be 1.111a ’ to proceed, not merely fiotn the blind
«r»» of prejudice. prole nl opin nil, einleuee of
p»rie api \ *>e Ihe conhmnn of Ihe lti»'« . but
they inn* bn traced lo implacable romirtnaimn*
cf individual* or Stale*. lo mnnopoltte ph*
cr mid office, and ti» trample ttiibowt rcmor«e
op >n the light- nnd internet* nl commercial •ac
tion* ol the Union Whenever it »h»ll nppear
that 'heae rautet are ladical and permanent,
a •eparMton by ei|intabla arrangement, will b
preferable to an alliaire bv cnutraim among
nominal friend* but teal enemlee, inflamed by
mutual hatred and jealou-ie*. and inviting by
inteauue diviai.m*. contempt an I nggremon
from But lirverancc of the Uni >n by
me or ntore Stale*, again*) the Mill nl the reel,
nnd e*peeinl|y ill a inne of wa>. run he iuaiihrd
•inly hv aheo'ute nece*-ily. Time ere among
the principal objection* again*! pr*‘npttago
■praMii r* tending to dl unite the State*, anil
ivIii-ii cgnmined in cofiiieaiou wiili the fare
u-ell ad Ire*, of the f ather nf hi* countty,
they mint, it i* hrlireed, be deemed conclu
sive " , , .
i* (hi* whole icrie* of device* and men*
ire* for riliins melt, thi* Coav ntmn ditcern a
ntal dimeari far Ihe CoiuOlulton.aud a dir/io
ttwii lo Vio’a'r ill pitvii’OHi dtataiulmit from
the individual Slain afirm and dctuled opjtoii
luiu. An lion d**pnti*m can 1 up >*e no harder
•rrvi'ode upon the eili*«n, than to force him
cr„m ni> home mid hi* occupation. 10 wugr of
frn.ive war* un leriaken 10 gratify the pride or
las-Hinv of In* intiter. fha etample of France
oat recently thown that e cabal of individual*
atiuming I > net in (lie name nf the people, mar
raiitfurm the great body of citifiM inl > *ol
dier*. and deliver them over into the band*
of a «itigl* tyrant. No wot, not held in ab
horrence by a people, can require ihe aid of
*uch »irniag--m* lo reciuit an emir,"
1 li»t n l. ol Cnn^rw* in vmiminn nl tne
<*Oh,lit«<iwn »rea!.*ulutel» vniil, i an umlenln
lile |» iln*« no I, however, coniiM wuli
Ihn i o»}M*C' nil I lorln-aranee dor from ■ conled
- rmc Stole toward, the Gene' nl Onwernmrtit.
In fir to open rcilolonre up >n every infraction
of (lift Cootlilntion Thu inode null llie energy
of I Ire oppooilion iliould nlway, conform to the
nature of the violation, the intention nf it. an
thora, the extent nf the injury inflicted. Ihu d.i
Inemulation inaoifeticd to per»i»l in it, and the
• I in fer of delav. Hill in ram » of delihe ite,
(tmiyeniui. nod palpolile infiHCtierti of the Con
ati'Ution, nlfeCliMj the novereigoty of a Sl.i'e,
«od lihertie* of the p op!*, it i* not only Ih*
j i jii', Out tile duty, of nucli a Stale to int.'ipfi.i'
it, nuilro ity f ,r their protection, in the minim r j
bi'«t calculn'ed lo aeeure thn end. Worn em j
rrgeiviee irrnr wliicli *re either he^ond the I
reach nf the judinnl trilniimli. or toi piennng
11 admit of the det.iy incident l» their fmiiM,
Slme». o hich have no ronimon umpire, mml
n their own judfl, andraeculot leir ewiuleci
.. It wii that ht pro/xr for the ievernl
Mi«*t lo await till nltnnalr dikp rial of 'lie oh
uoxi ni« nn xiure,, recomoienderl hy the Serr- ■ I
tnry ol War, or (M-flil'ni# In fore l ongrei-, and
• i to u«e thrtr |.owrf .iccuiding to the c i octet
tlo-ie meiii ri-x xha I linally ntxtnne, a» olf. clu
uliv to proieel th ir mvn -nv mgnty, ft ml the
rigid* and lihertiea oflhcir eiiieVn..’’
• i ne tall inqiin v. f«mr nf conduct
mijid to lie adopted Uy the aggrieved Siuie*. i* j
01 a liijh degiai- m • iieiitnn* V\ hen n gieni !
aiirl hrive people .mil fuel themxelvct <!,1n-tr*d
hv tlieir Government, and reduced to tlienece*
any either of •iilimixtmn to a foreign enemy, nr
of approjir tiling to tlieir oh ii u»<* liiiuc mean!
of iletrnce whicn are imlikpeoxahl - to xirlf PM*
scmiti ii. they cannot consent to wait passive
vpertators of approaching tuiti, whicii it is in
mrir power to avert, and to resign the l.isl rain- i
nunt uf their miliulriout earnings, to be dixxipa (
ted in support nf measures d structiie of llie
h ht inlete*ti of tha nation.
“ Th't Convention ici't not themtelvn to
e^ftren th ir comtclion of the cntiilroyhc to (
which, inch a itnte of tfutigi inevitably tends n |
•* It w ti ilit in* iiM tp. dient for tins ('onvt iition
to diminish the Ii »pe of »ucce««ful issue to inch
hii api»t lai'un, by recommending. upon siippo
si i hi of a contrary event, ulterior pro ceiling*
.Vir is ii indeed within their province In m
si rile ot tiling*- »u solemn and trying m#, iimv then
arise, the I.t'gislaiorch of the Males, or Conven
tions ot the whole People, or delegates appoint
ijtl by Ifittui for the » iprifs purpose in another
(**!»?•• itHni, must act a* such urgent circuit)- i
• miutav then i*i|nifn—' I IIKHEFOllK
Ih t it he ami hereby i* ieeominemlcd lo ,
the Legislatures <*f the sev* States npiescnt- ■
nl to tins Convention. to .tlopf all such Hires- ,
ures a* m«v he nrcrssiry efTecU»i!lv to protect
the citis ns ot said Mat' * from the operation
and effect- of all acts which have hrni or may be
passed hy the Congress of the United Shi e«, '
which Stull contain provisions, subjecting the
unlitia or 'ther rifire t* to forcible drafts, |
Conscriptions, or iinpicsvmeut*, not million-1
d hv the Constitution o' the tuned St tes.”
“ Resolved, Thai it be and hereby is rccom
rnen led to t if said I.cgi latum, to authorlm ao j
nnme luh a d <nriu*«i application to be made
to "leftov rumetitofth* United States, requcut
• i»g tlieir * ous nl to some arragmiient, whereb
the said Mates may, lepamtely »»r in concert
he empowe' vd to assume upon themselves the
defence 't ttii'ir territory agaust the enemy :
And a re -§ »oa'<L* portion of the taxes, to.Luted
wit .m sud Sta'e*. may be paid into the respec
tive tiea-uries thereof, and npproprialeU to the
payment ot the balance due said Slates, anti to
the futu e defence of the same. The aoioun' so
paid mi » the haul treason** to lie credited, ami
the *1 sburseuients made as aforesaid to he char*
ged to the U, States.
“ Resolved, That it the npplnnt oa of those
Mates to the govttiiurot of the United States,
recommended in a foiepoing resolution, should j
be uns'iccessful, a of peace -honld not he c<>n
eluded, and the defence of tlie-e State*, should
be negimled, as it has been since the com
mencement of the war, it will, m she opinion of
Ibis Convention, be expedient for the Legisla
tures of thei' veral Sta'es to appoint Delegates
lo another Convention, to moi l at Bodon, in the
f tataof Massachusetts on the third I huriday i
of June next, will) such powers and iait.uctioiis
at the exigency of a cn*is so momentous may
t equiia."
*' R *solved, Th »t the Hon. George Cabot,
the Hon C ha uncry Goodrich, nod the Hon.
Daniel Lym»n, or any two of them, he authon
/< d to call another meeting of this Convention,
fn he hnldeii in R.iston, at any time before new
Delegates shall twi chosen, as rero r mended in
ihe above resofufion, if, in tlieir judgment, the
.* dilation of tile country shall urgent ly require
it •*
fo addition to these papers, the two Letters
of Mr. Jefft'ison to Mr Giles, which gave origin
to the controversy, are published: we omit
them, as we have piihlished-theni before.
r*1!li; subscribers having purchased of' Wa 1
B ter II. Milddletun, bis entire stock nf
Drugs, Medicines, I’aints. &.C. will in future
I'ansact business at bis uld stand (opposite
the fust office) under the firm of Win. I Hol
combe Si Co. Their assortment at this time is
very good, and they design receiving -uch ad
diliunal supplies l oin time to time, as the state
of the market may require
They have alsu on hand a general selection
ofgaiden seeds from Messrs. Thorbnurn and
son of New Yuik.
I)r. liulcumtie will always he found at his
Store, unless absent tipini professional duties,
and promises the kliiilest attention shall be
puttl ro the coiQpnuiidmg of medicines, pre
scriptions' he.
We inrite country merchants, phyii inns and
all others, to call and «ii w our assortment, and
wedoubtuotwe shall be enabled iosupp|v,tn. iii
with any aitiele in our line ul business, on the
most reasonable terms
Salurilui/, I eli
A communication «»» received w the morn
mg Iroin the Senat-tenng 'h«f they hail
pa.iud tiM biMi entitled'* an eel further to
aineml the act incorporating the Che-apeakc
and Ohio Kail Hoad Company • an a> t con
cerning tie- Auditor * salary *ao act impu
ting taler tor the topporl of govern moot ; and
" an aid concerning inde*e» to deed*.’—l.tke
wita, with aineiid'nent»,tb>' bill entitled 'an
act coiit'eraing the Reporter to the t onrt of
Aprnal-,1 « Inch amendment" « ere agreed to
i») the Ho i-r —A!"I», that they had rejected
the hill* entitled ‘ an act nut bunging an en
largement of the Public Wari-home in the town
of Pelartburg, and ‘ on act concerning the P«
nilentiary Imtitution.'
Tim following engrorted lull* were pasted :
' To amend tho Revenue In'**»’ and concern
ing llte Library.'
On mott in of Mr. I'psliate ofK fv Q leave
wa- given in bring in h bill to amend Hie act
' contenting Itac Armory and fur other purpne
n j’ and the c»m'tilllre bad leave to »il dm mg
the oattion. Mr. Upthaw afrerwiird*a*ked that
the committee tie dimharged from the farthei
c n»ideration of the luhjcct, wliicli war gi lil
A report of the Library f ouiutlMen was ta
ken op. o»» motion of Mi. Ilrycc, andwyrewl to,
V|r. Boiiiriiu having made an uuun m-Jili!f mo
tion to p nstpone it m li fi nifty
Mr Holliman from th«- committen to cum
inn enrolli» I liitU, reported that tin? • ommittee
had MHiniapd enrolled bills up to 175, and bad
found ih m truly enrolled.
Two irports from the f 'oniiuiUer of Finance
were rend and agreed to.
One of iIim ro olulioiis of tin? Committee,
declared if ineipedient at this limit to make an
appropriation for addPlOlial b iddings to tin*
V\ -tern Luuntig Hospital.
1 tie other resolution declared it inexpedient
to giHti' blither time (or the payment ol laves
on land, returned delinquent lor the non pay
ment thereof.
Mr Brown of llarrhon ottered th»* following
Muohbtnn ;
ResvUed, That the Com mi* tee of Rrivilc
mol I .lections be instructed to ••quire whether
in any one or mure of the cities and borough*
oft!.ir t'nfnriiouoenltli, iiow entitled by law J
to n jm -entatmu, the number ui persons hav j
in„ tnc right m 'mileage, ham been lor the j
•pace of seven ) ytyjs,successive ) , less Ilian
at' the mu obg ut’S in k one Cou 1 v !
of Virginia ; C»in ffiwsAfd cominiltee be n t .>»*
riied I * sand iirr'jtciNh** * and paper*, and t
maa* report by ndl or ofhmone
Un motion of M M*.»n ot h (• ihi* i »•»
lotion was indefinitely u p >»• .■ Mi. Ih* >wit
having n . tc tin mi «uu< c*» ill m di n'o toy i '
oil flic table.
On t.lotion uf Mr f rom . Rrso'y fd, I 'm
when tins Hon »e a tjoin 'i* dn d y (S nurd y)
• t will adjooin til ilc- ilM o. M li
On motion-d Mr ,V Is <n, Rculvid, uinni
moutfif, Hie • b ulks of ' hlH I l"U-e jm •
■•'UlirtiJ to l.iu i I! mks, for lm ible, digniii* d v i coiujuu a? Speaker, duritij ii> pie j
.6n» session. ,
Tim Speakerthen \ .imdcd the eliairto sign i
enrolled lull-.
A second commonintiun u i* received (rotn j
the Senate diet ill. y bad pui.ivd, with un a
mcnidmcnt, the ti P entitled ' an act approprin
ting the public. Revenue1 -which auietidiiiont
wAsngited to by the Hume , and that they
Imd receded (nun llieir disagreement to the j
(list amendment of the IJmisn of I bde..oitfs to
their umeiidmaiili to the bill no itled an net
to niiteud till* several fldi e.inrnnit ;; the
Richmond Dock Company 1
And then the Speaker vuculcd tb ; •.?» hi dll 1
half past H o'clock j
The Speaker resumed the chair at half pu d
9 o'clock
A communication was received from the
Senate, that they Inid pa and the lolls entitled
* an act to amend tin* Revenue laws and
' an act concern in' the public Library.' Like
" ne, u dii amendments, a bib entitled * un
act concerning the lv tnawdm It iad «V Bridge,
And for other purposes.' Thu above amend-j
liients Were Agrtieu to by till* House.
On nio'ion ot Mr. Nel-o , 11..• (' •inniittee I
Schools and College.* were dischai • d from
the turlhei conoid*-ration ol so much of the
Governor'!, Mceage a< ielate* to the estuhlidi
men! ol a d**af and d*unb Avylu n.
Mr Minor was requested to inform tho Sen
ate, that this Hmi-u having finished the I mi si
ness before it, is now ready to do c the pres- !
cut settainii.
Soon after. Mr. Drnuigoote Horn Ml euate. |
nimouiiced that there bein' i * .before
them, lire nowivndy koidj »ur oc 1st M n
lay in D *f*. n**xi•
And then, on motion of Mr. Yancey, th.
Ifou*e adjoiniicd until the iilet of March
Re lore adjournment, t|i< Speakti a I ir* -*ni
'he House in a neat a I nlfe.'ling V alcd c tv
From Ihc Kw/uirer,
At i. HieeMng .»| u n ).11 tit*i "I !■»«* I) legates, i
held at the Cupit d on he 21 i ‘ *1». t Mi
Edginutun of linMkr, n.n • ailed • . the « ia.r. .
and Mi*. Wilson ol M .uonga », np.mmiici Sec
retary T’lie Udlotv mg io>• >11111«*11^ were nfl'e. •
i*iJ by Mr. Doddridge, and iinauimuud'y udopt
fd, vi/, .
1 llrsotnfd, as our opiirmi, i'lint the prnvi
•i ni contained hi tlio ( '(invention Bill, which
provides lor Hie «.ill ot a special Session ol
tne (ieneral Assembly, to be elected under Hie
present constitution, in the year 1830, lo put
into opei hi ion the new coiiMMutmii, is impro
vident and ui Miiit Tue (imieral Assembly v»
lo bo c«iti\ en I w ill he, tmaqual
representation ol tV- pcoj V, of which we coin
2. Resolved, That we consider the rcjoct»iou
of the resolution lor taking a census ot the
people of this Mate, a grievance Ami inas
much «• wo think, many evils would lie avoi
ded, if the appru icitiug convention could lie
possessed ol the true Male ot our population,
ami as bgal m *ans to obtain such u niu* have
been refused ;
3. Therefore rvoiced, That it he romun nen
ded to the friends of reform in every county
and corporation, to meet t igether at their re
spectivn c • nirtlinusrs, and appoint Home suit
alBe person or persons to ink- an e mm tern non
of the population ol their resfiectivn count
and corporations - lisiiuguisiiing the nuinher
of while? -of freetieojde of co! ir,niiil ol law
in diff’TenV « olmnits.
*4 Ilesolvtd. I iiai the person or periods to
be appointed to lake the census ns recommen
ded by these resold'imii, he required to act
under oath, and that it shall he their du'y to
transmit their return to the convention, to he
holdcnin the City of Kichmond, on t ie first
Monday in Oct. next.
6. lie.foiled} That by private subscription, or
otherwise, wo endeavour to puv tin: expense
of taking the census ori iiiiiiii'nil'un pi opined (
Revolttd, That tlie*o, our proceedings he
“igiied by our chairman and secretary, and
that tlie public prin’s he requested to publish
the same. .1. KtXil NU TON, Cbaiiuian.
K. f . Wilson. Sec’y.
l*rnin the National Journal, IVhnurv
tty and with the advice and consent of Ihc Senate
of the United Stales.
W illiam Claik, of Pennsylvania, to be Trea
surer of the United States, vice Thomus Tudor
Tucker, decea-ed. •
Joseph Hopkins, of Pennsylvania, to be
Judge of the Pbhi C • vf er H c United States
i lucLu .i to Disiiul el rennO'WBnia, tice
Richard I’-lsr* deceased
Samurl Tamed, ol lihode Island, lo be
Chaige d' AlVmiei o Ihc United Stale* *o the
lie|iuiilic of I’eru * ice Joseph Coulee, deceas
.Mm A. Smith, of New Vnrk, to be Secreto
ry of Regati >n of the Cu led Stater “• Traucr,
* Ce Daniel Sheldon, deceased
Charles I. Walsh, of Maryland, 10 he Secre
. lary nl legation ol in* United State* in Spain,
* ice John A Smith, (raniferred l" fans
Nicholas Biddle, of Pennsylvania, John B.
1 ie*or, ol Pennsylvania, K, J. Dupont, ol Del
aware, Benjamin llaf'.li-r, of Virginia, and
Charles A Davi*, of New York, to be Direc
mrs in ihr Bank oi lue United Suites fur tire
I year IH‘20.
W illiam M'kee, of North Carolina, to he
Surveyor oftne i'ublic l,and* in the stale ot
| Illinois ami Missnur., and the Territory of Ai
j Musas ; w hose commission expired on the 1 Ills
■ o| Teh. Ib20
Thomas Swann, of the Di*frict of Columbia,
to lie Attorney ol tire- United Slates tor the said
! District, 23d J in. 182-J
j KtherSlitpley, «»f Maine. lo be Attorney of
! (In* United Si«im i*>r ttu* District of Mnini, 7(h
i Feb. 1829.
John . Smith, of LouiniHitH, to be Attorney
, of tin- l nittffl Slate* lor %lhe U.intern DiMiici
ot |. ti>i»iiir*.i, Mb Jan. Ib29.
Alexundei Bracken ridge, of r^noiylvnnin,
| i i be Attorney ol the United Stine* foi the
| Western D fiict ol iVntitylvain.i, did Match,
WillriiM \ tiin»wnJd, of V errnmif, to be i*1
! inruey of Ihe United State* tor the Di*hut c»f
| Vermont, 3rd M uch, 1H29.
i John Gndxen, of South Carolina, to h® Atloi*
I iiey of the U it' d State* for tin* District of j
l Sooth Carolina, 7tH !• eh IH‘29
Nathaniel William*, of Mat ylamf, to he A» !
*01 nev of toe Unit’d Slate* lor t he Dittiut uf ♦
Alary fund, 3d da" 1H29.
Nathan Smith, of Connecticut, to he District1
A'tnin *y of'he United Slate* for ihe Di*hifli
of ( non* client.
•lohii II Norton, of MD&i*nippi, to 1,e M o j
shn) of the United State* for tlie Dia'iin ol
Mhb«3 tjijn whose commission i spued «oi the
3d J.ia. 1829.
Thomas vtorri* of New York, tofu-
of the United Stale* fur the Southern Du'iici
ol New York, 21*1 dan. 1829.
John W. Uivtngslon, of New YmW. to !»*•
Marshal of Ihe United Stale', for the Nor
thern District uf Noa York, I lit Ii I chrunrv,
fin »log ton Anthony, of Klmde Island, to In*
Mar dial ' I the Unit- d State-. I n the District ol
lUimJe (tdand, I f dan lh29
Samuel D llairmof Mas*.irhu,« in;, ff> he
Mai* al o' the Uti led Suue* lot ihe District ol
M i v lm-et'*, 2d March. 1.829.
W il cu rumble, of Ailuumas Territoiy.
toll d" fge mail'', for said Territory ; w hoge
c ouiiiri,,chi eipuc'd the ‘21*1 of December,
It * '
iinpiahun Johnson , of Ai kanot* d ei ritor \,
to he Judge it. and for said Territory ; ul|o*e
cuminu me expired Oft lire 23d of January,
S ine1 K mne. *f Arkansas, to fie Attor
«»t y of the United Slates for Maid lerrilin v:
w n.*e roinniis>i .n expired un the 7lh of I*’ hiu
ar>, 1 >29.
'••rngeW Scnfi, nt Atkaii a* Territory, ’<>
he Marshal of flu United Slat s for tun min
Ueniiorv ; "norm roninm»*i m exp ie' on the
, ill of I eln nar y, IS29
Answer of Dr. Curtis to Ui< l>ul;i if Il’tlH {ton,
Dnor,hhja, Dec. ID, ib.H.
My |.ord Duke —1 have o«vet tinea more a
qiecnhlv suvprised In my ,*,**‘h w l»y lie unex*
IN"' t*•«4 honoi m rct i'iviug yuor grace * very
kind and even tuenilly f iler of the lit.),
which coming from *<* high u <4■ *;i. m,, [ should
natuiallv wish 1 • msi-ivc, if possible ; but ,u il j
whs flanked by y uirsnlf. the new. ol ils am- |
val was known all ovni Hits ' >wn (as might tie 1
expected from a privmciial Dost office) before'
the Irtie reurlied mv hands so that I was o
hliged, in voui Grace * dcleiM «'and my own,
tu communicate iu cun'm.i. to a few cln*i»eii
I'riciuU, for the - ati'fa* tioti ol 1 he multitude,
who might othoi w im: fain it ate 10 ns stead some
I adisti, <>i pcihapv inmeliicvoiiv iionsense of
•heir own. Bui loi'tiiiiatnly, your Grace's let
ter co"t lined only such liberal and hrnevo
lw»f sentiments as all puilur* most eulogise,
nud none could possibly malign Hesnb s,
it very seasonably strengthen# Hit* testimony
ib'H I, as a faithful witness, have on all occa
sions given of voui generous, upright, and mi
pa 1 tml disposition
Il wmitd 1-e soni w Iih' worse 'hail ridiculous
in .a to offer any tiling in I t* shape of politi
cal advit c to a conMimmale Slat-Mmi" nt the
In «i ol tin first ca duet 10 nt out of l ,m ope ;
but as voui are liars'* humanely combi" ‘ti
ded to ni« ilium stone ol the diflieu tm«, lending j
o palely e voui » thills to settle tin* Iioiiimii
I at hollo qnes mu. I beg lenv e to Mibiuit In your
siij*ei ior i idgitieota few i •'fleetinns ; made In
■j»e bv some well lot armed ami unbiassed ,
fiiemishH e ell Protestant* as Catholic*, vvh >
certainly understand the subject imuli belt'*
titan I call pretend to <ln. I • ny have lead il itb |
21 eat plea su 1 * and gi at it ml* the noble dec lai
lion m which v mi grm e-o strongly expir, « -s }
your sincere nnxicly t«» witness the settlement'
oi tlie Koinaa t ntholic question; which voui
are < • tinned wimul, by b u lim g the late
conlet a benefit on eveiy iu livid u»l ol society;
and vuu rrgi »t that yen h.*e no p»o*p»vt of sue h 1
f\ settlement, bmftu*e violent partv leolmps are ;
mi '.nil up wnil that questmit, an p» »v «d* eve- |
n discussion of it to such a d gr<*e, a» to pro-I
elude the po sibilitv ol prevailing upon men 1
to considern dispat.*ionate'y. But that if n
could be h 1 uni in oblivion fir a short time
ami if tWat Hum wcie di|i »ently emplovedSn the
consideration of the question, you would not
despsii of seeing a satisfactory iciundv.
lliese humane and statesman iiln* sentiment |
(a* far as tln-y go) do gre it honor to youi Gia j
re's head and heart, and might itppeiu solli* |
cient il you were a private nobleman, but not 1
in vmir present exalted st »tiou, with powei to!
wield, when necessary, all the icsoincos of Gov 1
vernment . for it would be a slur on tne non
v a I It'd and laifannd Biitisb Constitution to as
cert Hint, even when well administered, it dots
not possess or supply means for establishing a
ny thing known to be essential for tin* jmmcc,
welfare,and tranquillity of the empii v it large,
ami for pulling down or removingany intrigue
or party spirit that mi^ht wantonly a'temj t to
oppose so great a blessing.
My friends allow that sucli nioincntou* exer
tions may be sometimes unsuccessful when Go
v I’l ii'm nt is coi’ilur^ il bv w#*ak »<»' ruisiippoil
ted In a i' or hand# and the> itrquue mcti
a Prime Minister as the nation lias now, and 1
hope, vv ill long have, the happiiM*** to enjoy,
who, after an uninterrupted series of the great
est x ictorirs, and a successful arrangement ol
the most important interests that perliapae.'er
yet occur* ed, lias been placed at tin* head ol
Government by the "nine and well-earned con
lvd"*cr of mu gracious Sovereign, and with the 1
universal applaus* of (be w hole empire, and
indeed, of all other nuiious. Under sucli 11
chief, exerting his legitimate prerogative,they
say that no party would dare to oppose} the
general good ; and that if your Grace would in
timate your serious resolution to settle the Ro
man Catholic question, its opponents would in
stantly fly and appear no more ; and il the
settlement weievince carried, it would in a lew j
days be no more spoken or thought of than
the concessions now arw that were lately made
to the dissenters, for the enemies ol such ar
rangement are not half $0 anury m reality as
they now appear to be, in order by that bug
bear to carry their point. But my friends have
no hesitation in declaring that the project
mentioned by your Grace of btjry «ng the ' nth
obc ({atstion io oblifrioo, tor .tie ptnjKiic <-j
considering it more a> leisure, it totally mail
imssible, and would ei»i§|»erHti* in the highest
degree those who ate already too much excited,
an«| wotnd only emu.der that measure hi a
repetition of the same old protest so often em
ployed to elude and disappoint their hopevof
redress; hut tint i it even were adapted, it
could only serve to augment the diOiciilnes by
allowing the contending parties, and particu
larly the enemies of all concession, the oppor
tunities they seek for preparing their meaui of
resistance and violence, which ihey have latter
ly carried in the most alarming lengths, which
they liHve avowed and publicly announced in
atrocious and sanguinary terms, to which how
ever, I should not here allude, lor I never wish
t«» he aii accuser, hut that | ««m certain your
If race mutt have read those horrible fhieals,
often repeated in the Biuntwick and Orange
public ptnils ; and to this'ei subject at least
I must beg leave to call your Grace % attention
ami to implore your powerful protection, limn
I bly praying that you will not golfer p.iblic peace
and concord to h«r violated or disturbed under
tiny pretext whatevci. An efTt'ciual remedy
would cost yuur Grace sot one word. I do
not, however, hereby mean to meddle in tempo
ml affairs, but I consider n my bouiiden duty to
labor incessantly, in concurrence with all my
vrnei able cnnfei». , to inipi' -s upon the mind?
and hearts of ail those committed to om spin
fiutl care, sentiments ol true Christian chautv
moderation, And kind foi lienrantc toward.? at|
men without esc- otion
I he* your f>mw wilt ricH* th#» kncih of
iMi ifettcf, wild »oitchf!ii«* to rounder it n* a
proof of iny uufeif'ned regard, and of loo
sincere re*p« cl with which 1 Jiav<* the lion o to
rMiimm, my l.ord Ouke, your * nio»f lo
hcd.'Clil wild |l»o*l illliohh* §1-1 v Hill,
/Alter from the Lord l.ieuUmini of Inland, to
lir Curtis.
M xi lt< v Sir I lutvicft to acknowledge l!>«
receipt of your leller ol the2.!d, i meting that
which roii reo iveil lioin 11»« Duke of VV «*D<<• •
lun of ll»e llih in i togclliei well a copy ul
your niUH er lo it
I thank you bn tin* cutifelenc you huve ie
posed in mi
V our Utlli r f u.»•- me td. nun I mu upon a iub*
jeeloflh#* leqliejd l .l.*retf. J did tint know
die preeiie .eotijmuK ol die Duke of Welling*
»on upon (tie pn M'ni s»ate of the Catholic ques
Knowing it, f shn|! venture to n|]pr iny opi
ninu upon the < mis.* that it helnoves the Call*
oln * lo pursue.
I’l l fertly ronviueed that the* final and rordi*
a* snilh dm lit ol this qr»m question can h one
give peace, harmony , him! pinsperiiy to all ul his Majesty’■ .-nihjucis in thi* king
doiii, | mini arliii'iwledgt my disappointinenl
on learning that there it no pm-pect of its lie
ing e/JecU'd dining tin? piegenl se sioii ol Par* (
liaineiit. i. however, derive »oine consolation1
frnm observing that his (•race is not whollv
averse to tin* immure ; fui, il hf can he induc
ed to promote it,/<r, ol nil men, will have the'
greu • -st liicilitv iu carry iug d h to effoi i.
It I inn oiiii'ii in this opinion, il i» ohviundy I
most iuipnriant dial dot Duke 1 Wellington '
should lie propitiated, that no otistsu le dial can '
hy possibility he avoided shoidd be throw n in
hx wav ;) that ail pei-oruil ami olt^*n».tv<*
ualion slj aild he supple- .•«?, m,,| that ami le
allow .ore «,hould he made fc the dilV.eulu:; ul 1
his diiiaiiriu.
Diliii uli if certainly i* * fm htths' in ovr-- i
come Hu* very id i on * pr< jfidi< es and ti e i tel- ;
eslnl in iv> s ofiniiiiy peison. ol the liigheM
udln in r, as w ell a to allay the real ukii.risoll
many of the most iqi|.ratit IToit stunts.
I dilh r from tin opinion ul 4 f.« Duke. that!
an at tempt should* lo ’ bun in obh |
vion” tin ipieitioii fm .1 • hot t lime i n st, It
cause the thing is nil. ily imp* -sihn mid next.
!• t mo t* ii tin 1 Iting , . , duu
advantage might he 4 -Ken i 1 ihe p m. r, In
I f pier, tiling if h< A pA.dc m ln< f, ,l hy the late
vudeni rc-actimi, ami hy |n ochdimiig that, il
tip* (jovi’i innetil at “im v and p. remfoi ily d. .1
d« d Agniiist concession, the Catholics Would
cease to agitate it. and then all the iniseins of
the las' years of Ireland wilt be to |»e re-act. d
What I .In leroinineipl is, that the measure
should not t>e .1 iriouieiit lost big lit of—that mix
iety should continue 19 In; nianilesi.*il — ti nt all
voimtitulwnal (in cuntradiriiou to mrrrli; Lp,al)
means should he resorted to, to I iwaid the
■’an ;e , hot that at the same lime, the* most
p .Menl tot heat him e, the most submissive ohm
dieure lo (lie laws should he inciilcateii ; that
no personal and offensive langiih-e should he
held tnwuttU ilmse who oppose the claim?.
Cn tonality offers uu udvantage, it effects
n«» good, on the contrary, if offends, and cun
linns pre dispos'd aversion, la t the Callndic |
trust to the jnstic of hi? cause—(o the grow- •
inq liberality of mankind. Cuf-.rtunatelv . he I
has lost some lneiid>, ami fottuierl h*s ern 1110*5,
within six months, hy uumeu ured and untie
cesmiiy violetire. 11«? will soonest recov. r from I
the pi.-sent siaqnai on of his fnrlumu t*v show
ing more temper, ami by trusting to the l.c
g’ilHt.n e lo 1. dress.
Brilte to1re, In* -hould he assured, can effect '
noihing. It is the Leg mlaii.i e that must de
cide this gienf .pi. slum , and mv great.*>d mix -
iet v is. that 11 should he met hy the Pallia*
r?M*nf muh r the must favorable t iicumsinuccfi,
amt that nppnseis of Catholic Kinaueipaiion
shall he disaitiled hy (he patient furbt'ftiance,
ol iis advocates.
M.v warm anxiety to proinoP the general in- \
tei- sts of thi. cottony is the um'ive that has
induced me 10 give an opinion, ami lo offer ad
v i« ( . 1 have the honor, i*c.
(Sit-ned) AN01.KSKA.
To llii'inn,. Ucv. |)i. Cmli«, &.( .
1J111. Will I. I , I.( I ION for nine Common
Cl fount: loon in i nch ward, in die town of
I vtuliboij , Will (like place, pursuant lo «n net
ol nstemblv, " ctiiillctl an tut lor dividin'’ the
low ti of l.i in liliurg into wards and lor other
pm poses,” oolite fust Tuesday in April next,
and will lie held in Lynch Want, No 1, being
all llial pan of said town, below the In alley
extendotg li otn llie liver lo twelfth slreit, nt
ilie office ol A Hatcher, on s!d street. And in
Henry Ward, No. !2, being all Ihnt pint ol said
town al-nve said 1st nlley, extend ug from Ihe
us i t to I Jilt street, at the office ol Aug. Lei
tsvich, on Jd sires l.
SAMI. BRANSFORl). Serg! of
Uor Corporation of LvnrJitiwjl.
March !>. * IdeitU
8 AND I till SALE —I will tell a good bar
J gain in a Iracl of Land, lying in the low
ct end ol 1'ati ick county, on Mill Creek, nnd
Malls) lust i . adjoining the lauds of Malden
II.Ill .'on, tsivcnvdle 1‘emi, Charles Foster,
•Lis. keiinei Iv. f.M|is. mid others, containing
seven huiiilri d actes. I here is a stifficieui quan
tity ol cleared laud lo work ten or twelve
hands, anil a tolerable good dwelling house
kitchen, weaving bouse, smoke bouse, barn, I
tobacco houses, a large quantity of apple trees.
A large proportion ol the land llial is lo deat
is gaotl tobacco land. A further descrip
lion is deemed unnecessy, as any person wish
log lo purchase, would first view ihe premises.
The above land is well calculated to divide
inlo two tracts'. JOHN POINDKXI EK.
March y. w'ns 50
BjTii’ " M. MAILMAN lakes this method ol
1TA informing the public, that he will resume
bis duties its instructor of Music on the Piano
I'orte, C latittnet. Violin Flute in this place, in
llte course ol two or three months. Reference
as lo qualifications, terms,lire. MrAVnt |\V. Not -
vell.Cnpi. Sami. I Wiatt, Mr. |F F Bowen or
Capt. J. E. Norvell. ts
Kjilt. 2M
This body adjourned on the 525th tiff, after ft |
much longer vision firm h»ul hern anticipated,
and with (he reputation of having item more {
distinguished for talent than coy of its pieiU*- '
colors since the * elrbrnted sess'oti of 18)0,
when l.»zwell# Hay, Taylor, (iiles, and other
men conspicuously known to the commonwealth
•hone in ns deliberations. There lias certainly
never been a Kesaioit, in which measure* of
pi witer importance were discussed m ! decided.
We shall commence in our n<*it, and concltidt
a* rapidly as possible, tl.+ publication of the
Sketches of the law* parsed by Ihe Lejjdufure
► .ii the mean linn*, we will glance bru l'y at
i two or fluee ol’ Ihe mml iuii lifting »pie#iiun«
j which were before tlu m
j i lu* < invention q n ation ranks first in mug
iiilu.le, whether we regard Ihe deep interest
wliii;li it bus eo long • .veiled in fin public imtiu,
or tin* sever*? «*roggl»'s made by a foiinidabb
aristocracy to defeat ilie will ol no ovci w 11••!m
ing majority ol tin* p* opU*f 01 the conflicting in.
terarts v.hicli wcic I" lc* »econcilcd in its adjust
inent.i.i the principles upon which it wan linal
ly settled, oi, more impoitant stiP, Ihe influence
| it may have on the future destinies of the Old
Dominion.—We*hull say nothing now, howev
er, in the rpint of exultation, ol the triumph
wh ch lias crow ned the unceasing exertions and
the steady perseverance of the friends of re
lorin ; for, utter all, it is accompanied bv such
odious aud unjust provisions, that «e should
entertain but a treble hope of procuring ninny
saiul'.i v change*. were u qot for our reliance
oil Ihe enlarged and liberal vii w , and the piac
tical wisdom of the men to wbotn the foimation
of a new Constitution . ill he entrusted. It is
much to be re;;icited Hint the Convention did
not meet in the life time of the great champion
of democracy — for, although wo do not concur
in all of hi* view on this object, \ cl such a
man ns the ‘age of M 'oticelio, carrying his
ideas of political equably possibly beyond the
bo uuU which * ■ perieure has shown to Ire Side
jT practicable, woubl have checked the unjust i
as*- mpliotis d the illibeial a*persinn . ■
of the blc Pi <1 landed aristociacy, which has so ]
long held the rein* of power, tiAd which has I
utmost driven the Commonwealth to tin; veryy '
..I ruin. W e sit i J not, h mevci, ubtunlnti tin* I
hope lliut the gClllt ends of puli' jtixlie;? will
be u!. ,» i ve*i in n .* « ,»p* cinllt that the it , ohold
i. omlion will be rnr.mi d mid representation
•p d.' u l .dlhouyh fin i. i« much to fern, when
we ieco!U.ct that i..iily 1* hCOtt/Yea w him ci'i It.; vi- hfeii rudely du . i ii fimu the j oils iri
the choice ot delegate* to ihe Convention, and
I hat the i a ,tti a section of if.*? State will pos
ses* an ii.idut? weight i t tuaf body, in consc
qiienceof having l iken the ceusiunf i-,10 as J
a guide in laying off the ( districts. Hut,
it must not be expeetiil that the elective fran
chise will be extended without the non-freehold •
• is shall make a vignmus anJ united etlbrt to
wiet it from the tenacious grasp of a Jr< ft hold
f >*' Cunvvnfiun. Nor must they rely entu* ly on
their own ctToris They must <tsk the aid of
those freeholder* who regard the extension of
tlie light *>f suffrage a* an act demanded by the
best interests of the Plate, aud sanctioned by
• be piinciphi* oh mir lievolu:ion. And let them
point those w hose prejudice* conjure up a thou
sand dangers a* n necessary conn of this
extension, to our >Hiur Slates, in w hich the rig tit
of voting is carried to the greatest limit, mid ask
them if they do not there *ee .m ample retiita
lion of lheir v siimnry lean ? Aietheir legi-le I
tors lc»s w i>e ihim our ivwnj J* their polii v h-s
sound ami henciicial > Are I lie pQiple le s \ i •
tnous, intelligent, pro.speious and happy f J.ei
u comparison he made In-tween any Slate vvhicli
Inis ripndiated the ndiotis ihsnuctiuo ol which
«e comphiin, and Viigin a, the only one, ive be. j
lieve, which still clings to this relic of i4 feudal |
age—ami how deep mint |,e our hnuiiliniiou 1
—Hut, we have not mom to pursue the subject
Mitiier at present. We cannot conclude, how
ever, w ithout soliciting the earnest attention of
the non-freeholders to (lie fact ilia' a meeting is
proposed to he held nest Saturday to devise
some plan hy which they may he raised to the
dignity of freemen This is the crisis of Iheii
fate. If, therefore, they shall not come forward,
they must be regarded as insensible to their de.
gradation, and as fit to he the slaves they are
»u fvely thing but vise nnme.
I lie subject of Internal Improvement is next
m nnpyrtiiQce in the Content ion question ; and
it gives us pleasure to say that a more liberal
and generous disposition was manifested by the !
Legislature in its appropriations than, iindrr
existing circumstance , or from previous indica
tions, we had any reason to expect. This im
mediate section of country, particularly, will
derive great advantages from tue works audio,
ri. ed to be constructed, il the zeul and enter
prise id our citi/ms shall bear any proportion
to the liberality ol the Legislature. As at pre
sent constituted, however, we uerd not expect
the vigorous prosecution, by that body, of the
grand and important schemes of improvement
recommended hy the Charlottesville Conven
tion, lint consummation of which will be atten
ded with such great and imperishable blessings.
\\ lien the equalization of sectional and person
al rights shall take from the eastern part ol the
Stale the unjust preponderance in the govern
ment which it has so long held, to the detriment
oi all its great interests, we may reasonably ex
pect to see flesh vi^ot infused into her councils
and nitty look forwaul, with confident hope, to
the brilliant prospects which, hut for the meI
administtation id her government, she would
long since have enjuyed.
We think the Legislature adopted the proper
ol" V in cbivj ■ " eg venders uf Lottery tickets
I ]
* ' V * i I
“* <*<-' predicted would l„ ,'be «« *£', ,
ilntcsi% Jniiuy was first r'"it,ned to ,
making it penal forejgo ^
within the Cotnmonweallli would he , , ’
laughed to scorn. It it not for „» i„ ' <" '1
.1 law could not he, or was not fr,In,.,,"'
lauun to this subject, which .Imt.ld h„,' /*
Ijie cunning of j,4 MS tve,|i ak ( ^ statute. Perhaps the law ,
haem m n» pro?it,om as the minimi*,
Hie law «ere in euforcin; if. |[c ||.j4 H|
the present arrangement i,wi<r ^ ;
while it dnet tint aggravate the mama „
crease the facilities of indulging i„ ,|,j4 ',
but delusive and destructive game „f
it does tint afford ant person >i puieii ,
opportunity of setting a solemnly e„a. te ? 1
"t defiance, and, m the same time, piV(.;, , (li ’’
some revenue to the Treasmy.
1 he last subject we Hull much „pn„ „ ,
Vs*9"' Stale Ilight Protest—not that |0u,
on it as of nuy iuipnrtancr. K», j, j8 Tii '
• -'.rtM 'il. nncli fulinin.tlions hn , e l,r,
d..g cheap, and arc murh snim trctpienllv
ruled than read. If »|,e render will '
eitract limn the Addre«*„f n„. Harford
vrntiun, wliirli he will find in a nut I.uo!u
ol so iliijfS paper, he will be iis.oni.-hed In ,
the same train of reaiouin<r employ etl t„ su<|
the same disorganizing principles which dm,,.,
ed lliat body and its mlhrten'■ tn evnl,i»t;,„. ,
filmy, mid which, as il by magic, have l,.tp ,
become so fushiorinbli: in the Smith. V, r < ,
not fur n moment believe tiiat the p(„ p|r n( y
ginia win Consent much longer to be led mir
Ironi the palli n liich the i’lilhi rt of || ,,
tufici' have pronounced tn he oMhodnx, an,I
’o which herinteirst, emphatically point—,n()l(
especially when she n collects Him u,e ar
ments used hy l,n blind unities to md'rehi*, i
do tn, me the same which vvete mar use,:,
justify irrnson to the .'.onh.
- -
IT* W e make nmni, tn-d-.y, for Ike • ■ .,tj,i
l'"""1 | nl'er»” wl.i. I, |. , , i.« . u brought i„ t,r|lt
hv the reeenl Mrresju ml. i < e between Mr. ,\,|
iiiiis and tbe Boston f. .1, ndi.u. ]:w,. y cni|l|ji,
leader will a,hull, |„| that Mr. Adams r, ,11
dill believe in the exisliii...I ■> jil„| x..v,r
ihe Union at the t*sn> ■ .'jinniuiiicuted his sti
|iici."t., and the iviibcn upon which they were
founded, lo Mr. I. ifersi.u, ur lie would not l ave
made a similar com mum lo Uni, P|(mi(T
aboul I lie same niomem. Hilly, tlml his sosp.
cions are proved, l.y the candid Mltminu of
Uov. Plumer. ns w#l!ns by the extract bom the
I’rm eedings mol Report of the Hartford To,
venlion, to hove been »,.|| founded. And ;kHv,
|hat liia refusal to ttniie w lih Oin, l’rescott, l .
mail, Cabot es l o, w ns dictated by ti lopV o.irit
of allHchment lo his count:y and devotion t„
llo- onion of the S ates— mil not ns his vindlc*
ti'e enemies assert, by any loipe 01 expectation
Of personal advancement. Mi. Adairs enuot
hope that justice will be i endered lo him m.w
seeing that his iclirenont in,in ..(In., j..,:end
of oppeHsing the tanciir ol hi* to. , hr» wlnl
led iheir slanderous tongues m.d pins, ,m.i „
deed raised up new nssail.ini-. But, w i n ||„
secret history ol the Slonov pet i' ,1 po. t J Od
until 1S15 shall be given In ibe w , rid—wlun i|,„
facts shall be disclosed, the cuiuimmicali.m . t
which lo Mi ..Irfiersnu induced that ch ar lighted
statesman lo alter the policy of the g. vrrume’ii,
we hazard nothing in pi edit ling I hat lie w ill be
universally hailed as the greatest living l.ene
■ actor of his country.
iO* There is a singular' o,■ ,,1 It
tone ntnl temper ol the denunciations ol Mi
Madison's administration be ibe Hartford Cot
venttonists in 1812, and of M., Mlams’s, lit tin
Southern Disunioni»t« in lHdT-S. Indeed tl .
very same north were used by both. Mr. Mad
Uou was declared to be prollignte, con opt ami
iinbecili— a violator of Ibe couslitoi ion—and an
ai pressor of .1 particular section of thu liotoo
The same things have been said ol Mr. Adams
run! we doubt n >1 a similar result will follow.
'•Vliile the latter years of Mr A. like those ol
Mr.Madison,w ill be lull of honors, bis malignant
revilers, like Otis Co. will be labori g to pro
pitiate the oil'rioied people, wbom they have
11 .necessarily excited by llieir unfounded com
plaints and deceived by tlie'r insidious conns. I
OMINOUS f—On the 2d ins!, in the U. State!*'
Semite, Mr Webster submitted U resolution re
questing the President to lay before Congress
ceiiuin documents connected with the celebrat
ed Panama inis ion, which was violoutlv oppor.
• d by Messrs, 'lazwetl, flayue, cwc. and finally
rejected by a vote ol 22 to 22—every friend of
the h ;e administration voting lor it. and every
friend of the Jackson dynasty, except Mr
Branch, of North Caiolina, voting against it
V\ hy is this? Are the gentlemen who so viu
lently opposed that missinu afraid to let thm>t
documents see the light, lest they demonstrate
the wisdem of the measure, and throw lidicul
on their sage predictions of its dangerous an
dcucies ?
IHEAIRH.—Last Wednesday evening, the
Comedy of Paul Pry at Dover, and the afh
piece of the Wedding Day were per-formed
We did not get to the I he a tie in time to see U
first piece, but the audience spoke of the pern. ,
mancH in high terms. 1 he afterpiece was the
best piece of acting we. have witnessed during
the season,
Mrs. Cargill's benefit takes [dace this evening
and wc hope it w ill lie a bumper. Her uniform
excellence should ensure this, to say nothing of
the admirable drama she has selected. The
piny going public will doubtless turn out i*'.
1-f We have received two communication
on the subject of the transportation of the mail
on the Sabbath—u Junius" against it, and *
friend to honest common sense" in favor of it
botb of which we shall publish, as soon o» 'K
can dispose ol the quantity of matter whirl
pi esses on tig at the adjournment of the Lcgi :«■
lure, the publication of which cannot be d<’
Ju Ige William Daniel of (his place <u*
Robert Campbell of Bedford. are nominated «,'•
candidates tor the Convention from this distric
in the Richmond papers.—We are requested to
add the names of Samuel Anthony of Cutup
bell, and Samuel Claytor of 1 yoctiburg