Newspaper Page Text
THE LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN. BY FLETCHER & TOLER. LYNCHBURG, VA. MONDAY. MARCH 2, IHiJ). \6L. ATI.—AO. 57. tkhmh. .. mm ,.«r in hi .i.ii.iv ilili! in nlvmooe—So null |T« reoiVnl f..r a laJM1"" '•'■aa »i» ru.n.tli, ' r;.. ,,, 'r till I* .Hr.ib,“ •*' Ji«e»au..u M. ,.1- «*•» be m-.ri.- l -i •»> - ant. par 1-r. ,lt tir.t time. >U'I '7 I t! emit*for ua*h 3 '*"• *•' .j, /r„„, 4 ,|„i.iu.« niuM l.n paid lor „... or the paymcul ua.uiuad by •bb“r* Chat-on •l,.| «croJm*i>vo..,ua.o.a,«1u . (of •»* «i*>4i.fcr»» * ' alll.-tt'ora »iUr...eJ to thn 1‘dilor. uiu.l be pn.l or the v ..ill out bo utiauiie.l to. S _-_ 1 i"1"_g POTTER’S Ve-etalile CatlwUcon. O CTYt«YS2YSR. BOTTIiU. THU unparalleled repulaiion of ibis medi ,■is such, and it* pre rminimi virtues wi'ls" well established, and so tully acknowl tM| ,',,l by »n intelligent public, tbut it is scarre lyunCMMiy to say any tiling further thun that a sovaa-uiow RB yc ao y t„ disease' of the Liver; Debility resulting f,,,m ioleniper nice mid dissipation : Old and in veterate Ulcers : Pains in the bones, attended V. Hi, swellings of lliejuinls ; Indigestion, Blntrli cs orrAhe l ace, Pimples,&«- Syphilis, Lunin eous di e in s generally, and letter in pirlicu t«r : Mercurial anil Scrofulous Complaints. l lie certificates of wonderful cures performed by the Cuiliolicou, have Income so numerous o'to preclude their insi riioti in any newspaper, has made it nceessa- y for Ihe proprietor to print them in a pamphlet of almut 100 pages This willin' forwarded as soon as possible to iuescveial agents for gratuitous rlijliibulion.nml must, on perusal, strengthen ihe good opinion now entertained by the friends of this uiedi .., and disarm, as it i« hoped, the prejudices of those who view with distiust airy medicine not known in what is called < regular practice." y„,f» are stubborn things, and cannot be gain villi. Af iIn* t*ni iif&t solicitHt'mus of members ol (lie medical faculty, ami other* who tmve witi»e*s«Ml ,■,. asiunisliiug cures effected bv the Vegetable f.'atholicnii, and who are ansious that ns bene fils to mankind may be more widely diffused, tne proprietor liis con-ent'd to reduce tin re tail price to '2’JJO DOLLARS per bot tle : rml this w ill be done without in any way deteriorating Ihe quality of the medicine, or | reducing tlicsici of llte buttle, as has been ma- | r.'rial y done in the ensoul Swaiin’s Pana-i kt'H. The subscriber, agent for p.liter's Genuine i i 'atlml>c«M»; 1ml just received tJHK HOT- j £”■ .KS, wbicu Philadelphia pri HOWEL DAVIES, l'eb 2. ’ tf4» _ i.i. - ■■■ I CLUES BY SWAIM’8 PANACEA. f * i t: following is a translation cf a lettei | from the original Spunisli, dal**d 23d of Jn*piember, 18JS, forwarded lo Willi.mi Swaim by J. G. A. \f iiliumson, E<q. American Con *ul. Satisfactory evidence of the respectability of Mr Rodrigues, lias been bud U lore lh« Editol j jf the National Gazette. C'AUACCAb, Republic of Columbia. Sept. 23, 1828. '£}) Win. tiwairn, Philadelphia. bin : The marvellous and beneficial effects of v our Panacea in a mini ot iiuunnces in v. Inch it Ims been tried in this city, and of which T hiii a witness ami admirer, and ihe necessity of/ a supply wivtioul tin? risk of adulteration </ some bottles for my own house and for so die particular friends of mine, induce me to take the liberty ot addressing you. an<4 to supplicate von (i> have the goodness to feud me 3d bottle*, directed lo tin* until resident at •hi. capital. ] <v».j. I CJ. A Williamson, Esq ) for which I will j pay the said Consul, or such person as sou may i direct, according to tin* invoice ; hut 1 trust you I tv ill nut it hi the mud equitable pric* *. I huvfc the | satiiftC’ivil HI infhivrt yonthat i nm an ocuIh. . triplets of jittttu c arets uf the great»*t impor ! liiice affected by y<n\\ Fenaoa, ol Syphilitic, f* retire biVCtualc and ulcerous diseases—also oi UvBr rdinplainls so common in I hi- country. This had the just and limited prases which \ have he*trtwed upon the medicine have brought it into great estimation, and vvitli out doubt it will deserve wore from day to day. i for a eoiishboHhh* number of prison are t.i kmg n with profit. K have |lie donor to lie, A c. (Signed) T. MIG I, ROliRIGUES. ft ib to he greatly regretted, that in conse quence of the unparalleled socces- of flits m iii cine : so many inert iiuilalions of it are dm ly tbiht« red on the public and tlnvt a remedy ^ of stick invaluable poweis should thus be falsi* a*-* ™ I f rtiA price being now reduced to TWO R'il.l. XU’S per bottle, places it in the power of 4*f Ciiiasc# tu avail themselves of its use. XV M. SWAIM. SWAXMTd MWACBA Reduced to uulj 1. dollars the bottle. ^1 MiGMib*e.rihor, agent for SWAIM'S tjenu* 1 iue P\ N X( E A, has just received USS DOTTEES- "hieh lie n(fcr* at Rhiiailcl ^r?4, HO WEE DAVIES. • eh. 2. ooiwcMxassowr business. t HTltl. ii I ho r i he »• informs his h lend* And (tie Sr public Pmi hv? continues t*» do business °u ‘ ‘••nuiirtiun, Mini promises thui no pain* llc. sjHvred to give entire SHtUiacliou to ,l} ^ huitofi and Farmer* who may conlidn to his notuttgement tin* sale of iohaccj, Flour, •»r other produce llis pJBun will be kept at !'■" "* ■» .1. tc llalt»ey, noil door below the Farmers Bank l». 8AUNMERS, jr. ton. Id. 12m V O'JS WJf. rilU K three story brirk ten** 9. m ni, nearly opposite 1 lie | \ ngiijian Ulli' H, lereniK occupied ■ by Mr. Daniel blown, Apply to! ur to iho swh'iOfiitiM. I JAM f. I'l \ VVUP. I M ,, ! 20 O 1* A C li \ G i: s London, Paris, Huston, _Vc<£ lurk ami 1 ’hiladtlphia (*ouils tor suit, BY WIIOLCSAI.C OH UL I Ali. Mi di* IMKj*,<liua>, ■iiu.ll> *, nun", .mill' , ut mr licllK ! surgeon'* met* utn0 materials, iJ\c wood* in Kt cks it ml ground, roIni», chemical* : tin* American medical bcihs, wain culois in boie* and l»y Joam or jingle cake, colour* Ini paiiiti.'g on velvet, clothiers hiutliu* and jacks, tenter banks, a vaiieiy of la ty article* Ironi I'aris and London, w lueh the ladies and gentle men ol Lviicldm 0 And it- vienuiy am vei y re pcetfully invited to■ all and tu^iimit I oiler's materials. Dentist’s iiisMuiiienU, a > omplete as. -oilinent of guru elastic iiistiumenU, I lie* subset ibcr is not# opening liiatpiing supplies, consisting in part ol the above article* lie ve iy respectfully invites the call ut his It lends cu-tonier*. physician*. nierclnitn», the ciiijimu of Lyiiclibing and file publie in g« neial He is aide to supply -Older* to any client, and wi I sell good*, on as good terms a* any noose in Vir ginia. Hi* amac* aic alt frv h anti pt tmint. UOWfcL D \ * ILm Feb. 25, Valuable Heal Ljstuttjur Sait. . nprtfc sUbaCl liter III pursuance ol UlO ^ deeds ollrusl, eteculed hi him by the surviving partners «d tin late hruu of Gull Bollock, jL Co and Gab y Bulloi k, and the exacu'ort "f Win. Gnlf, deceased, (whit h deeds bear dutu on the Bis' day ol Mutch 1825,) offers lor sale,tbe following valuable real property, to \\ il : 2Ui 1-2 acres of land, purchased by the said Gall, Bullock & Co. of H k A. Brad fute, situated in the county of Bedford, uaat the town of New London. 135 3-4 acres of land, lying in Campbell county, near Gaudier'» Mountain, und hi tin* vicinity of tbe town of L> nchburg. An undivided uiointy of the Black Water Mills, and the laud* thereto appurtenant, -i(u ate in tbe iinnindiuin neighborhood of tin town of Lynchburg (ll;e properly ubave described, belongs to the concern of Gait, Unlock <*Co.) Also, tbe following real F.sJate, Belonging to the concern ol Gall <*. Bullock, (o wit ; lbe House and Lot, wiili the appurtenaii-< ces in tbe town ol Lynchburg, lormerly oc cupied by tbe said concerns, as a Store, and now in 'be occupancy of McKee 6l Alenin. Also, tbe House and Lol immediately in tlie rear of the ouo last mentioned, umJ now occupied by Lankford u VeJder. Hie terms ot sale will be liberal, and mad known on application to the subscriber, who will convey to the purchaser i r purchrsei such title as is vested in him by the deeds ol trust aforesaid, an I no other. CiifSWKLL DABNKV, I ruatee Aug 21. ♦«< Fresh Diugs ami Meihciues. tPTf!|lic subscriber ha* lately received hS.AT ALL 4L additional tttpftly of FRESH DRI US A MKDICINbS, which makes In* ASSORI MKNT very complete, lie receives SM ALL supplies almost every week, bv which means, Ins stock, though not the L AHGf>T, is always FRKSH ami sufficient to meet any orders that he may be favored with. THOMAS J DUVAL. N B. Prescription* laiihfolK attended • <. by Virginia Brad YOUNG GKM I.EMLN. «Jan. 1. To Mrs. Miytyaret Me keitiy, ailnu.. yj Henri/ Me limit/, dec. A S you arc uot an inhabitant of this Com nonweailh, we take thin method of no t'lying \ou, that wc shall, mr—dUmsday Hrth day ol M*t*eh np«t. proceed, at the house ot Capt. John Lynch, in tluj county of Madison, Mild State ofTemiH«Bee, t*o lake 11»0 deposition if the said John Lynch, to he read as evi deuce in a suit now depending and umletm mined m (he Superior Court of Law, h»r fli County of Campbell, wherein you are jiltf.a ni the President, Directors and Company the Lynchburg ami Sileui l’anipikc Com pany. art* defendanti.^ WILLIAM RADFORD, | President oft lie Lynchburg & Salem lurnj pike Company Feb. 12 / VAutcn Wotunvc Uvi. iv;.v, LONG ISI.AM). YEAH A EH VOMC >ls|HOSK wishing to send for Fruit d rees *r Sic. from Prince's Gartlen, for planting the ensuing spring, are requested to furnish uie with their oideia bv tlje fn ?t of March ifii K. Q TOMPKINS. Feb. 2(i 2t I B V virtue of a dwd «»t trust • xc« »fc-i i«. 0 'piIk- subscriber by Uriah Leltwicn and y hi* wife, for purposes therein mentioned, which deed beni ** date the 24th day of April, 1824, and is duly committed to re-ord in the clerk* office of the county court ol Bedford, we shall proceed to sell, on the piemi-e*, at the dwelling Inttsc at which the said Uriah L* I I w’ch now resides, In the county of (Jedford and State of# Virginia, on the *-Vth day ot Maicfh, 1829, it lair, it not, the next lair day, Sunday* excepted, lor ready money, to the highest In i der, the followidg propeitv, viz out* tract ol laud on w'liich the rfuid Leftwicli now* mg and being in Hie county ol Bedlord. said »«» cuiiiaiu IMj acres, bounded by thelamL ol Ln jah luiuer,K«ctrd 1 orner/l hadeuus Mil s.cmj. Uar'an J Hurts e»q. <!>»• other*, tins iract ol land, though small, is well worth the attention ot any person that any want to purchase a tract ol that size — it ben £ of good quality and Hie plautaii 'U In good order—also one negro man named Shadinca. one m g o woman named' Aully-weight Imad * of cattle, ten head of sheep, tweutv*5t*ven het|d "f hqr'-», two hay horse*, three h alhrr be..- and lumiturf—and all tlie balance of his household and kitchen lin mtiire, We a ill only cotrvi . 'licit title as i* d in ns I»v tiie trust h ”% al- resaid, bin benere the rignt to l e ndisp «d» WILLI SM LI y H\ h H. 4 HllMAb PUKjiIO.V r rut tee*, p d». a, " 4wf» I blawasT (y t:iniK • t this offi-a POU I d Vi< Appeal to the attains of the V. >tata. (c ..neci/niD. J I 'i* npp sill »n it*. in miiiiea I govern •nrnl m IHlW unin* trout cmi»e*t which were romiiion to the people, not only of New l»ug Ini' nt all lhi* commercial s'ate*. as was nKe il* Kiffd hi New Ymk. Philadelphia, and elgewliefp. By tvlia' process uI fan reasoning I hen can that opposition Im* referred to, or con nected with a plan whi. ti t» haul to have oi'gio aled hi I8“4 Mini to have been intended to em brace merely a northern emth dnac' ?—The nhjection 'o the Louisiana treaty was founded uti me ju*t con di union of the comport between suveifigm states It was believed m New Kt g Uo l, il.a* new members •-mild not be added r,» the conledi mey beyond the lerrilorial limits of the contracting pat tie* without the cun*enf ol those paiiie.. Mils wa, c WMih red a* a fair 'uf-ject of remonstrance, mid .* jn# tifvmg pro posals for an amendment of the constitution Hot so tai were the ledpialpnity from attempt hi ’ to use ♦his as an additional incentive in the passions ol the day that in » report ■ mde to the Vc*gi*lft!iite of 1813 "v a* .*which Mr. \dam * ‘cscedent fttend' Joxiith 0 i u was Chairman, (Loi tstana having n' this tin,, been admitted inin the Union) it is p«pr. **.|y stated, that • tht 7 hovt nut hrt 11 di'/nm / tn , nt uert thm constitutional 'jursiton <■,, !. lh‘ transmit cnlnmilics of tht dm/ Hum which i» 1 in if.eir opinion very uppateuily dotineuislo d both in i'» cans and con *erp truce.’ I hat ur their view ot this great cmuoiluitnttal quest'oii* the\ have eotiftie d themselves to t>i|)i« •, and at guini n's ili awn from the constitution, * with t|u hope of limitiog the tu 1 titer projjie** nt the evil rather than with tint efcppc'aution u(‘ nmm duut ♦eltel during the conlinuattce ol 1*ai«*tmeg mitu* ern es in the national administration ' [ to* n port was accepted, ami thus the 4 project' it. steed of being Used .«> fuel to the 1*6 e, is <|t lihpiatcly taken «Mil ofit, and presented to the people by the teadeig' as rhatiug 011 * distinct Consideration* tioiu III uunsient calaoiiti.- ,’41 .1 lor wh ch prrspnt redrfftv ought neither in b< sought nor einerted in tin cinli.i'(in imposed in IIprculhi'i, M07, nearly nil «ln- dideaniion ul Mm„, i,|,i. Ms uu opposed The pretexts fur i in pi I* ■),i tv io >■ defined liy hci ri'izfiis a nmrkeiv ol her enfli ■ngs—0wniug nearly one Ihml of Hit tonnage in llir l ulled Stans, .In- frit Uni her \mirought to In- In nid in » hut relnleil In it* tecmitv. Dc I" milut; prim ipully on tier fuieigii trade mill fi'liri in I Sir support, her Munition appeared dev pernte under I In* onei a'iuii of this, in'il» te rills perpetual It we* a hitlei aggravation of her eulTm iugs in lie liild, liial iu nhji i.i was to pieterve these inlere.i*. Nn people at prate, in an equal space of time, svii endured severer niivalni s. She coll III not cunsnh i the aiiiiil>e lalion of her trade as in* Itiili'd tit (lit* piiivnr to regulate if. To hei lawyer*, r t.>r«* i a. n mh.I < it iacii* in gciicrNl, it appeared a dm rt violate* of tlja foiiktinitioii. It smis iiuivci stillv ad. mu The tii-hlV»*ction whs not coufin.-d to t lit* f**d« r«l p.irfy. Mr Adams, it i« mud, and not roulm. dieted, iiiiiimiiiml hi hi« Iciich In tin* ini r'iin i:, of Ctottgrest*, that oovnrtiineiil mu ' not rely up on it|*o\vn fro nd . The interval from |h07 to HI2 wa* filled up hy n net i#*s of rcifiiciivr* umm* tuir**$ w Inch kept alive the discon t*nl and m i lotion ol tlic popalai mind. I Iilmi foil w** l (lie war. und r • ireumstances which u:i»rn vm td tin public disfres*. in its progress, Ala -a* huniu was deprived of ga* nsmi* ‘or ln*r pt.i ^—w ti ti a Inn* of mm coast tipi d in extent to one third ol tlrd ol all the other iiiAiitiuie State*, sun* lua lolf dur* ff the whole* war nearly det*'m»*l**sn H« i citii;* n sul)j« ct to luce*.,ant h arm ;—a I pm lino *d the i minir v invade*!, and taken pos session of as h coiunieied territory. Her own mi Itfia arraved. and encamped at mi rnui umus • s pen -e . pay ami tuih >s cm r supplied fr*nn he* i nearly * xhatisfed tmtMii v , and le-'inhuisetueu i refiiM’d wen to this tiny. \<>w w hut nndet tlo pressnre and excHeiuent ol these mcasor* ^a* the conduct ol tin* federal par y tin** U| Vo ted majority,’ with the military tong of the. State in their hands;- with the . ... to he derived from a conviction tb.p the iN'oi thero States were in sympathy »*. j |, f jM ,^ |#1(,| uig», and that government r.ouJc* „u| <v ,,, ow n Iriends I Did they rests', the iU\v* y ilia solitary instance. Du) th* v tun.iten a separation of th- Slates { Did li,* v hi i ay thci. hirer, with a «how of Such il ,(lu»H,on Uiu the guvei iiineii! ol per ,de u| .0j,„n ll* u anv our instance <»fnf Ire yi ihcir ul . .. to fta* l. non 7 1 b" i< v. » v ol ;,|| f,,jg ti <«• h Abandoned by *>.«• govi'rn.m u , be raino1 she declined, lor reasons wbii h hei igh est tribunal adjudg .f to he coiistilulniiial, to stir render hei ir.ddiu tnio flu* hum ;; «* I' a military prefei I, *tl# ioil/.'they were al«v y i 'pupped, and read v and faithful under t -e»i own oliicei sin* * i the less , lung to the Union ax to the Hi'k v f her .ctfety. she ordered In r w|| trained m i I*. itH in ro the field, st»t loued them at the pom is iOi danger, defrayed their expense* from liei • own treasury, and garrisoned with fit* m the na | *i4>ivtl torts. All hei taxes and excise* were ) pil'd with pum luulitv a«*d prnmpui’ an e* ample hy no imans followed hy soim* of the Slate*, in which the ciy t< i war had Ineolood e*t. 1 best* taels are re* ited lor iio other pur pose hot tha ol piepaiiug fur the impiiry, what hei o.ue* of Ml. Adam*.’ ' U -y,’ Ins * piojeci, and hi* poxful'iies 1 1 he 1.liter were to a I m lent** and purposes, to use Id? language, •* con kuinoiat'd.’, uoei»nstitutinfial in tie* public opinion, hail been enacted. A great m.i joi iiy of an ex asperated people wen- in a stale of the i„he*t excitement C be le i.slalme (il hi* word he a keiii wa- under the nimiageineiit o| the * lead ers 1 The judicial court* weie on (heir side, and the juries weie, a* tie pretend*, rniilamm.n • | ed. A golden opportunity had .tinted. ' Now wax the winter ol then istoiiient niinlc glut ion* i summer ' \ll the combustibles for revolution ! weie ready. When, behold ? instead of a dis membered Union, mil iary movement*, a Nun them confederacy. and Utilish <\d«ance, accour plished a' the favorable mohietil of alilio*t loin1 cro-ti alum of the credit and povv er of tiie na* ti »nal tideix, a small and peaceful deputati.ui <*f grave citizens, selected from the tank* of ci v d life, ami legislative tniinciU ay*cuibled al ilaitlni-sl Tnere, calm ami Collected, like the Udgnm*, friTm whom they descended, and not niiiiiindlitl of those who had achieved the iude peodetice ol lb* ir country, they deliberated on i *.e most rifeiVi,demeans of preserving for their lellow ciicv u« aid their de*c» udantx the ci»i! and political liberty which had been won, and bequeathed i«> them. The churn tier of this much injund a*xeinhly bus been subjected to heavier oupuinii nxt un der an »*»• lire deficient y mil only o proof, bill of probability, iban ever held any other Set ol ue ii. discharging inert ly me dutie* «• f of aeon, miiteeofa legislai iv p. hotly amt m iking a put. Iic!rept»ri of ibeir tiomt^>to their cnustitnei.fc. I h*-*«* •itipuialien* i ave n• v r its timed a p»»* Ci#e t rill ; bn' vague opining* have prevailed of a combination in •e|i#r£ite'* *ff»e * Union. Ax Mr. Atl .in* ha* < nmlesi ended hy r.* nut oner to whit » tie • pea*X of that COlUni it,II, I*, adopt iir cotniieoance imputation* on n.% pro ceedings, tiiay be • x used fui making a lev* unne lemum* on lio* s dip t t, a m,,. £|, p,,* |t m>t a suitable urc.i»iuu to go mioa lull expiatm1 mm ami vindication ol lioit .! *h>ih. I'oesubject oHtmahy «c5o!vq» nxull uito (o.Qi •linui# ji Hviestiotyj : ' F»r*t. the conallAtrtmtiaI tight ol a Stale lo up I |mmiif delegates to tuch a convention ; Secondly, ttie* pr- pnety nix! e*prd*#ocy of eierciMttg mat tight at that luiti Thndly, the ohjerU intended to he mplhied by »t and the power* given (01 putpo»° h> the state to the delegate*; and Fourthly, the inannei in which the delegate* tieicned their jmiver. As to the rtr**t point, it w ill not In* doubted i that the people have a rie/il in no orderly and . iNNirewlde ntfiiinet to n *wntble to consult upon ; the common good; and i » " n pn-st ot tin n m | ler* by the way of u.ldr. j>. nm.ns, 01 t* I moiitliatues. redress of the mi t* • i. don* then , I Hint of tlie pkiiifn tv tiny nMn-r.'* *J'hi% ir | etiunteraied in the cm.xhluftnn ol Mas-M€hu**fit j among our, extent in I, amt omilig'oible I fight* ; and it i* i • cognir.t-d in ihe constitution '•I the (bmed State*; and who then shall dan to srt limit* to it* cxriiiHc, r»t I » pies* ribe to to Ihe manner in w ho it it «hnll he«-B<tleilf We have ali« ady spoUm ol ihe slate of public at | fairs and the meti-nii* n| ttie general govern* incut 01 ftie ISI*4, and oi Ihe degree of ci ciieinenf, ammoi'>ii|> nearly (o d#*|M tatom, lo which they had brmighi me mind* ol the pen pie m IhiA mol the adjoining States. I hen i 'iidering* and M|iptrhen* hiik could no longer 1 be silently endtued, .md numerous meetings o. the* lot i he* n lu l l on Hie occasion in various pari* of me conntrv. It was iliei limiight liiaf «be a teaser' * railed lor m such nn » mer g lu v w mild be rn oe pi ltd* Hilv and safe I v itunui ed Mid piomo'ed bv the gnvei nineiti *1 fin “tale, f»y uimiguiii&'d b ie* ol in 'ividiiak lionglv excited by wlia they con sid ted lo lie tlie unjust and oppressive me a oitHot the general government. it all the «'i •'/' a. 1 mt tii.* right, pdntly and severally, i" • onsuli fur Hie i ominoii good, and to seek for a iedi. their grievance*, nn rest on • mo in given whv their legislative astn nioly, j I w hu b Iepi * m'iiis tin in all may aot| eieici o ( I the mime light in then behalf. \\c no when ) f» d a*»y c«.iiAt■ 111(lomtI inhibition nr resfiainf I ol the ex' i rise ol tin povei l.y ihe .Slate . and if not prnliibiied if is r set v d to the Slate - NVe tuaiiitniit then (bat tlie p» ..pie find an tm ipicsfioiiablc right in fhi* u- well a* in other | Hindis, lo xin»*«.* • hmr oiniiioiis ol tint men 1 *ures ul the g. muni government, nu*l IomtIi, ‘by adtlioiMi, petition* or remoiiiirmiccs,' i fn obtain a redrew ot their grievances and re lief from •lieu so(IVrings. If there wan no constitutional ol jection to this mode of proceeding, it will be readily ml nutted that it w.i* m all respect* the most wli |gil>le. In the slate of diitmn am* danger whir*Is then opine* ed all Iweit-, it was to lie uop* ehended a . mime suggested, that laige I and frequent <u»<tc in lilies of the jieople might 1 lend t measure- mconxi lent with dir pence i and order of the community. If an appeal was i to lie made to the government ol the United i Elates it w likely to he more effectual, if i proceedi",^ limn the whole .Slide culbfh elv, Hian if from item in led assemblies of /rut and »he Mpuliration in «lint form would tend ills • to it press lli#- public excitement, and pr* vent any sudden ami mimlvieekf proceeding uf , the pei.jdi . by holding out to iliein the pros peel..i nltel through the mlbience ol their State poveinine it. 1 In* list*9r Consideration had ;,ie„t weight with the h gift la I ur* ; and it ts liel.eved to have be.n slit: only motive (hat could have induned mnnn t»f the delegates to that roiiventlo . id quit the seclusion to which tin y bad volitiiltiii|v t Hired to expose them irlve* anew in id I tin* fatigue ami anxiety* I he odium, thy oil igpresentntiniitt, (alumuies, and i ujusl c»*,noii( In s, which so frequently ac company )nui follow the boat e&ertmuM 'or the public g'lod. If C^ one r»f the ?tntex had tl e right thus *'* Wrh a teilress of grievance*. it in clear I hit' tv.o or mow Statco Wight con nil together for 1 the same pm pose ; Sod i he only mode ill which , tiny could con stilt each miter was by a mutual appointment of delegate* for that purpose, j Hut till* is not tin* only ground, nor is i' (the Mion.-oM. on Which to ie*l It e jital dilation of lhe proceedings in qnodimi tl the govtrn* ^ un i t nt tii#* l mted Slab s in a lime of sm h do.* . Hi'S* and daIIgt)I shoo <1 lu* unable, or should neglerl to afford protection ai d relief to die people, tin h/pdatore ot llu* Sbita would nut i only have a right, fail it Mould tn* Hour duty I to commit together, mid d pi.u fti able, to hu I 11i-«li these fioin their own ic-oinc v Ibis i would be hi aid ol die gineial goveinineqt.— | How -(fVri«dy the p.-oplc of Ma saCfio-etl'' »•». | peneiM i d at (tiMt f i«ii»* the wuot ot ability oi disposition, in the general government, w« | need wo! repent It th*» legixlaltne •*! a single I Mate might under mu li <:nemus aid ex endew vor to pr 'vide lu* il« dehor#', without lulling : u.g the u a* mil ill 1O ill part, no i raxOn is pet ct iv i ed, w liv they might in t appoint a i "inmdiee oi delegates, to coiiicr v ill delegates of neigh hoimg Slate* wh« v.i »'• exposed to like dan gCT* Hild Mtlh'tlltg In <H'V|.t Ulld hit ,1 to their r» sJm < live Ie,■ t • I ilul ex lln i .III* x t»v which I heir owo resoiii c« H might lie employed, in a niiiuin r not repug i ini to then obligations ay UK'IIIij.m (>1 tl.e t'nion A pill nl New land had hi:en invaded, and wax then held hv tne enemy, without an e.hnt hy the general go vernment to regain i', an I it anotoer invasion, which wii'* hen threatened and eemr lly ex pe< led, hud alien place, and the • J.ngtaiut States had been slid dr . i It d hy tin- govern ment and ltd to rely nil their own re nuivcx, it is obvious that Hit- lieil moi. of providing lor then coiiiniou del# m won -I In lieeii I y slur ham ous ami * «unhioc«t operation of all heir fm ce*. Tin- > • t• x m ■ -u»a ly pn**ex«ed lilt right, and weh .'d that 'I ha* never been nr»endered, IIOI fahi n lioin them tiy the pe - P:« J he argument on foi- point inigh In* casdy xtt-oded ; Ind we may cmitidonf|y rc?v on In mo rounds iiho\«r mention'd, t > w if, the light ol tlie people, tin on;'.i lin n -ante legl«lattlt« * oi olherw i«i', to ;m'I Hi oi and 11 moils rauce tor a indr* sh of h n i invoice* , and the right of l hr! .Stale*, in a nine of m «i and of lln ea rn •<d invasion to make liie uei o. iiy piovi imo (nr their own deieure lo tie *e oh|ect' wax Confined lie* w hole aid uoi i* y Ooilt.ilcd try «mii legixhi'me on the ih-leganx whom they uppou* ted 1 hey w «-i e du ened to meet and eonler •with otuer delegates, to de im and xiig^ex on n-ureff of itl»eI for ih ailop ion of the ie spec; five slate* hoi not to representor ait lot lueir roustitueids hy greeing to oi adopting any xufh cneasurex Ihcui elves, or in bc-Untl ol the stales. But whilst we strenuously majiifniu this right of I tie people, to . oiiip iiiii. hi j. itino and lo reuionsliale “gainst mmixiii »-* winch they think lo he iiucoiixtiltillomtt, iinp 1*1, oi oppie -ave, and to do tin* m liie inannei w hiedi tiny shall • leein iiMxdf Convenient or ell dual, provided d i>e done “ ui an ordeilv and peace,*.»h Ilian uer . we readily admit that it u i people would not h.rsidy r**mt toil c .* ju-cia 11 y in t * i* impose g I'm m, on eveiy mousin' ol p.oltal and tempora iy • dixmnfeitt or so,f« ring. \Vc* tin refill#* pi •.#,#***#l to consider, bcco dly to* pi oprieiy and exp. hrni v ol adoplill" lhal n.eMMiie in If,,. .,,,1 ol 1 Hi 1 On this p< int II IX ei. ugh to « • v, t .* it the gi i Vantes that w* re mitered and tin *t.*n - i , hat wri* at*.ni l* udi d at that linie. a# l ihe strong **I' ,lhnrit wh ch tiiev produced aiomtg all the p ople. vviie ' .x stf»|ei| ill'll** p . r uoi Ur when* m U ' s.remlei »<| miiiic iiieasnfi * or the i ref-el ntspensa Idy ie es*u»y. ll UlV *“■ * -• i iiiukcu i^u-n •an* lit appeared l Im* ceitiiin, a* hp have abeady I uig/r phm|, t|i,|| hr people UiitlM take il mio j f Ii* ir nw n Iihih|« , an I • herr w its rrMtuii l«* fear . *hm the pr *i e«-iln.I* i 111 Hi il i .»• •• might be lesr ' orderly mill peat ehd, and 4l I lie srtilit* 'loir, i lept elicit 1 joii« *1 m«Mv \V «• l »n» air.’ dy tilled the id# jttets wbi' ii i»mi -t ip* «*nin iiineilt hail ill tie** , I [ in pinpnaiiij; 11 *• - at Hanford, nod' ' the p.uvfri* eu'ip’i 1 ci| mi iliair dob gift.'* Il, 01 stead of these iiviiw d objects, lltei 1* had b* CO »nv secret plot fur a dismemberment oft he I bi ion, 111 which 11 (••mu dttmred fo engage , the uetghhnrin stale* the measures for llntl pmpose wc may «ippose would have been , Conducted in the mo*' niitalr m uiiipi possible. On ihe i onb-.wy, Mm resolution of nil I' legit In lore tot H|»(K>i»if'H4j tn ir del* #;alci. nod pie* scribing thin powers ami dot ex, openly dist unsrd nml pN»P4 il in (He usual tuitnner , and a ropy ef it was immediately petit, by tiller **'»n nt the IrgislHtuie, In the Governor of eve r\ slate in the I ninii K ninthly. 1 he only remaining rpirstimi is, w lie' tier the delegate* exceeding nr abu-td their power*. A* to this, we have only to ic ict tn the erpoit of their pim reding*, and tn t a ir {oiiiiihI, which 1* deposited 111 the at 1 Im * oli|) is state. I bat repo it whuh wan publi-hetl innnediafe i lv iiffet ihe adj iimiiM’dl ol the Grinvenlion, null , was ‘lomi after fit cepyrd by 111*1 I.egndahii e. 1 hold* forth the imp rtaitec of the I’nion as pat* j atunniif fn all dhet < iimnlrialioitl, enh'ice* il by elaborate 1 easoning. and re lam in ckpt<fc* terms to HWimjf/on'ii J'ariwrll addrtaa, it* iu t* XI Ii ok II then, no pnwm to d»* wrung wu j given by (he legislator*- to llir . onveiilmii. null d noth lag uumii*' itutioiiul, it 1 hI«> y m I, or leml ing to diMtini.ui, was in fait dimt (nil which is manifest of record,) there remains no pretext tor impeaching the metiihert nl ihe convention by imputing to I hem covert and nHarinos d< Mg ns, except the • utintrita' l»* one, ilia character* nf the men justify fhr belief, that they cherish, d hither hearts, wi die and in tm* limit, In de what they had no authority to r*»*. rule, ami what 111 fact they .did not attempt Hn (hit head,to tic people nl New Ibiglaml who were ai (fiminted with ihese characters, no e* planatiou t o'-cunuiy* Km the iiifornuitiuu of • thers. it heh mves those •>( ns who weie m«> 111 is**i m In speak without re fate nee to mnselves W (li this reserve we may all he penni'fed to say. without (ear of contradiction, (hat they fairly represented whatever i^Tuoiul Intellee tual or patriotic worth, is to he found 01 the charaetei of the New Kit land coniiimoil * ; that they retained all ihe personal consideration uol confidence which are enjoyed *v the best cili /rut, thn«e who have deceased, to the In,ill' nt their death, and those who survive, to the pres ent time. I or the satialn< non ol those who look to self love, and to piivate interests, ns spring* ol tinman actnui, it may he added, that among the mass ol*, friends and i iiiiiiegion*. whom they iepi • tented, were litany, whose lor tuni HWm- iincipally vested in the public fund* to whom tin disunion of the Elates would have bneoiuin That cniiveutioit may he said hi have ni ic in.tied with the people.— Measures lor lehel hud been demanded by immense numbers, in counties nml towns, in all pails o! the Stale l"Oj< before if was orgmtiieH. Its main and a vowed object was the f/r fe net of the part of tin country thr common enemy. The war (hen wore Ms mint tin ea tolling aspect N. I*.nr 4ml was ‘culitutc ol oHtional troop* , hei trea „iirey eibiuhd ; her taxes drawn into the n.i I umi.iI cutlers. The proceedings anil report of the conveniinu were in conformity with thi* object. Ihe but 1 den <» 1 that report consisted in recommending an application to (Jongies* to permit Ihe states In provide for I heir OH 1* defence and In hi In* demnilied with fin* expense, by iconbui semenl. ; 111 sunn shape, Iron* the Nation*' Government, 1 of. at least, u portion of (lour own money 1 (us convention adjoin ued • hi ly in January On (ke J/th n1 the same mnnlli.ail a« t of t'oiigiea. was, w hiefi gave to the State Governments the vei v pnwei to hieh was -ought by Mnh-tn Im setts v<a —ibnt of’* raising, orgaii'/.mg and ofli curing' state troops, ' h> be »*iuployt*il m tin Slate raiiing the -.ime, or in an adjoining s'ale mid providin ' Idr their pay and nilaht' nee Ihiswi iep»- ><t w.i' the inns! inipmtaiii ohpu i uined at 1 ty the iiHtilution ol Ike Cut* Vent Kill, ■id hy the repoit ol tluil body llml this art off digress parsell,before the act ol Ma^saelnu eilM (of 01 rulin'mg I lief *oi;v# o'ion ftinf l onnnliou un f.r would hove, cznln! Mad stuii tin net been anticipated 1 v tin t'niiven* II n, or pina'il before us adjournment. thill assembly w oii d have Considered Its commission ;«h in n gn at niM'iirc up1 r*M in (I r »r nl | fining It ,• pt epa» •*»! olid rrpni led MttiHji V amend innitN tti 11 i'('ifntinn nl the Bulled State*. ' in In* tuinnltled to all (lie 'dnej., Mini might even | il knowing of fIn* net of i to grr>»s have pets,*, I ell in (loin*! the mine tiling ; y >■ i, nu ' Inn propnk ' .11 for aiin'ii I'M* nl* < ouhl have In no art oinpl|*li | ml m other mode., they could Iihvu riad no »< e j riii! motive Ini -o doing', hoi whul auni' f no* them h in : egellit and I'Oni thif roiiii b-ra lion whirl, might hr Imped m , a- to lie »r pioj • • ikiteoi- liom 11t ii t < ire «tiii lance. It i>. tin,* • natter of ahsulot e «I ♦•item ii tit ton, t o nil who I do le t iMoip tin pt ivilej • ol the Fean her of '•1*11*1that the d•• • • • n of the llartfoid Con ! vioiiion and I's doing* Were liot only cmnlifu i fional and la elahlr, tint . no iioeed h> mi an ' ,f Coi.-ie- , pai-ed alter the repi r* w *• pul) i Ii died, not indeed with ripi'ine* teleirm »• to I t, iml with m prim iple B »tu,«*“, leil thus ad* j milling tlte rea-otiit'dr nr-t ot il- general ton* j or and pi lie i pal <• jwi i 11 i> indeed gi leg on* I to pen.rive Mi V him* i • tide t vndin i » in ; liiiialH IhaMhe B-'t»vent'*»n was adjourned le Boston, and ill a i»ietom al pallet- • oimei ting ! •in nnajiiiarv p ol, tie J lead in lha llni i » pc ii III ye > • of it- age, w >' h the *• i a* a 11 nph e ' • hn h a ailed lie* ulhnui'e proem-dog of the ' Convention Til *t • e i id v a j on rued with* j ,II* day, after its report It win* ip.o , larfo devolved, like other l uni iiilllcn. Urn a ip ii oltiiion* ltd indeed pnrpoit Ilia* " ii , flie apidif atiotl lif these Slates to the govern } me nl nl * tie Uni’ed S'ate- (rr.roinnmidnt ui a I lui tnumtf n:si,hiti(ni) fi<>ahl hr uusunrs jut unit prim hnuhf uul hr Cnrtlfudt d, hint tliH di fi ni I oj i Hint 'lain should he tu^lttftd if hut been, j litre lio* (online ttceine II I «*f lha WHI , Il will j e iii lie* opinion of thi* Convent ion, cftpgd*. • •it lor the Legntla'ute of the several Sllllet,to | -ppoi'il delegatus to another Con vent ion, to I meet .it Hielon on the thiid Tuesday of June next, with such powers and instruct tons as the esig* m y of a crisis, so momentum may ! retpnre." On tins it is in he observed, 1 *,. , that the ( onveniion contemp'afed ii, • he foregoing resolution—never was appointed, Mini never rould have been arcording to th«? ernu ol inal resolutmn- because, at is -lenvn ahove, ti,e object of I he intended application to f orgres- had liecn attained. And, ki.,nnnl l\ , il the coniiHirem '•* mentioned in licit ie • du,ion had m t lin ed the* ipipstion uf fn» tiling -on to a new Conventiot , and the appoint mete •*l (lie lielegatns, mud have gone into the hands of new* as emldbe, tint hum1 all tin B« ; ^e'slum ot the .New Kogland S ales would have tiePii di*w,dv»*d, and there vvouht have be»* i, i,fM vlerwniis. h'foie i he I me ; iopi>.ee ini the < on vent ion . And In* tty, tm»H' rot pi,Idle notoriety, that t* e »epoft of 'hi. Co, . Venl'eoi pi'odltl ed t *•* * Ve,*f of H lliig" g the i ih i sensibility, and • pernfed to r» pi*-s h% va^'it* and arduni ejp**ctM«ic»n* en'erta nedth mm.y wf or.r citiaeu*, id .mm*- !'uta mi- l ^ Ii*' i *wl tr lief, from ll.e r% il* of their r< million. \\ i* | #pi o% ef the rlebnmt* ripoiiMiui of «*• it h.itiiiMiml Ih«v iii the l’re«iiteiit 4 li tter mmvm*! no cell, ntu unv h i IiimIhhi nt lltiit time to I'M im - f ■ it* lending principle., Nei III* i <'it m * t*« mineiM n or, Ii niif h u, p(.r reive u'ul I* ei, the nijn«i, hmI we imi*i b« e*Mi*»r ' J.*| -eying, *i*ti*«li«>«it| inode in vtiurii he tnm «;f <»• 11ii ll I I. i ll rr, 1-lHlll Hill) Ifui Mil ii**GlctJ in end e , * litrh hnppened m hut Hli-en e It, • 111 tie cotin »v, forth# jmpote «, f prnilitffint-, by then mllnrn i ion, h glaring Bit ll •muter ell el upon the iedeijtl petty J ht y were Nil tt h pul.lir iminm I to* Biguniciilt C"*n ei|Miig then iimiuoi dt-mmi Imve been ethMimtetl ; nini linn,l itttil the good define Bn ititeliicent people, Mill piece them nlf tioi'ely in 1 lieir i»wlight, even though M Admit* vhould c*«litifitit* to lloovv obfttiltlr* m I hr ii I hi» Inti iiioinour r»HC( ion of ptiMt opinion. I< liHn hern n lonrne of wonder end perj » ily In ninny in our community to oh «.• i v•• > l HI III enne diHereucu 01 the M'ltttdtirdfi I»y u to. j public opinion linn been led to im hmhi* it.u HBiue kmil ot proceeding , wl en adopted <li d»Here lit fSlnte*. |\n ptetence iiutgetl »h it i»y NCttiMl re«i4luiue lo the lew», or loicifi't* viohi'ion of ihc noitMittHiotiril com pud, |,«, ever ItBppened in M*t*«tn liu«# tie. I onvlr UoiimI ipies'iom Iinvii Hiiprn lietn tit wrulh ha in other ytnlep Jl i« • iiipmiAg ttnd cofim, IntV theI the ounilier hii« nut been gienho, hum the! the it»i ti»iiti«*• it t.j them h i* not been U**» whim nbte. To the dilution n| «onie of tIm*iii , i*rehI eiciteu etiI u n* unavoidably inci'le'.i , ton in eo periti* t *»»e# \vi h ,chi» ct ihid ellec tv, the imperil idtMJrver* wii perceive nop ing to ntitlioiir.e r»ny tli purii.o inetif l<» (hit S Mfe, to Il.e ml enin/tenl the pi t ten ioti4 ol dli i ineinliei p of tin confidem, f Oil Hum fid j't I Me disci ilu I lift poipo«.e<>i instituting mi dtotu cu umuriv’i,* , hut every one know* t ho I Mlemr1 mmUU h. not he* u *• Inue iii i lunphiiiiU nod leinoiiol him i t ngtiii ► ( the loth of Hie mil omtl govi i incut .V thmr; mn hr found on the recoid oiler leyndidiv proceednigp, puipe »ing 'he tour ol revolution SUOpt' it III Olll' l '(Hit’* III | « | > I < > I > M11«MI of ||i# alien ami tedii mu law*. In one stale oppo*. lion to the cue iituni of a Mealy, in oil e«* i,. the laws inA(ihitiiij the hank, ha* sounded fi r note nf pi epai a Mon h r ies *(iim;e in mole 101 pMStlolied illains than weteevei adopted In f, And .it this moment, i limns of Slate right*, and prolesls against I he ilieit*ure* of tin; n.iiion. \ govei niiient, irttei ins, for which no pamll, tail tie foinnl in iVl.issachusett*. me uvlicied it, io Ihe Ini 11« of ('one, i ess, under the ino*t »oiciu iiml imposing hums of stale anlhon'y. ft i out out part to crinwre or to appiove these pro ccrtling . MaftnchuscHs hits done no'hiim a any lime III upfront ion lo the national govern meni, mid sheila* done nothing in tier Mi'alioo nl ll* powers, 'lint j* not lid'v justified by |j . < ouvlittifinn, find nol so tnni:h a*, oihei 'dales have Saul wilh mote d« tided * liipliHsls . and u IS believed, wiOmul the siifnn'iih of ihe join,,. Ht (mil ."luiviau ee V\ a me no Itmgei .if a to 411 count lot the prevalence of ll i .e ptipid> < es against ltd* p* it of (lie I mini, suite ih* tan now be (tilt'd not only In t alumnics op. . Iv pinpagated in tin season of bdtei l onienti a hy lit laled. npp • tie01■ , lint to die ,it, h it In 1 lo unknown a-1« 1 "loll* . 1 Mi. Aiimo ; iVl .I'll r»on, iIumi, Hi the Innid of govt 11 mi nl, d> « hints that flu- fieit of Mr Admi . cionmttiiii aii iii t" him at Ihejr intern, w , Ma i ll, IH'id was miiIi on In* mind, hx fo 1.. <lm e a di*i ye m the »yidrm of hi* aduliuixiM initi. Ink« impressions were dotihfhns . on Mr till S Uliil Olliers, w hi* then gave dn*e lion lo (In polilir sentiment ftm h withstand Htg these iltiaUvnnlfige*, il Mi Adam* I,ad „„k s> f*n fit to pint hum to Ihe wot Id Ins foi mrr hi < i> t donum itilton, thei •> had still heeu MUJ(U to hope that Unite impression* Would lie spe< - dtly obltli 1 al« d ; II at odimi . ti ttim f.ons be tween Ih peop ♦ of ddl< tent Slat- ^ would he ilholi«hed ; and that all would < ome i,> 1,.. . ,, eouiMioli inlaw • to lefemng *y tuptuuig nl r\ cilfiiinil HKHinMf lie pm. . talon h nl if *• i government, who h Inn e !«• eo nihiiih .«#.«| v cemuvely oil to l1lHn\ oc< finioiia, hiiiI in so |^ hi Hitt, f o llie leelii»i*H, winch m lii’egovni ineitlt, Hie hIvnay iou*«n| I v line M(Ui are ' Iimi hi lei Mle . not ol a t iiiout (nil ,, j.,„. i roo* HCntihllilv Ion al oi opposed iwoimili.., Uul Mr Admit* h Iiiiiij to Itierhii ge with i.e<v iilllliliitton , mill l»y hi« political l« gjiry |U , t>. people of MitttHclni < I , no<h i to eni • i upon 'hem hikfiiig dithoinn . II* r« tillir in* un* « oiivu (font ol Ihe ren iiy ol ihe old jnoj. ei pi i inti in contorting n with Ih(« i *■ y#»|,t4j 0 • hnniiit InniM'll to Ihe vocation of proving ihitt ihe puny were eltliei llUlOlvor dupe* < hu* If Im* Ht.iiiu ^liut not lik. h lieulmg lll( I'd) t• oiihh d ihe pool, noil we know not win a tin Unhid WhUO will »uhstde 11 iiMltl be appl.ietu. thal we |,vm noj tioutli* i hot have In ro driven Into thu om-KpecU «| rtl|(^ | IIIM* eteoine ooliove|i»y On Ihe it,»nlion or j I "• *• deml party |r It |,ke nm » ; who hy .« mirneli mol liieiimulvet * |l0, t I the inoht HppH'un peril. Tin it joy whs j,,,. engrossing lo penult u vindictive .i rnrn me u. I the « note* of thru peril i.vei y emotion of n I • in wily WMH I ei milled to fioiii it ,( | time until the appcurnnee ,>l ,V|r. Adam’* p< t, I llUilmu they had ro< dial'y /olio d ii the I el d congiiti diitnni on Uu pio»p< tity t,| tN t, ' 'tty and llie mturily oi ,u* mirilnlion l' ey were contemns ol ho deviation horn p., j UK. duly, ill HI y meiifture where.II they had a. ntl or which had j . s* d with their approl .. Mo,, l ey wet.* not only contented, h V u fttl, in the prutpect ol the doiMtiou i:f», . J ll i li My accuid.og to the lot iff Which ihcpet I * • * had deiitMMHte y «MiT(iutp d Img, 0t, . )' * 1 * being teemed, they chihif,i|v M# io Ihe adiuiilTMlNfiou ul gutrei iiineiif, Iiy whom | Moevet, the pet.pic might tail lo ph»Ce* ot lint | nm. ot timiui U i li vii. ii piiiimflnt* nml leelu,K< die pul,lie ; .tinimt Imi |,.ti liu,>iup in i J,*- H«i.iiii»liin,.||, ,.| ihr iindrr.lgm .1 ul llip (.•!•<?, Ilip nmiiiitr, ami 1 '*'*• ,*»"np i.l Mi Adam's puli'l.aliio. \v,, I m.ilip no uiipiiijil lo mulives lo Inin, mu 1,1 conn.lull kiicIi lip imagined I nr r.ui.i i ul | iivl ruiiiri.vpiKiPi, pmniut!, us ll'. y »PI>‘ IO l.lllivi.u, Hllloillf . tUliu* frpiuT.i ■ li'."*, «n«i'Ki"R IliPiim Ivpv, hi ||ipy ill, for Hip impt'.niul u. ui'iiv ol luliup hiiloi i ,.U‘, till IPVIV I ol t lip,II CHII l.p III, li‘o liigi ,'|*lc lull.) llip pulilii , i loin paiuful lu n« It PToultl rio I I IP ri.ppcl.ll. dial Minis Mi. Alan,., fruin Ilia lur.l. m.iihiii spiiiIh (mill llip luilinuul. i| '"K****.iuu» u| iii* dm,gum mu, i.r lua jpaioiwy, a. m.ilsrialK lor |ii, kpui iipiuitui, ami luiurs 1.,.^ I orv, wp ' I, pi 111, hy uilttn’r, i;i \ p r on Ipn h ucp iu lu. rliiir^r , not (l..ii hp air ul.i nppfprl It. via. dump iiu i, |> it/iium u| ouiapivvK,our Ra.ocmlp imd our l ulliM -. H (, (HIS. /S|{ij:i, rilOHMJIKe I H PKMKIiSS, ivm I' r. II X Nt HI. SAKCFNl. JOHN I.OWKJ.I, (VM. -I I.l.IVAN. ( H Afil.KS I XCKson HAHKKN 1)1 r:oN BI.NJ I’K KiM v.V ’ hknby r\uor.4 tfouut Ilf til', tjcui.'c hahut. C. r. I'XKSONS Hon of I'k' I'm w.fci. ; , v Actant* ll‘i fou January .'b, ts'J1 I hiiOhc ilpul lip I’urppoiiit' luil. i , and not llie r' ’J'y. 1 '-C die I'olloM’iup rw on, ; .VIi. Ad-iUS)