Newspaper Page Text
Wro»n. ll-q «■* •'-" "•'« I’*-""" Mr. Cl.»i|* » mrndmcn, ,o •'•<• mt lo '!.<■ I«>; |Ma.i«. 1540. n»d dn.-i.lMl <u 111* Brs»li»e-yr»» . 1 uus 26, a* iolfoe-t: . .. . , \*rT|_Mp««s. Call"*'". Clig °f Iventurlj. Claylon. Cmi-mIm*. i‘ > « Fu«rr. K<M«tn. Mrr HcJ |V^n„„, R..r«. K-'*k“.,. Smith ..f Indiana. S;rn<r, Swift. T'llmadgr, and liplnn 1, js-JlTS A'Ipi*. Benton. Itrown, llnrliainn. Clav of Ala' a inn. Cnhwn, llni.bnr.!. King, Lumpkin,, Mnrri*. Niclm!'«. .V n II. Rmrcs l*ie*H n. Ron nr. Rnl. S*n*dh of t\>nn*rucm. Slrangr Walker, Wall, William* ©f Maine, Williams ot Mis sissirpi. W right, and \ • nnt*~% I'll© bill tvtin'll Ol dr red to be engrossed bra thud reading, without a (Jiiisiun. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mojcd.iy« Dec. 17, ISdi?. Mr. Fry asked leave 10 submit the following irs oluiion : Resolved, That the President ol (he l n toil S;.»tr* be requested to cotirnwricstr to ibis House (u not , incompatible with the public inteirat) wheihei. since tf*e con’incncemerit ol the pientnt >csmoii ol Congress, any call lias been made upon the Execu tive Depsttmenl ol this (tuvrintm lit, by tlieCovernor of Pynnsvlvani *. for an armed force ol United Stain,’l wltal l©lih ial) correspondence (if any) has tnksii place between him and the Covcrnor ol a.* d fctate in relation to s.«id call ; aud whether any ermf, powdi r, ball, or buckshot, cr other am munitions ol war. have been futni*hed by the Uni ted States to any ol the troops hi Pennsylvania, recently called out by older ofihe Executive ol that State. Objection being made, Mr. F. u oved a suspension ol the rules, on ©vhie h motion, Mr. l>r.*TTY demanded the yeas and nays, which were otAh red. Mr. Wis» said, if it was tn older, le should hk« the gentleman to xtjOc tho » bjeet ot the rf solution. Mr. W . did t ot know lluit he ai y ji.»i tic 111 «iv > I lectinn to it. The (.'ll A 111 s„!tl it won !tl not be m oid< I bn. by tie unanimous coiinnt <»l the Uoiise Mr. Fry - I «J he had no otpcli* n if ihe H< use would indulge him. (C 'iirs ol *• No “ No ) The quest :on was I hen taken, and ilio in Its wete • uspeuded—)chs 11>8, n,)H «r>.». The resolution heme befmr ihe House, Mr. Ci >uiMi submitted the following amendment, which Mr. In accepted ,<s n nmditu hio n. •• And whethci iuiv ofhi rr ofthe f. S. instigated or participated in certain h»ta riotous pioi n ding • in the State of PrniiM Iv iM as alleged 111 the pun (amadou i-fihe (iovcn.i-r «i s.ud r^iaic ; and what measured, if ar >. the Pirmlcut has ’aken to invesii gate and | mush vn I at is , and w heiher officer* still remain in the semce < l the I S. A long and animated d< bate • i -in 1 on (hr above proposition, m which Mcsms. Blunt.), I*» i i;lKi>. Naylor, McKk.nvo, and Bratti participated, when it was agreed to without a ihvtsitin. There he n no other husr « s* ht h*ie the ( n mi Petitions and iiipmioii.iI* w- 1 then picsentcd by Messts. Palmi:>ti n. Brim s, hi.i.>Hu, and Kurd, of M .iss.uhmcur. [Mr. pAi’.Mr >ti n p»c*fnted l lie j • -iUmn < 1 1 lenty Hatch for imlemn.i v on ncronnt ol Firm h spolia tions prior to 1*00 ; ol Mai) Pag \ lor Kivolulion «ry | ersmn : ol \\ end. On un ol pen nun ; of Ur vi Brigham and J 1 oilms id I)unstable, Mass, for tile irjectluii ot ptopos.d* Oo the aililiis sum the Union ol St ii« *> whose constitution ma) tolerate slavery , < t I. II I® Nn d ■ < y a > I * ol hi i women ol Chrhudfoid. M •>.. of Sally W oods and 49 other women ol |)m;Mible, Mass.; aid /« i, is Brow n and 1 » other immm I Shirley, lor ihe immediate abolition ol slavciY in the lhslnct of Columbia ] Mr. G rk>.m li. presented a petit on liom Notih fielil, M I'.s., h r opening nc guliali ns and interna l mil a I inlet course w iih II v 11 . which w as it (cued io the Committee on Foie gu \ thins Mr. Wm tiujved a iccon uleiaiion of n lei nice. Mr. How win thought (he gentleman had bdlri lei it go to the < oniniiitee, lur these petitions had come in evny \« i Mr. WlRR could mil ; for he legal (led it as a sub j» ct id w hob sale ..malgamaliun, mcui pointin',; a black Republic with a while one. Mr.(Jltr NNIII.L denied that il was ci her tin one or the ollii r. The petition, how ever, gii ing rise to debate, w as ortlf red lo lie ovr i. Mr. Rrr.n preseuicd a similar petition fiom Nan tucket. Mr. XV isi ohj* <-fed to its recej tion. Mr. An.lMs tailed lur the vea* and nays ; which w f re ordered. Mr. A. then ptoi ceded to addies* the House, at length in ruppnrt of the tight i>l petition, and espe cially in reference to tins p iiticular (jneshon, show ing the expediency of an eaily recognition ol the Republic of Ha) ti. Mr. Wm insisted that these petitions were part and parcel (.1 Abolition ; and lie tend the petition at length, which asked also, lor the abolition of shivciy in the I >p»'j u t ol ("olumbia, ihe non admission ot any new slave Ni ue, A e Before the question was labrii. On in of ion of Mr. (! ut > m ll, The House adjoin in d. t a 1.1» i; x r 13 a; t». - ■ ■■ ■ - €ofi*i:iis.ui i'ii x ti.v.vkk On'OM l i: II AM 04 li A AD AMS, HAS now «>n hand and is prepare d fo wiiiki "• repair Si ills. Kettles. .uul Tin-Ware ol ,vr,> desci iption, 11 hole sale a>ni lit tail, on tlio most km tollable tcims. Tin or Copper Roofs, Clutters, and Spouts, put up in town or country on the most ap proved plan—Stoves, Stove Pipe and Shoe l Iron work, all warranted to be well executed. I all and examine for yourselves. N. B.—Old copper, dec. taken in exchange. August 27. wts.f Clastiral, filimli^h anil .Mathemat ical School. rpnK NEXT SESSION OF MV SCHOOL A will commence on Tuesday, the Ft ol Jauuuiy next, and terminate on the hi t Jay of May* 1 he courseofinsiruction F very comprehensive, and u nites the advautages of modern discoveries and im provements, with the strictness of the auto nt method. Every pupil wRI be considered us engaged, from the day ofeutrance to the end of the session, unless oth erwise specified. Tuition fees the same .is hereto fore. JOHN CAIlV. Dec. 17 w2t if KIM I VI at>\. THE St BSCHIBKK is now prepared to t.ike Pupils as B< ardors. Persons wishing to send heir children from home to School, arc invited to •end them to the subscriber, with a promise on his part that all suitable efforts shall he made to pto mote their advancement in learning, and presetve I heir morals. Pupils will be received at any time, though not for a shorter period than a session hum the time of entering. Terms for tuition, $15, per session, payable in ad vance. Boarding of pupils $50 er session, one half in ad vance, and the other halt at the expnation of die session. The couise of instiuctn n stieh as is pursued by the best leachcts in tins place. S. I). TOMPKINS. The subscriber hereby n.l* nns his friends and the public, that he proposes opening a Private Boaid ing House, ai lii2i lesidfucK on mam street, a short distance above tl;e L’nioti Hotel, on the fust of Janu ary uext; when he will be prep, red to accomnio date about tru Day hoarder* in good .style and on masonal le leims. For i riF i particular, apply to Ibe aubsc riber. b. U. TOMPKINS. N«v- 22 U if r'SRKicv N» w York, Dec, l7ln. \Vp lave biter hifehgt n< •' from 1 tarn e, not j ar tu ii! *■ ?v itiipi11mitt, t#i>i Milled in fh‘ refit interest to %tcor© Mint© nuftc f*. i * dates from II vre inn to the 7th. They lumiidi I-o idon advices to thc.nh. Ktuihsli ks Weie heavy. The tmnri I*e , r.l.e Hudede Letifchfitiherg wtth the Guard Duh U'* Man© ol Kii*im h oftieialy »u D«(H)Ce<b Prirec bolni Napoleon will thus be ( Ornc allied to the Impen d family of Huwi i. Thr ( ourirr Frmic.ii* fintli fault with the policy of Lord Pslmen tun intending mi Loghsh fit«i into the Gulf ol Mexico. !.© Jourral Genet .d do l'ranci* s,i\ —"Wi learn from ol fit lal soiiicih, and ulndimaybe pnsntively depended upon, that the Holland and Belgium eon lerenc© in London has decided pm»iltv> ly on the quit* lioti of the *24 articles. I,tixenitiiirg Is to I c returned to Holland. The deduction from the debt in fa vt r of Belgium t* in*tgutftc.iiir. Tb<- I irru h ministry has given its lull afc'cnl to the on ution ol the ‘2 l ar tides. It is not certain, says otu correspondent, that Belgium »vii! resist, tliou h she .i.wtirdly b <• tbe means, particularly wIm-ii the agitation wb.eli pei vadr* tin Klietnsdi province* is taken into consider ation. The ( athnlie democratic puny lie peifect ly agreed on tlir polo v icsolanrr. but the Bml par ly harsn financial convulfion, and ilrsnn to cun rede. 'I*he proceedings of the Belgian ' ’lumbers on this sni p i i arc looked for with impatience.*’ Bril i r a pole on ami his suite left I■’em on, s 11 'til t n* morning in two carnages and four, and mi oil f ir Lrxing'itn at II o’clock, by the Bumogham i.iilwiv \ crowd was colleeied to see the I’m ' 1 de| .ot, by wbmti be was rpcafed'v f ilt ered—a com pluncnt w hirh appealed to afionl him gratification. Mr. Ste* cnsoii, fire V. ,V M mister, Icing till avis it to < > I. Wtlilain, St Ncwvirad Abbey, last wed.. with bis ladv. llie gallant (’otoiiel and Ins lady, bn Unfit 11 (i » Ii e» a ■! Ins I nly . I. uly ( bn ham and mil cr*. visited seven! of the principal niantifactorirn in Notincliain. Ill* Kxcollenry was mii'ptl liy the M a yor to a public dinner, but Ins limited stay proven tc d him ui < c pi tig the invitation. /'mui the .VfW t/rlciin$ /In, Dei t'AI'Tl KK Ol' ST. .n \.\ UK I’UiOA. ' I * 11 c* I’m lull steam vessel Meteor, < 'ommandunt Haiboffn. iinivril 11 * If last ML !.f. in IJ11« * d>V* Imili \’i ra t'rnz, bringing dr span. Ins l.*r tin- l i« i. < 11 < ’*»»» mil, \s I;it’ll cuiit.iiu tin- (nllow ii g vrry mieiPMiiig in telligem c :— After the n.\al (f Adtinial I'aiililm nil 11»«* coast o| Mexico, Alt In n*), one li e r < ii'in.ii ill is. was despatched to tin* i uy of .Mexico, to ii.a In* known I *' llifi i| lllllMll lli« lift 11 ll ' ol I i im f. A lew il.i \ * aft*/ In- n mu ill, without binging any vatu* ( •( hit v i■ |»lx Tin- • * xt morning a h iit i w.nrc c civ* if, in wh ill Al iMnldin xx as injui sir I In re p ill to .1 Map. i, in "i dtt in Ilf at xv ill) i In envoy m if lilt c nvfi niiirnl. nod In i n»l away .i part nl Ins Im ri . I li;it M vmm iniglil nnl app(on In In- i (impelled In yield In x i olence I In .imior a I misnilid to I lie lit nt Co ml it mo, bn t iel11>fil positively In listen to the second. I le therelore look hi* d» pal I ll i **. and saluted xx iih i salvo i I iiinetm ii gui s nn ln> erwraiice into V eia < ‘i uy. < )'i Ilia i <* l tit ii . lie stated lliat the envoys had nc ( epfed all the fundi tin is imposed by I i inc, with a single exception, vi® : that by vii i tie of xv ho h Alex ii o xv, n in nuthm i/.e ftiles by i • tail to he made by the French : and that tl e envnyil had wished to i nin-nli ill** government tefcpeeiing lilts point Al liaiiMin added, that he h id grant* d them a lew cl. vs n me, but .is at the expu ilioo ol this pi i o l, ill** replies still continued uiiNatisl.irtniy. hostilities xvnuhl im mediately cmnmem i >u the rooming nl the 27lli, the bond) vessels t'xilop Hid \ uh an were inxvi .1 by the ste.imbnatv •is la t as ti e in i'Mb' ol I be lin.i's xx bub hnillnl I he • ist ern side. x% I n i * • they am ‘limed The .\eieiile, emu inanded hyiM* . diniial, the; tiloire and Iplugenie, took their | ares .dleiwaids on llie line In the liieanxvhile, miii c *1 the Mexicali envoys went on bomd ol the .i«l111«i al's vessel and sought In oblnm a respite. Al 2<r> past txvo, they It*It the litgatc. I he s gn d i" prepare I i a« non was given at *J-S minutes past txxo ; lli lue i un.iiam ed, and cuntiulied lieaily lour hnuis without imt'i iuhsuhi—The prince de Joluville, unw illing to M inam an idlo spectator, ask ed petmissmn "I \<1 illir«il Uauldin Intake s pail m the act mu, and without xx. Ming lor Ins leply, raised ill** in colored (lag nn In.aid the t ’leole. discliarged a bmadsiilf) at the tnrtri *■*• and kept up loi some time a heavy h e. 1 'Im t 'ruin xx as struck by sex ei id hill-' lets. The bomb tdiells * lice It'd most dreadful hitv m within the fortress. The situation ol IIi«t poxxdci maga/,me being knoxxn, shells wem tlnoxvn dim liy upon the spot. Tliiee of them exploded with so much violence that the decks ol several of the I letich Vessels nt ihe disiam e ol moio than a mile were strewed with their liagments. The t'liiilln , one ol the stioogest towns ol the hut, expluded about •) o'clock, I*. Al. 'I he portions ol the tint demolished hv the liigan s xveie hi a must deplmahle comlit ion, hot h I he eudnasurrs being en I ire Iv dismounted mid banned to pieces. At > o'clock, the guns ol the .Mexicans were insuly m lent rd. Til*1 fngate I. T (iloii c xv as then reimned Iv the steamboat Aleteore. T lie lire ol the txxo otlieis con tinued until night fall. It xx as thi n kept upslffwlv by the bomb vessels. .Inst as the frigate, \dmnal whs about to «et tail, a ramie approached from t)i« forties*, and demanded a truce, that the dead and the wounded who were buried under ;ho nuns might be xvithdiawu. The admiral replied that he could not grant a mice, hut that he would *eiid a summons to capitulate, ami tli it it it xveie not signed by mx o'clock A* Al. of tin* 2Hih, he would recoin i niciice his attack on the fort and city. The terms i I the suireuder were Receptor), and at break of day 1 all the boats ol the squadron were sent to ranv oil the test ol the gam-on. The surgeons of the dit Ini'iJt vessels vx» re likewise sent to attend the wound I ed of the enemy, xx ho weie subsiquciitly u nloved to \ i ra t 'rn/.. In tl is action, which xvascontinued txvo hours and I a hall by txvo rd the frigates anil lout t»v thu thud,' eight tb nil sam I halls and three hundred and I went y j bombs xv ( le thow n into the fmtress. ( i;, j|jo French side »> iik n xx ei c killed, one ol whom was a midship man, and thirty-thieo wounded, two ol whom were (dhcers. In c ase tins attack hat! proved unsuccessful, a force composed ul «MHI marines and 300 c-tnnniieeis was • cady to assauh the tort, and the steamboats being I mulshed with bridges to lie east upou the walls, the castle would have he* n carried by assault The Mexicans have tulleicd immensely — the cap ! tain of the Meteoie, with whom hi conversed, g ive ns a touching description of tli • carnage. The i shore w as covered w ith the dead and dying, and the piteous cries of the latter were lie id amid all the dm and tumult of the battle. We must not omit adding that throughout this at I ir the conduct el \dmiral Hauldm was marked bv generosity. Ilereliumcd limn firing upon the city, ai d though he was strongly advised to attack the •ort during the night, w ho li would have . iven him ail immense advantage, he replied that lie would only fight the enemy in the day . l'henther vesse's be longing to the srjtiadion, took no sh ire i i the action, as there was not room enough lor the.r opera tions. The Ficnch vessels still continue to cruisse in the neighborhood of the coast of M xico, to pievenl the eoiruoce ul vessels in any other port than that ol Ve la Crus. We are fold that the I uglisli consul had request cd admital Hauldm to span* Ins house, if he attar ked ! the city. The admiral promised to observe Ins request. —liy a curious lability the only bomb that reached the town, Ir ll and exph ded near the dwelling of this iunciiuiiury, carrying away a poilion of tin roof. The French squadron now consists of i?3 ves sr Is. VKAN(' 1: AM) MFXkO. i his important but not unexpected intelligence is given above. The attack ol the French was made with gieat boldness, and the Mexicans appear to have behaved better than they have generally been known to do in battles with one another and with foicigii cn tinies. On ibis occasion their resistance' crmiiiiueil as long as retu.lance was practicable. ' l lie bill t>| Si. Juan de l ilo.i seems also to Imve in timidated tIn? Mexican commander of the forces in tile ciiy ot \ era (.1 uk into a kind ol capitulation, by w hich lie was psimuted in Keep a small number I til troops tn that city mi rely lor the pi t set vatmn of j Iftfliquilby. ill* tattle commands the town, * • -! i id g built i‘U 4! 111 M»« «l i* I suer to Hkt yard* fioin tin lat»c«. The harbour !**• be* twe/ti 11. * town *rnl the c:»rH.-* and is very intCCUre, the anchorage being »n bail that vet#*U me thought uiittal# ui.lf made l.iU to ring* fixed in the Wall* of tiro cestb*. It mil bn rstnemb rail that for• long time after the Spam o.Ib wi re dm< n (rcHli Mexico. they held po» 9(.««ton i i the c stir «4 St. Juan de TJItoa. and di fled all the tflmnof the Mexican* to dislodge them, till t.1 rnit.< brought them to term*. The Mexican*, however, wen Hi the lucaniimecompelled to refrain from U’ong the mean* of offence and coercion winch aeeiiK d t * * I* * at hand. '] hey held poxn'^ non of Vera t 'nr/., winch is com mended ly lb* [ inis of tin e ‘•t’e, ami they were obliged to enter into a larit n . rrcinem wnll the Spaniards that they would not 1*1 in* rfri the c:i*tt« for ft :»i of retaliation upon tin t"wn. 'I lie r astl* was blockaded by •be Mexican* «s r licetu.illy is it conhl be done by their leeldn in.vv. and entianew into Vera <*M1» was en tin !y (.In»nl upon vessel* front sea by the guns of 'In i mile. In ibis *»ate of the cotntneice «*l Vei l t rn/ wa% transferred to Alverado, a small i tni about fori v mth s tn the south east, built mi the tmf them I mk id the small river railed Alvei a do. I Ins irsournenl removing to Alvetado i» ft t to the Mr xicar.s for the present, .is the Fmmu Ii arc un<)|'|'o*.rd master* nf the neighboring sea*, and it ifftiN.iif alio to land a force suflu icntly huge to I ike |.0'**esvii ll of the town of Vt la ( |i /. at.d to 0 vei ron the adjar er,t ronntr v . Tiir castle of St .lu.iii ifi' I llo*a is a vriy impol i.u.t acquisition for the I'rcudi, m the prrrnt pus lure nl affairs, ami, we think, its logs must bring the Ale xiran gov< iiimcnt to decide hi favor of m iking peari' on l In* ten; s offered by their rue my. Their foreign trade is annihilated, their principal seaport < 11 it it i * d, the < out i giro us country subju ;.it< dor ovn - • we d and the high road to the city of Mexico open to the invadei. Thai road is nut so impraclH able . ills generally supposed to be, and as it was for rm ily. \\ lien syinti ins of iriMirreclion against tbi authority * f the mm ci country first began to dis play tin iiibcIvo, tin viceioyg i xpended '■>*! suing on 11s imp iiveineiit, in older In keep open the com municntiuii between the capital and coast, and their • x.>iiij In Ins been 1 Mowed by the new govern ment. A vc y large port ion nl the route is finished hi i he finest manner, ami i ho ugh sume |i.i i tg ul it an exceedingly rough, no as to be almost impassible to « images—>ot Mh-.m* obstacles wool 1 soon disappear beloic the snem r and pm-evei aiicc of >i I tench Al my. liven thuiv five ago, when Humboldt visited lire country, In was if opinion that the load might be * , sily iinpiovi d to Midi a degioc as to admit i lie 11 atispoi t.iiion nl w heat and flour lioui tile table land ol Mexico to Vila t'ru/.. 1 lie dis truce hetwm n the capil.d ami the coast is only a lit tie upw ,n ds ol t w o humhed miles, which might be e.Mily t r.ivt i *»ed by an army in I lie space cd leu days, w it 11 pro visions and at I lilt ly. number of t loops would be* necessary, it is not tor us lo say ; that must de] end on lhnr quality, ami the quantum ol M'sist.ince winch the- Ale xio ms w oiild oppose to them. 11 t hesc p- e mho lepuldic aus dm old take it into l heir heads to evince ihe paliiolistli cud coinage bet urn log a tire nil imh] eucleut ton, they have men and m voiii« i s in abumiance to icmln any attempt id tin kind aboitive. Rut the Mexicans air not Ru in.iiim < 1 the time nl < ' imiltUN. 'I hey are not likely to oppose with i fi> c t the mai ch ol the model ii (• a ills into ilimi capital. They would throw their gold into one bc,dc, and would tamely look on while the enemy’s geneial thrtw Ins twotd into the o flier. \\ oh n populalion of i ight millions cd' souls they have Miflnc-tJ a hamllul <d undisciplined, half armed hunters m di-p si'-, 'he hi ol one cd their l.urest provinces, who ahead* licLing to xpc.ik with confi deuc e and sniiio plaiiMhihly, cd then power to rn dangc i tl« city of Alexico. Rut nothing is nmie conc lusive ol the piisillanimily cd the Mexican peo pie aid then le.ideis ili.ui the .submission cd the loic s in \ i i t ( in/ to the demands ol Admiral H.iuldiu. \\ nh four or live- ilmu-.ind soblic istn that city Us vie muy, they permitted the castle to he assaulted and i.ikcu in open day, without a single at tempt to divert the enemy's attention, and yvuliotit lii mu a gun ! although they wen* eye w itnesses of I Im engagement at the distance ol Hit) yards, within c o tit pit tc point blank i.mge ol a cannon shot ' Ad mitting that the nit u U was made on the? <• ft side of the castle, wlirie the fleet was Bale from a camion ado from Vri.i t’niz—yet it appeals that the works w cm demolished lie-lore the I’leneh got pos-i <s.iuii • I them, ami consequently they weir unprotected from suc h means cd annoy '.nice as the Mexican Hen. Rincon had it m bis powi i to ap| ly with i lh ct. It seems to us that tills* annoyance would have obliged the I i «*ii4 11 to abandon the raptured place? in a very little lime, had it been used with the smallest degree* of skill and i' solution. Instead of this lie evacuate** his cavn position, without ollering the lightest re sist.nice, ami at the first summons ! \ mlcr present eucuiristanei's, we cannot believe that France will increase hri demands upon a mi lion thus prostrate. She may it quire imlei -itiifica I ion foi the? e x | a* nci'S ol ihe* cx| edit uni she has sent out—in pruec'i ding thus far sin* would ask no mote lit.m strict justice and the vantage ground she has edit.lined would seem to attlhon/.c. Rut to iclm cjuish the advantages which hei new position gives her, ami to adhere litcially to Iter original d> mauds, without itquning any thing else*, would be mote consistent with reputation for power ;n ol m.ignanim tty. Money, nicit! money, is no object fora great nation to light fur, except when it assumes the mi tine ol a debt jnitly due—a compensation lor inju ries actually indicted and spoliations committed — m that case it becomes id untied with the national lion or, ami not a cent can be n hiiquished without dis giace. As to retaining pcimaueni possession of St. .Iiian, w c* eannul believe that the pi"jeet ever en tiled into ihe Miiml of t ho French government la itM'lf, unconnected with possessions on the i.cigh boring continent, it would bc a barren, useless and pernicious acquisition. It would . doid no har bor, or e ven sale anehoiage for ships ol w ar or m i eh ml vessel--, and the climate is awfully fatal to the constitutions ol strangers ; ,unl mme than all, if the .Mexicans should ever pluck lip courage to make a manly use ol ill resources which they have at their disposal, the castle would lie untenable—it could not even be repaired or re Constructed in the I ice of the hombanlmeut with which it might be assailed by a skilful cm my on the side of the town. It could he of mi rise to I lance, except as a station to annoy ami overcome the Mexicans, and that is an object scarcely woilh the attention 4>l so powerful a na tion. \\\l \L 'll I. TI N< i o I ilic SitukhoMcis ■ Ol ilm t Vn/.t N,' S w im.s i; Wh.iit Lynchburg. " ill he held it ihe nflice ol the Institution, on Thins (lav • veiling 3d January. IkiP. at ti o’clock. A punctual ; tiemlanee is vet y net e.ssnry, as matters ol importance will ho presented l«n consideration. JMb KOB\N McDAMKL, Pres. December 17 if I3J .v <t> t s ( a:. \\ ILL lio sold on the \?.l of January next, at ▼ * the late residence ol Samuel Moorman, dec’d. (blat ( ieek, t amphcll € t\ ) the eropot J’obacro, < otn. Podder. (bits. Il iy, Straw, Shucks, Ac. also the stork oi < in\s, Oxrii, IIoks *ln*t*|> 2>llsi ISoj'srs, amongst | " Inch an* m \ ( i .»l Imr , I > M M >L) h 1 > COI, IS. an old W a so n and .i pun! * K ( art. with all ill'* p) .1 ni ;ii ton tools—I here is a sett «»| Blacksmith tools, will he sold at the same mm*, l^'iins made known on day ol sale In the Adminis ,n»,or* Tims. T. MOOB.M W I ,,ec-17 3t it ♦ kniliK liv, ^Enirorlft «V Ceunln .8 s: * k s \!. V I i (i!. I.or iVoin‘J5 rls. to SI 00 per yard, . iml received and.On vale. In 1 T i ri;\ |S v\ DlTFELi oo.l. ,h immo si n i \iia.i,:(a;\< !'• lllltmcl of a IfHerfront Watkins ton. ^ „ me aware • 1 mt Mr. Atbeitou’a Resolution* on Abolitl' ", hail b«#»u concocted •»» a CiU.< U« of 1 South' in > d Northern Van Uircn membersnM on* I gri-«. Tin* impropriety ol .Southern men makiug this Miihect a matter v(party arrangement ami ' “in* i promised is glaring enough, and is sufficient t<» bring ,llC n,,,.( ,!ri*i«'iil foi detonation uj■■ n flic proceed ' ,ng# |{ii| u hat terms of truffle ient reprob itioti nil I,,, found lor the Southerners, who agreed with the North, to ri< 'ode then dchbetairons—upon < ur pro ' j,pr!v_i whole class of gentlemen Ih ii*, personally | and seciiomlljft as mush interested as property, hap pmess andlilo « ill uiaUe any one ? It t* at om e an individual injury and n.suit, and Jreasoti to tin. slave 1 holding section. * The Caucus. I have reason to believe, was got i,p i v Mr. ——— and his I. ind parasites. ( I >11 \J \N PRKSIDKD (! !; a 1 the « n-mdy id . II im p■,i!a111 Southern r*l»ie 'sw s formally committed to the couirtl ol non s4sv* ho!ders, from mere party i iiwiih rations [ I have bel * % * * 1 tor some time, that cerium . th man of the S-.utli. never regarded the ijuev.iou f f Abolition but mi engine for party * I h et ; hut the uiadm s* ol this late wet staitles me.— When Pinckney introduced In* resolo ton. ilic gen* i|P,nun allmUd to. I and caused him to be denoimi d as an iiicendia,y, ami the prominent to pics of elimination were, I *1 That fie had concoct - id his resolutions with the Van Bunn party; and d. That lie had smremlend the right ol rcccjttiun. Both of thes« incidents aj pcitam to tin, present reso lutions ; and besides, a negative j t< gn ml is u ade m favor of Abolition to the District—piovided it hr. not ./< nr J '■ Hit I>urj> > < of of trim jr tlurery \n the Stair.',, I'll us they liaie surrendered all that we have been , on,ending for, lor lour years ! “ 11 n as arranged by the ('aliens that the South mi Whigs should have no opportunity ul being ! heard. 'I In* Previous IJiisimn was c tiled, not cer tainly to silence the Abolitionists—lot there is noth mg they so ninth desire as lo have the lavings ol the*,' load fanatic*given to tin* public—but to silence the indignation ol the Sooili'em Whig*', ami their expo suteol the base and atrocious pi m et ding." [/{ichmond W ilt#. <ji;m:k \l dratiot.— rr»i« Philadelphia u. I Stairs (la/.cite) of the l7th,sav* :—“ \Vn weiewait • iJ on yesterday by a gentleman who had read the se veral article* which have appealed in the public papers within a (civ days past, i« I alive to (Jen. (j it a - i lo r, and were by hem icejnerstenl lo stale that any distress wairiiul has bcetu server! by the* general gn • riiim nt upon (Jen. (Jiatiot in the* usual form, at the next term ed t her I oiled State s ( ’otirt ter be liedd mi Si. Louis, Mi- oiiii, aid until a decision sbal' | have b» ini made i v that ( uurt, a ati'peo.sioil e l pub lic opinion i i fed." I / torn thr /' /'/"<•. < Aim rutin, IAce. 17. FROM 11 A K Ii isi; I K(;. A 111 lire Senate! on tins 1 3t 11 ilist. after son.e debate, the ted leaving te solution was ael opted : — " IF olveel, I hat a (’nmmittt < i.e* appointed to in ejuire into and re port the; lae Is, so lar as they can he constitutionally ascertained, in relation to the* two bodie s claiming to be the House of Rep icscutatives. in order that the* Senate may have be fore? ii sue Ii evieh nee as may e nable them to eJetei lima' whetlii i any body i now l ed !n<g sessions with whom the Senate e an emiiinui n ate as the House ot Representatives: and ili a such coiuiuiltee have power to neiiel lor pe'iwn s and pipcts" 'i he* followiii«£ a> e the' committe e*: Messrs. Flatly (city.) Kwing, livin, Stern l, ai;el Kingsbury. A Coinmntce* ol the Senate* lias made a report that M e sxrs. Me ( lay and Rail, the W hig comli elaie*s 11e»in Huntingdon, Mtllio, A:c. diMncl, ate Hliedy elected, inslo o| ol Alessrs. F.ver and 1 row, the ^ an L in en e end.el.lies, who leccivcd (heieiuru. Idle lepoit lias not h e u acted on. \n business itpprais to have been done in the I louse ed Rep tve on Tliursday or Fi id w / i" a the Haiti more Hulriul, /be, 18. FROM ]| ARRiSRl K( F-—The .Senate ol Penn sylvania, on S itmd ly, hv a vote ot l'.l to 11, adopted tlo; ic-olulnu repotted by the* ( 'omiuittee, in the c. e* o| thy H:li S«*. atoiial elisltict, dccl iiiog M< s^|s. .1 \mis M. Li Li. and Uniu.r.T I’. AI aiu i. \ v. the W lug candidate - duly e he t ol. I hey have there loro t;»ke n llietr scats, and thus mocontcs:eel e ase has j he;e*n disposed ol. Idle actual, r« gulai returns ol election m the seveial counties funning this S *na t"* i.d dis!nt i, exhibit an aggregate m ij juty of near j three* huiidicd m lavor ol the Whig candidates ; and it was only by tin1 high liauded, end htretnlore tin h«'ai I ed, measure ol ejecting the entire* vote ol a ; county (Huntingdon, which gave 800 majority lor the Whig candidate*.) that the Loco Foco return judges ot the district, could so mould and mutilate the I Cl u ins, to give any pretence of success to the loco loro candidates. \ ct tins high-liande d measuie , w.»s adopted — lollovved up by a tin il conte st in the Senate ; and the claim.', thus founded ! ol tlo* loco candidate s, vocdciuusly supported by the polito ans .Old preses ol t lie* part V ! I he ( oiomille e* ed the Senate appointed to e*i ejuire and report upon tlie oi gaui/.atmii ed the two b.di. s i now claiming to be the House ed IF piesentaiivt s, made an pent on Saturday, accompanied with the testimony upon which it was loutuled. The Com mittee exaiinneil three elite ci s ami individuals be hinging to each branch of the House, under oath. 1 heir testimony is stated to e xlnbit very littly ells* ciepaney, as to the* statement eif the proceedings .it the orgam/ mu ol these bodies. Thu i* port o I the committee, as cLew here stated, w as in lavor ed re cognizing the whig ui Cuunr.liain House, iis the one legally e-1 giii i/ed — From eei tain a lie . cel mloi ni ' ality thciem, and pciliapsto give fuithei time for I filet tion, ii nil •• sober second thought" among the* • people the report w as re committed. It was ex I en ted to he again betoic the Senate y ester el ay or tej-tlt.y. I he report is said to have given much j olleiice to the members ol the" Provisional (loVeiii me*iit’’ now at Hiimsbuig ; and it ,s evident that the civil auihoi mes deeme d another outbreak possible, hum the circuumance that tin* military of Cumber Iand .o.d Aihous li.ul been reejuued to In* in readiness to keep tho peace, and support the laws. 1 he Committee in the other contested cases in the Senate (Philadelphia county, and Chester, Mont gomery and Delaware disliict) were to have been appointed \ i*Me*rd.iv . Coriopondouce of the Baltimore Patriot, l-.xliacl til a letter received yestcrday afternoon ! i') llic K.ulruail curs, tlutcil. \ «'hk, I’oiiii, |)ppcmbery7 16.38. I lie pttascngers in the Harrisburg stage, which arrived here this morning, stale, that the committee . ot ihe .Senate, appointed for the purpose inquiring " hit'll was the legitimate House of Representatives, made a repot l to that I odv on Saturday, ri -oginz „g 'If Whig, ot Cunning! tin hi inch, wliit h report was re-eommilteil to the same committee, who would in all probability r.. ri it in the Setiate to-dav. 'I'lie volunteers liom Philadelphia were relieved on S,,t nril.r by a driaelniKUt ol ,,'n ,i,t Ion |i(lm C’ai lt>le, mid lelurued to the city that day. There were (ly ing lepoits m I I ii risking, ol the marching ol a bo dy Ol men from Berk’s county. In sustain the rebels, hut they were nut ascertained to lie true. Vn extra hum the Harrisburg Keystone (hnco l oer .) dated at one o'clock on .Monday morning, vehemently rails upon its party throughout tile . late to take up arms in deleucr of ilie stand taken hy the members Irom Philadelphia county, and an nounces, in terms at bitter denunciation, the arrival olliesh troops Irom some ot the interior Counties. FROM HARUlSBrnc. By out news liom Harrisburg to day it will he seen that thret of the Whigs have ■ edeti from the Cunningham House and joined ■ he Hopkins House. Tire correspondent of the Baltimore Pa trim, says:—"The members of the Cunningham House declare (hut this desertion does not effect llieir position in the least. That they were legal ly organised in the instance, ami that* thru position is not and cannot be efleetcii by a mere vacamy occasioned by the refusal of a few indi vidual uiembers to discharge their duties as IUpie sentalives. This position they consider siren th ened hy rite lac. that these three gentlemen had pievious y qualified as inembcis ol tlie Cuunni" h im House. On the oilier hand, ilis argued that", ilie ( uuniiij;ii;im House is now without a quorum ol members, they cannot legally he considered as a Hour 4iI it«*|)ii*scnt:u\c.s, Ijumuso iliry could mu l'Vl!v l, n‘ '*f busiiM s -. even if iIipv were rcco^niz, :. J d> sucli. 1 offer uu oi'iutou u|>ou lliix vexed vub jert.** The Globe mvi the course of the seeds ‘ mu t settle the |eud.M and a member from Pennsylvania rxj>rcn«cd the opinion in GongrChS on V\ ednesday, ibill the dilfli uliy %vas *etiled, [Compiler. j FROM DETROIT. Accounts from*Detroit up to the Cih show that ih»’ little exhibition of patriotism in that quarter has been done up with dispatch. No engagement* took place after the •skirmish at Sandwich. The Patriots dispersed At the approach of a detachment ol Royalists from Fort Malden, in a confus'd manner. Some took to canoes and gained ihe Amen* in side, and others fled to the woods. The Royalists captured some dozen ol them. I he Steamboat Ene brought into detroit aeveral prison ers, who were examined and seven were commit ted for trial. I). Tbellar was apprehended on the 5th, on a charge ol setting on loot a imlitaiy expedition a gainst the provinces. H« was bailed out lor lurther t.iab . Not a C Hindi in joined the Patriot invaders when t hey landed in ( atiad.i. 'The local authorities ol Detroit arc taking the inost efficient measures to pi curve our neutrality. From (he Albany Argus. RE-CAPTURE OF JOHNSON. We arc happy to slate, that through the vigilance an 1 perseverance of Captain William Vaughan, master U. S. Navv, of Sackett’s Harbor, and deputy mats halJ. AV. 'Turner, of Oswego, Wm. Johnson j has been recaptured and delivered to the marshal. His arrest was made on Monday nigh’, by ( apt. V near Tabers, Oneida county. Mr. 'Turner, accor ding to the Syracuse Staudatd ol yesterday, having spent the last eight days in the pursuit ol him, and having finally got on the right trail in that vicinity, succeeded in the accomplishment ol tljeirdesign. He was delivered to the custody of N. Harrow, Esq* i the marshal at Syracuse, on'Tuesday morning, anil was brought to this city and committed to prison by the tiiarshal, accompanied by Mr. 'Turner, yester day afternoon. I It* submitted quietly pi tin* arrange ments of the maishal until Ins arrival xt Utica, lu.t. from that city to this, was turbulent and ref.ictory. From the Sarket's Itarbor Journal) Per. q. Knki ino* or Gkn. Vo>-—We have been informed by a gentleman who witnessed the scene that the Patriot commander. Von Shonh/.. was hung in Kingston yesterday morning, nnd that (Ad. AbbyatiilMr. George wete to be executed on Wednesday morning next, and perhaps Mr. VVood itiIf, though the Governor’s sanction of the convic tion and sentence of Wondrulf hid not been receiv ed at Kingston when our infoimant left. Our New ()i l< a ns slips I n form is t li it Judge La w - rente, of the I '.S. District Court of Louisiana, lias taken another high handed committing to prison, lor an alleged contempt rf court, another Deputy Clerk. Air. \. (J. Flygnet. who, like his late pi edict --sor, A! r. Collins, refused to •'divei a certain record to the Clerk appointed hv the J udge. im asme of tl is character, while the question nl the legality^)! the Judge’s at t in removing the t 'Ink, remains lo Ik* decided hy the Supreme Court ul the I 'oiled Stall s, is,*to say the* 1< ast of it, disrespectful to the filter tribunal, and also to the Circuit Judge w ho differa d in o pm inn with him on the subject. Tf F.SU A! rI I()N 1 N N ATC11 F.Z.—By ilie Natchez Courier extra, we learn that banks in that city held a meeting, by delegation, on the bill lost, at which they adopted and published a icsolutinti, for the lull ami complete resumption of spe cie pay ments, by tin se institutions, on the liist « f January next — resolving lo redeem with specie, or its equiv alent on or alter that dav, all their notes, as well post notes, payable at distant periods, as notes paya ble on demand, when presented for payment. UFA V Y DAM AGES —Wo li m. from the Natchez, (Al iss.) (’niiro r o! the C'iih nit., that in the case «f Adolph Fsqta against Uerrnult l)c St. Sanveur, for slander which was rceently tried in tin* Circuit Ci on of that county, Judge Coulter piesi ding, the jury returned a veidict for the plaintiff, with dam.i es to the amount ol thirty thousand dol lars. N, /. bounty in ferment.—The Legislature nl Ver mont have pas-oal an act ottering go c ents for cvei v pnun I of cocoons hereafter raised in the State ;'Jo cents lor evi rv pound of raw silk reded fiom co coons; and the same sum t*• r every puiirid of sew ing silk manufactured therein. Promfii I * a rtthition. Mrs.Jennings Yeatman, aged forty years, residing in Fitzwaler stieci, AIov amensmg, was delivi M'd on the night «»I the bill inst. of four full grown children—three ol which are i nw living and dniug well—ilie lourtlt was a stillborn child : and the unfortunate mother expired in the act "f its pan tii nion, the resources ol her Constitution j being insulficieut to withstand a shock so violent ami unnatural. The three living ac very 8; rightly looking daughters—the I urthwasa male. [ rniUult tph i a 'Rimes. James /lit er and. Kanawha Company. The Stuck holders assembled in the Capitol on i'licsdav evening—and Air. Dorman of Rockbridge was called to the (■'hair. Air. Cabell, the President ol the Company, occupied near three hours in read ing an elaborate Report on til** progres ol the Works and the condition of the Funds. I L* submitted an estimate nl the sums which would be necessary to to complete tin* whole work, ami pi'ijcts for the man ner of raising them.— The meeting, alter having appointed Committees, &c., niljnured over till last evening. [Cnquircr. The Special Report on Air. Sw.iitwunit's defalca tion has ai h ngi !i appeared. T. e amount is aster , tained to he 1,374,1 id. The abstiactions commen ced in 1830. ILLINOIS. i he Logislaiuie »)( Illinois me! ui Vandalia, on ih“ !>d instant. In ili • Senate the Lieut. (lovernor took the (, and Bknjamin I’o.mi (W.) of Cliu ton, was elected Secretary hy a strict party vote. For Bond 21 — .M. L. Covell, (L. F.) 17. Two Sen ators absent, both Loco Focos. In full Senate the vote will stand Whig 21, Loco Foeo 10. In the House, alter several balloting*, W. L. I). Lwino, (L. F.) ol Fayette, was elected Speaker, having received LI votes.— A. Lincoln (W.) ot Sangamon, .'Id—II. L. Wkhii (Con.) ot Alexander, 2—-amJ two scattering. Six nicmb'ts absent, three Whigs and three Loco Focos. B A N KI N( i IN MlSSOl |{ |,—The St. Tennis Uepublican oflhe7th instant, contains a letter from John Smith. Piesident of the State Bank of Mis souri, in reply to certain friendly queries of a mem ber of the House, ( Or. ( run, Imm Callaway.) in which he expresses himself decidedly favorable to the lecominendation of Lovernor Bogs, namelv, that the Bank should be "allowed to issue notes of the denomination of five dollars. The other al ternative. ol f lovernor B\s. Message, namely, prohib tion of the circulation of foreign bank notes under ten doll.ns. Mr. President Smith declares, would be “a dead letter on the statute book.” This “looks rebellious” indeed against the dogmas of the Ball Roller. The New Orleans Jockey Club Purse, 2500, four mtle heats, w as won on the 8th hist, by wagtier, the brag nag of \ irginiu, beating Sarah Bladen, Ten nessee s fovoiite. 1 lie following was the result : .1. S. Wamson'srli. c. Winner, 4 years old liy ,Sn Charles, dam Maria Wesi, Marion, 100 lbs. 1 I A. L. Ijmeamiii.s s. I. Sarah llladen, 4 years. olil, by Lmatliun. darn Mormuua—'17 lbs. | Labourers Wanted. I \\ ILL M\ E liUoial hire lor a few able bodied 8 NEdUOES for year I-09.—I wish ,|so to hire ; sum- BUI S, say from 12 lo Hi veais old. JAMES DOLAN. Dec.!) HOs I'Olt KENT, ^ I M I f. house on 1-1 deral 1 lill, near my residence ■ lor several years jaisi occupied by ihe late I'atuck II. Cabell. jVllCAJAII DAVIs lr. Nov. I il l, J tmaf: : i.i m mu lie, »m:imeu ji, MR. BIDDLE'S LETTER. It is possible that there may be some justice in the objection urged by some | ersous to Mt. Riddle's admirable Letter to John (J. Adams, that it betrnvs rather loo much egotism—that it is rather too much alter the fashion ol the bulletins of Napoleon. w|,ich more frequently illustrated the genius of the (heat Capiaiu tlran lire pro" ess ol the Grand Army,—j(l it must lie allowed that it any man evi t had justifiable cause for self-adulation, Nicholas Diddle is that man ; and that, ifaclf-praise, even by indirection, ever failed to dim tiro luslic of a brilliant intellect, or t0 derogate from the dignity of gteat actions, it is m the instance before us. It 11 a good man struggling with the storms of fate,” be an object worthy of an gclic admiration, lie is not less entitled to tire same tubule who conies out ol such a contest not only vjc t,.nous over his enemies, but over himself; who, ^ the hot crucible through which Ire lias passed, has preserved an equanimity of temper w Inch Zeno might have envied, and w liich contrasts so beautifully with the vindictive fierceuess and ihu brutal coarseness with which he has been assailed. Say what they w ill of Nicholas Diddle, he is a great man—atnlpos u my will so decree, when the passions and ptejn. dices of the present di.y shall have subsided, and the actions of rite prominent personages in the events of the last fewr vents shall be-Ticwed through the odd but cvcar medium uf unbiassed and unclouded te.t SOIt. \\ e design to on r no muusm on ,ur. U.Uulc’* It hit. Like cvt ry thing from that gentlemen's pm, it is tun lucul to it-quiii/ a word, either in expbina lion or deiente. But we will take this occasion to say, that w e u johcto hear that the Bank over which he presides w i'h so much ability and usefulness has determined to retire both from the field of politic* an I Irons the “ cotton trade.” Into a connection with both, u c know, that it lias been in a manner coerc ed— into the foi liter, by the ms. met of self-defence, w Inc ! Iii ii ito banks, albeit they have no souls, as w ell as m men, who In ve ; and into thelatter, by the deplorable c mditiuu ol’ilio country, whose interests it has so gi atly promot'd by us timely iuierposiliou, and w hose honor it plucked up by the roots from rho vast ocean ol deb; into which it had been lictdlestdy plunged, and which at one period threatened uni versal bankruptcy and loss of credit. Ba ilvs can never eonnee.c themselves with polities, or tnlei into tho combinations and slides ol partus, without ii i'liy both to themselves and to the coun try— and this fact, which they aic as well iiware oi as those who man.lot m st trepidation at the po$ bihihy o! such connection, furnishes the strongest .u.sianty ol all al-senre of danger from this quarter, rite l . S. Bank, btloie and mu c its incorporation l»y Pennsy Ivaata, has, we admit, iOinew no lated this general rub*; but, as we before re marked, it was h reed into this unnatural position by the assaults of its enemies, who constituted a foi iiiidable,n;iy, an almost omnipotent political party—a p.irtv, who -.e chief never u tiered a threat ol d it unci align w hich they were not ready to echo,—who m - ver inaiked a victim fur do (ruction that did not fall under lus attacks, except this Bank. Here, indeed, he was it.i ed : foi he met, in it- presiding officer, r •• fuein i i worthy of Ifis steel;’* a man, who, withe quid native genius, possess a 1 a -pirn, if less fierce, as stulmrn as own, and, though “ mild as the Z”p!ivr, resistless as the storm.” The same great ruliug iholive. thctelore, which, in general, keeps Banking institutions tree limn pally connections,— st i iuiciist.—is duceu (his Bank to foim such a con m cnou. 'I he stiile li s at last ended, however; and we it peat our gratification that Mr. B.ddlt* avails 111 in s If of its cissat iufi to retire lioni a contest, in w he has suffered much obloquy, he inis reap ed m my laurels. Banks ought to have as lit tie to do with trade aswitli politics. They have no right to inteifere with the nieiehai.t in Ins Icg timale oicupation, and to drive him, as, by their immense capitals, they are enabled to 11• >, from the marts ol tialfm. B it, while this position will be universally assented to, it is not less evident that .Mr. Biddle, by dcvi mug from the gen eral principle, during tilts hue commercial convul sion, rendered t ssential service to his country, and particularly to the South, the price of whose great staple he sustained, while, by his advances to the planters, ho rescued them from insolvency and ruin* Having accomplished his " duly to his country ns a good citizen,” by tins well-tum d interposition oflns vast resources and boundless ciedit, it now becomes him to retire from a position which he can no longer occupy in justice to the con.munitv, and without provt.kii g the bitter hostility of those who have been Ins staunchest friends. Sagacious enough to per ceive this, as well as influenced by a high sere'll obligation, which- seems always to be his rut principle of action, ho announces his withdraw... liom this field with promptness and without resciva tiuu, and thereby removes one of the most formida ble objections to Ins inimitably conducted institu tion. \ud thus ends the "Experiment,” so far as the 1. S. Bank is concerned ! MR. ATHERTON'S RE.SOLl TIONS. The Washington correspondent of the N. V Journal ol Commerce takes a correct view of the A nti-Abolition Resolutions, as they purport to be, but as they j , truth arc not, recently adopted by die House ol Representatives, when he says : “It is a little remarkable that the South can be so easily persuaded to accept tins proposition as a con cession. They must know that what is given t<» them as a boon, can be no avail, if they cannot claim it as a matter ol right. To accept ol any thing as a compiomise, or as a concession, is a virtual aban donment oftheir just right. If the Constitution can not protect them, it will be worse than idle to call upon the aid of an accidental and temporary majori ty in Congres. If they have really no better securi ty lor their rights than what they can get by such temporary expedients as these, their condition is de plorable. • 1 believe they have a better security—the security of the Constitution; and, when they come to know their true friends, they will find them among those w ho wit hunt being parti/,ans, have often proved their determination u> support the Constitution as it is, and not such as the capiice or the interest ol t phemeral parties may choose to make it. “'Lit cause of the South is too good a cause to be allied, as it now i«, with any party, as a party. R is moi tifvin g to those who at all times, and under all circumstances, have been the unwavering, though imt pretending to be tFie exclusive, friends to the Southern side of this question, lo sec the South courting small j any interests and seeking strength in n alliance the first condition of which is an hn plied abandonment on her part, of all her Constitu tional guarantees. “It is, peihaps, a matter of some .importance, 1,1 tference to the public imere^is, that-the Abolition 11 test ion should be kept out oft amgress . but it would