Newspaper Page Text
»*#>/,. I I f I*.—v». 07 •I‘r 1\1R Ii Y tfC H BU R(i VIRGINIAN, Ft published lemi-toeekly ievery Alaiuiaq and 1'hursd'iy ut Pour Doll ns per annum, payable in advance. *Ve sub tc rip Dan toillbc reccivcdjor a shot lettune than sir months 'imi no paper tcill be discontinued, (except ut the discrctioi '+• the Editors,) until all arrearases are paid. Al)lrEllTISE.WiLVI S inserted at 50 cents pc. square (or less) for every inner for / »»io rtion and '•] ; cei's a • r sj i ic (or J ss) far every outer form insertion. EVERY ADVERTISER is required tn note, on hi manuscript, hotv tong he wishes his tin rfisenent inserted an advertisement, not so noted, will he inserted till itsd•> ontinnance be ordered. FOR VEAIIEV AIJVEnTFSlMrs the terms are , fat i ■ l ' - : . , I ' ’ ' . ' tdvertisa ■Vill he re / ni l to ) Uis u .1 , t. ■. ng t» hispurttcu ar line of bn ii.ics s, iff* JO II Plll.VFLVG executed neatly and expeditious’ l>m,7 on reasonable terms. f .voti it:. f U Vl | |\ o i-partners! io Ii * '•'*.! .re e\-''Mfr under V11 e 3 style o! IV-20 .* .■ w . < xi'irnl tin the «2Sih nl'i.i.n. I in- 11 m I 'le- firm xx ill only he ii sod in x\ i ini i ;i j up th<- bnsn.. A I -• s indebted to i ■ I• \ I*• si .1 «,r am toil xx II ple-e • ■ one lor W i rd and sel'le. Iln-se lo xx limn xx e -ire in I Will please present their accounts 1-t ‘•ei'li ■, as ii is »!•* M ruble liial the business »IojiiM l» • .I as speedily as j title. WM (*. !1 i. K. TllO. W . AiK t l . 13i«j Lick. March 19, ! >. ^a:tv r-r^ra: BlIIF firm nT I’.-.-k k Mn-.i'i h-ivin* i-\p;r<d on the . 2>lli it!tinto, a new c.- partnership w as i nter* d in to by llio same parlies, n the - id ins' •. 11■ i•:■ r the s') P . I .1SB1 Oi #V t*KVt£q lor the purpose of condue-in^ t o TXLB BUSINESS «s In ■ tt tin ir d *i i,d. \\ i ejpeel m a h xv w ei i to our present .*toek , by pn i i-t e •. • • m i|i • A. e . h in Maikeln, hy one i.f tin parti.< -s, s p. ,i it worth) • filial pa I rmi m e w h ic|| \x us s . I literal I \ lieg'uw ed Upon the old r*o: cem. To mh-Ii a> !*oy t*' i. r e.>li, we shall hold out extraordinary inilmvaiei.'s u> , . .1 u-. Ain or k I’Kri;. 13i*j Lick, M uch 19 i n mi f<lt iyvr<' ii is iti //»! ACtitfm BIIAYK n-ci'iv« <1 a ].n .1 K \Zl>U M UAI’S, ninilehy Sunk, sn wi ll k• • • • \\ it as Hie Siraji hum, 8m«I I ciiiifiilrnily In* I i'Vc i! . :n in In t|.i* h. - S rai* I r the uioiipy I liuv < i \ m -11 i . ■ ■ i t>. W. MHOUK, o! ill) Hu I’llrliiT. Van-h 10 is auilm-u, S'.'itla*Vr. 5\ ’< V RK( FI V FI ». at '!.*■ Ij. u Ii w IYI) i'l.ltl"! ( i .IS, ( < M III1 Ml “ C Il f! r rilHM'll i * II MS. 1 "lull , (i hut and \ mu in tm -m re, Snj'l'i i r (in tar ai ii \ i. I n Sinn . ■ *. F..r s.a!«* xfiy low, hy Ik Ik I' \YNE. March 10 ta S 8 O .<** STOf.KN i 1 . i . ' ^ 1 III! III. Ill III III)1 1,‘ilM . si till . :| I •;»»» i 1 A ^ JNl A ti K. ' v I 1*m w In.. w i si.i* -A.i'k- » i' >• i i M's !.i r i ,.i u . • v. rx hull |clip's *ii i liilv wi ll-- In' it: R On* :i irk n| her. , , 1 r | 'V : ' • , r. \ . ,.,V Ml ihe ''an*. IIF.NKY r. 11: VI NCi. Ch : , rliiul ( ! k. M.r-li iO 2l . / : or, (’i f or. f Tf 'trI, f: «r. I W J >. | i • ■ i • • t i? “ | i ii is y p 1 i di d. | w ill mi w* u ii • r.<I |1 r . F M'nte at thlo mIU'M , t.r iIp'rh.I. I,., iln ^h the I', v* Ulii.-r, Alarm 10 4t 33 Z 5 S O X, XT TIO N . f S V. 1E ... m . T M ii : r- 1 '' . i ■ l"'ui dis. i. aulyed on I' <* I 'i .M 'V. I I 1 ii ' ’ rust < l .? lines Ik S11,:tIi. iii i' " K k - . !'• ■ 1 \ • • the concern, havinvr !•»> n j. .-Ii t - - ! s F. ,i Ik Mur rill, tins is im m a iy ill i" u .ms, w Ii . . 'wr, that In*, tli*- naifl Wm. H. Si authorized !u !•*)!!« l tml s i •• i!u saa. \YM Ik MCKKIFF, JAS. Ik S OI 1 II. March 12 •> v The ftrrgj;) Qh: Settled. .9 l v3C,S 23. .MS2TEI FBRAKES this I thanks 1.1 iln* |.iihlii\ (■ i Hu' vurv 111 •«.r:iI ji.i'r iivc hesloWuI HI lice Ills Wlilnlrrt Will Wm.I1 I:: t * him I Ml.r till S nil Ii; and w «>uM » ■ v '<» COU’iSTTHY H.1ROII /Y23TS, Tim lit? Iihk i • / '/. V H SI It l.. ran he f< nnil in the u|ij••*r *• mii rv.a il w«l! I'ositivvly tell, wholesale hills ii I«i • * I u»• ■ ■ il prices. '* EiircunJae Iiom.c imliuirv.” Call at the S _jn ol tin* I5u ( !l ;»? Ikd, Hunk Sij'ltre, Fvri'-h'iiirjr V*. Mart'll 12 is •Uualursf I,find for Stefr, BY virtue of a deeree of the < ’ij<• u11 Siij.«n r C nri of I .a w ami (■ hiiirei v. t*>r t In* I , \ nrith irg di*t m-t, \Tut.utineetl in the ra*e ol ( 'Iji ks.mi\s Admliusintr :i gainst fiarlsml uml others, I \\ ill. as ( 'mnnii^i mi-r • • • >;ml Cmirl, mi the premises, at N.u (il.is_i.iw, the 1/iili i ay of April next, sell the MANSION HOUS5 TH AC T OT LAND, «'f which David S. (j irlamJ died si .•/ .J and j O'^a s- ,d. lying in and adjoining the low n o| .New (ilnsgow, to the highest bidder, oil a credit of six, twelve and eighteen! months, «Tpial instilment'?, burnt ami appt veil scenrity will he required, and the title w lihm-'d till the last p t\ , merit is made—puss* ssiofi for seeding "til tie given at the usual time, and final |ios>< s>ion n the 1st Jane »ry. 1847, or p. limps . Hr. This I lf VCT mostly li.-s well anil is ..h- u'cri-nt inipruvion.Mil. Ii his a sufficient 'I'lanliiy ul Wood Land h.r its support, and a commodious ‘ i) if K r. i. i a* <i ii o v s /■;, RTOllE HOUSE, COUNTING-ROOM AN1) OFFICES, RR well as Out buildings, suit thin f ir a fanner, mer chant or professional man. The tract containin'' up wards of six hundred acres. .... „ , ( HA’S. I’ERltOVV, Com’r. I lip Richmond Whin will copy. Alarcl' 10 115 A p i\i:w nvinwvAtn: ktokb:. I If f.lii.lf nit! is now receiving and open • lng, next dour below Messrs. Turner & liurwell, an entire new stuck of «*MtflllViJlU .V CUTLER 1*. winc h be is anxious to tlispuse of, on very reasonable „„i!l'"ISP',!",n',rs’ House.keepers. Farmers, Black l"< »p«tpd . i’.'K" Wanl "r ,,r"‘'l,'s Ii™, ^p Ftb oV“ca be*°re purchasing elsewhtie. ’ 46 18 i #* s: • ?s 4pi:s.::: ' | 111 K suhscr.her having “raised the wind” once ■ more, is prepared to carry on again the BUTOHEIUNG BUSINESS, \\ ith a determination to give general sa> Machon. He will at allti oea give lire highest cash price*; and in* v111 s all rew/ers in his l-ur to give linn a.i occasional call. (Go* wa rd to It is creditor*, lie will pay them as «. ».«n as p ish’de, ami b. p- s titv will not !»y pressing l, prof t the pay iin*. Lei liiem give him a chance, and he will hr “perfectly in low n hi h ss than no time,” a ml wiil I'.ni sipmrc up with ph :dire, .1 \MlCb C. 1K\ INF., March IG Is samiia.Y<« .>4 iuaf t. i\ n. e: i: a e o ii a: it t s \ UK now rcc. i v i n - and offer f r sale (very low.) - Ul !)."> hhds. Si. ( mix, I *. U. and N.O. Sugars, ( pari prime) 2 H ll»s. \\ o -< v *2 W. double refined Loaf do 2; 0 P'S. n I . "ill Sug -r. .* 0 Mils. ( u1 i a id N. (I clarified Sugar, !<il hhds. and 1 arrels Molasses, ( pnri prime) 8( t> I 'ks | .1 v, f|mol Null, ||. (joe order, ; HI !ia_s | nguir i. Ui i, Si. I) liningo and old Ja* va ( offer, (pari very prime) 20 pack o-es (hmpowder and Imperial Tea,("part extra tin ) i> ‘ 1 *. S de Leather, stamp good and (IfWiaoed; 1 I 'hi* s. Shoe Thread, 5iK Id ( Mien \ art s, I .ynehliurg, 1» a hnioiul and Manchester Faciei \ , 11*0 ho*,• * Sperm and i allow Candles, good quali ly and I'j’.v, u() “ Turpent lie S‘»ap, I lull’s S!n vmg and \ ariegr.'ed Soap, , roons ludmo, part prime and warranted, • boxes and 1 ag • l'« peer, (i ngt r and Gimento, to) “ S\|Oaud K»\I2 Window (Gass, 2 > • kegs Nails Ir on Id In |Ud, v< ry cheap, DO H) I os, double Shear, Cast and Glistered Steel, u 11 ran ted, 2 T/Olhs i.p c..tint \ Imn, w ell assorted, 1 ( 0 ) Gar I .i a J, ;M) ran*. Shot, assorted, h I le gs Dupont’s I*’. Powder, warranted, 2 • i o do Glasting do “ ! 0 tihIs. No. ‘1 M o len l, iii prime order, “ < I d 7. p tlii'rd Guekpts, 2t) hales ii 1—7 S and -1 1 brown Sheetings and Shirt.ugs, 10 do No. 1 and 2 Cotton O&naburg*, very low, olVOO yards Pow am! Flax Linen. GmI I nlviug, (.'.»!: f‘i» : storied, G lea eh (*..lton, ('o'ton 11 a mi I. • rch e!s, Spo. d ( olhoi, I’aiitnl thread, N idle*. l‘o s, ( oi l n and \\ .nd f irds, (d abs and OaMim-res, W .u.d G kel(' inhs, W'ripptng, Writing and I elter G ip1 r. .Mustard, Ko - s .nel l ' iks, hl o k and blue 1 h k A! pare i I .ustres, w ilh every ether nri'clc uoiilly 'iiod in a large gloi k of (, all el w hi It we will s< II ! i r iv* t' '•oil ilie lie i s. Crum nur old tin rajs and tin* nolle g» nr tally, we ask a call. LKK &. ROBERTS. ALSO. \ hirgi 1 • era! stock uf foreign 8nd domestic Li jmn.*, a part ul which are old and warranted pure. L. & II. March IG Is «'AW!»5S rs. S.B S"S .vt it* r.m. a* r.w: i* on icr. Kuiniti iil I.'omii* truth i- ihf I n^lc, ( iii'nt i ^Idu and 15 h I'ltri l, II li'IIM '.SI), X V. Dnnnnos irrrired ■ ■ •r<j d tu nt I nh.7 </». 7 V\i Mi M.l r.LKI) l m-K I I ( K’s v Di li ••■ !—l In-cry is—u haCs il.e matter ? The an \ «*r in -the 11 1 I- have found mil that all prizes an* 111 fli*- h ii.d nl 1.1 ( K. It there he nnv who have her t < re been unfortunate t’V «!• d"ig in I,oil cries, lei 1 hem cull mi “hl'CK,” ns he In s i-|» arly show 11 by his great success in si lling Pri zes, tiitii his Ofiii'i; was established tor all such. I he lollow mg Si hem* s w ill be drawn at ATImington, ns follow s: M 1. !.iy 73d— P.d otuoke. Class 5s. 72 N s , 17 ' - ; . - . ; » ii-Iv* n $8, halve* I, <j'!.ilers2. Drawn .Nus. received 25 ih. Tuesday 2 1!h—PokoninK'c, ( lass 50. 78 Nos.. |!J rlra a 11 2 Capital* >d 12.000, 5000. 3000, 2000 and 20 1 1 1000, Kc. Tick* is $5, halves 2,50, tjuaricrs 1.25. Drawn N s. received 2Gth. \\ 25ih—P k•mi.-he, (’law GO. 75 N s., I 3 drawn. Capita!*- 10.000, 1000,2 on. 2,'c»l50O. T • ' ■ s $1, halves 2, ipnirit is I. Drawn Nus. receiv ed 27 th. Thursday 20th—Poknrr • ke, ClissGI. 78 Nos.. 13 drawn. ( .ipiials O'' '0, .'j()00, 2000, 1500, &.e, Tick • *7.0. halves I ,2 •, ipiurters 07 7 . Dra w n NoS. re ceived 28th. I’mlay 27tli—P ki-m ke, Class 02, 75 Nos.. 11 drawn. ’Capitals 10,000, 1UUU, 2000, 1205, &u:.— Tickets $1. $30,000— 15.000—100 of 1000! Dra'd ( •ms'dulaied C illery. N > 13, lobe drawn on ** 1 ted \ . M irch 28, 1 ■* 10, 78 nos.. 13 drawn, (irand OupitaU: $30,000, 15.00.1, 75 0, 5000, 3000, 2581, I O ) j.i y.i*> (|| I (J| ft. isLC. | Ickets $12, ha I v* s 0,«j ■ i i f ten 3 \ cernlici •• nt 2u wlndcs cost $ 113 40, halves 71 7 0, qoar e • 35 -5. I i r- ms ordering by the package in any of the above c- i deduct the price of ihrec licke s, I have every day I. t'i rics Iro n I t - $ .0. and when a remittance is made. • nc , large or s nail, I will always invest lit the most I)• -p i'.ir lotteries on hand. l’lie draw tegs sent, when ncpiisted, in all w h< order from me. The ••ash Cr all •ajiiials can he h d as usual at sight. On all b iters en <•! '-in ' cash or priz - tick* is, t >r postage need not be paid. I he I ickets in he a' iv** Cotlei'es are received, and all ordeis addressed to IT OK meet the most prompt and ' "“hid. mull alien i m. P* r- .us from the country vtsil nej the'ily. s'em'd Car in mind that all prizes are in the bauds id *1.1. I Iv.’ For prizes, address C. 0. IT CK. Richmond, March 1G is £20 #• £-j 53 \EMEffE. jf^ANaOFF IV ' ll subscriber about the 1st u * w M rch, a Ni^m \lan by Ili«> name ot SAM JORDAN. about 28 or 30 years ot age, lie is of bright complexion, 3 feet 9 «r ten inches high, a good set of teeth, shuns them plainly when talking, and a pleasant countenance when spokui io, has on the left side of his neck 2 nr 3 I marks, sutnen hat elevated and resemble burns. I laving | recently purchased him, I have hut little knowledge ot his clothing, nut I think he wore a black lur hat half jvoni, and a broad cloth dress coat—lie is a Carpenter by trade, and understands the Millwright’s business. Al | so, a tolerable gmod Blacksmith. I have tin doubt he has obtained free papers and will aim to make his way to the State of Ohio. I will give 20 dollars to any one who will apprehend him and secure him in any jail, so that I gel him again. C11AS. J.OLlVbUt. March 12 ts the: i* tttfYE COME. T1AHOSK CLOTH SACKS have come; call in gen* 1- tlemen and he fitted. Also: a lot of beauiilul WOOLLEN VELVET VESTS, wo w ill tell low (ui cuh. PAlUiAM & HOPKINS Dec. 1 is* I m:i; .v ltoisr.ins OKKI'.US |-..r Kulrln «TO UK sn.l AM.OAT. ‘J*K> hhU good ninl rolli n' ii \\ hotkey, 100 •* old Rye mid Rectified, do. (* pift extra line ijmlitv.) f;0 “ prime old Apple Mrandy, |ll hills, il.d llliil'. S. K Until, good quality, I " go.. | Ralii.n '»■• liiti, ,■1 Itull pij* t .,1 l»*’- I ini•*tion French llran* tly. m« diuiii quality. Willi a general si »ek id pure old t.ognae and oilier /hamlit'a, old Minlun \\ me, xr., to which v%h in vile iht* utii niioii i I the imde i.r.i: uour.urs. Mvhir. ih \io r id Rio*** r \ i i \ r i*i-:n m vki rs. a:uzo « \ •. v' \ f (jOl.D PFiNM, MINIA Tl RK KM \ 1\>, eke. ikes. Insi opened, mid l-»r sale Iiv l> \\ . MOOIIK. ^ mi ol llie Big I * I idler. M troll |(» TKt ST S.ti.i!. 8 V pursuance id •» deed ol tru* i e\ enieiT In me, on llu* *J/ lli d iv el No,,cmher, lNw.hv llurdm II Moore and Ainei his w lie, and duly neoidel in llie elnk’sol fiee o| ilie iMiiuiy e-mri ol I'alrn k euuii'y. I shall, «m llie I I lli thy ol Vprtl, l .^ lli. upon the ptenises, lor Rie purs p mrs in s od deed nifn 11.'ImmI, expose to sale, to the high esl Ii d h r, l< r eii*di, a certain TltACT or I.AHD, lyii'v' mi bi»th bhIi-'J ill river, i*. m la III iiiir by r^tim.i tl.-n, « ii4ht» i n litiiniinl Ai 'i s. Im* vrni' more or It hi me the same on whirl' M-ij M i Hi i n M "t< ■, ilr i . ~ ■ * 1. 1.11 .if 11 v ii'siilril. The a hove Ti id . I I .an I is situated on ihe ra I side of the nine Itidre, on (lie main \Y« stern mad I. idinj I ii | ):iii v i, 11 - lo l lie Webern eotiutrv: a hi ml ‘/AO \rres il \vi eli is in jni.ul ruin\ :iiion, and is hoitimi laud ol an i A. I hi,! ijiiiili'y; ill.' ri -sid ue Wood Land mostly ol i \s eellem q»» 11 i*v, well limlirred, and well adapted In the yrovvlh nl I'. 1 nni*", with all necessary llmhlinp., f..r llte enml.'rt ol a small fumilv, with a l»'ist Mill, Store II vNe. The illle In till* aimVe ! III.I is hi lieVi d til he mil, hi I artinj an Ouster, I shall r nvcy sueh ti'le only ns is vested in me hy said dn d. M. I). ( AHTEll, Trustrp Mirth 2 4\v h ^ W CRENSHAW hrtvinjy withdrawn fromtlm 5 • linn ol M< (’!ai ahan, Crenshaw Nl C'o.,i|ih Imsiness w ill h • p. n tinned as formerly, hv the snSarn bet*, under the .si v le and firm nl M< ( I iiiiilmn K (’>. .INC) (L MrCL \N MIAN, E G. Mi C I \N Mi \N F. b* C3 llci ljW 151 % ^ A Vo., f* rarer* onri < osnntismioH .Hcrthun 1s% Z.7H0HBURCI V A., (1 IVE part leiihir aMpuM-n lo the sale of FI.OI |{, fl \V 11 K AT, T< Ml AC('(), and all hinds nl e.iun.ry pr nliiee, fvr. E. (#. Met ’ hiuahnii attends pnrt!f»Ul:»fly to the sales of Tor.Aivo (our char/" is 50 cents pm lllld., f.r seliino and eolli ,M ino.) We hiep einis'atolv on hand a larve and well si leetpil stuck id filMCF.IilKS. DOM US IK'S, A-e. \V( 1 a r 1 ; fill n J , lo .. 11 present sf >' !»', that will make H larner 111rin any we » ypt nfit• rrd. TitanhIn I for the i nee lMei.ll. il In us. Ill the firms of . I. (». Nl E (., M (' an.ihan, ; ml MeChmhan, ( ' reitsh:t vv vN l ... would respectfully c Ii it a eontinuancp. Every tfiort on nor part will tie used to eive sal isfai ti- n .1 NO. G. Ml n \N M! \ N, E. G. Mi’Ll. \ N All AN. Feb. 23 is far! arr\hi;t am! lit moral. | 11 A\ I taken into partnership with me ( * \\ . l.ov i.. 'I lie busti ess will, luf the future, be comlm ted under the style of JVrrVER Sc LOVE. I feel verv grateful tu mv friends and ttin public H r the liberal patronage extended to me; iiihI I take tins opportunity ui r* ijm -.t 1114 a continuance of Ilnur favors to the new roiieerii. t) 1 r on iiu 9 will ic carried on in a tenem* of iinms dialely opposite my I irmer Shop, w here wenie open i i»t and reeeivirm a Iresli supply of* C/offis, i'ussiMirr/v, lYv/O/tr* ifnm; Lt i'rhit /s% N/or/. s, ilostutm and u variety of oilier articles usually kept by Merchant Tailors. Ail Taiho inf/, entrusted to our core, will be executed , with neatness and d« span 1. I M’IVKR. March 0 la for iir.vr. THE STORE HOrSE lately i.rru pied l>y I). T. ('. I*- u rs, will l»e rented ntl aee»iliiiiHMl:iUiiL5 lerins, M is nil exn | lent stand and well sailed lor the Dry (juuila uusiness. I ur terms. app|V tu 1). T. C. I’ETKUS. nr Alex. I.iggatt, Esq. Mart'll J ta n\3s:at /;/./:< t/v.v. 11111;' WABU ELECTION fur six V l ... ami I six f'ummuti Cunneil men, in Pitch ward, in li e liiwn III I,yIll'll ■"ril " ill lake |d:. pursuant tu an -in nf Assembly, entitled “an ael in amend an net i lit it li d ,j, K(,t |(l dtvel' in,' tn«n "i f.ynel 1 "*rds, and liir in her pur poses, passed I' eb I•. 18 JO, oft I lie first I v I,, \. next and «ill be bold in Ljneb W . rii Nii. |, bi in nil ilial pari uf said !■ an beeix I lie I. • • , a ding Ir an the river tu ibe 12th street the house I a 11 ■ I v erupted by Mr. 11 uglo s n[. a gr-erry slore, Ivvn dners abnve Messrs. I alhel cs I rum r. Main sirei-i; and in I leery Ward Nn. 2, being all tbit pari ui limn above Isl alley. i Mending Ir mi Mi" river In I Jib 1 sireei. ill the hulls ■ lately by neeupiedJ. I' Is'irus, ,,,, \| „ si reel, next duur above M - 1 ■ Young & Bowles, belonging I ' .Inii. W . Bagwell. Ill,Ml’. IM NNINtiTON. •vrgt. the Corporation id Lynchburg. Fab. 26 HA fifiO S’air //calf/ l'am Socks, ■ 1ST received ami lor sale bv E. J. Bf'UTON, Hank Square. Not. 27 l!i ► I. BUSHELS TIMOTHY SEED, *Jl\ v 41)00 lbs. new l.ard, Just tu band, and fur sale by McDaniel &. McCOKKI.F.. Feb. § /'all ant! Winter /'ash ions. Jl.'ST HtCElVf.ll AT M V HOUSE OM Main StUEKT, FOLK noons above Mef.m x Gavatkin’s Stoke. rpiIANKl'l'L tu my friends and ilie Public gone I rally fur their patronage lieretufi re healowed upon me I ask a emit lima lion nf I lie same, feeling sure that I shall be able tu please the nu*l fastidious. WILLIAM l LAN KY. Sept. Q2 _ __t*.' ESI I.I.Si Iff li UHAC , foil THE J. II- A.YU KAJVAWHA CA.YAL, Tor s;t|c at 4liifc Office. I i rimixii ron.\iiuv, It ft ii r It h ii r % | • i i* #• | m i it ■ M AN l\W'ii*H 111 v \\ nlrr I*.,war ami fttlirr improve itienl*, nt my old stand, m ar tlm Pump ll"U*eol ilm I vim l.luirg Water Works, I am now ptr pared to execute all order* Hi m»V loot «• t hu*tnc--s, vil . t asi (ii i*img l«»r Miii im I othct Machinery, with eve ry description ol c.isiing* of ■ HO* llltlxx. «XI»*1'|-|n IMIIXIX, 1« l.iir. o «, ■ liiliina,, I.i trr* Ae Ar I'rom in experience ol nriirly ‘JO yearn, in out* of the l»i *l conducted •"‘Inhlisli in nt* in the Siair, | t«« I ronh titm ol bring able In give nnuslni'lton lo those htvonug nit' xx lib tIk*Ir palm:' o* I would i* r i ifii hi r I v »ll l In* ni lo til ion of ’PohncrotiUu lo mv t•" abii*liuo-ti| M tvmg b. t ti ilm fit*i dial mimdii frd dm m-iml.n'ltim ..| P ,t -eo S,*t< w*, Pie* -t * mi l Pa tent ll.iml*, 6k<* . in l.y i lilmrg, I fan with conlldence nlrr i bos • tiii'ii-tpininlrd with my wok, io dm prim-iptl roll ! comstM ol ih's plua *, having pul op between 7•» ami 100 pmsM *, w it In it tlm abort time ol my residence Imre. \\ idi n view ofsernrin ] n fair slinre of patronage, 1 shall foniinim to add mt *!i labor Having machinery, n* will rouble trie to execute work with accuracy aiulde Hpnteh, an I w ill w arrant 'ill work done at mv establish no at to he t oied to tiny done in th * nbuo • r * Im-w lo it \. t. i)\iiM.\ Nov 21 Uni .vo ficii;. f I M IK M list Hllil',U Ini* tin* day, entered into I " partner diip with Wm. 'l Young, lor the purpose . Ifomltici m i a onocnnY aijd coivinirs siorritxjsinKjiiij." .i nfit i rettn n ag bis ttokimw I etlg'iiietds to hi* loiim i rn-lomei*, who hive an liberal* ly extended to him llictr patronage whilst in the late c a I rn ot hoxvb* 6*. Acrt ■ •. hi g* It avr to sav i«i llmtu, th it. ill tin* 111 • \x t .net in, tin v "'ll liud n larger ami ■ t1 1 : »• than In ti> "f had the ph asii’r id < lit ling do in. ami ask* a eon tinnam*i’t.| then imii.mrao m the new (‘otic.ern, a* " i ll a* i call Iroin the public o t'ltera 11 v, pfoiuising litem, that if | imp! attention in Imi no - and bargain* shall he any inducement, ilmv shall not «jo aw ay disappoint! d. ! l\\i c. how u.s. Jan. I Ih .VI IB* rfMTI If.V. vont a istmu>. r I Mir. M hM KlhKU hmi.r- purchased the I .Y t i nn: srot a or cunt r.mi'is belonging in llowli * 6k. \eree, lot* taken into piriiier*bip wdh lui.i ( . ItowliHol that eoncrrn, ami will eoiHinue tlm (•r ci ty ami t ommi-sioii hu*im -»s, at the old Miami ol hovvh'M 6k. \<• r11•. II iakt * dim rpi'ttiiiiinly i«• return his most si m ere thunks to hi*, old cuninm» m, whn Itavi • III" rally pat rum /n I In n whilst doing husiii** in lit* hi* own name a* \\ • Il a* to tlm old concern id IIrvanl 6m \ oiing, and beg* have tu ask id do hi a rout lima,ice ol do r lavoiir* in do nr" coi.i t in, promising them that llo'V will liud lio n Slock of (Jtioil* ii* litre and well ns* Ported a* any in the tipper cotinlrv. ami n o elbn'l on I Imi r part shall be •'pun d to give :-..ih$t.i' ■ -n. w v. i'. vornci. J It. 1 tM .vo / /?/:. \S I have mad' new arrangements tor tIm future, it ih in ri • iry 'liai I s11■ itilil Mum* up my old bust 1 ness. | hope, llit*11 lure, lIi-'-i* indebted to nm wllI conic Inward and nettle wmIi as hub' deliv i- possible. W.M. T. VOUMi. J in. I ts YOtuv& S' *:t> na rs. V 1 I III OB,I# Ml 1X1) o* ISO IX 1.1’* .V ,%« 111 - f ■ OMJ iioois mol a 111 MNICN »1 I I ?1 A iax t l ItlXM, Oi i’kiis ion >.\u 25 bbtU. Si. Cr..i\, V Uicu and N.O. Sugar*, 2 “ ( iib.i, ( |.inli< d d. 1II boxes I. -,il do 5 bids. ( rush* d dt 3(10 bags ll . I .iiguin and I vn (’ (Tee, 20 Idols, and bids. N. O mil I*. Kino Molinaei. 350 h;k ks Sill, 8,000 lbs. good and damaged S de l.ralher, 200 kegs \ ids, all kinds, 10,000 lbs. Coiiun \ am, lliclr: ond and olhtr Far tones, 10 '.mis liar I run, .'{ “ Mould lluinhand Hallow Warn, I Am. Mistered St* M, 500 lbs Shear de 25 bids. T.1II Oil, 23 boxes and ruddies Tea, some very fine, 50 tuns lump Piaster, | 50 bags Mi >t, | ,0(10 lbs. bar I .rad, 50 k• gs I)upoiil,s and ky.ICrte Powder, 20 “ Mining do 55 Nova S1 ti l (ifindstuur*, 20 kegs \\’him 1. ail, 500 lbs. Put tv, 50 boxes D! is- 8 A 10 and 10 X 12, 2 reroon# best ( macros Indigo, 500 lbs. Madder, 500 “ (’opperas, 20 bales Domestic and Cotton D/.nablirg«, 30 boxes Spur n and Tallow Caudles, 10 " S.ap. l.iqroits. la pikes very superior Y roncli Iirnndy, 20 bbls. A no r i'*'io do |() “ N. K Hum, )() “ S. Madena Wine, f» “ Malaga do 20 “ old llye V\ In-key, 25 “ Apple Ormdy, 1(H) “ common \\ In-key, |<l •* C'ider Vinegar, 20 “ Newark Cider, very superior, Tugt iIkr v\nli t .1: • I! .. Ticking, Immptaick. Red Ui rds, Leading Linen, Pepper, Ging< r,, Vllepice. Saltpetre, Allunt, I.ainpblack, Feathers, \\ . ..I, Cups, I lain IIIniiI,ci», I lops, .lugs, Jnrs, I» ini j„hn«, Rut ketn, Tul P tpi r. Tram I liaina, Cultim (birds. Taeks, I lerrings, M u I,«■ r il. mol in tnei every ar» .||y ki pi in such ..giahlishment, whiel they „ ill dispose uf very low fur C AM I, or in barter lor mutt trv produce, i m. 1 ,J .util* n.s.YB' i.ati.oi:s W1W. &. J . O A K E 7 i VftT Ol l.lf resuectlully inform theeniteiis ol I .ynpb T burg, and the public, that they have associated themselves Together ami taken llie large brick building, immediately opposite .Min Hollins, where they imenp lu irurry on Oih tail i: i v in nil its lirauches. I hey have now on hand, and will eoiisiantly keep, a heaoltful assortment ot CI.Ol IIS. II \-SIMRRES, VESTINGS, ami in fact every thing suitable for Gentlemen's wear, which they will make up to order io the rooet lashionable at) lea, handsome iit» ami warranted workmanship. We very reapedlully mvile the Gdiilempii ol Lynch l}tir i and the surruunding country to give us a call. W.M, & JOHN OAKEV. No, 13 111 Fall and IVHnter Fashions, r o n 13 1 5-’l o . ./ u s r ii i: i Kir /■; n n Y WATERHOUSE, W'HITl’EMORE, & CO. Sep. 4 ls ' JOB WORK, Executed w it Ii 'beiitiieas und imputcli AT THIS OTl ICE. HoKtirat. I I IK SI II TUI \sl IlY. Thia scheme, which I* npMHi ,n n party men •tiro, i i likely t" he piossrtl w 11 It *. -'no decree of e-ai ri» g| ness <1 ii ii i •» i lie pfosi Ml m ms i..ii ot Conor re*, nml will no lloolll I'O eui|"Ultlh a toil. I s (<11111 I \\ . ikinn Was liul V’O i\ sallsl.u I.dv lo I lif oi minor rial purl ul (lie eunmiilil* lv in wlnoli Hh prinripaI oporrtliuiis \M rr rarrinl on, nml in Until it w a** a mere mockery, aa tar as a dreorrr hum the II inks was concerned, |i wns Iniiml to tu< imprnoii cable in 11* exernimn, uijinrimr, *s H muni, \%t#»• I•• nr mo sot in«it to li.iiiHtiiii spreie from pout to pom , nml tml literally earned on: I hr* irarunoiiui \ \v11ft tit •( o n. m 11 him s were nrrau-M il (ty what were railed '/»rc»r cheeks, nml ihe p re«y o| the l» inks wus ju-t m i vor. I linl lhe render noi\ >th what in ilmu-jhl of the men "the hy a proinineiil Iriond ul tin* Admtru«ir*Uton, w e "tihjoin iMiruiio nrtieIe |. on ihe Now \ • «rU Sun. The Kdltor >1 ilnl paper has had pood onp riiioui* s uf ub sorvmo the entire l.dluro ol d.. '\ stem durino tlm elmrl period ii wnn m ep» ration in I 10. l i e n li. ulmia nn* lure u| the m'Iiciiio is will drsotthiii in Ihe rumple ninlr-* litent that, m a city like New York, H is nollimif but •'hirin' no npulent riH*en utfi/lrni tlofkn j» a thnj. to keep Ikr Arr;sM of one of llm nuiiiitiioth Vaults nr wih s. \\ ' • ' j . i'i‘i ly ami lureiMy, (he utter a .uidity id ihe win leal l.ur. /’mm the .Win I oiK Stin. WI! ITISTIIKSUI. riU’KS rUY / I In . .|'iesUoii is n-ked l»y many who lire mil made i ho in- r I v t s artjo :> itihal with niie ul ilioimai reh bran d liniinrinl>\Ni. ms u| nioilom I inn s TIio .|uosl|on will 1-uii.o helolo ( Uiipr. s. III u ||.\v Works, w lu ll Wo nhull have I ho opii*i.iiis in did (jurtit. In llm mo iitihtio il may he V i II lo plum e ul s niie ul the aim*. u| ihe *y - lent ill idle r o .until <, wlnr i il w ill he neee^irv to tftiard a a mi I mi ulion.ptiiio i i n.rry it out Inro* M» x icn, movi ral u| iho (i.i.nun Slides, China niul other A Mill f u? countries, btivr had ll.e Sod Iniioiiy ey item • l finance Ir« in ihe i uln si peri, d.s ul ilteir Ii .lory, nml in every euintiy wli'te ii pi i ills, la roe s'nndMijj armi « a»o nipniid lo pu.anl iho Tiov-ury, and hold the|n* ple lilt lurk. Il w e uio'rr.s: uni llm Sub 1'ioaMiry law altoiil to ho pn seated lo ('onprcss, rl pf. s hi enlh el Ihe roVotim • ul the <»eiieial (•ovrrnmeot in p-dd and nil* ver Coin; lo appoint a lame inimhor i I new ofli- irs ul p .yernmenl, In he ml led Suh Tien un is, lo lake i linrpe ul tlm ruin when ci dice 11 d; lo pay In t life now Suh.. I’ri usurers iiiiiii al ndam a varyin_* In mi five tlioiimiud lo two nr ilnoo tlnnisami dollars each; lo (MtiHlriirt pi old ir-ui vaults, with ihn ro.jiiisite hulls, ham nml wifely lock*, for llto side kecnintf ol llm n-oId and silver colli: Mini in «>m |»I • • v I lie iu « r* a r v forte ol nrmetl men in .'til «>iir large cities, to guard mid protect these imii vaults Irmn robbery nml plunder. Them if nu great difference licit* ecu dim »vKiem nud that in use in Mexico. Hut tt e Khali lie told I tin I H has mil Imd a lair Inal there, \\ lu ih* r evt injr in iIh* uiiprim ipleo Hi iructer of tin* Mil* limy ( lilefialMH who have plundered tlml unhappy rnitmry.or III the lendeiiey of the M xienn Sub I n a Miiy h\ -*i»iii to malic rubbers ol the popular leiders l.r I he Ha be ol plunder, we are u liable in say; n Man H h , he tv ever, t Im t im mi ol i lie • Hirers ol government in Mi Xleo have n d ibe Sub-Tr* asury a« Ilu ir own; tin v have robbed II nl will, murdering pitch oilier without i in * * y In gel puHm nniuii ol ibe guverniiieui and llm rout iu the vaults. We have mid lliil (lie Sub'TreBSUry Ih j always arrumpanied !»y a large Mantling army. N\ e be* lieve there are no i veeptioiis to Mils rule, in the de-po lie e.nmlriPH that have Silh ’iVf'a oiries. The Kuipt Tor ol Itiimhia has ilu- poln I ilu* country in a lm»»»* vault el ■ I his own, near ihe K 11.»1 t. - . Miirmimltd hy mir (•I’’ be beM emu ml it g muni in Kuiope. Su Ii me Mime ol I lie i t ilt i \i*i mg iu # vi ry rouutry bav eg a Sub To a ail* V* I' it* ait s oisiriiHt, Mi'-pn-ioii, nml a w ant of ci.o |i*|enee w in n v* r ii prevails. The financial syslrin a d pt* tl by the preMciil admiui.straiiuii itppetirs tu be sal*', juiin i iu*, eemi ».i ami ul’. g* lb r u*;*.I»j«■ #• ii..nalde, Ii gives great s ’ 111 h I ii r l i * * u to the p* upl* , ami all nr know ledge that II is the an.I cheap* hi could lie adop'c d. The atluiini‘ iraii n repines Irnm its de p - Hum m lull s* run I v m (toy eminent sink, dollar for dolkir, and the depositories hi relurn engage to pay out the money hi gold, silver or paper, an wanted hy ilu* i government, in any part of the I jnmn, w iliuml charge or expense of any kind. Tills is e« Mainly a heller system I Im ii locking up specie hi vaults, hiring an opulent nil* j z* n at fifieen dollars a day to keep the keys, employing an army to guard the vaults, nml ihen carting parrels ol specie around ill#' country to the various places lu which llm goverune-nl n ay wish lo pay out Its hinds. The operation in New York— wlnrli collects two thirds of the revenue of ihe government would make our eiiy a receptacle h»r i* bbci► and In ig urn's Irmn all | arm ol ilu* world. They would ll *ek hither to rob tin* government rnnil nrtus ol sperm as they passed out ofI lit) city to ilu interior, ami in a few years we would require an im mense niamlmg army to control Ibe armed robhem that would gather around IS. lurk as the same ela*«rs *io w gather around Hie cities of M* xico ami I'rkiii. I heie desperate elmracli rs would have tin ir e oil* -derates in , (•very part of the Union, and instead ol llm dinger.Mia i lass# ■* of hirgem ami eoiinierh ilera* moideut il to our present ll ui n#*i :* I systems, mid win# lot V( to meet the lion chI citizen face lo face m perpeirating their villamii s, a sub* Tiea-ury like that in Mexico would fill our chics ami towns with most dangerous rubbers and midnight us* Lansing, who would become the scourge ol the country. The.* Ir* in all parts nl the world woo'd e.owd around mr • b eiimiH, rmmmaie llieir candidutes «i*d boldly or der tln ir elected representatives, ns in Mexico, ‘‘rob I *r ! us ihe treasury.” If tbeie is any truth in the prion j pies **l political economy, these me not I ho only evils a suib Treasury would bring upon lie peopl . and upon all | the great inter* sts of our honest bard working farmers, mechanics, labmcj.*, ariiziii*, > •., b •. Ilul more a non. This subject his never Ik en fairly discussed with it aingli eve to t'ie baiipiin'ss airl wodhirn ol iln* people, as a gr* *i qut -.'ion of political economy, in which 1 ii#• ! whole > uinry is inlerc-trd. willmui regaid lo party or parly organ.ziiioiiH. \\ *• lake up the ipm-aion in a spir II ol i q ury, ami as wc d«i all oifn-rs, entirely indepen dent of party prejudices, which too olieii control indi* viduul opinions. Till; SUU-TUKASl RV. As ilin Sub IT hash r y is .about to com a tip in tin* I louse III R| jiri sriilnlivcs, wo publish the following re murks of the New V-uk Journal of Commerce, a I)eniv ocratie paper, upon the subject. No one alter reading thu partial effects of the Sub Treasury can support it t TilK INnP.IM.NtJENT TRKASCRV. Our article of lust week on ihe sub Treasury has drawn out the response of our worthy demoeratic friends of I lie Jbventng Post usd the Morning News. The Post has a capital way of refuting us. It lakes hall a dozen extracts from our article, of two nr three lines earth, intersperses them plentifully with stars, and then snecringly says‘‘look at that.” The News nays thu ar ' tide was a “bank manifesto” for which tiny had long been looking; that the Journal of Commerce is the rs« pedal organ of the hanks, and of the Rank of America in particular, nud then it dashes on with bank corrup tion, stock gambling, bank oppression, &a\, No. The News makes more show of argument than the Post, and yet we cannot bring ourselves to believe that the editor j was seeking really to enlighten Ins readers by his course ( of remark. We do nol see that our being the mouth* piece of the hank*-, if it were so, would a good ar» , gument. The course of n wise man is to give even selfishness a lair hearing, and learn from it, whatever is I t(i be learned. We do not see the necessity ot denying ' the high responsibility which the News assigns us. We shall nol denv that we owe the Rank of America and all the banks, for it lias nothing to do with the argu ment. NN e do toil perceive that the criticisms of our cotemp uaries are susceptible of a more respectful reply than ibis, ] Th.-H. 14 . nr topic mnnrrtril will) the milrpcndtnt irrs.ury, an.I uhi.'li ih umcli relied upon fm in .inrlK I ,N'i‘ *». winch wed id not comment on last week. It i«, | its Influence hi regulating the ctirrenry ard causing tha • kirnsivc diffusion nt the precious metals. The idea ia, 'bn Hie i ruM/i/r ot the government in taking hank notes ns Honey is pernicious, and gives inese notes a much whlor u«e than they il her wise would have, and (hit the w itlnlra wnl o| this influence and the ad mi ion of tha • Vfct''in nl in King soil paying i nly ihe constitutional cur r',"'*.v. " 'll cause specie to he circulated through the (•'•unify instead n| tiitnk notes, VN e have two or three nljecttiiiiM in tins proposition. Kirat, it will prove ins C"iiv* iiient and Isllacioos when the theory is tried, *e* cotidly, upon afire trade plan, ihe elf rts of the gov ernment lo regulaie currency are erroneous; and third ly. n r« not in nil desirable that »lta (piaituty of specie flow in cireiiljiion should he btcreased. I: * not the r vituple of government which onuses pa |u r to he prefer • <1 i • coin. The people generally know n 'ilnii: oi th it example, ami the political economy of politician* h is been an titllny times wrong, that the peo ple have cea i d to regard the practice of ihe government NMih a deep veneration. We had in Gen. Jack son’s lime, n "f.ii * M -it in suppress little hill*; hut Gen. Jack > •", w iih all Ins mighty popularity, Could not cs'sulisfi K" inconvenient u I henry. The people preferred the lit •h* lulls, n d the governme nt were obliged to yield to iheir good sense. The other Ihenry of warring mi banks "cut Romew hat Inner, but lios imw Very much died a w ay, 'I in* Sub Treasury w i\s brought forward by ^1' ^ *n I*.n, ns we have alw ays understood it, under ’I '' •it'l'f. u that the pursy triuM huve some plan, somn thing i'1 tun "gainst the I S, Is whs n mea sure of the pat's, their!.re, and the battle about it was •""gl't in t oin'11 * ^ wnh the inmost bravery on both -"hs. It w in i pphimh d by the I totuoerat* aa the most noble of all ial plans. The Whigs denounced it . s a measure whleh was lo ruin the eoitnlry. Hut ]n | when it went into operntinn, it was neither a blessing in r :i cm In prnetice it was nothing nl all. Thu geutleiin u .1 that parly, now iliat they urn in power a • mi think it m.c-aiyto maintain their consistency, I r the consistency ni politician* m always one of tlieir in . t pr*. i u* virimt. Hut lo return frum Inaiurio di grr«M»ion. Large (pmntiiie* of coin k. pi in circulation have a very feeble inll ieto c in preierviitg a shatly money market, Tim coin in circol.ilion is latent. fr in want* ul at all tines l r (Ion pnriiculir purpose, ami is only to a ver v limit, «l degree available to relieve n pressure. I'lie coin i re i I our mints Inis done lint little to mono coin lo circulate. The reason H dial paper is heller. Paper is Ii counterfeited than coin, it is more runve* im ni I .r trail1 porlation, more readily counted. With lliise praeiieal ad vantages hi lavor ol’ paper, it is im* possible to push die inconvenient into use. The Kip lisli (loveiiillient have forced a r|iinrility of gold into cif colaiion by prohibiting die circulation of paper below -l ». Hot tv In t good lots it done? Tim money mnr het ol Knglund is lar less stable Ilian otirs, since tve ah* sol v i d oil i so I v e* f ro i ii die guardianship ol a Natiohal II ink. I .noli at die enormous speculations in rail road mIiures will'll baVe ttgilntcd Kiighind not only, but Kraneu nnd oilier counltiea, where they still irundlu about spe cie on a vt heelb >rrow, to pay do ir notes. J’lie great ipiantitv ofg'dd in eiieelation seems to have bail no cons • r van ve n lliMtuv at all. At any rale, all the vices of speculation nnd I' VnUiou have Q4'ied inuoh more violent ly there iS in with tin, though vie have no coin In eircu hiiion enough lo make change under ii dollar, A ihuri ugh comprehension ul the uses of coin will ac count hr this. Money is tho tally hy winch men settle ace.mills. The trade id die world Ik line great system ol hartei in Its operation, and money is only wauled to keep ihe ice.mol. The accounts an* further kept by III ks and non ol hand. The n suit of die w hole is. /As r.vrfuinur </ntu nlitsts. Any thing which Serves to keep the uccuitii * ol nude, is sufficient; nnd that which does ihi w idi the greatest birilny is the best. Heal money C' in is only w noted to aettle the balance at the end ol the year, il one eotintry has traded more largely ilitin ii T it -l and bought mere than it bus produce io pay f r, M l t tin- mere!.ant who exports a cargo olflmr io Liv •'ip -ni, take g. hi |ur it there, nnd bringing the gold hum* II ii to n dry go. d-< importer, and be carry it hack in buy calicoes/ Merchants hnve learned better than this. Ihe whole round of exporting and importing ia gnu* through w nil paper. Just ho we do nt borne. Men boy and sell, nnd Nellie their accounts, with paper, Ifon* side gets largely in debt, coin w ill bo called for, and when really wanted, it ia ready at dm Hanks, The w hole liuaiiie s of the world is die ref. re transacted with all the security of a specie currency, and with all Ihe fa cility of paper. < lor Hunks h ive now about a million less coin than they had n year ago. What good would it have done il die whole specie in their vaults had bee* turned out and earned across dm street every morning, Ii winld, ..I necessity, have been carried back in dm evening. Tlmbeginmg and the end of the matter would have been just w hat it is now. There would hnve been •» vast expense ol useless labor, while the currency Would have been no more alTccled than iI ho much grav* 11 or paving stones hud berm carted about. Well then, what is ihe oeiicfH ol carting specie to and from an iron room? Plainly, it in mere toil to no profit. Tim pro vince of coin is to bp a basis i.f circulation, and to he re* moved for the settlement r f final balance*. Kvery bank note, evei y cheek, is payable in coin, and dm only rea son why men donut demand payment always according lo die tenor uf the obligation, is, that /taper in l/rtterfar Iloir it*?. Paper money is worth more than coin, to tho common business ol Idi , and therefore it isv dial the pro* pie lake ii. Why then should politicians trouble them selves and the people vi idi Sub*Treasuries to disobli^o busmens and prevent tho. use of the best facilities t CASK OK HUNTER HILL. It is understood thni (iovernor Smith has respited 1111' t• • r llili until the 7ill of February, 1847, and it i# lurtln r stated ilint the Governor baa determined ihat lie hull not be executed, as eotnh miitd according to law, during Ins guln rnuioiial term. \\ e had no personal nc tjuaininnm with Major Robert II Smith, ior have we any with ilie convicted prisoner, nor Inil we any knowledge whoever of the puli lira I o pinuoisoi the latter when his trial look place, winch in* do d have nothing whatever to do with jrimmul irials,— I him* r Hill w as condemned by u iury of his vicinage; the legal exceptions moreover, taken by able counsel, were iverruled by tlie highest Crimmjl Court uf th# Stale and the deelai* ns of the Ci-url below affirmed.—* In uddiiiuii to this, the H »tise of Delegates of Virginia, on i lie 11 h d »y of January last, rejected l>y the otcrichehn* iug v<de. oj tJ8 to 25, a resolution msiructing the Com mittee lor (•ourls ot Justice to iix|aiire into the expedi ency of authorising the (iovernor and Council lo com mute the punishment of death to confinement in the Pen* itenliary in certain specified cases. An enquiry, which although general in ns nature, was understood to refer and was so treated m the legislative discussion, to the ease of Hunter Hill. In the face of this refusal of the legislative sanction. Governor Smith virtually commutes thus the punishment, thereby setting himself up as an Executive Hn>/i Court of Errors, w hich is an anomaly in both the Untisli and American systems. Regarding such a course as one which sets a prece dent most injurious to society and good government, we have deemed it our doty to invite attention lo what wo regard as so flagrant an abuse ot executive power. [JYoifulk Beacon. A noL’T Corrf.ts.—Lady Mary Wortle Montague, gives a very effective hit at curs* * wearing, in her wri* lings uii the East. 81m says, “One of the highest en tertainments in Turkeyt is having you go to their baths. When I was introduced to one, the lady of the ho us# came to undress me—another high compliment they pay to strangers. After she fiad slipped off my gown and saw my Mays, she was very much struck at the sight of them, and cried out lo the other ladies in the bath : ‘Come hither, and see how-cruellv Ihe pour English la dies are used by their husbands; yi-n need not beast, in* deed, oltha superior liberties allowed you, when they lock you up thus in a box! ! !