Newspaper Page Text
THE LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN. HI PLKTIHKIt & TOLER. VVMHIUHG. VA. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, IS2SI. VOL. VII.-AO.IW. t-t For •4*eranX5|^bh>’"*<»»"#*r'X® «»* ^ „.|7 hlTrermwl ft»r * ««"• tlBHJ ll1*® *** B,ontN# •f'f* *,|| I.; .I.aeontmoed (but at th.4l1.wU0u ,tor.)uuu! all arrearage. ore P»M. thH ' n ,||, Win tie m.ertrd at 50 cent, per y Ad»«rU.n n 1 * Um<) f„„j 37 | .... root, for ouch ■^rris:- ■ d,rt»,ci "i,,'t h° |,“,|lr" * .^to ih"ir inwtioo, or th. paym.ot ..rum.-I hy rrro.poat.b,. p«r..mln Lynchburg. ^r«’h!*c«y Ordor. noteaea^lmg two .^.ro.ara m ' y xVneu'r'"nMro».'> “> “*« *•«•" ,UU•, * , .. t7d. or that' "ill not bo attended to. » w ArriVftAa ' receive.! a Mrge asforlnient of Ink gf Powder*. »nd Liquid Ink m Bodies hid tier's Indelible Ink A „t the celeb.aiedPepper Sauce . sunn'lv of Moore's K«*ence of I.ilo Yrt additional supply®! Ur J. Tl.m.ipioi. e CM hrated eve water Mar6e supply of Liquid Sponge Blackm.-, m casks and in bullies. And olio Liquid Blacking, ’.'nfliih Oil iproce. y.nplnh Lw*c* olSpruce, Wheaion'icelelirmed Itch Ointment, ^iieaton'* do. BiHars, Spice Billers \ large afsorffnent of Theemo met erf, and liy drometeri, fur proving Spirils niid Acids \ large supply of Pyrnligiiinus Acid, for cur.ns mem , ... I A lafjfe supply ofgiH>nnd lunger, ground AH- i •pice and gromiil black Peppwr.and ol Gay eni»«* P» ppf*r i.IIJ \ Urge supply of common and refined Bora* \ good supply of Paris white and Preach green for window blind* \ very mtensre assortment of Vnrnishea A large supply nl l»e-t Poland Starch V supply of Mquid Pitch for water vessels Also, ol Super Curb Sflda and Tartaric Acid of *Sal Soda And a Mipply of Sumnr Of Arrow lloot—iHI kind* Of Powdered Klin Bat U Of Pumice and Hott»*n ^lone Of Wafer*-—assorted Cotoig mid si*, s Also of Sealing wax and lead Pencils*—all kind* An sumo*Intent of Bronze, viz : Gold Siivei and Briiss large supply of ground nod powdered Orange peel ami Gentian, of Sulphuric Muiiatic ami IN ill ic .Acids, and of Aqua Kofis A largo supply of Carolina Pink Hoot *Of Oil and Kinenee of Kennel iiccd, See* Together w i*h a print variety nl other twtietes at unusually loirj/riccv, II * March 5. 20 0 PACK A «i KH .Loudon, Paris, Poston, Sew York and. Philadelphia Goods for sale, liY WHOLESALE OH RETAIL. MEDICINES, drugs, paints, Oils, dyestuffs, tmihliP', wine-, snufl's, patent medicines, surgeon*! instruments hnttei’s materials, dye woods in sticks and ground, colors, chemicals : the American medic,ul herbs, water color* in boxes and l»y dozen or single cake, colon;* (or paintiog on velvet, clothiers Inn he* nod jacks, tenter hooks, a vinirtyot fi'cy articles from Paris and London, which the Indies and gentle men of Lynchburg mid it- vicinity areveiy re pectfully invited tocall and examine. Puller's materials, UenNut'a instttmifuU. a complete as sortment of gum elastic instruments, nic. The subscriber is tidte opening his spring supplies, consisting in pmt of the above articl e, tie \ «• i v respectfully invite* the call ot his friends customers. physicians, merchants, the citizens of Lynchburg find the public in general, lie is able to supply orders to any extent, and will •oil goods on ns good terms as anv house in Vir ginia. I Its articles are ail frtsh ami genuine. mm el u\vies. Feb. 2o,_ _ FOR SALS. ffs VERY handsome linle Faro., upon tin.' ^Xhrail water, ol Appomatli X, in burking ham. This In in) it in t lie neighborhood of Clo ver Hill, he. mmarkaldv tv el I. produces lo. btteco oil he finesl quality. mid h s upon it i. very large orchard ul well .eleeled f oil ; the tract coutHios 310ncre?—Ver-oni .1 i-;.o -.1 to buy, will apply to the snbscrio. r or Col. S mil. A. Palleson, who lives adjoining Ihe premise* SAMI,. P. CHIUS 11 AW. March 2. t« Commission Business. THE subscriber haviu entered into tli^ ('oramission business, offers l is re; vi res lo Ihe merchant* and plnnters trading lo this place Tobacco, Flour, and other pro duce, confided to It is cate lo sell ot* s!iip, will be strictly attended to. He is provided with Storage hi a fire proof homo* on tuntn street, for the reception <>( Flour, Whiskey a’"1 pack ages of Goods. SAML- HANNAH. .Tan, 1. 12 m bpt. 1 urpentme ami Linseon' (rfl. Y^U^f received a j'ult supply ol'Spt. Itirpen liM tine iiim! fiinseed Oil. mowed mviiis. Much 2. S X IT F F S, 7U3T received mnl for .ale, nl ten/ nd’irrrl fijpritt:', ii very larpe assortment nl Sniitisu i Bottles, CanisleTs, .lau, Bladders amt Kepps DOWEL DAVIES. Feb. 2ft coMMiaiiop! BUSirsr^SsT rrui E subscriber informs his Iriends ami the JL public that lie continues to (Jo business *in Commission, ami promises that ms pains -halt be spared to give entire satisfaction to #11 Planters and Farmers whc# may confide to bis management the sale of foh.icej, Flour, r>r other produce, ills office will be kept at the Store of Messrs, J Sf S. Hulsey, ne*l door below the Farmer u Bunk. L). SAUNDERS, jr Jan. ID. lcJm II AT R ASS IMA KIN G.—^e hrB. subscriber, at the lower end ot mam .street, in addition tobis Hope ami Twine malt iup business; makes and repairs Curl’d llair Matrasses. Also makes Shu< k Matrasses, a 1 neap aud comfortable article for summer—and "uuld be thankful tor any job in that way, wbicli shall be done with neatness and despatch, md on very reasonable lermes. J. H. ECHOLS. Mr)v 1 Is59. JBitwjiWB aiSsraT WE have a few handsome Liverpool Di ning Setts complete, which we .'ire of fering very low. Also, a splendid assortment Tea China, embracing every quality and price. ^ e invite the attention of our friends aifd the public to the above. ^ McH F.R, TCOBfNSON & C(>~ Kin. The cr.'cbratyl Tyace llnrse SHXZBSP3XBS. VTOILI, STAND ih. en i W siiitii; o'Hion hi my ‘l»bli>. in thi* to»n of Lib ertv. mul c unty of Bedford, ! mid ill f»e let in marcs at jnJo the season, piivnme ttie . oh ol I Vceuibn , next—the season will commence on the 1st ol ! March and end on the I>i of August next— *15 the single leap, pnyablr at the stable door : ami $40 for insurance, payable hk k>oh as the mate h known to he in foal, or transferred—one dol lar to be paid to the yrnom for each mare 'f e proprietor ha* made the most ample anting ments to have marcs well attended t*» that tuny be sent to this horse, hav ng pinvirh d COO acre* of land for pasturage, gratis , h part of which i* in Clover for ea*'ly grnfiug, the e m Wheat and live, sown for the express purpose, di% iiled info cliku rent enctotu* e*, and nil well watered, so that mares with young colt* can lu kept separate. Mates con he fed with grniq, if required, at the lowest and most nmom ary prices. \»nple stable room In protect them from the inclemency o' b d rainy •' father, ami salted twice every \yeek I Itese arrangements, toge ther with mv perso* al and devoted attention, assisted by laiflilul Ostler* provided for the pm i pose, will be a warrant, it i hoped, that tnaic* will be wt'l treated, and n turned to their own | ers in good condition. I will state, that Inst spring, there was sometimes ns high as fnrtv mures from n distance, all under mv rare, a uitmhor with young colt -, sometimes h* f«r n-, j 150 miles olV, all re timed fc. their ov-ners in good condition, w» h ut the least hunt ne*s or injury. No tesp uisibility for a e-ib-nts or escapes, hut every exrition will be made t<» prevent them IH'seruUitm , Sbakespcnre is a heatni'u) Mood hay, K;»•»<1 - i sofliiely ma* ked, black mnne u d mil, with a I most delightful cunt of lutii, « hicli for slick n*. *s ' and ft non s* i> seldom equalled, and never » i ! cet* led, «»f most commanding appearance ; g t at strength, beautv Mini «ction%; seven year* "M t is spring | full sixteen hands high ; him! t is (bought It v the befit of judges t' at blink e^px* re i* not excelled in point nfnppear^eee !»y any horse in Virginia. Much mo re couhl he said, hut gentlemen of the tmf, »ud breeders i'i Vir ginia and North ( aioliu* are too generally no Via in ted with the hemduunl results fiom judi cious crosses, to require an> thing bi'ttheir nun imigment and discretion, to induce them to em brace the present opportunity of improving their vtock. Ni» ehariM* tm person* or servants bring ing mat ex to thi.< Imr-e Shakespeare is limited to three mart s pot day, ami I can say with a clear conscience, that I think bun the surest foul | getter 1 evei kept. Should any mate* fail to I prove in final that was put /lie Iasi spring, nnh [ half price will lie charged, in case gentlemen j send again. YVilHti WV.Y. Shake*penre wax got by Virginian, tin? f vn rite sou of Sir Archy, nod among hi* most tih tinguished meet s ; his dam, who was sold last year, with her colt by her side, to Mr. Living ; Ston of New York, for 1.11n> dollar*, i* by Mr. 1 Herbert Hill’s hav horse Shenand tab, one <jf | the first sons of the celebrated race hoi so Puto mac ; Im* wn< out of Mr. Hill s hav man* by the imported horse febrifuge, her dam bv llr ini j ported hor-p Grey Diomi d, her griiodam hy ' Wildair, her g. grandma hy Col. Hayur'a Klim ■ nap, her g g. dun hy old V ’• i;n»? YYVVVmV>\.\.VVKS The spring he was three years old, liT* won the colt'* i ace nt New Market, at three heat*.? it I subscriber.*, purse 1200 rbdlaix. beating Bet*y ! Arche .Janette and Bockinjiam ami other* ve | ry easily, and repeating in fine time—-the same hpring lit* won the Jocky f loh Purse, iwu mile ! heats nt Spring ! fill, fine Marti’ g—the fall alter , he was three year- old. he \vr n the annual post* | st ke at N* w Marke t, 1 ■ u irme heals, five s ib I scrilfTs. £200 each, b ‘ding easily Janette. Mr 1 Harrison'* Virginian, and t'o others—same ! fall, In* won the proprietor’-, purse at Nottoway, two mile heats, bottling Phillis, AraMis.and ot o ! other with great ease—*h • next week lie run at . Bolltcdd for the fork* dub Purse, jfoOO. three mile beats, won withont «lifticulty, lieating B» r • fraud, Amt us and two ollous—the work after, he won l!»e Jocky Club P Tic at Spi ing 1111!, two mile hen’s, b nfine Blunter and two others, hand in I. -flu spring he was f"t»r years old, • he won (hi .fori \ Club Purse y<»0tt at Belliehl, • J mile heats.lx ating die distlngtiished nor m» te Ariel in fine tim«—the next w eek, he won the J Jocky Club Pur*t» at Latneticeville, four mile | heats, ^bOO, nt one beat, which he tool; so ea ' ?ii!v 11 a« no'hiug would t mi ngai' *t him the so 1 turn! heat—the next week he run at New Mar j kef, four mile heats, and w as l>ent by (»ohanti *h .at three limits. Shake* pen re beating Plirfilln ! in the same rue**, they contended so closely as | to injur-* each other v» ry much, at.d then bv I gave Gohannuh fho race—the f-'l he was lour ' y < :»»* old, lie whs trained, sustained an injury in hij liind r.ncle, wax turned out. taken up a 1 gain and run : he was benlrn hy Ariel, »AI«»n stem* Tonson and Sally Magee he was then tinned out ami wintered, his ancle improved— j tfu* spring he was five yeais old, j.»• was again trained, and run at Halifax. N. ( ior the prn ' prietor’s purse, two mile heats, which he won ; in a great rime, heating Mulatto Mary, &.C.— , tiie next w«ek he won the Jocky <’lnh Purse, I .*5>"»00 at Helfield, mile heats, at ft heat*, hea* mg ShHv Magee, bis ancle again gave way, ami i he lias not stalled for a race since So that if | will lx* *een Ciotm the above statement* of per formances. that Shakespeare has heat alumst* v 1 erv racer of distinction that wax on the turf , with him—-amom them Janette, the favorite of ! Now York ; Bettiaud, tho favorite of’South t a ' rolia i ; Klirtilla and Ariel, ||ie favorite* id V ir | eif^io ; a* well h* A rains, Marktime, Phillis, Hock it) gh am. Betsy Aieher, fcc. Skake-peaio made a fine -eason the last sprint!; hi* cops will he sealfett'il in sixteen different coint« >, ! anti this spring will show lor fhf'imelves, and wish him to rise or fall on ins own merits, and return my thank* for the liberal encouragement heretofore received, and solicit a continue wv of the sune- VVM. TLRKY. Bed lord,March 5. It'* (ireat Bargains in I'IoUm rilllOSh who want Cloths, would find it to 1 J|_ their interest lo call on the snbscriher. He has mixtures, olive,s claret, super Jif mid dling blue and black Cloth*, and I ph-ca su iter Ermine blue, nnd one do. tlo. Electoral black, which he is determined to s'-ll very cheap. H. AELfSON. Dee. 25 ___ HEW \KD.—Knnnway from my plantation, m Botetourt county, on tt lain 01 the present month, a miitatto man, Nat, he is about 21 years ol age and iinroirminn iv likely. He is. I expect, in the neighborhood of Lynchburg, or perhaps in the ibighborhood of Bethel in Amherst. Me Imd a variety of clothing which he look olTwith him, among the j rest a fine hai, blue broad clolli coat, hr.. I he [nbove reward will be given for the apprehen sion and delivery of the above slave to me near Bedford Court House .t'tO V ANDERSON. POKTRY. -CTO/ ■ I -■ — ■■>» » [From a poem called 1 Ivrafenstem.,'] WOMAN 0 Woman 1 woman! how pnurtray thy features Thou lovely inischiel!—Gentlest of Oml a crea ture*. Aril worst of fai ie» ; fl twer nf Parndijst, And rank, foul weed, with deadliest poison fraught ; Top of nil virtue, eatract nf alt vice ; Above all value, yc' so cheaply Impght ; Source of all good, and fountain of all evil; .'fan'} heaven and hell, his nog. I and hi devil. F*oil's favorite, and God'* abomination O'lr eurse ami blessing saviour and damnation; The ruck nn which man's shipwrecked hope# are lost, Tha haven where ht« hark in pruce reposes, 1 he sea of troubles u here his soul is tnsa’d, 1 he spirit that o'er his life a calm ilifl'usrs ; F.irth s deepest tain,Croatian's Imghlc-t spot, fell me, what nit thou, ami w lmt art thou not 7 It grieve* ine, Indie.,, to the heart, to ,,iy Hung harsh as these, hut 'tis a covert way In Halter you, for stel the Mu cs deal In fiction, so I pray you lake the good— (Which is all line) nml cast away the ill, As nonesenjr, slander, try mere malice hiew'd ; False ns the despul's onlh S, tin; devil’s w ilea, 'The stitecmnn's sfaieinrnt, ami the courtier's I so ilrs. MINTS TO VOl'Nti I'AltMI-.liS. Consider your ailing (he must elevHted, U the mo1-! important 'minever lie above it, nor be afraid of tin frntk mid apron. Pul off no bu«ine s. tvliiidi ought nod can lie douiilo day, until lo morrow. A* soon as the spring opens, and the frost i< out of the ground, put yuur lences in or der. Plant no more ground than veil run well manure and cultivate to your advent-,:• N' Ve hire a man to do a piece of wnrl w high you ra»t do yourself Kvery day has its appropriate r!litre , utlriul ti them in succession Keep no mote stock iIihii you a i kivp in good nider, and that of the best luml. Never " run into debt" \\ i*limit i reason* able probability ol solving it at the time n gie- d. Rpinemher the* econimu/ and inrlusln/ ij-plbe two greet pillars, the .hic'ti.i and Don.', ol the farimu ’$ prosperity. Ni'vpr cHirv your notes in you. poeh»tbnok .** the i!*ik or 'runk m n mure Appropriate j plan*.—K»i*p t In* in on fil<* h to J in ordi r, ready j ifi be lound wIm'ii waiitid. ,N>v*t buy liny thin** wt an miction 1« rnusr flic Hr I i« In is going cht-np, imh*s* you have h ' us** for 11. K*u p n place for your tools—and your tools ' in their place. In-Mend ol spending i\ rainy dnv at the dram <t 11 < i p t n« many do to th«*ir ruin .repair whatev i t*r wnnn menduiK—p«ud your books. 1 Shoiil-! yuii he food of the rhnsr, or the !«p«rtolt’»e huukt imiol-o occasionally, lull ! mni r In the injury ol more important con* »rru • 1 ti) hiving your husiiM 8 before yon, hi not • perinittin : your hfi*iitps*> to diiyc you, you ■ will havo opportunities to indulge in inunrcu; diversion8. .>e\ er trust your money in the liunux ol IlictT . uinii, \vln» will nut his own to lia/jird. I U cm interest ora debt become due, pnv it ut tin* lime, whether your cieditor «vnnt*t it or not —-nev er ask li 1111 to " uni! till nml urdk,* toil pay it Never insult him !»v saving, "you do not want il. ' ibiuctoality \s a key to every man’s chest. Hy r.niMtant tempeiun ’t\ habitual moderate exercise, ami uniifterted lunesty . you w »Ii »i voiil the fees ol the lawyer and the slieiiiT. gain a good report .find probably odd to your present existence, ut Ica^t, I n years of active lile. ! When a friend calls to sea you, treat him with the utmost complaisance, but if iinp< r tent hud lies* calls y our al tent ion, f>« ■ 111«iy ex ; cure \ our elf, and he w ill excuse y on Should you think of building a h »u e, lo ■ not in a hurry, but first have every material on the ‘|.ot, himI let your cellar he as large as | lhe traffic. Eecp a memorandum hook -» i»f«*r nil notes Iiethor i« ccived »given—all moneys m c* i | ved or paid out—all expenses—allcirctn.i tan* I cm of impoiiancu. In December reckon and w*tile with all I rho-e with whom you have accounts—pay your di bills and yo*rr mechanics, il not ! promptly done at iho Iitn<*( which is be l of ' all. I On the first of every January reckon with ( your*i It, r nd re* bon li^iieitly , bring into view ; a I debts end credits—notes and counts— ascertain lo w1 ni amount y our expenses were 1 t tic last year, and the In-* or gain—make out a lair statement nut! enter the whole in u bosk ■ for tin* purpose.-—flavin^ arrived ut this im* i poriaui knowledge, you will imitate the pru I dent traveller, who always keeps in view where he is next to move. You will now look toward, mid calculate how and mi what way you -twill bed meet and prosecute the business ol the ensuing smison*. And hutly, when the frost of winter shall |*y an embargo on your operations, »»r.d the dulling blasts of Boreas shall storm your cas 1 tie, lei your fireside he a paradise, and let the ' long evenings he consumed in social glee, or ; in toe pursuit of useful knowledge. j AN OLD FARMER. Manifiek], Jan. 7,1829. FECUNDITY OF RATS. Rnt3 multiply so prodigiously, that were it noi that they are universally a proscribed an imal, mid receive cpiai ler from neither man nor beast, nor even from one another, it is cal culated the world itself could lint contain them. From one pair, 1.000.000 may be pro pagated in two ye*rs. Vide Button ,Uuerbont, fir HOLLOW IJOflN Spirits of Turpentine applied along the top oUthe head of cattle about the roots of the horn is sab! to he « virs remedy for rflis dts HMt DOJMUB3TZC IMTELLIOE .wCE From the Saluinnl Intelligent** DINNKR To MU. < l.kX Upon the brief notice given in the papers ol this City* on iatiirritty in>iom#', a iiu»nt>er ol i itizens, rr«d«i>ti ul Washington, members id i»l Congress, Mini oth* r stranger*, ustemb .d at Barnard's H*dfl (the Mansion llmisr) to take a friendly leave of Henry (lav, late Sect cla ry of State, previous to his departure Imm the City for his resident c in Kentucky, The company *«*etnhltjd on tills occasion t*« seeded all et|ieciation. At u litlln alfst sis, upward* of n hundred "vnllruien sat down ton eery abundant find handsome enteitniun not |ir<ividad by Mr. B»rnn»d;nt which Ben r*l Wither Jones acted at President, and (leorge Calvert, Cf*] (ad. H. (' Weightumii, »>nd Cut. J l Stull, as Vico I'lendenll J lie dinner being qv t r, enlivened by esrel lent wine, and ehecrcd by patriotic music, the following toast(*hu only prepared ones) were given fnnn tbe Chair. 1 i.'/o fate Aiimtnidration — Happy the people who can Alford, out of the abundant" til moial nnd intellect if ! resource to postpone f t ministry of iryant* * • pure u.rt mug t mutinous, %0 devoted and capable, for t <e sake ol moir clicri*lit d optitne « on government nr polic y ; and for tun sit <s a* happy, if they have found oth evs better endowed to provptr uni udnrii the U pit 11*. Z. the ,\nv .•bunt inst rat ion —I*> the, cen stitntioirnl, imp it nin I. mid wi « hi I* cl ion otTm. lion#*.I mr< id muona! * nd*, the candor ai d jmti intitni * I all pa ties must teemd tipplum*** ami Mippoi l, ouijii, • lifted by any ot the pci soil ul or political produce*iun9 'M collisions ngi fated in the recent cans ass lor the chuie o, ru Id i Alnj tril V? (tnd Mnwntir —A they make up the ar gicgnte of the tun y |»o itu*# so mu 'ml injury or mveiei ate fuud. wmihl tie us in at dim I among them, H4 Among the diflF rent ctnlo-i* or the same n. turnl bo ly ; the aliments p.npn Co l» th ur* tmo .• ledg*, \ mur, am* public *pu it. win h i ii i nou'Oie b« monopolized by theimw ti «tr the tiiaimy ot (In many, than by the vio If lice o| the feu . d Slate Jh^hh —and one of the most prci ions ami indi-teuvihle of thir*u rights Union : hav ing neither is «itsiiitive prop* Mi* «« mm ted and confined by tin? too • nl*-,>s»» find pc i vn ding action ol IVilentl power, nor »*« ptitii iples ot cohesion weaketved by the impatient ebtilli lions ol it** constituent purl1* 6. Health, pro p* Tity uml happiness to our highly valued am) mtertiK d ;*ue»t and t, ||Uw Citizen, IJ. nry Clay. W h;*lever the future; dr* linatiou *»l hi* life, ho litis done cootie for h>n nr, and need rl 'sh c* no higher reward than tin* dei p seated aiVcetion and i rspet t of tiis ft tend* and hit enuniry This toast having hen received wi'h great npplauce and repealed cheers. Alter the ai da inaiions subsided Mr. t lav mldrcHsed tluj Company ns fol lows : In rising, Mi President, to offer my respect ful ai'knowl«il*rmeni:| for tin* honors *>f which am hei c tiie object. I must ask i lie indulgence of vouisclf, and t .e other gentlemen nnseiiib'erl foi im unaft'i rted * inbtii i ns-inc'iit, which is mure s« nvibly felt, than it can hit di*tiitt lly ei. pretoid. I his «*tty tut< been the theatre of the icHici pm tiou of my public lib . V >u an I oth. ns sv 11 mi I now cee, have been Kpectliloi's «> f ni, pu .l.i <"t»iS' and r milnct. You and Hi* v are, ti I tnay borrow a espicv'hou from an hum i aid profession, ofwlitcli you Mud I are both members jurors ol the v cinage. To a judgement lende ed by those who Inin* thus long known in*\ and by mnei*if though not ol the pa »» l, w ho have po*».»(,| . fjiirtl opportiim in s oH*»i niing Yo lectupini n , I most cheer fuilv submit. It the weight of human t stiiuouy stem d he ehtnm»:»*l by tne intelligence anti rcis p*t mhilily uf the witness, and the ex lent of his knowledge of the matter on whit It lie testifies, tht highest comitleraiioii is tl c !*» that which has been tins day >poii!nueotody given. I shall ever clterrsh if wi'lithe must grai* fill recollec tion, and look back upon if with proud stttiifac' tion. k should be glad to led t hat I could, vv if It pro jo i. Iv, ubjoiim hum any alluvion, Ht ibis time and at this jilni’e, to public nflaii *. But, coil* si 'ciiue the or moon which has brought us to’ gel her, the events which have preceded it, and the influence which lin y may eteit upon fin | dexiiitn* ol ourconniiy, my silence iniglil be mUiuterpM ted, on! i Hunk • *. liiefefut'*, pmpar that I should embryo e (ins first piib'o. oppoitu mty which I have nad ot saying a f»*w words, since (tie term inn non of the late me mot able and ciub tiered contest. It is foi from rny widi to conlimm «-r icvive the agitation* with which that content wa* ntUaided. ft is ended, fot good or for evil, lb** nation wauls repose. A majorov oflhfl jn pie lias decided, and from Ihe.r decision there can and ought *o he no aji jn al. Bowing, a* I do, with profound respect I to I lie in, and t«» tin* e*ei cisi* of their sovereign Hiithoiity, I iimy nevertheless, be allowed to ie ta il and to express my own unchanged Heim incuts, even it hey should not be in pet ted c<> incidence with heir* It is a source of high gratification in me to be1 ieve that I share these set t iTn ms in couunoii with more than a h.*lf a million «> I free • »i, possea<*iiig a degt*** ot vil tue, of ii'tcllitp'll- e, of fr IglOII, Hllti of geun ino patriotism, win h. wi hunt disparageivu-nt to otheis, is iif»*urpa»*ed, in the "ante number ot i men, m thi* or a v other country, in this 01 | any olhei age. I deprremed the eb ction ol the present I'r** ideiit of tin 1'udcd ->»atcs, because I helicvi-d he fiad neiftn i ihu temper, the experience, nor the attainments requisite to disi barge tin emu plicated mid arduous duties of clne.t Magistrate I deprecat'd it still more, because Is.* »*!♦•» a'ion J believed, would be tli • r» su T exclusively of adm.ration and gratitude for nidflary geiviou, without regard to indispensable civil (ju jiina tiont. I tan neitlier retract, nm alter, nor mo dtfy, any opinions which, nti the*** subject, I have at any time heretofore expressed. i thonghf I beheM in this . lectiOil an awful i foreboding of the f'.,ti: which at some future (I i pi a v to Ond; that, if it ever anive, it may, he some tar distant) d»y# was r>> befall this infant | Bepublic.—All past history hail impressed on tny mind this solemn apprehension, nor is it «Ifaced or weakened jy contemporaneous e venfs passing upon our own favoied continent. It is remarkable,that at this epoch, at the head of eight of the nine Imlrpendcnt Governments established in bo*li Americas, military officers | have been placed, or have placed themselves. General Lavalle hat, by military force, subver ted the Republic of La Plata. General Santa Crust is tin* Chief Magisliair of Bolivia ; Colo nel Pinto of Chili; Genera! La Mar of Peru ; and General BotLar of Colombia, Central America, r»*nl in piece*, and bleeding ot every poie, from wound" inflicted by contending military factions is under the alternate swav'of their chiefs, hi the Government of our nearest neighbor, an election conduced according to ail the require* inenfs of their Constitution, had terminated with a majority ofth« States in favor of Pe draza, the civil candidate. An in«urrection was raised in behalf of hat'iiiilitarv ri\a!; the cry not exactljsof a bargain, but ot corruption, wax sounded ; the election was annulled, and a rt fc raj flffbcffcff by pretiai «rr ng frtnvtjtt G vT ro, having onlv a minority of the State*, July elected President. The thunder* liom the our-milling to fs, and the acclamations ol ih** •vmldid multitude on the fourth, told *»« what <»rncr*l wa *f the head of Our affair*. III* true, and in li is iftpect ** ate happier than lonte of |ne Amfncati ipatef, that hU election hut not^efu b ought about by military vtolfHt*, The lonoHoi the Contiitutioii have yet remain rd inviolate In re as* rliog the opinion wh rh I Jhol lf nothing it lui tln r from my purpote than to Irani with the «lighte*t tliiiptprft those of my lc I low citizen* hern, or «*U» where, who may entertain opposite *enlimtnt*. The tart of lornuug and i irrcising the free and indepen. ilept uvpreinkiuii of the d id ate* of my own de liberate jodgni*lit alibid* the •trongetf guatao lv «>♦ iny full recog it ion of their correspond ing privilege. A majority of my fellow citlaen*. il would i am, do not pert* ire the *!u gei», which I pptVhemhd front the Relieving they ure not teal, nr tlm we l ave o »’« •ecu| ity against their cfTei t. w hich undent and modern Republic* have not tonnd, t at major tv in the eitrcht of their incofttevtihle of pmfTVHga, iuive chosen tor Ctiiff Magtttrate u cib/ o who h; og* info that Inf'll told tin qiialfieatlon other lh »n milit iiy triumph*. That citizen ha* door me much injustice — wanton, m* »rovol;ed, i tid uoa'oiod injustice It v/tt* in Dieted, a* I mu*t ever believe, for tht double iiurtH»ta of /rratilybig nnrafe re ciitn tnt, and promoting parsntwil aiuhb I on When dui’g the late t unsrasi, ba came for* Ward ill the pu hr pi ••***, Uttdi r his prupe name, wiih his charge nciiiutt me, ami aitttipo n ml b» fore the public tidumal it fntitd an wlfiiet to raublitb it, tin* nitvioo* at trntion of the whole American People was di r« cIimI to the testimony which that whies* might under He promptly obeyed the call ,i >d leiiified to Udi it |»* knaw. * He Could *ay nothing, which cast the slightest shade *r»on tny honor or Integrity What he did %«v. was the reverse of any implication ol me I h n, ..II just and impartial men and a1 who had i.iiili in the magnanli .iy, of my mentor, he licved fhi.t he would vo'iuttarify tnnkr a public ai know led Jinr.rt ol luf emir. Ilow far (hit reasonable m pec tut ton In s h» » u infilled, Ip hi* persevering and ftuhborn *d» top attest. But my r.lntions to that ««t i * * f». t * \ a i < rtnl . v> ut r, »* now changed. I le is the i ‘liief Ms giMrnte of tny country, invested with large Mud etteiisive power*, the .idmioiftiation ofwlich may conduce lo its prosperity or nccaaldu ••• it iversjiy. Pali‘lotism unjoin . at a duty, that whilst he Is iit that .ailed station he stuaild l»« treated with d *i nrur.i, and hit official ads lie judged of, iu a spirit of rmiilor —Supples « ng. as la» 8s I « an, a fence of my nercouat wrong willing # v* o to forgive him, it his own Qniifet ieu.* • iV on- eominou (iod ca» nop1 t him. and • ntei raining for the majority w|) < h lias eli i »ed, and fur the office w hit h tie ffllc, all |He dele* eriC*’ w hich t« doe from a private eitl» i/en, 1 iiiomi an hope tlmt, under bit gui dance, the great interest* «»f • hi enitiitty, ft*r eign and ilonu tie, muv lie uphold, our tier in Ctituhoos lie uti unpaired, and the happiness of the nat. m he roiitn tied and increased Wlnlst I mu pi oinpted by an hi dent devo tion to thy welfare t»f my country, Miireri ly to Hiprrm fins hope, I make no ph dift‘9, itn pioin ices, no threats, find I in"*t add I hav* no e.on I)deuce. >1v public lile, I trust furnishes tint In-*t guaranty of mv faithful ndhetynee to those ;jie.i' pihiriples ot internal mil eaterm*! policy, to which it haw been hitherto n*«»l«Hidy dedic* led. Wlief he i I shall evei hereafter take any pad in the public councils or not <1 pends upcio ciremu-t-mees beiond tuv couleol, II* hluig the principle Ibai a cilia'ii, a* long as u single pi|l«alion remains, iv miller an obligation in etert hi* utmost energi** In the *» r ic-* of Ins cUiinhy. if necr •sary.Mvb* ther in y private, or public station mv bund her*, and everywhere, may re»t nsNiiied that iu e/ttiei condition I shall stand etect, with a spirit umconquered, whilst life emluies, ready to second their eier* linn iu the cause of lilier'y, tho Union, and the national prosperity lf«foter( «.it down. » avail myielf with ph*a« lire of yl<•*< opportuney to make my grnteful ac knowledgment* for Hie rotirteii* >, ami friendly attention* which I have uniformly experienced from the inlmbifniHt ol'lhiieity. A free mid social liperi'.ourto with them, during a period of inure H .n twenty yearn, 1*1 ohout to termi wife, with.,nt nuy recollection on my part, of a ningle painful mlloinn, and without leaving behind me, an fin an I know, a lotilai y pe>'*on al enemy. If, in the lent intent wdli which I am about to conclude, I do not give a parti* ulur • •* pression to the feeling* inspired hy »l»e inter change of civilities anil friendly office*, I hope the nti/en* »»f Wwdiingt »» v* ill he o««urAd that their individual happiitevf, hh! tho growth and pr wprruy i f thin cite, will ever l»« ohjectt of mv fetveni winhe*. In the sentiment whii h I shall preset fly offer, they mo indeed coinpiw. bended, I'm the welfare of (his city if ifldlisolil. hlv nsdoci ited with that of our Lnion, find the pi enervation of our liberty. I r**nu< H peimidsiou to propose, 44 l.' t n.% nn rr despair of Ikt American Prpoh tic" Mr. Cay appeared to to* much indisposed a severe cold. anil reined verv non at In site delivers r-f ns renmiks anil lnnsl I In company neverl Imless, kept together lor some time longer, and ainul the lively enjoyment* of social feeling anil good Immor, in alloyed try any linetnre of parly or personal animosity lo wauls anV pel 0.11 present or absent, many i|vetv Mint nmoi etii /ntr itifiril ami repartees, rn,ve an agreeable animation lo the scene. Bmne nl these spnmve laities took lliesliape of volunteer ton,I,, anil of those we have been enabled to get together what follow, without he tug tittle lit get together the slant hut pithy speeches Ivy which some of them were prece ded Mr. John !M MrCnrlhy, of Piiginia—The Peoples’ will sltoold always In: r. -peeled, yel sofne'iun s rcforninl. lb/ Gen. Walter Jontt—Reform, like Charity, let it begin at home. Ill/ linn. Mr .Sorgr.ant, o/' /’> nnsylvania— Theprinciple* of the Comtiiution, administered and ap|died hy those who never yraclimt aught against them. Ill/ Mr. S urge fit. if Mew York—" A judicious Tariff'—a tariff tur toe protection of politicians not of manufactures. By Mr. John Wright, of Ohio—The pres ent Administration. May they reform abuses wl ere they find them, and not pretend to re foi m where none are found to end. Hy Mr Berkley Want, of Virginia—The cause of domestic industry in the Middle Blatrs. We'll be clothed by those who’ll be fed us ; and after A while we’ll clothe ourselves. By Mr. S'einbergen of Virginia—H. Clay— The sterling friend anil advocate of civil Ither' v and the rights of man : the meridianof whose life hat been dedicated to maintain the sound and important principles of this republic. May she, in giatitudc, icward him tu the evening ol his life. By Mr C. C. Claiborne—J. Q. Adams. • He who climbs to mountain tons nil! find The loftiest peaks most w rapp’d in clouds and snow ; }tr. e.-tio sr-fRansom gtbihjes nsaniP' d Must look down upon (lie hate of tbot* lr. low.' By Mr. /* Thompson—Richard Rush : Thj pure pntiint, the aci'Otnplithtd scholar, nnd ihn pci r ct gentle- a||i Wjfilm Prtnliti—Gen P B Purtcr Th« gall in soldier, he alile statesman, the undr »i«t ng repuhlican, and Ihe honest, unassuming man /ly Major Hull—Samuel L. Southard, (|wayi a |ia I riot ciir/ch of Ihe United Sinks. though mi it ten in his unlive Stair. By Mr J I), CaaivtH, of Ohio— William Win, Esi| The binuMl jur. t|i« tccotn* orntor,mi<KAn*«h*d g«*nib i»h|i. By II F THo h/im—Public »«iihniwnt: Iht frr injured in <• th# pfi'lSM •ernr, than f/. premed \iv fhni which Kji« jiui brvnnciid. By Mr. (F Avdcmyn ~-Our : Th * •' lolly All gbimy, 'will toon Itiilr him liom om *irw bu* lii palling ray will direr u* with Uid hope ofaymi, si*e log hit meridian homin. By J. i). ( (, of Ohio- I.el atpii nnl« for • Hire hail «hr ruing mm—I I nk toward the Ileal u ud rl »*ci Om mild radiante ol 111 («« which m ■rttn f. l»v John S Tyson, of Ballimart—Our Union i The key stone ol Ihe mighty arch ol this We*, tern Empire the hoed ol twenty four naiinnt, Long aa tlir Aitii iicnii Engle ahull wing hei flight, niny Upluribui unum he enf raven pi> /cr ruuutless images; as Ihe hreegeaof Heaven shell i ntllr our forest leaves, Ukty £■ P» ribm unisin glitter no ihe uitdulnlioot of tu\ ling. U S. HKiVATE '1 In' fiillutvilifc i * cciiiiplrlr.lUl <1 Ilir nii-m Ii Oil" iJnil ilSlni Suit), »t lin h HMiru ll Oil 011 XVI till' ||,l) Hi VX ■" I: 1111(101', to net t'tv tlm ittiiit""• iton• <i| I'rpMiiriit Jiirkmiii (it bin tinbtii' l. XV r Iimvo nnnoxrtl l • the hhipp ol in. b St r I in tor Hip year when hit I rm of |n v id I'lpirct. IIml lit ■hove III! juilltii nl nim[>li'0 linn ol Hip S' noli;, ll » iianin i I llinap undpr ■ nml to ' p ! . in la nl lipnnrnl Jm am g> V. II II lllllicll : ,VIA INK. I HU Inlin Hi lllli'li, lH8!i I*i InR Hpr iRun, IN IIA viPmIIIHK. I. ri'i IVnvtlhury, I H I I Mm ml- II II, IHII.'i M l:H.A< 'Hl’HK ITS llAlli' I VV"lnni'l , I Sill INmh'l Mil l>. r, 1835 Hiiuni; ihi.ANi), A all**i Hiililiin*, 1833 Mi. Kniglil, 1835 CONNKCllCUr ( nlvln WiI'ih, 1831 HiiiiiI. A., |H.’l.t VKKMONT. Oijiilcv CliH-n, 1831 II. Krymnur, 1833 NKW VOKK I JV Hanford, 1831 r. £. Dmitryi, 183:1 N. JKRsKY. M. Dii'.krrvnn, 1w;m T. Krn inRlm o , Ui3i IIKI.AW Aivi; Loll it Mr l,n nr, 1833 Jllllll CIh y >11 IHI.'i I'l.NN.'V I.V V NIA Win. IMiirkn, 1831 hour ilnuni'll, 1833 MARVI.AM), K. I Iniiiili ri, 1831 Sami Smith 183!! VIRGINIA. tahii I i/li r, I n i t I. It' Tateirrfl, lH.'l;> N. < Utlil.lNA. • itna h’litll, iH)it Ivlin Hranch, Ih;%( S. ( AKI'UNA. Ifni Smith I M31 Hu. V llnytir, 1b;|/s OMjIKil J, M Ihriten 1831 U l\l Trv up, IBS) hl.M I I hi. John Itownn. J8S) fJ M HM, Ih i ■ 'I'KN.M-iSSKI) John II Union, I 83. H. L. Hhih, IP":,, oiiio. Jncnh Biinmt Ih !. B*nj K’ikcIi*’, : r.OUWIANA. J. S. Juliimiiiii, IB., i I'. |.lvln"»iiin( IHHS I Mil \ N A XV. Hrnilrick*, IP>; lnme» NoM< lh. 3 V| 1HSI SHI 1*1*1 I'oio. h’llit, 1831 That II Herd 1H.'. ■ II.IANUlH. /’ K. Knne, IH'll John Mi I run, lb,'i,’ AI. X B X M X Julia MrKhiIn/, IH'tl XViii li. Kiiik, IB.' MlBBOUKJ. 111»lii l< lino, IH" , '/' ll.JItnJon, 1b> niK INAlMiUI!A 1I O';. In llie following r.MBl erflflt!, which we <■, pv finin tlie Khnriu It Hut) “ In pi ary 1’nslei," the incidents ul Ike oerei.iouy which took place tpi the 4th met hi ili« Cepitnliii Washington, nro ItHppily Hiiltcipaleil : “ I Konrlli ol March it n proud risy tu Americana—the flint when the ruler whom the, have Hptininteri, ttiltei hit aeet in thel 'heii o; out ennfeilei ntinn . and shows In lint Nnripei ul the world the uncommon tight of a ruler oi a great himI powerful iVpnle, deceiving tit (bait liatnlh In* neiv Illinois, or reigning them its t hi v 'ball situ fit In rictetuiine |t i* lt lesson tm mnuiiritlit who lire born In sceptres ilint tin y dishonor, find who tyraumce uyrr I' op e whom Ihoy bntli lenr nnd despise. It is linpns mg in llm extreme, WHlinu’ being gaud, — it |t eninitiHn log, mid ferpecllnl, nod priler'y, tt 1111 rssst the iilluvv of nut nil ity, or Itn; hrisllput it bot oriel. 1 lie legal Uovernor of fifteen million* of free People lake* llio Constitution •« tiirrti cov-rns them, Hint linnn i n'll, in their pro riec noil iit the presen e m Ileavun, swerns to suppurl it against all u- || eveiy thing. No l oi ninlion that ever took place upon the face nt the globe will compare - ith it. I here are t e II presen* luiives of the J* pie, from I lie Kail, the West, the North, ami the South ; from it.e Canadian l -nc-s to the Motilh of the Yellow Stone, ol dll - teienl manners, of different halms, and ol dli> Tereut cosluine—'here they stand, tlm constilu ted authorities oftheland w-e inlialnl, fearing nothing lint their conscianees anil tlielt trod, and amrnsble to none hut tlmh constituents, and the laws they Ihenttnlvej have ina le—these they lined hi-neam the donuy of one common .Selinle House, which unites in one body ami one mind — llirir is the hint!'. Northerner, with hi* New England diets and Ilia New K.nghmd ntluiis; his veiy mat tells you that he rapresenla a Chrisiliin People there, too, is llie iuhabilant of the lowland n our Souiiiern regluns, the marks of application hs well as ol the i lunate, are in his cmmlei,. 1 mice, nt well as in Ills whole system ; he side ' hint it his robust brother trim the high lulls ol | Santee, with me look of a tearless and a Iree liorn republican , (hare, too, it him from the West, fmtn that cnuntiy where the sun sits, which we bare .thought of nod read of, but which most of us have never teen ; Ine charac ter of hi* country it Imprinted upon hit brow ; there it a catalogue of hit hardships on every Inn- ol hi* »rpre»*ive countenance, and a list of the dangers he has encountered in hi eyu. There, too, i* the man whom they are about to Hires! with a civic wrea'li that will never fade. (Tad in a plain suit ufblatk, he appears' before his fellow citu- ns, lie alliance* to the centre of the hall, where lie meets the veneriw lile, the learned, the good, tile beloved. Chief Justice Marshal The daik r be of hi* ..u^-T_ emitrati * with the multitude of ciistinnut n round, and the Ministers ol foreign Powers are struck wilh a mem dial ihey have neter seen in any of then King*. He t all, upon Andrew Jack-on lo lay hit hand upon the Constitution and swear in the face of Heaven, in the face of the assembled Senate, tocherith and protect it. Amid the stillness o( the surrounding spec tators, (he uaih ascends to the dome of the spacious h t'l, end rolls along its arch, in etta thrilling through the heart ofevery one within hearing* T his done, the President elect procetds K the rostrum, end makes his inaugural a.hlreu and the ceremony is over, in a single hotjr the officer holding the highest situation in the world is invested with his authority ; his onlv escort the tribunal before which he swear*, hi; *lri\y rsfsliwaefpfie volume of the laws ffy