Newspaper Page Text
THE LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN. BY FLETCHER & TOLER. LYNCHBURG, VA. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1829. VOL. VII.—NO. 58. " ' ——■ir.rr... ■ mi mm ■! ■ — - —- _- - -- TT For |4 per annum. t'uy^Lrio advance—V> » - rmion will £ recnve.1 forileea than sis utneths /onm-rr win he discontinued (but at the ditcnuee of Iho Editors) uulil a! i arrearages are paid ir* Advertisement. will be inserted at 50 cent, per ,,Sr«A(o, less) tbe first time, mi.I 37 1-3 cents tor each ■ tinuau. c. Tboso fro* a d.-mnee must be paid for E«ou. to ,he,r iii-oruou. or tn. pay incut .s.uiuad by i.iino responsible person ill Lynchburg. xr Cli merry Orders uot egceedmg twosquarosaro m ■ ortod for six dollars. rr Allletters addressed to the Editors must be post . ud, or they will not be attended to. to « PACKAGES London, Pans, Boston, Mew 1 tirk and Philadelphia Goods for sale, BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Medicines, drug*, paints, o>k •iy«*si<*ffa, brasher, wines, snuff*, patent .e licines, surgeon'* instrument*, hatter’s in n . als, dye wood* in Slicks and ground, colors, chemicals ; ,I,p American medical heths, water colors in jose* and hy dosen or single cake, colours lot pUmii.ig on velvet, clothiers brushes and jacks, 'enter hooks, a variety of fancy aiticles from Varis and London, which the ladies and pentlr nenot Lvnchburg and its vicinity arc veiv re jectfuily"invited lot-nil and examine. Fuller's materials, Dentist's instruments, a complete n jfirtinent of gum elastic instruments, fcc. I he ubsciiber is now opening hit spitng supplies, •.insisting in part of the above articles lie ve rv respectfully invites tlie call nl bis triends ustotners. physicians, merchants, the citizens of Lvnchburg and the public iti general, lit is able to supply orders to any extent, and will sell goods on as good terms as any house in Vir ginia. His articles arc all fresh ami genuine. HO WEE DAVIES. Eeb. 28. POTTERS Vegetable Catholicon. OT&LY S2PJ031 JBOTITX.'E. "'■VIE unparalleled repula ion of’his medi cine is such, fln<! 'ts prv cminmi virtues ■m jso well established. ami so lolly acknowl edged by an intelligent public, that it is scarce ly necessary to say any thing fuither than that a sovsb.hig’V a. s vt 5 3 -r Tn diseases of the l.i'.i ; 1*. I.iltty resultin. (ruin intempei am e and dissipa ion : i lid and in veterate Ulcers : Paiiis*lu ilie hones, alien .fed with swelltnes ol ihcj du j ; Indigestion, blotch es on the f ace, finipms, tem Syphilis, Cutan eous diseases generally, mill letter in particu lar: Morcni ial and berofulon- c mplatnls. The certificates of wonderful cures performed by the Cathnlieou, have become so numerous a- to preclude their insertion in any newspaper, and lias made it necessary for the proprietor to print them in n pamphlet of about 100 pages inis will he forwarded as soon as possible to (heseveral agents for gratuitous distribution,and must, on peiusa . slrengilien the good opinion now entertained by the tfiends of this medi cine, and disarm, a-, it is hoped, the prejudices of those who view with distrust any medicine not known in w lint is called ‘ regul T practice.'’ 1*nets are Stubborn tilings, mid can.ioi be gain said. At the earnest solicitations of members ol the medical faculty, and ollie s who have witnessed the astonishing cures effect. . < the Vegetable Cailiolicon, and who me ansioiis that its bene fils to mankind may lie more widely diffused, (he proprietor has coo-enl fd to reduce the re tail price to TWO >DuLbA%S prr bot tle ; and tl»i« will b«* tlont* w iiliout in any way •eteriorating the quality of the in.dicine, or " during the size of the bottle, as bus been um erially done in the case ot Swaiui's Pana cea. The snbfcriber, agent for Potter’s G< inline Catholicon, lias just received iJHH HOT** TEES winch are for Viola ielpliia pri ces. HOWEL DAVIES. Feb 2. 1149 Cl'RES By S\V AI NTS P A N ICK A. 'HI HE following is a translation of a li tter ■ from the original Spanish, dat-d *23d ol September, 1S2S, forwarded to William Swann by J. G. A. Wdliamvon, E-q. American Con sul. Satisfactory evidence of the respectability of Mr Rodrigues, lias been laid bt lore the Editor of the National Gazette. CaRaccas, Republic of Columbia. Sept. 23, 1H28. To Win. Sicaim, Philadelphia, i Sir: 1 lie murvellnus hiuI beneficial effects \ >f your Pau.jeea in a number of instances in -vlncli It has been tried in this city. and ol which l am a witness and admirer, and i he neerssiry of A supply without the risk ol adulteration ol some bottles for my own bouse and for some particular fiieuds of mine, induce me to take the I berty ol addressing you, and to supplicate '-'on to have the goodness to send me 36 bottles, directed to the Gonsul resident at *liis capital, (viz. .1 G. A Williamson, Esq ) for which I will pay ihe said Consul, or such person as von may direct, according hi the invoice ; but I trust you wHl put it at the most equitable prices. 1 have the satisfaction to inform yon that I am an ocular w itness of sixteen cures of the greatest) impor tance affected by your Panacia, of Syphilitic, Chronic Inveterate and ulcerous diseases—also of Liver complaints so common in this country, i his had the just and merited pr.-nses which £ hare bestowed upon the medicine have brought it into great estimation, and vs ith otit doubt it will deserve more from day to day, for a considerable number of person are ta king it with profit. I have the honor to be, &c. (Signed) T. M1GL RODRIGUES. •I is to be greatly regretted, that in conse quence of Ihe unparalleled success of this rnt-di < ine -. so many inert imitations of it are dai •y foistcred on the public and (hat a remedy tf such iuvaluable powers should ttius be falsi fied. L>' The price being now reduced to TWO ^JOLLARS per bottle, places it in the power of - ' dasse* ;0 uvatl themselves of its use. WM. SWAM coaaraz&sxoCT ittsiness. rillll. subscriber inforr,- hi, irieudsnm) the Jl public flint b« Continr H to I'o business on Commission, ami pr<.i;>,;os flint no paint shall bo spared to ftive rntiru snlislnctiun to hII Planters ;tml i'ai tm u who may confiriu to bis innnaitPiueat the shIp ot Tobaccj, Flour, or other produce. Hi'office will be h- pt «i the ‘store ot Messoe. .1 A S. Halsey, null dooi below tin: Farmer’s Haul. l> SAUNDFRS, jr. | .Ian Iff. ldiu TH ii. I h*ee uory brirk ten* inouf, neatly opposite the V iipinion OfTn ••, i coolly ot copied fry Mr. Daniel Brown, Apply to anrul.t >«ylor or «i*c »iu>ic‘rmrr. JAS>. 1. CLAYTOK. Jan. 12. Is Fresh Drugs aud Medicines. /T'Vue subscriber has lately received tiSM AI.I, JL additional supply of FRESH DKUl.S A MEDICINES, whie.h makes hi ASSORT. M ENT very complete, lie receives S M A 1.1. -.applies almost every week^bv a liieli means, It is stock, tboucli mil the LAKl, alway s FRMH and sufficient to meet uny orders that lie may be favored with. IHOMAS.f DUVAL. N. R. Freserip i*nis (iiilbfolli attended in by Virginia Bred YOUNG fi ENT LE MEN Jan. I. To Mrs. I Infarct McKenly, admi. >f Henry McKenly, dec. 4S you urn not an inhabitant of this Coin tnuiiwctil/lt, we take tins method of no Hying yotl, Unit we shall, on Monday 1 tit It ■ I iy ol March i»e11, proceed, .it the house of C’apt. Tohn L v m l», m t he to * * 11 v of Madison, Hid State ol Tenne-see, to taku the deposition *>f ibe said John Lynch, to he read as evi deuce hi a suit now depending and uudelei mined in the Superior Cm*rt ol Law, for tin county of Campbell, wherein you arc pit La i i ilie President, Directors and Company the Lynchburg ami Stlern Turnpike Coui pany, are defendants. WILLIAM RADFORD, President of tliu Lynchburg 6: Salem 1 urn pike Company Feb. la 4uft2 m V virtue of a deed of trust rxemed to ftjbthe subscriber by Uriah Leltwieh and Nancy his wife, lor purposes therein mentioned, winch deed hears date the C4ih day «>l Apr if, !S24, and is duly committed to te ord in the clerks office of the county court of Bedford, we | shall proceed to sell, on the preiui es, at tin dwelling hriqse at which the said Uriah Let twch now resides, i i the county of Bedford and Stale ofj Virginia, on ihe*45th day of March, 1829, if fan*, if not, (lie next fair day, Sunday* excepted, for ready money, to the highest hid tier, the followidg property, vi. one tract t»t land on which the said Leftwieh now resides,ly inland being in the coun?v oi Bedford, said to contain 160 acres, bounded by the lands ol Eli jah Turner. H'ch’d Turner l hadeaus Mil s,e*q, Garland Hurts esq ^ others, this tract of land, ! though small, i> well worth the attention ol any | person that may want to purchase a tract ol ! that siye—it being of good quality ami the 1 plantation in good order—also one negro man I named Shadruck, one lo g o woman named I Milly —eight head S of cattle, ten head of • 'beep, twenty-seven head of hqgs, two hay j horses, three feather beds and luruitun—and all the balance of his household and kitchen fur I uiture. We w ill only convey such title as rs vested in us by the trust ci**ed aforejaid, but ' believe tht right to be indisputable. WILLIAM LF.LIWKH. THOMAS PRESTON. Trustees. Feb. 9. w3wf»l Commission Business. rBl Hi: subscriber havin’ nter**»i inf*» ibr i | Commission husinfss, offers i:i.j . aervi ; ces Id the merchants and planers Irmling to ; fl»ii place Tobacco, Flour, and pro ! duct*, coiifi Jed to his caie to sell or -hip, will j be strictly attended to. Me i* provided with | Storage in h fire proof house on main street, for the reception of Flour, Whiskey and pack : ages of (hoods. S A^1 ?.• H ' NNA! ?. Inn 12m Valuable Ural Ettatefor Sab-. fBHIE subset iber in pursuance of two J. deeds ol trust, csecuted to bun by ih« surviving partners ol the hue hmi'- "I " Bulloch, At Co. nnd Galt y Bull." U, and Hie eiecutors of Wm. Gull, decea>cil (w bn ti deeds bear date on the Bfrt day ol iklaii. h. 1828,) offers for sale,the following valuable real property, to w it : 216 1-2 ucres of land, purr.lmaei! .) said Gult, Bullock 61 Co. ot It. t~ 1,1 fnle, situated in the county »i Bedford, near the town of New l,*ndoii. 135 3-1 acres of land, lying in Campbell county, near Candler s Mountain, and in the vicinity of the town of Lynchburg. An undivided moiety of the Black Galer Mills, Htid the lands thereto appurtenant, situ ate in the immediate neighborhood ol the town of Lynchburg (The property ah ... described, belong" to the Concern of Galt, Unlock isCo.) Also, the following real Estate, belonging to the concern of Gall L Bullock, to w it • l bs Heuse and Lot, with the appurtenan ces in the town of Lynchburg, formerly oc cupied by the said concerns, as a Store, and now in the occupancy of McKee & Meem Also, the House and Lot immediately in the rear of the one last mentioned, and now occupied by Lankiord & Veddt-r. The terms of sale will be liberal, and made known on application to the subscriber, who will convey to the purchaser cr purchasers such title as is vested in him by Urn deeds ol (rust aforesaid, and no oilier. CHISVVELL DABNEY, Trustee. Aug 21._ -m. SW AIM'S GENUINE PAN A 9K A .pi' * Just received direct from ihe fdtoiy, e supply of Swaiin’f genuine Panacea, al the reduced price of two dollars. Vl.o sui) l d ‘other articles. THOMAS V DUVAL l Bee * ; jmitDTAXM ! have removed to Bullock's old stand, w w n here out custouieis H ill find u» di*-pov | ed as heretofore, to consult their intru st in tell J mg them goods at the lowest cash prices. MtKT.K, ItOBINdON <w C O. Jan. 5 ava ,sr&vaa» TeV’Sl leceivnl, a few iltv.'rn l)r. J. Tlmmp 'jJ *on'« celebiated !'t ■ ffVi.' r. For sale it N York prices. “ HUWEL DAVIES. Jan. 12. 1 copper Still, < Hp and Worm 1 pnii- rli 'Hut Bronze X.Hinpi 1 lie s il».crihar ha* i!.h above for snip at very fen ii|)hI)Ii* priepj, wbii h he will sell lot' ear'll, or burter lor country produce. H. ALL! on Dm . i, aiaommojsT UTV. I.Hvetlii. day received « ruse of Inolily finished Leghorn,, Imu h lotvei i her*.ii limn anv imported this sen inn. ftlc.KKK, ROBINSON is. CO. Jan A. The Celebrated Hare Horse, '**r * 7 *tmJ* + * ^^7 II.f. sfawi flip citsui.ig rchsoii at Ni;w X X fil-Kguw .uni Ni-liun Court houitt\ F«l». 19. i«54 Weekly Supplies of hmuliful FANF\ GOODS. >upv*rb liHui't1 Riui .MrlpuuM.'UM' Si mis Do do \rcarlinu tidkfa. Hlk. iiim! blk. w»it»*r#ul ‘-ilk* HcHulilul blk. I’b ri'iTf himI Italirn . i!kf» S|||I«*I ior IlfI I ID flit ol Wni ki i! Al? .• iVlu 1»|I <'alicoes of ivory di'iioininnli <n, u.«l .omo ofrnrc and entirely ii« v\ pattern* BobtiinHt I,an *, ul ball (heirtoriuor prieiif V ff\v faidiioiiublc watcnul £* bull < • Ill'll Ribbon**, direct from Pwris Ibnigff* fin I.adifa’ dr»*8st;s II grim! b.irguiiiB (orui nn Induiiciufnl lo iiurcliHst’ia, we w ill assure tl.cin, every efl’oi t will be made to that piled. £V1 ’K i- K, Ru BI NSO N u* 0. June 9. Great bargains in Cloths )rSMKJ.>r u ho w ant ('lot he, would find it ti E I heir interest to call on the subscriber. I fie hits mixtures, ofive.s claiet, «ii|hm Sf mid dhng blue and black Cloths, tint) 1 piece mi per Trtitini- b tie, and one do. do. Klectnrul black, which lit- ii determined In sell very cheap. II..ALD30N. Dec 25 UNCURRENT MONEY. /I f|l 11 . Notes of tlo- Huttk ul (icurgiti, South 11. t nr ..I t . i nitd 'To ih Curoliim. t i1 nn hi a mull di.,- I.-..I ii tu- Ktohange Of’. , if ii . . IITVVSON, I,t iiclilmrg. WI, . i id of 'tu. urciit money is pinclh -ctl. Oct .' o fl \HI*, b.-.i ' ! t tug Tobat on, for tale 0 a by :: . • i uet. rfou’Ki, r)Avn:3 TRUSTEE'S SALE. nay virtue ot it deed *>t trust, exccnti d to u H bx John N. Itose, for pul pox- X tin Ifni set lioih, anti duly recorded lit the clerk’s oilier ol I i lie county court of .Nelson, will be sold, to the highest bidder, on the 23d of March, at Nelson ; Courthouse, it being court day two valuable NKliHO a fnsl rutv hoii«e Taipeii ter : his qualifications at e of the lirel older, and as a im cltanie. is not -nrpatsetl by any Ilian ol his Color. I’he other is a likely young fellow, mid is a good sawyer. They w ill In- sold h r good tie. otiable paper, « 60 days, payable ai one oflhe Banks m Lynchburg The title is uiiour-str noble, hue we shall only convey lluit 1 which we derive from the trust deed, i JOHN I’- COBBS, ) Tim JAMTS Is. I’ll.N.N, \ tec The above sale ir made with my comeoi and approbation J0I1N N. LU9L. March 2 : s-V^()[ |i q. _ All persons indebted lo Ininnel Jkl IS. Owns, dec are required.. pay meat immediately, and those having cl. iuix a gaiost the .nine ait ti quested to jii eseni them tome for pay incut. U. t-*- CLAY , admi. ol 9. B DAVITS, dec. Marcli2 FOR SALU, \ VERY Ivuidnmi* li'lle Earn-., upon die Jnihraif water* of Appoin td>l, in Bucking Ii,,i„. This Inn 1 is in the neighborhood of Clo i er Hill, lies remarkably well. produces to baecoof the finest qnahl*. and ha* upon it a very large orchard ul well selected fruit ; trie I,act contains HIO acres—Person* disposed to liny, will apuly In the subscriber or Col. Sami. A Putt-son, who lives adjoining the premises SAMI- P CHRISTIAN. Keb 2._«s \ vfOTICE—By virtue of a deed of trust, ej ,jK| ecoted lo me by Abraham and Jacob Ci. tv, Sen. bearing dale the 2'iib day of May, 1S28, and duly lecnrdeil rn the Clerk’6 office of the county court of Pittsylvania, for |iur|K>ses therein iiieiuioued, I shull, on die 1mlb day of .Maicli 1829, upon the premises, proceed to sell, ,,l public auction, for cash, a liact of land sup. p.p^ed to contain one hundred acres, win rpon die said Abraham and Jacob City, Sen. now livp. adjoining the land* of Francis Callaway and others,also the following properly, viz 1 soriel inare, one cow and yearlin, Id bead ot l,o»> —household and kuctien furniture of every description and plantation uteusils or every de scription. Acting as trustee 1 shall convey such title onlv as is vested in me as such. WILLIAM FRANK!.IN, Tiustee. March 2. ,a*67 Spt. Turpentine and Linseed Oil. v-arsr received a full supply of Spt. Turpen vtiJ line and Limeed Oil. ^ HOWF.L DAVIES March 2. NJfUF FS, VMJST received and for sale, at very reduced prices, a very large assortment of Snuffni i | Houles, Canister:, Jars, Bladder* and Keggs j HOWF.L DAVIES. \ Feb. 28 POETRY. front the Journal of Comment. The wilderness and the solitary place H’mll be flail for them , and the deesrt Shall ieju*. •• ami blossom a* tb»? rose. [batuk X'th ami l«f. Pirn on, ye* dauntless pioneers, Into fhi* trackless wild, And h>* who hit the standard rears Of Hun the God revil’d, Shall stake his thirst at fountains sweet, Pure from the living spring, U liicb none but I he redeemed shall mecl, And the redeem’d »lm 11 ling. Pretion. the field is large indeed. The plant* of tin nrv strove**,— B" yours f ex, el the bitter vvi ed, And nurse your Father’! own, Oh ’ tread the tares, «ru ^et they »ixo And choke the better teed, W bu ll blood lias mu tin 'il In in the skies, • f* source and lit• to feed. Pre \ 0*1, the cm rent ofllie world I* set *•;•.«iivwr yum rtniree, Bur with that glorious cio*is mi fart'd, Ib'sistlews in your (nice. On, on, tli.- raptivea bless youe evee, Their chains are fulling now. Anil light that shin-i above the ikies, Is wreathing fair each brow. Press on, o'er flu* extended • ui to, And spread that volunu wise. And thou on I Min I s xhull* fo l.o’h, !Nuni'll with its mysteries f hall li*p the ihiviiU of a tongoti Tuuglil in iis Maker's love, J And In' redeeming grncu be sun -. And ye—your labors piove. Amo * mmm mm■» ■■ | CUl.TIVAlTUN OF Jill I.U.WT-. Tin* follow in:* Is mi estraci t*urn an Inleres ling aomuiui.icatiun oil tin - *i'. j- 't, Iroin Mr I,no n* Hollo.,; ol Ii ickingliam .. nnly, In llie American 1 inn 1' roi oinmemls llie mi mg ol drape v i :i. • ~ I.. -eeils, mol Simon I lint I In* celebrated j»l II .1 Cl. |1'- |> long supposed h native ol V&'gin h vv.i raised I»y Mr. Hlmi.l, from Ike *<m c ol rnisin, and is probably Ibn “ linmcl lea^.l dago “ Scri/s Alter staling iliatilie mixing »i vines limn '.eyd* wH* v.-iv generally cnndemn e.l , Pint Bidet ns,to Is l hit I seedling vine* will tinner but notion Iritit Ike (lower always miming ; that Vngil and others, while they ail mil Ike (roil, deny t ir gimdnilie say* • I '■ expelienee in Viigo *• *, hits not eoilHimed I llie assertion nl eilhei as to tin’ Moll, nr indif. fere urn ol the fruit witness llie line grapes mixed 11v Theodon k Bland, I <i| frinn llie seeds of mentis."’ H also say*, '* he bn, known < uie», rawed (mm seeds la grow tu l ie length three feet the lint yeai And hat wiiti proper pruning, they will hear fruit the third or fourth year al larlhes' 11 it w as allowable for one, who dues not pre tend to any expcriem.e in llie mailer, to express * 111- opinions, I would venture In recommend i Sowing llie seed* nl raisine end other foreign grapes', n« he mo t likely method nf ohlaining valuable varieties and more congenial to out aui S rind climate* than those are g, n' tally found lobe_They should be sown in mil senes and I iheie suffered to remain till they bine fruit, | when such as we appinve.t might he removed In t the vineyard and llie i "st • it her graflad or ex * Inn .led. ( I in it* is one remark I '••si* to make, ns I uo not imii**iiiIi»‘I to have ncn 't noticed hv any *> * iher wider, whirfi i» this ; tlmt ilibi-rcnf kinds !.,| vilM s, me, probably, adapted to different ’ for utint 1 of • 1111*111 i«>11 to this fac t, much uf om disnppuint* I mem, in om attempts at ?m« culture, may, very I possiley, have arisen oine vines, rucli as the ; I.x kr.<pe, &,»•. delight t" holt .m binds ami «u the huul ' of*, vviole others i»rt*lpr tlie 1 i m ■ i n! 1 v * 1 ' ' v ' hi ill Sliouki it he found to b* a Imi i faud that it is so, 1 feel the great! ht ‘1 l ,rr of« out .lenre) that I (lie adaptation of a >»•»*• to any p.uticiiln: soil ni j situation, will readily m oofesl itself hv the lux uilance of it growth, it wi|. at nine afford us ho unerring guide to direct *• ••• *b* clnnct* of (tie kinds beft suited to otu 'ineyards i Would it no* l»e well lor us to attempt the ra rug -oim* n< " va* i I*1 w. by marry ing our na j civ* with foreign vines? 1 he pan i; this; 1 plant eacti kind, aliema* the - 'tne row - l*ut up posts and lathes to in* I hi in in; and, m 1 trailing iliein on these no interim k their branch es as that they shall h»* cm p'eteU blended to gether and w hen the fruit i» ripe, if «. oils aie avrd from it and sown in nurseries, nidlei iiig them to remain till they begin to beat, that we may the belter judge of them, il is probable wh 1 may obtain varieties better adapted to our fmls and climates, and bet'ei for wine or th • table, than either of those kinds from wheat < they I sprang It has been said flint, bv planting the (’ on quopin under the Italian Chesiiut, thu blooms, will mix and that the tiuit horn this mixture, , when planted, will pioducea nut more prolific I than the Chesnut and much larger than the I Chinqunpiu. i As the season advances nnd i find leisure I may probably furnish further ex true ts from the | '* sketch of vine culture,” nnd in the mean time | beg leave to subscribe myself your well wisher anil subscriber* * This h. no doubt, th<* ori ;m ofthe celebrated Bland grape,to often spoken of, and generally wippood t» be n native of Virginia II is, lain inclined to lalnve, l).<* “ Broad leafed Vlalrtgu*'stated by our autlior, in Knottier plttcu, to hav»* b«*eu ruined from runmi need Apples mapbek'p! all the year round, by be* mg iinmeraeii in cum, which receives no injury from ilieir contact. If the American apples were packed among grain, they would uirive here in much finer condition. In Portugal il i, Customary m have a Small ledgo in every a nartment (immediately under llie cornice,) barely wide enough in hold an >■ ppl '■ , in ilu* way I he ceiling* are fringed w ith fruit, which are nor easily gni at willmui a ladder, while one glanceofthe eye serve* to show il asy depreda lions have heeu committed. [Urnnrfe'j Quar. Jnur. Jan. 1829, ,*■ 497. Tsaruplantir.g Turnips —For many yearn I have sown turnip teed on any little vacant «poi, iQ(ii when 1 he plants hud two or three leave-, planted them uut, by n line in regular rows. Nothing fan succeed better, or produce finer roots ; baidly one in twenty dies. [Rustic us in Uibt. •VANTAGES OF I'll EES. Cuttle thrive much lo iter in fields even but | inodeiately *hellei« d %% itti trees thUU they do io ail open exposed country An Italian (Courtie 11) has eiiiiniei sled and illualrated the advanta ge* in point ol cliuiHtu vn Inch tracts of country dvrivo trout woods and loretfs " ’I hese" In says 14 are arresting the progress of impetuous and dangerous winds , maintaining the temper nfure of the nil*; retaliating the seasons , lessen* mg intense • old , oppu mg the fonuatioii and i tie reuse ol u e , moderating interne loots, pro* during abundance ol water* in the river* ; dis* ehaigiug the electricity of tin* atmosphere j op posing a luirriei to washing away or iindeimiii* mg hank1 presetting from inundation t ; pie Serving the soil on hills and mountains." BEE MOTHS The Migacily ol man enables him to discover the peculiar habits which instinct leads the sub ordinate creation to adopt for self preservation, ami Iih inventive faculty frequently suggests to him, *oiiic modi1, by which ihe distinctive hab it* "t such as me noxious umy tie conducive to their destruction. Thus we discover that tu nnel tenches the fto tn<ilh •«* Mt icti* herself duiiug the diy, in the corner* ol Urn hive. AH,’ thoiufoi e, tteiTtf .itiy to tie dune, is to take sudi advantage ol Hus fact a* that this most pe»ui* > top., enemy sh ill rush to its own dehtrii lion. I’oi this pm p • let the orilice ol the hive be 0 n mi irs wide, and one inch high. At the h.oinim ocemeiit ol the season tor the moth, place it shingle on the bottom or Ilnur «»t the hive You will lind in the morning that almost every ninth hut taken icfuge under it. They are ibu* readily despatched. This i* the mode 1 have pi'nrtim'd with my own bees, and not a '•ingle iiivu ih m been injured. [/V E. Vurmtr. A ‘.7mu'brr+y whs gathered, on flu* tM)tli, of June, from the garden ofMi. Non is, Hr nit ford l .o.I, which measure 13| inchei in tnrii infer* • in .', and weighed upward* offline ounces. | Morning tic raid. HOW 10 < 0? M ' Cl A R&fMQtIA TOM. Suppose it required to have one whose con lentil shall he equal to six cubic feel dear ol tin u.e vessel; let a box of wood be made three leei long, *.! feet wide and sixteen inch 's deep in the the dear ; let another box be made of such di inpistoiis tbai the Jirxt may stand witnin it ; leaving an inter-in r between, on all Miles, and also In tween their bottoms of about an inch — I be vide and on*' end ol the outside box should also stand an im b or more above the o liei I hen put n«« inudi diy sifted a -hei.or rather i)iux« o*»l dust it it chi. be luid, into the Iarg< box ex will cover the bottom an inch deep , et tin- 1 small box, wilhiu the lur e one, leaving tin space equal on all sides. 1 Iren prepare a lid whii Ii may reM on the top ol the inside bus. after tluii snips are n ub *1 on the upper ed, e theieof ui order to cov r thr spin ex b It between the boxe tile edges of the lid confined by a ledge nailed to the outs' U bos, or by a groove, mid made to nbdc eiulwis* ; col a hole of <un* venicnt size neat the noddle ol the lid for the purpose ul putting in the ire, and connect a door to it by a lunge The Ife vessel must then be fastened to tin lid : tin* should be made of tin or sheet iron, about tw . feet long, eightei ii inches wide and four niche* deep, having • • on ventrnt opening at nneemnet to draw oft the witter, which may be Stopped with a cork , the ialo and end | dales of thi u» vessel most In* & inches Wider, one inch of which must have a square turn outwards to admit of its being mill ed up to llie Ii I, which w ill form the lop of the v *e' I Ins being done it will br necessary to cut h«' ay one end of both boxes so as fo sidunl the lid with its i‘ o vessel nailed to its under side lodlHWOUt. Then fill the space between the boxes at the sides an I ends, willi the same ma terial used between llieir bottom ; uni* on the strips to confine it to, nod the wood wot U w ill be finished. The whole may then be covered with coarse blanketing, duffle or the cloth railed lion wkin ; so cut n-. to admit of the lid being drawn I out, and to cover all the joints when shut: at the end cut down, to give room for the ice vet* tod, it will be in • extary to have a flap of xeve ».iI tlnrkiH vsev ol cloth, attached either to the end of file lid or box in such it manner as effect ually to close the opening when the lid is push ed in. Receipt for making Compoiilion (Juki. One pound of'flour, one of tugar, half n pound of butter, seven eggs, half a pint of cream, and a gill of brandy. 77 a Cul?.—Three cups of sugar, three eggs, • •lie cup of butter. one cup of milk, two nipt of floor, a small lump ul peKilash, and make it not quite ns s' iff as pound < akc <‘h r Cake -—Three pound* of flour, one of butte i. one of sugar, three eggs, two spoonfuls of cloves—mix ii with in .laxm *. '■0/' Throat from Co d.—At this i*»as »u of the yriti, when common colds are prevalent, a bet ei I'lmdy l ic iiol !*• prescribed for a sore m ui n\ft inunntion <d Hi** .side of the throat, which often attends a severe catarrh than the following : Mix a wine glass full of good calcined mag nesia and houev, to the coiuivfeilCe nt paste nr j »• 11V and take a «pooi»ful once ail hour through ibednv foi ail av <»i two. It is rooting, healing and a very gentk cnfhaifif. [Bermuda payer. A correspondent of the Palladium relates that a person in bouton, whose 'ysMun hud contract ed a propensity to dropsy from sedentary em ployment, and whose limbs had become to lunch enlaiged us to liuiVt the skin, ha a been lately cured entirely,by luying the legs it; cold water. Children's Expenses—If you put into Ihe hands of your child more money than n. suitable to bis age and discretion, you must expect to find that he has thrown it away upon what is not only idle but huitful. A certain *mt«li reg ular income may be well for any child above six years of age. And when he comes to in; ca pabln ol keeping an account, he ought (o be ob liged to do it; he will thereby acquire a habit of frugality, and prudence, which will tat! him through life On the contrary giving a young person money to spend at will, without requtr ing any account of it, in leading or rather for cing Inin into extravagance and folly. Fashionable Vices—Many young men plunge into extravagance, idleness, and dissipation, not from any natural propensity to those vices, but from a detire to be or seern to be fashionable —Rut vices of adoption and imitation are ol all others most disgraceful and unpardonable. V.wuvp a i\d Castor r*\l. IIST received nfull supply of bat winter ( Lamp Oil, and also a full supply of best cold ezpresied Castor O ' HOWEL D WIES Match 2 FOIlEKiN 1NTKMGKNCK, LATE FROM ENGLAND. Mv the packet t ip llniningltnm, Capt. Ha> III, from Liverpool, the Editor* ol tile Mew A nrk Column rial Advertifer, have irn ived repioui tiles ill Lmnl n paper* to the 7t», January, and Liverpool of the Bill, both inclu sive THE FA I IlOLIC QUESTION. We have nlrendt published the letter of |he Duke of Wellington to the Roman of Catholh: Ftimnle of Ireland, which went to show very distinctly, that all Ilia rotnora nl an intention O', the pal t nf the Premier to concede the Cft tholic claim* at the appionchmg , viun nf Par liament, were withon i.iumlaimn The reply of Dr. Fnrtia, In that teller, eaplai ing ihr iea son* for having made the Duke'* |etts-i public, Will he found lielnw It npp-nr* Irrnn (hi* I. ter, Hint the Duke', inggeallon, „ . I<> 11■ <s | „ tliolica being for a trim quiet, ami lc iving Itien im*e to tune, will nut lie attended |„ |,y p,, Catholic*. No little ent lleinent had linen nunnd by the appearance of a letter from the Lind l.ieuiefi ant nf Ir elnrnl (the nr.tiipin of \njjlr*eii,) to Dr. Curlii, strongly lutoiiug the cause ol t a llio'ie einanelpalmi) The Marquis, alto, during hi* short ailinini, ttOjiurt-ntH thins In Ireland, has rendered him *«•». wish rhs r 'ath-dles, I,a. been US!1!) -UtF ''r the Mil. w «*ry < WWaiH nl England, citdflHnnt (he po jjvw pr-irHiindimeed that the ni nqiiis n*ign-d |lla v nnTt'e ihnugli evidently limn tircrWflv in cur •eqinni e nf the wide ditleienca between tin oplnina* nl hiinii It and the Premier upon Hut great qiribnn—Hut the Courier Hate* ditiiuct ly, ami with an an nf authority, liiat he wa» rttnllr.d, and addt that tld« recall »** m in rtuiteqiiencr of Ids letter in Dm tm Ctr lia, tince the letter ol recall was placed rr hi* hands eighteen linut* lie lut e Hint hue had transpired The Cuurie* adds, that *• the f'atlmlic tpieimn would not linv In en advuu c*ul by the niatqul* nl Atiglcscn'* coniiimaiirt in Ireland, nor will it lie ini|iui* ■-<] oeieiindaA by hi* re i nil 'lit* the l.egitlidnre.'ai ii„. Marqui* ha* truly aid, ' must decide this gieat question.' It is ruled that either III* D 'he nl llu Uiiigham m Lord Verulitrii, would lie hi - suceessut. Mil 1(1 .VI NI I, llu1 Courier ol Hi. fllh, I'onginlulnles ill run * I <■ r upon III" flourt lung .lain of llu. < otinfy, Hk disclosed Ity 'll" returns ul III" him Quarter's lievcmn-. The i.hhI increase of lerenue, hr joint lb" cntiesp n.liny ipiarln of hist year, n 6M6IHMI/ lh" |..i|H iiinourH of ilm revenue Inf Hie vear ending full .laiiiiary, was 46,. lid I 675/ anil for llu yeir ending fi ll J inun ij 18VII, |H .10., .!-.(/ 1 hear results dm Cour. er coiisidei s as affording the uu»*i .mieiui i - pronfnfilni increasing internal pi peltry „ Hie country. It is said that tin; Iiidi He venue stiilcnenf, when il itppiinri, will ilinw uu increase oi £400,000 lor llns year lieyomi lam y jt long lime sinee il wit* mill lliai III" revenue , Ireland was tepidly on III" increase, hiiiI |hn would go mi increasing, M.H.HI OK STKI'HENHON The London papers are filled with lit lug . , nioitrs abniil lluwlaud Biephnumii, a puilne in an esluniivc tneminiile eslnblithiiirnl, In,. . which he mnlmlllrd large minis of money, um* •peculations as In die probability of Ills It,mj, caught. By twuo cloiknu .Saturday aOurmion, lh" Coinimlle, ul Blinkers had seni oil' ripret les in evet v pail nl England, arid III" A lino .' ly had also sent coiiiinuuicaiii,ns by lelegraph and "spies*, without delay : so dial on Sun day evening dtp news of bis flight was known along the wind" line of lh" British coast. Yet M appear* Hull Stephenson had the loud, hand lo tier. | In Unitnl in id, own t . ach, with bis own crol upon il. lie tent beck his two fine grey horses lo l omlon, and travelled on with hir' d Imran , in company with lus own ( tiachman, and Lloyd, > is clerk. On arriving III llte Bristol const, he pul in sea in a kind (, ' ikifT, between Hidefoidand lhe I |e of Lundy, in lh« Bristol Channel, and had hern sailing ofl tha coast uiglH and day, wailing loi a vessel foreign hound. 1 he Cumbrian, which arrived nl New Ynik on the same day when the lint Kreocli aiiival hrongln ilie news of Stephen soil's flight, had been wall searched before she |( ft I'nrlamoufh Its a solicitor who went in ipiesl of a fiuudiilcut bankrupt, and who knew Stephenson well As by Hie directions ul the Adinirully several I.on -ailing vessels were ip pm mil, and the sk'IV was known, il was gn|e ptised in be impossible Hml Stephenson ahonlu (•scape. So laigu u reward as would be earn, d by Ins eppieltension Would ensure Ihc vigilant e of tbe police. Mr. I'eel bail dec laced that the whole navy oi England should be employed, if necessary, in apprehending Inin Wat ran were out against him. for embe/.illng eirlieq net bills, and if rniighl, tin was In undergo an inwhediatr eiaminnlion in Bow street, it ir said there is uu (finibl lliai. in surh case, he will be convicted ol a capital felony , ns he hud n inis rest in I he Exchequer bills, upon vVhicii, w ilh Other tee.uiilies, he raisad the sum »( 31, 000/. The most probable account at llu latest Ate was Hull Stephenviu and lus clerk were, j mi the 2d ult. on Lundy Island, where there i’t only a light house, and one Ittrm hoil e. The | weather had prevented lto.,is Horn reaching it on the succeeding da) . Ii was alto possible Hint the fugitive had landed m Wale*, fiiere was a rummir in Hie city uu Hie 6th. that lie hid been arretilcd in ilm Bimtol Channel. !.ui '• was contrailicicd on Hie next day. The I Morning Herald says: ■ i M'ni'i mat qieptiensm. » pnvatr »cwo„t at the l>nnk lias been evridrawn (,,r y Pari ,0 tb* amount of £30,000. This i iriiiiniiance occasioned everlasting qmitrel* between |„m "I"1 bis fiaittn ri ft is added, that they „prc daily and hourly annoyed nl (lie bank with the applications of Ins private creditna* Time can he lilile dniiht that most of ||„. properly winch he has stolen ha* bi en Iqng ag» »pp„i It i« said, mtleud, lhat he k-ht sl* wnnien that he had thrtc country houses, that he had rni vate boxes at all tha theatres, iu,d Unit hr (fen spent thieu pan. ofthe night „l g«„ib ting-hou'e*. 1 hese accounts ar« probably hi aggcrated. It appeals that he si as not hi all nice in Ins means of raising money. VVe are informed that he got hn builder, or carpenter to aurept bills to the amount ol £\2OUlXI * A London paper of Jan. 0, says,—It is stated this evening, that information has been receiv ed by telegraph at the Admiralty, that ||,e route of Mr. 3iephrosoo is known, and that s vessel is in chase of the slap >a wr»icl, Mr Stephenson has taken bis passage, and lhat his capture i i connidered certain I. was reported at Lloyd's tin. mr„„,„c that a vessel sailed Irom liristol foi m. the 30th alt. with a passenger answeri,,» t** description of 3tephenson. it „ n„„ " tained that H^eamount of Stephenson's defalca. non eicei d* 300,000 pounds.—The reward lor Ins apprehension has been increa-ed lo £1000 the f.ast. Hu re Is no later the Con tinent, than has nlread> been received hern and. published, direct from P»nY it is eg«m as serte.l that Prussia bas t/ten tendering he. me diation lo the belligerents, but her offe.- have been rejected almost w ith coTumnly The r i*'*n bioekgde ef the Darts Beths appears to be