••’I’Hr IS <*.til* «»l 1 It>' Mliili*, catitl I In* I nion ul lli« m* toi'vit' To\\\vjjt:\’ x sT.iTir.i.vi.__ _ l.i,\cminu,r, TiUHsmi ucioiikk io, is i t. !•<»/,. mrif. ,u». 9 OT-^THB LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN, i« published i$mi-wi« he w,,’.' ’«>' ?*** I'1"’™* l,rice3 i;,r Voilllk beth sexes. t-eutlem", win. vu 'be no pr ■perlj f«r *le, would do well In call un him p,? ijuL l'‘1lr •elling, as he ia detenuinisi lot to fur under . '' ■ushmI market jwicp*, w hich miet* ire eery hard lu ‘•in in ilii* aectimi uf country. b* ^u wan, j Thus. II. Hulloek, Jas. A. Mom, Jiio. Hailey, Jiio. Mallory, Jas. Hoisseaii, 2; K. J. Mel.auglilen, * S. G, Hlogsoni, Hargrove Mitcham, NVm. Hlakelev, NN’iu. May, Nathaniel F. Hatic, Monahan 6* Heers, Jas. Holden, Messrs. J McKenzie Co., .las. R.H 'wles, Mr. Mcllvame. Miss Sarah Hutler, Predna n Moore, " Margaret Prown, bauTl. Mays, I “ Martha Hurl-l, Jas. M Molt n, I •* \’ r ’uia b. 13»rr, C*. NN . M *(. ..11, | “ M try I,. hiiji Mrs ei Ov iaL. M (tiiee, C— Jim. 13. Clark, M D rathy C. M »on, j Judsoii 11. Chittenden, “ L. A .Moorman, Zeircll Crowder, Miss Jane Maj.-rt, Ivl w in l lark, N—Jno. or NVm. New ell, Richard ( hit on, Mrs. Ann Neel. I no. Ctuldress, O—Jno. b. Oglesby, '1. Connerion, Jrm. O v ler. L. D. Crenshaw, NN m. Oliver. I)r. Juo. (». Comes, I* —Alfred Penn, Jno. M. Carter, A. .1. Pernw, ! Jiio. A. Clement, P. A. Prtndle, Juo. Croft, 'Pmsh y Padgett, Alias bukey Cumley, NN'alker P-mlrey, Mrs. Sarah R. Coleman, NViliiauis Pryur, Nlrs. Julia Ami t "llms. Ilrnj Phillips, Miss Henri mm* C’.iia II, 3; RteliM, Parsons, “ Charlotte Couly, b. NV. Puce, “ June Cook, Mrs. lmnmgen Page, •* Li za Carver, “ Luc nda Price. Martin < ‘onnerton, |{ - George A. Ryan, I) — Capt. A. H. Duke, 2,Isaac It. lteynofds, 2; Kben N. Davjs, J; Flies. U. R ckells, S nulls it II. Davis, Louts Reid, .Ls. D wd,2, Aaron Ramhie, Jne. Drain, C. H. NN . Reynolds, Andrew J. Deyerlc, Juo. Richardson, II. L. Davies, Mrs. barah P. Reynold*, Airs. Deborah NN'. Doliyns, “ I3eisy K mens, Mrs. Catharine Duyre, “ Julia A Holier Ison, ludy Davenport, Miss Mary ReveFy, M ss Margaret NV. Dixon, “ bully J. Rowan, Alnvs It A. D .rniu. S- J.iuo *. bulkier, F. -Joseph I’,.ous, Capt. bpillor, Dios. A. Lhvvards, Jas. H. biullll, Win. F.dwards, I' bmiih. Mms Lm y Kills. Jno N. Singleton, F — liotii. Forsythe, ilraueti I . Saunders, 2; NVm. Fulkes, Juo. NN. Smith,. VN in. H. Fi aiherston, 5; D ' id W . Stol.hlefield, NN hi. C. F- wl r, NVm. Smz r, 2, Airs. Julia I’raZier, Jas. p Smith. 1 Mss Sarah Former, IN 1 r. ^ .ciders, G— l ap V C. Guide, Jim. M. Smith, Pa riek Gunn, Cluncey Steene, * a o’l. Graham, A. (». bw nz< r, I ei.x (iipsoii. It. M Stiiim, Peyton Gravely* 2; Haul. bqunos, K. Gtil iri.2; Mrs. Prurience Stone, (•cage L. G.bbs, Miss Sll&ail Si Bid, l\ (j. Gray, “ Martha Smith. Allen I). Greene, T— N. H. Turner^ Itobt. (j ss, Natliaii 1 Immas, Dr. A. M. G limn. K. S. '1 hurinuu, H— Juo It. Hurry, \N in, Thurman, Jim. F. Ik tisewright, 2; NN in. P. Tinsley, Fid ward I lug lies, K II. Furptn, \ I .aw rein e 1 inghea, NN hi. ( . Fouipkins, 2j I as. Harris, S. D. Fucker, Diviil ll dl.iiari. Rev. J. Tinsley, It *ot. C. Harris}, John N Tanner, las. P. Hopsori, Chas. Fallal rro, i G. NN’. Ilardwicke, Jolur H. Fy rcc, Arcine lliogmootbam, Miss Nancy J. Fhurnton, Joseph L. Ilardwicke, ** Mary Furrier, David llu.>bs, “ Kileu 'Flmmaa, Handwlpb Hendurson, “ Kmily Fno.oas. K. Hulver, V—(_. M. Vandeventer, NVm. Hey Wood, J. N .trinier. Palm k I Jeptiutiiall, NN —S* th NN oodruff, 1; It. F. Ilari, Jno. Watson, Frms Harper, Rich’d. NN . NN alGce Airs Catharine A. Hunt, Hetij. NN iuicra, *• Lucy K. Hopkins, It »tn. K. Watkins, “ Maria lleor ques, NN iiliaius 6s. Al L ary, “ F.iiztbeili A. Harris, Capt. Jno. Warwick, Miss Su>an N. Holland, .i«iaopJi N . NN nbers, *• Reheeca Hughes, George A. NN right, “ S trail IFlt roan, 13»*nj. NN likes, *• An .amla F. Has.y, Abxamler NV bite, “ Lucy Harris, Win. 13. NN’uod, I—Dr. F. NN’. Isbell, Alexander NVniiten; M.iii«on Jones, Louis NVhUs, Mrs. Alt iii Jackson, Jim. NN tlkerson, *• Sarah (2 Jordan, Klij 'h NN ade, *• I,ydia li vihg; J is. VI ilkir n; M vS Ar.tiiimta lackson, J s. or Ntclmla.s NN tlkerson, K—C Ndolpb Krause, Daniel NN NN illams, 2j Nlessrs. Kelly 6v Koblusoit, Henj. NN :itt-», .!•»«. F. Kt'jH, Haz el NN tlliams; 'I'll is. S. Ivon, Richard NN right, Me-srs. Keen &. Stockton, NN nlter NN’illiams, David F. Kent, Thu*. A. NNcHidsoti, Fhos.M. Kelly, F.dumrul NN instou, Nathan id Raid. Mrs. Friuees NVarwirk, L —NVm. L Latnbeih;2; " I -. V. NN tfinimv Geo. NN’. loo, 2, M ss Kmily NN loointon, Dr. II. Latham, “ ^»r«" NViliiams, Rout. Lewis, “ M. A. NN ood. A. Tj. L »ug, 2, 1.. II. TRIGG, P. M. Oct. 3 ^ s;»wC£ * vt> t.ra*J'E: VI KSUJK. »> TONS t.miu' Pl.,ai»r; I’dll Si.les S"U’ l.t'alhiT, 2 x) *• Ilia k Ami Kartet npaor IiOAihrr. rpe .‘ping and Or wl* by (jI.O. I!\(»HY. Oai.3 _ __ — m u -■••a Ort. ■ * - 1 (•WHT, YBriru ami jjrnno. “*>’*'• *•••*-••-— --- . ■■ (iENTLMKN’S WEAK; ms v.rllas a large *.<• lllanlcns, h'ullnl l.intcy, t.h-n.Av ami <*il»T Jean*, bleached and lif.nvn Ilnurs r-s, use. T» all "I « Inch nr wniild call ibe auemim ..f purchaser*, f . ling ‘•"iilidmi Ibry will find II In tln ir im rrsl In gnu Ins at iuli an examination before bujfiii2 here. JAMES A. SI Url.I.R. Oci 3 • _ °"f Tailor’* slitfar* hnflPolnt** irSTrHrnod,a..d)nrf»leHyv a |{|a|AHRS u r s i' s.i j. t: or VALUABLE PIIOPEIITY. Vlltuo III M ul irusl t Xecilietl I'V J lilies l* I# liurlaud, and of record in the Clerk** Otllce cl Vmhcrst (\ miiy Conn, tin* undersigned, who lots hern j appointed a trustee to carry nut the provisions of the s inl det'd, by a tlocn t> of ihf County Court ol V mhctst, ‘' i*l proceed, by way of pnblu* auction* on the premise**, on Cnday the l.nh tlnv of Novembt f, ISI I, to sell to the highest bidder that v vi i viii.k i k vt r or I.VM) CAI.I.KI) III N I IMi row I K, B adjoining VinhiMt (' mi _I house, hii w i io i ihe said .lames IV (sarland now resides, containing acres; \ls*». some IO or I'i I\tiuub!c %'Vegrots. and all the oilier properly mentioned in said deed. This is a Very valuable inel of land, having , u it •'< •* t • '•r IflU acres I.l're d I.OVY (»KOI NI VS, Mid the high laud in b>> nl cmnditinn. Tim dwnllmn liuu.u »i.U nllier , liuunra are in i xfi'lb nl nrdcr. tkiims ofs.ua:. I- nr Hit’ Nryrnri mill ntliri |mmniiul prupi'lty, ('mil.— \s In Hie l.ninl, Irnns nl mill*. 1 In* niidt*r**l4ni d. s< llinn as a trustpp, will cnnvny wut'li lull* Hilly an Hit* deni and dporr umlpr wliu.il lie acts *i»:« in liiui, Imt Hr* mb* in tii*ln*vi*d in In* ,*., nl. C. 1*. MUMJY. Tiualce. Sept. 19, 1844. NOTICR. Tim aimvn M-ilu is Hindi* nl my ri .jiicnl.bi by my full pun npiil. I am di-stMiM b.iiipully In |i i v nlT my dnbls, and I illvlie my UR'dilnisjrpiniallv Innllpnd HipwiIp. j. r. liAUi, wo. Amlmrsi, Sept. 19 ilSiliN. pYoth'm:. I WISl! to sell the Trad of i . ! mi wlio li J now re side, Situated In the ('utility el *'nti»a, lllillicdl ately nt tin* in *ill r i,| leading hy W ard*« I yi.chhurg, containing IOUO »//'#»* St :» |> irt: >n •. * v» hirh i * open and I it a fine stale of improvement. I ho ha I nnre well timbered, and lies well, with a splendid T VY FUN D()l Sl'., large an I roomy, wall arranged, hit'll expressly fir I’avem keeping, with goo I Stable*. fine I -e h »use, and all oilier ne» rs*,iry out Iioim s a't.irlied.— persons w Ishmjr In purchase such nroneri v will do w ell toeall and see. KDWAUD FI Ml lit I’M Aug. |j» ;;.,i V<'w l,'a!l ansi IVinltT OooiN. B A 1 11 • vv r.-.Tivmg my fapply of FAFF \ND W IN 1 FK HOODS, to wliu-h I r< p*vt fully *n vite the attention ol all hi want vf (loo I /Dr grins. My block w ill bu large, and tin* prices imuiu ith/ l nv K. ,1. Bl It I ON. Sept. 12 u IUI vnirs NlBj; OF l.i\EF IN PI l*sl \ N ( K ol a deed of Tru-t exeeiit»»d to F* rtuiiatiiM Sydnor and myself hy Richard S. |«'il:s, Inuring (Die oil the 9 h day <>| Anga-l, |.''JS, and ul n*. cord in the county court ol Aniticr*!, I shill on the 20th day ol October, I > 1 1, Hell by way of pn die nnclioii, two tracts of i.and smftued in the emmiy of Amherst, * he one cull Mining 2 Ml Aim, mure or less, lying between P'dnir Riv» r and li.!-',\*> ( reek; run) was into riled by ill*' said Klclurd S. F !' ■ !i.>m Ills father, J .mail FI li*—and tin* other adjoining the lands ol Samuel Burks, and olliers, ami nhu e uiuiiiiug 200 AI K P>\ mure or less, ai d m the farm which was pi re ha *ed hy lhe said Richard S. Fills from a certain d mi Burks Pile Rale ol hot It Prang will lie made oil llie one liist ih scribed, to wn: that lying between Pedlar River and I Iwrsh’) V ( » reek . I FILMS OF SALK— AlihoMiy the terms of the deed a sale m authorized lo he made for rash, a h mhuh.i nle credit w ill he given—ilie extent and condition* el which vviil he made known at ihe time and place ol sale. — Anmg as irijstee I will only convey such t.tle a* is vesied \4 me by said deed, alllumyl* it H believed t fit* good. EDAlL’ND WINSTON, Surviving Trnnei*. Sept 19 121*0 Tii * O M II >IAUKU>. r | M1K subscribers are now receiving a large and well * assured Hiock of ooACH MAKEIFS M ATKUIaFS, which they will well vary low. II. B. be \V. A. RICHARDS. Sept. 3 tA for s.it.t:, \ PI.ANT V 1 ION. near the Forest road, adjoining John (Sonde ami W. II Fow rV. •■oii'aiiuiig 2 I) 9 \ C li I*’. S . ol which Iroin 40 to Of) ih in woods. I he improvements c msisi ol jg od fencing and a new hew ed log house, and oilu r out houses. Terms (ine li df cash, balance I and 2 years, or longr r innc on il»t* whole, purchase money bearing mieresi Ir in dale. WM. M. UL ltW KFF. Liberty, Bedford, Sepl. 2 is lo Toburro •ItamiSartnrrrs. f B111K subscriber loving taken the large £v eonven cut 9 ly located ware house oil the Basin, lately or ' .j pied hy Messrs Lewi-. 1). Crenshaw fk. Co. lor ihe purpose of eondin iing a general Commission nod Forwarding business—will he pleased to receive Manufactured To haceo, and forward it as instructed, charging only 5 cents per box for receiving and forwarding. .1 \MKS IF JCRKY. Richmond, Sept. 19 w is .71 O B. .B s s b: s . n HMDS. P. R ICO, ^ 8 bids. New ( Means, For sale ai reduced prices. RKKD I*.MM I'* RSO V. June 3 D HCSIIFFS OLD CORN, for sain low for' t cash by B. T. J INsLKY 6s Co. .Sepl. 23 Is AIK*. Eli' UCMM fiiV f:\KLIsil AN I l'It FINCH KtllDIV, M? a iz r n r.v a /, .# n 11; s , i vat mtnm, vn. f SM1K third Session of tins Institution, will begin on 8 Monday-, Sept. 2nd. 'Fi rms unaltered, viz: $18, If# and 12.50, for English and French; no r.xira charge, but for Ancient Languages Mud Mathematics. AI rs. II. being sincerely *1- .irons of making hr r in-ti tuiion continually more* worthy of ilm kind patronage with w hich the inhabitants of Lynchburg have honor ed ii during the last suasion, has secured the assistance of a gentleman of high moral ami scientific standing for English Parsing, Composition, Ancient Languages, L.« is.*-. And she lets also succeeded in securing desirable hoarding, in ihvsame Square with imr Academy, foi llnse Young Ladies from the country that may been irdsted to her c*re, with the view of giving her ichoir lime ami attention to her pup its, Aug. 20. ts AOTIC'i:. 1” ursuanpe of a decree of (lie circuit superior ennri el'law a..'I chancery, f 'rllie dimly uf Amherst, pro nounced on llie first day el sApri., IHli, in the ease el di me Minnly, Plamlltl', airninst K'o'v ■ and nil,i r I) I'iidanK; llie undersigned, a commissioner 1 r ihoi ptapnse appointed, will proeeed In s> II, ujain llie prenii son. by wav »' l 4JMUtrai. J IMK> k !*Oi.K.—ly aMaUer. NN c co n IU 111 ill * i 'llovv.u r extra u tr mi a speech ol (■ iVi-riMr Jones, ol iVmnuni'e, d liven d at I.t han »n on the 7ill instant, to the |m rusil ol every individual, "hither \\ hio (.r Democrat. It is the moat admirably i'.avvn p irlrailtu e of a “scurvy politician” that vve have ever Seen: and what adds ti its value is, that it is , drawn from the lile hy a master artist. Thu one line «lred sittings, which James K. I'olk h i* given (• overn i Julies, has eiiahled the latter gentleman to sketch every i tealnre and lineament, in snnli trutlitulrierts aud per fee | mm a* was never boihr* exhibited. I.m all read and laugh and he sad llut thw madness and fiaud id' n patty abuuld present such a man to the people of this great L-aiimt as u candidate tor then Chief Magi* , trar\: I • *(>l ihe Unit, gnillrnitm, the ynuiv* I In korv( the vvoiihl-bo Kllsha ol I. mmIo.-onui, vvlial n‘i »I| |siy ol him 1 I iiii lim , said he. to nay Init 1111It*, ns | i- i'i nothing that i* good. The (••vernof *:ud, in speakne; of the candid*te ol the I. • • if.*eo party, he It id iiowl-.lt to misrepresent him, ami tt w;m e riaiuly not his inter • st to underrate him. Hot fr illy n was I n, i.nil, m h's estimation. to talk of making Jtnirs k <>!!. ed ml - I *ev* nteeil millions of pe tph*. \\ |m i< |m / \\ , ha* he over d me i a-do d the tjoverimr III his emphatic manner, tint he should »e elevated to the highest > lli «e : hi the win hi. lie 11 -1 iti g li t he understood s niintliiiig of tin public history of tins man; he had studied n with great c are, ami ne doll I his war nest liien-U and ailini r.-r* »•> point to tile single art • I ins lummy dial entitled , him In itir* erhtitude of his country nr t .e dignity ii el Andrew T i lisen, and yeiingi r hr iilier of Maiiin \ au Uureii. Whil a p cli j i r- ! Who hIi.iII hrsilate. lie i X laiiiu d. to make an investment in Midi sleek / [ 1, md t ie r« J lie woldd (let e.i l.irtlier Hilo U review id HllCil Bfgn meats; he would rather I »!, into w hat the records ol tin* e Minify prove d him to he, and judge him hy w hat he In I -id an d done, than w hat his Irieuds might *t ly lor him, It'- would not judge o ('.d. I’ulk hy what others might -• »> ul him, lien In r Would he hold him acenmunblu I t the sms el el In is lie prop mnd to try him nil h s ow n .tierits, yml if lie is In hi to neoiuiul for liHovvu public s Us and me iisiMieucit >, he would In* thought, Inve tptile enough to nus'pvrjor. Il political hi ms went to he j til II ihIm cl hy lie ln| tim i oi e| »•: «• rii 11 y, t In II h ad ('. d. 1 ’elk committed enough to damn a thousand w a-* n wiiitc.-.*, vvIiohu lemimony it is nut in he impi udii-d *‘l I ere su id die (i > ver nor, n n rent i turn l worthy of an American rn vv.»rthy of * ne who li.ve* hi* emitrry, ami vv mid a Ivam-e its lion >r and peace, a.nl if it HtiHxl unrefined hy other acts and Beiilimcnt*. he would formic, aec «rd to its auttior, (» ivernor I’.dk, dm full meed of praise I r aii patriotic A deelafalion. lint aii -.e, hi id lie. I ehovv |> »in llic records id dm country, thill he (• ivcruor I’olk, i*guili v id a grosser prosiiiiiliou of his "(Tn'ial staiimi to die Maine unholy purpose f SuppoRi* I show dial iic. | i’.dk | h.'nl lent his •>fl]".id Bladen lo lire aetual preseiiiaiion "I an .Ihnlition petition ? If,said lie, I shall he able to establish dns Im l, dm-* not tin* mini according in hirt own denunciation of Mr. H ites, Bland - mvimed ol hign treason n&niimt the pest principles up mi whirfi the States her nine united / ami c iipluig this fie: wiih his in >st shameful and disgraceful attempt to connect the Wing party with the aboltlnmmlH m hi* mjiugur.il addri must not his friends Bland confounded at the depth of Ins political liypncrrtcy ?- -must not bis own elm k* blu-.li lor shame 1—d indeed. In* he not lost to .uch cmoiiuiiB. He dmn charger!, ihat JameH K. I* .Ik, us Speaker of the House of lirprcsentntives, did lend his rji nil station J iikI so tar as tb.it ad const Holes inu;li Iren non 8g 111list tin' princiP’Icr.on which ilose States wi re formed, he stands conilrnincd) In the. presrillation nfdn llmlilinn petition. praifinx i nnirrcss to aboi.ihi \ v k kv in 111f !}ist tier or Columbia, mil tin. dime. tend - innoii'!. ,'ie Stoles. I Je inade this charge St <*li »ile eon inleted Mr. Polk a trim 111 r impiestl • ol -late p I * y. but on nano ml p-diey die lliik, tuud'o j sy.teu. I. lerntl I npr •venient*t, .‘o' , he oennJ. n I l.i it orib .d .\ ] rite Governor, dal n .1 .. . In v It w as that 1 p dil le to eon Id lie a hinitm r in Stole \otii\j tin! uotiounVy ortlm d \. This W :n trim Mui" lodo. d. Pl.e t» . . inor Slid be wou!d, shi. e the elai.m of Mr. IV.lk Had been endoi s. d, look it little l ito the nil 1 -l ias on ill . *f l»H If 11 mini, and lie tit .114 It I h fore tin w n d m •, lie would <• « la dish Itiselui n to the nop. Il.iuo 1 \v bn-b In t b. m yiv eu litill. bey ot.l ill r nn iveny. IP' s.. I Mh *V.I!, bad trim,11 ,/ a ol tnnmi I until lie Im l trim tied lioutelf out ol all ol.iiun lo p. I I' ;tl eoiisuiruoy or rnl,.eel, !'. in 11 d. eoiittnued the ti ruor, tint lie is .rdi ul >\ on t o* mibj >ct « i Pi efusl Intproveiueitliby do neril | ivw;m limit. In l-'g.*, In a ruiMUr n.ldii-m.l i> his eoiHUu ruin, lie i* mies mil in la v.ir * >| i In a pit I icy ; •» i\* ihtf iji»m i mu i.| inui'cr is sell led, i lie expediency I- umj m*. i >o I Ng.illl, III Ins eir.-ipv- | * sil.l lie' (• V. ill l, All. I'll Hi is still 111 I i v.. r ..I l'ns s\s e u At tint tmie th*' great .vim, itr .timi which lie has evi r Ini n cuhttmt In re v • Ive, M ,i . I r ties ay-dc 11; leil s . . .. 1 il * In* 1 ike ere It m iilil-l l M.iin-t It, tYri | ,| Ilivv '.Ii th:^ I I /.Ml wife pr-M l.iiii»s it r.ink aid ultra t* leul's n Ii I .1 ur V2, w lilUl a member of the I, jud.lime *d (In-. >i.i'.e nil it dll* cl proposition to reduce III. |. 1 me i.l puliiie |j 11m . ..r, 10 1 I I . 1 ' 1 ' ' . -i'll* Hull, because m • >* “ ** ,|,w «'l-t jTiiu ipl • el 1 'i i' in .*t !oi nam •» 1 '■ 1 1 *1 1 11"' \ J 1'' ' 1 graduation ul the pro e ol tin’ • • I '11'' ( 11 re n gill this lmh hi nun vi hi* been i.u bn.,,' -l *• At wic lime vm !mi I him v 'Hug 114 101st the h II pr-. 'id. . •**' "• Mons lor t.ie m u worn s >1 1.« r ol the r v . uu » r- ft. mg to this iiMimiiil • l a purloin hand, mIiu hazarded life, l .rinne, Mini ill lo |,r .enr. t 1 ns the in 1 Inh iltunee which Me hum enj y; • ''I'msing in iiesiovv mi thi* 11 linn lesiimoiiy nl natbei.tl grumu le,litis debt ul ie imr, us m. h us gratitude, tu u 11 oh'li llu* ev* nm j - o| |lo ir ili\s uml nmkit their | Iveari# feel thm f#»puhi id «: • • . • ., g'.tieI'uI, —wi 1 Ii tins ih ep Niiiiu n| mgr itihnle/i v (| upon Inin hy tut* ie • »r.h nT Hu-e-.ii iiry — v m 11 ..t hi 11 in .1 mill;' .1 * "11 •* I m It. I ill .1.1 Volin ■ I 1 & oil' penil ■ ' lull-; Mm . rs' ibllshi g his mill*.pe'.ui.le e'.iim I t the title ol htll h nnmrr. *'ln I N>J, eoiitmib il the (• ivernnr, ymi fi d him the inn iii.ru.111 smg opponent ol ihe Nib 'I1 •• u nry a\st.-m ; . ell micing n in lung Huge s'rone mid 1110 'p»i vur 11; m ar< - mg lhe eoiluTV III peels ■! « h , i- iv .1 ' m l 1 n i* „• r mis e \ pefi itit'bl * one Ii l to ho inivel \ el Pi | \) ymi tied iIn** Ii11 It* it mm r long, I ml, .im! .11 leni in l.i praise ol the Stili I 1 ..11111 ry A1 the ki ue lime, lwJJ In rtni tile av.isnl lr .end .m l ml v o< .Me * I Sih»«♦ ll.nikv in 11* '“he pfoei.ii.il> th; ill l.»Iu ami Irutbltm * sod nut In lie tru .led. “During (ienerul .fuck* mi’s war nil llie Hank "f the I nited Si.ile, sold l he 11 ivernor, ibn l-o.' //» I, if if waged a M.ir ol eXlerinmuMoU ug iin >i Mils 110 11 . 1 .0, Ilia III IV, nr ft 1 hi*! Ill purl, no the 'ground | fell loroignefs owned 1 p iri id Ha alo.'k. II m 11 1 el ip mu l in Ills ile im tei iti.ni ol ihe /.- /-:/.i iml t.nitus • *t lb"Ji'iml -made palri- lli' appeals I o Hie C .unity I• • ari.st Lois d.H'nor. I|S power m lie lout's •! j. ii 1; 10 r* Nr.iig* i.» \ II. this Utllr h im .i r, a lov.ru r ul Tenth Mcr, m his llie-. ige id I •, leeo il nirilih d ihe tienerol Assembly ..| | .1110 so., to III.) hr ibc U''|| ft hull milllmis ol your huiids Sleilinu , ih.il they mighl lie sold in u I .leign iiiaikel, 1 I. rdi m I.oh. so ;»ny who might rlloiew 1.. purehu.se. I line ;s n ease of trimming I ha l euuies h ue* In every Ti nues'i* i an. Judge ye I n tourstl vei, whdll ir you ran give ymir support lo a man that trims with sneli Ucdity. A (rw iimiH 11 yhnm ol’ his trimming, and he Mould he done vs 1111 Ihe //'t unin'T-r the present. “In 18.! .* ti *n. .11 •kson, us Ih-sident. r.'• 111 iu 1 led I'oiign ss In reduce ihe n venues of the cmitury, as li.rv Me: > greft'.i t hy ah ml S|\ millions j a r am; .01 loan n <•> •. saiy In meet Ihn et ae 1 lilures ol’ llie govi roinent, A cu itiiilMee. ol \\ hiell ill is s.ime III J» ti inuovr m fts ;t me 1:1 lie*, si t siboul currying mil Ir 1 rec .iimmuihnimi hy red 11 King tile dutien eii I •!.]. )ll ill! «* diHerellt ei'e.isiolls, ill puidlfth. d uddre^si ft .1 tl 11 «ll his spi eehrs lion she Klniup, he did inn l.nl lo tie iiumice Ihia policy, and parlieului 1 v ihe t.11 • IV •t he f.r one coul I not, and Wi ll'd not give him his c mfidenco or *up port. I le ih.itijlu it then was any poliiie.il sui le v mid the pale of pard.»n; if there wa* one that deserved the continued and ♦tern! retribution of pu'dte r m.lcoi nation,it was ill * me. .lu Inc While wa* ever ardent, faithful and ire; in all pr.,le*si make ii so; In* counsel* wi re st all times at his cu n n ind; Judgs White w • * truly the friend of James 1%. Polk. to all that could make one rrnn t Im friend of snot tier. Having ago and exprrienee. ho waste him a frioiH, a cgfitmvlkir and father. When J *d o* Wnile’a friend* e itlliMipt iled pr-*Htf«ll|ng hi* nante , i«i tin* r niiitry a *tnt t de fait I Mato t.f the Pfe*uden **V. Mr. Polk wax win[*d mi hy him lion. l.uke Lea (thin wh im a more honorable man dor* not live) and if alairii lo him, lie ( Polk) would imp port Judge V\ lute ;ix warmly ax any u..y man living, in any way that he (Jude White) Would m.'Ke.il lo ru i. I low did iiiix man axked ih * U urnmor, rtilee:?i (hit *' ''•.Hit i pledj.7 IKv trill, Ih U^IiokI and treachery. Lre | the ••I' ftiMi eautc on Jjiuei K. Putk vvn* the rpmi and ii• i«)«i.«i• fif»«l op|Miht nl o| tlte election o| Juge \V hue, tl.ua r. piyin.** ihe i onfiJ< lire of hi* Irumiby betrayal; wi It «h • n> • ;ii.Hide o! it v a« r|H'iiI, di rp, dark and unmi.i g# hi* U* rnrd I. a viper.>\m inn^t iii llnr botolii dial I ud w aruu d and innui'h.'d him lulu guilt l**al bring. lie rtf ix an rvulftiua .1 tiiuitiih.g) troiu aurrii trimmers may < • *.J d.divt-r thi* nation! I lie u a i ilul i« Ijiee to Ina I Itirn.l i nn never hr trim to In* country. • • \V nit auun treachery a* lua, Irralt In the rnb n» rv • I all, you un.l I and all r»*nuK> n*, s u.| he, arr aaked, j with ihi! or.i\.'ol tlie prr*«ruled, l>etfayed the ini.tyr <■1 N\ in r. y.i Ireali and itliaud, to give wur support Id in* hr;ia\.'r. t .m a .y uiuu, w ho rii. i* toe memory, rrverra the name, or valut a the |ai|t.u aI at rvirra of' ilu* t in ntt .i p.ilrtiM and a alt Hii.au, do line/ |*piuknot, - u l hr. I r otlit t-*, Inti for my a.iejlt' wit, w till my ad* 111.r.t11 mi i i un.l d. voiion lo the ini'.ii ry and clniraC • r “t lino I II, \\ III.* , | ftilillol, I Will tiol. — l would lath 1 i U" tn tin* at.tke l itui rutiuiiii mucIi uli outrage . u ina uie.ii uy Ilix finr.» m,»iriI rtiuld nut regard Midi an »*tf "'» ilf p HI oi hi* I ru ml, wit It the deeptat rgreiilnut with no fU'de » ■ •ru ii' il rotiien pi. I hr t» iv. iini1 mii.I ||f had • »uk»*fi imirll longer thin he iefrntli d or w ialmd; he l.-io In*, u |. d into it hy rir* liih t tin'.1 x kn .w u to ,t I, in l.H.t b it o e it m rk luitht t te nuke an I ihf i he *'ouid .!•**», 11 it In f e .'leav. reti l.tnlv hut h fly to prra lit t»o in: id lll»* priiu iple*, prac* 11 *"» 11 • n nets i iiit- •••■it hi \ li il | )• ui'.i Tain? purtyi It ■ li.t.l .. illy review t il die el an » r nl dm ii.d.vulual " Ififil tn 11 | reneni ttii* | it11 \. ami rt.irv t.ui then iw n « I . *. aiul how in v « \ ..I ilt 'A»* p m 11>t | m i irg, "•I it i t!, nett ft, ui.il M.rh u It; i ei, me \,u, f, i i‘" l'"u I i'i nii o Ho m your e»»i.Inlet re i r *ni valued anti eberi'alied aa!V* 'tinJN ..| #4,o idy fi id lYo li l Heir fbUih .H-illl!*i w lUi • ii di a ell Hit. . ♦ *, >iti’'limit s iTf.l rijhis, our domeit* tu* alui., ..nr h I. .|.l m, o 'a, Il ul a *♦*••• urtly fro u tit# i ml d«tiiofi‘lt\o * ' fit . I cm or.’.i inn and tm>fcpc»tiry* I1 .1 pin. 'iM 11 m* fried I.* i. *. * .i I. ' ofi.e.iiNiti. iSo hit*, l < t • e* nothing no pure, a Mereil a*. hi lie u‘,|* *u. , e*a t •’ v hi rebuke tin* undue a of »ueli a • » rtt ur v iii t die it 'teriMii iibem.n to \ • ur a-.nU,M if i im pir \ be e ul iiiif.l in p »wt r; ♦ if nnnm r lour ti i.fa fen in y afi.tll Imve m.i If up Ha feral, yob *.r y mr eh'l • In i' in i_v it bi'ii filled \\ nil v.iin :md ii tiill* sa re^rria find \ i ..ulv eomlnt iii madly ImijuM*i4 tmu fe»ie»a tint '•Mill \i.U In II II p,'h-8 df’MlIiy. Miy dm (iud ol W-ih icg 'll and Iii 'ef.y, hj v« lint u||ct* hippy |V .pie Iru'.u 4 Ij c a . fearful. Unnuiiceneet I, tini > / lT/pr <11. .V v., 1707. 3f (t r. iii/ —J t net la f/iC0lO'H,"e ,/itt ili.ll .Vu,itrJ'a&' luii s, «S* \ ’* O b i it'i bull.in/, evn unit" . {Teciii.tily promote the e iliiib1 fi'i.ii inti fr*-, n .| l*f ai Hi iUhi ami its c.Jofdf* i.. in g11 iii_. e . .1 i%i h .mi to the L'O'W .b, culture and pi duel.. »i, m di ah I c l.iitiH, ul •‘i.cli ei iiiuuidiiiea a»* are • ■ ii>*n, . ., 11) iii.it |«m,pi .iii, nr .ire taveoda! to it# iii.i mlieo»ir i -. iV• •. * •* I,i ' iirn!* /, r /Ac rncr*igu w Ml. *4, 4k >.1*4:1 prebi iiibi have been til »%Vr»d Hy a atieiety in I 11 la im , an 1 1 be c no mil lee «.| ar.n mid net mi lae 1 nreta in iltiH f.-b.iiy. Inn »n. li in il e tort » • t In,lbt tliai we bava hide i.a4i,ii in «.\|fi*i uny lam fit lr.Hn lloae. *J 11* I '*.-1 of 1 , I fu 111 n- die iii,1 mu an age in ru t alroi'p eniH|>h i.mi.'iou ,,ur ,'iiienti >itf and tVe n|i:i!| Ii im I tl.e plitmcr e,,iiiinio*. wn,i».i!i deviutb.it. Mi die be;n» ii track, moil be 1-4 r. tiM i| l»v aim" gr, »t and riain | r fi . it pru poNftl. dier- I re, IbSl die amii nl tiVe llltruin d p iinda be it• Veit ua ii pmeiiiiu in tl.e periotl u lib al.ul) ip out)\« ir# iiutl.e die I lent w inea. Ike ’* A im.on il e NidMerlberN 1, r the euenuraeeu-i'ni ».f Hril iali rouimeree iml iii.i'inliie urerN: tie find. Ii'm ' aj niv*# C’V l'lt,\M IS I AI m nil. I.KWIS uni WKI.I.. nilMI* M WO, WII.UWI HKAI HY, AIM 111H A1.1 > Il lit IIIK, JOHN IIUKKLV HOH l.ll I’ L . IS 11 IIOI.AS, \e. The tb-Neendai.ia • I t lt \»l auije i*. are ai dm i!u ir 411 • 4 !• rn were. Uhlii uiti e$ f f flrgfuui Ci '.tentiou, Drcttnltr9 *'l!e ii fnnl.er ordained, i’linl from ami afici tlie pna • i jm of I bfsS.rdinnii",-. a I inereliitlPA, tfiidt r#, or other |t is.n« who ni.u!) imp.'tl into this colony any u«.«ila; w nr. s <,r no relnt, ilise. e.mrary to the ►an! ei.inn * i.tal k '.('iiiii ii, (fxei pi in ea-e#allowrd I v the generai l on* e 1, or the general Celt vent 1011,) -hall lor lilt tin* good#; ike , mi imp ra d.” 1 Ins ( • .a! Aacot*iA'li 11, w; s opjn o» d to the im* p t aiioii n:nl foiiHM iipti'.n f Hridth ^la’i'il oo'ireraj a*, mono (In o einht ts w« re I ||()M .IKI‘1 l’KvUN, (.K( t|{(.K (»M Mi di. JOHN li AUVIK, I KY ITIN IMM.oi.l'll. AUCIIinAU) CAUY. AUiilL'i c \ 11111 1 . .1 w mi in Kii, w n i l \.m niz III (iii, KU\N( is IM.Y I ON, THOMAS NKW ION. s\ 11 I I \ o WAIIS. liKNUY UK, ('ll MM .K‘a Mi AflTY, '1110 M AS M. I(\N I )HI .111. Ik.*. Wit It the • mi pm n of il e i RAK1) So*. nii.Ni ,.| die ,l»,scendnbtN of die alau e ontited Pa' robe, are m fivowr of pr .teetini* the maim fad 11 rca of their oe 11 fi.niitry »,t tit s tune. '1‘lif I irMj'o'ti 1 eKtr tfU sr»* sent III the K Jit trs of 'ltd llichibund Wipe; their resderN w il n ol ly fee go z** tit • ii/irl lhlilCt! /lion I trill »Wt* i/s If. 1C. • VOTtVV. he rented Mo* IOi'i of ()*i »b'r f.r the ensoinj * ’ M»ar, «»r fur 1,2 or 3 y»‘tr* m* id tuts tun on whtcH I live, cm-Iumvp of the pari to i» S mu.iii * ol Creasy baa. \!s*, :«i the name* place on the I Dili t’ay ol J.iiitury, I will itir:u»it. r.M ./. ?r' ' • u .VdTiVti. I «'l V..T , petition the in \i Goneral Ante . bfjr. for ***** to ertnri a Dam -Tirr*s* 8 m«|iV U v**r ai An i ksli a Fall*. . UE.VJ. CAMWiKU.. cc^Sepfc 16 %&ik + * %