Newspaper Page Text
TERMS- „ .. , rr«-sjcssirfo- «**j™ ;L m,iU| «utn »I1 »'>'W or. T>-*- * * 4, will Im? ittMirtti-1 4ftt 30 a#ntt per E/- \ilv*rtn • time, and '-57 1-2 mil» for r«c!i a»,,: ‘"r l*"i „ fr„ „ * 4i>t mr. mint In paid for 2r,,‘ a'“u,,"’,i 1,5 L„, ra-punutile p«r...»n»L>ucl»l»ur*. ,T Otoafli‘"rV llrdBrr inrt.KB.ding l«d,.,u.r«.ro t« fur »4M dollar*. IS All lettwr. to tbo Kilitor. nruM k- P«»< u4trf. or Ikn wilt Bi.iln .tteod' d IVVItl* & LONDON ■ hcperb ©002)3. U ITHT UPWMW. * wpe'b :»'«»>! Hunt of V »> iViry * m>*. ".cm arellte foi 1 .Ai»e : He <1 Hitinilcr -Ilk do U »tl PdHni Silk d* li mdCImm>.p"u! va ri'J’J ;M0ii. al Wink Boles, tn/terh) mall Holes do j Ualiasler Ornament* I p,,. Ink stand* PkIuIs, ilmill' Barrel p(>. tingle <1<* j) ,._Permission Locks ;n, %%-1IIi Bayooels I .ilngn* Water, grent nu t’ l/l V,,111)0* Oil do ilo Kssrncet, gri at varielu Hlln's do ilo , i.Kirs(sopi'nor)or«ol ruri' I;/ u,„ Knives, (Unger'’) seal, aerut ruritl<J I'nckel iln 'In do do li.--s M-li l/.,. Boards Omit or Checker iinarils Hegar li'iirs, ■■ real va Tidy ik Maiul ilo do Lotos nr Beuo I) linin'.s llnoier’s Bonier, ran' inis site) Lcailiee do do di: Kilicole Clasps I'ticfi do Ball Sjt'Ki-i' v. Cork' Mallard -Jiooiis Bpinl ,u Acid Proven Build' Boxes, great niri tty Magic Lanterns asioi lr«i Bose. Lavemlec and O cange rlower wains very sup. \ VgeinbieRoug* *» in-n ir t»l‘ Hnuec < irectai) Liquid Iiouge I'oiiUiittru*. great fain • I v, m pots aiiil rolls Kazor*, onl English Do Pmlar* Do fi blades to 1 han dle Jeweller** Bfflshes Nail do Pearl Counters for vvuift, ray mils hinds Kngli<n« Dice, beiwtiiul Ivory, tor Miniatures Cl L KON si»|»*quality, | v«t x cheap Cravat 5»ti limn s or pads | Utm or 0.1 Hose, gt uu' inc Oil C\ meni Oil Hbodi Watch RiliUonm tie11 do PercU f'on Cap* Plain and Cut Glass Smell ng Vials, great variety Necklace* .ailies1 OrVnthncs.vciV i good Cane* F fshin- Canes ’■'word Chim*s iHidt ig WiMps, variety [Fancy .Slate Fancy Glass Pictures, »io;t*ll [Cologne for LmlieCTdi le tes. beautiful Tohaerct bin'll p. i w dcr Pulls, several ki-xt* Fain v Snap*, great v.i riet y Gentlemen •> dressing Boxes, beautiful Night lepers J'm-Cu-l.ions l Im i oioiorters, grva • s Mi l** y {Dirks, $c. k.c. »fcc. k.c I'njMlit'i* with a great variety of oilier article* a<i( oen in mroliunril i\Jy »tork of \l*-<ii« iue, \,t. mm nil liaml, is Mm* lm east in the State, iw trie va*m«y fiel-er tnan any limwe in the Ihnua \|l tile article* are ofiWr I mi the vet * lowest mice* I.OWKL PWIKS. \ltn cli lrt. Inrsii Drugs ami AleUlcuies. tffY.e subscriber lately received a.SM M.E JL additional supply of FRESH PfUJGS *V MEDICINES, whitli makes his ASSORT. MKNi very • nmpluU*. Hp receives S.AEAl.l, applies almost ev* rv week. h\ which mean?#, 'it* stock, though leu Die J. alw vs 5RKSH and sullied tit i<» meet any orders dial lie may he favored with. iilOM\s.f nrvAE. N. B. I’ppscrip ion*- (Hitkfnlh attended lo hy Virginia Bred YOUNG GENTLEMEN. .Tan. ” p>r siirs,. A VEK\ haiid'Oiiic littI p F.irm, upon the JULVad waters o' Appo uatfoi, in Bucking ram. I h>s land is in the neighborhood of CIo wr Hill, lip; rtMiiarkah*v \vcl 1. produces to laccoolthe line • t quality, and lots upon it fi very large orcliii»*i ol Well «elec.»ed fruit ; tlie • rad contains R10 acres—I'er-mus di«pn«ed to j ' .’V, will apply l" the suhsciitfrT or Col. .Sami. ; A. Pallesuu, who lives adjoining Do* premises SAMI., r. CHIK-IUN. j March -. is Wl- have tmm (iny received n case of ' highly finished Leghorns, much lo\v« charged than anv uniKitted this reason. Mc.KLK, KU BIN SON CO. .1 a i». 5. ~WO& SALE. iW/SIl to sett my hmisp and tor, sifuatrd mac ihe hear) of .Vlain Street, 100 feet a. ^ve seventh allev, and tmining thence south drgiee*,ut»d*t JB poles, thence north 3H leg. | vvevj 70 feet, thence north 52 degrees, cast 8 ' l»olc.s to second street, tiicnee south 3d degree*, Cast 70 (eet to t ie beginning. Thexakl piece i ‘d ground hein£ pait of the lots known in the l|lau of fhv town by No. 85 and 225. On tins '•*t their ift a convenient dwelling house, and a "lost excellent garde*). There is likewise on ! the lot a good tolmcen manufactory, with the | screws ami aii fixture* neoes?ai y to carry on the • business extensively. There ate few lots in town more convenient or desirable than this, it ki situated on main «l«*«ot, in a pleasant part off town, and in one of the bust neighborhoods. . ,e satiation is healthy, water convenient, and «i evpfy respect a tlesirable residence for a pri* 'ate family or a mao of business. I will make T'Tni* accommodating, and wdl takenegrjes in j part paytoent. For par’iciihus, application •"ay Ire made to the subscriber living on the premises, or to thf Ldilors of the Virginian. SA.ML. LOVK. Feb. 12 New ! E*lrncl A la Mouiiclinr, Hungary Water, Articles of Perfumery, Ju.t received by . I’HOS. ,T. DUVAL. Ovf 19 W '■‘'W I Commission Business. THE •tit>si'iib«r huuiu? miit'irij into tb' Commission Junim-jr, oll.-rs bit snrvi '•ns in tlm inert'limit* uih) plunicr. trnding lo Hm place F'llmoco, i lour, mul uilmr pro Incn, cimliiled la his ctir 1*. sell or shin, will he strictly ellmnVd |.». Hu i, iinn ided with Stnrnye in H fiiy prnuf hou.r on ntnin .tie, t, for the reception of Flour, VVlii.kny mid puck nip-i of Goods. SAME. HANNAH. J«" .E_ _ 12 H Spr. Titrpeniiiiu uni Liu.tod Oil. y>CSl rec ivd H full supply ul Sp». lurpeti line uinl Emseed Oil. IIOWEE DAVIES. March 2. sYtFis, ' jFF^T rnenited .ml for aa!n, ul i try rc l irni •jJ i1 nets, n very HsMrune-.t ..i Stoitliui . Boltin', CuliisH'I S, .iNrs, lJleil.ler. hiuI non i.e Davies Fell. 2B COMMISSION BUSINESS. rfliiE *ub«rribei inform* hi* friend* him! the | .1 public Ihat ho continue- to do hudih»*» on Commission, nod promises iIihi no paint shall be gpaied lo gcivt» entire satisfaction to ! nil FI inters ami Formers who may confide to ! his inau(l^emetll the .sale i»f loha<:r>, Flour, 1 or Other |ifo<hict». Hi- office will be kept at I ll.e Store of .M-^srs. .1. S Halsey, next doot j below flie Fanner's Bank I). SAUNDKRS. jr 19. « 12m mf ATIfAHS 31 4KlI«.~ii» niibsrHber. sit tlie lower end of mine ! street, in addition tnbis Hope mid Twine mitk- I i»i7 business*, makes mid repair# f url’d Mail1 Msitras^iH Also makes Shuck, a cheap and comfortable article for summer—and would be thankful for any job in that w ay. liieb shall be done with neatix s^aiid despatch, and on very reasonable termes. , .1 I# ‘ECHOES. Muv 1 i. Vi. MttTftliavea few handsome Liverpool Pi ^ V uii»£ Setts complete, which \*e are of fering very low. Mso, a splendid aoortiwent l ea China. embracin'* every qmditv and price We invite ihe attention of our friends and the public to the above. Mck'FC, IIOBINSON l: Co. Jan 5. ^OTTKItS vegetable Cmi'iuhjcox li V ^ Ftlft util’11^;* ^ |*H R unparalleled reputation of this ined Ci cine is Rticl*. ami its pre-eminent virlucd arc in well estah'i.shed, ami so fully acknow ledged by ail intelligent public, that it is scarcely necessary to say any tiling further t an flint it is A SOVEREIGN remedy. In Diseases of the Liver: Deluirtv result'll:' fiom iiiteinperaiice and dissipation: Old end in veterate Dicers: Pains ill tin.* Bmies, attended with swellings of Hip job'.ts : ledegesiimi B otches on the Face, Pimples, Syphilis Fuianeotis diseases geeerallv, and I l iter hi par tictilar : Mercmial and Sera fid ous complaints. T‘lie certificates of wonderful ernes perform ed bv tin* Calliolicon, have become ►<» nunier imjm, rs to preclude their insert,m, in :mv m" *. |..ip**i , and ba« made jf »* ■.•* •'.i ; for tie* pm priefor to print them in a pamphlet el about 41m > pages. 'i'lii« w ill be forward' d -non as pi -*i dr to fin* Si veial Agent* tin giatnifous dis trilnifion, and must, on perusal, siieugtlien the good opinion now entertained by die fn,’fl Is o; this mediceue. and disarm, as it I* -aped, the prejudices of those who vi**w with di-urust nay medicine not known in wha' ,s < n I d *' i ocu lar pl^■,ctte|»•,, Facts are si ibbmi ti"Ugsf and cannot be gainsaid. \t the earnest solicitations of members of the ni' dical faculty, and others who have w ,n>r--e,l tiieastonishing cureseffected bv tin* it*'1 ol ihe Vegetable C’.ifbolicon and w|u> are nwifius that Is le*m*fits to mankind mav be mm** widely dil uted, the proprietor has consented to redti, the retail price to TWO DOiiliAHS per Imltle d and this w ill be done iviihout in any wav deteriorating the qualify of the medicine, <.t reducing Ihe size of Ike Ini!l<•. as lias been materially dune in the Case ol Snaini’s Pan iicea. I e above genuine Medicine '< rbv W. f HQLCOMUF CO. Agent for Lyocbhtng. (•rent Bargains in Cloths Ilf'SI-. w l o w an! Cloths, would find it lo JB Ihelv inter. ;t to call on the subscriber, He lias mixtures, otic r,s claret, -ilper V mid. (Ring hl'io mid lila. k ' loll)- , nod 1 ph ce to per Ermine in it-, and one do if -. Electoral black, which he is determined to -ell very cheap. 11. AI. LfciO." •. Dec- 25 is afk |t|.U AUD.—Runaway from my plantation, in Bntetumt county, on i |2di nl the picsent mouth, a mulatto mail, .N'.ii. lie is about 21 years of age ami mi ommnn lv likely. He is, I expect, in tin' neighlioriiood til Lynchburg, or perhaps in the ne ghbnrlunid of Bethel ill Amherst He had a variety of clothing which tie look off with him, among the rest a line hill, hlitc broad cloth coat, ,vc. r lie above reward will he given for the nppreheu lion and delivery of the above slave to ine near Bedford Court Mouse. .INI). N. ANDERSON. Feb. 2d. _ __t|r‘Q VWQTICE.—liv virtue of a deed of tru'd, executed 'o the subscriber by Joseph Dil lard, bearing date lh«8lbof October, lbd4, f shall, on M 'tiilev the 2l)tli day of A|iril next' at Amherst C. H proceed lo sell, tn the high est bidder, fur r ady money, 5 negro slaves, lo wit i tine man Billy, one woman Charlotte and her three youngest children, or so much of said properly as may he sufficient to an* siver the p.urpniesof the trust deed aforesaid Acting as trustee. I shall convey such title on ly u» is vested to me, bu' have no doubt of ill being good. ROBERT TINSLEY March 19 »V««W» nJM have removed to Bullock's old stand, wlicre out customers will find us di-pus* h^ielntore, ty consult lheir inlet cst ill Sell ing them goods mi the lowest cash prices. McKLt. BOBINmON ki CO. Jan 5 u'\JOfl( ! —AH pfr»oi»v indebted to Samuel A'J B Davis, dec- hit icquired to make paj n,*'*d tniimiliHtt'lv, and those having clidius a ^Hiiof the •lone are it quested to pTesent them tome lor pay mi nt. O G. CLAY, adnir. of S. B. I> A VIKS, dec. March 2 .|* The Noted stud Hone lfSNUW in lull *JL periri;tiou, Hint I \\ isb lo de«:line IIihi btiPtnes* , like win* , I vvi h to -«II or Ini in 'till) tor I hr *1*11101). I «%ill sell h rln.Hp linrgnin in liiin. Ink* home* or gooil pnper )' iriernu, iipply tullir *'***r m| Amlirnl Co»»rilion*«* POWHATAN t>. FRANKLIN. .Miiroh |p. win * vuuvs. ^ I'DKIN S specific remedy for tie* cure ol t ol iis. While Swelling*, Soil** (md I letir SrliH'i'us nr Glandular Tumor*. Pel Inns, ■ Kluumntum, Sprains, bruise*, Trite Chil Plains, 1U c. Just received by THOMAS J. DlVAP. Hit. 13 &MWA&V 33B.OWOT t, \ E l HRN3 his thanks t« tlm public for1 .J£3# *heir liberal i-iu'ir'iMgeiiieiit, mid solicit# a i mil immune id their favors, He him ju#| re. reived from N**w York, in addition loins ho mer supply oi Jewelry, &.( . m splendid h'soii mem ni i*L \Ti:n s. iikitaxM v m ahi: \Vt*i«*i* li*• invites his friends and cuslortieri to call iii«] «ee. Among his slock, hio the ltd *owing wi tM leg, viz : Castor* \\ nli rut Glass and siver edge, of-nip. quality Ho. plain <md ornamented C.»tf, i Put* ntpl Tea Sugar 0 Hlusiiid Cream Pn‘? Ladies' Kidicifles and pocket hooka • Mein ami hincy Jewelry Jell, pearl. Filigree ami Paste F. r Rings Patent. F.^ver and plain Watches Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys Hated do do do do Coral of every description Silver In-dn nmi Tea Sp nut*, Ladles ami 3u» gar rung* jj.C Wat lies carefully repaired, arid all nr ih-ix in his line ofbtisiues* punctual!y a’tei li ed 11*. Jan. 26 SUttYS ,\.\ DU' V ^ f | |HF. subscriber lias a large supply of the -i* tthove article*, and vvill sell th»-m very l*»w l|. VLUSHN I)ee. 2*» Vv»>s\\ Uftvihu ftv.mV Jt S I receiveil by itic subscriber, a choice i *X.*'- «m ol I'*resh Garden Seed. Foi sale low by THOS. J HI V \ L. Fell. fJ in 1 copjn r Siill, Cap and Worm l i-tir elegant Hr*»nze Lamps 1 he sob-erilier bn* the above for sale lit x •*i v reasonable prices, which lie will *(•11 lor a-h, *■ r barter tor conntry produce. If ALLISON. Her. J.". U TRO’STEE’S SiiXE. RV virtue ol a deed of trust, exei uted r.» iis hv John N. Ilo«", lor purpieo « theiem sci forth, and duly recorded iii thecleik s nflh v of the couutv court nf Nelson, will he Mold, to the lugiietf bidder, on t!»** 23d of March, at Nelson ( .Miitliousc, it being conn djy, two valuable N EG KO MEN out* n first r-'th- hoU'C ia'p**n i» c li's qualifications arc ol the first Older, and a> a im/ci.nnic. is imt -mpassed by any man ol mm A,lor. Hie other is a likely young fellow, and is a good sawyer. I hey will he gold for ^ood negotiable paper, at 6<l days, payable at one ol the L inks in Lvuchbui". I lie title is imqoektimnible, bot^we •!! only convey ifuil winch w< derive limn the tni t deed. JOHN P CliHITS. ) Trux ( J A MEL s. PENN, \ t.-cs The jih tvc .:(!»• is made with mv rionusif and npproh tiiou. JOHN N. lltHh. March:’ wtds j i.\ai » I P ‘ ..-Ml p.-i sous ti 4\ 111 clai.n« a* J gaio*l Spobswootl Gailan I existing prc* | vjiiiix to the ftr-1 day of J notary , InJd, are reipieMml to make known oil or before the lxt dev of .144iitv next. to the subscriber*, wlm lire bis trustee*, f»« we ‘hell, in a very <hor! tone afferfhat dav . si Pie our trust a - eoi|i)i» and wake distribution ol what funus mav then he ill hand, among his sever,*1 credi tor?, according to the provisions of the ih -d lo- -.titiiting «h h»s trustee*; nod thia notice u ill be pt»* I 1 III bar of any claims which atial! md he hrfo.v that time mad" known. ROBERT HIV ES.san ALEXANDER BROVX N JAS S. PENN. r w'4w U AND FOR SALJ..—1 will sell a good bar 9 J gaoi in a tract of I,and, lying in tlm h»w (1 .1 of I\itricU coiiHty, on Mill Creek, and Hallo River, adjoining the lands of Harden Hair-Inn, Greenville Penn, Charles Foster, la-. Kennerly, I'.sqis and other-. r.nniaining seven hundred acres. 1 here is a sufficient t|iiiiii lity of cleared lantl in work leu or twelve hands, and a tolerable good dwelling home, kitchen, weaving house, -tnoke hnusp, barn, tobacco bouses, a large rjuanlity of apple Irons. A large proportion of the land that is to clear ,. good tobacco land A lurthcr desctlp linn is deemed unneressv, as any person wish ing to purchase, Would first view the premises. The above land is well calculated to divide into two tracts- JOHN POI NDEXTER. March 9. wr>*59 \W»niGlNI A-At rules hoUcn in lha clerk’s office of tl»f* Superior court ofCinnccrvfor the Lvochhurg district the 5th day •fJaaoary,!8&>. Bntnl. Garland, nltf. ag-otast Low is F-Crane, Rubert Hurt, Wra.*ilurtaud Wrr.. Grim *e*Tiiedefendant Lewis f Crane not having entered hi« appearance and given security uc'-ordiug to the not of A» sprohty Ihlld the rules nf this court, anJ it appearing by s itisluetury evidence Unit he is not on inhabitant ol Ibis country - It sa ordered that the, «:ud defendant do up|»M*r here on the first day of the nest term and answer the toll ofthe plaintiff, and that a copy of this nrdor be fnrtbwitti inserted in some new spaper ..ii/lth. town of Lynrhurg for two monthssuccnsnvoly and posted at ] the fiout door of the eour.lhndtuin said town ACojrv-Testn * WILLS,*,. Jan Th tsJWIi I FOKT ». Lines mi seeing an I'.n^lt past ntai mein A *• lumn twilight [at enicmu x mi tirrr J :*ail on, itiou lone, Uniitrtal bud, Ofqiu-ncoten* yf mill liralraa wing, lli>«* ia lliy di-lam Com nig hen r d Aa the niphll b. c - s tniind thee sing ! Tby cam ia »m ’guinu i lie burning aim In liu extremes! glory ! how It Miv unequalled Haring Hone, i11on Mio>f|k’ail In a,in It mi lowly now Ur hast thou Ixfr th* rucking Hoitle, Tliy mining cmg, lliy lightning |ime, 1 ■ find tome »ei i. I inrnnr i-hnii|r, beat sin my anil >in*,,|* llnan lliinn 1 r Ite why lliy ilu he iiintonl bead I'o cii tely lo thiaalmduwy world, An! iminl lliy aoorcniiig gsiUCea send, A» wislimg by bro.i.i ,ie n were furl’d.! A el lonely is lb* ahatlernd nr 1, I ,y eyry destilnle ihmigh big - And lonely I|kih. nl.he HI ie,t. Or bOili'lUg III (III IIP)M«I «kv l riio golden light tlmi li hIihs 111v plume# On thint* iuu i inumbi* ili|*hi, I nils dual'll1 #9 tm « n< Hi'* dtul’i I toiulH, And in'luMue noth * i• • • * moiinfu »» bright So couir tb.' i ■ l fit i»» tod down, So come the jiiood hi^h to #*aiili, \\ hrn tile n outhi •nlhrritig’ fftntpect* frown Ovi*r thru rim y nod thpfr iniith ! So ipoids 11m* mind s iiimIy inx I'ye, 1 imt burr, uuvoil l mir'i imuHtidc non .So man seeks solitude, in die, Ills pldi; • du - triumph# doni* ' bo round tin* r«,> jdt'oee nf power, A rnld nod joy 119 bistre ubiiu'v, Ami on life* piunaelei will lower, f Imnis dink ih hoMm tin* t-ui'lei pinev. but on the iin’lloiv 11 • tit tlmt pom h Kiom find’* pure thnme—the light tha 9nve« ' A»«l hIhmU <b ep nidumre round our (jriivei * 1 1 1 ma^anam ». I <1 MINOS, vr SLIKS. Tin- I’riinclir , twig* or slips of plnor,, sin ilia 1*1 frtea, may, soirii’hi,,* s simmas f 11V, li" till oil uni n i in Hit gioilnil io lulu nil,I mill gmw. Ti l'll. ..t til,, l,,r ilm opiti In,li is li in il.i in 1 11, nl Angus, l.i ilm mlilill, ol Apiil ; lint whim il is • I., ilm . ,(, ,,, ,|M nut to lie loo mill li in Ilm lop , o mlit i nm.i n i lm very ill v or Stanly, I'm tlir sap in Ilm I , I , ln> mists il to laUt mot. VVlicn von inl 'ii! in propagate fri'i't, for li,,, In r, ,,r I,n a tail, siaitly growth |„. v. ry pm licnlai in ver to lake the tilling, f,r»,n l,,,j. *"nml lirnocln-a, lo, limy will ev,,r |,ave *,„ j„ clmalion In grow in n spri'ioling iimntier; nl W»y« inti lie tillin' ,n pn pamlinilar shoots, anil ..Cilia,riy Ihoso lit,I It, II,mult III, Ijriintln s ; lh, a,* yvil prdtliitt Ilm slrnieiitest irtt l in* p nv it oi proitu Hi)*' Imi<U or roof* re sides chiefly at tin joti.u, or thr**e part.* wh re le.iveK or bitiU already exist. Cuttings sho-ld, llti'ict'ore, hi* »:o| smoothly nnoiH at an ev e or joint 1 hi* • nth i : ought to he made in the wood of iht* gi owl |» of tin* preceding season, oi to the point between tin* two growth*. |» » * common practice to cut till flu* whole oi p ut ol tin leaves of nit nn»s. which London any s i ii ft ended with bad e tied* “ Cuttings Wiiiih Hie dirtlcfill to Rtiike mav Io* rends* ed more h.uhinl* by previous ringing; il u t ing to* made on ihr shoot w leek ih io furnish l*e culling, a eallu* wi'l b- ctc.iied, which, .if Helm iIih ground after the cutting i* taken on. will lively emit the roots. A ligaiure woo'd, pel hap-rnpeiaie in h sniilhir manner, ihi uth not su ellu icntlv ; if shoiihl lightly encircle ilic '.mot destined mr u flitting, and the laitei shouhl be taken nil whi n mi ace timu'n lion ol s.ip has apparently him produced. The am* puf itioti ni the c.imvoI the ligature, -,h well us hi th it ni the ring, must In* made tudow the tit cle.s, and 1 he cniiiug iii'iHt |>»* m> plnuied as f«> lu«vi* thu tolius covered with earth. — I fuff, i) tniti. vol. iv. p .Ws The insertion ol ih * innings mav seem an eo m iner, and non/ but pract cal cultivators would imagine that there cmiitl la* any differ ence in ilia growth. he.fween cutting* i incited in i >e im !*| t* of a pot, mu! those inserted at its shies. Vet Mich is actually the ean**, and noun mrb» of i* •• •,. »»•» the mange. ceiaioma, Ur. if iinn*rte i m a meiv oi.issof earth, will hardly, if it all. throw on' mow, while, if tfi y arc iiihcM ed in sand, or in earth at the sides of i Im* pots, so mh to touch thu pot in their whole I noth they seldom f.ul of hemming rooted plants. Knight louiuf III miilhen y strike very well hy C'dfi igs, when they weie no insert' t|, and wheii fiie.r lower «nd* lunched a stratum o' gravel, or broken pots ; and Hawkins, {Hurl. Trans, vul. n p. IJ,) who Iih.1 often tried to stiike (nance tree* wit limit mu re >n Inst heard ol a in* ihod, by which, ai lir-t t* ial, eleven culling* out of thirteen gr**w. Ihr a t ti to place tlu*in to touch the hoi mill *-f ih • pot ; tuey uie then to he plunged in a hoik oi Pot la d, nod kepi moist.” “ The man agent til of euttiugs, alter th**y at c planted, dep nd*, upon th** general prim iplo, that, Where I fe h w • ak, all ext:, sh* s ol exterior agency must have a i*ml jney to render it ex tinct. N * cutt/ug require, to I* planted deep, I hough huch a* are largb ought to he inserted deeper than such as are small in the case of evergreens, the leaves slnni'd |>e kept from touching the soil, otherwise they will damp, and rot **ff : and in fhe Case of tubular-stalked plants, which ate in tyeoeral not very easily struck. owing to the water lodging in the tube, an I rolling and cutting, both ends may, in some cases, (a in common htmey-suekfe.) be advan tageously inserted in ttie soil, and, besides a greater certainty of success, two plants will be produ ed. Too much light, air, water, heat or cold, are alike injurious. To guard against these extremes in tender sorts, the means hitb* e;to devised ik thato enclosing an atmosphere • v*t th • cuttin *s, by mean* of a hand or bell glass, arco'diug to their delicacy This pre serve* a uniform sf'llne*i and inoistuia of at moaphere. Lnm rsing the pot m t-arih, (if ih** cuttings »* •• in p »t«,) ha + u tend.rt*y to pra se* te a steady, uniform decree of mo ttpre at , the routs ; and shading, or planting the cut tings, i fin the open ijr, In a sfmdy shannon, prevent the bad c/fttts of ate. st of Ugh* The only method of regulating the heal Is by double <»r single cove; i g* of glass or ion's, o both A hand-glass placed sver • bell-glass will p*e aerve, in a shady situation, a very constant de gree of heat W hatever decree ®f l« natural to the mother plant, when In a growing stale, •rill. In general, b- most favorable lo tin growth of Minings -l.' rtffuH. 1‘he name writer nay*, •* Every varie’y of apple may tie grown from rultiugs j though some with much greater facility than other* All those ol !he hnjktiot an fondling tribes grew as well this way ns bv any other, and some al* ligfe, flial the t»ees s»» raliod lire nut liable in ranker, (Hecf. TYans. ¥01.1. p HR),) which i* supposed lo be owing to their * putting nut • u tap toot hut spread ng their n 'memos fibre from ihe k not or Inn ho* ifoutai'y.* Even tic golden pippin limy he continued in this way, |and the tree* hove remained seven ve«r* in 1 pei I- rl health, when graft* taken not only f»r»m | the «.iMi" l ee. hot front the tarv brant h, part «d \t liich was divided into cuttings, cankered io i wo or three years. * All apple-trees raised in , this way,’ Iliyas observes, * from healthy one vcai ohl branches, with blossom hull* upon them, will Cnfi'itiun to go on beari g the finest I* nil. in a small % oinpass, f »r inauv year*. Such tiee-i » re peculiarly proper h»r for• mg, and uni liihleto canker Ifnrt Trmi.t. vn'. i p. tW> i hr cut tings nr to be < <o fii from the voting j wood of bnrir.nntnl or olifiooe branches. lathyi i thgn from up* igfii ones * fr *in six to e<ghl inch | ex or uime in length, with a ••mail poet inn of i *dd wood ai the lower end Cut ulf the tip of the riiiooi,and nil t'«e bo U, ei eptiug two oi •hive next the tip nr upper eitreinbv I thru Miiunlh tne ai ctiuiis at the Inwei end, and insert iItem throe oi (but inches in sandy luatvt, pres slug the railh fti uilv tu tliam. watering, ami n verlng Willi a hund-fhtss. The propel tlin* for this npamtioii j* early in February, and •bo glass should not lie touched, excepting In irtvc water, nil the shunt* have -prong an inh or two Shade dining the mid-day sun, mnt lo gin to harden bv giving air in July { finally j r« nmv the vines in \ogu«t , and in Octohe transplant fnuiieseiy rows, nr io pet*, n■ -crotcl •eg '• fiiur * infen too. With toe bmknot trihe, all that is nece*<nry is tu plant the cut-] •i»tgx in unhid) houlei and 't**at them lik< those ol the gouKc'wn v or cur*ant." re LTUIU-; OF *fUMR. Sugar H«* hern produced in K »tt Flovila, the past •eftfiiii, which is said In ha top r oi (•« • hr finetd New Oi h'liuv, and HlniOit «(|Onl|n Jamaicri. Samples of it IV.>in which Hit* jttdg* men! nf in tpialnv list hr-n print -ihieCd, Iwv haan • xliihiir.l Charleston. They were (' uni crop of*45 lllid*. *he pi I'hicc ol (ji|, Dilutin' It * plaufiilton, on the *| rmiiika, from marsh hitnl hitherto deemed inifavo' aide In he rutlilieol «'»ltar. It in ii we itain that in Fast Florid', both the In Ii and upland amt friMirinu* innich produc*' einV lent vug nr. Should Hie mltiva lion of tbi* valuable product in FI'^Hdn heroine out# n-ive, it •« e-upeeled fhrff C.'hnfleMon will he the prim •{■!«* rh pot HtV it. "J . i ■■».» i ; ■ 'i! ■vgr — ■ L 1 COMMUNICATION* ml 'orth, I H i' ui i ■! ii ** Though (hull shoiihhl huifit Ihy iml high tit Uu tugh s. I'll bring the* ilium f i om Ihrnn li t.N 11.MtKN P* isoim «il m in Im Optic*, h»nk ’ mg at • * 11 ip' 1 in Ihmngli dtllerenl media, • nine In dilleienl Coiiclneunis : I have lately read la your um-lul paper, the Hepnrt ol lire CnoHnit re "I the Untied whiten beiiale, on f)»e traiut porlNtionol (lie nrniU, &C- ohiIih t|iul the cmiVii; inns of my mmd, lead WuO to di* Vnl If.hi lire high opinion you have expressed of that p pm, lie it the proiluri mu of w lro«e pen soever n may, I’he free iom nl lla the * i» justly said to he the palladium of our liberties, and Ii Idiot' oi View fins piinnple, as w. II a* Hie libeittliiy with which I liav ala .ys rrgar dr void pap* i Hi being inudintrd, since I have been led parlimbtriy to notice it, I doubt lint bill you will give insci'iiiii lo the following reply to the above mentioned icport. Truth stand* upon an iiidt'stiricfnlda bus!**, and lose* nothing lor its fr* e uud IVaiU * sifting ; error i* Hie sanic, whether ad van* i d by Hie King oi the Inimble Collaget, and wi shoo hi approach repel it, with the same iudiflcicute and CHlmneffS, III the one c i*m as the other V out Committee set out hy prenmitig that some ronpue is required limn the ordinary vo ! cations of life, i% no established principle *nnc | Honed by the usages ol all nations, whether < Christian nr INigaii. One day in seven Inis also | broil determined upon h» the p»oportionol time, and ill conformity with the wishes of thv giant majority uf citizens of this country, the fust day in the week commonly culled Holiday lint been set a pur t to that nbject I'/ir principle \ lieu received Hit sanction tj the National l.tgii* la!arc," tyc. Ho fur I see nothing to condemn, hut much to npp mid, nod would only add, that hi rfrteriii'uiiig upon this principle, fhe Climtian woild have h id (hair mind fixed upon ! the ohligilious they ft-el themselves under to | regard as paramount,the tninal duties, which me ! founded in the " lid on oft»od,6i b urn your own | showing the n si ton 11 legislature have so vyvdthis j moral pi inciple ol the dei alo^tn ,m - o fa to inter• jw nve it with her Laws ns * to add a suspeu I 'hoi nfall puhlic hmuiie** on Hint day, &•. ” Now , your hum do ’ xitmmer does out ee bow this accords with the expression, wiiich soon | follows " that should Congress, in th* ir Legi* Ilaiivo capacity adopt the sentiment, it*mj|d establish the principle that the Legislature n n proper tribunal in determine what are tin* taws of God; it is evident the M uliiiieofs here embiac»*djare not paradoxical, but contrary I a ol ii i ecoucileable : lor if a- you have said, the pr tr iple ; meaning the observance of the Sabbath, lias received the siiiiclion of the National Legislature,’ ’the time * alreudy past vvh» ii, according In your premise?,the piecede ( was set, *• 1 hat tin* Legislature is the tribunal to determine what are the lews 0f God”—in deed, if the argument you here use to shew that by legislating on th# subject of your me morialists, would be attended with cou«eqoen c**s so p»egoaiit with evil, it would seem appli cable to the formation of every feature of our jurisprudence, in which regard lias been paid to the commandment* constituting the decalogue; and the instauoes are so numerous as to strike with force every mind, Hurt lias examined bow rigidly the laws have in many instances been founded upon the moral duties, hi looking to the ultimatum, you bring to my mind the case of a navigator, mentioned by Col. Gooch, who, started perhaps lolhe Smith, and went (o the North. What is the truth of tile case in hand ? 1 1 housands of the good people of this common wealth. many of them of no religious persuasion, conceiving it. as it truly is, contrary to the ge nius ol our excellent laws to infringe upon the o»<>ral principles of the Bible, petdion Congress, that that particular Mature of our institutions, which required labor on the Sabbath, should be so chuuged, as to run parallel with the obliga tion* imposed on them by their Creator, which 1 think would be iri “ strict ndbeience to the spirit of the Constitution.” By your own shew ing,you admit that “in conformity to thetwishes of the great majority of the citizens of this country” Sunday has beer set apart as the Sabbath, and that f/ie principle has ‘received the sanction of the National i.t^islature, and as tkoagh what bid been said wo* forgntfar, you «dd, •• If ilie principle it one* enieblttbed rhei religion, or leligmnt o'lrerroncet eh* 11 he to Irrw ret! wilh our legltlaliee erlr, we mutl pur ni- il In H uliunalam. We elm'l, >f nnaiitl. Ml, provide for the erection of edition, fm the woitbtp of ihe Cri Olor, mid Inr tin- iipporl ol Chri-iim. nnnMlnrt." S rnnge ii it that Ihe nntit hnve never unlil now he mi rl nrrd from your ntin, eml per nillril yun to ice ihet by your own pnrily ol reHeiniintf, Ihe netioti net liroughl under ell Ihnie ofiligmi-M m il ■ ul timaiitm.whre the- Ar*i regn-dn' l epnnriptoe of the d- reliiyO' .Men ihall 'ml tie'll ; Hum ihall nni kil' : Hmu ihall uul hear fahe inlntu agaitwt Ihy nt'nkbor i end in fine, ihe nli<ervence of tin- Hehbnili, Wirk'li von Imre them), hm nlrOA il) received ihi • mu inn oi |i ni Nnlni, ul Lr gitleiu'n. I >ny iind > will eilnn nn In one mi arffu urn! in ni- ham at in. I (hull In my iht m i > te>-. III I lit e fHohil pnper is very irroDMtt nnl, lleniph i| lint ilrewu l-rili, he eulogy of Uehin oil ahtt Hrporl. We er> i II ihnl " ihn Jew- wiin, in t it cu ll rj ate »*itre enChrit lonin miilei, ille in I e tnine |, otection from llie Imwi, ileriy f/ii ', ubhualion la kup Ihe Sii 'halh Hup Irma ihe /umlh rommarulmcnt of l/h e ilrailiiffitr " There me mi» mn,vu I lintimu* mm*' g*i us, wiki tleitvc I lieir oblige* fion lo «d»*»,-rv Hie bubbutu Horn the iWeel* ague.'? n .. en** Acquire* tH(Mi <I‘IVMI U19 works, -'lull know no (letter criter ia, I should f oppose, that for Author ui Uw lt« I'ort lots uni been long a sltidem ol I hro Ingy. W should like to know where else hut limn llu* dtu eloeit' , dom the J tm cr Chris! inn dtoive the obhguh.n* fn <d* *rve the •SaMotih / Hot prni mg, we ere present'} tobl, Ihnt lie.ttiei in Lmd nor ln« di»C'|dcs, though often censured hy thejt hcmi cr* bhf u violation of the Hi'hbnth, ever rujoined its observance." II l* the Author novcr rend the wonts ol our Cor I whe e h** *my« j / am nut come lo de tlroy the law, but lo fulfil it. Again, until Hen tni lyiid tar h phg< ninny, not one jot or ut'.e lit* He ftjfjwi* aw tit nil putt until ail be fulfilled—iff bccomeih Ut to fulfil nil riph(toutart* - He will ihngivfu the law and moke ft honorable. I need ii i dibit* n,ton Him subject A word to the wilt is enough for hem *' Wnfti these ftili'ereut religious view*, «tin commute, in of opiiii.iu that I ougm>« cRunnt iutei It i* not the legitimate province of the Leg is (glum to deimmum ubnt religion i line, in what fid*e — line, O King 1 Tht Legi'letme hive never Owen appealed to, to iiuikt* tins determination ; ah* in* tv consider ed, thi* hi ilm feiitiuuMit meets my hcntly ap pi ul You say that you an ij ujamuit thift tMiigret* rannul inti rfne,"uad in Anol* ei place, the principle hat received the tmuhoh tnj the jVii lional l,e Mature; ergo, it u nr iih Iy \* mug, or if iiiiiui slide ii* pa ft, it moi*! tic a, a whole, l'ii a w o «■ i* equal to nil its parts taken togt; liter* Nu man regard* with in • p en uifithiin I d*», that b* dutiful feature of nor tinserunnmt, win h keep* di tmci end acpmrttooir civil and religious institutions, hot at the# sum*- time, it must he allowed, that there are certain morale that 1110*1 inevitably he ini' r unveil with every civi pnlit v, an ! because tic*, me derivable from 111*? uacted ( an <11 r no reason why Huy slimibl lint In* legaided- I’* 10111 me lo say, that civil goveruineiu could not esiit, without inter weaving tht) moinl duties with her institution* fltoio moral duties nutd religion u >p it* prl* iiiiiui mobile, a** the committee aeem to regard Hi iii; Imt tm*y oiay he said to he Hie fruits <d rein guab A in An may Zea ou%|y cimteml for then oh »ei pence, ntid act up io them whilst lie is only a moralist, ami whilst he h lh< re* “ siru'tly to Hie ■pint of the ( mutualion, which H’gitrd* the (ienerul Gov mm ut in no other light than thin of a civil iustitut on, w holly destitute of re ligiou* aothoriiy"—it appear* to me, though iiogmit cunuoiMseor, Hint, 'Inougiiout the lie* poll iooihIi have been mistaken for religion. Speaking of the Jew* and re mark, that " the nhliga4|pu of govern uejit \> the *nme to both these t ime* ; and the com miftee cun discover iio principle on which the claim* ol one should he more respected than those ol ilia oilier, miles* it should ho admitted that Hie conscience! oI too minority ire less stt t ied Ilian those of the tiisjotiiy' —this indued would ftcem to I' Uml pretty well, were we not Constrained lo col lute it wlfh whit you have else where «aul Hist •* m coiiforinily with the wish*-, ol »h great majority of citizen* of fhhi coun try, the first dny iii the week commonly culled ■'Sunday, has been sol apart to that object'' (uM'iiiiiug lor the Sttbluiih) •' The principle line received the enaction of the National Legitla lure” “ In prevent I III* (inraiiiiig the ti imapiirln lion ul the until* on liie Snbbolli) Would in Ihr opinion of Hie Cinmnnleu bo productive of mi mense injury, •nth hi iii> i-omnii'icm , political and in it* min ul beatings,” 1 have m, rye up mi Ilie objection here raised, nml I regard It a* loot Kiribati Ini ninlahlv. li y suffering in km ol gn at commercial 01 Hgticnliuial iuleretl to re, in it in locked up in ilie mail* for one whole day, would give tune lo adventurer*, to tend our serial d spalchiis, an a* lo lake advantage of Ilie planier* and Carmen, tic. bui how du Mr ItiiuW but flint uAener Ilian ollii'iwiae flits intelligence will nut have spread lirlore the •to p ug of lh'a mail* ou Monday! Ado ifting it In betiue, that the inlernslof the people might in a le» iusluure* he made to suffer, it w. -uld not he i Mon-ive, hecnose they, knowing (lie mail* were behind, would incline to wnit tlieii artivisl, »ud wu» there much ausiety moiiifes led by Hie huyei* ot gun.ia or staple products;!! would bk the radii ul a circle, diffuse itself ip every dirnc imi— Again, I believe oftenei than otherwise, those thcl Sluail too *onti ov r«liout Ilie in irk , lull what says the Kcport of (he i I Hi of liepi esentCllves, w hich seems not tpiili • disjoitili >1 a* Ilie one belore os, ua tho' tli- y were will ng o throw open the door wider than ever for Hus sort ul alni.e, miltgipnii d too by the Ki ports of both Houses, that “the Cum iiutb-e earn *Hv recommend the repeal of so much ul h rleveulli tee ion ol tin I’nsl Office law of March, 182b,as require* Postmaster* to deliver let'eta, newspaper*, <V on the Sab bath.” it do a aumi asionisbingly strange (o me, ilia Hie CoiuiniHve did not foresee that by lhu* tuff-ring new* In stagnate for a day in llte Post Offices, that, a* they bad repressed their fears, “ lCxprewes would l>« sent in every di rection, mill speculation to an unlimited amount would be made in Ha- products of the country. We cannot -co bow it merit Ilie vision of the National Legislature, lo contend, that in acting upon the principle recommended by their prfi ftouts■ * would be 11 fttn/tug to thejnitty odious combination pf Church and Slut*, wlnl*i thwy in the same tepurt recommend, tliougb not in Into, that it be so far acted on a* to prohibit Postinasteia from, delivering letters, newrspa. per*, Uc- on Hie Sahbutll." Il was t he intention of your reviewer, when lie set out, tO'dissectt many other part* of the reports, which seem to him ro he as inconsist ent. but hi* Strictures are already protracted lo such length Hist he decline* it, at least prewtem. JUNIUS “ Oh '■ thamt where is tliy blush V\ Mmsrs. Koituhs—Having a few days iffiice, somewhat by accident, (for I am noi a subscri ber,) taken up your valuable paper, bearing da'a Hie IfSth inst. under the head I was nt IIacted by the above mitanchoty exclamation; which prepared rae lo expect (he relation Of some most calamitous affair. But, fo my »nr pr,«f, on '■rad,ing the cornmnnicaiioD whr^fc