfen, I'rh. 17.—1«» «Hr Senate, yester day, vtw bill appinpnaimg »•••*• y * ,|lrr •*-u*»«l dollars to for relief ol Tlmmas I. Wmiliiop Hint ulliHti directors of an association tadrd 1 lie w-Knsktmf Mississippi ldiiut CoinpatiN. «h* read a ilmri lime, and rejected by the fast HIM tote of (he vrir« Tresid* nt. Sjubstquently, v*•. f»og"les gave notice ti*af he would, to tinn row, move that the Ornate reconsider the above | vote, i he bill uutlioi lung the £>•*••** HUn«*ts and Missouri' to sell tlu4f aidhm»1 land:* and l saline was |»a»*ed. The V icr-P'Ci!id»‘ilt com municated a letter from the Secret a. y olthe .Navy traiHuiitnng a report Hftd stmdiy docu ments, in nniM er t«> tta*-1evolution of the Senate of Hie o'b instant, calling tor information as to the expenses hitherto incurred fi‘bng out on espeunion for exploring the Pacific Ocean and ‘"Ottth .^ea? ; the probable Io nic expenses of the eipedil^m ; I he ainuimll tiao*1«nctl to this r Ipert fi >m »ippr» pi i stums made (or »ther oh* j«' ts hud the authoiify far such transfer. I he u p -rt and document* w- te referred to the Coin iiiitfee on NuVnl Affairs, and ordered lo he prided. Some tHfie was lp« nf in the ccuuudei ation of executive business. lu the Mouse nl lie present a tttots yestentay, I ’ fie hour appropriated l»y the mb s of the Motive for ftic m oiling business war oc'Upie.l in the presefitstioT) <*f petitions and re<poi»s oK’iun mitfees. Thu resolution offend tty Mr. A. nivth, ameodatorv of the ( on-titu1 ion, wn* therefore not taken on, bpt lies over mil l to ilav 1 he epe. t-• | orders of the day were then | postponed nod the finite proceeded to con* id ei the hill loi the preserva ion and rapnir of tIt«• ’ f 'uinhei land Ifoad. , Mr. Haiti sav *theii renew- I ed in the Mouse the iiioiiou h- had made in 1 Cutnniitrf** »<» amend tfie hdl by making tin } toffs specified i ollei t Me al ovary ten, in-lead | of Iw'Cnfy mifes, bnl the motion was negatived 1 by a g• eg' majority, and without a division Mr Rirchaftao thert reprwed the motion he had hi ole hi { otnnittee to amend the bill by sink mg nut the fti'hi seven srtlimu, and substituting provision lo cede the road to the Slates ‘ through which it runs, '-n con lition 'fiat tfiey j elect gales, and keep it in t.i'| an ; ami on this ' t|uestion the aves and nues weie ordered. A dis' uvsion then en oed, to which Mr. T. h Mitchell, M»*. Bjmf r, and vii. Seig**aiit took part, hut t efnre Mr ,*>eigi*ai t hud Concluded Ins tenit, V •. he gave way •»> a Slice* sfful motion made by Mr Vance to adjourn. If’tdntsAny, f/rh. 1H.-— hi thj derate, ye«ter • lay Mr .1 irnmn ol k«*n gqve notir# flint he would on 1 humluyIjttiove mat the > uate pi*» ceed to the ••lerliwii ol Primer. Mr. I aS.ewell t'ffpor *d, that, in dim bajgc of hi* duty. a* the Committee npppuinte* o • |hr part of»hf Sen ate to notify \odrew J aeksnn of hi* election at ! Pie*ideot ol the Untied States, for four ye;rr*, i I rum the fourth ol Mmrh next, that the Prcsi- ] deitf 1 J« * f. in signify mg tv# them hi- aecepfatltC if Itiis office, expressed fill deep sensihilitv ol j • I* tespnritibiltliex, nod his giaUtude to hi* country lor this recent proof ol its confidence lie, moreover, inducted Uie Collin hue t convey to the reap* rnve House* ihe a**uranee ol tin turh consideration and repaid. XIms Se naie fpeni three hours and a halt in the connid- j el ation of Executive hu»iu«*«s. In til* House of Uepreseiifativ as. yeglefdav i after the vhi oih reporit from Cotoioiiie s wen I picse'iteit. t e resolution of .VIi bmyth amen daiory ol ft|e ('11*1110(100 * a* t ikeu op, an Mr J. C. Wright continue i In* rema k». H« suppmicd his proposition t»» n»n»*nd the prnpo »eii aiiiendiio nf bv reference to t ie npio ons <«i (■enerai Jackson lijmsatf, coolaioed in his letiei to the Legislature* nf I emiessee, resigning fn • it iHhoii os Coped ."va ewSenxinr. /Jcloit* Mi j W light had concluded. the hour expired, nod >. j motion, madeJiy Mr. South, to suspend the ru « J was negatived. 1 he house thro resumed the unfinished business, being the hill ioi the pie | nervation and repair of the ('uinheHand Hoad. Mr. h. ig. Hiif thro -conrludt d h s observalmns in favor the bi! , and Mi oppni ii<»n to the a mendoient ; and wa^ followe d by Mi. Hoffiom wtm argue 1 against til** power of die govern ment. and opposed the bill. As soon n» he hao ••included, Mr S aitheirj railed (he pr« question, which *as by K fua loiify of the House. Tie ayes and noei »% ere then called and or de.rvd on (he quest,a.. “ Shull the mam q>ipj imi be now put /' whith ««-. decided hi Ote n g itive —ay«-* :t;j. noe» *S7. Me. Stuns l^ieu mo*ed liat the Home resolve ifxelt Inf «\ 'committee of I he whole , y» the stale ofihe Lh.ion, iu order »o take up |*(le hill respeeting the filth iemnn. lust oe1^tlw question wax'taken on the motion, ipq. | |«>mse >«dj our oed, Jw Thy$Jm>. e,l, ll|.-In il,r -^nMe, yw,„. *y- Vll . 11 -Util ii k„, llnm I,),. i urllUMIH'C On (• CaimU, M |,ji| (l»n.i p * «n'U,, il,.' |iui( ui lh, S,„ | «l 7.V* -I'-r.., ... Ibo ».o<* ,h, (;bcs,t,P«kf Ml(i j Olnn l »n..l l.ompiii,yv l hl. contnil„„ „.. I"’!*" ltr'H,,0V.'’ "* w>l,rh "'«* rr Ion «d II, m,,„. o"4l"U..lm Hiker. ,...W .n.Mpu., ,h' K I.„m ol Ik, y,,,,,., • '"•»< "'J1'"'*'. »"ff,.rcj bv bi.,, |,e„„ I„r „,„h„ .. 1,1 Ihr Province nl Nr. /i.u.iv auk n ies/v',„ii,l.1 „i*thoping ibf til,0,1, If,.,. Iroin 11.0 birtitrr ..nsiric, mum ot H'„l,ji"c», iiiiiI i eferrin^ ,• -.rtbf J* , si.lem ol "'6 Uuilpd wtiH-ll wim Htfreod l<« The '..ref bomi ii, il,« . oimilfrj.lioo ol I executive f'li^meoi In Hit; nouse u Representatives, yej,|. r.'ay vaiimig r«|iu,(« were madr, and among open * r,ip0r1 anil lesolutinli Ir.nilhe Co.omniitlee ‘ n the l.ihi hiy, on the resolution referredlo tiiem, relume to thp reprinting ot Ihe do. omen t ol Ihe first tliii teen Congresses. This • ion le.l lo some disco-.sum «|| eh occupied Ihe j hour, and roiis ujuenlly, ncuide.l the discuss mu of tile resolution of Mr ,V hnijrlh on the subject ot ttie a me ml men I of the Constitution I In H Horn resumed tlie tons|deH<ihiu olthe t ill I for the preservation nod. lepuir of the Cumhei - IhoiI road, w hen Mr. Chilton diode some re I marks in tavnr of the bill. The Ct»l of "rj ..•« J lion" wr re then loud, mul a motion was made j Mr. J. J. \\ mol to lav the bt! I and amendments I oil the table, which was negatived_aye* So. j tines UjH.* 1 he ((ties'mo was then taken on ihe 1 amendment n Jr led hv Mi Kiirtianaii,which was i negatived—ayes 77, noes U3. Mr. Buchanan 1 then cJfeied an amendment authorising ttie President to in-'ke arrangement with ihg States | 101*1 hit eredioti of toil gules, hot subsequently (withdrew n Mr. (soihain tlien renewed the ! motion lie hud made m Commttiee o( the whole I so to change the character ol the'hill as lor | make it simply an appfnpiiation lor Ihe leiiai | ol me road, which was negatived—airs &> | "■>« RiSt. M VI irkliff' then moved to su ke j o ,t all that part of tlie mil which r<datejsto tolls which was negatived—ayes B7. n.,et 107. Mr! j Archer 'hen tenewed the motion to amend WHS withdrawn by Mr. Burhaoau hot h.s motion WHS set aside l>y , successful dr (uand o| ihe pievioos nuestiou^ when the hill . WH. totally order. .1 to he eogrosj. d and read a | third Hina to day—eyes to:,, ones |f». The o j ther ' nsine.soo the table was then disposed of, | Hint the Mouse adjourned ! , ™ -°—Thf' ^ogle eesterdav elected I)giu,re«„ as Printer to the Senate’ I Olthe Ce„press. Mr.,, f,..,,, I d a, <-■anal.,, teporle.l I' V"h " lill:,*eiiptioii, on ,hJ. p„, 'handed Mat s, Ot 2.*0t» share. To fhe stork til the" Sooth Car-.. Bail R.i | Con, tiaoy. borne pi,vote hills Here need I “ V l!”- '•"•“'^ratii.i, of I X* CUMv'c u!1S||if>sg j In' ■; i on-e of Bepre.entaiives, ye.terdnv. o^idera,.on,,.,,.. .es„!.n.o. | o. d.v Voitimitiee ou ,h« Library, m>eu.,u„ printing of Ike *,j.. f , »*.• r.-M a.rti , inn, min » Um I • if III Mr. V% *•«!, «Ih* I'MIImI to MHIeim |,H OtlllMHl,! i\ll II" tin •!<, || luuftij f.| p„ | !i rtf flirt het Hi Min oolil vbm^ ' lieuprcim tnm m lm ,l%\ id pie»ent from tup l\ni m.ime oq lii ,,. ir»«‘itf. III reieiMtice to the n< ' uuuM ol >1, and Vdion f.r »«Hild * led mihI laid mi the lah|<* «ti m. mhei* , idoNiiii wa* tucce atijl, t he lb u»e <»,♦*„ r ftllllM ll llie d|S( llk<MUH Ul llltf Il kU llll >1| Mill* ||^j lory ol ilie Ci»i Mtittlndt, ■ ft it d by 4\|r Sniytli. iMr, \V light |t.e»» i i.m IuiihI l,ls mnik* tip n the subject, and was toll a*, d |,v .Mr A .-urt)ih._y\ ho tUth-mb-d hi•;i*n,, tfoiinmit d tit the anonyinon* lettet* *%,m, j( be* n brought Ire lore 111** tt'HMi*, until p,,. fJ[( I Atkin Ol ti>e Imur coinpelhd him (n de-u /, liou<*» having M'lu«r*l his niotluli fur a mi#|„ , •»<*» of the ruie. lNrlhHi«c then p ••<.,( f) bi»| lot llie |i|eseivaf»ou amt r» pan ul «i.( (J, tieiiaud Hoad, by a vine of l»»3 In 7‘J j; geni i mI Apprupi muon tidl, amt bill making H( profanation* tor l be Military Service lt| n,t. j. >tHfes# weie llieti imr.<e-*ivel y u< h d" t»n , Commtteeof the Whole on the htnle « f » f moo ; tml, before Ibe la»i mimed bill had h,-., gone ihroi^li, the I'ourmiK e rose f ir want of n quorum. J here v»ete lin n wviihI m tIOiM; ti* M'fjarn nt and mot tone lot a call ol the Mum by Mr. M’fbiflftur and the House fmaHy H,{1' jnurued by a sole ol 52 to dfl, no quoi mu ben. ■ pi men! Saturday, k'rb. ‘21.—In the Senate y eitef l|^ the Lruiioiuroe on K'tuuiir reported opun <| l# IbRiiluiinii* retelled fo them on the |0|. ub relalifti* to the Public Debt, the Dufting f (ll|,j lue H» venue, the Balance* of 1 H*po«ifet mi uH Hank ol Hie Untied »<a«e*f and the abut if ion * Dutn-a ; w it* a re»nlftfiou i hat it uva* «n«*a|»«r<Ii»*i,r to at t uii anv ©I fire iHmmiwhu hi* M.M| llie bn I ItiF the preaerv a • itm and repHir ol n,, ( dintierlanft K ad *»«■» read a tteco ti tune. „n 1 n-lei red to ' onnn m e on KtHttlg and ( ^ Hj Ihtee luiui «• *e«* spent iu live cou-dtle ration t,f eir » olive ou>o>e«* In the HimMp lit Kt'firp*pitt,ttiv.<i, the coniitj. Ilf A(v. Smyth’* |.r,.ftoiiitimi t.< tmieiuj n„. CaM-iujitii.ii w »» rnciiiicl. ftlr. Sinvilu ti.iui'd (nt rt*wrti.<, iiil-'i r.i|tu-ii |>y ilip pinira ‘'flhp hour nit I liurmlwv', anil juthfitol n„ cniuiiiiii.icntiuii ol nigniiipiii* in ill.- i i on ip I.. * i ilip.i Inrin *» well ... hi oml s|m-i . In., A)I,.r continuing lor whip limp, lip on. Inii. <1 u ,|., pv|irpfsing llip hope *!i«l the Jlna-p w„u|j Cl, ton voi.'U|„,n hit 5Val (truj.ti.irion «n.j y. rtppi.i* !(. pa rot.' H ttsk Vlr .1. C Wrirl.i if lie iistol, mi iht. precluding ,1rt fhr singe ,1, n .us, « I,I(41,■ * in,and small if. in using litem, lie intended lo apple ihi rn In luni? .Vlr Wnpfil declined making n v ex ,j •HI". Mi. Slums then moved briny’ tlicre-o lillinn tlml amendment, on !be lelde, W|,„(| wm Csn inl in liir iiftiomdi v\ 1:1h meinhci, Vnimg ill me atfmnnnve. I hr House thru ,j, . lei'uiined lo suspend tti* rule-which appmiai »'e» Friday mid 3atu»riay ,n piety week the coioiiU iHinio m. ynv«t« tviltv, t,i ,,rrfi-r In i«ke up Hie Appruprinimn bill*. Mr. Forward 'hen spoke Hi nun’ll li ng'll m support ni f,ig muiioii In krumiiI Ihe Military Appitprimi,,,, |,|y Oy SI ikuig out lie elanse makilg pru»i|ioH Inr llie Anomies, nnd mi reducing Ihe minnmt is in appKnp. inte only ft>r Hie. Fpringtisld si. mi ry, ihe Military ,'Indian, Sew, unit V,n . iifiraiion- bills, anil die lull no. i “i appi'opiiHii'ins liir Ciintfiitling die ru'd doni Del run in i Mingo, fin completing him! ie airing piers, liir Ike improving of certain, lia> tints. and Inr inaking I'lauiniaiiiiou and mu, sey-, oer ||. «n encressivelv aciPil on1 m Con. Uiiitec, and were reported lo the House. s 10*000 US. ML51% v fOK 07* ro i? tun v:’s corf A r; t ^ Ami till) Old Oi'idiiijnn. VHHilVI/V NT If K I.WTTKIIV tnrilie Donolit of ilm i:ici tyro iw Doc jK com paw Oniler the Afsitin'Ai'rmMit of (tlo'nsirs Yates nnd McIntyre.V »’IHSI CLASS . ij dhwn »n iIjd city ■* I KJoMmnrxi on Mi'll* 1,BV fciul t\»y of ^lrtrt l». ^** JNumMcrsi, fi tlr«un Ulluis K se ll E 31 K: 1 prize n( i(),0O,) 1 3,000 Doth 1 1,460 . Dulls 1,000 Doll 800 Doll:; ’ 10 i 30 Dolt 36 40 Doll 36 30 I)o|ly 7 ’ 1A DolN i 396 10 Dolls I 3780 . 3 Dolls I Whole Tii ki ts £5 00 ) Quiirteis £1 _ • j Udlves A2 50 ) i f,i>' in the front st vuriotv of nnmLei*»nt’ he ever forttiiiMio office of j v B. W. S'KTjwnr fo W*»4*r$ S &. M. AMon L: Co I .- . ^ -«s EDUCATION. j K Spring ai d -'iiun?* sesnion ot in? •A •;• h«*u., w ill commence on the £ ! day ot Match nett. ^ R- The subscriber will he tfstisfed by hi* brother-in-law, Lind^ny Coghill, who ha?beet lor the Inti len year* past, teaching uitieh to III* gnhi'tclion tit *bp subscribers, in who** «’»*cvice ne wap employed. He whs educated at Concord, and his suti-actory recoinmend* tions, together with my own personal hc qunirtfanee, all conctirin senliim'iitf with inef :bwt Me 15 well qiinlitn'd lor that busies. A* ! (Irish to he stationary in this place, l shs'l bp studious in promoting the interests ol cr/ pa'rons 'Terms per S»’$inn of five months : Orthugt-1 § it* \ , Reitdin-r, Writing, AniU* o.etic and B »ok Keeping, /jfd f'f* 1 Frulist. jopO Latiu and French Language* i'2 l‘0 JOII.-V KICHKSON. : F-b. 2 4 inf55 Female Education. 11MR Spring and Spinmer session of my . School will rn-rrjtencP oil the Ifrh cl. ne«t month. My com ,e of instruct! u will I comprise the following branches ; O'thui’tF • phy, R ading, \Vruing, English GranitiiHf Rhetoric, Logic, Geography, the in*e Map-, and ol the (ilobes, History, NaP'ral phi* 1 losuphy, 1 hemistry, Arithmetic, Book hen 1 ‘ng, Algebra, <■- onietry, tkv. I shall be assis ted bv inv u ti r Rebecca. A-l wish U» render mv present arran?^' rneut permanent, | shall labor to promote the i interest ol my patron*. I have intended, tuf I several yeaij, to attempt (be p*Of(bliJihriiei t ‘ f i a lenmle school; iind have, therefore, tfivrfi i v"ry particular attention to tlmir audits I which I consider best mu fed to girls. Terms lor the session of five months For h«fgi!i*n*-rs, <<tt! I? For tho«e'more adtMurpd, 516 IM> No will I,,, for If ". li«»« F’*" 'he »iiy ol rnirv to ilif . n<1 "i 'h.i : K. K lOWM l.i I "in bth | in ~V7Zi PER si:i-:i) \ & ^ M'._ Y 01 Ciu.. r Sfftl, iffto.r*l "'"I i, r •* « ""'f t>/ |. r. NitV I»A V ia JmrsJS*.'