OCR Interpretation

Lynchburg Virginian. [volume] (Lynchburg [Va.]) 1829-185?, April 20, 1843, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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■win and t.pTa(ii>n. 1 Uiit v* t! »i l , 1,.» lull
puw**r lo inulilulit amj rrgulatr hal m.itt r.
I am r,.nviiK-rd that a Tarili ul riiun s, mi!ec:nl iiji.ni
fxrritfii, Riante, wan sand iiHr.I.aiidizr./fn r im . ,,/r.it,
W dir u*: ('Inn Or ralsli.g ihr limn, y Hi r, **arv l.-r Mir
Irual rxp i.dnur. » ul (tie ijuvrinniriii, mid ilial Cuiurr>M
kaa Mir uuduulrtrd nglM. lu <lu>. r iiiniuu. in Im 1 r.uh
Tariff. As To Irvc tr.if.u with such nations at ( tat
Mrium ami rraure.it is all hm.i‘ u^. 1 would •>. s,»..n
U live That liu‘ Anu ciut ol all .l.u L "..is vuiiid this
J$u miner luaku «.m i>r. at ruj dhiic ol h;> F.»npin . :-s that
Knglsnd ami Frame will etnsu to onard ami protect the
tru* mu rusts t.t their laum rs nmJ iiiaitularttm m.
I am uMeilv opp. n*d to tin Assumption oi* Stale
I)t'i''K hv the Federal li • vrrtimulil.
And 1 am as much opjn^ctj to tin Ilcumliation ul Statu
1 am opposed to the interference l»y our Northern
r. ghhois, willi otir domestic idavi rv, either hy \vi rd i r
by deni. I Would oppose them ny every strong measine
which the lawm of the land wi uhl justify, or the us.me
to! civilised imlioiis Would sanction. And it this would
not, they still permuting. I would have an rye f«ran eve.
and a tooth h>r h **»oth, tmti! I was left unmolested.
Am to the I )istrtl utinn of the I and Pund, I am cmi
timed that it isnur just right, and that it would lie a good
policy to receive ail we ran gel. W e l.avo been often
warned in Congress that so soon tu the Western .vtatr«
anpiitH numerical strength, that they will not only do
maud those lands: hut heino rtlrvtd, tin \ say thev will
wrill tah«r them. W e have Mr. Pencil's (h i larMtn-u h r
this assertion, and Mi. (’alln tiri has iheady bet n cn
daavoriuo to barter ufi these lands to tho \\ es:em S:at« s,
aiming tu maho p »l tsiejl capital of them to entile tu h -
ow ti bun lit.
1 am firmly and decidedly mi advocate f. r hut one
Presidential T» rm. I Move ih.it the improper use of the
]«tron3ge ami money o| the lYdeial (loveriimeni, f»r
/r(^retiuneftritij purpwis, has been a gnat « .uree of im
morality, extravagance, and a gnat Menu rife to the coun
try. I further believe iliat unless we cun cornet tli:>
oiil, that our Iron msiiniiimis are in eminent danger.—
I atu further of opinions thal a> tnr •jovrrmmnt is now
administered, it is the most corrupting, denimalf/unu
and pri li gate among the eliristian naiions. And that
one Presidential turn uh i t will anest and centcl the
In conclusion, should I 1 r ashed w h it n an w< uhl I
cJtuu.ee as heat Mm hi ted to corieet the dismdcis of the
ami n try: I unhesitatingly reply, 11AI {IIA ( I..W is
my favorite li»r m-xt 1‘iesuh m against the world.
\ tour h lh w ciiivi n.
joiin pin im.
FOU Till: VltiMMAN.
T1IK TAll!I F.
•Vratr*. I'.Ailnrs:—I accident ally picked up the
.yuehburg Republic-an” of ihc ♦»tl» insi., when my at
tcnUwu was arrested by an ariicle written uver the’sig
i nlure of “Common Sei.v,” (a very go d name, by the
bye, hut tfiiv. (• ilmer tells us, thorn’s nothing in a
name,) m which the writer lias given us a short history
eh what lie is pleased to rail a I'roteelivc Tariff, ti no
the lime of the i’lencli Revolution, duw u to the parage
cl the ••Rill id Alioiuiu.ilions,” m lv\- ud very ind
rttly informs u«, that .they, the Dmnorrus, we’re sop
porters, as all Him patimis should have hern. older re
•trietile system, and war w iili ,r VVf.
the Whigs, were opj»os • j to il, 10.
I,et us paii.se here, my friend of the Republican,
to tontider this questi. n. W hat evidem e r.ave we.
that you or rather the Democrat* of the prcb*’nt (tuu.
<sj||»lit.ite the same political party, which at that <i.i\
rushed to the breach, and dctcmli d our r nmirt’s I'phi-.
lit the jHiiut h! the hiiyijoeiOr, that the Whigs wire
not of that patriotic school of freemen? Is it open the
iiimo wliiefi distinguishes the two j art.cn that u re
ly to establish the portion you l ave assumed:' " J f .
fiietn must force you to reiin.pii.sh tho ground as untena
ble: fur the sell styled inodori) iVinocrai.e party is ol
recent date, and cannot hr traced farther hack than the
reign of the “lltTo Ihcsu cut”— and llirmnir was tie n
a«MiuimJ by hi* vetarW tocttc.h gutls. On the contra
ry, llm W tog party original*! mi our glo.-ious struggle
for frmlo.it. They rcan-R and planted ti,;- stand - I t
liberty—stained it with their blood through tie Binmgle
ofthe Revolution—ii,avr al.vavs | r \ i d tl:ve< t.V'li
ful sentinels upon the* wnvcli tuvo r*. and rusht ,1 to ihe
resell#, w hen d.Ulgcis iJina teo.-d. « 11 In r fr m witlr.nor
without.— I hey need no line name with w l.ieh to
cinate or to charm, > ut nrr•■content to l**or the hunt*!
cogft mi oi of a noblr rniil iUustrh.us unrest np
Hr. is ii b« ■cause Martin v an Ruron is \ cir favorite,
• nd the osteiiwiide ••aud.d.ite . f v mr party .lor i!ir bodies!
* flier m thegifi „}’ the American People? lleie^too,
iny friend, y .11 luvt'o -iiir.mtol a most 1 ..regions bluu
der. |{Hf.» h*rt that this same little Martin, al as, the
Muficmi, now the idol, and four child .1 Dniwaucy
opposed n.,d used every . .wtion to d. .Vat the election of
«lHines .Madison, thru the people’s war e.indidale f.r the
Presidency. While. Henry Clay, the favorite of the
W big party,supported him.
“Alter ibcduse ot tie war,” savs Common Ser.se.
•‘high riiv.ie^ tt etc ur*r«s.iiy for so.on lime, to enable
the government to meet its war engagements, and were,
un that account, approved by the mass of the l)« mo
rvats. —Noldy .1 me ! Rut whither! eh whither haw
fled that patriotis.il/ Cannot tins band « f patriots be
once more •roused fr. m their lob rgy, and indie d to
support a 1 arill siiiu“°"t to piy 3 debt of their own
creation, and to men the u-'i-essirv "XpRiulltures of the
I•uverninent?—A discriminating Tarill for revenue,
graduated r.s to all. rd incidental pmteeii. n to our own
*ua mi torturers, thereby enabling them to rome fairly into
W|l„ %t\w _~'"'h* of lf.iir ipe? Oil no ! tin* is
horrid, and giaii.s ti n hues' *., Ur''** f •* *•>/>oii,k T 0 '
I hoy have too much lr.cnd.siup and good will lor ihfi
foreign manufacturer, tudo any thing, by which be
inay.br possibility, be injured, and our uw n count vmc-n
greatly Inmefiird.
. lhta i* patriot!?in, Messrs. 1-Mi tors—Dcun crutir. pat
riotism. 1 hey are ready toiuip.se, not oulv hea\ \, but
unequal, unjust and opprr»ivnr m\rs upon" tbrir’ own
citizens, but revolt at liie idea .•! imposing duties upon
articles manwhctiired in a fnrrigu c.iin’rv, h st micIi :i
measure should a fluid sme prwtectien to our brethren,
MurcjMiutryinen. and men wh. *,c interests are identified
with ours. iSueh ts tlir g j-mIioss and oenrrosiiv of their
hearts, tout they are willing to become ••krtcers of icoid
amt drawers nj water ' t a tin* lorirgn capitalist, sooner
flian adopt a system ol measures w hich wiilatouce raise
up a formidable rival in our own land. This is not the
spirit which nerved the pen of a .feflerson,—called forth
the W isdom of a I raukliu--the tlorpicuce of a Henry—
«nd blood of our rcvolutioiuiry fathers. 'They, it is true,
took up arias to rrsist taxation, hu* it was a tax imposed
upon them to Bopp >rt a foreign (iovernmeiit, in which
they were not even allowed a representation.
“Soon alier tint* ’ continues the correspondent of the
\ Republican, “a party sprang up who wished protective
dutus levied per in w Inch they Micceeded to n.n
•idarabh? extent in 18” !.” N, w, I do not pretend to
understand what idea is intended to he e'lirry-d by
"protective duties levied per « —and be ing unfortu
nately, a vory plain man, having hern forced by stern
mtceuiiy to work for my living from hoylnmd to ih<‘ pr»
.•cm time, mv pa ran is being p or, I was never ble-.-rd
wnh an opportunity ol "nthling n)y bark against
( allege walls,” J am consequently driven to the alter
native ol using our ynnkee lueihren’h mode of arriving
at conclusions.
ll he means a system . f prdcction by which one par
ticular class 01 portion of tin* manulaeturers arc prater
trsl, ti» tlienxe|usi» i, ef another, then as a member of
the W higparly, I think I am authorized to «ny, we can
and will join with “Ci iiouru Suim*” and his Hemo
cratte bretlire". in di tiaii, ga it.isMirr. (like the tax
hill o! tb.r late Democratic I.cgitilature of Virginia.) so
linrspial mid oppressive in its operation, lint if lie
means a 1 ar ll *.j iliilie* lor revenue, so garadtinted as
tonfi ird incidental protection tu our infant maimfaeto
rici of every description, whiil.rr stunted in M-issa
chiisrtt* tir tin* ( r.p.linns, then ! am Idly warranted in
••tying that the W’ltL. \ as a party, will nevi r yu Id one
inch of ground, hut w.ll light manfully for the estah
lishmrnttfa st stern, so initmalely ronnretrd ard inter
woven v\ i11» the best in'erests and presperity r.f our be
loved country.— llcgcesi.n to say “not satisfied with
this, they edntinm-d to agitate the country till in 182*,
they pasted tin latnotm. Rill r.f Abominnliuiis. l*nf r
lunate eircuttistniic.! —•*/;!*// 1f . Jbominnlinns,” I n!-—
C omc, let us look ov« r the nantfs -if those who voted for
that monster, up..n its final tiassage, attd here we find
the name of Martin ' an I’fren, the favoritr of
PkMocRAcr. Rut stop m;\k * * ( i itninon SfitFe,” .Mr.
^ :i,t Buren was instruct; d to give that vote, and is th^re
f re not ti. he held responsible f r tl.—i‘*ut lo ur w hat he,
Mr. \ an Ri r.fn, says 10 a speech delivered, I think,
at a public meeting in Albany. Alluding to this sub
ject he uses in BUuPtyuce, this language, “having he
come a woo! grower, and having invested $\:0,000 in
sheep lor that purjx.se, in* could not conceive Innv
hiK'Prsitjon on thib suhjert ci.uld for a moment be d,uht
‘d. f ellow e.itiia; ns of Virginia, IW..toon's ef the
the Sou lb! th* se politieu! (.en*agogm s are eiilnriu
•■neire in ihrir ep.p- siii. n to a TurilT.or they are endca
'Outai- ticuiivt; and R gull ywj into the support of
i '■ * ti.i> t! lu Cot li:w lVtt*:
fi* sm an«l dt,plicit\ wtodi lurks in hit* l>«rtrt. Is il uol
j ■ • ^iii >tran^.- that in, .• irrspoudriit id ill. |{r>pnld ran
s'iouKi milke mu t a w.y fart a tS.r tdcnted \\ lu^ ran
didaii* l»-r I • is l 1 ‘il•4i "d I Msiru'i, Mr. Tnler, wi » n
: ' - | \ I . . .
u Mli ih« ** t'Ull ij t :d.«d to hik tail?
lrii.. I iii li | tf ft'\ riiiir, !■, i, ■» -tsarv , all men i I
a’! j'UMitu, I Ul:< vr. will fw.Yhy adu.it. * Thru dors II
uoi 11 coi.ie us, v.9 iitrn ol w ,s• as j . ii. .t$ lookinj* to
lhr o: <»v\ 11: and j.;rspri’i.\ of our nuiimoii country . to
i , as i,. >rd
pfotfi tion to Midi nrtirh s i* ;.iu mnimlactured !»y ufir
own ci<i:u‘u;. . 1 his can hr d mu without triatcrial injury
• " •*'11) ' rn it the I'oiu tiliu r pays llu* duly,) mat luiisl
im Viij.iy load to llic most happy a ml beudllMal roniilta,
• ;! ,. p '
puuifii. c ii} on l. re^rii culiiilncrt under any and every
" m mi r me cunittmer pays the duties impost J upon
articles of a foreign grwwlli ur .ml, is rut rely a sect nds
ry fni»iderati.ii. Ii is ef no nuimeni—Ii iaenmi..|i I r
os to know, that in If'32 when the uuty on hnimner*,
tor iimlviif, u:is o.o pi r i t-iil. we ... pundo.se llirni ut
Is. mill Vd. psri'. /j n, wlien in IMG the duty In mg on
ly ‘JO jHT m ill, llu* same urtiele ror,; |-Js. per dozen._
11. re is n innuitnat saving w the cvntunu r . I ,‘s. I'M. in
ihe single item of a dozen hummers, i vi-n admitting that
lie pavs llu- r:iunnt>us duty ol '■"'[• i to nl,
lint snys "Common fvense," this great rnluetiuii in
tlie cost effort ir-n eninniodilii * has hi hi i Iii, tml b\ la
I"'iir s:.' g r.acliimry, and the i-.truluvtten of si.am
pov.or. \\ lille lie t; 1..I1 It admit il.,.t il.r.sr liavo’ Iren pu\t
r rful »-;i n.'ir v in bringing about those rcMilis. pt n,. "huh
in IIIiise i*oii ill I ios u here I lit y have ! eeu ca r i O ri lo sio .
poi Itetion. \ oi we do assert and n.a mam, that if. or
i.w n mamifaeiorii s. woro slrnl,i n n.t of fxi.-lnne to
morrow, by Legislative action, there would be in less
i han twelve mouths, an advance ol from In CU lo 1 ij I’ll
font, upon all foreign articles brought mm our ports,
even if they were admitted Ii,, . t do tv. This is a faci
which mitsl force iisi !l upon ihe mind of every one who
will ex inline I In’ subject lice from prejudice. Whvi lit
cause I."IIH’eump.’tiiioii would to ai an mil. and wo
s'.oiilrl III- czposid In ihe rm re:Ii ss eiipulilv H foreign
speeiilalers. ’I his (im!e| i i.d. nl of ihe possibility „(
war,'is a catiislrophc lo Imd. pnoaiod, and one which
every good |atiiol and w ise legislator should i iiileavi r in
a'" d, “l million Scnso’ to ilicf. u uiy u twiibataiid
I lie writer in ihe lieplihlieali has ad.lnefd hut a sin
g!e instance lo prove that higlulntn », mvariahly produce
Ii Tit pt'eis. lie says, tlu-ie is asinlv ol ceils | ei
P’::"!’1’ lex led upon all loLnccti imported lo liniani; w iiiIt.
at Ifrriueii it is admit eil almost If e . i duiv u.,- ei u
■*eip cnee ol w hieli, is, an armde w lie h w culil eusl \ hi
shoal y.l eenis ill lir.lain, eould bn procured in lin-iiieii
ai ah' lit I (I ei ms. This In- e. nsi(!»-rs a rmiclusiv. m«*u
iiit’iif, nml I.till-} Ii■smi.s:i9 it ci micm/un i ! tin* v>« it.ry lit
ha% schiuvi (1. I * 111 (lot's nl ii Sfiisi-” Know !
s •'■nl t vt ry n Mi cling man Kn< w, that n-iil.n Ilniain
in r !»rciri«n arc i hami y rowing t*. imti u ? 'i hut he inn
:\ t.irt, tlintvvu cam s lien* riled art in m all aiialawnu;.,
hi,(I I.is argument pr -ves n tihiiuj, beiauM- ilm i!ulv In it
imposftl, (Imsiuii I rwin I'jiiilish ini iifct) iutu inaikel
wiili the impound article. Ii is a duly imixsttl f.<>U !v
i i r«*v*uiu«*, ami nt• t hr proti ■<■•;< n —c*»nst nuruily, s,(
I »nw ;is llu* article is pureluo ril at aii ! v li e* | <‘oi)l«*. iis
c.-sl meal bo pi.-porUunatn t,i ilm dmy it pays- |J,;i
sh-'wlt! I\nyland, !• r inManci*. by a Irinb of nature, or hy
a Kivci p ol the tail of llu* cuipi t, ( abrt n six rl linn- a
'.l»' • > ‘V.iic (t ilciil til'llie* Ut’ptiblicxii l i Ik* a z idiacal
't ■ iiiHcnly C'Iivcml»ii into a li larco oniwiRo
t.-puiitiy. uul lht» aMcnimn « I lu r inhal ifr:u»s mined to
• br • iiliivmioii t>l‘ licit arlicli , I wmiM venture lo j r*»
dwl that in two years l- ! a.v.i waihl have suld in i 'n
eland Si r In ecn;s. Nniwuhsttmdinir ihu duly . I 7i>
cents per p*mini, l.-vied r.p<tn tin* | ,r< 11 ailiclc.
iw COim|i s:'Mi. Mrs.-IS. |’ai:|t*rs. Miller un» lliruiujli
V« nr |.ijvr, lo c.il! i; pun tin* Whips nl (’am pin’ll lo Steal
uimr p >is t.n lit*-' /tli nist. latiinui In* imnsinjj. !i
( air pbell w ill perb-rm her duly . n t It.i l day, tin* Melm v
v. ill of ours— \\ c shall n..i inly t h i i \N I i-s m llu- ,v mie
I ,e^isbi:uri't but wi sl.a'l trininj Ii o\er«lie I)i iil orf ey
• •1 llu* disiriri. and ihc.i v. r!ji/ candidate’ l<y ♦-1c*t**.i11»»
!(I* 11 ^!! I) if. I i) | I,K. in ( xin^rfis ‘ri:»*n \\ hifs
M i'lip'w’ll. In the j>o!ls, on Thursday ihc^Tih msl —
in i JlK l'oi,l,> '!
\Yhc-*i Lem-ral Harrison was elected te? the: Prestdcu
e*Y in Jv*fM. tl»c v ln.li* n:*h..n rey usd that tin; ronstitu
tii t. hud been rescued from tin* *'spi■ i!» is” mid that pn s
p« ri» v .oil I a j pit'f-sK \ui Id n ! < n Mi ned to the conn
try. l*y the m. wise end r; ■ ol pokey of Van Horen’s
ndriiiniHimiic-n. and that ufliis 4,il!ustrj"i s predecessor,”
ti e* coot.tiy hud Hen oven v» helmed with e nil semosnie lit
nod d'Kir* the iudi-penOivice • t (*« tigress had been trod
eh n ele.we» hy I \xe ceil ive* em*r< >•■! i,*.e nN: and l-y a pro
ee-'t . I >i er* t te Volution, tin* t.vcininent li.Til almost
•’•itirely eleparted fr*m its eon^titutii rial crguni/nl'e n.—
I he i.epid strides of the Kxeculive pe uer tow: rds nbao
In i power, rallit d the patriotic of all parlies, in defence*
.•I' tin* constitution and Id ortieo « f ih«- country, and the
great Whig j*ariy stood united tijmn the* common plat
form of opposition to Executive usi rj-atiot s. The* bat
tle was b light and lhe victory won. Virtue, and Lib
erty, and the* (’nnstiiuiii n triuinphed. 'J he whole na
i! n re o:c» d at i-s dcjive ranee. The* principles ed the
\\ lug party. were victer;en, and th« w itdoni of their
p"lit y would fc'ior. have been iiiuuife steel, under a W hig
fresident and a W hig ( ougress. I'm the people's
lopes have be en blasled I y the death of the pn pie's
I'reM ii iit. Their mjem iiij has been lurnrd into surmw
an*! the country is now shrmdrd in a pall of unprercclciit
^ and dail-.ueas. 'j he ungrate ltd serpent wmrn
, vevvmi at the hand that saved
, ■ _ us reptile having
him In m de* iNJrtit II, A 1 nobler
cnnch-tl into a icgli place, “hst^s tiUe d'g ’"•» -
men below.” Treason — the t*7**5/ t.easMl. Has ill wart
e .1 almost every (fort of the V\ lii^s to redeem their
p'edgrs, and to relieve the distress nftlie country. The
cup * I joy } a* bee n dashed from their lips hy tin* hands
• fa tiaitur. .Mm Tyler lias betrayed both his party am'
h. country, lie has repudiated e very principle upon
which became into* Hie e, and prompted by on infante,us
Mirdi.tn n, I as sneiife e d the- wcl.itie e f the nation, for the?
noglandi/.emcnt of himself.
I laving cot,ie in’!* e Hiee. prufi**'ng Whig principle*
anil elc noiiming the measure’s of ihc party that (Opposed
Ins cleelie.ii. he I a*<abandoned bin eoinraeles who fought
by his side, nrd thrown It msdfinto the arniK ul those,
who onre she wen d the hottest execrations upon his
herd. (Literal Harris* n repe atedly declared during tin
I'resieSe iitial canvass, that he* woubl never i xercisti t!i«'
veto upon any ground of mere* expediency—that he
vreuM nut exercise this conservative p*wer with which
the ci iistiiutmn clothed him, to dr lent the willed’ the’ peo
ple, nnel that if a Lewi; !dU rassed Lc ngxc-*. he would
not there "In rein the trillnf three millions rf jn emend*—
^ • t. Mr. Tyler, inste ad ed*carrying out tin declarations
ofthe lamented Harrison—as ho was m duty bound te»
do — has exercised the* veto to prevent the passage'd any
! .11, w hieh dal ni t conform t(> Ins v /iims and caprices.•—
He has hern guilty of an assumption of jxiwer, w hich
e ■>! a Ling i f Hngluwl his head: ami which ter would
neve r tolerate, did w o possess the spirit and virtue of our
Although the constitution provides that he shall malic
r.j pointtti<*iits conjointly with the Se nate, lie has re • nin•
e d me n in i filer, w lion, the* N us It? ri'jeeleil; thus virlned
ly usurping the sab power of appointment. Although
the eonstitiitir n provides that all revenue hills shall ori
ginate with the people V direct representatives—the low
er I louse* of Congress—in defiance of the constitution,
nr.el without authority of law, hr assumed the* resjHinsi
hility of ordering the collection if re venue, himself; there
hy usurping the- delicate* ami dangerous power ot taxa
tion. \\ hen (‘hntlesihe 1st of Kurland, undertook te»
lew mxf s without thcauth rity of Parliament, he was i
hr* tjoht iheh! * k. und atoned for his prrsumption
with ti.* lo-of his head. \»t our accidental President
in a la tie! of lav*, r-nd lilerty, has usurped a power,
which no Knglish u narch would now dare to assume.
!v n a momhe r in the Virginia 1 louse of Delegate s
in 1V3‘J, he r*yfifrnehd tint the Ptihlic Lands were the*
pr< perty * f the States—that the Corn promise Act and
Disiiit ittie n w ere fuiiri ly independent of each other—
and that he tv :.s irt favor c f distributing the prucc< els of
the putd e* lands among the Slates, m d of raising reve
nue-enough to defray the* expenses of the General (*ov
ertm e*nt hy duties on imports. At the extra session of
C'ongress, he recomine iideel the Distribution Hill, which
lie subsequently sanctioned. I le afterwards retoinmrnd
ed the report of the bill which hr had just approved
when th« re was not a single circumstance? to justify its
repeal, that did not exist at the time of its passage, anil
because? Congress would not yield to his whims, and re*
pe^al a bill on one day which ti
ceding*, thus 'depriving their h*j
and following;!!? tV/.-»’■*
rams pereg rin.at :< .us.
the? eoih .'li. ii of n
, hi l!lg C'lillglf S3
liiiT Ida vy,
yablc l *
i»vt, I!. * v would iw nil* i 'i x r»cr*ntit to i! « pi inrtp * * up
i n w hu Ii tlirv l>* \ r * I w i \ s iicUsI, nod a!.to dun lliul hoti
* siy d purpose \vhu h l.«s i \» r chain m .<« tl il»« m ** a
Ii 11 true that Mi. Tyler waa.it one lime »•* hi* idr
oj »s *ul u»« N.iln nnl 1 ui i. ISei tl t is :s evidence “t
ht u fit to Convince li e tl « si ski pin n 1 on the tHlhject,
thttt lie had changtd Ins epminii and was in fiivnt «*! a
Nat* • ;;I Il.o-k. :u tlu 11tut < I Ins eoitimnttnu I r the V ic*
I'nanhaiy. I lr dec lau d to dilhieut } ersers, pm r to
that in mural ii n, that mature n fit rtion had convinced him
ut‘ the eni siiiuninalry•, ami i xpctlnney d a National
Ihtnk- Vl tin* llamshurg Convention, he impf, h«cnusu
Henry ( lay, alinpanand avowed hank Hum, was not
neminaied tor the I’rtbidei cy—during the Congrra**mnal
si Mien '! 'll 'J, In liana d a tin nk hill hiiosell, and *etil
il to ( ono rt ns w uli In* own lam v innne, the "Kxcho
ip:ei*’ \* t noiw it list.md i ng all these uioijuiVccal main
li stations in la vet da hank, he rdusetl his assent to ev
ery hank hill that Congress pissed, upon tin* gmmul
ttint he w as opp sod to a htmli horn cotiscnminus atnl Utt
conilitutioiial *eiuph s. I >« t s not n Hteaider.t like line,
deserved to I n Manned and hissed hr every hem.nl mint
in the world ? ( an any epithut he too harsh ti.r a man
who has | umied a « « e *>«* ot such trenehi tv and dtiplicl
tr, \ d v idafoil I v .• i \ principle el iriiih and holies'v.
t.. •. ■■ \N ii, **ilu I 1' * i ut I •• ■ i dry,”
w In* puu I.r*%' 'l with hib sua id, the mdej i nd» m e ol the
nation, and w!:fl«. voted hi* w hole l:le toils we! la re,
gave his sanction to ft National Hank. Jar .es M.ul .. it.
the pure aud virtuous Vh’p* ion, whose uhul m nml in
tegiuv, none w ill dispute, liketVt^w sancti-'tit'd a xritiotial
1 iuuk. Aco uimg to tin? nrgutmnt f? .',r I ' h r, this
modern saint and vjkJutiinti, Cit’efgo Wr f *..’’ '’
James Madn. f. violated thmr oath* nr.d the cat's..
i.ii4 si_d il r hi11' i\nl i u.tbitu iiad ol l cmg ltd'■ rml
anil livin'4 den r»e to l»v alU t ted and dt *| td l his
liveulfi.tul I’m s .’%nt, w !.n is totally unw« itl.\ to od npv
th» - mi i Milted Nta:’*'»» Wttild lave is liht-ve, that
llo sc illustrious men. wtit dtl « i knavtsev Ua Is. lie
may pi.lived in his mhpiitnu r l,31hh.t, w lole
\\ it Ii "i p!i.. n*i tcari ; hi* imp .* bWi v «’■
Ii-iiei. ir tu thu tries ti tiiitrets mb
timially punt hi* unrs, ho inn v imagine wm
s i! a liiile good, while Im s.iimj»K mo uhoUt» ^ <
to him, hy his cturubie Ir-Kon the * * I' 1111 • IT * r*fc' i
mi nt -hut it there ue nnv thing hhe \;rtut* runain
ing hi the IT | whin- it nm have anv regard I. r the mii
st it u t uii ii ml 11 he i tie s ol i oi mit nt i v, i ho ( v • I n'i ritiu
lion will eventually come, whin he will l w hulled
In in In* nr at, amid the cxectniious il an indignant
people. xr In sc trust I t) has betrayed, bihl \x hnss J
led.iqs ho has outiaged. I fmay continue to
put loith Ins h\po< ritu al j-ii.foviriia ut regard |
lor thu will ol the people and thu sanctity ol the I
constitution. kut hr can tm longer deceive us. The
she ml has ft', kiigtli dropped front the l o o * I thin veiled
Mtd.amut, ami all tin hideous dt luiimltt a ol eounit nanco .
arc t \posed.
Tui uolw iihstniuling thu Irencheiy of ll.t ir ’‘Cap '
tainand the rh iu'* and ditkiusa which serin to real
upon theircau*e. thu \\ lugs have still a hop,-. ’I fry
have yita leudi t in whom they may confide. MEN
i{ Y (I \\ Im- tie wr betrayed hi* parly mu his •.on
fry. I In has si. • d by hi* mumi y in ll-.u darkest hums j
nl In r peril, and defended her rights i'paiust foreign ag
gresu< n and d« ii i *tie u.*uip itii n. Not wnhstnmlino
tl.r firry curse* ol his political lots, and limit- infamous ,
attempt!) to rum Ilia reputation -though the alt rrn lias'
raged and the battlement* have ruckt.l, he In s novel |
lain red in the sen lee "I his enwulry is r bi^akrii the'
eam-e -d ihe pt • pie. \\ hen the pillars t I the (»• ,s 'dir
have Lt nil *}i:. !.(• i l \ the eonfl t ling vU i ms • I «!• me- tie
lends w In ii the polil.cal io livens ha v«• I t« n lor d \'. 11It J
wrath, and 1 f ui got rumen I I • to led amid
the jarring elements of par v slide. his voice I.;.* evt i
I ceil lu-.nrd above 11.*• how lings of thn tempest, Mouthing
with the trideii* el t h tpit lire, tin t xnecil ntietiS of par
ty spirit, and calming tl r l< u j isii.i.u* surg, h ( f eivil j
commotion Whruihc advocate lor the tniu princi
pies ol t he (to v or nic.cn t have hern overt hr* imi, at d cor
ruptieti and iiomuIi* I me :hrr atoned the ruin of the tin
tint* — v hen many a p:»tri"l has despaired, and the stern
i i have faltered, /,n cry lias hoi n that of the dying
I .a wreiiee—“don't give up t!o* ship N't hen
(it* at Britain dared to insult our llag and invade out
rights—when our country was invaded hy nil enemy
fmm abroad and • ndntigcicd I v hrutun nl home, it was
mainly hy.his rb tjiu td voice, that Ins count! Vlnen w etc
nr t’.sed to the r< < nr, r ml by his e\» tlions that ti e vxnr
was 1 rough! to a glorn tin and honourable m&uc. When
the .M aouri ques .on agitate ! lh s llepehlic to il < rtudr •
and tliri Vein d us wiiit disunion and blowdnlied, il was
he. tint camp fur ward with tin* olive bran *h -dispersed
the lowering clouds that daikcitrd the p dtti'Ml I on/, hi,
and rest'n d the ..unshiuo of tranquility an ! peace
When (iem in I .1 i' lee ui Would leive amwdlhe I’nion
against South t n. l ua — when he w uhJ have drrm led
: In r Soil .v iih the blood td In r own cirzotis- huieheritl
them with a lured soldiery, mid hung the leaders of
millilirntion, ns traitors ami tnalel.n : »rs al that gl.io
my and critical pcr.ud, u hen the smrin of cvil \\ nr vvi.s
gathering over the HepuM.e, the same tmflim hing pat
riot cm e l.mwaid to her r- ln I darkness lied nt his ap
proach, and tin* t inihi'U ol pence o'ictf more spanned the
blight tirch of tin* political sky. Tlirse are i!u* unuiti
tnrulR of his jntr'iotism: which will staid ;*> lung as
merit aim 11 hr honored or freedom has a v dary. When
the Vile dcn.ri;1 eg i and leel.b ss pt Inca I a*, pi rat t •; win
traduce his character. sh;dl l.avt pone down w till the
* L'btng tub* . | file, to the shades of emlbna oblivion, his
fame will Ii vo with the history of in* country, and the
light of In* glori' us example will *« rve as a It aeon to
gem raiioiia to come.
I .ike tin* great and good of all ag* * and nations, lie has
been pci-ccutcil, denounced and abused. I lie great
Washington had hi* cticinirs, w ho Sought to undei tnine
his reptiiuii n and to dtqirceiaie him tn the estimati -n • (
his countrymen. ( iccr.i was beheaded hy tlm tminios
o| viiluei nduf R ule. Miltiades, who doltaltd the
Frrsian in- ikiitIi on the j lams of Marathon and perilled
Ids Jit® ' ' 1 * ■1 i'Ish liberty, died in prison,
vlune hi.1 cnentit had tnrn '; 1 • Ariutidrs, thn g
and the jus;,wa I'-n^ltcd from thn country which he
I inti served. S.f also, is i i. i.i'J whoso tni!^
crimes is, that he has loved his noun:i v, am. **,r'#cd l* ,
faithfully, the object of nr.miligated haired ami al use,
from men w ho would willingly see the Triion dis* I vet I
and the <• •vermin id t.vcrlhrovvn, provided Ihnj could
accomplish their Kish designs.
“Hoiied him the Ido d hound* ! -wl e:ie!i hhi\v arciu»Mt
firm'd at In- > miry . • tutux I i*. pi ii'iuiii bosom font.”
Hut. he has lived to sen the people undeceived; nnd
they will reward him for his s»»r vicos, hy his tr mm pliant
fleelioH In thn Presidency in IMI. Hid linduccrs tuny
“cry aloud and sp ue nut;” hut in the language of Ills
t loquent h • grapl t r, “ ll.t | *!« « f his fame can n vr r be
dimim d, hy the musky vapors *)f their pestilential
breath.” All their shafis nfcaluamy and abuse can,
; never “bring the Eagle from his sky of faint-.” I.ike
j Ihevavi worn rock in « ttinpcsiuou* ccran the angry
i billows can only roll against il, and render it whiter hy
i their spray.
I \Y 11 ii his banner unfurled to *he hrrcio, the Whigs
will march on tu victory. It i* true, that in consequence
of their ap-Hthy. nearly all the recent elections have guru
*gniriKt tin tu—But the same inauspicioiiH t vents were
precursors of ihc glnriwis victory nl lc‘10. 'Pie* tlark
i*st hunt' *bai which precedes the dawn cf day . I .cl
the Whigs llini stand to llieir arms, firmly resolved to
surmount all •fjflh uliics. Darkness and cloud*, and
dilliculiit s havt ir -» n. and w ill arise, hut the (iotlof
ofniir I % t voluttona: v Faihuts, who aided them in llieir
crduoiiK struggle for 1 nilcpcndencc. as long ur inherit
their iilosIriotjR \ nitics, protect ns in carry ing out
ilie groat principles ofci\n liberty and republican gov
ernment. DENT A PUS.
To (hr Editors of ll,r I'ir^inum:
In announcing myself a candidate to v^present the
county uf \mlu r*l, H wasstatt tl that I wotiiJ decline ii
there was any other W big eandidatc in thn ^ohl. I
lh* eght this would have been sufficient. But %.*Ur**
C’ul. Pryor has been announced, and I have declined fbc
canvass, suiee of mv friends think that it ought to he
published. I then fore state, that I am not a candidate
while there is any other Whig tn the field, and shall do
all tn my power to secure Col. Pryor's election.
Co’mtnfciters .Qrrctled—At the present term of our
Superior Court, \t hid.. on lint 1st lust., three
ititlivirltmls. namely: Paschal (1. Peterman, ,1,’lines
flaw materials, though this impression*. Ut jnany milaa
^Cpp, A’ero will calculated to deceive. ,*
y»ri'g; ■ «■ .♦*■•?*ar rtl 1 iim '*" • *w* ,
?! i si 1? 1 % m:».
Mariiin!. on tl •» 1 rtl* ♦•••?., hy din K> a m \t ^
' 1 tf< % li I ’ 1 • 1 1. Ij '•* • I '• 1 1 ■ Nijt
‘Jiivl Hi ■ mu t*nnrdn, Hi'" ,'u '■* U.t) *.) »" \t ' lfi'\.
diughui ut ( tiiuliua i inw, , ol Uahliiy, m u .
I .\ m 11 Ini 1', \ i iiiia.
oeu niAiti.
Pint, at the i t'<ii!iMii’«' nflict *. 11 in t.iaa, t' V Him m, in
(lie tow 11 of lUa 111,111,1, Mi«'t4<ippi, an tlm I;ilh M .1»«•!* 1.4*1
till Nimw ail MlTe HkU , loUnci !y of l .yllcldmig, in (lit
07tli a» «i «I la i
f M \\ I 1 ' I t • . ! 1 | • ’
in flu* # It li a mi 1 1 in-1 .t«, \tM. Ii i Mir hi N\ hi »iMviv,
widow i l |In* l it- \4*1)411 a\ iiliiiu*"'i • Ninh,,i*t r<"int;.
While tli.* avii or ol tin* brief notn.a*, rtoilkl tiavf Im
word* t w, fot
* rutu-rt I .»* 111■»4 •mot he the dull mM hand ut itr’lth,”
lu nmol Kn or ir dm o\pti si 1 1 nl 1 11 Ii 1 : n *t 1 »•. 11 d. i nt 11
t<• 114 11 4• <I Im nil, (or tin* virtue* ol the do. r I»«'d Klin aa 1*
tlu d -a .itoil 11 i,*iid, tin* kind nrighboi, tin* vm.Io.h vd 1* Idll >'
the id’p- l I 1 u\ « 1 ■4.11 1 *t or 111 to In 1 ill ■•I .1 • d 11 t .111 \ r* in "I
c.mn. a 1 "* >-.1* will l*«- 11 *..'iiiT ol I'oiWidnl r'll I •» l«**fn tti.it
khe dud in tin* •-.uifi.triit It »jio ol ldi*-.l il unmoitali'a
Nt lien ail. t'd. 4 It-or inotneui* brfoic her genii* i|uiit took i*«
dig lit, if »ho va.i, pirp.itod loi death, *he vj'iitl) irplivd, ‘‘I
go in pnrtcv ’
i) |f* I ho t wuUvilto (K> ) I»4 pen will pl« i'*' oopv
, mi tin I Idi in t . 1* Ins tMiilfi . 111 t *.4in|dM>tl conn
tv . Mi Mu itiiii ,\i ill. formed 4 «d I * 11 him ^, in the 7'*d.
a e.11 id In* 1 ., 1 i v \a i. 0*10 vd die oldest eiU / ••n« ot 1 ' 11 h
('Vii o . hia ini* hat.I in tlm plat * upav urU* of .Ul iv.it* dv
l'*if In* d.-i; ti, M1 .\icai |. .und put don in Inn Itadieiuei« *ml
i* iiota 4! lost in tin* irdi u .»f tall!-*.
. 41 I . * i '•Si.l. n , , in tlii* ti*\a ii, on S' , I death taiul lioi;'
lad, tlm lid h in*-t . Nil John !•' Johnson, ultri a long and
’ 11 K»*** 1T1 v* di*f,a«f 1 J'mi4 iti>*, for right month* Mi •( va ■ *
in tt»K r»l *1 4 var of I 1* h j: o, a ml In the l.rt *7 visits of hi*
|||4* I ,.»l t ' .4 i‘ id. lit I I \ 114 1.1"I.j-, ai d I'lir nl mu most
I *., -t 1! ttud iuumtiioua m t A* a wan lif |h*»
m |.| ! HI. a Ijmtlitia *, a* n l"i'-,»;iiid, he aa is kind mul
• I!.-. *! ..Mid mi ina*Ur, he hud the utnm*t regard »"
Ins a,mi I He h4a left a hind end 0iTeotIonite wit*, ftiul
nunu'ioiia iv'lativv* a >d liiv'lul*, to im'iitii tliwh i.rvpui it t
The 1 .i"iis\ il’** paper* arc levpnutc 1 to ropy
(Ccvii'u ol ill.- U :irli el»,
COIIHI.V' rwtl W T «*v
E8 o I i: « r: h v A 1 o y ♦
Kx’nuie jirin e ofpftsFud Tohoecd •!;* 1,1 ^ *r'*J
Inferior to ( tenon, - in J 1
C’niiiiiuilt to tion.l, 4 *0 lv> t» fa)
t ini ul iu lino i>J to * **41
I .ii'M as to *|na111y ) IX) to H £»('.
n nr, (by \s hiiIt'Mit 1 v) 3 ‘br» to 3 fiO I
\\ heat. (• t I) to (if >b j
loin.(per barrel,) tl 00 to *J (JO |
Moil (per bushel) 0 40 to tl 4b
ili' i'i, by vv21 11.a 1 f> 5 00 to f» 50 j
1 .ml 3 00 to 5 00 J
''.ilt, (per nark) tl 00 to On
linn, (|ht Uni,) 4 month* 7(Mi to bit 00 j
1*1 o ter (pm ti n) in il.t Jump o t 0 to b Ol1 j
Oats, (lu i' hushed) O \‘.r» to 0 V
(’loveT Sct'il, by wholesale) 3 vb to 3 00
I lump, (per toil) l‘.» 00 to 1 pi (Hi
Whiskey by whole »«i hi 0 'J) to 0 ifb j
<; e:\i.8t ii. i-n sj'.1
a w DiiiHKi.i. s. i nos Mini nr.. »vi,„
* *' • imw i - *mp i* c the I'm ii u|‘ .1. \\ I hl.ie II Co . of
I i uliiii' n I, 11 a si lain ii mini ii pari nr i ship, Thmi.a i A
hi oh ' o' «• ' I tin . plaur. 'I he In am as ss ill hr Inn a 11«<|
rnii'l i|i* 11 ■ 1 OMilf-r tin vyhi Mini lit ill ol IOHItl.1 I.,
IIOl.( (CM UK ( <> In pairs, llm rash «v*ti m will
It- adopt»-el, • • i :id nearly ho ;n piarliruhlu.
In biilh'iiing p itronaoi' iluy will remind llirir fiieiuU
that It U a rule ol ih • luilisu, never huh it, oil (hell
n\\ u ai i i i nt, in anv hi iii'h « | pn dir c w liirli thr \ mil
.1 \N \\ I'lIiliCI I..
April 3 w w if
nil'll M > \!) MAIIKKTS, Apr I I*. !
Cl.01 IJ Si-11 ii* ft w bnlvH (annlnl .41 nt which j
holders .in- (inn. I*un-nm n I'm ship iiimii o(Jri 41 l *i :
St« i k diminishing - in t■ ipt•» light. N i City Mill* m (
iiuuki t.
\\ III*.\T lil in ID 11 n's per hushtl according to ,
• jualits '(l r« n?s price
( ’ll N .<<' i ims pn liubhcl. Scarce Mini in ih-ma i I
T< Ml \( ( (I 10 <’l pi u ;iic iii'ii ;e«aiu , Iin material
uhaiiQc in pi., i s, • xrrpi I n' fine in unit i -luring rpiahlie*
I the nesv m p. Wc ipiftn ii-w h -s h.il,
i*i>iiin*iin. 31 i; middlin'* 4a It; good | ,nb|, fine b}-i7 j
Some Ii w extra hogfd.uudti Ii i ni itibicliil'ing jt'jal I ;
(Oil hi!* | id; hal, eii-ui'Kii, . j i 1; middling. 4|j;*
good, biati, fme (MalO, an in ijuahty.
I A( H \M,li.
<• i ■ rk «li ills t n I pn’iii.
(Mill i li!; i! i il l ; 11 |'H-iii.
‘■'■•Hill ( ar. Im:i I ills.
I’umm'Iiy Null .s i jir• • f11.
A I ill ti: is
•» « MM: ItStWMWt ’«r..
IJ.iliiiuon* iliii'H ,11 |irc*in.
\niili 1 ai'jlina I tint
W lit i liny *i \ ilift.
IVnin h.'h*o f» ttm.
Sjiirin J pit*ii*
.vj.sr sf'fn.vr; <»o o i>s
.tii.i.US s f.V.SO.V
I hive just received, tit thrir iteir Cash Stive, I'unh
1 11!’. T AM) (IIKA N>T ST(U K OF
i»kv inomt*
• l.oy liar** ever had tlm | lean tiro of ottering before.
11' which they especially invite the
\ ATTKN I ION <f llicir friends and tlm public grn
ft daily, n.* mniiy Cnod* can nnd will be y dd t i>:r ;
(•(■til |o»r r than sumlm styles cost *ix innuilis ago. ,],» 1
low are .* f*vV pi ! !h* hi * u i< s coin prising lit. ir block;
E Ofi1 (hr ILriflif
A !,»r.u'.ifu! a«sort.i.f'it (,f fmey colored Silk#
Flam and f.t<M t>la« k and bluo bhek Silk*
fii.iv> |ml«.i Saiin . !«,r drrssr-r, 8i jiffirr quality
Flack and blue-Ida !v AI j* i- .*:» Lustre.
I’ari.m rim s and M mihIiii «!<• 1 ..dues
Hal/.' i i • s. 7*\ mil.in Muslins, I awns, I’rench Cambrics,
primed Jm*. mi '.8, plain 1C vine and corded Tarlemn
Muslin*, a splendid a-yortmi lit of .Inc. in is, ( atnhrtrn
and \\ line (• i ds «.| e\et v iIcm ripimn. f:4 It pieces (_ ;j
irOfi, fiuin 11 cents to tin Imsst imporled.
/ or (t'enlli men's II car.
A 8tipci!• Mock of Cloths, wool black, blue and fancy
cul. re d; xmne cxlia linn
\Y util dyed, black, blue and fiucy F.nglislt and French
( a*?-1 mores, Silk anil Satin YYstmgs
(jiaii.bmo'is and Linen Drillings, very flic up
Studs, Scarf's, i'nney l i avals. Suspenders, Ifotomi
mu/ Ce.//fo *, of evi ty sty h , quality and pricer.
Irish I . in ns, a large lot, s me extra fine*
nojvvr/rs, rLoiniits .lyd mnnn.Ys.
[ Flore nci llra'd, Zephyr, plain and fancy Straw IJou
nuts, fritui the. cln a peat to tin* bt si manufactured; a
j m at assortment French Sprigs. Wreath* find I’low
! •■is*; a splendid ftMiurifnent of Hottnct; Cap and Meek
! Ribbons.
i Thread Farrs, some very rio*» and cheap
i Lisle and Ibtbmett I .net s, at all price *
, “>*vi*sntid .Inconct Trimmings, a good assortment
i Cup I.aces, a great variety
Ladies’ black morocco, kid and colored Slippers.
1 Also, a large lot of he avy Mint’s Sh •
EX A T S .
Cas-iimcrc, Fur, Silk, Wool and Palm, all
JJnmtstic find Cotton Jams.
A lar^e st Vi« 01 J/omwHtCri, Irotn .t>, / and x cA*. to
the fin* Quality.
.1000 lbs Coltoif Varii of the best Factory, and tbo /cry
lowest market price.
Tboy intend to ad strictly to the cash system,
and nil cash buye rs v.'li'I find it to their interest, tu
give ttipir stock an e^arutirulioii before purrhnsir.jr.
April 20 __ 81
f JS'ently printed at
1 this, on ice,
OMh: us;>»f ItTlil*!.
lYb. 23, t?13.
Acgror* at Auction.
nMl.f.lx i til.nl Kxelntnge Corner, «*n Salurdny,
the v'Jtli m»t , tniu* likely Y*»ttti|f Nogrou*: Our
» is a good Blacksmith and C*M»pnrj one wiv
mnn, n first rati* house ■eivmil, in t*v«ry respect: on*
woman, a good plain cook; 4 boy 1 and two girls. The
above Negroes :»ro ix d tilia i act it 4 and sold t> r no luull.
Term* at salt).
M. TAhfJOT, A net
April h
Al!« en p 1 i . i »
^ * Hter*. Ihuh Heaters, IT«tli Tubs, Summer fl*
k«-rs, Ne. The.su serihi r would n ipceifelly mil tli«
,iitt * Hun o| the piddle to IiIh o-soitn.riil, on Market
•Inet, lending; tu thu bridge, and next door to Mi. Chcs
let I lardy ’a chair fictnty, where he i* determined to
sell, on nv good I* line, eiiii he had any w h* re i lar.
Cutter * Spouting, K .ding. 11» tun Wuik, und ill
nther kttiduul Tin Work, niiimihu'turcd at the aliortrst
not tee.
Thu highest price given forum Copper ?nd Pewter.
April '20 3t
BMii.ii u:
k I I, lots, co lari, yard* and privies, Ifjm and after
JlL the I mi djv ut Amv, that me not |‘..nitf1, nra.ti ex
amination, to he in peril et order and (Iciudv, w ill h* sub
jeel to u Min* ol mitt dollar lor evety twelve lioun. 'J*ltiff
•inline will he us« d nvevidence in all caves whore n fine
is imposed. Thu mdmaiiec will he regidly enforced
aymi'Hi all . Uuinlem. J11SSL1 T III i( TON.
April 90 \> 'A
IssinSrii and Hoim*
\ CKNKHAI . •« tsur i in (Hit i i I IO>ll (JAIimcN
1 » A-N 11 | 1 .OW l .K S CLIPS, waii.iuieil oemtinn,
l-i vnlo by JO, IN IT SHAY.
Apt ti- - i
B). 6*. \ \ %IV%
i* I \ a o i o u i i: % .
A !S the heal c v ideueo the vulsriilvr run poxi.ibly givt
A ^ ul Im uw ii opinion, mi to ilm foyne/idiy cl tho
p,nn.) i ‘ rl«*i w hu h he • Horn Hr nab , and I t wider ih*l
*i!i fe may !n» ■* opportunity ul n •un,; the mallrr,
lie pi puiw i lo place v/h ii trial m the priori ol
■1,1,1, pur roll* Mi-ny he difltuus „f supply jug ihumiilves
w ilh article* id tin ^Uld*
The powtp inemeiit ui a p^Uivc put* 1 • *<* cl any inslnt
riient w liulevci lor a lew nmiTks, to pive •'..»* dilicit iit
iiixkem .» ln;i dial, would at hast Ju the / dNhnatr no
A line «ddreused to tin* unlxei ihef, *1 IN ii "^b' rg, \ « ,
W ould :m»Wer just U* good a purpose OtiiY w .* v *
peisH0.il inter view , vluee Im luk* w upon IiiimvII thu i *k
i I Meh'iuiiig and guuianlees to pieiuu in tvny riwpeit.
\ laige assortment always mi hand. I'pwardi of
three huml led bat c been sold hy bun, w itU >ul ever sc I
ling a hud uno LI IN NASH, t’clci vlmrj, In.
April (j if
LU;im:i:.v in .vinirn ./.> u run n
run i:t
XCSSM/B \1 B.BjII' i'll.
in; ii Ainnue
k S it may appear, il m notwit lu»1 a titling truo, li nt
1 m tin* Mil mi l it ei, on I(hnIt S-pia ii«, (i pj i.Ulle tin: iium
ttei.c building,) i# now opening
\3iW hri;i\(J A Ml MUII IS I400IIM,
Neaily all «I which can, and willbedd fiom fifteen to
twenty live per eent lower Ilian Hi any foiinei iirnuii.—
ri.tr. Hi o U in :iIui<«aI KNTI IS KI. Y N FAN , and pundit
.il vv i tli in the last two weeks lie H-dusit.i an «• x 4111111 a
lion by pnreb.tM nr, fn ling usbtimj ti nt nil wdlli run
vineed, that what In icin'. 1* in humbug, but really and
subntaiHmily f 1 tit-. The 1 Mow ing luinj iui s j portion
l bin stuck:
W ool dye.l bin It and fil'd. ClolliN, l'toiii \'-i I) to ihv
lint at.
do do ii'iil e dM (‘a'.oimrreri, from common to fine.
; • unbr >1111.-. ai d Suunni 1 t lot h, h im ,1. 1 cts to tbu fi
lit .41 tpl I ' ll V .
I .inon and < ill >n P.ilium t. mi In ctnit* up,
Moiisluide l.iiiii t mil I.oriiMiiit H,
I .a.vim aii.l I’iiriisMincrf, fur second mourning.
1 ill’s 1 .a wilt and Karlstad (itiiohaill”, all price*,
MaiirlieMler ami Seoh'b (»Ingham*. \ v; v cheap,
•\ large stock I'linilioin .b, ii, S, |(l, | Jj ami |fi ct*.
\nicr.ea;i Nankeens .mil t otloii (KnuLiouns, wanranted
Sill, .intI (' -Itoll I In 1 • a ul 1 lall l f .e, all priei «,
S Ik, l\ I ami ( oil mi (• |o vis, all ijiialilh » a ml prims,
Silk and I,lien ('aiiihric I link* lelr* fs, and Neck lien,
llko'h and enlM Stilt Mills, from I'..’’, 1 1. up,
l.idu >' (.'lieim and tSilk SabivcM, new article,
I don m e Hi,ml, I .aw 11 ami t lln i H- nru U, very cheap,
Zephyr, Worsted and Needle Pallet ns. good supply,
Hint k I Lilian cheeked Stilt and Satin Cravat*,
Plow n ('wlloiii. III avv Stock .1 1, al f-l cutil*.
Hlr.u In -I (billons, from b cum* to fit «wt,
t 111ton O/.iifiburgM ami (ierman Hull .j h,
Hlue and brown ( niton I )ril!n
M» \n hi Mi x tu 1 ms and 11 million Strip- 4,
Halm lilts, Cmbrrlla* and P.ira*o|n,
Siijteri o H.imlaua, Spilth fit lil K I’oegrr IPmlkorchiaf*,
Superi .r Sal in, N* • rim» and M .i-teib a \ eniin^*,
I'eiltieli*, Apron Check* and lb niiniii.iry I'lauin,
.l.icoi.i-t nml Htri|>rr! Cambrica and Muslin*.
’I ogeler with almost ever) article in the Pry Gjodfl
way, winch will he .. dil im-st astoir Initglv low.
JAM KM A SI |G|. Kit.
i| 1.1 13 'I
d boxciTIN PK\TK » X bout Hr in In.
I ,r» I) f.jei Shout Iron. U" t iviug and Idr sale lew
by GKO. ii \GHV Co.
April 10 Calif’
,f i s r t « tt.i .y it.
.MIII V.I I’M!' I»,
B S npuiiimj •*< I'i* Casli Sii.ri',
9 A V tltlM VOD IMM IMMII)',
imw noarci :n :r.:- Let, wladlV'ill kiKtlrf *i ffine* ,
II. mill lliu lillll H.
in V o c c r i V K .
Now OiIcinu ami Si. Croix hd’GAKN, *1 id, f»J, and |
11) eta. |irr III.
COL I' I”.I*'., good at 10 eta arid '.M per lb.
SALT, line sacks cheaper than any in market
10.000 |i;K Spun Colton lioin 11 in ln»st laeturioR in
Virginia. «f Nn. I. f>, 0, 7, H, 0, 10, 11, Hi, 13,
11, at the low (hi market price.
March 0 tiwif
kkw umms*
tt 1L r G ha ve jusi revived a portion of our SPUING
t * A M > Si M M I-If S| LPL\ . f mluacing a con
Niilei:ihl« vaiiety. whirl) we an* dcteimined to m 11 girai
bargains in: likewise (# /* (K liltII.S, viz:
NiitfHr, < oiler, Null, M|iuil I uiluu, Ac., Ac.
We cordially inviic nil our friends, both ol inwu and
1 ci mi hi i v, in give us a call la Toro purchasing, aswearo
; rvsulvnl, In Fell oil’our Gouda ataUrli priem ns cannot
fail lo give hnlislurtiun to all w ho w isli to huy. Call affil
1 ace ns.
j. J. I'niVis Sl dcitki..
M .rdi 0 Gw if
FOR bcb:.y:\
f B IIIF. spacious and handsome Dwelling House, be
B longing to Mr William Hailey, and, al prew nt oc
cupied by the subscriber. There id an excellent garden,
a spacious yard, a brick kitchen, and other necessary
out houses, attached t" the premise**. Also, theend 9-3 t
nerc Lot, opposite the Dwelling House, on w hich there
is an excellent Diablo, Carriage House, &c. Until the
Garden and let :ire in cultivation, with lhe UKual vege
tables, &.c. 'Pin* subscriber lias puRscaRKiri uf ii only un
til the 1st of November next, though he has no doubt
to a go«il leiiani ihn period would be extended, if desired.
— Possession given immediately. During my stay
in Richmond, applicant* arc requested lo enquire fur
terms, w hich shall be moderate, to Isaac Adame, Ksn.
N. B. The RiihRcnher w ill bn glad u» dispose of an
fortion ot bis Furniture, al private sale,on his return
March 2 Is i
April Kt U5Jj7
tll izilll and M ltAX.tK*
I.OOK ,<T ’l/IIS!
Ilargn lata mh-iiIi fnn, cull mnd ici>.
.tt I'ltlln I'm Exchange rorntr ywt vttl/mil 0. Ttnrtfi
Clothing Mttrrcj
| If'fun "tally mail* Cltilhiiip it tuhlul prut* lotrfU
the times.
i ^LDS( RIHL'K having Just returned frit**
i ■ ttis Nurt', ink* i this Hint he! ut informing fiin ant*.
i b'lmis 111 town and country, that lie ih now r*ostitiytf
• his •
| Spring an<l Slimmer CJocds,
w hi eh fur variety and cheapm-sM, cannot to surpsyeod i$i
I • v n (Mine op tu. Among the Ijfimde coinpruuig hit*
j ^♦',L,srr the following article* fcr Spring nod S tin mu**
1 vs* and L'rc.k, While Linen, lira** Linen,
Hiuwn Li him', Check Linen, lie rum ti Drill, (toiutfeuft,’
tiinghnin, ( humbly, Cotton.ide and Mi rrimuck Print*.
Vll warranted well fimle, id go* J rnulcr «Ih and
"lyli*. Cants ol ever? description, in auulitj snd style.
; *Vt"» H'liiC <d thn neatest and cheapest Vhii* ovof W*f.irj
utli n J 1.1 the public.
My pr: ee* lor coats vary frmn ,$| t* fJO.
I Cant* I ruin || to ||0.
\ ts!» trmn 75 cents to |3,
• f Ms M O $
S!• cKu. Hufains and Collars, just receiving, from 23*. in
A '' style and n neat article. All Linds u( Snspno
d*‘i*i I luHieiy, Dlovcn, Shirts and Drawn* at 30 cts.——
Vie. a very line aitteln of Silk I inLr Shifts htid, DfsW
ers L'«Hhioiialds SeiirlH and Crsvuii, Pocket Ffaudk#vr
chieli id every style, and u superior lot id L u.bitiilas nt
1 Mamilirttm r* price*.
. >•1 would invite particular .."lice to a large lot ut
\ ckIh at i a rlw. each, such us n caniut ho bought eUw
when' loi l.'iN than nmc shilling*, shy gh our onowitm
j 'v,l,y the ju.Ijj'O. Coals !• i AI and Cants the game.
Very litunLtnl for the liberal patronage Imrctwfuie l>o
i\n ed on me, 1 hope nnd Nolieit a coiiiiniiaueu wl ito
I ’' to* My hen l c (lor Is will he eX( lied to j I* ase,
N H tr tilting and Making on die rnoai n s hoos tie
i ‘**nnv. AII good* made to order are warranted, und a
| I islm uulde til guaranteed, or thcgiod* p'tiil tor. My
price* lor making Cost* v...y from to $7. Per cul
ling Cost* fiUi't*. Cants and vists'^3 » ih. CUumj sail
m und Hie, and tor thn truth of lor* nitove give mt ■ til*
tl. and my word, no ufJiJfs,** shall he verified.
W tutor hoods ollnred for loss than oust, at T»iur«
llxrlm ivn l uliinr, l>) lliv •iiltHiT l» r.
n on jam in Tiiimr.
April 13 ifu
uiieui:kb \u ima Vuv
f | Mil* SIJHSCRIBKIl haw procurod tin# igono/ Ut
■ I lie solrtofthown truly splendid Inali uwrniti, 111 do
by < luekcriug 4k Mackeyn, ol li«utou.
T«» thosi- i. ,jii iinu J with instrument* from thin Mnl
ulviory, \umiy nothing, feeling confident the/ 04iui"9
Util to pleUSt*.
’I*.• llnw uimrijuaiiited with thorn we nay, ONLY
TR\ TIIKM, an.l you will, find them mil inferior t>»
tlm celebrated Ilmad wood Hinnouof I Aindwt.
\\ o do not well them on trial riot hccftiiioi wa tro a*
iraid to risk :t trial, hut fir lliu reason, that a majuritf
»l persons .ire not judges; and h«eh is i,ur confidence in
the inanulminfern, that we are willing to si iko our rep
utation up hi tin ir tone and durability, being warrant*!
to stand any climate.
Tie above malruuinnts am on hand, nnd fbr al
the sign of tliu (joldeii Mortar, Rank Square, Lynch
burg, Vn.. by D. U. LYMAN.
Aug. 8 wl^m—ifiniof
#00,000! :t»,«O0! IJ;000!
.ll.H.X.I.WHI.I I.OTIT.tt r, Hum .V./tr JPW.
lu Ite drawn at .itixnndH'l. II. SnltniUry,
May 27, 1843.
I Grand Capital uf $01,000
I Prize uf $11,010
I ilu i 0,14X1
I rill 7.000
1 do O.'MXJ
I do 0.0X1
I do 4.1441
I do 9,041
I tlu 51,3! 1
i Ptiz.Huf a,(xx>
5 du 1,750
III dll 1,500
10 du l,iwt
50 flu 1.(441
50 do At to
50 do ICO
100 do ;(IXI
IUO <!■> UM
17 0 do 9UM
j esidrs Prizes of $150, $100, $40, $70, $130, $40,
$10, $23. $20, $15, $1*2. $10.
78 number lottery —H3 drawn ballot*.
Ticket* only $20—Halve* $10—Quarters $5—
Kn;lilli« $2 50.
t'rrtificale of l’arkage* of 2h Whole Ticket* $270
•to 20 Halt do 13}
do 2*> tl'uiicr do $7 40
do 20 Eighth do 33 74
For Ticket* and Share* and Ccriiflcalis of Packages
In the above SI JgniHontt Cutleries. Addnrj
J. U. (.ill 1.(0 III Y 8. Co. Mlingers,
Richmond, Ya.
(;>- An aceot/rit ofcaeb drawing will lie sent immedi
ately alter It IS over, to all who order ticket* from ua
Richmond, April 13 \v5w if
It»< KHKItHiiE Line.
| f HI HI S. in uture, and for sale low, fur rash,
IhU u. f. sackett,
On the Jlmtin.)
Atareli 13 «rlmY
B El lllli’S Agricultural Chemistry,
A I’creival keeiie, hy (’apt. Marry att.
Lottery of Life, by the Countess of lllrsaingtoM,
The t mispiratiir.
The Neighbors, translated by Mary Howll*,
Pauline, by Alexander Durn.i.*,
Franklin Evans, hy Walter Whitman. *»
The Western Captive, by Mrs. Sdn Smith,
Thu Maniilus, or Tali'* of the Sea, Ike.
•lust received and fur sale hv
Fi b. 9 la
.l/HA bushels Dibrel.'s celebrated round Potatoes.
Receiving and ft.r sale hy
GLO. B.YGBYfc Ca. . rJ1

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