Newspaper Page Text
THE LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN. BY FLETCHER & TOLER. LYNCHBURG, VY. MON HAY. MARCH l«, 1*29. VOL. Vll.-Mi. 61. T i: kMs. i .. payable in advance—No »uh. tT I'9' *4 1 .1V,,| for .less lone dun six month. rTun pa',’" wdt I- (but a. the . r il.n rdi'irf) untiloll arrtura*... are pa.d. fl (>),l |,e inserted a) 50 cents per IT V'I'rtrt'iont „„1U, ,md 37 I-Vi c uts for each . ,aar-:(ur 19» di unci, must be puid fur .. in di- payment by '■:;:rru-d'"n,rT;;u,,lu..yu..bbu,. ^fliincnry <»dnr. notmtceuilln* two .guar., are . e»tMl for six dollars ,T lUletter, addressed tn the M.tor. must be yo.I or liter ivilluulbe attended to._ AvvVva\» ’ VI ST received a htrgt assortment of Ink .1 Powder., Liquid Ink ... Bot.b* k der’s Indelible Ink \ supply of tbts colebrtUedPepper Puuc* V supply of Mnore’. kssrnn; of Ldc An add tmnal suppl) of 1 hourpaou a cek i.r pvp water , \ supply of Liquid Sponge Hla- king, 1 asks ami in bottle.. And 11so Liquid Blacking, /t Oil spruce. '’ntlidt Ku'-et* olisprisco, vVlo itnu’s celebrated ltd. Ointment, 'VI,-at Mi’s do. 8«ite«s, Spice Bitters \ la■ ae .ssurlnieul of Thermometers, and Hy drometers. fur proving Spirit, an I Acids s large supply of Pyroliginuu. A. t I, lor curing ♦fiwt J *11 \ large supply of qtound Ginger, ground All rpiee and ground bluck Pepper,an I ul Cay enne Pepper . \ large supply of common anil re fin i il Bora* \ supply "f Paris w hite and French green tor window blind* \ i, i v extensive assortment of Varnishes A large supply of be t I’" and Sum'll \ supply of Liquid Piii'li for water vessels \l u, of Super Curb dnda and Tartaric Acid Abo, of Sal 5 id.t And a -apply of Su line O; Arrow Knot—all kinds Oi l' iwdered Elm Bark Of Pumice and Iiolten Stone Of \\ a let's—is.nrted cnh.t. and si, e* Also of Sealing w ax and lead Pencils—all kinds Ah assoitinenl of Biuns ■. via : (mid Stiver and Brass A large supply of tiotimln ul powdered Orange Pei I ai d Gentian. ot Milphuoc, Muriatic and Mil ic Acids, nod uf Aqua I'oriis A largn supply ul Caro'tna Pink lludt Of Oil and Essence uf Fennel Seed, hie. t Mgeilter with a gre«f nn idy of nlli r articles ,p unusually lywpticeti IT DAVIES, March -A. rOR SALE. /■• VK.ll> li.iiiil.iirop litllr Karin, npnn tlip jpj^lu „.l w.iii'Hnl' Vntunnallnx. m Uuiiking Iniiii Ur, is in Hi.' iiei*lilinrlioiiclnfClii v. r M U, I p- ii'iimi knli'y well. jirndupi'X In. 1 ii i:n nl Hu’ uiip-t qnulily. mul li is npnn it h w. i \ I trui* ni'i ti.ii'J nl wi ll 5'|IpiiIih1 fruit liip IHi-t cuutiii-is niOai'i'i'*—I’rruiiis fM-i|>0» n) In Iniv, will ii | nlv In iln' Mihsn uipr nr Col. S'ml. A l’iHe»i„i, win* Uvi-- a.lji.niii* ill* prpmis>' aA.ML.P. CUKI-1IAN. (.’oimnissiou business. 'I I* su'i-t‘1 iht*r havm • entered info the y -i '*• f'<i*•»*»**s«. ofFrs his servi ces to the m* n uiniP mul plotter* trailing to tiii- plm e T 'li.imt, Flour, hmiI other pro duce, r'infi led to mis rate tt. sell or *hip, will he strictly attended t He i* provided with Sloniipi in h lire proof |iou«e o»i main street, tin the r**r«*p ton of Flour, Whi-key and pack’ .i^.’s ol U umU. SAM!., il ANN AH. .Inn. I. I-m 'jit. Tuijioniin*’ mul LinsociJ Oil. n^IISi rec» i ved a futl supply of Spt. Turpen* ( J tine ami Linseed Od. HOWKL DAMKS. Much 2 _ NX I FF N, Jl’ST n i-pivpil mul fur .mlp, al ttry reilurvl /'rif'.i. a vary lump a.-orimont ol S>>nils>i i b'lllli .. L .im.lrl .I " U|mli|pp« H ml k -xg* IIOU Ei. l>A\ IKS. I’i-I>. oongivxissxcrr cosiness. r a ii (tc *uh.4c-rihei 111(01111'. Ilia nieiid and (lie Bf public that li<* enntiiiin s lo do Im-iin ss on Commission, and promises Mint no pains sindl lie $p,i.t d to give entire auit-stae'ion to all Planteisaad K/inner* win. may confide to * is noiu igi niem ill - s:«l»‘ l»l I idnu r I, piotir, nr ot i‘»r produce. IIi- olltre will In* kept al ! ii* Store «f Messrs. ). ^ d. Hulsey, next door below the Parmer's Hank I). SAUNDERS, jr. Jan. 19. lint jff ATKASS MAKING. -The iTM subscriber. at the lower end ol main street, in addition folds Rope and Twine mak nighimness; makes and repairs Curl’d Hail .M itr.uses Also makes Shuck Matrasses, a c.ieap and corotdi tatde article for summer_and would he thankful for any job in that wav which shall be done with neatness and desmticli, und on very reasonable ternies J. H. ECHOLS. May 1. «s59. Flesh Drugs and Medicines. y j{nn subscriber has lately recrivp I nSM AI.L , additional supply of EKESH ORL’tJS & MLOlt INKS, which, makes his ASSORT.! dr.Nl very complete. He receives SMALL ■applies almost every week, hv which means, 7 '!('cli' though not the LARGEST,always RESII and sufficient to meet any orders aat he may be favored w ith. , THOMAS J. DLVAL. ’ {’rescriptions faithfully attended to y viigiuia Bred YuUNG GENTLEMEN, ■ran. • copper Still, Cap and Worm pair clegniit Bronze Lamps fhn subscriber has the above for salp. at ■cry reasonable prices, which he will sell for J'h, or barlur fpr country produce. IE ALLfSON. >t.26, fa 'Ji'MMO'YAlL* WMTE have removed to Bullock's old stand, ww whme out ciistomeis will find us di-pus edits heretofore, to consult their tnletest in sell ing them goods’llt the lowest cash prices. MtKKE. KOBINaON CO. Jan. 6 area T»uST received, a lew dozen |)t. J, Thnnip son's celeluated A.jyJ H’nltr I'm -nle at N York prices. HOvVEL DAVIES. Jan. 1.'. WE have (his Hay ret el veil « casa of highly finished Leghorns, tpoeh lower charged than any imported this sea.on. McKEE, ROBINSON w. CO. Jan..5. Great Bargains in Cloth* TBX HOSE « ho .i hui t'l<"lw, wtiiiiJ Hnil n in M. ihair interest i» 14JI on Ihr -wli-oilier. H-* tins mixtures. olive,« elm el, -.iipn \ mid liling blue nml blee.U Clolli , nml 1 piece su per Krinino It no, tool ono Ho. do. Klectftinl lilnck, «biclt hois doleiiniiit'il to toll very elii'iMi. 11. AI r,fSON. Dec- ‘25. EMPOEIU mV \6have in-1 r»ct?iv«*«f, in addition it* om ■4 -f large stock, h number of scam* ami i ratde articles, selected trout tlie Nortlcm mat kets ot the latest • mpoi tations, and mad up in 1 the mos’ fashionable -tyle, m b an I rock and Dress ( oats, n splendid vurn tv of Vests, e\ ery shade and dest ription of Panialoou-t, Over Coats. Surtourf*, Plaid and Cuinhlet C l<>aksand Coats, Ladies' Cloaks (some very elegant) Urge lot of Roots, Shoes ami Fine tlafs. winch will be sold on terms which cannot tail to please all who may honor us wi ll a call. WALKK/tb CO. Kmporiuin of /'ashioiis JL cheap clothing t>ioi e, Main Street, Lynchburg. Feb 0. xavmT a haven lew handsome Liverpool Di V V ning Setts complete, which we are ol ter in it very low. XUo, a splendid assortment Tea China, embracing every qualify and pi ic e. We invite the attention of our friends and the public to tiie abov. McKCL, ROBINSON Co. Jan «*j. UNTUHliENT MONEY / 1^1 IF. Note* of tiie Banks ol Georgia, Sot|th Caro ina and North Carolina, taken at it mail discount at tin* F.xchange D»h« •• of B. \V IIKW SON Ly itch burg. Where ‘be most kind of unciineut money is urrha-ed. Oft 'BO W. okh Supplies of Beautiful FANCY GOODS. Superb Gauze nod Melpotm tiie nfs Do do Arcadian lldkfs. Blk. Hitdhlk. watered Silk* Beautiful blk. FI 'ranee and Italian S'Ik Superior atsnrl me tit of u orlted Swiss Muslin Calicoes of every deuouiinatiou, tied some of rare and entirely new patterns Bohtiinett Lace*, at hull their tot nrer price* X I eye ta-hii nibble wutered * »lf Gingham* B<*lf Ribbnits, direct from Paris Pongee- lor Ladies'dresse* II great batgains form an'ue em-nt (•> ••urchastnc, yve will assure them, every effort will bo made to that effeet. AI L'i.F, ROBINSON k <”(). June *>. 'TNf °I -All persons indebted to Samuel iL J B- Davis. dec. arc required to make pay men! immediately, ami those having claims a gain*! tin* -nine ate requested to prrsc.i them tome lor payment. U. d. CI.W .ulmr. of S. B. DU IKS, dec. March 2 W l aluablc Rail Kbfatcjor Sale. rflMK >iiIhc fiber • ti pur unice ol two H deeds oftrust, executed to him hy tins surviving partners of the late linn- <1 t • a 11 Bullock. A: Co. ami Gait *y Bullock, aud the executor* of Wm. Galt, dec east J, (which dpp.fs bear data on the Mist d»v "f March. 1828,) offers for sale, the followin ; valmibli* real prop* rty, to wit : ‘216 1-2 acres of land, purch-.-ed ! v tin* -aid Galt, Bullock & Co. «>t U. \ Brad lute, situated in the county of Bedford, near the town ol New London. I Mo .‘i-1 acres of land. King m Campbell county, near Candler's Mount .in, and m the j vicinity of the town of Li ncbbtirg An undivided moiety ol itie hoick Wafer , Mills, nod the lands thereto appurtenant, situ ate in the immediate neighborhood <•! the i town of I vn lihorg. (’I lie pro»• rty above, : described, b* longs lo tDc. of Gait, Billot k vk Co ) 1 AI mi, the following real F.-tnte, helnn ing to the concern of Galt k Bullock, to w it The House and Lot, with the appurtenan ces in the town of Lynchburg, formerly oc cupied by the said "concerns, as -i Mure, and now io ilie <m i upaney of McKee U Vl» em Also, the House and Lot imnouliately in the rear of the one last riieiitinne and now occupied by Lankford fit Vodder The terms .»l sale w?!l be liberal, and in of. known on application to the subscriber, win will convey to the purchaser i r purchi ■ 11 such ti'le as is vested in him by the deed'; ol trust aforesaid, and noother. f 1IISWKLL DABNKY, Troilce. At i g 21 l j?on aaurx. p'll H story l»rirk trne M iiirnt, nearly opposite ill** Virginian Office, recently otcupie*! nv Mr. Darnel Brown, Appiv to Saml.l'laytor or to the subscriber. JAS. L CLAYTOB. Jan. 12 ___ Is auA Castor 'U\. y»UST received Hfull supply of best uniter Lamp Oil, «'d --Iso a full supply of best told expressed Castor Od. MOWKL DAVIES* Maicb 2 MR. VALENTINE GOOD. NIP,— Take tioin’c, that I shall, oil the 2d Jay of the next March Court, for the county of Frank tin, to wit .on the 3d day id March neir, at Franklin court house, lake the depositions of Jacob VVetmer, (ieorse Hart sail and others, m he read as evidence in a suit depending in (lie said court pin the Chan • eery side thereof, in who h I am plaintiff and von ate defen 'ant. Vmir«, kic. JOHN WE!MLR. Feb.’K -isajsjauaajL-j-» POETRY. [Communicated for the Vngmittn. I UK BlliTlI Ol WASHING I OIN ; A PoKM ; by JAMES L> DAVIDSON ; Delivtred in Islington, Va. onthc.'2'dd of Feb miry, and published by rryuest of Iht Graham I*. Society. I. Long had tha earth in clmi.U nl darkness lain, , Mid srcpfie it tyrant4 held their gloomy icign ; Long had grim superstition rear'd her nest, And rul'd,the despot of the human breast : , Strife shook ttit* Nations—direst civil war I Strode forth hi gore, and drove her bloody cur , I And error snatch'd from Keasnn's trembling hand 1 lie torch of Truth, am! held the dying brand ir. The human mind, a moral Uar'kites- gloom’d. And man lo sail oppression's sea whs doom'd, In stailest night, where storms with tempests met, 'Yond which I he sun of Liberty hud set ; Whe i lo ! the; dawn ol lieason’s ra liaot light, Bursting the veil of intellectual night, i The shi-IohI mnrincf s beheld, and bles« d i ll'* star ol Freedom. rising m the \V«>t. Ill T.o ’ now (the morn of Liberty arose) I he earth .wakens from her deep repose; Jielnihl the Na'tniis, turning to survey 1 1 he new-born world, where beams the happy day ? 1 lien objt cl l.iheity—the star then guide— ! hey iinoi n Itie singe, and ride tin; unknown tide ; For In ! Columbia '» op'd h«»r virgin breast, l \nd wo"'* the Nation’* to u pi cc of rest. IV Here, m the wihfs of Nature’* sweet retit at*, I Our fa hers to-* ted Tierdom'fl native sweets; I /iV. i’d up their r.hildrett in the holy cunse — 1 I might them them to i*|uii u the tyrant and hi* law* ; pie grew hii I,den in the groin! brums, Refresh d and wntui’d with fair virtue’ll stream? ; \n«l Peace look'd foith, rejoic'd at Ficedum' Birth, And smiled like Bcautv un the blooming caitli. But, see » the morn t»y gloomy clouds oYrrust, A storm "I wrath is gathering m th. l ast, W here proud oppression at her uiipiuu ‘ann, Mas sworn our Fathers to enclave again. Already sounds the clarion bla »t ol wm ; Despots are gassing on the none from ’!»ir, Leagued, in their hellish purpose, to art. at I lie growing course ol Freedom in the We j. VI. The storm is hov'riug with it<9 angry store Of ll lining w rat h, to de-olale nui tuotc ; Beh"id ! Chdumbia bleeds nt every vein— Sb* hears the clanking nl the tyrant's chain. Sunn must our Fathers we. p hi bondage — noun Must Fie< dntii yield her lost, her only boon : Sono must the star that led them o’er the flood, (in down n gloom, and set m su»n f»| bluo I. VII | But bark' n tempest rushes through the bcav’n, | I he mount.mis tremble, and the null's are riv en— j I la* fi- rv »en-'eance pois’d his flaming dait, i J .» strike no- lrien 1 ol Freedom to (lie heart ? 1 ,No ’ ’ii-; your Wnshi glon dcseer.ds in wiath ; J Behold e lead* your patriot Fathers foith: High 1 eai> hi*/nrni—he wave* In- >woiil, and » , : * To arm* ' to at ms ’ Columbia's sous arise.” VIII H:* diject freed *m vn lory in his eye — I he blade »»f vengeance glitteiing on his thigh IB lea is ih vail —they lo'loyv in hi* ti»» k , Bush o*» ll"* foe, ami drive ii.«asioii Bark j i he vn t'iiy '< won—hi* sword,refulgent shorn* ; Huil d th proud uiunarch from his haughty throne : 1 r," 1 hi tin* do* , the tyrant prostrate I in - - 1 H i.! ’ I 1 • men hail 1 your country's I’rce a gain. IX. ! Ye sms and daughters ol Columbia ! > VYehonie, withjoy. tins ghoioiis, happy day : Be glad, ye Nation and n joic O earth ' And hail lie .lay, 1h.1t gave you 1 umpion butli Fatheisand Mothers ! piaiKe in holy n m,1**, The dav that ha* avenged your cliildn n s wrong* : Brofhei * and Si«tt is ' never never cm 0, i l o tile-s the day, that gave their gray liaii peace. X . Hail, sacred Liberty long was thy ark 1 iissM on the billows of »*» ocean daik ; I |»y dove lmi£ soar'd to find a place of rest, i ’fit an A« rural In ighlem >liu llie WrM Here, on Columhn'i shores, in culm repo*e, I hv vend rested till the tempest m<u When thy torn wreck, the mighty Washiiigton Repaired anew, with tune itself to 1 tin. XI Immortal Hero ' lis to thee we owe A 1 eseuetl c</ 1 f 1 tryv Hie! a •ontjnei d foe ; Thou Hiatch’dsl oir Freedom from the leagued hands And gav’st it perfect fo oui grateful bands. Immortal Father ' it wj * thou Inal tore Thy brea-t,* to heal the wounds thy children hoi e , Twns Ih.iu 1 lint baseil our I reclmii s t.> fair, I o screenth_y olFsprli.y from oppression'* bbul. XII. There sprung, immortal patriot 1 from the birth, A fount, who,e streams ate watering all the earth ; Bearing thy spirit on their vvnves. sublime, loev't y land—through > very ranging clime. O, may their waters never ceasa to glide I But rin ling earth—grow strong—spread far and wide; III tyranny's dark floods are heard no more, And Freedom's streams refreshen every shore XIM. I,.ink hack, and time hits rolled few years a routxl, •;inee itiis lair realm, was waste from bound to bound ; \ barren waste—where monster Tigers howl'd— 0 erwhosedark wildsthesavage Indian prowl’d. Hut view il now f—her shores with cities Ihrrng ; llerev rv mount, and stream are known in song ; Soon will her rising glories reach the sky. And Europe *uiiU—beneath her splendor lie. XIV, Columbia ! the stranger’s sacred home :— The weeping Fade s holy asylum : - The Bigot's martyrs—Tyrant’* victims here Mav find a refuge, and a friendly tear. Though no proud palace rears its haughty mien, Nor pageantry of splendor here is seen. Yet, to the humble cottage, turn your eyes, There, all the grandeur of Columbia lies — XV. Thrice happy land where Freedom’s sweets are shed ; • \» illusiou to the uobte Peiiceo, that tew* her breast toluul with har Mouiltb*poisonous wounds her vvuog ihsve roceiced The sigh of subjects—and their Tyrant's dread— I lie star benign, t int gbdt the blooming west, \nd guides the Patriot to a plsd* of test, K'eit lh»t wild Ar b. nun sing nt his speed, S'aiis «t thy name, and curbs his fiery steed ; And when he sleeps upon Ins Inn mug sand. Tastes, in his dreams, die tweets of Freedom s land XVI Guard then your liberty with watchful eye ; A Demon foe u evei hovering nigh : Kfental is the union of out land : — None bin Ameri aits can Inn t the bond. The distant powen ,,f |he aarth. in vain, Mhv frame dark but lam they not profane Our sacred Ark—lor well the T* rant knows, That fieemen quickly conquers h redout's toes XVII. ith bright pr •phe«u eye the Patriot muse I onks through the future, and the period views, When not the Wen shall be inspir'd alone, Hm ev'ry bre mi die kindling spoil own : — When all the Nation,, of the earth shall throng, 1 •» wake the llarpg ,,r Liberty to tong ; 'fill Freedom's anthems ting from shore to shore, \nd War's rude blast disturb <he woildno more. xviii. I hen shitII file firiiix . Lion cca e his ire ; I he liussiau thigh* in her suow suspire : I he f» r'lic *1 trainers eea»e !*• float on high. And i rkish * lexer'lli pien e m» more the *ky : When proud Columbia's Kn d< . plum «1 to soat ftii lolly wing, untiled from shore to shore, Shull seize our U eeilom's glorious Hag. unfm I'd, And wave the “spangled banner ’ o’er the word _ Vim.iM \ LEGISLATURE. SKETCH Of Ilf full-3 jwnni ill l!i‘ .*'> -,%ion of 1820—’20 [n..*ci tmco ) ill \ 11 H< i i imh ern mg 1\1 • II street, m the (t)\vn of Occoquon in Pilot e William county 115 \u net to an* home h i*»-p* • • *t f• eh cllori In Ho* town «>f Pnltontihurg in the county <>l lint atom t llo \u art authorising the Government ol j the Plilted Mates to pull base l ittle Watt. Is. |.mil, (to which to hold a light-house ; redes | the pn isilii tmn of the Commonvv- alih over said oil and to the U. Suite J 17 All act to aiithoi i.e a separate ele< tion m the town id N' wtmvn, (H'fpheii.bui g.) to the county «f Frederick. 1IH. An act Ciincei niug the corporation of the town «*f Pretleiickhurg ; authorise* die Mayot to take the oath* ot office before any Judge of the (it net at Court or Justice of the Peace 111). Ao act to authorise separate eleciions m the counties of Monroe and liith ; on flu* Sat onlay after the election at the < otirlhouse, at the house of (ainrnd Keller, m the county of \|.,iino. and ni the county of Hath, at the lion ses ol Muni' l William*, and of the heirs r,f 1 I'Ikiiiiii • I i iniftier, on the name day wi'li the e leciion at the t mirlhou«e. 120 An act to authorise the raining liy way of lotin v, a sum of money for the purpo.r of opening and paving the Thoroughfare Gad j Turnpike mud, aodiorie* the sum ot tlinfy thousand d'dlnr. to he for pavmg the I Raid road troni d» Fauquier ami Alesiindrii I ui npike road, near Hay Mark-' to the ford I of G to.'* creek, »<* the county of Fauquier. UI. An net to amend the law in rela'ion to the pay ol v itm ftftfft in certain ca <e* ; prohibits the payment of any wilnesnes for the f'oni inonwealth in any prosecution for a mimic mennor, union* tile t'ourt .Hall certify that a due regard to the laws icqoired mich pro4' t ii tion, and provide that witu* uses Mumiiioned I#v trep persons on tin Inn! shall In- paid l>V tun h ; free per.on*. mid prevent, any clerk from m* j t l iving a'low mice for public sei vice, if fie fails | to comply with the t'qoiMiinnx of the act mn < fi ning criminal pinscculious, passed F<biUai\ 12th. 1825. 122 An act amending Mnnct. entitled, an net j to revive and amend the act for cutting a iiitvi j <blc canal from Nnnteiiioud river to Sinner* j ' i ,u neck ; antlioi ist s the cornpauv to cut the j f inal from Naic ai'uid nvei to lloimoke or l ( liowan liver, >>i between the river* anil other water Coinse^ between them and allow* r.ot more than t* fi-thinl* of the toll* giantml to the I fisiua' Sw amp P nil Company ; anpciinU new managers for n*c, ivmg subxcr iptionx ; and allows two year* for the ••oniineneeinent, ami leti year* for the conipli’tion ot «anl work. 123 An act to amend tin* act, entitled nu ■* t to punish arson, the Ion ning or * «• f' nig flic t • fit,uses in towns, the main ion. homing auv house or house*, or .1 *cki», and Cei’iiin Ii* ii e breaker* and act estmi ies to f« loiiit « .to*! rerriv M's «»l slid ii "tiotF ; thpiivci slave* guilty of any of) nee. against I tie (fill section of 'he a»t to winch this i mi amendment, of die benefit of clergy, provided tin* injury amount* to the value of fifty dol'ai : "i» c* the benefit «,l * hi gv to fhnsc coitvir ted umlrt the "»th section, if the injury doe. not oiionot lo more than the *nme sum. and punishes those godly of a y iolafion o‘ the Dlh aeclioi., with stripes, by order of a justice. I.’l. \11 art *«nu»rini! Hubert I «»llard, ad ministrator * *! I ’hns W New , allows him a small gum, claimed as due to his intestate. 12 Y An act to amend the several act* author ising the courts of certain comities to provide h mo lie of opening and repairing the roadg within the same ; require** I tie roller-tors of taxes m the counties of Berkeley. Loudoun. Monongalia, Lewis, l’vler, and such other counties as shall l»e authorised to la taxes upon land*, Ac to enable i heiu to hill Id h* idges, repair road -, Air ; to make out and leturna list of all lands delin quent for moot of mini taxes, whir hcon. sfitutag a lien ujioii flu- land lor the payment of lli** said lax*%, to which the damages charg ed upon other airearage* * f land tax shall be acldfttl. upon any ap'-li* otion to pay the same, aii1) when pan! into the Treasury, the said Ci urt may draw for the same for the purposes afore ■ a id 124 An act divorcing Mary Alvin from her husband Peter M. Alvin 127 An act »*> rai«e by lottery a sum of mo ney for the purpose *»♦ opening u road from Mid dl»-hniirn in Tyler county, to the Pennsylvania line, authorise* twenty thousand dollars to he mixed for 11*at purpose, 128 An act concerning Ihe Lynchburg water works ; permits the common council of Lynch burg to transport through the canal on .lames ri ver, toll tiee. the machinery, Aic. necessary for the constiuction of said works. 129 An art concerning Thomas W. White ; remunerates him for the failure on the part of the Commonwealth to furnish ceitain Jour nals, contracted with him to he printed lor the State. 130. An act fir amend an act entitled an act relinquishing for the benefit of Gerard Pusey and family, the amount of ccitairi public fines, passed January I 1th, 1811 131 An act to i**vi^e and amend an act. «-n tilled ami act to authorise a lottery and the sal* of certain lots in the town of Portsmouth: au thorises the mining a sum. not exceeding twenty five thousand dollars, to erect a stone bridge to unite the towns of Gosport and Portsmouth. 132 An act to amend the that ter of the town • »f Wheeling; iucregses th* powers of thecoi poraltom 133 An act to prescribe the mode of paving public monies into m.d out of the Treasury directs all money due to the Commonwealth and it. various funds, to lie laid into one of the Banks in Kiehinood, upon a warrant from one of the Auditor', upon which the Treasurer is to moke n i order to the Cashier of one of ihe Hanks, who is to give a certificate thereon, that ■ueh money has been paid upon the return of all whir h, the is to give a receipt and then the Auditors are to give reccpls as now prescribed, nod imposes a penalty lor failure to p y in l Ids uuiiiiiei ; directs one general ac count ol all ih- various Iliads tube kept , no money to b*i paid out except by <« check drawn upon a warrant of one of the Auditors ; reduces the penalty of the I n-usurer s bond to live hun dred thousand dollars, and mikes i a peniten tiary offence to Huge or counterfeit checks, ike. Ac to lake effect from the 1st April 1:4*1 An lie to amend the sev» ral acts con cerning the Cartersville Hr idge t 'ompany, • edu rts tin width of ihe bridge to twelve f cl, and nub.mia* s any live ol the inanngvis to constitute a b mid l ib An act i onberninc the heirs of John f le. t deceased mid 13d. An id concerning the widow nod hens ol Wil i i'ii Li »vi s, dec used, allow tin* c-uniim lation pay to these revolution ry ofilcers 137 An act i ituthoi'fle separate elections in the ouufy of Hniiinx; •! the store-house of lb 'my K*innnid“ hi Ihe south-west; at the house ol William I’ranie in tip eastern purl,nodal ih house of "vtmtiel Brandon in the western pai l ill said < ouufy. IMS \o act concerning the salary ol the Co| slug ( le> k to (Ip I, a eertt ive ; met eases the salary two huii'lred dollar*. 1 Hit. An ad »o ame d the nd, entitled an art incoipotating a company t<> establish a turn pike toad from the 'own «>f l*"lei shot g to the North Carolina line; authorin'* books In la opened fm reieivip.; siiIini I iplitiiis to the h* mount ol Ihiity ihoumad dollars to make said I in. An net lo Incorporate. « ininpatiy to ('•instinct ii ioll-ln idg^e across ilia I’oteinnr ri ver 1 11 An act for■ opeiiiiu* ami improving »!**• 1 iiavigHlioii ol lln» Dragon Swamp, dnccts >nuks ! lo he opened fur receiving nuh-cnpt ions to the i aitiouiit of ivvn thousand dollar*, for said pin ! po»e, and allows t dl to collet led hy the com pany therein inro pointed. 142. An an to incorporate a company to leoiiRliuet '• turnpike road from I exi'ig'oit lit ! Covington, with a capital stock of twenty tlion ' sand dollars ; authoiifes the Hoard ' 1‘ dilic I Works to direct (w hen t: nveiiient) the Engi neers ol the State loi an and urvey the road and to suhsridie lor one litindteti and sixty shares ol the stork of said '<>mpany. Ill An an increasing the compensation of the clerk n IT lie ninete* nth regiment. I 14 An u> t to ami ml the a* t e 'tilled ail act In aulhoiise the constr ictlon ot a turnpike road front Leesburg n the county ol Loudnili^ to s me poini on the southern shore of the I'oto mac rive , at or item t> e town of f innhei land, til the h ale id ,Mhi ylnnd, absolves the c inpa nv from the icrpihifioii to make a side ot ruin met road. I IV \n art to authoilse * It *• const motion of a • w It.*' f on the puhlir landing in the town ol Port li< y d 146 All act authorising the county and coi poration courts to sell and convey hinds in ccr tain rases, fo wit : while thus have been ac quired hy (lie court, or the overseers ot the poor, tor the use ot the poor, and duixis the appointment <,t .< couiiiiissionei to make title to the purchaser, 147. An arl r >n< ermng the oirrsifeis ol llie po.n ; dii ec s the clerk, iigent m president of the overseers ol the pool to examine the re cnids of itm hoMtds <1 ovoiseers, and leport to the Auditor, hy the fust Monday o| December, 1 IH29, nil authentic inlnrm itimi rckpci'itig the ntiiiih* i ol the pool whiten and lie him U , an i annual expense ol tin n main'eniiitce. (mm 2at Lummy, iHiM), to tin date ol the report, amt Miiiiii.iIiy tin leaflet , imp ses a p* nnlly tor I "hue, to he recoveird hy Hie attorney for ihu Coinnioiiwealtli in each .'nun y • r c< rpoiat'oit, and allows the said oilier* such rouipoos.tlioii for their set vices as t ie uvci seers shall think proper The act to take effect from the 1st ol April next. > 143. An art coiicrciiiue the tow n ol limit* villa in the county ol I*. William. I 19. An act to incorporate a company lo con hurt a turnpike road Ii oiu 3tauntoii lo the i Potomac river. 1 '*<» An act incorporating a c.ori»"aiiy tocon* striii i a iirnpike i ad fic*m ilia Warm Springs , to infer ei I the Kanawha till npikeroad at ( al ia glia ii' • 151. An iii i authorising the trustees ol the! tow n of M.'iichmie*, to extend tho canal an tlooued to he < ut on the common of the said town. 162. An art lo locate a road from Wheeling ' to file -■late linn, at in h point IIi.tcoI as shall tie fixed hy tin commissioners on the part of the slat** of Pennsylvania. I.Vj An act to amend and explain an ict, to , raise a miim d money hy lottery. to connect the Stannum and lames Hiver 1 nrnpike with j the Kattaw .« mad at or iichi • t h « astern termi natmn, pasiiMl March 9, 1327. 154. An act incorporating a company to construct a turnpike ron ) from Warreiiton in he cly. of Fauquier, to Lexington in 'lie cly. ol I< irkbridge. 156. An aci to amend mi ad entitled an art to incorporate the Chesterfield rail road Com pany. 166 An act to improve the Navigation of theOpi q'iaii Creek, in the county id IJ*-rke ley 157. An art inmiporating h company fncon* •'met h turnpike road liom Winchester lo bmiflifleld. I6H. An act authorizing it sale ofthe slaves belonging fo the edHiH of Solomon Jacob*, deed. 159- An act to amend the several act* con cerning the Literary Fund , empowers the school commissioners of any county to cause their county to bn divided into districts, anil , when the inhabitants of any district shall rni*e tinee-flflhs of Ihe sum ueces^ary to hudd a school hiius* . the commissioners aie to appro ' (iriate the remaining two filth* for that pur pose ; they are also to employ a teacher at a sum not exceeding one hundred dollar* ; in w hich school every free white child shal' bn taught without fee or reward The annual meeting ofthe commissioners to be at the court house,on the first day ofthe court in October. They are to appoint a treasurer amt clerk; it prescribes when the quotas shall he paid, him! prohibits more than the quota of ono year to tic expended in any year. Makes the Second Auditor sob* superintendent ol the Lit- i erary Fund, except that ha shall not sell land nor draw on the treasury far any portion ofthe fund, without the consent of a board, to consist of she Treasuer, Governor and l»t A'i ditor. who arc beiicelotth to be President and | Directors of said fund, without compensation ; and increases the compensation to the Second Auditor to eight hundred, instead of five hun dred dollars. 160. Aii act to authorise the payment of Ihe arrearages ol the school quotas due to such counties ex have not received the same ; atitho rimlh« l’re*ident A Director* of the I,itmra l'u..d U pay auy money due, whenever,II,e pro viaiona of the ad concerning the Literary Fund, paaaed dial December, IH2H, ahull In complied with. lt>l A .ct concerning the Jamea River run,puny, aui|ioii<ea Ihrm to tnnkeau, h alter aimna ini he alopea, aa will admit the pa*aagn of fi h, not to eacrcd two hnndreij dullara. I*'- An ret rune ruing the Iruateat ul Slab Hi* i ; biithoriaea lliein to make agrecnienta uilh lie owneisof ilia mills upon tba river, for the privilege of eri rting locka in tlirir daina, fa in rnaa of disagreement, gins them the amd privilege, and Huthnriara the auuiin,,ning of a jury loaaaaaathe damages, wuh the right o’ appeal lo the Hup‘riot Conrl uf Buckingham, llW An acl Imp, sing laiva for tin support of gn- eroniemt min hr aame taxea aa during • he Inal yar, with the exception of the tax or* alavea, which ia reduced to turti Inxteod "t tor X' vrn rent* j on htuii a, far whi li ia 'etlurtd to ten inairnd of twelve i enia , and on int's of superior ami in eri r eourta. which ia reduced to one ilnliM ml 6tly cent in trail uf two dol lnr« ; impoa a tax uu ll>u cruder. of lottery |i, kei« nl iln. # hundred d Hart, and m lotte r,ea Huiliui ixed lie the Slntr ol aialy do lura , and makea it thedotv rd the hark* in the city ol Kiihtnrnd to receive in payment of jmbli, talea mill dura, i|,e notea ol the Untik of the Valley ami iVortliweatern banka in Ihe aonir manner lh, «e mites are now rereivahle at tin public treasury. Id I An ai l apomprialing the public reve tine makea the app< oy,rinliona according to the vm imi law a pinned dor mg (lie the prtarnl aeaaiou. redm mg the npprnprintion to the military eatnb • li* •in, oi lion, twenty.aeien ilintiaHiid In hiteen tlmtiaaml diillnia ; the uilier tiller,tliunaare mil iniprt lent. lb * An act to establish the town of f hhdv ville mi th* county ul Logan. Irto. An act concerning Philip Brutrukill, \ man ol color. lt»7 ui ici concerning the Auditor's nlnrv, (im *« .< . t .» * snlaiy of the Auditut 01 Puhh< Arooui »m $ I MOO lo $2(100 ) HIM Am ad cone ruing Km mu* Capps, ad* mini «» Henry 1 pp«, dec. IB9 Am an null orlsit.g * sale nl llie *lnvr* of I Iioiiihh (t p. ’lard, a lunatic. I/O \naii c-mernlMg indexes to deeds, (autlioriftffc $I.HM.. be p ud f<» David J),, Ion foi liis double index fo all deeds i. .» |Pt| Ml (In Clerk's olli. < of the (tenei alConi t the year 1823 It also input c* the i rk* of county and < oipnrntioo Pou*ds t index all deads hen alter admitted to i cord m the snid I nun*, as Well in the name ol ihe grantee as of the eiatitur ) 171, \ > act reducing the firm of solitary confinement in the Penitential y, and lor u •her pup'-en*. (It dire tn that liemo t o th ev* ety coilv ct hull he confined mi ti• • solitaiy cell, hi convenirtif intervals .if time, desetvifi;: lo he inflicted immediately piece.ling In dix charge Hire- iri<>nlli« uf his sentence .,1 solitary confioem-ul ; but that it **|inlf lie the duty ibe Supei intendanf fo remove anv convict Iron, the cell, it m his opinion and the opinion ol i! intending physician, the state of such rmtvid shall require it. It n made Ihe dn'y of tie f'.lenitive to prescribe all rule' I r tin* gov ciimeol o| ihe Interior of the Penitentiary which have been authorised by Ihe nets o' Assembly to be prescribed by the Hoard o Ibi'retoi'k, and the Bontd arc lo see all tin rules can led into execution. The Huperintcn drtnl and Hiicctors aie to ntnUi such chunges in Ihe structure uf ttm soblaiy cells upon the f.' i oo i111 floor, as will cause them (o be null lighted, and ventilated, and to cut oIT all con vet "fion hel ween the com ids confined there. io !♦ nines the salary of flie first Cleik |i. 'he iVmieuiiar) Stmi from 0 to Hull dollnri It abob ht*s the tailoring business, except for clothing the coin 1.t» and the public guard It am < the pur'base ol a team engine ot stilTirienf powei to ptopel the necessary machi nery locrrv on tin woolens innuulac'ory, and ul o it spoining Jitinv n d Mich other inachiiieiy as stmII lie vicfcxini y lot the hsinr»») 172 A act t*o tenting P. n-iiu.»* upon the Cmeii.nini Surety,- (an them lobe paid out of the Public'I reu my sin li portion* of fhcii reaper live pensions as they may have been deprived of, and mi like manner, from time to lline, the deficiency which shall he found to axi-t in their pi nsiovts bh charged upon the mteicut of said fund, in consequence of ll <■ !i»t. defalcation-, mi ihe i reastiry.) *73 Ao act feleasiug to sundry citizens ci Wood county pars of the land Ini marly held hy John Jones Waldo. 171 An aci t i amend the several nets cod ceiuiitg the Hichmoud Dock Pompnny-—(Pro videsiliHf unless tin- Pompatiy kIimII at some, point below M yo’s Plrn-d, at tbeir own ex* pease, construct a loi k m the bank of th'* Do. U, ..i such dimei-Mioni ns shail be de*ignu ted t»y ilia Pm cipal f.o. imei ol |her Slate, and 'hall keep open fi in Ihe h.rk to the river a ntl vigation for ail boats which ran uavtg.iv tin Jano * Kiv' i < anal, the Pompany ^hn!I at thei .•wi, . pense ronstiurJ a lock in the bank «• th* Dock above Vlavo’s Island, and below the chuir. o'locks leading fi oil! ilia bn in uf ihe Janie* live* company, ol oich *iirxcii'*i<»iim a< shall b* pnscibed by tbe principal kugineer for the line passage of the • mial boats I hey are al lowed till (he iHt of August, 1830, to complete either of these woiUi as they tuny (fleet, their election lo lie inaite known to fhr James River < «»m| y by Hie fatst of May next—In the ni' an it*, e tin* ( oiupaiiy nIwiII go on to receive Ilia tolls author is ci| by the*r ouginal charter - lu case th* I) tk Company shall i icimiiic (j make the lock above Mayo's Island, then the James River Company shall ere* t a clam from Jh** Uppei part of Cniiflm-nca fxlan i obliquely to tin* Northern ahntme *1 of Mayo * bridge on llr iBlaml lit si »n**f< jotted ; ami a dam from th.* upper part of Cnnfliienc> I land to the Island next above it, both darns to be of sufficient height to nfiord water deep en ugh at the lock to be elected by the Dm k Compuny abovo Mayo's idaml to navigate nil boats which can navigate the Canal; and fiom the Southern extremity of the (Jam shall cut a canal through ( oaflue'.ct* Island to the nearest point on the South side of that Island where the water is d. ep enough in the river f r navigation ; am! m the canal shall construct a lock of such de mens oiis as tuny be prrscnbcd by the Princi pal Kngineei for the easy ascent and descent of all boats which can navigate the canal* These two companies are to keep their works respec tively in good repair—and Hie Legislature re serves to itself the right of opening it comma mention from (fie Dock above Mayo’s Island to tide water, should the Dork Company erect a lock and open a navigation below that Island 175. An act concerning t c Lihrarv —-Directs the Clerk of the Council to make sale of such of Heumg s Statutes at large, and Gilmer % mid Randolph’* reports as belong to the Statu and the Join oals heretofore to be printed—au tbonzes th President and Directois'nf the Lit entry fund to loan six thousand dollars to the Library fund, which is to be disbursed in the purchase of books ; requires the librarian to give bond And security and mcrea -es hi* salary lo three hundred dollars ; allows the members if the Stale Convention to use the Library an.d lirects copies o( all the books directed to be told to he transmitted to the naf onal Library *t Washing'on, and copies of the Inige map pf Virginia to such societies in Europe and ibc