Newspaper Page Text
T.urapnt .vav reiJ by Mr. Boil in at the C lerk s deik, wiiei Mr. it'J u unseat tud ui'ovcd iha printing of ihe rep »rl. Mr. TLRNKY uf Tenn. saul he concurred heart Jy in every word ut I lie Report. In ins judgment there never was a more unfounded calumny, and he concur red cheerfully in ihe report which had been read by Mr. Renton. Mr. DICKINSON said that he concurred in the It* port. There was no evidence, near »»r remote, of the truth of the charges made. It wan an u;il ended cal umny. but he did not concur in ihe prop--wed *\ptiUion of tht Editors and reporters of :he l ino s, ii.den* such was the judgment of the Sci a:e. H • thought nothing would be gained by this. Me regarded tliu i imts ineu as the victims of calumnies. Mr. JARNECAN referred to Borne of the additional w rungs in this article of ihe l imes by poi r mg mil the atrocities in Mr. Robinson’# article. Tne prim ipnl edi tor laiJ he expected t prove ins -barges by aucli * :»** tor* as Wefisier, Evans, Mangu n and "Ho r Whig-, and by Messrs. Calhoun, Rugby, McDulli", l ‘dtpuil and other Democrats, Mr. JARNECIN showed that the libel had been most wilful. Mr. RERRIEN expressed his amazement at the re marks of the Senator from N. Me had assured ihe Senate that he concurred in the rejuirt entirely, sod \et pronounced the authors the victims ol calumny u» oili er*. Mr. DICKINSON said l.c did not stnm! here to vin dicate the authors ol the calumny. anil he h oi ‘lone no more i hdti eu j *g» s. that I in y should not he e\ pel i d I run the SeriHte. T: t so men had um-t u jo-t v • '* "*l " r' n fully, w ithout j islifi *itton, aspersed ' In*, '.•*. !)•, nud he thought their punishment would t«» **ufTp- vi.t in the con sciciusuess tif ihe wr-i if they Ind d 't’e. Mr. HEN l\)N sold the Reporter* f the Times oc cupied the privileged run :n the *g i ■•tv. -t d "•■ t^ row he should move Dr ‘.he exmilsn .1 «*f ..*1 : i ishms iihi* reeled with Ihe Times newspaper. Ain* Report was thin ordered lobe printed, \ 10 oi. The Whigs ot l.ytichbmg, desrous «*t maiuhsMt’g their high souse of lb * s»rvi -e< ot '.\ l it.*■: *.. i t the double capacity <>f Editor am! Member I the I! "' ‘ "I Delegates. &. their respect for his chancier a d IT etio i for his person, have invited hi o io partake ot a i ' Dinner, previous to his departure I. r Richmond. ihe invitation has been r.oerpnd, ami we uiuh - n».d the Dinner will lake place, on Tuesday the 31st I si, at the C’runklin Motel We have ti.e pleasure ot . nu x ing tie letter ol irnitati-n from a Committer, and Mr. Toler*# A us ,v i r. I vNf iieulg, M ,reh 14, 1S10. Ricli'inl II. Tolu- 11.y. I)r<ir Sir— The lime appr .'Hifu, when, Bredling in Tree Ml engagement*, ymi will leave ih —in-.I \ui»r !>*». s < lung and so pleasantly existing with toe triple • l nr tuwu, bf* cast among rmnp .ianvt* siraugr rs», \\ r have tint hern insensible to llie reasons, ulm-li made H e\p»di enl fur vmi In change \our p -sb on - - in', • u mure \ mi, have fell utl llie ureas mi, all t! ' < < <i in.-idem i • No* I iss ul a v Nurd hi ri I nod modi f.nthfi! n .tcs.-rvenl— hihI we are r< c »ih-i I • d only ny I e re It c.i.n thm vmi have been influenced by love in a muse, ib ar alike m us nil, and that. <>n lh« u idrr tbe.ilre lo u in. h \ u are mi* mg. ymi u .ii "■ e in ive uteri try and im pel us to ;is great ami g d • n Is. Fur nmre than ’-•> sears. y.»u have guided die ruin mis of the Lynchburg \ ,mMm:i — Hcsnle inakmj !t 111»• vp hirle of an extended p lllteal li fliienee. and largely lui prr s-Mig Us runsrrvaiive ju i c jib s tijrun • cmnmumiy i a w 11 let i it Ill's circulated, y m have unde il, in mir is timaliun, a just standard «*t edit, ri I manners, mi raIs and j It* ire—and, hiimI dm rrekb s I St nl j *»1111 • :t I pa jars (id ail par ms) wnli which Ihe < umrv I. as Inin fl ■••i!«*d. hud the I ice nil ii*i’i s with \v hi b llu y have been ln«i ut« l**n conducted, ' c Iht Ihhi it ibe livil uf |> .'nun:, with pride, ♦ i the \ ,i -mi i«>, : tl.i *h I. ( i.t ; • ib cl, In b«* sure) yet cuowe o'y wi i l \ nl enitatnut. an * deserv ing the n fcpcrl ni jji ..,1 men •' j ii believe that, to the im a H ath :s in which ymi arc dcs ti i d, ymi will .! i ihe Id. •. Frmnnvd by i ie, •• j, t |, w i ■ d **• 11'c , b, In re % i . u Ira V e i s. t . nflT r yu a |Ki i!ic testl i. mml uf resMccf, n:i.| i • ’• ui b.i.f and in tke name uf y. ur nuunimis fri>-ml* m ibe town id I ,y hcbburr. w e invite ymi In pmake-fa j u dic diriin r, at sit *h tune as may iuinj» ft wiili vm.r nw n cimvcu! jr»i'e. Wo arc, my Dear ISir, with fee,ni Dir Old ul liM'u re crd, i .»ur friend*. r. r Mosav, .1. W 1U>. .TNO M () I KY. i.DvMN \J AS lllWVS, .‘• A ML. VI, ( OJlkl.F., JOHN W. Dl l ILLY, K JLi.N i AY.Mi. # Mu. to: kif - an* \eil 1 v srnlit kg, M .ri ii 1 |. IS40. LV'N/.Mif/i; -\ •, * l**ti'*r nt Ii s, inviting me i } a lake nt a I’nli.i • |.bn -er, at Midi H : e as u. y be must • •eveiiieiH to Hi, | r'ur 'o u y ren oval I r • in an uug y u. lehie-n ifi'iiu-il. I s i.r vmi bal, w bdi ! I», I alto *, t . • r undeserving so distinguished a naik ul \<iur regard, I am ai llie same lime uni ignedly gra'e.ul i r i's • xhit.i* Hun. I a i, the in .re g c died, <, j -m y • r mvita)inn is i ream pa rued bv a c »i p’Mi- uiary in-t:i-e nf llio maniii r in which I have d'sclni^d, in a p r d ..| au.rx and protracted pulinral exeitui e.n, il.e < devnlvH up ui ibe c >:> bid *r nt a puln!•' I j ,«■1 *f. :,Mi I have oft. n erred, in pra-:n-• vvi i| i - m j i_»-ilt r»i, m h runfcssi .il ulib*!i I may make u . . i no i i|ia i j..,,, b nee, in dumg so, | but admit I | . • , id ih* m fj • mit i« * id mud and tell p r w I trl Iirui In in, u Hul I may, at t * ;-.n.r i u»e, iifii (| mu i* wit limit u . i tit pot at tun of vii- no nd | i ■ i M has be, il lie guild ul unf • uriiiin n I - 111 r \ , III.! Hinr» especially ul Virginia, the I nd u| , \ na vii\ M.d ,.| ,, \ tlleetlniis. J r»| i ce In kr. ;v 'bat in V ■{,!•• haw re i rived ihe apj.r ,v:il *.f gentlcn cn in vOmu- j dgment all will) knew l ie n ny <* I I,!: - 'rd < - t li J, ;v, I have determined, gen t (.• ■. \ im i, wever witbmii r-'i./iu giving* el \ I - mi. j , , , : jmir in vital tun: and I sliali be I.t; . \ to meet \. u , n «' it y w I. leb may suit y*«• i• r > < u e.m w-uti n -e t , i ,, M n tie •A.d a nd o I *1 o| 111 e ju *'-( • >, I I: u i, i i. | \ | > »■ | i , \ i v. • . k In be absent Irmn tnwn,.., | buuuld have indicated an earlier dav. U nil senti'iicnta uf b;gf, rcppcct I remain your friccd and uh’i. servb. jjj, j j 'j (,j j’jj Messrs. L M isby, .1 Im Wills. J.,.!, , \] (),, Vf !S»>.-I y. i; [lilt, .1 l.n \V. Dudley, m.ti Hubert r». lb*\ ue. 'HIE NEW I! A.MIAMI IKK Er.KC'l ;o\. T lie news uf tlm urt-r hr,,w nf |.„- ..ism m, w llanij shire is fully rnnfiruu-,1. I is indeed u ari.llm , »i,rl unexpected— We all,mill as s,,„n I i , »_in..l 'hai the tenth legion w-iild elect a W liig me,,,her „l Congress—Tiie app nntee nf i|.e (in em ir, u, ih- S.-inn nf ilip b.S., Mr. Jen ness, is destined in a si,ml (-11 teer in that truly. I he latest infiritisti n is inulaiued Millie following arlicht whirl) we find in the National Inif*llijrpn.'er: I.aie, news from the recent el.-,Ton in New 11 arum .lure ahnwaihal the d.f.atnf I.. ,n «s, ,s iiirist cum pie,e. The K.dieal !)eu„„T:„, have U, their candidsn-s huth h,t t;,.v.-„„.r and M I liv majorities againal Ihem rang,,,, Ir„„ iwelve r„fil,e.u hundred miles. I he same ... has elec,.. .( he five Executive Councilors, ami out three ,r , ,„r nl the twelve Senators. The House of Representative, „n wlmm will devolve l or and fin',7 \ a'“* 1 . »'«•-* IInsmn i I ^","rill'‘r5 '«"'*• hey,-ml .. I',,,. .nl-w/ M le.nrns nl lheeleeii„n „| ||o \V|,i„s and 27 Independent Demo,-rats, making an .. town* I'T "fl 13' It nl leaks have ho, <J7. The I mns ami dis,nets remaining „, he hear.llrnui. whin, eMhledTT" ... No'emher, are enl lle l to eleven represeniaiives. and ihnse rvhu-h gave If these d*‘" "S ,av,,r »rp 7l"l> d ", lifieen men,hers, sndlml.n ll-"sew,ll a,and 151 Whins u *"dependents lu 112 Radicals. * ORElC.W C011IIESI1 OA'DE.VCE. ... Home, Dec. 12. 1845. ink I*,re*1 ,i8t in,h'« tniohly cily .,1 whose forme I '""'inis such noble deeds are recorded. It is hard jj U'1* l" .'‘'‘I'8** 'hat he is in realily on a spot s,, „ , Snt 'n '*le ann*ls nl history, and whose crumbling 1 '»)»* a'id dilapidated manomcoif ar»d iumi*riu' -r’:-. ,'*1 greaUea* every „ :,crp p ,. oul „ncr ,h* W,t of science ir 4 art. We arris.JJm 4iy, tlie Gili of this month, after , ,,|,„,„t ,«•„ days’ j mrnrv in the* Dilig'm, v I'mm Na I lex, ami 1. un i a Uav* ellera* h-meat the II I. I Allemaijiip, w hich m aery well •nulled in imp nf the | r i sin-p'.. I must ieler a description nl ,uir most agreeable trip i I, rough a most inter.nmg rouutiy, Un il warriap at f iorencp, when* we prnpusu finding s rs-iing place m I Will have mure leisure, aid, tor 'lie present, spend the tew indoor 1110.111 msallowed myself, m telling you of so ne of our niiivpinenis a id u'isprvitmis in li . op, • lone m,. >lo r of dead etnpire*.” O trartival was rather laie to the al.ernoon, ilte sky was on , east, the air rather eoill. ai ,1 ihe even ng of...—m wp kepi w ithoi nil early the ro at morning, when we ma te .a s ari in a carnage til view a me Ill'll,p ruins an I soon I .. ourselves at 'he 'Highly ( n. Ami h • vein | e ve you nnv ulea of its munler .u» inagniliceoce! T, tell you it cov ers inure than six acres of gr.imd -that the outer wall la one hundred ami fllly-seven Ip, i high in na wholo ex lent —that n euiiiai.ied inside of tins vast space eighty ranks of sea s, all uf inarhle, covered with cu-llioos, while a hundred llneisainl men might mi at iheir ■ asp—that Titus, al ns ih di.-a i , i, ihrew into this Amphitheatre a tiiousanil ostri" n-s, at ousainl wild hears and a llioiisand fa.I uv deer, to ne killed tiy the pen. pie- the next day he east into Hit. spi n ms arena a hundred orrui li ree I.loti*, a I.lied leu, arils and three Inn drni In ars, to he killed lo Ins p e cure -and f r ilte iliod day *s enter la liimeo I, loai he mado loree In,mire,I I r :f! I*, d gladiators li gill it mil lo the la-l.— I\, tell x jii o: all tin »e iliuiga wonid a I, e you nut u Imnt ulen id ita xtisl dm riisIoiis and ol toe ihiigoiliccucc ul the npeeiaeles cxhihmd there. It was pr . .ality toe inosi tiiipoNiog huinl g to the \v..lid. So, c have thought I eAo phi ihiaire ul V.r .na was s iperlur, hot to my humble opm fm II ne r. li . emupariM.n II i. i I an ia I ro.— I u -e .Is w Inch des ■ended lo the arena were supported ny eighty i. " -II iircb* > —* “Aii-iii s ui a rf »*! <tx il were tItai |« mp, “l ..lit* 11it|£ nit* t i,u l irt.j Inis ul in r Um-, tm i til it j i u 11 iit-r if i ti in | • iiii hi uiif* (]iiine.,> 1 In- hr&t Imi^i nr tier nl mmis m H9 h r ;lit* Koprmr iilul :,M» Vi al.ils, VV |n(lLf VV iiS | , Mir tu I |i.« | i,| l|ie », ijH rm— In m i .iiui l..r ilu* N-nulwr*— 11n* 1111rd mr u.e I ‘>p - >,?iiiii «»iclt*r — aiitl the others w ere i| pr-pntm d in Hit* } f , ir. J J.;» Ill'll maUlllllI Wild /I, > \\ t*J 8 Uflf IlillLJlHM in C'Ju.-liT8 »tV ff lit Itliui ..It 1.1-8. \\ t- UM eimt*d Ui lilt • "p, vv lirfi* ;• |■ IriiirI'^i]il v II vv rl It-Mi.t* v\ asf-pn a.I im Ut-f ift iis in all iix hrunuful o r«i * ui* n r. I noticed to ev* • ry arfh nr t* •liiinn imitit use in.It >t d upon in-ktim tlir u•*iilr. w h) M./ Ilr r j l.t J ii vv:• s ilir ir •• ilii! h irhail iiii i' ii (| ,1 r.ifs I :ul taken nut nl Hu se pun * ». \N •• t*n It-mJ [, e mw • r vv litn- .\i fu, j |,i) u i» i In- ||,|ii|r, Is cu'd I" liHV<» V\ 11 ilt’SSl ti I lit* il VV III) Silt III l.| It nil 11 nil lilt*. A lew i iiriis tilslttlil Imm tin ( .illseii u af<* the remHlus n| un tilt! (nit it i ;t: n Imm v\ hieli ilu* ^ lad ia a n ra «J ran k — llien a abort disiancc farther m ihe henmiliil arch nl L mislati ,,m*. • h-’v'mI by Hie Senate it ml people In ouinm morale Ins v u-:..r;ts tiv«r iM.txeniius u il l.teimii*. ] he ha* Irl , |* nrr Vi ry dlMliinill.wlial) O Hlld J ii • f i I l (liifing. 'i'lir riinia* ««l leu (.li s iunl tiiwrrs ami | tihlit:* ami im iiii'nernu in Unu.e are rer amly very l»r.:unrul_(ait Hu-y i 'a ii un i vie with llinse ul Greece. The anciei.l I'., rum is alumst imli8tu»miishab!H Imni 'he ruulnsli ami Imtues acetimtilaievl in Un- c.iin-. I Hme, y, l there are m:tny Immlsume |*iIl:irs ul am-ii nl leu |>I !, —u„lS(. -.1 the Iia .,1 the ( a- ar.x ami Hie Auh nl J nus u, - i 'aiy aramiiur in aura I unes at•« i. i.»n. 1 lit* T.irja tru ^ ' k—“fiiltvl i.;:.;! .1 1 'r*ins tarn *'1 he jimuiu'ilttry whence l t I ruiiui’n k ap ‘•r.ire.l all aiiiliiiiuii”- ,s novV linJv '' "l'* in mit* 8mall sjiut — huiiRfi urcnj»v um miii-li ul «•''« Pjiaet* ami ubslrucling the view. But really ih‘rci»su iiuirh lu rch amJ su mitch lc» write ahum, :lt:if ur i* is ;it a |.,*fi what Iu select l« r (JescrijiH n Imm su maiiy p.iiniH ut deep ni'ereHi, auu 11me* :s so pr< i-iutis here ■ .«e fiud-s but litllc Iti-iire lu ilevuie to vv rniny, w '»liin«/ l ■ S| end every moment in gizmo „i, t|„. numerous oh. j. ft. ol utterui ,ti, every where Burreundino hnu, and I will ...y nu ii.nreat presmil. Home. D<e. 12, 1845. I bate j«*t r, lu : ed fr« ni a iiuly i . am u„lk m , "I I.ail. u mi'll I,king Hie eiiy and is heanIHn ly pi,-lures,pic ell in ns—lull we are in ihe w j in lie hi U.m.e, as i very tiling wears lltu a., nine line .it " 1 be K n|uu„rul liiissi., arrived Hits iiinriilug, " ' ' v,nl w»s " elenuied hy ihe ;ier|..rinaiiee of a liaml "I II.U-IC and the merry peal .1 all Hie hells, the sounds "I whieli however were mu sn lively aa ih -p m CuN "e ‘"I Ibe arrival ,,f (^.k e„ Vlelnria. lie is lu he -I i u ,o ii nrrnvv ai ihe \ aiican, aiirl you may hr sure we w ill avail uurKelies ul ihe epp. riuniiy in see hia niajes <y, as I live a great d. sire In si e him hr many tea ROtlS. I n.i,si now I*II yen nf our morning's exrnrsimi.— I' ir-l In Ihe l spill.| anil then a ^In ri disumee n, the pris n in win, h Hi. I'.ier anil Hi. I’anl were c-. nflneil. I sn i iIhn mu flglnol si, is we ml,ml a small ilaik ... ' 1 1 be snliil r. i k —ihe , ris.mera we*e I. I " ,r"'" 11 I "leal,me. I lie some e,.|„i, „ I., w lueli >i. I', nr was n.iiliiud Is.mill ih, re. ami pres,red very ■ ■ rif.■, 1 v will, an ir..n wmk siirrniiinllng it. ,\ *Uinll spnm Iron, wlnel, ihe guide saul hehapi'xed w„ si,II miming wuh wa.r, hill w ill, mneli rare ,, r|0i I m n n.m in,n railing. We m.ii , d a paper lying , . tli ..„| .. . .... ii, knm, w i i n lamed —Our guide readily infirmed ns ••|i..|) .„!« I'st'il hy lie I ‘"pe” a ini 'aid we inns, Iniy seme — '’><•1,hi In,,, we were P„„, ,| „ (l n,„ i!l 1 tepll. .1 II Ilia,|p ,| trerenee, eve. ■ " ">.... "”'1 reemed (pole , In grined . " lml* ."■>' ' "f "*h r 'luse .. In coming out of,his gl.y c. ||, ,Vl. .|„m„ the |„i. oressien '.| Hi. I’.ml’a In ail against ihe wall in the an ,,l eetilining him. A small ir„» grating preaervea lliis mi mil spu Ir.en the leiieh eh ihe pnhlie. One is ai In,, r ly M" *''• """ b el II, s an,/ ether wmi.lerliil , ms as he phases |, is .aid rhai H., IVier's is .. i"1"""""1'" '""'III.honor „l‘ the Kmpen.i'a air.val • *'in nmsianee wlnel, rarely „ee,,rs and ..Is .nr! "'Ileeiiee any ,1*snip,in,.. ..given, We have n"'1 "-but n eepliiu, he n eels will, .. lie ' P'! bn, all Ii meate.iaeav insday—ihe splendid ear ' 'ilea are dashing ahnul and Ihe Indies' f,„e plumes ami leathers are wav ng .hr..*., 'J he I’.,ns w „„ei ..* ,!"'ejnsi emi.e are eerminlv very „s,y beautiful. 'llieie ,s I,.. my a wandering minairel and iwn lull,. buys wuh bagpipe*. ; .a'uinuaul llirmi dmul this rminlry, nmk ■' .. agreeihle music. It is <j..cold i..« ■ Icy, iiliimsi much r.i as ilie « mier (lay* in Virginia Inn " lien llie situ illumines the deep blue rl.mdless sky ((I H uiie, ynu at (Mi.** perceive llul y„n nrH nul under die variegated eaimpy id an Anierii-dii hurizun. 'i'ne E Iipernr ha* mil lieen mil .lay, unit llie gay vvtarH llul have an busily been np.,n llie I,ink mil have in retire n ilhuul a sijlil .d him. I have rim seen su line a slum ul i->nlanes and diesses turn lung tune.— I lie carnages are. gundy bill ru-li in llie ext.riur, and ■ tie dress ul r|ie ladius and gi nileunii aluigeiher diller j 01,1 fr,,l|i Ilie (lashing eulurs id Napli s. The gayesl nh* jnuls | have seen m Hume are llie ei| 11 pages n! i lie tar* tlirials. i I»*jir trim*i»mix* and>eiiduoe8 are of tlie nriglitegt red, and 1 assure you present to the view a niufit gorgeous spectacle. The Cardinals tfemselve* jare very happy looking old men, dressed in their ijowns and hhUjand, fr.»m my ohservaiions here, I cannot say that my laiih in Catholicism has much increased. - Sc NDAY M0RKI5G, Dec. Nth, 1843. 'Vf g rt rhjr v ?• Fe* * h- #t rr i Wcnrue ?rry ^ r«a t. Them ■ g* ,1 S\ An Uv> • and II e street leading to the choreh vm< thru gej on 0t*Tf h* with pc.ip’e til' every rank ami grade, all awai.nij* wii!j .UiXio' * fares the at 'etr m e of the I'.n I*er >r. \\ e drove quickly up In the ( our! ol St. Pe t*‘f s, there alighted and stationed ourselves tn a good |* * .11 t i see what w is going to happen. l i e vplen* dil ciriigc* ,,| tii,. Cardi taU were man med oil one s >'e the ri de, and the carriage* of tliif lent pcn.dc «»o»‘u,• *d the r.muling ap.icc. Thm Court tn St. Pe t't * id» mi think merita all the praise that h»* been g veil it i'll, when cm.v.led with splendid equipages .•nd li .ely die.,M\| people., with US two beaulilul I nin I. V':* oee.ipyi <g e i p side and 'is tall ob.-!i#\ rearing Ms lieail a > »ve ad ot ier • >j‘.‘ts, it t*t*i i uni v tits miiv hi I ** i few minutes wc w pr i"d ol the arrival ot the IY nj* *i »r t»v the general con Iusi>• n and running to n i lYouf the dense er »wd. Mm. whit was in ist airiusing, there was a body ol * dJiers, who had h it their tuition ir« their rtmrucst tn see the Ivtipemr, and he entiling a little sooner than they had t \ pee ted, rend red it very d. Ill Mill lor them through the el sc crowd to regain iheir position—They, however, hy ttim?h *--ufiling, at last got hack to their ranks, and nil ryes were lurried and three • .1 I . \ards the I'*, nper.n’n e:»rri.tge, w l«t«*li was very plain, dm wn only l*v two Inn. M's. Croat anxiety was then m tin tested to l. trn whi. lt r ude he would lake fir*', w hether in ihe V stit* * i or t > .St Peter’s, I |e, however, * ini alighted lr i u his car* r age and w .1 i.eij up -me of ihe e >rrel .rs, "it eaeh side I li rot i gel vtiii. o »oit tf. non, w ho siIn *ed hi ti s he pass ed Our j'os on gave oi a m # \ . ot \ ew of hi e, an.l us lie w d'o-d along lie tor ..»■«' in i*uler tin* . iun "hit'll was r..liter unf\pet*n*d lo the crowd, and n was* q Hie amusing to see the tins In | »r a ininuif’s duration. 1 lie) had all l«i file • Il oil ea. h sole lo leave mi open *»p.o e I r It'S U >)itl pei-mrige lo piss, v\ lilt'll litot eiiieul lock ly threw i.s in Irotn ol the hue, is lie slow |y pas-e l near enough !»y US lo have touched hilt. lie is llie li in-si lo Up g man 1 » ver saw - lull, erect ami well pin |orii<lo<J, 1 llllle •» re) , Wearing iiioosiiches. Hit Mich a *dern look! willioiit the least emit Mellon of llie nine ch'.s h.r a smile ; lull a eomileiiain e llie ui .sl mis eie ami i uiliov:t!»|e, as il he could bmi-li all the poor Poles lo ISineria and senleilee llieui lo llie erm I kiiotil w itliout the least pity or eon. passion. Ileiiuir-ly look oll l.m, ( w hu ll was i.ol ol the latest Parieam cut,) as he I .isS' il, dressed us a gentleman, in a brown t loth coal, el .sfly tniiioned up, (a cold niornliig,) with a iilllct'tfie lo .me li.iud. And l Ills was llie Auloeiai of all I tin |{us. ‘ IMH, J >81 -is I S I A ll lll UlS llo-i ..ill fg, Vh'i |i' .•..on i s name uod In n, relentless look, are indelibly l npres-ed upon in\ ti.ind I le w a* aMHuJt d tiy it u or t welve goii lieu.eo, all dressed as genl lemeii. 1‘i.e one who walked .. . his r gut was a veiy sm .11 man, and I could uni lu.t II. • i.** M w us designedly s ', that Hie eoiiuasi might bet to di.sul.iv Its hie Mature. Hut really. wiHiuti ilie l a i I teign aid, lie i. 'dts like an Kmper.T. II. enleretl S'. Pi Ol’.s, I. | low ed hy lliri crowd, look i hasty view uiid then ciimmeneed i.» ascend the C", '••• At hu lino ll.e cliurch, Ihe Priest* cummeiicetl i.. ny Mass, which some remained to hear, and oil ers Nought llie o pen air I .r euj yment. 'i’i.ere w s an id.I lady m r me who kee. *d b, be in great dist r» ss. and I inquired ol hi r llie cause—she said 'l.o people had disturbed h» r in her rosary m rtiunmg to see aoiue strange p rson. We lift lirin ascending tin* dine, and • uir curiosity tieimg fan fi..!, In. k mir carriage and drove a w -iy. \\ e si ill I.... oil I he streets and every a Venue iul ly er'Wil'd with the multitude wai u.e K.pprror’s i im u rn. On ptssjig ll.e Palace at winch lor was si iy mg, Ihe coireotirse ol people was greal, and it was alomst i'll. iHsible I., get along. Mow strm g% Unit h.r one man sneli eommotb.n and cxeilemeni him.old he caused. W *• hastily di >ve>iway Iro n this noise and mis' e and soon loin.d ourselves Wl'l.oul ll.e City, at llie lutltb of Cams C cstus, which is in imitation ill llie Pyramids, having nothing j.hiiu. n in atiruct Hiic-t.ii> n Ian ns si7.»; iiu.I h -ing among so up inter simg rniu*. pr ..n this we . °ip again I., n.e CuI.s.mhii, passing ;i beautiful little eir cular i» ii, ' mip|>.irie.l by e .riniln in c. lumns, d*-->!.<* ti.-d to \VsM, (.fiviig >'t bitf b'g look ai ihu Cullseu u we dfove ..nee mure Ihr.itigh t:i«: old ■ l' "'ll Ml W l.l-fe lilt* ill! Ill 0 ill ■;il - .r! f A “Ami •''ill I In* A.t in im l lies urns \\ Mb ( inT A il * Hiii arn veil at nur 11I n ft iijmt >r It "I u • -i»* l» it is |'M a-e a nd i ii!,si*i|ni'ui !y the ii.'.v.l tlnj. r»eti ami ilii* imlM* s i isnleil. in it i no, l ,i- Sa j ul.i is slrn :!y ub* i nerved ami every Mme ein.sej. Wt* have spent uvudiys in t> \h smeii "film Van i*an, tlie in fit !i am) elmieD iJejvisuury for tlm ubjeets 1 nl ilie arts, I Invr ever Men. ii h «f ini nen?e m*(» ami i uniains tin* umst beautiliil specimens nl (ireek umi Human sculpture perhaps in ilm vv..rhl. Ii n really as Imiisliinn in •' luii perfection the ancients arriveii in ih<* ari— 1 v\u nl ilm rn Insi limits n enni im • ire, the tomb, n pur pity ry — one is tint •.( >ani Cunslamia, ami Ibe nilirr that of ilie r, upress S;. J w ho hiotighl Jerii'uleiu ilie tii: le oil wh eh . ur >;i'|..ur look Ins lusj hopj.i r and v\ h eh i- ai pr< s ut in ti.e c "in h ..i Si .1 ,1m. AM tneee things, | have yet *.i w rile you nhnul. Tnere are many de-ervedly celebrated si a i lies here — llml «>l I. e.e.itin is KII.J I.» he the most perlec i master p * < »* ot ait in ihe world. i he IiuMm ot A«lr :iu an I . I N» ro are u.ngnitieen», uf • ne entire piece ul marble, most beau* iifully polished. One ot the most splendid halls was •hat of the Muses. I lo re im re many Kgypliun curl i sities, suine ol'which were very familiar in me. A greai ."in Im r ot mummies will preserved, and many specimens 1.1 Uieir aueii nl writings, and thousands <»! mlier inn resting 'lungs w Inch do not e. »me lo mind w hile vn nlii»if. Tin* Kirusenu\ase* me im t»i he.iuidul objects, n pre-^eiilinn ihe p u»l|e games and hampie’s w hit h look, place al Mo* liiueraiH ol i lusirnus im u. Tin* aneieui j- w# Iry anr.icied my r.oiiee—ihe ear rings • ! the ladies in llo* f*rm of lit Me trump* is were quile pretty. We also saw an original old Honan ( iiariof and *o many lIuMisaud Inter* stung objects, that I am ill a loss w lot It lir-I lo describe. V\ e yesierd iy morning ascended the Dome id Si. Peter’s-- 'I'lie aseeui whs not and not the |. :ist liifioiiiii^ and w ith*"il any aii« i deni * a g* r— l i> foriimalelv I r is. the sky wa* par laily overrad with clouds, which rendered our view less #-x cihw*. On ar r.vino al l he top ol I lie dome, w e l-ioud ourselves m a in at linie parlor, very prettily prepared in Me formula triii, nl here s.-mi .in agreeable half Imnr, m a ferne ry ot il.e city ami siirroiin lnnr munlry. I n twelve Kgtpliau Duel sks, sealieri d an m lit d./Ten ill square-., are quite command mg object-. \\ e spent uiie morning in the business part uf the ci ty ,— ihe slums were filled wnli a great deal uf Mu-air and Cameo work. I • every street and corner were plen ty ,d pictures and Al.i;,asier work for salt*. I tie M >si n* ami Cameos were «d mo-t e\ j n-tie workmanship.— lint the stores \y ere generally Very (v*.union. I'm re are sevt ral pleasant promenades and drives about the city.— |l:e ( < disrinn is a very aiiracttve one, bill I he Pm ctne lull, Iroiii w inch you have a rouji d'wil of the w hole (.tiy |„ the most fashionable drive tor the Homans. Ii is i h in IV set, w iili beau11 In I box and evergreens. am) ev erv kind nl'shrubbery.— Tne city is always crowded w iih strung* r*. co ning and going, hill many take mart* merits to .spend the winter. W'e had Hi nights of re maining In re ourselves, until spring, as it would proba bly be 4 more mi* resting place ill in Florence,—- but upon riqmry learn Miaithe’’I lily Catholics,” id Hunt* do not admit Protestants to become members of their schools we shall goto Florence before we recommence our studies, where it is said the Duke .d Tuscany is mure i liberal Ilian ihe Pope, and we may perhaps gam admit tance inIij Rome good school. We are much pleased with Home and would have preferred to spend ihe win ter here, that we might hove v;aw*d/nore at our leisure .. | • 8 ‘ .. y ■ || ! Home is t ton!,,.'fdy, dr* It’d In study, res-a:. It mu’ r'' 'a ion—tnJ ' \ i i»t at i arntt 11, there are low tttinar Mu iitt. At |Heaenl their is nnt «v.-it ,a Theatre. I low d.fli rent trnm the C>y n.o.y world at No,,Ira j„*il, reputed as the in isnai C.iy m all l hrim i d„m. U in1, no w. r» llitn-, the Kn.|o-iur »l littana was 1. I.i-.i ami till- pn-| aiali n I. i Ids rerepti |,fe anJ |,„.i|, <1 I!'' hstwetri I.. | t ihen.srduI pa nj hit m " V11 »•<:.<• >«" » il.s, l«t.t,. |,H „,a.|p III- j.t. Wo have met wrdli srv.tal Ami,, s hrrr, a,m „ „|i !I ' *rJ a pirn III Ui nllm ( II ^Ar dl-, ) f „ih,n dii ruijf at a Is* - an i I, l*y ."m uhspfv t,, hi r .mpititona, lint lie W IS.led I ha I a yln-s .,1 ••h.inl n J‘ ' ” lit' - ii jhh till .ll-.jin.. " ■ >< lhe w ,! • , , < l.ithii, it very rx pensive, and to ...» Use n .1 v.-ry B„,|. K,„kn a,„| m,i-hr„ . os tie Uv irn«s di.lies in It., an I ... „l Ihe wild hoar is mi Iuj'i r. |*.u. , and tloiH.liiiee isV.llUl tii i;u it i it ;t j: j-, /rl ir tee. I. • ■ /i'-i,f .'-nlnn/.iy, .Vmc/i -1, 1810. Tiilnltr.i -Oil I. ,4s, ||,||,| ,;. | .0 .. 11 1,1 r* 1 ’• • tint, i '• I In nil I; .nun,,,II, * • ». mi l.l.m, $|,-> I nl I, ... . J l.H I In 8,0 I , ni l Hi • .. |J Jl. jJ |„ t>,0 line him ill mii.d $|0,0o I,. J J») I'ltutr, I* lino ,t;p u»$l l -H, « iiJ III lp \»d Cem »b(!, l.*r lartji* Inta. n hc«t_8D «n (tiuii -(*• >m 'ii in , i) c\i. per liuahel hum w.i^nn, »l„'il $1 ,(l | „i«p,„ .I red, .lean-,I U8 -hi aViti-s j*»• r liustiel, j,-. < hjl 11*111h. < inrrmnl f.V.i > ./„ t i ,v. r S. d m!,.m J,v ,|ie j'"'1' b.l\l I !*.• | M IS $ >.7 » Hill |,| *S|y,,,. *• 1 * • ! ■ > . i. i i., v,GI u 7i Him lil) > «•» (I, h«.l»« hi i n .,, l. J*n>n*ion$ ll.i i in-Vi 7>* from w.ifminKi,iri. ’ $i.i I l> $1, pei 11it>iilr«*%l; l*.ok, dune in mar ki i, .lira 1,70 t" , » I'ts. |i»m (nislit'l tr>>in v\ajoo. rt>) $ ,U.I it, $10 00 ,„.r 1,1,1., II, rr„,Ui y,i '$• oj, .Mivkt f I, No. i, $13, N.,. 2, $-.1,011. No. 3, $ vS. 1 ; ~S'1- Dill ' j i, 7 l to ^ (Villa per 111.; U in, (II M 1(1 • » I > 0. • Java, Ui t.1 [j ,Tills; I ul»:t ?• In 0, Snr .n -Urown, Nrw Orleans. 7i to9 et»tim per lb foil.. III.-.., |S|„ • .-,14,. | la.; Si. Croix, I I \X\ » i uts pi r In.; Is I, I'J, to I i null ,n r |l». ( 1 *tll iW, i I ■ « > II •• p i IN . Hyn i i. iu .I. i mils pi r I i , Hull ,N. .S.-u’s. I., (o I / rente p.*r III I# /««#>». »/. - I'n u.iM'iilt il, lot, sain* J3 la .10 rente per i . I ratulij. Apple, l.» lu Ti l etMile prryulloii; I'rnrli, II Mir III iii.iiKta. ( iiihm } urns. — lacMury prieos. IGtolT cle. per lb. a —m Ini. linn liar Iron, $,.» p**r tmi ami in iletusml from bo.ns, $^0 Iroin h .re |»*p |r,,i $ 7 l>. $3 I. Sltrl. I • 11-.11 i ,• | (i j |u ,*a ri ll's |ii | III.; (i, rumII, I fl to 1 ' " • 1 ■ . > > . HI s , • i lb , l Hut I » J.» i t's, per lit. IMitutU Oil ria I.nmp, $1.00 lo 1.50 per U illoii; I iimn rs. $ i ».i i0 to I ^,00 pei til>I / cnlhir, l*"od >.ii(*. I.» iu | cin per lbDamaoed >o|(*, |.» u, | / n ut . per lb 1‘nuuln . - lilast im. $ I ,< >0 to 4 ,*35 per Krp ; Uillr. $.‘» •‘.)iI lo G.00 in i l»ro lion. Wool, i , I "di relit-prill,.. Wool U„l In. ill i 11 111. I i'ii'.(,.7 limit/ — 1111 ti iiinuns. 25 i unis pur bush,4 \ M I .11 .1*1 |u. ,( ■ ,|JU 1 (nil. I l.r. i ml mi xml \\ uud 1 . |"'r i-uni; I lnd(ury,$ i, jO pi r i nul. \ppl"i», .. 0 75 In 1 001 MUpiuit (|„ r lb.) 0 | | |„ II 17 Alllll» 0 til lu 0 10 0 *1!' r. No 1 (pur 111.) II 12 iu 0 I I 1 1,11 ’» 0 7 i iu 0 III II.. sw.iv (per l!i.) (I on ,u (| M|j I Ini is,iu- (pur Hi.) 0 (i() |„ |() I' ' 'Ou'i.s (|u*• llu) 0 •if, ,.i 0 ‘28 I'liivsuuil (jii r liuali I) 0 75 u, 0 00 I'l"i;> f, (pur III.) 0 In |„ 0 121 '•. 0 27 lu 0 30 I i ■< i, siriii.iptl (ti., M- in mar! ul) I lu mp (pur i ni) 4 in nulls 05 00 in 0 00 Indian (I» r In.) I Ml m I 75 Juans (pur yd.) (I 37 j lu n 50 •-1 •>"*. 0 ll.i In I 00 l .insuy (pur vd.) 0 ‘25 in 0 30 • -"lull I Iiw (pur y I.) (I 0(1 In II |() d .. Klax (puryd.) 0 I2J lu 0 00 l.ard, Nn 1 (pur Id.) 0 7 in 0 08 I nail, (p,T lb.) 0 05 lu 0 001 .'ll 1.I1I1 I (|iur III ) (I 18 In 0 ‘20 \! .lawn si |. 1 ,|.) II 35 I,, 0 |o Nails.(pm In.) 0 11;,( u, 0 („; l’uaulius, <Ir . I, pu’lil nnnu in, (I 00 in 0 01) I’.Ill's,ilnuil, Iitipl’d II.IIIH 1,11.|irl.i 1. 0 00 in 0 01) I’hisiur, (pur 1 .11) 7 51) i„ 0 Oil I I |.,“r- (!" r !"■) 0 | | In 0 17 1 Uiuu (p, r Hi) 0 on In 0 00: fall, (pur s.n ii) 2 30 m aji Mini (pur nan) | 50 In 1 75 Sune, a Snaliu H ml (pur lb.) 0 |2| in 0(10 Snap, Uiuwii (pur lu ) 0 05 lu 0 1)8} rati.JVV (I 1)71 In 0 on 0 75 lu *2 00 I.XOII\NlIU8 Clicclia on Nuiv \<ili, 5 perci.pruin. H il 1 iiwre j d i R m "• i do Lliil id* Ipliia l do New ()iIi ui!» par ISi. I * huh J to | per ct.die. ('iiarlesuiii par Njshville 1 in | j do I * "11 'Viile j Lo I i do <‘iiH’imiaii i to 1 do Hank Notes Nonli ( militia I per et. din S et it( .irolma I per et. dm Ten 1 see ‘ii perrl. din FREIGHTS I r im. DOWN THE CANAI. T«i1»hihm, le tl (per It imln a,I) 1 (HI !) . nianiititctur tl, (per box) in Flour, (p-r htil.) 10 to l*ii H?»r lr mi, ( per ion,) I 00 |*ivf Iron, ( per ton) 1 0(1 Lead nn.I Shot, (per ton) l OH Fluffier, (per Ion) I 00 Vvil*, (per sin k.) I *ij F»«h, (p* r htirrtd.) H Al uther (per 100) 8 e tip; 10 down. gp ■■ nriTU , I II,11 si . *S- mi l — > •»• IT - IT - r nr ~ i n, mm si r, n . , Hi 1 2CUI Aii » .S, ■-. on Wed lie day, I lie I 8 ■ Ii ultimo, by I be Rev, Mr. J.ilin T ( larke, ( jiAKl.hS \ ( I.AKirr.. |'N'| , lu Ali-s I i.i/a Ann. 11.111410 1 < I C apt. 1 nonius L. Spra^ 4111-*, il l *»i I iaIII.1 x eo iniy . -, oil the 1st day of .Inuu irv, I84G, by Elder Wm. ii Finnkeit, Al*. Isaa«’ n. to Aims I t <v .. il. niMliter • I In* |,i *• Fnu.nus \\ illiunm, E-«j , iti ..I i'.t«'\ 1 v.inia eoit * 1 v. \ a. ^3* 1 in- Tennessee Fdiri.n will please copy. - , nil I he | 8ll» nl I'l Til ,r\ . I* V tile H»V. D. .1. ( > (o^t'ier, (.'apt I'noMAffD Hill to INFss AIauv F. I i f, m ' I "l A tuner**', V .i -t , tm> ‘iS |i iit F» brnary, by tl e |{> v. 1 > I M.iim.’Iiu r, Mr. .John \\ . Cahh to Aims IHblcca Mot. NTC ASTI.K , all ol \ libers', Vi, \li()l T two miles telow New Loudon, on the rood . leading l" Lynch mrg, a large I.KATilKli I'OI'KKT HOOK. eotitaining several bond-, to the amount ol two or three hundred dollar-, and a • umber »*l «ee..iintg. Tim Hoods tud aeeouniH appear to in* due In K. J. (Jumltll, wlneh lit* eao oei by calling at tins • Hi e, and paying for ibis advertisement. March ‘Ji It PETER DUDLEY, co. r/. fiivww.v . fi/;ttas. i.vr, KIM. very tha.,kf<l t.i Ins frlends fir former pal roiiage, n-i lilt wife s ins m rvlceg lo the public f,,r h e sale of | ,na ecu, I*' I. i ir, \Y, He will do Vole , his nest a> leiillon to pro-no if* the ol liluKO who j may t>«’ pleased to employ him. liiseharges moderate ami ilie producis w ill he pro upily paid over without delay or remitted as may be dire-led. I'K I'KII DI’DLISY. aucnlion pud to llaa purchase ol Uuodg it required. Jau. v;9 2m if !•’ rr * h fi :» «• <1 r n Seed. I £ Ulli hUIJSCRIBMt Ir,. j,H, ,pcpi»«I his S|irn v Jt fiiipi'ly i I CjiUttb] v HICKI), which ar<* war, muted Irtish and genuine, O. K f.V >IAN, 5qn»rp. re’’ ’3 u:t : N I’ £5 I CJ S I I* B’ Bj V . r. .ron.Ysroj%\ WXtll.’CSAT-IJ AND HETAIL • • /•' tStn »»\f ami i)i a a ai*t, N • IIA M s i x Nratcr, Is II’IONIV Vs , K ^ n'"' 1 r'It ■ f! r I, i j fiienda and the poMt**, hit ■ .1- III I ' • Ml J * J»• v i I • 'If I* n r«. l ),!*'. I)ve SinfT\ NVimf.iw , '* 1 • • I I"" • « i, I .•m*h Im I \ iicmcuii Olieml '' • |*r,V r« ’ S, • . £*.•*, link mg hi a amort nent V mill i Varney n1 .iih-'M may he l|','d I *t ij t.tliiy Iml'g-i. Kvraet l.igwnnd, ‘ iilder, I m *!*»*• a *, VI'S m, I .siiiji 111»*k, (' mtur Oil It v the S irn I. 1 H i . i • l i i i I*1'1 !> I ' J' '• 4 • r Mii'il A11«111 • *<*. (i |iive*, Nutmeg*, ('ri •<ii, AI lie, (finger, N weel (III in h.mhni* and hy l lie g il • i lull, Vtllll .t III 1 j e M$*nri mrilt uf Mullm.i \A IfldnW (flu-*, i • t ail nr * lur tnnhhr*, I V urnmli, Ufu*>**«. Smli i l •• Kujfli • nt i \ nerlean Whit* Iad < olttu * 1 »' H fi»f L‘ K II-:’ ihfi *tWth 1 Null III iisll - ,S 11,1*. |\m Ui Hn -ka. r .tlet H .11*. M. IN r t mi r > Ne , *S.iv, nil „| hi eh lie «>() r -* i.i ( -niit ry Her i • !l 1,1 4 *" ' n In i •, mi jim .«| lerm* :>* nrliclt** nt the i *’11" * I" '*!11 V I III lie sold III tin* Nut I her l| rill. * I he Niilii. rih r, i n III. ..I III** dil lhtllll q i ilit v nf a l.»r jr iinmh' f m I hr |t-i\\ di n d Af. darine* n*unll y * dd, h i-« nt •• irnudi r.i * * expense »*i . d in i i*h Iir r v I ir tin* • 11 :t 11 i ':t Hire u‘ Ih'Uil i, under In* |»*■ im■mil inapcelliui, Ir en Iln I i si hi i * i 'il*, w h|e|t en i d. it him In pit trunlet* *t ! A|rdii:im fnild |.y h i n au p i re a ml Iren frmn Adiiltera• Hull, I'lly•m i nis are inviird tn examine hi* «itnrk, a Hiring I hr III 111,11 II I p till t **!i:t!| in* *|» tr*d In I ill III‘It III ill In the Ills' Sly I, *||,l •* 11, ,r I ||, il AH the ii* w rnimdn iml Instrument a "ercivcfl n* ■ uni ! at they appear. and n y article uitleied Ir mi the North l» V r \ |»n m, I Ini• Iy Medicine ( firsts, w iHi direction*, iml l hyaii Mil*’ Medical Saddle Iln’4. r John'srov. K »Ii iiuiid. V*. M«r Ii 23 4iv ti*uckt t BSook B.out. O'N ’I"' I I• *' ,"»» iny M inin Irmn LyneltUurg, nu iiic ru.upik.-. i i.i.. my I <H M I HOOK. I***' -** I ii'iirH. .1 itm Nini" I. hi |,i. "|y ,,, i* ii pit'll liy Ka I*^ N’1* 1 -*■ I 1 -* i* "tmttta n it i-ittiri-lv p’i' 'll. I'trtl. •i ..•••'. '••»■*•*. .. tbltM \ S| i * ■■, r il •' 1 ...* ..ri ilia t it ■ i ■ nhy .-s ..... ti'itf* ntt.l • nt', ..Iintt tint, till', mill rrlll«|M ..Il . .I II, iti'iiHU dun VImy S. ( itl-il.ll. a ,'1 I1'""* - 1 • -HI11 fil'd Hill ■" ! ;|\ ||., , \ , ‘i |,I | l,«f"tiltj K Slim.I or r. . \ , II \ |I„ .,, ht.M mil Iii mi i* ii" ' lli d, I i In'il i p I"dil ilmni it • I'.iHRitdi* in nti , I ... 1 \ .. I "|. III..I ,1" |l 1| |l k. I |t.,.iI, VV II' |H" Ill'll I' p I'V .1 u * I * 11' ■' 11 ,* 11. 11 III! n 11, | In' It "III I Ii' I V" " -N' " • II -HI' Mr. Ei-lmli, I U " Id I' u|r , i Iml II" Mini’ll il" HI, All) ini' I III a I II 'I., rmii'i'iiiim i hi ■*, “'ll -i' 'I' 1111,11111 y it i. Ivi'd, Add ns_it -I. I'm dill, I i.e Mi-ad'ivm, llidldid in., \ a. ’ it J. ( UMHI'F. M indi 23 v*i d ivu v a ,v sat ir/.r; v It I'li I.I.A\ I'*, in «i y tu tlmir "iMiiuiii r«, sod ill" * pu'dli' iji'i" i,t|| v, lit ii limy am Mmv ii'i'i'ivin.i, mid ... i > ir spania sappiiY oj.'* onocnra^s, \\ ill* Il Ii;i' u hern leeeully Imngin hi Hu* IN• <i Itit-ri| \u rl.elH Upnli the umM luvniuhln Inin*, iind ;ir. * «jm i I in, il nut the umM exiniMvr niid ln*si an lei t*d Hturli in the upper country, ami they are drier* inlliril in idler Niieh linliieeint iilH, in pneit and (piulity, a* »»I• I give Naimf.ii n.m. I in* hd|uv\ h g are a purtinn ui the ar'iclea, tn vih eli they in vile uUQiiHnti . HH lilniH. Si ( I * I \. pnrin N. O. Sugar*, '* ( uha ( hiriii d do o Ihix» s I *m| Su^rir, -i bhl* ( riiN'u il mi.I I’.iwilcrril ,1, I '11' I'.in-i l< 1 .n-intu. .I.iva and M irnuailin ( ,,ff •U' MidH .,,,,1 i,iila. N. O , I*. Rich and Culm M i li»SM*.4( U50 HncliN Sail, IO.uoi) Iiin. .uni tianimeH Mile* I,»*stlie*r# *0 l• •;{i* NiliU ol ii*u Im k | .u ioiv, III loin Mur |r, ii, 5 •* I irdi oif j,, ~ " Hu l l. \tsir and M mid li arj, id “ Aiiii'tn -in iildh-1,.,1 , r|( 8'»<* lb*. Mu ir unj L'a^i Mu, | 40 buxua I in, m.OLklHw.i .„ \ irns, Riulimutid ulli r F..c:unuii, o l l»u!s. 1 .1 ■tinrrs' Oil, 4 r,...» 1% I ill f H ruIm*i|, f,nmp Oil, ‘1 I . ililil f'udilu -. | • a, soitit* Vrfy fj 50 !u:ii lii.up ami ground I’laiaicr, 150 Mhos Mil .|, 1,000 Ids. Ijjir I i.l, 50 K' i»« M| wr.iM(( nu,I 01 Powder* 50 Nova Mr .it i (>i lixUlulifs, ‘•40 Ur*^s Wi.iio 1*8.1,J, 50 ) Mis. |1 ij 11 y, '4 <-iT»nii- I ml ijjn. the vrry hr*t 50 i>o\,n (iliiss h ^ Id ail’d |0X. I 0, ^0 Muirs 11'im ii,* iind (*uiion (l/.'iHbtirsa, ao b"\, h .M,mt ,, ami .Mi,.fine* I biuJi.m, 5* “ 11 »ll hi i! JSoii’s ii fit) oilier Tallow CanilSis, s4\) " J^'»ap. MQUOUS. 2 pipe# very Nuperiur French Hrnndy, 25 tit»U Amerr;jii do | 50 ** Apple tij I pipe ()id Antipin llutn, 10 bill# N K Ilinn, 12 ** S. Al aili ir.t Wine, j 10 '* M ilaoa do 25 44 old K \ e \\ liudtpy, l*d) 44 i iiiuiniiii and n cilfii d \\ liiskpy, 10 “ Vinegar, 5 ( •I'.kn I tnl.mi Porter, pint* nnd qnnrtn; T,.er!ln i Willi C. wlie.ues, II .I P.- f ino, Clock#. T«>W • 1 Fnx Linen, Lamp* nk, lied C urds, L*adinu Luos, Pepper, (imo#r, Siiliiie^s, Allspice, »Sjii i pel re. Alum, .M ulder, Limpid,uk, leillieH, Wool, CJ jpg, I I II#, do'JH, .Inis, I )e|||IJ,iln S, lilieliiMS, | lops, Tons, Pilpef, I I.e-e I liitin . t III,III Card#*, Tacks, iMlekureI, I lerrtno#, .S|,#f|t in.,*. &<*, Ala fell 23 t# IMPOn I'ANT I ■ ' Platt ' . I I Pourh Ini p'O.' P..I Stic, one ol I lu- mod inflii.-nt oil jo unal* in the » .,te < i Sew Y*ok, -lairs, und.-r i In* nolhortty of Id* own tin in#, Onil u \ oonp l.ol v. a n liiih e ol his, ol iV deln ute ««.nwi i •'llloo was ii11kid io h i b , 1H I2, \\ ilh -m oc cold. w Inch ii. :> , , .doe d apitiioji ,,| i-:.,od lever, and oilier dan • ' 11 •ll"1 ' u *>•*•, lie* rioo i^h nodical iri fttim nt and oe Mu* p oti.tllv n--..v. r» d dui inj; the Minum r. hot 1 oil il l n-tui .1 of w til er she w as attm ked more »i. |c h' l\ that* *"»'• s*'«- hi . inic a-* iu h, « Hicely aide to walk and was II totl» e l with clinch, i lolls and |»• v. r <• v11 \ day, anil nppetir* cl lo tu- tupidly : otn* w nli coiiM.rnpl ton. \| tin# time when O'* i*’ v. a* I. . ol Iinpiow incut. Mr Platt procured »»l-ol. t!. 'd U is.ii s i l.i I - a hi of V\ • id i lurry, w Inch »h< look, and it sc. tmn- lj ,, s|o, dh* r. She £„( a ecuti | and Heine it " h 111 t then, .he w «s r, slot* d lo perfect health \\ hndi she Ins « iiui, d to th • p*cs nt time, without the »li^;htctot i*ymp» turn u| hot loimei disuimc. .Mr PI *ti u t- •’ile* cure came under iny own observation ail 11 .in,out he mist liken us t , the f.e ts ” 1 In1 above valuable AI edieint* is f .r «n!r by I) U. LYMAN,DrugnUt. AJ a roll 23 (14) It / ». .•;#,■> ' i. il mi;} Shijis. R Rr K liavpim ..Hill a small lining Spr.i V T Hu,I n f-w Inks fir,I nnrt Kanin a I}ui ,vtii.-h WH will S'-III nv. LKK Sc UOl* fill Is. Alandi 23 js *.»o unu v is:#. * -— KITN AW A V Irom the, livin t*m lliver, near Creeps Ford, lied " 0,1 ‘ '... tin* 3lit „l Mari li, ISIA. b,*.. •""l coll",J>V .1/ A « T l ,/ I will KifR the alhivn rpWHrJ CIF TV nf>I r ad* "ia"> '7".' iipri'liiTil nnd rip^ivpr tbc mud ruiKiwa^ tu 010, -.r f0 ("in ji, jrat, 6o that | g„t MARTI' , is thirty five or S'X vrars „M. fire "H"r innlu'i hii-h. «lmil m»d», of oilier n "'5"i C"„|.l..xiMn, ha. n wi.all *.-ar i.n Ins f„r. hi-vl and '"',i)i» breast, and bad mi whet, he.lidt,* blue chilli '"'.mill a pair brnwn jeane pants. Me has t w if- ai i.r. 1 bn. ||,.|in a tii Franklin enun.v, in wiiich ni'ieli eitllimd I think he may now be lurkin r w*** tvmbUtxerv. i VeWi ti rot: ertes* f|U!!’ ST ’ IJSC ItIHKKS take |*l» store in announcing I to their fri-fol-t, tod the public geunrally, lk*l they an* now receiving a r.ew «upp!y of anoosnzBS, vzi = Brown Sugar#, a guml aavortmenf, I.-if, < rtiah'd and Puly-med Sugar?, U . l.vjiiim and .lava CofT-ea, N • Mean* and Wett India MdftMte, 4 bblt. "»*•* Cid*»r Vmpgar, lannpiw*. 'r» J '*P *r al an I Tm«, ii 'ifrr, p,pf'nr' ^ <*rch# Sail, (in ••'’k#.) Sih Pf»:f,. Al l.n, C »p.raj, Madder, Bluu S «r»e ami 1 lign, M <s .ml and C Y»« ila:'. f in, .** I I,o*?«e *od, an f r*f’f ^ * Ml b i\.m Mira K, inly a. I Piu^ njde Ch°eauf, It) ** » nrpn it in- and V*/legated s |*P« 0 1 >0 lbs. Null*, u««or » ; Bar |,.m ami 0* *tmg#, 600 Hurt ti.iiari and ottier Pipe*, MU *1 t. Bed ( orda and Plough C*n»-*. A I it of v**i v nuperiur lwi'it-d Bag*, low Hod Flat I .inert, M i b d*. *• xir'i S ip* /inn Fifth A l.ii of very aiijieriiir Baron and LurJ, M • kernl in tiall IiuIm and kill*, llartl wart*. Wood ware and Dry (aooda— arid flrnw^ ol ler ariitdt i n it cMiiiaimd in the nl"ive lm ; all •»! w ni*li w#» will 4*11 low f.r foa^i. Those wishing it* boy, 0 ill do uell lif p vh ova r*i| a# we ire* determined toe ideas.-. MOUlllsON, WATKINS ik Co. Midi Ml w4w I • m. / i t he j ahe i /» “—Una would oat orally bs led '■* i i loo i i, I. i it t i * *|jpari:ut n 'jcl igeo.’e itianifs*l#*J ‘ v i. . i\ wli«.ir,. *uloiinj’ under the b.ilafol ilti' if ura ,( » • *.N - I Ml* I I' IN, miiIoMut Pulm * iary \IT •!i< n•, that ttirv ' t I < 4«nrni I the v mih, ”1 wo I I i .0 live alwi) •,**aa jn r ill i.i111 id.ijU i (I to llicmerI\ «i. ur that lniii'ving lliflr csso l» b, |i .ji*)1.-%4, had nh m l iii'.l thfiflUlvM to da*Di»ir — ltd o -or i. rl .If. pair, while “I t'e uiul I i*ii n In it » f l « mi,; oilii<i* 1 lv no”.I ul n ny and any kind of pulmonary di - »**•*. J.iij ir*f K.rpret >rnnt Vis been proved by nvple . npi'itrn. r lo I*.•»ti«* moit Mi.'rc--*tul irinrdv ill tlio worldfor the .on* . l 1‘o'jjli*, I’oii’uiiiiplion. Aethma, VN hixipiii^ '‘ounli, It.ouuhfn, old all other di*ra-rv of the Thruul, Lui.^i mi ilicitu No one ever ittU-uJ it without duUu.g tt'IUl. • The aluivi* valuable Alt do m i« for miY hy U K LYMAN, Druggist. March 23 It mi IdtlOCM WMVl LB! ' B 1 11!'. M Jl sc U | UK US in- w a mi in/ to purchase ■ any mi ii'‘rf ul I.IKKLY YOUNU NE^IIUE1) that will ami ii m S ii f In rn market. A*c tlii'v nr.' uix'.uM to in ike ihnr purchases ai spee .lily ns p< *^Me, they a -urc thien l aving any for atlu 1 i.i i lio v will pa v a ■» Itlienl pi ict‘# na can be obtain* i‘d in nov mul»» t in ill** S uit*, ('cra nia wbn w iah («a S. H. m i'l do n • tl 1.1 rail on them be lore m; kiug *ile. N II. Wo wirtb to putebiur one i r tun Blackarniili m I ( irpMitcra. DAVIS k IIAKT. NoV. ;j 1:4 if luTi.s uni i .sii liiii i, I oi v iii I’liijj u ii ii ( on moi elmnt <» *v 7 ii /: n .1 s i jv, n' 11,1^ -ivc !ii« careful and prompt niieniion, to far war.I i j (cOODS, ruooi*( F„ TOBACCO AND FLOUU, I r w Inch bin ebargea w ill Uu inuderai’*,- -Conatantly uu baud Suit, l.ump ami (Loumi LLtUr. Jnn. 12 lo if .vi:r. t; tt r. v ii *.i.v / i if. fBIIIKM li>. I. n |>."in. u-n iy luriied in Ml lb* town ol I ottimly, him! Would inlorni the r ill * L lie ol IL tlt<>r<1 tmd tin* surrounding cuuiHlea, that bu wiabr*a to purehnMe, A iiuuiIm'I'ol* l.ikrly .\<*gi'ocN, for the Siiuiinuii Market. 11 a v in/ umdi* arraii-i no u’m to ili-muae of ihem in the S .uih, In* will piy the MOST 1,1 UKU \L CASH I’llH KS. for ell \<l ly KOaTlOS.1?* «»l b nh aeaca. I'tcraoiiH havmg »utrh property t omle w ill find il tw their in en mi lo give him m, belore eel ling. All IciierMitddrt'Mfd lo him hi Cihi-riy, will be prnmp* ly >i11n.tiled lo. WILSON C IIKWITT. I.ih-ny, l ebrunry 10 dm if SfJil.YtJ .l.v» SI I.ISU ims S'fll! |sic, ji st nici.iri n tv ir.irr.iuiOL'u:, ivuirvlmorf. <• cn. M ns 9 id (f j fpis.v a. mojL <nuo.r, It V i: u 0:1 Vlllt. V) diiIItii mid cciioii* Ufij' lilt Hie Union Hold, I.i'.SLiini'Ro, Viiicifu. Fell 0 IV m If t o 'h'iiTHIri'N kumis north* f. iii.i i m. intriOoY of fa. I'ari Id Ffederickmirir, $ i jo do M **t»iii4toii, 5 00 do *• llnliiniure, 0 0) f|MIK It I Cl I MOM), FOKDF.HICKSltUKG & I PoroOAU It\IL IC>\!) COMPANY here by Dive notice, that the rnlPRiil Ure b’ lwcen Uichm*>nil iirnl ltie Nurihem lown* have been reduced M talOwr: Frum Uielmiuiti lo Fredericksburg, t» 51 ** d i “ W axliiiejiun, f» 00 '• do 41 H iltiniore, G GO Pmsenoera truing North by ilie rail road line, leave | I*icbiiiDiul ai HoV.biek, A. M., arrive in Haliimore t» I iea, l*bll id*d|'bia in lue rmir«c of the night. and New i V rf. early I be next day. being i day in advance uf paa* ! .••n(#ere by the riv.»r and bit boa In. Tims, SHARP, Azcnt of i'ran*>|Kirtntt()nft : FA. 10 jCc .t ixnw srui\u <»ooeis. raillK SUUSCHIUKUS have rrceivctl n n.rtion of k itmir .v i: iv s r n i g g o on.s, mil u ill cmtiiilie* in nsvivi' additions Tsniy lup daT, ’nil llirir ass.itniiPiii In* rmi>plpli<. Tim kI)Ih, prumiiw in ln‘ in. iv ii nil prriiy, nn I imr Itmii.l., customer i and t ha I'uslic in invited lit call m d *-xauilna ilmm. MKKM & uy.’ATKJN. M«ch 9 i, if SSrocks, P.lcli »y H/mison, No. 91, Main St'.ekt, RIOHMOND, V/.uaiNXA. A ’V'i l- anIT'im* ("'rr/r.r--■im.h— ,.r sr.u Jh. I I.,. AMH A.sCV .,K\ <iOO»S, u, «>u<m 1'iviiu ilia ulie.iliuii ut mef jf„nls «„d trnvrra tene* r.»l y. • K eb nund, March l1** , .c Dn- „*; i»I «» V A t* . 0i'' ■> vcrBHS. ill. Htu.xr buiuji.\c, Uu-ly rrcai :.J ny Mr. Sam’l. »’10C«rklB.un Mainrroel, ii minus Anivr. ' ,Ia 0LD std.nd, ™ * * MVP L);»v (juj.ivun &. Co,, where bn •e happy Id wait • ,n ins frieudi, ousUm.ers and me ‘ l,f* H'MH'iaily. lie will, in a lew Weeks receive an i ntirely new stock wf s*9 rtl.YG GOODS. j w liicli will bo t a, prices to sirt the liinra. I r, , . DON l\ V, PETERS, _ n if •VJ2W SM’Kf.YG noons l FOR id 16, OPENING AT THE :BAITXl«ORB O ASH STOZiZX LViVCIinURQ, VA ICAIIOS, RYAN &. I’o. have the extreme plea** ■.%' sure nt announcing to the ladies at' Lynchburg I and vicinity, iliai they are daily receiving their SPRIYii GRORS For variety and elegance in styles, beauty and ma^ nificencM in patterns, durability and richness in quAL|« tv, and List itiougli lift Utni, dicapiics* iu price_lb** have nu licsiiatioii in •‘lying, Hunt stock v*i»i cuo^are i with any South of the Poloinso. Wh ask an cxamiuaiion ol tmr Goods before pnrche* wiifg. aiul »!i»ll take very |>r«t plt-asu f« U exhibiting them t.> all win* mayhem us with a call, whether the/ wish to purchase or nut.—Tbbmb Cabii. UlOAttUS. UYAX Si Co. GO- W e ahull nieo j cabl-.-* .*> f jrlli! eS II) a ft v* !*>sf uf„ P.UisCo. March !9 ^