Newspaper Page Text
TI E lv\ <i i it nu; vik(;i\ia\. JU — 11 — . T . . _ BY FLETCHER \ TOILER. LYHfCHBtHG, VA. TIII HM)U. APRIL 2, tm VOL. VII.t-AO. U(i. terms. p„ -I „„ an:'*d*naro.-V. ■»!' jy I\ir VP* ,„j f„. ali*-lim« ill u «.* mouth, r riptjoa w.l, « • mod (but si tue .Us.treti.rn * t.r^rr-'n.ilsli.rrrs: af or .. - I ..d of lh* .. w,m ti..cried at SO cents |«r A‘?l*ri«*,?he first time. '.ml -‘7 I - "• nt. for-ach M1*" t0 from a diataum mu.-i In. paid i'.r or the payment by ^r.^^ Porw...n l.yncl.bui * Chancery Otd«f.a..«e vecJi.K tw....,u.r«aro tti . ,,-tl for MX •iollHf'* ‘ tr Ml letter, addt arsed lo 'be Editor, must be post 'p\nirt & LOMIHIJS PU1T.KB 3>AiT S'* «0DJ>3> B 1S T' o. fttiiig. " r i/’r'i nsaurline.i of if fcan-j Hiticles, amongst 'Isons are Ini «>» >u6 • ... (lend Ititiinlei Silk ‘>0 Head rule's .3iiu do ; ;„ Clia'n*,g-rca/ t n fifty u Mii'c al Work Bum, (superb) j )) >. Sourt Boars do | \iabaattu Ornaments . Hu. I ok slands dotibbi barrel j),,. single do |,t*rc»»*+ion L<xli' 11wilii Hj»% tuiel* i tl.igttr \\«iit*r, i^rcul^ vmi'ty I An* i«i*'('° i i:nnt variety Odors do do Sci»»'>rs<sopi'rior)^iTid variety t pen knives. (Ivogei •■) rea, ■ raritl‘1 Pmket do do do do 1 I,ess Men Ho. Boards (trait or Checker Hoards bestir Boses .great ra ndy J.,h Stand do do (ados or kcito Dominos Jlumrr’s Cottles, run uui sizes Leather do do do Ki ictile < lasps Parse do S> ilad Spooii' ot. l’ork“ Mustard Spoons Spirit ca Acid Proven Snuff Bose*, irreal rari dy Lnuu nit: a <j*or • •(I J?iZ»*N Ros«, Luvnidcr < >■ rang*? HiiwiM waieis > (ry sui> VtgelMb'cfl"«i«r» V in*-if»*f • >1 Kutige tn'ecian l.iijutii iinnga Pomatum*. great * at le ts, in puis and roll* Uazort.olrl ILngliili Dr) Pudars 00 ti blades to 1 hail die Jeweller’s Brushes Nail do iYar! Counters for whist, tiiiiom kinds Knglidi Dice, beautitul Iv ■!y, lor Miniature* Cl IKON ipiabl v, fliHHP Cim at Milfoi'isiir pails ittto or H i lt»*f, gf'ttt' in t. Oil Cymeni Oil Kiiudi t\ at' li Klb'-mit* Belt do ji'ercit-sion Cans I’iani and Cut C»la.-s Smelliog V i.ds, great 1 V.11 lei S' '.'.•eklut’s l.iiilie-' Us i .slim >,sery a nod I'll lies I 'smog < .lues -'ss'ui (I Canes Hiding Whips, variety Pitney Sill!♦** Ii .tucy (iliiss Pictures, small Cologne f*»r LitdiesTui ItMicH. tmniinlui I'oImi t o Imix»*h powder Puff’s, several kinds I .intty Soaps, great vj rici y UftiiUtmrn’* dressing ! Boxes, tirautiful I Vigtit 1 a pel# | Pin-( u itions Tlni mounters, grea l \.nifty I OilU«, 4-c. &o. Ac. 6ic I ToiiCMiier with a '•reat variety ol utlicr arnclc^ iiul herein nieoiionmj. My «lor,k ol Vleilitim*, »»ow on it it in Y, is I In* largest in the State, a^ ilim variety hel rr than any house n* tlie I’liion. \lI the hi licles on olleieii at the very lowest prices I.OIVKL# DAY I VS* March 16._ Dru^-* and Aiedieinus. jPfTJhe subscriber has lately received rtSM ALL JL additional supply of FKESH DHU'^ A MKDICIN F.S, which makes his ASSOlH MF.NT very complete. lie receives SM \LI. supplies almost every week, hv which mean*, his stock, though not the I. AfUi Id/ al way FKKSH ami sufficient to meet any orders fhat he may h« favored with. THOMAS J nCVAL. N. B. Prescriptions faithful1’, attended to by Virginia Bred YOUNG GF.NTfX M KN. Jan. FOR SALE-, A VEKY handsome little I arm, upon the ^J^hend waters ot Appoumltox, in Bucking ham. This land i* in the neighborhood ot Clo ver Hill, bet remarkably Well, procures t baccootthe finest <pml ty. an l lu-* p hi it .1 very large orchard ut Wfcll Svlncl-*., ,1 « 1 if. tract contains MO acres—Persons .ii-k.n .<•■! to buy, will apply t*» the suhsenn^r or Col. S ;ttij A. P.ltteSOn, M ho fives the prctiiises SAML. P. CHKfS H AN. March 2. f* WrK hflVtt fhi* <J..y received a r.H-'n of highly finished Leghorns, m• *• • ii luwo charged than anv imported »lns **••#» son. McKKf-:, no inn -onu co. an 5, WISH to s» II my house and lot, situated near the bead of Mato Street, 100 fi*ef »• ;{j)ve seventh alley, and running thence south ‘3 degrees,wedst 8 poles, thence not th 38 deg. west TO feet, thence north 32 degrees, east 8 Dole* to second street, thence south 38 degrees, cast TO feet to the beginning. 1 be said piece of ground being part oftbe lot* known in the Ulan of the town bv No- 85 and 225. Oil this lot theie is a convenient dwelling house, and a roost excellent garden. There is likewise on die lot h good tobacco manufactory, with the screws and all fixtures necessary to carry on the busine s extensive’v. There are few lot* in l,*wu more convenient or desirable than this, if is situated on main street, in a pleasant part of *ruv,,» ami in one of the best neighborhoods. "•a situation is health* , water convenient, and >a every respect a desirable residence for a pri v;He family or n mno &1 business. ! will make b ring accommodating, and will take neg» jcs in part payment. For particular*!, application may lx* made to the subscriber living on the premise*, or to the Kditors of the Virginian. 6AML. LOVK. Feb. 12 New ! I'xir.irl A la Mounelinc, Hungary Water, Articles of IVrlumery, Ji: :t received *>v Ti-JOS. J. Lil!V*L. OCt 13. POKTli V. A 1 HOUGH I or I III liOSK How much of memory tlwillj amidst Ihy | hhinin. Rose ' every wearing beauty f„r thy dnw. er * The Bridal day—die festival .(hr r.mdi - Tlmu I nisi Ihy par l in each, -ibnu dulelie-l flower ' ’Therefore w ith thy soft bmafli come Hunting hy A thmisrild images of |,ove and Grief, Dri llin', fill'd willi token. nl niaitnliiy, Deep thoughts «f all thing., U-uldul an I hriof. Not such tliy spells o cr those that hail’d thee 1 first In the clear light of ivlen's golden dav There thy rich 'eaves to crimson gloi v hoist, Link'd with no dim renn inhrance id ch-' cHy. Ron* ! r..r the hnnquet gathered, and the hier; Rose 1 eciUuiteil nnw tw Innuati hope or pain ; Suiely where death is not—nor change, nor fear, Vet may "e meet thee, joy’s own flmvei.a p .a in ! CTCI MBKK Curumi.s mtivu— Vtn mg tin vurieties of this sp»Tips ot plant*-, live Karly G*cei» (bister, Karly frame, f .ling Green I in kri , Long White Turkey lj mg Pi ickl>, White Spined, Short prickly, Small girkiu, nr Went India. Soil—In »ur etiolate, cucumbers will grow in any soil, though not win, the same degree of vi gor, provided they he supplied with a *tifQ hue cy <»l heat, light, wale- Mini air. It is an object with many maiket gardei.i m and others, to produce cucumbers at an early pei e»d, and I'm I this purpose artificial heat is necessary. for | early forcing, Abercombie recommends .1 monld j or compost, of the follow in;* materials: one' [ third ot rich top spit earth; from an upland i | pasture, one half ofvege able mould, and out 1 ; .sixth of well d composed Imrsc dung, with - ! small C|vi;i 111 it y of gaud. .Vor/v—A bei i rombie recommends “ the .chop i prickly for very early fruit, and the ongp.,cl 1 i ly kinds for the chief early and main suimitr , , crop* ” McVnnit prefers “ flu- •» .« o cu am tier with black pnekb s, as hist t r tnrm^j \\ hen lii tor table, it runs h om n t » aim im a es long, and, when rit4?, runs . about cighteet • I twenty inches long.'’ Chtiice of sti’ds. — " It i? nlv. -M- A.bef i comhie olis.-rves, *• to have see.! poni two, » least, to four years old. a prrfeiemto uewe j -eed, winch i apt to run luaunaidly in vim and the plants from i» do not f,iio.\ t, ,,r so so., n* r *0 shun l.mtl v 11 ■* n.o«. f. « in seed •' ,-1 g,. 1 | tcr age But when seed I os U»*en In pt mm j than four years, it is sometime l.mud o be to* niucu weaken'd. ' Mr. At ui'ftrnog says, “ 1’ debate has long existed, n<i me preference 1 be given to old or ncit seeds, and which, bk - 1 niauv others, appears to fie mteniiiiiable. I h i ’ Aiiht! Ib»2!er Mini his loflmvers flunk 'hat th J i most vigor- u« plants ot all *u< i n * and kind! i.* best, nid, aeemdin,- v, pref.u n- nj j .-reds, ! ecan -e more likely In n' .i that] j old on s w hife, on the ohtei .d, |l • 11 npp.J n -iitsiii mitani, that plants may I. . loo min It . igor, a* well a- to little; and’th.r, lo-n. vel * an exrc-s o| vigor exists, according *0 a.I vegt J • aide analogy, 11 shows it-.(-j| (>.,• produ. tim) id tern* and leaves, not in that of ll ».\ ers and 1 It nit*—whence they (.include, tln.l .- d iniiim j her *#*< (Is, (like those <>l all the rest ol i) ■ > w tin \tjitftcra family,) or* betcr 'ban 1 \, ..e. hum! [ levs vigorous 1 he be t practical use to hr made i of t a is controversy , is to bow old ed* in the j spring, when vegetation is ne t powerful; 1 and new one* m July, when 11 !» t;i,.s to a« bate.” Air. i. ft s ivJ> \ on tv i<!i tit h.tvp cin cumbers a mondi enrliet tinui He natural ground u ill In iug them, ,| , tins — M.ike a liule and put into it Inn dung ; let u - hole he under a warm fence. l*ul sis niche, deepot fi e i ich eilltli on the dung Suw H pm cl ol -t eds in this fnm • arlti : and cover at ugh wiii ■ bit of carpet, or sail i loth, having lii.i list d son;, hoops over this linle bed. Befoie the plants snow toe rough leaf, plant two to a li He ll .wed poi, and 1* I a. many pots in this w.:. a. you' pleas' li ve n lai *er bed ii a iy to put I no |i.i[s'( linn, and Covered with earth, so lino the put-' may be plunged into the earth up i . tl eir • .n ' Cover Ibis bed like the last. Wien die plants* have got two ruueli l-aves out, they wi'l . i to make a sluiot m the middle. Pin h that .. off. them stand i i this lied till your > m mis hei ■ sawn m the natural ground came up ; i‘ ui make some Ii ties in good, rich land, no I tali mg a put at a time, turn out the ball, i. d fix P in flu: hole. 1 hese plants will bear a o sooner than those sown in (he nmural e' an I . and a upiare yar.l > Olliain thiiiy- six put , m . wi I ol i .orse,furnish plants for thirty si* hi'! ol cucumbers, which, if well man ged, will keep on bearing liil Sept. I'miuiug —To force the cucumbers nio ear ly hint, Abercrombie direr). to •• «tnp tl run ners as s-ionas the plants have made it, ■ mugli leaves . is the hud that produces the runnel i« disclosed at the base ol the seioml n.i ;u h il it may lie cot ntf or picked oul ; or j> me r in ner lias alread y slarled, it may to- piuehed oft' close, 'fins is called stopping at ilie lint juhu and is necessary In promote a •trongi r, sin. ky giowth, hnil an emission uffiuitful hitetal.; .mil hom lliescthe prolific runners will tie succe sive y produced, i he vines, without the pro cess of slopping, would generally he In.ill wea ker, and so deficient in fertile runners that they would sometimes extend two or three I «*• I t\ i * 11 ' out showing fruit Win II plants, w h cli have been nitre stopped, have i iiendrd the first run tiers to three joints without showing fruit, they are to be again stopped for the purpose of Strengthening the plant, and d'-posing it for | li-aring As fertile runners extend, train them nut regularly along the ur'uce, fastening them ; down neatly with pegs." Upright training —Cucumber p'ams being climber, by means of their tendrils, some bran jchy stick* being placed to any advanriug run. tiers, they will ascend and produce ^ait at din Her from the ground, of a clean growth, 11i' f 11ntii spots ninl w ell flavored, " M*. J VV | ol I'oilailHplua informed Dr. Mease, that lie | cl" '' '.i d the ground near the tmnk of a Peach tr* e. unit sowed some cucumber seed which cam** up veiy abundantly lie pulled up all the plants toil one, and permute,I the i me in run i.p the live llbui " one hundred nod fifty cueuin bris, 1 tit* numerous creepers with winch the j encumber abounds, and the result ol lliiseipe rinicnt, would , eu, to point nut the climbing nature of the plant and the great advantage arising tom pi mulling H to at arh itself to a I > mi e oi * rep, instead of confining it to the ... . f/foirt. Eiicyc. f'ruirif ,il mi at mr r troy—" The ground being due ami •no,oil, , Ini- il into squares of ,i left *(ie c, one of each. dig a hob ahull fourteen Ho lies deep til! ihi w itb well rotted dung and s wi,ii ii live nr sis i 'icuinbe; seeds : rover these with mould an I, when they me md taken '""El* ^ar. sell ,1 iw , to each lull, and draw out the t'cmaim(,)i 'line sowing cannot be safely mad, in our climate till the UUb ,,t Mac. Km the fall ami nicklmg crops, you niusl sow* the first „r term,,l w eek io July ' | Armitruutf I b o,e cu, umbers, which are sowed as l„te ns Itilv, '.nil util require lopping ue cutting oil' the riiiuici s n< lief,in* directed, for at tins s, as no vcgctaiiun will be h »- v'g tons, and there will l e les, ,1 nger ol tile plant running too much tn % ine. ttn.-iiiK I’nnlifrom f.t'l n 7 —Instead of rai sing i-ncoinhii plants loin seed, they may fie r.,i„ d from catlings, and thus kepi on from year In yeut in the following manner : l ake n shout that is just ready tor -toppii ,. cut i' oil' just below the joint, behind tin* heturi who h th, '1,0111 should linve be, n mopped; then * 111 *ni"olli the Inwei end of tin* shunt nr cutting and Mick il into fine leaf or oilier rich mould a* hunt an i u'h deep, and give ir plenty of heal, <U -dad, il ,i.i lie rays of he sun till il be fair Iv Struck, liv dh‘s method, as well at by that ■ il lav in lumuibers may In- propagated CTK I'MIil.Hs lNt'HE\SKI> HY I.WI'.HS. As soon <i' several flower Intils apic al on a plant, hen I i hetfectuid or third j nut of a branch ■a low the h'os-otn fa-ten It firmly into tin ground, an I rut oil the capillary point of the plai.t . it sine 1 ilv itk' S root, mill must he sep. ar. lied fro i, toe pure at stork ns each roof has only In s I pplv a lew fi nits w ill am 11 i shin cot, |i save- I II 111 laliour lind ' iuie and I'l.n d- a e m -lai. supply for eight, lively,, and in nc ,mollis which i- m,‘ o liable t<, Hcgemniie as it limy wete rai ell I,am a variety of seeds. ’ [ Hhruiiuj i II i a ,,i I, to aw i; si,i d. II deleft nine best summer fruit fimn good, pro,luefive plants, which perinil Io , ouliaue in full ginuili nil they herimie yellow I ||„n pm fbetn from Hie vine, and place them upright on end, in tl,, nil sun, far two nr three week' win n I he v si.iv lie cut open noil the see,I iva-lted not f,om the pulp ; spread il to dry and harden ; tl, n pul il up in papers or hags fm f„ 1 itro sowing It will remiiin good Ibr mans vears ; an, ceil nf three nr four yern s keeping is piefeiuMc loi early ftame erii'i8.M | . li,rrromhu . 1NSMTS. ' 1 he flv. which is ollen itrsfru tiio to rn* nimlier*. me|»n mid pumpkin, may he killed hv ‘ piii.kling a mixture of lolmcen water and »* d p? finer over the vine. ” Dorn Pan/' : *'f»i ioUh* die plants with h Mrcng infusion of e* •h r leave* : that of hops .inti of \\ dnitt I n c . t% \ |i!(e\vi*e .emmuiended ; or, Suspend a diamond 1 ml tin d *jie e of r l-ifc imirr, shingle, r»r otln i piece of >\ i oil by fi thread, tied to i.ieend id a -hck in th** ground at a small (list nee from tin loll * i I lift t the paper -lia'I lung direi t'v nvei •he foil Mol near the plants 1 lie mr t*y run stand v vibrating • lie pap* r nr shingle. will have a t. ndtoov to prevnt iu*ectH from alighting on the plan’s. The “iirenf wa v, however, is to en close th i ll's with fuiin s coveted with gauze, <>r other < om of h light feature. K<»(» IT. ANT. Solan u iii Mt I on ire an—‘ I Imre are two vnm fie* o' this plant, the w liite fruited and tin* pur pie. culfv.ded f ir culinary purpose* tin nfiiu ' kind , • ref'-rahh . Hod. when she- d and n • \ hied, approaches, * olh in (lav r, neater to ' it ■ •o a very nice fried oyster, than, peihttps, auv other plant *■ I hi* delicious vegetable may he . ad hv «i 'ip the seed on n slight tint bed. tin hegi.ii to • of April, or in Man h ; and toward* 1 in a rich, warm piece of ground, at lh** dis [ance of two feet and «i half asunder, every ivav for tin* purple, oi two feet lor the white kind : and d kept clean, and a little earth h»* j drawn up to then stems, when about a toot high they w ill produce plenty of fruit Ur. the seed innv he sown about the end of Aprd. on a warm border, and planted out finally, ||, beginumi? d tune : hut the e will tn tnthei late, and will! i it iModuce fruit *o abundantly in the Miild e | ■)i‘ Kasteru Slate*, a* by the former method." | \ Mr Mahon, ] 1-1 ■ M M EKFOEICii! K have ju*t received, in addition n> our larjje dock, n unrulier of scarce hii I deni able arhc' selected Iron) the Northern mar* lets of the I ilest i input litmus and made np mi fir most fashionable *tylc. *ich ns I'm k and fi‘**'f Coal a splendid van* tv ol \ nil* ev* i i hade and dc'criptiou of Paiilnlnons Over oafs. Stirtoorf® Plaid and ( ainhlet Cloaks and oat'. l,idi«>. (. loak* oirif very elegant) » lire 1**1 «o fpiots, Shoe« and fine Hals, which ' i'l be Mild on terms win cl» can not fail to please 'I who inny honor us with a call YV A I.K K ft b CO. '.mporiuin of I 'ash ions A che , clothing Store, i f un Street, Lynrtd>m*». a-li 9 'I rule* field In theClork'N office «.f th* Ifu*tug i <• n >1 J.ynchb uj. on itfunduy the if*1 day of M ircli I ' • ' ■* iinuii Wmi.’ I'/e, pin i'4 iilist Jidin W m.I i •. K< ub.’it I'tirry, John .Scttoolliekl .him N.ith.m H '!T.'.•.«*!», merrlimit» ai l | .irtrif-r* under the firm of Srluailfi. <1 nod Thune.i" Tin* liefiMuJant, John VVnolride, not haviny entered In* ■' 11r < \ in My mid rlie ruieeofifu* court, mtl it itppeuruifr by «n l idory nudem e that hn w not un i dialntuiil of thi lUittry <ii motion of the 1*1 iintiiF by council I* ordered tbut the nid defendant do up. • r here ut June Court next mid answer the bill the pi .mt ill ; and that a ropy of thi.- order bo forth ,t i no ried ni 'Kin iu>w-.<ipnj>er printed n» tiie town . I yu .diM jr, f<r t». » months hu<v< iv Iv, and {Mint'd ut e front door of’be courtliou*f*i!» the Raid town Atfopy -Te,.e, J UKNAfill. 1'k. .Marched w‘im01. \»OTICK. —All persons having claims a *4 gainst SpotiWood (Jutland, existing pre ims to the first day of January, lB2t>, are quested to make them known on or before ie 1st day of June next, to the subscribers, tio are hi* iruMec#, ns tve shall, in a very k»rf tune afierthat dav, settle our trust sc* hints and make distribution of what funds iy then be in hand, among his several credi according to the provisions of the deed ; nistituting us his trustee,, and this notice \|! be plead in bar of eny claim* which shall i| he before that time made known. ROB CUT RIVKS, sen. ALEXANDER BROWN S PENN lemh 5 »4» PANAMA DOCUMENTS. INSTRl'Cl lO.NS-Ufc.NK UAL. (comlch* i>.) 2. To the other landing principle wlti- Ii hs» h* i»n tinted, that of allowing the importation ntn, nr the emportithou (rout the ports of any American nation, in the vestals ol ovary oth er, of at! produce and mnmifnchires, ilia intro* duel ion or exportation ol vhioli i. adin tied, tiy law, both the native and the foreign vessel, an the c »rg •» paying the same dutie- amt •••ha gc*s, Mud no other ! o Pre-ident attaches the greatest imp 'it im * Vo 1 will piexit, in yi»ur conference*, will an rum* .liiPnf ant •« al proportioned t . its high value, and to fti libembtyin which it ii conceived. It; recip rocity t* parted .out, wh o it cnui v to he adopted hy all nation •, we c.ifi -iu!<elv gee any thing beyond it, m the way »d improve nn in, to the treed nt and interests of ilmir mutual navigation I he devices ot maritime nati mi have hi* n vartout to ntytimt nt t tin if • n oim , i»i i he e up* n«». of other pow »*rs. When there has hern a pa mv** im qub scene* in the operation of those device*, without any riisml to countervailing i- libit ion, I lime, tin- tome11no been v • i v great But fiatuins are now too en'ightnied to submit quietly to the selfish » ff ,i of anv one powei to enfingg by its own < parafe legislation, a disprupm t ion af«* share ot navi;, at ion in tiled mutual intei course. I ho-c tl it* hi* now met by oppo-ite eflin Is ; restriction b geisn inenuii. until tin discovery i nt last in ide, af.ei a long If rtiu n! vexati »u« amt ii ritiitm acts and inauu ivies on both side*. I tail tin cuurve of selfish legusln* tion, ultimately, du*> uni ilTrCt the dttlr but on of nt •iitiino powei. whil 11 it i attended with (lie certain evil of putting nations into an ill Imiiioi with each oilier. Ixpcifoce at lagt y tear In • that, in • vet v \ iew, it i* belter to begin and to continue in ihe emeu of lib*o lily, tliun m thm of a narrow and restricted puli- v, since the most can tie said against the forme? is, 111 a i if mil, « • iiducts to the > .nne end, \vi' h out. howcVi'i, to* unpb a- ni ioc dents to \- h'-ch 1 the other (b ully l ot meviIably leads I ’-i ir is a Miupl" (t in ft,-principle ill. (pr-'CMl ld> ei 'v ol i»a\i.;.r i w Inch confers on it a *trone reeoinim n-t.-'i It irndeif miie<es<ary nil difh'ult and vi • .lions xi rudoy into the origin of III- e nil n'» ol a mixed cargo. fi dispenses with all pen.lilies nod forlciluies, (ienotiiired lor what is otlen both an ignorant ami innocent violation ot <'u-toni iiotis law, in the intro.Im lion, perhaps, of a *io ;tc infeidieted article n| Silirdl value which i. nnidp, hy aib lian Mil'll latioti, to Mint i tie whole cargo, --f immense value. It sets *ip a r ule at once plain and in telligible. It icf'erx ihe foregner, fnr wha( In* may lawfully d. , to an ohicrviitiou ot ihnt w liicdi Ihe native nrlualiy doe> II opens eveiv American poit to rveiy Ammican vessel, on In* saute cq • a I I ••run, no I er in w hat di iant s. * • tu i col * i pi • ■ may have $mi£bi mol <>ai -,.d the in In w-lli which she is laden. This pnu • i|»b* of lecipn d freedom t»l navig-lion, bhe t!i it' I ihe nt- t bivoie-t nniion, leaves « \eiy State which adopts it, »t liberty to impost* such i mo i«m* duties a- it - necessities or policy may dictate It only liohli nut that whatever innv i ini- n cd sli.dl exi mt alike in the national and the lorci e v *•.<•!. and also that the carru h liter rd impmla nn "l expoifntion, gtiail lie ;»• d w Ul» the one dnbex, whoever may be the proprietor, cr in whatever vessel it maybe oiden IV i haps it m*y he proposed too rr. to the intpositioiMif |> eciselv Ihe same rate ni duties, oil % ss. l and c .igo, in all the pmi-m Ihe Ami-in an nations, lint that would he hi id nn * id** It would subject each stale to incon venient restrictions on ifh powei of taxation, m stead of leaving it free, as is best for each, h. consult the cil cumstanre- of its own pecid iii position, its habits, ji< eonHifiitnm "f govern uiciit, and the fi'ting snmces of levemie tor if self. As to the foreigner, he I no pretext to muiplain when the s uo# mea-ine >s apple d ft, Itim and the native. Ii may perhaps, he ol., •eted that the marine ol the ol lie • Ami-jn an ni'ioim i- yet in lit, initio « v , til it ours has iimi • f\rent mlvani i s . nod H at they cannot lie pi- p m il foi tin r« ci|.ro - al lilt* tty ol navigate n until they have ma.b .nine furl her pro/;i •-•-m esoihb-liing then j I h* cblVerence in the i ondi mil of the marine; of the i e- perilve ( modi i< - , *s unird in j he sup posed ingumeiil, f * • i-• i»11y exivls. lint how ik It |(» be remedied 7 b iSV-lein Wliirli vltall ana al * n.'l os-un ii' . aial w Idch will, tin i -dor#*, provoke retaliation ^ th one which d-aling iil»erabv by ottiei will h-ad them to lueamue out liberality in • • * u» n y Iho- alternatives have been already doCo sod ; and it has been shown that the first system is ii"V< r iirreKsful except fi oni • tie Im lea a nee /»f foreign po Wei k t. . conn lei vail t*. w hich is not now to lie exp»« led in ihe j i • « lit watchbi! xfa'e ol lie inai itnne world It we me to await Im the commence me- t of the equal at d lr eml *i\*icm, until al! iiaiio is shall have bmuglit up Hieii retfiertivr | in ,i men i vfii mid abreast, 11 may lie considered n i iidi'li ill ly, duel lull ter, postponed. Il Hu nett ‘tale would build up lor llic m-elt r* powe lid mm me-. : ey inn.I seek lm Ihvir ele meuts noi m a nai iue ■*. conlracled legislation, II, II ral / d I V I e i'<iilnlerin:Iin/J legislation, hut 0 nil. i uaii •• in tin a» undniu e <v excellence 01 111. i i materials f i hip'iuildirg,iii I l,e sli il I o ( their mlnc 1 S and the 1 he plies-ol their man iihiulere, in I lie uninher ot lliejr seamen, and lliejr hardy and enterprising dm, actor, formed hy exposure ineveiy hraneh ol sea luring life by adventures on every ocean and invigorated by a liberal, cheerful, and leailess, competition with foreign pots* rs. Hath of the principle' which I have been dis co-,mg are pro* di d lor, though mine in detail, in the second, third, fuiirth, and filth articles of the lieliirrtnenlioned Iri-aly with the led’ ral loll ol the f erilre ol Ann rien. 1 hey niav servi as m«d»ls loi those which you are now anthori-ed to propose ; and you will consider yourselves empowered In agree In articles siuiiUi witfi «H the others of that i I lean, a copy of « accompanies this lei I ter. Is possible that von inny not fool I lie- Mm liters In th« other Stales pri pared lo agree to the second I" wcipl* ; that they may he unwilling to stdi c ube to it in the est'nl now proposed they may not be realty lo allow, lit the same i ale of duties, a recipi i cal liberty of exportation ami importation, without resliie (ion as to the place of origin of'the t ,u go, the ownership, or ilestii aiion of the yes-el. Von will not fchandmi the effort lo establish that principle, in H« wiliest scope, until you haveci h ion ted i very no of aieummit At pel suasion and become pri hilly satisfied dial its ai|o|dion is wholly impracticable. II you find their op position to it UII) leldine, you w ill I hen propose a modification of the principle, so as to make il at lea I, cmpreiiend the productions Hod niHimlnetuies of all Ihe American nations, in cIodine the West India Islands Wheneolim iled, it will sl.!l have great |iraclical benefit; all vessels of the several Ameriran Power* will enjoy under it a reciprocal lifjcrty of e» porta'ion of whaievet American productions ami manufacture* comprehending the pro duce of the sea. i‘ allowed by llm separate laws of each, at the same standard of duties (u» tfce vasstl and Bet cargo If the reeewalng to'* * »' ' ' * ■ - i|i|M»n »f tlm piiiu‘1 |r inr« greatest Intif will, of course, ••lelnio it in this more restricted operation. I » w kt< h mat lie added, h• ** strong COfisidei atioil 01 favor ol i'* embracing, at least the American States that there i* great mmilai ity in ilia pro do-a et various p *rts «d than), ami, cotisa qtl<*n'ly. «| great difTp nlty in inn ing article* having a coiinnon rltHiaider, and striking r»i Sfmhlanre tn din count fie of (hair respective origi 1, amfsubjecting them to diff* rent iates ol idy, a*'h- y hupprn In lie imported Id dif ferent vrg-eD, or Handed together in ho Mima vassal. It von find the principle still objac ed to with ttiat ^iiiodihiMti n, yon wnl lastly piopove i» "t It'ha still graater restrict ion of only furnish ••tf. tin* iu » which tilt it II he ohweised between an* two of the Vine icmii Nations Who inn* «• giee to it, in regatd to thri mutual navigation w hen euiplnved n transporting I heir esoeiiiva produce .ind manufacture*. Under tin- loun I 'V prop, se t hy the I Oiteil tales on Hi. dd 1H1 .> £se- l»h %oi. ..f the law*, pug* ^-•11 to nil uaiinns On 'hr 3*1 of July ll »• *Mine year, i w uw< ng' afied on the ('miveivi p wiiii iSrrnt Britain, ^see Oth vol.»of the l*HMr *H)d ) Suhseqii' ntly, it was applied to th** N**tfu»rln <ds, ihe Impetial Hanseatic Cine ol II iinhuig, l.uhac mill Bremen, ll»r Dukedom ol oldenheig, Norway, SaiHinin and Kustia, [see Hi’t s I if Session, HH'h Congress, puge*1] li w s iiKo emh.iared in our Treafy w ith 8w den, til lHl<» f*. , t>!It vol of flm, png,* B pJJ J «t»d ha. recently brim agreed fo hy C>>|onthui In the event ofn concurrence m the |»iin* f*l • n tiis more limited import, the fmi s* tmi.t and third articles of the b'd’.jreuirntioued Con ve.iium with Git til Britain, will (uruisl m»». " ' '•'«> n« loiiQtveti in ttio draft of lltnsa to wliicfl \ mi am It tit h . I | , agree I'm .i- three article rinliiirr other mihjee/-. hrNule ilia |ui ic-ipl*, lull the) uir tucli .4 f huv e either n dh cud < ntiiiexinii \\ ill. it, ,-r hi neci'MHi'v to give full arnl cmnpleto « If, c I if. Ill ih m • Hung the terI'ifIIIjef (if (hr V American Slides with winch went* in iiimii mill l ere.tflei a 1 niii'inm nil iiitei coitr-c, yo. will see the propriety of rmploying, in an\ n a ly which you may conclude. inch terms a inav embrace w hat- ver territ*itie*. insular or i'Hi!inant'll, may nppe »aiu to each, upon the lei hi mu f ion of the-pi men 1 war Dutiug its fu. lure prog 1 e«f, post. sxioii nun lie won or Inst, which, as tli* chs* may lie, should hr Compre hended or excluded hy those (• 1 ms. In December, 1 8&i,atli* thru Presid - nt nl the United Slu'cs, m hit annual Message, upon tin* opening of Cuiigicsn, nniioiinced, ax the prim i | le appln ihle to this < onliueiit, w nat ought lirrmher to he Misit'ed upon, that no l ump,»,(t nation ought to be allowed to plant tipo. it w I’ldoniex It "as not piopt-Mil, hv tlmt prim 1 |de. In disturb pre exi ting i uiop Hii t ..loni. s already e-taldtilieil in America ; he |ir in<*ij»| looked (orw • • * I, no' ha* k wai d. Sevei at of tln mw Aim-iinm States have: given intmiaimu. ,»f thru com mi tire 111 tin pi in iph , and it ix he In veil that i* must Command tin? issrni of fin i ill pat lull wen Id. Wh 1st America w»* * com pant 11 vt ly, n bntmd le x waste, a 11U illi aluiosl unpeopled doo-H claimed, atiil prohahly firtt setiletl with c ivil zed men, hy the Pm 1 npeon Power* who I * covered if, if they could ag 1*© among them selves a-% to the limits of (heir rrsper tivr |ei 11 lories, 1 licit? was no Ametican S it • he ot-po-c «H1 whoxe could lie utl- < led b , »|»*e% tiiblifeliiuent of new c olonic- fiui now 1 h* rax is entirely altered; hum the? V*rh» s tern Itiui’s nl the United ilatei, in North Am ric n, to < ap« limn in south Am* ri- i, no ft. Atlantic Hi 1 an, wi'lt om* or two iucutisid inhle exceptions , uni from the same t'.ip,* (f» the fifty first depine «d Noith latitude*, in N't iih \inei ira, oil the Pacific, w iihou u\ f* xccplioii, tint u hole c -a-tx and c ount l ies hi long to sovereign lesid u! \m rinin Power*, i here is tlieii f-ire, no 1 a 111 within |iu drs cnhttd linrts in which a new fMtropean »,y could he now introduced without violating (-,© tei ritonal 1 iglitx ol koine Ameiicjiu Slat An attempt to establish mn li »i colonv. and hy tu estahlishim nt to aCeptire sovereign i i/'ht* fm any luropenu P »wer, must In* te gard- d a* an inadnns ibh ent roar liinent ll any p «t lion ,,f Ih* People of „Kiii ope, driven by opp|. * mu from their native cn.utry. 01 actuated by the desiie of improving the r ood'll 01 of tlicintelve-i or their posterity, w h to imgrat* t«» America it will no dmiht he the policy ol all the new State*, us it ec *1 hax l*e< u ourx, to ntf- rd them kin asylum, and, hy iinloi a ion. to extend to nu ll ol them as are worthy, the v tine poll ic41 pnvileges wliicfl are enjoyed Oy flu* native # h i/.en. Hut this faculty of em gratiou caiiimi he allowed to draw after if the right of the l .ui • pcnii State, <d which such emigrants shall hav been natives-, to accpii.e sovetetgn powers n Americ a. The rule 1* good by whir It one, in judging of Jiimftiei' conduct nr pre enxioti , is advise I to re vrise positions What wnul Ku 1 ope think of an American attempt to pi r» I hen? an Aincu icini colony f I f Hi fit ide wuuhl he provoke-1. end its power exerted, to repn * nod pmu-'i h'icli #1 pieuimptuous act, it ih I. Miin- that it should he lecollected and felt, thn Ami* »leans, tnetm. vis detrended from Pm., I ean*, hav. aim thru -eiisihili:ie. and diet I IglllM. To prevent any mirli new l;'.urnp> n Col ni'H, ami 10 w mi n ! mope befoi ehan.I tint the v are u<M hereafter to hi* admitted tfie I’m <tdrnt leishe# you to propos' M j ini dr< l«i«iion of iheseveral Ainerumi States, each lion ever, iicting for, am! binding only itself, (hat, wmi m the limits oftheir resp* rtive lenitorn n t new l.ompean colony will hercaftei he allowed t«, he established. It is not intended to rommil the parties who may concur in that declaration ; to the Support ot thn part eolai hoondHrlcs which inny be claimed by any one of fhttn , not i it proposed to commit lliein it a |O nl ir sistaiireiigai'iKt'aoy fiiiuie attempt to plant a new I I ,o i ope a ii colony. It in believed that the mor id « fieri alom* ot a joint declaration, emanating i fmiufln authority of all the Aiuei ican nations will eft cluallv serve to prevent the cff.ri to establish any such new colony ; but if it 'houid not and the a'tempi Rhmild actually he made { il will then be time enough for thn Ainerirm ! Powers lo consider die |n(i|n ii iy of iiegotishng between tlmiiMcIves, mi l, it uece va» v, of a doptmg in concert the measures which may h* lu-nnutirv to check and prevent it. Tin* rea p'd v\ Inch in due lo themselves, as well m to Km ope, requires I hut they should rest in con fident e that a decimation, thus soJemr ly put forth, will coinmHiid universal deference fi will not he necessary to give to the declaration now proposed the ini in of a Tieutv. 4i may he signed by the sevetal Minister* of the Con gress, and promulgated to the world us e vi dences of the sense ot all the American Power Among the subjects which must engage the consideration o( tiie Congress, scarcely any has an interest ho powerful and commanding * that which belongs to Cuba and Porto Ku o, the former especially. Cuba, from in position, the present amount and the character of its population, that whir hit is capable of sustain ing, its vast, though almost latent resources, is at present the groat object of attraction both to Europe and America. No Pow er, not even Spain itself, ha>, in such a variety of founv, so deep an interest in us future fortunes, whatever they may happen to he, as the United States. Our policy in regard lo it is fully and frankly disclosed in tfct beforttnentioued note to Mr 1 Middleton. It is there staled, that, fi,r „or srlve*. we* no change in thr pots.,, ton hi political rondiil'm ol that island ; and that >« cuuhl not. with inilidrrriirf, see it transferred triim Sprin to in* ulhri f'.ii opran power. VVr am now id ng io ■ r its (rentier or rime ran n lo tilth r ul li« new Aitieiicnn Spurs, h the prri. nt «ar should much longer continue, there are thiur rnnriimnf, into some one ol which t i • e land inn* tall during its further prngtrtt and all nt them il»» r*i the most particular and scrim I onsid eatioii The liist ix, it* m depen Uikp, resting ai the close nf'ilig war up. on its 01*11 unassisted rraonrres tonianuam that independence, Silly. I s independence, with thr .tinraoiy ofuther l*owrts, either of Kttrope [ ot oi America, nr both. \id,3ily It, r„n. quail and attachment lo the dominions nfihi* repuhlie tjf Colombia or ,M< neo, We will now examine each of thoir pr> die iitieots of the ■ •land, id the uldei in won lithe* have been stall d. I. I' Cuba lititl the nlil'tv, within itself, of maintaining an mdeprmh i t set -gore rnmaut a gaiiisi nil ,1 - an lilts Irotn without, oi williio, »t should pri tS'v In see it in that state ; because I we desire the happier t of other* s< well ns our ! srlve , and we brltevr that ts in the g,. neral, unlit likely to tie s cm ad by n lot al g , j einment f|n tug lug directly fiotn, and iihnt - i lied m feeling, inteieil, and syuipathy, with the | people lo Ilf gnvri Ill'll. Kill a mere gI our a' the limited extent, mm,il cunditiuu, auddiscur dinit eliHiactei ul its pnpalatiini, mutt rontiui a nil o( it. ompetenc*. tit present, to suiinm "'Ilf;'''''.nt ii'iituted l>y (hr mhei Power* And I Pm pieninlo e pr'tod an attempt at . . ... ihotilil to* so lor attended will tieei > i in liicak the roOueiicn wltli 'i|nin, mir pm linn ol llm to alnlai n the r» will milt it neighbor* in ihr In ini Stale*, nml in .ome olhei direction . won I live in eQiltitiiial dread » I Unite tragi, scene* winch weie limerl) elhibileil in n neigh hot inf 1 I mil, (In population nl w Inch w.uld be temp, iheveivtml nl thu, Indepemlence, Jv employ all Km mean* which vieinilv, aimilaiil* m ingiii and *vii,pnlliv Cllllhl supply, |o fn nn and .tnnid tc 111*11111, linn, in mder In ..dmmill *n nglh In llieir own lanur »■ A gua milled independence ol I'ulin, nl III myli il mlr In n-lieve the i and fieni |lie dan c » w ICII hue I.. JitvI nuliced, w,*n| , ,u|, lilule other* unite* loiniidahle, ami which it i> " Inueit, me aliiinat in |u"able Who ihall he the guaientvlug l’owei*f .ilinll they l e esrlii.ilell American, «, mi* d, partly .Ai'ni u • ail mid pailly I’m ,pea / Wh.l *1,1.11 he ih. Hinmiill olllieir ir«prctive cnti ihulmin in ||„ pml,cling Inrrr, inilnaiy and naval, and ! • the nl he i iihii n- neee»*ary l> npi oh| die |,„ k Uiini miii'iil ? H In, ah a 11 have the ciinmim, in lhal lorce 1 Will nnl Ilia guarantying I’uw . eis, not in I'.niiiinaiid, eniailam continual up prehension* anil jealouiias of ihociiuimnmlm,' Power T THe candid imisl own that the*,-nr perplttsmg qut Him * , ai d lhal, opi.,i ih< wlmle, allliiiiiyli all thought ol llmi in ,hficnli,„ III independence should not pm hit),*, I,, diunnurd a, abaolotely iiindiiii*»it,lef nn'lei any piunlil' t in mil*,mice», It mum he agreed In be on. , In which, Il itaaenl i* u| iniulelv yielded il ..itlucianlly, l,aiu ..I u foreseen and uiicoiilrol iibli* r\ruin •b \V»ih r<(N|M*cl lu Ihr c uih|iii^i and rgiti* v i 1 **•<• island lo I'nlomlna m Mi am,, u ■lliiuld Ii. iL-iuiirke l lhal, il he aiicmpln' III" wlmle eliaiat e- ol lb, pie mil war e ill In, Ininged Hnl„ , I.he pari fihr icp.ililics, Ihe Simleit ha* hern In, md*| ei, ill III a d tell guv I Him III, and lliey have had on then a, Ur, llm , nl, . | (l), (l„.„d|, *yiiipniliu » ul n Urg, p , non „Hh« w,„„| and rhu»e ".penally nl he pen,,I, nl (he l/niled Sine. llm in ill* flver.l of a nn,Mary eider pn»" ilnecle I again.I Ia, il will become a Wai ,.l conquer. In aucli a nn,, whatever may the " .nl of lhal enlei |.i i*e, Ihc hdere»t* of other powrr., now, may be *eri ■nil all', el, d, and liny may |,e called up •III lo , trim III liupoilaiil, du |.-S( which they 1,0 «' Ubc I ly to negli I.l. The ia.ue of ‘"‘'•i " hn»e gieal influence njioii Ihe 'll Inure and Haliilily ol oner in tin WcM I, die*. Naiion* ol k.iirnpe may (eel thrinselrat r. I| .ire,I m iciM pin,-1 nobly, Inane.! a course I even I ■> lo w’ntli they cinnot In u.dlflei ciit It liny alinunl I'linl llieir inlerpo.iiiuii merely m me object ol p., venting uny change m n„ • si ling inil„ I tiling*, in leprcllollm iilandj. the L. Slate, lm finui being nml. i any pledge ui .."> n|i|ni.e llinm, imghl hull liiem.i j. e* con'• hi y III lilt'll incliiuilimi, lehielanllv drawn by a nn lenl id rv- nl. I., I heir aide In cun snlet iiig such mi cnleipiisr a. tin. bent .uppnc ed, Il il lie ilndri lakeli, llieir ouglillo lie in: 1111*11,111 an I lie Ihi taie uauiiiuilli.ii, f,,y|( j,il,i the iiiennsnl (.oluinbin .I Ali'*i, u ,.. a.Vom ,di Ii |l„ ohj.icl ; and, seem,illy, llieir power lo prihi-i ve and deli ml Ihe liiqttitdinu if iamb'. W. I live not me uain net e ■ ny |„ |„,m ,k r(,r. lain judgment nn Ihe hr*l point We ought n» |iu *e s, lo enable us lu h,u„ such a judgment u know ledge, first nl ihe hirer, miiilai y ami naval, which Ih, ii |inlilies can **|iply In the u. jii I ii I m 11 , secondly, tlinl which hjiain i:hii e* nl II re I.IHIICI , and, III,idly, what imrlion nt the inhiihilanl* ol lli" uland take pail ua the u e and on Iw-nlliei side ol Ih, belligerent* Although we hnv, not this inloriiiaii >n m am I’"' ■«'*, »l know «hut Spillll Ik ill HI lull pot • I'.tim, null ,1 veiy IontiiUtrable mililriiy I" , lIlHI :h • fai l', i I* I'lltly .Mil'll,!: ngth I'linl, nCuiplM lie Mum (Janie, dinned „l iiiukl iiiipngiiali e, amt i,ii„.r <iroti^ uoliit in l he if'mill; Ill/M ill Ifiu, Ik, the lint born, Iron, *'|.* 'on,went ill America, all Inn mi ml unit ul. her «dibit* will iiuw lie runcmii tiled un the iiiutl i ffluahle of her remaining Aineiican pot* '"I i that In this i ml -.In: will apply her an. hi nn, winch lint I e hiiherlu ii,u’ much di.liaqudby ll.i uiiuiiiiul,. i | her belligerent ff in North and HoiiiIi Jtineiiea, i icla kively in ibin moti important point , Him in p» • uccuur she will , ailu i op from her van wreck the rendu- of her once powerful army niKif rope Hint America , and there it reanoii to be beve, ilial il - lie should liol be openly aasittarf by any ol the ti iropean I'l.eir*, the may re I l ive .rum them covert tint ineipoiilible aid Huh nil these ii-.iurees and favorable cir* < uiiisiam ••• combiin*d, it must be ndmitteu | tliHf lie conquest ol Cubit is v iv ditficuli, if loot impra* to able, u iihotil txte hive and poir ''* I"I in» nns, both iuivhI aud tnditnry. condljr, il«* cilhei Colombia 01 M» xieo potest kucIi meiiiis J We doubt it They have both to create a matin*'. A single snip ol the hner iwo frigate , end three 01 f ur vessels ol a smaller grade, badly manned, compose the whole naval force of the lulled Mexican Slates 1 tut of Colombia is not much gi rater nor better manned, but the means of liana, porting and defending, during its voyage, (be military force necessary to achieve the con qutsl, ar<» absolutely nidi-pti sable. May more; it would be the Inst degree rp^h and imprudent to throw ao army into Gulot, uniis the two re publics possessed and could retain a naval tl). periority ai least in the O'tlf of Mexico, to provide for those contingencies which ough' al ways to be anticipait d in ttie vicissitudes of w.i And, in the third place, it is well kin.wo that the inhabitants of Cuba, far from being united in favor of irvadnn. entertain great ap prehensions as to their future -atety iu -uch an event, and they especially dread > n invasion from Columbia, on account ol the character of * portion of the troops of that republic