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point on James River, through South \\ cateni \ irgims ft) the Tennt-asee line. 'On motion of Mr. Taylor of I*., the House adjourned, %u meet al 1 J o'clock to uiorro*. —mwhhu'i .-»•»■ .*»> aMniaMm»io«ii(M| riu^mivvi ^ Hi'SAui:. FiUokr citizrnt of the Sr note j and llvutr f*f 1L-prcaentalira : It is to me a source ol u iallectid aatisf.iclkMI to meet this H^prosetitat'fea of the Nate* and the 1 j•!•» m ( on gress u» eoibled, as it will be to root tv« (tie Mid nf their! combin'd wisdom in Ike adminisiration id public affairs. In performing, lor the fisi time, the duly iiiifN>M(J on me Hy the C onM Million, ol giving to von ml ,r ratinn >1 the Nate ol the Union, and recommending to your nun* aider*nm such measures as in my judgment an* ntci .*• ai ry and e.ti»ed e.:f, I an happy that I can congratulate you on the continued prosperity ol mir mnttirv. I nder the blessings ol Divine Provide-nor and the ben gn udln enoeot out free instil uiioua, it tumia before the world h spectacle of national happun ith »>ur imcAampltd an in all ihe i lv mema of 1 greatness, the nth cltmi of 11.«* } cofdtimed lor the Union el the Sianand h r the d> • trines of popular liberty, which lie al the huiidaLtun <d our Government. it bee-mes us, in Ittiiniliiy, to make our d« von* «e know ledguienls to the Supreme Ruhr of the I olvcrs* lor the inea :mabi« civil ami religious bh s-mga witti w hid. w« arc favored. In ctllmg the altctitioii of Congress in our relatim: With foreign FuWr rs, I am g*»n|i.d in he n.i. i ,v , ( that, lln.ugh willi some ol ilie.n ihe?** Invt . m- . d sm.i your last s *wst< rt iuiiwn of irniHi,.n tool m -mi d. faiai.ding, yet no aoual hoiMiintea t .*v< t.,i,rn p . . . Adt*pimg tiio maxim in the conduct nl our for. ign all i,.-, to**ask mulling that la mil light, non submit to mnl.ti g that is wrong.M it has been n y an \ tons dent re to pro tarvu peace w till all nntton* !•*»«, s» ine>.Miuo time, l h *«u to rturnt a^gu-MuwiU, and to ma.num all wur ju»i r ^hta. In puraoaftre of the joint rctnlmiun ef (.’..ngrert* " m aim* Xing I’cXa- to tin U tilled .*■ i.ii* .■*,*’ my j• , .•, on lire third day nf .M n b, I s l... . • ■ ed i. mi ill. fir.-l and Second -• . h.iim.I iltal lesolul on i.» i|, |{ , .it. itc ol Trias, as an overture, on t! • t i «.f 11 . ( . ,| States, lor her admission as a N.Hc mi" our I . » 1 Ills eiet.'imn lappiovid, .ind a. ending y it,, ( h.r , d’A Quires ol I In l Hi I il h all h in J r.\ as, omh r in- n., Ilnn» ol I he tell III nl Match, 1 ' J.'i, |>n ... . , |,# tions ol the n>«. Uln.n hu tin a«« i j n jnc. • o> i J j jl(l•, lie. The Kxicultvc (• v. ii.nii iii, ito ( ngn* , and the I'eople nl 1 » \ s in t nveniioii, have • ( , Kl ,.f^ cmnplti d wIth al. the n run, and nnidnnn - ol the j uni resolution A C' Kstilultnn for Ihe ynv < tiio.* uf of il.r Platen! I evas, fernn d ty a<-tnveniien ol ih j nil. *, is herew tlh laid hi I .re ( o .j. k-, |i im wi II known, ::lm, that. Iie*_4nsiple 4:| It if.i poll- Imv. :m . pled I he 4wrma «d uiiin x it. n. ;n.d i it fj. * ,, , { <.n i Cuinn.uii.oa t to C oi.gii>> in* »*. fffy| ii.t Im twi rl! Urn N-cr, tary ol Sl-Ilr and un l hinge u’All.lUe in I i X s; and aYo < <>m sj<- «’.«•».re oI he !n<i. r w ith the aulh'U.lie* ol I < Mm ; to^nlei uiili i!.i > 111. ml dot* urio» tv trails.nined I y him to hi- mv . (. v. rnnti nl J'he lerniH nl aim. \ m.ui wl.n i, were . (j. ied liy tin* L'.III.'.I Sun* .»••••. iii.-.-pl. i! I V I , XM, II,, |,„|h. I"- »l'n -l hoi It i " t , Ml I. j ,1 10 Ih i im pKt "I Hu i. mi,. K ill ii g .. ...... the event hut the | a-s.igi . I n . ni l hy ( v in Htj lull ihe .Sate ol it« • ihe I nionojoii an. jm Imiiirigwuh Ho- original > mi. - ,s m„r , Vl„| W hy ill's fe ii d f*«* if * i . hi in rnrtv j , / ,, l i|.» . , wiun. I will Ire obs rv d t. at. hy i . l on-niu i n i-f TeX i*. the ♦ X simg t. Venn, e,it l.- on'y e.i d ini • p rarity till ( ongr. mhii I and if . Monday ol tin* present tnonlh is In* day i.pji .ui'.d f,,r |, .l.i.i Uie tiiai gem ral eliein.n. () i , n ,|ty u t, ,vi <n- r. a I#n Uteiiant (• vetn.-r, and bo |. tuaiu h. . o| it, | . tin »e will be elio-eii hy Mie p. oph1. I lie |’i, nieiM ol 'I i Jta- Is ictpi.h d, unm. tl.aieiy .nl. r ih> tin ij l «.| . |li i tal Inhunml'oli Ifni tile new S,a >• has Item ..dmntnl I'Ko otir l nion hy l ou.n . , to ennvene die I.. go',min; u.' I, ujHiii ns ii «. ting, ih. * \ wmg l. .v« roii.i in w .11 lu SU|M'l-« ill il, aid IIU Slice lii.VeruKliilil I.fglilil/.ll. 4 C1' *"ii - d. i |> v i ii N • m ; o I . x.i •>. in mi union with lue « thr r SiaitH J the . Xiensloii <d our n v. one lows Kiel judical -j sit an over In i iMojdeund lemiory, a. well as iura>'if s u| .1 lot‘.il iMiarai t< r. vn II • l.u.n Ute ( Ml\ nllru I iufi of i. unjjr« K-j Dtiil iln H'lnrt', ll|ni|| ( Vi t \ prim, ||i|f It> pn ilit an U -vn i.nirnl, *|( nu^l.Uu b* r«-4»r»nl.■; 4:1 l u>ly 111 titti I uiHirpi ii) < Is* la y . | (, )lm| "«r:n-*il)' Ji'diiimirI II prompt action u 1 ill 1* iii.|iuri.iiii *Ulkyf fU. A . C Zi ill. .H I In III.Mil r \ 14 n- :i S'.llr shall III' |>»kb..l, llie Ulll.,,1 III III, lun Ii -pul.bus Hill |„ ,■ ,||.um. lliaifii by iln'ir uii » iiliiiimi > »( u*riit I III* lie saint, hi mu 1* trill tv li .v 11 eii a hi,,mil, *« a cilnve.until. ,\,i arm nl hue- I Ins’ll is:*,,I |„ iir<Hl ur, Ilia raanll. I lie «v, urd lias I d nu pari in the victory \\ e litve mil smi Ju in i n 1 nil uur Ifi riti-iml pn-ws*',. ., Il) cniMpt,*1, ei mr n puliln un iiieliiuiHnia nvi r :i 11 lim Ismi p. pie. It was ilm deinstall Imii-ige ul t neli |»"H;'- in ilm great principle < ,1 uur ... tl wueutiM.ler tlmtxienl ul lenttury iiivulve*,! 111 Iln Ainicxallun — ns prusneeme lull.. ,11 Ann ru-a iln tnuai.s b) H b i ll il has I* , ,, llipliabeit* spring pun * I) In.ill ilm clmicr ill Ibe pe pie Ibrinselves in *|,are iln |,|| -slugs ul uur u 11 mu — llie liistur) , | i|„. world muv In challenged In In msb a parallel. J lie ..I llie lulled Stales, w Ineli nl tin fnrn a'ii' u til il.r I 1!, 1 I (. nnaliiulh n w aa bnumhdbv llie Si. M try *, nu l|,e Allslllic. lias passed llie ( ipes ul Fiends, and leen pi eelull) extended In llie Del .Nnrii In Cuiili II,plainly 1 lie grand, nr nl linn evem, it is • ,,t n, Ibe result w aa aelueved In th spile d Ibe dt|4nma!to in'eif. tenec id Knrupeau nieiiaieliiea F.v, SI France—the unity w Ineli bail bt, 11 uur aneu in ally — die cuunlry w Ineli lias oeiimitiuii iit'.ertal w ilbu in maintaining llie I'reedund llie was - ilm country will,!), by Ilm cessi. ii ul l.uinsiaua, Ural uprni d inns aeeess to lire (iull ul M< xicu—ilm eniiuliy vs 11 It w Ineli we been ev, ry year draw n,; mure ai d inure t Inst ly iln lunula III successful cnmmerrt—• must mu xp, eietily, ami In uur unfeigned regrol, funk p ul in an 1 lb, 1 1, p,,’ v,.|il annex,itiun. anj ... uii Texas, as a c„n,liiii,n el lilt’ n Cognition nl III I ll'ib’p, Nil, nee liv Mi'Xh*.,, lb:ll sin HI,-lid never j ill linaell In ilm l till, ,1 >i.u, s. \\ t, n,av /• juice llial llie Iran,pul ami |„ rvsding 11.Il,mime of ilm American principle 1,1 sell g,,vi rnumiu was snllmied In debai ilm purp, be* nl Hunan and Freneli imeib nue, , and that ilm aim,,si miaul,nuns turned itm pe. pie d Texas lias given |„ 1b.1i lull rlen nee a peacelul and el fedivc rebuke. From this example, F.unptan (.nvern •Heins may bain bun vain ibpbnnaim ar s and iiiliigim* inusl t »i r pruve U| II I lieseuniiui in. aga 11*1 tl,ut s\ *u 111 «r a.If guverninenl \Ineli wen,a naluul m ,„u tv bleb will evil resist b letgn tnnii, nine. 'I uvvard* Tt vis | do in,l doubt I, .11 « |u>era| and , ie Iona spirit wul aetuau Cuugressin atl that concri ■blereais and prusperny, and that she will never bn, cause Hi regret Dial site has united bir •■|o„« s,.u” 1,, uur glotluus 1 unsleilaii,,ii. J regret In infurui you <hat 0111 rein 1 n- w 11I1 M. \m aiuce J„ur laslst-aiuii, have n.,t been d ilm ammabl, ebaracler which 11 is uur dt sue In eitlttvalu wuh all lur eign nations. _ On ibe Oih day d March Iasi, tin M, v lean Envoy Extraordinary and Monster l’leiii|siii,niiar\ to Ibe l,mud Stales made a formal prdesl.. name fua liovermneui, againai ihe j nil rrs.iluli,,n pass, ,| bv Congress “l„r ilm am,exam,11 m Texas 10 llie L .ii Slales.” wlui li be chose In ngsrd Ja a vi,,|n 1, „ ,,1 ,1 , i'i .*ii uni, arm, in n.iin <jm m , , | nt j 1|,>n1;,jUj. •ui li « paas|aula. lie was mioiuud that die rn men I wl die Lulled hi a lea did <„,t euiiMd.r u.i* resolution at a viuladun ulany„| die ri^liiw ul M> xu.„ nr that II alfordrd any ju-t cause el , d, I,is Ci„v ernmeol; dial die KepuuJn, ul Texas was an indepe. de nt Lower, owing uo allegiance i„ Mexico, and ronsl i luiing no [iarl ol her territory or righdnl auveri igniy ail(l jliriadlctioll. Jle uas aim, assured dial It nas the sin cere desire of ,his Lovernioent In maintain with disl ul Mexico ol peace and good un.leis aoding. 4 l,ai functionary, however, in,Itviihsiaiidiiig these Tep r, s, nlalinns ami assurances, ahniplly lerunnaled Ins mission, and sh rtly afterwards ieli dm luuulry. Oui Kuv.,y Kxiraordmary and Mnnxier Llenip.iemiary t., Mexi-J was refused allofliul liiler,:.,„rse » id, ilnu Ijoverumei.l, and. aller remaining several inond.s. In Ihe permission I,l his own Cnvt riiiuenl he reiiiruidlo die l ulled Mans. Thu*, by ll.e aels ul M, xnv all diplnma'ic in lor course between the two eouulries « s •impend, d. , hince dial lime Mexico has, until recently, occupied «u attitude id I,osliliiy inwards Ihe Luiled Males ; has wen marshalling and nroaniiting armies, issuing i r',da uiaiinne and avowing die inieiiimn i„ make war un die United Mates, either by an open declaradou ur by iuva mg lexas. Uoth the Ctingreaa and Convention of the people „| |, xas m.iled „ljs Unvernmu..I to send a , ar iriy inf. that lerrii. ry In protect and defend them aanmsl ' naeed adaek | l„, ... the terms ofaniiexa “** ; b> '»•* Lulled Ms,e. were aecepted by Tex •s. die Jailer became 8,. far a part l.fnnr own enumry a, .. make n „ur duly lu.0i.rd sneh proleednn ami .1, tenee I llmrelnre deemed It proper, a, a precautionary mea •ure, In orner a slrono wjuadfuu to the of Mexico, j ■ lid to coin i>n!i»t« an . fir .« o’ military I n « • toe w * tern Iron ler ol I i xa*». Our mmy w . • • i ■ • o 1 >1 .t' |N mi i ion in I lie munlrv helm ru die Niioi n.4 l OH N"fii', and lo ri j * I any leva n 1*1 the 'I . .mi :• ri ' »r> which might t** Bltrniptcd by lln Mi Mi <>> i « > - O' ilf.-u -ii i In* till was nr dr red •" 1 * J * . *• v I* '' 1 army. Hut, llmugli our army and navy win* pia * d in a pcfiitiun lo di ti rul mir uw It and ibn right.-n| I • x » , lliey w i re niib ri d lo Connml no pel id tumidity :♦.• :i osi M* Itco null a** she di elan tl war. or w a*» In r-« ll lite ag gri ns or by •Inking thr first blow. Tin- n poll ha* bn. Mexico ban Hindi- no njyri ‘vuc limo ii.i nl, noil mir military nod naval mm (Winder* lure executed tlieir or der* wiilt nurlt iliwrrln n dial lln- peace <d do two |{e public* Iium not bein disturbed. Tcxm bad declin'd lo r iii.Ii',h- .denee, and uni Inin# • ■ it by In r nrini lor more lhan rone y«: r S <• 1., h bad 111 or g ' 11 /- l| <»• i V .f Inin-Ill III HIK’ll s>lu | ill I I I h il I. U II i dial 11 ro d. ) ler separate i x - i or.* as no lodepenib n Slule bail been n mgy.i d by die [ oill I S’iili* i d lie principal t*n\\ i :h e| Lumpc. i ri tin s nl e iuoni rre an I navignliori bad ieeii (inieluiled wilb In r by d IJ fenl nn Hons, wild ii had beemno iiianiliKt to do wlo.le world that any further attempt on die pHfi ,,f M x . to con ij'iio her or overthrow lo r l» .vi rnnn ot w - u! I lo* v.iin. I .vi n Mi lieu liern lf bad hi c■•rtu* toilisfled id fact ; ind whilst lln-ipieemu «.f arm* JUMon was j ending hr* lot die pei.ple nl |i\.- during die p i *| Mimini r, I In (• .vermin in il Mi xien, by a I oi:uil an, a n i d to ri i■..j» M7.e die indepi-ndenec ol |Vvo on i mini .,n that hIii* would not annex In r*'ll'to in y other I’ewer. Ti.e .**.♦ rjri cuieiit rn rn kti- u ?i doe the indepi rolenee n( Texas, w hei|u r wither without ihia condition. in cuneluaive n • o * Ii -1 M "Xtm. Till Huh pindenee i.| |(\rm m II |,|(| eoneiili il l»> Mrxieo In r-e||, and sin had rm r ;hl or an ’ j . 1 f Govern III* "I xt lei l| I - ' s II I" I | tllu f\\ :m‘w I le.,-1 III .*l*«|JllO'. I M lit nil I \|< v, . <•■(1111*11 ('< l| • ' it e| | In- | HI', || Slates mi account ,| lie nn . xatton of | xr,s, It is In In rr iteI'm,1 tint tamo s of tm umdcr-tat diuy t„ t we, n t < • r lAd r - is ft 11 ir< i"i lime In , \ • 1, •- ruw llm eiit el un reilrt •< (I lejulhM It fl e'ed I * y 1111 • ,M< \ ;i a n p,-,.| le Huff a lit lief |i ifN nn the persons n nt! |tr >]t r y uf the cl1 /. ns o I the I titled v nt. ll I I» It ail' . I \ .r- JS|, \ |r,, Ji ll till.Milled tins** injuries, lilit Ilf-m f ril’d fll.f) M fttnetl In repiiir them, Snell « s ll » cha net, r of ibe w t -t *, 'in-I swell ill i-ill's r< |" an <! v 'llridtoA inefle'I. e l'/ liM nt: I the A IP* rieali fl • » by M< MCI', ill palpable violation* I the law* ofi.a'lotis at d Ih«* 1 f• nl\ l-el x\ , el, I lie I WO Countries I I llm roll III April, I *. M , ilml they lmv«*le*n r< peafetlly l.roiinbt In ll.e nolire nl ( uimr, ... by my | r. -I. . . ■ t As ear y HH I be ,wib of I bn i a iv. I . . , 11 I’m id'll el i lie I nl led Siatft. dr < lured, in a im s n ■« t • 4 •' prt ■*»*, llint "llm lenylli of lime Mtire ffuiiif* ul llu injur > , Iiave t , en reipiPl'ted, Ibe rep,tiled and utmvMtlinu applications f„r ndteMS.llie c an'eii cliat,iei, r i I s i i e i I i lie eni lap, . e pen i be p, i seim md pre|,ef i y uf onr eiity.eiiH, np-.o tin, Ifje, rs uod II n| I lie I ni ltd Suite*, md, pi e . nl n| *, i , nl ip«n|is I" »•"* rnineiil nod pr,,pV by iln* lute Kx'tn rdina* r \ Mi Mi mi Mu i d r, wen|,| j■ ix111\ in 11,«-* yes id nil nn lions plillieei He i t,” lledul lul , |,oW eVi T, rerun on ml n»i liioedia'i rranrl In ibis ex'ieme loenmite, \\ bleb , lu ib elan <!, "tdmnld Pot be n-, d by just 4ml cu er ns catpiow, eunhdinu ilillieir xiieti 'ib, f r injuries t oo muted, ll 11 ciio bi nvnnhd bill, in n ► p ill < I • -tb* nratiee, prnjx.-.. .1 11,at nn<"bt r demand be p'iu'e mi M \n - lor l it n dr. x . w inf, bad I ecu • e \ ■•it'd n n j 11 f 11 v V% 111111 • Id. In lliesi* VICU - , euntllll ■ It im ul tie bin ) loti 1 n| ( otiui, in r, | on . 111 sell fo I heir re tpeciivi* b. 1,! 1 , ei Pent red Suit lb- .. proo , (Imp inert' Ib*1 ft e el.I y-ats I nve 1 lap-rd, duripn w**ieb,in 11,111 ieii tu 1! o* urn op' linn in eplinr.l ul, others nl nn •j f 1 v• < I e 11 ti r. 11 • 11 r ba\i lu 1 n emi unti'en no tin pci x ns and properly "I «• 11 r eiir/, ik \ • j e, il no, nt was • nt t » Mi \i< n in 1 lie mi mini r "I j f . •. vv ti li lull nut bur ; v In in - ki line'll, r and Ii• >.,I dm md ffirdfis Tim h*m 1 ml W as m nlc llm Mexico, t . veimie pf pro ill*, ,1 in t, pur ibe vxrut'i»md wti'eh we 11 niplatm .1: m d. nf* • er pop It or lay. n Irmly of indemnity will, view "•o • "I" d li. twirti llm lw. I' Wi rs on tin f lib nl V fill, I '.b fp il w ft duly ratili- ill y bulb 4 i-.vernmrnls Uv <1 • w treaty a joint c.>mp tsx-.nii wn* created In adjndi ente nod decide 011 tin* rial.11* of \rrmnesni cite/, us on be 41 •> t rmpeet nl Mr*itfi. lie e. mmi-sinn w as nr* V 11.r/.ed nt W a- Imwtuii on the *5th day of August, I > Jit I lo ir Mine w 1. limited to < mbtrrn ipuplbt-; at ibe ex pi ration «d xvliieb, tin v I ail adjudicated and decidi d claims ni-ieiiulmy to tv\o millieim twenty aix tbeiisand linnilri'il *."l iliiriy< c J mn! nix.y fi f. II- : tn f I Vor ul I- > V ! -I III! I !•, ,| J •-Jl, ,| "ll.. M1 \I. nr, (; vi *ii." a^i .i.hniiiit hi vlimu Oelih lam r, ll.. \,1., 1 if 11, chihlhi.M. ih rs li nl .ih."t( 111 (. v..i nl .’u r hi11 / h rlath'N ih 1-1 1 HU e l.lirill:v,i *11.1 IMI I V I ll. *111,1 MX |,||| ,||, ,| mill IM. Ill l I VI II ,|, | | s mill | I ill V |n I, I ,VI| la, „ ■M U- lull Iinai ll ll nil I V I 111- i ii,) , u mill,,,ill I \ tIm ii mv !**:iII I'litll’vr i l; mi*, mm iihinig I,, In , vhuuii i.m mni I mr tnillimi* nl ilnll m*. u , ru iihnnlh,I in ilm Im* nl Inn I lit In Im u Miili In l nil ; Mum lull 11: II11 -I I *,Mull ,,l, I Im n n ul'iMii imlltmi* iMunly n,x tlimnanil unti Inn, 'lit ,1 mnl Iliir 1 \ tiinu ilnll n* mi,I * xiv i iglil ui’H!*, ih ui 'I'lll'V Ilm hiiiir.l. m:i , n Ii,piiilainil ami .. I ,|, hi ‘dll' hy Mi Mi’ll in ilm i la I III .1 ll 1 I*t mill llmiu Mil* III! Jiisii. lialili* run*,a, Inr ilulavlng Us |i.iY<imnt auuuritinn r„ i|,u n rm», I Ilm iru.ny. Ii m is mil, huwiiviT, pinl. ' MuXirn nppln d lur liirllmr nnliilgeiirt; jiuJ, in llmt s|miii 11 lihi i* 1 uy mnl luri unnni u m Im h lias inr mail. * ! " 1 (xtlipy 1/f till I * in , ■ Him .ii,■■ 11 a: llupiihlm, dm rt M n sl M Ms graulnl; ami. mi ilm Ihirliuili nl January, I I.,,* lull I,u:lty Mils unlmllllluil, |ly this liuaiv it M a- I I vnh ll, ilm niluri a ilur , ii lhi nMaul* i, la. >.,r . I , I nn,:m * iimlrr Ilm ui.nv, mi,a, nl ilm i I, u nlli , | ' |"il, It'.ld, almiilil hu pnnl nil i|,u tl,i,liuili i,t ,\pi||t IMH; mil ilial "lie | lUM'iph nl ilm sniil mi nnla, ami r i u inn i, si mimi n lliuiumi, shall I u piilil inliw u nis, IH I ipial II sm.In 11 la. I V, ry ilm u luniuli*. ihu sni.l lurin' *1 hi. year* In ouinincnre tin the thirtieth tlay nt Atiril, |.‘- l.t, a* al.nesai.l." I'm intuiMvt ilun ,m ihu llllih Jay i | April, I - KI. mnl ilm ll.ui lir-l nl ilm *1(1 nislulminls have In un panl. SevmMciii nl tlmae Inalaliimiils run,uni unp in), 7 ul liirh art* nuw tint*. I lm claims mhit*|i mere lull limituiileil by ihe jnint i .., sin, unling In mure than llina 'iiiillmii* nl tin I la tv, lag, liter m ill) mlu r vlaniia I, r spin la I inns nn ihu I’t,11■' rI\ nl i-iir vila/.ii.s. were snb.uip.uinly prust'iiicd h, 'he Ml Mean tl, vt null, in Im | ayiiunl, ami miesnlar iuui un 7., J thiii * iruaiy, pruviilmg Inr I u-ir t xailiinatiiai ami setiInnn nt In a jam enmmi-»inn, m as eonulinli ,1 mnl siMimil al Al, \a-. iheVIhli urt) ,1 Nuv, min i, IM;| I Ins in aiy Mae raliln tl hy ilm I Nan ", m isIi uuiiam a "" 1 1 ti'-, m m la. i, i., j .1 ,.\u, j ..i',i have been I'll' II mis. yul ruriivnl the raiifUalinn nl Ihe Mexir.iu linvi mini nl. In ihu im an lime, mir elliy.uns, M liu siillumi gn at lussis, ami at.. « limn have hi i ti reJnretl limn lilllin ..... li t, are mi Inn rumu rly, Hill, SH limn lights be enhueui i v their him nnimiil. !'",l| actmlimiuil uml unprnv knl sum s nf m rnm .s uhl t-eialMl by I he I . Si#'. S hill ibry lm n ceimml ru I \ mi>- nl iIn | mu n a| i j j,n s,.| |«'i,r,,|i,,. '1 ' ■ * - ! PUT, a neigh ring ter Republie v ■ « ur example, I ad at I evtd In r jnde | , ■ ul"* 1 1 Ml,-,■. s ami |>r.m| ,-riry all > 1 I1.. wtre.-.rly inlisird. I In- 1 Siairs yin, ,l1'1 1' <'• nii-r In r iiiitr|a inlrnee anil in ri 11 ,ve In i i "Hull", laimly 1,1 namm., ami li v. ,-ver I. il, sirmn ..<g «"" Iipi II gnail umlerslanding. \\ , I, IVi I lliett-lore, holin' II.,- r.peul.d " tunes she |,HS I,-,i "11,1 l,a "‘"PP. "I ll"' li"|H* III.!! a relnrnin , sense , I j": lire tti.nM nliiii.aii-ly guide her cmnriU, and " 'S'1'. 'I pes.-ii li , lii,numbly amid any hinlile eulliHun w i*l» lirr. ... pri'vinin autli-iriiy of r„nerrss the p-x. Ill, power III adopt unlhrce adrqoile |„, it.. -ii,joins |,«,| m.ll, ,,,|. ,.r (l„ b,‘ Pr, l*nr' ‘I in i. pel llie tlir. :■ em-,1 a.,M.. 1 'N1 -'"ir am v and navy had re. iiiained mi the In.inier and e-.nvs Mem-,, |,,r ,,-inv kV 1WI,I""“ any I'eslile II,even,. m „„ her pari I ih„i,uli heT uere enuiinned. I deemed n inn,,,, . • " I ■ i- • tu ..ft!. »l N,,t. inter las, .msseer,am diaimrilv: and „i,„,„ I 1 «l|..til»..lea-K s „f M u,,,„ (. I or invade leiaa, or whether they were disposed toad jiisl and sellle man ami,-able man,,, r 'hr pending dilf.-r , . helwi ,-n I he i«„ oninir ,s ()„ ,|„. Nll v ; an ""i ""'lanpwir was ter,nod lhai ,l„ ! ‘"Pi.i tte.,. Wilde, in renew the t * "" " #“«l '• ':"i in Wamh last, ,i t.-u p»,,.nr „..„. willing.cere, it a Ml, later i, „ • ‘-• " llli :i Mi.itm* (itSirr In iTi ^ rvi* prana an i , j uiure ... ol «■ -d uml. rslandinu hetimm'thr ,v... ' 1h|>U ,|‘7' " u|V* d ail ceri'in,my . ,|„. maim, r nl ,,. ne,v injr hem,,.,, r.,1V,"!,‘li| ."" l""' ‘ 1 '"her a disio, guislied eiiizeiinl I, „|,fci:,„a „ .,s appointed Knv„v |-\ and MmiMer l>l, nip,,:, n„.u ,„ Alima, eloihfd wiilHu , powers to adjust and definiiieely settle all pending difter. me, * lieiw re„ iheu,., ..lllt %U,«M,",«,,,ryl.",„e|„ Mrxir.Ill,,' S,am,,, 1 * i ll" Alnnalir appointed has set mil „n hi* mis. ml "’ll el hv '• M'X -m ,-ip, in I II* Int* he,-,, IIIKI re-cieil t,.. J » hel, he is eharued In a lamel ,n at ll,,. earh .able perted,' » hi-.. x, mil:.. aald me lu tuumiunicalt- lljat ,n u!t lu Ci-mi, , j„,■ 1 ! ' HI! • I'll III ( 1 "Il • • Ill'll nil* II. f till .Mill * til ft • ilintalur ill** injuiiiN v%i* have su bug Iwftfe i w . i.Id I ivi Im i m | r .jm r In make ho hi ell nego* imileft In . ii liifttilaipii. ( i . | ji pi .Urdu 'lie la- I SfMn..n lie mm nf * *,» 0 I r 'Ik* payment ol llie Aj ril ami July miial* • n I In Mr > Iran 11 m I * im. i• i* * I* film year 1844'— Ti v.iinl it si..ill Im fl "renamed u. Ii.i- Hilidn. imn nl llie \ii.rin an I# >v#-rnin# nl that actal iiiHtalmenla hove liern pi id by itir .Mi s.rau < ».»v« rnim nl to ll.r agent ap|M>inted • y II r I . Si.tie* In rwrive 'hr same, hi wnrli manlier as ■ < i < i *ryi• .Il < hum, nn iln- Mi xiori (fovernmerit, and n 1*1 fl'j* id in hr drlimpi# lit in remitting Ihr money to tin; I Stall n," I i* uis.-iilrtl slate ,,f our relations with .Mrxiro In* inVn|11 d iIimhw'iji i I iii Him Ii in)Hlrry, J hr first inior ■ni i n, m an aiilliriiMr | nr III, from llir agent nl llie I ni* • il S .i i s. appointed under llm Admtnndrni ion of in) . I* «!• i« - •. with ret-em 1 at iln- Stale 1 iepariiM til nn the .niIi * i 'Ni.w tnhi f I,i4i, 'I’lim ih r.miHtin d iti a letter d In I i It nl () tuber, iiddri n id hy Inn) to ntir ( I our ■ . / m ihi m in M» aim, w illi lli#* view id linvn u n rom ii.m 11■ d to thiii ill |. i»i»n« nt. | rnm ihi • ii h| iiearh dial I ;i," ul, mi die n|| n| September, 1844, L’liVn a rr • pt to i n In i or y id M» airo, hr tin- ainnunl of the Apr.I ami July ii siahmi.U ul tin- ihilenmilf. In the * ni.#- 11 n ii mil k atn ri, I ow ever, hr jihm ns dial hr has n**l received n *inglr ih>|hir innihh; but lo- bnh’a Midi so eiriiirhM wsfi'imd him at tin* nine, ingmi g there* ' ripi, a i id »liter 'a inn no doubt but lie w ill i vent milt y f»ill the money. A* these iimiiilinerif* nppenr never lo luive be# n ii Hnllv paid by die (inverrimmlul Mi Xlirolothr ij# ui, hml .-in Ihni (• nVr rninrnt has not therefore hern re ! hisiil H. im in diarl.arpr die claim, I donut Irel mysrll | warranted m dinning payment lo he made to the rlniin "ti in mil ol III# In .-nry ,u II lino I furl her h irndaiinn. Their ail-, 11 imIi lit ul. 11 y, one of inorh iinfil-<ip; and it t cilia lit k tor < niign s in decide, w heilicr any, fc*. w hat n In I, ought in In gianled In tin m. (Inr Minister lu Mi xico has hero ii.m tur'rd In a hi r i tn in the laein of the raw (ruin I he Mex* "•■•ii (»• veron » n». in nu authentic and nflimil form, and , n |" rl tin* r< Mila with an Imle d I iv m posuible. 'ly aiu nl n ii wasearlv ill reeled' I" the negotiation, " hieli, . n the Mi nl March last, I I* iif u | end11 g at \\ • hmii'i n h< t u 11 n the I Stall h niirf (*. IIrim:o on the uhj'ci nlili (Iii uiii territory. Mirer aeveial attenijila • ad Is eo j-n \ me \ ina/lr lo set lie the (jin -iii r,w in do* I ole Itlwerulhr two eotiolrtea by negotiation, upon i r pfiiK'lple of eniiipionilHe, (oil each had proved utlftUC eeH-lul, ’l l" ' i" gniiafiuiiA t*,ol< place nl I .>>n«l<m. in the yearn I I I .’I. nml I > VM i; i In* t \mi fii-i under the adminiH (ration nl Mr. M 'time, and the last under that of Mr. A fhiiOH The m gnliaiiou id |N|N having (tiled to nr* ron»p!i*di its object, reunit' d iii the eonveiilionoltlie 20lli ■ I ( h i. ber ol dial year. Ity the third article uf dial cun . V' ii*i 'ti it wi" “agird that any country iImt may le claim* d l.y * dhrr party on the northweat coast ,,| Anicn ' i. weMw.inl nl die Slimy Mountain*, shall, together w idi Hk IihiIio is, lm\ s and er»» l.s, and the i.nvii alien ol all mns w lfhifi llo name, be her and open for the term <d ten years I lorn the da it of the Mg nature ol the present (*Uh Vi Ii ' loll. lo iheVlSsilN, Clt/,|.H III d Mlhjl eta of the IWO I’.wt I , II I* Iig well understood that this agreement is not *o hr construed to I he prejudice ol any claim which • I'l" r "I the tun high eonirneling parliea may have to any I nrl .-III* -aid r. nniry, imr shall 11 he tak* 11 to afT) cl tin r|.iin. i I at-y other I’uweror Slate to any part of the -aid c.ii nliy ; the only ohj* cl of the high eoidracting par tie-in that respect being to prevent disputes and dlf Ii i nee*, among theiiisi Ives ‘I hr to g. nan.-ii ol M l w as produclivi-nf no result, »n l die con vt nil.m ol |S I N w a- li t I om-liangi d. I he negotiation ol iN’Jii, having ids • |>u|rd to effect ■'*i* *»"J ■ by compromise, resulted m the enliven Hon l Au mini the (jili, |NJ/, by which it was agreed to r iiiioit. m l i e, h.r tin indi finite period, the provi, s !«'•■ M.iifl Iirnclo ol llm convf Iitioil id die‘JOlli ot ( h-tober, I In, audit was further provided that “it sh ill he rump, lent, h 'Wever, to either ol die contract i"U parm h, to nme • till* r should think lit, rl any time altrr llo JUili o| October, I N ,'H, on giving due notice of l w el w mouths to the oilier Contracting party, to niiunl and nhrognie this convention; and it shall, in such case, i hr noc .rdi"gIy entirely annulled au l aim gated alier die i Xpiratloti ol the said t. mi o| iiot|.'r.” |n these attempts j to adjust the conimv rsv, t be parallel of the I. ri v ninth d*, r. I of !•**! Ill latitude had hern * 11V r# «| hy the I'mted ,V| •''<*’ C. d H ri t a in, ami in ihu-cuf 1818 and 1820,j .\i'ha loi'lo-r mnression ef ilie tree nagivulion of the ('oluedu i riw r south of that latitude. I he parallel ot the I. r t y i imh deg m |> mo die Mountains lo its : I ill i fell II w nil the lion Ilea Met II Ul I lion.!. .1 11... i .. Illmltiii, mill Ilienee dm. n Iln Hi mm I nl tlitil river to ilm hml lin n nlli rml by lin m llnlmti, with im uilililimi "I i Mna 11 tli im lunl lirulnry mmli nl ilm I'nlundiia. !■ n-h nl Iln si ,.ii JHiMtium* bail lit« n rrjrnlnii by ihe par* ili a n sprrlively. In I Irii'lmr, IM3. tlm | -.11v11y I', xtr.'inrdinary nml Mm isirr lJIi-hi.miii inmry of ilm I'mii il Siaina m ] i,ruJ,.n ” ** imibnri-i || III make n snnlar nlft r In liman in adn in 1818 mid I him shinl ilm *pmHthni h linn ilm m* pniimioii Him shortly a lit rnaida iimiisIi rind lu Wash, '•'ll"" ; and,,.n ilm-zid nl August, I8J I, Has furinally i pi irnil, in ii, r iln din ciinii nl my Hum. dune predrri * snr. l ike ,t11 ilm preva ils imgHmiMiis, u Has hand "!""i |'fim'ipti s nl "rnniprnmisrand Ilm avmvt d purs I"’SI- "I Ilm parin S Has "lu In al id ihe res|iertne Hamm n! tile twn euiiniries to the Oregon territory, with the nr., lii isiahl sh a pi rn,a.I ..idury b. iw is n ilnm h fsl u aid id tlm Hneky Mniiiii.uns in iln* I*ueilie (>• '''an Aeei iilmnly, no the k'lnli nl \ngust, 18-11, thn llinnh IM, i,• p.,iel,imry , lleied in divide ihr (>re|>. n' i, r rnnrv hy tlm huiy nunh parnllnl nl mirth latitude, ('nun in Ii'" I, v Mountain* to the point of its intersection with 'hr n riln asii rmiinsi tiraoH, of ilm t 'nltinduu river, ami ih, nee dim n il.ui riv, r In :lie si a, Inuring ihe Iree navis "1 the liver h, he enjoyed in n, mu,no |,y belli paines- ilm eiiimlrv smiih nl lb s line in In Irnie in ilm I oiled 8lai, s. and that north i f ii In Ornal lirilain. Al ilm san e Hum In pru|«iM'd, in millilinn, In yn Id in n,,. I until Sialis a delaelmil lerrilniy ni.rlh uf ihe t'nlini m.i, I XI, Inline alnn_. ilm I’aeilie ami tin Straits nl Hi,m llulliimh's I lailmr inclusive in I Im d’s ( anal ami m make'Iter in ilm Lniiul Siaiesanv |i..rt nr peris snulh • I aiilmln Inri y - nine d. grits vvliirh limy might desire '"her mi I lie „mm land ur mi Quadra and \ ,men,Ivor’s 7:" 11 .Meeptlon nl the free pone, this was ll.e Slime nil, r Hhuh had Im,II II ade by ihi lliiimh ;,iid ! "J;:':l’V,1',lir A" ' r» "" <aoV« 11111.1 Ill III the imp.. „ I",1, J l"« |ir"|M«"",i, Has j I r-1 hi I y n jecleil |,y ihe An , I H I.ipi.ii nusiy mi ilm day n was s,dimmed. I « - ihe ,nly prop, Min n nl mi, ... rt<1 hy , ,l"‘ l,r'!lfl1 11 h i",,",unary. ’| |„. pmpnsninr, on ihe , pan nl (.real Itruum having been nj, einl, ilm lluiish I It 111 it ! V riMMIt vli'il || ... nr. I . I. .1 , , . I ■ . ..... w, lll.ytlf \ H.. I lUfi ^ laus |4,r “uimimtublt* ailjusiiia ut ul‘ die , 'j'U'SlIUlj. ’ "Inn I Mur mill ..fli.T, I loiiml ihis In bo llu> oaseol on"imirm. 'I'lnii,jjli < mi riiiininj; ihe M.u|, ,| „ i " lh“' lh>' Uri'U-li pri'l. nsiniis , I li;|e cnulil nnl !■,. " " i "ui l" in V p. riii.ii nl Or, u,„, i, „„,.lv , i | ' "I'lp.e "I | im'io l..« r, n gnisi ,1 l y ualinns,'u I, in wl,al 1,11,1 *•« n dune by my prod,tK..„„| • i .pi, tally in i ni.Md, ralinn lluil prop, siiiuns of . ","7;l,;,u l""; """'r '»•> i-r.«-.d„,j.r A, I'llluiis, In ailjnst ihe ijiiosimu on 11,0 pan,II, I Ol |,,iy | "" o di pr, us, and in 11\o ol ,1, |j,V lam ihe 1,00 navigaiii ii ol U,o ( ul„„,l„„, ... i >"'l;'d boon ('inn„,„c,’il „„ il„. baa-iaol ’ i' fj' ’ ■'« "■> duly „oi almipilv v ' ' , J,'‘ under (lieonus ",.. 1 ’ •' »■■>. ../a„s ai,! Mil i " "““'" Id " J.tueriipaiuy „|' i|„, ..on I " as iii'luc, ,1 lo „a,o a noil or efloii i„ ,|,ls m ""si,,r" ■' ... .. -1'"" •!■«* renewed .1 scission. \ rd'tfly 'undent in,-Ii was r.j. «•., ,1bv |tr, " ' 1.1.. . »' I'l'lil SUtni.niii u :l, v oli o, ‘""I"'-1. M 111 i* d ... on hi* (lr„., ' '"S inni rbat III, l iniid Sun,.s' „!,) „nJ.; w iml lie saw hi In rail,'V ine lunlirr prop, sal I, r ilm 1M,„I"."" no ro onuaislfnl , , 11 "■»l> O.;vo„n„„i. p„p,|bus u|. . . . ami I'JO,•10,1, rep,.alt ,| .. , „| pa„||,.| ,„ , Vo v I , '•""‘■de. »hull I,a,I hooo 0 ,1 " ‘'dinmisiralii ns, hut ttiihom ’ , , • " .. 1‘riutn, as ,hoy I,:.,I " '7, ,r< -''"Viaai,,,,, ,,| ilio l olumlim rm r. ’ I i„ .- , -V '-n '-"I"’ Iroe n„v,„f any i'l l , r.S- Vr1' "'t' l" ,rl euiinlry, wasmio 1 1 "'K ui,willing Inouncede. |t als , r,nbraor,l a pruVuSiun Ii* trial, o (no in (irial Uruaiu any port i!* polls ti',' pan i'll "! |,,1 :;l"\. ' isls'ld. suuill „| , ' urjl1' '• 1l"‘ ""s 'eon a new ,|msii.,n, ... u„. dordisniss" "1"' ,", fir*, time, ,L piupoHliun iunld " ti uimlo. I lie eMranrdinai y and w holly n .s"f,i'"l!""7 ; 1 ro pop mail,, in d, I, ron.o alone „.! fJr .\ithLit n uoir’ai'dir,1",., .... «i'" li had . . , ' J'. " *1 " "> '".v dirorii, n, snlcounoni " .lidntt n, aid t-M, title Uill.t, « l„.k. 0:. s„„ uUu, I ry -.•.••r,»d, and, es i* lel.tvtd, tiutntaiiud by nre frag* , lili fact* and argument*. The civil»z»-d wofld will set* in these proceeding* :1 vjHiit < I iitx-ral eciu • i*M'»n on tt»e part «<l «h® I oi1* -! Sytstcs, and this Oovermiient will ho relieved I.*»f*t oil resp nsihility winch may follow ill® failure to will® the controversy. All attempt® at compromise having failed, it become* . the duty of Congress to consider what measures it may txi proper to adopt t r the tururiiy and protection of i ur citizen* now inhabiting or who may hereafter inhabit Oregon, and for the maintenance of *.nr just title to that ! territory. Iii adopting measure* for this purpose, care ► h> old be taken th it nothing tie done 10 violate the stipu* • lattons of die convention of lc^7, which is still in force. The I a i ill oi treaties, in their letter ami spirit, has ev« r Ik » n. ami. I trust, will ever he, scrupulously observed hy the Cniled Slate*. I rider that convetillon, a year’s notice in reijuin d to lie given bv either parly to the other before the joint occupancy shall terminate, and before ei ther can rightfully assert or exercise exclusive junsdie* lion over any potion if the territory. This notice it would, in hiv judgment, he proper to give; and I recoin fiicnd that pnvismn be made hy law forgiving it accor dingly, and terminating in tin* ii.nmu r the convention of the mxtil i*l August, Ik'*t7. 11 will become proper for Congress to determine what legislation they can in the mean time adopt without vio lating tin* convention. Beyond all question tin* protec> iton oi nur laws and our jurisdiction, civil and criminal, ought to he immediately extended over our citizen® ill Oregon. They have had just cause to complain ol our Ion* neglect in this particular, and have, in con si quence, hein compelled f*.r their own security ami protection to i f.'ahli-h a provisional government tor llieniM 1 vr*. S:rung in tin ir allegiance and ardent in their attachment to the I 'mu d > laies. tin v ha"e been l Inis i asl upon I loir own ; resource*. 'I hey ore anxn us llinf our laws should he j f x<< ndcd over them, ami I recommend Ihnt this he done hy ( ongress with as litile drluy as |His-ihle, in I he lull I extent lo wliii h ihe liriiitdi P.iiliamcnt have proceeded in regard lo llmndi subjects in that territory, hy llieir art ol July ihe second, IS2I, “lor regulating ilie lor trade, and establishing a criminal and civil jurisdiction withn* certain parts ol North America.” liy this act (•rent |5rit:iin extended lor laws and jurisdiction, civil and criminal, over her subject* engaged in the fur trade t in that territory, liy tithe courts of the province of I ’f p« r ( anada were empowered to take cognizance of causes civil and criminal. Justice* of the peace nod I other judicial . llieer* were authorized to he appoiult d in Oregon, with power to i xecute all proctss issuing from the courts of that province and in “sit and hold courts n| record lor tin* irial ol criminal offences aoj misdemen uors,” not made the subject of capital punishment, and also of civil cases, w here the cause ol action shall not | “exceed in value the amount or sum ol two hundred I pounds.” Subaeijnent lo the date of this an of Parliament a grant was made from the “llmisli crown” lo the llndsoe’s li t) f oinpuny of (he exclusive trade with the Indian tribes in the Oregon territory, subject to a reservation ihat it shall not operate to the exclusion “ol the subjects ol any Inreign .States, who, under or hy In row of any con vention lor ine lime being between us and such foreign , Stale* respectively, may be entitled to and bhall be enga ged m the said trade.” 11 much ti* he regretlre! that, while urnh r this net lirm-li siibjrns have enjoyoil tin* protection of Itritish j law* nnd KmhRi judicial tribunal* throughout the wlmh1 ■ I (trefoil, American ciiiz.iiis, m ih<- same territory, have ei.joyed no mm Ii protect ion from their (jovernme nt. At the-nine time then suit illusttales the chararter of our people arid their institutions. In spite < I this neglect they him multiplied,and iheir nunrihrr is rapidly incre *• «i?g in that territory. They have made no appeal to arms, hut have peacefully p rlified themselves in their new liuines hy the adoption of republican institutions lor il" uis< Ives—lurniHhing another example of the truth that sell government is inherent in the American hrenst.and must prevail. It is due to them that they should be cm* bran d and protected by our laws. Ii is deemed important that our laws regulating trade ami intercourse with the Indian tribes east of the Rocky Mountains should be extended to such tribes as dwell he* yield them, I be increasing emigrations to Oregon, and the rare nnd protection which is due Irom the (jovern meni lolls citizen* in that distant region, make n our duty, ns it is <ur inlert st, to cultivate niuicahle relations w ith die In dian tribes of that lerrintry. Tor this pit rpese I recom mend that provision be made lor establishing an Indian agency and such sub agencies as may be deemed neces sary beyond the Rocky Mountain. I't r the protection of emigrants w hilst on their way to < Rrgon against the attaeks ol the Indian triui s occupying the eountiy through which they pass. | recommend that a suitable number of stockades and block house forts be e reeted along the usual route between our frontier settle m. ms « n the Missouri and the Rocky Mountains, and that an adequate force of mounted riflemen he raised to guard and protect them on their journey. 'I he immedi ate ad- ptiim of these recommendations hy Congress w ill not vitdate the provisions of the existing treaty. It will he doing nothing more for Ameriean citizens th;in Rritish laws have long since done for Rrilish subjects in the same territory. Ii rt unites several nnmilis In pptfnrm llm vnyagp by sea * rum llir Atlantic Stales I.. Oregon; anil alii,.. have a large number ul whale ships in the l’dc-iiic. lu.t 'hem allurd an ii|<| uriitniiy <,1 inn rolmngiiur' n,. njligpnee williuui great .1.1:.v holweer.r sotllrmenls ... ih,. distant region mid the I'mled Slates. An over liihd mail is believed in bp i unruly practicable, ai d the ""I” riai'CP ol establishing sm-li a mail al b ast „nce a ■ii.mtli. is submitted tu tbu favorable Consideration uf Congress. II is submitted tu Iliu wisdom of Congress lo determine w belli.t, at tlo-ir present session, ati.l until afior Ihe ex. l"ra""" 1,1 'be year's notice, nuy <>iher measure may b« n. Jnptv.l conslsletilly Willi llio convention of Is'd7, lor Ihe s. i uriiy Id our rights and the government and proieciiut olour citizens m Oregon. Thai ll will ultimately be Wiso and priijier lu make liberal grants of land in ibe pa liiullo pioneers, w bo. amidst ..ns a. d dangers, lead Ibe way through savage tribes inhabiting the vast nil ib mess intervening b. iwt-n our frontier Settlements and Iln oo.i, and win. cultivate and are ever ready lo defend i ‘ M,‘ * I ;iln fully sail.-fled. To doubt whether they ( will obtain such graiea ca soon as the convention i,e tween ilie I lilted Slates and (Real Uritam shall have c.UMil lo I Xist, would lie Indoubt Ibe justice uf Congress; •" I"1"/* lh" y »’'* "ul.. „ i8 worthy „f considrra """ W •> Ib. r a stipulation to ,I,is effect may be made eon. msii "Ilv W ill. I lie spirit ul that cnnvemimi. I be reeiimnieiidaliuna which I have made, as l„ ibe lest manner „l securing i ur rights in Oregon, are sub ioiiimIi" .mgreat with great deference. Should they in ! .. ,I,,VI"« ***•> >"t" r mode beller ealeulal. d lu otopnsb 'lie same object, || shall meel will, my hear ty concurrence. Al ll" '111 "f ||"1 V- ai’s tioiiep, should Cur,ores, think -I l""l"r •'> niuko provision b.r giving tbst nonce „e slMl, reached a period w hen the national rights in On g. u m„s, either be abandon, d or fiin.U .. .‘7' 'hej euunol be ibsuduned will.I a suer I lieu ,| both national honor and, is loo clear to admit ol (ii'Oot. - " '* 11 l,nrl 1,1 'he Non II Ameriean, lo ", s’, „'S 7.. "fl'r'"pd- 'be title of ,1,0 Coiled w h h ,1 ! Sl ""W !" ' ... Cor II,o grounds on ' I' b bat.,, e rusts, I rote, you ,o the correspondence ; . ", li,1,: a 1,1 l,rew»l 'taiy of Slate with the Hr,, ''' * " "ipoii nllary during the negutiaiinn. The Urnisl. , ,-orol,riinils" . wlitr-h would make the Cu. a.V.Voir.n "r T", 1,,M-V with a •Id. I o n id rletaebed lemiur; n, the I n,led Sums north oii nvir. s„d would have on the, side two tbo w bule Oregon territory, inch,dm,r he free :rrT::v,,eC". V lie I oeS.'T" ",V,M"r " """"'"'.be emeriaiio .1 jus o, * V,,Mmlan “bandonmeu. .,1 tboi. jus a id clear territorial rights, iheir self rest,, n l':„, mo,u'."T“ ... Kor ",p '"birnuitioi, ol Cbuiuress goinitu,,. Oovernmpiila duri.M tbu late no ,.„',ese.;r;!;7:e"s"'n,'rm',r “""-""•"'s ->v,.,0ur .em oiireoiileder ieVU"'i’|7e"lvl ' '■l** 1,1 now Slates permit any K„rnn,»n I, """""I ", silence \ e»u continent; a^d 7'"h, “ !hf N"r'1' Am«ri templed, w ill be r, ,,iv i } sui b inlerlerence be al uady lo resist it at any and all |,s*s :'zt "■ ■» - 'be ... subsist,,,O | lilS i""V,\r '"" 'rprPil w ill, ! |,|V.vs. ..up! albaoeps; we have mu k , " ' :, lr **:ir-" "r Iheir j l««i; we ban „ „ ,7, . " '" ■" "'■Mioggbsjand Is I lev in “ ‘ pa.r,"'!' "' 'bei, dnmes- I »U,|,t l,(- ; .. -overmneitt j bate ncvtraiun,pled lo prepay,e It I ls Juttigt ,1\ (1 i;>1 mary.wr by force. We may rltim , u tins o.miucm a like # \cmjMtoti from Kuro:*.ttt inter ference. The nan- >n ol A.m-riea arc • pirily - iverei/ i and independent w \ h those of *;*«■. They |>o-s.-sh ihe Mine right*. independent of all foreign interposition, lo make war, to roiicJud# peace ami tu regulate their it.* trrnal affair*. 'i he people o| the United Stale* cannot, ili*'fefore, vow with indifference attempt* ol Kuropean powers tu interfere with the independent action t»f the nations on tin* roniinmt. The American system of go vernment is entirely *1 ifl* r* nt from that ol Kurofic. .leal* nusy among the Hid* rent sovereign* of Kuroj-e, h ast any i)«it> i t them might heroine mo powerlul for the rest, has t niiscd them anxiously tu d» sin- the ritabiishin* til ol w hat ih*y lerm the “liahmee of power.” Ii cannot tie per mitted to have any application on ihe N«.rtli Amernan comment, and e*|>oc.itlly to the l lilted States. \Ye must ever maintain the pnnciple that the people of ties comment alone have the right to decide tin tr own destiny. Should any (►onion ofilieui, const liming an independent Slate, propose to unite Ihem sc Ives with our confed.-racy, ihi* will ha a qti' sii m for th*rr aid into determine, without any foreign interpnuiti n. W o ran never con* sent that Konqrean Powers shall interfere to prevent such a union, ticca use i* might disiurh the “balance of'power” winch they may desire to maintain upon this continent. Near a quarter of a century ago, the principle was dis* tinctly annouriced to il.e worid, in Urn annual message u| one of my predecessors, that “the American continents, by the free and uni* poind* nt e»-uditmu which they hare assumed and maintain, an- to ncetorth not to l>»* consider od r.s subjects for future colonization by any Kuropean powe r.” 'Phis priucipl e will apply with greatly ii.* creased force, should any Kumpcnn power attempt to establish any new colony in N <rili \.m iici. In the existing circumstances ol llie world, ihe pn -* nt is dee ti ed a proper ocra-inn to reiterate and re ailirui the princi ple avowed by Mr. Monroe, ami in slate mv cordial con currence in iis wisdom and sound policy. Tnn re-nsser tioii ofiliis principle, i specially m reference to Nor h America, is nl this day k>it t ihe promulgation of a policy which no Kuropean Power should cherish the di.-posi* lion in resist. Kxisiiug rmhu uf every Kuropean na* lion should he respected; hut it is due alike tu our safety and our interests that »In* * Hi -iont protection of our laws should he extended over our w hole territorial limits, and that M should he distinctly ami unced to the world as our si tiled policy, that no future Kuropean colony or domin ion shall, with our consent, he planted or established on any partol the North American roir.inent. A question has recently arisen under the tenth article of ihe subsisting irealy bet w ten the l'nited State* and Prussia By tins art -rip, the consuls of die two coun tries lave ihe right lo si I as judges and arbitrator* “in such drib fences as may arise b» iwei n the captains and crews uf the vessels belonging to the nation whose in terests are committed to iheir charge, without the interference uf the local authorities, unless the conduct of the crews or of the caplain should disturb the order or tranquility of the countryj nr ti e stud consuls should r* 'pure their assistance tu can*e their decisions tu be car ried in let effector supported.” The Prussian Consul at New Bedford, in June, 1844 'applied to Mr. Justice Story to carry into effect a decis ion made by him bet w een the captain and crew of the Prussian shin Burussia: hut the remieal wan rem^. i .... the ground lliat, w illimit previous legislation by Con gross, the judicial)' rlul nol possess ihe power lo gjveef lerl lo this article ol the treaty. The Prussian Govern II,dill, through their Minister here, have rmnphiiiied of ilus violation ol ttie treaty, and have asked ihe Govern ment of the I oiled Slates t,> adopt ihe necessary mra »»ri ' Ik prevent similar violations hereafter. Good laith lu Prussia, as well os to other nations with "'" i" ... Irmly stipulations, requires that iliese should he faithfully observed. I have deemed n proper, therefore, lu lay the subject belore Congress,and j to reemmnend such legislation as may tie necessary in give , If, ct to these treaty obligations. liy virtue ufan arrange.til made la tween the Span • ish Government and that of the U nited States in De cember, I Sol, A me, lean vessels, since I lie 2'.Mh of April, 1MI2, have been admitted to eniry in Ihe p ,rts of Spain) including those of the llalearic and Canary Islands, on payment ot the same tonnage duty of live cents per ton, as though they had lie, n Spanish vessels; and this, vvlielln r our vi ssi Is arrive in Spain, directly from the l lined Slates, or indirectly Iroui any other country._ When C, tigress, by the act ot the Itil'h July, 1832, gave I Heel to this arrangement between the two Goveriiiiienls they confined the reduction ut tonnage duty merely to Spamsh vessels “entiling from a |s,rl in Spain,” h .ivino the firmer discriminating duly In remain against sucli vissels coming from a port in any other emmlry. It is manifestly unjust that, whilst American vessels, arriving in the ports ot Spain from oilier countries, pay no mure duty than Spanish vessels arriving in ihe ports of ihe Untied Slates In m other rocmries should lie subjected to heavy discriminating lonnaoe duties. This is neither 1 quality or reciprocity, and is in vi, latum of the arratme inent concluded in December, IS3I, between the two countries. Ihe Spanish Government have made res pealed and earnest remmisiranees against this ineipalitv, and Ihe lav, table attention ol ( ongriss has been several limes invoked lollie subject liy my predecessors. | re commend, as an set of justice to Spain, that this inequal ity he removed liy Congress, and that’ the discrimina ling duties w hich have been levied under the act ot tire loth ol duly, 1832, on Spanisii vessels coining to the t lilted Slates from any other foreign country, lie relunrls ell. This recoin.. dees not embrace Spanish vessels arriving in the United Stales from Cuba and Porto Rico, w Inch will.still remain subject tu t lie pruvis. ions ol Ihe act ol June 211, 1834, concerning tonnaoe du nes on such vessels. I** *he net ol Ihe I lilt of July, 1832, coffee was ex empted from duty altogether. This exemption was universal, without reference to ti e Country where il was produced, or the national character of the vessel in which It was imported liy the tariff act ef theSOtlt of Au gust, 18 12, this exemption from duty was restricted lo coffee imported in American vessels from lire place of its production; w hilst coffee imported tinder all other fireninstances was subjected to a duly of twenty per cent, ud valorem. Under this act, and our exisiimr trea ty with the king of the Netherlands, Java coffee im ported Irom the European ports of that kingdom into Ihe Lulled States, whether in Dutch or American vessels, now pays that rate of drpy. t he Government of Ihe Net tier lands complains that such a diseriiniiiuiing duly stroll Id have been imposed on enflee, tin; production ot "lie ol its Colonies, and w Inch is chn Hy lirough from Java to tlie ports ot that kiogduin; and exported Iroui thence lo foreign countries. Uur trado with the Netherlands is highly beneficial lo both countries, and our relations wiih them have ever been ol the most friendly character. Un der all the circumstances of the ease, I recommend that this diserim.lion should lie ahn islied, ai d that the rnf fee ol Java imported from tlie Netherlands he he placed open the same Hinting w ith that imported directly from liu.zil and ot her countries w here it is produced. Under Iheiigtl of the tariff net of the 30llt ol J " * -* u 1,11 .> • 1 corns j»or jjaiion w?i9 nn rus,‘l l">fi »'!' e in casks; while on iho red wines ol several ollu r countries, when in.ported iri casks, a duly ••I t.nlv six cm is pi r gailmi was imposed. Tins dis « runmutism, so lar as regard'd ihe Port wine ol Pur-* uigal, was deemed a vi<.|nti..n .> treaty with lhat IW.T, which provides that "no higher or other duties 'hull he imposed upon llm niijiorlalion into the United Mates,,I A erica oi any article the growth, produce, or manufacture ut the kingdom and pisseesiima ,,i Portugal ,ll:,n s,"'h as :>f• ut sluill be payable on the like article! oeiog the grow lh, produce, or mannfaciure of any other foreign country.” Accordingly, to give effect to the trea i\, a>w» ll as it) 11ie intention of (/dnoress, expressed in a proviso to the tariff act list It, lhat nothing tticnto contained should he so eonslrmd as to interfere with subsisting treaties with foreign nations, a Treasury '•'tctiltr was issued on the l.tth of July, |bl4, which a mono other things, declared Ihe duly on the port wine ol I orlugal, in casks, under the existing laws and Irea iy, tu be six cents per gallon, and directed that ihe ex "essn duties which nad been collected on such .. ool 111* refunded. Uy virtue ..fate liter cl:, sc in i|,c same section of ihe an n is provided that all imitations °.r a">' " inw “-I.all be subject to the duty WO, i‘ I '1' «enu."‘e “t'wle.” Imitations of purl lent iii|,B,,i’r"<|l'C"Uni1,1 1 ^a"''<, ari' ilnl> ,rlpd to some ex " ■'! ^ "ll"1 S :|les, a.ol tim (iovcriimenl of that ,1 • ° claims that, untler a correct construction ol Frol.,-!.1. a*,,War8 ,u ,Iie l" b*! unequal and unjust t|,ai Ifoio Ivr^Il T"u wl,ile lim nu,m valua!,!.- nr.icle ,,fr I"il‘l<1 l,:,y a ‘liny ,,r six upiiis onlv Innri.i , „'a. „ 10 Congress Slid. 1* i . l, 0 n|'r<-s-arv In cnrrwi i!ie inequality. 'i(’r iu I 'r * annual iimssa^ecifDi-cern c-laiins ,'i lilt! Texan"'1 v "" u> f.''»fy wliir>Li inii iu'erwinur against flu? U, Stales, ' ,|,r‘ v.sly .KljuM,.,!, «, far a, il„ i r.i tii tin* r.xertilivf tv«... i 'n i ' ‘I- acl i.fd^ra.i,,., ; 1 ■ r- • C,""n* !,r‘"Tu"' •..' , ';v 'M!!.... ,1ir'‘J'r 'I'* il Hin l nil, tl Slairs ■■■'* ,“.^ .. . i , , • at .iim i(i,ii,.r urt.tT.s ui „i,r 1, ivrn, U,cu‘!t tiiiry iuiu tliu curium butt»u ai I liarlv s burning, oil Rmf river, by certain eii/rn* *-f tl>»* I tiiu-il Nates ami iTii'jr n\uy iherrtr->n the o.hhIs *'* !/-.! I*y ill*- ( ■ -' 1# «•!. r. I tin CttHuitw It forfeited lift d. r tli*' lawsol i«x is. I'liis was a lh|utd:tied debt, as certained to be due t" 'f i xes w Inn an inde|ichdrtit Slate. Her acceptame of the terms of annexation pro, posed by the I oiled Stalls dors nut discharge or io*> falnlaie the claim. 1 recutnii.end that pro vis ion''be made for its payment. 'i'be Commissioner nppoir,tel io China during thet*po ctal session of toe Senate in March last, shortly after wards set out on on his mission in the Coiled States ship Columbus. On arriving at Rm de Janeiro ,.u I,is p.s-age. the Siam of |,t- health had becomes) critual that, by the advice of his medical attendants, he return.' »-c to t be United Stairs early in il.o month of October last. Commodore Biddle, commanding the Hast India Mprulrun, preceded on hi* v..y,,2e In lln. Columbus, and was cli,treed by Ihe CiHiniiiMioopr nlib Hie duly,>| < chaouioo will, Hip pr,,|«.r aulh, mips >l„- ra,,ft.„f Ho. truily iau-ly concluded will, flip Kmperur ol China. . lore the return ol the Commissioner to the Coiled Simps, id* In,,III, linsbppn much improvi-d. and he p„. K-riMi.s I he coiifitl. ot belief that he w Hi he able t, proceed on bin mia-iun, I, iluriu,lately, difference* continue to exist nmnn.r S1 ",,p the nations ul South An,erica, Which, follow,,,* aur example, base ratabUhcd ll.pir independem-p, wl„h, m uthera internal diR*e„li,ms prevail. I, is natural Him our sv,„pail,lea should bp warmly ciliated f„r their w. I lore; that weal,mil,I ilea,rr that all cn,„ruver*ies hemp,.,, iIipii, should he amicably adjosied. and their love r,,, merits admix,sirred ,t, a manner lu pnitecl ,hp ri and pro,Hole the prosperity of Hip people. |, j* nrv how ever, to our aeliled policy to interfere ,„ H.err cmrtr' versics. whether external or inlernal II, we ll,„. adverted to nil the mhiacl, cmnacted with nor lors.oo r,.|at,„„. mwl.i.l, | ;t „v tooratieniioa < I ,r policy i, ... w.i'h all , ym.J avail to.Viirds all <h ■ Powers o, tile e„r,h V* |,dp' we arc ,„st to all, we rpipiire that all xhatl yt. *the flillciciv,* w„l, Mexico and (ir. a, lt,„iUo ,„,r relations Will, all cv,I,zed lutiaio or, o, Hi,, „„„, i*(.,0. myehiuacwr. It ,* h ,p, ,1 in col.yjhtcn.d a tin -,.- difleren ex may be amieaMy jutUrl. r I li« Secretary of the Treasury, in hi* annual rrn.yri, fn 1 ougres-, will communicate a full -latement ot the eondi tion td our finances. 'I*lie imports lor the fiscal vi*ar r, t lug; on the 30th of June last, were of the value n| «,„• drvtl and *ertuiiecii millions rw > immlinl nml fitly lour thou saml five hundred and n.ixty-1'our dollars, ol w li*i h (| a„ immnt exported was tittem 'niibim,- three hundred and ty-Mx thousand eight hundred and thirt y dollars— leaving „ I in I ii n (* r* ot one IiiiiiUm d and one millions nine hundred aid f*evm thousand *c\ rn hundred and thirty lour dollars for ,h, u.est,,- eonmimption. The expmts for the-nine }eni w,ro ol the value ul one hundred and fourteen million-six |,un drrd and forty six thousand six hundred ami Pi.\ dollars, «,f w hich the amount ot d,me-tie m tides wus ninety nine mil lions two hundred and iiiie*v-n ne thousand si-m u heudrol nml stventy-six dollar-, tlm receipts into the Tiinsniy dunng the-aim* vtar were twenty-nine million- «, tm ! dr.'ll nnd sixty-nine thousand one hundred andthirh- hue dollar* and fifty-six rents, n| \% liir-h there weietlt riyed f,„i.i customs twenly-*e?. n millions live hon.l.ctl andtweuti. eight thousand one hundred ami tw elve doll .r- n d *, »,, ,, "Kin Mlrsul llir |mliln; lamls, two il.illii.iis si-vcin »i-vcli llioii.jitill mill tunny lv.o ,l„lk,i* mid il jm cut-- m.-i and Irnm incidental and marrllane. ns sum, i>, |lUI'ili, mi,I sixl, -ilirri- mil nine hundred anil runt ti -i it-1 l d,,l* lata,initial-six rents. I hr r xprnd .1 nr. s h-r tl.r same null nria tiirnlj-nine mil'inn, nine lillndir.l , „d-ixl, rlrjit tlmtisand two linndird mnl six d-.llauand i.inrH ■ 'it a id-, ..I ii In, I, rir|„ nulu.-ii li,e linndird ,u d , i*|.t,. ftt'i't In iu i and one lin lid r. d ninl till, -seven dollars .I *i.i, lu" r.ntx ivc.r ai.plird In tl,r jiaum-nt .1 il,r del,,. I lie balance in tin- 1 rensurv i.n the lirst ot July l,,st »as Ml rn million* six hand ml Dm ci-lit thousand thit« nilm!n-d and "ix dollars und tvvi nt ,-t w o cent* I he amount ol the public ill hi remaining urpaiil • n •{ « 1*1 t»l October last wa- seventeen un lioib tin tho\ - s,*n'l f<»ur hundied Hint tort\ -li\e doliuis ami lili > -iw o cent*. Furth. i payment" ol the public debts \\m Id |,,v, \„ „uui, ’ in anticipation ol the* period of its reimbursement unrirr the authority conferred upon the Scietarv ol the Trca-ury l.v the .iris of .lul\ VIM, 1S41, and April lji),, |M_\ -id March 3 1, 1S4.‘1. hail Hot the hum tiled state ol out n-lut .t.i.i "ill* Mexico menaced hostile collision with tFnt Power -- In v iew of such a cotltingi i cy, it was devo id prudent t<» retain iu the Treasury an amount umnuallv large lot unli n.iry purposes. A lew years agonnr who!* national debt growing out of t»ic Revolution and the war of Is; 12 with Gnat |!,,um was extinguished, am! we pie«intcd to the wtold the i;ne ami noble spectacle of n strut and grow ing pcojde w ho had fi ll v di-*chaiged every obligation. Since that time tin existing ili In has I ecn routmeted, anil small us jt is, hi cemp>ii*i n with the similar burdens • ! most other nations, it *h« ult! |e extinguished at the eni In s| practibabl* p. u< d b'hould the state ol the country permit, and, especially, if cur hue u relations interp, st no obstacle, it is i ontempla ted to n, . v all t he nu-ncys in the Treasury, a- tbev arci tie, l ev mV v | >,’| is required lor tin ayuwpriations ol Congiess, in’ jj* J, , i> d.itioii. I cherish the hope of soon being able to n. laia the country on its recovering once more the lo|t» j i • i lion which it so re< cutly occupied. Our couniiv, who i . x hihit* to the world the bemlii.s of self government in ,V. veloping all the sources of nati »nal prosperity, owe* to mankind the permanent example of a nation tni in in the blighting influence of a public debt. 1 lie attention of C ongicas is invited to the important ' ■ f nuking suitable mollifications and reductions of tin- rati > I dut y inmosed by nur pie.-rnt fnnfT la ws. I he object ,.I m - posing duties on imports should he to rai?e it veVue to pay the necessary expensed of Government. r.mgr, ss mas , undoubtedly, in tli exercise of a sound di-u relion. disc.,., iittein arranging the rates of duty on ditlireut urticlrs, hu| the distriminatinos should be within the revenue standard, and with the view to iai.-e mon v Fu the support of Government. It becomes important to understand distinctly v hut is meant by a revenue standard, the maximum ol w hi. h Mi old not he exceeded in the rates of duty imposed. I» dcd.rvnd experience |»r*\e-, that dut ies nav l elaid >«• luji as to dimmish nr prohibit altogether the iinpurlation ol anv given article, and thereby Icsren or destiny tin r.-venui: " hich, ut lower rate*, would be derived from iu iuiporialion. s “'*!• duties exceed 'In- rev rune ra les, a id aie not inipo«rd to raise money for the support of Gov ei umc nt. lfCon«re«s luty* a duty lor revenue of one percent, on n given rticle, it will produce n given amount ot money to the Tie; «utv , and will incidentally and nrcessarilv nUiud protection or advantage to tli,* amount ol one percent, to tin* home niann lacturei of » similar or like article over the importer. II the duty be raided to ten per cent.,it will produce n greater amount ol money ami nflord gientcr protection. If it be "till raised to twenty, twenty-live, or thirty percent, nod if. ai it is raisid, the revenue denved from it is found u» b>* in creased, the protection or advantage will also be increase!; but if il lie raised to thirty-one percent., and it is found thu the revenue produced ut that rate is less than at thirty per cent, it ceases to be a revenue duty. Tin* precise point in the iiscendingscale ofduties, at which it U nseertuinrd lr 11 experience 1 ha it he revenue is greatest, is the maximum rate of duty which ran he laid tor the turn a Julr purpose rf • ollecting money lor the support of (government. I * mis'* the duties liiulii r than that point, and thereby dimiti'h tin amount collected, is lo levy tlnm for protection nurd' . o• »i not for revenue. A« long, then, as Congress may gra'ImtHy increase the rate of duty on a given article, ond the n vii i'c is increased by such increase of duty, they are within M* revenue standard. When they go beyond that point, ar«l *■» they increase the duties, the revenue is diminished 1 r des troyed, the net ceases to have for its object the rai**i•*g f money to support (io\ tonment. but is for protection irerc'y. It docs not follow ihitt Congress should lew the lowliest duty on al| articles of inipoit which flit v will bear w ill* " M-e rever tie standard ; for such rates would probably a much larger iitnounl than the economical ndminMrath n 1 * the govemment would require. Nor does it follow tl at tic duties on art irles should bent the smrc or a horizontal me. Some articles will hear a milch higher revenue dut' tl-'1 others. lie low the ninxitini of the revenue standard t on." •* may and ought to discriminate in the rati * imposed, ’h'"1 i* care so to adjust them on different aiiulcs as t- |’T'’ ! dticc in tha aggregate nmoitnt which, wften added to t < '' j reed* of the sales of public lands, mnv be needed to pa} ,l '' economical expense* of the government. In levying a tariir of duties, Congiess exercises 11: r t - ing power, and for purposes af revenu-* may si b et tlr> ' jectaof taxation. They may exempt ceilain;ii?i<-Ice 1 n-cr thcr. an ! permit their Importation lice of duty. (hiotl*,H Mi ay may impose low duties. In these classes should K c ‘ braced such articles of necessity as are in general u*r.«' especially such as are consumed l>\ tin* laborer and tl" poor, as well a< by the wealthy" Care shonU he taken that all the great interests of the country, it" "* ding the manufacturers, agricultural, rommerce, na' • tion, and the mechanic art-,' should, ns far a* mav be I” 1 ticahle, derive equal advantages fruin the incidt n'.'l tc« lion which a jtut system of revenue duties may all ■* ■ Taxation direct oi indirect, i« a burden, audit shout-.-,p ■ so imposed as to operate ns equally as mnv he on all 1 • .9 p% in M>e proportion of their ability to b- nr if To ■ I he taxing power an nefunl hem fit to one dn-s nrcesarily ,rj ■ arrases the burthen of others lieyond their proportion.' ‘H would be manifestly unjust. 'The terms ‘'protection f'11 ® u»<-sin: industry, are of |>jiuI'i r import. but they siieim* |dy under a jd«t system to all the various brnnrlu*- »'f dnsfry in our country. The farmer nr planter who '■ ' 'e.trly in his fields, is engaged in “dt mestic industry ‘ is as much entitled to hive his labor “piutectcd,” a*1’’ manufacturer, the man of commerce, the navigator. 1 ^ mechanic, who are engnsxd also in “doincoic indii*,n ' theirdifferent pursuit*. 'J*he joint labors of all these 4 constitute the aggregate of the “domestic industry” of I* 1 1 turn, and they are equally entitled to the nation** “|1 u ti'*n.” No one of them can justly claim to he the evdu**/' recipients of‘ protection.” which enn only he ntl »r’id hy 1 ' creasing burdens on the “domestic industry” of fh< th-' * , It these views he correct, it remains to inquire ho" I " * tarilTact of 184*2 is eousistent with them, '/’h it many <■! ' provisions of that net arc in violation of the cardinal P1'1, ' jdcs here laid down, all must concede. The rate* "t imposed hv it on some articles ar* prohibitory, and " 1 rrs so high as great I v to diminish importations, nndt"l'r luce a le'Srf amount of revenue than would be derived b‘ 1 lower rates. They operate as “protection merely,” *' jra'icli of “domestic industry,'* iiy taxing other b*II* . 15y thn introduction of minimi! ns, or assumed ! disc yalup**, hnd by ihp imposition of specific d* 1 he injustice and inequality nftlm act of 11111 • opmtions on different classes and |"ir>" * lie avt;i ami fell. Many of the npjiruttivc li-i'u* ,,li