Newspaper Page Text
THE JL1NCHBITRG VIRGINIA*. • * i ■ 1 - - ■ -- ■ ..—. BY FLETCHER & TOLER. LYNCHIHllO, VA. MONDAY. M AUCII RO. 1820. VOL. VII.—NO. <15. _ - ■ Bi i ~ -■ ■■ - -- - ■ — „ " advvir*.—No wl> ET l',r ♦* p fir • l«f« time lhau .1* imunhs r„l.uou*iUl>« "'« P«H rt the .Ii»«™uod «fJTfflKviSiUlUrW*"!" "" *■«••• ,hrt ‘ , yuj 11 ui'iirunj at 50 p«#tr p<’r f srM Innw, nnJ 07 l-li ■•in'* f"r »*di I , ,.irr (or le**)*® 6 , (hsitoat min* l>« 1'“"* *»r * irf (ho yavuicdt ttumwil by . ‘ &C>> o' <Y Or.lrrr n't 1*0..,o*r«..rr..i> .tail SIX JollHfl* ,I''* !u,,t. „l,!r...ed I" *1." Editor* *«»' puilH & I-OMIOX s IT«T » tuptrb #*turtmeiit of ■ ,| ^,1”*, ".c.n ore the lol ..a ini# ; |>ml Kill' xle» ?ilk *,J J Uca.l I’nr** nilU <* ' j„«r,| Cha<n*,{?ful »'* ntty 1 -ilu-i. mI Work Bo«i-e. (»lytrb) *Vrr .71X111 tlo \laliu*i<M 1 Jrimm1*11-* l>u. Ini' s'HiiiU : pistols. B.iuliln barrel 1>„. siin; lx '1" U), IVrnil-iiiii lionU-4 \t,. »'iili BajAiiirta I V il ii<• ^Valrl't /; |J^| rnrt'ly Antique Oil '!>' <>« KneilCe*! grea/ I'Ctntly ill»s ,l" j.siii'.(suptbiur)-!'i,ru» nin'tfj t i'. u Kmve*. ( *) n-al, great r (truly J'.^k**! do do do do* L'liess M'*« n,». liouid^ Ornti or LlmtUer Boards Segnr Bo*.es, great t.i ntty Ink i:ido do Lotus or iveito t>*uiioo Hantet’* Bottles, rnri DUS sizCS LrailuM do do do Kiiiodo t!la<fri JJui-e do > -ittid ipmiit* fa- l °* H* ltl<l'i!«ll‘d Spoons .‘-pint . A- id i>rov< i « Smitl Boxer, gre.n! van et. i L.inti nu attor* t *ti t>\y. h i!i,> •, I. ivendpr nod «> i .mi-»i» Flower wmers rcrji sup. Vefc* laUleH 'U£« \ in . •• .rut* it i«i - f* Grecian Uquitl nouga , Pmui ilunn, great »nH*» t v, in put* ami r«*H* flavors, old hngliil* do Pudiiri Do 6 bind'’* to 1 hail- ' die 7c tv oiler's Brushes Nail <*' Pent! I'miutPiH for j whist, various kivds Fmglim Dice. beaiilllul f ¥%,iy , fur Miniatures i f I KO N •up. qua lit y, vei) cheap CiMvat »l»ltmu‘*or p »d> j itio nr U.l llosr, gcnU" i iili. Oil tnoni hi illiodi »Vat•'li Itibbou* dell do ,Vn:ii v on Caps plain and Cut G'a-s ' Smell «iu ^ 1 d-‘, groat variety Neck luce* , i.allies’ Uv erfth>cs,vri»y rood l *M IM S F »iihig < uies *-word l oin s Hub \\ :..|K. V.;i It tj Fancy Slate fr'ancj Picture'*, small le tL'S, beautiful I'ollil1 ’I*O lu»%eS P >w (far Puffs, so vein I Li us Fain \ Soaps, great v j riety * ieiitleiuiuF- dressing Box< ih beatitdul \ iglit Tapets j Fm-Cu liiotis 1 her,noun tins, gl en valithy Dirks, 4*c. k-c iVc. ^.c Toieiiwr %vii|i .1 f»rrnl variety of oilier ftt'iti-fm n | herein iii«*ati.»u' ti My Hi»rU id Medicine, ‘vr, n,»*\v on hand, n* Hu* m llir Htair, Mi« vnt.eiV Ilian .my home in the Uiimjii. VlI ilie article* .uu ali'ei <*! utihe very lowest ;,4icu# t.UWKL L>AV IKS. v*n• Hi in. L' its 11 Drugs ami McdiciiUis. ft s utf? o ri her tins lately received nSM ALL JL additional supply of FRESH DRUGS A MEDICINES, which makes hi* ASSORT. dRN l very complete. He receives S\| ALL supplies almost everv week. hv which mean*, hi* stock, thou-'ll n*u the L AKGKS T,i* always HiESIl and sufficient t*» meet any orders that he may he favored »v ith. THOMAS J DUVAL. N. IV. Ureacripious laithfnllv attended to i»y Virginia Bred YOUNT. GENTLEMEN. .I,i . ’__ F JsTSALEo f\ VERY hand-tune litti e Tann, upon the Jalh-n.f waters ol Anpouiattox, in Ruckiut; kain. This land is in 'he neit'lihnrhn'id of Clo ver Ifill, ln»* rein itknh'y well, produces tu. hare »of the ltae.*f ipahly. nn I has upon it a very l osje orch «rd ol well -■••lecied fruit . tiie ; rad contains 3IU acres—I’er^ons di«pnsed t»» | ’my, will apply lo the subscriber or C »!. Soul. ( T . PatlrtS'Mi, v\ ho lives ad porting • h«» prem ise* SAME. 1\ CUM- I I AN. March 2. t* HThave till- day I'rii-iv Ml a case rd l»it;ltiv finished Le^ «-»nw, mue.h Iowa Varied than unv impacted 111is ie»t4«»ii McKEE, ROHINSON ^ CO. FOiX SAL'S. '' f WISH t" sell n»y hntKti and lot, situated '•■w lienr the head *>f Main Street, 100 feel m 4iVi‘ Kevi nth and itinning thence until - decrees,wed'st *S poles, thence not til TH leg. '■'e^t 70 feet, thence north f>2 decrees, t*i%l H J’oles^to second street, thence south dtf degrees, ■ist <0 feet to the beginning. The said piece • ground being pint of the lots known in the °f On* town by No. S*> mid \22o. On this d tbeie is a convenient dwelling House, anti a •»ost excellent garden. There is likewise «>u j the Iota good tobacco manufactory, with the j "Crew# ami all fixtures necessary to carry on the utsiitcks extensively. There are few lot# in ll'w" ,u°re couveuient or desirable than this, if J' situated on main street, in a pi *a«aut part of j • otvn. and in one of the best neighborhoods, i ‘he situation is healthy, wutex convenient, and in every respect a desirable residence for apu 'rt,e iaiuily or n man of business. I w ill make terms accommodating, and will take negrjes in ih'tt payment. For particulars, application be made to the subscriber living on the ( i remises, or to the Editors of the Virginian. „ SAML. LOVE, led). 12 i\ew ! I-1 tract A la Momsclinr. Hungary Water, Articles of Perfumery, Jiiii received liv , VilOS. 3, JH’VAL. 0tll3 ‘ POKTHY. from the Bijou. TURKU WAS 5ILUMCU IN huaVkN Cun an«e! spirits need repose In the full sunlight of tin- $ky I And rail the veil of slumber » !«»>* A chrrub’> bright and hinging r\e • Have seraphim rt weary brow, A fainting heart. an } *< Idug breast / Mo, far too high their gmiNi * tlow 1 v» languish with inglorious rest. How could they \l u p timid the bhstf, The hamptet of delight ah ve ? Oj b‘*ar lor one short hour to niis*. The vision ol the Laid Kiev love i Oil mil the dealli*like calm of sleep Could -till the eve la»<mg song ; Mft fairy dream, or slumber deep Untrance tho rapt and indy throng. Vet not the lighfe-t lone was heard, From angel voice or mi^chtniud : And not one plumed phiion s'tried. Among the bow’d and Idi <*fol baud For there whs silt nee in the -by, Ajov t»H uttgel loncu S could Icl1 As from i*> inv*iit! fount on high. File gillie Of Gild ill .itillllekb fell. Oil ! whit i* silence here below ( I be <piiet ofcouc'.alrd despftii ' The pain»e of pain, tiled, emu ufuu It is the rest of rapture there. Audio *tr w.iy*M orn pilgrim hero, More hindied seems rlo f peb et peace Than the full chiiiuii ol jo> to hear Kidl oil, and never, never urns From earthly agoni>rt fire, Tited with the path ft»u slowly trod. May such n tnltmce welcome me. Into the palace of mv find IIEMI* * utivntirn and Preparation uf Ih mp. at prqr lived in Kentucky. Tlw most fertile of our I.ipI*. • i#» -ulerted for tli** pi odiiction of hemp, m il t|,,it %vliicfr has been iped a- meadow m p.uhirc for i long time, is preferred to any o»ln r, •• k|»«*n euce having proved, that tip, b* »♦ 4 lupfrd l » the purpose. This (it pi o »u: tide,) i pbnjghed late ill the siitlm m, ml exposed, u.i'roddeii by stock, to tin- fmsuof wiulei plotig o il again a« raifv u» tip .p»i"g *s llu* -ea-Miii will permit, and »*g.i. 1 im•n**#l« >|.*|v pr. riling tip* sowing ol tin* semi (He it me i taken to harrow the ground until uh* c*od tire completely broken, and i«» give il ,o even a son l ice .is can be produced by the n*e uf 1 he comm n Iihitow. T'u seed ii sotvn from Hie ilOlh of \ju.llu tbe up idle of M m , (ah- r »pr n frosts are o vn .) it the rate of lmm n biisl.rl and a l.uirtli T I a bti-dl•'I and a halt to th .111, and twice burrowed, i’ll** crop then r tpnre« im t'urlh ei Htienli'Hi until P is fat.—Its .1 ne#s t.• r tlo* kuile inns be determined Uv the appiaratict* of the hemp, and not by t»»•* length ..f the time it bns been g* o ving, or I lie sra.snti ol tiie \ ear. In.- indications of fjtne«$ f a- curing nr a change in ilj•? colour .if* llu* b ar from a deep green lo a yellow, and the lifting. up.m the feast a ji’alioa, of a vpg*tab|e dust, hemp. Tliti ripening lif ihe crop m g**n- rail* partial a.ul unequal in d tierent part* of flit* >ume field, and regard on /lit to !paid to f Inn circiuuOnitee in cutting it, taking such pm tioiis •>! it first as give the striwigist imi,, a lions of ripmics-*. It i« nc* e»sarv or pu». pei tu wait for a decided change -I color in nil the leaves, before th.* harvest cuuiiiifMice* ; oa tin* couiia. y, *• is more a vutif.igenu-, >», coniiif'iiee when tin* change u nitty put l nil. and as soon as the dust spoken ol begin*, in rise, or is produced by agitating 'Ip* hemp wi li a stick or I lit baud hi k*-iiiu< kv, tii. practice ol cutting hemp ha* m a g eat meas ure superseded lire old pracn * of pnliin ' il up by Itie touts, and h bom J in be greatly pre'eralile, la'inc le-s tuboi ioii-, and remit ring the. hemp better and easier in handle, ine. Operation is performed with a knife, (coin 111 * • y * a!U-d n bemji honk,) m id*' 'omewltal in the mi..p* of a sickle, but heavier uiid not so long, an I having a Sff|.>ofh ami 'IiHrp odge. \ ■> tile b* mp .» « il', it i^ -pre ul out upon th*.* ground Iruiii which it is . i.en, and p**r initirl to remain t»ii*rc 1111.«t the leaves are well wilted, and will «.*« u, eparale irotu Hie stalk-, It is 1‘n ii .'JHliere.l into heave toil ii*»1 hound,and tile le.ivrn hm en ;4 with a %tick, ».o.I im mediate ly iiiiniei sesl, il wa'er rolling i' io'emb'd j if imi, it |S <mi 011 in sticks o' I non line- to live fee 1 hi 'bairnier it ihe ground, and lied closely together Ml the ti ps so .*> 1 » prevent it Iron falling • rl,«> ol Ihe s'H«.k -b ♦' 11 • be lull liolbiw to give it air lic it-the earth. It i- then mi hi* re I to jUund until perfectly dry, when 1 i*, t-ep-oHlrd an !' hound into mu <11 sheave*, an.) |M11 up in stacks or ricks, ai. l secured by a coveiii.gof board*, or straw, In secure li from u wet in the interior ol the sla» k. It can. hnvev* er, be so stacked, a» to be’■ecu-cd from water without any olliei covering than n thatch «>l lie up, but some skill to be acquire I only by pi notice is iieces*Kiy to do it well. I1 remainsin the shirk until the *.< mnn for rotting arrives : il is fla n Ink u down spread out (on grass, if to he had,} as • .piallv a- pin* sihle, and vtposed to the weather icitilili found to he ready lu’’ the brake. (Our wes tern autumns nod wii»uu> ;ue attended with so little snow «•» to give us choice of time fiom September until Kebruarv for rot ting ) Care mart be taken Intake the hemp up as noon ai it is hi for the brake, or a loss viill lie sus tained. (If, however, it should be found t any time to be injured by too long an expo sure. it is not thrown away, but agon stack' d Mid brought to the brake the sucre* ding year, when it will lie found lo have regained its stre.ngib, if not ab,o ulely rotltd before it was taken up.) When ready for the brake, we take il from the ground nud Mm k it in >nmll stacks, as in the fust inMMice after I'uttitit;, and thin pro ,ceed to break it ©fi^brake* made on the plan i©f Otf r I'O'iimn'i flat brake but i. . -h 1 ■»«/.* r. fay from C ♦» i«s »ig feet in |., having tin* Mats deeper am) wider apart, and wider in proportion at tha heel ot the brake than the flsi brake. \N tilt mr.h a brake, a good labor er will In oak in a day of February 'Mid lomo aid break double that quantity.— file *e«*d i% rai«(*«J t»y planting in hills like In dian C orn, plan i in*: four or five re. dc, and pulling all out but tin* most thrifty plant. A sifigb* acre of ri«*h land ha* been known to produce sixty liu»hi*ii ofeeod i w* are very lit tle m tln> hahii ol water rotting **ur lie up, but wild lie r been l Inis prepared it biuntf tube equal to ine best Ibissia hemp ;from mree to live dayi, in a veiy warm season, is fotimilo ’*•* *ul!r lent lor f bi> pritc sc, if the waler be stagnant, longer, if running. '•* opiuitMi pi t vaiU where the e’ll Ivation of betiip i- nut comnUMi, that I •« a vi ry el hauling c tip.—T ie lad, tiowre', mulier wise, Hud wt*« uliivale tinee »ur.c,,a*ive ciops, on Hit' *>a .1 litotl with |e»* rghit nsi inn than ih occasioned Uy either the Corn nr wheat c»np, ami no crop le«ivt»s ground *■« light ac to einin ly ihslro) the j rodu lion ot in is. a m;nin hiA.v. Knnn thr .Iwicricent I tinntr. or.p vv \rin as m.m.u in \n now (t tl»i fc.iih* » * nluld bed* have become (In - ly, in.i iv,I, hi 11>* v' lost i lietr ela.'iiut) l»v age or •• *• •, t i‘\ siimaLI In- ampdcd in •* a In* rad nail u.lulled hi warm miH|i *um, iigil iied by means ol a ink** m f it deli hoi , and i llctwa Mi* w ri'iielaed in « •. .a * water. liny nr 'inn lube plfc.swd dry by Ibe ImhiI, an ' pill upon tin* floor ol an empty well lighted room, t*nd u*» \ ami tnen uluppii^aia I ► Hii.d up ; and wliaui thor oughly ory put lot »ticks. lit v nil' lie found tiller tins betid t/iuil Htl0 f‘<Un rj, be cause di piiveil ol 1 In* oil which .ihoimiN in the la ter. CUUMiN TAIU HI s^Lm***™**1** *■ * **•*— ■■■•■" ■'*- —■ PANAMA DOCUMENTS. bli\ \ 1 K—l 33 Mari <-. 13!U h» the Smutr u Ji<l Houn of Iti pri'uttitiivrs of ‘hr (Jnili<l Sttifi u of .‘tint fica. \X'wVMIlKO.T«»N, dd Match, IhJIk I lritn*mi herewith to Cotiglg » a copy (dtl»C lusitin lions pra p.tird by llte brcicta* \ ol bfate, .and faaa a a it* lie, I I.* »lie Ali"is** t of Hie l\ *'i,i r* | app iuted tn attend the Assembly • l %it»* • i ! can n. input flit to lies, f»a -• hel l at 1’>ii>< III.), (lien. tin leii**»! to l'.icbaya. I a* occa.iun lor whit h the v w e ;.iven ha* pa-unlaw y,ainl ihi'Ie u on picseiit pr drn' ility • »’ the mu a! nl I hole iicgutiaiio" ►» ; but the purpo-e foi \' liiidt | they wei e intruded a a o, still ol tho dv rpe'.t H.t ei * jest in om count av and loth" wuild, anil ia »\ I in rentier r,.ii! .i g a in for Ibe active em ij "UhI'im (auvt rinuei.t <*f l He f lilted Sl.iu \ '11 ■ motive i for w nliholdm;; them flinn general jmhln nioo j liHVi- » ce . *»*iI, j lattice to the (*overturn-ill lin n wdue.h tin y ".muiHtid, noil In dir p, op'e lot" whose hem til it *.v»uj insli'u'ed, teapiiie that they i should In: m id«* Lm u. W alii this 'ien, and troiu the (>u sidrr ion 11 a at the uhjefts em' a xa i . d |»v tin> <• ni'ii (j- lions niti-f pmhahly engage 1 hvrealter the coaasidei aboil «d (air miccc r,<nI ' deem it p'opcr to unKi’ till « OllllllUMCAllo I tn hull) 11 (US* s o( r,.n::n *. < »:M- copy only ol the in*mji m 9 ! »? o« prepared, | wend it Hi the • ,‘uah . n » icst.ii ; that tli-y ni.iy he Huiisiint led a!: n to . \ : House til ll pi manual a vi » i n a i>isms. * IN MU C l IO >»- oKNT.IiAb ' Kicliitrd « All cm *ou nod .lolin Scrgemi’, esq . appointed Luvoys Lit.iordl naay am! \l uislei.i iMeninotvutiaiy ol ihe 1 •... tel to Hie Congee** at I'm.unit. Pj i*Ain <n m n# Siru, ) V. • <•liiugloil, h'lh May, Ihjd. C tii s * i . : l ha* tri llions in which hr U. Stan s stand t i i Im* other Aim i n an puj*n *, and tin* »!..11'*-. i.ncr e-%1 x nnd m inpalhn s, which la long in ( nun* n f.atnnoa. liuve (U nrmiitvd the f'refillfiiI ’.n Hcc**pi a») 11av i'•«»i n which li n hern given by t o lb publics • I ( ’ -lour i .. M, * iro, nod Cenii .«! Viiirn icia to th-* I ■< . d bhiirs, i . send Iiept'j*,-eait»*liv« s to tin* t 0114n*sa at l a 11 . in);). He roobt < a«»i, indeed, In, ve ilea line I an in 1 v P Ml toil pruce-iliia 4 liotil *ourc» s so lilgiilv te prriablf, Mini C‘*i»»amiiiic;ate«l in tin nio«t delic.aie an«l lespt ciliif manner, without sohj,din;; tin t u ti ll btnlt ?i to lin teprmich ol ms> nsihnuv to tn deep* Mt c.oUCfrn* of the Ameiican livmi plicre, and. |ac• t»-a |,s fo H want ol Hiucvity in niusi inipnrlnnt aleciat utiou«, olcntnly mail - n\ li I*, pi edecessor, in I lie face <<1 tin* t) «l am! New Woil'i. In y iebliaig, laei efore, t» dm ln**udlv ivijdie* of llnas** three lb publics, coinmunn nled hi ilia.'notes of tf*• *ir ies|»ective \1 ini-ters, at WHuhingtOM, of which cope a an* herewith, the l nileii ^tat« > net mi perfect comm teuev with all their p* eyi mis c »jaihirt nod prnl,t »»iuiiv. in res pect to tile New \ net kail S ales l h • im-ern iiliug ol a ( u 14' **.*» s at 1'aoaila, com pus,* if oj d« nloan die ie|»ra*s.*»»t,itiv* * Ion iitdepmidnit \ lliii 1 cat 1 NmImii* , a* ill lor ill a lie w epurli in Ini - mail all.lit- 1 to* I. cl uxe 1 wh t evei may he (tie issue ol the connjr* uc« s f sm ii h fun ^res.-i, caiin -i tail ci»«Allengc 'tie all n mil (d tin* present gene(«tli«»aa ol d'e Civih/fd world, alld to emiunand lii-ir of p eniy But tli• • in pe is cuuinh ullv iaul»il^;r»d, that it will have other and stronger cjaitiifl lajmn the rcg.iid of uiaoknui than any which m uc out ol die mete cucnrn Maine »l it, novelty ; a nl ilia* 11 will entiih* iMe! I m the atle«:. >4 >0 and la • i";/ 41 at it title 01 at' Ameri n, bv ll»«» wi-doin nnd bm ialnv of it* piitn ipiett, .uni t»y tin* new gmtraniic* it iiihv createJur tin* ^»* «• t inierr*t which will engage it- deliberation •>. On an •»: ca«i n *0 highly im |.11« t Mill liSpOliMIM', U" I PMliH'lll (IMS 11* 1*11 <)t'’nnils Unit il»»* i eprenMif un"i from the United -ji.iie* should !►** coin .osi if Ol (Ibliilg milled ctll /.i-iu. Conti.Img* ni) (ini /.»•«!, ability ami pat riotism, by and v%'itli itic a ivice ami consent of tin* Senate, lie h;i» selected you for ibis microfi lm* R«rv et». A *il il liis u »s » that you Should pi • »c«*eii, wit i ;iit piacncahte ilespati’b m r.uia mt -f\»r the pur|>o«c of carrying oat Mr. Ber ihi* I oiled St-.les slip Lexington has 0 en pi. pared, a*‘<li*uow ready to sail from til* Port of IN* iv York, to Pm In llel'o. .Mr Au-ler-ou. hav ing been notified of h»s appoint* nn i*t. hn*. been «lti<- let to 1 ;|ve the* atTans uf tin* Cull cl*'a al Bogota in the discharge of »uch person hs lie nitty, f »r that purpose, d»*ig nate, and to join Mi. Beig*-ant at Porto Bello, trout u hence it t£ supposed that it would be most convenient t» proceed, by land, HC»o«* the Wlhinustn PananiH. Ministers Irom sevcialof llie powers have, probably bv this time, touch ed ihat pi a* e, anil they may even have procee ded to a c utiparison tvf their rinpective creden tials, :md to confeiHtn c# on gome of theubjee** nl the Congress ; but it i« probable they will have deferred, unt il your arrival, a considera tion of those in deliberation oti which it was einected that we should lake part. Your power, nccoiopfiriymg this letter, is joint and several. HiMhnrizing you to Confer and iroat with ,\|iivi-iers, a!*o, duly author*/ d, from all or any of ibp American Powers, of peace liiend-hip, comisseiee, navigation, mart im%, inw. nnifra) ami belligerent rights, an«| other inniter" interesting to ‘he continent of America* Ai*cr the mutual •nhange of powers, il will tie necessary to determine the forms of deliber ation, and fin* mode' of proceeding, Ol the C »i» t*r* S'. It is distinctly dmlerstood by the Pres ident, that »f '4 *«» be regarded, in all r» speoti, fig d'Db'm u'i, n induction to a n>dy *•> the.I a ltd petve»« ol ordinary legislation ; that ft to say. no one oi the States represented i* to >t considered hound hy any freatV.Cii»ive«*iion. part, < r act, to which it dt»**« tintsubscribe, and eaprosdy assen* hy its si ting representative , and that in the Instji ice of treaties. convention* and pacts, th* y are n he returned, for Anal ra tification,to each contracting si ate accoidmg to the provisions o its naitieutar Constitution A I idea is, therefore cm hi.led. ofhm ing a oiiuoiity to agreements .u* i c nt ary to its n the mere citcunwtOUce nf tin* concur'retie** of a ma jority of the State* in thum* agreements and acts. C.rli State wdl. mu iiprhtly, b«* governed and • Jell lire, according to us no n seioe of it-* parti cnlar interest*. Al* noiinn is re jected of an Am pnvrtionic Conned, ii ve» ed finally » ilh power finally to decide ctrfltroversiei be tween the Ainciumi Stales, ni to re g'llatr. in any respect, (heir conduct. Sochi a cnunsel miglit have e**n welieitough adupted I to a number of small, contracted Suite*., whose it nil cd lei i tin' y Would tall short ol the e* If lit ol , that of I he smallest of the American Tower* j The complicated and vitiious interests %#h,cti appertain to tl*w nuftotis of this various Conti 1 nent, cannot be safely i.iefideu to th*- superind- i enre of one legist.i »?e n.ithnrity. We should | ahnnM as soon espect to see an Ainphycfiouie j Connell to regulate tTm atfuiia ol the w h*» » [ eh»i»e Hot even if it w*re desirable to vstin lull Hitch a tribunal it is beyond the competence of the Ouverrtmmt of tin* II H. voluntarily I • * | assent to it, w ithout a previous change ol (licit nriu d coo* itutinn Although in specula1 ton ot I’lCh a i -nincu h m been sum. lime* mat-vvid HMocmird in the pu die papers wild the CMiiieWplated Coug't* x WflC'rt hut ill v •' til11:11 itte 1 <.it it o ill hr *t*i iii'ls I? press** I hv A IV of the Pio'r X Tno Pon* grex* •* which have ti. tut so • oinium in totnp* . especially w ilhnt I hr a* (.iff r time . have he n allugfthcr diplomatic, nod, run -eqoently , the S'Hie* wtioxe Minister* composed them. were 0 'v bound h, the r *ig wture. With tM1» nr ivsviirv mill in i.|i iMihle rest ii tin1 *1*00 tin action ot lt»e C m . irsH, great advn I'get ulai ne*arthides*, h derived Ir«»in a 11 hsv« inoly. at the same mu. ft-i-l place, ol Minisicit fioui a l the \ " 1 ir.m n mm -x Such • II hxxrtoh y w ill air Til glint » r I tii a fill tree and 11 ieodly «*.»»!i fen llCi'H. f()f ui Miiil not lieersxnry «*tp'ir»a tionx, nod tin di«cu*sii'ff ami 1* Midi liiug Ml III gerteral prim iph h appl cable t » peace 1 n I war, fa roniifi. . re mv| 11 iviyai ien, Wit . t ie Saudi nr 01 lit I A •aerie.) Treaties .a • V be conclud'd in the .a" 1 v ••! 1 lew m oill s. <t such a lain grass, l*y mg (tin f.m idatioi s o( taxiing nmit v and l, uo| 0 iglil'oi tmod, which it would 1*' quire 111 n v y ra*to 1 - .11x11 in unite, 11,1 mice-1 the v would he pi (u .. aide, hv xepmaie M, s ncei o vi , H',goli;du . . - uodurU'tl he ween ihe s Power*, itihd 1 mt nm t ami pl ieex. K»' pin; • ouvt iiitlv n v .v *111* esxential char tfter and ohje T nt t -e (.ainerebX, which have been dr Hfiibed, it • u- • veiy important in whm man nor it* i 11. <*. - in m and di .dis-.ioux may In 1 eg Muled h. x pei ci n hax. perhaps, silflicieully extah lixficd that, loi precision, fur safety In ill*' ne golia’m v themselves, and lor no e 11 ly , prar; i* Cal r< Mdt, U is wiiext to piocfcd I y protm * I. ! in vvli ell the inuhi I pfnpusitioiis ol the pm in x lot; rliei with such (Mouse oltsc VittitMi* a* a »v nfihem dcii'ein Uave pieserved, are caiehitlv r corded. Ii it von aie I f» free to agree to that I iii'uh of pro * ho •. with the iiidoipe.i«ubie lint I iiaiion beloie sitped, which, undci all (! rcuui | slMitr • g. ffli d appeal lo you UXUI .ut -andd-1. , V'"ii powii conveys anau! hot it y fo'rrat wuh all or’ii. iv ol the .Nations reprmouied at toe I 1 "Ogi t * , uf any of lily su1 Jeclx coinpi is d io' -iul 1 notion* And Orl llioxe. pgperiully of ■ i/inmei -c and n» vigmidi. inariliuie law ami lie dial and I* I'ig Tent l ights, ii ix the fVv 1le.1l - vv islf. that 1 fill--SO laleregit 1 nn t In adjuded mi i.dart>»r ly In a I the atteodu- Pow ers. you hh Mild farm, il< v 1 x-, treaties W ill* sue h »« •nn v be fibpiMlru to cum 'ode ihein with • you. Uni, in tli mui-hi 1 ol any sueli sepoiuh rr gotywiioiis, you will 011 I llv avoid giving a j uv ii* -A-iion (if olfi in to ill »*e Power* w ho mar 1 decline firming ; an I, it v *111 should have strung reahon to tin'lacl »l«elf, of openim: such Nepal at* negn unions, would have the Ii n | dcneyol m on Hit" «i I n ml v f.1 Ij .gx K'. lelatmUK w it h ul her Auiei n .. 11 Pawn , you * i' I decline raterbig oil them altogether. You aiealxoau ilm iked 1.1 agree upon A iraiisler ol ihe eonf» r •■ii'. x Ir -1 in Panama lo hiiv other place on ihe Vuiericaii Comment, that may In* t oosulei ed more el.gible lor •■ouducimg them. In now proceeding to direct y-oir attention port euiaily tolhe inxtrtlfnoils ol flu Pr.xideni, hv winch, a her having xdtlrd the preliminary pul I lo V* hit'll I have jl|xl idvcilcd, \ Ull Will govern you Helves, the li< *1 oberitlion lo tie mule is, itmt in in ceding to the iiiyitaton wideo ha* hern act’, pi- S, in- infenli u has been enlei mined to ch III ef .epies. nl jmcitie and lieu'tat policy of (In Polled Slniex. On tael cmnrary, it ii is h 1 n d'*lin»*t!y on lei stood hy j Ihe tliree Uepuhiu - . og.veihe in viiatioii.and J has tu*eii enf.»rr<*(i «m ..m pot, in all our ro 11 uiunii ..Immih io iiieoi in M • od to it. ihaf ihe 1 Slides wouJd xlnrilv onhei e In 1 iiMl polit y, and me .ii failiifuliy in p* 1 no ut all 1 n n neutral oh* J ig.Minus. \\ 1.1 si lin* raiding e ar is Inn.led n, the pie (fut par n«, i» n ax uu .ereesarv a* il , would tie unwiiie, m ihe I lilted her >11 »• a bed gei-'iM A dale <d hmgx :an u.irdly he mi tiled, in %»i.i 1 It I hev w on Id vol 1. ut aril \ 1 a h e | par* on the side »d -n-m ; mid on that of me K- pull U « || w- idd hi- eiilirely n«ea H'liC.e they have been all along . ti e, unaided, Inum plum I v .10 inniidai i t»•*•■.» cause, and 10 conquer hie niiiix.d they have not overcome Ihe olid, n u y of Spam. Bv maifiiailuiig tin* neon ai p . siiion wti” ii ill*- 1,'uin d mm:o* nave luxiimed, (liew I. 1 v .. In-iii i- 11.11 .1 .ii hold tfr. nn Ini ir,, • >< to Korop , Hiii) mo e«d d!y to do ck hov «)•-*> posit foil which i- % 11 ier«t to ag«i»t Spam in the r»* cii/po M nl tin* t'olnfihg If thev loot depili ted Iroui their neutrality, and precipitated thi'iniflvi « i * to tin « ti, III* re was tiiiirli t •«**<•() to apprehend that tin r exertion* might ha e been neutralr/ed, if ••«.! ovnfnthiuct d l#v those of other Pimen, m no would have been di:«wn, by that i ii sb ex si/ii pie, < -t i the war, to behalf of j Spain Keeping, then tore, (otisi.mlly in view ! the settled pnnfn: policy of the I’jnted States, nod the dimes t\ inch fi. > w I mm their neutialii) , the subjects will on s be particoinrired, which, it it anticipated, will engage the con udih ution j ! «d the t ongii ■»« at I’uocinia. , These subjects may ho arrang'd under two jgeneral head* 1st, Such a* relate to the In-j | (ore prosecution of the present war with Spain, j ■ by the combined or separate opera1 ion of the l American h*-. ligeieui*. And, *rl 1 t»o*e m which | | all Hie Nation* of America, whether neutral or l , belligerent, may have an infercf In respect to the fir*!, for reason* already j stated, we can take no part. Ihscuftion* til them mu*t •• confined to the patties to the w ar You will lelratn from engaging in them. You will o"t he expected or desired to d<» *» Hut whi t it h; v been perfectly understood that the Crdtei} Su»; could not, at Itie f ;ougre«H, jeop ard their r^malily, they may be urged to con * *ract an a'haogtf, <||TVn*ive nod defensive, on ffi.-C'>ni»n;• imv of Hu attempt by the Powers of Korop* 1 on11*'onK -'lilted the Holy Alliance, either to «vd "pam lo reduce the new Aun Tic m llrptib'ics to then ancient Colonial State, nr to compel it o * J'dopt poli'ind more j-.j«i»furii.:*b:' t i* policy mid view* of that alii* i itice Kpon the supposition of -uch «»» Hf | tempt being actually made, theie can he no ' i « t 'U'»tM iKchder^t end Immideo d ifjr of III** l.-nitotl to do I heir Intel (■hi» 1 Ma isi i ate solemnly declared what,in that •vent, he considered they ought to do- *1 hf people ol the Unite I States acquiesced in the decl a r«i ft on, and i tier- pr sent Ohief Vlneivirate entirely loncuitind If, indeed, the P* wars uf CtMilineiiiNt l uiope enuftt have aH*»w ed •hemse-vrt to to£*g* in the war, foi either of the pntpotes just indicated, the Un ted S ate*, in opposing them with their whole If tree, would have been hardly entiled to the me; it of acting on the impulse of a generous sympathy with infant, opp tsvrd, sod strug gling Nations The (Jnted Plates, io the • ontin g*nci«aw ,ich have been stated, would have been f,mijie!it*d to (i;ht l lo ir own proper battles, m I«*<•« *«* bet aunt the shorn «f wir happened to range on another nail of this con* liiienl, itt a dinanee front their bordns For it cannot he doubt* d that he pieiuinpttmusspir it which would have implied fcuru| e upon the other American llcpuliltcs, in aid of Spain, or no account ottlio forms of their po ’du al hMifti* llons, would not have he* n appealed, il her arms, in such an nm ighleons contest, should It »ve lirtcn «oc essf«d,vuntil they w»ere ritintlsd line, and « very vestige ol human licvdom had been obliterated wiriiiii these State * iliert wan n tyne when such • I•* igns were arrimtly upp rntnnled ;nnd n is believed that the ileelai alum ot the I .|e President to the C’oii gres* ol the tinned Stales, which Inis hern Hire »• dy teferu d to, -ad a powerful efleet in ditcun i. riling uml niiesting their prngiess. About the •nine period, Ciicai Htiiniti yiniitlrslcd a determination to pursue the tame policy, in re* g nd lotheiicw Republics, sliicli i|ii< Dinted Slab i had previously nmikedoul tor themselves Altai these i»n unlit tnniitiiiiH Power#, Great Ifi ii tin and th Dulled > nt« s, bad I•*I Oonfinen* lal Kompi* know dial they Would not see with iii-hlVertiioc any ton able interposition :n behali of Old pHm, it was evident that ho *Mtli iulci pt filion would, or, with ally pmspect, of iocce** coti d lie aflbid* d Act ndlnglv, since, I hat poind, there have lieeii no iotiuial inns nf a y -.e cm on the port ot <bo lump oil Alii on . nganst the new Ann ie an Kepnitl es. If lent All an< v Inis s. . u, wiibiyoy dm*a lufHctmii, a- may be well » -might* dj the * tiC0t"*lful pin if r *j of di'ise lit puli'ii*s, boll) in (tie win <noi in thi e* I id tliimol of tlieii f ee political sy * terns, they have eotdiued^ them rlv< i to silent nod mintailing i egi - Is 1 In- aiiMpinons coitihe ol ev. nts Ims not o'i’v occ isioned ilie abandonment ol any liosiih* in teulloiis w hich were ciifci tamed, it such t* u evo i mi eriaiite I by the t eopaaii alliance, but llieie is strong iim oi in hope that it bus led to the cu n' inn ot p.t« die ii uni I leudly, views to waul* mu mmIi'i it p iIdn #. Upon'he entry ot tie Pinsideiit of I lie ( ii led Hlat .oil ttie duties ol Ins present nlhce, In# attention was anxious ly directed hi, ii ml ha- bem since uni emitting ly e.npt'V ed oil (lie nlip i t of i sinh ,isbmg pence between Spam and diuse H pn lies. In Con aid1 i mg tlie - for its a«*f tnnplislimeut, no very sangui li'pe vva* indulged from an up proarli to S a n diiect'y, and it w is thonplil best lt> t-inic tvoi lo up • • t• • on hei tliioilgli llml iilloiio e tni \v||o*e CoinMt iimice and hiippm I she ill i • is tv idled for the lemvrrv of the colonies RiiHsmi wav known ty In lie soul nl that dliaore, mid to ' Inr l.oipemi, of whose w isdoiit and friendship the Dm'td Stall ■* had m many proofs tin ippeal w •« at once made. A • npy id the note ft o n till- Pep a i toient !•» I lie A liter . can Miui.-dei a» ' L Pel* isbn g, mi that *ulij. i*|, accompanies tinrto insiru trnm. Kopies of d were trim*-1»it*••«!, i nnt.nip***inieonslv, In tfie Courts of I,oioloii and Pat is, w host co operation m l In* wtit k id pin f was nl o invited Our Mons'ei a' w as liiHtrilcfeii to lose no fit oi*an*n th',ie for creating or streogtfu mug a disposition .low.nd* peace 1 he hope was cherished that, by ii general nod concerted movement of do* Do ted S'Uies, and ilia great P.'wets ol Knropc at lie* Mtnie tmm tin Kotin oc# ol Spain might i*e pi * vailed tipoe to m; ede to a peace, winch bad become more nee ssniy, if possible, to herthan to the new It*'public An answer lias been lately tecrived here from Sf. Petfh slim g, through All Middleton, r» copy of which, log* tie r with cop'es ol hit accompany - iug tidies, is placed in your hand*, l’totii n peiitsnl of itnSft documents, the contents •*! which l»a' e lo cu ton fit mi <1 by tin* Russian .Mm i-1*• i, in oil]* al in'• i vn ws winch I have hud with Ihi i you will pert i-ive that tin* appeal to Uu« hi at not been without effect ; mid that the oite Kmpor r, ensible of the net*'ssity of peace, prim to his death, probably employed ins good ofiie. s t<» bung it ahoiil. Mis surer* sor has lot mall y itannnnccd Ins in «*itt«■ u to * read in tin* path of he i'l <*(110114 prcdecivmo, and it 14, t el elot e, mo-l likely that h« w ill also dn* cl the influence "I that Government o ii,< conclusion ol a in ccc sa tsfaclory to bulb par t<e.. It 1* pOMihle that these ('florin ttr*y not |>c * Me. to tl, ami i hat I'm* prole ami nlistliiacy *»f >pam iim v he *nn.oin| h i aide. J’.ier • is, how ever, modi reason *» hope, (hat * e may either 1 oils* in hi n peac . upon he basis at the mile pemuwi'-e of t Colonies, or if she feel* that in > Ii• m 11 atmg. IhnI she w dl agree fo a suspeii* < n ot to** 1 ill*"*, a* was formerly done in the * .*»■• nl Hie l.ow l iMi.tti u**, winch would, ill the e nf, uioviihI*.t lead o a formal neknuvf ledge iiiHiii o' I in* ii' lniii »• i■ 11• |• n i net! of the ii> w It public • VVhi»tevi*i hi .y t»* trie f Hurt course ni I'Hiii, the f.ivuiabl- r«*i «*|i ion which the Kutperor of Russia tins given to the nvi itme of the Uni »;il S'.re*, t i k.iv no long of he known inclination ni Frame .mil uthei p w.-is of the J >ir opti ni ('out i ne ir to folio w i lie cxhiii ph» of the I mieil Si.i r% ami (»n*al linluiii, fully aufhons e.v the uoiicliisioii ill >t tin* Holy Alliance will not engage hi tut* v. m. on the side ol >, not will persiviie i i their acuaj muiiNiity 1 lie danger, tm lehoe, from that ipiarle i, bav in ' di.ippi'HH d, there cun fie no ue< eisiiy tit mu tune, for an alP i'Siye Hint def move u. j. Mine between the Aiueli mu Power* wbnb could mi y liod a just i fie at i m, at miiv pen oil m the *'»i*feoi i- or < oiiliiiuaii m of aim b a I'nuvti Surnan alliance, uinier present c»rCiliniUinre-1 would he worse t an osele»» ; since it might ten*1 l«» excite feelings in fin* Fmpeior of fiu m Hod Ins hUii i \\ lin l. should not he lieerflem|y touched or pi <>v okeil i he Repaid iC of Columbia hag ivceutlv ii que-ti I the It ifnidly iiilerpnmhotJ of this Moveriimmt to prevail upon Spam to an armistice, upon the com! (pm* mentioned m ,Mr. Salazar’s mite,of which a copy, together with a oopy of mine in reply, at ceding to the request, is now (unus ed, And iusti union* have U« < n accordingly given I u tin* Minister* of the I)i)ii« «l Stale'; at Madrid and St. Petersburg. Other reasons concur to dissuade the.* Uni ted States from eiifeiiug n o *nch an Milliner From the fust evtabhiliiut nt of thiir present Constitution, tlwii illustrious >trttesriMn have inculcated the avoidance of foreign iillinno* as a leading iiiaxiin of their fun*ign policy. It is tine, tliat, in its* adoption, their attention was directed to Kurope, whn h, having a *%-*■ tern of emulation* Hint of interests remote and different from ours, it was thought nmal advi sable that we should not mix ourselves up with them And it is also true, that lung -nice the origin of the msunt, the new American Pow ers Imvo amen : to which, it ai ad, if is less applicable- Without, then-fore, assetli. g that ■ an exigency may not occur in which an alli ance o| the most intimate kind, between the , Utli'ed Staid and the other A me trail Ktpub | lies, would lie highly proper and expedient, it may betaielv said that the occasion which would warrant n depm tutc from that esbibiisli ' C l loiftim Qrtqjh! to hu one f great urgency, anil that none «urh i* believed now to e*iff Among Ihr objection* to eucjt alliance* ; thogr which ai all firm * have great weight are, Cist tl»e dilJlctilljr ofajuit and ritual mrangorn nt of the contribution* of foire and if other mean* in■'wren tli« respective portion, In he attain mrnt of the common object ; and, tecoudly, that of providing »m forehand, and dot r mining with perfect precision, when tin ratuM fcctUrti ante*, amt thereby gnnnling uga^pn alt ron. trovrivies abnut it. 11 err ia lest necessity fa any tuch »* 11 »»•»*«■»• at tbit conjuncture, on tbo* part nl the Unit d Stale*, hri'.mjat* no compact l*y whuteYer aoh imiitiea it might l e attended/ oi HliAicvcr mime or chain* t**r n might aft •hunt, could he gtute obligatory upon them than tlm irresistible motive of te'f preservation which would be inthiiitly colli d mio operation, Mini aiitmi ife them to die utninM ni • lion, in •he Nitppop'ed coming ne% of an European nt IMch upon the liheitie* of tui*ri<.i. I to* coini'nafhmg to which I have now t»d verted, together with such other* nw may prff* M'lil Hw*u\v« !*» s »o you, " ill, »• t« htvped, ftie N«‘|n i'll nf ai i v»*s of the other A me into Stale* nn alliance, offV*M*. nnd defensive between them nnd tlie United Slate*. for tho nbj. cl whit It lot* been sftlid, i< tinnermnwi v if not tni'chievniti. Should you, however, be ott'ihle to bring that conviction home to tticrr, mid should you have reason to believe that the positive i eject inn of such no alliance won Id be regattletl in an unliieiidly light, nnd have r perniciotti effect on your nfher negoti tiion* you will uiv it I* them to reduce their propw*olr. ol the lei ms ot Mich an all.nttce a* they inttv conceive piopii, to n wriltnt pretUe lot in. and shift? Mint yon w ill tilt#* them mi rtfrtthih\*i i but tfSIlafford to the Govrtorrteu* here 'he opportunity of rccuiisidi'i alum, with tin* ftdfitn, h'lfe ol nil ilie information (toil situy be evolved in tne Intel vetting period i lie alliance, if r ver adffii<»ible, having In cn n q«i#r-1lots of time, the d. lay incid' iit to the reference home, hy lurthei ileinonttritfing IN etpediettev, will bet | l«r prepare the Congress at Pmiattrn for the final rej elmn, which, it if most probable, thif tlov ermneitf "ill give to the pud «»*t II In (mating ol those iily. ci in which all I the nation* ol Am rica wliettirr now at war of iff pence.may he«tt| p»*ed fo havt|a « oitirtiou intet e i.v on w ill, on ail SUMH le occa*ioiis, inculcate the i ropiiefy ol lermir.uMitQ the existing tv«r a noon at rnnv he, and of rliciidnilg the mr.iffif lies adapted In Ih • preaervfilin of pen. i a mioitg thcuisi Ives, and with the rest ol th* wot III. Ilo Cilltiv Ittlotl of pence in fill! tiuf | lotmeaf of all imtioiik, but it ij especially tin. j ol lolaiti States llepo-e »* not more ueroxstif I •*> t‘» the gimvth and expansion ol iod vndnnl* in then ynttllt, than M u to that of tming na i ton* w hicli lutve in ihe mid*t o] war, cot * in or * d t'»e care r M iiid' petideiiec? nnd self* govei noietP . I'r tcc i? now the gieategt vent ol Xon'iica I)"«iiahle, howev#*i. n« it iimiie*. 11. i aa lily i*. lh re i« rielhiog in the pieseni or to the uturr. nf which wr run catch n glimpse, slioiild linin' e the \nii‘it«iiu fh'| obtirg, In -ode, ir, obtain it, to mi* i ifn»- a pnetii la nf their unlepeitdeof Sovereignly they ought, there lote, lot eyed all pi opo*. ilioiis tonified upon the pimciple of a conn a«ion ol ptopelual mni •o'*tend privileges to any foieigu Power Ilo* grant of such piivih'ges it incompatible with lh. ii actual and ahto'ule iiotepeodence. If would partake of the spirit, and Ining back, i;» h«ct, it not in lotni. In* st.iit of ancient column1 < oniomon N r would Mien honor nnd me tiunalpinte allow them to entertain, or tlelihc rat", on pinpusti tonv founded upon the notiof ol purchasing, with a p*< uniat y consideration, , Hu* Spanish acknowledgment <>1 iheu indepen ! deni e, N1 xl to the morn pressing object nf putting ( an end to Wai between the lietv Kepiihlicg ntpl Spam, "hotihl lie that ol dcviting iiipiiiim to pm serve peace in fillin' , among the American tin lions Iheiiur Ives, and With the rest of ft, woild No tune could be more auspicious than the piesei l, lor a since sful inquiry, by Mot Xiio iicao N ilmni, into lire causes w hich haw »n oft 'ii dig inhed the iepi»*e of the wotld and lot ait « ai lo st cod itv or, by wise piecan | tine, in the estiibliglnneiil ol Ju t and riilfght* tn"l pi mciples, for the govei i ment of their ri'itiliirl, in pe i e nnd lit wat, to guard, Mg far a * poglihle, again-d all imgintdertiMiid tig*.*— J’ltey have no old prcjiidkek to combat; no , long • sitihlighed pine Ices to change ; u<> er. ta gbd r-onm xiou* or Mieniiffg to break , tin.nigh, ( oinmitled t•• nu |nirfirnlai systems of commerce, not to a»y wlfislt hellig. rent code ol law. they me tiee to consult the e»p»\ • i« nre of inunkiiid, nnd to e^tahligli, Wilhniil. bin prim iples lot ’ licntieIves, adapted to fhei> contiiiii n and likely in piomotc tin ir pear «• kci ki ily, and happeeM. Ihniote Kn top , n i not prolmnle th<«i they will often b« involved m |he walk will which that quaitcr «.| the globe may be degtined hereafter, to to all* cl'd In tbo e wars, the policy of hH A ue iicn will t>e the same, that of 'Cko mid oeutra ity, who h the United S atea have, here toime, ( oiifttttfilly Inhoied to pie etvr. It the pi nit'pleg which •hat prolmble llate ol n- nf r h I if y' g as he i fot the iitf.regiit ot the hemisphere, be, at the game lime, jiut iti tlimtiselves, and calculated to prevent w m s, o' tomiligafe the rigi-i oft hose great acoiiigcv, they wtd piesent tkemst.lves to the general Uf ccplsiice with mi union of niesislihle recoin in* mlations Hut h uh qo.d tpk me heliev ediol.epos4Cig.dh th nmr Mine pi nr ipU k for winch the Uni ed Slnttg tiave ever couieiided nod • pecinlty throog|?"in the w hole period r nie in* J.utopcMii vtHu, In. ricsidenl withe \nu i' hrj *g ferwai(I (host* principles on nnor «« *'’*» » "ttpiclous ms that i anticipated to !»**» ol Ilia l. I'IJI ess Of I’aiiHin.i L'nCouf luHgC p. w«r( on *» ' ?er element if js exerted, r« prone to gu ar a'uir. Jiuf, if j* still more jin* bit* to abuse on sea, than on the land, pel Imps, bernu e it is there exercised beyond ih . pietenie of nnpf rfiaf spectators, and, ihcj« | fore, w- if ft out moral resit tint resulting ( from ihe sal-da*> influence of public opinior , j which, rt Applied at nil, Inn always to be mb' sequent I y, and consequently lets . ffimein isly J app ied I n- inor/d cognisance, when if comes I to be tali eii, finds, too, a mote doubt Ail or con> tested sinte ol liict, than if the theatre had hrcn, ub* »e tlieie were more numerous and less pre. jndired witnesses. Al all tme* liiere has eV ufedpnoie inequality in il.e ui>fribn(i«<n among, nations, of nmtilinic, than of leftilorial power. In almost every age, some one I a* had Ihe com* ! ple.te muderf on the oCean, and lhi« superior** | iv has been occasionally so great ns in morn than coim'ei balance the combined maritime | Joice ol all other nations, if such a coinhiii* nation were piHCficfibh* Bui wlii'ii a siugiu i naiioii finds itself possessed ol n power any I n here, w hidi no one, nor all other nations, car successfully chock or countervail, tha rouse* queiict* ;«««? too sadly unfolde d in the pages of nistory. Such a nation grow* p:*>uu-ptuous, impatienl ol cuiiirAilii (ion or opposition, and find.* the solution of national problems easier', and more crateiul to its pride, by the sword, limn by the slow and less brilliant process of pafi« ut investigation. |l the stipe imiiy la* on toe ocean, ihe excesses in the a lanes ot that power become intolerable. Although, it. lb* arrangement of things, security against oppies* •don should be the greatest whete it »s ino|t likely t<» beoficn practised, it is, nevertheless, remwrkubu*, that the progress ol enhghtiucd ci% fixation has been much mot e advanced on tin; land than on the ocean. And, according ly, pm?tia! rigid*, an I especially tkot* •* p*5