Newspaper Page Text
— — ** IHMH ■ wmmKM ■ HUH OK O a SnEM I la ■* MF. *. ■* * '«v t _ r / 11 11 I... i -.. ■ — ■ - — - ■ --■ BY FLKTCHEH & TUI, I, It. LYACIlBITItC;, V A. WOXI AY. A PHIL, «, 1820. VOL« VII.—AO. 07. TK 21 MS. —. p.,» ,, per a i'll! val.l" •" ad ran-a—*. *»| r ' It , . ... for » ter* time I'tu.1 m* month. r will Mr ..... 'h":'trM. u ,|| lie tanwted at S'1 ce»«a |>«r « if" i‘‘ , T hr-t tune, and :I7 I-- -e„U for r.rb , in tar M j fr i(ll .inl ine, mart lie paid for ' ;.::;".::!‘!"'l.Tr iu-eriimt, or the paynn ui am.. t.j 1'... ... pi r-ott ia l.yimlilmry. n-1Mnttit erv 'I,dor. notoieaddiug two..piare.are to , .rti‘4 fnt !*'■* dollar** XT llllelfor* . >dr, to the rditor. luu.t br J>.«< ,7rf. or lh.iv will not tie attended f DR.TIMD ALL Ol TKIts lii< arrvir.r* aa » jirnetir inner Mftiii inp. f^c- «■ the inli»l»imni»°f Lynch .anil it* vicinity. I In n-ol. n. o ,0 M, v.n, llii'cimlie Si Tyree, l.aniiiHMlon Mor a , \, Mentions lefi will. O.fiM*! U.llmim, „ her. will inert with |irom|d • < eoiioii. April 2. * "_ Xe\N Arrivals* ( TST received a large assortment of Ink |*,.«<W*. .I Liquid Ink in Bottles Kid ,|i r’s Intltdilile Ink. ...... i |r*HinleillV|i|>er Suttee Minnly of* K*.. <>l L"e An mill linnii! *n|iplj nf Dr •* I.i.|i ml » ' ‘ If I*i nted cs e water \ kii2«-»n|»|tiy o' lm| f'limig- lilmkmg, in i n*k« mill in l>r»t n in l.iqni-l Blacking, J «g iih < b1 Spruce. , nZlu'i K*senre otSpruce, Vliennm* celelirated lt>'li l tintin' e.' A lt.•atnn’* i|n. Bitter*, Spice Bitters . large iis-iirtinent of Tliennii.iiel<*r«, anil lly ilrnini ter*, f"f piovii g Spirit* and Acids V large mpply ol Pyroli jtnon* A i I, tor t nring meat \ tfu:;e twpl'lv of ground (ntigi'r. ground All spictt and ground LhirU |\*p|»ci,Hii of Cay enoe I’epper \ large vipp v ol common and refill'd Koran A go,ut sujvt •• I*ai ts while i.iid IVcucIi grta'ii for w*ndow idimL \ vet \ teii*»v<* assort ineof ol Varnishes \ large suppl v id Im,wI l*o and »}fsii<h KO|*(dV ol Liquid I’iti'h loi water vessels A ho, •*! ciip»*r Cat’ll Soda and i atlaiic Arid AUo, of *-al Soda \nd a supply of Sumae t M Arrow Hoot—nil Kinds ( H Pha deved Kim I>*• i K <t| Pmnue and Holtdi Stator* Ol \\ liter*—,uou»r»t*d col u Mini sizes \ | vi* ol Sc.dl'i£ w ax and lead l\ »n:d*—all kinds Am assoi tiiient of Bronze, viz : (iold. Silver aod liras* lat »e supply of ground and powdered Orange I4 . I and (Jeulian, ol Sulptiunc. Muriatic and .line Veins, and of V«pta Kortiyt . |n Mipplv ol Carol Ilia Kink Hoof fit thl a <1 I ■f ace ol Kennel Seed, vAi\ i>fi*'l»er with a L.rt it v uiely of otit r articles noMSttally lowftr’CC*. H DWIKrf. VI ueh ~). jt’n'sh Drifts an 1 Medicines. pTOi* o‘ffbei,lhns trifelv receive. I n^M \l,f, ■ L Htlflni<»nr.| sitpr-iy of FUK>H DRl’itS A MKIUCIM.S, which makes his ASSORT. M KN T verv complete. 11 * recci* «*s S Al \ I, I. • ippltes h! most every week. * I v which moan-, hi* stock. t hoi gh not the |, ARC BST, »*» a I w * \ lKI-SH Mil l j»iiHie.lent In meet any orilejs that lie may he favored w ith. TITOMAS I IMV\T,. N. If. I’rescnplnn* b'itlfilR nM.n.bol to hy Virginia Bred VOC Mi iHvNTLO • KN. Jno. \ \VKllY h unt on. 'itiie f arm, npori |br .had w ater* o! Appomattox, in Bucking hit in. Hi’* Inn.i i« in the neighborhood of (lo ver Hill,! remarkably well, produces to MrconJtlie ltne-t quality, and h i* up.hi it a very largo orrli o*d ol w'H! celecled ll'uit . foe tract contain- d|0acres—IVr-ntis UHposed to fmy, will aptdy to tlte *iihxi*,iin»*r or Col. Swinl. Pattesoti, w bo lives adj diting the premis e SAMI. P. CHRIS 11 AN March 2. is ^aajttblSxrir’ Wl'. hive tlit-day received h iiiw of highly finished Leghorns, much lo\v« charged than any impwied this -ex-no. MuKGK, ROBINSON 6i CO. fan.5. ___„___ FOR SALE. WISH to sell rny House and lot. situated JL near the head of .Main Street, l<H) feet »• Ijpvu seventh allev, and running thence south de^reespvedst 8 poles, thence north 33 leg. w®»t J<i feet, thence north 6*2 degrees, east H i’°les to second street, thence south 3H degrees. ,-ast 7() f(*ef to the beginning. The s» id piece ^>f ground Iteing pait of the lots known in the jdm of the town by No. 8 > and 223. On this ,fh then* is a convenient d'vdliwg house, uud a tno«u «*itr.i-t!ent g irilcn. There ts likewise on In* lot a good tobacco manufactory, with tl». crews and all fixtures necessary to carry on the •Justness extensive'v. Theie are few lots in *',w" more convenient or desirable than this, it *s situated on main street, in a pleasant part of' fuu,n, and in one of the be«t neighborhood*. situation is healthy, water convenient, ami in every respect a desirable resilience for a pi i : family or a mao of bu-ines*. 1 will make tprms accommodating, and will lake negroes in part payment. For particulars, application ‘ ,ay he made to the sub-criher living on the premises, or to the Editors of the Virginian. SAME. LOVE. Feb. 12 ^OMMiasiOW BUSINESS. HE subscriber informs his friend? and the -B_^ public that he continues to do hud ness 0,1 Commission, and promises that no pains s,ih11 he spared to give entire satisfaction to , ■lontar* and Farmers who may confide to -» management the sale of Tobacco, Flour, | r other produce. His office will he kept at Store of Messrs. .1. S. Halsey, nett door • ** owthe Farmer’s Bank. i» ?ArynKB3, jr. t2m I.ottcry and I'xchnn^t Office. *|MIK luh»cribcr hiw. irnitK'i-ri Im |,oiler, l and Kxchnwrc (Mice h, tlir house InicU Iircil|ii«'il by Mr. M. While, nrnrlt «p|>n«iU Messrs. John, William & Cns\v* || l»u,.. li W HK\VSON, Sucre**or to ^ M. A? Co, VveftU tiarAen iSeeA, 1^1 ARI,Y Y«*rk ( aldtage, Onion Ciov. s 4 Omni head do Rfi dutch do. Scarlet Radish Kitrlv frame Cucumber Long green do Also, mi band, a general assortment of IVas. B’c, Medicine*, pilin'*. oil* and H\»» Mulls, &r. oppo site the Post Office, tHr sale i*\ VV.VL I HOId O.MliK r,». (HP For rent, tint upper ateiii-* of U.e house ivh m riipi ; the mom> fne large and rnonmidi Otis. March 12. _ _ _ __ Gentlemen’s Ready m irie Clothtn*', ! OF the I■••••.*» fashions, and of every descrip lion, lit I lie low cut ravli pt ires. \ so. Inns lm (sandshoes. For Imi gain in tt»e-e articles please call al the F.inptt iitui <>J t'.nhinvs. Next In the \ OlUce. I M «ich 12. first arriral nf .yrinz( \nuls. I f I s Loudon (jilic*M>, p, 0 tei us entirely new and i kgani Superb wotk»*d Sw iss Mn-lios Italian Lustring* Im-i quality Super painted belt Kihbons. m vv Mvle V\ xfered nod Oiamoud do W ith n great many leading fancy rfkle «t at e drift mined »o sell a( such prices •is will insure ra*isfartion. M< K I E. KOI 1 ' SON 1 < i> Virginia Viannliirtuml * • NAILS' i / kfeHK subscribers (agent- lm <ku. H.irvie) have .Mi Ir.iml. ami will keep constantly a l l»«»i# ami geneml H^soitnieot <d Cut Vnls, from :i dy . toftiO dy. manufactured at 111** Win ks,‘which they reeooinirml .!* equal to any ill the country, tor elite at their S ore, oil Cary :ill eel, Kicliitioud run r:rr w Johnsjon. Feb. 16. tZnid.'i swaims a svim paNA A Jnst received direel It mu the : 4 mu v, a supply of r'waim'p genuine |’H"acea. ,,r ih«* reduced price of two dollars. \k<» sun 1,\ ftiei articles. THOMAS J IKJV’AL \h r. H. WT LI. *« !i ft'o•», .'JiM to r,Oci acre- of inich ur e<l land, lying in Bedford county, three j quarters of a mile from New London Academy j .mil thirteen from L\ nebbing. If is well adapt ed to the culture of Tobacco mi l the difVeieiit ’ sindol grain usually cultivated m tin- neighbor Mood ; is well watered, and lies Phi. , than anv ;ra< t of its size in this part of the «mtiy. If .. -o situated as to lie entirely exempted from da mage by heavy rains or high wafer The terms will be very nccoininifriatiiig ; say one. two ,ind three years, upon n small payment in ham!. Enquire of the subscriber, one mile ami a ha! 1 south of New Loudon. ALLY W'STIN j lan. 17 Female Ho mi nary. MRS. RUSSELL | ' Pi TITLI,V inform* the J.ailh * and "‘ii» I* niPii nl I,Viirl»luir(», tdi<> 1 a* o» her School in the upper room* at Mr j .fours - on main f'reef. icsr door t > fhe Viigi I • *»*r?* Oilier. She frn» h«nthe various I,iterate I ••ml t )• nameutal hi.uirhen of I i!m ation foi ; f otirjr ladie- end little nti#-*1* l\u t »*t | tfiition w-id he paid to their morals and fi • ir manners. The prices are nil very low. . i," also return* her thanks fo thme *.* ho t pairo • used l»• t ; and algo Impel ghe m«v continue to merit th**ii pattoiiagr. March JO. t« The Noted Stud Horse ' | ;*> i\» mV mi I in I I 11 € i* * i«• i . HllfJ I \\ is to l»» decline I hut i>n.iti"<4 , like wi*-* . I (Vi to to fell or In i ill n ill! Ini • lie * ««‘;tHnti. f will $p|l h cl»cf»f» harffam in him, Ink* Imt «• s nr jinml papri I Tie* ins, app'v t*»tlir ii4*«• ft iI c*r a! AnihiTst co ir’lion !• row HAT AN l». I a WKIJN. March 19. \vl*» mf AT It ASS M A k I \ X? IL subscriber, at the lower imi ol main sliTrt. in addition toliis Hope and Twine m«U* 1115 Iniiiiif.-j*; makes and n pairs Curl’d llaii Matrasses. VI*o makc« £huck Matijme*. a cheap and comfortable article lor Minimi'? —and would bethankfu! for an? job in that way, which shall be d* on with neat lies' and despatch, and on very »‘.•asonablt* fernn■«. .f. H. ECHOLS. (Hay l SUM,ft A.V\) UATft. /UHK sol iscnlier lias a large supply ol the above mthdes, and ill sell them vciv low ,vlf AU,hl)V 1) 26_ _ Npt. Turpentine aiifl Liiiseeu Oil. reef 1 v.-a! 11 Jail supply ofSpi. Turpen line nml Linseed Oil. MOWED I)\\IDF. .March 2, VvvhAy VinriVtn SvvA. TfVXV received by the subscriber, a choice fttdec1 iou *‘t Kreali Garden Seed. Cor sale tow h.V T1I03. .1. Dliv M.. F>h.9 t» 1 copppf Still, Can and Worm 1 pair elegant Bronze Damps The subscriber has the above for sale i\t very reasonable prices, which he will sell for cash, or barter for country produce. H ADDISON. Dee. 26. '* Groat Bargains in Cloths on hose who want Cloths, would find it In M their interest tn call on the subscriber. Me has mixtures, olive,s cliuet, super (f mid dling blue iitiil black Cloths, nml I piece su per Ermine b tie, anil one do. do. Electoral htnek, which tie is determined to sell very cheap. H. ALLISON. Dec. 26. 8 A BUY'S best Chewing Tobacco, for sale J by the subscriber, IlUWEL DAVIES j Ian. I • POET ItY. “ No,I will weep no more— Pour on ! I will endure." I./An \ Spring hath it* flowers, lit* hour ofhloom. It* balmy a»r* of odorous sigh ; Awhile it hey shed their sweet perfume, A little while, and then thee die. And when as e'er that hour hath lied, And w mil y florin* the *kv obscure, When resell the Ivinpesf,still I said, 41 Pour on, I will endure ! '• otilhliath its pleasure* ; brightly benut <t'» fancy's eye life s flowery ways ; Ami love nod hope, and beauty's gleam, f •ichnntnienf throw o’er distant day*, i l have I «e, a ihof*• prospects fade, I lion *h you'll had deem'd the promise sure ; And midst file w hta of pestlin'? kb itf " Pour on, I will endure !** Man ntuy I i m I l eva I nowri U >en phi ir»- «• cup l freely oimfYd, \\ h •' b»y!)• #•*• f * -i-liine rr*i»ml me shone l * tinted sorrow ,1 I ..ft# r drsu^hf : Hu' d«*a,iU per*« Mill m shed Jler pniMirioim *|. ift with aim too sure, Mv heart hath wither’d, | mill. I ' dr on I will rinline !" I.‘ i- n vl-adow ! soon the son ) I hi i i nst it to the earth, shall set . And man, a few brief glitssr* run 111' i »yJ and sorrows shall fofget. \ • t there is hope, when I We lias fled, t>? Idifst'il realm* and pleasures pure ; Am! in 11, .i hope through life I’ve said 41 Pout on I will endure !” The nnplic.ihilifv of flu* «mh«‘iju*i.t d', frtl whs never stronger at nny time then at the ft revet t : i m; a\i> tiii; om. !• riPinl Jo I Kw.Midst thou never O'O When thou hast Be en in Washing!.ca n. A set of jolly Hackney Coachmen, Driving people up a in! ilow n . AoilJntif NM diil thou ur«»*r mind I lie cliildr# n ns these Heck* pa».*\l in . II*»m so,m* would mi) and "et liehind. A ml those who could n«»l rom-h would iv, Ifa. C’nnrhtoeu, Cut behind. * But then yon see the trick on*'. m» *, 1 nr no sooner do these dionount, Than « ether side will Mini' jump *. *, 1 ni aII they kn Ted up such a rout, A’ow this I "lies**'* the very cave Wilh tome fj leer eiiildren, six feet high — Thev visit to |tain cadi gainful place And dim the f»eop|* with the cry, <>: — ( it. antt rnt, behind ! from thr South' rn A grt'culhn i j. SW l.i: I POTATO I On Prnptiirfi!nig thr Sirtrl I otntn J,om sprouts Itirhmmul Cmntly, tiro- Jnnuaty 21. IM2!1 1., aii tin-irinnih of February, on a I irh I i.ieve of laud, mnUe beds two leet wide, at li>|i, I (or what I* lies', piepare hot beds,) open two I lorri,m s on earli i idgr or bed. t ill- your l.rgi 1 pula lies and pH 'hem, laying tin* split sub ! downwind* the middling size pi it nines plant t ivlin i, p ant Hie piHHlnrs ueHrly tom h g cm h nibs'i to li e fnrrnw, mill cover them ulimit tlin i niches deep, by this means, von ill have fine ilia 's fnr planting pal, by the la-1 of Apiil, and in Mas , vliru we soinelunes bavr fine shun' r«, Ihe -priiuls are lies! when planted be lure they eoiinneitre In vine— In y are lo In drawn Hull out n* ' on d • t nlibage pbuils, Hies do not positively reipiire, as was tnrim-iiy anppnseil.u wi t seasiiii to tet them mil in—a Inti rahle season will do, anil have known li ein to'sow alter a very Slight shower—vines air much mail' difficult to gl"« than sprouts 11.. 1aiors raised alter tin- manner ere larg i, and more almiid.oil than any other way. and nil ilnerii'liiiti of thr suntpot ill or me Inst from the sprouts I would u-:vis.- hall the taint vim I,lien,I In plant, lo he pla led with the "potato plan ing," lire other part ill spiouts. aiel . Small |1HII in vines, for next year's " piaiilnip 1 advise bus as we cannoi get rain always when tve want il, and lo iii niuge oaf whole crop in spiimts would he difficult, I ii lit). 7 jIt. I■'sure, / if/ Xolt hi/ llio P.ililnr.— tVe shall," obliged to an* ut mu n nilem or coi ritsp mill ills who have practised the mode of lai-ing the sweet point., (roin spuat'-. mciiiioned by our correspond*m 1 \ lid, In give us further iiiloiinaliou on this subject. \\ e h ive III t a iTKiie valuable esculent than tins euinmuu toot, or one that cnnlt iluttes mote largi ly to Hie comfort "f our laborer*, to tlieji cliildn n's, or, in fact, to that ol our own cltil ill on lliiin Ihe swret |i"lalo. I ’ the sop port ol i,or-lock, it '* invaluable lively met hod, Ihdefme. nt IIICIeasing its productiveness, and especially "I bringing il in earlier in Ihe sea s hi, i- cl gri at importance, and we intrent all our tenders and eonespnndenls lo assist in the iiiiprovtmrnt nf tin old, ns well as Ihe inlro iliiflion ol new crops. Why would il be more diffictill lo manage a whole crop as sprouts ’ Wo presume princi pad v because Hie planting is more tedious. If this is the case, would it not be of advantage I,, introduce the mode followed in Ihe west of England in planting out field cabbage* 3 That is as follows — u | tiead of a dibble, a imHtnek is used in making tliv holes- Tint brum! end, or back part nt the tool i* struck down into the sod, eight or nine inches deep, more or les , accor ding to ili*- size ol die plants ; the handle hi j„g pressed downwards so as to fin in a varan cy behind the blade The root* of the plant ore inserted in it, and the tool carefully with drawn without ruffling the fibre* of the root The plant is then raised into an upright pos ture, and the soil is pressed with the loo-, in order to bed the fibre* close to Ihe plant. The plants are carried by a boy, who puls a .ingle plant into the man’s hand, at tlu inslant he is ,-eodv to insert il. The man keeps his *ye r.jn«unfly upfi hit au k. 0 •• titan plant* a quarter ol an »pi*a h day, th"« inserting twelve immlietl planet three tret a - pm t, without n traordinary ejarlion ’* J. U. PKAK Tlr'.KS.—If »• really surprising, J •tya n *ciertt |c writer, in alltltinn tt* th# grail t<&ef pe«rt /mi a quince dock, that Kiiglith gardener! ih'juld *«* long have neglected the practice, witch hn« long been followed in France, &, InWhich the in cllcnce ot French pears in in a jlwt degree in lie attributed. Tlia quince tiied a stock, hat the property ol pointing the ptitwth ol the peart, and forcing to protbire Jlyaring hrancliea instead of nrtile ones, and til accelerating the maturity nl flu* 1 fruit. No tifHlI garden should contain pear tree* grafted in nn\ illnr wnyf n-*r mii\ large 1 gardens \\ iiljmif them In n rontlderab'e eiteiit ! f.V<ip Monthly .VflHr f'OI.T? • -I f i '•»» h.'.ir it luncuted that 1 our breed of h »r»e« ii-*o b id.—But I am con- ■ vlffTi-d, n« nur roll nn» mafia gad, it \x r h•»«• nny n'her breed we slum 1*1 make it appear to br a* mean as onr nvx n. *1 not xvorne. Tb# a Inisinc «d colts in the first wither, it the prilic (Ml ran*# of their proving cn Imd. f or onr <Hjrrn"i» celdton allow theif colt* any food betide# li.n ho.I that is nut always the bent Old. !>i> lliHMh. y seldom (ml bring • time I in llieit i?tnw!Ii in tbe first whiter to stub a degier, that ii ey never pet the Setter oI il \ r«»li that I* t .Ird late, •InHild in# be Weaned ti I I*. br.iHiy "i March, and shimM have oat* duriinr the who!** of ibv winter. In *ome C Miiuti *h*a »t*•• v allow a young < oil fifteen bush i I * We need noi grudge to feed •hem with meal, oats mid bran, I.* sides best of the clover l»av—ho* ibex will pav for it in growth. Af t'*r the first xvin'i-r, im v w ill need no entraor *i»ioty feeding till tbev are rinxvn up. W ere the i»box''e dirert «»n observed. xve should coon •re an iuiprovrm. at i our breexj of liorvec. They would rn|,.;»,«d doing mm b grea ter •revive ii. f ! Id.• ly tn li-dd nut to it nun Ii greater Age. | V. /.' f'armnr iTtr.NUi mi: i non ok i k\nspi.\n t INC?. Ourin: <l\ w.sitlier. tho gardener* of Pain do not wi-it i n n ii as inns generally d« hot as«onnhB their crop* r*rpii'«* teionviutr, il * done in i fir f. it low log matin') II iving r|m«eii the spot »iiev v <*M water tb*’ fop, mid iiiliui d» ntelv di;f n tm-K r, cud Mlcrwaidx \\ i*e fre*h *mt •• .* t n soon •• it is dry enough, h in raked, mui 11.plant# put io xvithnut nnv re gnid to tin* mid ii:*v «uu tin ■ < ntitimte to water the bed three *o four times n day, until 'lie plant0 luue t.:\ru rout, ft is ‘inpi i«i bow win trttmm • ird, ige*, &; e, w ill tie well looted t• v fiiieli 1 * iiitmu. -i id xvitb what vigor they grow a. • r the fn t shower of tain Whut would biM-e In e.| tin* stole nt curb pi nits hnd they i ntaioed in t •,*«*.! lied? They would luive d* <\'ii ea Ii oilier :thei* (i j| leave-, xvould h ive dropji. d ..jfi, and|jcm rid deliilitv xvould have l.d 1 lowed, not i-.ay tn be removed ■ toil by llu* ('renrJi neafinent not n b illWill to* lent. Now. it ix e eocfeidCrMlie principle, it i« finply the. fbat ex i*i v pl.n||fpla« ed hi (hr xun in water will l oi no way flat*, nod the roiitinueil wet flute of j tiie bed for tht) /jr-t lew day is* fiimlar to u ; I h. ‘dec, the pie eiire ol the »iin rniitribiitec l poweilolly to tli. rooting, ol the plants. I _[ Hit pn J litdford. I i in min/ Ruft 1N21I ) JOHN fMtOWN and Tlininii* VV. Itrnwii, I nf VV If Hrmvn and \\ illlum If nri, minim i*l r i of llem \> Hurt. i'i i > a*ed, llrftr. In f 'luim *-i t. i 'I In- di-li-ndunt VV • Ilium I(. Brown, not h/ivmy i mo • i d J h inM ifnin '-ami invi ti rei-'itlt ureordiny to ilo- n> t <1 \ i inlny and th« mle* of till- • --ml. nnrl It appearmy i i.v • all fiietury evidro. •• llml lie i« not tin itihahitimt of | Hu* r-ounlryi |l in onlf-md that tin mid doleud.iid do S 11 * j • * ii hereon III* lirM day nftlie in\t ii-nn mid un | -w rr the Idll of the plaint if)itlld (hat u ro|>) of this «.r d»-r In* forthwith hif*ert#d m •■■.nil m vv*p apt a printed in i f o' town of f.viiclihnrp for nvn I'lontlm **m t e*iov*dv, ronl J pn*fnd at fin* front door • »f tin- i nnrthoiOM- of thin fonii It \ Copy—Ten#, it c mitciif.i.In r. Fell r». _w.'iiiVt III dflti <! IV b. Ifnlts. |H2*C \ (’ll VS. Will ri.I.I N. -nivnniy part nor of /fin. ami t'.ii* VViii'i-l. _v roinpl'iiiiant, .!■ aimi If'in. II Hrown mid W in ll'.ri, adinr. of ilem v llnii.'!»■»• deft*. In Cham r rv. The defetnlant Win M I'.rmvn, nut Imviny entered In* appe i'-alien ami yi\i-ii »i-« nri: \ n « online to tin- in f id I V eddy nod tIii- rule of i rourt. nml it uppmirinir ! «af!*l'artory evWIrore dm* be isnotiiii inhabitnut of j f M!• rulintf v ; Ir I, />».!. I l.rtt lln Mjinl di-li-ndunt ilo ippi-ar h'-rr on :li • lir i 1 .. <.i in \t Man h Iitiii and mi «*-r the hill ot'fin- ■ ■mp|n! and that a ropj oft hi* or - f r l.-■ fiirthwith ..I m mme ie-w ■‘papei p in'ed in ' *o\vn of l.\uelih.i v f-.r ♦« o inontli-*ai - **uvidy, and ;.o*l I I Ih'1 front (hair of 'in1 f-oiirllion -e in the »nid minty A copy—']>•;. II « M1H II1.1.I., It l . I- eh. f». W«!lll50 % I wit Vi ii i onrt ln-l«l for II ilif.ix roun / t v tin 2’id duy ol l»i-« I - • Inditli I’n -iou, pltf. yain*t Flfimnt; Maynard, John S Olio, and Will mm IU lUnkn. deft*. IN V Tim defendant*. Kb mmy .M i>nnrd mil John H <ila*H not liavn ;• entered their appearnm •' and yi\en *e< n ritv m I'oiiling to Hie m l r.| \*-rinb|\ and t||e tllle.-ol till* ronrt, and it appearin' to tin *at.'fa< (toil of the rourt that tin * -iii- not inhabit u i' of ihi- finmiunw rallh . on (liolmn of tile plailitlll l#\ I olderfd llo * lid defendant* I 1'HtiliI VI trod and John ,w <«l ilo ipprer heri on tie -Ith Monday m Mar. !i nr jtt, and nn*uir i!i hill fifth' phnutiil Thru it ropy of U>1 • i 1 drr Iff fi»i thw Ith llfo rli i! in *one-nnwnpit pel piltfil-ill-d iii till- low II id l.viir iliiiry lor two itnnil h*» *io . «■ **iv»Jy, nml pod-(. at tin frontdoor of ihe eotirt llmise oftliiM '\ i.:i *ni|ie roilft dav A ■ • ! UM BOLT, D»c Jan 'Si? 2in-lli M» v*rs. IS iflitt/n Shelton, jr. Janies M. Dana f, jr. Jeans Htnndeiivr, Jtsit ftutliUy, fjonard Daniel, Hit hunt S. id hr, i /minus V. 11 it haul a ml Samui l (ttn/antl. /• ! VKK M) IK K. I'Mt I »hu|l,oo the .‘{Hi .'-1. dev <f Apt il, ni»«J AfPl da y of M«v nmi. til tn# i hvei n Hoiim* of T)r. Powell, fit Am* lit rttl Cotii i Il'MtPn, pf‘»t ei d lo ink** the ilopofi Iioii* ot siioil. y wiliie*«i ii1 11111«•*.» tlt^r fflmll tie so«m#i InUeti. ilmt fin the 2d dny of Vlnv next, at llitr lnvei o 11‘HlPe of I lent y I*. ; lirtliel, tilke I lie ill ponllioriB id KlllllJi v w |m yt , nml on ti.i »th dav <d May licit, nt the I rank I iii 11 file | m »he it", n <»* I.v ne III hi i £, t.ike l lie ill position', i t M'.oh v witm-Hpe* all of wl.irfiiite to In- lead a* rM'l* • cw ii I tie trial of a Pint now depending nml nodi icrniioed in the Superior | Court .">1 (‘Imn't’ty tor Ih# Lynclilitng |)ipiru l# in whieli I mm I’liiinhflT, nnd you nic Del’rn* dams. \.nos A« Ali< filUACD UOBF.HTSON. March 2<» ^ * F. have a few handsome Liverpool |)i nine; Sells complete, which we are of fering very low. Also, a splendid assortment l ea China, embracing every rjuality and puce. We invite the attention of our friends and the public to the above McKKE, ROBINSON & Co. Jan f>. tVHUN'ft. JUDKINS specific remedy for the cure ol Corns. White Swellings, Sore Legs and Ulcers Schirrus or Glandular Tumors, (eilons, Rheumatism, Sprains, Bruises, Tetters, Chil blains, &iC. Just received bv THOMAS J. DUVAL Ocf, f3. IMIlJTKlb. MK ll'.H 1 11 SON »N|. 1 III CO.NVKN MON T'i I Ik hUlnr of the Crnlivtl of Iht Ini It ft SIK In flu* ye pi* iHlfl, I published a scutes oflet'er* addr* **ed fn l he people of Virginia on the subject of reforming mir ‘'late (bniiliftlttwn. 11 was m pamphlet form. I eneloted t« Mr .leflertmn 11 tnpv * I tbis pamphlet, requesting Ins opinion on the subject. In answer to which, I receive I bis highly interesting letter of the Iitiii Inly, 18Iti. I lihnrtly after wmfe to Me JedVfson, requeMiug pei mission to publish this letter, in answer tu wliich I received his letter of 15th September. \ mi will discover that I whs laid under the i nu»st solemn injunctions not to puldiish these ( truly able andlofcrettitig letters ; but sinee dir death ul Mr- .(> fleison, I have consulted n | number nflhem »st Intelligent individual*, who me of opinion, that it is my ilitty now to give them to the people for their consider allow, and that it cannot now he considered a breach ol good faith to pubhih them, n» tin* whole oh . ject of this great and vrnerahb* man appear* *1 ' to be to guard npalnsf being drawn inton pub lie and personal discussion of this important subject Nor can bis memory poi«itdy be in jui. 1 l»v the publication on the contrary, i* will add. if any addition ran be made, to the , traiiscendant character ot this great a«po*He of the freedom and happiness of his fallow ctli I'l* ns \ on will beiewith receive (he letters, which you are at liherl\ to pnldisfi, I am most re spot tfnlly \ oili It bold, SAMUr.l. KKRrilKVAL. I rederii k < ’minty, Va N**v. 21,18.0. t'opv uf a l.rtter rn’i’ivfd by S kcrrhfrnT. r*q. dated *' iMm/irrUn, .full/ 1*2. IH|(>. ' SIR -I «I»*4v received yum lav i of lime I !. w nh u i ipy r»f the lellern mt lb** railing u I nilven•inn, mi w ldi:li von ate p|e|i«ed In mhK imv opmi'in. I IlMvr lint been in the habit nl m unions n’-i’ivi' imi mu 11111* «*t, nnr n| '>111 I* fling up inv opinion** within my own doublet; mii Hie emti nt v, wl ilr in public turvio rape . iuHv, I have thonglii the poblir enfit ed tn ; 1 rankn■*• . u"d niliiirite'v in know w b in tbrv « tllploved- imi I mu Miuv fi'lm il I inmgninv elf a« a pnM-eiig* i wnli confidence to tlio-M- 11 the Jn <*i*• nt Iii Imi. tmd .nd bill for rrdl, pence ! mid good will. I be ipieitinn v*Ml propone n** j equ I 1 ••pve*’**o(ntion. ban bei nine a party our, 01 which I with to lake no |uihlir nliftrr, yet, if ; if In* niltrd fur your imvii miti fardnn only, ami i not to he quoted liebu P 'he public, I have no | motive to withhold t* 041 d flic |c«a from vo**, a** if coincide- with ynur own. At 11*«• iiirth of 1 our repuldi* , I coiniivitted that opinion to the wot hi 10 the iliimtflit of a <‘uiiRtitiitiofi inmrttrd i 11 • tin* Note* ***i \ irginin in which a piovimon I wav iu«e 1 fed for a 1 cpn • nt 1 • 1 <*m pei tnunently 1 1 qoii1 I he >nl il*' V of the *ohjcrt el that tun in- lit ml oof me*ptp unco of self got ernifir "I oei iMinne I prod* tlepat Ini r. in that dianght from gettuine republic on 1 iiiimIih. In truth, itir iiloiKe*. ol iiion *ichv had mo inMrli filled nil the ‘time of politic t! 1 ootf inolntinn that wo non ; itted * m i y thine rcpiihlnm whirh wa« not j mount 1 hv. we hid out \t» penetrated tn tile • niothei pniirii I 1 h t gnvei nonmi* are icpnhli ran only in proportion MM they nobody the will nt llietr pentib-. .md f'P" ute it llctiie, our In 1 roiitiifotinti* Irol 1 rally tin bfpjlnc ptiuri j pie hi • It in, hut e> pencil •• end r* lb 1 lion lia v hut mote mid more «tjnfirmrd me in the pill Iicular unpmlain e of the equal feprepeiita fion i'i"o ptnpnm d f fo that point t -en | mo eoliiciv 111 kfuiliniriit w ith ynttr Icfteis ; and (oily lauu nt fliai 11 fm y light nl y uur pHinph let preveiitd their appe 11 nor- 111 1 lie neoNpa per a, where alone tlu-v would b" grurtnllv read, mid prothi' 1* gee* nil 1 H rt —Tile pi«n lit vacancy fnn of oilier itinHcr would give flietn place in eve* v paper, and firing flic quculion home to ev**> v iiihiik Collin ioncr Ibit equality of r* presentation, in bo'h holt ne- of toir legi-hr ore id nut tin* only repuldi can lierrpy in the fi»**t cumy «*I «nir tevolution hi v pai iul* at formmk' a a ndiititfion. lor let if he agreed that ft government is fepuliliratt in proportions every member computing it Ini* j hid equal von, in the ilir* rtion of it* concern*, ' (not indeed 10 person. winch would he impuif IiohMc bet olid 'hr Inni'd of n city, < r a actall I 1 owiimIuj■ hut) by rrpreten'Mliven rhoden bv ! Iiiutdclf. -ml 1 etpoi*mblf* tn bint nt short pet 1 [ o'U and let os bring fo I *e ledt of 111 • d canon i every him h of ' in < otididiiliutt, Iii Hu* I.«ln'n>r. die House of Reprssi n'e lives is ehnveu In I* - linn helfthe people, ami unf at all tn p,fM m (ion tn those who tin choose I lie Senate ai >■ so I loore 'lisurnporlionuti'. anil fur long terms u I irrespun* ihilitv. In the It eculive, the (invei nnr i< rniirelv Indefieitdrtd ol the choice of tin* prop? , it ml of the 'r cnfltinl , — tl , council • ipnillv «n, anti nl hc-t hut n filiii wheel in a waggon In the Jtidiciarv, the pnho-s nf tl e high' si marts are dependent no in mi' Inil iheniselves. In England. where nulg Ml u ere limin' I anti rfinnvHhle nf the will u| an heerdilary et -relive, from wliieh hraneh must miirule was f. a'Cil, Mini lias II. wnl, u wax n great point gann-il. hy fixing them fur life, tn mnhu them independent nf the Executive, Hut in a gov**i miicnt Intiude'l un the puhhe w ill, thi- piineiple upeialev in un np|" »il" direcli in, nf.. . eainsl will 'I here Inn lie V writ Midi remox'ahle no .1 .ruiieni e nl die Exicu live and Legi*latixe In,inches ; hm we have made ibein iiidepemlent of the ualinn iHelf, Ihiw sie irremovable lull bv llieir own hudy 1,,I III,v depravities id conilnrt, and even hy their own hudv fin the iinherihlies nf dill,age. | tie pisl e « ul the inferml enuri* me self elm sen, ini' Ini life, Hi d p. I peiunie their own Inn 11v m sin ee-sinn Imem , «n lhal n I 11 mi nine posvgsviii.e if * elf of the bench nf n rnntifv ran never be broken up, but hold llieir county in rhinos forever indissoluble. Yet these justices m e the real executive, nswell as juciriary in all our ininur anil nrdinarv concerns; they tax us nl will, fill the office nl Sheriff, the most imiMiriant nf all the Executive offices of the county ; name nearly all nur military lea ders, which leaders once named are remova ble, Iml hy themxelve*. 1 he .lories, our Judg es of all fact, and nf law, when they choose 11, tyr nut selected by the people, nnr aim liable In them ;—they are chosen hy no officer named by the court audexeculive t hnseii, iliil I say? pil lied up by the Sheriff Irnui the luungings of the court yard.after every tlnng respectable has retired from if—wln re then is our republican ism lo be found? Not mi one constitution cer ininly, Inn merely in llm spirit ol our people, that would oblige even a despot lo govern us lepublicanlv ; owing to Ibis spirit, anil tn no thing in the" form nl our eunsiitiilion. all things have gone well. Hid •?'•« fact, 10 triumphant. !y mi-quoted by the enemies of reformation, i, mil the truit of nur constitution, but has pre. vailed in spile of it; »"r fniiclioneries have done well because generally honest men : if a ny were not so, they femeil tn shew it But'it will lie seid it it easier In find faults than to amend them. I do not think the r n tnendmenf sn difficult es is pretemleil ; only lav down true pr nciples, and adhere lu them ilitlexiblv. Do not be frighleiied into their surrender by the alerms ol the timid, nr the croaking* ol weahh against the ascendency of the people. Jfriperience be called for, appeal ;o tbs' of our ir> or 2i' governments for 40 'ear-, mid a how m» wlteie M.p people |inT, ■lone hall Ihe rnirrhiefin time Intly ycnra, |hn» ft nngle deipni eould have done in n tnigle yenr ; or hew here half rhe rinir and rebel Imni.llie rrimer and the ponhiimenta «ahictt hftve taken plftee in any "ingle iiltlion, under Uingty government during ihe mine . frei inj,_ I’helriie Inundation ol repiihlican g tern men* it the erpiftl rigid of every • iiirrn in Ida perron mid property, and In their manat nont Try liyllill na ft Inlley, every pruvien ■>. nf our rnnaii lniinr,and afte il'It liftog" du. i-i|y on Ihe will of Ihe people i reduce ■ >. i UegiilalHre lo a rnnvenleni ininii'er for loll, Ion o deity ilngtif • ion; let every man who fig lua or pnya, exer gue hia jirtt mid equal right in Ilnur elerlion •iilnnll them to nppiolmlion or rejection nt alifir' Iniervala: I.el Ih* Ktecutive he rlioaen in Ihe midp wny, mhl (nr the aairte teim, liy llioae. ii Imip ngeiii he Ii lo ; ,ind lenvr no (green of II rnunell In hind whirl, i0 tkulU Imm reapou aihility II hha ' em thought Hint the peopl • ■nr in I mini eieol elyg'ina if judge" framed jr ihr lair, hut I do noi know that thia ii true and if doiihifol, <ve ahonid follow principle In a hia aa in ninny ,.|har plitctloni, they would he guided try reputation, which would not ei oftenei p> rlinpa fhftn the prraeni mode ol ap. pointriieiil. In one tlnlr of Ihe Union nt len«i il hnr heen long tried mill willi the oioal xaio factory •nrrri.a The judge* nf CouneetlciH Imre heen choaen hy il.ft people every an mnnlln for nearly l«n irniuriei. and I helievc th rehet hardly evei heen ftu iiiplftug. uf rhange ; an poueiju' i« Ihe cnrli of ineeaann' icapmi ihildy. If prij iilice nmvever, dm ived from a mountriiiea* inniitiitinn. t» m»!| fn pn v n 11 Hgnlt**t III** vital elective | nucipla of otir own, ttnd if th© rxi-'ing example amnnp nut reive* of peimdlcnl election nf judge* hy people hi- *till ini trotted, fn u« nt least nof adopt the evil anil reject flu- good of ti e ICnc l|«li pr* rrd"n' , let it* r* tain nmnvnhil'y on file rnnmrren-e nf the F.iectitive find Jegid live tnnarhfo, find n«»mi etmn hy Hie excen tiv* ah ti ; no ' Itiatt It in office i* an eiectt tlvi•finn no i ’’n give it in fhe legi 'nfirt e, n we do. in n vi dull' n nfilte principle of tM* p •» u' ion *d |»■•wer- It uervert th« m. mbcf* fi'nm rom-r tier* hy t"mp*n ion to iflligu* for office ih *n»*‘Ut rf nm1 t a corrupt barter of vote- ; and destroy* ic pouuhillty by dividing it anion*' » imdfittide ti* leaving nominatlmi in it* proper place atom « < *• entive function*, the piiociplr* of the divtnh lion nl power i* p «•* i\ed, and rc*pon»ildlify neiph* with if< henvb-it (nice on tin- »ingle head. *1 he nr^an (ration td our t mm*v lulmm i*lrntlnii may lie tlionghf moie difficult, I nf follow piinupjc and the knot untie** Hxrlff divide the counties into ward* of «m Ii ire a* tf *1 every ci'ieen enn i«t(*nd when called mi and net in person, n-> tribe them the g'vcritment of their droid* in alt filing* relating to tH©"*eUe« e*clu*iVely <. l.i'iMict? choxrn hy Ih« nuelve* in each, <i rmnfo tile, a mMitai v comp nv, a pa'role, a school the cate of their own pour their own pnrfioj, of the public road*, the choice of one m uior> jttror* I • *e» ve in *ume ronrt. end the detlve ry, within lhei» i-wu ward* nf Iheir own vole# for nil elective officer* of tiigher ipher", will relieve lie c uuty admiidtftn lion nf netiilynll it* himim *will have ii Uelici done, and hy making **ve*y cifir.en an acting nibrr of the* j ('oven mcnf, end In ♦»**• ••Ifi e* nearc* and wolf J infer"*'ing #o him, will atiach him hy nh «fr«mp "*t feelieg* to th" iudenomh tire o( hit country end it * lepnhltcaii con* I'ntnui I be jnxticrji tiim ( Ihmcii by every ward, Would con*fi(iife f*• "• »»oty r«»-ir», would do if* judiciary lm*i 11"**, dire« t road* and htidgi •», lev y county and poot rate*, and aifmitliRter ill the matter* of common intered to tin* a bale county. Their* w.ird*, called township*, in New Foglitnd are tlo vi'al principle of iheir government*, and Iumc proved t^"in*elve* th.' wige*t invention c ver devi*ed 1»v the w it of man fur the perfect exercise of *"lf pot eminent and lor • !* prefer valion. We should thus iiiandml our govern in«*nt into— I 1 lie General Federal Republic, lbi nil concern* foreign and federal. *2, That of the Stale for what relate* to out nfi/rri* e* rhlMvrly. M. '1 he county republic* for the dlt tic* at d concei nti of the county , and d. The Ward Iti public*, for flic tmall, and vet ntirner on* and iote-»• ting cottcetn* of tfie neighbor hood ; and in gov* ntmenf. a* \1 rll as in aferv other lm*ines* of life, it i* by division and snh* division of dotic* nh ne, ihi*t ail mailer*, great and Mnall, can he managed to perfecion. and the w hole i« cement*d by giving to rveiy rifi /en pei*oimllv o part in the administration of th*- public affair*. The mm ol the-e amendment* i-- J. general • iidiMgi—2 eq nl ri pre*eji'a'ii>n in rhe legj* I "me—II mi executive rhonen by the people —4 Judge* elinivenf rein mid.-—5, julllCPJ, jiirui* nml ■ In-rifi* elerlivt—ft. * ml divitinnx, nml 7. peib tin it I ninrnilntt nl* o the constlln t inn >*l hnvetli.ois 1 1111 f Ihe*e, a* loii' e heasfn nl nine iliiii'iit, lor ro' niilerHlinn nml correc tion • nml theii object i* m scone sC|| govern irirul hy Ihe lepiihh/nm in ol our cun • i111 f ion a* wdl a* by the rpirit nl the people : and it in 10 iiouri h and perpetuate that spirit. t am not among ihoie who Irur the people '1 hey. and lint il. • lirli. me onr dependence for n o imu d fri cilion ; and, to prenerv indrpefulrnre we must lei our ruler* load 11* with perpetual deht, we nm** rnalie nm . ieetion Itetwei n tea fl awy Olid tibrrty, nrpra/i/iien nnii lervihit/c If I wr run into nucli delu*ii we inn*1 lie tiixgtl in our niertl and ill our diiuk, 10 1 nr ip ee -ariex j mid our eomfuri*, in mu inborn anil our a iiioo iiif iin, lor our r uling* and oor i:ree4x, n < Ihe people ol Kn 'land are, our | euple, hlie them, mint come In labor Iti hour- m 2 1. giie 1 lie earuitii ■ rtf Iflol them- 10 the government Ini llirir ilehl* and daily i*pr.i«n-: ; and the Ifiih being in*. (Been! lo affuiil 11* bread, we mu** live, a* they now do, on O'lton al and pntntoei have nn tint- In think, 110 meant nf cempg tit« iiiimianager* 10 account ; hug be ghid in obtain snljM'lence by hiring inir0(/\!t lo rivet their chain* nn (lie fleekj 'foiirWlb w itiflcrar*. Our land lioldri* too. itke iheir*. 1 el win ng indeed the title and «teward>l i|i ofenintr* railed iheir* but held really 111 nu*t for the timiiirv, mint waiuler, like |liei|i, in fori igu rnuntrie*, he conienled with pi mu v, idmciiiitv , exile, and the glory of I tie nation. Tbit ex. mph rend* ' to it* the military lemon that private fortune*!;> are destroyed by public, a* well as liy private exirfivaganre And Ion t* ibeii udrnrynf all hu mail governmenl*. A depariine from pimriple in one illtlan e, loo nines a ) rererlen1 tor a 2d, tlia'2il Inra 4d, k. toon lilllli hulk id ll.e*. cietv iireduted 10 lie meie nu ninnlon* nl mi«ery, in have unirniihilily lefilliiil f.r *ionuig*i. suffering Then begin* indeed Ihe In hum emu mm in otn nia, which noine philosophers, observing to be so general ill llii* world, have mi* alien it for Ihe until' nI, instead ol the abusive slate of ntnn and the toie' urse el this frightful Irani, i* pub lic Deb! Taxation fnllnw* thnl, and in it* train wri ichrdne*; and oppression. Snnic men look n. ConxlUulinn* with lanrii moni',n* reverence, and deem them, like Ihe ark of the ravenanl, too saered lo be touched— They mcribe lo Ihe men of a preceding ag> a w isdoin more than human, and suppose what they did lo be beyond amendment I knew Ilia! age well ; I belonged to it, and labeled with il 11 deserved well of il* country; il wax very like the present, hnt without the eaperience of the proem ; and 40years eaperience in govern ineol i» worth a century of hook rending ; and llii* they would *ay Ihemielvex, were they tp rile from the dead. I am rertainlv not no nd vocate for frequent and untried change* in law*