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- .rTnrrlii.z ot Hi* uon-lreeho liters, * iniinei" ’ *y |„ the estensinii «il iltd lr'-r|lJ'J „,U boldrn ml tlie Frank ,CsV‘,rl in f * L> ^ ‘ “h !uH"' ls«i tor tin' (impose "I co,mil in;. it M,,ch’ .7,' ol rcs oi mg «t««* ... >"» "ViraI Si...- Join. Hnncck. K-n ... .'ecifiaty- „|t..|„r„ v<ere appointed a lh"me to drall resolution. e.pre.sKe hi • of M"n,e.-nne,...wi. : I. D. U.q»; "* s‘ m-toard II. l«ler, l>’ K- KJ|''V- * Jitd. •* , v, J l.ym-li, anil h. t. Dowen, .clHioln* ■* r).|ired, returned mid r«J55ei*rri."“*... * i’',,|i'"’,,f ,h t!l -r» of I lie town Lvnehbuiand Us *ici ":h" " -mtileil to take into consi.leiatnin the "V- H‘,‘'.ft at Me late *e«»mn nl Hie tieneml ' *"'* *!'*’ Virginia, for the purpose of nr ^“T/Vt .ov.-iMon" deem it unnecessary to r, .1.1.,.red attempt to deinou.irate Me in ,Bllk i ili.t orovliioii wlncli eiclu.les non. [ "'"holili-rs Irnni the poll., ami toiifme* Hie „( Hie indivi ,ual. t i w hom the re „f dm fundamental U» ol the dlaie ^ wr- „f i ie coinmonny It naan. .mm.nS like ,U,t rt t umilk hi l!»** bosom Ol evt rv m«iu KT ‘VeSi*. «'.* ... Ilf il r/iuirt ol ho fctlouJ'Cittttni, h feelmj •" ">* ,„iifinii "ini refiitir.eut, winch nothing but i f,rone and confiilmi hope Mat .he <ines.lon . -ith'il, >' itli'iut disturbing the puh ,j;,t\ . Co ild re.irnin from manifesting :if ... l„.r. ,,r.meii violence. Such a feeling »i'.lftRi-xUns Ui«i. > •*». «>•** -.vliiil.l'.ib »ill continuei “ ■‘hurl liiite l",|tfvi‘1 thrv Imve licrc-ioton- ilmiv, to Hear pinion . I|ip wtiiii-» of winch thpy emuphuo—Iho in whom the d«!litni‘* ut the ai.ilf jjl iK.-niru*ioil, will have IM much |m»elra tmlion «o he nhumr.1 hy Iho «hA.I..« v li nt Inch ntnid niimU h.ivf coojmnl up ... tho hi — , ,0 0 ofl'.priiig ol' the pxloinimi «.l iho ruin ol suffiI,**'—iml.f '* "• In? lu.pod, limy » ill ho t,,0 pnidooi no«dl-*»ly '»*»<• | « mujoiitv | the live ivh te populuiioit ol Mm dlalo, hy * ,'oniftl Of a cIh'Ih, foini h it in pi opnoiy nmljuj ,ice that'hov uihv thoiohy ,r«Mlv iho l«-t ol now,'., whici'i Ions' p.M5 *'.u I ha- only inoroa* ,j ||)(« landed ari*l *01*0 ol i!te Common * ealilt. The non f e.di idcu »»o>sp<« lb* right a right of which hey cann « In* deprived by Legislature, «o make their voire br heard in the forma'i<»n id'a con.siitutiou destined to en dure for ag***. and by which. i« they lie not heard, they may be deprived t .rover of the power *o ekeiri^e a p *vilegv. which “is iuefcti mable to them, and which can be formida do to tvruuM only.”—In consenting, therefore, to abide peaceably Ihu i«tne ol tut*effort about to b^mwl* t> gv t> Vurivi a Co i m which shall b,* rvpno'KM ' >" practice n< wit as m theory~\n fnet ft* well :• in n.t-n^ the non ireeh.dders d » not surrender tb« opinion that they have nn in lubun'de right in a f othei wise, ih.-v are anxious, however, to allay Htcilrmeiit. •at her that to prod** «* i»—to preserve tlie p di ne tranquility, rut her than to sow the seutls of strife. In exhibiting t*L spirit of inodcrntirin iud forbearance, they furnish Mo» tirongest evi dence of the pHtriutiC motives hy which they are influenced, andgiv" a ti iumjdm d rebuke »v 1 fie asuersm y o'th »g.‘ who deiionuce the ex tendon oft :e right of *ulf. age as lining fraught iviththomsst injurious c »«ne<juen»-*g — as lea 4,,,.. inevitably to corruption and turbulence in our elections, and, wb it is still more Co b » de* AireQHled, to .« sacrifice of the permanent in'ei esig „f the State. Tins calm tempet, it it loud ly hoped uy this meeting, will minimi* to he displayed, at least util it shrill fmv- been de monstrated thru th non-freeho-'dera have no thing to expect fro.n tin* d-*libeiaiimN ol ltic Convention. Impressed w *;li sentiments, this meeting do Uexofe", 1st. Thai when ftCo.nui m vea’th dderinines to " change, niter or a'mJi-h" itti t ind .'iienrai Taw, every mao, tv io, in iho 1 iiiguage nml the meaning of our Hill of Krauts, has giv *u evi dence of permanent infer**.*! in and attachment Co the toil* possesses a clear and indisputable right ton v do* in tie* selection tiff he agi nt» to whom thatctruigo is to be entrusted. l5Hv- That ti reasonable term of residence within flic Suite, **nroi uiftong the militia, i he payment ot taxes, and tin? per furm.iuce of such other dutios as may be required h\ the Taws of (tie land, do furnish the most mi'q.ijyo val evidence of such ** interest nml ntia huierii” * —evidence Inr mor*- satisfactory than ll.wpos session y.t a lew acre* of ground. 3d ly That, depiec.itiu * a distui lianoe of the .•public tranquility, which would mo*l piobnldv be the c »n sequence of nil exercise of the eh*c tivtj, fiai.c n* * dy t ie imn-freeiiolders in the choice uf dflegates to the Convention, to be held in October next, this meeting deem it ad visable that I hey should ref rain from going to the [i ills. 4thly. That a rominitl^e of nine individuals hr appointed, whUx'r duly »t shall he to piepire 4h Memorial lo be aildie>*.i*<l to the Convention, rcspectfuilv representiug to t!* *t body the gne tnnees to which they have * • long mid so jot ticnly suhmitied—and demanding, a* an act of sheer justkv, tiiiil their ebuum in n participa tion in the enaction of the lawn hy whieit tin y Are to be g«»veru**d h.* r<*cogiiisred in the Con stitution whim tin*v- will tie delegated t > frame. \tid that the void Committee he r.Uo unili tised ocorrespond with other Cmnm-tiers wliichhavt* Ven cr may hereafter he appointed in other parts ofthe Coinm ^nwealih, and to do all irther *^cts which may promote thu object of this mm. ;mg fithly. That the said Committee shall obtain the signature* of all free w hite male «mz u», r;ver the age of 21 years, who may b« disposed 'u advance I he g*» at object We have if) view,— mid that the names of ita* freeholders who may Mtbsoribe it, %nall be kepi in separate ami dis tinct columns from ih se ol tee non freeholders. Othly. That our di^franehise i t»rethr* n in other sections of the Common u cm I th !>»• oarnesUr requested to unite wfrfi us in ilii> peaceable in »de of proem lug an act ofp )litical jesdetf. ?lhly. Thai if, as we rat mo* for a moment tHieve, Muj*claims of the non-freehullt*rx khotild be rejec ed hylhe Convention, if t,e re commended lu them, inmuftliatfly after the ad tonri.ment • >f that body, to convene within their respective precincts throughout ihi* State, m»d lo adopt, in concert, s *cii measures as will ‘*lort from the tears of th•• ir opponents what I hey will in vain have demanded df thei r jus tice. On motion made and seconded, resolved, 'lint a committee of three be appointed to nominate fhe committee cointeniplat<*d in the 4 h regolu* ?*nnt wh-reit ion J * n l>. Urquh&it, I( fj. | and L). It. Cdley, Ksqrs. a committee ap-1 pointed l»y i lie chair, proceeded to nominate the following gentlemen, to wir: Allron Me \ pfiniel, John 11 «no>ck, S I. Wistt, Samuel j ^choolfinld, Robert Morris, .1. \V. Peg ram, M., M. Garland, p. K. Bowen, ndtJ .F. J Purvis. j On motion, resolved, that .1. T). Urcyuhari, ! Eich. H. Toler and L). It. Kdley, be added to that committer. Unsolved, that tliIM tors tlirnuchouF tlir } Commonwealth be re.piesled to publish these proceeding*. J. HANCOCK. Chr’m, ^ I. VViatt, Sec’t v. I'j the People of the county of Campbell. KLLo w-Citiz f..f f : When it was uniiounced *'^d} sterling C. AmlersnM. esq. declined •being a candidate at the next April Election „°T county, ill the Instance of a few of iny • nends, 1 consented to become one myself On mor* mature reflection, I find a train of cir •tnistnifces (all-of which relate alone to iny pri Ya*a sFTuirsr nr.4 *.?:ert,»fbrc uriiofereffhi'* tj yowl iliQtste. 7 *i ' > ♦ n-ipfdf illy kg (*> he il s barged tr«»«.t mm |ilcil|f | iimv havt*j'»v n * “»* »tt* j- • t. I avail myself »t *bK occasion to ictnark that I was not without •oh “iw*tis Ictdlugg flui ing tho late conflict, which j-'WA'nU«,d our common country to it* remotest bm*fu'l*. but which -hat terminated m the complete i*iti»nph of the peo ple. Thu conflict being over we may ration ally conclude that our brethren generally, though out the United Sta cs, are njuynif* that kind of relief generally prodnc-ij I»y a ca?® after * Morn*. Not so with os f there i* yet suspended over the O il Dominion a cloud, it not <tC /hr»*at ening at least of doubtful aspect — | mea*1 the Convention. There are reasons to fra* tiiat Spill the iri. nils and opposers of reform may go *«> lengths that may lead, if not to anarchy and misrule, at least destroy that peace, hunimm find good will which have eyer charac iei »-ed our beloved Suite, either of which 13 greatly 10 be depreca ed. Extremes ever ®en. lh re is little more to be feaied 1 om the • viant than the tempestuous revolution.*1. 0! Him the p« gvs of his'ory furnish ample and abundant proof * hut it is for you, fellow n ir.ens, to avert life evil. At your 11 xt May courts y*.i, will l»« called upon to exercise the highest pri\ ilege en joyed by a tree people, to w it, to elect persons to 1 present you in general convention, to re vise or amend our State cnns'itu ion. In the exercise ol this privilege, too much care cannot be taken to *<dec men wortny thehtgli trust re posed in them. They should possess talents, acquirement*, experience, i.itegriiy, temper anc •, skill in the prudent management of secu lar affairs, pi iv.ite as well as public; nt the saute time, friendly to rational reform on princi pies of equity and justice to all ranks and con ditions in society , y< t not led away by a blind xeal for ref 0111 in not shapg, wl ioh might lead to a htate 01 tiling* more to u-’ d precaled than 1 Ihn present. Much too should he your represen t at tv *•< 111 t ho general u>*cntbly ; you will par don int*#lel!i»w cihaeos.tur thus picsuming to id ler you my advice ; and attribute 11 to mv devo ted titiacnmcnt to this mv n tti*e land, lie a, xiired that gratiiudv fot tin* evidences of youi conlitl-nce oil former o c.t«u>iis still doe*- und will continue 10 g ow vv it Si unabated fervour m the bosom of your It lend and fellow eitig<*ti \VM C. Me ALIM ILK. * io the FrCtholders ofltalfiut, Charlo'U and l I want. | Kellmv ('iliceii* : —In obedience to tiv Sove • reign will t)l the people of \ iryiniA, out hgixla* tore has a flurried you tin1 l.inliin * for loi unng J ii Cofivent ioij, 11 i> entir *1 v »iiim*cei»arv for | me to recapitulate io you Ilia important provi I mo os o I liic bill enacted by our leghln urt» ; no I ilout) V.ui will ex a tu i«iff Hicm sutbcicutly to un derstand your duty h.« vnt.-rs It devolve* on you to seiect four suitalil - prison? fr »ui your I diffnet. to rcpiexent v• *■ * m ti e appi .niching titio.i. It Heem*. iron* til** new aperpttb Iica onb in Richmond, and ihe proclamation* at tlie Court lioiitfu* th-i there ure not less ilmn twelv* c inriida'.e? to represent you. This inul tittide of modulates mi-t neces^nrilv create much ensbai vassiueut and »•!. ctiom i • ing sti it.; in our district : Nav, it is to bo apprehended, in tli b wav, t 'u popular will may be e itiiely frustrate , and H repn -nmt.itive foi led on I lie dimrict. contrary to tin* wish ol a major ty, by a pin hIit % of voles. (Jildtir t bis Bi-tle ol things, " e should cl< vise some plan cAruitt'.ed to none I v IIiom* inoonve j uif*nce> and harmonic.* Hie volt s ol the d^tn< * ‘ I, flier.‘fore, pmpofg, tu it five i! -erect freelm d ri 9 be selected from yoal diw'nn *, three Irom I h •* f Kiufy of Ida 11 la \, '-ne I r«• n ('W.ii l-»fte, ami ill** titili li») ii K.ince Ldward, in n»e> . at the en suing Charlotte court ; and that lin y be i in p twered to eh-une out ol the t velv • candidate* four !or whom the/listiid are to Vol»* ttint two | oflbe candidates I tin* fired on. b of tin* countv | 01 Halifax, one of the county < l • » I me amt j one of ili » county of Kriiice 1*1 * aid. \ n p’e ! sentHtioa (hits called, will, no doub:. to p r j feet accordance with the wi-h -f «t • t* dii'iin. We shonl i pm sue Afuong ours dvi •; the pirier plan of c.oitcegbioii ami c.ooipimui>e, on wnirl. (be Convention b.ll is based. J.ei us. then, hd lmv citisefls, accommodate enrh r.unity ol the district vvi b a representation p> opot tiom d to its population. 1 humbly apprehend, 11>;*t the plan proposed will ensure thi*. d< sir.ihle object Let us act on those enlarged piim.ipb > ami feeling?, which should ever accumpi’iv tne nr (ions of patriots, a d di«raid from our bosoms j every tiling like sectional partiality and pnj i* ’ .lice Lei us. fellow-citijren*. t ho*e men <»l to I tejgrity and piartieal and na t d laleutH, and who have a ^oirsidcruble ncq lainlanrv with the i piomnent iimu m the district, to ipprrx lit us io the selection of <»ui candidate*. codect men ! who Hr * above prejudic *, aud | confidently an ticipate from their select ion nn able up»»\*. n’a 1 lion hi the ftnprouchiuc Convention. ‘ JUSTITIA. The Hdifors of the Richmond U tug and the [ Kdilo’ s ol the Knquirer are r. <|tn*-1«*. 1 to repute r li'li tliif addn'it in tboir papeir Aulrurly in : surliou is desirable. d To Cut. Thomri' Davenport ' ISifl-—Your ci cubit is Ivehuo your co-m to en s. a id, as I urn not partial io ymn p• ♦ lit < »: , yen'iniem* or conduct, v on uih pardon me, in a I lew renunks tor a production *•» nugnlar. Whew I call it singular I do nut a'in 1 to ii splendor of diction, symmetry of air; gfincnt, or any other of those negative lo anlir# with which ft is i i lilwallv .nl rued Many of »»* jcouhl possibly, writ** utmost as well, though "c have but little *• arc tea to nettipuj rr f woub1 cull y our attention none p;:i tiCfi!ai Iv to ti.e last paragraph on the firM f a, «d | vour letter. You there tell us ol 1 r*»htie;«l j conflicts,” " bat< le • of form' r dav s bat r no. intrigue and management. **.ife • i~»** * *i«^iI Ain 6lc. and warming as your suhj**« t expand \ mi assume ifie pr s deuce of a profiler, and t- - II us- <»f ifie da vs of prosper*t v r nd uappioe-H that are at hand. B v'all t 1 is pompous phen ology. \ pii’siiaie you meant t»> inhn in ns that Gen. Jack son um> elected 0 t e presidency that be will be a -second Saturn, am) that thi Golden age is now 'o be restored A **• ‘he liist of 1 lies® factii, tome of us were f t igm r:,"» of Jncksnu’g e eciion, though wr read but few newspapers', and us th • second sicnis to t'-st solely on vour “ opinion,” you vv 1 *! pardoft oN, if our as*ent to it be mwhitn'su-pemt* d You certainly have not forgotten »uat i • oi;e comity of lie district lately fepi - »*« d b\ yo'i, there was barely h majority In f'avoi of Jack sun and mucti the larger portion of the talent and int'lligeme ol ttu* e.onnty in favor of the late administration. That the J - :k*«<u ptr‘> prevailed by hi» overwhelming aul Ui vote in all the Stipes pu' together, i» m/t d»-p fed ; but ( appeal to your snm* of ium >r and piopriety, whether it was delicate or genem •», t » pour vour circulars, indiscriminately into Campbell county, and especially into l ynch* burg, while vco »•'•r** conscious that their con tents would be nflfeusivn to ope hail of their rea ders. Did you think t » sccui e our soft. •* .*"* hy holding up your idol ax a model of p-i lecitou, and pouring unqualified abuse on the retreating files of »hf late administration ? It permit me to fell you that fur once your ** opinion was incorrect. You seem to know all about the court* fo he pursued by the new administration. Be so good ns to tell ii< where you learned il. H »ve you had a peep under the veil which Gen. Jackson has worn so long, and drawn so closely bound his political principles? Or hare you penetra ted the In-uigu^il Address and found any liber ality or dedGion in it ? If you have, though I might envy you your Sagacity, F would scarce lv wish to imitate vour credhlity. A FHKKHOLDFH* 7b the Hon. Thnmru Davenport Sir—1 received ypur circular by mail, and on account of the personal respect I enterta-isfnryou, hastened to peruse it, hoping to find some useful information contained in it. I was wilfully dis appointe d Itvis very fjivib?jp.r.(Miv trnh the i,»fe nauLiiS.- buiiiusi. ht* f.»r u> if'tc» latcd to circulars and ittwvpupris, ^c. wst h pent drawback upon the funds of our post of lice establishment The fust part of your circular wni nil very- ror. ' ruet. ]t i» all a matter of fact business, and taken from public documents. \ ou say,'* The rapid and productive increase of tins branch of the Natmtial government, j (tb • post office.) under the wise and enlighten ed #*duiiiii»trntiuu of the present incumbent, liN' 1 become, die."-** This is perfectly correct, ccr* t a inly true But, Col. i* it/rue, that the pre sent incumbent of the prtii>!ei.tial Chair, wishes to renio.’c him fiom this office of tiust, to ttie Bench of ttie supreme court * An I, that too, !e|v he should become a su* restful rival at the aspiksttion oi the prerent four years f But lar fbtr : in in*1 seventh clause you lay, M another jjrcut fH>l conflict ha* puttied utr, in whi< h the hui'lev of foimer day* have be* n fought o* v**i." I but \* ihe conflict ot 17!W —That is, you take loi* giatj'*-d, that l*i evident Jackson u n J'fftrtan* Ho yrtu believe a m*yority ot your Continue tu judge so ? / Could imt judge *u from the exhibition made in hid elaborate me* sage, I defy you or any body else, tu show from the oitfviiHge what tin president's course w ill be in polo o # hereafter. \g;*m ; " 1 he voice of a free people tu vindication .%/ then vl'daltd right# has again been heaul, and the republican cause ha** once more prevailed *’ Now so, what " vi • I filed lights fH ] cull up on you to eip'ain. /can vevy wall und(island what you mean—Imt your expj'eiMfHi is nuibig* non-. *• ihe republican cun has once more prevailed " I do not cull this ignorance ; as Judge Koanc Mould nay, it is slang. Ills it fact notwithstanding many affect to deny it, that a great maj ntu of the old federalist*, were in the .lack.on rank*, during tile great battle tliAl has j'i*t lo i n fought, hi which the “ violat'd right# *( a tr< e people," ti:«vf nguiii been vinduntij. Again, you env,*' In the Ui-e.ntnation ol this eteat strug le, the people, Me. have decided in fne mo»t emphatic tci ms, upon the fate of «dl political aspirant x, who shall Hereafter Vlteiitp' to v**IXC Upon the high olju ert of this govern* infill, by mean* of” 0>n gain, int< igut and man agcinenl.'* They have not only pul their so lemn veto upon the doctrine <f "x /r pn\t dtnfs" or hereditary succession In office lorev* ei“ hut they Have expressed," —— kc* Now sir, that tills stab* slung, of *• bargain, i’tt iguc find manageimut," should hr reiterated at this day, and th<*t 'no by hii bnnnr.dde inetil j ber of CuoRiexv, which iin uinn believes, and | I aver, y mi yourself do not, is an evidence of great political depmvity.— I he last px ideal of | these United Hiateii was elected in accordance | well the /. *■ rofjbc Constitution ns fully as the present inrnmbhU -I line was iio | tunic* c%ill c.* of '• bargain, intrigue end mnn j agpiitPnt," m the nniiiiiiatiou of Mi ('lay, than I tu tin* Humiliation id Van Buren or Hal on ; in ! deed, there i> room Ibi* a much stronger suspi j riou in tin* latter cave, than in the to'liter,— I There i* not the shadow of u *1 >ubt, ms to mv **• pinion, respectinig an understanding in tlmst* lat ter appoint innits UI hereditary succession, you sp *.,k rather tin intelligibly ; h reditnry succession is when the 1 oh|p*i son ucceeds the father :o !li« throne, or I to any li’le—Wlnit similarity i* there between this and the nomination of a mail t » the office ol Stic ret a > y In c*>*i finning the recent nuoiiiia tions. ilr* fcvmnin have acted precisely as Mr. Miami recommended on a foimer occn sino ; unbolt deliberation—-Bn* egaiu ; •* But lli<*y bav*- expressed, el*", with an mi diidr voice, tl,en H»-tertitaiion not to he made willing iostrum* ill* in Hie hands of executive patrona/e , Mo l u th their own money, to**, lor the purpo* «j i p*rp* in at mg power illicitly ob tallied.’' Will v on, '‘an yon, give a.i instance, wher**in : the tali • xero In**, with nth ■ •*• ii|<p»opi i.ited «n ' unappropriated innuev, */.'< idcit hi jwlronngtl Neither del he extend hn pattoni*^ * in that v* itv, vv hirli be in ght legitimatr ly have done; 1 I ui-an in appointiio'Qts to office- I ventute t*i i s iv, that, in this i** pert, we never had a mote \ dwinteri iIpiI pre: ulent, not even excepting the j get ill ll ashing! on. ; B it m the above <ju*»'ntinn, flier** is an iiisiu j ti.stion unvmthy an borin'able member of cun* I gm# of the United Slums—*' Power illicitly ob \ lamed"—l liat is wilanjally — can yon attain this assertion * N t lor th* valte «»f (ion. Jackson, nor for the I sake of t hose w o tmvp pledged themselv* s, in r/drnnrr, to support Its in a ur« «, but for the | sake ot mil* character m the eyes *»I foreign ra tmiii, I h »pe |iiiit me iiuiu**Msur»Ml vituperation ! Which was dealt nut to the l"lr jiresiit'ot f»v ’ iii m* i'. n.icnl I i linn, upon ev**iy oria-ion, iud nnt li> dealt out t.* the p r ent prtsni at by I oppo.4 d to bun, wiietluT d' nr rid or * ! dtst ried. j In all v ',ir conjectures, contained in the but nice i f fins sentence which I have noticed. I | d ot* ;nt tn say, that experience will t»*.»cli fii:ii that tfu v are cri'oiicou*. f < n unit sav in r iih:'" Ion, that I cannot « v. \ - support, nod matty til yotti person 1 al friend.' .n»* like invself, very f*n (mm bein'.’ your fi iemis— u*UCb b s* are they llu* politic)*' ii lends of \ our ijnpO'H nl w ho is nppu mmI, i g . >.ir . ttiof i * f or jo *\.iiling polity of t i!v ; i" kh 'a *>l lln Bfal* . 1«• nr humble rerv.inf, A fri' ud la the Tariff \ H'.. ,n»rd word i' - ?n llu* *■“ Mmt;- if i* I'ivt'ihi* <1 with ( ol IV iitMii o iH-.v word Isi f. m-iortat ‘ \u (MiliiKiit'i* t * * nlfei and *« i ii •* i •«t i he - * • v • • r«11 oitliuam < « c i»nc« MU*'-' Smiiug' rdiopv, bic, in.s-std t*ir llth of Marsh, I • \ IP* ii oriiaiiieit by ffCommon Conn i lur the ( urporMlinn ol l.vmlihui^, in Com 111,111 |{.i l iv finhlpil, That, hereafter. in each V r Ml !!,<• f, I St III IT 11 i - ul I lil' CoilllUOIl CoUII* i il at lei* 11 * oi*;i» ii/. it i (hi , nr a - * •*••»» I lie re after mi« may 1»« them -hall he npp unfed a ( om niiitei! nl I (run each Word,in he dcnoitiinfi tel a commute Of saf-tV.wli■ •§ • du*> ifshall lie to ei inline i h ihwit i. f Is••in nine I * liirn*. liter*- • after all the Simps within the fmtn land <*«•'• wln'ltier, they »re mi a -.ihiii'mii to a . \ nid danger from the tire n--ed therein, and if ! th -re lie any out !i, >»s in their opinion, are not vc, tain me hervbv a tl.«n w* d n d rrpi such ii!'e rati wit *•» impr* vellieril as v\ til render t lie in teenre, j*> •*, j IS * it bother ordained. That, upon 11,• • (Ii**** i*•:i being -iyei, by tlie Coiiiiu. flee a 1 boe-aid, f.r "Wirror occupier, «*t said shop, fintll inkitieili.tle'v h ive the alteration or ini j,111v* rn fi; in#*d*• m directed, and on failure by r tMhl or neglect to comply w ith the done tin nil , ,v mi, |»e, he, or they, shall lort**it p *y ihn nin oft'Vo d »ll «r* Itii* ev* ry twenty blur h nit's neglect thereof, to be sued for to i\e tt iin- r i tne Treasurer ol Ihi* Corpora*,ion, n t; .v»*iaide before imv Justice of the l*eace. having i ii is lid ion ol the same :—IVovided 1 {i<.vv>• v* . flint "Io n fiuy s.ich owner ti oeiu pier shall have eiected and fixed hi*, iter, or then shop, m the manner prescribed by said Coiiiinhtec, l»e,*he. or they sliidl not be requi red by anv' viibseqinMit ihoninittee (except by order o| the Common Council) to alter the same umIhjs it shall have become so rtiuchde c »ved ii our of repair, h» to produce danger : .— And, provided, inoreuvrr, that no prnsecu* turn shall be inditnted under this ordiui&iicc until the 1 • »ih of .\! ty next. It** it further ordained, Thai it shall he ill** d ity of the - nd Committee to direct t w manner in which nil health*. Hue’, vv« . -hall lie coi»-!i tided, end they »h ill, in no case, permit n house, to !**• erected oi* i»«ed tor a Smith’# Shop, the walls of which are not er ther made of stone or brick. See. 1. He it furl her ordained, Th tt al! O d, itnncet >r parts of Ordinance,i. coining within the purview of this Ordinance bu, u the same lure her«b\ repealed. f lie M further .ordained firm t r': <>i• ■ (JiiiaSce »b»ll comtii'i.ct and be in (urco from mill mMvr tlie Mi-t TuenJ»y in A|>nl lint. JOH N TMJUMAN, V C. C. 1> R.i>i», Clk. C. C. Miiiiiii IV. *■ It COMMERCIAL R fcCORU; REVIEW Of the Lynchburg Markets. t orrtcttd jor thr t'lrpnia*, tty TtIi»M.\!) A HoLCOMBk Bill! UlCMAHM IvlllT (ViniiiiiMiiin Merchants, AUCTION 3Al,L3. Lxirerae privet of pasted lohac co, from.. |4 00 to 1 4 06 Inferior to coMiiD(>n(. 4 00 to A 00 Common toifstod,. 6 UO to 8 Oo frOtnl in fine, ^ • • • • • M 00 to 1*2 00 Mefused, ..3 2ft to 4 tK» Inspected the lest week VSf hhdt putted tobac co, 53 Mid* ir fused,total 83ft. Flour, by strhohesrtlf, • - $5 75 to $5 00 Whiskey, wholesale, from 28 to S2U Com, wholesale, pet i»bl - • » 2 60 to O tut MenJ, wholesale, per ImAliel, - - - 65 60 Wlint, do... - - 1 00 to 041 Bacon by Ihe load, * • • • 0 00 to 0 50 Sail in woitb.* |; 6<> lo 4 hO Hemp, per lb, • • • . . - -V f> to f* fto I allow, per lb. .. - 8 to 10 Beeswax, do. • - 20 — We have n good Mipptv of Flout*' •«* Slore toi sale, some of h it lini rate r»n*By- Alio, h frw h<ixti«U Hemp S. » d. laiTIMONP MARKETS, March *0 Flout $6 76 a jO HTi—Wheat, #1 25 **~Tr> burco— F»ne n 12, . memo prices , good Jin 7 I ‘Vi 8 M ; itMildlhig ft it 6; common *1^ ft / | 1-5 ; lugs 3 1 _ a *1 1 2. KAUlMOnF, MARCH 14. Flour.--Since «mr I•%at icport, advice* ft©ffi I'm gin ud In the ’ 1fh i.munry inclusive have hren received, nhirli »hmv n further slight decline in the p»ice of lirend'iit/T* in that country. I he i |V<*CI ol Hi's i l» Higence has lu rii to d« pie,* tin* « vglue c»f Flom in tliii m.ithcf. mid the tiniiim - ' li.«W' «'f the i * •"•ent week I'.ive ronwei|uenlly hern til I"Wim i airs than ihove of the last. The u (tynti * r.< * Ii • • r «cp,*rirorei1 u reduction of ] c.eiitft pi r »in« «• this tiny week. r. om tHr / o7'*ltri l'i ii i Currrnt, Jan. 20. Tuhm M a law irtf ling of ihe trade, ii rise ol Id «iik Hvreed to. The ptirohnscM of | last week lot export, iVeie HSflilt VM)f> Ii lid e. Vm, laud Kentucky, at .'I |.£ to Id. i lie market j continues veiy firm. Conan i.iintfr ! fur fhr \ 1. (hiacflr fiiim w/r \ii. is*. ilin, isjo ’['nlnV'nt —The slock |i! in okel i.i not tie.ivy ; mid we understand film there i* n scarcity a long tin* ro *sl ol Spain, owing 'o the • ostoma ry supplier liom In ticc through Ihe smuggle! * hi ing “lopj* mI dm ing llie tail I »nr months. \\ • therefore think that some good may he done in keiitncUi growth during the pre»ent vein For 11nvmmi lin'd St. .)n»n there is n d likely |o he modi dennm *. though Hoitie am id I pur l« of good may do widl. American Miintihtclurcd. of iiihII 44 hands,’ mid tenth, i» 1 Kely to meet regular vein. M ill it I VUXS. MAHKIID. Invi evening, lItf lHth in**. Bv ilir Kev. W m s. limit, Maj. JOHN W. SMI I H to Miss iMaKIHA ANN, daughter nl .lohn Bullock. nil el fluw pine*. . oft Tliivri i ■1 MftroB, 1 ftjfetf By file. If. V Aimer r. Illy. Mr. BIMT.K WKHBKH. to Mi>s Ml 1,1 >KI IH dnughfer oi Willnun Kro ner , I.mj all of t iitnpBell. —, on Hi nlay file L'.th m»1 By tin* Kev. Nicholas ll.iiunei Collin, .10*1:1*11 WILSON. L «; Clejk id Bedford Superior I'otirt, In Miss M \KY .1. daughter t>f Kntnri t'ninph II, Lsg of lJ.nlford county. • _*■ »«— m.J***** <»■»«»»»» ifM—i— i have this dav »revived. a large Ini o jf j ready made clothing, of (he Intent tosh ion*, it ml <»> superior workmanship. The (jimds e.iilsMt of fine Olid '•llpetfnie Bill**, H ack, Blown. Olive and Green Ore** hiiiI I r .rh Coats, \ el vet, Moleikin Cardmere ; Blue, Black and Brown Silk ; Valencia and Mai vail* Vei'a ; Bant.doom nl f loth, C.tsiiniere, t t minrtt and Bane op«‘or*!: l am v Hdkf*. Bafeni Sp»ing Stock*. Bll. SnU and I’aticy colored Neck Hnilfl l.erchicljt, Bucket 11”mih»*i rh ief*, J.itnnand Cot* r ot Shirt*, Sugpeodci «, 1 )i tvverv, G'ove«, 11 it*, lioots, Shoe-, Brog in*, ami Bumps ; w ith a va riety of L>iy Good*, »Y I h.v Hfiival maldc* us In ac niiiimaUfr all w ho call upon us from h'nil to fuot, and nf prio s which rmmt.t fail to please WAI.KKII k (.0. inui of Kashimi* N. H. Wc arc tlaily rjtpecting a huge supply ot Spring ami Siumin r i hdlnug. March P.B iioM.i.NO < ru;r.v, <~^ONS‘l iMIV'iii fmiid and (or aiife 12, y 14 wild 2*• inches wide, nr nova to suit >»11v size rt*»»l. V« • wovo wire tor wheat fan*, nr any other purpose*. Together with ir*»n wheels, large and mall, and also wnl lotvei** (or ( m . Sold on thu lowest terms l»v MM lit !{|>. March 19. ' VfOTK I Hv virtue nln d*«i! oI frits', J. J eve, III. <1 to the ynli-etiber by Cafirge Shrader and \ Mies his wife, of r»' ord in the cl* fit's oliice of Amherst county, I »hall pro* ceed to sell, ' » the hi.fliesi hid h r. f.»r cab. on flip I 1th day ol Aprd, lb29, h * » riam tract » t In rid, situate*!. Iv ii-e nod being is the county ol Amherst, up m I; .• by Hun <>er*kf contain, inl’ forty acre*, mon* or hs., adjoining tne binds oi Jacob Hewn e and other*, on which nud trai t ol land, f her* i* a u atar Qi i"t Mill ! he subscriber will wmroot only such title ms is vented in h i»; i which i» belie veil to lie, bow evw Ullipte liuii.lhle l>AftNKV r. GOOril. Mr.!."' 0* S ffjUKSl' WT to m d**ed of tried, executed to lhe gubseijber* l»v Sami, mid Jordan A»». thouv, bearing date the *2iid da) of March, 1819, Mild duly recorded, we «)mI| pioeeed to sell, at pubic auction, on the pietrme*, coin • in rdintf on fh : rt* si rn< mioiied f< npnieot.on *■* • tuidiy the eleventh day of April next.St*' f.-ei of ground, sitirde on D arnond Hdl, cm fust si reel, in the m» pm n' i«»ii ol I. y*. coburg, J acres of ground on Tranklm* (|i|l, m »>Mid coipora I inn, 2d aoe? of g i omul within one mile of Lvi.Chhmg hound by J ones river, and by the lands of Henry S l anghurne and other*, and li) acre* r*f ground on Winston’* Hdl, with a Minall trained house thereon. Term* of «ale made known on the day o( sale The subscri ber* will cone* y fuel) title as i« res'ed bi flieui MHltUiteei. S 1. HAKMISON, MICA.1AH HAV1S, r March 19. Tho Noted 8tad Horse 'DXX> '•fb.^uvv hi !u;i j1 r*•«:t ion ifid I w iah lo decline t It M! hllaififlu.i lik« U »*»**, f *i<h lo “^ll fir tnrni loin for tfit rn«'iiu» Jcunm. I will yell 11 i;'i(' .p tnrgiiiit in iiini, (Hkt* Innji'i nr ijond pH|iar Forlernu, apply lu llm sh!js<hI'it hi Amin r*i i ii'irilii'ine. pom i us tVs; !> :: a > k i.r r. YlHYf'k If*. **{ Mfv» Raima'* Hcncfil T II E A T It E. MINN IIVMVV He* the honor of informing her friend* end (he patton* ot the fhnnm general v, that *he will com* forward for , Benefit. (*l width •hr rr* pact fully m'kitl their patronage,) V fid ay Kvctiiug, Marcli 18th, When will he presented, ihe fneoritcaitd popu lar Mrlo-DiNina, founded on the pathetic Mai In(l of “ Mary, ih« Maid of the Inn," nod per formed with the mott unbounded applause in all the Theatre* of Rnflnod &. America, called THE INN-KEEPER’S DAUGHTER OOOOOOfCOoO To conclude with « eery interfiling end popu lar panlomline, founded on . a old and roman* ticMorv In the Tale* of th«' Kai* ie«, called cnXUSTXKXAB FROLICS, OR 1 dltt«* Rwl Riding Hood. in* Night* of performance. Monday*, Wad 1 i*adav*and Friday*. Declaration of Independence. FREEDOM OBTAINED, Aud prizes expected at ** FORTUNES COTTAOE 1” WIH.UI.AS, by a late an of tint Virginia Legtdttl'tir, gianting In l.olieiy venders a Itfenur to aril Foreign or Dntnrth' Ticket!*— Isc il known that •' I* m imin'i r»nmjp " i> pie* pavrd with filenecessary credential* in cnnloi* limy with the s tid at t Thin cheering new* haunt leached the gulden mansion of '* Dame / otluuCf’ sl»t* ami v* as exceedingly pint!, amppll the little Itui/rfeiMi rejoicsd around tier—*l»i* r**e with majestic mein, and pioin.un* ml | ho iol I (is* mg Dcclarnfiim of Independence When in Ihe^nurto nf liuinnn even's, i' hn become notes*ary fur inv fiivortlet to diaanlvc idi count ctton v ilh% jolt and other places nl dost* i-onfi/irnu ut, nftd t•* hi* c&empt from all criminal |iio»n ii ion* whatever ; a decent n *• p4*n vs 11 ch 1 hold f»*r mankind, impels them to i s< |i.>r:ttiou I hold H.'stse truths to t>« »•••!-evi di'iit, Judges mid Gr'und Junes have hmi hairas ed without m* u tin|, that swarms of offi retmnl witnesses have heerttpei ph'img m> pen ple-aud i Ip ruD'iilng Ilu*ii'lif^*t lies I, therein! e, 141 Ihmie I orluuc do heieby ib Hum*" FtWtliue S Cottag' " Jrt,c and tml’ penile* *, granting power i ni my name to make control Is, fell privet, JNiy | Cash promptly, and to do all other act* k' (httiu* w Inrli imitprtiiiuf L(d/frV Offices mav of i'gjn do , and lor flit support o! tins declatatioti, I pledge tocustoinei good luck in the fallowing «pl. mild scheme ; Wu&liinntofi C'*tis'»lidntHf]* tv, CI..ISS M UllEli 14 In lie n m U f iK( <>» SHtnrduy ill*' 4H< iliy ,»t April, IH21L .'Mi,(IOO DOLMHI Iftikm JMiU.AIH Mloo DOLLARS 4,OH) llOLL <KS Id of I ,oiid DOLLARS 10 Ono D( U.I, \I(S 10 Add lip,*U. AILS 10 <100 DOLLARS 10 .'100 DoLl.AKH 2W 2<>o DOLL AJR3 61 JDII POLL A 1< 6 61 00 DOLLAR'S 61 60 DOLLAR* *1 70 DOLLARS W" HO DOLLARS 102 60 DOLLARS lo'2 40 DOLLARS •2o4 so DOLLARS 1122 20 DOLLARS 11476 10 DOLLARS TicUi i, 510. Iluln'i ft oo. (Ri iilrr, ,42 SO, Liiloli. J>f 1 26 Tor MlR* hi llir gtmlr.l vjirii’iy of nnttifirr. .11 till! Du \ lurHnuti! "llir i' of II W. IILIASO.V LyneMmi|! Mir. I. Hiw ton's tiffin’, f.i/nchl>urg, N timbers M* I 2 ft ft 21 90 were the number* d’Htvu <11 the IS V. Coiisoii* dated Lottery, Mo. 2. Kcnew your small prices at H< wsou's fortu nate <)|fu r, March 19 I^OH HI*«N I*. I uinti lo h cninforlnlilr flwHImp hou««* r>u foiii th , o|i|h»«i(h Muriin * NV»m* IJoiim*, nr prenfnt oi nipicd i*v Aii'ijHMit'r i innm nigr units a very con vpnipitl ho imp for h private family. |(ik<*wie<?, I havp for mil, a tpncimoif opposite (he ft*'• Ni»klii» Fl<»!t:l, on fh»* main r» nVhihI (or <i grocery or any kind of bminpiv A UCVVI3, March 19 f* I^OU III.NT, lit#* Slurp hum#* 1.11•• Iy ocrupipil by 11 'burs & liipw ulrr, neatly <ippo«f!i* Hi#* Of* fin« of flip Viigiutnit, for icruis, | apply P» l mi .!<<- .mi* It. ilMiincii <;i I up! *ill 1 moil i I.«i»cork IJKMIY BKOW.N »r. H). H ___ VV-f ()ll(l, — !l y virtue of h deed of tfll«t, ' J c»rented Io l he *ub-« i iber by .Inftepli iJil bird, hearing dale tbrHthof October, IH2/I, | >.tial|( on Monday flits «0lli dny <>l \priI^ nail* h| A inherit II proceed to sell, in the hit’ll e»t bidder, for ready money, f» negro slaves, to wit : one man Hilly, non woman (Jhaflollt | and her three Vonnge|t children, or no nmcti of Mill property a* tnny be inffiricnt to an*1 t wer I be purporofc of t In* trust deed aforesaid \cttirg a* lr*M»ee. I thnll convey mi* It title on ly as i* ve-h d in me, Inlt Inivi* no doubt nf it§ i being good. itOllCfH HN-kLV. March 1(.>. wtd«f»H Valuable town property for sale. ^ # WISIJ to tell the house am) sj[ lut on which J rr« <!**, situ.t teiJ on third adjoining tin* i proparly of .1 no. (, l(»*i«I amt o* iflM'i s. i ins I.-, u cnnv* iiMini nmi \\t Miirncii l»-t lor a privatM r«‘*ideiM »•. 'liutmi* on it h c onvenient ijwelltu/ bouip, a Rood stable, cow-liniisc, meat-house, and ail (. thsr ni c«na ry out t,ousel, utt excellent well of w liter, and a Rood J^a»den. I a*. sei! this property on HCconnnodalmR tenm nit should not tie ‘-old privately before I * l»i day of October in if, J shall then ieli it at fiotdic auction, fv iIn? highest bidder J or failhor parlic.iildi*, I .'i .1111 re of iimolhv l ie1 her or the sultxnn I bi-c. 1 DU \}\U U0\ O j March 19. -H33 l^ t ' VICK. -•Tim • "h xrihrr-a ill iiuch Sjie.1 1. « lir.i;, Hemline, IVritiux, Drawing, 1'nint ifig, Needle uii'l W «\ Work, in nil their vari ous bianche*. on moderate term-*. Her school it now on. MARY ii. UANNaU W. March 10._;R__ KIHCATIOX. W ||h I summer session *>f the subscriber'll School, will c ifltmencr on Thuratlny «hr* ‘2il <1aV A inn. "'M'. ** RCtD M>»ri J* * N. Ci P DLNTIST, lfOnOM N YORK, respectfully informs Ik# 4lf Lillies,and Cientl, oivn ol Lynchburg* and id vicinity, that he will be found at fii franklin fltslrt ns lung as sufficient enroot age nit nt is received. If any art- desirous In have lln-ir leelli pul in complete repair for llle, they may avail the jisrlvt-s of the opportunity. Tim great importance ol I nvmg I relit cleansed, f. I d, nml plugged, to older In prevent their further decay, niogi be agreeable to nil ngrd add sega* i decayed feajh, and the gums pot soned by the taitui remaining a long limn on lint leelli, intisl bn admitted by elf eminent physician*In b» very pflulelonsto health ■Me will plug.leelli that ai» paminl, to Iasi for life, by previously destroying ilia painful Ikiitallon irelh tel In all elites ; decayed, tcelhciil off, ami sound ones placed Iti il.u i'>oSg;|lie most difficult teeth aud roots, e» [ traded « ith the grenteat pognlile eaia amt , safety, Children's teeth regulated ttgreenbjy H. I lieir age, fie Mi* practice lor eigiiieen yrnrs pas», in vr.ri nils putts o! tin* United Slates, hr fril.ts has g' vrn grin ml satisfaction ; and convinced ftiwfiy who have been nIIIi« ird with painful teeth, * I have hud tin* m • si oft line to loo* them, flint it i« tnuif advisable to con*tdt an eupnrienreil Dentist indue tints*, YVlmt if wrallii in com* pan* on to #t good set of fas*III. Documentt ogtv l»e produced loth® antitlaciioti of all who may plmiiu to apply. ncroHtnir ndnflong front tlitj fidlourng t«r lit letiiru of Nets York*. b. L Mitcln ll. M. Di TheoiHi ti-yd. 1YI. D. Dr Fro ry Hudson, Itrv. Dr. G*iflio •• William** Col lege, the lion. F'dwnrd Livingston and Mr Jn* Stout id Orange (V ||. Va. T Medical Gnitlrmen «i♦* invited to witness bis mode of operating, lie will wail on those at llitir du ellings who may request it. March III. it I)r. (iniHie'ii Tonic. Anti-Phkgmatii 1£ lb U 3 & Jl ST received, •» few dozen Dr. (.u.ilio* I onic Klmi, for the tillr «»f cold*, 0«iti iiir«,foul, kc. H. DAVl M.trrli HI. I*AIIIN Sl M)M)()\ HUPERB tfiUTU’T Jl’NT opening, n in/irrh Miurfmenl o| | „,u/ mlid*", nnionjil them are the li.l hinliiff : Bend Kitinilra silk do Bead I'uiae* Silk do <,mod i.liiiiiiR grcut n$ ndy Mu i-»il Work Bole*, (myrrh) 1 I >•» mull Hour* do | AIiiImi* 10 dlllHIIIfllll Hu Ink Mm»d* l‘i*»oU, dnidile barrel Do tingle do | lo I'rl ( (IN* MM) l.ocki Du will. Un vowel* < . login- Wuler, randy An*K|(ie Dd do do k*«i*i»o - greid vufilly Ddn'N do do H. i»iorN(»o|»eiioi )n> ml randy IVn kuivi*H. ( llogt-i' ) h-hI, w ml varitty I'm lo t do do do do Min.* M»-o |)u. Mould* Uhiii oi i linker Mum «U n*g m Mukcn, irrfiil tu rn ly I Ink .timid do do Imto* or tv*r11o DoilllllON Hunter'ii Motile*, tarn ou.i sin t Leather do do dd Hit lode < l**ur«e do «4nlud 11«• (»i• h K. I oi k ftlomwid i|ioiMia Sfiod h And I'rover* miff Mule*, g< ml tan (TO M*i#r,r Lantern* umui n-1 lire* Mo w, Lavender nod D i uige 1‘lowi-r wafer* 7 e,*y tup. Vrgi biblc Kongo Vim-gur of Kmign (•rrritin liquid Iton/p' honiutuint, ymn »nnc. !v, lit polk mnl mill* IImxoi old l.iiglitli Do I’mlnn Do 0 Idudrk Co 1 ttfti, dir J*'* rll* r’a Di ualif/i Nnil do 1’iiirl Countrra for •dual, rnriuut kind* f'.iiglmh Diet, tiruiiritui Ivory, lor JViiuntto!«*s C I l ItON aup. <|uitD(y i»*iy cll«*N|i \Tinv#it >iit!ino* ir pud1 MIO nr Oil hof, ft'nu \ ini ^*•1 *»r ft,i i'll! KMnii afi h Kili^ont Jirlf <lo TdciJJ'.iit C 4i|H •* A*i*iin mdt Ciji Ol#«i . r dimdhiig Vinl'), grrn til? iet-y NocKKii » fi i.ndura' iivtraliuaa.vm > 40 oil i *«|i»r» I ailing f‘nne , "S^rnd (.'uin*a li'diog IV In/i , , ,4ni t . I unry Sl«ir# hnncy OIhm r.c4ur< aniidl Cofognr for LadiV\ lft * l»Mf#r, Inoivu/wl 1 oltiioi o buifa howdrr hi ft i! L Molts *' wiry ' onpa, grrnf tiny Di'niiiiorii'a draaiiftf hoar \ lo-Honlol IglM iiipm hill Cinliiona I li m iiioum.i*:) i, g»en miriH v Dn Ua, ^ c. ii«. Ar & 1 ogetjii i with a great variety of tillif-r tump* not Infill mentioned My stock of Medicine,* Ur. n vw on h.'ii'l, m l he largest hi hie State, f; the variety hel'et l|i|tn any lw»u*e m il»r I'nion. All Mm «rile lei jin) oHei ed if th«; v»iy lo«< prices. hOWK.L I>AV|Ki3. Miy« 11 It). huzza t on TUB OLD DOMINION ’ \/ ||I(J. ouhsciliter lignin hit* the pic.l ine ,.j J, lull rniing his lilends mill the public grw ‘ rally, that he lias just received a further supply ul line ainoni; the heat Novels ever oAeieil in the public, called EDGE HILL. It * * an old Snaflt* Hit Virginian—This in the Miithor’i hr*f Itrmhiriton, ami the second Novel of any merit (within my knowledge. that hr* written by mi old ^Hhimird \ nginia gentleman) and this »uip;mM*x the hi i on*- alluded to M^ w rt| ut 9110 can nnt'ifhi i. '1 he stri p* in bulge Hill, are laid in the lo*er p.iitol Ytigmiu, m tint year 1781, at Which lime the AmerK .ni Ke votiitioil will at itk highest pilch. The whole •lory it truly^Virginian ti ifsatiginal purity (not as now a days.) I nmtiiity glad in find that hereafter we shall not have to go not of the Old It minion "• find Nfti ei» input I at leant to t’aop i » \ nr Scott'* , mdr c*lil Fashioned Viiginiairs will give us those that will vie with them Ar any other. I •eiioiisly rfe-ntnneod this work tn the piiNii;, and more espe.-ially to every Virgt.iiap, (I.tidies a* well as Genie men) and do entire ttiem Pint they will la* -iell pleas* <| with it, for [ have never known any wmk to plenve thepuh lie as much as l.dgo HM'ba*. *A plain roun with good •♦HI*, withoat Y.'.-kci^ fr£Tk or luiijouf, ABR AM li. NORTH. March K} o,j| DmmYA «Yt\nn-. fBl IIK subscriber has jnuf received a further .ft supply of this wonderful ptodnriion,called DONALD ADAIR* % a young Lady >'f Virginia. : This is her ljr,t production uli.l .1 will vie vv iris I inly whatever—1 have hrfud m u,, gentlemen 1 i Itul this iv.nk exceedingly , win!# i.iheis li.ive j nol spoken so highly of it. I thought, : ii «»s tl.e production of » I.ndy f„f, mice the j Novel writer, Scott tin, fr.ptlt | mi prod.n lion,unless its from <r,. p, „ ,,| H cen tlemmi, .eeint to HUm. t much otteniion, no mutter now rood it is 1 urn « ge„,.| ,,| lender, mid I h„ve rend Ibis work, As nl.n I.d^e llilt, find I 11hv»: no hesitatum in soyiug that [ Dnimlrt Ailnir is much Iho best priiduiiuni, or cording tn my Kaocy. ABRAM It. NORTH. March Id. . • .1,^ BX.AN&V * n 1 ■'''' l/n'ft fyrufl1' .it Ciii office