Newspaper Page Text
yo.v-l KiKHOLDMi^ vojld solid' tin* earno»t alicmion ol public to tlie subjoined notice : M,)> rfU'.EHOl.UERS’ MKEl'INU. • .conac*"***1' »• lhe inclemency of the «ca |.i«i Thursday evening, I he maeting ailver c,l for Ihnt evening ««« postponed li will be ,,,| „„ .VIIIllUV AI I’KKNOON NIA1. ,i -I u’etock, nl llai Franklin Hotel, *I.*'U every , i il ri-hl* i» invited to arteinl. sKVI'JaL NON-1-REEHOI.UKUS. .ivriluDISI ANNUM. CONKK'tKNCE. •j'heaimuil scion ol the VtiLmia Confer. pt,. of die Methodi.l Episcopal Church com I in thi- I lace on Wednesday the 23ih rlnuarv, nml terminated on Tlnttaduy ihc ,1, of March. Curing ihe grealcr portion ..f inne, the weather wa* eaces.ivtdy had . tile , t h ading to theClmrch being almost mi 4 lblc .No'w itbstntiding tin* eireuiiutance, Poivcver, the lionae was crowded almost every , ,v We have been politely I'l.vui j Ihe tul/jtiinod statement of the -melons ,iticl. th** Miniaien have been reflectively ap poin'ed to occupy during tlie ensuing ye*r: • ,, ftber*District, Lewis Skium re. P E ",'1 \ Shock,,- ll'U-M.iel' Park. ’.Irfiinow' \ print!i/ —Si t»«»" M Sykf*. V, illiantiliurg—VVil'ia I, 3. Peyton, Hubert f '!-i,Zc>t€C-iiomud Harrell, William «• ^’carn'iitc—Jobn W. Child., Win. W. Kei "Cit-W- IMler, Isaac llainee, It. ’’ r lip'",‘-r —Philip -le /’1, llntry 3. Po> '"c/rirtu'lesrille—ll'm. 11 ■lues, IVivid Wood. 1 r,i/i,'i'■'—Junes Uof/d. Iluberi Scott. Columbia - Joshua Leigh, Sami l>. Tump * "Vr../.,rn'ii Itislri t —.loirs I.uily, 1“ 1 Li/nchburg—AVil'iain AAall.r. Petersburg—t\ iitiam A. Smitb. gat'ord—C’ .!•••» I.e.idi. tJi' ii ‘i Butlnn. Ctimlibel'—William W. McC'loitn, Ju-hua ^"li'uekh'gli tin\ Miller, J, ..c Power* f ■-ff :n*r<!lt—Ut'o'i;-! W . LV) , 11 **i»»y i. V* **.»11.«*r 1 % - Mcc\1‘nburg—1U<*otg«' ** MiImmju, .wilnew *,f Out ire. . . . i II un-wick—William II Sim. J-s. -lonri Min. l ni*l a— l •<»*»'* »!«\ I’h un sup. Clustcrjitld-Bummi T. Musty, M'm.iel T. Moorman. .V-use Drdrud ~M n i b Bit vk, I - li* lialeigli—dmepe W. N«lli * V\ if1,. ,u—C'lnis opln'i I bom s. Kn/figAC/.- " in. N. Millington, Win. An 'Irrsori. , , .. •I'e.,,1_Wilson Karclift, A ernon Eskridge. Ilcaultirl A N.Vriiw -licargt A •Hu; '• Jluck IUrcr—Win'. M. t»cn jo.1i UI, Allird .Mtirmnii Tm Hirer—I looks. .1 ini^s.V l>on iiii. Topsail Intel—Uoliorl I*. Hailey, D.,vitl Ko iHO'R. //.,»■ /,*,'( ■—Win. C"ir(>lon, .In-. tjondnmn. Padkin District—Puri it D.ilb, P. E. I'uiP.til I t. — (’iial les P. M im man I mitt l—-'.eplien W. Julies, Jim. J. Mead. HktilUbury —Jdtin II. Walton, Thales McDon ald, Mile* Toy Franklin—James lieid, S'opium I). Win I .,111 lie. (7 tilfoi ‘I—Hiehard I), Juslina idilV. Cm,well—Ihntou rii'd, U -yni.oid It Minor. Banister— liemyrr .'Stephens. . WnJ'olk District—Hi \nv lloi.MK*, P. K. Sarjolk—llriinti t IBa.c. Portsmouth— thniwu Cruwikr. Jiitenlan -J'nines Dcij J-Uis.t ttih- II' niy J - Bvmi. Mmfiieskorntv;h —,Ai‘- am Ha -e'l. Calls amt lltrii —Joseph Curl-, Horatio A, Buckti'Ui. Suffolk—'iJporpe S Harper. Suffolk hi Surry I t — imienii Noimail, Jim. V\ . W lute Princes Anne—Janes Morrison, John D. t Sasiix—Thompson Harmed, Tims. Ha nniii i amdi a—t'lioinas \ . Webli. lloaai’.e. District—Jos. I,Allien. |> K. Roanoke Ct — Thomas It. Br.mic, Divid S. : Insoet . itr,tin-ill —li nn/ Mlri/.df t«;e (rrr-yory. Washington -V PfpiiXia h —/."li.v \1 Lie . (Commission business. fMl UK sw'mwiber bavin i entered into tl g Commission business, otters his snrv ooc in iha —•»* ttnU planters trading 1 Agent at lYcprxbutg on Friday *2D h of Miv next, to fix on the location of the College— appoint a like number ef lYu* ee* Loin im> laity, and make such other ar* angemenu a> will he mHis^.try lor carrying into operation ihe 1 n Ktit nt ion. ILT Tiie next Conference will mee t in 1 • < ii motici, on the |7di February, |8od. itkjTh. The Kentucky Dml. — Wo am clad to Warn lImi tiie minor of Mr. Thompson’? drath. from a a oiled received m a file duel with Unhurt Tiiplett. esq. which we noin eil l.tsl week, turns out to he iucorrert. Mr. 1. was uangernutly wounded, but the !*st aecnunta • epresam him to be in a fair wav of recovery. Another Duel!—A duel was fought on the 8 h Fohiimry, near Savannah, heiween T.ieut. Cadel, of the V. S. A. and Mr. McIntosh of Savannah. Th** ball of the latter passed through ho«h legs ol the pantalooous ol the for mer but n . wound was received bv cither nai vty. Duel expected.—Letters from \\ asli *«gton sta e that a duel is to he fought ai'er the ^idon closes, between Col. David Crockett "d Mr. Pryor Lea, both members front Tennes see . Good!—'[’lie B thiniore Patriot snys In companies, IihII* companies, pairs, and 'W 1 I ire friends of Htjorm are sa d »o >e last gathering lomtd the tficlcori/, in Wash, mgfon City, in readiness for the dropping of the , ranking.—The abuse of this privi ,P»e l,y members of Congress has increased to a ■ u,®8‘unjustifiable extent. The Na.hviiie He-1 jjublicun of the 21st ult. says, that the mail ! ^ ueli arrived there ou that day contained j ‘ ircelv a single new .-paper, the bags being completely filled with packages franked by ;|ietnbeis0f Congrev».-^Col. Crockett, the “ al 7aturd»orse” of Tenn <»ee alone had Larked \ lot) f . ^'cn- Gaines.—This officer passed ‘rough Lexington. 1'n. on the CM i'jxf. i"i hi. tft 'V.tfljnsion cilv. I 'ir. Criiwfot A S ivau:i»a p-i|>or >■(» Mi <'mwf.tH# Hc^ iiplpii.i* mliucil ?o he.ibh, ami nt I lent *pn u». < '/lift u < "tin/i/gr. —It It, : „ 0JJ u Irtir a,in- i. .1 Vtfc«!i'v it iIn- Mainer ot in j veutinn. fi»e South* m grown*, m order to profit every way, by h* ted-of their own pro duct*, have began to n*e Colto-i toi halo ropes, ! tea ting lines, tr ices, hie. end * event I lope ma ke* • are no * employed i»» making « or da e ol the different » *es, for tits Southern planters.— Ir is sai Him! during fhi* en*ui p year, a1 lemd -100 tons 01 iop*' "ill hr required, aud itl iinafe i ly iln* ns- of hemp lor the Southern States will he entirety unknown. This, it \\ j|| readily be imagined, hu* grown mif ot the late tariff— Whether good or e vil will result from this ami other change* in ou» commercial operation*, can he det* t mined by those "ho ara conversant > tv it Ii the subject Sound Policy.— Notes of tho of the Cuinmcmveal h ot h’ntiickv to the a mount of three hundred thousand d liars, wen burnt. «t the Hank a few days since in oltedi- ■ euce to a Vtesolution ot the 'at*f session of the General Aigeuibty. fnxurrnction hi /. ana.— The 1 Norfolk Be a con of lb* 2d ttiM m\i—We learn from ('apt. Kdev, who cam** .. in the j brig Hope's Delight, which nmvrd h i e yest**i »lny from New Orleans* wfhenc** site *■ tiled I! h Fnh. that m'otuiatmu had reached the C’i ), that hii lusorrectkoi had htukenntit on the river (above Aie t O''lvnot)a f**w days prcviou> to lus leaving there, mid that l* vi ral thousand No groe» were engaged in the Uevn t. The (**»• i veruor<gnv** orde son tin* no ht of the 10th, that tin* nnlitar should ha in read ness to march at la moment’s warning Election of the President.— The Jo- < gutature of Delaware *»o<v in s ssion, h ive »ti 1 j acted a la v liferi:'•* the mode of choosing f. I lectots 'ii th.i 1*1 Me ; the Gi'iivtal Ticket is a j /opted. Singular instance of Good Tnick.— Tti" great capital Fn*ei in the last D snial 1 Swamp l,ul i iv, .V),fM10 Hid l(l.OtK) didhns, were In Id l»\ a club id three gent eincii in N* w Vnik. * i tat hogs.— l wi) line hogs, raised oil ft;plantation ol Col. Joel Battle, near I hi boro *4fl», (N. C.) no' qii p* 2 > ears old, when Hit,i slaughtered mid cleaned, weighed d'J-I puii ids, ilie other 3'*J. ()i,r character abroad.— A Cit'niinn editor, ii is * aid, has i formed his rad* is t at in • nt > wet '* at no r ow an *■ hli in I lie United Slate*, til *t the two huSffci men m 11*•* republic were candidates for Ioe piosiden* s f I hr* to r man Kditor most l ane lead the Aon iican new p ipei s upon b oh *ide* of the tpiehli* u, and he neved all that he lend J Thirst for office.— Wo have lu.ari!, SiiVR the Philadelphia ( hr inch . nod beb’evr the i'ltoi matioi. t • lie c inert, that not lc.i> tliao six Hundred person- have applied lot 'he mMi Hull of u ilur o ust t*r <hc prnpu»t d c »p m dig i x pt* ,:tb>,» io'othe South Seas. Lusus Naturer.—Tl»rr Hi. li. <”oui|»i !®r>ny«—'Til ho it. di pesited in •!»«■ Almeom a t all, a Ideh w .< loald d • < tins City dm.11:: flu la.t week, having a double head, joined togdh er at th neck. i> had two moot s, two sets of eyes, three ears ; no other pm t was doable— each bead was of the ordinary size 1 lie mou nter did not live after n> birth Interesting work nu l.ouisiiina.— Uarbe Marines, a Peer ol Ida- ,wed known in this (oilin'ry as Charge d’ Attune* from l.ou is loth 1'• ? t Old Couliiieii h! nugreMs, ami as the Pieu potenicuv ol thefnM ( uu«ul tor ilia king, with Mali's I. v ngstnn and Monroe, tin nea'y by which L *ni»ia a was ceded t*j ili*• I lined Staten, ha- pist ptlbhtflH'd, *.iyt> the .New York American, in p.nis,;t w-i.rU upon tlu histo niy of Louisiana, nod ol flic c» n \ at ol teal ( nio | nv to the United Slat, s ol Ann s a a. pieced,M h\ ! n discourse upon the < ot> tituiiou and (Juvcic nient ol the 1 iailed Slater Gn at frc. at Sarannab.—The (Jeoi* giaii id Ttie-day last, • oiitai account ol an exb n-ivi! and di-ti ns nip , dlngnttion in S ivantiah, by which it i s,;;J ard> of for ty bmi w i re consume i, and u uch distress pr 'dured. r'rnm Pr.mcrartf.—Bv ;m iirrivi! ;it Ka-tpoii, Mii'ip*. »ft f«»tiiiui inn I»*m» li I <d ih* destrili • t ill of 111 ill city t'\ l*i i *, in ill-* lii I •»* i pari «il I • eeniber Thu ennfl.i f*;it• *»n n « *J f-n* tin • i* iliiv >, mu I tin- territory »•» ' *e s art nftlpce in-1 'a a • ItT m ruii/s. i e lire is said to h»i\« oriuiiiated inn hir; * a mivIiomm*. w ii*re ? mi- pei.sons were enga: ed at niglil mi 1 lei'iip iij r in I mp lo-.s is esliuuu* ! n /*' hu • tired l/ion&ftn I fimnr's s! Ijihcruhtif.,'—\\ lo ini that St<* j »!i< n (» i j» i«*. •* ij n ivi- \ ♦•-let d»\f (.uni nuhly I to.e Inin 1 ed r injs of - * I * I buihlin^ i nh«*r, l-o fie! for til*; iiii uf the poor. \V** iiit io'ortn- <1 il*it, that dome up* 111• l*i"s uf the tli-Tilmlinu • -mi ini' '*•'», u' tli a lit* i i a lit, winch 11. lle< f a up ni i lieiii t li-- . si imii1, ih I not iviii' I<it / olleelioip. b\j hi tn» ;e purchased too bun- I • Ired and lliirtt eor-ls ol pin** woo l, u.•«>it t'p’ii .*'vn resp oisihility. T-i* re is n >w. l.oue\t*r. reason tu believe that ihe roll- i - a ill he liberal. Prlimh ('nmnlimcnt.— i It*1 t.-nidon Morning M* i dd of D-eemb* I . * * '* r .i lii!j; 111• • rea-oiis a signed h\ l(. i »r tin in v a'ion of in i key, and «in*cubito! : up n die i <• -»:!*, solar it is known, r ganlin_* d a de feat of N ichoias, not e*<«ie!#d lo II.mi edit I. j led to the downfall of Napoleon, s.o " f*• o < ?l-»W Willi d brand his uienuu , with otd xj iv j fro.ii oil1! end uf Knrope to the otin I n !’’r j Horyrn.! a of General Jacfatpi wi id b * < /1 trim ” Hr fitter of Debates.— Me 's. (..lies; and Seaton have advertised the 3d v *1 ol Kn it j Legist** "i |M»at»*s as published The impor tance of thi* work, says the Alexaudi ia tin/* tt<*. need lint be dwelt on, and the iatt that an! ^ its patrnnug* should be increased, it tiei-t tie discontinued, should ensure its favoiahi » *p lion. New NoreL — .Mr. ITmt^vlicso works on the U Pkteni rmiutry have acquired lliueli ; popularity, i-. about to publish a new novel, enti tied the Mloufuucc Valley. Something New.—prapara lions a»e mak ng relntise to the I* h«k:\ Hal!, to , take place at the Park Tar tire in .\a;v Yoik on the lilt March It is now determined t.* • o ‘till furtherpind intioduce matfl**, m • i .vers of pleasure will have an opportunity a witnes sing and taking purl in tin* gai i * ol a mm* qieratle. The novelty of the plan will, no tlotihi, «lravv a crowd of fashionable peiitum el’s to t his new mid lendid scene. Cunscqu nee of Balls.—A correspon dent ofilie Little Kalis People’s Friend nays iliM thir y couple attended a ball in the town of Mniiiiuiin, llcikimer conn v, on the first ol January, ib-d, and of (his number 10 were married we bin the year—each ol the ten gcnllc in ell having been united to the ladies they sever ally gallanted on the occasion. FloridaThe J.ui'islatiirtj of this territory at it - last $••*•<<> *. pass* I an act in corporating a IViritorui! Batik with a capital of §500,000- *atlnh *«H** the seat ol (L-veni uieui, contains a popul itio.i *»: 1-00 inhabi lauts. Parricide.—Oil tlm l'.Mli ult. at New Orleans, Ml.-:. ]•' 1 • < * 1, willow ol Or Firm I, was | .niirili'ri'it Itv sun in law l.uuis (Lticrrity liv stabbing lift intberlarli in tin* yard l li olil lari, .llnios! i.i-Iuiii!V1 i \|Ole I. l'lle inunMer I o(j yc.,rs of af,-• "■ seemed .mill committed toja * Cu v.—*Il < staled, ttiul one 01* elm drivers o ihe M til Singe between New Y«rk find P«u lade I pitta, its the snow stum of f riday ia»t, in Ins gn at an* ety to get on with the Mail, was Irnxcn to death on his hni Bunker-Hill Monument.—Ii is said that the Bunker-Hill Monument will he the highest of toe kind in til** world, and toils b1* h*w tiie KgypttMti Pyramids. Let it be called i k- New Lugiand Pyramid. Its height is to he J JO feet, weighing nearly 7tHM) tons ol gianite* It will cost y u),Oi»0 to build it up ('anada.—Tim New York Albion of Saturday say*, it i- m vain any longer to deny Unit n spit it oltt ea-oit mid incipient rcvolti lion is actually abroad in tin? Canadas ib ci ntricbcmcoUvcc.— A young yt?n deinau has laugh? schools lor three winters past, .n different towns in Rhode-1 stand, with out compeiisalinti. paving for his board, ami • Men fui otshing books lor the scholars. Ilis name and place of residence arc unknown ; he is called •* Mr. A. Ii. ’ and the *' Master." lie advertises m the iiit'umn, ami nlTera him nelf to a certain town, and directs w here letters "ill reach him lit? has named Bratllebo rough. Vt. at one lime, and Amherst, N. II. at mini her. lie has just offered hit services on i n the ensuing winter, and letters may » si id to New Ipswich, N. II. In one inwt oce w hen he closed his school, lit* left $16 to lure u young lady for u summer school. Aptitulr.—A liill before the Rhode Is land Legislature to present cows i uniting at large on tin* highway, niter some discussion, was on Wednesday last conimilted to Messrs. Bull and St»*t*re. One of oui Providence co leinonraries asks, 14 Who hatter calculated to protect the rights of those whose liberties the hill is calculated to affect than a Hull and a .Shere ? /Congrr iuiwI \urrjutc.—During Mr. .1 rffeikon'* admiui-tiatioii, syrup was provided in the Capitol 'or the refreshment of the mem. b*’iH of Coii*pess This was furnished and • hal ted Under the le a 1 of *1 itionari/ The Na tional iMe ligem * t l* |Is ii» that a ineinht i, w ho did not like the leverage,jocosely dmi arked, that he stl Mild hr very gl|«l if the olheeis cl the Hun e would pan vide a little whiskey lor those who preferred it, sod charge it to the? account ol fuel. I n:c la / ilu/.'c.—1“ Comrades,” said one of tin* Fnu ll (ieni.iK addressing lui sol diers," the rpiHotinn is, w n<"her Ciem r.d Buna parle shall he elec ed Consul for life or nut () pinions are fiec--perfectlv Lee; b it it may he proper to Hvqunint you, th it the fn it man who s against the perpetual < 'uiisuNSip, shrill lit slid at the head of the tegum nt Vive la Lib er te M> The l.erHiral I'ctiiceil.— In the Ten.i ry of Chiridu a law hits lie* n leceilf ly eiMc'i I' spevtiug inarritigc, which con tains the (dinning section: " That if any person sluill inairy within the l.n itual degrt ts, he shall t»t* •mbjcclto a fine of mctliuu ant! «l«»I l;u -. o e half (o the inf'oi mer. the other half lo } Mje‘i'.'r ilorv ; and the -aid m u i iage hall In? lauUUlli'S .'ri set a nd- by any com! of compe tent ji.ri-iivtioi) ill UfU I'en dory, and the court I may ieipi -to the p irti s to f»i\t1 huutl anil tVCU | iity f|... 1 thi’y Wlit MOI, i i Idl'jre, cohabit with ! eacli ofn r and commit them, lit ensfl of non ! oemplni i v Piovided, I tint nothing herein .con .mu ti slihll he construed lo render ilb/nti j mate tile issue ol the marriage thus annuli d --- I t* J^li- l SAIih.—Ill pursuance »t a deed ol I tr >t, execu ed to the suh&ciiber bv A h.-sandei IIIidgltiud, bearing dale on the |4Mh • lay o! June, I h, ami is ol record in the llutj 'oings Court of Lynchburg—will be exposed to j sale, l*> way ol public an lion, upon the pic i ntisrs, on Saturday the !21st day of March < next, a I louse and Lot, in the corporation ol l.\ in hoi ", Iyiug beyond t V* • grave \ artl, near i he a mad, and at pi "lit in fin. oi ropHii • v ol ( has. Mill. The lo* contains thicc tcisoi an a« i« , mole or h sk>, upon which is ii - •mil..i i.'bh dwt J111»!r IltMi.ic, and some othei huiblin; I he terms will be made known on Hit-il.u of sab , and the subscriber will only convey • in ii ii le to the purchaser as U v*» ted in him by mid trust deed which i*. Iiowev • belt * i d ; ■ he £*»OfJ. IVWTDIt. KiM.KY, in. «e. \ Im., .it til'- Mime lime Hint place Ol die 'I(>i»vi |bc limit i eigned Hosiers, w ill Kell, by trlurol a trust deed, li fenliter beds, herittrads a- d lurniiurc 1 *■< I iiiah'-enny dining table*, I main) .u side boatd, ;a»»nu wiinisoi clmirs, an i .iii'mv oilier articles ol household and lutilr n loiiur*1—tlit* properly of said Hndf K«ini. ,m! coiiv.'ird in trust for certain puipo »t ^ in M i dee .s expressed, which m e also of i h in d in . lie II* dings oflit r of f,\ n Mm g c* M. H. dAliLA.M), Trustees to one ill ed Mari :i 9 id 5P >M 4III r i — Will be odd oil M|oid.*y ,t » »1>I day ol the present mini'll, bv x\ ;.v ot public auction, on Hie piemisev a « la, ! hoijsv anil lot, on Meet'of bouse Hl'uicli, in toe corporation of Lvi ohbuig, nt piesent occupied by Alexander Brid.lanl; also w,e innhogaov Mile bonul. nod hnlt • di y.en • n;rs I lie above sale wi'I In* made in pm naner of a deed of trusM executed lit me by lb® said Hi nig land, and ftdmitted td'recor«l in fbe Hustings fowl of l.viicliburg, on the lfilli day of Nov. ISJb I will • tuivey sucb title only ns is Vested in me b\ fatd deed of t»" i (iKO. liDYlT., Trustee. .March 9 IdnflU ][r r. fiul'i! Sah of Turn Trupu'ty mu! L R N B. T in .1 decree ol I he* Superior 0 Court of Chancel r, (or Hie Lvncbbtirp ili'li icl, leiidered on the 18th day ol October, l.S’JH, n .1 cause belwi. u William ( lark, PlaintitV against Henry Cl.uU, adhiiuistr .»»> r uf Mie.ipili (-lark, deceased, and others deleft d iulf. 1 lie undesigned Marshal ol the said conir will sell on (hr premise* lor rush in the town of I vnchburg, 8- I 2 feet ol ground with a commodious dwelling house and other im provements on i uesday the KMh day of March. 1829, on the premises 4<> Acres ol Land K iic; on the waters of Flat (deck, adjoining the Iniid* ol K'lwliirr Ward and others, 43 acres iidioiiiiug iIn* above tract ol Howling Ward mill others, mi Thursday the 12 b day of March F and on the premises in the county ol t implied!, 1ST acres lying on Mollpy’s f reek jtiljnmug the lauds ol iiichaid Cnliahaut, James Sharer, mid others, and fid acres in naid county on the N nlh fork ol Seneca, adjoining tin* land of William Car on and other*, on h inlay, the 13th day «•» March 182P. The above sale* will take place on the day# above named il th v.c.ithci lie lair, n not the next fair day there alter. Sundays except d. H The above property is t he property of the estate ol Micajnh Clark dec d. THUS. A HOLCOMB K, Mar. Fk l». p. ifids»I ATOllCF.-By vi» tin* of a deed of trust, ex x A ecuted to tiic subscriber by Alexander Biidgeland on the 10th day of August, 1819, and duly recorded in the Clerk’s office ol lh€ Hustings Court of I ynchbuig, I will sell, by way ol public auction, at the dwelling house o said Bridgeland, on Saturday the 21-4 day of tie-* ptrsent iiionih (March) one horse, -our cart and harness, one middle mid bridle, one set ta ble spoons and sundry other household and named in the said deed of trust, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the purposes ot the said trust and ex penses of the sale. FLKASANT 1*.\KIIN. March 9. ti\$ 111 AN K tor hire two women. a small girl, and sev rn! beys* • F! Klf’lIKll .lau 19. *3 THE I.SAUUURAL SPKECH W> Itiy liel'nte nnr rciilrn thr Iiian ;iii nt Ait dli'tsol '•*‘n Jnchton. Mr li»y» nrilhcr linir nor room for eotninrnt tins morning. IVi will Imrrly irnmi k tlmt it ia Jesuititally " juth cioui" n* hi* rrl*brmeil I arill' Irltrr—inniniut uni/ thing nr nothing. \V« tlrfy nny mini, after prrtmng it, <» ary whrinei hr t* fur or HgninM tlir I'nrilV of IH08—of whrthrr hr i> n Imntnli mu inn ur * liniillirrnn in tlir rmutruiiion ol thr constitution. In short, ha ia all tilings unto all nl' ft M r sli.itl uilvrrt In flic Spercli more par culurly in nor nrst : t'nileil siiiies Telegraph—Extra, I M **hington, Maich 4, iHiit* $ iMK.ntAL \i»mti;ss III. 1.1% I HI l» HY GK: AMIICKW IA1 ‘KMON, On Hein* sworn into Ojj'wc as President of' the U. States, on the 4th of March I821F Fvllow-Cilixeus v—About to tinilei take the ardunu# dtlfit* that I have hunt appointed lo perform, l»y the choice of a free people, I avail myself of tins customary ami so lent it occasi on, lo expres* the gratitude winch their con ft 1 dunce iti-pue . end to a* knowledge tile hi • | countability whi' U my situation enjoin#. I While the magnitude of their interests cmiviii 1 cttfTtc that no thanks cmii be adequate to the | honor they bu'e confutied, it a Jnioiii«he* me Foul thu bust rut itu I run make, is thu zeal mu dedication ol my humble abilities to their service and their good. Ah the insl ru men t ol thu Federal t'niiititu. lion, it will devolve on me, for n slated period, . to exn tit 4* the laws of the I St ulus ; lo super intend tlirir loieigu mid their conft’Uct ulu tc Iitlions. , f:» luhriitgu their u,mnii* , lo coin* m.uid tl e» forces ; :.nd, hy eoiiiinmuraf ton-. to tlm, to watch o\cr ftticl lo pr • mote their iuteruHi g«Mterull> And the prnr i iple» nl ai liui. It, w lil» Ii I shall endcavnt to accomplish fIm** i le ol duties, it ia now Inn | Iv for nt»■ to e> b in In it d lit I ii i t • link' llo I VH r.f 4'ongtr *, 1 liuliki.'p bs.'ly hi view tin- I i in it ii 111» it •> a ' well a-* thu e sir ii I «d the executive pow er, Ii us } ting tin ruby b. di ultnrg** the luuetioir of my inline, without Hun rending m« niitlii.rdv With fur* igii iiidt'Hii it will i>c my study to preserve peace, and to < 'titivate ho itd*hip on tuir and honorable (min . and in thu, udjod iili lit ol nny dd.' i re lice# ilia', nitty exist or a 11 •*, to exhibit tin* (nihear.iitce b» • niniiif; u powerful nation, i fit lit • than the ^uii ihitiiy hr lungin;; to a gallant people. io no It me.iHti pa I may he called uri lo pursue in n«;a:d to the lights ol llie separate Stales, I hope to be animated by a proper re spect lor tim .e Mover* ign members of our bi llion ; i.ihi'ig car** not to confound the pow ers lh»*y have i ■■•■lied lo them odve.s, with rho r i iev have granted Mi the eonlcdeniry. Tk# ht.’tndU^Ul'. bl of * he public revenue- ihiit , si archill-; np< rati.oi lh fill government*— is « I in Alt*; the no vt del cute and important tniMl til join*', it v. !l, of < Oiirar, demand no mem | siderabk* - i • < my o(field! IdlU'IUllI*1. *' Oder * eveiy rtfjie< 1 Ii It Cllll 1*4* COtlsUlcrCll, it * would appeal that adv mta e nuts! result limit j the oh ivnttre ol a *fin:l and tailliful economy. l h*s I shall aim nt lit** more anxiously, both be. , cause it wall I initiate flu* cxtiitguifdiijn*ut of the I nation'.I del * the uimecmb.n j duration ol [which i incompatible w ilh real iiutaprmlcnee j —and bee an * 'I will roimteniet that tended* y tin | ubli and pi .ate prill r,*« v. which a pro ! |.i e expend title ol money by the Government, Jr. but loo dpt to **il**endur. Fowurful auxilia [ nt. In tile attainin' nl ol llii definable end, in*? to be: fotiud ill the i« tfulniio»H provided by the vvitaluin of Congie », lot the speeifir nppiopiia lion id public money and the prompt locaumta ^ biliiy ol public ntlo or s Willi iej;m<i lo ii pioper i !#• < fioti f thevub IjectM ot impost with a ■' ov to leveuue, it would sCPin to me tliat llie spirit o! equity, caution and compromise, in which the ( 'institution was formed. I equir’»•* t led the *;i rat interests oI iig> i i ci 111 ii i» , com iim ice and ma mil act lire - Imuld he equally favored ; uud that, perhitp-, the on |y exception to liiiM rule, should coitvol in the I ecu', ii em oiii .q;entcnl "■ any piodm Is of * i (..el o* thrill, dial oi.iy !>'* f Ullid fsbcutuil to our | nati'Miel imlrpendem Intel mil iin|»i ov i mciil, and the difTu#iu(i of r knowledge, so lai as they ran h promoted hy j the * ’oHs iio tonal acts of llie Federal (iovimii rncnt, me ol high nnpoi tmtcc. ('oit-iiieiiug standing armies as dangerous to tree governineii!• in time id pence, i shall not seek to enlai|. e our piescnt e tablM-iiment, not* dim egat d that stilntii'v hi*»on nI puli'n.d ox per'letter which l-aclns that the titiiduiy should he hidd Mthmdio »te to the i imI puwi llu gradual nicrenvcof our iih\ v, wlios1* llui; has displayed, in dec ml • lime*, out skill III uav i**aluo , and oui hum* in atmn : tin: pit servafion • •I out torts. aiM'ii.t s, and dock yauls , arid the iniiodm now of progressive impioveinentM in the discipline mid-t n in e ol both branches nf our militniy set vice, are so plainly prettci died by prudence, that 1 should hei xi wed lor omit ling tlicit mention, sooner than lor mint go g on llteir impotla* e« flui the bulvvaik ol our defence is the liatiooal imbue, which, in the p»«. Kent state nf tun iii'i Uieriue aud population, must i ruder iu iuvin ilde. A* long ak oui ;p»\nuoieol administered l-.r llle good ol the people, and is icguld'cd by tlo ir will ; as long as it s* «tires to us the i ights nf pei son and of pi opei f y. I die* ly of conscience, ami <*I tin? pre**, it will he worth defending; and so long asiti* worth di lending, a patri otic militia will cover if with an impenetrable iL'/js. Partial mjm ies «nd occasional mortifi cations we may be »uhj-fed to, hill a million of armed f'i>*em*n, pn-Res-td of the iih iiim of war, can never he < ofiquereil by n foreign foe. I o anv jut -vsteiii, Ifieiw/oie, calculated to | Strengthen th.» n-Utiial safe -goaid of the cunu try, I shall cncei fully lend all tl»e aid in my power. It will he my sincere and constant desire, to observe towards ihe Indian tribes within out limits, a just and liberal policy : aud to give that humane and considerate attention to their rights aud then wniiH, which hie consistent wi h the habit* of out government, and the fee ling-* of our people. The recent demonstration t,f public senti ment inscribe*, mi tile fist of cftci. u! I VC duties, , i . characteis loo legible fo be ovei|ook*d. the task of it fur in : winch will require, i-ai icu* laily the cm r« ctiou of those abuses that have brought the patronage ol the Federal tjoverti meat into conflict with the lu,i,d*ui ol elec tions, and me counteract ion of those causes which have disturbed the iightful com** of ap pointment, and lur. »• placed, 01 continued pow er in niifaithlul 01 iu« omjteltni hands. In tile peiloimmuo of a task thus generally delineated, I shall endeavor to select iucii whose diligence and talents will ensure, m their respective stations, able and fni'ltiul co operation — depending, lor the advancement of the public *«*i v ice. inoie on •be integrity and zeal ot me public officers, than on their milli bars. A diffidence, perhaps loo just, iu my own qualifications, will teach ine to look with rev erence to the esimiple* of public virtue leii by my illtM rmus piedecCMors, and with venera tion to the lights, ihat flow from the mind that ; to ttided, and th** mind that reformed, our sys tem. 1 he same diffidence induces me to hope , for instruction and aid hum the co-ordinn'e j branches of the government, and for the in j diligence and stipp i t of my fellow ritirens ge nernlU AnJ n oral rthanca on Ih ' guodn it o( thatTnwor, «ho«e prnvnlenra mercifully protected nltr national infancy, and baa tinea upheld our lihertiei in vnrlout vici-t tudei, rn cnuragca me In offer up my ardent lupplira limn that hr will combine to make our In toy. e«t countiy the ohjei t of hi* divina care and gr acinut hanedietton. -1 . 1 - ■‘fTB! - I'HICKS ilSilUNT. Corrected tree/ ft/ for the rirxtniun. > IMtOUUCK. Tobacco, 100 4 OO 12 Corn, bbl. ii 80 2 7ft Hour, fl 00 0 2ft Meal. huth fttl 00 Wheat, I 1 00 nO Hemp, lb. 8 II Keulliery, lb. 28 SO Ion Cloth, Hi IH Oatt. huth 23 20 UKOCKHIKM Sugar, In own, 1(1 J(| -‘Iniif, |b., 18 22 Coflea, Ifl IH Snarl, |,bl. 7 80 txi Herring! 4 &o 00 | —(Hoe) nniie, •Won, lb. ft 80 7 00 1 Hum. (W. India,) gall. I 2ft -(IN. Knglnnd,) -IS Mubittrt, do Id Brandt, (Apple,) ;i2 Sft -(reach, 7ft I HI1 iv Itiakey. nfl HO ; Ibitter, vl' irkiii,) lb |l II lieetwat, 20 | ion. HO 00 VO t 0 ; I Salt, (blown,) Kucfc ;t fto d 00 I Sieel, (bbairred,) II, H 10 1 ■ -—(Ue 1 man.) IH 20 Cut Nailt, n* jl j Tea, (Young llyaun,) 76 -(Impel ml, ) 2ft 1 60 ——(tiimpowder.J I 1 2ft 1 30 Cm iuii, | y Iji PHK KSOK STOCKS. U S. Bank, 120 Bank of Va. PC Karmert’ Hank VO Norih Carolina Bank nolei, 10 per cent ilit rottni MAItltlACtK. !M \ltlUl IV at ( U>vi i Uritrn, Campbell cotih ty, oil Wcdne-dav the dill inti tiy the lluv. Me. * «>» tiiuu, Mr MO CS SH I l. of iVnine »•«**. I" Mi-i CUIUKtNC I.. HI NTEH. ouc.hU.iT Hieil, in (lie nty ol* !S*it* Orleaui, on Sunday i In* '2?. *tli l.iuuaiv, I Slip. Mi. PA Kll AM SAIJN* Dl ltSu! f.yneliboig, Va. aged 34 yearn, abet ini illnetft ol |,s it iy*b, whirli he endured with mildly tnrlilude. Mr. bounder* had left Iim iim ; live Mum anil entered oil h speculative exi union | in llie Smith, with the liiigblest proftpccta of micce** HoucaI. mdustrimi* and prencvet mg, lie had sftottg hn»iii iioccs ol (he ucrninplidi ud-nl nl l«•<» mutt Kinignine autu ipnliout. lint ! alas ! hit robust con-tii"liiMi and manly lunn. shielded Inin not from tin* malignancy of db ease ; and he has fallen a victim (o (lie ermd uidOHler, ulio«e imafiatii appetite know* u ImhiiiiIm. lie hat left a ditcnmnlate and depi ti ll it iiMither to bemoan In- untimely de «(It. Mrs. (’itr^iir* Benefit. THEAIIIE. *»••(!# **• MRS. CAStGILL IftlismTI IT I.Y in fin in* (he eitnr.ena ol III Lynchburg, tliai the a ill take a benefit no On Moinlny Evf’iiunr, Mnr< h <>ili, When will !>«» presented, for their appioliation and patronage, the yi ry inleretting and inncli admired Melolbama, (rant'afed from (lie french by .1 'll favn«’, author of f Ian, ivc. THE It BE, l be V'iv\i\mn nf timvtt. C> 0 A ^ ^ 9 0 To conclude With (lie 'avoiite f.<ice of the WEATHERCOCK. OR \invr, \mvi *,vm\ VY\^hYc;. W usliin^tun f !nii*olidutcd, NUMBER 14 1 (i he liras*■ > oil SHlurdny tin Ini ihiy ol April. so,000 noil, sits Ih.imn DOLLARS h.ono DOLLARS MHO DDI.I,Alt i 10 of l.oon DOLLARS 10 900 DOLLS IIS in WKi DOLLAR* in loo DULL Sits 10 .son D(.)|, LAOS 29 2*0 DOLLA US hi 190 DOLLARS r,i no dollar* r.| SO DOLLARS h| 70 DOLLAR* I no 00 DOLLAR* 192 hO DOLLAR* |02 AO DOLLARS 201 :m DOLLARS 1122 20 DOLLAR* 11175 in DOLLARS ClmiM c* $ I". 11 a I v •• a, Oii'iler. $2 60 The ifmwhig i«f IlM1 above will Ilf rn^uhiiiy rfl ri'ivi il Hi Ihr L'iO"iy Hlld l,*rhiin|.e Oilier of li SV 11K tVSON Miirrli 9. New York C'oiiwilidnted, No. 2, for I *20 Jo hr it' own llir lliiii ihiy of March. 1, !<•<> 5 of aw :w io 72 IS 3780 r* 2 of 1,0"0 III ISO 011 30 :hw 10 ( fmnri’K s.>, Ifalvp* - r»n, </imrtp»s I 2;». 1 Tl»p dritwnif' nl'the «I»ovp will In* rc^dlnrljr rr ceivpd hi thr Lottery Hud Kx< liangc Office of B. VV HRWSON. NKW SI*RING GOODS. 1 /v UK now receiving, al their ntw splnuHtl establishment, a |*ai I of their Spring sup ply—Consisting in pint of New slyle spring Calicoes, a gteai variety of patterns Splendid fi ured book and Swiss Muslins Plain India, book and mull du very cheap tM Cambric*. m low prices Mine, black and jet black tiro de Naples Blue, black and jet blai k Italian Lustring*, rich gloss I ull assortment plain, watered, figd. and point ed belt liibband* A beautiful style ol litughams 1 case Irish Linens, best grass bleach and fab ' rio It rases most fashionable fur liatscoinprising an assort menl of the finest qualities. With numerous other articles, which will he offered at the lowest prices. N. B. We will receive further snj plies week 'y March ° -Jtif PUBLIC NOTICE, I,ynt.kburf Ytii'n/r J.adUi* Srminarj/. , f.HE I'Olkt ir of t|». ‘’CliOfil will COfT JL turner fh 1 morning. the ‘2.! day of Morel* PU F.n I! I.EVBA Feb 2 iftt Fcmalu Education. r HK Spring «no Summer rr»»io»4 of my JL School will romul*iic*» mi the ltvii ot ii»■ M moitllt. My un'ir*r ot innlruotimt wilt i«n»|'ftt* the following hmiiclifi* : Oitluigrn phy, flrnding, Wi, P.oglhli Grnnirti«rf Hlirtoric. Login, 0*<<,rnp!i), ihe «•*<» ot M*»pr nml ot tfo* (llwb« 1, Hulory, NM'jml jth> lo*ophy, <*hr*M«iry, Arithmfdc, Honk Keep ing, Alirb'a, Uioinntry, Uv. I fclmllbo ««•»« tad by nu il.tgr U«*b«*rci». Ail with in romti r mv prr • rtt nrinn^r* incut ponminniil, I ilmll Inhor in promotr (Im« iiiirnnl ot tnv pti'ro? ■. I ». t o mb nd-d, fur M'Vcrnt inert* In cltninpi d 0 •,*',V lithium! i»4 1. irnuln m:IhiuI| aihI IiIhi-, tl»r 1*' ■, pitHi v**ry purtir" Or Httoim •" 1 t ftudiet It Inch I «On*uirtl ill'll lllltl .1 to «>(il. Terms for .lie si y,:on ot five months Fur l>r ,'iiui*rtt *12 1 2 Par tli .M* timio ml vm/ccil, £15 Ml No pupil will liu N'Oi ived tor Irt» titou dim fllllll l||tf liny «<t on 11 y In the * lid A tl -i im.iim. K ll IOWM KV. 2d no 1.6th, ltd «N>.W AvnvuU I l’ST ivceited ii Inrg/ niortment ol Ink •* Powders, and Kirpiiyl Ink in Bolllrt, kid der’i Indulihiv Ink A npp ly i,11he calf'll Hte»l Pepper 5nnc« \ supply of Moors'a Ktten,.. of Life Ail additional supplynl l)i .1. Thompson's ctl«. hrnied eye wnier A large ngiply ol Liquid ftponge Blackinr t, < ntk* mu, in iMilllea, And iilao i.iipml Bliicking, Kng i vh Oil Spruce. Kng/iiA Kui ocs otSprace, Wheaton * celrhrnicd Itch Ointinen'. Wlientun's <ln. Billet s. Spice Hitters A lurin aivorlinenl ni lhsnnonirlars, oiid Hi dromelera, for prliving Spirit! end Acid* ' A largo supply of PyrollgluiiuN A, id, for mirliif meat A large supply of ground Ginger, ground AC apice and ground Murk Pepper,mid nil's mini Prppor A large supply of enmuton soil rofuied Boras A good supply u| I’m Is white and French arm lor window Idiud \ VI ,y evil naive aaniM of VaroIslu** A nil c '' auppl v III |,|. I I IHIII,d Stiuell A supply '-I Inipilil Pllcli In, iioiei vessel, Ann), nl ~up,.| t iirh Snilii nml 1 nrtiiiir Ac’ Aim, of 'nil S,itin And n supply uf Sumac lj Arrow Knot—all kiniti I) I'ow lie red Kim Ilmk i n I 'mini e and Itottru Slone Ol U iifers—ntturled I'ul.n, mul ..i*,,* Aim. Ill Sen ling *,n nod leed IVm ill --ail kirn!* A" *"*■" ... "I Bionxe, vi'. Hold Silver nod lllii'.# A large npp y ,,f ground and pmvdeied Orange I'i , I a d Oniliiiu, nl Snip, line, Mm inlii' mid A il i a’ A, lilt, anil uf Aip .1 Port,. A lame supply .it Carolina I'ioIi limit Ol (l|l a* d I'.Bsence of I' enne, Sard, ,v, I,,Cl the, with a gnat variety ol 1,liter ml,, r. at iioiitnnllv /ou'nnea.. ll' 1 > \V'11 . Mnrcli 6. I* VMIHHICf. /, jlHK siileie.rili'M lutviig pnr, limed the en ii lire stuck ol Win. II liiililnid, Into p,m ion n, Henry t ailttui mid Co. iufnrma the oilmens ol Lvoehhorg and the adjacent country, that lie hat icliirnrd to tho old t,and, wlmie will he kept 1,11 timid, a general iliim tinent n • *,io,|| 10 In, hue. hie (hauls will l.e received Iioiii llio •mtie ... thm H. Carlton’* were, of tho III ml lathi,itiahle ntyle and iiiiirnnteil icurk mmii/np—And feeting well ittioieil llint his pit* *'es •*•(( he iiimle 10 dll 11 pond wuh the tiiiiea, h« now koIicii* the forme, cnttuuier «,l this o«tn Irlialmir-1,1, n, cull, examine, mid supply them selves with Boot a, Slim*, l.enthsr, Trunk*, kn;. K !•'. UAItlKNllH ’ March 2. Suit Uowaon’a Office, f,ync|iburg. The following numlier* were drawn t„ drlrr mine the prims in the Hock Kotin v Clay# No. I. J2 ‘id 13 II Id ak. It. new your small pn/,(i» m Hi wsOo t rw,t,,-. nate OlFira. Mm, Ii l>. Marshal s sa la ol fin.' Dati river LAND. rl'HHIMNi u> n decn-o of iIn- Si>| istior I om I nl Ctmncciy, f,,r the l.vm hluirir Dislim, i null ,n| on the i!Uih thiy nl (It toiler ImJH, in ,1 ran to I mineto Smut Dabney, gnai. • lino ni Win. H , .Inhn I. . mnl Mililn d ||. |j,b. ii»v, I’ll. Hgniimt Smnl. It. Ualmey and otli«t«; ■Irllg. llm nmlcreignml Miir.lml of llm imd mini, will aell, nn ihe premiaea, mm Milieu, in (lie tn,inly nl I’tll.ylvaiiia, oil Wednesday llmllil, liny nl Mm ill, 1829, if fmr, ifnol, llm nril fufr ■Illy llu ii'.iflei. nn H r rmlii nl one mnl two yeaia, n valuable linn in l.mnl, lying nn Dun lliver, containing Imiwten 7 mnl flfW acre.. Bond with •otnrily will lm ii-ipiiii il of ihe pinrbaser, ami •In' ''‘I" lelnineil mi'll llm |ay muni nf thn por i hn i' money is made. Tlm.ibnve tnnt of land is worthy the nllnniinii of (:a|>ilalr*ts, iu the Dan llivnr i. now navigable In llm bnnl. I A HOLCOMBK, M. _ 2._ 1,1, EXCHANGE. ItllAI IS—on New Vink, rhilailflpbia, Hnl innnrn, Wasliinul'ii City. ftichmuml and l’i'tifi«lnir|{, for .ala at a am,ill premium, mnl in anin. in «nit pui tinners, hi |hi lottery mnl exchange nHIti* nl K. W. HKWSOM. so, iTseor In S, ft M, Allan At Co. Iv nebbing. f>ii. 2 “ uus u uxuaiitik I. ha vi 'it rivet I a full supply of hI! kind*! Tv o( Groc«*i *«;*•, * hich wh will «•II m tin* lowThi price*, wliulrun'i; or rrlnil*—u>n-i,iiof of I-OHI Hill 1 hl'OWtl Sij|fn| Gietn and Java Coffee Hall, |ion and Sterl U lues, Cognac Brandy Ja and Xnrigua Hum iVpper, Spire ami Ginger Ira, Indigo, ( oppeian, M.iddi-r XVindow Glass, ice. McKFJ: ff mfkm March 2. dnf rS'H*' Arab*,-, wi stand the m;s - •«« >•«•**' > at my pi'W' it ir.iiieti, . »t« !• . die will known i ■ .e»u f deed, in Brdfoid niy * _l>__ _ '-iwf. j U U A H T li O T T s T7rt 7 I^UR Ml«, Iru Cnu.-f (i n n bl-. . at reduced prices. fj |)AVi -v« * Match!*