\__ PtRRIlO IAT» I I K.LV I "fovr days l vtfk from f.nuland. Bv thnrriv.il of the packet 'Inp S;. \n.ln ». Cap*. Taubmnn. hi New York. Irom Liverpool. dmmlMoriof the Common ial \.l»iTti« r li tic ceivoJ their file* of Li»,i.lon hmJ l. w rpool paper, ,hr former to the :*>tb, and tli ■ litter to the .«hl. of Julv. 7 ENGLAND. Tim nwnkipal corporatiouv loll. -vd 111 tin hooae of common'. * «i hroocht Itefore tnc opp. r haaae on the &h!>, bot of muro no intmial. n ■forded, on which reliance raa be placed, as to its ultimate ile'i in' Tim Web church loll «... »tm umliT dufomoii !■ the lower hoove. A committee of the li aise of commons li o ro commendeil n grant of j lti.itOO to Mr. ILirnev I r his Mpprovc incuts in steam carriages. The bill to abolish imprisonment t*»r .h f t h.*« I Missed the committee ot th house t«» which if " ‘s referred, but it w is not expert*! to come behne the bouse during the prevent session. London, Julv 2f».—Tlie ninm tary tin Its wt re rather taken hv surprise with flu* posting «»l the following letter at the Hank of 1 nglaind, Irom Hu* Chancellor of till* F.\t in qner, on the ttthjci I ot ti.i West India compensation loan, winch was rev* i\ id shortly after one t/cbe*. i d vomtiiutih ited to the members ot tin* Stork l \< !i :" * ■ — ** Ti%as in < 'h lm! t , J y 23,183 '• Gentlemen—1 beg to ii.t- im you, and to r* quest that you w ill in tki it known in tin u-ual Planner, that on Wednesday nex», at 11 oYlotk, Lord Melbourne and I will !>»• i.-.tdy to see am gentleman who may he devrom se gentlemen heir at tin appointed hour—1 have the honor to he, gentle neo, vour obedient servant, ' (Signed) 1 Simum. Kiel. ••To the Governor anil l>.*p ify G > v« i uur <>l tin Bank of England/1 The wheat and ha\ crop* w rc protnuin.' mJ ex pected to be abundant. London , July 2S i loan contract whollx absorb* uttenti n ;.i the m*» tiled circles. To fudge from tin I'mati'in .mi ticitem nJ that prevail t"-lav, it w« ! I"' »ma - ned that to call upon pi "j1' to I 1 th* it m un-y is of all circumstances th* most an. * *mle to tin r, The Competition is exp* fed t* lie a w u rti one, a* po hint has been given «•? »< ■' l-f w■ n any of the parties enga. I in l<*rn:; !i -f i r i- it be lieved that any thing of the . ii w M take f »*.«* * From what is whispered f-> 1 • n i' * suh < t i i very select circles, ill* i f ' elo.mutilpr - bablv nor exceed tl l Ie inquii ies id the Chancellor of t'; la li , h i ve led hnn, a> it ts said, to believe that a I. 1 *e p ntn n <»l the \\ India claims w ill not he e tihl-.-hed t ’1 a \« rv dis tant period; some of t! nil, p »il U imt at all; •ttd to go at once on i r td' * u v umstaie « - to tin whole extent of the •iaut, no ht he to e it ad an Unnecessary debt on th- no I < it prudently of the amount, it i* « qn -turn « I some interest in tl»e cty in what stork rlio I m is to he r.iise-l. lu general, a great nn in loe c\isi> a'ain.t the 3} per rts., called timidly the heavy stocks, and tlie Minister will undoubtedly obtain brttei t* mii , as regards the annual ch.irpes, ! v raisin the miiii required wholly in 3 per c • :11-. tho i.’h he w ill by >n doing increase the Horni:! d aim lint ,” of which that Wan the fir»t. \ grand fon i. l sei x ire w is pei formed in all the rhtin lien, in memoi x of those w ho felt ; the second and thii I *1 i\ s wen t » he dt x »fed lo rejoicing-. The trial before the thaiuhei of pens had not yet terminated, hut a new turn had been "iven to the speculations of tin* press and the cmiodtx «»t‘ the people, by an mievjM cted proceedin'' el the procurer-goneial, who on the ill,annoum ed that be had abandoned the proserution of some of the prisoners, and recommended th*- others to the nm cy of the court. The senti a . W as e specie I til III declared about the middle id \ * • is*. The cholera was still pi ov* lent ,,i M u *% •. • 111»■ v mm at other places in th.it part id" the kin uloiu. I’lie re were eighty deaths at Mm*, lies mm the J3d of .In IV. StMiP.—Thi' l.ifrst i Kim iVmn M.ulriil weir of Inc I9tli of J ii I v , vii P n i> : from tin* nr.ii «>t war no Inter Ilian had Im< -\ j*n• \ i-uislx it t civim!. The r re at V l part el f I ■ ■ • i - \ ilisl P. i« c. wen- con centrated upon Pampclm.i on the 1*>iI-. Ii was reported, however, lint gen : il (' u lov.i In.I vet out from that city attach 'he ( ’.it lids, vvI... were near Estelhi. The belief appea-v to I" lining i t mil l that tli" Oort hern powi r« Will not take nhv active mca - uces in favor of Dim Carlin. It iv mmh-cU to be •opposed that they will, il it he tine, ns strungls intimated, that tile empernr el’ Xnstiit shews nil ine.lioation to secede front the h 'K alliance. Portugal.— \d\ices tiom I.islmii are In the 21**.—Another parti d eh .live it mimslrv had ta ken place on the lli'lg The i qiilnl was tpiii I, anil the kingdom ill general pre' pt i 's an.I ■ ■ nr, n tod. Egypt .—Melanchols ;|. i u nits nv given in nne of the French papers of the rasar es ,.t' the plague and cholera in Syria and Kgvpt. I'li irteen il eu •and pilgrims are sai l in have died in one dav al Mecca, of cholera ; but this is p ih.ildv a.i im mense exaggeration. Tiie sitii.i'io i nf .Alehemet All i* represented to he very i ritie.(t, hetweeu the plague and poverty—histicasmv bring alnmst ev nausted. But we do nut believe i'. We happen to know something nf the le d stale nf nliliirs in Egypt, and perhaps we may give an article cm the •uhjert at mme early day. Thu same paper al lege! that a linn an of admission in the like k Sea mi not refused hy the Porte to the I lenrli brig nf war having on hoard M. Tevier, the scicutihe trav - •Her. Neither do we believe thi-. Th* Mediterranean Squadron.—The Malta Gasntte, of the 8th of July, nienii ns that the American squadron, consisting ol the Delaware ehip of the line, the Potoiuac frigate, and the Shark schooner, under the command of commodore Pat terson, had been lying within sight nf the port for •erne day*. The Delawaro afterwards sailed for Tripoli with the American cons d general and fam iljr. A »mart shock of nn earihqita.,. was expe rienced at Malta oil the .‘50th nl Jmie, but ni dam ■(*' ii said to have been sustained hy 0. Steamboat czplosion.— X shocking accident, attended with lamentable loss of life, occurred at Oreenock, on the evening of the 2-ltli of .Inly. The Earl Grey, steamer, wai lying at the Quay, an her nay from Ifothsay to Glasgow. The strani it is said, wan forced up, to prepare fora race with the Clarence steamer, when the whole roof of the boiler, the funnel, cabin, and deck, were blown up ia the air,and the beam*, planks, and fragments scattered oxer the quay and into the river. There •rore about forty persons on board at the time of •he accident, nnd the papers give the names of ibiny-two who were either killed or injured. This •sdanrJioly occ trrence had created a v< rv grbaf sensation in Gltsgnvr. DOJIKSTM’ IXTM-MUEXn;. Pitn. i i n. n i \ 2H, < )ur tow n l ift ••veiling w.i > sneii w li it ••vc if* -1 bv the report thftt * pet sun bad dren cjivsreil thiough the dav m distributin'/ papers favor abb t * tie M ,diti.Mi iHUM, and was attending a meeting *•! |Un< k> in file suhtr Im ul this place at tb it filin’’. \bout 7 n't lurk a collection ul pet rnns | ' • ‘ *'' * ded ti> the lime where the meeting was be! I, hi J request**! the |H i«on (who buns* If •v',as Tripp) to route out. which, affei «*niie alter* atioii, lie did, and gave up his paper ik R"\s lli.lt no V loltMICf-escorted him through a pad «* the foil ii. with varum* c\pr* >uoii, in feterenri to Lynch Law-, far and featl»*i*, A*. I h« v conducted him In die west * nJ of the town, and upon his earnest solicitations not to injure him, and promises not to he engaged h* re ill die like I ti smess /Min, filev let hint go w ithoitt inllictin any in I itry on him. lie stated tint he was an agent lot th* l*hii »t» iliiopi'f. Liberator. *V c.f copies • »t u hieli lie I ad i . his possession, together w nil copies of tin “ Vuti Slavery Record," with \rthur Tappuids nunc w riften on the CoVer. M is*. v« m vI i rs.— I lie Legislature ol the St t:e ol M yup %c lit xl i i s iiii't. at a prorogued Ses ,iioi, ,.t» U ednesdav last lor the vpc* i d purpose id a /< v ision of tlie Statutes of dial State. In his M* - sage at the opening *»l tIlf Session lh* \cfiiig <•<> v ei rmr ( Ahmstuum;) advt i ts to on* or twootliri sohjects, and, among ot tiers, to tin* * \i ding excite* imiii on tin-ktihjec t of SI ivi i v, in the billowing f« mis : “ Lithe lllll p iss' * -Ion id all tlmxr hi' III which are indicated by « n-an p is-.nl piospeiitv, ..hounding Itealtb, an l undisturbed Ii anqmllitv .» moiig out selves, wo see ihiuonsii atmiM ol an Un ix on ted ex elf thility in no me jwi lion • of trie c< m In upon die subject ol domestic slavi r\. 1 o al la\ this evileinont, by any Mutable mode, seOlu oh\ imislv file clulv of I be pbilantbropist and the pat i inf. Om ( orislilutimi guarantees to ea» b ol the St.in * tlii* exclusive control and uiauagenieiif ol it> own internal tilhiiis. W batevei mav In* the npirtton • lit the desires of the People of Mav&aehu setts, in le.1 ud to Sbiverv as it exists incur coun try, it is most assuredly believed that they are lit tdlv opposed to the countenam iug ot any me.i sun » bav ing tor then object the distill boma- ol tie I e ice, or tiie abralignment ol tin* constitutional States ol this I nio n • vet mi a air* * may be necos.irv now, or at au\ l iture pei iod, tor the rrm oval ot existin' rvib, III I ( and should he referivil to the prudence, jus* tire, and comp a ssi« n ot I lio e who are most hall ultimately conn , will he founded in i(jM j| y . We cherish t L* • l n nmol tin e St ales n . tile < bu t ot (till polite al hb ssmg , mil .is tin pi' Lit oil which lean the hope ol those wlm are quit I !v to succeed u> in the scenes ul tliis world , lot the perpetuity ol tin. Union, we will teadilv ac q Ule so in miri dices as I.H go and as liberal a duty does or shall require. We fitmly bol l now*, mii every v icissitude we have held, an unfeigned and in,.dialed attachment to tie* ( institution id tin country ; that (onslitu ion, w liich form» the ha,i.« of our nation’s peace, bmmi, and hope." W i h am that on .Sunday 1.11 i M'lioms ilisliuh .nice took plai i* at Noi'ii idi. f r \ large collection of itnlii iduaL, lom oi Inc hundred in muiibci. at t.o Ui d i In \e il'inv kept by Mis. Hi hi ILu km:liam, toi tin iiistiui tioii ol in'giues, sunt tinned (hr chi! din. about nmct\ in miuihcr. mil ill Mi. It ock u ell, tin* M .iv ul. has olh ud urcw.ild ol s.itl loi the an prehension ol the imtcis. VI l\ipei. Then* is rtiucli candor m tin- following, from tin* S.ilmi (ia/.rUi' : “ \Y Into we, at the \orlli, are thanking Cod tint w r an* not .is otlin men are—sinners and sbivrhol d'• i»—we ought never to target that in all human probability we owe our happy exemption from s!a veiv lathe northern I ititude in w liu h wr are pla ced. If we had heeu 1 raised* ten degrees larthei south, wr should have liren all ia toll consent w ith the other sluv eholdri *■.*' \ Uowi ink I on w Ot.ivr.it.— V mrrnn of tlici citizens ot JSt. Mary's County, Mainland, )liti iilg reipirsted the Methodist l .pisropal Church in that countv “to disconlinur holding Camp Meet ings in the counts dining the present e\« iteinent" in (elation to the colored population, th ('onimit lee tlien making arrangements toi holding a t’.mip Mertmg, immediatelv • • t, and tiuaaimouslv resol ved to accede to this impie^t, coiuurring in ‘ pin ion that “all populai assemblies an* at this time h i - * h I x i 111 pi nper," and concluding with a irsohilion flit llie citizens aforesaitl he, on their part,“res pectlulls requested to decline holding Morse ICtces, Treats and Kaihacues.** The “ Com-tnitlee" had the “ (’iti/.em*** “ on the hip.** ( 'inrhnutfi, (Ohio,) I*2S. \ si;n \tok w i i.i. ii.o<;<;n>. W e !• aia trom an authentic source, that Tiiom \k .Mdiiuis, the Nan Kuren Senator in Congress, from this Slate, and w ho so di uncles d\ misrepre sents the will of majority ot the people of Ohio, got a severe and wa ll deserved ting-dug, a short lime .1 -o, in the town ol Kethel, tlx pi.ice of his residence. The partualai s .ire I epresented to Us as follow s : \ liltJe st»n o| Mi. tieorge Ahr.uns, (a higlilv ie spe. t ilde gentleman ot thiil town,) went into the ouhiird ol Mr. .11 fie iso n Morris, a s mi ot the Sen it'M to gather sonc* apples, hv JelVersoiTs per .’itissi.tti, and bring found oil the premises b\ the S nat.M, w is severely beaten hv him, w ith a tre mendous stu k. The ho\ repeiitedlv declared to Mm is while sufi't i ing under the in(1 i< (i.m of his blows, that Jetfeisou Mori is had given him permis sion to t ike tin apple*. This however, did not shield iIn> luiy from a most cruel beating. Mr. Mwaiits highly incensed at tin* treatment bis son bad icceivrd, met the Senator in the street, a lew d iv s aftei wards, and gavi him a veil severe flogging with his lists. 'The Seuatoi had three ot lux trout troth knocked out, (tw o of them artiliri.il,) and was otherwise considerably nininiril. Mr. Uirams, however, was not induced to relinquish hi* pugnacious Imhl, until the sen .tills anil entrea ties n| Mi*. Morris, win had rushed to the rescue nl her hudi.ind, now begging lustily for ijoarler*, had excited his compassion. Menu a* Morris found the Imld of his assailant n liuipiislii d, he look to his heels with no inconsid erable expedition. During hi* retrial, Innvrx cr, he discovered a srxih • hanging upon a Imrse rack in Insist of a neighboring store, which he im mediately seized, and w ith it rushed hack upm Ins nnurini d aiitagonist. Mr. Minims now retreated a few steps with a view of picking up a brick-hat near at hand, which, having succeeded in gelling turned again upon Morris. U this moment the latter threw the scythe at the former, which pas sed close to his head without doing any miurv. Morris being now deprived of Ins potent w, .ipmi mice more took to his heel*, and thus saved himself from further castigation. So unpopular is Morris with his neighbor*, and so richly did they think lie deserved the chastise. meat lie received, that ulinut a hundred of them gathered together in the evening to celebrate the event. After serenading Mr. Abrams, and tiring numerous guns of rejoicing, they quietly retired to their homes. Morris has since indirtod Abrams; but we un derstand that every lawyer in tho county, except Morris’s son-in-law , has volunteered in Abrams's defence, li is alleged, that -ho i!d h? be fin d, the amount r u may be,) will be instantly p.iM * ||\ the who almost unanimously m juice at tin* event. „ [Whir*. Cl M INN \Tt, \ I *K Mt! 114»i \. < In \\ ediirvlay last, one of tin* l iinilv ut John \. \\ oiaiw, !.-i|. ol this < ity, ill 011J4a t » d* siii \ some rat* which wen* viwv ame*v int , msor t4*«l of Hi'cnii in some piece* of If- .««I, ;•>)«! hilt 11m in in *tn II place* hI»4UH tin/ Iioiim* ii welt 1 I ! ecu re ihe tit '(ruction of tli*- nr ii in* v oils . .’iimaL. I nfci limatch , a 1 it(f«* child "I Me. \N i » iiian‘«. about foul m u . * In i>!.’>■ t <>ui{i ^r(i\i)i N( i Mil III 1.1 M \i 'IN-4 • . \ 11 *• I *, 1 s* ' ( j |!,i. i, pa«*ei| the Sault St. Maiie some • I ins a. o, < n his r« turn t rum his mot aiduotr* nu Jertak i a id lull ol he dth mi I spirits. Hi ii | in i n in - home with his poi tlulio full ol line thaw in 's, sonu* of Nt hu ll In* showed at the Saull, mid h i'ai ijiiil' d a \.mt fund of information nnm rti me the geography and mitural historv of the \ i« ti» He dons, all id which In* has had h i'Un* to arrange ! a juihlii atioli since In n-c in d the w« h ome in telli«»eiii'i* ol his friend ( apt. Il"V s sale . nasal m l1. t ( da till. \ moil gem inis net ol ch Votion than h has • •»\ t i to th it Ii'i, hut Was pit si tiled leaf hing i! 11n fu II' I « • re iii'dm 1 i ra /mg in ran sild I in I s tro/eii. Mi 1*11 in wuh a I an I id l.sipd man\ who had no knowledge ol white men, and one ol I ii !• ujuisite di aw in/s ri |»rlits ( apt. I*a i k advancing unarmed upon this hand, whilst the ( hii'f 'd'the hand who raised his spear to strike him to the ground, struck with this touching ap peal (d m in to man, drops ii to the ground, and, with his hand, welcomes him. So that it appeal* there is irt the breast ol the Iudest sa\age, u sym pathetic chord, which n ihrates when a master like Hack touche* it. \ mure pbym »l man would Imvc gone to tin, interview armed; would iia\e ijuari' lled, and perhaps hist his hie .Hid those n| his pal In. Capt. Hack's hook will he a most interest ing nu**, a n I I dues iv far ftuperim in descriptive interest to the work < ! his Iriend Hies. lie Immd among his Ie11ei lit the Saull, one Irom the distin guished arclif Sir .lulm I rank in, who tell' him, il he uses diligence, he will get to Loudon he fore Hoss'sWnrk is out. Sogie.tt isthe general iidini i at inn ul I* • 1 , that In w is n i i*in id \v i: 11 a salute at the Saull, th * lit >1 Iknl he has seen iur a long and sc' in pet hid, in ! h • ex pres d his very jjicat i al ilicatimt at if. It u as cold here a* at the i ml of October, and tires are ipiite as ne( " .,arv. I was at a talk ul i > j ill a i» n t'lei da v , when tl e ( hie I aid “ he ho ped the Vgent would give them clothe* anil food, for winter was cumin' on." The wild gooseberries an not ripe, and cheiiit i are vet sum. The countrv is uni\er,all\ healthv. | .Yu/, Int. The .New \ "l l\ Mel inutile \dvertiser savs,— “ 1 lie p 'W'ei ul tie U.ink el ilie Cubed State* to make tit uiin , or receive depositi s, is limited to the fourth of M irch i e\t, I v; than six month* from tliis date.” \i w t >1111 INS, \ llgllst I .*>. ^Ii ii /hi iti of Death.—Mr. SoMa.i • *, .1 re spectable sugar plautei in \ t taka pas, w hen retur mil' .» tew dasv since Irom a \ isit to sei tel that I ho gun had been char ad h\ a impress, \\ e have nut lieanl the result of (lie investigation. Day before \esterdav, two dead bodies were to rid opposite the plantation ..| Mr. Liuseps—one a while ma n,\vl o had receiv ed till ee won lids ol a da i»er, one in the heart, one on the shoulder, and a third oti tli • head md the oth r a negro, who had been Imivft ol Iih cranium. On Sundav, a daVe belonging to John M. Much, waist ahbid by i white perou, who was immetli ntelv arrest 1 ; and oil Suuday night, a fellow be ing pursued by the (illi ward palrole, shut himself up in a house at the corner ot Tchapitolouas and (»l a\ier sti. *ts ; and when « lose sot, lie pu |,ed open the door, til ed at and wounded tw * oi three ol lu> a aiiaiit . Ih- w as arrested. I vi vi lh NiMVTIU'.— \ dillicultx occurred in our tow n. f say s the Colombo- Kmjuiier ol the J 1st ult.) on I luirsilay evening l ist, between Mr. James Johnson tormelv Ot Vu oista, (ien. and Mr. John M. Hot tom, for me I \ ol \ irginiu, in which the lor me r received a pistol shot imai the region oi the heart, md expired in a lew moments. Mr. ilottom surrendered hiuisell lo the Sherill, on the following dav, ami was tecogni/.ed in the sum of .*<10,000, to appear at the next Superior Court to stand his trial. i'atal Ue.icouiiter.—'Che Manchester (Mi>s.) II-raid gives tin* following account of oik* of those murderous u rencounters” which are now so com iimn in the South and \\ est : “ \ rencounter took place between two gentle men ol this place, on Mond iy last, in the dining room and at the dinner table of Mr, Parisol’s, w inch resulted in the de itli of an innocent man, a Mr. Win. llewes, ofTehula, who was ipimtlv la king his dinner at the hotel, an I knew nothing of the controversy,or that a malignant feeling existed be tween the combatants, a Dr. January and Mr. V. \ . (• atpiu, who met at the dintmrjtable on tin* d i \ above mentioned; when a denunciation of the former w as made b\ one of (lie parties, a firing was immediately commenced over the heads of the persons at dinner, and in the confusion that naturally followed the first discharge, the fatal accident we have recorded took place. “ Three or tuilr shuts were tired ; one ol the balls (tV.nu whose pistol it was not Known) struck Mr. Ilewes on the temple, one hall of which (as it ap pears to have been split) penetrated the brain, which caused his death on the following dav. “ This method of settling disputes cannot he too severely censured. Street fights have met the eon linin' I reprobation of the h i -mis ol good order ; hut a light at a diiinei-table, with pistols elinrgod with hnek shot and split bullets, is imp irdo.ialde." We have lust heard of a most distressing cir cumstance »liieh orenrred on Saturday last, on tho South 1! i\or, a tew miles' above Port Repub lican. V man named John llrown, in a state ol mont.il derangement. Killed his own nophew, him lev t'arllirea, son of Mr. (has. (arihrea, hf heal ing i nt his brains w nil the butt end of a gun, and afterwards cut his head elf! They were out, at the tim ', on a hunting excursion. Brown we un derstand is from the county of Albemarle, and In, mind was thought to be unsettled before he left home, though perhaps not very seriously , lie is - lid to liavo alway s maniletsed a particular affec tion tor tho poor hoy whom lie Killed. The only explanation allorded of the h illilcination which in duced the horrid act, is that ho cut his dog’s head oil also, alleging tint ** he, to h id turned a ;aiiisi i ! him,!" Urou ; is n i n 'f’ermcet. [•Jfjvg'-os Spetipt,,:-. >i \ mu \s i Uf. impoistMl II XKItl'Itl |U., I*.*., Sf | .1. ' The celebrated Multlna, (t.« Impostor, who lias lab Iv excited mi much publi* utteuii n in N. \ a k. passed ilirmigh VI arrKburgon t .<*,eu M iJhv kef. He w ts r» cog li i zed in constpieute » ! Ills singular appearance. beard an inch in It ngtfi, La X in ■ (Mi i I oltle -Tmi hork coat piutalooiK, frogs insU .nl •»' buttoi , and iicxx' silk lint. H»* walked \ ( i \ I '• t, but Itax eg arrived . t lie hr id"e that ( iiimi the SuMju* Itanna. Iiu st* |»| ed and -at d(;xvn. . I some (.fI * i s li el the » n i •* if y to find • at xvlietbei we wei(• mistaken in the man, and .imii dmg!> foHoxxed him. On** of tin* comp.iii*. com ni»**m ( d a runxcrsatiuii on the subject ol lie* hoax, about tl • kite dis* t»\cri* s in fie Moan—M.itth.i* .seemed to take great interest, and remarked, that “ soon a sU|m i ioi rat e ol beings would appear upon tie * urth. That soon there would be a sec nod llood- not a lluod of water, hut a flood of an ti '! On being asked if hi** name was M ittliias, la* h pin d tli.it it u as |mi t ol hi > name. The p. pi. ol the town b< g in to gather, when In* :t'k*. I to In allowed to pass the bridge without money as he had untie. He was permitted to pass. Matthias ha** a siu«;»ilai, wild countenance, resembling that of a M iniac, and has the appearance of a man just lit. *1 to impose upon the ignorant and credulous. | hit' lh _ enter. I.i’i - of.x*.—Tie- Convention of tin 1'l'otf*>taut I ;-i < op.il t hiin h. which has re. rath eluded its | » I ioi s in t In. * it \. w .* >■ oia* ol uncommon mt* r.’t, a i h I ilu iiMporlanc r • • l the questions which am. . , theu lo.ih oine of ih»* mo- f « oininindinc eloquence c\ei In i*l in this Cify—th<»« was a great ami earnest /.cal in discussion, w In. h shou t <1 an anxiety lor truth, and it edifying i.'nlititss lor union w lien .i plan ol a< turn wa». *■« tiled, which showed .i devotion to (in a rust. \ruon ■ lh. 1. 11 iiu s o| tio < i. 11 \ ntioii, in.in la in* n tioned lli.il ol t ie. png the Itcv. I iant i.s I. Il.ivvks. H H. a bishop, nd i signing to hi in tin episcopal ( barge ol I lornhi, Louis) m i ami Arkansas. Mso, eh cting the K, V Jackson Kemper. |). I>. a lashop. and assigning to him tin* episcopal charge ol Mis sKsippi and Indiana. It is thought that m addition to tli** above labors. Hr. Hawks will undertake pro visional! v tin ( liaige . I lie dior. ss of Mabnnia. 'Idle consecration of tin* newly elected bishops i w ill piobablv taki plat <* in Inis < ’iI\. hi the course ol i few weeks. | /V##’/. I . S. (Saz. / fvuertik&burg) Sc/i(t tnbtr S. I lie I!i itisli I!rig, \\ ii i.i >m i nk I 'm in it, ('apt. riiompsou, from Nt. Ivi•., Cornwall, lias ailiied In our river, freighted with I'.ngilies and Mat Innerv • lor tin I niori Mining Cnmpunv. We understand lli.it sin- lias im Hoard oijo I nginn of .‘Jit Imr e , power, and tun, mJ(i liot-e pom r—lie-ides a meat variety of nunbinery fur crushing and iinuilgatna Ii11 .' tin ores,amounting in all, to alioiit 'J'HI tons. | I lie engines and marliineiy are of a novel consti ue- | lion and of gn at power. The IJrig draw mg too uiiicli water to come up to our w Imrves, Si ImOiirrs Ii ive been ill patrlie I to Tappalmnnock to bring tie irticles up. [ |ram. So ('liarle- \ aicli in, tin- Hritisli Minister, liar ing “ obtained leave,” rr ill sail in the packet ship Si. lames, lor London, no the fust of October. Ml. IJanklie.id w ill ,ot as ('barge d' Mill ire* during the absence ol the Minister. i lie Si. I, oil is I ieptiblican, of t lie ITdli oil, sar II is I'.wcllein \ ,< ietn in I Hi n h II rw k, Cuiiiniandei i 11 - cl i i i ■ I ol tlie combined lories el the discontented S tucks, I Mrs and \\ inui ha mi s in the Iasi hoiili r nai, with his aid-dtl-coii; , the W innebago Prophet and suite, leaelieil this cilr oil bridal hist. ' 1'|,i• old veteran seems to hareenjoyed uninterrupted good health since his northern lour, Imt his occa -ional despondency eriuces a lulls ing desire to live if iin the free, romantic life of excitement he was wont to lire before becoming a prisoner of war. I be object ol' the (icnorars r isit is, to make some ai i aiif ement. w ith the Superintendent of Indian Mlairs touching the occupancy hr the whites of the resell at ion Indian liuiL lyi ng on the west h inks ol the Mississippi, north ol the Missouri slate line* I'llis, with a Wish to *ce and lie seen, are his in diicioueuls for I -aiing liom ■. Mis lisitcrs harm been numerous since Ins arrival in the cilv, and he only regrets that his stay in town will iinCaHon him the pleasure of returning all of them. \ new work It ‘im \\ asliiiigtou Irving is iinnotm e.'d hr Messrs. Carer, Lmi vV Co. It will be en titled ‘ Legends of the Conipiest of Spain,’ and will constitute the third part of the Craron Miscel lany. The ('holera lias entirely disappeared from \ er "'lilies, (hr.) and w e have no account of its preva lence in the sta te. \ letter trout a respect ihie later er dated Detroit, Mig. -Till -ay ■ “ we are on the eve of a border war with Ohio. liluiiil must hr sluil. I am lliis moment under marching orders.” ISS4'Bfl %isa» .*>1. 'S'8I,I»|;\, n\\ I \C determined to remove to the West, oiler-, for sale In , property, consisting of tin 11 oil sc a 1111 I ail now uecu|iicil In I!. S. \ .1. II. Til de n. oil Main street, tile I louse and l.ot oeoII|lied In linn O' a family residence, nml the llnu-o and l.ot oet I!|iitd by Mr. Sealierry, liotli on Third .sheet, and III the central part of toll n. Also, a tint of I .and in Wythe County, coiiliiiimig -d l acres, o i tlie inea.Inn s ol Hear Creek. V Iso, Ins Household mid Kin-lion, Eiiriiihirc, ttiuoni "Inch is a very neat lBiailO R'orlr, ncarlg new, and ns to time none hetter. Also, the sub scrihers oiler their slock ol (itiuds, eousislin - of Nulls and Copper W are of niriotis kinds, Tin W are, Si|(M <“*, W m e \\ nv for \\ heat Fans ami Mill Screens, I lard ware and Cutlery, and u varie ty of other article#, till of which they will sell nt very reduced prices: mid having a good stuck ot materials mi hand, will continue to receive orders in their line, and what they cannot com plete Indore they close, will lie done hy .1. It. I ildni, yy ho yy ill continue the business. VII the above pioperly, if not sold privately, "til l»’ otlered for sale at public, auction, on the I 1 11 of Neptembiv nevl, and sale continued till all sold. VII persons indebted to them, or II. N. Tildeu, tire requested lo come forward ami make pay - meat yy itliout th lav, and those bay mg claims a g 'iiist them, will band ilieui in that they may be paid. Hope none yy ill fail to call before IJ. N. I’tltlen lonies here, tis it is y cry desirable to bay e all the business closed. lie will consider any claims against bun, that are not presented before lie leaves, ns given up, and lie will not yvilhuglv pay them,as be intends settlingall he knows any tiling uliniu before lie goes. All persons hat ing left old yy-nrk to be repaired, ire requested to come and take it nyvay, us they yy ill not be responsible for it after tbc business is dosed. - Also .» shares of Ntoek in the l.vncli Imrg M iiinl.ietnriiig ( oinpaiiy , and a W agon, Cart and Carryall. IJ N. A .1. It. TIEDEN. e jr*” The above salo is postponed till Monday next the -.’1st iastjat. !!. N. Til.DI N Sep t i ;jt hum ,v oti;v. OFFER the ii services to the public, to do a general Commission Business. They are ready to make reasonable advances to all person yvlto intend to send their produce to this market* They hope liv strict attention to business to ob tain a share of public patronage. T1IOS. v. HOLCOMBE, JOHN M. OTEY. July 13 wtsjf -•’•nf'J)' Just « on consignment, VNIt EOK SVLE. Ono ologaut CAUKTAOE- Vnpi \ ♦ f) i' OF. A: KEN •' TCK. Vig’i't 31 „ ,■ f t’.Vf ; if g. 1 W'CMUSlItU I7K«#.VI.I.V. IVTcnday, September 14, 1839. 1111. M A I COMJHHS.s. 'l ie Neu N oik Journal of Commerce poblishes lire sub ; i ini’il tabular view I'ftlie political COmplex io i i f tin’ next House i I Representatives, exclu de, ,,l thi Stall * of Mai \ land and Missouri, the i lei lions in which w ill take [ lace, in tlit- former, in Oi tuber, and in llir- latter in November next, and with tin-exception of one xarancx in South Caro le 1, i i . .isjoncd 11\ the ileatli ol \\ arren 1*. I)avis, and lour in Georgia, occu*h tied by the resignation ol Mi ,»rs. \\ avne, Sanfurd, Terrell and Schley : 117/ie. Van Ilurtn. Doubtful. Maine, 2 (i New llumpshiie, 5 Massachusetts, 11 1 Rude Island, 2 < 'mmeclicut, (• I i tin nut, a Ni» Noik. '.I 31 V w Jer-ex, (i lb un.sx Ivauia, 11 17 Dshlirurr, 1 N ir iiiia, 7, 1(, Vinth Carolina, 7 (j Smith Carolina, (j 2 < ieorgia, .5 Mabama, ,r» Louisiana, 2 1 7 'min ssi i, I I 2 Isinturh/, S 1 1 Oh in, It I ') Indiana, 1 J lllitiui., 3 Missouri, I 1 2o J 27 3 ‘1 r, Nan Htiren’s majority, 32 I lie same [taper adds:—‘1 la ease the election ot I’risideut should devotee upon thi; House, t'.u votes of the above Stiles would stand thus: For N an Ilmen (llmse in Roman) 1 I ; against him (tim e in Italie) 10 : blank (Missouri,) I ; total 22. Maryland will give its vote against Van Ilu !-«•", i»nd .Mississippi probably for him.” Accord ing to this calculation, which the reader xx ill prr ceixe is as partial to Mr. Van Horen us his best trieiid could desire, that gentleman cannot he elected by the House ; and it is now very certain that that duty xx ill devolve upon that body. NVe In no mean-, however, regard it as a settled thing that the \ o!e, either ol Rhode-1-.land, Connecticut, \cn .Ices,i, Pennsylvania, Virginia, (ieorgia, Indiana Ot IMinoi. will he given to Mr. Van l!u ren, becae," a majority ol the members of the House Ol' Representatives from each of those States, are in tax or ol bis election. They all, we presume, acknowledge the right of instruction, and the lintX of voting, in the ultimate resort, in tic mm.ui<'• vv:!,» too previous vote* o| a majoritv of’tin* |iru|)li; whom they respectively represent. From present indications, w e are of opinion that Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Jersey will vote for Mi'. \\ ehster ; that \ irginia, Georgia and Missouri will vote for Judge W hite; and that Pennsylvania, Illinois and Indiana will vote tin Gen. Harrison. Mississippi, too, v. ill, in all pro bability, vote for Judge W bile. Indeed, we should not be surprised if Mr. \',iu liaren should be ex rb.1 led from the House of Representatives altogeth er—and consequently if the contest before that body should lie between Webster, White and Har rison—in which event, the election of the biller, who seems to be the second choice of all parties, would be almost certain. In our estimate, wo take it for granted that tin b lends of the respective opposition candidates will Hat mini ■ruinate, but til it each of them will cfOliti ime to adhere to their favorite, la that event, we repr.it, it is more thin probable that Van Huron will receive fewer votes than either of his competi tors, and w ill consequently be excluded from the contest before the House—a consummation most .lev noth to be desired. ■ Mnhumu.— Flip billowdug is a list of the mem bers of the nevt Congress, recently elected from this Stair : Hi.voii II. Lewis, Jouli Lawler, Fran > is S, Lyon, Reuben Chapman and Joshua L. Martin. 1 he Huntsvilk Democrat, a warm Van I’.UIVII paper, admits that the three first named, are b’i •l" C ■ W ilito, unconditionally, and that tlir tw o latter pir/rr him to Van Horen, though they are prep red to surrender that prefere. te if the good Ot the party requires it. Very well ; n majoritv ot (he delegation, should the election of President go to the House, is amply sufficient. ' ('ttrulina.—The aggregate Congression al vote in this State shows a tieridcd Ami-Van !! iren majority—to u it : 1 or the \\ big candidates, 31,2U0 i or the \ . Huron candidates, 22,(>80 Whig majority, 11,tilt) ANOTHER OWIN’ LETTER. Wo tit til in our last Nashville papers tho sub joined letter from President Jackson to Parson (■win which we publish, not because of the im portance of the subject matter thereof, but merely to show that /[ntner sometimes nods ; I! if I! son, Aug. 8th, 183.5. I». ir Sir—Having seen in the Nashville Re. p'll ii. ail of the 28th of July, 1835, charges against Maj. V nd. J. Douelson, of abusing the President’s trank tor political and electioneering purposes, I t. el im self called on, in justice to Major Ponelson, ami to truth, to pronounce the charge a vile calum ny, ulieriy deslittute of trail,, in every particular set lorili in the article ol the Republican. I never have (ranked tiny letters or package for Major Douelson without being informed of their contents. he public documents, and the newspapers con taining them, which 1 have franked to my constit units, and old friends and acquaintances, have been addressed and directed, lor tho most part by Col. Lari and Andrew Jackson, Jr.inv adopted -on; and never by Major Douelson, except in a tew instances, whon they were addressed bv him at my requost. I have further to add, that all tho statements in tb,' Republican, in regard to the agency of Major ^Douelson and F. P. Illair, F.sq: Editor of the (.lobe ni inducing or in preparing my letter to tho , ■ll.' <■«"', is equally false and unfounded. I wrote it immediately on swing the article iu the Rep inlruri, tod intended it a* a rebuke of a bat I considered .111 umvart jnt.dde use of . !10 subserve tin view* of factious intrigue^ il»g to omlerniioe the course of remit 1 M 1 ** ao.l to lie lea t the result oftl.e leading ’" . ot mv administration. ’ ti i> , 'M>«C\\ .I V, Km I he Kev. .1 \mi;s {',w i\. 1*. S. You will *ee that the above letter I lation to mv former letter to vou—and | l(.i you and request, that you w ill use it to ilisal " ' public mind in Tennessi. , both ... it ,, 1 tormer rmumuiiiration to y 011, and the ,„| , " , ih-rs in the Nashville Republican, towhii h I adverted in the above note. ^ Is it possible to conceive that the «1 it,., preceding blundering epistle is tbe author ,.t profound and to II-written Documents t(J n.in.e iaattached ! The idea is preposteroj U do not deem it necessary to specify |J„. , hr mi lies of tbe letter : they are too requite it. lint we suppose till ,,|n, cently discovered that Mr. Jefferson had spelled a word ill bis volutiiinuus corn-p, 1 will be equally fortunate now in deti rti,,„ grammatical inaccuracies, to accompanx and little those ot tbe second (ixxin letter 1 H itli regard to tbe subject matter of t|u tie, till' editor of the Nashville Kepuhlh *' plies to the President with becoming s,,, 1 and fully sustains the charge, which In. ' ”■ M) ( \| •, I tlir wrath of tlu* PreMtlmit, l\ rc f*.-ii.Jn.. . "hic li the PrcNid.-nt may ilimy, hut c.innvt/ prove. Nor does this throw upon thr* I*. ... 11 '‘Mill • • ot necessity, an imputation of falsehood. |l( shows, it his statement he true, that lie In. \ deceived by those in whom lie confided, ;il | his frank, procured for one iturimse I,, , , . ill Has |,|L.U ( used tor another. W e would seriously advise, that (Jen. Jack . ; epistles he hereafter corrected, before ,t , • . 1,1 * II TO sent to the press—lor, though ranked am , . ' . , opponents, xve have too high a regard (' otiiee ami for the national churacter, to desii, ,, ' repetition ofsueli wounds upon both, o o lerings IS intolerable;” said Mr. \ e, 1 • , . * one occasion; lus “statements is founded,” reiterates (Jen. Jackson. Tim p dent must have studied the style of hi. f,„ If so, like all imitators, hu has copied it. m without catching its excellencies WH-SLAVT.KY M VMl I.STU. rile Anli-Slavcry Society lias iss.I i|„ . jniiicd Manifesto, which we lay before o,ir n both as an net ol ju-tice to the Families thr . selves, and that the South may Imvea •'ion of the principles they profess, audnt'i, means which they say they have used and i;.t,. j to use, to disseminate them : TO Till'. !>l |$|.It’. “ lo hidiall ol the American Anti-Slaven ety we solicit the candid attention of the p,, the following declaration of our priucipl objects. W ere the charges which are l,mm,, against us, made only hv individuals w ho arc i . Iluenced solely |>\ unworthy motives, i|,i> :u|i!n w ould he unnecessary ; hut there are i|„,„.. merit and possess our esteem, who would not o luutarily do us injustice, and who have been ltd hi gross misrepresentations, to believe that pursuing measures at variance not onlv with tl,, constitutional rights of the South, hut with the cepts of humanity and religion. To such vu <■! ter the following explanation and a-mance-. 1st. We hold that Congress has no m.uv ri"lit to abolish Slavery in the Southern Stati-s, tliaii^iii the French West India Island-. Of miir-e hc sire no national legislation on the suit j,., t. ~(l- We hold that Slavery can only he lawfnlK i abolished by the Legislatures of the several S,.in' in which it prevails, and that the exercise of any j other than moral influence to induce such uh„l.' tiou is unconstitutional. I Md. We believe that ( engross has the same i i. i.t to abolish Slavery in the District of CohunCi, that the State goverments have within their n spective jurisdictions, and that it is their dun eliaee so toul a hint from the national escutclii r . ■Ith. W e believe that \meriran Citizens Liu the right to express and pnhli-h their npinioi. the ( oiistitmious, Laws, and Institutions ,,f am and every State and Nation under IJeavcn; wa- mean never to surrender the liberty of spci (it the press, or of conscience—blessings we haw inherited from our lathers, and w hich we iutcial as laras we are aide, to transmit unimpaired tout children. • \\ e li;ive uniformly deprecated ail forcii attempts m: the part ol Slaves to recover tlirirl. - hcity . \nd were it in our (lower to address the, . w e would exhort them to observe a quiet and p. a,, ful demeanor, and would assure them that im i surreclionary movement on their part, would e ■ teive from us the slightest aid or countenance. tub. We would deplore any servile insmierli both on account of the calamities which would ;r tend it and on account of the occasion which might tiirnish of increased severity and oppress; r th. Wo are charged with sending inccndi. publications to the south. Itbv the term incm dun if is meant publications containing argninir and facts to prove Slavery to he a moral and po litical evil, and that duty and policy require its ini mediate abolition, the charge is true. Hut if t! ■ term is used to imply publications encouraging '• surrection, and designed to excite the Slaves break their fetters, the charge is utterly and i" quivocally lalse. W e beg our fellow citizens' notice, tint this charge is made without proof, a In many who confess that they have new " our publications, and that those who make it, to the public no evidence from our writings n. support ofit. 1 ’* ” e are Aroused of sending our publicati* to the Slaves, and it is asserted that their tnuit : ls 10 excite insurrections. Iloth the charges a* false. I liesc publications are not intended tor tin Slaves and worn they able to read them they would luid in tlicm no encouragement to insiirro tion. 'hli. W o are accused of employing Agents in the . ave States to distribute our publications. " liave never had one such Agent. We have senti" packages of our papers to anv person in tin'"' Mates for distribution, except to live respect,-i!"' I resident citizens, at their mvn request. But* have sent, by mail, single papers addressed to pu lie otbeers, editors of newspapers, clergymen, " otlteis. It, therelore, our object is to excite lh'' .Mayes to insurrection, the Masters are ear VtM 1 Mli. \V believe Slavery to lie sinful, injut"" ■ to tins and to every other country in vvhieli it r v.itls ; mo believe immediate emancipation ml' the duty of every slaveholder, and that the in nr diate abolition of Slavery, bv those who have the nght to abolish it, Mould he safe and wise. Tim optnions we have freely expressed, and n o cert." ■ •' lKl'>' 1,0 intention to refrain from oxpre" t tent in future, and urging them upon the cotMch'1; ci's and hearts of our fellow citizens who he Slaves or apologise for Slavery. lltli. We believe that the education of the p«,r is required by duty, and by a regard for the im manency of onr republican institutions. Tim are thousands and tens of thousands of onr citizens, even in the freo States, sunk in abject pm j erty, and who, on account of their comple'lm ! a.ro ' M tually kept in ignorance, and whose ifl',rli Mon m certain can's is actually prohibited bv !.i<‘ t " r ,r" mmxvhis <0 pros.'tl the right;, and to pre