1„„ , Don g this nan* there has hern ra*ty|f
etl noguenl of luldiWi t* keep beck *•> tmittly
mot*. hi*» men approaches to disturb the cerr*
hi on), end none enter* the ga Marie* WRnoot
uneov**img limit'Ii of hit ow n accnnl
In il not • lifitoii for th* Minulrrt of III*
£.mg* .if Luropr »hirh <v II sink Hi'Ojiljr info
iheir bosoms ami tintl ns ftwnmoial-’
IC'uhington, March 10.—(i*n*i*l Tnrr U
Pirtar, Ulr isicrtflary of War, ami his laitnljr.
left Ibis Ciljr ysiJnU), for 'W' iosUlani:e
in Now York, carrying with ih*m tbrtr«|Wf.
an,1 gooil withes of nil abo hare •itj«')'*,>l *h®
(ilrasuie •{ Shew arqualnlanC*
WiuhnigHn. March U-Ttio Srmair of fh* U
iiitedjStatcs, *fIII remem* i«» season parting up
on sttch np(M»HiHWi’nti H ere laid ' rfoir it.
In addition f » tho*« already smted, ter le**fn
that the Minting nomination*, by the Piesident
of the United Slat*' *, na*e barn ronfttroml by
the Stoats
James N. Barker In be Collector Of the Cus
to'tn* for I lie Fori «f phi'adelphta'.
J- rand* R *yl»r« (lata (|epre«e«Mitive in Con
gins) f*» hr Collector of the Customs for the
pfirtof Ve* Bedford
John (.'Handler (ln»e cen*tor) to l*e C«»Hec
tor of ihe Cii»foin« for Mir pun nt Pm tl *nd
Walter R. h*«nf'.Mih f«t lit CnMecloi uf th*
CuthMOt hit tin* Pint *»f Proeidrrtee.
Noah A Phdpitn hr Collector of the Cut
Toms lor ihejfoi I of Middletown, f onn
Bch'ivlrr Sampvcin *o hr Cnll**« t"T «»f the f *is
toms lor ibe port of Plymouth, tu Mawnehu
aflta , .
Wm W Ellis tube Collrciorofthe ( udom* for
the pori of Near llav* n*
Joahna IVmlKa, to be surveyor of llte H. vc- .
Xua for the port of Mm ldeb»md
trashing!on. Ma rh 13.-The full-nving *'»|
• ppomlmc.it. ■ opSrnieslby the betide, which
we have to' heretofore green :
Coltecto i oj tht Cuifomi.
Isaiah J, Green, Barnstable Massachusetts.
B.trnahni Palmer, K' no'*biinh, Maine.
Panne McCobb, W iltlnhoro, Maine.
Win. V. U'is. New Haven, Conn«i lieiil.
Nathan llollamt. Cherry none, Virginia.
Trane " Hawk*. NewWrn. N. Cteolin*.
J>ji*I Binik wait her, Cuyahoga. Ohio.
John r Seaiflman, Sac >. Maine.
Thn« poster, Pfeiqne Isle, Pennsylvania.
(?en W. Owen, Mobile, AlahaniB.
John Willis, Oltiir l.
Waller |t panfnrlh, Pinviileni e, lllimlc l.taml
Allen Mrl.ane, N.w faille, lirlawate.
Time, McCrate, Wi.ca.4el, Manic,
>’oah A. Rhrlpv Mnldlctmi Cnnnrtfirdh
lame. Parker Pet I It Am my, .V Jersey
P R R. Pray, Pc irlingbHi,
teamge IV. l inker, Lillie Keg llmliouf, ' cw
» Juricyort of Cmlomt.
lo.hua Pn nli*», Marblehead. \|n»saeliulettd
J It. Barlim, Providence, lllio lr l.lani).
iino. II i ' ■ Pi v ,i ifk liny la I In,id,
t/npclaml Palter, Norfolk, VlrginlV
Robert Bulb r. Southfield, Virginia
fame. Mosher, Rihitimre, Maryland,
John M m null,, V-w Port, Rood* /.laml,
Nathaniel VVHIi«, Warren At UuringCm, Rhode '
Oliver Chnmplain, New London, Coinireticiit j
otrn N. Peterson, Petersburg a:nl ItiChmilnrf i
, Virginia.
Joseph Prenti.i, thifTdk. Virginia.
‘Jiinl. Spoils, New Orleans, Louisiana
Richard Bradley , Wilmington, Nnrih Cnriilitia
Charles Hui let, Tiverton, MnliactiuseUs,
A'rfat ttflrcn,
John Pergntnn, Nov York.
Uanlot Foster Nfivhirypnrl. Massaclrusall*.
• RegiHen of t.aml (tflicli.
Thomas Rcnlt, C htllicothe Oluft
i vy Ton S, Symates, Cmcinnalli, t'hio
oseph Wood, Mari t a. Ohm
Joseph Krlcte II, rVestiiie, | |m„js.
Aleiander Pope, C.ihawlni, Alabama.
John Hugh » dm hila, Louisiana.
Win ('Inn's, Hr Lmrit, Missouri.
Htttior » of public Mom yr.
Itirhaul (.' Call, I aljalmsice, Wru Klorid.t
Edward Humphrey*. Kasha,kra, Illinois.
Henry Bry, Ouchita, Ismirisna
Pursers of Ike AVv
yrenvdlr 1 . Keeper, of Mar.fractni.et is
Vianci.lt MmkMn.nl New Jenr v,
Wa*huiutnn, March Id — The Senate ys.tev
day Cillifti mi ll the immlnatinn of Tbumnt P
Moorr, n I Kentucky, In be P.iiyny|F,|< raiir.lina
rv and Mini,ter Plenipotentiary' to Coloinnia
in the ruuiti ofGen. flurriion, recallrd
« [Afilf. Jour.
HOH l N I > TLLUtieN( |:.
AYtc \ort, March f).
By I ho Packet Ship Silas Richards, Captain
Uddrid-C. sslin h arrived > • .terilay nioinine
irsim Liverpool, sen have teceivrd our ti e. ol
Lnmlon paper* in January 23d. and Livi rponl
M 1h»2llh, holli Inclusive. Also Loudon pri
ce* Ctirtent M the Hit'll, Liverpool to the Sdili
Lloyd's anil Shipping Lists to tlieHHd.
t, asgow Tnt'ilre Burnt—The Ginsgmv
I liniitro was entir, ly destroyed t,v fit«■, on Sa
liirday the lt’tli January, Occasioned' by Hie
v*relt ness »f a person w bo bad charge ot the
K“* The fires.as fit,I discovered in the Inte
rmr hy the per funnels, while engaged the rr
Ve.irvul of li ne Beard. A carpenter was
.taint, sent lo look a ler il ; I,til ,| „|,rmil*
made Mu much prog re-s to lie tulnln«d and the
performers wins cb.d tu escape will, i)',,.,, |jV(1,
.and any little article, iliry could lay their hand
on in Me hurry of the moment. Most prnvi
.1. ntially no lives were lost, neither did any
nm iccvive the slightest injury. The building
r I tended tu upwards, ol Ifitl lect n, ienetli To
leet m breadth, and about 63 fe.., j„ (,,.-1,', it
hov** the pavement." *
1 art,ament — The meeting of Parliament
“ Inch was to lake p'ace on the nth February
was anticipated with intense inter, it. |'he two
eteat tuhjecti of deliberation will be the Catl.w
tic qurs'iou and that of tin- Currency
t'cench Com Market—t he French ,,ert,t
except Marseilles and liar none, aie now shut
against the export nt homegrown Corn All
the 1 renchy.it. a, . u|„ „ ,tir tl„.,„r, ,„r.
f'S‘» Goto, except Bordeans. Marseille .utd
1 reach It', rn .e —By the official table of the
*xrrch " ’•I'l" that the r. cvm.n lot
1828 are kD.OOO.IxtO trancs, or about a million
and a quarter user those ot 1H2V,
Seal vf War. ihe Nureiuburg Courier
Much had an article da’e.l Will den, December
. I. repo, til." Ihai 'be (;, ..I Viner. win, M..
Y"> men, had attacked v a, a, « h<, eib.. „
neen a sanguinary battle, contradicts tbe statc
im-ot in a sul.sequrnt number. It however as
• eru that the plague hail appeared al Bucharest
among the Kussinu tt nits, and I hat Hie inlertad
houses were burnt to the ground no Ihe20lh
December. There appear, to have lie. u no
important movement on either hand snict- our
last advices. Both armies were recruiting, and
preparing with great vigor for the ensuing cam
Accounts from Constantinople oflhellth
ill*- *■> ***** ,h* bullan has ordered a public no
tice lo he read in all ibe rnoique., railing on all
■ he males from the age of 11 toO'J to take up
A summary and very intelligent view of all
Die important news not included In tbe above
is contained in the following letter from one of
our Condon correspondents, dated —
“ t.ondou, January 22.—The settlement ol
the Greek question between the Allies and the
Forte, upon which subject you have so long
tpten interested, nenlsu people gem-tally un
yotrr t>ktc 'ofthe AtfnnfTc, Is rciF> Ycd do’.v as
vt .iVg in • alaltRUU be c.IKjed. • Pt»f
lion «»f II..* French ai »»»y it to he immediately
recalled Item Untie. I!'** »•*! doubtless,
materially influence ti e cone ty si *«l id peace
between Russia and In key-»fui, at the tame
fim** that (rniiqu llify on th»* put of Greece will
a'iow the Ttntn. to conc-nttate the whole of
their lorcrt on the Balkan, it will permit I ranee
and Kngland to g.ve their attention to the qnar-,
rel, and to adopt with undivided •tieigy and
effect whatever measure* mav he necessary *<» j
resti am tfretu Irwu disturbing the repot* of
Litrope Not iliNt it is to preanmad Russia j
or Tmkey have either ctpressed any wish to
•tay progress of war ; far Iron* it, the Russians
are prcpamig try considerably augmenting
their forces and means, to open the r .it cam
paign with destruction. f he corps «»» 'seismar
has haett very matei tally siren * itntilj lof tits
puepi.se, ir is said, of passing me fo tresses o
(tic* Danube and the drliles ol ^hnnda and ihlr
tn|penvtrMie Turkey by S. rvia
Anofber of those lntrif*il minor*, spread only
fo deceive the people, is that ol the ba’tle of
Varna, no such having Liken place. iJOtMHNij
kilos of coin base been conveyed to tire rink*
by «i ay of Con-fant nop|£, in 2i **hip» ; which
parsed rhe llat dantielb s Imt a lew Imuri pievi
ens to the Idoi 1 ada taking place by Admitalj
Mi# pnpeis from Trance are fotnlly void of j
inom. iifnrv new*; ns also ^nv matters relative
to that country. Piimade Tolign.ic's sudden
departure for Pars has created considerable
speculation ; what hi- mission is. no One Kiiqws,
but i ff ib>|. ol mi import.«nt iiiitu; e, itlativc
in aff.iir* hi t n Last
We o'* -ervad tn the Tun of ) ester day, under 1
the load tier in mi papri p, nhi-ion is made to I
the negot iation* ol .\lr, Old y wiihihe Toile;,
it i* ns follows : '• J In: o g- »i .lions with Mr. j
Otfley, ihe Auteilean Consol, proe» • I fnvuura
III) , and n coniine; <:!*! ti eiify advantageous to ;
both partir., wdl soon be rntieli.ded. 1 lie I*;• |
• ha of Tgvpt, of whutc j.ulg... n high j
opinion fs entettaitted here, is siiul to have ;
advised the |*or o lo grant all possible facilities
lo tin* American com met ee.” fb * youi mer- i
cImhIi will led lug lily interested ill. ns the ben* ;
rfiu accruing from rt fait eonitnei ctnl treaty
will, of Coiir e, be highly advantageous to both
par'ies; m »rr* parlh ularly a* r«*ga**L A me tics,
a frvr tmiln b mg the sale guard in to a lice
pe ipie. Our « iiy business i* ti"t v iv interest
my, Iml so f»»r iu cunoerlie money matters, very
dull lhi•. however, u vettlmg day, couso a at
8fl I ‘2 for money, 8d -1*8 acc unit.
Considerati> ahrin i gisH in cousequenc.
of thA reported tldpme'.its or gold to a laigr a
mount J hem* uccoutVi, no doutd, are much i
ovem'ati d, and the adveitis1 uieiits cueulnied
tur<ni:;li f • a *t fl<’11 ill newspapers, warning pe*
•oi»9 io >akr care of ilu ii gold, have confi ibu’i d
to induce Hie belief, dial the metallic circula
tion, nt least so la .«* ttic ; iRctmi* metal is con
earned, is thus vciy much ieduced. I lull• ve
no authentic in formation is • blamed oil the *uh*
p i*t ; but it has la eu sla'ed Hint in the com si
of ti single week, from Harwich, not |e*s than
three hundred iboiitand pound* in gold wan
• spoil'd IVop'e are vul **t»y. the affair* ot
U'tnniii'gton, SiesensmiAf f’o. have pul every
one in «rtf Upwards of two hundred t»< euntii«
have heeu ttansferred to Ibe Hank of U.iigtuml
1 he fioveiituit-ni hen mm well a* the people
•eem determined to eppicheiid Howland hie
phen^oii, |i now a,»cvttaint'd, for ceit iin,
that be embai ked on hoard the Kingston
bound to Savannah ; w Inch sen-el sa.led iiom
Liverpool and put into Mdfoid ; (ruin which
place slie suited • n the it11» dunuaty, bin cleik
Lloyd ticcompgnyiug him. I lie ollit • is were
wi|tiin a shot Inneof )<U depatlute, liishop
the ] hlice • ll’n e . ib eiulmikrd on bonid tin- Hit
I s.i (».»\ pi niiienl |\u ket My ri’e, bound to Ante
ri« a with ft c London mail ; she was detained
at I abnoiitn, by head winds, mj the Ihh .Isiiiin.
i v 1 wo sloops of w .ii at e nbyi in pursuit of the
fug olives.
I he di»e;ise of (iibral'tu ii nt an end. The
I ieutenant (ioveu r has hued I is proi lauuiiion
irqoiriug the inhabitant* io pnnfy then limisi 1
Ik* • to pitwot a inuiinm ot ilinl dreadful
malady. His Ik. M. Ship Oir»tr* hat arrived
at < ido aliai from oil Tangitn's, a % all diiticullies
| are i mi idci r«i adjusted
I I lit. |, UV>—I hi* country Know in a total
l ate ol ferment I'lie ib-paiiixe of its late
L'»nl L»eut< mint, th«! Mnrq.iia of \ng1r«rn, and
• he appoii.tm**nt of iu new tine, thl* Duks of
Not thiiiubei land, together w ith the inihimnialo
ry speeches of Mr O'Uounel, pr* v diii to bis
ilepai rure on the ifthh Jauuaty , fur Hie |h»i po*i*
I oi ( binning his beat in the House *d (’ominous,
asaUo the ( ouidy meetings of the Hruuswickeis
with their addiern* l*» Uarhaiiienl, are all mat
ter* «d deep intei e*t nod i ital i input tnoce to e v*
cry pm I of tlie United Kingdom, but mare par
ticulailv t<* tlift* diblre.ked part—Ireland. I’lie
latewbll uf theMnqu'K w *. one ol deep and
general in ere t. Uiom II to l»"»IWM) prisons
of all i a >k afM'-tnhled to w itne>s link sudden oc
curinuo ; and with one enthusiastic shunt pro*
• (aimed that country * sens*} ol gratitude lor
the tunny mvaliinhlr sei v-ces ho ha» rendered
them, by extending their commeice, pai it) iug
the people w ith entreat v and kindness, and pul
ting aside that haup.hlines* so olten display'd
in tin* ei' rciKe of to high an authority. The
Duke of Northumberland is favorable to the
' Catholic l.imuii ijiatioii, umlei certain m* cui iik-h,
and hid* fair tj he pnpalai with thove o\ er whom
tins authority pai ticulai Iv «• iicitd*. A very nu
merous and respect tide men ting *H'the freehol
ders nt U-ien was held nt the Ua*Ht» Yard. Kv
•tel', by lire ftruiibw it k n v. rousia'ing of many
ol tin* leading men of the day, when resobttinnh
wen! lifts d pra\ ing the Ibirli.unent not n* nla
low further coticessimiw u» the (nthnlics
KSIAM to a drctee ol the Supeiinr
JJk C-nuit of Cliiincrr\, I'nr tin* Lynchburg
L’lutrict, remit'red on the 17th d^v ol October,
IS28. lit ,i iiitHf heleeo Plcu*unt Murphy,
Pit. against llem v limwn *r. and Simtiel Cbtv*
t»r, Deltr. the undeisigned Marshal ol the
said court, "ill yell, on the premise!*, n the
county ol lit (llotd, on l litirs<|i<v the 2(>th dav ol
Fehnigry, Ft*JUf if fair, if nol, the neil fair day
therciUft'r, nt auction, for r ash, one iruct ol
Laud, on which Pleasant Murphy now reside*,
lying mi tioose l reek, containing five handled
and eleven acre*. Also, the interest of said
Morphy in a trart or parrel of l*itid, containing
fifteen ane*. I'here hic Certain resti ictions and
reservations, made in the deed ol trust, c -ovey
mg the above Lauds which will be made Known
on the day of snle. I*. A. llOLCOMBL.
Jan. 2b. ids-47
il * The above tab* is postponed till U nines
«lay the Lilli da v ol \pril,nn whieh day . if lair,
if not, the nest lair day thereafter, it will tug*.
I*bice. I A. H , M.
Feb. 9. _
I'KAi ! 3—mi .v>l a \ •.. k, I'hilailcljil .1, ”.il
timorn, Washington City. Itirlnnoiui and
I atersburg, for salt* at a small premium,
»1<I in ,11m, to suit purchaser,, nt i)u> tnuerj
*m) vichangr office of B. W. HFVVSON,
SuccfSsrrr to S. Hr M, Allen A Co.
Feh. a * 8
MU. \\ M. HARMAN lakes this method of
infoitiling the public, that he will resume
hia Unties as iiisituetor■ «f Music un the Piano
f-orfe, ( larininu. Violin »v Fhile in this place, m
the course ol Iwo or three months. IL^eience
as to qualifications, terms,'&c. Mr.jWm 4\V. Nor
vell,Capi. baud. I Wiatt.Mi . l\ F. Bowen or
Capt. J. K, Norv *ii- 1,
Feb. 23
FOIl sale, ten Crates common Mark bottle,,
at reduced price,. H» DAVIF.S.
| Mar?h
We present our readers tins morning, * rich
irrit,in a iptrdi dijocffd l>y Mr. Clay in ,
Washington, nt a dinner given to him by hi§
riemls a few days previous to hti departure'
rtom that city. It is cliai ncteri7.ed hy the
mine f' urlessuett wf spirit which ties marks d the
*hole career of the man, up to the present m»
— !>v tlwiaiuc thrilling eloquence which
hi "
prA—is•»<! hy the same boldness of denunciation j
which knows no middle ground with him whose j
repeal' d nnd aggravated injuries have been un 1
rtdruks* <1 *n»l nnninied for. Hirh a man can- |
not b*- put down by the slander# and abuse o1
Ins enemies. They had «i well uttiufiot to grasp |
the lightning oi enchain the wild*. Of one j
thing ilie enemic of Mr. Clay may rest axsur-j
id ; and that is, that neither he nor hi* fti* nd*
a ill permit tlirir ardor to he nlm'ed one jot hy
ihe result oil lie recent IGcsnlentiul election.!
htfoi Mint lielutioti r.uniot endure »nlieh longer. <
nnd when llies shall he dissipated, Mr. C’fay J
will again stand first in the affections of Ids'
iialivi- Hlntc Virginia will, one day, he n ,
ihniued that she I n «t moment listened to
he oiilumuu'nagainst him, invented hy iuteics
led rivals, an I circulateil hi every sh;ip<* by de
iigning demagogues, an I i|urefietting dupe*,
'he will recogip/c in Wiin the smvmate of pmc.
neat lilicrty in ttvery <ju;trP r of the globe, and I
in every shape, and the co-ndjulnr and friend
jfJelUisoo, Madison and Monroe, duritg tin |
gluoiuiril tlays of the liapublic, Hsrit'itig IhiM ,
lo steer the ship ol Stale safely into poi!, u hilt* '
U.imlolph nod others who are now high in fa. 1
vor, were laboring to dash In r on rte kt and
rpiicksautl . \\ t\ manat despair «»f seeing lull
jiiHue iQiitlcied lo him, bv a people whose iule
icm*h»mI hio i have always toiiiui* in bm» an
able, cdoquiMi srul elTieb*-if advoca e.
I In toasts given in flic dinner ait* rrrnarknldx
U o ii and pun»»ent—The gentlemen whose views
of tie* t n i i fr policy are so ’■ judb iouHy aceum
modalinas to go to that extent onlv which
bent promotes their political view*, will panic
tilarly feel sh«* force of the toast given by Mr.
Sergeant of New York , while they win* think
** ft farm*' So very r.* re wiry, will we hope, hike
Ilia p diie liiot of Gen W liter Ion •*,- and com*
iiieuce this de.drablM work at lunar We rpiery
whether there tie not necessity for it nearer the
Mu Id' house thin either o!fuj Departments.
•**•»<*« ••
NK.W YORK rs. VIRttlNIi%c.
Our lenders will i ecu 11 eel the sirtgu'ir ifio
liition adopted bv the Legislature* of Georgia,
H. ('miuIiii t and Virginia, nl then* kite sessions,
declaring not only that the power to deride up
on the con-tituiioiiiility of Jaws passed by Coir
gre*s is vested in the States, but aLo that they
have a right t art upon this c.pnti ruction. It
is the ver\ same idea, expressed in th« veiy same
words, w|iten wa- first broached hy tin- Hart
ford Cat) veil ion in Irtl4, ami winch was then
met bv an iodi;'i»nnt denial on Ihe pan of tho c
who have now not only become leeuitcilcd to
its coricctne n, hilt who threaten logo still far
tlmr than eveji the notorious la.dy from whom
it would seem they have borrowed their lessons
ot uhediLiicc t> tlie federal constitution * /ft
hud alwitvx thought, ("iinplc blnckh* ad*,) that
the power to decide on the couui'iiiioiinlity ol
the act* of the general government was d- l« pa
ted, by the coiMttlution itself, to other hands
that one of its co ordinate depat tm*nts pomes*
ad ei< butv. lv this delicate trust, and win* ex
cln tve.y accountable lor its ligliteouv exeit i** .
Hot Hie “ new light*" ot the age. who take up
on themselvi i to become ttie instrut tors « ven
of Mr. Madison himself in the intei pietn'ion »»l
It ip own wot k. and who hesitate not ( »s u gen*
Hem hi remarked a few days >110") 10 " throw
their inn l" on the g ir inen'H ol that venerated
patriot, have diicevei ed that the Judicinry have
nothing to »lo with this itiaiu r, and that the
Slate Lcgivlatui es lire the proper tnmiiial* mm
tiie A »« uinn of ninoled i on-fituti'iMiil points —
If wined si'i'in to us that tin* dullest eomprehen
mon ought a( once to perceive thf absuidity ot
such a clmn. unit I hi* cxti aordm m y c niieq n il
cvs to winch it wupld lead, for example, V it
ginia and some otliei estates, Iihvc soluiunly de
clared to the world th it tha geueial govern
I in ill does n if posses* the power, under tue
'constitution, t • pioteclthe inaiuiiaclures ot tin*
Country by the unpomtion ot heavy duties on
loieign fain in— ami flint every spade which
pi lietrn’c* the earth in tin construction of roads
and canal* under its authority, is an infraction
of ttnit iiisfriiiiianU Oil the other hand, a ninjoit
tyof the State* would dccide.il tliev legislated on
tin* !iut>p'Ct ill all, that the gen/urtl governuient
dots pusses* both ut these powers to an unlim
ited extent. Aye, if they found it necessary,
these latter Stales would go farther, and dt
rtu ld't r v fi/ '.! "f t’ie*»e prnvei * a * solemn
duties wbii h the govern ncnl owed to the pro
sent welfare and the future prosperity and in
dependence of the country, nud which it ootvld
not neglect without proving itself unworthy ot
the high and responsible trusts confided Hi its
wisdom. Where wouhl bn the tjoimnon umpire
to which these conflicting tribunals would ap
peal? We can see no other than the sword.mi
les* a disunion could tie peaceably effected. Does
not this show plainly the necessity that die power
to decide coustitu'ional questions should bo ves
ted in some tribunal, the uniformity of whose
decisions would prevent boitw uncertainty and
strife? The truth i*. that the legislatures of
the States haye exactly I lie same right to con
strue the constitution that an individual has,and
no more-—that is, to express an opinion, and
to argue fn ifs defences but they h ji\ e no right
1 v
ij g ifarther, »ini lu ad upon that cortalmcliuu,
by violating « law, becau**, in tfitir opinion, H
ia timed on anaatnuiplion of power. An indivi
dual hu a right to lay that burglary and ar.on '
are not Crimea, notwithitanding the law haa »o I
declared them ; but if ha were to act upon that!
amertion, and ileal hi* neighbor a property or
aet fire lu hit dwelling, bia plea of i ight to con
alrue the Uw would oot *lnnd him in inucp
stead. So n StMS Legistftfure has * right lui.iy
that n law of the general govcrinrnt operate*
opiirmivcljf «j|H»i» theif continue.i'sfbtit it liasno
right to refuse lo coriform to ltd provision* until i
hnx been pronounce I Muc inMiiiitionnl ti> the hi
dk’inry, The tint j nr ity wh ich viwted the law
would loudly permit n stale to exhibit 'lux coin*
macrons temper, *i remain a member of the <^n (
federacy. Il would bo • mnptlled to obey the
law, nr be lopped u/T ms an (insound branch.—*
It neeiim to flint n Correct view of the •nlijt-Cj1
i« taken in the following resolution pruned by
the Leg fela fore of Mew York in 171W. »Ve re*
commend i» i»» the dispassionate peruxa l of the
(JiUh-ntntc!; politick. *r 'hi present das :
** Mult of „YYic Voi'/t. In Assembly I\)lh I’tfj.
unru 17i>‘*.
“ \V hereas it appear* to this I louse* ItKit the
right ut deciding’ outlie •'*»».*• tif Iona ljty of all
law* pasted Uy the CJnitC'es* of the Lulled
State., appertain* to the .f i/Hriarij department
and that an a? iiimptinii of that light Uy ilia le
givlaturef of individual Sim,- i. ttnw ufaniable
and has a direct tendency In destroy tin? indc*
pendence ofthe General Government; ih -
House ip.tii therefore disclaim the power wh.Ji j
is -uinmcd m and hv the tesolu' ion* of there-]
spi ctive L gi^latoics nl Jv* ntoeUy an I Vngim.i,
of»jo .fttuning, in a h gu*’.alive i;.tp,»o*i\ . either j
ihe expediency nr constitn i.mnbtv, «•! the fuve I
fal net* ot Con ;i* vs therein refi rred u»."
MIC UA.I.HW1.N, vj7* nnsjjlvatiin.
Tills gentleman appears to he exit cufly sen j
titife, whenever .: until** is cuniprtrd, in any
manner, with th•• appointments either made
or rouiefftphi'r J t>y Gin lacks /vi. Sonia
weeks since, « rumor U as published that he was
lobe s»*nt to Mexico, which he deemed of im
portance enough publicly to contradict, lie
lias now n second time made his up* enimice
in the Telegraph, in explanation of a para-|
t;i iph which was publish'd in the lU-motiHlic'
PioM, slating tu.it 11 • I.e pei«at* whom Gen
Jackson had invite i to Wahinp'on to take
e‘at vn nf the Iieasoy depai tment had teen
s.-i aside" to make r >o;n fur M . Ingham. Mr.
Baldwin's ntimr. was n it even mentioned, mul
wn«u.4pi ' t hin v»oy lew persons would have
thought of'him at all (though he in < rtainlya
mneli abler men thin Vli. Ingham ) if h« luyd
not tlirerfi d general .*Hi nfion »o him .• if by hit
| pub icotion. A »his letter is of a qi 4.ii con
aclej’, we iuM*ii it at length
W'AsriiasiroM, Mar. h V. HJ9. j
'Yolk* lid l tor oj t fir / S lutex TtV'ypaph.
S i a .—The article fmnt the 1 h;uioci a tic Pl'ciu
of i lie lit It iost. having been hrou^lit underlay
iiotioe ii n nniiiii**i fit ill. d to all rrstirct from 1
me | feel it my duty fusty, that it tint w liter
intended to allude to me ns the person who
was invited to VV ushing'on, to take the mat.on
in w assigned to Mr. Iiu'hnm hf i* wlejly mi |
taken. I was not invited here to take that or *
imv other definite station, and did lint know I
oiiti! some time after my arrival, wlmt Hu-j
General intended to offer for o > acceptance i
llemjvpr made me any pledge or promise,
which tic has not oil. i. d to r. ib-rm in u manner
perfectly ratt.-.factory, had not the situation
I in which ciicuui-tiioces pine d me, prevented
| I heir acceptance. I f It ink it my duly to further
, -ay, that till his conduct and ikqmitineiit to]
me, have evinced tllu utmost kiqdnes* mid
I htend-.fop, Yours, respectfully,
It is quite clear that Mr. Baldwin is among |
he disappointed—IliH’, tie went to Washington, I
\* ith a I 'll exprctMtimi id le ing placed at the head ^
ofthe Treasuty if not ofthe S’ate depai tmen',al
though it he true that no “ definite station" had
been piomised hun by G.*n. Jackson. But th s
very indefinite, manner of inviting him to Wash
ington was well calculated to excite high ex
pectations. I' is certainly not Gen. Jackson's
fault if Mr. Baldwin's imagination soared loo
high—but, we r aiinot help feeling »r»inc sym
pathy for one who writes as if be was between
e laugh and a rrv.—We confess we do not
understand the allusion to “ p/rrfg/V’ and “ pro
mixet,n n* having he.*n made to him by Gen.
Jackson. \\ ben we »»*nd if, the ghost of the
•' We'-ster pie !lte," fol'owed clo.seIv bv him of
* he Rnqu'rer. with ;\ cat o‘u i ie-tails in his
hand, flitted before our vidon—and we lie
thon :hf ourselves whether ire could not con
jure up a '* raw head and bloody bones," simi
lar fo that fannui* plot We advise thu lark
snniaus, from tin-chief down, fn beware how
they talk about “ pledges," le t the quid j rn
quo hi: fastened on *ome of them.
From the 1 •>t of appointment* inmio t v th^
t. which ui> publish t » day, *h»* reader
will perceive tlrifevt iy nnn who did not advo
cate lh»* election o( <mi. Jackson is to he turn
ed out of office, to rnnUc room for hiri n<>i<.v
; p.iitir.nns I This is ttie nmifnnnimo»#* Arm of
‘ whom we have heard such rom/l'fic -1*»ri»-c. |
! The Snlifinn tow passed during the mlrninUtra
I *inn oflho older Adams, was denounced ns hnv
! iu* n tendency to smother the expression of tho
public voice. Bui this general sweep of otTi
•ers, if it bit co'iofenauci'd by lb** people, will
opera** ms a much more i tf ctiuil g/igthan any
law which over has been or ever cun be enact
ed. What officer, nr what man who hopes for
fin office, will henceforth (fare express an opin
ion with regard to general politic*, when he
well know that his pr.iscripliou will ho the
oonsrqnence of the defeat of»he party to which
h** in.iy belong ? Although the constitution
lilt thrown ]h ftiield around the freedom o
speech and ol* the pres*, of what nvail ta it.
, when it is thin virtually set at naught 7 An u&
stract ri^hl is not worth po.sitMing, if the pri
vilege of exercising it he denied.
! O’ There are many speculations afloat as
to the reasons which induced the transfer of
Mr. McLean from the Fast office department
to the bench of the Supreme Court. The Ale* -
andna Gazette says, plainly, and without equi
vocation, that on his refusal to be instrumental^
in turning out of office postmasters who had
faithfully performed their duties, merely lie
cause they prefened Mr. Adams, Gen. Jacksoi.
determined U» transfer him, and offered him the
vacant «c«l in the Supreme Court, which he
itcccpfe** T*** Telegraph,iu ar ^niwevirg
irlicic, dci.r** it **G j * •'i ‘ a L.uti
that m “ full find etplicil” cnnver-ilitoii took
place on the subject between Ale. Ale Lean and
the President. Wo Mould i nquire of the Mud
Machine, why did this eoiiversaiion t ike place,
if it Mat not intended that Mr. McLean should
not remain In the Po*t office department at that
time 7 If it was then intended tft retttovehitn,
the conrer«;!t»»n Mould more property a ml mote
probably have taken place between the Pieti*
dent and Mi. Barry. Anti, if it whs then In.
fended that he should remain in that deport*
ment. tchy wan he tenioved aflcv Ibis full mid
explicit c.Mtvera tfion v i the subject of remo
ve » : ~ We im rely n \ for information.'’
ITT If will he seen that Gen. \'in. II Her
ri".on, the tnnn who m ipetl off" the disgrace of
llutl's sui render fk Siny the1* ah irfinfi, tuts been
j(called from Cdomhii, uml the contemptible
turn-coat, loin Muure, of Kentucky, appointed
to succeed hurt This h ii specimen of Gen.
.1 irksun*' wisdom and ecoi.oCUj! Hera is a
le;t» lots t > the gov utiimnit of 5IS(OOfT, to
gratify thf personal resentment of the Presi
dent—a resentment produced by no other cause
than the fact tfiat Gen. Harrison pnfened the
election of Mr. Adams. We fear, mote than
ever, the hi filling influence which Gen. Jack*
•oil’s suco tt will c.ti.rci •: over the destfnii-s of
the C’uuhy.
C w Mr. Clay was denounce■ I bv ihr .T i« k«nji
pi ijiu for turning nut n few of Hie publisher*
'dibit iiivsf in office not worth having, and
which we had rnthei be without) who w» ie in
the daily habit of defaming bis chaiaCer Now,
however, whott officers of great importance wc
nm:< x>i, Vk it front tiny charge of malfeasance be
d's brutif lit ngainst tlvtin.it i« nil right and prop
er, i cur dom e, of \\ hum no mail ever beard tail
a* a « hirri 'ioiis demagogue, is to succeed lien.
Hai i isi'u, t\ min nr acknowledged abilities aod
of utieornpromisiup integrity, in the Auibassn.
dorsbip to O.nmbia—Mr. Blent is to bp re
innvril from his f’leikship in the Department
of State, which he lias held during the two lad
udinumti minus, nntl against m limn no chaige
can tie alleged—CoL l.owry, mi uld revolution
aiy ofTu.-er, in indigent cii cum itdoees, lias been
deprived of hi* office of (.'oilector of ('intniiu
in Kaltitnni e- ittshni t, tlm» e is a geimi al so eep
V*»uita11ri• MinJ fihitny hi ;h«» ditrliaigo of duty*
constitute no r!«*»»*» to mu'immure in nOne
.11 ti •* wye* ofihe I'i'e-i lent I he only ipjestion
Id iiv.i is —Hurt i i.'.h'i binier wnt the iri*
cWubnil nirai/cl '/ ■; t'iLite flection
Why sire i ip .) iduo'i presses non silent 7
Why dot , i,i t fbo word '* I’Kt * CUIlrj 10N’»
meet o*ir eye* i.i far e « , now, as it did
when Mt. < ay «p-j'mMfhc vipei ]\emintl . It is
too fi tie iliaf'.nie men may steal a horse with
impunity, w bile another darciur look over the
'll) CO UK Kb 1 *U N l) L N I 5.
“ S. C. 1" to tiieciti/iOHi of Cal rick, shall ap
pear • ■ i our ii**kv.
\V< hive received n rouimunicrrtion, tiorni
awtiiig nine eutlcinen io p«(*l» Ward, ns Alder"
men mu) menthct s <*i tin, C.nmnoo Council. As
we run mt u > possible good which can arise
fioni such n tnodo of nominating, we deejirie
publishing the communication.
“ \ Friend to the 1 its! met inn of Youth” will
be published as soon as weenn despatch other
matters of more immediate uiteirst.
The two g»*ay«. pro and con, relating to the
Sunday Mail*, (the receipt of which ive »oinC
time since tit:Uiu. w b •! g «•»!) will appear in a few
Hi’ We are a itfini i/e«t to announce DAN
IFL C«. TUCkKK, e#q. a* a candidate to re
pie.sMit the Congips.ionai di-tric.l, comnosed ut
the co an tie-* of Halifax, F.itiv Ivania and Cnmp
hel 1.
(FT Wo tire siifllmriftedio announce LUCAS
1* TIIU MI'SO.N. ns a candi Into to represent
the countv of Xm'n ist In the next Legislature
of Vi ginia.
(T./1 U'e are authorised tvj announce 5 AWL.
M ti \ IU. \ M> in a cun I date to represent I he.
eounty of A nh* r t i i t':»t next Legidtifure of
\ ii ginia.
(] /' We ore autlioi iy.ed to nriiiouo'p TOF.ft
LI.t 1 W|CII tsofiol 11'niijns Lpflwrch, deed.)
ns u candidate fo represent the counts' of Bed*
ford in the tkexl L'^idafui f of Virginia.
flT V inerting of the fret holders of Amherst
eounty iVm held on Monday last, and the f«»l
lowing gentlemen nominated to represent that
District in the Convention, vis; London Cahell
of Xniher f. Hubert Hives of Nelson, Wni. F,
Cordon of Mhemarle, and Janies IMca«£it)ts of
riiTATm.—Mifs Hanna * bcnef.t lakes
place on Fii*!.»y evening : anti th*re will assur
edly he a I'ill house it talent united with asai
daily In* ju i perl? appreciated lie drain
v\hich she has selected w one of the most inter.
e-ding we have ever seen ; and we perceive by
the bills that new and splendid fernery w to
he introduced.
Puhlu Lands.—Tlio LoaisJnturo i f
ISew Orleans adjoin lied on the 7th ultimo, after
a Heasion ofRR days. Dining tin; session n
Committee appointed upon I hat subject present
ed a repaid laying claim to nil the public lands
within t tie boundaries of flit* state, belonging to
the LTnite ) States under the treaty of region.
Siinilar’docti4nes have hi en «>et op in lllmo i:
we should not he sutpiigeri, before many *eani
roll round, to hear nt attempts to wrest these op
tional domains from the general government by
Enterprise of the. TTVsf.—From ;t
llHti nirnt in n lain Fi1 ishuri; Gat.tl., ii up.
pear, that there have been built, nt ihnt rilv
and vicinity, w ithin the la*t tiv.lve montls, no
leu than twenty licit Steam Bonn—5v.nl ih.m
over thre. humlivil ton* burthen, anil lb. other,
from 390 <lnwn to 80. The ngttrrgal. tonnage
of tli. Si, amounting to 4370 ions. Tin* cost of
these hont. i. vuppof.il to have niniiiiLI.il to
two hiiiulr.il nu*l .evenly fir. thousand Uol
Scientific Expedition.—Huron Hum.
hnlill, the celebrated traveller, notv pn.t hi. «ix
tieth year, lent .. Germany the present Spring,
for Siberia, acriiinpni'ieil Ity prolvf.or G, finite
—on n 'ci.nli/n; rspnlilinn. It i. | r.iuneil
thnr 'a., . , | rtpet it then*r» .*mjh. s t ■ th. hivh
.40*1 wind! irji.ir/eJin.n.i frftlH Ule
empire. * *'«».
T.iUrmrt/.—Messrs Catoy, J,r., ^
( are*. have pill.li.he.I a cheep and i,r;it Pllh P
dn two thick duodecimo., o III. inva nahle \K>
rulive. ul Journey. in hi Hill, Inaliec p. i
lleber. J hi* work—which migtu t„ b^j„ '*■'
ry dniiir.i ic library—ii wow firliMn reach „f ..
(•risons who arc able lopurcM.se books ^
Improvement in 3fill~$time*._|| r,
for tome lime been helie«ed by»snme ,,f ,,
iim-t ingenious mechanic., iliai ihe mill „
in. .1 were much Huger limn rva.advantage,*
that il.i re w.-is an utmece.iary expense i„ , .
.firsi iuv'ence—ami a greal loss of power in
me I.f them : and th.,t it would he mud,
j fnnveiii.nl In have tile under vlone the iiir.vn
! ol"'. runner , in the first.»periments, |l e rn
per was made I Olive*': and the fixed, or up.
I stone, concave ; but, subsequent y, a Mr. ft,,,
i in*on ol Ohio, Inis conceive.!, and deli r , m.
I try experiment, that ihe tame I.rnt.iy’he (.j,
I en to ihc small Slones to advantage, n. hus be,
j usually given to the forger ones—w ith the |,m(.
: Stone Ilf the runner. Hill, itm.es from a fi,,
i lo a font and a I n f in diameter, nliout half ,
I the power is saved. A great number of i|„.. i
j kind o( mills are said to be building in ttit* '
It f Ohio.
Iirr.ipr.— Mr. Wit). Ward ol Wasii
: ingfou city, in it note addressed to ffie i:<1it«>r
(it the National Intelligencer, sayi that y«til
| <£t*d charcoal is an elfeciunl remedy r>r h hr»i«|>
| mg out on the Ipg. On* of the cores rflVi.t,-*
j hv it, application whn a hoy who could n*»:
! "-‘alk. m»f n«e hi* leg in any way. in u
week*, he was well.
\ Gnat Spend.—Mr. S*. Mi Cracker,
I of >»my York, Who. with oilier*, can ied'mi ih
I'rexiilpuf's Iuat>4f'ithI Address io lha» citv. rndr
iron* New Brunswick to Jersey criy, a distHiu
ol thirty t’.vi> mil.-., in mill liouf nmi fn>v
nti'n. The rm l. nrri; tiiiuaitnlly li,,l ; llnj
when ha ri'iichivl N. York, |n> u-.l, I
ivilli ruin, llnvina l-.nlc li.i-ivli.iln iiintatice m
une linn.**, «Jni.isi n violent ,N, 1',. .turan.
Self-Regulating Wind-Mill.—Then
i« a Ivei ti.eil «t \\ tali iigiuii, a new l\ n<|..YIil|
w liicli fehiltn niietl with •:v*ry ctuingc ul‘ |f(,
wiinl.or flint, up its .n'l, in n I115J1 b.'ii" , n
In receive uu nmie |>i . . n e ili-n mil mvr if,,.
1m.t1.1n anil (Inwe. I. ,| I r,*.| l'ln- tails nretliu
It 11 m I ho wont il 11 nmi ni^ht, **n n» t » |-e< 1 n
(lie benefit nl the Inv./., wnh or witlmnt I.,.
tentinn of II.- mil'er. 11, inviMlor .Is,,a
Clmvei) nllinn linn if run In* t.*t in niei .in /,
toppeil inslnnilv, iin j In ,1 In in saiio, . nhlimit
Ihe nullei-’s goin ; .on I tim houseSuch a
w inti loitl m i-iiii in hit nlin st ccim| leti*. j,
li-Hvi*, nutliine Imlhei 10 ife.ipe_exc* | I tlint
ntirilii the 11110! in jh*i iisell in tnuiinn.
ISrief but (omj'rrhensire history!-*.
lulijali t U'o9si\liiit* h is fn*t 11 ai‘iiletic.*(l 1,, p,..,
year's iin|irismniu*i)t In I xinglmi, Kv. I,ir
sine counterfeit <•..in. M * is mill to .„i 1* i,.r,,
n wealthy unit highly r.*,j., etitbV cii,; ,,,,,
vcrliinlly lioni»i. Until hv g 1*111!*,r.t-m..... |,,.
became tnih.il I iss..* I K.itliari n«> ii.rnt Ini |,.
ilii>i|intion, mi l ilb.ipalion I; il 10 cmne ,*.... u.
Pedantry.—The ieum-H A!i.YVa],h
of ihu National (tazette, ut crrih flu* u.'i>.w
sentence Without ,1 ti ;i Os! a! tin.—"The piodm
*v o! mu* country mid indeed ul the
lid’ c»*nt|ifuj»n| mid romantic iti tciigioiiK or •
ueliccii: rnieiprise.”
Dima t'ton—A mono t »i o doubt ion >
the Philadelphia Agricultural \
Sinn - Ih'iuioIuI specimens «>l u k, tin* prnduci t
• >00 silk worm*. raied ami pre-eulrd b» Mr*
John Quincy Adams. ‘1 tie'ilk wa* wu’uid h
herself, without linking On* cocoon*. ‘
Rayul troth.—Tint llmn.i; \. Y
0b8'*i v«t Matt * that u journey man . .1 ..kt
jn tt;Hi filln/p* inndp.miic pun * 01 Tum mu . ,
m,,n * Call skin shoes Hi 1 1 hums uni 'Jo uu
Street P.rrgin?.—Thu .V iv Yuik
K veiling 1 * ' -*! r-'U'fy, (I. ;i ( | he lot riffnei's* hog .rid,?
in the abi i'ts iii Hint ci y /up not Sw i»'s bill Wur
teniliurgers,w bn exhibit Hum ? hildieti exposed tt«
lhi* co d to rxritp h \ n*f»,ul»v ; i.id th.it tin- Pun Is
wet** six in number ~ the < r*-r a sboemak*-' i ’i
yi’BfS oi l, whu did imlhiiig, liii wife, aiuj foul
c d Idren, iruifi t’» to i t yebus oil; the lelaleY
whs* tin* *• m nod no ohhsf child ; tin* nmtlier
and lour children ficgg* i1 I'm tin ir stih^ixn iicft
—the rpci'ipli wern from 'U to l.»s. i ppr
d iv, making an avnngu ol l/om thrpo to Ion •
Original Anecdote.—The Boston I’at
riot rpiatrs the (o'iuvv ng auecdnfe : A dudim
gmsliiui gpritlprnHii connected « iih flip Uciivet
ty at t'ambridgn, who rp*n|ps in tliis citv, ip
cpntlv gave an Piiteitaiiiuieut 4o a .•♦•lect party
o*’ tnenris. At a late hotu, the chai nis <>l conver
x ition had wot permitted tiic gur.U t < ypifiiuttp.
although the doun stics had refill’d in r»*st, ttii*
waiters only muaiuing to attend to the cofnjr.i
I ny. All a» once a noise wnxlieard in the crliAr,
and the Collee-miil v\a«put in rttpid : the
c- inj'anv Mared, and the head wn;ier was des
paicto-d to null it. Me returned with a dnlnonw
j expression of couiiIpimikp <»ta ing that nil was
; qiiH below, that t o one iv as there,mid that the
| do ns n< ri‘alt fast. Sliortl; after the mill wa|
agitated more rapidly than before, and the Wint
er made another incilrdtsal ^em efo lot Ihe ope
rator* A third lime the portentous grinding,
wti/heftnl, and the wait, i picturing to himsell
gnrgons and liydias ami cn injuiix dire,'1 and
wiibal having a confuted ima r «»f an ifuet
r\ conjun d up in hi* cinative j.nicv, with rh it
| fet ing teeth and ghtring r*y»w, d» mined any I'i*
ther invi stigation of the bndnpss. I he, mas'er
; »d the hou,s«* then thousld it une to look 'into
l the matter, a* d proceeded to the cellar, where
j he had scaritly set biii foot, wImmi the key of iht
at cb was thrown in Ii la face w ith some force —
Not abashed bv this gentle «aluti»lion lie »i»*p
j ped forward wi»h lii» lamp to cotifrmjf the not*
\ lornal di»(in her. when lo. a monkey was disco'
j cred perched upon something out of the rcauh
: •»* those whom he had been teasing, with h***
i pianU*. Jocko had escaped‘from a caravan ••
i animnlg, 'vheia his geniu, had been fitnghl to
I displny itself in grind ing trim c from a liand-m .
I gait, and with n disci'ioiinatiun woit4»y <»l
j pra »'♦*, he had judged Ihn ••oH‘ p-fnill a mereva*
I rial.on of one of lhm>e ningaeinej ol harnioauK^
' sounds
There is u &ticgp«jtuii thrown out by ww't
the Western papers, fha.twe like very much
• and w hich is no Ip** than a proposition to el
Ahnn^e with tl»r* iMfii^tn Government all o»’*T
territory from the top ol th<* Rocky Moifnl*1^
to the l’orific Ocean, f,»r that delightful regie*
of country I vine between tiur 9uiiI)iwpM ho*m
• dm y ami luo del Norte. This ariangenietd
1 w hilst it w dulti furnish acre for acre of land. l*
com*c on the (uilf of Mexico indented with it!11,
ny bays and watered by nmnetoti^ livers, a *»,>l
ineshaustible as fertile, and a healthful climate#
i would also make our Federal (,'ii'on mere
compact in point of form, and more desirable
• in point of convenience to the several mcnihr '
of it. From its remote situation, it i* almost
» impossible that ifie Oregon ever could he repre
vented in the Congress, either as a State or J«r
rilory, would be deprived of that freipient inf*”
course so necessary to a good iinderstnndini
between members of the same ctoifedeiarv, -»r i
in case of invasion, would he much too distant
to receive any effectual aid from the Green*;
Government. It lies completely issolated, hav
ing the Rocky Mountain* with** Kh‘t, the l*r
fish possessions on the North, ami those *1
Meticau Republic on ti e Sooth side it.
[ Otur nav.
Ihe common strawberry in a tip** ■d"**
makes n most exeellent dentilice, *w$et#’n
ing the breath and preserving th4* gum*'. R *'
said flint the celebrated f.iniunuscured hit**p 1
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