Newspaper Page Text
f — mastic Xuirllifirncr. AVeni thr KirH'* > i Campihr. DISTRESSING IN I EI.I.IGENCE. Wt give Ivlovan aceotnl .f a dread;**! catastrophe, e IW blowing up (i| a » easier in il»e Ohio—n« ich writhed iHir esteemed and salii-d I 11* » rnlam J.,„n* W. Pegram. President of the ilatik of \ a. This new a baa filled with sadness tins fs>nt,tiu,my, in who*** regard and aflerit'in* be uecup ed a large »i«ae* He was, in deed, a man u he Morel, li.r hi* ipialiiie* of head and brwrl were suelt aa to co n [It* *nf alike adtnir ,|t,,n snd * s bra. If* had reeemiy hit hit lands and friend* to nuka a top to the Snu hwnt, ai d the ur»t u ie l k.m . wa kata ol hi.n, is Ins drrad.'i.l uvstth ! W hoe lartH *. Itng hi* demise in the midst <4 his r**f„| |,|r ,|| heartily sympathise wi'h h a lauuly In lhm trig* am: heart rending bereaveitten'. t'ram thr Ijurinilk C<mrier Ur I °1 TERR III IK S I'KAMlIt ia T DISASTER ! tjrpt<mu« <jf thr t.w,j ft „nrr •• Persons 14 .Ural nad Hnnailrd! R •• with lei lings, the jtost aente and painful ilia! we lemad the toll. *w ing f ar;ul dlsasier, ami the h mi id so uaaay saleable lues. rW slea r |.„ey Walker. < «p U.a Vana, toll ihi* plane lur New Orleant yesterday, rrsadd with * aa.M'ogira. \\ lien sSiut I nr ur lire malea h ,*w Al*nny, and jusi ; t fore sunset, a.ntu part of her ,ia hmrry gut . at nl order, and the > ngme »aa»inf(wd in order t.i'repair it. W hile engag' d in making the neeeamtry repairs, the water in the buih rs got IIHI kiw—and a e.ul live turn h S after the engine had ceaaed working, her three both fa eapl.ided with tremendous violence, and humble ami lerr lie eIh cl The explosion was upwards, and that part nl the boat above the taniera was f'low n into thotiaiind* nl ulcer a._ The U. S.tnag host Gopher (.'apt I. II. Dunham, waa ahmrt'dHU yards distant at the li.uc id the expliMtnii._ ( apt Dunham was immediately un the s|sn, teaeuiny thnan in the water, and wub Ills clew rendering all tin aid » hie power. To him w . are indehtral lor nu»l ul eur pernenlara — Hi* inlorms us that thi l.ney Winker was in the mid He n| the river, and such was the force ol •lie explosion, Inal parts of the lx liters and the Iswi were thrown tm shore. Just titer the explosion, the air was filled with human being* and Iraguu tits nfhunian being* One man was nlmsn up III y yards, rs. I, II H ith aueh I .roe aa In go entirely through the d<ek *d me *si Another waa cut entirely 1*1 two h> a ptere of the nnilsr. We have heard of many melt lit artsreudlog and se.hemng n cideota. U*lor» C»|.i. D.,ilium r. schrd ih» ,i„ I.ucy alkrr w as, In r i w 4 Mi’it in r «*f jwrm"n vt ho hi I been throw n mtu the rttrr. drown, lie however anted lire liven of a large imj<u * r of persona by throwing them boards and rofkv. and pulin g thorn mi Im t*»ai *i ii hunks. I inm d' it. Iv alter the explosion, the ta 'n *’rah In took fire, a-d fe l. re n h*.J r .nauiiied, ahe <n twelve nr ti'teru feetwanr Thua N pretexted the remarkable nr •„ ns*. j ,at i xploding. bum tug, ami a".■ ^ x I ••• I • ko|;«i|iai«Hm , | he I* inn Us, aud ilo»e w I n were noi killed. ** r. ..... „ , ... raving *■«•. J »n*a in au I aw !u!. H . were inj>rr.-d — *i- , f»..*t ver, may have urrn dr »woed. Tl»e foe** of tin *. *; w. • <l«*:r..v.d. and id e..ur*e it witl he MhptMaiiii- ever < **erUin ihe m,.i, , r I thn»e kdled. There were at | a*i fit y . r aix'y pet* „* ktlliMl and nneai'ig. tml fi.teen - r twenty w mmt * rioualy. ( apt Duti j n l»* 11 ll»e w mi tided at ,N» w Aina* ny, all «»f w fruit wore kindly ami well rated i -r by the JreapitaMe and homane cr*n« of that town. (apt. l)iinb#vD dewervin tne thanI.* of the m.'nruuuiiy f..r hi« humane «nd vtgon. isrvrti n In -ov. the In . * wl, ami hia kindness a d attention io the -ufTorera. ||. airipped hta hut of. very i.Vrt, .r rd t*V« ty thing el» ne rrvmry f.»r their eo,nfmi, Mr. John IIix-mi and Mr Henry lit hep, passenger* on the l.tiey \\ alker, rl» srr\i imlioe |..r tl.eir coolm*-*, and Uietr efficient f W-: .i,* m saving the lives of ihe drown tng |e»r«i»n*. J he following me the naiiit-s the dead, ntwang aud wountkJ, an lar aa wt* have Ueeti aUlu to leant them: Kii.i rn \M) missing. Oen. J W I’.Mfim, , i Kicliiitiiiui. Va S»nun I Hruwii, I' ()l!i igr-ul, ul Lexington, Kr. J. It. M'-Ciirnnili, of \ iigima. Charles 11 nine. M I .u.svillc. Fhihp \\ u111o, I i incr ly i I lla 1* inmre. Rebecci, daughter ol A J. Futter, of Greenisillc, * i. J««. \ anderberg, of V. ..tiisvijlr, Sir. Hughes, f. r-uerty ul l.rxinghm, Kv. Mr. Mallutk, i f Nt w Aluany, ii.gmcei id the sisamcr Mstoppa. .Nicholas Ford, formerly of i|, i cji», David Vann, ihe I Muar, Kirby, julol. Second male, to ruin! elerk, second engineer, and three deck hands, names unkhuwh. Four negro firemen. MOUNDED. VF. II Pet-lik-s -very bj.Py Hurl. Mr. Itaine, ul V* , ,j.. First Engineer, do tapi. Tlnim|Moii, pi|,,i—arms frarlured. Mr RoIkti*, ol Philadelphia. slightly hurt, ft it supposed that Julio N Johnson and Richard Phil l|« on board—il so, they aie |,wi. I he trout Mas imne.l by ( apiam R. Vann, ul Arkr.n iiajnd was uiaiiiij. We hope to (i,. jj|e to learn inure namea and partial lira io niurriiM, Tilt Mmiomii ( III in :u.—The f|iiesliun of a d|. vialtHl holuc.u .V-rihe,,. ami S„i lo in |..rlioii of ihe Melhodisi Epm-upjl ( hureh.on ... ul the dtlli ul tie* grow mg out ul Iho slavery ipiesiinii, runtimes lu be a*rl»ted IB annr porinuia ,| Itie cuuiitr<. 1 lie N. \ Tribune says : The plan ul division finds gener I favor at ihe South, while to Botae ul Ihe N rilii ru ai d Maos, ,1 ■vela With a rilili U|>|«,alll nr, and senna likely In (ail, if f..r aiu oilier reason, ho Maul nt ihe cimailiutluunl majuri ly uf ilirtH.-luurlh» uf ih. travelling preacher* The I lit n.-ii Cunlerence, at its late si scion, passed a re-olullull tirungly deprecaiiuy i ,r measure, a ,j advising the Uish •pa (the other Annual C otifr-rroc.'*concurring^ m call n G-uenil Coiderenee. I meet on i „. first .Monday m May, IH40, lu l»kc into cinunlaali.ui ilia pl-seul stall ol the thureh, i.,„ vi. » the *da ,.| ihe late General Gmilereocc, and, if|s,ssihlc, provide f,.r the eunimir.l unity and tramp.ihy,, Metlnslisl Epi*-..pil Chun h. R-v. Dr. Durbin. I’nsulcol ol I), kins..ii College. Carlisle, l*a. one ol Hu aidi-st men in ihe denuimnaii n — has pufil is,u-d a i*o iiiiiii un at ion in the Iasi (' Advocate ami Journal, »»-. m.mtidrno a . <lii j. rounae ul t&!*liriu d.lli wlm on ih** liiiKwiithj imNis ; k. No loimsler Mho hi a slaveholder, or who try gift, conveyance or sale, Iras cunlinued men, Miaoen or chil' dreu ill slavery, shall . vm«. in. ,.|h. R„|,„p ... th. Church, #•> o»g a* h'.M ('••riH« t-{ii»ii milt slavery fxi*i*, eirepl so far as ihe allmvaoec .1 acawmable time m eo ahle him It. release hill sell ilmnlr.— lie judgment ol the General Colli. I. oce. by* »,.ie „| rwull.irda ,0 Che members prnten', at. ill ne final, hotb as lo the faei ol t||^eu(»necin«i mill slavery miiIiiii ihe meaning ..I liw cum promise, an I ihe r.js.uanle time lo be allow ** 'u* »4H*u*iiplifcl»iiig tiit* euitleuiiii«ltd re base there frujB. & No miniater having avowed ur acted upon the dea Iru^ive principIcR ul a Mdiiiouiam, ul which fact ihe (jtinlefencc Rliall pidgc, ahnil , xercit.** tile ul oTa iii»liop in me Church until lie wliall have re ranied and given aa*urni)ct» lor the luture io the miiv feciifim nt the General C <•tit* relic e. 3. i'bere •Halit** u<i npjMal to the General Confer •ncr <*f any cav* nr quewttun connected with nUvery an •<ng ti* any Annuil Conh-rence; but each ( un iereure ah*il have lull and fi'ul jnrtMiictioi> over all *uch case*!*, judging a ii.I determining them according i i the prnfiatuii*. no.v exiting III the Diwipline, except ihe ngbl of appeal, which is hereby lalo-uaway. Dr. Dtirhin expre**.* the belief iliai thta plan uf cum* promise Would Ih? acceptable lu a va-st ui»joritvofuiinia lertand uieinbi r«f Nurih rihI South, il they cuiild be bioiighl lo the leal; and that if ihe lute (ieneral Cunfer #nee could now t>e ren*seu»tiled, « large lunjoruy uf that body iTs-p would lie found in its favor. The object uf theouiuprniuub* iaat umv to jailed iheS.uih Alx» lithni ami the North Iruin Slavery, and ihta cannul Ih done without excluding ihe vv hole ipualton froin Ihe iafneral Contt-riHce. Tllt$ 8iau (^uulicit.—The Synod of Cincinnati, nt iia temit aefcsnm adopted resolutions explanatory of ns 4»0 ihr aubject ul slavery, lieing prompted thereto kjf nde:alandniga on the enbjeet siill prevalent in o| the di»K*hes. The resolutions declare slavery M «Mt»i»g it» the United S ales, to be inamfesilv contra pvineipleaof the g<iMp«-lv and lhereti»re aimul; • re, in (Ire opinniu uf ilm, iudividu •(aki Ihe church stamling in i,‘w wlation uf u.«sCer and dav« umier aocb peculiar etrcumalanccs, tliey ain •«C be gnarly diprged wnh sin, nrcr.dv bectcuac u) thal mkl’Ml. Itrmn. Wrlemr rf Ihe Trsian /Vtenwen —Intelligence has b-v > recvired at .New Orleans, fr.ui Vera ( r>ir, that Saata Atta lie* set at liberty flu* 11 >4 remaining 'lYxian |v wiam, confined in the (’intis «»f Perwte. They aie daily ejpev'td at New Oilcan* in the cutler Wood burl. The ?,*xi *gto« (Ky.) Otowef >4 the luih inaiant, wf<—“Mf. Clay JTleh- **g In his fire I ir>g* eiri'rd in lie* half of of the *»»n of a l(sr«diilH*n.-try Patriot, who waa evpiumJ at ' n r. a ett tm *•( Ala »ami, addressed a lrt»sr in Pft*i«Yni Santa Ana, requesting his libera ti"n. AN e unijejsiaitd that he has jy*t received a p hie leiter ft • n Precedent Sinn Ana, informing him d th» pi.niipi discharge ol the captive, according lu hia n quest. I'ht 1'rx m .Vtaafnpi — Major Oomelsin has left his pheiauim in I sfinsss#-*#, to repair by land lu Texas. U» yni'1 up -n the duties of the olli a assigned iuiu by tiie Pr« aided. Il appear* that the visit of Prince de A Imm In Teiat, -a agent of the German emigrating associate ns, ha* been aiiinded with ihe very beat re*")i*. m giving a very hardy and respectable body of mm to that country— One thousand launiie* are daily expected from Germs •ty* »t»«I the agent i* in New Orleans lu purchase iuie liumlnd wagon* to irauvpirt them to the interior. The at* e lation ha* collected a eapilal tor the purp *e of entl ^rating, ol one millions of tram-*, and ihe Prince de* ii* aUuil to accompany General II ustuu. who intend* holding a cou >■ 11 with ihe (. amaucliea and oilier Inbra of Indiana on the Hrasort. Mr Nathaniel II I lime, of King George county, Va , lately deceased, left by In* will, nearly all hit slave* J>te, am noting to aumr two nr thlf e hundred, with am pie provision to rarry them to l,il»eria. 'I he liberated * I a v e* are to he n moved under the direct lull of the Co* Ionit)iiion Nciety. Major M M Noah i* to deelivrr a lecture on Wed nisday evening in which he will consider the restoration of i lie Jew * to I lie I lol v I .ami. and d well up in ihe net r approach of that event, at indicated by recent move merits arm-ng thn nations. Suicide.—A young lady by the name of Somerville, committed suicide in Springfield, Hampshire c.uniy. ' * ■ > h»l*i!ir«B the I4tb*-!t. T:,„„nl,,nu’ ",lr y P'» *" ■ '«c; in ’ 'iMMir.'liufn »■ " _ , frw J,y, Ml„,f lu W|„im ' * ’* ’ 3 ./» irulhed in tmmag*. The young man met I hia death by being thrown from a horse. Disturbed stale uf Ihe Indians — Phe New Orleans Picayune «d tin 40th uli., hum* by* pa**ungir wfio arrived from Shievepirt, iliSI the Indians in the neigh Ixirliofd of Fort Ouachita had risen, and were in a state •dope'll hostility wnli the neighboring white*. So very vanning h of lw*< .Hie their (maiUon, that an express was >h‘S|*kic; ed t • f oil J« sup lor a lurca of three companies of I .V ir-niji* to quell Ihem. / S Ihn^uvnt Murdi-ed foj Indian* —The AVu c'M-un 11. laid ol the 1‘Jifi, con lama a f*i*lrript staling '••at an evprt *** had arrived at Prairie du ( him from |- ri Snelliog. with ihe tie .* of tfie murder, by a hand ..I .S ng I tdiai *. .d ro id if,*- detachment of Ora „• 'it* lately s> iii oolIrwin P • »ri Aismson for the purpoiw d U r. mo out the j**rj**!rab.r* f the late murders in hat quaru r. I to Neumtong* are ■ -mall bind of out that I y belonged |«* do* Sioux, who live hy r• M i V and murdt r, and are dreaded by all the other tritj*** in that quarter. I he 1.1 ilahawttf Sentinel of the 81 h instant says : — •‘Oetolx^r. thn*. liar, hat l*m ••«ler than usual hi Mid dle f lorida. I iwn and countiy areijuite healthy.’* lutamtij ami Suicide. — A young mail hy the name of k '.Ip, Mbiiiii lb or 19 yeara nt age. committed suicide Um I nd.iy. by thiowmg linnet It into the Niagara river, at Hoick l( •< k. IK: had been lor su'd* time inlatuated with the Miilc'ile delusion. Steam ( binmuuicntum hrUreen .Wir OrUant awl .Acw half A project is on loot at New Orleans to huild lour non eleaiio re, to run between that port and N* w York, at an e»lmute ol $1 10,000 -aeh. One puh i lie spirited cmxen, whin the project wan mentioned to j libit, out down In* mi ne tor $a4U,000 —Tim Nieamer Al ah.ima has bet*n lined up with a view to run between those |*»rt* the praaetil season. /•burierifii in the li re/.—About ore hundred in ; dividual*, lx lieving lit the doctrines of Association, have purchased ‘4300 acres ol fertile l ind til lleluiont countv, t seven miles tie low \\ heeling, known an the Moult j in y Hutnmi The tract ih ujmmi the Ohm, awven mi lew |al n.; the K ver, ami two miles back. It was obtained I n i n Mhslnni, by the liberality ul Col. J. N. Shriver, id Wheeling, V a , who invests it at a lease of 100 V *"• r s> at ife following rent, v;x; JI-lUO the first year, | < iKI the seroiul y* ar, $3300 ike fourth year, $3900 0b* filth year, m l |dr every year thereafter $3l)0b. Tragical (Iran mice.—The Meadville. Melina, Re publican, records an awful tragedy which recently took place m ( oiu nut lowridiin, ( rawtord county. On Fn <iay the 4in lost .a Mr. keUey, lelt Ins rr>hidrue« sn lie ulhg' d to iranHaei Mnine business wnh a neighbor about a mile distniu, hut imt returning, oil Saturday a search 1 w .in Cotuiiicnred, when lie was louiid m ihr woods near his house with Ins throat eu t, and a rax.r mill m hi* hand He was still living, though breathing with great difficulty. He was taken home and an imlieeiuil effort made to clone the incision. Ueport was rife in the neigliorbood that incuiibtaiicy on the part of his wife | w as ihecause of the ra*h act; still sin* was night and day by ims bedside, at it tiding to Ins wants, and not a uiur | iiiur w as heuro t.i esi a|« her lips. Oil ihe evening of Monday the 1 lib, w ih those tidings w Inch injured le nul iiin>M cm*e iuu alone appreciate, she declared tu Dr. I.ukr, ihe attending phvMeniu, tlist she could not brook ihe tin tight id the World'* suspicion tints wiinlofchss lily on h< r pail had driven her husband to attempt to (take Ins own life. Noon alter she lelt ihe room. Mho next morning she w mm louiid about 40 rod* from the house u Jdeh ss cm|»se. Nhc had laken poison. I p to ihe I7ih. the husband was still living, tin,ugh partially de muged. There w as no Imp* »d Ins recovery. They iiavi left three children, the youngest a child of two : years. Jlajiltiti Trom their almanac, for 1845, it appears tiny have m the l ruled St a tea 9430 churehea, 0377 ministers, aid 70# ,9-1*4 communicants. dour to 7ex it Lewis C. I.unn, says the Spring ft”Id Republican, f rmerly editor of the Dernoerai, and town treasurer of (•reonfi* Id, Miss , has left for Texas, Imvii j» the town itiiuu* $000, besides a lew other small 'ob'ioaiioim in the w ay of trade. ./ *\ri0 S.ct —A new urrt has mace its appearance m New V ilk, under the name of “TheChristian Israel I lo r hcl'.l in said lo he compounded of the • doctrine* >1 I hristiunity, Millcrism and Judaism. ./ ( i b rul JiUjiottur has been delected hi Vicksburg, "ho h.i* bet u h r several year* rasing the wind among the nIh.Iiijoinvi* by representing (hit ho had once been a slave, hut purdiJNcd hi* treedom. and was now trying to raise money t » purchase ihe freedom of his wife nod covert, children, w ho were yet in bondage m on* of the NMilhern Slate*. Ii is stipj»»**#••! that he amassed quite ft neat f.iriuiift in idling over In* tale of wo! •fir. *$• .firs. Hitt inn \\HLL Obl-.N at their Store, on lira (Jay, the 7th i*t (Ktlutar, a KplerdkJ assortment o| NEW FASHIONABLE BONNETS. ALSO —Flutters, UiDbims, kc., an<J all kinds uf ; M llllnrry. Ort.7 t,jf » *MI roil WIICAT Ull .l.i' raid ny (ha subscriber, delivered at his Lu.n ier House, on the (’anal. IIF.N.IAMIN F SACKF.IT. Constantly on hand, Lump and Ground blaster. I). F. S. *"g 12 laif worn ff£,vr. fl4Hh, lower pari ot ihn brick I'enement, oppoaile ■ Mr. J ilin Hollins's Grocery—formerly occupied hv Ml. II. Hilliard. It is a suitable stand Gr a Dry Goods Gr >eery establishment. b.iaaeasion given on I at November. For terms, apply ',0 JNOM.OTF.Y. Cashier ol bank of Virginia. t*1’1' -* ilia W I*hue*. Hi,its. Iff. r. havo lo band 14 | tankages Shoes and Hncla cnusisling of Men's Russet and kip Brogans, buys’ Brogans, Mou’s thick and kip Uuula, Children's Bootees, ,Vc. Alan, incltitletl in same invoice, I cer.KiinSnperior Indigo, A bargain may be bad to any purchasing the lot. McDANIF.L k MeCORkl.K. 0«i, I t t, ,f riir iLijurhuuta JL’itniiu.iu. MO.VD.iy. JVorEMBEH 4, I “ I4. K< iIt l*KI>ll)K.\ r. m:\ltl OlilV. ol‘(irntiu ky. r*»K Vll »; PHCIIUKRT, Throilorr Preltnxliuy'.rii, ol’ J. WHIU KI.KCTOK*. L)t«. I R/ieri II. Whitfield, of Me of Wight, *A John K Shell, of Hrunswtrk, t Henry I* Irving, of (Joint* rland, 4 l impli K Irving, «f \iuherM, 5 (ie'fjjf H tf.lfiier, <»t PltlgyIvatiia, fj Valentine W. Nmihnlt, of Albemarle, 7 John Jannry, ol l.oudoim, H Kdward I Taylue, ofKmg George, 1* Kaleigti T Daniel, of |{i< limond, 10 Moreau Honors, ol W illlainaburg, 11 Andrew Hunter, ul Jefft-nuni, I Vi A II II. Stuart, jf Augusta, 1J \N Ballard Preaiun, ol .Montgomery, I I Andrew S. Knlion, of Wythe, l«r» Allen T Capertm, t»f Monr »e, l»i Augustine J Smith, o! Harrison, 17 Jatiie»M.StephenH.»n, of Tyler, EUctimi Id .1 lorvl'ty (Ikt |//i titty) nf wXui'tnibtr. TIIK DAY 11 VS CO.VIK! Tn dsy, ihr greal political contest, which haa so lung nguaied the people uf tins country, la to Ihi decided, f,r weal or for woe. Our voice will reach but fowofour! reader* beyond the limits of the town. Bel evert to ' mrl, a* can hiar it, we fed confident that exhurlatiun lu duty is I,u longer nceosssiy—or if necessary, it cannot be available. We have but one word, therefore, to say,_ and that is, not only go tv Ihr pulls yourselves, but assist in gelling your friend* and neighbor* there! A friend has handed os Ilia following animated and si firing appeal. It is a "lilast from the bugle,” which cannot fail to ex ciio the lukewarm, and to inspire new ardor into thoae whmtu heart* are already burning with patriotic enlhii •■asm: fOa TIIK VIRGINIAN. whigs or lynghik uu! 'I'lie day ol the gnat eunleai in at bond. Already do we see the miglily Whig army in mntinn. Our ene inie*. {political enemies,) are aim. in the lb Id, preparing l .r battle. The vanguard* have met, and lallen hack , on the main Imdy. ’I'lie two great armies nre drawn out in bailie array on llm plains of the Union. We iiegm to hear the inulterioga of the distaiil cannon, and the clash ol smaller arms. Kvnty Whig is elated in view of the coining conflict, and every heart heal* high in aiilicipdion nl the snivels of the greal principles in volted in the contest, and upon which depend the pros |s'riiy nf the I nion. U IIII.S OK LYNCHBURG! Y..u have a part 111 act in tills great battle! To Jem may belling the hon or ol redeeming uur proud old male,—YKS! ut redeem mg ihe"Oi.t> Dominion” from the Isindage of moil ern Democracy. Are you ready fur the contest ?_ Then, gird on your armor—let your glittering swords gleam high ill the sir, and devoir THIS DAY tntlie raose oi your COUNTRY AND TIIK, UNION — T » TIIK BOLLS! TO Till. 1'OI.I.S ! ! AND | VICTORY IS OURS!!! A WHIG TOWN ORGANIZATION. At a meeting ol the \\ big ( ominittfe of Vigilance, In Id at the UniveiaaliHt Church, on the evening of the 1st instant; Capt. Martin W. Duvenp.rl wan called to the ( hair, and J. 11. Green appointed Secretary. t)u motion ol 1 apt. \Y . A. 1 slbot. it was resolved, that a com in 11 lee ol live he appointed to drvis* arid re |>ori a inure efficient organisation, by which nil the N\ lug voters in the town may be brought to the Poll* on Monday next. \\ hereupon, the Chair appointed the following urn tlemeii to constitute the commitle. : ( apt. Win. A. Tnl hoi, Col. M . Langhorne, J. C. Hunt, |>r. II. S. Payne and P. Seahury. i'lieeaiiinmiee, after having retired a law moments, returned, and tusde the following report, which was a Jnplt'd. I tiut the town l»e divided into nine Districts, and that a committee he appointed to each, whose duly it shall he to attend In, and ace that evi ry Whig voter, m their respective districts, cants It * vote for President and \ tee Preside! t in the election to itfUe place on Monday nest—in the following manner, to wit: District No. | \|| that part ol the town hel"W Gib, or the alley at the Powhatan House*, i ilrndtng from the River out— W. 11. Jones, T. J. Hardy, J, rJ Pyree, John I,. Green, Sum. A. Hailey, Moses Lacy, Hugh Montgomerie and Richard Perkins, Jr. Dial riel No. ?. — All that pan ol the town between the (ith, or alley at the Powhatan House, and that at the franklin Hotel — Nathan Sehoolfield, A. f\ Biggrrs, A. M. Koikes, D. P. Rees, Ro. Strange and A.G. I )nbney. District No 3. — All that part of the town between the alley at the Kranklm Ifo el, and that at Stubler’s corner - T. I). Jennings, (». W. Yancey, Jno. Melvin ney and Ro. M. Brown. District No. i.— All that part of the town between the alley ai Stable!*a corner and that al the Market Home— J. B Ttldcn, J. Rumhough, Jesse Clarke, T. M. Wil kinson and J its. A. Sugler. District No. o, — All that part of the town between the alloy at the Market House, and that at Kyle’s cor ner—John Rob. M Dnoiel, John A. Turpin, Lewis Page, Jesse C. Young ami Win. Bell. District No. 0. — All that part of the town between the alley at Kyle’s corner, ami that at the old IW Ol lice—Jus. M. Langhorne, Geo. II. Thurman, W. II. Ryan, l\ O. Aeree, W. i*. Bryant, G. G. Cuile and R. S. Wilkins. District No. 7. — All that part of the town between the alley at the old Post Office and that at the Union Hotel—Geo. Buckner, Ang. W. Cross, Aug. Leflwtch, \». B. Murrell and John T. Murrell. District No. 8.—All that part of the town between the alley at the Union, and Cocke or West street — W. P. Booker, J. K. Giuldmun.J. J. Sammons, J. 11. Robinson, and W. 1.. Saunders. District No. 9.— All that pari of the town west of Cocke or West street—J. W. K. Buckner, II M. Did lake, Sampson Dtuguid, T. P. Nash, Win. Henry and Peter K. Booker. I he committee was addressed vety effectively by Messrs. R. ||. Toler mid W. S Ri-id, Jr. ()u motion ol Col. \\ in. B. Brown, tt was Resolved, I hut every fl hitt in the town of Lynchburg consider htmaell a CO.MMI PTKK-.M \N, m order t.i carry out more effectually the objects of the foregoing resolution ami report. I he committee then adjourned, t.i meet at the Polls on Monday next. M. W. DAVKNPORT, Cit’n. J. B. Grli.Nj Sec’v. M II.1.1 AM C. HIVES. " i' arc glad In hear that tins gentleman's liealtli ha* bent sn tar restored as to enable bint, alter a temporary cessation from Ins Inbors, again to take the field. A let ter t» the Editors In m Lovmgsion, dated on the U9th uliimo, says: “Mr. Hives spoke liete yesterday vvuli great power. lie idrnlifits the Ming doctrines, out and out, with those of the old lit publican school; and be declares liiat Mr. Clay lias rendered more services to bis country than any man living. His eulogy of Mr Clay was grand and sublime.” Under the caption of “Another Humbug explo' deJ7" the Kichtnund Enquirer, an the authority of recent intelligence from Texas, asserts that l)r. Ansuii Jones, the recently eleeled President of that Hepublic, is nof , up posed to it* annexation to the United Naira, as had l been months ago asserted and re asserted, without hav I mg been ever before contradicted. The statement first published may have given sn incorrect version of Dr , Jones's sentiments—but if it did, the "humbug” was as ' much believed by one parly as the oilier. The alliance between Hirnev, the Abolition can , dulate lor the Presidency, and ihe Northern Locos, seems 'mho complete. Was that the nhjrct olBirnry's trip In 11hr North jtjsi at this moment? TOIIAC '<J TltlDE Wl IT1 ENGLAND. •fa tvl ti it tonal duly et utempluh d on Shift. The Amerh an people have h» r n hr n.o month* p**l (old that Great Bri sin really < r.rnip'atrd tti .l-I) a modification <1 fir restrictive pda y: and ii,a not inly were breadstuff* to Ini us Infltoio, but (hat our tobac co would like wise share lazily in ns benefits. Thisit j no uncommon trick, however, « n the eve „f a presi dential election—ami very few intelligent men, we pre sume, therefore, wi re“s(|'t enough** lo he caught by it. ■ I l ai rve.iI ben g now • n the tve • f taking place, the mask higms already to drop ofl. A* we ham, ly the , follow tug letter from a V* commercial house in London, to their correspondent in thin place, received by the steamer Circat Western, w hich reached Boston ■j few days since, not only is nothing m« re said about a reduction of duties on Tobacco, but we are told that 11 is m contemplation to increase ho mueh of that duty as bears opm Strips! And why/ Ouo of the principal I reasons assigned for this (Measure, ir, that it is designed to opr rate up.n the smuggling trade. But doubtless there is another reason far more influential with the far sighted British statesmen—and that is, to jnolert lirit ith labor ami cajiitnl against American compel! •ion in tins by no means unimportant department of *l"‘ I obtceo trade—the same reason w hich has induced them, exorbitantly high as is the duty up>n Leaf To* hacco, to levy a Mill more exorbitant duty npm tha1 wlncli is manufactured, and which consequently has a pirfiun of American labor and capital expended up.n it, Biter it has passed the plantti's hands, and before it reaches the consumer's. Of course this letter is not now published fur election* eern g j iirpoft* *. '1 he extent of ns circulation will be far too I imftcd, prior to the hour of election, lo exert any material influence. It is transferred to our columns au an interesting article ot commercial intelligence, ami as particularly important to those heretofore engaged, or w ho hive contemplated hereafter embarking in ihe bu nines* of making Strips for the British market. Yet if 1 there he one man, wlu.seeye may lull upon it before he goes to the polls, and who intends to vote against l|,f \\ liigs under the delusive hope that Great Britain has ever really de signed a modification of h< r tariff law* and that she is only waiting for us to lead the way in so important a revolution in her commercial system, let j him he no h uger deceived by such a representation,_ I a representstion even mote deceptive than artful: | l-l.i hart of a letter from .Messrs Joint (nllinlt Co. to their cones] <>n<icht in l.ynchhury;, tinted “London, I I ih October, LSI I. **The proceedings of the select committee ot the To* : haeco dm lea have rerrnily hern pnhlihtn d in a I,,ho vol ume of 7*34 pages, involving ipnstioritt to which it is im ! poriant that we should shortly direct your attention. I “The general qur*;i< M wa* raised on ihe means that I could iiiohi wisely be adopted for the avoidance of fraud j by smuggling and by ndul eratton in the manufacture of j tobacco. The subjects of enquiry which appear to us j the more especially interesting lo you are as follows, viz: “I. The direr! and natural cans© of removing ihj* in j dueemenl lo fraud hy a reduction ot duly Mifli<-ieut to ac | cumplish the desired object, consistently with a due re Raid lo the inainiamutire of the amount ol revenue In reti I re dt rived from tins article. “T 1 lie i raeticubility of adopting measures f»r sue* | eras fully checking ihe existing frauds hy greater vigi I lance in the coast guard and oiher officers appointed lor the purpose, and hy mure stringent * xcise laws lor con trolling the opi radons of ihe loanulaeiure. "A. The pinprieiy of admitting Strips or Stemmed ai fhc same duty as that charged on leaf Tobacco with reference to the alleged advantages to be derived from tbe exclusive use el Leal, which is assumed as the ne cessary com*quence ol a differential duty chargeable on stemmed. “ L 'The general question of increase hy the use of w a t< r in the manufacture, with the inducement afforded thereby to prepare ihr Tobacco intended fi»r ihe use of ihe I oiled kingdom in such a manner as to imbibe the i largest possible quantity •! water for llie purpose of eva I ding the duty—'This qnes*i..n arose out of the preceding (■ne, under the assertion by one of the w itnesses that 1 Strip* are dried to an rX'cnt which would nut he prseti cable w'lih l.eyf'Tobacco. “After a long and minute examination ;>f many wit nesses, the details ot which occupy 487 pages of the published proceedings, the cominilu c divided • u itie gen cral question, G to 4, and the majority decided with the ( hanccllor » f thcKxrlu quer, against reduction if duty, and in favor of greater vigilance on the part of the i const guard and custom ■ Alcorn, ai d of more stringent regulations of excise. Hut,—and this it is most impor to remark,—on the general question of differential duty the committee was unaiiiuioue! The Report ot the minority as well a* that of ihe rnajoriiy recoin it.ended a differential duty on Strips or Stemmed'is haeco, ami m terms such as to make it apparent that it is intended hy the operation of the proposed ik-ity to exclude the use ( f Strips, in order that the importation *»f j Leal Tobacco may be encouraged, and the alleged a-l | caning! h di livable then from may be realized; and ihi* ai* • with the evidence before the committee of all the oh i jrctioiis which could Iw oflcred to ihe measure lit 1 when a differential duty w as proposed, and we believe I fully intended hy the goVermm nt, and was afterwards ' abandoned m consequence of the objections thereto alle ged by the 'Trade. The first and second of sub* jocls of enquiry arc questions with which we are not im mediately concerned, but the third, un ihe differential duty, raise* n question ot the utmost importance, with respect to the interest of ihe Strips now on hand, and an b» the prudence of preparing new Block for the imports* lion of next year. i “On Ihis qeAtiun wc can speculate, but no man can • determine. Looking at the language cf the Report, i wh’ch esrms to intend the differential duty to operate as a iiica..* • * excluding Strips altogether from use, wc can scarcely Coi.i’t;ve ttie government can ever determine that Strips import*.,! • '’cordin; to law shall afterwards hr • xi loded. or subject**! to ihe :»nmhilating effect of a new I and cx post fart« law. Hulun this ouint a variety of questions *d il.fliculiy w ill certainly arts , nnd witli con • , ai q'lencca h i important depending on the great gufl*'ugcii j cy, as we ranm t rest with early confidence ourseivt-s, • *'* l*1* "• feel ii impoHsihlc to advise. Until wc can I ] have some nssutanee on this great and exciting question, w e fear the market is likely to stagnate under the slug I gisli demand of ihe immediate w ants of the 'Trade. " l he questions t«>r consideration areas follows, viz: “L \\ hriher the recommendation of the committee in favor of u difft reniial duly w ill h«>adopted or not. “T 11adopicd, whether ary, and what, exceptions will he made in favor of stork on hand; and especially w hether such exception, it any may he allow ed, he Ihr on ' ly a limned time, and in such manner as to render it only an alleviain.u of iheevtl to be sustained, instead of a pu silive benefit to ilie hold* r. “3. Whether the publication of ihis Report may, or mil, he esteem*d amln rily suflicient for bunje,* ng i.’.jhe operation of the new law, whatever it may lie, any stock ihat may hereafter ho prepared; and therefore whether there be any, ami w hat, special risk in prepar ing Strips for next season.” The ANNl AL CONFERENCE ofthe Metli 1 iniisi Episcopal Church will convene in Lynchburg on Wednesday the I .till inst. Bishop Andrew, w hose ro | cent persecutions have justly enlisted so much of public | sympathy in the South, while the manner in whMi he has borne them has attracted no less of public admiration( will be present. Bishop Soule, who so manfully stood i by the South in the last General Conference, is the pre ; siding Bishop. About 50 Ministers are expected to be | m attendance. frj- Prior to the adjournment of the General Proles mm Episcopal Convention. Krv. Alexander Glennie, of South Carolina, was appointed foreign Missionary Bish op fnr Cape Palmas and the western coast of Africa; the Rev. Horatio Southgate, as foreign Missionary Bish | op to Turkey; Rev. W’llli mi T. Brown, as foreign Mis : siooary B hop to China; and'tlie Rev. George VV. I1 reemen as foreign Missionary Bishop to Texas, Arkan ! sas and ihe Indian territory .mjuUi of the 3C>i degree par- ! allelot latitude. 01" The Pall session of the Richmond Medical I College lias just commenced. W’e learn from the | W big that tlip number of students is greater than it has jever been b> frr, and bid* fair to b* largely mjmenled/ LiM OFOLO ELfclC'riONErLRIMi HUM BUGS. \> l.en we mi\r tie numerous warnings in the Rich. mctnJ F.ucjui/ei andothir Locwf.*o newspaper*, addrc* M il t«» tlie-1r 1mm •>. to U ware i>1 \N n.g frauds at d hum* bugs, mi tl.e eve uf the election, when it would be loo late to contradict and disprove them, we were very sure that they meditated th» n ►elv*a the perpetration uf the very outrage with which they thus in anticipationrhsrg ed their opponents—just as they make a great bluster a bout "pipe In j irigt” to conceal their uwn fraud* upon thecliciive franchise. In this suspicion we are confir med by a letter fmin a friend in Franklm county, receiv ed by the Inal mail, who says: •‘There came by the mail to day a package of handbills, me of which I for ward to you. Our adversaries are making a violin1 struggle to Nave themnelves, but all w ill not do. It add.-* to my faith in our success, when I see thorn, at the last roouenl, circulating such base falehoods. Their cause must hr indeed weak. I could have compassion on them but f«#r the baseness of their act*. Where did those handbills come from? ( suppose they are only soul to !he p.a»i offices which are out uf the way, and w here *hey may not l>e delected until after the election.— I think wo shall give you a good account of old Franklin next Monday.’” The documents sent us are made up of n utilated and perverted extracts from former speeches of Mr. (. lay and others—and ol bare facer J falsehoods. They arc, we ima gme, from the \\ ashington city Mint, under the super' intendence chiefly of Senator Walker of Mississip pi, from which so many slanders and infamous calum nies have been issued wrhtn the last six or eight months As the Senator married George M. Pallas’* wife’s niece, we are charitable enough to suppose that his anx iety for his wife’s half uncle’s election to the Vice Pres idency has induced him to lend himself to the commie bmi (d act* which his dispassionate judgment will here after condemn. CAUGHT AT IT! We ask alien tion to the follow mg article relative tu ilit* alleged coalition between the Whigs and Natives at the North: From the JVew York Tribune. The Evening Post has for days been interesting its readers with Roerbacks respecting imaginary tamper mgs of the Whigs with the Natives—operations to sc cure tho Native vole for (.'lav. Ike. ike. |n article nasi rud unqualifiedly ibat the Whigs of this city do not mean to support their ow u ticket, hut will all vote the Native; in the next, they sav jusl as absolutely ihat the \\ lugs here have agreed to vole l. e Native tieket in case Philadelphia gives 0.000 fur (.’lay — il not, (lie bargain is off! These two Rierlacks are pul right together, when common sense would have die la ed that they should have been pul tar enough apart not palpably iu demolish each oilier. (Let us here state that no hufgain has been made be tween ihn W higs and any other party, and that the I \\ hig ( ily I ickets will not be withdrawn. If any Lo co or Native wishes to vole for any candidate on them, j he is at liberty to do it—and so, we presume, of the ri val tickets ) (}rj- hut yesterday the publisher of the Ft fining Fust I »cria caught til the very business he charges on the II higs j —vn intriguing for Native voles, lie went to Alder ! man Y\ tnship, (Native,) of the Thirteenth Ward, and urged him to preside at a .Valice Meeting to promote, the elect uni of Folk ami Dallas! I lie Alderman n sped lolly declined, and the Ex Alderman of the host incon I intently sloped.—Isn’t he a pretty t«-||ow In accuse the H higs of intriguing fui Native votes/ Deception to the List!—No later than last Friday we« k, a meeting of the Lucofucos was held in Philadel phia, and the annexed shnttelfss resolutions adopted.— ll"W long will the n.nssol the people consent to he hood winked and deceived by their knavish puny leaders/— 1 he resolutions say ; "Resolved, I hat the Democratic party has been, ev er since the da) s • f hfnjHii.ii. Franklin, the firm and u inform advucutis and supporters of a 'Tariff /or the pro tection oj all Jlnurican %S>unvJuct\ores, and that the at tempt to steal from it, at this late dav, the credit and honor of such festering curt, is a barefaced and impu dent attempt at sheer robbery by our Ftderal W leg op poiteuis. y It i solved, That in JAMES K. POI K and GEORGE M. D A LL AN, we have candidates for the I’residency and \ ice I’rcsidrr.ry known to be favorable to a Tariff for th e protectu n oj all .hmrican manufac tures.n Illegal J of mg.—It will be seen, by the admirably written article, on our first page, that a proposition of the W hig f.entral ( cmmitiee to the Democratic Celt* Iral Committee, to apply jointly to Attorney General haxier fcr.1.6QI!llXll£tiun of certain doubtful clauses uf the Slate constitution relative to the right of suffrage, so as to ensure a uniform system of voting throughout the Stale, tens rejected byJhe latter! Why? Tho chair man uf that Committee (Tho. Ritchie) assigns sundry reasons tor this procedure; hut most of them aresoir revalent and ridiculous, that it is manifest the rejection was first determined on, and the search for reasons therefor lelt lor future consultation. Indeed, it is a re_ I markable fact, characteristic of the Locofoco party, that although they arc forever harping on the1 “purity of the elective franchise,” and although they descant upon “W hig pipe*layers”m/w!!/Sfam, yet they always stub bornly refuse to adopt such measures ns w ill effectually restrict ifie exercise uf ihe r'ght of suffrage to those upon whom the laws confer it. ’J lip course of the Democrat ic C entral Committee lurnfshes ono evidence of this fact, — while their refusal to adopt Registry Laws (indeed, their onenly avowed hostility to said Laws) in our Inr gcr cities, by w hich means alone fraudulent voting can he prevented, is another and. per fiBps a more striking: proof uf it—to say nothing of those practical manifests fi< ni nf their hostility tu fair voiiug furnished recently in New Jeis,.y and Baltimore. W e publish the letter of Mr Ritchie, and the com - tiirnts thereon by the W hig committee, because, al (hough too late to reach far beyond the limits of the town, before the polls will be closed, it nevertheless re lates facts to which it may bo hereafter proper to refer, 0QE In one column, the Richmond Enquirer avers that the W htgs and Natives ai the North have formed , a coalition, and it rales them soundly therelor, while in the very next column, for the purpose of keeping up the spirits of its party, it assures them that there has beeu m> such coal.lion, and that it is not likely that ii can bn formed. Now lot one, we do not know any thing about ilwfaet or the probabilities m the case—but sup* posing that there b»? such a coalition, will the Enquirer be good enough to tell us, if it be not quite as fair and' honest in the W lugs to combine with the Natives, as it is lor the Locos to coalesce w ith the Foreigners? If not, i wnl he tell us the why and the wherefore ? w- According to the last New York papers, the Lo ^u, . ..anul'acluriog voters by the wholesale in that CIV—the “raw material” from the poor-houses and jails ..I Kurope being always in superabundance there. Can there be any wonder that a Native Aut-rican party has sptoog op io those cities, where events Itke these have been so long beheld, and the laws have been found to, weak to attest the evil f I, IS no. gotog too iartosav. that it the term of naturalisation shall be extended be yond a reasonable limit, the foreigner*, who thus abuse the right of suffrage, and their pr,.„M,(|(Hl in. nds. wlm lead them into the error,will be themselves the cause of the temporary diafrancl.iaeincnt of their countrymen yet absent from our shores. (W- In the ship Iowa, Which sailed from New York lor Havre, a few days since. Mr. Sidney Fletcher, Miss . Heteher and Mtss K. Fletcher, so,, and daughter, of h, tjah * I etcher, hv,. of ,„i, p|,ee. were passenger. _ I I hey contemplate, we undent.ud, .pending sometime! Ml | fiuvlh Carolina. — As little interest fins Oxen Ml fa J election recently lieltl in ih.s Stale as if she did not b*. j long In llie Confederacy, 'file election fas been over nine days, and resulted in the election of the following members In the nut Congress, all of w are iq»m. , liera «Ui-iof llw present, cxept Mr. Sims, who lakes th* glare of Mr. (. smpiieil, ihe Inter gentleman having d*, clined a re-eleciion: James A. Mack, Joseph Wood , ward, Armislead Hint, l-aac E. Holmes, M. Barnwell j Khetl, A. I). Suns and Ko haul E. Simpson. They I an1 all Locdocos of I he t aliioun aclitad, of course. |, dull vvn bihevo that ihurc was Whig opposition in .but unc district; and in that, which was f. r.nerly rcprr. ' settled by Widdy f hompsnii, Jr , the Whig wasbeat»„ about 3 to .me. 'i he “nation” of South Carolina i» j certainly tolerably unanimous. .'ViAouj/is—About half of the counties in this Slats remain to l>e heard fr. m. The returns will t,r in hy g, 1st of December. Sufficient is known, however, to su thorize the presumption that the Lueufbco candniatrs f„r Governor and Congressmen are elected, “as usual " The majori y, however, may hesomewhit reduced. Ctrmtml —Tlie l.egislature of this State has r«. elected Samuel S. I’lielps, Esq. (Whig) to the l' s Senate, for six years from and alter thu liii uf Match next. (EE Guv. Slade, of Vernir-ni, in his recent Annua) Message to the islature of that Stale, does not best - late to declare, as Ins opinion, that, if Texas should b» ... to the Union, "it will lie the duty of Vermont to declare her unalterable determination In refuse any connection with the new Union, thus formed without h,r consent, and against ln_r will.” We have only i„ ,ay tluil V crinonl nnlhfiefs and disunion isle are no Urn odi ous to us than I huso of South Carolina; and that neither will have, in their disnrgatcziug views, the sympathy or »»«ijipuri uf Southern Whigs. Loe'foco etlmale of ll,e rule of EYi-gt'ota. N\ e pul up >ii record the subjoined estimate of the vota of \ trginia, putdished hy tin* Ki.jimuntl Enquirer, which inf. rms its readers that it has been submitted by a geo tlenian who has made this matter h:s stmly, and who in 1810, came within 50 of the vote of Virginia; East of the Mine Midge, l.oCo majority Wist do. do. do. do. do. 4(0| Dorofucn maj rity In Virginia 5(^7 The Enquirer adds, that another cstin ate in its pm session, ••from a well informed gentleman nf the» mack district, inaki satie in the vote of Eastern Vir ginia.” II c, on the other hand, hope to carry the State fur Clay hy about 1000 majority. fry An Albemarle correspondent of the Richmond Whig claims Virginia for Mr. Clay by a majority of from I to 20U0 vote s. Anus ferrous! I,wt us at least try to have it so. Many things deemed impossible have been done by trying. Certainly in »re improbable ub jeris have been thus effected than canying Virginia to day. rite True Spirit.—A letter from Charlottesville t0 the Whig says, that two young journeymen mechanics, residing in li.m tow n, intend footing it to Culpeper, a distance of fifty miles. to cast their maiden votes ti.r the great Statesman ol Kentucky and slandered Sin of Vir ginia. ( ri,e "latency' Party.-I \w lets have abused ! ^ *|!K emhleiiis so violently, that we Had supposed they were entirely loo dermt to in.uste so deffiadmo an ex ample. Rut i; apr«ars that they I ave not < !y imitated, hut unproved upei. it, (il that may he called an improve ment, which tenders the act infamously degrading to the actors ) For example* : On the lli.h inst. there wss a Corel'to torch light procession in Norfolk bornogh, u» whi h rode an individual with his garments stuck all over with playing cards, and holding a pistol in his hand— intrude<J as a \ ersmu/h aii< n ( f “Henry Clay, the Gambler and Di.i Hist !” \\ ell n av a contentpnary ex claim, “\\ hut a shame and disgrace ! What an outrage on public decency ! \\ hat a scandal upon the fair fame ut the old Boruiigh ! What arp we to think of a party w hich at'rn p:s to succeed by snob disgraceful proceed ings Vf •Arte ff oik.—Among the new publications about l® appear in New York is the ‘\tmcrican Review,” a \\ lug journal of literature and politics —a ttvofk whieb has been heretofore very much needed as a counterpoise to the influence exerted by the “Democratic Review,” the literary-politico organ ol the Locofuco party. The new journal is to he under the rdimrial control of George If. t oftun, Keq a g» nth man of considerable literary crleb rity, and one of the mi at vigorous and poIiDitd writers ol the age, ai d we barn that he has seemed the jtm-mis® of contributions from n 01 y (f oar most accomplished scholars and siate?in< We learn, by a letter fn-m New York to the National Intelligencer, that tne first Number of the American Re\iow will he in.felli&fitd with admirable engravings of Clay and Frelinghtiyson,and a sketch of the fife of each. I he w riter further informs us that the leading article on “the Ik sition of Parties,” is a compreh ershe but a well-written sketch of the different phases which par:y politics have assumed from the time of W ashing* ton to the present day, and will he read with interest hy all, whether politicians or riot, for the information it con* tains. The next article, “on Steam Navigation,” ta In m the pen of a writer whose experience to this de partment guaranties the accuracy of Ins statements, and ihe information furnished is more complete than in my pri vious article lately published on that subject. Th« Present position ol the Whig party on the Taiiffis well stall d m the article on “ihe In aney of American lMann fcc?litres.” In “ihe Influence of the Trading Spirit,** we I ave some sensible remarks on the a 11 absorbing f12S' sion for gain upon uur priva'e and scctal enjoyment, th® lull force ol which every one must feel. ’J here are also several oilier articles ol a high order of merit, V\ e concur with the correspondent of the Natimal Intelligencer in the opinion that every Whiff, who an ♦pare $.7, should subscribe for the Review. Rut «• will not confine the remark to Whigs; for peculiarly in* lerestii.g as the Review may hr to them on account of ts political papers, it will, il it meet the expectation of those w ho know its editor and its expected cuntribnlii*» furnish a rich mental banquet to others likewise. Ike Review is to Le published monthly. “ ft esheard the Star of Empire takes its itfay ”~“ Bedford Brown, Ksq. formerly IJ. $. Senator fw® North Carolina, has removed tu Missouri. IJc left hit residence in Caswell county, westward bound, a I1'* days ago. Important—if true /—TheCharleston Patiiot stair* that a letter has been received in that city from TeXi*. “mating as a rumor, that Santa Ana had applied to the I exa n govern men i. through the British government, W an.armistice. ’ More than doubtful. Efi^ntIn the Baltimore County court, on the 29*h ult.. the case of the Merchants* Bnr k of Baltimore, v the I* armor-,’ Bank of Virginia was brought to a close. 1*^ a verdict in favor of the latter. It was a suit instituted to recover the sum of $10,000 paid by the plaint5®* .1. 0. St'-euhergen, upon his check, drawn on the defen dant, and marked’*g*» V by the theo rashicr ol the