Newspaper Page Text
THE LYNC HBURG VIRGINIAN. 15 V FLETCHEll & TOLER. LYNCHBURG, V A. MONDAY. MARCH 23, 1829. VOL. VII.—NO. 63. —-- ~ '--^=-"- -• _ ...- . _--->___‘ me lA - - - ---t • __ For *< per "• »dvaoe..-*No iiil 1 „ K; for a leal time Ilian aia mouth a trip»ion will JJ,,nJJ'I|l,eoluhMnMl (but at the diaerutiun 1 :L“fK) Wllilall arm .rug«* «re paid. ‘^L , I iiNuineal* will 1 « 'n«ned at 5fl raltl* per nr blW'li" t ti,nU| uod .17 1-2 ounta for eai h t plR»a front if dirlauce must bo pul,I fur ... uiaerliub, or the payment ussuraud by P»r.ou i.lOnchbu'y XT l.haneery Order. nutewioediu* two.qu.m.iire in ■ ori''tl^fir »ix nr til li tters to the lid,tor. mu.l be port . „J. „r H,uv w ill hot be att.-n.le.l ti . PAIllS Sl LiOADOA m SUPERB »Q0X*3* ■ f T S T ‘*l’Cn'"S> R **Per* ossortnipul of l^ii;y ailicles, BiuongH Ihtoi are the ful '„u HIP ' Jjeml HitiCnles Silk Jo ♦ina.l Pul«e« Silk ll" >i„ard Chains,great ra r1c,-v . .. ,Mu» Work Boxes, (superb) |>i>. Sdillf Boxc3 <lo Alabaster Ornameuis } to. Ink stand* Pistols, double barrel Mir single do ;ij percussion Locks ;„i, r'.'itli li.ivonets Cologne Wilier, great vanity Antique Oil do do Essences, great variety Odors J° J° Scissors (superior )grtat xnriity Veil Knives, (Kogei s) real, gnat variety Pocket do ilo do do ' liess Men Ilo. Hoards Mi aft el" Checker Hoards Sugar Boies, great va nity Ink Stand do do Kotos or Keno Ooiuiiios Hunter's Hollies, vari ous silts Leather do do do Kiticulc Clasps H’ur-e do ' Si l urks .Mustard Spoons Mpirit tc Arid Proven ooiifi'Hnxe- great vti':' (ly ''lagic I.Hiiierns nsjrir teil sizes Ilose, Lavender find O* range ('lower waters very silp. Vegetnl/lelloage Vinegar of KougC [Grecian Liquid Rouge [ Pomatums. gteal vaiie | Iv, in puls und mill Razors, old hnglish Do Pudars Do O blader to 1 han dle i/ew tiler's Brushes 'ail dd Pearl Counters for whist, variant kind's Dice, lu-auii ill Ivnry, Inr Miniatures CITRON sup. qualit y. very chalip Cravat 9tiffm-rsor pads Otto et 6d Hose, gems' M Oil Cyniciti Oil Rliodi Watch KtWkons Bell do t’eren-ston Caps Plain mill Cut Glass Smell'nig V^nls, g eat [ variety Neck I lies i.adius’ Overshoes,very a oud Canes lisliiug ' 'and Swotd Canes Ridieg Whips, variety pancy slates pancy Glass Pictures, small Cologne lot Ladies 1cm ieltes, lieaiitilVtl I olim < o Itoves powder Puffs, -everal hinds [pancy Snaps, great v j [ t (My [Oefilleinen'i dressing [ I’l'Xe. , lieailllltll Night I'apefS PnrdJuliicms Thei mmueters, gren 1 vaiieiy Dirks, ^-c. ice. cVc Lie 1 ogemer u nit a great variety ot inner union s n it tlfc'fein mentionei! My stock of Medicine, be. Iiotv 111, Ini nil, IS I lie largest in the State, t tlie variety better than any bouse in the Union. All the arliclos are offered at the very lowest jiricas l.OVVKL DAVIIIS Match lf> ■MM. __- —* 20 0 P ACKA GEN J.ondon, Paris, Huston, iVcw Fori «W Philadelphia Hoods for sate, UY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 9LW~LDK'INKS, dings, piii ts, o Is, dycdiu(Ts, !¥■ brnsher. wine-, snuffs patent medicines surgeon's instrument-, ballet's iriatcrials, dye nods in sticks ami ground, colors, chemicals ; the American medical herbs, water colors in Inner and by ibi/ert of single cake, cnlnurs lur painting on felvet, clothiers brushes and jacks, tenter linn>.;, a variety of fn«ry ar'iclcs trnm I'aris and London, which the Indies and gentle men ot Lyfifhbuig and its vicinity are veiy re {•ectfitlly invited touall and examine, fuller’s materials, Dentist's instruments, n complete as sortment of gum elastic instruments,' ate. The subscriber is now opening hi. -ptmg supplies, consisting in part of the above articles. He ve IV respectfully invites tlie call id bis friends customers, physicians, merchants, the citizens of Lynchburg and the public in general He id able to supply orders to any extent, ami will fell goods uii as good terms as any house in Vi#, giuia. ILs articles ate «II fresh and gamine. howkl d.wtls. feb. 2#>. fc'reab Drop's and Medicines. ^IV'ic subscriber has iiitely received aSMALL A additional supply of FRESH DRUGS iV *Kl>?CS.Ni;3, wtifch makes his ASSORT. MEN 7 very comflele. nTe receives SMALL supplies almost every week, hy which mentis, Ms slock, though not the L ARGEST,is always f RKSH him) sufficient to inner uuy orders •hat he limy he favored with. THOMAS DUVAL. N. U. Prescrip'ions faithfully attended to ■>y Virginia Bred VOUNG GENTtEVlEN. Jan. _ i FOK SALE, f\ VERY handsome little Farm, upon the ■iSsiheail waters ot Asipomattn*, in Ricking ^ani. This land is in the neighborhood of Clo ser Hill, lies remarkably vvel I. produces to kttceo of the finest quality, and hns upon it a ♦ery large orchard ol well selected fruit ; the j ’rtscl contains 310acres—Persons disposed to *.ry, wilt apply to the subscriber or Col. Sami. A. Patfesoa, who ii*es adjoining the premises. SAME. P. CHRISTIAN. March 2. • ts Wi.bavu'tttRbiJhy received' a case ot highly finished' Leghorns, much1 low « Bia.n any imported this sensoir. NhlsKE, ROBINSON «*■€(>'. esn.6. Coriimission Business. HE subscriber having entered into tbu M Cota mission business, offers bis jervi L-e. (u the merchants and pinnt.-rs trading to this place. Tobacco, Flour, and oilier pro duce, confided to his caie i(. sell or ship, will l,e strictly attended to. He is provided with Storage in a fire proof house on main street, •or the reception of Flour, Whiskey and puck ages ol Goods. SAME. HANNAH •fan. I. 12m -—--wii- -----... . IXI -Jk ---1^.__ Spt. Turpentine and Linseed Oil. [flfSr received a full supply ofSpi. i urpen line am) Liiiketd Oil. hovVbl daVies. March 2. S N li F F ■ I i-reiv-d mnl fnr jlp, hi very rcrlnceil ■ijynetr. h »cry lar«H iis*ihtun m ol'Simir*n i lloilln, Cdnislefs, J»r>, BI.i IiIit* mnl Bi-him IIOWEl, DAVIES. E.'b, 2.1 oo w •* xssion ausumaa. ^ | 111 K -ubseriber idfurnis hit liittid* and the V public that be continue ' to do business un Commission, and pruinec that no pitins Shall be snared to gJve entire setisfeclinh to hi! Planters and r«irii»ei“ who may confiifo to :iih management the •'tile oI lnhuceJ; Elmir, r other pro lin e. Hi-, of lien will bd kept At (be Store of Messrs I S. HalSey; next door below tin? J'aruiar a Bark i). SAUNDEKA Jr. Jitn. H- K*.m AT II \ SS HA KI h< *.? B. subscriber, at the lower end ol main street, in addition tuhi* liopr and l wine mak* ing business; make* and lepairs Curl’d Hail Matrasses Also make* Shuck Matrasses, a cheap and comfortable article for siiiiinn i —and would be thankful lor ;t 11 y job in that way, which shall be <1 me w ith neatness and despatch, and on very reasonable ternies. I. II. ECHOLS. May 1 tsfip. ama a a-itrjts3 T HrK have a few handsome Kiw*ipo;>l Di ning Setts complefe, w hich we are of fering very Itft* Vl*o, u splendid ns<ui imejit l ea Chhfbt, embraeiug every quality and price. VVe invite 1 lie attention ofour friends and the public to the above. McKEE, KOBINSON cj Co. Jan Ti. POTTKltN vegetable cm rnnuco.x ONLY $2 PER. BOTTLE!. f milv unpai*nlifted reputation of this med cure is sdtk, and its preeminent virtued 4ie so well established, and so fa*ly uCEnov/. edged by an hrfelijgfni public, that it is scarcely necefisaty to say any tiling further tliifn that it is A SOVEREIGN REMEDY. In Diseases of the Liver : Debility resulting fioin intemperance and dissipation : Old and in veterate Dicers: Pains in the Bones, attended with swelling* of the joints : Indegcstimi Blotches on the Face, Pimples, ^c. Svpi*it»s ('iitaueou* diseases generally, and Tetter in pur ticular : Mercurial and Scriitulous complaints. Tlie certificates of wondei fill cu/es perform ed by the Calholicon, have become $6 numer ous, as tu j»r» clc?4e fheif hifieftiou in any news paper, mid hasmvde it necessary fur the pro prietor fo print flieni in a pamphlet of about 100 pages. This will be forwarded ug soon as possible to the sevcial Agents for gratuitous dis tribution, and must, on perusal, strengthen the good opinion now entertained by the It lends of this mcdiceue, and disarm, as it is hoped, the prejudices of those w ho view with distmsl any medicine not known in what ig called “regu lar practice*” Facts arc stubboii things, and* oam.ot be gainsaid. At the earnest solicitations of members of the medical faculty, and others who have witnessed1 the astonishing cures effected hy the use of the Vegetable Catliolumn. ami w ho are anxious that ts benefits to mankind may be more widely dif used, the proprietor ***** consented to reduce the retail price to TWO DOLLARS per bottle ; and this well be clone wiilumt in any way deteriorating the quality of the medicine, or reducing the size rtf the bottle, as has been materially done in the case oi Swaiiu’s Pan acea. flit &vT» genuine Medicine for ‘ah* by W. I. HOLCOMBE CO. * Agent for Lynchbtng. Great Bargains in Cloths rflHOSE who want Cloths, would find it to B their interest • « call on the subscriber. Me has mixtures, olive,s claret, super Sc mid dling blue and black Cloths, and 1 piece su per Ermine blue, and one do. do. Electoral black, which be is determined to sell very cheap. II. ALLISON. Dec. 26 dji, ■ REWARD.—Rnrmw.iy lioin my I- plantation, in Botetourt county, on rT 12th of the present monfh, a mulatto man,, he is about 21 yearrof age and utn oininltn-' ly likely, lie is. I expect, in the neighborhood of Lynchburg, or perhaps in the neighborhood1 of Bethel in Atnhtrst. He had a variety of clothing which he look off with him, among the rest a fine hat, bluehroad cloth coat, JS.C. The above reward will be given for the apprehen sion ant* delivery of the itbnve slave to me near Bedford Court House. JNO. N. ANDERSON. Feb. 2d. tfBG vVJOTICE.—By viriueofa deed of trust, JiJ executed to the subscriber by Joseph Dil lard, bearing date theStliof October, IB24, | shall, on Monday the 20lli day of April next at Amherst C. fl prhceed to sell, to the high el ludder, for ready money, 5 negro slaves, lo wit: one mHn Billy, one woman Charlolti and her three voongvst children, or so much ol said properly »s may he sufficient lo an twer fbe purpoieiof the trust deed aforesaid Acting is trustee. I shall convey such title on i is vested in me, bn1 have no doubt of its being good. itOBLRT IINSLEY. March If). w td?C3 POTTER’S Vegetable Catbolicon. ONLY *2 PER BOTTLE , fllHK unparalleled reputation of this medi JL clue ik such, And ill pie eminent Mimes aiefso well established, mid so fully ncknowl i edged by nn mtrllig. ui public. flint it In acarce j 11 nfcccs.u} to any titty (Mug fcither than that it is A SOVEREIGN REJWE BY >n diseases of the f tver ) Debility restMting from iutemper him r ft fid fliir.ipau'n OM m.a in veterate riceis ? I'dms in ltie bones, ntieujed uni swell, i s ul »l»e jointi. ; Iudige: tiou, Hlotcli* i on tin- I- ace, I'lingles, &c. itypbili*, Guinn • on disea generally, mid letter in particu lar; MiTi hciolulout r nipluinu. i tie tvrliiicities of wonderful cures performed 1 ‘V i tic Cat I id I icon, have become m> numerous as to preclude their insertion in any newspaper, awl link mnde it necessai y for the proprietor to print them in a pamphlet of nbmii 100 pages inis w ill Ue forward* d as soon as possible to thf'gcveial agents for gratuitous dull illation,find muit, on pnusal. strengthen the good opinion now entertained by the friends of this medi* cine, and disarm, as it i* hoped, the prejudices ol those who view w ifh distrust nny medicine loot kftowu in what is called * regular practice.” j I acts are uhln i n things and cannot bc£tiiit said. At theeuinrst solicit tdinimd- member* ol the faculty, and others who have witnessed the astonishing cures effected by the Vegelabl G-alhollcui', and who ate anxious that its lien. «*?i> to inankimf May be more widely diffused, the proprietor has ronsented to redm e the* re tail price to Tyro Tjojul*aks per bot tle ; and IJits Will be done without rn nny way tetcrioiating the quality ol tlie medicine, or rtriurimi llii .'iae of Ihe bvilh, nn has heen ma eiinlly done in the case ol SwHiin*s Putin* ceil. TbO subscriber, agent for Potter’s bumitic , t ;.fbolicou, bus just received t?NS HOT” TI.EH. winch are for sale at y oladelpbia pi i cvs. HOW 11. DAVIF3. Fib. ~ tf49 I\ Vi) I OH ' ILE —I '-'ll .• il ;i I ha i A gain ma ti act of Laud,* lying in tin* low er end ol Patiicii County, on Mill ( reek, mid \ Maho lltver adjo ning the lauds of Harden ! Hairston, Greenville Peiui, Charles Foster, Jns. Kentierly, Fsqrs and o»I~m, . minining seven hundred act. * I here ia a sufficient quan tity ol cleared Iffiid to work ten .*r twelve ! l ands, and a icrlfcfable good dwelling house, kitchen, weaving house, nnoke house, barn, tobacco houses, a large quantity of ai plc trees. A huge proport ion of the land tnni is to dear is gotnt tobacco land /V further descrip' tiou is deemed unnecesny, as any peison wish ing t pin chase, would first view the premises. The above laud is well calculated to divide Ito two tracts. JOHN fOlNDEX l ER Mai h 9 w$wAD SWAIN'S PANACEA. * | VII.” is a t in no I hI iof i of a IcMer P from tin* uriginfil Spanish, dnt- d 2'id ol September, lfi2S, lorwimbdto W illiam Sv*Jtim l»y J (j \. Williamson. K*ij. American Cm I jHflid’scInrjf evidence* of the respectability ol i .Vfr Rodrigues, luu been laid beiore tin* *■'<Iitoi Sol (In* National liaietle. Cakalcas, Republic o( Ccdu'iiibiu. §ept. 2$, 7b llm Swui/n, Philntlrlphia, Sir : I lie marvellous and beneficial effects of your f’auacea in a tiiim'ter ol in.Manxes in winch it has been hied in flun city, and >f which 1 am a witness and admirer, and the ne^esmyof i a supply without the risk of adulteration of some bottles lor my own house and for conn? | particular friends of mine, induce me fo take i the liberty ol addressing you, a--d to supplb ate J von to have the goodue.r.*» to tend me .'Id bottler, ’ directed to the on*ul res Mont at this capital, I (vi/,. .1. 1* \ Williamson, ) for which 1 will pay the said Consul, oi suCb person as you may direct, according to the invoice , but t truM you j wif! put it at the- ino-l ecfuilahle pne ,. I have the* ' satisfaction to intorm voutliat I am an ocular witness nt nixtu a n*tu of the great***! impoi lance atfected by yom Runnera, of jpkihii , Chronic J mein at*, and uh.crmts Hum -—also ! of L cr tamyliwils so common in thi*» country. I This bad the just and minted piaite?; which 1 i hnv* bestowed upon the iii'diriiic have broil) t t n into great estimation, and with i mil doit!•( t will deserve inula from day to day, for a c number uI pciNm arc* ta king it with profit I have the honor to be, A* (Signed) i MHiL. RODRR.IT S. ft is to be greatly regretted, that iu comi’* vyuenoe of (lie unparalbded success ol this tnedi cme: sir rrtmiy inert imitations of it mu dai ly foist cue'll- on the public aid that a remedy «f sTich invahiahle powci'* &hm*ld tuns be falsi fied. O* The price being now re<*\ieert to TWO DOLLARS pei bottle, places it m the power of all classes to avail tbcillielve* of its use. WM. SW AIM. SWAZM’S PANACEA |' Reduced to only 2 didlurs the bottle. I * 11IIEsubscriber, hj;.mi1 for S\VAIM si g.'im 1 in.-PAN ACLA, bus jusl received JJSS bottles which he offers at Rhiladel I |ihia prices. HOWEL DAVIES. I -Feb'. 3.____ _____ I y>»OTICK.—All persons indebted to Samuel I A J I* l)avi», dec are rc<|*iir.'d to make pay merit immediately,-Hnd Ihoae liuving cliiims gain.! the aame are teriue.led to present iKem to me for payment. O. ci. CLAY, admr. of S. b DAVIES, dec March 2. _ dw The Noted Stird Horse SNOW in full perfection, nml I w is)> lo decline that business ; like wise, I <*idi 'o sell or fnrm liim form ensuing season. I will sell « cheap hargai in him, lake horses nr good paper For ter in-, apply to the subscriber at Amhrrst roor1 lions* . I FOWBATAN D FRANKLIN. [ March 19> "ft rOKTRV. INVOCATION TO THE SPHINU BY CAHhlBOtON. “ O welcome spring ' whose still small voir# is heard Even by the mighty lemiesi of the North— Who stiays amnl thy rmp re, and f"els not Divine sensations f—feels not life renew it At alt its thousand fountains 1 Who can tiathe Hi* hjow in thy young hreere*, and mil bleu The nasr-born impulse which gives wings to thought. Ami pulse lo in non. Uni lor mi. the gala 1 hui waiitrur wnh the flower nnd fans tin bud Into the living leaf, amt WulH arounil Viagrainc and liindlh hiealhes nut 't liebird vi Inch sings His touching I v el liberie and lovK To !hnu«nti(1j, sings not lo my year the by mil I Of earth midslyy—the breese the flower, the tu n. !• - All iiglns ami rnunds delicious- cheering •till Fiominmii to I ve, the bln,bin- vernal hour— Aio for the j*>youv ninny who run siiav Al will, tin - hui Uli il liy I lie -idling Chain, t hat I.dc Inn fmgi d fm I ihour s countless amis : A chain unbroken mid unloosed oft l’ » uin Youth to foilin ' age# shvt juft to tasty How b\\ cci a tiling ts liberty . — to mark. How gum » a»th—If.nv bo tutiful flip *ky How 4?tl iPe- uiOci iif the yeU'-.Mifl wear 1 Thu hated builds Hgfliil. Oil me the sun seldom slionf—a freeman ;—free to rove At til or'ii, and hear the feathery nutioiH |ioui Tilcif s'i ' (till trenrted, ttb the r ty hat drunk Tint dew dt up of the v.dn «to hear fhC rill a In joyful iiiiinilt Mi' ll adov\ n l*y slopes, Dcvoiiia ; and with lightsome step to settle Thy lulls *• r* i i;-• n ested, and delfghfrd view The infinite of prospect ; — ft«e fit ihmiii, By fringed biooks, in meditative m nod. To u*st while nothing breaks tin* Infllowed pame lint laps of living watersrt t at eve, 'l o tread some m illumin'd ridge and gaze I'.uiaptureil un till.* cloud that nails lie wist Willi biiei ceb rfml tinged, and hear the sung That bid* tin* dn\ farewell *—how seldom free 1 h?oiigb I lie’s dull, dreary, hfttirtless round, a night I)enr eight!—to draw my curtain on the v. (ii Id, Invoke the Mu'c, commune sfrhli ages pant, And feast on nil the Injur y of hooks." WOKKING OXEN. Much link been stud and « i ittcn a^mind the common mode of working oxen With h yoke, i'll if) in.inner of attaching them totlii'h* loud i said lo be the prim ipal chihj of tin ir mar* I mg with a -low pm r \\ hen or»n are hi (ached i to a curl, with i. o i -V, heavy tot>j_' re, according ! 'ii the V;\v England mode, it i ; ollcit the i h»h ihe load in so d kpokcd tn (ho <:rt Ilia* that it b<ms heavily ■ n tiioir lift k*, and I- vuiy oppressive, especially in going down ! | loll. And sometin.#•» in gofng up hi'f the j i tongue of the cart lou a temlenry to nr, m j I ruristnpieiice ol the preponderance of (lit* part | I of the load whirl i> behind Hie w lit* id*, him! j I the oxen are uearlv choked by the bows of! their yoke* being dt uvu agairV»t their throats In France, w o hi rig oxen arc IntmU'ied by (lie heads hi su- h a manner a.s to cull *iito action the join: power of the neck and the base of thejhorti. Tin- imMhod was mnfe years since, introduced Milo Ifeland with complete suc cess ; two oxen thus harnessed, according to English accounts were able lodravv Wi’h ease, tin tt tons w right Mr. tamper (Young's I'ustciu Tour) li kes collar.** on oxen as oil hot-et, except I that they are buckled cm wish the nar row end open dowtitv aid, I he c I. Hi ns are fasten ed to them in the KHlIie diieelion as on a horfu* liarin'kf', the diauglil is therefore more inclined than with homes. the line of the 1 chains lining alitmd apto tii««ii|hackl , which is iirce-oar) from the •1il!cri*nt shapes of tior* sp<* and mi * ili» ) diaw m harness ablVasl hi pairs XIi 'ie m m « line ; und walk as fast as htf ‘ s M Uordlev says lie 11 saw a wagon hi lVrm*yIvania, drawn by two bull) i :.nd Uvo vf> ii, bridled and geared in Ihiiiim^s uod colters." hi Vlyml'y • Sum o of Shropshire, it i» Minted j that “ idle ox teams of this crfniity used lo j consist ol ten oxen yoked '. now tlmsi who . use them generally plough Witn five olun single in peering, or girth fc*ur oxen and n‘ horse lo lend them A few pi tsoru "have used I he hi m wagons.’' And the same wmk mentions u team, ill which ” one ox shafted the wagon, and k believe tins team either in ! ploughing, or upon the road, was an abieaf any 1 horse team m the neighborhood." i urns TV art of uixprin mg tht (litclity of I'm, \ 1 is said i » have origi nUed in Belgium , and ! while tin* \cadrmyof Munich were dooblingthe possibility ol thi* description of intprovcuieht and even giving a prize to uo essay wiuen maintained the negative side of the question, the art had aiiendy made an iiumens** nrogre»s in the Me l ei lands.—|i is not meant that new fruits wcie never rai»ed from seed befoii, but that the business of raising uevr sorts of ftuils from seeds was never I fibre undertaken on scientific pi inciplcs. Chance ha*, at all times and in ell coun ries, discovered new sort* of fruits fiomseeds which ha#e sprung up acci dentally bo: n wa- only in Belgium, towards , the laltef tut) of the eighteenth century, that seedlings were raised in huge <{'iaiititie* with retci cnee to tins objeef. 'fhe (ity of Mons made the first attempt, and obtained lour ei j.quisite new peats, via. the i'a%s<* Colmar, the ! Beurree Ranee, the Beurree Spence (in honor | of the celebrated enioiuologi-t.) the Beurree il’Hivei, and Les Del ices d’ll.fdmlpoht — Curse weP rai ed in the garden of Codfi&llbr liar lenpont- Other amateurs have deVoted hcmsclresto the same subject, and obtained Several pearl of etcelleiit q. ality ; the Bonne' de Mon* the Doyenne de Moan end many ittore 4>art procured La Napoleon; and that learned pomologist, the Abbe Duqnetne. j tailed noiQiig other!, the earelleni Main Louise. W. Petit pursued those reseatrhes winch M. Doqitelne w«s obliged to abandon Irom ill health and other cau e» In I landerfc j they discovered the iufcwnparaiiln Foudante de* Bui« (Hosthter;) the Capuchin# of Louvaine obtained their Pastorale ; and the Comte de Colomutn of Maluics, l/l)d>ani»te.—-Duriug ' flte«e times thousand* of pi an I* were originated annuallv at Brussels, with a view of studying i the quality of their fruits The result o! the whole ha* been published by Professor \ an Motts, In a catalogue dated Louvaine, IlfilH Mi ua^er lies Science* i t ties Art*. Itvres I ef Hid, p 77. CONVENTION. S/ieerh n/ Mr J. ( ', CA BELL in the Senate, on the motion to grnihiate. the Hepneentation t'n Convention, hi/ Senatorial Dietrich. Mi ( AUKMi iM llm1 'lie rlilij.i t had in d.(gone an aiiipl. diSt'ii-xidll, anil h. did nol tuppds. that 'l '♦«» in Ini power in infl'icor. the dlvi.intl ul Hit S.ualr Hul Ii. I II il due Hi himself .ml In Ins t:o,ulilu«nl», in .xplnin 1 In" grounds ul il l1 »nl. Ii. was nil "II Hi give. Til* il,•Imi,■ h.ul s.suiiiid 11 Mil. nml ililrilisir rt dm huh r, nml various questions serm.d in iispru gu-n, lu .licit strong r mol lull* nml 10 p.rple* I In- mind, ul 111 misers. But It 1 rqutrrd no tin discern in.lit 10 perc.ivr llm mailer qurs turn, tluil linn th« real soiiico nl diHi.iilty, mul i-iflu.nreil every other qur-'ion. It was nut Iho mu;;, uf (election, important ns ilint object m m in the dmrei lei "l llm ('miv.iitiun ll was lint III. rs'.iisinft ollli. t lu lit nl suH'mga, gloat ns t Ii ii I subject was iu nil II. mgs. llm (mini nl ■ tml .Itllmri iiMin.iif wal Hie aiiinel nf the iniiti nl 1 .pr- s.ntntiou In CbltSAn 'ii'it, and'll. ewfif nl'ill ,1 raliu upon llm III in.jimlilii «l pmitei nf the .ntf.i n and wasiein ... inis nl the Cuuim "iiw.ii'th I lie dnitjiidnient |U'd|fb»«d by ill. member 1.. 'In «!• rfl.ld Iiml for iu principal object, <» sulisiiintc ul III. (ilac. nf I hi 1. y ali-ui ul gradii 11t.1l cuiiiiiy rtiii.■eniiitum piu|in*.d iu tin* 011 i;.il In I tlial ni ftrpuil 11 |»i. Ontnlion from tnc (nei.Mi s.uiit'iriitl (fisincii of 1I1. Him. The iin.nrlml nl lo tin by th. inCnib.i Irmu Ibi ns nq In gradun . lit. i.pres.nlalion Ii "in these disli u l.', nil the basis nl the while |iopiilalioil ut III. Bint., a , (li.wn by lb. federal r.nsusnl Ibg'i l lm nni.ndni.iil «i Hi. member from Hamsun, Mr C ibougbl, all.r giving !• the subject m ich r.fl.i lion, ought not lu (if vail —Whatever may have been Ills opposition to II Convention, now I at a 11m j uly ul his 1 iMKliliienl., ami 1 majority of thi> p,i p|,. ni ibi 'bate, tailed Im th. measure, hr h ul Kofffelo (I. seal ul guv. lOUl.Hl firmly dr l, ,nn tn i>mlril. it. ' v ly Hun:: 111 hi. (Hia■ .1 In chi ry l hrir wish 1- into .flit.l, lie luid for.Seen thi conflict ul Ult.l.-dt an I III. angry feelings that would or . from th. iI scushoii of til. Mibf.ct now under ill. nusiil.ration of III. Senate, and h. bad never known au octaduit on which llm1. whs greater necessity Im th. .*• efin. ol a s|'if'i o' mutual'tVe, and 1111. dessioll l'i 111flpt.1l by III. t|iiill of Concilia (mu. be bad, until v.i y 1 • c.ntly. Icll ill |in-.d lu wave all • lij.clioni cimimctfld with the p.i uliar si uatinn of lb. ea-i, and In vole fm the CniiveiiHnn on III. solo basis of il|. W ild, p qiulalion of th,': Slat, llm llieipir slur, tiuwas | lined ,1 t I I" single sl.nd idol III. 1 whit. p,,| in billon w 11 - no iv brought lo w si 1 -I to. ni g d with zeal, as .1 110 ,1.10. a Inch the w t bail a rigid to 1I.111.1 an I the .11 I Coulil not wub juslu:. 1 .fuse Upan I "Is grain I. Mr. j C WAs imi pr.per.dto make Ih. l ouc.ssion re quired. On the cwutiary, viewing I h. silbjec’ in ibu light in which it presented In Ins iiiiml, Ii. was compelled lo say, that it involved a mod dolicatv qii.sffim mi which he fg1t il Ins duly lu avoid if possible, any |n.niafiir. cum milnl.iit, and to l"«vi for iidj'istimmt in a more appro|iri»to plat., i" (lie Convention almut to tie fonii.d, Where idon. In- was very sure that his cnnifhu.nfa wished and il lo he In ought into discus-mu In order lo,un with precitrinn Ih. hear ing of th* various schemes of 1.presentation presented by the 01 iginnl hill, and (lie two a mriidiiie ils umlvr consideration, it would he.x li.dieiit In f'> rfpnn a ciiniiiiun maximum 10 Hid Hinminl ol representation in Convention, ami lo r.t.i" all I he pilots to it, as a Ktiuidaril ol com parift'in. Th. Ol iginal hill proposed a Conv.ii 1 in,, ul |-17 is Th. reduced fh. iniinb.i to |M loth, amendment called fora liady of 10(1. For h?» own part. Ii. pr.frrnrd til. ourrrbi r la.iilioued , /lid lu- would select that ns llr. measure of comparison- To ascertain Ibu np portimiuu id of rftpr.xentalion in 11 ("iiiv.iiijon of JM) 111.111h.rr, licsed on wnitn piipubiliiin, as (ir.s.iil.d bv the (l iteral < .iisus ol IH20, M (,'. said Ii. had availed himself of a ' alio alion mad. by n ni.tuber id th. other hous» of A. semblt. who r.tir.s.iii.d 11 county situated be yond Hi- Blue Hidge ol iiiounlalnf. III. sla'e m. iii appeared Hi be ibawu 11 • with great care, and a ; far ns h. could (i.rceive, ivei' entirely actum'. Whatever objection iniglil be made to :bis icliem., on th. gunnid nl a iiausfer by Iruixlidion, ol fun ions limn disnirt I" district, in order Ii effect a r.pi'e.eutalinn of I lie whole, people, its. ui.d lu do juslu ., upon ihenssiun ' cd t-HS':, tu .very puitiim of tlm >(< 1. In like I manner, In order 10 ascertain die proper ap-j portion men! on a combio* d basis ul taxation ; mid population, lie would refer t" a I Iliad. Ly another in.iiil 1 ul the lions. Of Dele- j . Hi s, mpr.scfiling a county on (1 . i sriefu idc . of III. Kill!,. \\ Uli the (injfi rtwriPd nmi in-- rri.iirrisii* utt l the table of tlta Senate, Mr. C was enabled lu I stall* the •■|Fect» of the ililii rent plan* of repre ; m illation on the political Miuation of the rasltrti and western parts ol the State In a Convention of ini members, the country east of tile Blue Hoke would have a majority os follows : On the scale of graduated county rep reinitiation us presented in the bill from the House of IJelegatys, M flu the proportion tiled i". the amend inent 10 tlic ainenilioviit, of lepreseuta lion by Sanatoria! districts, on lue bai.s of while population, IS Oil the plan of equal representation from the Senatorial districts as suggest ed by the amendment of the Senator from Chesterfield, 24 On the scheme of equal county repre sentation. 35 On the combined bn-its of iHxalioc and repre. sentation. This table of results, shews conclusively that the Whole amount of the difference, between the two proposed (Maui of representation by Senatorial districts, is only eight members, the eastern majsiiil)', being i.i tbe one case, (Went) • four, in tfie oilier siiteen So far as numbers entered into the quantum, an increase • r dimin ution of eigfit members,constituted (lie whole t round ol sepai abon An eastern majority e» isnng in either case, the diflVieu r, Mi C. had hoped wou'd tie surrendered by the w-stem del egation. If this should be in-ist-d--It, he would respectfully ask the representatives ol the west. | wdicthcr they tvi'l have yielded an/ thing to tha rail 7 Tlie principle of et{u*l county rerffeie ';"d turrendeiod in Ihe olfcw branc'« i.l 'lie LejWnfnre —The .ci tin* „f coul„v rrtenlalioii would now h- alt„g„h„ relinm.Ji '■'11,1 'i,c ii' nmr, III hmn Of the diMri^t tem l et the dutncl .y.lem be |„.,ed „„ ,| * tho.uedl 1820; and whet mint wou.,1,, ‘ U'e*. hat. to detni.od, or tho K«»t lo cooredc 7 l# w«!"i cute calling lor mutual lurb. «.*„rr t oncee.ion, nod eeeiy intrifice nf on. ,e,i leeling »*« not to be expected |rmn on* nf ttl. purtte* engaged tn tfie controversy. Uni an appeal it mad. to the principle of o, “'“' I ' «<"*l'ty of men, mtd to the right of thr majority tn govern the cm.mity, jUcu|, , ted in the bill nf rlrlii« 7 'OCU,tH •»lr. » «nid that,hi. appeal would be appropi itl „ If tin*-e,e ll.r proper place , V "'•* fundamental ptmctpl*. of fi„v In advocating ■„ e*»al.|tol.ed tyetem eleco r“ divm.,,1 , In, mm wy* to avoid a p „r, cnuimilnirni onagtral ipieetimi. ami toadioun Ilk dec,end, Io n more appro,,, iat* tr.U,.. I lio ol.jecr ot he adver** patty, ,f jmlc», evidently war ,o h»*lri, ,|,„ , 10 eiilutt the name f the I.-neral Are ml,I, tl»n itd** ol i loiriiculnr itit^r« M. Me fell Hie "Imn.r ♦euoralloh for (he !>■ >| o' riuhls and He illueiriuue author, Ihc pr„„,i, 7 i fr. ci,riIng lo fundamental principle' h< wee not i.nliiosvii lo controvert. Iloi ahalrar principle* were danger,tun weapon., and .houl.i be Wielded only l,y vkilful ,,ru.«. e,t he,air A. ,a mechanic, politic, practice ehould keep a Minnil llieory ever in view. U,.l l,c imil, ' ",r ‘•»«'"li-. Ihat any prop,,,, .'"ucbiMji ihr form ol our govnmnent, wn tine or lal.c, merely be,:,,, «„ conformity 7 rrl'"S.‘Ah 'u the lull of right. | day. ol Solon, every wiee Legielalor had „ liapled the Innilamrntal law. to ilia cxUlim Mala and con,Jiiion of eociefy, A depart,,, run,, iln* piinciple, had overthrown the hk, ,ur 7 fiaoir, and „|| |,e, dependent Ihpoblir* I he t iin.'ituiio,, „( Viigmia wive mir,*,,,., i( alHitre of ,i„|,efi tUflf. lred by (h,. „„ linn ot Iff, • njtn. /tafetAanaif i||„, "' A*ai,,,)|e (lamped (Villi the real of revolo ..v aufhnriiy. The hill „| ... ""“I* foiuied „ culubiutal in.t,uoteiti ,|„ ';,r.. '«*' : 'be latter till, Cmomenta,, the one a coda „( abdrari pi Inciplee ; thn , lhai. a modified npplicniiou pie, to fhe eeieting M»,r,,„d c.'„U,i,n„ of soei An infpnrfdut clrctfnftafice, hnfvftr an peered 10 he ove,looked and forgone,, 'open the,,t T|,e provnue v .. *" “ "lopt. hut ine.aly a cmdilulion. I lie , itiumem would have validity, unlit it elmuld he ratihed hy rue vote Of'he people | ,hi. roper., the prop,. 0«".«n.,;,,, diffe'ed eeeenfa.Hy I, on, . ”1V" 17, I fa ,H7 It ihecon*iit„»i„„ itionh' ... " would not nine v.nh.he appro Imiioo ol ihe ..pie. l, an, |„. ',Ul, e ‘ ‘Inn ll,e convention would aiiempl or coul,’ ."cce, d „ an effort to impoee „ „| in, i,‘. in oppoeiiion to the ganeial ,, ,,*, ,,1 th> C'»rtrm'Hilly. fl w ,* very that the f„ runtrt v,'i(y, derived it. prlncip l mie.c.l „.m .."live nUmheie ui <|,„<s Ion, h„l I, pi n, tplc involved A rut. nl ... waee beeeuhh.hed m, d,„l a'Oid' d on the (her. ... ll.i. ,„|,,, c M, ( . did me Ariel, in afliun, o, diaaffu m app. jve any heed principle w ve, ||, mould llffe, | lelc.i,, add,,' e ... , lll„„|l.1 tmm lo.l.ew that II,« .pi,.„.„tal„,„ An*«r„hh .hould bf (Billed w|)h , Cu-' tioti I he eiluulion nl the Stale „ alfo?Bll„ r pec, In,, A chain of,,.. diviifea ii „,lo d,.Mi, i region., ,1,tic,ing very wr,|e|y ,n f circutiitlancen. On l e one I,, , 0 ,.hu,, l'„u" counlry, „ve, which the p|„„e|, lllnv , , d,,ven Iron, the Maryland in the .North (Jain lina line, ami Iron, the mountain to the ocen, 011 the nth, t tde I'el,on i* heaped upon Oml, and U«m, upon Olympui. |„ ,|„. eaeiern tin,,, n torn I poll In Upon llm parched „l„,m 1 ..t Wee,, ... of .. ,ta |(, lo the mild, f I,,,,, of .uiuiiiri, lit fhr.e ■ div,„l „„r Stare, the dim,.. ,|„. “ ,. congenial lu the in, >Cue of the black p„p„l„. <>' I lie ol her, au.plc.ou. a, to, mu rmheailbnof the whhee. U„ have lt«|. *'•*' * ... It.ylvania, hronght into < lo,e joxiii|uiaiiioi), only |,y „ it,(iron ftdge ofiitoonfitflu Ktont the dienita line around lo'tlmfuf our hor tlc ecltlen/enie, It,no the I'oltCy of tteighhortttv .(ale* a It inf or elpec'ed, vee,A l/n^i ien,||y etpiat'le dtffttfion of Ilia .lavd p,„,,e,ty I hut surli ir the actual ten1.ini y of i»o,,ul« lion in III- ns'tiern ami western „.cri„n, slate seems cleaily pros,,, by il. history fo, ibr Ins. f-rly year.. Mr C. invited Hie attention o! Hie Semite to a tubular statement,* furnished II III. n q ie«t by iln second auditor, and which **'. , ,H »'••• telalire march of the white anrf hill k population III Ihe four grand divisions of l’_e Siaie irt the perimf or3<>y„a,fwWeh flap, ed between the yo u 1790and the ycaf 1*20 In the cnunlibir beyond the Alleffboiiy /he ar in,out «l in, of ||,e .lave, Mood ,n regard ft, ofll> Whiter, a. 1 In tf. In the valley I fie prop,,.■‘"no was a. J t„ 2 Whilst in the middle end caster,, .ecru.,,., ,|,e proportions were in the Convene order : Ihe Hinuinit of in crea.e ol the »lav » bearing lo iha| of Ihe wliilea in boil, of these leclinus, ns.ily „* I to 4. I lie condoned result in the Whole west whs one black lo 4j whites ; in ihe whole east t white lo ah out 4 I, ?t,cks. In the year 1820' nil J half ace,duiy Iron, the l)e, lerulion of i"le|ieiidef,ce—oui of a,. agg.egaie population "I the whole Stale, of I "60,194, th. re was in' the rad 718,442. anil in Ihe west 301,702' leas vi"K " majority in fevorofih# ,-asi of 446,790 bin of the legale population in the east, ol 713,492 Ihe (ree while, amounted lu 341,168 an Hie colored (mpulatiniqto 497 334. Whittlin' the wed ...It Of II " t,l mass 01301,702, the free white, rwach-d ihe height „f 264,80®, and the coloied mats sunk to t. e- mm of 47 49-1 j. roa, this tendency oflhe black population lo accu n.idaie in the east, and oflhe white 1,, accumu lale ... the we,. ,1 , *. .died of f.ecerbly, Dial «hi day war Iasi appi oncliing when the majority of lb ■ while population possessing hut Irw slaves will appear III ihe «ti', and tht mincrily nos' tcumg neatly all ll,e slave. ■„dfo,i„i.^. with them, by tar the gronlei pm of aggregate mass of the whole population, would actually mhabil the eastern panel ihe Hate. Here then would be a fixed, gey,-rap Idea I majority Oil one side oflhe 3lale having a distinct inter esi wielding all the powers of government over a minority in another part of the State p0| •easing a different interest, i»e ,,tuaiion of Virginia 111 t Introspect differed Csseulially from llml ul every oilier slave-holding Stale 11, (hf Union Maryland, North Carolina and South | Carolina, po.sesse I comparatively hide or „c nioiintnin country. If the settlement of the' weUcin lands in Ihe Slate of Uv .re,,, |,„d „0 been obstructed by Ihe claim, of Indian tribet ,.nd the lederal gdyernapcnl, si,II f,„0i Ihe let sei Varieiie* m the surfate of her Com liy, and Il.r universal i.illuvnce ofasoulliem clim.ite, th< spread of slavery w,iaid have kepi pauf with jllie march of her'whife inhabitants. In ell th ! ,;h°r slave Stales, the (fee white and rolnure/ | 'Opulation were every where mu d up in'neC*^ (1/ unilorin proportion hi the mulct cl If;- f