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THE [LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN. mg IIY FLET^HKH & TOEKH. EYNCHBITHG, V*. TIIHKND W. MARCH 12. I82»« VOL. VII.—NO. flO. TERMS. y' For e1,1 or eimum. payable in *ivpnr».-No *uh w'll be received for *'«** >"«<' lb™ »■* montu. *^0 paper will be di-ontmued 'but it the dirtlttioo ! the I dilofi)until <11 arrearaf-e. ire paid. tT t |v»rt..e,nf..t« will be >»«',£«»' » «”’*•.P« . „rr .or I. . tbr iir.t nine, and 37 1-8 «>•“{<»} •oaUBuunee. Tbuv from a di.tancL niu.t be frail fur nrpviouv to their invertioB, or the peyinem a.jpined Iry Tuihr rospon-iWi pernboln t.yuvhburp. XT Chnneery Urder* nolMceedmp tworquaie.are in terled for *u dollar* XT All letter* eddr««-ed to the Editor* tuuit bo port ( ltd. or Kiev will not be attended lo. .W\\ ,\vv\\vv\s 11‘ST received * large assortment of Ink Powders, and Liquid Ink in Buttles Kid der’s Indelible Ink A supply of the cell’ll. atedPeppor Sauce \ supply ol Mom e’s Essence of Lit* An additional snpplyof Dr .1. Thompson's cel" (■rated eve water A latg" supply of Liquid Sponge Blinking, in casks and in buttles. And also Liqui I Blackin'. I'Mg'hlt Oh .-'pruce. English Essi nee olSprucc, Win nnni sceteliraled Itch Ointment 'Vheat in’s do. Bi ters. Spice Bitters \ lai "e as ortment of Thermometers, and Hy de.meter*,, fur proving Spiiits and Acids » large supply of Py i Ai id, (nr curing meat A large supply of ground Ginger, ground All spice anil ground black Pepper.nml of ('ay cone Pepper \ large supply of common and refill'd Borax A good supply nf Paris while and Irencll green for window blind* \ verv extensive assortment of Vamitlics V large supply of be*t Poland Starch s supply nl Liquid Pitch fur water vessels Also, ol Super Carb Soda mol Tartaiic Arid Also, of Sal Soda Anila upply of Sumac •,)f Arrow Boot—all kinds Of Powdered Klin Bark Of Pumice nod Rotten Scone Of Wafers—assorted cob is and Also of Sealing wax and lead Pencils—all kinds \n aaxoituient of Bronze, via : fiold Si'vei and Brass A large 'iipp'v of cMiutol nod powdered Orange Peel hi d Genii,in, ol Sulphuiic. Mu lalic and Ni'tic Acids, and Ilf Aqua Kurils A large supply ol (larolma Pink Hoot Of Oil ar.d Essence of Kennel Seed, Ate. Together wills a gnat variety ut other articles at nnusimlly luwjnricet. 11 DAVIES. March ft, ~.~F R SALE. /\ V KKV hnnil 'iino little Farm, nron flic ,jftJ^,!itad w »w*r? of Appoinait »x, in Un king hrtin i'll s I; ikI is in 'Id itelgtiliorlitmiJ nt Clo ver II t, lir-r» matknt» y w**lI. produces to. h»rc“tif tin* fifp-t qnnlif)’. him! Iihs upon it u very l.irgp orrhinlof we ll Mdocfcd fruit ; Inp tra»*t contains 310acres—Ppi -ops dhpogDil to liuv, will aptdy to the sobgrritivr or Col. Sutnl. A Palteson, who lives mljn ni"g the premise? sAML P. CHRISTIAN. Vm eh 2. is ’VV#OilCF—By virtue of a deed of trust, v% A J ecuted Come by Alirnlmm mul Jacob Ci ty, Sen. heating dat • the 2t>th day of May, ls2H, and duly recorded in the ( It rk’a ofljee of the coiifitv court ol Piifwlv inin, for purposes therein mentioned, I «4rall,Ott the 12th «1;»v of 'March 1S2R, upon (lie pr -inKes. proceed to sell, at public auction, !<•<« ash, a tn»c*i of laud «*up posed to coot tin one 'Ihnirlr. d acres, '\ hereon flic said A ora ham and Jacob City, Sen. now live, adjoining the lands of Francis Callaway anti others,also the following properly, viz I sorrel mare, one. cow ami yearlin, lt> bead of hogs — household am! kitchen fiirui'tire of every de criptioti and plantation «*. • u«iU of every de scription. Acting as trustee l Dial I convey such title only as is vested in me as such. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, Trustee. March 2. t«v57 To Mrs. Margaret M<-Kt»hJ, admt. >f If cun/ Me Keith), dec. AS you id" uot an inhabitant of this Com mon we a l/li, wo take tins method of no* fbyifig you, that w e shall, on .Vtomlay 16th day of M »rch nest, proceed, at be house ol Capt. John Lynch, in the county of Madison, and Stab* of Tennessee, to take e deposition of the said John Lynch, to he read as evi denne in a «uit now depending nod u ulrtei mined in th. Superior Court of Law, for t lit county of Campbell, u herein vm are pltf. i n the President, Directors and Company the Lynchburg and Salem Tuntpika Coin nany, are defendants. WILLI AM RADFORD, President nftlie Lynchburg & Salem Turn pike Company Feb. 12 4vv52 Commission Husiness. TMF. sti scriher bavin /, entered into the Commission business, offers his servi ces to the merchants and planters trading to thin place Tobacco, Flour, and other pro duce, confided to hi* cai o to sell or «hip, will he strictly ntfended to. lie is provided with Storage mi h lire proof bouse on main street, for the reception of Flour, Whiskey and pack ages of Goods. SAML. 11 \N.NAII. Jan . 1. 12in HARE'S Ill'll Chewing l'libacfco, for .ale . by tin' subscriber. HOW EL D AV1ES Spt. Turpentine and Linseed Oil. JUST received a full supply oi Spt. Turpen tine and Linseed Oil. HOWEL DAVIES. March 2. N \ U F F N,~~ 'A! ST received and fur -ale, at i'try rtdaced >!Jpriccr, a very large m«ortinent of Snutrsii i bottles, Canisters, Jars, Bln biers and keggs HOWEL DAVIES. Ei'b. 23 COMMISSION BUSINESS.” TilE subscriber informs liis friends and (he public tbal he conlinues In do business nn Commission, uud promises dial no pains ■hall be spared In give entire satisfaclion to all Flamers and Farmers who may confido to bis management ihe sale of Tobacco. Flour, or other produce.’ His office will bo kept at fiie Store of Messrs. .1. St S. Halsey, nesl door below the Farmer's Hank D. SAUNDERS, jr. Jan. 19. idin IfATUASB MAKING.-The subscriber, at the lower end of main street, in addition loliis Rope and Twine mak »g business; makes and repairs Curl’d Hail dalrassea. Also makes Shuck a heap and comfortable article for summer—and would he thankful for any job in that way. • ••eh shall be done with neatness and despatch md on very reasonable teruies. „ . 4 H. ECHOLS. %Lv (■ ts-59. SUiW&'TAJU. ' ’MMfF. b«*» removed in Bollock'* old «t*nd, I *h. re out emtomeis »,ll find u* di poe ed at herein fore, i« coimnll iheir miiritl m tell /in£ them gn.’d* mi »hr !n»esl cash price*. Mcl^LE. HOBINSON It CO. Jan. ; is'jf® wia®, Yjr receired. a h-w doaen Dr. .1 Thonip <zj noii’e idebt Urd /.'ye I filter. Cor *nle it ,N York |h iee*. HOW l.l, I)\\ ll.S Jan. >2. ' *i3SkaSSitar‘ SB7K nave ihi* d«\ reieno.l n rum «| W T hijlilv finiahod Icegioirmmuch l uvn charged limn any ini|K>r|ed lint leanon. Me K Kfc. KOUINSON tV ( o. Jan, 5. Great Bargains in Cloths f Ml HOSK wlin sc <1 «, wi- j|il fi».I it in their inleresl '» call on I n> . iinn . He lia, ini,lures olive,, claiet, . ijn r .if unit illmg blue and black Cloth*, t;nd 1 |,n ce mi per Krinine bine, and one do. dn. Klee.loral black, which he is determined to m II very cliean. H. ALLISON. Dec. 25. EMPORIUM! \CV#ICIiav«* jnM n-cpivi»il, in Hildifmn to ntn v^/ lart»e slock, >» uumbt-r nl sr nco amld« -i raid** ariicb**, 8t*l«*clfMl from tin* North* m mar Lots of Ihi* Ideal importations, and imid< np in ihf moil iHsliionablt* style, viirh a* Ftock and Ditsi Coals, a splendid van ty of Vests, t*vi*i) shade and desr.ripiion _ot* Pantaloons, 0v»» i Coats. SiirtnnriN Pbnd and ( amidit t I . ihs and ( oats, Ladies’ Cloaks (>ome very a I lar?e lot of /loots. Shoe* and Clue Hat*. unie|i will he sold mi terms which cannot tail toplea*i ! all who may honor us with a calk \\ \lkvj: ^ ( o. Kniporiinn of i*'.u»hions A cheap clothing Stoie. j Main Street, Lynchburg. | Feb 0 jrcnm'm iinrarii. MMkf K have a few handvimie Liverpool l)i j ww niug Setts compli te, w hich we are of ! IcMiifij vers low. VIso, a splendid assortment l ea ( Inna, embracing »■ v» rv qui t and piim We invite the attention ofuur t»i^nds and the public to the above. McKKK, ho BIN ON & Co. Jnn **>* UN0UH11KN r MONEY f OHK No|e* of t n* Banks • ■ a, S.»u h Carolina an 1 V»rtb C,-,,• u,f .*n a* !* mall discount at the Kid hi * *t B. \V H , V • »N. Lynchburg. Where tbe most kind of n n:: ur« * ut * *«. * * v • j purchased. Oet-tfO. Wccklv Supplies of |»e;mtif«i r'ANCY GOODS. Superb Gauze and Melj omeun* - • i «s Do do Arcadian It luf* Btk. andblk. watered Silk* Bewuthtil t»lk. !*'l -renee and Italian rYlJc j Superior assort merit of worked Swisi \it (’a.icons of every denomiiiBlioa, nd n Oi rare amt entirely new palt^'i v Bobtiinell Lar*«, nt nntf tneir former prim** \ feiv fashionable watered hull Ginghams Belt Ribbons, direct from Van* Pongees for Ladies' do* >. * If great bargains form an imfurement to purchasers, \v« will assure them, every effort will be made to that effect. M'UKK, ROBINSON u f'O. .Line 9. vVfOriC! — All persons indebted to Samuel Ji-J B Davis, dec. lire required t- make pay nent immediately, and those having claims a gainst tbe catne me requested to preset t tii^in ft) tne for payment. O. G. CLAY. almr. of S. B. D A VIKS, dec. March 2 4w I aluable. Ilea! Estate fur San . f SM II K subsoiiber ,n piimiuni " ni lien 8 deeds ofliosl, esecuted to him hy the | s urvivi,ij partners of the IhIb linns id Unit, ,V Co. nml (inil if Until,, k, ihe eieculnrs i»f \\ in. (full, deceased, (which deeds hear dale on the 31st tlnv nl March l828.)nffpfs for sale,(he followmg valuable real property, to wit : 216 1-2 acres of Innd, |nircl'".sed hy the said (ialt, Uullock w Co. ol H. . A. Itrad fute, sitiiaied in the county of Bedford, near i ihe town ol New London. 135 3-1 acres of land, lyin'* in Campbell county, near Candler's Mountain, and in the vicinity ol lhn town of Lynchhni : An undivided tnoiety ol the Ulark Water Mills, and the lands therelo appurii loinl, situ nte in the immedialu neighborhood ol Ihe town nt Lynchburg. (The properly above described, belongs to the com''i n of Unit, Unlock a. Co ) Also, the following real Dilate, helungiug [o the concern of Call Ji Ballot k, In u il : The House and Lot, with the appntenan ce. in the town of Lynchburg, formerly or copied liy the said concerns, ns a More, and now in tho occupancy of McKee .:c Vli em. Also, the House and Lot immediately in the rear of the one last mentioned, and now occupied hy Lankford tt Vedder. The terms of sale will he liberal, and in ide known on application to the subset ihri, who will convey to the purchaser i r puiclo-ers such title as is ves'ed in him hy the deeds ol trust afore,Hid. and no other. ( HISWDLL DABN'DV, I 'ruilefi. \n'T -I. ar mi Mira, f 31 H E three story brick ten* ■ uif>nt, nearly *ypp**site the* I Virginian Office, recently occupied by Mr. Daniel Brown, Apply to Saml.l 1'iytor or to in? suoscrtoer. JAS. L CLAY TOR. Jan. 12. ___ Is_ \AYm\> uwd V'nslnv \\W. T»UST received a full supply .if best until er <sj Lamp Oil, ami also a full supply of best cold expressed Custor Oil* IKJVVKL DAY ILS* j Maich2. Manufacturing Mills, FOB BENT. j jrnHF. FKKOONIAN MILLS, situated in i ilk Campbell county, about seven miles la - tow Lynchburg, and within about a hundred yards of James Iliver, are offered lor real tor lie or more years. Possession may be had in the ltt of July ne*l. For further particu lars, terms, far., npply to Thomas B. Hay , resi dua near the prrti>t"«»> *>r to the subscriber in .Kiclinnn.d. i<WN RQBEKTSON. 1 Pec. It. . • ■ ■■■ —.■■jw ■■■ 1 POETRY, From the American Manufacturer. 1 am; back thk bowl. Take hack the hew! ' take bar k the howl ! R''»' rv it lor polluted lip*— I will nut bow w tamulet*tool Beneath its d*i k and foul eclipse, l U h that I*I'm mast henooforth be A weary and thing. That hope can tend no ray to me Nut llowers along iny pathway spring’. Well In* it so—my strife hath been Beyond the low and vnlg ir aim— Tha deeds 01 bate and heartless men Have nevn dim iip d my honest name, And lam proud—ay e, even now, Amid ie th.idea of deepening ill; l In* tearless tread—'lie open brow— The biilu lets l and ar** left me aid! Take Imrk the bowl! I will not steel Tin* hallowed memories of the past, i h- y add no pang to those 1 feel Nor slia lows on thefutme east Ay . t ike it bad- ; let others bring Oblivion o'er ihe haunted soul— My memory is a Ido*# d thing— Away ! away ! lake back the bow I. upright heart—a guiltless brow— A soul unbowed, a • li ft a mm, I will not break m up duenow, The only k'«IT I Iran up u ; 1 lie keenest pair s ^ft icfctn semi Shad ■ e%• r prompt to i -d* • ccm id — Take ha k til bowl- -I w, l put bend A 1 w* m»* spirit to the dust ON I IO .ru I V Yi'ION OF BKU. I S. /Uy 'he ! lilor of Ike Southern, l • e au-in-•! v variefc of thin vegetable, sueli as the large-rooted. tin long-roofed, dwatf .Miiip 1 ooti «1. small n I < ustteuandan, een t .j ;>*•.!, yellow rooted, Wcwillfion fine ittr r marks to those sold h. uiu s* i dsuu 11 s »he 1 utig h|>»ml and turnip) runted heels, a* ,tr< the only varieties cultivated among ■ s, ml as tar as we have been ab'i to a rer aui.ihe. are to be prefencd tu any of those e uniei a »• I above. The < BstlenamUii is said 0 be mm l» • -n •• 1 u d 11* *- a id to have tile (aMe of ,i oof we have n it, a*, vet, been aide to ut-taio tin* in ed We haw-, at different pciiod* ulfnnfe ! most of those enumerated above, and prefi-i t> - tui nip-rooted, on acrounf of itsiitpr 1 «r d- iou y. ear lines*, and the gp aler 1 as* w iih who'll if tan he raised. A •'h •*-de. nod rich soil. is the best suited ,f ' ’ h: «* ol the »>..», «h..y •In,,,hi if p'-*’s:»»te -o ground which has be* n highly j manured f<ii sum.- aflm crop, hut should there j he a*.m* o! tnis d*Mcriptimi vacant, w II rotted j ui 1 v be u ed, and even lie b, m r.i .• nt , ' ^ if proper ern e he tnken that the U'hnlr hr fur rill an Ur. nd not mixed through the op p* i soil i he object ion to using manure, more e*p- cially in a fresh state, with this or any o ther lo g-routed crop, is, that meeting w id, in ItimpM ami detaehed {laicels, the root is di ve? ted from its proner course and impe led m its downward pro^re s; the consequence is, it,at instead ot one lon j, large, straight and clean root, we often, under such circumstances, have many sued! ones, and numerous fibre*-, render 1 *g if until fur the table. i lie remedy for this i; obvious, ami it is rather <-urpii«ing, that the cause ot tie* forking of tin* roots being known, the remedy should not have be< n applied 1 in sitnply to place the manure at such a depth, the root may uol reach i', nml consequent ly not he diverted until it shall have grown to a proper length. This may be efl’eted by spread ing 1 lie manure on the surface and with a turn/? turning it entirely tinder, completely teveisni ' the soil, so as to place t at which was on top together with the manure, at the bottom—care ! is required in this operation, that alt of the run j nurt fn* comp el* ly hm ied, and that none bv tin j catele sin ys of the g.iidener, he intermingled 1 with tlie upper soil. Another met hud (and ii is I one which we have adopted Ibr many year with considerable success,) is. after Hu- ground j is prepared, in make* small tn-nebe* or furrows either with a spade, or, if there be grout.d e nutigh, with the p-ough, and at the bottom of Itiese lo s* atfer the inamiie, level the *m face, or raise it into ridglets over toe manure and plant on these. This last will he lound must * flerfti j a), nnd for many reasons the b s». tJy pnmt mg ilus plan fresh in mne may hens b, though we woulJ a ways prefer that wi *cn $ partially rotted. In preparing *he ground for a 1 rop, cure should he taken in tiav it w* I broken up, and made mellow as deep a9 possible ; rhe b* et sends its tout to a great depth in search of hu d, and r ought uol to he impeded by meeting wnh a hind . ml compact sod I possible let it fie stirred * ig)it* en inches deep, for it will genei al ly he found that all other circiiius<aiices being equal, that compartment which has been siii r« d the deepest, will produce the best crop 1 he spade is decidedly the best in tnun nt# lot stn .iug the ground, but where a large quantity is t > be rai* d, the plough may be used, and moil especially if the lidge system he adopted. The usual method is, to have the ground, after being 'hu* prepared, laid off into four feet beds —lo plant two or three *1 d* every nine inches, in rows a foot apart, to be thinned <>•»' to tingle plants w hen about the site of a goose quill. Such as are thinned out may he transplanted to fill up tke vacancies which may occur in the beds. the markets and the weather. We, understand, tlie wheat in certain portions of the State is not as utucli injured liy the seve rity of tlie winter as was expected. Its loots have been much leas exposed by the freezing ami the spewing up of the earth, than was apprehended. In many parts of the Slate the win at is said to look well ; and though a little nipped by flic cold, it promises a good liar vesl. f lour is not so brisk as it was some week- n go. We observe the asking price nl Howard stieel, Baltimore, is ^7 75—But a very encour aging price is slill anticipated by the farmers f. r their next crop of wneat. #1 25 cents per bushel, we understand, has been offered iu Petersburg, and in ihe niajmily of cates declined. Tbe more languinu farmers look out fur Jjfl 60; and they were unwilling to contract tor a lower price-. Trtia prospect hat inspned them with belli spirits and higher hopes Iobacco is decidedly looking up. The truth it, 'ha* th * last crop was cut short—*ome esti mate the reduction at .1 third and others at al most a half. Mult ot the l i st tobacco it In ought to market in M »y or June—and the plainer is fla»tci mi: himself with the idea of a handsome price. We have heard oira gentleman ay, that eactdlent tobacco now would tiring $12 a hun dred ; and he calculated turn the best wdl hung in the spring not far from $‘20. Tht pro* pec*-of good prices for these two great staples of I he State, are calculated to ani mate the agriculturists. There are other c. it cu instances which will have the effect of putltally relieving the fann ing m erest from some 1 itm einbm ra-iments — We itud*rsloltd, that a spirit of economy begins to manifest itself 111 the country ; that the far mersiiie uuikio*; (heir own clothes and thoir of | thoir laborers .nits* attention it paid [ t■:* fheii implements nnd pi'‘cessrs, the teedii.g ot I heir horses, cattle, kc The laborers ut llie fields are about cominrn ! r'ng with activity If severe weather of the ' hist six or seven weeks. h.i« retarded the vegeta lion in a vei uiiu-ml degree. There is not a bud swelled—noi a (lower bNtwn Not n bins - mu of the (tint trees lots begun lo swell—and the consequence is. lip t our fauit trees will es cape the injury, which has awaited them for several past seasons. The blossoms bairn open ed m a "pelI o mild weather; find the first re- j laps* oi the winter has caught them uuprntec- I led ami destroyed much of the find This Spimc has b* en bite ; bid we sbiill in ut! ptn bability In* C Miipen .tied b\ l!»e production* of theoichard. |i promises to be a great year fur fruds and ices. [Richmond Com. SMOM Mi MACON, f he last operation in curing of baron is the I smoking ot it 1 hi-, may be sufficiently well done, pel haps, With wnv kind n wood ; hilt sol ! id green wood, as hiekovy or oak, is I he best 1 ('in.i* ary to old opiui'MiM, (lie operation is heat tarried Dll ill (lie cIom -1 smoke house ; ronsidc table degree of heat, mo, is not otjm lout, lint promotei and facilitates, I believe. Iheopem non. The old idea of fire tainting incut, isetro neons The effect, ho called is# occasioned by (lie pork not being thoroughly cured , bacon h uiltl he smoked until it is of a dark reddish color and l is best done in clear dry weather In hanging d up, in most advantageous to put the joints lughpst ; lor, hh they me mosl assail nhle bv the hkipprr fl\. they nre least likely thriidiy to nave eggs deposited on them. Thera is ao opinion that has long universally prevailed mid wfci'h I think the expnienen of the last winiei bus belied, h is that if pork be once thoroughly cold before tailing it may with pro pel care be saved. This in ordinary wintriv, is true Mut in such a w nlri a- last, wuert the thermometer ran, in 24 houis, hum between 3h and 40, to belvverti MO and 7*h wild lemained so for four or five da\ *, I do not think that ful and I -ige poi k can be savt d by any reasonable ahem ion lo 11 VIRGINIA hi IGIHU ill RE, sK 1 .1 < II Of the Lnm pint it at Uu Srtsion of 1828—’29 I An it com-' ruing t o admini-tratotg himI miciii nies ol .feroau link- * lain Treasurer of tin* ( otnmotiw- ilth ; authorizes them fo k« II tin* I mis -I ihe*«'d B«k“i upon a credit of one, two, • lire*- ami four years, and holds up the «•* edition against the peisonal estate until r,al<- run In .ul v outageotj-lv effect d L An »t‘ t t° establish the form of Fayette, m ' f'^^aeunry m Moiit/ nnrry * on tin- maili east I o»lr-*oi Roanoke liver, near n.e jonctxrw ft n.< north and south aid* * thereof. 3. An act to amend an •* t, entitled an act con ’ m nit.g William MavH'ni'iirg and Jacob K. • Wray ; authoruses (hem In change tin* site ol i their tide mill. | 4 An tu t changing the Line of holding the 1 pii* g term ol Randolph Superior Court, and j the monthly and quarterly terms of the Conn ity l. >urt of (» ays-'ti ; rhmige^ the term of ; R.tmlolph Court the I- olay alter the fi-st | Monday after the *!11» Monday in April, in tv j ery year, and the County Court I f.ration, I t«i tlo- third Monday in each month, and the I quarterly terms thdeot to March, June, August old November. To die efract from I -t Feb. 1829. r» An net to atii**nd an act, entil ed an act to ieduce nit • one at I, ill* •» vr ral act* concei nine the Literary Fund; withholds the quotas that ' shall hereafter be due any county or corpora I lion, until the inexpruded balunce '-hall up j p- ar by legal report to have been reduced to mi amount not exc- “ding one year's quota of j such county or cor porn* ion, or until legal i * «(»s shall he taken to re« over tin* ha I nice* due anti accounted fur, by the present or former iicasttrer* ; ami th“ ait,»rn“yw lor the Common wealth aro icquin d to take steps for such recov ery. 6 An net, t«» amend the act entitled an act to provide tor holding special t* mis of the Supr rinr court of law in c»*i tain cases, and for other purposes; legalize* the pio, e^dugs of the Judge of the 9th .Imb ial < -rcuit ; ex'ends the provisions ol the 7.i I ami 7 lilt sections of* the act rouc- rmi'g the establishment, jurisdiction amt powers ol the Superior courts of law, pass ed March the 8th, IMP, to the special terms id said courts, i rovid* d inch special let ion do not iut'-rfere with tho (teiierel »ourl, and autlio i i*Cj» (lie Jtidge aforesHt l to hold an interfiled) ati* tei in for Fredrrrirk county, oil the 2i)lh Feb. 1829. 7. An art io alt* t the time of holding a sepa rate election at tin* house of lienjatnin Wright, in the county of Mason ; changes it to the day | tin* election i* hidden at the court-hm si* I 8. An act allowing Michael Smith, a free man ; of color, to remain hi the commonwealth for a | limited,time, 9. An art allowing certain persons of color to i remain in the State for a limited time , gives the privilege to K'hitis and Hniinah, and tn»* chil dren of IIhiiiiiiIi, formerly the slaves of James Scon, of'Russell county. 10. An act to authoi ise the erection of gates across the public road leading from Barkers hui g lo Marietta. II Ah act exempting old men from laboring no the public highways; extends the exemp tion at the ag“ of tiO years, upon the nffidav it ol the person, hi fore a magistrate. 12. An act to change the time of holding cer tain s- parate elections in Randolph county ; al ters the time to the day on which the election is field at the court house. 13. An ad i hanging the times of holding cer tain courts ; fixes the time for Nicholas county, I on the Tuesday"after the 4th Monday in April and September, and the quarterly courts for the county of Greenbrier, in the months of M «y and October, and for the r oiiuty of Rorahonta , in the rnontlis ol June and Nnv< rnbar. 14. Au act to change th#- place of holding a separate if lection in the county of Riston, to the hou-eof John A. Woiring, in the town of Mount Carmel, ot such other house as the com missioners may hereafter appoint. 15 An act concerning the town of Jefferson ville iu Tazi well County ; outuorises the county county court of Tazewell to appoint comma sioners to resurvey said town and make certain additions thereto. Id. An ad tlupo <n • of a sum of money in (he baud* ftflh examiners ol branch pilot* on the Rappahannock river ; distributes the sum now in the hands ol th«hoard of examiners, among I he pilots to wnom branches were granted, or their representative*. 17. A t ac' to a* -end an act to incorporate the new Katiiinoro Mam facltiiing Company, pa*a ed February 8«li, 1828; reduces (lie amuimt of the iniiiininni capital to the som ol’A.tMH). 18. An act releasing to Margate! H. Wage* aer «*»r Coinitionwenlhs right to a ccitain lega cy . 19. An act concerning the poor children of the parish of Dettingen, in the county of Prim * William | authorise* the Bcliool Commissioners of the county, to apply the interest ol the fund bequeathed to th* poor el said county, to (he ed ucation, and for the benefit of the po<o children of the said parish, together with so much of the auiiuallquoia aritir g from the literary fund, ns will lie fciilBcient for that purpose. 20. An Ni l to authorise the inhabitant* of Wi'lisbnrg, in the county of Brooke, to raise a sum ot iiumi-y bv lottery, lor the purpose*there in itiMiilioned ; uppoinls • uniinmioncri to raise not exceeding (160,001), to he applied to the e rertion ofa w ill, to prevent the encroachments of the Ohio rivet mi l to regain the land and street lost by tin action ofthe w»iter. SI. Am ait in nut ho fine a separate cfeclisn nl the house of Peter Com ad, in the county ol Ran dolph. ... An act to authorise nut* *epernte eirc lions in the county of Culpeper ; at the house* of Hrnjainiti ti. Yates, in the town of Wo <1 ville; ul Matthew W Uathright. ill the lown I tin of the county ; and of 1 honini Luteheti, in the town of Wen'sborough 23. An act to iiii'liorise two separate elrcfinds in the county of Kanawha ; at thn houses of Mis. Mary Tnyes, uem the mouth ol Coal riv et . and ol John Jones, on the south side of Ka nawha i i^r. 24. An art to authorise a .rpaiate election in the Western end ol Washington county ; to be i held m| the house 0| John Sliavni, at flier place railed Hie I hie# Springs. 25 An act to mtthaujtib n separate election in the county of 1 ’ hurl oft* ^lUo* held at thn house ol lf« «• kiah M'Cuig*dWBP4<»'\ver cud of said county. 2<». An act to authorise a separate election at thn town of Fridsnckibiirg, in the county of Spotsylvania. 27. An net to authorise a separate election at the Rye Cove, in Hie county Ol Scot I ; to be field at the house of Win. I’. M inter, on the north side of <Clinch river. 8H An act authorising a separate election in th county of Louisa ; at the house of F,I mini Jackson in the lower end of said county. 2b. An act to authorise a separate election ut Hillsborough, hi the nuiniy of Loudoun ; at the bonfC of Alary I jongli. 30. An act to authoriftfi the prosident and common council of the corporation of Winches, id, to burrow money for the purpose therein mentioned, and for other purposes; to enable them to piocute cast iron pipes for conveying wafer into the cnrpoui ion, and for any otlisi purposes deemed necessary for the interest of the inhabitants of the said corporation. 31. An act allowing Flisabeth Hnswrll a hue wfuiiun of color, to remain in the Common wealth. 32. \n act to incorporate truster* of an A ejideniy hi thn c.unity of Chesterfield ; vests in Hu tiustet the usual powers given to corporate bodies. 33 Ah art divorcing Rebecca lineman from In i ho b nd John Trueman. 34 An m l to authorise th# county cotut of Kuiujuif-r in uppotul coniniiN-iotiei■ to sflect a -in {hi n itiaiket liou«n on (lie public iniisri* m the io~i. of W i n tiloo , eiieuipts also tt*n mtia bit nut t* ol the town from working on any public road without the limits thereof. 35. An act to Mutlcris# separate elei ti#us in the coutitie? ot Monlgmioiv and Wythe; to be held al I he house ol Jo eph Barnet, m the town of Fayette, m the county of Montgomery, and at tl»u residence of Win Porter, jr in the Rye Valley, in the south-west part of the county of Wythe. 3d An act to auth rise the erection of a dmn across the middle f*•»k of HoUt< in nvor. 37 An act concerning the town of l><*inf plea sant, in the county of Mason; appoints addi tional trustees for, and discontinues a street in sm id town* 3ft. An act t* altar and amend the act to al ter and a mend the »evi nil acts AUtliot iting a lottery for the impi e vein* of ol the navigation ot iQuantieo creek, in the (minty of Print# WilliHin ; repeals the 3d sortie n of said act, and tmtlinnses the frustcen to mine by lottery, i sum not exceeding seven thousand dollars. 39. An art incorporating a company to con sfiur.t n turnpike mail frum Chilton's tavern in Hie country of Campbell, to Lynchburg ; di rects books »o be opened at Lynchburg ; at Chilton's tavern in Campbell, and ui the Red House in f harlotte countn* , to receive sub ci ipfioiis »o the amount oft w riiy-live tliouiand dollar., for constructing said road. TO. An net to authorise a separate election at the town of lienyvdlo in the county of Frc dci if; k. 11. An net to authorise u separate election at the town of Strnsbuig m Hie county offtheuaii dofftli li. Aii act lo authorise three separate dtp lions in the county nf'Began ; In lie le |,| „l the house* nf John C iofee, jr. in the upon, set llemeiit of (iuyandolir liver ; -'I ilioumi I’m n, on I.idle dole river, ami nf Jiiini Terrell, nu the lug fork of Sandy liver. 411. All fl' l in iiulhoriie a soparate election at (ho house of Thomas C. Nutter, in Hut coun ty nf Harrison. 44. An art to autli .rise separate eli in the (-iiuntiei nl llainpthiir anil Morgan ; in In. held in Hampshire at lie house nl Benjamin Sin.up, oil l« Capon uv. i ; and hi Morgan at the hnuscs nl llaniel Kcrnowcr, neni Sleepy, cieek, and uf .folin Kaster, Bcur. in the upper end of ‘■aid county. 45. An act to authorise three separate elec tion* nl the county of Pittsylvania ; at the hou ses ol Abraham itorer, in the north.western part nf said county ; of Weir and Smith, at the place called Mount Airy, and of Benjamin Watkins, in the south-western pail of said county. 46. An act authorising the Mayor and Com monalty of the borough of Wheeling to raise a sum nf money liy wav ol lottery, tor tint erec tion nf wafer works to ci.aiey water 1‘mhij the Ohio river Into and through said hoiongh 17. An ail to ami nil the charter ul the Tho roughfare Cap'1 ui npike Company ; authorises the company lo cnn-lrucl their road sixteen and a half feet w ide, on the M'Adatn’s plan, with a summer mail eleven feet wide and to hold their elections at suih place as they may appoint. 4H. An art lo provide for opening and ini proving a road Irom the Slate ol Maryland ky Kingwood, to the Ohio river, authorises Com missioners to raise liy lottery the suin of thirty thousand dollars for the purpose. 49. An act concerning surveyors of highways; give* the discretion to the County and Cotpoi ation Courts to allow or refuse them compen sation not esieeding one dollar and twenty five cents per day ; sod makes their decision filial. 60 An set changing the lime of holding one of 111* QuarMrl/ Coerfi for ilt* town of 3i*ud/ inn ; (mm I nr month of mi; to ili« monllt of Jun# nnually. 01 An art aulborlting n tr, olrtb'tm in Ilia cnuii'y of Franklin ; hi tp* ,|„rp „t Vlmri. Dickinson if (fowled in in* lower end ol a,iill munly. 6if An ai l proriding egeinat the ah*iem*n< ol auils a' law or mn .in certain case*; pro vidre, I ha’ upon Ih* nine lingo of ■■ /am, loin plaintiff' the rlerk *f I he f'oort «h*il suggrai the mn rin a mill name nl'lh* husband ail |hn recoin, nnsi ih*nc* forward, the ai it or mo lion alinll progress ui ih* nnm* of the (miband ami wife 61. An act authorising certain enmities amt •he Mlisting! Court uf the cotpnraikui ol Staun loo, to provide a mode ni opening and repair ing road* mid bridges; gives power to a major! ly of the acting magistrates in the counties of Harrison, Hampshire, Hardy,amt Augusta,aod the corpora!ion »t Staunton, to asses* upon the tnaahlt properly appealing upon the books ol the Cemmlaaionan ol the Megan**, not exesnl ing th illy-three nml « third per ent of the re venue of the Stale upon the same property, fur •lie ■ lid purposes ; nmt empowers the Courts altbeiim. inikt.g the assessment, to appoint Cntnuih inner# to lay off and graduate any of ■he prim ip„) roads hading ihe Court houses ol adjoining ccunPr 41 An act granting Walker Titq»»erl»ke a further time for completing Ills ' ridge across llie Hivanna rivei ; give- him Iwo years Irom Ihe espiinlion of the time heretofore allowed. 66. An act tn amend an act entitled mi act to arm lid all SCI n|i' ninth.| Cotumisaloners lo viha add in .ik II way for a road from Thoin. ton's tinp, in the Hliio Ridge lo the Chile Kiver turnpika leading lo Alexandria, and to raise a sum ol moiies by lottery (or o, ruing dd road, authorise* ihe -tun ol Iw eiiiy-fife II u aud dol Inis l" tie iaised Io open a roml Irom Warren ton in I h inttm'i (Jap, 56 An act gnnc.ming William Hiuchmnn , ai. *w« him i liii ly s!o hit * h.r *e vices as t lerk to a ('mill of Knquiry lor the 129' Regiment 67. An not incorporating a company to con st.uci n tin npik* road irom Merrlwethar’e iitidge, on (lie Rieannaiivei to Ruyd's tavern, mithoriies books to he opened ai <1.hi limes', ville, ut Mdlmi, al Kvorelurille, and at Uoyd r tavern, iu Allsemarle lot receiving subscrit ti nis lo he amount ol ten thousand dollars, to co'oilrin I -mil road, 6h An ai i to Huthorisa the erection of « dttifi Iter.."S Rowell's river ; give- Stephen i hoinp son 'he authority turner! llm dam not exceed mg live (net high, to esialilisli H gri*t mill. 69. An act to establish the lewii Wheatley, In Knufluii'^r. tin Aii act enneerning Hiinllii R Hall. til An act enla'ging (he jml-dietioii ni cer tain Monthly Courts, and loi other purpose, / empowers llie ' dmniy f inis Augusta, Fra dern k. and Prime George, to heat nml determine pleas of ihe Commonwealth whether triable by jury oi not, ns the quarterly sessions now if., and enable* th.. Court of \u gusla loeaieud its term hidden March, to 13 judical lays. The Net In lake effect from the 1st of March. 62 All an iiicorpiirling llm Irusiee* of the Academy, in llie < nuiily ol Isle 0f Wight; vest* in Ihe truslnes the usual powers of corporate bodies The first meeting ..| th. iuhseriliers tn he on tlie i*i of October neat, and aiii.ually lheicaller lid. An arl concerning Noah/ane | author, SB* him to eieet wharves at llie town ol Wheel mg, and charg* inch w hai lage ns Iho empora non may irom lime to lime ailow. 61 An net coiiceiniog the heir* of Kl.a* F.‘ int’ml ,; allow* Ihcni In* commutation pay a* a l.ieutniianl Colonel ol Artillery. 65 An wet * re- IV. end amend th* tw*ntie|h seotlnti nl the art direciing the course of dc scents ; repeals the 2d seciiou of Ilia aid cor cerning guardian*, o.phans, i.nalora, infanta &1 passed 27th l «h. IH2H; and prescribe-, that when lands lescend lotw or m op hen, any one of wli.mi being fe i.e covert, infam Xie. mid llie dividend nl each hair exceeds nu. 'lie value of llin e bundled dnllars, Ilia Supen or Court nl Chancei y of the dictrici, nr il,, only oi Corpora ion Corn lx wli.the land' lie, nitty direct their sale, and ilia distribution ol the money, acenrding In the right* id tin claimants, each heir in H,r. Slnle treing Gist summoned to ronlasi the nil., and order oi pub lication being made for absent hairs ; the ,,or lion of infants dying intestate after such sale nod under nga, in he considered a* irnl eslHt/ and to pa * accordingly. Neither ftp* act nor the o,| geciirm therein repealed, to afreci ,u„t inslitutad before il* passage. • id An act caueeriiing Charles Clements; in < rf m*mh lim pennon. 57. An net concerning the town of Summers Ville, in Nicholas county ; appoint, new Irnk tor h for Him I town. '•H An act authorising a separate election in Middletown, in the county of Frederick - a* the house of llavid 8. Danner. HP \t. art authorising thsf ealension of tt.c navigation ol the river Happahannock , i„ War I * mills, on said river, ctaala. additional slin k to the amount ol *2#,000, and revives the act mdhorising the Boaid of Publii- Works to subscribe lo a part of the «tock of the Kappa | l.anmirk Company, passed 7lh Feb. |HI7 „ well III Ilia improvement of ihe navigation a a- below ; and requires llie court* n. give |i"d.'renca to ease*arising heiween the compa ny and md.viduals, over nil other cases 7". An act concerning Humphrey Marshall ; illoora him his commutation pay as a Captain of Artillery. 71 An m l lo incorporate h company In greet n loll-bridge across the Shenandoah river. 72. An .- t to csplaio Hn ad, entitled an act farther to a u*tid the several laws concerning Ihe appninfrmi I nl harbour masters, and de olating their duties passed Feb. 17ih, 1823 • ill lines H packet subject to harbor masters’ fees III Norfolk, to he a vessel regularly trading at short inter v-ils nl lime, between Norfolk and o "***• P“"*- wlmse primary objects it is to accom modate and convey passenger*, and esenmts vessels sailing under mailing license* under 7ft ton" burthen, and vessels in the Disinel Swamp canal trade, from the payment of harbor mas lets lees iii the porl of Norfolk. 73. An act lo authorise a separate flection at the town of Newcastle, in the county of llo rtuint; at the residence of.lolin Ferrier. 74 An act providing against the mischief of mad d'igs; giv. a anv inagistralr Ihe power of causing any dog bitten hy a mad dog to be killed, find if the owner conceals the dog, impo ses a fine ot two dollars fur every day he shall be so concealed. '■*». An act establishing a new Regiment of Militia in theco iuly of I.ewis, to be called the 133d Regiment. 7(* An lie providing lor the improvement o! the Medicinal Springs of the town ofRalh- in Morgan county ; authorises the trustees to raise l.y l liter/ fifteen thousand dollars for that pur po-i*. * 77. A act to amend and eiplain the act, en t.ned an act for imp.nving the navigation ofthe Kivanna river ; cunlmues the powers of the emnraiistoriers to the 1st Monday in April. 1830. or until fifty thousand dollais shall have been nnhycribed ; repeals the provsn in the first sect on of said act; empowers fh«* company to sell the use of surplus water ; authorises the Court of Alb-marle, or any Justice, if th« <?*„. „